The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 21, 1887, Image 1

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, ESTABLISHED 1850. t ,J. H. KBXILL, Editor aud Proprietor, f I’ARNELL AWAITS PROOF. HIS ACCUSERS FAIL TO COME TO THE FRONT. Strong Speeches Which Betoken That Public Sentiment is in Favor of the Great Leader- Salisbury Again Snarls at All Lovers of Liberty The “Times” May be Forced to Appear at the Bar of the House. London. April 30.—Lord Salisbury, in an address delivered last night before the Prim rose League at Albert Palace, the occasion haing the sixth anniversary of tho death of Lord Beaconsfleld, said the hollow agitation jai-ried on during the Easter holidays by the opposition had failed, and that the govern ment's cause was the country’s. The gov ernment stood in Ireland facing a vast ma chine producing terrorism and crime, against which the government intended to struggle with all the powers Parliament would grant. Mr. Gladstone's imagination deceived him when he attempted to prove that his party’s prospects were very bright. The present Ir ish crimes bill would not com pare in stringency with Mr. Gladstone's bill of 1881. imprisoned without trial. Under the latter measure people were im prisoned without trial. This could not be done under the present bill. Suppression of crime in Ireland did not mean suppression of liber:v. Podceineti in arresting Bill Sykes did not interfere with liberty. Yet jtfr. “Gladstone condemned this crimes re pression bill. A danger of the present day lay in catchwords. Mr. Gladstone, who had spent his life in changing his opinions, men tioned those who separated from him in the tope of a father lecturing his children. He preached at, and almost prayed for them; but it never occurred to AJr. Gladstone that perhaps they bad something to complain of. They were unable to change their opinions in a night like he could. Lord Salisbury prophesied that Mr. Gladstone would find it difficult to gather around him any new re cruits. his present followers. His present adherents had gone too far to recede What had Mr. Gladstone gained; asked the Premier. He had gained eighty six very devoted followers of Parnell, wiio had hmi challenged with having approved murder and who had refused, or whose friends had refused for him, to enter the witness box and deny the charge, and this course Mr. Gladstone approved. Mr. Par nell had been assisted with funds subscribed by men who never approved murder. When n man was accused in such a manner it was not open to him to put the accusation aside with copious use of the elegant vocabulary his friends had introduced into the House of Commons. He was bound to enter the wit ness box and deny the charges against him most solemnly. How could Mr. Gladstone go before the country associated with men who refused to submit such a question to the judgment of an English jury; A FLOOD OF MISREPRESENTATION. .• 'UfcNwaW did uot believe in the Glad- Stone horoscope. The victory Mr. Glad stone obmbJfl in 1880 was won by a flood of misrepresentation that, could not lie re peated The Conservatives were now an organized party, powerful to refute false nood aud disseminate the trut h. This con dition of the party was largely due to the work of the Prii nrose League. The present government would, when it left office, hand down unimpaired to their successors the great trust of the empire committed to their care. {Cheers. ] Tbe Globe, of this evening, says that, Mr. Biggar will sue the Times for libel, and make that paper's articles on “Parnell fem and < rime, of the series of which the Par nell letter ws ti e culminating part, the basis of the action. MOTIONS FOR AN INQUIRY. Several Gladstone Liberals desire to have Parliament issue a summons to the editor j? die Timm calling him Indore the liar of toe House to answer for breach of privilege m accusing Mr. Parnell and other members r oe House of complicity in crime, or that air Gladstone propose the appointment of a committee to examine the Times' charges. A . ‘ srnellites have been consulted and their leaders oppose both propositions. If neither the Pornellit'i nor Gludstonians uke the initiative in moving for an inves tigation, it is probable that an independent motion will be made, which bah the gov ei nment and the Union members will sup port. 1 “COERCION” REPUDIATED, bowl Salisbury said: “We repudiate the onl coercion, because by long usage that appliol to repression of political opinion, nil which we have not hing to do. We stand m the presence of Ireland and of a ' ''AA ni nt , enme which is sapping most ii 1> fatally the happiness and freedom J, At People. A vast organization lu S nway human freedom and inter , n K with men in all stations bvthema '‘“‘r'.r.of intimidation. Mr. Gladstone t hat th,> mmes Bill gives to the gov i , ~m t n power to deal with political associa ■ is supporting crime, but this power is h" 61 ™, 11 by the House of Commons. The < all uPow such machinery to be iiv.r.Ti 1 " 11 ' A” suell opposition is based 1 n a false and an unsound foundation. i... TACTICS of the opposition. Henv-nn PPPouents of the government en- I appropriate, for the purpose of i!'v"! Vv'l i ’ Reeling which has b intelligibly existed against political 1 reprcssci-s of crime do not th ,l'berty of the people. On the Mi- i i.A,’ . th,! Y M’e its greatest defenders, in ts’s : | Lone s idea, when one flne morning v ' V '"’ 1,8,1 ‘“-en U his life a Hibni.ui S I'l’POOont of home rule awoke to rul °. was that it was Ills fol (''bi ers “w-ake home rulers too. Mi uu kltter.] There is uo limit to U ‘ llt ‘ 1 ' in the olwequious Itlre , ,M>t followers ot his standard i. .ii i ri ." a - VS , b -'" u tHouslit that tlie Jesuits u||,,„ ,|, KP ''L'lims upon human obedience ■ I1"V require the human will to boex- Jeu'iiu umi . i ‘' , "'P Mt ‘ H - But ut least the fl', ,1 iv i uiicici stand Unit they huvewell toacc< l',t mi Ul fl"' Is'licf they ure requii-ed u MVINO CORPSES. H v °tm irs, under pain of "nication, arc bound not oulv to ' . l :' l !’ , ’A' lv, ' h eotusi- to Mr. Glad r,i!ia,i,, A 1 " l! A"' hound to *ui'ii (rein one Tic „ ‘l’ ""othoi at a moment's untie*), iii.l j i * "I"" 4 Ira it nr. to I'lvlliratlon | , | ';' l ; ,| "l"iiii it they dare to adhere to Gif,*Vj ,IMS always taught them. ih. ~. , * lad*t>r.,i tell ns flint (or HI ! j, i,, A ““lias lieliuvcd in liomerulc, but In* ■ i":, i • ill ',, I,U, K" ot conviction to himself ' that everybody bciievr-l that h" Pin| | 1 ■‘‘t I* "eetltn hard that the l,tl> „„ „ h.mid I- punished with all ** ul, 1 * * mils I (coins., ( ( ',ey Mere not Ida,),, • 11 1 dfK.ern how much Mr. •Mi. w.w Using Giem ill.”* ' 0 He lut* ukeu lum*lf in.' } Not i 1 1,1 * •>•'• 1. 1 ' iTLtreatment ’ iCC y.11.C i‘C j-' ii.. .ii, who will be willing to expose themselves to these sudden and violent changes, to this imperious insistence or ab solute humiliation ? Gladstone will find that on the Liberal side of the House the spirit of Englishmen has not quite disappeared, and that a leader to he followed must be a leader who can be trusted to stand by his opinions. PARNELL’S POSITION. “Mr. Gladstone thinks that Mr. Parnell's position is perfectly reasonable and honor able and that nobody ought to ask him to clear himself. If Mr. Parnell and his asso ciates were men absolutely free from sus picion in this matter I would understand that reasoning. But they belong to a party of which a large wing has worked by mur der and has been largely supported by the contributions of others w ho openly advocate political assassination. PARNELL’S FRIENDS. “Mr. Parnells trusted friends have mixed on terfiis of intimacy whose advo cacy of assassination is well known, and the language of Mr. Parnell and his friends in speaking of the fearful crimes that have been committed is not above reproach, being marked by indifference to, and even by tol eration of murder. When such a gravecase of presumption exists it is uot open for him to take refuge in a mere denial, or to think that he can dispose of the accusations by liberal use of the wide and energetic vocab ulary which his followers have used in the House of Commons.” AMERICAN SYMPATHY. Mr/ Gladstone writes: “I attach very high value and importance to the manifesta tions, now incessant, of American as well as colonial sympathy with the Irish people in the crisis created by the causeless, insult ing an.d insidious bill at present before Par liament, apart form particular and more or less formal acknowledgments. lam not of the opinion that it would be proper or expe dient for me to take it upon myself to ad dress a>\y general communication to Ameri cans on this subject, which, however, I have noticed and may agaiu notice in Parliament. Still, 1 am very anxious that the people of this coun try should have the means of understand ing how much beyond the range of any sec tional impulses and how truly national the movement in the United States has become, and in this view I would recommend that an endeavor should be made to present some estimate of the aggregate numbers of persons by which the recent meetings in America have been attended, and likewise and especially an estimate of the number of Governors, Mayors, Senators, Representa tives, clergymen, and other official or highly responsible persons by whom such meetings have been countenanced, or sup ported.’’ THE TIMES SHOULD PROVE IT. Sir William Vernon Harcourt, in a speech at East. London to-night,indorsed Earl Silen cer’s recent assertion that there was no evi dence which showed that the Parnellites had ever associated with criminals. He further said that in view of Mr. Parnell’s denial of the accusations made against him. it re mained for his accusers to substantiate their charges. The Parnellites are indignant at Lord Salisbury’s speech at Albert Palace and there is some talk of bringing his remarks under notice of the House of Commons. It is reported that as a result of the re iteration of its charges by the Timex an ef fort will lie made to bring the editor and publisher of that paper before the House of Commons and make them prove, if they can, the truth of the allegations made by them. The charges against the Parnellites were brought to divert attention from the real question. Mr. Chamberlain’s statement that Mr. Gladstone refused to modify his bili was unfounded. The failure cif the round table conference was the personal doing of Mr. Chamberlain and nobody else. GLADSTONE A TRUE STATESMAN. John Morley addressed an audience of 4,<XX) peiuons ait Wolverhampton this even ing. Referring to Mr. Gladstone, ho said that no other great leader had ever launched a great issue or fought for a great cause with a spirit so entirely forgetful of his own personality and so entirely shutting out the mean and ignoble considerations which seemed to affect ignoble minds. The crimes bill, continued the speaker, awakened tens of thousands of Liberals to what they did when they reflected Mr. Gladstone’s policy. He repudiated the accusation that the Liberals countenanced violence ami obstruc tion in Parliament, and tliat they allied themselves with men whose hands were stained with outrage. He reminded Mr. Chamberlain that ho in the Fortnightly Review for February. 1886. advised that the ParneDite leaders be taken into the councils of the Queen. The round table conference had been suspended because Mr. Chamber lain, though conciliatory in conclave, con tinued in speech find letter publicly to re vive old bitterness. UNIONIST BLINDNESS. H The Unionists proposed to settle the ques tion by ignoring five-sixths of the Irish peo ple and dubbing their trusted represeutati ves ruffians. On the general charge of com plicity in crime brought against the Par nellites, he had to say that the charge was fully stated before Parliament in 1883, when the Irish government, after the fullest in quiries, found that the accusation could not be substantiated. With regard to the latest, charge made by the Timex , until that paper explained how it obtained the letter and the grounds for believing it to be authentic, he should content himself with Mr. Parnell’s denial. On the fringe of every popular movement were some had men, but it was a mistake to call the Irish American home rulers the scum of tho earth. The Chicago convention had re sulted in the defeat of the party of violence. The testimony even of prejudiced witnesses was thut they had to deal not with ruffians, but with all that.was best anil most honorable and most country-loving among the masses of the respectable men in America. [Cheers. 1 In criticising the government's proposals Mr. Morley raised u laugh by saying that bankruptcy had ls‘<onio what gardeners call a "tardy annual.” CHAMBERLAIN’S ANSWER TO GLADSTONE. With reference to Mr. Gladstone’s speech at. the dinner of the Eighty Club last, night Mr. Chamberlain says that Mr. Gladstone has lieen iiiaivumtcty informed. He says he was unable to obtain from Mr. Gladstone u promise that he would make any impor tant modification in his Irish lull, but he uever advanced that ns the reason of the Iniltire of the round table <*onfcrrnce. He is not aware that any attempt was mail** by Mr. Gladstone to secure the ci>-o|>eration of the Lil'eral Util* mints oil any Liberal question outside of the Irish problem. Ila says it Is a I isms Ito Mip|s>* that while Mr. Gladstone refrains front indicating what modifications he is willing to make in Ills hill the Lilieral Unionists will assist tn restoring him to power. SALISBURY TAKEN TO TASK. London. April If, S a. m - The Pnlly ,V. ie, Na)s: "It ii< deplorable Dial ill the heat Of ismlroverse an English cetitleiitwu, ti*ii us Bird Hullsimiy Is, should linve Ol(opted IliU principle vtlilrh Would pine * evei \ pu'ill* man nl tile misery of lllls* ‘l*o l HI I' ills lildrlNl.* tU'ITtKG EVICTION*. Dunlin. April '>>. - Nine tenants <n !/d I AmdeloUrii's LugCWOri'ea eatate Were •vi'tel today, 'ill* on looker* rru*ad. SAVANNAH, GA„ THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1887. 1 but no resistance was offered. Last even ing placards bearing representations of cross-bones ami coflins were posted in the List Owl, threatening with violence any man who should take a l'arm from which a tenant had been evicted. At Mayor Bridge to-day a woman re sisted eviction by barricading her house and throwing boiling water on the evictors, wiio retired without accomplishing their task. Three constables at Castle Island and one at Groom have resigned, and a demonstra tion in their honor will be held on Sunday. PITTSBURG’S PROTEST. Pittsburg, I’a., April 20. —At a large and enthusiastic anti-coercion meeting, held here to-night, resolutions were adopted pro testing against Ireland as a stop backward in civilization, as a stain on England, and an insult to the Irish people: also denounc ing the letter attributed to Mr. Parnell by the Guidon Times, which implicates him in the Phoenix Park murder, as a foul and ma licious lie. fabricated for the purwse of dis associating Mr, Gladstone and the Liberal party from Mr. Parnell and influencing pub lie opinion in England and thus insuring the passage of the '‘infamous coercion bill.” The meeting was attended by over 1,500 persons and included a large number of the most prominent citizens of Pittsburg and Alleghany, irrespective of nationality. Let ters of regret were read from Senator-elect Quay, Gov. Beaver, Lieut. Gov. Davies, ex- Gov. Pattison, Congressmen Boyle, Scott and Hall, and many others. SALISBURY'S MISTAKE. He Thinks This Government Chag rined at an Award. London, April 20.—1 t is officially stated that Lord Salisbury, in a dispatch sent to Washington March 24, said that the British government, understanding the action of the United States in denouncing the fishery articles of the treaty of Washington to be in a degree the result of disappointment at being called upou to pay VI, 100,000 under the Halifax fisheries awards, offers to revert to the old condition of affairs without pecu niary indemnity, which offer, it trusts, will commend itself to the American govern ment as being based upon that spirit of good will and generosity which should animate two great and kindred nations, whose com mon origin, language and institutions con stitute so many bonds of amity and con cord. BAYARD NON-COMMITTAL. Washington, April 20.—The Secretary of State declines to confirm or deny the state ment cabled from Loudon to the effect that Lord Salisbury has sent a dispatch to this government on the subject of the fisheries, offering to revert to the old condition of affairs without pecuniary indemnity. Sec retary Bayard also declined to express any opinion with regard to the subject matter of the dispatch as cabled, which is not ex actly news in diplomatic circles, the same proposition having emanated from a Cana dian source some time ago. ONLY A FEELER. Well informed persons incline to the opinion that the offer referred to has been thus indirectly and unofficially made as a feeler to ascertain in advance how such a proposition would lie received, as the repre sentatives of the United States on the com mission that negotiated the treaty of Wash ington, and the Halifax Commission which fixed the award made to England for use of the Canadian inshore fisheries, expressly denied that the privilege accorded to United States vessels of fishing in Canadian waters was more valuable than the concession made to Canadian fisherman of a like privilege ni the waters of the United States and free entry of their fish. THE DEPARTMENT’S POSITION. It is safe to assume that the State Depart ment never entertained the idea of renew ing the treaty of Washington with the un derstanding that a cash indemnity was again to be paid to Great Britain for the right to enjoy the inshore fisheries of Cana da. The negotiations with Great Britain on this subject are progressing, and the Hocre tary hopes that they will result in a har monious and satisfactory understanding be tween that country and the United States. Ho many applications for information and copies of the treaty of Washington have poured in upon the department since the ad journment of Congress that 10,000 copies have been exhausted and a fresh supply ordered FRANCE’S CROWN JEWELS. Wives of American Senators to Wear Some of the Glittering Gems. Paris, April 20. —The exhibition of the French crown jewels was opened to-day in the Louvre. The palace was thronged with visitors, mainly ladies. No one was allowed to stop and admire the jewels, but persons who were regard's! as possible purchasers could obtain orders for a private view. The rooms in which the jewels are displayed are beautifully draped. Orders from America, especially from the wives of United States Senators, indicate the probable destination of the greater part of the jewels. 10,000 Sovereigns Won by a Racer London, April 20.—The city and subur ban handicap of 10,000 sovereigns to-day at Epsom was won by Marry Duchem, with Carlton second and Caster third. There were nine starters. The race for the Hyde Park plate at Ep som to-day was won by Van Dieman’s I .and, with Saucy Lass second and Vixen third. Nine horses started. The favorite, Perfec tion, was not placed. Dismissed for Selling Secrets. London. April 20.—An Irish non-com missioned officer of artillery, who lmd for some time been employed in a confidential capacity in the ordnance office at Woolwich Arsenal, has been degraded in rank and dis missed from ids position without trial on a charge of having sold secrets of the office. A civilian accomplice has also been dismissed. A Queen Quits Her Husband, London, April 20.—A dispatch from Vienna to the Stantlanl says that the Queen of Bervia has separated from her husband, King Milan, and returned to her family in Russia. Political and domestic differences are the grounds given for the separation. Nihilists Sentenced to Death. Ht. Petersburg, April 'j.—Hix of the men arrested for complicity in the plot to assassinate the t 'sal', which was pi have lieen carried out on March Iff, have l*on sentenced to death. The other conspirators have been sentenced to imprisonment for life. The French Prean and the Pope. Rome, April 20.—The Vatican U paving much attention to the attitude of the French pivs. The Pojsi will author- I izc Uie Num io at Puri* to deny that the , I‘o|s< ttromloed to Intervene In Alate'e and | lor rann* tn favor of Germany, Fighting In Afifhauiatau. I .UNO 'S, \pril M.- Vl\from Allah*, i lmd state that a barite ha* taken plur** tn 1 Maruf laitt'ell tie* Amww > trixi|w flow I KaieUiher and the relirl tori •*. Tie* A inner's i lose Mas ffO and the rebels VWt kltlad. RAPS AT CLAUSE FOUR. CALIFORNIA LUMBER AND FRUIT MEN COMPLAIN. Ruin of Their Business Declared Inev itable If the New Law Is Enforced- Representatives of Boston Interests Given a Hearing-Suspension Until Congress Meets Rather Improbable. Washington, April 30.—E. M. Herrick, President of the Pacific Pine Lumber Com pany, and E. C. Williams, President of the Redwood Manufacturing Association of Sun Francisco, have telegraphed the Interstate Commerce Commission as follows: “Our two corporations, employing 6,000 to 10,- (XX) men and about $-'10,000,000 capital, have addressed you by mail stating that our Eastern business has been entirely destroyed by the operation of the law and asking your interposition in our behalf. Mean while will you all allow t-hh roads over which we have been operating to give the old rates aud so revive our business with the East, provided the rate is open and available for all.” CALIFORNIA’S FRUIT INTERESTS. A. busk & Cos., of Ban Francisco, have telegraphed: “The fruit interests of this State, which are of great and growing im portance, are seriously jeopardized bv tlie workings of tlie interstate commerce law. Inasmuch as this interest- cannot avail itself of water competition, we resiiectfully ask that section four be suspended that these in terests be not entirely paralyzed and great loss ensue.” LONG SUSPENSION UNCERTAIN, The commission have not had time yet for consultation as to their final decision on the appeal of the railroads for a suspension of the long and short haul clause until Con gress meets. They will not attempt to hold such a consultation until they return from their visit to the Southern railway centres, on which they expect to start on Monday. The rest of the time before their departure they will give up to hearings, such as that or to-day in tlie case of Massa - chusetts when counsel were heard and wit nesses examined. Bhrewd observers of the leasings so far think that the Commissioners will decide finally against the railroads. BOSTON INTERESTS. Representatives of various business inter ests centreing in Boston were heard by the commission this morning. There were pres ent William H. Lincoln, C. H. Allen and Charles D. Berry, representing steamship interests; W. O. Blatiey, of the United Transsudation Company; Hon. Alden Spears, of the ’ Boston Executive Business Association and Merchants’ Club; Edmund Reardon and Charles H. North, representing produce exporting interests; Judge Houle, attorney, anil Arthur Wells, General Traffic Manager, representing the Boston and Albany railroad; George A. Torrey, attorney, afcd John Whitmore, General Traffic Manager, representing the Fitchburg road; John Portius, representing the Grand Trunk, tfantral Vermont and Lowell reads, and Edward Kemble, of the Ann of Kemble & Hastings. After the Boston men name representa tives of Northwestern railroads seeking re lief from the hardships of the long and short haul section. SOLD FOR A SONG. The Gall ego Mills Bring Only About One Fifth of Their Value. Richmond, Va., April 30.—1n execution of the decree of the Chancery Court in the case of Stokes & Allen against the Gallego Mills Manufacturing Company, the proper ty of that corporation was sold at auction to-day for 8130.(XL. The Gallego Company has been in existence since 1708. Their mills have been twice destroyed by fire. Tho re-erection of the present Ikw mill cost and lias a turning out capacity of IJXX) barrels/>f flour daily. The pr<>i>erty embraces a flour mill, corn mill, sumac mill, storehouses and other real estate to an estimated value of $500,000. The sale is subject to confirmation by tho court. DELAWARE'S FRUIT CROP. A Cold Snap After a Rain Fills the Buda With Ice. Wilmington, Del., April 30. Reports from the fruit-growing portions of the jieninsula state tliat the strawberry plants and peach trees have lieen considerably in jured by the cold weather of the past two nights. In the two lower counties and ad jacent territory in Maryland, the centre of the (H-acli producing belt, buds liaddcveloiKxl considerably. The rains of Monday filled the young blossoms with water, which was frozen solid during the night. According to some estimates from a third to half the buds have been killed. A MILLIONAIRE^ASSIGNS. Unsatisfied Judgments for $200,000 Outstanding. Utica, N. Y., April 30.—The general as signment of George Clark, a millionaire land owner and hop dealer of Springfield, Otsego county, was filed in the Oneida county clerk’s office to day. There are $200.- (XX) unsatisfied judgments outstanding against him. He owntsl vast tracts of land in Oneida, Otsego, Madison, Chenango and adjoining counties. His liabilities are uot made public. Two Killed by a Train. Birmingham, Ala., April 30. —Frank Losten, a workman on tlie Georgia Central railroad, and his wife (both colored) were caught on a trestle by a western-bound Georgia Pacific latssenger, train this after noon and loth wore killed, the woman Isdng decapitated. France’s Corn Law. Paris, April 30. —The corn law is dis turbing the entire country. Complaint* are pouring into the munieinal council*, and also petitions asking that trie maximum tariff Is- mqiosed on biker*. Thu. the coun cil* have no jiower to do. Emigration Via Bremen. London, April 30. —Seventeen thousand seven hundred and forty emigrants sailed for America, via Bremen, from January to March, Ixith inclusive, this year, against 13,175 during the corresponding |>eriod In 1866. __ Not Lost After All. London, April 30. —Five of the pa-v-nger of the channel steamer Virtorlu, which was wrecked off Varengeville, France, ou Aiu-il 13, who were reported missing, na.e uppll.d for their lioggoge Another Plot to Kill tha Cxat Lokimik, April 30.—-l'iie p.iio- at KiHf amt Odeiwa tia\<* diaonvi-red plots to kill the Czar by blowing up tlie Inajerial trail. In the event of the Czar'* visiUtkg HwuUxwu Russia _ Hlfb LiooruM. in Maaaaofa-rawtts Boston, April 'Mi,— Tit* lioMn* to-day pasflMl the high iioattsr I*l4 to its third read tut iiv m rot. . f 1M t- ay CHEWS HIS OWN WORDS. A Legislator Makes a False Charge of Bribery Against Fellow Members. Lansing, Mich., April 30. —A sensational bribery case lias come up in the House of Representatives. F. L. Eaton, of Saginaw City, interested in revisions of the charter of that place, charged that Representative H. M. Dakin, Dem., had given him a list of members of the Legislature, with the price for which each would vote m favor of Mr. Eaton's measures. After debate a committee of investigation was appointed. Mr. Eaton’s statements bail been sworn to, and it gave tlie names of all the parsons mentioned by Representative Dakin. The Speaker sum moned them all before him. Mr. Dakin ac knowledged the schedule of fifteen members with the estimated bribes attached as his own work, and signed a statement to that effect. He further stated that he had never approached any of the number ou the subject of the charter. After the charge was made in the House an opp.rtuuitv was given for denial, and the clerk read a note signed by Mr. Dakin denying tlie eharges in toto. lie refused to allow his first statement to tie made public mid will not talk on the sub ject. The members are highly indignant and Mr. Dakin will probably be expelled from his seat in the Legislature. TYPO BOODLERB. A Combine to Defraud a Newspaper Revealed in Canada. Montreal, April 30.—A sensation was caused here to-day when it became known that the foreman and six compositors of the French newspaper had been discharged for being implicated in a wholesale Itoodling combine the proprietors. For some time past the compositors in question ha\.> made fraudulent returns of the amount of their rompisition during the week, which were knowingly accepted by tho foreman and entered in his weekly composition ac count. By this irieans the paper was de frauded out of at least s.'>o a week. The fraud was disenvered hy means of an anon ymous letter to the manager of the pajier. The six compositors were taken before a police magistrate to-day and plead guilty, but at the manager's request sentence was suspended. ’The fraud will entail a loss of several thousand dollars. AN INFERNAL MACHINE. Diabolical Attempt to Blow up a Col lege Professor. Cleveland, 0., April ‘lO.—A special from Kent, 0., tells of a diabolical attempt to kill Prof. Thomas Hanford, of that place, with an infernal machine. A small box was left in the hallway of his residence. It was peculiarly constructed with a knob at one end with which to open a small drawer. Being suspicious Prof. Sanford shook the box and a few grains of gunpow der fell out. Upon a closer exaintnauon he discovered several matches so arranged as to lie ignited when the drawer was ojsnied. He threw the box into the doorvard when an explosion occurred which shattered tlie win dows of an adjacent house. There is no known motive for the diabolical deed. ROUGH ON THE RAILROADg Newspapers Propose to Get Down to a Tariff for Revenue Basis. Kansas City, April 30.—A meeting of Representatives of the leading newspapers of the Missouri valley and Southwest was held here to-day for the consideration of their relations with the railroads under the inter state commerce law. The following .esolu tion was adopted: Resolved, That the press and railroads treat each other as rationally conducted business entitles; that for freight and passenger trans fs.rtationthc railroads chHrge ncws|w|icr men he same as other individuals an- churged, and thnt now spa pers in like manner deal with the rail : roads as tueir business customers, neither more nor less. $30,000 Damages Claimed. Chicago, April 30. —Herman Levy, gen erally called Harry Is . itt, who turned in former in the Haddock murder trial nt Sioux City, liegan a ♦30.000 suit for libel in the Htmerior Court here to-day against Frank Hatton, Clinton A. Hnow.ien, James J. West and John Klinn, publishers of the Chicago Mail, on account of an article Tuesday commenting on the Arensdorf ac quittal and describing Levy as a disrepute ble i* rson, blackleg, confidence man, loafer and thief. Pan Handle Robbers. Pittsburg, April 30. —Tbe preliminary hearing in the postponed Pan Handle rail road robbery cases came up this morning before Deputy Mayor Gripp, and all the prisoners waived preliminary examinations and were held for trial at eourt. Tlie case-, will probably In tried during the present court term. A Dynamite Explosion. Marquette, Mich., April3o.—A gang of seven men were blasting at, Murphy & twins camp, thirty miles from Crista I Fail-:, when a terrible dynamite explosion occurred, fearfully injuring August Brazil, John Good, William Hombrook, Joseph Wein man, and three others. It is feared that three of them will die. Another Call for 3 Per Cents. Washington. April 30.—1 t is oxnoetol that another call for 3 |x-r cent, binds will be male in a few days. There are now out standing slli,B34JXxj 3 per cents, of which $16,401, 000 an- held by national .‘wnks, $3,335,700 by residents of tlie United Htates and S7,O(X) by foreign residents. Blaine Entirely Recovered. CHICAGO. April 30. —James G. Blaine ar rived in this city this morning by his wife and daughter and Miss Dodge. His sons, Wulk'-r and Emmons,met them ut the depot. Walker said to-day thnt I .is father had completely recovered from his late illness. Queen Kapiolanl Arrives. Han Francisco. April 30. —Queen Kapio laut, ortthc Handwicb Islands, arrived here to-day en route to attend the jubilee of Queen Victoria. Bhe will visit Washington to toy tier respect# to President Cleveland before going to England. An Aaaignment at Baltimore. Baltimore. April 30.—CluirlesC. Wwller anil Hairy C. Wei tier, clothing dealers, trail lug us Charles Weilier & Hons, made on assignment to-dny to Joseph Leopold for the benefit of i hep- creditors. The ismd of the trustee Is SIOO,OOO To Moot at Richmond. Hahrimhurg. Pa., April 30 - It was de. chlrd ut today * **#*!'*i to hold the iv-xt biennial meeting of tie Huon tnr < V#e iuv <ff the improved Grder <ff II- pte-opn* At Kr-hinond. Nn-ret session* were held to day. _ An Explosion uo Hhipboxrd Wilminoto*. n. IX, April 30. -A terrific exphjsion •a-’curred todav <*i ths st**Hwr I Site, loaded with nsvai ton*. t ( •* w; !)V wbsrt Umv itMtu * lutind wA want) utb*c tojursd. ANARCHY’S DEATH KICK. The National Working People’s Asso- j elation Disbanded. Chicago, April‘JO.—The Daily .Vries this ' morning says: “An event, which a year ago ! would have been considered of startling importance, happened in Chicago a few days ago. A for midable organization, which filled the history of Chicago for the year 1880 with terror and detriment, drew its last breath and was buried, and the anarchical groups of the Na tional Working People's Association dis banded. There was no particular excite ment about this occurrence. None of the once Influential and powerful leaders attended the funeral. The burial of the International Working People's Association took place at No, lid Emma street in the presence of about fifty men who still re mained in the various groups. THE GROUPS REPRESENTED. “They were memliers of the Northwest,, Southwest and Southside groups of the International Working People's Association, of the General Committee, f lic central body of Internationalists, and of thp Lehr and Wehr Vereln. Jacob Gnieuoberg, who was choseA chairman, hi a lengthy speech an nounecd the object of the meeting. ‘I would suggest that we give a conservative friend an opportunity to speak.’ The con servative friend to whom he alluded was one of the leaders of the Central German Labor Union. His speech made quite an impression on the scared crowd. After he had finished one member moved that the organization l>e disbanded. Heverul speakers made a faint attempt to oppose the motion. The conservative again made an earnest ap peal. ‘You have no organ.’he concluded. ‘Yourname is mentioned with horror and contempt even by workingmen. If the lives of the convicted men now in the county Jail are dear to you, disband and lot ail past experiences he’ forgotten forever.’ The motion was finally submitted to a vote and carried without a dissenting voice." A UNION PACIFIC SCHEME The Main Stem to be Unloaded on the Government. Lincoln, Neb. , April ‘JO —There is a well defined rumor to the effect that the Union Pacific stockholders are quietly preparing to surrender the old Union Pacific mainline for the government debt, and abandon their Omaha and Council Bluffs termini, making several branches of the Union Pacific,which are owned by them independent of the gov ernment line, anew system of lines with Lincoln as their Eastern termi nus. The main feature involved in this plan consists of first, u through line from Lincoln to Denver, with a connection at Lincoln with the old lowa pool lines, and, second, the linking together of all the Union Pacific branches with this Lincoln and Denver line making, with the Oregon Short I fine and Denver and Rio Grande, a new system to lie called the Lincoln, Denver and Pa-ific, this to be con ducted under cover of the old St. Joseph and Grand Island road, which, it is definitely known, is owned by the old Union Pacific regime, who have never parted with control of the Union Pn rifle branch lines. It iR claimed that by the f ime Congress is ready to act upon the Union Pacific matter these lint's will rie completed, and thelTnlon Pacific, shorn of it-sbranches, will be ready to be turned over to the gov ernment as a white elephant. DANENHAUR DEAD. Derangement and Melancholly Follow ing Arctic Cruises. Annapolis, Md., April 2fi. — I Put. John W. Danenhaur, of Arctic fame, was discov ered at 10 o’clock this m</rnihg dead in his quarters at th ■ Naval Academy with a bill let hole in his right temple. He v/as found lying on his rug in front of his fireplace with a tag tied to his buttonhole saying: “Send to my brother at Washington." Al though he ha. : ha/1 mental trouble since ho returned from the Arctic regions, what ini mediately led to his suicide is thought to have Ini'll the recent groundin'' of the Con stellation on its wav to Norfolk, which h > had charge of, and for which it is supposed he had a fear of fieing courtmartialea. Fur thermore, he was very intimate with jouug Robert W. Gatewood, who recently com mitteil suicide on the Carolina, and whom he saw in death. It is supposed that this deat h suggested suicide to him. His wife, formerly Miss Sloan, of N< w York, is away with her parents. Lieut. Dannenhaur leaves two children. He was about, 85 years old, anil an intelligent and polished officer. POSSES FIRE ON EACH OTHER. The Outlaws They Wore After Sniff Danger and Escape. Poplar. Bluff, Mo., April’JO.—Saturday night Constable Barfield, of Butler county, went to Neely ville with a posse to arrest two outlaws, and finding them away from their bouse quietly took pnmuwion to await their return. On the same night, Mr. Ripley, the county Sheriff, eajne to Neelyville on the same mission. The affairs of both parties were so secretly carried out that neither knew of the other’s presence. The Butler county men ho/1 hardly taken |>oh seftsion when they heard the Ripley county deputies approaching, mid supposed they were the outlaws who hail come with a largo force. Kcarely had the Ripley men surrounded t he house Ix fore the Butler dep uties o|ieued fire upon them witti Winches ter rifles. The fire was returned and for several hours the deputies wage/1 a desul tory fire. At daylight the bo-leged recog nized the besieging party and a (tarley was effected, which ended the battle. Two men were wounded, though not fatally. The ouC laws have left the country. West Virginia’s Legislature. Charleston, IV. Va., April JO.—The Legislature of this .State met in extra session to /lay for the purpose of passing ap propriation bills, to logislate against ex iweave charges hi criminal cases and to pass laws relating to the equalization of passen ger and freight traffic over the ranroufls opci nting in the Htate, and to abolish free pass* to aJI persons. Tuesday, May '■>, is the day set apart to begin the balloting for United Htate Menator. Lynched In Kentucky. Henderson, Kv., April JO.—News has be-n received hereof a Ivocbing that took place in Union county Monday night. A negro named Hite made an unu*’ eslul at tempt (hiring the afternoon to assault a white lady, A pons* was organized ami he was traced to Blackburn nisi captured. He was taken out*, lo of town and lungmi to a tree. ____________________ Prohibition Baaten by Oita Vot. Halifax, Jf. H , April ‘JO —A spwoal >ii ! patch from Ht. John. Di. K.. an the bill for total utotiibmon of tie- Uquo r traffic u, ihat ivluiv waa detest'd tn the AeseotMy L/V ttin iff KifUliU’l', IfiJt f (hilt it will y b i i**i mt tkw tvni mm mm. I* huuOimM* . Usf* ** *aAm TW twUi PRICE AIO A YEAR.) \ 5 CENT* V C OPY, f HIS MEMORY KEPT GREEM EX-PRESIDENT ARTHUR EULO GIZED AT ALBANY. Gov. Hill Acte as Chairman of tha Meeting Many Relatives of the Dis tinguished Dead Present—B. H. Brews 8tor„ and Chauncey M. Depew th* Speakers. Albany, N. Y., April 20.—The exercise* in honor of the memory of the late Presi dent. Arthur were held in the Assembly cliamber this evening, a distinguished au dience lieiug present. Most of the member* of the Senate and Assembly, many being with their wives, were present. Among the relatives of. the ex-President present w en* Chester A. Arthur, Jr., Miss Nellie Arthur, Janies H. Master of Cohoes, Arthur 11. Mast.':-, Mr. and Mrs. John E. McKlrov, Misses May and Jessie and Mr. William H. McElroy. DRAPEt> FLAGS. The only decorations were American fisga drapod lieninrl tin l speaker's desk and a |>orv trait of Gen. Arthur. Senator Smith called (lie meeting to order and introduced Gov. Hill as chairman. The Governor was re< reived with hearty applause, and briefly re< turned thanks f<>i the honor conferred oil him. The speakers were ex-United State* District Attorney Benjamin H. Brewster, of! Philadelphia, and Hon. < hauncey M. Depew, of New York, who sixike eloquently of Lhq life, ch.'t:\ti t,,T mid public services of th* dead President. SIR. DEPEW’S TRIBUTE. The following is an extract from Mr. llepew's sjieech: President Arthur will lie distinx guithed Ivitb for wliat he did amt what he refrained from doing. The strain and intensity of public teeling, the vehe< liienreof the angry and vindictive passion:, of the time, demanded tile rarest of negativa as well as positive qualities. SENSIBLE AND STRONG. But, though not aggressive or brilliant, his adminurtration was sensible and stronfß and admirably adjusted to the condition* which created and attended it. He s{>oke> vigorously for the reform and of the civil service, and when CnugressJ acting upm his suggestions, enacted th law, he constructed the machinery for it execution which has since accomplished! most satisfactory, though us yet incomplete results. ON THE CURRENCY. On the question of currency and finance h<\ met the needs of public and private credit,: and the tiest commercial sentiment of that country. He knew the necessity for effi cient coast defenses and a navy equal to t.luj requirements of the age. He keenly felt tha weakness of our merchnut marltje and the total destruction of the proud position vb* had formerly held among the nvtritiiw* tia* tions of tin' world, and did whagfMcould te move Congress to wise and patriotic lpfeUlk *♦* - ■ GAINED IN POPULARITY. There has rarely been in the history of popular governments mi great, a contrast as' in the public appreciation of Gen. Arthur at the time of his inauguration and when he retired from offiee. The President of whom little was expected and niueh feared re lumed to private life enjoying in * larger degree Hum moat. of his predecessors the profound respect and warm regard of the fioople wii aou* distinction of party. He was n warm -her rted, B<v ft!, pleasure-loving man, but capable of the greatest industry, cud ranee and courage lie dearly loved 1 gratify his, but if lie thought the public interest - so reouired no one could more firmly resist their desires or their importunities. HIS SOCIAL SIDE fM By his dignity and urbani ami h. mJS jsisHeKHion of the grace; which ntira/ adorn in social intercourse, lie g.c ■ M Hu' hospitalities of ‘he I P iv. TliOUgli the soli of a count gyniiin unfamiliur with con,' •he veteran courtiers of the old world t^H H all the culture, the prop-i "liscr .• |d|j •< re.noma! projinci u sand the n: of p'wer whicn surrounds Km)>crorqHH| Kings of ancient lineage and hereditary po sitions, but tampered by a most attractive rcpiibliecii simplicity. HIS GREATEST AMBITION. He said to me early in his administration* “My sole ambition is to enjoy t.lie confidence of my roup try men.” Toward this noble ideal he strove with imdeviating purpose. Even in the mistakes Uo made could tie seen his manly struggle to be right. Once again in private station and resuming the practice of his profession, he mot cd among his fel low-citizen* receiving the homage and recog nition wliieb came ol their prole in the way lie had Isirne the honors aud administered the duties of the chief magistracy of the re public. _ LEPROSY IN LOUISVILLE. The Disease Contracted by a Wanderer Who Went to Honolulu. Louisville, April 20.—A genuii# case of leprosy has been discovered here. The vic tim is John Hastings, who lives here with his parents. He is of a roving disposition and w. nt West five years ago, reaching Hon olulu where he was taken sfek. When hi* health improved he returned borne. The leprosy developed after his return. He knew what his ailment was. hut kept his knowledge quiet., and has lieen treating taim wlf for two years. The discovery was made on .Sunday last, and he is now under tha care of two of the bad physicians in the city. Election Judges Convicted. Baltimore, April 20. —Jamus fl. Hamlin nnd Henry Heintzerlmg, Judges at the last election in t,h Eighteenth ward, were in dieted on tvro counts: tint, for permitting fraudulent (.allots to !*■ put in the box, anil, second, for certifying liefore the grand jury Jhat the election was oAndiicted legally. To day the jury found them guilfcv on both count*. and mi apfienl was taken. Tin jx-nalty on the first count is n tine of &iOO, and on the second a fine of SI,OOO and Im prisonment in jail for from six months to two years in the dis/refion of the court. Trial of tha Bald Knobber*. Ozark, Mo.. April 30.—The Circuit Gourt of (linstian .nunty iyswd v--i >daM|ta| >. r ■,r i* 1 Jti ,l ?e i ini^ng ■ iMEgI I.* j>t tn^H|| I ,n i:Hy iimivt u .1.1,11.1 J. ■, -d >l(lAl|H| pi.--. Hy, trial of tbo u ie-tefl m O E f Cuoic County's Uousito, 4. ( ’MI' AOO. April 41, I lie < <Mi 4 I<T He* I l>Ui Dh ■ i u,i.g ‘H V' .cie f*s c, of (lain I# l‘*4¥ f aU*if Vm i mm *hb f t’- nrfft'trttids m$M \ Mf 11 f*ln I ' t j -U t** yA I ’r%m *m imm il to *'*|itl4||L