The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 17, 1887, Image 1

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, established isso. I ■) J. 11. ESTII.L, Editor and Proprietor.) JJKESS GOODS. H Allayer & Ci DRESS goods DEPARTMENT. Special Array of Unparalleled BARGAINS. .. • Exclusive Novelties in COMBINATION ROBES AT REI)UCEP PRICES ! 1 loi Brocaded l.ace Buntings in desirable shades at etijc; real value 10c. 1 lot f'anra* Grenadines in all the latest shades at R!*e.; good value for 12i*c- SPECIAL DRIVE. 1 Grand Combination lot Dress Goods in plain Brocade and Lace effects, in twenty different j styles and shades, at 13J4e. per yard; regular priee 20c. l pieces double width Nuns’ Veiling in Nile Green. Vink. Blue, Lilac, White and Cream at l%fC.; very cheap. A NOVELTY. 1 lot, S3 Cloth, in the latest eve ning shades, at 15c. per yard; new and cheap. 3 lot Beige Combination Suitings, Tan and Gray stripes with Plain to match, at 23c. per yard; I very handsome. | V pieces 38 inch Armure Cloth at 30c. per yard; I w orth 40e. II lot Summer weight Cashmeres, 40 inches wide, I at 40c. per yard; reduced from 50c. A GRAND OFFERING. I Wrieces 4fl-ini'h All Wool Albatross. Camels’ I Hair and Cashmere, in Pink. Blue, Nile Green, I l.ilac. Cream, White, Tan and Mode shades, also Hair Line Checks at 50c. per yard; .posi tively worth from 65c. to 75c. per yard. I lot 42-iuch Canvas Cloths at 75c; w orth sl. GRAND VARIETY OF Handsome Combination Robes AT GREATLY REDUCED TRICES. MOURNING Dress Goods! Special Attention! We are now displaying a full and complete Stock of PRIESTLEY’S CELEBRATED MOURNING GOODS ! IN ALL WOOL AND SILK AND WOOL MIXED IN Spmg and Summer Textures! Any comment from us is entirely unnecessary on those popular and well-known goods. We can simply say that any lady requiring a thoroughly first-class, reliable dress should buy no other. Every piece guaranteed to hold the coFr and give satisfaction. VtT An examination and comparison solicited. Special Bargains This Week! IN Black Dress Goods AT—— isc “ rj Uu., tUSe. leixl 85c. per yard. Silks and Satins. INAPPROACHABLE BARGAINS. SHALL OFFER ON TO-MORROW, APRIL the 18tb. and during (be week, the largest and most varied selection of Milk Dreas Fabrics shown in fetovAiinah. ■ 1 are invited to examine our stock this week " herewith enumerate only a few of our which are as follows: -< inch Colored Surah Silk 50c. ir yard ""tth 75c. R'nck and Colored Surah Silk 75c. per Ihl; worth# l. • ■ is uiiqiirstinnaHly the best values ever w ' rr ’l in Surah Silks. 1 B Cheeked Surah ami China Silks at " ou *'l actually Lea great value in Block Satin Rhodium*. Bonnot Black Silks. ""•hill offer TO MORROW our Spring Im A. , l ' l ' of ."** worl ‘l renowned C. J. Bonnet Black Silk Fabrics, aueh as— 'mil* Kiancaia, Tricollao, Serge Faille, Satin Princes*, and Victoria Nouveau, AT NEW YORK PRICKS. A '< DISPLAY or BPRING EFFECT* IN FAJIcr VELVETS. n ltie* in Ktrlpe and I’lald effect* at LJWKHT PHICEH. ' tateful and prompt Br oujhton and Bull Streets. §flhe Jttenitig PARASOLS, BOYS’ CLOTHING, MILLINERY. A! R. Altmayer & Cos. Duim irtol Tlepi ivt i nent EXCEEDINGLY LARGE AND HANDSOME DISPLAY OP SPRING NOVELTIES At Matchless Bargains ! At Matchless Bargains ! Extraordinary preparations are always made by us at this season of the year to meet the universal demand for Novelties in Parasols, but we were never before so well equipped as now. The coming week w ill witness certainly the largest stock ever shown, and probably the greatest sale ever made in Savannah. Wo wish particularly to emphasize this stock, and we guarantee every Parasol sold as being of the latest styles and the lowest prices. OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW AND FRESH. For Special Notice We Select as Follows: Black Silk Parasols, Paragon Frame, Natural Handles, at SI 25 each; sold elsewhere for $3. Coaching Parasols in all the Newest Shades at $1 50; worth $2 50. Black Silk Parasols, Plain and Trimmed, for Mourning Purposes, $2 each and upwards. Novelties in Coaching Parasols, Bayadere Stripes, Checks and Changeable at $1 each and up wards. Pongee Parasols, Long Handles. $1 50 each to §5. Lace Trimmed Pongee Parasols, Silk Lined, at $2. $2 50 and $3, Lace Covered Parasols, all colors, at $1 25 aud upwards. Children's Parasols, all colors, 25c. and upwards. SPECIAL. 1 lot 26-inch Silk Umbrellas, Paragon Frame, Natual Handles, at $2 25; worth $3 50. Boys Clothing Department, SECOND FLOOR. Surprising and Inapproachable Bargains Offered is Week u If you intend purchasing Boys’ Clothing it will pay you well to examine our stock, which is the largest ever shown before by any house in this city. The styles are exclusive and made specially for our own trade. The following we guarantee to be genuine bargains: 900 Boys’ School Suits, light weight, substan tially made and trimmed, sizes 4 to 13 years, $1 68; a great bargain. 300 Boys’ School Suits, in varied styles and pattern, sizes 4 to 12 years, $2. Do not fail to see these goods. Special Bargain! Boys’ Suits, in Cassimeres, Tweeds, Cheviots, Norfeld, Jacket or Plaited, sizes 4 to 13 years. $3; former price $4 and 84 50. Boys’ Dress Suits, all wool, Brown ami Gray Melton, Cheviots, Bine Flannel, Scotch Tweeds, handsomely made and trimmed, sizes 4 to 13 years, §4; worth $7. Boys’ Dress Suits, all wool, from the well known house of Rogers, Peet & Cos., in Cork screws, Diagonals, Worsteds, Cassimeres, Silk Mixtures, Serges and Tweeds, perfect fit guar anteed, sizes 4to 15 years, f4 50, $5, SO, $7, 88, $10; worth $6, 87, 88. 89, 812, 814. Special Bargain! Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits, in Blue, Brown and Gray Flannel, sizes 3to 12 years, 81 48; other houses charge |2. Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits, in Brown and Blue Flannel, sizes 4to 12 years, 81 98; worth 83. * Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits, in Blue, Brown, Gray and Greeu Flannel, plain or plaited, sizes 4to 12 years, $2 50. Do not fail to sec this bar gain. Special lot Boys’ Blouse Jersey Suits, in Brow n and Blue, sizes 4 to 12 years, $2 08; reduced from 83 50. Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits, all wool, in Blue and Oxford Mixed Flannel, sizes 4 to 12 years, *3. Boys' Sailor Blouse Suits, all wool, in Blue and Gray Assabet Flannel, pure Indigo, guar antee color, trimmed with White Wool Braid, size 4 to 12 years, $4 50. Boys’ Sailor Blouse Suits, all wool, in Blue and White Flannel, handsomely trimmed, $6. Special Bargain! Children's one-piece Tweed Kilt Suits, sizes 2 to 5 years, 89c. Great Bar gain. Special Bargain’ Children’s two-piece Kilt Suits, in Gray and Brown Mohair, nicely trimmed, sizes 2 to 5 years, $1 08; worth 82 50. Children’s Kilt Suits, two pieces, iu Gray and Brown Cheviots, sizes 214 to (i years, 83 50. Children's Kilt Suits, two pieces, all wool, in Cassimeros, Blue Flannel, Scotch Tweeds, sizes 2J4 *o 0 years, $5. Children's Kilt Suits, two pieces, all wool, English Cassimeres, Silk Mixtures, Cheviots, handsomely made and trimmed, sizes 2)4 to 0 yeurs, $6 50. Boys’ Linen Suils, sizes 4 to 9 years, 82. Bovs’ White Vests, sizes 10 to 18 years, 75c. Boys’ Alpaca Coats, sizes 12 to 18 years, 81 25, 81 75. $2 500 pairs Boys’ Odd Pants, sizes 8 to 12 years, 35c. 500 pairs Boys’ Odd Paints, sizes 4 to 12 years, 50c 300 pairs Boys’ Odd Pants, all wool, sizes 4 to j 8 years, 75c. Great bargain. 200 pairs Boys’ Odd Pants, all wool, sizes 4 to 12 years, 81 • 200 pnii-s Boys’ Odd Pants, Corduroy, sizes 4 to 10 years. 98c.; worth double (he money. Boys’ Odd l’auts, all wool, sizes 4to 15 years, SI 50, 81 73. RIBBONS! We hnve now open elegant new goods, in cluding every choice color that cun bo thought of in Satin and Givis Grain, and also Loop and forded Edge Ribbon*. Our prices are always the lowest. We sell die host quality standard all bilk at the following prices; satin and tiro* Grain Rthlion, all bilk, new shades. Nos. 4 5 7 9 19 10 20 • He. lUe. l*ttc. 15c. 90c. 25c. 30c. balm and Grim Grain I‘icot Edge Ribbon, all bilk, all color*: BOS. 4 5 7 9 12 16 10c. 12V. I.V. 9ft-. 25c. HOC. Novelties in Fan<*y Edge and Gauze Itlblsina, •100 hash Ribbon;, in Moire Stripe* aud Brocade*. Mail orders mow cartful and prompt HI tent km. Broughton mid Bull Street*. SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1887-TWELVE PAGES. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. SECOND FLOOR. Oi l! DISPLAY Of FIXE MILLINERY Will exceed in Beauty, Variety and Originality of Styles and Designs anything to be seen elsewhere this Spring, as ours is the larg est Millinery House in the South. We cannot afford to be undersold by any concern carrying small stocks, and will during the ensuing week offer EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS IN ALL KINDS OF MILLINERY GOODS! Remember wc are Headquarters —FOR— Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats & Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Etc. It Must be to Every Lady’s Interest to Ex amine Our Assortment and Prices Before Purchasing. S P E a I A Tu. Ladie*’ White,’Black ami Colored Canton Hats at 21c. each. ladies' White Black and Tan Milan Hats, Fancy Edge. 33c. each. Indies' Rough and Ready Shade Hats and Sailors, in White, Black. Brown. Tan and Fancy Colors, at 25c.. 85c. and 50c.; sold elsewhere for 40c., 50c and 70c. Misses' and Children's Fine Trimmed Straw Hats at 00c., 75c. and 81. JERSEYS. .Special Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. Novelties in Heliotrope & Tan Jerseys 100 dozen Ladies’ Black Tailor Made Jerseys, Silk Finish, at 47c. each: good value for 75c. 75 dozen Ladies’ Jerseys, Fancy Vests, Plaited Bark, at 75c.: reduced from 8l 25. 50 dozen Ladies’ Tailor Made Jerseys, All Wool, at $1 50; regular price $2 50. S P K O I A L. 50 dozen Ladies’ Norfolk Jerseys at $3 50; regular price $5. 25 dozen ladies' Beaded Jerseys at 83 50; good value for 85. Children's All Wool Jerseys in all colors at 90c.; reduced from §1 25. Children’s Dresses. Special Bargains. 40 dozen Children's White Dresses, trimmed with Edge, at 95c. each. 40 dozen Children's Mother Hubbard Dresses at 3oc. each; worth 6.5 c. Children’s Seersucker Dresses at 35c. and up wards. Laces and Embroideries. Extraordinary Inducements. Grand Opening Sc Hale Of our latest importation of Novelties in Hamburg Edgings and Flouncing* in Clambric, Nainsook and Muslin, and the very richest effecls in Col ored Embroidery and Lice Flouncing*. Fresh Novelties In Colored Embroideries with All-Over* to Match. 3 Special Bargains. Bargain No. 1. I.s. nan yard* Hamburg Embroidery, 2 to 3 inches wide, at 10c.; worth 15c. Bargain,, !Nt>. 12.n0n yards Humbutf ffmlVoUarfe .gU to 315 inches wale, at worth Bargain.. lAonn yards Hariiburm KrukWtderios, 4 to 5 inches wide, at 15c; urfih 2*e. Grand Bargainsm Lade* of Every Dsscription REMNANTS, RJ&tNANTS Laces and’ Embroideries At. 1 l#l/ Brice. ! > ; \ mnol W>vers. Id dozen r<niv|jSun'ii fa Various Klyln* and Materials at 75c., JJ. |i t and. upward,. tW Mall ordefJt*, rivf and prompt aiiejitiou. ..ryv. Broughton* 1 and Taull Street*. SHIRTS, ETC. A. R. Altmayer & Cos. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. .Tust purchased, the entire stock of Gents' I.aundried and Unlaundried Shirts of the well-known Burlock Manufacturing Company. 515,000 "Worth at Half* Price! The supreme importance of this great purchase mast Le so manifest to every one that lengthy particulars concerning it would seem to be entirely superfluous. We, therefore, submit the following BARGAINS, which speak louder than words: 500 dozen Gents’ Unlaundried Shuts, Wnmsutta Muslin, reinforced Linen Bosom and Bands, custom ntpde, at Ilk-. ; actual value 75c. 500 dozen Gents’ Unlaundried Shirts, best quality, superior finish, at OSr. and 82c.; worth 81 and $1 15. 200 dozen Gents’ Laupdried Shirts, custom made, reinforced Linen Bosom and Bands, at 4Sc.: regular price, 75c. 100 dozen Gents’ Uiundried Shirts, custom made, reinforced Linen Bosom and Bands, superior quality, at 73c.; sold in Gents’ Furnishing Stores at 81 25. 1,000 dozen Gents’ Laundried Shirts, Plaited Bosom, open front or back, custom made, superior finish, guaranteed to tit, at 85c; never offered less than 81 25. Marvelous Bargains IN I. .V D1 K S’ Misses’ & Children’s Muslin Underwear. Second Floor. SEE THEM! 4k. I.V) dozen Indies’ Chemise, tucked itosnm, at 25c. each; for a ruu. 100 dozen Ladies' Chemise, iJioe trimmed, at 25c. and 29c.; great value. 75 dozen Ladies’ Chemise, lace trimmed, tucked yoke, at 35c.; cheap for 50c. 75 dozen ladies’ Chemise, corded lands, 30c. 50 dozen ladies’ Chemise. Cambric Ruffle, neck and sleeves, 35c. A grand bargain. 75 dozen ladies’ Chemise, pointed and square yoke of insertion, tucks, neck and sleeves trim mod with Embroidery, at 50c. each; offered no where less than 75c. 1.50 dozen ladies' Chemise, Pompadour, tucked bosom of Embroider} - . Inserting and Edging, at Bc., 75c., 82c., 90c., ami up to 85 each. Drawers. 65 dozen Ladies' Drawers, hem and bunch tucks, at 25c. each. 75 dozen ladies' Drawers, Cambric Ruffle, good Muslin, at 27c. each. 50 dozen Ladies' Drawers, Embroidered and Tucked, at 40c.: jiosltlve value for 50c 100 dozen Ladies’ Drawers, Tucks and Ruffle of Embroidery, at 55c; positive value for 75c. 80-dozen ladies' Cambric Drawers, with Tucks and Torchon Lace, at 75c. and 90c. w orth 81 and 81 25. Shirts. 1 lot ladies’ Walking hkirts at 25c. each. The is worth more. 1 lot Ladies’ Walking Skirts, five tucks and hem, at 35c.; worth 50c. 1 lot Ladies’ Walking Skirts, five tucks and Cambric Ruffle, 86c.; worth 50c. 100 dozen ladies’ Walking Skirts, Ruffles of Cambric ami Embroidery, with bunch tucks, at 60c.; grand value. 250 dozen ladies' Skirt*, handsomely trimmed, in various styles, at 75c.. 85c.. 99c., $1 16, and up to 85 each; and positively the greatest value ever offered in the trade. Gowns. 100 dozen Ladies' Muslin Gowns, neatly finished Cambric Ruffle, at 45c. and 50c. 76 dozen ladies’ Muslin Gowns, three inser tions. four clusters of seven inches each,Tit 69c.; worth *l. 90 dozen ladies’ Mother Hubbard Gowns, three styles to select from, at 75c.; actual value sl. 50dozen Ladies’Cambric Gowns at $1 each; very cheap. 65 dozen ladles' Mother Hubbard Gowns, all over yoke of Embroidery, at 81 36; worth *2. Corset Covers. I large lot ladies’ Cambric Lace Trimmed Cor set Covers at 25c. .50 dozen ladies' Cambric Embroidered Corset Covers at 28c.; regular price 40c. 100 dozen ladies' Cambric Corset Covers, in a variety of styles arid finish; very cheap. Dressing Sacques. 75 dozen ladies' lawn Dressing Sacques at 49c.. worth 75c. 50 dozen ladies’ Cambric Dressing Sacques at 50c., 75c., sl, and upwards. Bustles. ALL THE rOrULAR STYLES AT BOTTOM PRICES. CORSETS—LNPAHALLELED VALUE ! At49<\ See onr Double Bust. Side Steel. Em broidered Stitch. Trimmed I’ornets. worth 75c. At 78c. Hw our Imported French wove. perfect filling CoreeU. worth *l. At sl. See our seven different makes, extra long whfitrlsme, Embroidered Stitch Cornet*, worth $1 50. We hate also in slock a full lina of all the fol lowing popular makes; Dr. Wsrner’s Health. Thompson’• Glove Fitting CortllneC P C H and H *u. in all the different grade*. MUWWP AND CHILDREN’S CORSETS A SPECIALTY. Mad order* receive careful ami prompt attention. Broughton and Bull Street*. HOSIER! DEPARTMENT. I neplcd Bargains Offered This Week We are recognized headquarters for Ladies’, Misses’and Children’s Hosiery. We carry ten times the stock of any other house in the city. Our assortment is always the best and our styles the latest. We guarantee our prices always lower than anywhere, as the following un approachable values will fully demonstrate: 900 dozen Misses' Itibhed Hose, in black, gray ami solid colors, sizes 6 to at 10c. per pair. AN IMPORTANT BARGAIN. 500 dozen Misses’ Lisle Thread Hose, black and solid colors, at 15c. per pair; never sold before less than 25c. 100 dozen Misses’ Plain and Ribbed Hose, black and solid colors, regular made, at 22c. per pair; worth 35c. 75 dozen Misses' Hain and Ribbed Hose, new spring shades, at 35c ; w orth 60c. a pair. 300 dozen 1 .(c lies' Unbleaehed Solid Colors and Fancy Striped Hose, regular made, at 21c per pair; never offered loss than 30c. 175 dozen Ladies' Fancy Stripe and Solid Color Hose, fine goods, at 29c.: actual value 40c. 225 dozen I oldies’ Black, Solid Color aud Fancy Striped Hose at 43c.; regular price 60c. SPECIAL. DRIVE. 55 dozen Ladies’ Solid Colors and Fancy Stripe Lisle Thread Hose at 43c.; regular price 65c. 50 dozen I Julies' Spun Silk Hose, in black and solid colors, at 65c.; absolutely worth sl. Kid Gloves. LAST GREAT CLEARANCE SALE -OF— ENTIRE stock AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE! Kid Gloves at 50c., worth sl. 35 do/ -n Ladles’ Black aud Colored Kid Gloves at 50c.; reg dar price Si- Kid Gloves at 75c., reduced from $1 25. 25 dozen Ixidies’ 5-button Undressed Kill Gloves at 75c.; regular price $1 95. Kid Gloves at sl, reduced from $1 50. 40 dozen 1 Julies' 5 and 6-button roul Kid Gloves, in all shades, at $1; regular price Jl 50. Mo3quetaire Kid Gloves at $1 12; reduced from $1 75. One lot Ladies' Undressed Mosquetaire Kid Gloves, in 8-button length, ut 81 12; reduced from $1 75. MARVELOUS PURCHASES IN SILK GLOVES 800 dozen I Julies' Lisle Thread Gloves, in black and colors, at 10c., 15c. anil 25c. a pair. 200 dozen Lollies' Taffetto Gloves, in black aud colors, ut 85c. and 50c. SPECIAL. 260 dozen Ijidles’ Pure Silk Gloves, in all the latest shades, at 50c., 75c. and 81 pair. Novelties in Embroidered Silk Gloves, new spring shades, at fl 25 ami $1 50. HANDKERCHIEFS GRAND DRIVES THIS WEEK. 100 dozen I Julies' Colored Border Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 3c. and sc. each; worth 6c. 175 dozen Ladles' Colored Border Hemstitched Handkerchief* at tk and Bc. each; worth 10c. Atlrf ]AL'. non dozen I Julies' W hile and Colored Bonier Linen Henurtltclwd Handkerchief* at Bc. mid lft'. 85 dozen 1 Julies’ White and Colored Bonier Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at l#Hc. and ;5c.; good value for 9ft - . and 26c 31*1 dozen I juliee' While and Colored Border Linen llenisltiched Handkerchief* at 18c., 22c. and 95c ; a greai bargain Novelties In Scolloped Edge and Embroidered Linen Handkerchief*, vary cheap. fW Mail <'d*re rev-rive careful and prompt attention Broughton and Bull Street*. LINEN DEPARTMENT. A. B. Altmayer & Cos. LINEN MM. Unprerrdcnfed Bargains. Three Great Leaders FOR THIS WEEK. In consequence of Die very liberal patronage jari veil our Towel Sale last week we have made another purchase, still larger, ami shall offer on MONDAY -Hai’gain 1. 300 dozen 31x48 Damask Towels, knot fringe, deep fancy bonier, at 35c; each honest value for 10e. Dai'gain ‘3. l!2T> dozen white Damask Dovlies, t£J inches square, at U9c. in*r dozen; real value $1 -iO. Haro-ain 85 pieces white and cream Barnsley, satin finish, at 50e. per yard; worth 7 or. SPECIAL VALUES In genuine Turkey Red Damask at 35c., 50r. and 75c. Plain and Fancy Crash Toweling at Bc., 10c. and 11% MARSEILLES QUILTS. This Week will Witness Another Lot of Unexcelled Bargains HERE THEY ARE: I lot white Honey-Comb Quilts, large Hize, at 49c.; good value for 115 c. 300 w hite Crochet Quilts, large, size, at title, and 99c.; real value $1 and $1 85. REAL MARSEILLES QUILTS. 150 13-4 and 13-1 Real Marseilles Quills, hand soma patterns, at, $3 50 and $3 35; positively worth $1 and $5 each. SLIGHTLY SOILED, 1 lot Fine Marseilles Quilts, slightly soiled on wrong side, to close out , at $3 75; regular price from sti to $7. WHITE GOODS FROM AUCTION At About Half the Cost to Manufacture. The following prices will prove conclusively l hat they are the cheapest goods ever offered in Savannah. 5 rases checked Nainsook, satin finish, attire.; generally sold for 10c. 8 cases Fine Check Nainsook, small checks, at 10c. and 13^r.; worth 15c and 18c. A GRAND DRIVE. 3 cases India Linen Lawn, sheer finish, at OJ^c.; good value for 10c. 75 pieces Fine India Linen I .awn at 13}$c.; arltml value 30c. 50 pieces White Persian Lawn at 15c. and 18c.; worth 30c. and 35c. SPK( TAL BARGAINS In Fine India Linen and French Nainsooks at 35c.. 35c. and 50c. Embroidered Robes AT UNHEARD OF BARGAINS. 300 Elegant Embroidered Lawn Robes at $1 35, $1 50, $3 and upward. 301 Handsome Embroidered chambroy and Zephyr Rohes at $3 35 and upward. Novelties in Embroidered Sutiu and Canvas Robes very cheap. Wash Dress Hoods & Domestics. A8 A RESULT OF LOW PRICES THIS COUNTER IS ALWAYS CROWDED. Attractions’for This Week 300 pieces Printed Lawu. linen finish, at 4c. 1 lot Crinkle Seersuckers at sc. i lot Fancy Crinkle Seersuckers at 10c.; actual value 15c. 35 pieces Fine Zephyr Ginghams at 13>$c.; usual price 30c. SPECIAL. “30 pieces Striped Crepe Cloth, with Plain to mulch, iu light colors, at 15c.; very cheap. 'ALICOKB. 8 cases Best, Quality Standard Calicoes, fast colors, at 5c.: worth 7Jsc. 3 cases Best Quality Double width Sheeting at 15c.; reduced from 3l)c SATEENS. 1 lot American Sateens, good styles, at. lJHje.; sold elsew here for 15c. and I He. We continue the sale of Best Quality French Saleens, beautifid styles,at 30c.; retailed iu New York at 35c. .MADRAS SCKIM. 75 pieces double width Madras Scrim, with and without border, at 13Ake.; would bo cheap for 30c. 35 pieces 40-Inch Iju.-c Scrim at l%c. and 15c.; actual value 30c. I Alice Curtail is. 150 )>ali>, Real Nottingham • latex Curtains at flftc $1 35 and $1 50 per fmir; positively worth $1 .VI, $3 and $3 35 |ier pair. 40 pairs Handsome Scrim Curtains at 910 50; reduced from |IN. HTMail orders receive careful and prompt attention Broughton &ivi Bull Streets. j PRICE ij*lO A YEtR.i / 3 C ENTS A COPY.f SHOES, niiw t Cm How much a man is like old shoes; Fop instance, both a sole may lose; Both have been tanned, both arc made tigty By cobblers, both got left and right, B>th need a mute to bo complete, And both are made to get on feet. They both need b aling; oft are sold; Ami both in time will turn to mold. IVith shoo# the last is tirst; with men The first shall be th* last, and when The shoos wear out they're mended new* When men wear out they're men dead, look They both are trod upon, and both "Will tread on others* nothin# loth. Both have their ties and both incline, When polished, iu the world to shine; And both j**# out and would youchooau To boa man or lie his shoes. Our Gents’ Shoo Department Is now replete witli (be moat extensive lines wa have ever before shown. Our special ties this week will lie: Gents’ N. K. Calf Face Shoes $135; actual value $1 75. * Gents’ N. K. Calf Lace Button or Elastic Shoe* $1 50; worth $3 Gents’ r. K. Calf Lace or Elastic Shoes $1 5Jf worth $3 50. Gents’ Calf Shoes, Bolton lace nr Elastje, broad, medium or narrow toes, seamless foiling, only $3; worth $3. Gents’ Calf Shoes, Lace or Elastic, $3 50$ really worth $3 50. Gents’ All Solid Seamless Shoes, made of best. American calfskin, on newest style of lasts, in button lace or clastic, $3 per pair; actually worth $4. Gents’ fine American Calfskin Shoes, button, lace or elastic, $3 50; worth $5. Gents’ best American Calfskin Shoos, lace or elastic, $1; worth $5. Gents’ best French Calf Shoes, in button, !ac or elastic, Opera, Loudon, Paris, and French toe, warranted best hand sewed work, only $5; sold elsewhere for $7. We keep a full line of Thomas Emerson's Smut celebrated “Fine Shoes,’’ in button, lace op elastic, and all the latest styles, prices from $5 to $7. These goods arc superior to any custom, work made. We show an elegant line of Genta’ Low Shoes. Gents’ Oxford Ties $1 35; wort It $1 75. Gents’ Strap Ties $i 35; worth $1 75. Gents’ Prince Albert oaiters9l 3ft;worthsl 75. Gents’ Oxford Ties, London or French toe, $1 50; worth $3. (tents’ Prince Alberts, London or French too, $1 50; wort It $3. Gents’ Calf Oxford Tics, London or Frcnck toe, $3: worth $3. Gents’ Calf Strap Ties, London or French toe, $3; worth $3. Gents’ Calf Prince Alberts, London or French toe, $3; worth $3. Gents’ Calf Oxford Ties, London, Paris OP French toe, only $3 50; worth $3 50. Gents’ Calf Prince Albvrts, Opera, London and French toe, $3 50; worth $3 50. Gents' Calf Oxford Button Shoes. Opera, Lon don or French toe, $3 50; worth $3 50. Gents’ Oxford Ties, Oxford Button, Strap Ties, Prim e Allterts, in Opera, Ijindon, Parti and French toes, $3, $3 50, $4, $l5O and $5; worth $4, $4 50, $6, $5 50 and SO. For the finest and best aseorted stock of Gent#*- Low Shoes visit our Shoo Department. LADIES’ LOW SHOES. 1 aulies’ Kid Newport Ties 715.; worth sl. laid lea* Kid Oxford Ties 73c.; worth sl. Ijuiies’ Kid Oxford Ties, Waukenphaust last} $1; worth $1 50. Ladles' Kid Newport Button (worked hutto® holesi, Wauk-nphaiist last, $1; worth $1 50. lauiies’ Kid Oxford Ties, hand sewed, $1 35} worth $1 75. Ladies 1 Kid Newport Button, hand flawed, $1 85; worth $1 75. Ladle*’ Kid Windsor Ties, very cheap, on*y $1 ’35; worth $1 75. lauiies' Kid Newpot Ties $1 35; worth $1 75. HARD HITTING BARGAINS. lauiies' Fine Hand Sewed Opera Toe Turn Ox ford Ties, very neat, only $1 50; worth $3 50 Ladies’ Fine Hand Sewed Oxfords, common* sense last, (loodrich & Porter's make, only $1 58} worth 50. Ladies’ Newport Button, $1 50; worth $3 50. PERFECT FITTING SHOES. lauiies’ Lotto 1-Htrap Slippers, hand sewed, with beaded bow. $1 50; worth $3 50. Ladles’ Lott a 1 Strap Slippers, hand sewed, plain, with French heel. $1 50; worth $2 50. Ladies’ l Strup Victoria Buckle Slippers, very new, hand sewed, $1 75: worth $3 50. ladies’ Fedora Steel Beaded Bow Slipper* hand sewed. $J 75; worth $3 50. Ladles’ Fine Curacoa Kid, Oxford ties. London toe. straight tow. band sewed turns, $1 75; sold elsewhere for $3 50. lauiies ('ur.iroa Lid, Oxford ties, band sewe<V $175; worth $3 50. Big Drive -IN'- Lillies’ Patent Leather Oxfords, Thursday's steamer rrom New York brought us several cases ladies’ Patent Leather Vamp Oxfords, with dangola quarters, mode in Opera tp\ with Is- Gay French heels, and are war ranted genuine liund sewed. These shoes am sold in si mm- stores at from $3 50 to sl. We will make a drive of these at $1 98 per pair. They are a liosltlve Ixirgaln. laide-s' Bongola Oxfonks, seamless, $1 98; worth SB. lauiies’ Bronzed leaded Oxfords, hand aewod, l-'reneh heels, $! 98; worth $3. I jidl.-s' Fine Curacoa Kid Oxfords, Opera toe, hand sewed, very neat. $9. Ijulles’ Fine 4-button Newport*, hand sewed, a Itfirgum. $3 and $3 35: worth $3 and 98 50. lauiies' Fine Kid Kleel Beaded tillopera, with at*-el Im-u-lisl how*, $3 48; worth $3 50. We have iJulies Oxfords Indies'Newport*. 1 Julies’ Newport Bolton, lJulies’ Fedoras and WltuUor Ties, from 75--. to 9-’’ K.*,- one fine lines Iu Ijulles Button Boots. I Julies', Gents . Misses' and ChiUtartt’s Shoe* ■jr*- to $3 tier |Mir leu* than same g-ssis can I® purchaaMt rise where. Vint Our Shoe Department, First Floor |®r Mad orders receive careful and prompt attention Broughton nd Bull Street^