The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 20, 1887, Image 1

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, ESTABLISHED 1850. I ■j J. 11. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor, f HAULS ALONG THE RAILS JUDGE PARDEE GRANTS THE TEX AS PACIFIC AN ORDER. a Operation of the Fourth Section of the Law Suspended by the Judge in Be half of this Road—A Boston Man Made Secretary of the Commission—The Canadian Pacific as a Competitor. Washington, April 19. —Edward A. Mosely, of Boston, has been elected Secre tary of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion. He is a Democratic member of the Massacbusettes Legislature and one of the Committee on Railroads. He was strongly indorsed for one of the Commis sionerships Mr. Mosely has been a mer chant of high standing in Boston for a good many years. He is a resident of Newbury port. Temporary orders were made suspending the fourth section of the act on application of the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company, Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas railroad ns to points south of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi, and also on the petition of the Texas Pacific railroad as to freights destined to El Paso. receivers appeal to a court. New Orleans, April 19. —The receivers of tfie Texas and Pacific Railroad Company some days ago presented a petition to Judge Pardee, of the Fifth circuit, reciting that the inforeement of the long aud short haul section of the interstate commerce law would work irreparable injury to the road under their charge; that the fourth section of said act forbids charging less for a longer than for a shorter haul when "‘the circumstances and condi tions are substantially similar i” that your petitioners believe that the circumstances and conditions touching traffic with tbe Re public of Mexico through El Paso, and from the Republic of Mexico to points! in the United States, are substantially different from those that surround the transporta tion of freights to other points on the lino of said r-a:, and Pacific railway, and that they would be justi fied in establishing lower rates thereon freights transported for export into and received from Mexico, and for delivery nt El Paso, than is charged at points be tween that city and points whbre the freights originate and where the dis tance and haul are shorter. The petitioners further aver that while they' believe the above interpretation Of the law to be correct, they fear, on account of the severe penalties imposed to act without the advice and or der of the court. The receivers further show that they have made application to the commission for a suspension of the opera tion of section 4 to the traffic above de scribed. but fear the vast number of appli cations before the commission will cause de lay resulting in irreparable injury. The fol lowing order was made by the court: It is considered that the petitioners are correct in their construction of the act of Congress approved February 4, 1887, commonly known as the interstate eom moi-cf law. as to the transportation of freight, and passengers to and from the city of El Paso, in the State of Texas, as in the loregoing (ictition set forth, and said pe titioners are hereby instructed to conduct the same according to their said construc tion until further order of the court. Don A. Pardee, Judge. COMPARING THE TARIFFS. Sxv Francisco, April 19.—The compara tive tariffs of the Southern Pacific Railroad Lompany and tbe Canadian Pacific Com pmy printed here show that owing to the interstate law tbe latter company can make a rate from San Francisco to Chicago and common points muclf less than the former. ■ re difference in favor of the Canadian Pa cific ranges from $44 to SIBB per car load, according to the class of freight. CANADA TO PROFIT. * HR'AGO, April 19.— The Times to morrow will say: “It is stated that in the event of the Interstate Commission refusing to snsjiend the long and short, haul clause for the benefit of transcontinental lines, the Canadian Pacific has fully decided to put o:i an indeiiendent steamboat line between t mciigo and Port Arthur, for the purpose of oonijietjng for the carriage of Pacific coast freight, both east, and west-bound, iheir tariff rates ou through freight will be iron, 40 to 50 per cent, less than the rates established by the American roads.” A NEW SECOND COMPTROLLER. Sigourney Butler, of Boston, the Suc cessor of Judge Maynard. Washington, April 19.—The President has appointed Sigourney Butler, of Boston, -eeond ( oinpt,roller of the Treasury in place of •ludge'Maynard, promoted to the Assist nut Secretaryship of the Treasury. Mr. iiitler is but at years of age. He is a native .umry, Mass., and son of Hon. Peter •idler, who was a prominent applicant for lie position of Collector of tbe Port of Bos e’" when Mr. Suiton stall was appointed, e is a graduate of Harvard and is associa fii 111 tlle practice of law with Richard iinev, an eminent attorney of Boston. He to a stanch Democrat. A CYCLONE IN VIRGINIA. Two People Killed Outright and Two Others Badly Injured. ■Si kfolk, Va., April 19.—Last night a ru one visited this section with fatal and ' M lll '*' ve effects. Its track was about 100 Tn if, wide. Tlie house of John Wright, six lines north of Suffolk on the Norfolk and i "ni "‘il 1 "- 1 ' 1 ' ' ,;,s i.ompletely demol •Jr \\ right and his \\ ife and young ti 'A ,l 1" ~* me ' Luke were in the house at L-.i, 'VV!' " right awl Mr. Luke were ' I li- ■ ' ~,IUK Kiri was fatal Iv in jural and I. , J,, n,iot was seriously hurt. Much other '•I limwelons ’ il> B 1 °l ll ‘ r, y nlong the path luo Blow at Hardooville. •b.’umif; V !'' , ' , 'V >•■ 19.—There . ‘ a "in*l. lam and imil storm lirre Hurt. ki n< -’" The wind blew '-iwiug * low n fences, tiros, et* 1 . It ' n'vnmiflmefl by a blinding rain. The j.;,. ", til's wen- as large .is large sized mar l4.,'.j .I, *'"> was from the west, ami 'i fi about twouty minutes. Brakenica Found Guilty. April 10 The Jury in' tip* fpi . t 11 '.’ ,l ’’ ini here ravnllv for theluur 1■ ■- ' ' M|f ' : 'nger Niehola on a Ruck ' , i V‘‘" " y " n ”.'S to 'light brought In " pronoun.-lng Watt and Schwartz ""•‘ l “i aud kcuU'iicjug them to ""-Un tlu* |mniUmtlu‘y fur life, ntlioiii'j i "i** by the pummels. ut a look or action surprise Carried by Republican*. t ‘e,^„ r|K ,,, M() A „ ~, , , t h “. i1..-.-,0 ,, ~|..,i,.( 1> HpclngiiAi *. i„ * j try tnr tit* Hepubii J “"'laic for !,” T • itv •.. ... pvw/ ward tii •j < . ri'l.w* J. 1 dirt Ihe 1 'll) t '.Mill ***** **** Dmni ejui*. ilofmng fSeto&. GOING TO LAW OVER GRAMMAR. A New Haven Jeweler Sues Because His Ignorance was Exposed. New Haven, Conn., April 19.—A SIO,OOO libel suit was to-day brought against the New Haven Union by George H. Ford, pro prietor of one of the fashionable jewlery stores of the city. The suit is a peculiar one and has created considerable comment. Next June New Haven will formally dedi cate a “soldiei-s’ monument,” and a number of citizens here have for some time been engaged in making arrangements to have the ceremonies imposing and attractive. It was decided that it would be -impossible to make the celebration a complete success uu less President Cleveland and his wife were present, so it was determined to invite them. SHOWY, BUT UNGRAMMATICAL. Jeweler Ford, who was on the invitation committee, as the story goes, made up his mind to get up an elaborate invitation for the President, and he did so witii the aid of a local artist. It was so gorgeous that Mr, Ford placed it on exhibition in one of his show windows. While this was exposed to view it was discovered that the wording of the invitation was extremely ungram matical, and the Union called attention to it through its columns. This did not please Jeweler Ford, and ho has brought suit asking for 810,000 damages. The best grammarians in the city decided that the Union was right, and the gentleman in charge of the arrangements for the day of dedication had another invita tion prepared, which read more correctly, and which was recently tendered to Presi dent Cleveland. Mr. Ford claims that the Union has held him up for ridicule and con tempt in an editorial, but just how much he has been injured cannot be determined until the case is tried. MAINE’S CLASH. Collector Redman Called to the Wit ness Stand. Augusta, Me., April 19.—1n the contest between the State and Federal courts Col lector John B. Redman was called to the stand in the Superior Court this forenoon. Ho produced a telegram containing instruc tions from Commissioner Miller, in which he was authorized to deny the authority of the court to compel the production of the records or a copy of them, and also to in stinct Collector Murphy to that effect. He asserted that the time required for his at tendance upon,the State court would greatly interfere with the business of his depart ment. Mr. Murphy was called, but refused to give testimony as to the records or that he bad received payment of the tax or de livered a stamp. United States District Attorney Bird, who appeared as counsel for Messrs. Redman anil Murphy, argued that the business of the Revenue Department would be greatly injured and the time of the officials occu pied if they were obliged to testify in State courts relative, to the special taxes. Judge ordered Murphy to jail, but at the request of Mr. Bird he was given until 2 o’clock this afternoon to refresh his memory from the records and purge himself of con tempt. "A RESERVATION SCARE. An Order of Removal Causes Fears of Bloodshed. St. Paul, April 19.—Dispatches from Pierre, Dak., report that on Sunday morn ing Company E, of the Eleventh Infantry, stationed at Fort Sully, received orders to proceed at once to Winnebago and the Crow Creek reservation and drive the settlers from the land. The company, under command of ('apt. Myers, left the post immediately. All sorts of rumors have, prevailed, indica ting the prevalence of much excitement among the white settlers who have been or dered off the reservation and a determina tion of the majority of them to forcibly re sist removal. Bloodshed is anticipated in that event. Later dispatches received to night say the troops will only remove set tlers from the Big Bend, and that none of tlie other whites on the reservation will lie disturbed. Maj. Anderson, tlie agent at Fort Thompson, wants pasturage at Big Bend to graze the agency cattle upon. After ordering the settlers off' these lands and upon their refusal to go he made a requisition for military. Only about fifteen families will lie removed. Sheriff' Harris came in from the reservation to-night and says no trouble is anticipated. CHICAGO’S NEW MAYOR. His Brief Inaugural Made the Occasion For a Word to Workmen. Chicago, April 19.—Mayor John A. Roche, after qualifying before the City Council last night, read a brief inaugural, in which he said: “Every brick and stone and timber in the buildings which line our lifiO miles of streets is a eontribution to the grandest monument of labor erected by willing hands and earnest hearts in modern film's. The demund of the workingmen for just treatment and fair wages is right and should I* respected. Arbitration is a bet ter method of settling controversies be tween employe and employer, t han strikes, or boycotts, or brute force. Might is not a synonym of right, aud should not take its place in a land of liberty and law and free I .allot, and mistaken men who, while enjoying the ben efits of free government are seeking to un dermine and overthrow it under the guise of socialism or anarchy, must learn that this is not the soil for the growth of their un American doctrines. The first duty of the government is protection of its citizens in their rights to own property.” The new Mayor formally assumed the duties of It is office this morning. HIGH LICENSE IN MICHIGAN. Tho Proliibitioninte Bound to Muke Liquor Selling Expensive. Detroit, April 19. —Prohibition having lieen defeated at tho polls by a small ma jority thel/'gislat lire is now giving attention to the eiiuctincnt of a high license law . It is proposed to fix the saloon license for towns of 10,090 and upwards at S7OO and the temd at SIO,OOO, the license and bond decreasing in amount, as t he size of the town decreases. The minimum license, however, is fixed at SOOO. There is thought to tie tittle doubt of this measure passing the legislature. HIGH LICENSE IN DELAWARE. Dover. Del.. April 19. -Tlie House, by a vote ot 15 to fi, passed this afternoon u high license hill grading liquor licenses from Btoo lor Wilmington down to sjno for village and country taverns and limiting druggists to the sale of liquor on physicians prescrip tions only to one sale on each prescription. A Narrow Escape. Annapolis, Ur., April 19.- A torpedo exploded under too torpedo launch hull this in the luu'hor and sunk !u*r in a minute and a half. Ensign Muir was ill ehnrgc, uud isiverai imvai cadet- were on hom'd, hut they wen* nil taken off In safety by nn uyktermnn. An Bx-OougrMeman Dssd. Lincoln, Nr j,, April I if- Kk-t'.aixreo*- uiaii A. J iVret n die tat his Is .tin* m Kollo City bed night. f'lmuissiW atrl uiliumuM lose nt the lit an .oy |he cm toes SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1887. PARNELL’S DEFAMATION. PARLIAMENT URGED TO ACT ON THE PUBLICATION. A Widespread Feeling that the Truth or Falsity of the Times’ Charges Should be Proven Gladstone Speaks to the Eighty Club Lord Churchill’s Position on the Letter. London, April 19. —Three Liberal Union ists voted against second reading of the Irish crimes act amendment bill in the House of Commons last night. Six Conservatives, six Gladstonites, ten Liberal Unionists and three Irish Nationalists were absent. In the House of Commons this afternoon Mr. Caldwell (Liberal Unionist.) gave notice that lie would move for the appointment of a select committee to investigate the charges made by the Times against Mr. Parnell and other Irish leaders in connection with crime in Ireland. Lord Randolph Churchill, speaking at Nottingham this evening, said that if the Parnellites choose to bring an action against the London Times they need not trust an English jury, because they can take pro ceedings against the paper in Ireland or Scotland. He would not make himself a party to the accusation, but it might be necessary for the House, independently of the Parnellites, to take action to clear itself as a body of the gravechargesmadeagainst a section of its members. SCORING GLADSTONE. Continuing he said that for ft irty-five yea rs Mr. Gladstone has not wavered in his resist ance to tlie Irish revolutionary party. It would bo difficult to calculate how many per sons had been executed or imprisoned during that time. He did not envy the feelings of Mr. Gladstone when the latter remembered the manlier of persons whose lives he had contributed to sacrifice, because they advo cated the same principles he himself was now advocating. From the time the crimes bill became a law, crime would diminish and outrages, terroism and intimidation cease. Even now flic introduction of the bill and its reception by Parliament had produced in Ireland a most beneficial effect. TRAITORS TN THE CAMP. Irishmen would soon tire of paying il'iuble taxes to the Natioual Ixingue and to the Queen. The moment they saw that the government hail the power and intention to suppress tho league all Ireland would ac quiesce in the suppression. No danger from secret societies would arise. First, because the Catholic church opposed them, mid sec ondly, because whenever ten jiersons met secretly to plot against the government there were sure to be also ten persons, each of whom was anxious to sell to the govern ment information. [Laughter.] In concluding, he referred to the Liberal Unionists, denying that he had ever intend ed to speak lightly of them. He dwelt strongly upon the necessity of keeping them up to the scratch and of combating their natural vacillating tendency. WHERE THE BURDEN OF PROOF LAYS. Mr. Gladstone spoke at a dinner given by the Eighty Club this evening. He said that the time had arrived when it was necessary to measure his own position and the jHisi tion of the Unionists. He never entertained a suspicion that the Parnellites associated themselves with crime, and his official knowledge was at least as good as that of Lord Harrington. The burden of the proof lay upon the accusers, not upon the accused. Unless the accusers showed rational proba bility of the truth of their charges they were worthless calumniators aud should be shunned as pests of society. THE NON-VOTING UNIONISTS. Mi - . Gladstone said he hojwl the Liberal Unionists who had abstained from voting ou the second reading of the crimes bill would ultimately rally against coercion. Nothing had occurred to make the prospect of home rule more hojwless than it was twelve or even six months ago than Mr. Chamber lain's statement that tho round table confer ence had collai>sed because be (Mr. (finds tone) would not deviate from the provisions of his original bill. It was utterly untrue that he had tried to induce the Unionists to work wit h the home rule Liberals for party puiqxises outside of the Irish question but had failed in his endeavor, but bitterest of all was the sight of Liberals supporting the coercion bill. THE RELIEF BILL. He had hoped that a considerable number of the Liberals who had voted in favor of the crimes bill would eventually refuse to accept the measure unless they were as sured that t here would be combined with it a bill for the relief of Ireland. For that reason he had asked in the House of Com mons yesterday the question, would the government stand or fall by its relief bill as by its coercion bill f The evasive answer Jie received showed that the government meant to force, through the coercion bill, ami let the relief bill take its chances. He briefly criticised the purposes and alleged necessity of the bill, and said t hat the ques tion should be referred to the judgment of the nation. He did not wish an early dissolution of Parliament, but they must arouse reflection on the part of the, electors, and he lsdicved di-solution would produce that effe -t. Mr. Gladstone sjioke for an hour. Maj. Saunderson, speaking at, Tunbridge this evening, reiterated his ciim ges against the Parnellites aud challenged them to adopt tho means of vindication at their dis l>osal. A FLEA FOR JUSTICE. Tlie Poll Mull Gazelle says: “Mr. Parnell is an Irishman, therefore the Times is al lowed to insult and liM him with impunity. Wo earnestly ap|ieal to the met niters of the House of Commons on both sides to do Mr. Parnell justice and commit tlie editor of the Tiluex to the clock tower for breach ot prlv ilege.” I.ANSPOWNK S EVICTION’S. Dublin, April 19.—Evictions were re sumed on I saxl Lansdowne's estate to-day. Messrs. O'Brien and KUbridge will sail for Canada on .Sunday to denounce Loixl Lans downe’s course. PECULIARITIES OF SIGNATURE. London, April 20, 5 a. m.—The Times this morning says; “We iswwss several specimens of Mr. Parnell's signature writ ten about the diit*' of the disputed d<s’U inent from which we are able to parallel the jiei Hilarities of the signature.” Parnell has gone to Dublin to endeavor to sift tlie matter of the letter published by the Tillies, Tho Now Catholic University. Paris, April 19.—A pontifical brief on Washington University will lie given to Bishop Keane, of Richmond, Va., 10-tnor row. _________ Cancer of the Tongue. Pa his, April IF.—-The Tem/is says tho malady from which the Itmiuui Crown Prime is suffering Is cancer of tin* tongue. A Battle with Trampe. Houtm Bend, Ind , April 19 In * fight hr) m till* forenoon Is'taern < lty p >lu c i,d a gang of truiitte eleven tramps were e-tp hired. HI k.J tie so were sniiel with re volver* 1 riling III'- fight |silß ’fit! MM*, -hot a tramp through Um* insert, hill lug Imu iiinUf.Uy Till** IsHttie* towum* ms* taut United try tramp* tort uivrht. POPE AND POLITICS. The Head of the Church Sends More Letters to the Centreists. Berlin, April 19.—The Pope has written a second letter to Herr Windthorst and a third to the Centreists requesting them to vote for the ecclesiastical bill. Many, how ever, assert that they will abstain from vo ting. The political congregation of the Cardinal’s College has indorsed the bill lolerari possum us , which indicates that the Vatican is dissatisfied with the concessions, but will postpone making further demands for the present. THE CENTRE YIELDS. Rome, April 19. —The Vatican has been informed by the Centre party in the lower house of the Prussian Diet that they will accede to the Pope’s wish and vote for the ecclesiastical bill in the form in which it passed the upper house, but that, they dis claim all responsibility for abandoning the amendments they Intended to offer to the measure in the lower house. A HEART STOPS BEATING. Sudden Death of a Railroad President at New York. New York, April 19.—Alexander Mitch ell, President of the Chicago, Milwaukee anil St. Paul railroad, died this afternoon at the Hoffman House, where he has been stopping for the last two weeks;. Since December be had been stopping with his wife at Alexandria Villa, near Jacksonville, Fla. When he came to this city two weeks ago he was enjoying unusually good health. Foi- some time he na.l been somewhat troubled from impeded action of his heart. Lust Wednesday evening ho went out ami afterward had a chill, lie caught a severe cold, which developed Into bronchial pneu monia, and no doubt directly affected bis heart’s action and caused death. The re mains have been embalmed and will be taken to Milwaukee. “BOYS, FLAG THE TRAINS.” An Engineer in tho Agony of Death Proves Him self a Hero. St. Johnbvillk, N. Y., April 19.—A passenger train on the New York Central road at midnight last night run into a land slide and tlie engine and seven cars were thrown from the track. The eugiueer was killed. The fireman and one passenger were badly injured. The slide was 120 feet long and was caused by a heavy rain. The conductor of the wrecked train had his wits about him. An express train from the east was due and the conductor flagged it just in time to stop it within seven ear lengths of tlie slide, which covered both tracks. The engineer’s last words were: “Boys, flag the trams.” ROUGH ON THE KNIGHTS. Imported Men May Take Their Money to Leave and Then Not Do So. Detroit, Mich., April 19.—Home months ago the shipbuilders m this neighborhood had trouble with their men and imported ship carpenters from Maine to do their work The Knights of Labor paid these men $25 each, and in return took a promise to return to Maine or go out of this district, as the men whose places they filled were Knights. District Assembly No. 50 sued one of these men to recover this money, claim ing the defendant violate! his agree ment to leave town. The defendant admitted the contract and that he did not return home, but claimed that the contract was illegal. Judge Jeimison called atten tion to the fact that the new -comers had lieen intimidated and unlaw fully prevented from carrying out their contract, that the law condemns all proceedings of all illegal •Detracts, that all combinations designed to interfere unlawfully with individuals are violations of the statute as striking a fatal blow at free industry, stifling legitimate en terprise and crippling commerce. In ac cordance with the charge tho jury gave a verdict for the defendant. STRIKERS SHOW FIGHT. An Attack on New Drivers Loads to a Row With the Police. Chicago, April 19.—A Montreal special says: “The teamsters strike assumed a seri ous asjHvt this morning. About MOO strikei-s assembled at the stables where the new men were preparing to take out teams and made a general assault upon them. A stiDi% detachment of police arrived and a hand to band engagement followed between them and the strikers. The latter used stones and bricks, and the police were badly used until finally reinforced, when they suc ceeded in driving off the strikers. Heveral of the strikers were badly injured and had to be removed to a hospital.” Pope Leo and the Knights. Paris, April 19. —The Uni errs says the decision of the holy office on the Knights of question given to Cardinal Gi hi ions before his departure from Rome was nil in novefur, signifying that in view of the representations made by the Cardinal in bis memorial on the subject there was no occa sion for intervention on the i>art of the church. Work Resumed. Chicago. April 19.—The strike at th Union Steel Work* in Bridgeport has lieen settled, 200 furnace men resuming work yes terday afternoon by order of the Executive Committee of the District Assembly. The men claim to have gained their ismit. and that the Knights which hail Uien discharged were taken back. Bricklayers Strike. Raleigh, N. C., April 19.—There was a general strike of the bricklayers here to-day for an advance in wages of 75c. per day. The rete at present paid is $2 25. Racing at Epsom Downs. London, April 19. —This was the first day of the Epsom spring meeting. The great Surrey handicap was won by Doubling with Cutaract hpidihl and Canterbury third. There were twelve starters. Cataract was the favorite. The Great Metro!>olitan stakes was won by The Cob, with Blandish second and Tac tic third. The course was 21-4 miles. There were nine starters. Cot) was a hot favorite. His time was 4:11 1-5. The Westminster stakes were won by Salt petre, with Chil|)eric ws-ond and Hwn>! mart third. There were six starters. Tlie favor ite won. _________ ’ Killed on a Crossing. Lancabteh Pa.. April 19.—TUI* after noon the Chicago lhuitel ex pres* struck John Becker, hi* wife, their daughter in law and liar 2-ycar old child at a cnisung of tho Pennsylvania mfh'ood In this <7ty. Becker,siu( hi* wife wav killed instantly, and the duuglitei' tu-law was seriously in jtired. Till' child was found on the eow ciitobcr uuinjuruil. The home M>-a|md and ran Itonm. Tho victim* each were about tiU yew* of age. An AtMlgnmsot at Tampa. Tampa. Kla . April in.—Newman A *V. mode mu weigument to day In favor of Hu* midi Wowgowrfci. Tba. I* the MX Oltd tatert In ■£ hWury *rf Tampa. The that uitmte'v '. rse-asg*) I A FIGHT WITH WHISKERS CRENSHAW AND CHAPMAN AGAIN IN A CLINCH. The Collector Gets the Agent Where the Hair is Short and Pulls It Out by the Roots—Gov. Gordon Decltnes to Accede to Gov. Richardson’s Wishes. Atlanta, Ga., April 19.—Tho following derisions in the Supreme Court wore handed down to-day: Georgia railroad vs. E. P . Berry; from Jones. Affirmed. Georgia railroad vs. James Phillips. Af firmed. W. T. Pearson vs.” J. C. Durham, et al.: from Putnam. Affirmed. It. M. Brooks, etal., vs. R. G. Mathews: from Pike. Reversed. The difficulty between Collector Cren shaw-and Revenue Agent Chapman was re newed in the office of tho former to-day, where a lively encounter took place. Mr. Chapman went into the Collector’s office in side tho railing whiohjshuts off tho clerks, department frojn the public. Mr. Crenshaw asked what he wanted. Mr. I'hajxmun re plied, certain official information. Mr. Crenshaw- on lens 1 him out of the private railing, saying that when he was outside the information would he given. Mr. Chapman declined to go, claiming that a revenue agent had a perfect right in the office. CRENSHAW CLINCHES!! Crenshaw advanced upon him and took hold of him to put him out, when Mr. Chapman struck him. Mr. Crenshaw seized him by the whiskers and gouged at his eyes. In the struggle they fell to the floor, Mr. Crenshaw holding onto tho whiskers and si ill punching Mr. Chapman’s face and eyes. They were finally parted by clerks in the office. Mr. Chapman, who lost a handful of whiskers and was considerably bruised about the face and eyes, washed the blood off. obtained the information he came for and went out. The affair created some ex citement in the custom house. It is not known what further trouble will come out of it, but it is supposed the department at Washington will take some prompt action. GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA. Gov. Gordon declined Unlay to take any action in tlie Blackwood kidnapping case. The Governor of South Carolina requested the Governor to order Blackwood’s release, lmt finding that the Governor has no au thority requested that he would refer the matter to the Judiciary Department. An arrangement had been made for a meeting at Augusta between the South Carolina and Georgia Attorney Generals to confer about the matter, but Attorney General Anderson has advised the Governor that such a con ference would be useless and gives it, as his opinion that there is no precedent in Georgia for taking the steps requested by Gov. Richardson. Gov. Gordon has notified Gov. Richardson that be de clines to interfere. Similar cases between Pennsylvania ami Michigan and New York and Pennsylvania sustain the position taken by South Carolina. The question will now lie brought up before the courts. The Savannah Fire and Marine Insurance Company tiled a statement with tho Comp troller to-day aud applied for a license to do business. FIRING ON A NEGRO. Night watchman A. J. Wiley, of the East, Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, shot three times at a negro plumber named Marshall Heard, who came to his house this afternoon to do some work and was imperti nent to his wife. negro screamed, jumped the fence, ran off and has not been seen since. Wiley was arrested. Miss Robbins and another girl, whose name is unknown, were thrown from a dump cart and painfully hurt at Grant’s Park this afternoon. Willis Reagan gave the car accountant* a lxmquet at the Capital City Club to-night . It was a brilliant affair. A FAIR AT BRUNSWICK. Tho Proceeds to Go for New Instru ments for the Band. Brunswick, Ga., April 19.—A fancy fait- was <>[>ened last evening in L’Arioso Hall to aid in raising funds for providing new instruments for tho Atlantic (Bruns wick) Band. Since this band succeeded in securing file position of premier band of the State at the time of Gov. Gordon’s installa tion, the citizen* have taken a lively interest in its progress, and as the members got per fected in the use of their instruments, it lie came evident that to give them full scope they must lie better (xpiipped. Their ener getic leader, J. Baumgartner, who has nursed the band from its infancy, was not. long in finding ready hands to help in the work of furnishing funds for new instruments, and if the amplitude ot articles, useful and orna mental. displayed ut the fair can only Id disjswsl of by the attractive vendors, the object will Id fully ai-complished. The committees presided over by Mrs. A. J. Oro vatt have worked hard to make tlie fair a success and certainly L’Arioso Hall never looks tetter than in its floral decorations. The fair was formally opened by Major Drum and then commenced tbe real work of selling. OAKLAND ACORNS. Typical Florida Weather—B’our New Buildings Finished. Oakland, Fla., April 19.—VVelmvotieeii having typical Florida weather for the past week, warm and sunshiny days with ail oc cusional'shower, and vegetables have ripened rapidly. Shipments from hero now average ahaint ISS crate* per day. A large number of cucumters have been grown this year, and returns from the commission men thus l'ar show good'prices, $0 to $0 50 jdi- Ix>x. Four new building* were completed this wpek. The large feed and grain store of Mos-sre. Baker A Wylie is pushing rapidly upward, and will tie ready ror occupancy iii another ten days. Tho new steamer Ariel will arrive here this week and te placed In service at, once. She is a la'-ge screw steamer with double en gines and a speed of 15 miles an hour. Her launching into the water* of Lake Ajsipkn will Id fhe occasion of a grand excursion from the aurrounding towns to different liofntsoii the lake. Mr J. H. Sadler anil Miss Minnie Tllden were married on Friday night at tlie resi dence of the bride's father, Mr. 1,. K. Tllden. Me. and Mrs. Sadler left on tli morning train f<* un extended trip through the North. _ , On Saturday afternoon the |wu k in Oak land was the wene of unusual festivity. A large number of |oplr from tlie *tu Xiirroiiudhig ) nun try had gathered together to partake <>f a fish fry. 'Thirteen thousand crate* of oranges have been d;)p|*l from Oakland during I lie post season and the crop I* not yet exhausted. Peppered With Buckahol. Anlvi-K. Kla., A|>ril )9. A *ei-l.>it* xiesAing affray .ss-ui rod et Huinna'i-ville, .ate mill' real of here, ttol* ew-niuK between John Flour!toy tout Jems Wade n ade *)• wounded in tltr Isaly end thigh with touch Ctrl. Ks 0111*1) eotpxi injury. Tl* diffi .-city original**! user un auuut dm Hm imu¥ NEARLY KILLED BY A WHALE. The Whale, Mortally Wounded, Es capee from the Fishermen. Bridoehampton, April 17. —A pine brush displayed from the top of Capt. Leak’s tall flap; polo in front of bis house in the village of Aniagansett, L. 1., at l o’clock on Satur day afternoon sent a thrill through the en tire village, and there followed a noise of hurrying feet and shouts of the hardy sailor lads who rushed to man the whaling boats on the beach. Capt. Ijeak “has raised the weft went up the cry, and all Amagansctt knew that a whale lmd been sighted off the shore. In loss time than it takes to toll it Capt. “Josh” Edwards, the veteran whaler of the village, who has already this season added the flukes of three right whales to the trophies of other seasons which lie in his back yard, had bis boat launched in the surf and six strong pair of arms wore pulling out on the wafer in search of the whale. The excitement in a short time had permeated the whole village, and the seafaring population, male and female, flocked to the shore and watched for the coming battle with the whale. Two other boats were manned anil prepared to follow Capt. Edwards. In the latter’s hoat were, besides the veteran commander, Ids brother “Gabe,” who, ius always on the whale hunts, acted as boat steorer; Charles Sanford. Charles Mulford, Everett Edwards and Clinton Edwards. “There she blows” went up a shout from the s|>ectators on the shore, and sure enough, about a quarter of a mile off, on a shallow bar, a geyser of spray was thrown high up over the waves. The men in Captain Josh’s boat saw the whale spouting and pulled straight for the spot. “Gabe” stood up in the bow of the boat with two harpoons in his hand. He is a tall, brawny specimen of Long Island manhood, and had risen from a sick lied to join in the chase after the wiiale. “I’m not fooling well,” said he, “but I will put two irons in her anyhow.” Hardly had lie spoken before directly ahead lie saw a black patch on the water about :s feet square. “Steady, steady,” he cried to Capt. “Josh.” “The whale is on the false bar and will be aground here in a ” It was too late. The powerful strokes of the oarsmen had driven the boat hard on the black shoulder of (bo whale, which ivas showing above the green water. The whale did not stir as the sharp keel of the boat grated over his hide. If was a bold thing to do, but Galie did not hesitate, and the next instant he plunged the iron harpoon into the soft blubber of the monster full twenty four inches. Still the whale did not stir and a suspicion arose that it was dead. Once more the powerful “Gabe” drove his harpoon into the yielding mass, and the effect this time was like touching off a magazine with a lighted match. The great black flukes of the whale suddenly lifted themselves out of the water and raised the boat, fully ten f<*ot, in the air. Jt, was a maddened paroxysm of anguish. A whirl of the great black flukes in the air, as they descended, smashed three oars, a rowlock, and swept “Gabe” from the how of the tsiat. as if he had been made of paper. The unfortunate boat xteerer was thrown straight through the air, say the eye-wit nesses in the boat, fully thirty feet, and dropjxjd insensible in the water. He lay like a log on the waves and his rornjianions in the boat made desperate efforts to go to his assistance lx' fore he sank. It was no easy task, for the wounded leviathan was kicking, plunging, threshing around with his tail and churn ing up the sea water in a manner that made immediate proximity to him any thing but safe. Capt. Josh yelled “all astern” at the top of his voice, but with only three oars left in working Older, man aging the boat was easier said than done. If they hail depended on the three oars the I Hint's crew would have been left to the mercy of the infuriated whale, which had evidently received a mortal wound, for he spouted blood in profusion. But his death struggles gradually drew him away frem the boat, and the rope that hound him to his enemies was quickly severed by a blow from a hatchet. Once safe from the terrible sweep of the flukes, the oarsmen went to the help of their boat-steerer, who still floated insensi ble on the bloody waves. Why he did not sink and drown was a mystery that has not yet liecn explained. Cant. J*wh pulled his brother into the 1 iont mid they proceeded to pump the water out of him after the fashion taught by the life-saving men. It did no good, and not knowing whet her they hnd a live or a dead man they pulled back to the shore. The other boats which hud been manned and started off to follow Capt. Josh returned also with the feel ings of nieu attending a funeral. The observers on the shore saw the whale disappear in the distance. As far as lie could be seen he was still madly lashing the waves with his tail and kicking up in the air In the throes of death with the two harpoons sticking into his shoulders. Among the crowd on the shore to watch the return ~of the boats was Mrs. “Gabe” Edwards. When she saw her husband lifted out of the I mat and laid on the beach still uncon scious, she promptly screamed and fainted. This added to the dismal ending of the whale-hunt which hud begun ainid the hopeful shouts of the hardy population of Amagansctt. While the women attended the fainting Mrs. Edwards the men made another effort to [lump the sea water out of her husband. Several quart' were forced out by continu ous action of his arms, hut Gabe still re mained unconscious. His laxly was then lifted into a wagon and taken to his home, followed by all the villagers. MessongerH were wnt hurrying for medical help, and Hr. Halsey arrived, and after sounding the injured man’s lungs pronounced him still alive. Morphine was administered and a watch kept on the |iatieiit all night. He re mained in a comatose state until Si a. m. to day. He then turned Iver, opened his eyes, stared at tlie watcher at the bedside fora moment and asked, “Where’s the whale!” He was assured that the whale was all right, and seeming sntistted with the statement, relapsed into a stupor. All of to-day he has been stupid and lus talk more or lows inco herent, out Dr. Halsey thinks he will re cover. lie is about .'IS year* old. To-morrow several l<oats will go out to make a search for the whale, for it is be tieved that, it is dead. If his laxly has not sunk It will Ik' towed ashore and converted into oil und whalebone. This is the fourth whale of the .season to apjienr off Amagao sett, and the only one which has not been captured. The (IslKirne lioys, John and Oliver, of Hridgi iiamptofi, liarixxuied a fifty-foot whale u week ago und killed him after an exciting race in which the whale towed the boys eight mil** at a terrible speed. As the whales each net alxnjt $199 in oil, and from tIJKKI to ♦1,500 f*>r lh wbalelxmc, they uro prizes not to by allowed to mu* 1 . The misluio on Saturn*/ liua plunged the whole village of Amagaasett Into gloom. _____ • Loan of th* Tasmania. I/imxot, April !‘J. -Tim ( ptnm of the ■.(■iipided Htcsne-r Tasmania, ie|rtJ in dti (kvw yesterday, and two of hi* officers and l vuui)-two I sowar stoker*, were drowned. TPs r* mam ler of too new aval isuMcogrta ai , t4 <1 If* !*• :itifr An Auaigummit at (iratnvlll*. Hia> stun, k a,, April IW HC. Pshaw, a merchant of GloeUldiW, tie asMjpwd Hi LaodlUt* ftf* *ll/00. Hu awrtrte nr# ( PRICE nio \ YEAR. j 5 t’EATe A COPY, j RACE OF THE GOVERNORS DEMOCRATS GUARDING AGAINS'I A REPUBLICAN SURPRISE. The Friends of the Two Leaders Scab ter their Votes Among Four Men S* as to Make an Alliance with the Radii cals Useless for Either Side. Tallahassee, Fla., April 10.—As m, nomination for Senator was made by th* Democratic caucus last night, the Demo* crabs to-day divided their vote among tout men not candidates for the place. The tw# houses met as usual this morning, and aft-el transacting the usual amount of importauj business took a short recess just before 1* o'clock to arrange matters so that no elec* tskm could result from the balloting, whiek began promptly at, 1“ o’clock. Henatoj Wall nominated Thomas Costa, Williutif Van Fleet, William Judge and J. F. Lai haul tolxi voted for by the Democrats, the firs< two being backed by ex-Gov. Bloxham’f friends and tin* last, two by Gov. Perry’l supporters. The > Republicans nominated Fred. S. Goodrich* of Delttnd. One was token, as follows: Judge < 'osiu ... Van Fleet In the House the same nominated and the vote was; ** r ' Judge - ' -JfflK Goodrich * H costa Van Fleet Finley Blank Without tmnsacting further business MHI houses adjourned until to-morrow. o'clock to-morrow bah houses meet ii* tat Assembly Uall to consider jointly tuken to-day, and as no election made at least one ballot in each Hon bo taken daily until someone is CAUCUS BALLOTS. The Democrats in joint caucus l look four ballots without making a t.ion. The resulted: l’erry I -’tfaH Rloxnam .. Hlunk jßSfn Miller Tlio wiml ballot resulted: tolHj Itloxliam ITfJS Perry t ,'.'s71* ! Plank •••mSk’ Miller .4*l* The third tiallot stood: ‘-tHI Perry vA -i# Blank The fourth ballot stood: Ti* Perry ‘-'KH Blank J. A PROXY RULED OPT. jjßffi Mr. Hendry, of Taylor county, *fns nto fused the privilege of voting by proxy® 1W was not a Democrat and declined to hTihW the action of tbe caucus, which he had not yet attended, but ventured to give a written proxy to a Democratic friend. A committed of live of Gov. Bloxham’sand five of Gov, Perry’s friends as apixiinted to consult to* gather and see if some solution of the dead* lock cannot tie had. Gov. Bloxharn’s friends appointed Messrs. Bryan, Hv'all, Gaskins/ Jones and Dyal. Gov. Perry’s friends ajrt [minted Messrs. Miller. Blackwell, Mannj Orman and Baskin. This cannot be con* stmed Into a concession by Gov. Bloxhatn’d friends, although the proposition of a ootF fnrence committee came from them, nor In it evidence of weakening by either faction. The caucus has adopt **d the t wo-third ruk The objfs-t in scattering the vote in the Legislature ns was don* 1 to-day is to prqimtot tin- nineteen Republicans from Gov. Perry and ex-Gov. thereby helping to name a Democratic i^H# tor. i*nrl SENATOR CALLS OPINION. Washington. April PJ.—Senator Wu who has just r* turned from Florida, |j|p| thm •*,,..•** If* stu.he.l the Senatorial Hi tion very attentively. In- couM not sn v*(®F will lie elected. He said that had Jones gone to Florida from Detroit at the fli-st mention of his aumti lor the Senate and given bis attention to the canvass, W could uildoutibdly have b*>n re-elected. SUICIDE BY SHOOTING, A Wom an Once a Resident of This City Kills Horseif at Jacksonville. , Jacksonville, Fla., April 19.—Mr*/ Frank F. Marquis, wife of a carpenter living in Brooklyn, a suburb, committed suicide to-day about noon by shooting herself in the head with a pistol. Mrs. Marquis was aged! about 45 years. She was a native of Savan nah, whence sho came with her husband some seven years ago. She leaves three children. The oldest is a boy .of 14. It 1* believed that continued sickness caused aberration of the mind. A white man was arrested at St, Angus-' tine this afternoon charged with being’th** incendiary who caused the recent liree itt that town. He was detected last night in an attempt to set fire to large piles of lumtier i the vicinity of the Concede Leon Hotel, buff Hid. Pursuit in (Ire surrounding country during the day result'd in his capture. Thai citizens are much excited and incensed,-and if proven guilty it is thought summary jus tice will Is* meted out to him. At a meeting of the City Council to-nighf tMrest of the regular officers for the enmlrv ing municipal year were elect'd as follows r Captain of police. George M. Brittan; Health Officer, 0. J. Kenworthy; Market Clerk, Edward H. Heiukins; City Sexton, Georg* Clarke; Sanitary Inspectors, F. T. Hernan dez, John Chestnut aiid John Miller; Oil In sjiector, 15. W. Seymour. A MAN-OF-WAR FROM HAYTI. The Yantlc at Pensaoola-Acolyte* Given a Picnic. Pensacola, Fla., April It).—Tbe United State-* steamer Yantic arrive*! her** to-day. The Yuntic is in cominaud of F. M. Greeu. The Yantic i* rnceutly from Port Au prince, Hayli, where tlie British recently tbreateneil to bofllbttrd. Rev. Father Tot *ln to day gave a picnic fox the acolyte* of St. MfohsiT.y church. Th* boy* numbered about forty. The i.ieinb"* - * of tbe choir won* also jwu ti' ipants in the festivities. Much credit is due Father Tobin for his attention and tuition of th* lioys. Their appreciation was fully ex nrawed in the hearty cheer given by then) lief ore their dejmrture for home. Dynamite Bpreuda Death. Merritt * Caiiinkkm, 14. Y., April 19. At I o’clock this morning an v(|NuM*jn oc i iin wl at stistt No. a of tie* now aipixdnct iu tiu north hwdlug. >yu * to* Mantiy kill -I au*t an unknown HuugsrtMl was tatell) injured. Five *itlw*r* worn hurt, wane suHm t/rokwi legs and urtu* cod i*t<K*n. lutving Uwir **y*s hU>wn .art. rh* vvsiMll *'• *! Iby Us* *'• J'l*e*'Ml 'd * •lynniuu/ l artreh;' ewe w j.-..uuiwst imtMP fr,;*., m one •** th* (*!#vi'*u round* <4 I ho'* Yf. USA* te dnil a u *nf | i >4tU'f of lidtin arsllJi ihel tMtil or unto*