The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 23, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. 4 Rooster Has an Adventure in a Well **ft Dawson—A Dry Goods Store at I Griffin Closed by the Sheriff—The Ad- Mention to Rome’s Cotton Factory. ■ GEORGIA. ft Three Sunday schools of Coffee county '♦till have a celobration at the Roberts esurch on May 4. rain has fallen at Marshallville for ly eight weeks, and the gardens are hist to destruction. thieves and land deed forgers again beconung troublesome in Florida Sou them Georgia. annual parade and inspection of the wme Fire Department will occur on the Hoiid Tuesday in May. steamer Ada uoiv carries guano and *ftipr supplies down the Flint from Albany Ht.he fanners along its hanks. Athens Thursday the directors of the of the University declared a senii- dividend of 45 per share. issaid that a valuable quarry of brown has been discovered near Dalton and Ht a Western capitalist will develop it. Sabbath schools of Reynolds have in those of Mnrahallville to join them in picnic at the new ferry on May id. P. Still, a prominent and well known of the lower part of Terrill county, Friday morning last ->t dropsy, in the year of his age. product of one tree hauled to the Variety Works, by J. W. Clark, was Bill feet of lumber, and a part of the tree, left in the woods. R. Allison, of Irwin county, who was with the murder of a negro in Ber- county, stood his commitment trial one ■a last week, and was honorably dis (H*ha fruit prospects in Terrill county are bow tolerably fair. In some exposed or chards the damage has lieen great, but in others an average crop, it is thought, w ill be made. Thornton Burke, for many years a re spected and beloved Baptist minister, and #n years past pastor to several churches in Forth Georgia, is still living at his home, bear Marietta, in his Odd year. Work on the new Christian church at Eatonton will be commenced at an early day, and will he pushed rapidly to comple tion. The building will he 35x60 feet, and is to be located on the corner of Socond and Railroad- avenues. Dalton Citizen: The interstate commerce hill may blight the hopes of watermelon shippers more than the cold of spring has. 'alighted the growing vines. It has got a ; rapacious maw, and it may'take half of'-the; fcrop to satisfy it. George I. Seney, of New York, has sent.' Dutan artist to Athens topaint the. portrait* Df Dot the faithful colored waitress at they Lucy Cobb institute This action of the distinguished philanthropist has excited con siderable talk in Athens. The management of the Macon prize drill, May 11 and 12. have through Secretary Blessner extended the News an invitation to be present. The success of the drill is al ready assured, and those who attend are sure k> have an enjoyable time. HawkinsviUe Dispatch : The Savannah Sews has appeared in a full-new dress and ooks as neat and clean as could well :lie. rhe News is one of our ablest and besttt Southern papers. We wish for it much continued success in its sphere of usefulness. The subject of building a big hotel in Rome is again engaging the attention of local business men. The scheme is now to raise 420,000 or ?25,Q00 as a donation to any one who will bulld a FIOO,OOO house. This amount will be raised and the offer will be made. John Dickson, an industrious young white man and a citizen of Hhwkinsville, was ac cidentally killed on Saturday last. Ho was engaged in getting out staves near Dodge’s boom, on the Oemulgee river, when a limbs fell upon him, producing death almost in stantly. On Monday night, April 11, T. J. Veal, residing near Deep .Step, Washington, ■Binty. had two cribs burned. One oou- about 150 bushels of corn, and the a number of farm implements, a good* saw, several plows, etc. The- loss is supposed to be at least SSOO. is suspected. Journal: Mrs. Dr. Breweter; a beautiful clock of Parian marble, gridiron pendulum, over sixty years: Hp was a present from Rev. R. T. Marks K ills. Robertson, upon whose death it was by its present owner. It has but machinery uiid runs for thirty days. Columbus orders have been placed for brick for the now compress, 250,000 new extension of the Swift Mann-. Company, and 500,000 for the ter buildings or the Georgia Midland school ** juses and seminaries, (Jolum ■p never enjoyed a more prosperous ■kvin. M|i new capitol is rapidly assuming an .-.linglv handsome appearance. The six large circular pillars have been raised in posi tion and the ornate and massive capstones have been cemented upon the top of these poet*. The large stone pieces which are to reach across these supports were laid in position Thursday. During the past few days the front of the structure has undergone a re markable change. The Gainesville Eagle: The Savannah Morning News is out in anew dross, and is indeed a beautiful paper. Its superior merits in other respects are too well known and appreciated to nets! any praise from us. It is a great favorite with us, and When it comes, as it does as regular as the days, we put it out of the reach of the “exchange fiend,’’ in order to get the full benefit of its always interesting matter. The sales of the Dalton Land and Im provement Company on Friday and Katur •day last wen* quite successful, some fifty lots being sold at prices ranging from SIOO to S4OO per lot. There were a good many Grangers from the neighboring towns und cities in attendance upon the sales, and not a few invested in Dalton real estate. The Bali's will bo continued next Friday and Sat urday. when the Hamilton addition, com prising many very eligible residence sites, will be sold at auction. The addition to the cotton factory at Rom.-, a building 72x4S feet, is being rapid ly built. On the second floor for this addi tion forty-eight loom will bo put in, and the improvement will increase the number of sniiidles from .'1,00(1 to 4,000 or 4,500. A tunic having the capacity of 10.000 gallons of water is being Imilt. In th< war] room a long chain warping machine, oc u- i lying a spec.,, from |h to 34 feet is just. lu ng put in. It is said to be the only one Used by a Southern mill. B. tV. Williamson, who lives in Baldwin oounfy, reporta rather a > uriotiH .-as.-, Ht-veral months ago Mr IVilliunumn found a little puppy and mrrM it homo in his pork.-t Not earing anything alsmt it. In put tlie piij.pi a lot of lugs ami tliey grew up tog'-tlier. Now the <n>g and hog-. <r itMupai able mnipuilMu ami they rmn i the wmsis tog, tlier, wit and si.s*j. together I In fact le* U as much of a hog a any of In- | ts.iii|Nii.ions, and m. amount of coaxing run induce- him pc leave them. Tliare wm Hied Tlmrolnv with th < ’l.-i I j Of llw Kujs-i. e Court of V’ulton county a| repmt, .gmcUbyA c W'yil, J (i b . ale ll' i. t <u id 11 - a<o j n ( , bttreteei ajqs.iuP.i l.i th* l nsml. i ol Lmiigui * .i, Pi -wu-la sin-tin-1 Aai*.n lisw < 1 * iiebl'- as tie- pill< lew i 1,1,11, H M li.liit.ii eirio </f liiw Atlanta ami llaaltlneiilUi | It iltkfi Is *V4#bt 14m M H-nti jfcft l ial.J. %'*> lull 4. gfMxJlt . , 1 r 1. . ' * •*** ! ti. county. Seven of them measured from 4to (i feet, and one killed by tie m last Friday measured s f.-et, and tippcsl the la-ain at life jjonnds, Tom siiot this monster with a rifle and suing that it was badly wounded ivacied into the |iond and seized it by ope leg to drag il out. but it made such stout resistance Willie hiul to go to his rescue, and lajth of them succeeded in landing and finally dis patching him. A correspondent at Darien, in a commu nication to the Morning, says that the disjiatch in the News and another State paper relative to the escape of prisoners at that place is understood thereto bean effort to reflect unfavorably upon the Sheriff, T. B. Blount, lb- says, however, that the es cape was not due to any negligence on the Sheriff's part; that everybody knows it wasn’t, and that, therefore, the arrow aimed at him missed its mark. The effort appeared to be to glorify sonic one who formerly had charge ot the jail rather than an attempt to injure the Sheriff. About four weeks ago I. W. Mann, living near Dawson, missed one of his roosters and after several days search finally gave up the hunt, thinking that Sir Cock .had come to the base use of making Dine and sinew for euffy. The other duy Mr. Mann had his well cleaned out. and on descending into it the cleaner heard a fluttering and cackling in a cave hailing out from the side of tlie well, some fifty or sixty feet below the sur face. Upon a closer examination he found the identical cock, alive and well and pre sumably happy blit hungry. The chicken was taken out and immediately upon land ing on terra firma crowed a lusty crow and began making love P:> the hens as if nothing unusual had happened. The excursion steamer Pope Gatlin was libeled at Brunswick Wednesday and seized by a United States Deputy Marshal for al leged irregularities on her equipment, at her trip to Warsaw last, Sunday. Messrs. Head man and Jones, the inspectors of steamboats, made an examination and found that the steamer did not have the required number of life preservers, floats, etc., and that her metallic boat was in bad order. She was also reported for carrying an excess of pas sengers, as under her present equipment she is only entitled to take 160 people, but in spite of that she is said to have taken 288. The original certificate of the boat justifies her in taking 468 people, hut the equipments were not complied with. Judge Fain resentenced William I lob nan last week to expiate the crime ot murder on the gallows on Thm-sday, June‘.l, ISS7, one mile from the court house. Holman’s de fense entertained .the hope that the unfortu uate man would be granted anew hearing by the Supreme Court, but the effort to secure it failed. Asa last resort a petition is now being circulated and signed request ing the Governor to commute Holman’s death sentence to imprisonment for life. The case of Lizzie Holcombe, who was im plicated in the same murder —that of Matilda Gudger, in October last- —came up before the recent term of Superior Court, but the evidence not being sufficient to convict her -of any serious part in the shocking affair, she was told to “go and sin no more.” The old “General,” the Western and At lantic locomotive famous as the one stolen by the Federals during the war, when they attempted to destroy the “backbone of the Confederacy,” has of late been thoroughly overhauled and rejuvenated, and is now .pulling one of the accommodation trains. Though small, compared with other locomo tives, the “General” is a fast traveler. She recently made quite a remarkable run from Atlanta to Kennasaw, while hauling pas senger train No. 10. The train left Atlanta nearly three-quarters of an hour behind time and the "General” was called upon to •do her best. There were three cars and a sleeper comprising thetrain, and the way they rocked ana reeled as the “General” whirled them around the short curves was surprising. The speed at times was great, often reaching a maximum of a mile a minute. J, A. Horne's dry goods store at Griffin has been closed by the Sheriff. The levy was made upon a mortgage fi. fa of $260-57 in favor of A. R. McGowan & Cos., of Phila delphia, and a distress warrant, for ront to the amount, of *240 Oil in favor of R. H, Drake. The stock, which has been con stantly depleted and not lately replenished, at the highest valuation is not thought to amount to over SSOO, while the liabilities are estimated at $4,200, including a niort fagetoß. T. Coleman &*Uo., of Macon, for 8,000 and other indebtedness in which local parties at Griffin are involved for small amount . The mortgage of Coleman is prior to that of .MoCowan & Cos., but will be contested. Mr. Horne himself plains his assets and liabilities at SB,OOO each, including in the former his notes and aecotuits, and says thatevory man be owes in Griffin shall be paid in full. His failure he attributes to too extensive n credit system and inability to collect the money due him for goods sold. Bill Evers, of East Macon, still has his old ■’Confederate uniform, and haversack aud canteen, aud on last Fourth of July he 'come out arraved in the old dress. Besides, -he has a real old “Joe Brown pike” made of steel, by MeElroy, an old Macon black smith, in the war' time. The pike is made like a spear, is flat, and the blade is about three inches wide, coming to a poiut and sharp on either edge. The blade proper is about ten inches long. There are two barbs, setting at right angles like the guard of a fiirk, ancl they were both sharpened at. ,the point and on the edges. There is a flat handle some eighteen inches long that was intended to be inserted in n turned wooden staff and riveted fast The staff was painted rod and the. blade highly polished, bo the weapon was quite a formidable looking affair. Bill treasures the old relic very highly, aud says that sometime lie is going to Atlanta and exhibit it to the aged Senator from whom it takes its suggestive name, Joe Brown, tlie old war Governor. Augusta Men's: Everybody in Augusta who knows Maj. Harry Hammond, will sympathize with him in his serious loss by fire Thursday morning. Mr. Jerome Fair camo up from Beech Island this morning aud reported the incident. He says that at 2 o’clock Thursday morning fire was dis covered in the barn and stables on Maj. Hammond's place at “Tied Cliff,” bpt. tluit it was too fui- advanced for aid or work to avail anything. The immense tmru and stables were iUlroyed together with seven or eight liorwis mid one mill 9. The houses were voi-y large, and the animals last were very valuable. Mr. Fair does not know the amount of insurance, or whether there wan any insurance. The origin of tlm fire is unknown, and the amount of loss cannot be estimated a* yet. The lire extended ns far as the resi dence at one time and the roof was in u blaze, but this was extinguished by tlie ef forts of tiie lamily and those gathered by tlie great light made in thatsection. Messrs. MeKlinurry, Mills am! ot tiers came up from Beeeh Island to-dav and gave graphic re |xirtsof the fire They state that the rcsi dence caught several times mid the shingles were blazing in different places. Tie gal lant effort, of young Henry llrimnond and others saved the residence, which is one of tlie largest and most famous in historic Beach Island. nxiKitiA. The railroad wharf ut New Smyrna is to cost SB,OOO, Fifteen ennta | H*r quart is tbo retail prico of strawb"iTH*s at Bartow. The / ivDpni'lent is tie- name of e newsy weekly Jiup-r just started ui LmU Wen . Orlando will pr<<l <slly I** supiilhsl with wnter front tlrt < lty vut -r work* in two Hos'L in tli" O:laieio ateo-t rallrisi*! is sen' I*. U. almvH |mu and none mi the J ic. Duka, of Orlando ha n -miv made a jan • base of > void/ a*. I flu land Hirer an- A Tatis Sis m**ii V> Ijcl-111 tlie lowsi<hi of a hnrk iiuihltaz, on Chunli •ff |*<*| |st th (*g|| Ji* I fifidl/M Jfi |4*r |U *#l, *H* H|l. *^Vi lit* |f) (i|)4> ||y ■ b* BjAM htlwUfi 4 THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1887-TWELVE FADES. when it will be the guest of the Palatka Sun day school. Bartow’s new paper, the Advance-Gazette, is proving one of the best weeklies published in Florida. It is bound to command patron age if there is anything in merit. At Orlando Charles Rock has sold out his interest in the grocery and baking business to B. B. Campbell, and contemplates going to Bohemia to spend the rest of nis days. Dr. J. H. Smith & Bro., of Orlando, have recently erected six neat cottages on their property in the southwestern part of the city, and intend to put up two more at an eariy date. O. N. Chase, the builder and hitherto owner of the San Leon Hotel at Sanford, has sold that property to A. C. Martin, of Sanford, receiving in exchange therefor sixteen valuable lots on French avenue. There was a running race Monday after noon on Lake Kola between Dandy, of Texas, and Robert Beck, of Sanford, dis tance 800 yards, for a purse of SIOO. Dandy, of Texas, won by a distance of fifty-two foet. Porter Hardy, general secretary of the Young Men’s Christian .Association in Petersburg, Va., has accepted the call of the Young Men’s Christian Association at Or lando to act as general secretary of the as sociation in that city. John O. Sinclair’s loss by the burning of furniture in the late Wilcox hotel fire at Orlando has been adjusted by the insur ance companies. He was insured for $8,000; *2,000 worth of furniture was saved and the companies adjusted his loss at $7,716. A colored man in Orlando by the name of Thurman three weeks ago swallowed by mistake caustic potash, thereby producing stricture of the throat, and was unable to take food of any kind for several days, ex cept liquids through a tube inserted in his throat. He has almost entirely recovered. The officers of the Maseotte struck it rich in the lust drawing of the Havana lottery. Capt. Hanlon hold tickets No. 6 for SI,OOO auu No. 540 for SSOO. The handsome and deserving Capt. B. F. Hall, first officer, held ticket No. 0,404 for SI,OOO. Capts. Hanlon aud Hall held tickets together Nos. 4,109 and 4,170, each drawing $509. At Palatka Wednesday Judge Haugbton, after the trial of Caesar White, Dan Albert and Henry Waite, charged with burglariz ing the warehouse of Gardner, Eaton & Cos., committed the parties to jail to await trial at the Circuit Court in default of SBOO bail. Jim Gainor was also held in S3OO bail as a witness against the above named parties. Engineer Hoyt, after getting down about 60 feet, has at last, with a 3-inch pipe, struck pure, clear water on the college building grounds at Bartow. About 4-1 feet Mow the surface they struck about 3 1-2 feet of rock, anil then through a strata of pipe clay to another bed of rock some 8 or 10 feet thick, and at last on Monday struck water. Capt. D. Hughes, of Bartow, has an ideal Florida house. Each bedroom is a front room and lias six windows, four opening on the piazza. Every door and window lias a screen door. All the rooms in the house, from kitchen to parlor, are light, airy and perfectly finished. His park will when fin ished, bo one of the most beautiful in the State. At Pensacola Thursday Officer Touart picked up one of the sailors from the Yantic who, in a drunken stupor, had fallen asleep on the beach, the water at that time cover ing the man’s body nearly to the shoulders. The tide was rapidly coining in and a little longer, in all probability, would have suf ficed for the approaching sea to cover and drown the man. A small child of Mrs. L. A. Myers, living on the outskirts of Orlando, came very near being fatally poisoned last Thursday, The mother had purchased a quantity of fly pa •por, and having put some syrup on it nad placed it in the room for the purpose of -catching the flies therein. The child, being attracted by the syrup, ate a portion of it, and would aoubUoss have died from its ef fects bad it not been for the timely adminis tration of an antidote by Dr. J. N. Butt. The long talked of railroad from Orlando to Winter Park promises to become a re alized fact at an early date. The work of grading has already been begun, and the road will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible, more than 100 laborers having been employed and are at work. It is estimated that the road will lie completed by July 1, and that trains will be running between the two cities at least as soon as Sept. 1. The road when completed will cost about $lO,- 000. Nearly all of the stock has been sold. Mr. Bnrnum, who recently sold his beau tiful place on Lake’Arietta to Warren Tyler, of Bartow, has been shipping strawberries ever since January, from a little patch of about five-eighths of an acre, and will ship for several weeks more. On April 0 he shipped 60 quarts; on April 11, 40 quarts, ana on April 13 had 30 quarts ready for shipment, but donated them to a party of invaders. In addition Mr. Barnum has used a groat many in his family and fur nished fiis neighbors, festivals uiid the Bar tow market right along. The large tlry goods house of A. 11. Birn bouui, at Orlando, was closed last Monday evening by the Hhcriff upon attachments made by New York creditors. The entire liabilities of the firm are about $26,800 and the assets, it is thought, will reach that amount, if not more, if they cun lie handled in the proper manner. Subsequently the attachments were dissolved by Allen N Rose, attorneys, and suit instituted against the bondsmen of those who attached to recover damages to the amount of over $7,000. Since the attachments have been dissolved, Mr. Birnbaum bus made an assignment, with Thomas C. Grey as assignee, Tuesday night one of Palatha’s citizens ivu-s rudely awakened by feeling something that seemed cold and clammy crawling over hint. He had not been drinking, but that fact did not keep him from tYiinkiug of snakes, nor did it lessen the energy of the jump from the bed to the Hour, nor the aching of his head by suddenly and violently coming in contact with the bed-post. With trembling hands he struck a light to see who ami what the intruder was, when he ilis-, covered two little white rats, which had es caped from their cage where his little daugh ter hud them confined. To say that Hie gentlemen was mud states the case vorv mjldiy, und he has declared that “the rascals shall go.” The Jacksonville Timcs-T r niun's Tallahas see correspondent says: “It is talked here sub rosa that, Senator Mann, who has now practically become the leader of the Perry forces, has made a deal with the Republi cans by wliich all the Republican votes, ex cept the three colored members from lceon county, are to be delivered to Ferry. If this is so it is exjieotod that the Ferrymen will soon move to rescind the resolution against an election in joint assembly uqttl the Democratic caucus has made a nomina tion. It is behoved that with the uid of tlie Republican votes Ferry cun get the 66 votes required to elect in ojam session. The in du-vmoiit said to lie held out is that Lieut. Gov. Mabry, if lie liecomss Governor, would give the Republican minority representa tion in the appointive office.” Sanford Journal: Wednesday afternoon, when the beauty of Hanford was out in abundance, a charming little heart-breaker was among the number that was lieing ud miiisl by me Ihxiiix of the city. The bright, I'h .nuing viviieiou pns-e of God's lunvll work m question, |H-rlwi|>s in a spirit d'snre to torture the iitoresdd Inaux, de lils-ruti'ly Mulkeil uptooueof tlie "duiillllioh ' ill front ot one id tiie dry goods stores on e h ili ii full xiiit was displaye I, chucked Ii under the ■ litii, and with the grace of a Foil's •• wound Im-i urnis about the innni mate thing, and Mith a prep-reftof soft wMs|*f. tender glamss. and the etvs'teiaa mid- I to tin- oiti 'o., miidi a picture liiat •1m - I animatisl the ihiiiiiny. Then was o it a limn mi Fliat DUaet who, for the time, a.mill not lniio baugisl pin vw with the lib fueling iliiiiiiiiy, and if this re|s>iter is ■sssi | ssung In front of tlwt e lout sluieiit lie nui> l li-Tled 111*41 u a rntl ililliiwy, I itUHUIM/ in l imtl i, ttliite sin. il# tail) m 1 It'mt t'> Be fia t inl iUs i sut.ais. be twntihedi A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. One Man Killed and Four Others Badly Hurt- From the CantonlOa.) Advance. Some time since Capt. John B. Richards, of Opbir, took the contract to build anew church house (Missionary Baptist) at Mace donia, in this county, to cost something near $1,200 and be built on modern style. The new church site was located just across the road from the old one, between the resi dences of J. P. Smith and Capt. J. J. Mad dox, near Orange. lie had begun work on it and hod the framing and nearly all the rafters up, and last Wednesday was securing the rafters to their places, when, about half past 1 o’clock, a heavy wind from the south blew the rafters against each other causing all to fall towards the north end. At the timo there were seven men on the building at work—five at the North end and two at the south end. When the rafters fell four of the five men were caught in between the rafters and fastened to the house; the fifth mun was knocked through an opening to the ground floor, where he fell across the sleep era. breaking liis back and striking his head a fearful blow. The two men at the south end—Bill Tanner and Yestus Martin—were not hurt. Frank Roper—the man. who fell through —only lived about thirty minutes and died in great.agony. He spoke only a few words after falling through and that was to his fellow-laborers that his back was surely broken. Ho was a man about 40 years of age, and had a wife but no children. His home was in Forayth county, near Friend ship church, where he followed contracting and blaeksmithing. Those who were caught iu the timbers were Capt. John li. Richards, George Lathem, Jr., \V. B. Wilson, and Squire Strickland (colored). All were badly hurt, but none of them thought to be serious Capt. Richards was badly mashed across his chest and smaii of bock, about the kidneys. t Gtorgo Latham, Jr., had his t high broken. - •< W. ii. Wilson was swished pretty badly in several places. Squire Strickland's hips were caught be tween the falling timbers, and he was pretty badly hurt. In the excitement and consternation of the moment Capt. Richards and Mr. Lathem, after Mng released, got down off the build ing themselves. The other two had to be taken down. All have been carried to their respective homes, where they are receiving the best at tentionpossible. Drs. W. E. Evans and J. M. Price, of this county, and Dr. Strickland, of Gumming, were soon present, and did all in their power to relieve tlie suffering. They stated that while all four were no doubt badly hurt, yet tliev thought nothing fatal would result therefrom. Prayer in a Printing’ Office. From the Waycroas (Cos.) Headlight. One (iay last week Miss Jennie Smith, who has recently accomplished so much good in this town, happened into our office, and, as she has a near feeling for all members of the press, the idea, or rather the spirit of Grod reminded her that in this office prayer was needed. The clang of the press was hushed, the little jobber was noise less, and with Miss Jennie, C'apt. W. J. Smith, Mrs. Austin, Mr. Wil liam Parker, ourself and boy, work was suspended, while the lady petitioned the throne of Grace in behalf of the press of the country and the Headlight in particular. Such incidents are not recorded often, and OS she prayed we tried to ask the “Groat Fofenian” to answer her request in making the press of the country purer, more elevating and instructive. This prayer made an impression upon us that will not fade away with the voice of the devout Christian who had faith and. feeling enough to pray for the rudest worm of God’s creation—-ourself—but in after years when time has dimmed our eye our thoughts will turn again to the prayer in the printing office and those who were there. RAILROADS, GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. /COMMENCING March 13, 1887, the foUowing Schedule will be in eifect: EASTERN One. Fast Night, R, F. &W. Depot. Express. Express. I.vCharleston 3:45am ":3d pm Ar Savannah 0:41 am 7:00 pm Lv Savannah 7:00 am S:®pm 1:30 pm Ar .letup 8:42 am 11:25 pm 8:80pm Lv Jessup 1:45 ain 3:35 pm Ar Brunswick 5:45 a m 6:85 pin LV Jesup 10:90am Fleam Ar Eastman I:4Bpm 4:4Bam Ar Cochran . 2:30 pm 5:40 am Ar Hawkim.ville. . 12:00noon Lv Hawkins villa. ,10:15 a m 1:85 pm Ar Macon 1:00 pm 7:15 am Lv Macon.. ...... 4:oopui 7:80 ara Ar Atlanta 7:45 pm 10:50 am Lv Atlanta 10:30 pm 1:00 pm Ar Rome 1:45 am 4:00 pm Ar lOalton , 3:10 ain 5:27 pin Ar Chattanooga.. s:oonm 7:oopm . Lv Chattanooga.... 8:30 a m 9:10 pm Ar Knoxville 1:50 pm 1:10 a m Ar Bristol . .... 7:35pm 5:45am Ar Roanoke 2:lsaiu 12:45 pm Ar Natural Bridge. 8:54 ain 2:29 pm Ar Waynesboro 0:20 am 4:20 pm Ar Lurajr 7:50 a m 6:48 p m ArHUeivindo' J’n.. 10.53 a m 9:35pm At Ilaggrslmvti.. .}l|iS y jp, 10:80 pm it LlandsLurg ... S.ld.p.pi 1:00am Af 'Jfhilaaelubia... 0:30 pm.. 4:45 am Ar New Y0rk...... 8:85 pin 7:00 ain Lv Haoerstow n IV.y.rtoon Ai BniUmoea 3:45 pm Ar Philadelphia: 7:49 pm Av New York v 10:85 pm Lv R0in0k0.,2.20 a in 12:30 noon ArLyuthWr^.......4:3o am 2:80 pm Atwashiiiglon 6:4opm Af Baltimore. ... 1:2? p m 11:36 pm Ar FUiJudelpUia..- 5:47 p m 3:00 am Ar New York —; , 0:20 p m 6:90 am Lv Lyrn hlttiny: 0(15 tin ’ 3:05 p m Ai'lkirhvtMe ‘ ‘ ; 9:20 .i m 5:27 pin Ar ft-imwiMifc; . 11:10a hi 7:15 pm Ar Norfolk 2:23’p m 1(800 p in Memphis nud Charleston K. R. Lv Chat muooga . B:2siu 7:lopm .\r MomphU, . ;i:je m 0:10 ain At’Little Ro. l< . 12:55 p m Via K. K. S. and (i. U. K. Lv Memphis 10:45 am Ar Kansas City 8:20 a ill Via < in Notify. Lv Chattanooga B:4oam 7:lopm Ar I.‘ inis vide 6:45 pm 0:30 am ArCincinnuti “dvtjim 6:soam Ar Chicago 6:50 am 0:50 pm Ar Nt. Louis 7:-laam 6:4opm ruUman slinpeni leave as follows: Jesup nt 1:15 a m for Cincinnati. alternating with Mann Boudoir: Atlanta al 10:50 pm and l:f) p m for C.neinnaM alternating with Maim Boudoir sleeper leaving ill 10:30 pin (Is o]s'ii for isi'ii pmicv nt k o’clock): Koine nt i :45 p in for Wash ington via Li'iii'hliurg: Clinttauoos-.i ill 9:15 pm for Non Vorl. tia N'lerioidouli valley: Cbalta noopn a! mn ni for Washington via Lyneli Burs-: t 'liaii.inoo'pi at 7:10 p m for KansAs'i^lty; ( hat. liiooga at 1:10pm for Little Uis*k; Bruns niek At 9 A* p in for Mfloot). 11. W. WIUtNN, 11. I>. A T A., Knoxville, Tanh, L ' 1 MR A tl I*. A., At In ut it uriuiKK (•ooiH. RUBBER GOODS. 1 1UUISKIUKL) i'AN*. Air ('imhlotiM, Air I*ll 11 >Vh!* i !••• lUi'n, Itubtor Cloth fill 1 1 lIUMiIH, *••, |)| HTHONG’H J)KUG BTOKR KANLYmm • ! ff• Ht. m7t4 til* . I |J(ltd* <* t** “• *-*■*• , SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMi’AXY —for— New York, Boston and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN $2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN $2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New Yobs). CABIN $22 00 EXCURSION 35 00 STEERAGE 12 00 r pHE magnificent steamships of these lines, 1 are appointed to sail as follows—standard time: TO NEW YORK. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. H. C. Daggett, SUNDAY, April 24, at 6 A. M. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt,. J. VV. Catharine, TUESDAY', April 2d, 7:30 p. M. NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Kempton, FRI GAY, April 20, at 10 A. M. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. W. H. Fisher, SUNDA Y r , May I,’at 12 m. TO BOSTON. MERRIMACK, Capt. Crowell, THURSDAY, April 28, at 9 4- 51- GATE CITY, Capt. D. Hedge, THURSDAY', May 5, 4 p.m. TO PHILADELPHIA. [for freight only.] DESSOUG. Capt. N. F. Howes, SATURDAY, April 23, at 0 p. ji. JUNIATA, Capt. S. L. Askins, SATURDAY, April 30. at 11 a. m. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points anti to ports of the United . Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to C. G. ANDERSON, Agent, City Exchange Bunding. Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Com'y. For Baltimore. CABIN $l5 00 SECOND CABIN 12 00 EXCURSION 25 00 '■{"HE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap -1 pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—eity time: YVM. CRANE, Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, April 28, at 9 a. m. JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, MONDAY, May 2, at 2 p. a. YVM. CRANE. Capt. Billups, SATURDAY, May 7, at 0 p. ji. JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, THURSDAY, May 12, at 12 m. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. m. • Through bills lading given to all points YYest, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and toi ports of tiie United Kingdom and the Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents, ll4 Bay street. Sea Island Route. . THE STEAMER St. Nicholas, Capt. M. P. UBINA, WILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of ♦ ' Lincoln street for DOBOY. DARIEN. BRUNSWICK and FERNANDINA, every TUES DAY and FRIDAY* at Cp. ,v city time, eon mvting at Savannah with New York, Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer n&imtna with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and ut Brunswick with steamer for Satilla river. Freight received to within half hour of boat’s departure. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at,risk of consignee. Tickets on wharf ana boat. C. WILLIAMS, Agent, For Augusta and Way Landings. ST E A Ik 1 13 R K A TIE, Capt. J. S. BEVILL, WILT, leave EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 4 ' o'clock a. m. (city time) for Augusta and w ay landings. All freights payable by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, _ Manager. SEMI WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN’S BLUFF AND YVAY LANDINGS. , I"HF. steamer ETHEL, Capt YV. T. (im.ioy, I will leave forabove MONIMYKandTHURS DAYS ut (I o'clock r. s Returning, arrive WEDNESDAYS nml SATURDAYS at S o'clock l'. S. For information, etc., apply to YY'. T. (illWoN, Manager. Wharf foot of Drayton street. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Thitiiih, Key Wh1 9 Huvumu. tki wrr.Kt.v. Hol’TJl HOI ND. liV Tmunn Tu*s Thun* ;u>'i Hut f> m. Ar IC*y \V**t WimJ., 1* riday .rt• 1 Sun p mi. Ar llnutim 'I f.urn . Hut. am) Mnmt/iy a m. NORTH UOUNI) f.v Hu'nun Thur*., Sm> uml 'lnn uooii. I.v K**)' W~t TUttr* . Hut. nml Mon. p. m ArTnmi' i I* r.ii/ty hun uml Tium. 11. in t'annoi'tliic nl Taiitfiu ullh VVo*t India Kant Tr*in (n jimi from Northern ami <*itl*n Fur iMM'niiiiiiofluiintiM ttiiply In f'lty Tl k**l offlivN I A VV Hy, .I4 univillf*. i tr A*rnt f’Uilt M' iJiii ! in | jm*, )i HWKN'H Tram* II H II WVKM. Origin! M nimterr. Tj^jjaesag * i •ib 'Me llili Lftflafl ih lim ut HW> A4*mmrud.t “■ l, t i >V arL —- 11 — 1 RAILROADS. CENTRALKAI LROA IX Savannah, Ga.. April IT, ISBT. OX and aftthis date passengpr trains will run as Daily- unless marked t, which are Daily except Sunday. Tho Standard time by which these trains run is it minutes slower than Savannah city time. Lv Savannah 10:00 am 8:30 pm 5:10 pm Ar Millen 13:85 pin 11:08 ptn 8:15 p m Ar Augusta 4:45 p m 6:15 a m Ar Macon 4:50 pin 3:20 a m Ar Atlanta 9:00 pm 7:20 am Ar Columbus 6:50 ain 8:02 p m Ar Montgomery... 7:09 pm Ar Eufaula 3:50 p m Ar Albany 10:08 p m 10:50 a rn Passengers for Sylvania, SandersviUe,sVrights ville, Mifiedgevillo and Eatonton should take 10:00 a m train. Passengers for Thomaston, Carrollton. Perry-, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Vista, Blakely and Clayton should take 8:20 p m train. Lv Millen 12:55 p m 11:15 p m 5:10 a m Lv Augusta 10:20 a m 9:30 p m Lv Macon 9:50 am 10:50 pm Lv Atlanta 6:35 am 0:00 pm Lv Columbus 10:20 pm 11:15 am Lv Montgomery... 7:15 pm 7:40 am Lv Kufaula 10:49 a m Lv Albany 4:50 am 3:57 p m Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 5:55 am 8:05 am Sleeping cars on all night passenger trains between Savannah and Augusta, Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta, Macon and Columbus. Train No. 53, leaving Savannah at 8:20 p m, will stop regularly at Guyton, but at no other point, to put off passengers between Savannah and Millen. Train No. 54, arriving at Savannah at 5:56 a m. will not stop between Millen and Sa vannah to take on passengers. Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at city office. No. 20 Bull street, and depot office 30 minutes before departure of each train. G. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent. J. C. SHAW, Ticket Agent. Charleston & Savannah Railway Cos. C CONNECTION made at Savannah withSavan ■' nah., Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time i9oth meridian), which is 36 minutes slower than city time. NORTHWARD. 45* 39t 43* 47* Lv Sav'h. 12:15 p m 1:00 p m 7:10 a m 8:23 p m Ar Aug'sta I:4spm Ar Beauf't 6:10 p m 11:00 am Ar P.Royal 6:25 pm 11:20 am Ar ATdaie. .7:40 p m 11:20am Ar Cha‘ston4:4s p m 6:20 p m 12:55 p m 1:25 a m SOUTHWARD. 34* 42* 40* Lv Cha’ston 8:00am 3:30pm3:45am Lv Aug’ta 9:2oam Lv All tale.. s:4oain 11:45am Lv P.Royal. 7:45am 12:30 pm Lv Beauf’t. 8:00am 12:45pm ArSav'h 11:20am 7:00 pm 6:41 am ♦Daily between Savannah and Charleston. ♦Sundays only. Train No. 47 makes no connection with Port Royal and Augusta Railway-, and stoi* only at Ridgelaud, Green Pond and Ravenel. Train 45 stops only at Yeinassee and Green Pond, and connects for Beaufort and Port Royal dally, and for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Trains 42 anti 43 connect from and for Beaufort and Port Royal daily, except Sunday. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and all other information, apply to William liren, Special Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and at Charleston and Savannah Railway ticket office, at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway depot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. Nov. 14, 1896. South Florida Railroad. Central Standard. Time. ON and after SUNDAY, March 20, 1887, trains will arrive and leave as follows: ♦Daily. tDaily except Sundays. JDaily ex cept Mondays. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way stations * 10:30 a m and *5 4:40 p m Arrive at Tampa *;! 3:40 p m and *T 8:50 p m Returning leave Tam pa at * ! 9:30 a m and *9 8:00 p m Arrive at Sanford.. .*" 2:30 p m and *9 1:00 a m Leave Sanford for Kissimmee and way stations at . ... t 5:00 p m Arrive at . t 7:00 pin Returning leave Kisslmm> t 6:25 a m Arrive at Panford t 8:20 a in * Steamboat Express. *TWest India Fast Mail Train. BARTOW BRANCH. DAILY. Lv Bartow Junction.ll:2s am, 2:10 and 7:15 p m Ar Bartow 12:25, 8:10 and 8:15 p m Returning Lv Bar tow 9:50 am, 12:50 and 5:80 p m Ar Bartow Junction 10:50 am, 1:40 and 6:30 pin PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated by the South Florida Railroad, ♦leave Bartow for Pemberton Ferry and way stations at 7:15 a m Arrive at Pemberton Ferry at 9:46 a in ♦Returning leave Pemberton Ferry at.. 5:25 p m Arrive at Bartow at 8:25 p m 7Leave Pemberton Ferry 7:00 a in Arrive Bartow 11:35 p tn ♦Leave Bartow 1:10pin Arrive Pemberton Ferry 5:15 pm SANFORD AND INDIAN RIVER R. R. Leave Sanford for lake Charm and way sta tions tlo;]samand 5:10 pm Arrives Lake Charm ... 11:45amand 6:4opm Returning— Leave Lake Charm 6:00 a m and 19:30 p m Arrives at Sanford 7:40 am and 2:10 pm SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. Connects at Sanford with the Sanford and Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and points on I-like Jesup, with the People's Line and Deßary- Baya Merchants’ Lino of steamers, and J. T. and K. V Ry. for Jacksonville and all intermediate points on the St. John’s river, and with steamers tor Indian river and the Upper St. John’s. At Kissimmee with steamers for Forts Mvers and Bassiuger and points or. Kissimmee river. At Pemberton Ferry- with Florida Southern Railway for all points North and West, and at Bartow with the Florida Southern Railway for Fort Meade and points South. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS. Connects at Tampa w ith steamer “Margaret” for Pnluia Sola, Braideutown, Palmetto, Mana tee and all points on Hillsborough and Tampa Bays. Also, with the elegant mail steamships “Mae cotte” and “Whitney,” of the Plant Steamship Cos., for Key- West and Havana. Through tickets sold at all regular stations to lioints North. East and West. Baggage checked through. Passengers for Havana can leave Sanford on Limited West India Fast Mail train at 4:40 p m (stopping only Ht Orlando. Kissimmee, Bartow Junction, laikeland and Plant City), Tuosday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting same even ing with steamer ut Tampa. WILBUR McOOY, General Fre! ybi and Ticket Agent, FOOD PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY MILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Ouarunteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,][a,ynos&Elton l'A I NTH .VXD Oil.*. JOHN G. BUTLER, UrHm; i.kadh, coi/jks, ou/, oi.ahs. VAIiMsII. ETC; ItKAIIV MIXKI* PAINT* inil.lMUi, sl'K AMEIJ AXI* Jill.l, HUPI’LIK* *AHK* IX*.IKK. III.ISKM ANI* HrII.UJI'X IUKIiWaKK K.*. Atf-nl for UtkJlMlA I.IMI ('AI/INl'li Cl. MKXT. JIAIJt uikl I.A.M* PLAHTKU 6 Wh-taker Stiert, Savannah, Go>gia ~M*. CHIUS. ML Ill'll V, 1805. Hou!., Sign and Ornamental Pamlin;' I,' XU 'CTKI* NKATI.V aii'l w*.l* J Id 1.1.. <*(), S'*. pro. tu-m IVunl'itr Uldinri, ri. , t'i . KulliiatUip luruklird oo 4>- |XKKI*.W < RAILROADS. Savannah, Florida & WdernßdkJ [All trains on this road are run „ Standard Time t 7 Ce ntra| TIME CARD IN EFFECT DECFYRm 1 1886 Passenger trains on thUrood daily as follows: {jaa * ‘U xua WEST INDIA FAST MAIL READ DOWN. 7:06 a mLv Savannah.... a r 10:00 am Lv Waycross , "t v M;* a ■ 12:30 pm Lv Jacksonville 'r „ 4:40 pm Lv Sanford.....'. r v 8:u0 p m Ar Tampa .. j v 11? 1 m PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE P “ l Tues, Thurs, I T ANARUS,,,„ .' r . „ Sat pm f kv... Tampa — Ar Sun Wed, Fri | . _ _ r “>“*■ I'm Sun.. ...pmf Ar. .Key West. Lv Thurs, Sat Thurs, Sat, I . „ j‘ l ° n Mon am [_ Ar ' ■ ■ Hav ana... Lv . Thurs. Sat Pullman buffet cars to and from New w? and Tampa w tk NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:06 a mLv Savannah Ar B:42am Lv Jesup Ar e*ta5 m 9:34 a mLv Blackshear t, 9:50 a m Ar Waycross Lv ,y| 11:26 am Ar Callahan t,v 12:00noonAr Jacksonville Lv oifP* 7:00 a m Lv Jacksonville... Ar ?i Pm 7:88 ain Lv Callahan Ar gjjJ!® 10:15am Lv Waycross Ar ' 11:00 a m Lv. ... .Homerville Lv s-v Pa 11:15 am Lv Dupont j‘ v a.’lnj® 12:04 pm Lv Valdosta Lv 2-a P 12:34 pmLv Quitman D I:22pm Ar Thoniasville .1.,- p£ p ;‘ 3:35 pin Ar Bainbridge Lv !, ;.. j 4:04 pm Ar—Chattahoochee Lv IkaoVm 8:48 P m Ar Albany Lv n: e a ~ PuUmanbuffet earn to and from .i„,-,.. and New York, to and from Jacksonville and New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 1:30 pm Lv Savannah Ar 11 65 a m 3:30 pm Lv Je ß „ p ft 4:21 pm Lv Blackshear Lv g-jl?? 4:40 pm Ar Waycross LvJiS, ® 0:57 pm Ar Callahan Lv rlsTm 7:85 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv Trriam 5:00 pm Lv Jacksonville Ar 8-55 am 0:41 p m. Callahan Arjiii.g 7:58 p m Lv Waycross Ar s srTm B:4spm Lv Homerville Lv sutam 9:oopm Ar Dupont Lv 8:90 pm Lv .Lake City Ar lOdSsn 3:5.5 p tn Lv Gainesville Ar 10-05 a _7• 80 P nr Lv Live Oak Ar 6:40 a „ 9:lopm Lv.: .Dupont Ar 30:01 p mLv Valdosta Lv 4ftsam 10:84 pin Lv Quitman Lv 3:85,S 11:25 pm Ar Thomasville Lv 2:.5)im 12:50am Ar Camilla I,v l::am 1:5,5 a m Ar Albany Lv 12:50 a m Pullman buffet cars to and from Jaeksomiite and Louisville via Thomasville, Albany, Mont gomery and Nashville. Pullman sleeping cars to and from Trabus and Savannah via Gainesville. ALBANY EXPRESS. B:4spm Lv Savannah Ar 6 10am 11:25 pm Lv Jesup Lv 3:2oam 1:30 am Ar Waycross Lv 11 ;80 p m 5:25 a m Ar Callahnu ... Lv 9:05 pm 6:15 a m Ar Jacksonville Lv B:lspm 8:15 pm Lv Jacksonville Ar 6:lsam 9:05 p m Lv Callahan Ar 5:25a m 2:ooam Lv Waycross Aril:#pa _B-30a m Ar Dupont, Lv 10:00 p m 6:40a m Ar Live Oak Lv 7:#pa 10:05 a m Ar Gainesville Lv 3:5,5pm 10: IB a m Ar Lake City Lv 8:80 p a 3:45 a m Lv Dupont Ar 9:B6pm 5:27 a m Lv Valdosta Lv 8:30 pm 6:10 am Lv Quitman Lv 7:55 p m 7:15 a m Ar Thomasville Lv 7:00 pm 11:40 a m Ar.........A1bany Lv 4:oopm Stops at ali regular stations. Pullman buffet sleeping cars to and from Thomasville art Washington, and Savannah and Jacksonville, and to and from Jacksonville and Nashville vis Thomasville and Montgomery. Pullman buflh* cars and Mann boudoir buffet care via Waycross. Albany ami Macon, and via Waycross Jesup aim Macon, between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Also, through passenger coaches between Jack sonville and Chattanooga. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 6:15 a m Lv Waycross Ar 7:oopm 7:38 am Lv Dupont Lv 5:26pm 8:37 a m Lv Valdosta Lv 4:1.5pm 9:15 a m Lv Quitman Lv 3:30 p a 10:25 a m Ar Thomasville Lv 9:lspa Stops at ali regular and Hag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 p mLv Savannah Ar 8:30 3m 6:10 p in Ar Jesup Lv 5:25aa Stops at all regular and nag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 7:10 am. ar rive Augusta via Yemassee at 1:45 pm), 12:15 p in and 8:2') p m; for Augusta, and Atlanta at 8:80 a in and 8:20 p m; with steamships forXev York Monday, Wednesday and Friday: for Bee ton Thursday; for Baltimore every fifth day. At JESUP for Brunswick at 1:45 a m (eiccpt Sundays and 8:30 p m; for Macon 1:15 am and 10:30 a m. At WAYCROSS for Brunswick at 3:15 a man! 5:05 p m. At CALLAHAN for Fernandina at 8:00am and 2:17 pm; for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala,etc, at 11:30 a m. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, eta, at 11:0H a m and 7:4.5 pm. At GAINESVILLE for Oca In. Tn van’s, Pm berfcon'n F*rrv, BrooksvlU© and Tampa at 10:3UI m: for Cedar Key at 8:30 p m. At ALBANY for Atlanta, Macon, Mont gomery. Mobile, New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola. Mobile, New Orleans at 4:14 u m; with People s steamon* advertising to leave for Apalacnicoi* at f:00 p m Sunday and Wednesday. Ticket** sold and sleeping car l>erthi secured BREN S Ticket Office, and at the Passenger Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent. R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. Jacksonville,Tampa and Key West Ry. Quickest and Best Route for all points Flori ‘ da south of Jacksonville. SCHEDULE in effect Fetiruary 9th, 1 887 - line trains use 8., F. and W. Railway staV in Jacksonville, making direct connection all trains from Savannah, the North ana * No transfer. __— GQjjfQ south Cuban stations. Mail Pass. Daily- Lv Savannah 8:45 pm 7:06 am “ Lv Jacksonville 9:00a ill 12:30pm Ar l'alatka 10:<50am 2:15 pm ArDeLand 1:80pm 4:lapm Ar Sanford 1:45 pm 4:-*) pin • P Ar Titusville 3:06 pm ...- -••• Ar (irlando Ar Bartow Ar Tampa 8:60 Pjj*. ■ -- leiave Jacksonville (Ht. Augustine J iiv Is oa 9:05 a ill, 1:00 p m, 4:00 p m. nivialon) Arrive St. Augustine (St. Augustine 1 10:30 II 111, 2:i)0 p ni, 5:80 pm. GOING NORTH. Leave Tanuu HBW P * (Cuban nmtli and 9:20 a hi; Orlande 1- 4 7:25 ain and 1:98 pm; Sanford ' # „'.*) m arid 2:15 pm. Arrive l’alatka Il* hi, 5::!0 pm: Jacksonville 6:30 abb ' j ,\vst. pm, connecting for all pmnis ~n f| ) 0 Leave St. Augustine 8:30 am, '.Vjiaud p in. Arrive Jacksonville 10:00 am, 5:90 p m. 19:80 p 111 Culiaii mail train. (Sniitb)ha* 100’^ Pullman sleeper from New 5 "rk to Pj connects with steemers t<"', nigh’* Havana Tuesday. Tliurwla.vaud Sat iniay™^,^ 8:00 p hi Cuban mail train i.Sortbaai mail slee|vr llirougli to Washington . of ears Is-tween Jacksonville and TW"J” rn gjil- Direct connect lons with •’Torid* Win- at l’alatka for Gaineayllle. . K 1,, burg, mid with St. l(alKt for Daytona. At Tltu-wll# nW ur itocklislge for ali isdiits on loj*. Agent. L. (>. DESIING. Gen. Ticket as M It. MORAN, lien Supt Mililt IIUAN BAItVj v ' • City & Suburban B y* Khvannao i V 111 sill Is- "los.l huolJi IMiU iJW ..I ii — "f*! - .11 —— 111*! If I VI tA It M I v B pj <OOI i*rv I txn. m* ***}rJZ i| .. . —'i —n — f# * ■ 10 95 A W 840 AM * J {<o t J 325|> tt Buo ¥ m ‘T r Z t, 0* * ♦*T 10 r m o.*t¥H I- .4 k Warn leave* 'kr eiery #o*Bl*4 '