The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 22, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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5 !i it. That's the |Hf . ... K, ... rf’i"K ! t'"'. l V, , i". I'.'.k pin™ in :,*- th- -<-t Wh... Jw.i cu*ll . u.v .ling darky, who 1., table* jieftlv plying ... fcuti.l tlio tabl- were other t.“giw. who - tabl- dis- K-:, ('t. 1 his consist . . ........ i-l eggs. four howls „t K !,.'|s!.aks, eight rrifcuwl a £,? . 'a* *s H- ilHlljUst lllllshwl an.' art-' drainui? the last ■T, .. i.-utvly wiped Ins mou! a. - ini..hi.. hikl left the table as l^F- 1 . ,~. I;,, hud done nothing at a 1 Th.- s.-rih- ascertained tiuu ■Er. . ;-n UlO.hlack in the cstji' - Sg';. ,|„ Mann at t h-jun-tion ot Ft;- ■ .’net- His name is Ge-.r, e years of age, and liv street He w s t-iik with the reporter tu.u ,i,,< uusiil-r that tilt- gastro ’w., all . -markabl- "1 dun ! .iii.m-ni'is! t-r -at so nm-li." ■Z,. th- r-jiorter had made i-nipt* to induce linn altuivs lieen a big eat-r, but life' I JMVJ t'er it. anil 1 don’t- HK„ •MiV with t From hi oni ■Hß ilii- 1.-a-mst that D-Molt selciiun ■ESC n- had - an 1 he had 1..-H known to (• a wholt ham and two loaves Tin- morning several who ■„-! P-M -tt .- -aparity agreed to pay Hg u ould eat and wagered f- that lie heabl. to get away with six pins hr considered a light task and let in an easy ranter. His salary amount to more than *b or #7 a l,„t th-re is It" end of people who are HT V . I. a. pav for what he eats in or. watch Im markabl' jierformaiii e. I “Rough on Rats,” Kp out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, lieetles. insects, skunks, jack rab- gophers. I.V. At druggists. “Rough on Corns.” Wells' I: nigh "lit kirns." Quick cure Corns, warts, bun “Rough on Itch.” on It-i." -s 'km lmin"’-s. ertip ■p, n• salt rli-um. frost-d itch, ivy poison, barber’s “Rough on Catarrh” at Coinpl-to ■•( till. ...Hair.! : uipbtii-riu son throat, foul ■ I’I.A'tTER. ■MODS CONSUMPTION E OF QUININE, 9<Mm Belladonna and Capsicum, H favorite Remedies among ■ Physicians. aHkOf 1 oj nuncer i Quinine tire rnnsiimed y. No other remedy known to 1* used to the eame extent, be sk .r:na and Capslcuni are [.rime among physicians. Qulniform for Quinine, having all the gHpdial virtue* of Quinine, without Its and dangerous effect*, and |fll / —s. Qulniform Plaster Is a f\ happy combination of \ Qulniform, Belladonna lIV < _\ and Capsicum, with other St* I * Ingredients, and Is, as §H 1 ' / oommon sense would !n- H\t it / dlcate, a much higher iSjß\ I y (trade of plaster than the public ha* hitherto {■ is la- known. The Malaria or ■mi .VUE* Ague-subduing and tonic virtue of Qulniform. and action of its otlier in gre- RRJ*. ,re anpbed to the system through the akin. Quiniform Piasleriß for Malaria and all of tbs ache* H* 1 " a. B f'.rwhichQulnii e onri Planers used. It will be found to be rreferable. Quiniform Plaster ", obtained <>f arv druggist, or will ■ v* “T m*il. on receipt of 25 cents by pi* WN & Johnsow, 2S Cedar St . N Y. I.IPPMAN BUGS., Lippinan's KL. DOUGLAS |^^P Ust . ( hlioeinthe life] O I ■■LI" 1 ' Bit VS gives great satisfaction. ari m;ul.. In Button. Oingn ss ami ■•C V,"‘" .°f, *<’*• So! ' 1 by 2.000 demers 1 h If your dealer does not keep u *v oniiosfAl to BRKK 'ftp VI; f’ r —kton. Mass. ■3We QF FR£|in — ll has crime to n.y knowledge that 1 , f —'‘-iters are oTering other ■rn mii "h. u asked why rnr rump ■9*r" Tina’ ' ,h ‘ l ' 1 have dlseontin 1,.,.. ’ the *W I, Pongla* Shce-s,” ard prteo are P' (, K i:k< )S„ ■tß^^ Satannah. Ua. BAK£B’B flk SOLD iIEDAX, PARIS, 1278. ■ % BAKER’S HE^BroakfesiCocoe. *** '• dbr,-. Jntoly jnir ■Kr , .|a\V .1 . /la* CXtH'M of h*h h(f, i r • oviul. It himt.h fftf Sau hmathri >( ,;;A of Cocoa min'd B■■\\ t f v:, h H;ui. h Arroirroct or Su:-;i\r, ■Bl 9 Utj\ ** 11 ” 'f'ro far morn *conom. fl llw * Uii *' if ** ** tAan one cenC a II J ■ deii.tlo.ii, noorithliiff. V/j (ijij*™* udmirahly iwJapt*d forlnval '* U " a * or P r#c>n * in health. * Hold by lirocors crcrjn here* jjgß & CO,, Dorclip.stcr, Mass. ** contra, tom. a- J. FALLON, I ‘fp AMI CONTRACTOR, 'FTln\ TuN htuekt, savannah, •*- 'HI m 1 j Yw Vf m r M JrT m A\. fVIX# Jt >-s. - . Mv 1 t** 7 * mimtm.m )Wfri ” w .'.LB. ' j & s. S. S. vs. POTASH. I},™ hd t -lood poison for ten years. I know I have taken one hundred bottles of ..j w [P°ta*h m that time, but it did me no good. laist summer my face, neck, hotly i Hf ‘ r “ covered with sores, and I could scarcely use my arms ou account of rheu matism in my shoulders. 1 took S. S. S., and it has done me more good than all other rnedi m.ef.J, , av '..t a ! i< ‘ n M y tart, body and neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rhen is , " ,' B , *’ n tifrly V°ne. I weighed 11G pounds when I began the raediclne, and I now weigh i ... 1 -a n< t.® y Vs St S e P ed me crently. and gave me an apnetite like a strong man. I would not bj without S. S. S. for several times its weight In goia! L. ii MITCHKLL, W. 23d St. Ferry, New York. FI RMTURE AND CARPETS. ~ teZ~jl AM 01 MY WAY NL —to— jf LINDSAY £ MORGAN’S, \ 169 &. 171 Broughton Street. / raw battings, w 13aT>y Carriages, CEDAR CHESTS l ] REFRIGERATORS. J \ Everything Marked Down to LOW PRICES. RANGES. CHARTER OAK RANGE! WITH WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR. ITS WATER ATTACHMENT is the simplest and best means yet devised for heating water for household purposes, requiring the consumption OF LESS FUEL THAN tIY ANY OTHER METHOD. adfsd CLARKE & DANIELS, Guards Armory, C l ov. Whitaker and York Streets. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. SILVE U XX A RE! Having iust rcUiThed from New York whew I selected the latest designs and styles, I eon now y exhibit the Largest and 11a lsoiuest Stock of Solid Silverware, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry Ever Opened Up in thi City. In addition ottr stock has lx-en replenished ir 'very department with articles suitable for Wed dimr Pi-i-sents House Furnishing nod other purposes. Also, a dazzling display of Duimoiuls, Welches Chains. Charm- Clock*. Jewelry, and. in fact, everything that you would ei t vi to Ibid in ihe Leading Jewelry House.of the city. The High Standard of our gocsts Is well known, and a moderate and reasonahto in-all that we expert or ask therefore, no l aney Puce,. Any arti cle in our Extensive and Varied Stock will compare with any similar articles to be found in any respectable Jewelry Hotwewfiywheiv not evcept.og the hugest cities of the country. We invite a cali and Inspection. t IT Sand for our llhiat rated Catalogue. 157 Bronglit-on. Stiz?e©ti- AL. STEI I IN 33 ERG. ID I _A. JVE ONDS. LIQUID PAINTS. BJpOHHSMKM ' * 3S m Those l'atnts aro In erery respect st rictly tlrsLclass. being composed of tlm best and unrest matrlals'oUlnable. they have a larger sale than any other paint* made hTtWS ctmi'"yors broad, and. although they cos. a trifle more pel gallon, they will do more and belter work for the sam* amount of money, owing to their wnmterfhl covering properties, while their super tor durability render, th-m the most. paint -in the world. Sample Sbocu and Deso. tplive Price List free by mall. H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., SULK M.SirACTUaiIOI OS li W. John. 1 Eire aad Waler-Pr.of Asbestos Ks<si. Hhssllii, llulldlng Pelt, Metier < osvrlsgs. Ussf Palais Plre-Preef Paints, eta. UulsshsstSS ■LuMMsd fltntrllf *“*T*- ‘*"" i ****lS i “ > * 4 ' l ‘“' 1 '“■■•'•r. H* ’* |,njsr”l U”s 1?' T-T L. kA U lyv, H md i * Sanai Tn<- fdymi j Sjijyir" : CAUTION. Consumers should not eonfose our Sne.c{/tc with the numerous imitations, substitutes, potash and mercury mixtures which are got ten up to stU. not on their own merit, but on the merit of our remedy. An imitation is always a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive only as they can stealfrom the article imitated. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases trailed free. For sale by cl! druggists. v THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Groceries at UostT Groceries at Cost. All Kinds of Groceries at Cost. All Kinds of Groceries at Cost. We Arc Positively Selling Out. TTo Hximb-ug. WE MEAN EXACTLY WHAT WE SAY. K. POWER, GROCER, Cor Bull, Congress and St. Julian Streets. Bananas! ONE CARLOAD CHOICE RED AND YEL LOW BANANAS for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. Give us a call and you will be certain to buy. A. H. CHAMPION, 154 Congress and IVY Rt. Julian Streets. __ Aroostook Early Rose Potatoes, Genuine Seed. Chiban Corn for- Seed. Early Variety and Large Yield. EATING POTATOES, AT’t’T.ES, FLORIDA ORANGES, LEMONS, TURNIPS, ONIONS. SEED RYE, CORN, OATS, HAY, Etc. Ln Carloads and Less. Call and Get Prices, at T. P. BOND & CO.’S, 155 Ilav Street. "PEAS. EYE, Speckled, Black, Clay. Lemons. Lemons, Florida Oranges. Choice Burbank Potatoes, Onions, etc. lay, Grain. Big stock of Hay, Grain, Feed, etc. Get our carload prices. 169 BAY STREET. W.D. SIMKINS & CO. XX XX POWDERED SUGAR —FOR— Confectioners’ and Bakers’ Use. —ALSO— A full line of Pure and Unadulterated Sugars AT LOW PRICES AT A. M.&C.W. WEST’S. HAMS 4$K YOUR GtUICEfi FOF LND BREAKFAST BACON IST OTV DI atNUINE JNLC ItlAKma OU* TFWTCO TUOt',|, A LiaHT MtTAILiO SIAL. ATTAOMtO TO TM STAINO. AND TNt STftIFCO CANVAS. At IN THB BUT. FERTILIZERS. William Ravmocl, President. CTONO PHOSPHATE COMPANY, CHARLESTON. S C. Established 1870. HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. SOLUBLE GUANO (highly ammoniated). DISSOLVED BONE. ACID PHOSPHATE. ASH ELEMENT. FLOATS. GERMAN KAINIT. HIGH GRADE RICE FERTILIZER. COTTON SEED MEAL. COTTON SEED HULL ASHES. Offlee, No. 12 Broad Strkht. .ill orders promptly tilled B. M. MEANS, Treasurer. ■ ' — 1 —— RUBBER GOODS. RUBBER GOODS. JIUHBKR BED PANS. Air Cushion*, Air Pil lows, Hot Water Bottles, Ice Bags. Rubber doth and Bandages, at STRONG’S DRUG STORE. COUGH REMEDIES l YEHM' CHERRY PECTORAL, Jayj.e s Et . |Hate's iUmey ami Tar. ttassSiae * ' let man Hyrjp. Hull a l 'pugi Kynip I‘ba/s Cu/ii^ Stine il Bill Clin OF - Georgia. INCORPORATED. CAPITAL STOCK - $lOO,OOO Tliis company deals in a superior quality of Artificial Stone for all building purposes. Buildings, Pavements, Curb ing, Bridges, Railroad Culverts, Sewers, Chimneys and Orna mental Tops; Stone Trimmings for Brick Buildings, Side-* walks of all kinds, Cemetery Lots,Garden Walks, Flower Vases, ; Corridors and Office Floors, Well Curbing, Fire-proof Vaults for Banks and Private Residences, Fountain Bases —in fact, this composite Stone may be applied to any of the uses made of Brick or Stone, and is protected bv letters patent. Our Stone is fire-proof and in case of fire the walls will not eracH like Brick, Natural Stone or Marble, of which we can givH sufficient proof. This Building Stone has been bv the Florida Medical and Surgical Journal, which says: “This Stone will be the building material of the future, for aside from its beauty it fulfills all the requisites of sanitation and economy. Our Blocks have the air space in the Block County Right to Manufac (nro James S. Pc^^^ Patent Artificial Stone In Ihe Slate of Georgia. For sale at the Company’s office. The invention has for its object the production of an Artificial Stone and Patent Block suitable for all Building and Paving purposes, possessing strength and hardness, and free from efflorescence when exposed to the air; and it con sists in the combination of ingredients particularly described in the letters of patent. This Stone is formed into Blocks in any suitable molds and of any desirable color or shape, and can be made at any place where good, clean, silicious sand or broken rock is to be had. See the Blocks being put in the walls of the now Epis copal Orphan Home now being erected in this city, Jeffijraon and Liberty streets. . , We warn all parties to not make, buy or use articl|#||SS*., tected by patent and owned by us. Call at the Factory, foot of William street, or at TW Company’s Office, 11 fid Bryan street, and leave your order for Sidewalks, etc. FOB SALE! State and Comity Hight to Manu facture J ames S. Peirce’s Patent Artificial Stone! Minnesota, Florida, Louisiana and Georgia Soid! My invention has for its object the production of an Ar tificiat. Ston and Patent Block suitable for all Building and Paving purposes, possessing strength and hardness, and free from efflorescence when exposed to the air; andi^consists in the combination of ingredients particularly described in the letters of patent. This Stone is formed into Blocks in any suitable molds and of any desired color or shape, and can be made at any place where good, clean, silicious sand or broken rock is to be had. JAMES & PEIRCE, At the Company’s Office, 116 J Bryan Street, or at the. Factory, foot of William Street, Savannah, Ga. I BOOTS AND SHOES. m Shoes Slaughtered 11 In order to reduce our immense stock of goods, we inaugurate a a series of Bargain Sale3, and have placed on our Centre Tables the following lots of genuine bargains: 1 ( \ |, p \. T /\ 1 pairs Ladies' Kid Hand-sewed Opera Slippers, full leather fl 1 / 1 In V/. I lined, box toes, sold everywhere at we offer at OU' J M 1/ \ T { \ 4*K> pairs Ladies' Kid Hand-sewed Lace Oxfords, full leather lined, OA,. 1 t | i\ \ /, A"“ box toes, sold everywhere at #1 ,wo offer at. o'' u l 1/ v T f I*l pairs Yotith*’Olove-Oraln Sawed Button Bts, with Sole db i owl jl / I J, leather Tips and all solid, regular price $1 TB, wo offer at dPI AH 1/ pp \’/ l j IM> pair* Ladles' lS Thread Serge Tmw, Kid Fox Polished, all dh | '>*, 1 / f 1 W. and solid, siren is to 7*. regular price f I 75, we reduee to . dP S •*■ I /Vl’ XT/A K 34 paint Ladle:;’l3-Thread Serge Top*. Kid Fox Hutton, worked Lul i\U. ) holer, all solid, slws 1* to 7s, regular pHre fa we offer | / \ep \rr\ it iK pairs Misses' Pebble float Button Bools, t-st oaltdMtt|araolr< MS I ' 1 iM f, 1)" splendid schorl sb<ie), all solid, never sold at less o > ,A|m : - we offer at l_ r x® J 1, pp N'/\ ~ *4 rsiirs Miser*' Ouriu-oa Kid Hutton Root*, worked 'iWWB 9*l , /WK .A J l ]M 1 holes, box toes, always wild at fif 7ft, reduced to ..e, Vfw W I / Vl’ X'/ k U 11* pairs lrvdies Best Curacoa Kkl 4-Button Ir* f 1 N* J. m Morrow's New York make, sold heretofore at s.l ]/ ,rp \/ i a _47 pain l*dks- l‘uraooo Kkl and Pebble Goat Button Boots, an oar-orHM A) 1 i> lf. *f lot, manufactured by Haller, Irwin A Cos. and Zelgler Broa. -El Philadelphia. always sold at |3 70 and SB, we offer any In <b*h | this lot at "<■ 4 We have four more Ms Oh .su Centre Tallies, among them lavird Hchober A Mitchell Plsafl Kid Button Bool" sold lieretofore ai >4 reduced lo and h lot of Ze,*|..r Lelies' anil latiswl ami Hutton H ... a imeorllaueou* lot of broken antes, all at the uniform prloa of $ l M. 1 Early raller, a ill have the tasit übatee. JjgF* •artenltw. sat* ’iiUJt" h~ Hi i '“*•< * /*•" .fittla-V', mMSEZZ, n 1 %\TuZi£z ijHZw -xaarSii Biekt. E A BY ■JSKOFF’S pm HOUSE, Imer millinery, >.| THE NOVELTIES. •Fancy Braid Hats, from the ■uality, in every color and in in the most desirable shapes. V Ribbon, comprising all the ■ in Chartereuse, Nile Green, Hape. ■ overs. The choicest designs Hmprising almost every flower Positively the finest goods ever oras, in charge of five artistic rect trimmed hats in the city, ur shelves and counters on the th every variety of new milli- Mg|C first floor at wholesale prices Br below any competition, and Billinery at same price as com- the sale of Ribbons at same amer adds new novelties. TH MILLINERY HOUSE. IHIN6LES. ■shingles 'HEAP. $l5O per 1,000 - $2 00 per 1,000 tore House, r EST BROAD STS. 7Z7. -~ !!a bounty, Florida and Out Town in Florida, Htb Florida: Lowest Readings at Sanford (CT. and It.h, IS*7, 3ft degrees. At Jacksonville, Steamer navigation on the St. John’s. Ter daily. Good Water (Holly system) Lighted Banks, Lodges, Opera House, lee Factory, State in immediate neighborhood for salt* grant for Winter homes. Orange Grove* minutes by rail from Sanford, with ISO counties, (’JItSM acres in Polk eountyt. Bnization Company., Bflh- ZETloxvlcLa.. i HOTELS. dian Harbor Hotef, OTtHJKITAVICH, CONN. I Open. Saturday, June 18tjfl Address WM. H. LEE, afl ihd Hotel, 31st street and Broadway, Nafl IW HOTEL TOON* (Formerly Bt. Mark's.) ,|j vnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Klafl E MOST eentrul House fu the city. Nejfl ’ost office, Street Cars and all Ferries. w and Elegant Furniture. Electric Itel^H I Etc. $2 ISO to S3 per day. • ' JOHN 11. TOGNI, I’roprietoi® UPSON, Manager. ON HOT Ell iLLAHAKSEK, - • FLA. OGLESBY, - ManagdH Winter 'Resort. secemher to May. Dally Rates- EL SAN SALVADOIB HT. GEORGE STREET. (JUSTINE, FlijH -CLASS lu all its appointments. v and Elegant Concrete Hotel Is '■mushed throughout, and lias all improvements—Electric Bells, and perfect Sanitary system. Rates: r day. Special terms by the week |H G N. PAPY. Proprietor JM TEL VENDOMH i WAY & FORTY FIRST STREeB NEW YORK. (CAN PLAN. Centrally located, dflN latest, improvements. Cuisine and seY [celled. rates to permanent guests. I. BTEINFELD, Manager. [SHALL HOUSE IVANNAH, - - QA. > HODGES, Proprietor. Formerly and Metropolitan Hotel. New York, aud tn lion. Saratoga Springs. Local ;n cej parts of the city and [ilacea of inle| iflde by street cars constantly pasaia Special inducements to those visa ty for ImsinenH or pleasuie. 8 SCREVEN HOUSE DPULAR Hotel Is now provided witf ssenjnT FJevator (the only one in tjj lias tieen remodeled and newly fu| The proprietor, who by recent purehaA t owner of the cstahliidunent, sisare tins nor expense In the ont rtainmert t*. The pat n inage of Florida vtiij rnestly Invited The table of th louse is supplied with every luxuit larkcts at homo or uhroad oan atfort MORRISON HOUSE. ie Largest Boarding Houses in tto South. DK pleasant South rooma, good Issut pure Artesian Water, at prices toiuij ifng table regular or transient accoti l, Northeast corner Broughton mi ireei luill I lot we mi MEDICAL. US INJECTIOHn HY6IENIC, INFALLIBLE l PBESERVATIV||