The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 26, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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he has fits. , oW Dublin Pete Gets a Living from sympathetic Ladies and Gentlemen. From the New York Evening Sun. you see that fellow standing over -e reading?” said a bartender in a down to saloon last night as he b.isied himself jrinK a whisky sour. The man alluded to • standing with his back against the !ji with the paper so held up as to tin his face from view. He was of ordi- size, with nothing about him to attract Whatman has the most peculiar and /irel wav of making a living of any other in the United States His name, as Z as anybody has ever been able to learn, > People that are familiar with ’ le have dubbed him ‘Dublin Fete.’ •“Vs the town m Ireland he hails roin. He makes a good living by having ts ’’ “ fits. I don't wonder you re surprised, but it is nevertheless a fact. Lt man can take a fit so naturally at a “note's notice that no doctor in the city of jen York would ever doubt but that it was real epileptic fit. “Oh, it is not a real fit, then? “Certainly not. It only looks like one; .at it’s a daisy.” -How does he make it pay? “Well he can tell vou that better than could’possibly explain it to you. Hey, The newspaper which the man had been radinw was dropped from before his face, r certainly was a tough-looking counte nance His head sunk down between his boulder blades, like the head of a vulture, i,d was bent forward m the same way. lis under jaw was longer than the upper ne and cave him the appearnance of a lulldog with under teeth showmg. His ittle black eves were overshadowed by a lulcing forehead, and sparkled like those t a snake To make his face still more ihleous, his upper jaw was totally devoid f teeth Whenever he smiled his 11011th looked as though it was filled with red "fas# ?i#w m tuck the upturned cigarette He Wao ii" in the corner of his mouth, and moved lis head from side to side in the Bowery nanner. ... • Yes, come here and let me introduce you o a friend of mine. He wants to talk with rou. ” "Dublin Pete" laid the newspaper on a ■hair, and swaggered over like an old South sea whaler. There was a broad grin on his lice Shrewd wrinkles shot from the cor es'of his eyes like the rays of a setting un, and his mouth assumed the shape of he moon in its first quarter, the corners rvingto see how near they could come o' each eye. The cigarette adhered o the corner of his upper lip and irorked up and down at every motion of his lead. “Proud ter know yer, young feller.” “How much did you make to-day, Pete?” isked the bartender. ■Well, ter tell yer de trute, Billy, I never "ought ter count up. I spose I raked in bout four ds. Less see,” answered the man vho takes epileptic tits for a living as he crewed one side of his face into a hideous listortion and scratched the other side with lis index finger, as if trying to call some ihiug into recollection. “When I come to >n de Jersey ferry boat de guys tuk up a flection fer me of one and and 50c. Den w’eu [ dropped on de floor of de aimex I scooped r caser. Dat bloke on Whiteliall street jim me a feed an’ floe. Yes, dat’s about wat (vent inter me kick since mornin’. ' Ah, de business is gettin’ dull! Folks is droppin’ inter me gante.” Pete looked as though thoroughly discour sed at the dullness of trade. ‘ How did you make the money ?’ he was isked. "How does I make it, hev?” and “Dublin Pete” winked at the bartender, gave a little :huckle, and said, “Fits. Yes, sir, I’m de lead of de profesh in de fit business. How io Ido it: Well, I jes’ gits onto a ferry boat where dere’s a gang uv women, an’ when everything's quiet like an’ de boat’s in ie middle of de river, I makes out like I’m join’ out on de front end of de boat and when I gits in the middle of de floor I drops iown in a fit. Whisky’s brought an’ poured down me treat, an’ when I comes to I alius tells deni its ’cause I ain’t eat nawthin’ all day. Den dey takes up a ejec tion fer me. Now you’ve got de whole racket. 1 ’ “Are there any other men who earn money by having fits?” “Is dey? Well, 1 should snicker. Dere’s nx er dem in dis city: but none er dein’s got de snap down fine but me. I’m de boss on fils. All er dem uses soap fer ter make de foam come in der mouth. I don’t. I makes de gene wine foam. No soap suds in mine. Nixey.” Tete turned his back to the bar, put his thumbs in his suspenders and assumed an air of superiority. “Don’t you ever get spotted by people who may have seen you before?” and ell, I should giggle.” He didu’t giggle though, hut edified the reporter with one of his red flannel snnles. I w usdowm de Battry tree weeks ago an’ dropped in a fit on de sidewalk. A copper got outer me an commenced to club me on if 1 ?, • "“'H'ln't come to, dough. I ouidn t give meself away. Den he trowed etoucs et er w ater over me head, but I never tomes to till they give me bug juice. Den went teg dubbin-agin, an’ lef’me when . I, , 1,1 cbitse the sparrows off de B™ss. He dropped on de fae tree mouths ''dated in his rough vernacular experience he had in going down one day it Island on board an excursion boat. began to smg, but finding no money in rhefeUtothe decs fn a fit, The - waul, who had evidently seen him be luhninistered a tumblerful of salt curab ioi'.l' B i' f a m i ,lu t°i” said the bartender as the about ta hig his leave, "an l bow lias" fits!” UU<l Hete to show you ! t ' UI , dl , n . gly . the door was locked, and Pete la, ft in Ile center of the room remar - vmiv.. f ll 10 - V(JU bnld; so holler when jou \e got a dose.” to*' I '' bad he concluded when his form tr,,.. .|* “xcept his head, which turned it tun,, s ‘d ( “t uis eyeballs rolling until <H| V wiH Uy tle whites were visible. (Sud- K? al l a V ""earthly yell he fell to the itr'l N," haL appeared to be his head Bui ?cash. He uic> ed and gamed frothm/Tf' a l litiful manner, actually ‘■£n, J |,,o, at ’ ■‘c uioutli. After a cry of ir,,,u the rejsirter, he slowly ds/,.., ...eyes and 100 od around in a Rent l v X l K> caiew words at random are (hi,. ,-T ‘ £u ‘“ said; “How’s dat? Ain’t it a k “‘ : ‘voKl't admitted ll ' “ Bl,t didn’t Jen me head; dat was me As '‘“did you first begin the fit bnsi *ll,l. *! '“"* d f ‘ whole biz in the Protec., Tb„ o ; ‘ wlvm I was a kid. V t , q!v 1M Id 'ycd out 'round here. I’m Bute ~, month, wheiu de istop. ler Uia i.j a>'d of de fake. But it's time knvp„ u l’ *u front of ibi l caiman' - 1-to.” fit-taker swuggirwl !i , W 1... Bueseß Hugo "l* - inlai m Wall atraet uL i li * “Up U* Miiiff ’ I'-viiiiii . „ , v ‘ ii mjiunil Unit *1:, i in ml! 1 m‘ y *'“* He- isipisw is - .milv hr t. a “‘‘ n-k.-l r.,j- ii pa-Huge ( , •• l *orh Itoniady. He diis>v ti*g jy. ( ** Ut.ulv |ji Itr. 111 i ' Mil m itMiii iy. Snatl Itoui '“'w'-b. •• u, J.ll lu hl VP i". w, it kte ' ‘ beiky ho j*-; geJkki, Hi M ** < ‘ * 1 Ww LmUar utmm. _ PUBLICATIONS. “TheEcTteiff^iteaiamd II * 'V I N Strength Regained, * -A.N ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL p m¥D ■ Pu ' blislie(i for Tlieir Benefit. % n Fa H * it Treats on Health, Hygiene, Physical Cul jgfe—r: —~—-—f ~~~~ ture and Medical Subjects, And is a complete encyclopedia of information for suffering gur. ii im an wrmma arv nBM ann, grtngt ibmi’M humanity afflicted with the I,,ne atandlitg, chronic, nervous, ex- H f™” aril wpm na hausting or painful diseases. Every subject that bears on health K g a Ss'VSfiv jj ifeas '•Oags mSM ags Ram and human happiness receives attention In its pages, and the ’Stegfiff vfadf hf f| M h H‘A a many questions asked by ailing persons and invalids who bine w u Tm mmm arWHB M despaired of a cure are answered, and valuable information is volunteered, flit who are in need of medical advice. No similar work has ever been published. Every sick or ailing person should have it. Vt.l t. !u4 XU MlOl) 1.1:1- VIIFit MEN, and others who suffer from nervous and physical debility, exhausted vitality, premature decline, etc., & I '#si>"oi'' ,l "''s#netlte(l by consulting its contents. Eveiything such sufferers w ish to know is fully given in its pages. If lu need of medical aid or 111 pel, rend it pefore "doctoring" or investing in medicines or appliances of any description, and you will save time, money and disappointment, “M ing medicine or medical treatment of any kind, read it and (earn the better way. -4 THE K EV7EW exposes the frauds practiced by quacks and medical impostors who profess to “practice medicine," and points out the only safe, simple and effective road to health, vigor and bodily energy. Beware of the sham curative articles called Shields, Generators, Girdles. Pads, Brushes. Corsets, Clothing, Plasters, etc., now deceptively adver tised as Electric, Voltaic or Magnetic. These articles are as entirely spurious as the advertisements concerning them are insidious. This can be easily detected by a simple test which is fully explained in THE REVIEW. Electric Belts and all curative appliances are treated upon—all about them. Belts on thirty days' trial (?) and other fallacies reviewed. Thou sands of dollars saved nervous debility sufferers and others by the advice given. Reader, are you afflicted, and wish to recover the same degree of health, strength and energy experienced in former years? Do any of the following symptoms, or class of symptoms, meet your diseased condition? Are you suffering from ill-nealth in any of its many forms, consequent on a lingering, nervous, chronic or functional disease? Do you feel nervous, debilitated, fretful, timid and lack the power of will and action? Are you subject to loss of memory, have spells of fainting, fullness of blood in the head, feel listless, moping, unfit for business or pleasure, and subject to fits of melancholy? Are your kidneys, stomach, urinary organs, liver or blood in a disordered condition? Do you suffer from rheumatism, neu ralgia or other aches and. pams? Are you tiinki, nervous and forgetful,with your mind continually dwelling on the subject? Have you lost confidence in yourself and energy for business pursuits? Are you subject to restless nights, broken sleep, nightmare, dreams, palpitation of the heart, bashful ness, confusion of ideas, aversion to society, dizziness in the head, dimness of sight, pimples and blotches on the face and back, and other despondent symptoms? There are thousands of young men. middle-aged and old who suffer from nervous and physical debility. There are thousands of females broken down in health and spirits, who from false modesty or neglect prolong their suffering. Why further neglect your health and future happiness, or continue to be dosed, drugged and quacked, when THE REVIEW, which costs you nothing, teaches us the tine and only way to permanent health, strength and vigor? “ THE REVIEW," or "HEALTH AND STRENGTH REGAINED," contains particulars and information worth thousands to suffering humanity. THE REVIEW is now - in its ninth year of publication. Complete specimen copies mailed free. Address the publishers, PULVERMACIIER COMPANY, 1164 Broadway, New YorL Now is the time to apply, as you may not see this notice airain. Send your address on postal card to-day, naming this paper. MILLINERY. NO W R E A 1) V AT KROUSKOFF’S IAKIOIH ULLIXEtY HOUSE, SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, COMPRISING ALL THE NOVELTIES. Ten Thousand Straw and Fancy Braid Hats, from the cheapest to the very finest quality, in every color and in every shape for 1887. Five Thousand School Hats in the most desirable shapes. Fifteen Thousand pieces of Ribbon, comprising all the latest importations and shades in Chartereuse, Nile Green, Salmon Pink, Lilac and Heliotrope. One Thousand cartons of Flowers. The choicest designs from Paris importations, and comprising almost every flower that blooms in the spring, and positively the finest goods ever seen in this city. Our work rooms, in charge of five artistic designers, turn out the most correct trimmed hats in the city, at prices much below others. Our shelves and counters on the three large floors are loaded with every variety of new milli nery goods. Our retailing on the first floor at wholesale prices enables us to sell our goods far below any competition, and ladies can now purchase their millinery at same price as com petitors have to pay. We Continue the sale of Ribbons at same prices as heretofore. Every steamer adds new novelties. S. MKOFFS MAMOTH IILLINERY HOUSE. rtvirrs spFcirtr. 1836i 1 i SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. 11 HBBC- A REMEDY HOT FOR A DAY, EUT FOR tar HALF A CENTURY RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY! sss ) sss f ii sss Ii ss>s AM IMTERESTING TREATISE OH BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES SENT FREE TO ALL APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD EE READ BY EVERYBODY. I ADDRESS THS SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. tl.tiCJii - A .'•iJ •) l. V\ V. the cai-Ai' I'La.ce to uvy WKDDIN(i ITiI.SKMS Bu' h m Ui.VMONKK. KTNK KTKHMN'U VEHWAUJ:, KMWIAJfT JKWKIJMT, J Ki-M. il CIAK K. 5, i Uv, U Ui L* found at A. L. JJesbouillons, XI UCU. BTBEKT, Um anl** *•!•• I!*** i Wb'i| HOCKKMtD UAIIM 1 >il> H'jJTI'IUA aii<l abu aiau malu'a a uf 18-Karat Wedding Kings AMi IHK KIVaSMT WAfVUKM AayiUuif fun > . li<u b-iu Urntg mvmrtM A* f*’fWv<aria4 < jih ru iJomU THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, APRIL 2 G, 1887. J/GL’Gw AM> At Link I \ Lei. Don’t llu ll! Don’t Do What? VV'HV don't wnlk >nr Utuy Mn*#*t* with that nit- Ur** <*/r uit of clot -■• )< nit U Ht4*iii4 or t.i, lu lllr k uUuuu Uu-t tti< t, t ‘ cio v i tua i a vil'Hki'T. V^wVii Jupanenn CleaninK Cream will utk fin ai Mil rkNUi m a n*w tu. s+:. a Mii<Li • -ul - by J. K. HALTIWANGEK, Ai lu* brug Mr#** Jfr<Mi/t'4rti hm| tn+vUm. V.Tfiji i*r hi* * niittpU COUGH REMEDIES \y Kite HHKIUtY l*t!J*rGKAlj, Kt |.' I r.l l 111 , ri„.,e, „.|'to, Ijua, late • iitiutm */iop li dC* I ’uMgi Ayrup I'Uu I ar. BUTLER'fi J^HAHMACY, bLL teh LVt“ UIM *WS?M' FRUIT AND GROCERIES. Tea, lea, lea, lea, For one week every one buying One Pound of 50c. Tea will receive a Tea Cau nister. One lb. can Standard Cove Oysters 2 for 15e One lb. can Standard Lobsters 15c One lb. can Standard Salmon. 18c One lb. Good Raisins 16c One lb. Good Ground Rio 15c One lb. Best Roasted Rio 20c SOAP, SOAP. 11 CAKES SOAP 25c. STARCH,STARCH. 11 PACKAGES 35c. K. POWER, 138 <?Q3Srq l(F,ss ST. ONION H BERMUDA ONIONS IN CRATES. Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Peanuts. BLACK EYE I ) TYI A U? SPECKLED CLAY 1 ILI AH BLACK HAY AND GRAIN. Special Prices on Car Lots. Eastern Hay, Feed Meal, Bran, Corn, Oats, Grits and Meal. 169 BAY STREET. W.D. SIMKINS & CO. Bananas! ASE CARLO VP CHOICE RED AND VEL ’ * LOW BANANAS for sale, in quantities to suit purchasers. Give us a call and you will be certain to buy. A. H. CHAMPION, 1M flwl St. Julian Street*. by i . LADIES I DO your own Dyeing, at borne, with PEER- Li.sS DYES I'lit \ will dye everything. They are Mold everywhere Price bic. a package rtodors. They have no equal fur‘strength, la ightiiese, amount In packages, or for fantucia of color, or noli f ,ling nu.ujtie: They do not crock or m/iul. For sule by B 1\ M. !),, I'hanuaoikt rumor Brunet on and Houston street ■; p IJ Rain, Druggist and Apothe cary. corner Jo tics and Abeivorn .t rents; Luwaho .1 Kuireu, lin ;gisi„ i<M - !ier West Broad uod Stewnri k! reel - Alifili I’l/rr HA I, IM I'Ll? U EXT*. Cultivators ! CHEAPEST AND BEST. - KUA MALL. JV Wood & Cornwell, lull*, P. J. FALLON, HI lIMli AM) COMMTOH Ml ItkAYTOh frt'WfJ&t, J* &i iM 4 4 UM> *4. SSS I I sss ) f sss l ! sss HOSE. RUBBE It HOSE FOR Garden and Street Sprinkling, WITH PATENT NOZZLES, All Sizes and Prices. HOSE REELS AND Sprinklers. —FOR BAI.E BY John Nicholson, Jr., 80 AND 33 DRAYTON STREET. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. RUBBER HOSE. 1,000 FEET RUBBER HOSE Garden Hose Reels. Magic Spray Nozzles, —FOR SALE LOW BY Palmer Bros PA INI', AM) 011 .8. LLOYD & ADAMS, SUCCESSORS TO A. B. COLLINS A CO., The Old Oliver Paint and Oil Hone, VI T ILL keep ft full line of Doors, Sash, Blinds Vv and Hinklers Hardware, Paints. Oils, Steamboat anil Mill Supplies, Lime, fluster, Cement, etc. Window Glass a specialty. All sizes and kinds of Packing. A large lot of odd size Saab, Doors and Blinds will be sold at a dis count. AT THE OLD STAND, No. 5, Whitaker St., Savannah, Ga. JOHN Gr. BUTLER, WHITE LEADS, COLORS, OILS, GLASS, W VARNISH. ETC.; READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUP'PU'E.S, SASHES, DOORS. BLINDS AND BI.TLDBItR' HARDWARE Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR ami LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. i 565. CHRisr MURPHY, 1865 House, Sign and Ornamental Painting Executed neatly and with dispatch. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Window Glasses, etc., etc. Estimates furnished on ap plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS., Rear of Christ Church. MACHINERY. Mm \ MacMnery! Cheap and Good and Easy Terras. i EIGHT-HORSE POWER HORIZONTAL T FIRE BOX BOILERS (new). 1 Fifteen-Horse Power (second-hand) Return Tubolar Boiler. 1 Fifty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boiler. 3 Thirty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boilers. 1 Twenty flve-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boiler. 3 Twelve-Horse Power Horizontal Centro Crank Engines, on sills (new). 2 Eight Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank Engines, on sills (new). 1 Elgin Horse Power (second hand) Horizontal Side Crank Engine, on wheels. 1 Six-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines. on wheels (new). 2 Six- Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines, on sills (new). Also, Circular Saw Mills, Saws, Belting, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Inspirators, etc. Ad dress Schofield’s Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA, FERTILIZERS. Wiluam Ravb.vkp, President. PHOSPHATE COMPANY, CHARLESTON, S. 0. Established 1870. HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. SOLUBLE GUANO 'highly ammomatcd). DISSOLVED BONE. . ACID PHOSPHATE. ASH ELEMENT. FLOATS. GERMAN KAINIT. HIGH GRADE RICK FERTILIZER COTTON SEED MEAL. COTT SEED HULL ASHES. Office. No 12 Broad Strukt. All orders promptly filled. K. M. MEANS, Treasurer. I HON WORKS. McMoib k BalMyie, IRON FOUNDERS, Ms*binisU, iluilrr Mikfw ami MacbmitliH, aAMTiUTI MM or MTATIoNANV end POSTABUC ENGINES. VERTICAL L'NDEJt 1(1 NNEII and TOT EUNNKM COBB MIMS ITIAR MILLH and YA'.iH >m himl and for .e mls all of Ute baat luuo rul aud low-wl ■ .r* Amu AgeMta Im Me Cuaun I iuu4 (•I * Wurt*. and liiipruvaj KMmnumu IMkf I Mar. AM Midaru AmmMtf *Jl*iel> Jlu FURNITURE AND CARPETS. —— AM 0I M yWay jf V LINDSAY MORGAtfS, — 169 & 171 Broughton Street / ew traw ® a^n S s i Baby Carriages, CEDAR CHESTS l ll REFRIGERATORS. 1 \ Everything Marked Down I to LOW PRICES. . , A"."" IPfH’ 1 " '' '' " . ■)■ 1 BOOTS AND SHOES. Shoes Slaughtered I In order to reduce our immense stock of goods, we inaugurate a series of Bargain Sales, and have placed on our Centre Tables the following lots of genuine bargains: 1/ \ r l'' \ r (A | __Boo pairs Ladies' Kid Hand sewed Opera Slippers, full leather r.De j\ J L it v, I lined, box toes, sold everywhere at 75c., we offer at. i)V u 1/ \ r P VT ( \ J__4Bo pairs Ladles' Kid Hand sewed Lace Oxfords, full leather lined, (A Ac. I it V, £t box toes, sold everywhere at $1 31, we offer at ... /U u 1 /VP \ t)__6B pairs Youths’ Glove-Grain Sewed Button Boots, with Soto dk 1 tR 1 z*/ I it V/, ) Leather Tips and all solid, regular price $1 78, we offer at . 1 Art! 1/ \ r P 'VT / \ | __lso pairs I Julies' ]H Thread Serge Tops, Kid Fox Polished, all db ( • r iV/ 1 is V/ . i solid, sizes Is to 7s, regular price $1 75, we reduce to VI * 111 JA r P VJ / \ pairs Ladies' 18-Thread Serge Tops, Kid Fox Button, worked button jVJ lItV7, , 1 holes, all solid, sizes 1h to 7s, regular price $2 25, we offer | IA r P V'/'k <• 68 jiairs Missus’ Pebble Goat Button Boots, best oak leather soles (a 1. itU, U splendid school who-'), all solid, never sold at less than S3, dh 1 KA we Offer t tfl ♦?"/ I/ X r p vt/a r- _34 pairs Misses’ Curacoa Kid Button Boots, worked button dfi n Alt zV / It t/. I holes, box t'oes. always sold at $3 75, reduced to dr*s v" T /PT V ( ) 0.112 pairs LadiespTkfst Curaeoa Kid t Button Newport*, box toes, liUl it v, O Morrow's New 1 • * make, sold heretofore at $3, we re- db AA ducesl t 0.... rc.w vv 1/ A r p Y/A (k _IT pairs Ladies’ (uoH \r. Kid and Pebble Goat Button Boots, na assorted XitU, O lot, manufaetd- 'ey Salter, '.ewiu & Cos. and Zeigler Bros., of Philadelphia, at. „ys sold at 5 and sl, we offer any in dbo A A this lot at Y" * We have four more lobs on our Centre Tallies, among them Laird. Sehnber & Mitchell's French Kid Button Boots, sold heretofore at $0 50, reduced to $5. and a lot of Zeigltr s Ladies’ and Misses I*, 1 *, Laced and Button Boots, a miscellaneous lot of broken sizes, all at the uniform, price of $1 50. ~ Early callers will have the best choice. N t, Jos. Rosenheim & Cos., DRY GOODS. DANIEL IIOGANI # JW SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT]! TJARASOLS.—Coaching and Bun Umbrellas in the newest and largest variety, r DRESS FABRICS in Silk, Wool and Cotton. The finest assortment we have ever shown. We will also offer the following special bargains: 73 pieces Striped and ('becked Summer Silks at 35c., 87c., %•„ 4#kc„ Ilk-., Stic.. Me. oe. and 85c. The*- figures do nol cover cost of ira- TxArtatiou. 500 yurds Colored Brocaded Katins at 40c. to 65c. A full line of Colored Gros Grain Silks at tec. to Si 60. Colored Surali Silks, ill all the new Spring shades, at Me. per yard. Gltia ett’s Celebrated Black Silks at ull prices from 75c. to $2 50 per yard. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. At 25c., Ladles' High-Neck Corset Covers, nice Cambria and Embroidered: ut 26e , ladies' Chemise, extra heavy Cotton Banda and Sleeves, chain stitched; at 48e., 1 swipe' Chemise, pointed Yoke of three rows of Inserting between four clusters of tucks, Embroidered Band* und Sleeves, at 600.. lonites' Gowns, Mother Hubliard Yoke of four cluster* of wide tucks aud trimmed with Cambric ruffle; at 95c., Ladles’ Gowns, Mother Hubbard style, solid Yoke of Hamburg Embroidery between tucks, edged Sleeves and Neck; at Use , ladies' Skirts, with extra deep ruffle of iiambm g Embroidery anu ten tucks above. This Skirt would be cheap attl 26 BOYS’ CLOTHING.—Complete lines of School and Dress Suits ranging In I .ices from $1 75 to $lO a suit. CANTON MATTING! CANTON MATTING! -100 pieces new Canton Matting, just opened, at the following prices, viz: 20. , 33c., :VV.. 35c., toe., (flc. and 60c. per yard. < oiored Embroideries on White Grounds iv.tli Embroidered colors. Hamburg Edgings and Flouncinga at 3c. to $3 per yard. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. Ouf lot 40-inch all wool Plaid Albatross at fiOc., actual value 60c. One lot Striped Albatron** at SUc.. actual value 60c. 90 piecoa Plain, Striped and Plaid Persian (lurapes iri the leading Sprint color*(88 and 36 inches wide), and in every msiin* of the word a novelty. These are actually worth 50u. a yard, t will offer them during Una week ut 30c. u yard. DANIEL IK X IAN, \V LTCUK AND .IKAVICLRY. B I LYERWARE! Having just returned from Xew York, where I selected the latest and styles, I can now exhibit the laargeat aud Uandaoinectt Stock of Solid Silverware, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry Ever Ojionotl Up in thin CUty. In addition, our stock lias been reiilsrilshed in every department with articles suitable for Wed ding Presents. House Furn'shiug anil other purponos Also, u <la/./.lmg dispkiy of Diamonds Watches, Chains, Charms, Clocks. Jewelry, and, in fact, everything tliat you would expect to find hi liie Izwling Jew. Iry House of the city. The High Standard of our goods is well known, and a in.vlerate ami reasonable in odt is all that we expert or ask -therefore, no fancy Pries., Any arti cle it: our Extensive rnd Vurie I Btock will comiMre with any similar articias to be found hi any ivs|ss'table Jewelry House aiivwhwre- int exiutpUng the largest cities of the coimtry. Wo mvito a call nud tnapectiou. f *r* js • .1 for out Illustrated Catalogue. 157 TBx’OULgltxtiOxx Street. M. STEIINBERG. jji-AJvnoJsriDS- LATHS AND SHINGLES VERY CHEAP, No. 1 Cypress Laths, >- $1 50 per 1,000 No. 2 Cypress Shingles, - $2 00 per I,OOM| Vale Royal Store Housgi BROUGHTON AND WEST BiiOAD b'TB. 5