The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 22, 1887, Image 1

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, EST\BLISIIED 1850. { J. 11. USTILL. Editor and I'ropriclor. j howiaabout the hauls the commission flooded with COMPLAINTS. Relief from the Famous Fourth Clause the Object of Most of the Petitioners— Manufacturers of the Pacific Coast Urge the Enforcement of the Clause. Washington, April 21.—The Interstate Commerce Commission is being flooded with appeals for relief, requests for construc tions of the law and decisions upon hypo thetical questions nncl conundrums of bewildering diversity of character. A Majority of those who ash- for relief find their grievance in the long and short haul led ion. but many protests have been re solved against the suspension of that sec tion. The New Almon Quicksilver Mining Company of California, the largest quick silver producing concern in the United States, writes that its principal market is in jj ew York, where its produc t comes in com petition with (Spanish quicksilver. The present transcontinental rates have shut them out of the New York market entirely. the fruit growers. California fruit producers almost daily present the disasters threatened to them by the new rates. On the other hand, the manufacturers of the Pacific const are protesting energetically against the suspension of the fourth section, so far as it applies to transcontinental 10 \n application from the Southern Pacific rood for a suspension of the fourth section ivas argued by counsel this forenoon, and the Northern "Pacific road made a similar application in the afternoon. The counsel for a prominent New York shipping firm, which runs a line of vessels via Cape Horn, was also heard to-day in op position to the suspension of the fourth sec tion. STONEWARE MANUFACTURERS WAIL. A stoneware manufacturer of Strasburg, y a , complains that since the interstate jornmerce law went into effect tho road re fuses to transport their output as heretofore unless put in crates, and at the same time have raise 1 their charges about one-half. He says that if this continues every stone ware establishment (six in number) will be forced to close within six weeks. He asks to be informed “if you can’t make some ar rangements” to restore the former condi tions. THE CONDUCTORS HAKE IN. “A sufferer” from Mankato, Minn., writes to the commission that for the last five years the [>eople of that vicinity have been paying their fares to conductors, thereby making a goodly saving. Suddenly the conductors nave experienced a change of heart and are charging schedule rates, evidently fearing the effect of the new law. He asks aid from the commission for a return to the old system. Several fanners of Orange county, N. Y., representing farmers and milk producers of that county, have sent in a petition, setting forth that-the rates charged 7Vo\v York, Like Erie and Western Railway Company for transporting milk to Jersey City, a distance of fifty miles, are um'eason *ble and unjust. HIGH KATES. | The rate charged amounts to 35 per cent, of the value of the product, with 5 per cent, more for ferriage to New York, which is moiv than is charged upon other t raffle of a like value and no greater risk. The charge upon milk from Summit, in New York, n distance of 184 miles, is the same as from Orange county. In the estimation of the petitioners this being no greater for a longer than a shorter distance "is an undue and unjust preference to particular persons and localities. Like complaints are made against the New Yw-k,Ontario and Western. Tt , ? r Jb khisquehaiina and Western, and Lehigh \ alley and Hudson River roads, ibe'petitioners ask such immediate action as shall seem just mid equitable to the end tiiat said corporations may be restrained from continuance of the aids complained of. attitude of wool merchants. Justice Bateman & (to., wool commission inercnants of Philadelphia, in a letter to the 1 oiimussion express the liojie that section 4 Mill not. lie suspended ns regards transconti ?!!’!, , n * e Protests against thy long M l short haul, they say, come from parties , H have heretofore enjoyed the greatest ornehts from cut i-ates, and who have hail ntmr advantage. “For instance,” they !‘ ,ln . UP * ', las t year the merchants of Sail ™*° lliul , a rat*, of 50c. per himdred f-rnds on wool, while dealers and growers o? , s< ‘ v eral hundred miles further East to pay $8 to *4 5o per 100 pounds i, , "'"‘l was shipped direct Pliin i is wool they say now in Uddelphm grown in Montana, which the 2 ™’ making n haul of 4.000 miles, , pH( “ rectit "' oul 'l have trav-* 1111 eSi . Tll ° object of tho dis a... tlu '“ " as t° Rive Han h rancisco mer reaih,! f?, °Pl x,l 'tumty to exact toll before it ’wtied its natural destination. flour mills affected. (i ™ at Atchison, Kan., simv the law went into effect hL n , Ul . lab,e obtain any satis niills‘ end'thnt rutl * on th<> products of their to sni, eml i h , r<,ns equeutly they are obliged dfe m m u ” x,v P t for their imme tninJ " urll(l °d, and should this state of riffl ’ m y < ' o " tinu ”, would work that rite mo interests of ”n, Hurp - V 't was not makers to hnlfJ ’ " l \ y our wiso law *W t h„!^ niln "H the business intor *bring reiilr Cttn anything be done don, 1i,,” *>• k'niit that it may is; will U- ..hi',, V '.“ay know whether we V-milling fin,Vmnkes he,i ~ sl, ndar to the uliovc, and say <“'•0 !S duv from the ilis- Ptoviotis eontaaeta Uld '" ablllty 10 cftlTy " ut Bi.,. ALABAMA S 1,10 n " interests. of lA i' | , t l AM ; April 21.—The liiana i&(ij g ri,.t „ Vi ,ll| d iron companies in tofeeum,. m<>t ' b ® ro bi-dn v and ap|>ointexl T V? 1 ” iutm.slate Commeree slm " dieir Southern trip. They r kt ilirmi|ig||.{J 1| lnvit,u tbo commission hi TICKET COMMIBBIONS. onnsyivania Road Funds Out an c „ '-nexpociod Circular, tcniin/ 21.—The discussions nt \V<wten n *' I’aymeiit of cnmmUsii im !>y bvthMi’ "," s and tin. Isiycott of the Uttar •'Htiy U * rn '•o'"i''’tioiH was revived ,'V , .g.V , C"; , f ,! r from General . 1,11 e'eiv ( o„, PimiiHylvania !*"*'... n, a' '! n ?. tlW . Mt * , ’“ 1) “ J " 1 h '“‘fi him! I lio.v ill. Both the luring ll,lr| ingUm claim to Is* still L,,*' . "H-. it.i ISTwBES* retern^Mt* I- * "*l* ft I, i fttVMM --■ ' . ti • * u An* *t! .. 3 C ‘ m'i*! The Morning News. PACIFIC RAILROADS. The Commissioners to Leave Wash ington To-Day. Washington, April 21. The Pacific Railroad Commissioners will leave ’Wash ington to-morrow. They came to the con clusion this afternoon that they liad gotten together all the information of the charac ter desired by them to be had here, most of it having been already formulated by tho Commissioner of Pacific Railroads in the ex ercise of his ordinary functions. They will separate until Tuesday next, when the eom .imssion will meet in New York. Commis sioner Littler will not be present on Tues day. lie feels constrained to go back to Springfield to fight a certain measure (tend ing in the Legislature which he considers unwise. The commission will examine books and witnesses in New York in search of the information they have been instructed tojprocure. They will" next go to Boston, where they will pursue the same comm Thence they will probably go direct to Omaha to continue tneir investigation along the railroads of the subsidized companies. They will give public hearings in towns along the line of the roads with a view to eliciting information as to their methods. Chairmiili Pattisou said to-night that he thought the commission would have secured by Nov. 1 all the facts it will need as data for the report ordered by the act creating it, and that it would be able to present a com plete report by Dec. 1. He saw no prospect of a necessity for extending tho life of the commission beyond that date. GEN. TWIGGS’ SWORDS. Two Claims Already Presented for the Valuable Relics. Washington, April 21. —Tho Secretary of the Treasury has received two claims for the Twiggs swords, which were seized by Gen. Butler in New Orleans in 18(52, and which are now in the Treasury. The claim ant is A. C. Myers, executor of the late Gen. Twiggs, who claims them on behalf of his children. The act of Congress author izing the return of the swords provides that all claims shall lie filed prior to June 3 next, and that they be referred to the Court of Claims to determine who is entitled to the swords. They are three and are valuable, being inlaid with diamonds, rubies and other precious stones. One of them, which was presented to Gen. Twiggs by Congress for gallantry in the Mexican war, is valued at $20,000. MADE A CHIEF JUSTICE. The Vacancy in the District of Colum bia Filled. Washington, April 21.— The President this afternoon appointed Edward F. Bing ham, of Ohio, to he Chief Justice of tho Su preme Court of the District of Columbia to till the vacancy cause 1 by the death of Chief Justice Cartter. Mr. Bingham has for the past fifteen years been Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the Columbus district, and in 1881 was the Democratic candidate for Supreme Court Judge of the He was prominently mentioned for the United States Circuit .Judgeship, to which Judge Jackson was appointed last year. He is a persona! friend and associate of Allan G. Thurman, who warmly recommended his appointment, as did all the members of the Supreme Court of Ohio. CALHOUN’S MONUMENT. Secretary Fairchild to Accompany Secretary Lamar. Washington, April 21.—Secretary Fair child has accepted an invitation to attend the unveiling of the Calhoun monument at Charleston, S. C., on April 211 and will ac company Secretary Lamar on that occasion. An effort was made to secure the presence of the President and other members of the Cabinet, but it is not at all likely that they will he able to leave the capital. The Pres ident has designated Assistant Secretary Thompson to act as Secretary of the Treas ury in the absence of Secretary Fairchild, and Assistant Secretary Maynard to act in the absence of both. The designation of Mr. Thompson is in consideration of his seniority in office. Calhoun’s Monument. Washington, April 21. ■ —W. W. Corcoran recently received u pressing invitation from Mayor Courtenay, of Charleston, to be the guest of the city at the unveiling of the Calhoun statue oh April 28. At first he de clined the invitation on account of feeble health, but he is now feeling so well and strong that this morning he telegraphed his acceptance. He will leave Washington Sunday morning for Charleston in company with Secretary Lamar. Blaine’s Brother Dead. Washington. April 21.—Maj. John E. Blaine, paymaster in the aimy, a brother of James G. Blaine, died utHot Springs, Ark., to-day. _________ BOMBARDED WITH HAIL. Stones Larger than Hens’ Eggs Do Damage In Mississippi. New Orleans, April 21.—A much needed rainfall fell here to-night. A special from Yazoo City, Miss., says: “Rain liegnin falling here this afternoon, accompanied by one of the severest hail storms for many yean. Stones fell as large as liens’ eggs, smashing windows and sky lights and heating leaves and young fruit from trees. Muoli damage was doubtless dona to young crops, LIKE CANNON HALLS. Rolling Fork, Miss., April 21.—At 2:15 o'clock this afternoon a hail storm passed over this section,the like of which hux never been witnessed here. When tho bail first began to tall the people thought tho roofs were being tom from their houses. It hailed steadily for thirteen minutes, anil thousands of hail stones fell that wore larger Llia.ii Inns’ eggs. Several wore picked up that measured 5 5-4 inches in circumfer ence, and two weighed 4 1-2 ounces. Holes were knocked in the roofs of houses, and trees wore partially stripped of their foliage. Derailed by a Boulder. Ritthhuru, Fa., April 21.—A heavy coke train on the Fitts burg, McKbesijiort and Yolioghuny railroad ran into a large Ixmlder near Fuller station, fifty miles east of Pittsburg, about 1 o'clock this morning, and was badly wrecked. The fireman and olio hrukeman was killed. The ungineer’was thrown Into the river and nearly drowned. Princes at tho Golden Gate. San Francisco, April 21.—Among the iwisscngors mi the -learner (’ity of Sydney, from Chinn and Japan, which arrived here Pm lav, were Prime Frederick I/himM <>f Prussia, nephew of Em juror William of Gciiiutny, mid Priiii* 1 * Loul* Eaterhary of Austria, with their suit <s. They are making a tour of the world. Struck by an Knglna. F.vrnxu*. Pa,i AjH 'ltfl -U tub* walking on too trn -kii of tfi<* Itallimore and Ohio railroad m n hi- opi iGi> , rwo ladle... Mrs. m SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 22,1887. GERMANY SEEKING WAR. AN ARREST ON THE FRONTIER EXASPERATES THE FRENCH. The Special Commissary at Pag-ny-Sur- Moselle the Prisoner—Charges that He Was Treacherously Decoyed Across the Line and then Chased Back Into France. Paris, April 21.—M. Schnaebeles, Special French Commissary at Pagny-Sur-Moselle Depot, has been arrested by the Germans. Ho hod received several letters from the German Police Commissioner at Ars asking him to come to that place and confer with him regarding tho frontier service. He finally agreed to do so. AVhile on his way to Ars he was roughly seized by German jinlico and was taken to Noveant, from which place he wa%sent to Metz. The Met zer Zeituny says M. Schnaebeles' arrest is due to his connection with the anti-German agitation conducted by the patriotic league, but the people of Pagny-Sur-Moselle declare this to bo entirely untrue, aud say that he had nothing to do with the agitation. The incident has thrown the inhabitants of Metz and Nancy into the wildest state of excite ment. Rentes were unfavorably affected by the arrest of M. Schnaebeles. The market for ■i percent, rentes for account became flat and quotations declined 45 centimes during the afternoon, closing at the lowest prices. The arrest of M. Schnaebeles has produced a profound sensation, and it is feared may lead to unfortunate results. Lr Paris calls it "another provocation,” and asks if Prince Bismarck is seeking a casus bell i. pictured as an outrage. The Germans requested Commissary Schnaebeles to set up one of tho posts which mark the frontier. The commissary crossed the boundary and advanced a few yards on German soil, when he was seized by German police agqnts, who were disguised in gray blouses. He knocked the agents down and escaped back to French territory, hut he was again seized, handcuffed and sent to Metz, where he was placed in the prison in which accused persons are con fined l>c fore trial. The warrant for his arrest emanated from the jiublic prosecutor at Metz, who acted under instruc tions from Strasburg. The French procu rator at Nancy has gone to Pagny to in quire into the affair. Most of the Paris evening papers make no comment on the incident. Liberie says it is exjiedient to refrain from comment until Germany shall have explained the occur rence. GERMANY’S MILITARY ACTIVITY. Berlin, April 21.—Tho activity shown in military circles during the past few days, and the fact that large uumoei-s of soldiers have traveled over various railways en route to join their respective regiments, have given rise to flesh war rumors and caused much uneasiness. It is semiofficially announced, however, that all this activity is due solely to the fact*, that the reserves have 'been called oirtMfcr the usual spring drill. A ROW AT AN IRISH RALLY. The Platform Stormed and the Furni ture in the Hail Smashed. London, April 21. —Mr. Gladstone writes that he does not desire a general election to Parliament until tho English miud is as ripe on the Irish questionas the Welsh and Scotch minds are, but that that time is rapidly advancing. “Anyhow,” he says, “I am prepared to face anything to defeat coercion. I con tinue to hope for much from a vigorous action on the part of the constituencies whose rep resentatives in Parliament have decisive votes on the issue. In the House of Lords to-day Earl Cado gan moved a second reading of the land hill. Baron Denman moved rejection of tile hill, which, he said, was likely to hurry landlord and tenant into litigation. The debate was not concluded to-day. SANDERSON’S BLUFF. London, April 22, 5 a. m. —The News this morning savs that Maj. Saunderson has al lowed it to become known that he will Ik: ut home during certain hours of the day should any one desire to eommunicate with him in a hostile spirit in respect to the accusation made by him against the members of the league. At a meeting of the Ladias’ Liberal Asso ciation at Kensington last evening, at which several members of Parliament were pres ent, a row arose on the Irish question. Finally the platform was stormed and a free tight ensued, in which the furniture in the hall was smashed and pieces used os weapons. Police succeeded in restoring order after a hard struggle, n uiking several arrests. Many persons were injured, including two mem liersof the House of Commons. The ladies present, among whom was Mrs. Ashton- Dilke, made their way to the sides of the hall, whence they witnessed the row. THE TIM KB 1 PUBLICATIONS. London, April 22, 5 a. m.— The Times has published a second series on Paruellism and erime, including a fac simile of the Parnell letter anil the'article connected therewith lor distribution throughout tho country. A MEMORIAL TO GLADSTONE. Dublin, April 21, —The Lord Mayor bus called a meet ing for the purjiosn of taking steps toward the erection of a national mem orial to Mr., Gladstone. Three more constables resigned to-day rather than take ixirt in evictions. SYMPATHY FROM TUfcAi. A. R. Dubuque, la., April 21.—The following cablegram was sent to-night: 7'e WilUui.i pinirt GhuWaee, femrlnn: The Grand Army of the Republic, Department of lowa, representing 00,800 veteran soldiers, at their Annual encampment hero 10-Ilay passed resolutions approving your efforts on Iwlialf of the brave people of Ireland, and extend to you and them their warmest symjsuhi 's and host, wishes in juiu' great struggle for justice and liberty. W. A. Mcifn.vny. Depart illicit Com n lander. AN EFFORT TO HAVE CANADA PROTEST. Ottawa, Unt., April 21.—The House of Commons galleries were packed to over flowing this afternoon wl|ju Mr. Curran, momlwr fur Montreal Centre, roso to move n resolution expressing profound regret ut tho introduction into the Imperial House of Commons of the coercion hill, and profeut ing against its adoption as being subversive of the rights and lilierties of the Queen’s subjects in Ireland. The resolution fur ther expressed the hope that there may speedily Is* granted |o Ireland such measure of ' line rule as is enjoyed in Cumvln, which, whilst satisfying tn nu Uoiml uspnuliou* of th** p< oplo of iivimul for ■ ’lf gov eminent, shall alt • i> • consistent with tin uitcgrity "f the emjdre as a whole, ilia apeecb woe brief hut to the point, tlio main oontant'nn Isuug that- tin* issuviou hill would do more iuirni than good. Tie* • h'tsilo mux continiinl until nisudy mid night, when it wua adjourned until to morrow. lifadc* Dollars ftreon Chum. Han Fbaxiu-wo. April 21.—'Tint sUsuttar (’ity of ►vdney. wh. -ii armed here tostnV, Isoaghi |s* Hale d-dial, widen will Im redeemed with slim-titi'l doUar*. Tint Uuft i'Uiutec su* imr iwfisv ti* Cttv of Mjrctary Wigkt lili.iMJ trad* dollars _______ BALD KNOB3ERS WEAKEN. On© of the Gang Charges F.dens’ Mur der on Matthews. St. Louis, Mo., April 21.—A special from Ozark, Mo.says the Bald Knobbem’ situation is becoming more serious each day and the prisoners are beginning to show considerable uneasiness. Yesterday Charlie Graves, a prominent member of tho midnight raiders, entered the confessional and, after a long story of the raids ho hail attended, giving the names of tho men who had accompanied him, he fixed the murder of George Edens on John Matthews. On the first assault on Edens’ house George was shot down but. not killed. After ransacking the house the masked men retired and George’s mother was holding George’s head while he lay on the floor. Matthews appeared at the door and took deliberate aim at the wounded limn and put a bullet through his head, killing him. Graves says ho met John Matthews coming from the house and heard him say that he was mad because he had been wounded in the back of the head, mid hail returned to the house just as the party were leaving and finished the work liegim on George Edens. Larsons, Simons and will Newton want to make confessions to save themselves, hut the prosecution refuse to accept them, as they say they now have enough testimony. SCHNAUBELT IN NOR WAY. Chicago’s Alleged Bomb Thrower Sends a Letter Homo. Chicago, April 21.—The Daily News says: “A letter from Rudolph Sohnaulielt, the much-looked-for Anarchist and alleged thrower of the Haymarket bomb, has been received in Chicago, and those who are in position to know do not for a moment doubt ita authenticity. Tho letter is dated ‘Christiania, Norway, March, 1887.’ and reached here through the medium of an Anarchist sheet issued in Loudon by an Austrian Socialist named Joseph Pike, and who is an old friend of tSehnaubelt. Tho fugitive denies throwing the bomb, hut intimates that he is sorry lie did not do it and that lie only left because he knew it was not safe for him here. He deferred any account of his travels until he can write again, hut it is understood by his friends bore that he was on the Pacific coast until the Anarchist trial ended in Chicago and then worked his way to Canton, thence going to Sydney, later'on to Bombay mid finally to Norway." PROHIBITION IN IOWA., Gov. Larrabee Praises the Workings of the Law. DesMoines, la., April2l.—Gov. Larrabee has written a letter in reply to an inqu ry from the Secretary of the Central Commit tee of the Prohibition Campaign Committee of Texas in regard to the workings of pro hibition in lowa. The Governor says that in SO out of 1(0 counties of tin* State prohibi tion is enforced, and in the remaining IK counties it is partly enforced; that no projierty has Been depreciated by its enforcement, as saloons make room for better and more legitimate business; that the enforcement of the law has had no noticeable effect upon the popu lation beyond causing the removal from the State of some incurable dispensers and per haps incurable consumers. The effects of prohibition ujxm the general welfare and habits of the people, In* says, are decidedly wholesome. The prohibition sentiment is on the increase, and there is no doubt that prohibition is an established power in lowa. RIDENOUR CONVICTED. The Prisoner Greatly Agitated at the Announcement. Winchester, Va., April 21.—The Riden our murder case was given to tho jury this afternoon after a four horn's’ speech from tho commonwealth’s attorney, R. E. Byrd. Tho jury was out one hour, and then returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree, as charged in the indict ment. The prisoner was considerably ngi tated, leaning over find; to the jailor and then to his aged mother, whispering to each. He soon regained his usual rcmarkablo com !)>sure and nodded recognition to a friend in the room. The case has excited great in terest, the court house lioing crowded during ovary one of the fifteen days. Motion has been made by the counsel for the defense for anew trial. For intricate points of law and tho number of witnesses this is the most interesting case, except tho, in the history of Virginia’s criminal juris prudence. DEATH ON RUNAWAY CARS. Three Mon Killed Outright and Two Others Certain to Die. Evansville, Ind., April 21.— A horrible accident occurred on the main line of tho Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis air-line road yesterday near Taswell, in which three men were killed outright, two fatally in jured, and two others are still missing. Shortly before the regular freight train 1 khind east was due, a train compiled of fif teen cars, loaded with cross-tics was ordered to sido track, hut before the train reached the switch the freight train arrived and was assisting the former up the grade. When about lmlf way the draw bar pul lei out from one of the cars, and the rear portion of the tie train started buck down the grado. When near the bottom one of the roar cars jumped the tracks, and the remaining por tion of the rear section piled one on the other. There were thirty laborer* on the train at the time of tho accident, und among those the casualties occurred. A COLLISION ON THE POTOMAC. Considerable Injury Done to a Pas senger Steamer, but No Lives Lost. Baltimore, April 21.— Tho steamboat Muson L. Weems, running Ik*tween this city and points on the Rappahannock river, which left hero at 4:80 o'clock yesterday afternoon, was in collision with the Collior schooner Joshua Baker last night off the mouth of the Potomac rival - . One sido of the Weems was badly wrecked all hoi' guard and deck houses and one wheel having been carried away. Her hull is said to he injured but little. Tin* Bay line steamer Carolina took off the passengers from tho Weems and brought them tiark to Baltimore. None wore injured. The damage is several thou sand dollars. American Newspaper Publishers. New York, April 21.—Tfle Executive Committee of the American New,pai**r Publishers' AiwociuUon im* hud a m uting here for the pnqsws of establishing an ofllin in New York. There were present Mr. Hingerly of Philadelphia, Mr. Kauffman of Washington, Mr. itrnirly of Detroit, Mr. Bryaut of Brooklyn, Mr. Butler of Buffalo, niel Mr. Call of Ikmtoti. Hto|w wore taken looking to putting tin* in s, x at urn's work into priii'ileuJ opurati m. Jnio>m H. Mi'bmJl, formerly of the Buffalo /.*'/'**, wasetiust-n manager of tin* New York offiee. Out lu Two oy m Haw, Mntrt'sr., N. V,, April fi.-At Muravii tieday Frank Chao mil upon a rirctiiar ** * and Ids bead *ud bud> ware split in two ih out r< Mirth PRUSSIA AND THE RODE. THE LOWER HOUSE OF THE DIET BEGINS THE DEBATE. Herr Windthorot Explains the Atti tude of the Centre Party on the BUI —Bismarck Threatens to Abandon His Office as President of the Prus sian Ministry if the Bill is Defeated. Berlin, April 21. —The debate on the ecclesiastical hill was begun in the lower house of tho Prussian Diet to-day. Herr Wiudthorst, the clerical leader, declared that the Centre party would submit to tho Pope’s wishes and would vote for tho bill as it passed the upper house and without offer ing any of the amendments which the Centre had intended to propose as licco-ssmy to make the bill entirely acceptable to the Catholics of Germany. Tho Centre party, Herr Windthorst added, would renew the fight against the government If at any time the Catholic interests wore affected. Prince Bismarck declared t hat if tho bill was rejected he would abandon his office as President of the Ministry of State for Prus sia. and devote his entire time to tho service of the empire. “As perhaps,” he said, “a hard external and internal struggle against the revolutionary party is imminent, I de sire first to settle all unnecessary internal disputes.” Herr Richter condemned the bill because, he said, the provisions regarding the right, of confirmation and protest by the state in ecclesiastical appointments would promote servility. He protested against the action of the rope in interfering in tho elections for metubership in the Reichstag. BISMARCK’S REPLY. Prince Bismarmc declared that Ilerr Rich ter was more Catholic than the Pope, anil added: “It must, he admitted ttiat in the eyes of the German Catholics the papacy is no foreign institution. The result of the elections would have been the same with or without the opposition of the Centreists. The result of the election was not the out come of an anxiety by t he expression of aspi ration or the attitude of tlieopjiohifcion under Herr Richter. The jiointut issue was not to combat a political group, hut to secure tin* preservat ion of the empire from injury, and tiiat 1 desired to form a majority for myself was quite natural. All national parties should endeavor to meet the Curia as far as it was compatible with State rights. This is feasible by adopting the present hill as it has passed the Oberhaus Modifications will increase the government’s arduous task. In all phases of the Kultur kampf 1 acted in accordance with my politi cal convictions. The hill concedes nothing that will endanger the state’s authority.” Bismarck’s source of power. Prince Bismarck then appealed to the members of the national parties to not re ject the hill. The moment was favorable for a conclusion of jieace in the religions war that had so long been waged in Ger many. He declared that a considerable por tion of Hr influence in Kuroj* rented on the confident manifested in his political hon esty and trustworthiness by the representa tives of the German people. Herr Virchow opposed the bill as a meas ure tending to strengthen the Pope's hier archical power. Prince Bismarck in reply to this observed that Hon' Virchow opjxwed him as a matter of principle on all great questions. “I never,” said the Prince, “described the May law3 as a final institution, hut always as laws of combat, as is now the case with the anti-Soeialist law. I have solely striven to satisfy the lovers of peace among the Catholics. I never aimed to keep a ) nation of my fellow citizens under permanent pressure.” Herr von Gerlach expressed approval of the bill, coupled with a wish that greater independence might be granted the Evan gelic church. Trio debate was then ad journed until to-morrow. ACCUSED OF IGNORANCE. In refuting Herr Richter’s statements as to the Pope’s meddling in the recent elec tions, Prince Bismarck remarked that Herr Richter apparently did not even read the papers which lie himself wrote or in spired, or lio would know that in French political circles Russia’s attitude was very carefully watched, and that even with most of the Nationalist papers of Russia the question whether France would he a friend or enemy in the event of the adoption of any particular policy played a very im portant part. ENGLAND AND THE VATICAN. Herr Richter, continued the Chancellor, ha/1 referred to England with great em phasis, which was all very well ir his refer ences were correct, but before emphasizing them ho ought to have understood the po litical situation and recent events there. Prince Bismarck further said there was Hit little doubt that England had a strong desire to obtain the Pope’s supitort, first against the Fenians and later against the Parnollites, and indeed no secret had (icon made of the fact. Russia’s Finances. Hr. Petersburg, April 21.—Russia has issnisl a I per cent, internal loan amounting to 100.0U0.W0 roubles at 84 per cent. The government will accept the ixmds at their face value as six'urity from contractors em ployed on public works. The im|xjsitiun of the passion tax lias boon temporarily post poned. A Russian commission has been formed to increase the duty on cotton goods and starch, Salisbury’s Offer. London, April 21. —The Times says Lord .Salisbury's oiler to the United (States gov ernment looking ti) a settlement of the fish cries question, contained in his dispatch of March 24, is generous and almost quixotic. “To do more, says the Times , "would be weakness, and we are slow to believe that America will refuse to take advantage of what will cost her nothing to accept." Popo Leo and Italy. Rome. April 21.—Tin* Vatican, in answer to inquiries ns to whether the Po]* was in favor of liaving a reconciliation effected with Italy on the Ivmis of a renunciation of the Papal claims to the temporal powor of the Pope, states that the Pope desires peace with Italy, hut ha* never tin night of nlwin doning the right* of the church or the Paiiacy. Suicide of a Nihilist. WT. Peterhiiuho, April 21.—A chorister In the military academy church committed suicide to-day by jumping from a window of hi* house. Oil Is-ing searched the house was discovered to he a Nihilist rendezvous. A quantity of ilynmuiti*. arms and revo lutionary li'sumuiits was found. An Earthquake in Jersey. London, April 21.—A sharp shock of earthquake lias lss*n *'X|ssiein'.sl over the whole of the Island i A Jersey. Tin* tremor pris'ewtisl from west to east. No tiaiuage Was dole*. The blond of Guernsey wo* also sliakan- Dr. McUtyun and the Vatican. Losim>*. A |>i i 1 -2, 5 * * A dejuitidi from IPs we to til* l brush le aajrs: "Tin* Vatican i renew mg its effort* to induce R*i Di MUii)un, uf New York, to eotim tc I Unite." ST. AUGUSTINE’S CURIOSITIES. Tiie Government Orders the Apaches to Alabama. Jacksonville, Fla., April 21.—This morning at St. John’s Episcopal church at (1 o’clock Gaston LaCroix, a popular French gentleman of this city, was married to Miss Eugenia Comstock, Rev. R. H. Wei lor per forming the ceremony. The happy pair left on the 8:20 o’clock train for Fernandina and will go thence to Savannah on a brief bridal tour. Orders have been received at. St. Augus tine from the War Department tor the re moval of the Apache Indians confined theve in old Fort Marion to Mount Vernon, Ala., and preparations for the t ransfer are now going on. Yesterday Col. Pratt, of the United States army, who has charge of the famous Indian school at Carlisle, Pa. passed through the city on route to the old eity, where he will gather together whatever re mains of the Indian children who may be eligible to enter the school and take them back with him. If there is anything the average Apache particularly dislikes it. isjo he hauled around over the country in railroad trains. At least it. would seem so, for it, is said that as soon as the news of their intended removal reached the ears of the dusky braves they made the walls and ramparts of the old fort echo with their loud grunts and expressions of disapproval at this arbitrary action of Uncle Bam. They have made night hideous thereabouts for the lust few evenings by the incantations and orgies of their mysterious medicine dance. It is a misrepresentation to say that they were poorly fra, ill-treated or unhealthy; on the contrary they wore well cared for nnd had become seemingly perfectly contented with their lot. It is a question whether they will be any better provided for elsewhere, and certainly they can lie no healthier. GEORGIA’S CAPITAL. CITY. Supreme Court Rulings Session of the Physicians. Atlanta, Ga., April 21.—The following Supremo Court decisions were handed down to-day: Kullio Clark vs. Julia Fleming; from th City Court of Macon. Reversed. ThomasN. Poulain vs. Annie and Sail! Poulain; from Greene. Affirmed. M. J. Moore vs. It. 11. Garland; from Crawford. Affirmed. J. L Willis, a talented young attorney o! Columbus, was admitted to practice to-day. The Georgia Medical Association held it. second day’s session to-day. An addres. was delivered by Dr. L L. Ledbetter, fra teriial delegate from the Alabama Modicu 1 Association, and a speech was made by Dr. Jerome Cochrane, father of that associa tion. The annual oration was delivered by Dr. VV. A. Daniel, of MilledgevUle, on the ipu tion whether doctors can l>e finally saved lie leaned toward the affirmative. A, jtartof the morning and afternoon session: was occupied in routine business and paper.- m various topics. The association was pho togruphod on the custom house steps ait adjournment this afternoon. A reception was given hva committee of ladles at tin Ivy .Street Hospital at 5 o’clock. A recap tion was given at the executive mansiox from t> to H o'clock, and a grand banquet a, the Kimball House, beginning at 0 o’clock to-night. The banquet was very and the menu was prepared regardless ol the fact that Atlanta is a prohibition town. A MACON MYSTERY. The Corpse of an Infant Found in 6 Half Buried Candy Box. Macon, Ga., April 81.—Yesterday after noon while two young men named Davi were walking in the woods near Jeakim store they found the body of an infant in ; candy liox half buried in the ground. Con ner Hodnett was notified and this morning ho impimeled a jury and held an inquest. The following verdict was ugroed on: “Wo, the jury, find that from the evidence sul mitted the unknown child came to it death from causes unknown.” It was tht opinion of several of the jury thut the chi 1 was foully dealt with. Tiie negro Charles Btigg, who while n sisting arrest in East Macon early yesterdni morning was shot by Officer Johnson, die, from his wounds this morning at 4 oVIo \ At 11 :110 o’clock the Coroner impaneled : jury and hold an Inquest. The inveitig’ tlon occupied most of the day. When i was concluded the jury rendered a verdict of justifiable homicide. SILVERSMITH’S STRIKE. A Committee Appointed to Effect a Settlement. New York, April 81. —Two hundred a; fifty men refused to accede to the terms of Tiffany & Cos., large silversmiths of thi city, and to-day did not proceed to work The firm posted notici* thut after 3 o’cloc tliis afternoon that no men belonging to tin union would be recognized as union men. Fifty men accepted the terms, and the others are expected to come to work soon. The whole of the manufacturing silversmiths in this city have com him *1 against the Knights Some of the silversmiths have worked foi Tiffany thirty-live years, and only wont out through intimidation. A meeting of the locked out silversmiths was held to-day. A committee was a;, !>ohited to effect an amicable settlement with the manufacturers. It was mj>orte< thut 700 employes of the Gorham Munufnc taring Conqiany, in Providenco, and 100 more emploves of another company in tie same city had Ih'cii l(s'k"d out. One man had lioen him klisted. A man not belonging to tin- Knights of laibor left work at Bhic ber’s fuctory with the rest. When ho went hack to work to-day lie was ordered to sign an agreement to not join any union here after. He refused. The Pope and the Knights. Rome, April 81. —The Pope’s decision on the Knights of Lulku 1 question has displeased many of the reactionary Cardinals, who have sign'd a remonstrance uddrossoi to the Holy ttv, maintaining that the Knights' organization con turns all the elements of socialism and that the case ought to lie re considered. The Pope Ims ordered tin Catholic pries to avoid discussion of the mutter. St. Louie’ Election Frauds. Ht. Louis, April 81.—Two deputy re corders of votes were sentenced in tin Cm ted (States Court to-day to term* hi jail for the fraudulent registration of mu him of voters last fall. J. J. Premlergast was given one year and J. J. Mtaiuoy tlu'tje months. i'. J. Mornscy, an x-memlier of the City C mncil and Judge of the election, who was convict'el hr t week of the same crime, was granted anew trial. Two Killed by an Elevator. 'onnhoivk.i.k. Iko. , April ill.—‘ Tharle. valor at the (fooiey-Hoirieun furulturu tiu utry iei| iroui the lourtii story to toe isliv lids morning, killing (enr;{f lisntp sni ami prolsdl> luhiliy injuring John Me < 'ah tutek ami VV. 11. liu i its. Tin uocbieiit was utUIMd by Uiu hiuuking of t 111 the ibsine uf life Um i . >4|*> a oouuts part, -iwfc- (PRICK *IO X YEIR.I 1 8 K.YIS A COPY, f GREAT BRITAIN’S BUDGET THE EXPENSES AND REVENUS PUT AT £60,000,000 EACH. Savings in the Army and Civil Servic# Estimates—A Falling Off in the Re ceipts from Liquor Taxes—A Surplus Estimated for the Ensuing Year—Th* Statement Not Well Received. London, April 21.—Mr. Gosehen, Chon* oilier of the Exchequer, introduced li e budget in the House of Commons this after noon. From it it appears tliat during th* last year the exjiensrs of the government amounted to £20,000,000, and that the reve nues reached the same sum. There has been a saving of £202,000 in the army estimates, and of £;H7,(KH) in the estimates for the civil service. The revenue obtained hy taxes on alcoholic liquors had decreased £190,000*- while that, derived from the beer tax had in creases! £15,000. The receipts from win* taxes have fallen oiTj£93,ooo, and those from the tax on tea have largely increased. H.r William Vernon Harcourt had estimated that the surplus for the year would he £252/ 000, while it really reached £770,000. The budget estimate the revenues for tha coming year at £01,1.55,000, and the expend- • itures at £!M), 180,000. It is proposed to raise £ UK),000 by charging 10s. transfer duty on; each 100 debentures of stock which has hith erto almost escaped duty. To cl**r th budget of local loans it is intended to'cancel £}57,000,000 of other portions of the publid debt and create the same amount of local, loan stock, charging the local loan budget? with an annuity of £IOO,OOO. NOT WELL RECEIVED. It is also proposed to take Id per pound iterling off the income tax and 4d j*er pound iff tlu> tobacco tax and to reduce the taxa en on marine policies. The budget was a omplete surprise to the House of Commons Many of its pro|M>sals. notably those relate iug to the national debt charges, will ba vigorously optioned. It is maintained thati ■ lr. Gosehen has resorted to unsound nien >ures of finance in order to present a budged I hat may serve the Conservatives at tha next general election. The Conservatives ile mm h irritated at Lord Randolph 'burchill's attitude. Mr. (Hailstone was absent, from the House >f Commons when the budget was being discussed. Ho is expected to speak againss 'die pi ipnsed reduction of the sinking funds B.r William Vernon Harcourt oungratuj atril Mr. Gosehen iqion tim ability lie lioif displayed. He regretted, however, that .otliing hail been sunl about gold coinages ile eondeinneil tim pro]sisal to reduce the eepayinent of the debt, which he thought vvouid establish a reprehensible precedent. CHURCHILL CENSURES. Lord Randolph Churchill also regretted he absence of any reference to gold coinage. •lo criticised adversely Mr. Goschen’s esti . nates. The budget, he said, gave no real ndieation of economy and retrenchment. In believed a re hi tion of at least, £150,000 vas possible in the civil service estimated If an increase in the expenditures for tM national defenses was necessary, the amota required should lie raised by taxation, not '•educing the payment of the debt, He objected to the proposed contributionsu£ aid of local rates as likely to retard ltxiH government reform, in conclusion he hut if Mr. Goscheu's proposals had made by him they would have aroused ihar indignation of the whole country and pnjß ibly liave been rejected. ooschen’s excuse. ' Mr. Gosehen, in a general reply, himself for not having touched upon tiß liiestion of gold coinage on the ground p 0 lack of time to deal thoroughly with tHA' ■mbjoct. He defended his proposals, that lv would be glad if the House shouK definitely exp., ss its wishes with regards* xpemliturc for defense. His ■csjiocting former reductions had lieen tli|K they were almost always followed Mg jiasmodie increases under the influence o|H panic. X Bir John Lubbock Objected to the repayment of the debt, and the hope that Mr. Gosehen would some alternative. APPROVED lIY Till; PRESS. London. Ant'd 22, .5 a. m.— The Dim! Inn morning pupem generally ncknnwledflS Mr. Gosehen' , budget, to be til" most ly handling of the national finances sinijß 'dr. Gladstone's plume was given to all rests. 'Liu* only exception taken is to Wtf the pro]Maseil reduction of the sinking fun4H which is universally condemned. A FLOOD OF EMIGRANTS. Transportation Lines Unable to Meal the Demand for Passage. Liverpool, April 81. —The arrivals .if , : migrants en route to the United State* ii ive attained such unusual magnitude tlief many extra steamers aro being employed ? (ransjiort them hence, the capacity of the regular lines being inadequate to the de mands for jmssage. THE EXODUS FROM GERMANY. Berlin, April 81.—An official report upon emigration lias been presented to the Reichstag. It shows tliat the man* tier of emigrants from Germany who uassed through llamliurg, Bremeu and Stet iin during the year lots; was 00,071, or a decrease of ovc - 88,000 from the previous year, when Bk,IKK) persons left the empire, "file report says that on the other hand emi gration from Austria, Hungary, Norwry and Sweden through the same ports in 1880 was largely in woks of that of 1885. Moa# of the German emigrants were from the fiuTiiing districts of Prussia. None of them went to the African colonies SMACKS AT HALIFAX. The Canadian Authorities Refuse t® Allow Them to Got Salt. Halifax, N. H., April 31. —United States Consul General Phelan to-day telegraphed to O town inquiring whether several of the damaged American ilshlug vessels in port coulu obtain supplies of salt, and a reply was received to the effect that such could not lie allowed under the treaty. Ap plication was also made through tin customs department to permit one Ameri can schooner to transfer a quantity of bait to another, which wus grunted, but before the answer came stutmg tuut the ro qucut laid been received favorably one of the i ■ o vchhcls laid loft |" 1 1 There were Haven owtremed American schooners in ]srt Unlay, nearly all of which desire to obtain uppiu> of snw No vioklr lions of the law have been conuuilLsi by any of thoiii so far ns known. A Murderer Kills a Murderer. 1/iuisvii.LK, April 31.—A sparkd trout NichoinsvilU*. K v.. stains that Joe Hhcltoo. n (Hiwuifuily built nogl'o ixiuttiwd in jail llieieior choking ids aged liSnicV to dmta about a year ago, tl u n vim mg tilted a fat tow prim**.* named Hmm Muni'll with abed slat Miioou u>' is .ii iiiiiotv oh"lb‘n, him! tiw latte, tl O tji i I t.-1)1 : ntm ilealt ill M .tWTtpir blow, km mg boil itwUMtUy. Mil- I si w* i..yiwu.wd tvr annua*# imnute^ W* aupt'uwr-