The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 26, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. "s'avann ah market. OFFICE OF TTIE MORNING news. I Savannah, Ga., April 35. 4i. m. I r n . market was very quiet and un , There was only a light inquiry and fl small stock offering. The sales for the ■Vore 111 ''.ales. On Change at the opening ■ u in a. m.. the market was reported quiet u ,changed, with sale* of 115 bales. At “ rail, at 1 p. in., it was quiet, with further sale of 1 bale. At the third and . cal | ;,t 4p. in., it was still quiet und irUanged. with no * les - The following are * official riosing spot- quotations of the Cotton cebauge: Middling fair ?££ Middling • 1 h Lev middling /B Ordinary Nominal. si Island— The market was dull but steady , u , K i,anged. There was no demand und )thing doing. I.ast sales were at quotations, i follows: Common Georgias and Floridas. ... 14 Extra fine S./ 3 %~ X Choice Receipts, Expo! its An Sf>, 1887. and! as Saub Twe i.Asf ytAa. j/stand. Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,149 4,804 } 551 8.298 Received to-day.. 76 ; 1,285 Received previously 27.258 7G2,H79|j 28,156 74.V.H7 Total 23,44 50,480 1 ! | Kxported to-day | 256 i I Exported previously 20,820, 762,9021 1 19,564 722,221 | Total 26,826 ?63,168jl 19.664 723,221 1 Stock on tmiid and on ship- 1 1 II —. — i. , Kice—The market was strong, but not quat* lv higher. There was a good inquiry, bin tin Bering stock was quite small and business Item *d. The sales for the day were only 15 oar ls, at about quotations, as follows: Prime Country lots 50©. GO Tide water 90©1 10 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur entine was dull and easy. The sales for the ay were only 75 casks at 54Uc for regulars. At lie Board of Trade on the opening call the uu-ket was reported steady at Tilde for regu irs. At the second call it was dull at 34J4c for pgulars. Kosin—The market was quiet and teadv. There wasa moderate inquiry only and small business iloing. The sales for the day rere about 750 barrels. At the Board of Trade a the first call the market was reported steady, rith sales of 450 barrels, at the foil >wing quota ions: A, B, C and Dsl (■•’U'c. Efl <J7%4, 1- ®i laid, i !l 15. II Si 30, I 81 40, K SI 50, Jl $1 80. win low glass $2 50, water white $2 75. At the losing call it was steady and unchanged, ex ept for N, which was quoted at $2 15. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirit*. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2.543 77.408 leceived to-day 8(5 1,595 ieceived previously 8,784 28,299 Total 12,172 107,302 Exported to-day 291 2,355 Sxported previously 6,596 41,149 Total 6,887 43.404 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 5,285 63,898 leceipts same day last year Financial— Money is in good demand, with ight supply. Borrowers can get enough to atisfy moderate wants. Domestic Exchange Steady. Banks and jankers are buying sight drafts at par and sell ng at 14 per cent premium. Foreign Exchange—The market is steadv. tomiuercial demand, 84 86J4; sixty days. S4 85; ninety days, $4 84W; francs, Paris and tavre. commercial. sixty clays, 5 22© ; Swiss, 15' 231-s: marks, sixty days, 95. Seci'rities —The market is very quiet for all lecunties, and only a nominal business doing. Stocks and Bonds— Citg Bonds— Quiet. At lanta 6 per ceut, 104 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta 7 !©.TPb 11° bid. 120 asked; Augusta 7 per cent, !05 bid, 112 asked; Augusta os, long, 10S bid, iiu asked: Columbus 5 per cent, 98 bid. 99 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked: new oavannah 5 per cent, July coupons, 10114 Did. 10.) asked: new Savannah 5 per cent, May coupons, 105 bid, 105 U asked. Shite Roads--Market steady, with light sup ply Georgia new (is. 1889. 108 bid, 101 asked; Georgia new gia , per cent gold, coupons quarterly, iOSGi bid, lUM)4 asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons Jan uary and July, maturity 1896, 122 bid, 133 Stocks —Central common, 123 bid, asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent f Mam-yd, ex-div.. 130 bid, 187 asked; Georgia 2£rS3 * P*? - ?® nt guaranteed, ex-div.. 131 W ev Central tl per cent certificates p | I®* 1,, d. 103 H asked; Atlanta and West romtiailroad stock, ex-div., 113 bid. 118 asked; l bid,Sws J k ed >oint,il>er Ce " t certU,cale, ‘- lifjS Bonds —Market quiet. Savannah, air -M - r " Ps,ern Rhilv.ay Company general ,Md n.!’ P ',’ l ' ‘* nt interest. coupons October, Atlantic and Gulf first mort- Lcl b ld , :Uel 1 l l * sl ' cent, coupons January tn\ enr=;.!YV"'! ly 11!,ldd . ‘- 1 asked. Cell '* e< ,‘ I,lri, *fgage 7 per cent, coupons £S nd dnly.inaturity 18(13, 113,4 bid, ill Gelp u‘‘?'P a m , llr : liul ,is - IH W. I |W Wd, 110 t ; se',i e a,K ' ,lrard sec '°nd mortgage in ®tnritv F?"P ons January and July, ill ! Fnf'n u e, T‘ lld ' 10,4 ashed: Montgomery kv cw?i a n' st 'nortgage tl per cent, indorsed and \orth ri'^ r °i a ndlt " bid - iM asked: Marietta HOliid i(n G SA!,T , t ?u moll ff ll ge tl per cent, iueust’i n,., <u^''d ' Charlotte. Columbia and cS,"? mortgage, 113 bid, ltd asked: i t i'uV ( hiH Ul l’i h v a . ttnd Augusta second mort- mt, ‘ d ' asked; Western Alabama IK, as i£p.AS*?, 0 ’U'lnnjed 8 per cent, 108 bid, lb U,i : Georgia aim Florida indorsed, •won, mni-f^o ed ',?2 u , tb , Ceorgiu and Florida Ir.rt d > >ls asked; Augusta bid >nortgage 7 per eent, 108.8 'h-n, first Gainesville, Jefferson and liHasl e • c l -" JMarantersl, 11s bid. r.-A guar intlil I *?.', He. Jefferson and Southern hip K , I .'* p . d ' | lls t,,d > 1 >'■ ached. Ocean Steam tuifrcaif ioTi.i 1 oL' ls guaranteed by Central luson imi v ’ ld : lo ®H asked: Gainesville. Jef. tecl woml mortgage guaran flrsi uii),-iir„™V ifts ‘i-d; t oimnims and Itonc food IDs ?,,?^ ,H , >ud , h md'O'sed by Central rail l.r ‘c,' KW "-sked: and Western and Sub\irh'i i U ,' W a U,< '' t ’ I'A bid. 11,1 asi.ed " 1!d nil "'tgage 7 (lerceul. >!,•• State or^~% ~1,,1al - Southern Bank of dunts 'vatinml’, i? u 'A ** andd \ ■" ashed: Mer tun 11a 11 itll I 'k- 1' P *‘* bid. 1IX) asked; Kn au., ‘d-h,;d lrust Company, In bid, 113 r ''Vs/,„V ’ “ of btavunnan. 117 bid. div oanmuith Gas Ught stock, e\- Mutual oa * U * Ut Fruit and Vegetable Market. in t, lo Moinfj.wi Nrw Ik., 1 " r l >ie 1 >0110(11 of our Florida and til,l and tho *> imeivsfod ill fruits re a ' es, and can Ixi relied uiant as accu •'l 1 Itabie: ,a! *'■' >i'i"so'i,. A,,rd *’•' Tile’ 1-e.ripls ,if vegc ti' li tl. ,*| ,n " 1 ' ‘V ‘lay ,-rc mucli heavier. r ' " >nii,mi,"'!' ,ll ‘ d ''' ltu-gc, and all m,I m i-‘u' - ,u ';::r •>>"*i me.*. ,s,.van 'Mli . • p.. r l„,x- Ismici. Satan • 0 |s"*cr.dc; lieans, Klorlilu, $3 00;. null r . Mil 00 Sl4 ml nei 1, , .3 00 (‘)ilo per crale: .< iiumil, F- '-•"is. Mil per ciale: i-gg *• 1. ‘ * i".’ I ,, 'r > rate; slraU-rii ... -0., •1 1 nicy oiaagcs arc still ladem and 1 ~ ' ruweis and Inferior '"'l • < s Paurau WAttKffiXß nv TKI.,EGIIA?IL n XAttuut •“* frivol i W 4 JO for u *’i w V ** V. .n-wt ■ ' ’ , . 4 t* t.s uldet t, .1 steady, *•. , ' I"* osit. Kscltan •. toil/ '■ 11, T ’, 4 i,C “ ‘ **'*.,e'cl*' 1 ~, V! 4d,, a t<t Steely M , •*• **-iW dull I,lit arm at f|s7(lt w j t l ** / 4{/> Hi* •• r ,f t ~4 , t j !#•** iwm! >***< # I r#a *Of t v j —Gold, $135.313,(rt): currency, $15,588,000. Gov enimeui l>-*nds and ill but .^te.uly; four ]>*r cents. 1 -■>'*; three per cents. HJU. built* bonds dull iuid heavy. I be new week at the Stock Exchange ojHMied •with a moderately active, nut feverish, irregu lar and unsettled market The pivotal stock of today was New England. The decline of the day was checked alter the first hour. On the r hand there was marked strength iu Union Pacific and Oregous, which made slight ad vances, while the remainder of the list were weak. The return of Mr. Gould and reports that his sentiments are bullish caused un uie ■wiircl .spurt in Western Union late in the day. iu which the general market sympathized to a cer tain extent. Fort Worth and Denver was also notably weak in the early dealings. Trading in Keadiug was comparatively small, but it re mained firm throughout the day. The opening was generally firm, advance over Saturday s final figures in most stocks being from t. s .e p<‘r cent. New England, with Union Pacific and Reading, furnished the great bulk of the trading, ana while New England, Fort Worth and the general list were heavy to weak,marked strength was displayed by Union Pacific. After the fii-st hour, however, declines were checked and in many cases early losses were recovered before noon. A steady to firm tone was im parted to dealings in the afternoon. Western Union coming to the front. There was a slight reaction toward 2 p.m., but the close was steady to firm and close to opening figures. The net result of the day's business is that prices are irregularly changed, though in only two cases —New England, which lost 2V4 and Wheeling anil Lake Erie U 4 per cent are the differences l’or more than fractional amounts. Following are the closing quotations: Ala. class A.2 to 5.108% New Orleans Pa Ala. class I. ss. .112 cific, Ist mort.. 78 Georgia, .'s mort. .Ids N. V Central 113}$ N. Carolina .s . 121 k Norf. AW. pref... 52 N. Carolina 4s ... US Nor. Pacific 29 % So. Caro. (Brown) ** pref... 02 consols 10v>V6 Pacific Mail 65” h Tennessee 0s 77 Reading 4fA& \ irgiuiafik 4.8 Richmond & Ale.. GR> Yu. i 52 Rie'uniond.v i)aavlsi) ~ oLjyJpflvcXJQlh' 8 Ric.i n'i! aW. Pt. •) 'tPVtHaß?•■•lt.''tß. flWpk ! :i I *fT iJv a SMbp P Z lAi-geland •, , 1 .|„I liiAi, >1 8 -^i., * pnerX’s j bmug ttic wlf.iiiduSWf , overbaju inß-TRirsonTssi).—Colton dull, with ’ plcturfl, lie was, in gpiUinfc' uplands 5 !<■ Kid. I providim, indiutrloiis,'*► - 1 for sivou and ij Hweii is 3i .uni i [4- MB. ni Imi-vVi -i • JBMHpny oianso, A and oA“ er P'iMHnr' ■•!■.!. a .vujgu y at the d.- KdtiiiVrt tAdJtniqncaii to-day were. Uplands, low mionMry clause. April ~ifleSpli y 5 45-okl. buyers; April cud May 5 35-04d, May and June 5 15-(>Jd. buyers: June and July 5 37-04d, buyers: July and August 5 89-64d, buyers; August and Septeinbi*!* 5 41-04d, buyers; September and October 5 :*,Vd4d, sell ers; Octoocr and November 5 20-<Md, buyers; September 5 42-0-kl, buyers. Market closed’dull. 4:00 p. m.—Futures:* Uplands, low middling clause, April delivery 5 &>>4d, buyers: April and May 5 35-04d, buyers: May and .June 5 3i-64d, buyers: June and July 5 37-okl. buyers; July and August 5 30-Oki, buyers: August and September 5 41-04d, buyers: September and October 5 85-04d, value; October and November 5 : J /-G Ki, buyers; September 5 42-64d, buyers. Futures closed quiet, but steady. New York, April 25, noon.—Cotton opened quiet: middling uplands 10%e, middling Or leans 10 13 10c; sales 123 hales. Futures—Market steady, with sales as follows: April delivery 10 50c, May 10 42c. June 10 50c, July 10 50c, August 10 62c. September 10 30c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed quiet; middling up lands 105gc, middling Orleans 10 13-10 c; sales to day 148 bales; net receipts 101 bales, gross 1,888 bales. Futures—Market closed firm, with sales of 63,200 bales, as follows: April delivery 10 55 Ca\ 10 57c, May 10 46c, June 10 3iic, October 9 '.)T( V 9 95c, November 9 82(f/“ 9 83c, Deceml)er 9 BUTr,O 82c, January 9 Green & Co.'s report, on cotton futures says: “Without much animation the market has been pretty steady all day, slowly but steadily ad vancing 6u/‘7 points and closing well maintained at the highest figures re? vhed. There appeared to be some pretty fair oilerings at times,mainly from New Orleans, but tne demand was waiting and all floating supply disappeared in compara tively prompt form." Galveston, April 25. —Cotton firm: middling lOUgc; net receipts 55 bales, gross 55; sales 633 bales; stock 15,257 bales. Norfolk, April 25.—Cotton firm: middling net receipts 105 bales, gross 100; sales 5 bales; stock 10,225 bales; exports coastwise 138 bales. Baj.timore, April 25.—Cotton very quiet: mid dUng 10', s c: net rec ijis none, gi * -093 bale . sales none; stock 5,730 bales; exports, coastwise 05 bales. Boston, April 25.--Cotton steady; middling 10} 4 c; net receipts 95 bales, gross 328; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, April 2b.— Cotton firm: mid dling 10>fcc; net receipts 23 bales, gro# 23; sales none; stock 2,239 bales. Philadelphia, April 25. —Cotton quiet; mi l dling lo>4c: net receipts none, gross 82 bales; stock 23.084 bales. New Orleans. April 25. —Cotton quiet but steady: middling net receipts HI hales, gross 411; sales 750 bales; stock 144,550 bales; exports, to Great Britain 1,271 bales, to the con tinent 3.004, coastwise 2,53*4 bales. Mobile, April 25.—Cotton nominal; middling 10J4c: net receipts 55 bales, gross 56; sales bales; stock 3,071 bales. Memphis. April 25,—Cotton quiet but steady; middling lOVfcc; receipts 270 bales: shipment -3,025 bales; sales 400 bales; slock 27,392 Ualis. Aigcsta, April 25.—Cotton quiet; middiiug lO'hc; nxseipts 112 bales; sales 41 tales. Charleston, April 25. Cotton quiet but firm: middling lOkie; net receipts 139 bales, gross 139; sales 2 bales; stock 1,590 bales; exports, coast wise 178 bales. Atlanta, April 25.—Cotton—middling 10c; re ceipts 22 bales. New York, April 25.—Consolidated net re ceipts for all cotton |>oris to-day 1,001 bales; ex jHrl, to Great Britain 3,813 bales, to the corni neat 4,498; stock at all American ports 432,218 bales. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool, Ar>ril 2.“, noon.—V/J\**at steady: tle mand fair; holders ofTer moderately. Corn steady: demand fair. Bacon, lon * clear 395. Ntw ohk, April tfi. noon.—Flour quiet but firm. Wheat higher. Corn tatter. Pork steady: mess jl7 00. 1-iird dull at I2W. Freights steady. 5:00 p. ni. —Southern flour quiet; common to fair extra good to choict* ditto $4 50. Wheat *i g c.<* higher; closed firm; No 2 red, April delivery elositigat JKWe; Ma> closing at w 8 July closing at 93Wc. Corn Wij higiier. closing llrm; rJo. 2. May and June delivery 49c,-b) ! -4e. closing at 49^c; July closing same. Oatr< 1 8&')b < -‘ higher; No. 2. April delivery nominal at May 84>mc. closing at :'-e. Ho[)S quiet and unchanged. Codec, fair Rio firm at op tions active and higher; No. 7 liio, April de-, livery 15 Id'</jr> 150 e. May 15 O.Ve< 15 :>k*. June 15djtKfr.r* 10c. Sugar quiet l>iit mlea i> ; refined closed quiet but steady. Molasses firm; 50 test liH<.e Cotton hcihl oil —3l r/i?i2c for crude, for relined. Hides steady and moderately active; wet salted New Orleans, selected, 45 to 00 pounds, id'ijvd. 10c; Texas, selected, 60 to lie pounds. liX'. Wool quiet and unchanged: domestic fleece B>'' d'ITo, pulled IpqJUc. Texas '.i j-i- 1 . Pork qui ai I uominall) steady; mew dull. Middles and ill and nominal. Lard a shade easier and quiet; Western steam, on spot m (t(>\ 12Lj, May delivery $1 -'. Kr‘nrhts closed dull; cotton, per sU*aiu g dki; a heat, ])er steam id. Chicago, April 25.—The wheat market was active ami stronger lo day. J’here appeared to ta inoiv general ou.ving by outsiders, tlie bull clique apparently nut aiding the aJvatic*, and at times th *> threw ctiusideranle w.ieat on the market, d•••-.pile whieii the market remained strong A very lair himro strength cuine iiom tbe visiolt* de* Cit'iUi*, wiu''ii M't '•(!•■ idly atuioUi. ’ed um ].2fi6,* mill Uusucls Ol V. lieu | •tut i b'.|*-2l‘*|s of { o|li. Three mure ele\ ; ors Imv** I m**•.i de.d.u r I “regu- Uir. ' which ''.i t up tlie Njuiutimi s<ei:t*wluit. ing l*oim p r i\ n n.(Nii) oiislieL luon of \\ijoat. They are u: pi *"ni punlt Idled May wheat upli'<il ope;.'* . • 1 sp.a , o, u,iad\ane of * live:* ,S|l tilt lay. i quie. iy .-il oft to Hl**'. Ulii .e i.*dd ..le.ul* at e.boul that ligurc during the I'ouwod-r oi the o iy. *'fo*mg on Um aiiei iiooii Immu dai m, ■ t ' *rt ■ I*mr Jugs were light, nggiin ui mg 9.• hu !•*;* Ir.Mii tUie** Atlantic pore le - -41 .•<# timdi-'U at twelve punti h 1*1i • ***M'n m< > • i ui % :irnit*r, owing to a ihtM 'i' it! the VisioJe rtiqiply aud the flniinmn **iiiwn in wheat, lie ••ips were a little l.itg 'r. iiiid the . i um.. I iiirlvd* for u mot row b tre modi r4t*. Oats wt*iv <tuli bu* Nh-ady. pi n•. biiind.i lit* !e * .• and * pm , was .in istid b .U'iid- lightly il'iulH id, mid vuhiea *!>-eiod wur.vli any elm**/•• during I lie luy. hle> t u*/ eiusod al haiiirday s figures The following were Him cadi q>l*l items; Htn* qa *i and iimm m/ and Uae.ii. N* ; si ring s-i e ( n**ta*. No ai* v* >rti * * I I*• J* *ti. :*.d M I Ait I t|f Id. KiwMl fMlskle lo %'i tsi Ur? sailed THE*MOKNIXG NEWS: TUESDAY, APUTfi 26, 188?. Treading futures ranged as follows: o}x*n mg. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— April delivery.. 83K 84t^ "May delivery . 8-t'u Kit 7 July delivery... Corn April delivery.. 88 SS34 May deli very ... 38H 38: 7 38^2 J u lie delivery... 4(41 vr 4! July delivery.... Oats - April delivery. . 27Ui * .... May delivery.... 28U July deli very... 99*4 Mess Pork— April delivery.. S2O 50 .... .... May delivery... 20 75 .... .... J une delivery... 20 75 .... .... Lard— April delivery. $ 7 10 .... Mav delivery. .. 7 12J** .... .... July delivery... 7 27W, $7 Short Ribs— April deli very.. $7 TTVr $7 85 $7 8) May and divery.... 7 77U 7 85 7 80 July delivery... 8 0) 8 05 8 00 Baltuiorf., April 25. —Flour firm but quu‘t; Howard and Western sui>erfiiie 50u4 3 I>. extra 75. family $3 85(5.4 50, city nulls superfine S2 3 fv), extra $3 2.5M;3 75, Rio brands $4 I tU. Wheat—Southern steady, with moderabA deinand; red 91 > 94c, nmberftl (7? !Hk?; No. 1 Maryland 93c bid.; Western higher but dull; No. 2 Western winter red, on spot, 92Vfjc bid. Com—Southern steady, with light inquiry: white 18 (49c, yellow4B<&49c; Western easier, except for spot. Cincinnati, \pril *2s.—Flour active; fancy S3 85. Wheat firm: No. 2 rod, 82L ;.r 83c. Corn in good demand and firm: No. 2 mixed 4H7*(i/ LV. Oats heavy; No. 2 tni\.xl, ;>oljc. Lard quiet at $7 05. Bulk meats firm: short ribs ST 75. Bacon steady: short ribs §8 75, short clear S9. Whisky steady at Si 13. Hogs steady mi l firm: common and light S-4 25(&5 25, pock ing an 1 butchers 55 )>(.. 5 05. Loi isville. April 25. —Grain firm: Wheat. No. 2 red 82c. Corn. No. 2. mixed 42c. Oat s, No. 2,31 c. Provisions closed steady: Bacon, divr rib sides 8S 62W. shoulders $0.02V-'.. Jhiik me ats, clear rib sides SB, clear sides ■ 8 25; shoulde’.*s 55 75. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured sli leaf $8 25f?{.8 5). St. Lot is. vpril 25.- Flour steady and firm. Wheat. ct*h was strong, with active export demand. HKi.tfiXi bushels having lieen takeii for f:n*ign shipment to day, and SK),iX)O bushels will go out we v k: 2 red, cash HO ' May * d'divery K)L,.vV closing at 8 ,•: Jun • 80 \(o 1 Join firm au 1 1 , ■ ,<• higher: cash and Mr.; delivery 35V4C. June 3i'>*gk\ very dull; cash 27£a<*. Whiskv' steady. Provisions dull; only small job trade. New Orleans. April 25.—Coffee strong and higher: Rio cargoes, common to prime, U ;: pc' 1- ‘ .e. Sugar, centrifugals easier; prime yellow clarified 5 7-10 c. NAVAL STORES. Liverpool, April 25, noon.—Spirits turpentine. 29s 9d. New York. Anril 25. noon. -Spirits turpentine dull at 89c. Ito’dfldull at Si i7Vfe. S:X) j). in.—Spirits turpentine dull at 38LjC. Rosin dull at §1 J7VVr J 2**. ('hauleston, April :is. Spirits turpentine quiet at :Hj>/c. Rosin steady: good strained 85c. SViLMiNoroN, April 25.—Spirits turpentine steady at Rosin steadv: strained 80c, good sli*aiiied 85c. Tar firm at 15. Crude turpen tine firm; hard §1 30, yellow dip and virgin $2 20. RICE. New York, April 25.—Rice steady and in good demand. New Orleans, April 25. —Rice unchanged. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MIM A fuSs ALTd A.N.vl ’—THIS LA V. Sun Rises 5:21 Sun Sets 6:35 High Water at Savannah 9:57 a m 10:28 p m Tuesday, April 26, 1888. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Merrimack, Crowell, Boston—C G Anderson. Steamer St Nicholas. Usina, Darien, Doboy, Brunswick and Fenumdiua—C Williams, Agt. Steamer Katie. Beviil, Augusta and way land ings—J G Med lock. Manager. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Win Crane, Billups, Baltimore— Jas B West <& Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Carroll, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Bark Elena (Ger), Rotterdam. MEMORANDA. New York, April 23 Arrived, schr Addie G Bryant, Stubbs. Frrnandina. Cleared, schrs Mary Ellen, Van Name, Key West: Clifford. Lanioine, Brunswick. ! Minuet Head, April 33 Passed, steamship R F Matthews 1 Ur), Hoff, Coosaw, SC, for United Kingdom. Elsinore, April 20—Passed, bark Nellie T Guest (Bn, Messenger. Savannah forßeval. Liverpool, April 21—Sailed, bark Annita (Br), late Gler (Nor), Horn, Savannah. Queenstown. April 23--Arrived, bark Lainetar (Ruri, Nyross, Savannah. Harburg. April 19 Arrived, barks Aagot(Nor), Jacobsen, Savannah; Christina tSw), Andersen, Brunswick (both not previously). Halifax. April 18—Sailed, schr Nellie V Rokes, Thompson, Jacksonville; steamship Hudson (Bn, Bryant, from (Vxsaw, S C. for Stettin. Nassau, Vpril 18—-Arrived, schr Goodwill (Br), Sweeping, Key West. Piogivss, April i. In port, steamship Shad wan i Bn, Willis, from Key West, not given entry by the authorities. Apalachicola. April 23—Arrived, bark Alice C <jook. Boston. Baltimore, April23—Arrived, schrs Island City, Voorfives. Savammh; Oscar C Schmidt, Bacon, Fernandina. Bail), Ale, April 23-Arrived, schr Satilla, Skolfie: f. Darien. Cookiw, S C, April 28 Arrived, sU-amship Bessie .Morris (Br), Ward, Boston. Fernandina. April 23 Arrived, schrs Samuel M Manemy. Viivfeu. i Philadelphia; SB Hubbard, Yu-huffy, New London: Lizzie Dewey, Clarke, New Yoi iv: Lizzie B Will-v, Willey, Bath; Mary L Allen, Willey. Chariest mu. Fortress Monroe. April 21—Passed out, steam ship Rosscnd Cu.stle (Br), from lkiliimore lor Port Royal. Gemxctowu, S C, April 21—Arrived, schrs Waccamaw. Squires, New York; N J Miller, Abbott. Salem. Sailed, schrs J IT Parker, Wicks. New York; O R Congdon, Terrell, do; 22d, I> W McLean, Hud son. New York. Jacksonville, April - Arrived, soLirs Nellie V Rokes. Thonijbson, Nassau. N P: C R Flint. Bl own. New York; Florence A IJllian. Smith, do. CltaHred. steamer .Silver siar. Bartar. Bangor. Me; sehr Mollie Rhodes, Watts. New York. Newbem, SC’. April 21—Ariivcd. schr Major >V 11 Tautum. (’ulvemm, Philadelphia: 23d,uchr Carrie Hall Lister, ftmith, Philadelphia. Sailed, sebr S A Rudolph, Mullin, Bay River, to loud for Philadelphia. Newport News, April 21—Bailed, str North Durham (Bn, Williams, from Coosaw for New castle.. Pensacola. April 28—Arrived, tvarka Iris ißwi. JJverpool; fait >nia < Brv. do; Pelir Brahe (Rus. Dernerai’a; Preci#>si (Nor), Antwerp. Cleaied, sliip AAtmcanu (Bi ), Liv rpool; bfirks Freeda A Wilfey, New York; Isideiltal), Cardiff: NatV'lcon (Nor). Antwerp. Port Royal, S C. April 28 Arrived, steamer Olcadowe (lir), O'Neill, New York; schr Carrie Strong. Strong. Bostou. Providence, R I. April 28— Arrived, schr Fran cis C Yarn all, Scott, savannah. I Vman'iiiKi. April 25 Arrived and cleared to return, steamship Yeuicuwe-v, Platt, New York. Cl*4ire/I, flnrence Rogers, McLeod, St Jny,u. Cubit. New York, April 25 Andvwl out. steanisbips Suevia, from New Y< rk for Hamburg; Eider, from New York for Bremen. MAitITIMF MISCELLANY. Lou'lon, April 20--Bark Lady Duffer in (Br). C'rangle, from I'ousacula I'nf B#'lfisr, f. put int Fa v 1 April 4, leaking, and would discharge for iv jours. RI2CKI ITS. TVr C'luirler.t.cii and Sivantnh Rahway. Anril 35 -UK) sticl.M gn in * pin IwirTi'Js. *io bhls roshi, id lilblb’it.v LirjHMii iuc. 1 car *lal>s. 2P Hooka tk> • -kMi -s lob'h • <. Jl boxes tobacco. 2i ns< l>.n co, 1 fuw* cigiireti#e, 6 crat"* hams, 2n fun !•**' *. 12 buckets. 1 halo wool, 75 sac .s ktui.t, and nuta*. I > ;vaufim, Florida and W -t'rM Railway. April !' P* cot;on. 24 *'.ir-i I uulx , r. 5 cars co. I. I Jtr. hi*i 1 o iii, ! bl l*. spirit 1 urjm.i its -2 ears wr>o’i, I orr ir< *i. I buitM iiJd ,s . *’.* bhls and 1/w, Jm \ s b<'getuhlea, tl ÜbiM and 8,857 In>x*v. 01 auges, and mdse. I'c leu • Kiilie. from Xiigustn uud wi.v lan lie.'• A*n Pal* - olton, 254 bbln roHili. 189 bb! -cii la turpentine 10 bbU tar, and ea*v-s eggs, 1 tail t*ul*' ’. 1 Pile wool, ) horm*ti'id buggy. p*r Ktu4* t 1 *r ;t Nudtfiiis, tnmifo'nmii imaand biiiiliiieit 14 ools wj , |tH uu isviMne (i lads I'omlu. •cMn\ 01 in;;* • tiul cubbage- \ l a'es b, I*h. 2 bul“* w > 1. 1 In#v iii'U*. 1 pke ptLus'u, bbln p-fat • -toi I letPv an i.' JVr Cumral Kadioad. A|*ril Bf> *>< tiales cot fun, dlnl'** ) 4 o, l*f hales do,nest !<•*. li iiUi iml bi.lm, 7 I*lf I. |T li t }>l>ki> tq ta . /*#,' t'i Ita lai tl, .5 I hi-Spirits t iffwnfin *. lUi b>4i *oni. 1, It Inn, in* Si I, i#) 11. b tay, 5 mUf IJ.Uwli! IV. iC,oU * **r. n **a *N ** g. tf *tl •mi; .uiiMuLuw, ||-hhln <t i car *e.* p* ie < Iff fioe lr4 ui u U g... u, I•.. MH.iNi fear 4f •t'eiq 10 pkgs wood in shaph, l79tq|iß Jfljj iron. 24 casks clay. 229 pkgs nuNe, 3 bale* paiJersioek, 5 pkgs empties, 40 pkgs hardware, 2 bbls eggs. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Merrimack, from Boston W H Clark. Miss L S Maim. P Freeman. Mrs sp Five man, W O Hanc.a*k. and 5 hU h*rage. Per steamer St Nicholas, from Fernandina and landings R M Tangnley. Rush Tungsley, Miss Fanny Tangslcy. Miss Joe Taugsley, Nliss Mary Howard, Aug Koch, wife and child. J K Clarke, Mr Gignilliat. Wm Hazard, T J Fergu son. E T Homans. Miss May Yat< >. Miss Louise Howell, Tlios Earley. C A Vetter. J Minis. Mr., J M Fisher. W C Jackson. Ismis Collar, Miss M K*lly. J Klopher. and JO deck. Pc: steamer Katie, from Augusta and way landings S Lewis, Sl3 Lewis, Miss B Lawton, Alias Pauline Lawton. Mrs Fannie Morrison, Miss Lizzie Morrison, F W Oliver, V B Oliver. R L Gnilord. 51 L Jordan, W L Conner, J C Brauon, and 15 deck. CONSIGNEES. Per steamer Katie, from Augusta and way landings Re Hi Bros. N Paulsen A Cos, E T Rob ci ts. Ellis. Y *.£ Cos, Baldwin A ('o. Woods A <'o, Peaccu'k, H & Cos, Cheanutt & O’N. Jno laiwton, J P Williams A (V\ Grady, DeL A- Cos, Ray a Q Mohr Bros, Wm Hone A Cos, De. ker&F, W B Metzger. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, April 2*- -J F Torrent. G W Tledeinan. W Piers, H Myers A Bros, I*eaeoek, H Cos, Garnett. S A Cos, Bendheim Bros & Cos. J P Williams A Cos, l.iUent.hal A Sou.M Y Henderson, Baldwin A Cos, MeMillan Bros. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway April ‘25 -Transfer Office. Jno Flannery Cos. \V D Simkins A C, S Guckrahcimer 4 v Sn \ u L Dentt'n, G V Meeker & Cos. A Ehrlich & lire. T 13 Inni'ss, Meinliard Bros it Cos, A Einstein's Sims, W G Cooper, Llppmun Bros, S \V Braneh, Perse AL. lWrson *& S. M Feist Co,G Walter A Cos, Smith Bros A Cos, loe Rov Alycrs A Frierson A Cos. Bacon, .1 A Cos, Mclhuiough A Cos. K T UolkuTs, Dale, I) A Cos. J P Williams A Cos, W c Jackson. Garnett, S A Cos, Ellis, Y & Cos. C L Jones, Baldwin A Cos. Per steamer Si Nicholas, from Fernandina and landings Jno Lyons A Cos, I! Myers A Bros. Pearson As. Miss Annie Vlow.itt. AS. (’he.snult A O’N, Mrs J G Heyward. A I>>filer, P B Springer, W C Jackson, M Y Henderson, Ellis, Y X Cos. Sirs J T Dent, Per Central Railroad. April 25 Fordg Agt, Mutual Gas Light Cos, M Boley A Son, Walter W Smith. W D Dixon, J E Const-inline. I G Haas. Solomons A Cos. H Berg. McGillis A M, Cornwell A C, M V nenvlcreon, Peacock, H A Cos, R II Tatein, McDonough A 00, Stillwell, PA M, H G Greene, A Ehrlich A Bro, W ! Ifiiller, R es< r AS, J Whitehead, Tee pie A Cos, Vale Royal MfgOo. Geo Mever, Baldwin & Cos, Frank A Cos. Mai-shall House, Eckruan & V, Mohr Bros. (' E Stul ts. D C Bacon A Cos, Smith Bros A Cos. G M Heidt A Cos, J P Williams A Cos. Ellis, Y & Cos. Per steamship Merrimack, from Boston - E M Connor, A R All nlayer A Cos. M Boley A Son. C J Baldwin, Then Busch, J O Butler, (’’ullat Bros, J S Collins A (’o, Ezra Coe, S Cohen, IV’ Duncan, A Einstein's Sons Fret well &N, M Ferst A Cos, .1 II Furber, C M Gilbert & Cos, A Hanley, A Krauss, E Lovell A Son, H Logan. John Lynch, D B Lester, S K Lovvin, N laing. Ludden A 13. Lindsay A M. D F Myerson. McDonough A B. A McAllister, Meinhartl Bros & Cos, A S Nichols, E A Smith, Order Herman A K. N Paulsen A Cos. Peacock, H A Cos, J Rosenheiiiv A Cos, CRR A JJkg Cos, II Solomop A vSon. Ga A Fla I S B Cos, E A Schwarz. G W T'edeman, Southern Ex Cos, Teeple A Cos, S, F A W Hy. HANKS. Daniel Manning, P*t. Com: ad N. Jordan, V.P't. THE WESTERN NATIONAL BANK OF TIIK CITY OF NKYV YORK. New York, April 14, 1887. I)REPARATORY to opening this bank for business at its rinuns in the Equitable HuiKl ing. in the *. itv of New York, on Tuesday. 3lay 10, 1887, its Board of Directors Ims this day called in the balance due on the capital stock, 95 per cent., payable on .Monday. May 2, 1887. V BLANKJENHORN, Cashier KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $.00,000 1 TRANSACT a regular banking: business. Give particular attent ion to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New \ork. New Orleans, Savannah aivl .lack sonvllle, Fla. Resident Ageuts for C'outts A Cos. and Melville, Evans A Cos., of Loudon. England. New York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. ♦ BROKERS. A. x2~I IA R TRIIX^K, SECURITY BROKER. I>UYS AND SELLS on commission ail classes J of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every fll teen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CU.MM! NO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., IBx*oIk:ex*S ORDF.RS EXECUTED on t he New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. ID COMMERCIAL BUILDING. STOVES. onemillionTn use. Manufactured for Fifty Years. More ACORN STOVES are to-day in use throughout this country than any two other makes combined. LOVELL & LATTIMORE Control the Sale of these famous Goods in Savannah. iW K INVITE YOU TO CALf. AND SEK THE DANGLER VAPOR STOVE IX OPERATION. Freeman & Oliver, 192 BIIOIKIIITON STREKT. RTPure GaHoline foi* Sale. Oil & Gasoline | STOVES. I A FUI.L LIN KOF THE BEST MAKEd. Cornwell & Chipman ODD FELLOWS BUILDING. ITOK HALE. ' To Ncwsuapr PofiMors. BALK, a Jloc H-Hevolutk>n Qfliodar I Hm*. I!'*'! 88 by 4ti. Jtiol ttv* lunchino for a iiiv.|iit|M r n .iulrlnir h piv th.u will turn mil n taMdauino lit ut ih<- rat of 1,500 to 8,000 coplra |ior hour. It it tins ii*i>U)t slnirlr vyliudpr pivwi riuutc. bk'lU tw w,1,l ut a bargain. Also I'oldliiK tUctsliic (f o -ai.'illi. ■■■■ ■! . r ■ ■ ->. ■ %f 1 It* HA *|h in an u/act m*-rs. io*4 Pt (~<•.■ c*>i|N#i**iiom, ,uid al) bUian* in no*bi of i shit lug, hthograpblur iud blaiik IssAu can lihot i|,. ir m *e|- jif snr#(l> Utf**', m! rmsiiTftt# ni • n it in * .I.<R>/v'4 MtfiA FHiMiNi4 Hoi st; ' t>— HOTELS. Indian Harbor Hotel, (HiKENWICH, CONN. Will Open Saturday, June 18th, Adduk.s* WM. H LEE, Grand Hotel, ."Ist stn**t uud Broadway, Now York. NEW HOTEL TOQNI, (Formerly St. Mark's.) Nownan Street, near Hay, Jacksonville, Fla. r PIIK MOST central House in the city. Near I Post Otliee, Stmt Oars and all Ferries. New and LI rant Furniture. Electric Bells, Hatha, Etc. .'*) to f:i ww day. JOHN H TotJNT, Proprietor, s A UPSON, I U i LEON HOTELs, TALLAHASSEE, • FLA. M. L. OGLESBY, Manager. Winter' liesovt. Open Deeember to May. Daily Hates $ l HOTEL SAN SALVADOR, • ST. GEORGE STREET. ST. AUGUSTINE, - - - FLA. rM-KST-GLASS ill all its appointments. This * New an t Fb'jgant Concrete Hotel is hand* somely furnished throughout. and lias all the modern improvements Electric Hell, Gas, Bathaand porfei t Sanitary system. ltat<s: to per day. S|KN.ial terms by the week or month. G. N. I‘APv, Proprietor. HOTEL VENDOME, BROADWAY <fc FORTY-FIRST STREET NEW YORK. 4 MERICAN PLAN. Centrally located. All * \ the latest improvements, Cuisine and ser vice unoxeelled. Special rates to permanent pruesta. r. STEINFELL, Manager. THE MORRISON HOUSE. ' One of the largest Boarding Houses in the South. VFFORDS pleasant South roomu, good hoard with pure Artesian Water, at prices to suit those w ishiiig table, regular or t ransient accom modations. Northeast corner Broughton and Drayton streets, opposite Marshall House. DUB'S SCREVEN HOUSE. r PHIS POPULAR Hotel is now provided with Ia Passenger Elevator (the only one in the cityJ and has been remodeled and newly fur niched. The proprietor, who by recent purchase is also the owner of the establishment, spares neither pains nor ox'jrtMise in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ors is earnestly invited. The table of the Screven House is supplied with every luxury that the markets at home or abroad can aiTorcl. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. lii Com, limfl Cora, OATS, PEAS FOR PLANTING AND EATING, ALL VARIETIES. Eating Potatoes, Florida Oranges, Messina Oranges, Turdips and Onions. Grain and Hay in Car Load Lots AT LOW PRICES. T. P. BOND & CO., 155 Bay Street. _A__ b7h TXx.Xj WAREHOUSEMAN AND Commission Merchant, WHOLESALE GROCER, FLOUR, HAV, GRAIN & PROVISION DEALER. IT'RESH MEAL and GRITS in white sacks, and I mill stuff* of all kinds always on hand. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS, any variety. Special prices on large lots. Office, 83 Bay street. Warehouse, No. 4 Wad ley street, on line C. R. R., Savannah, Ga. OF FJC’IAJU DILLON TRACT FOR SALE. NOTICE. City op Savannah, Office Clerk op Council, I April 23, 1887. f Til-* following resolutions were adopted l,y the City Council of Savanuah at meeting of April 20th, 1837. FP.ANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. RESOLUTIONS. By Alderman K. 1). Bogart: /frvo/mi, That all that portion of the tract of land lying south of Seventh street and west of Haniard n tree t, recently purchased by the city of Su' amiah from F. X. Mousscuu et al.. known as part of Dillon's tract, be sold in front of the Court House of Chatham county at public out cry to the highest bidder, on the KJItHT TUES DAY. Lung the THIRD DAY OF MAY next, be tween the usual hours of Sheriff's sale. iieghi< at 11 o'clock a. m. That the several blocks of hits In said tract i>e valued at such a valuation jv> to aggregate the sum of seventy thousand ($70,000 > dollar**, that cat’ll of the said blocks tie put up for sale at such valuation as may be flxml, and no block shall be suit I at a Ims valuation than that fixed thereon us the minimum price therefor. That the Committee on City Lots be charged with the duty of fixing the valuation on the said blocks to bo sold, and the same shall lw sold by the (Mty Murshnl under the superintendence of said Committee on City af*>ve directed. Terms, either all cash or one fourth cash, one fourth first of September, IW7, balance first of Kept cm her interest at 7 per cent, on deter red payments Mortgage to secure unpaid pur ebaae money, purchasers paying for title, be it further AVWv'vf. That the Clerk of Council publish the foregoing resolutions daily until iluy of sale Adopted. Oftice City Marshal. ) Ravannaji, <Ja., April Al, ISs’?. f Under and by virtue of the arxive res* dution of (Council, 1 will sell the above and scri!> I laud iu front of the Court House in the city of guv an nab. rhatlinm county, Oa.. to the highest and lx*st bidder between toe h*)irs of Ida. rn,, an 1 2 p m. o'clock on the THIRD DA YOF MAY, 18H7. ROBERT J. WARE, City Marshal. *d. 7 KLBCffof NOTH i:. Citt of Savannah, ) Office Clerk of Contcth. J. Aimiil Ai, 1487. S IT and by virtue of a resolution a<b*pted .J by Council at meeting of April 20th, iMKT, Council will elect, at its n*xt regular meeting, that is to sav on WEDNESDAY, MAY Ith, a Port Warden to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Thomas J{. Laird. Bond s.y; salary, fees. Applicants inuct hand in their ap plications with name*; of bondsmen (two re quirrd) stated therein to tb** Clerk of Council at or holore 2 o’clock P. h.,n. Wednesday, May 4th, 18N,. By order of Council. FRANK V. REBARER, IMiANH W A NTICI, NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS r IMI II CoimiiiHMifUHTH of ('hathttjn County. I invlt** AtvhitncU U> nobiuU of a Court liouno building to b located lu tha litv of Htivuiumh. 'flu* suo*-ovfnl competitor will )wi chnrgofl wirh thr I'jtiM-utifin of tin* work ut the umii*! f*** of fi pr rent on *o*f for plaut*. sjno'lflout 1oi;h uiiil MuijHrvMton. Tbe selection of * 'iHsijru w ill Is#* nuoi* yrolmu>uul juJvirc Kiill iNirticulan* tuny fuol by JOHN ft I>JIJN rl*rk (' (*., Huvnuuab, •*t wood! Bacon, Johnson & Cos. |{*VM a fill* MOCfc of Oak, Pine, Lijfhtwood and Kindling, (Virtif n4 Imj* Ui'Jttd Htrmtm. T-’Uj 'I *** I % ARTIFIC IAL STOVE. THE PEIRCE PATENT Siflue il Bill Cijii OF - GEOBGIA. INCORPORATED. CAPITAL STOCK SIOO,OOO This company deals in a superior quality of Artificial Stonk for all building purposes. Buildings, Pavements, Curb in”', Bridges, Railroad Culverts, Sewers, Chimneys and Orna mental Tops; Stone Trimmings for Brick Buildings, Side walk-; of all kinds. Cemetery Lot's. Garden Walks, Flftwer Vases, (Corridors and Olliee Floors. Well Curbing, Fire-proof Vaults for Banks and Private Residences, Fountain Bases—in fact, this composite Stone may be applied to any of the uses mad a of Brick or Stone, and is protected by letters patent. Our Stone is fire-proof and in ease of fire the walls will not crack like Brick, Natural Stone or Marble, of which we can givn sufficient, proof. This Building Stone has been recommended by the Florida Medical and Surgical Journal, which says: “This Stone will be the building material of the future, for aside from its beauty it fulfills all the requisites of sanitation and economy. Our Blocks have the air space in the Block for circula tion of air. County Riglitto Manufacture .Tames S. Peirce's* Patent Artificial Stone In the State of Georgia. For sale at the Company’s office. The invention has for its object the production of an Artificial Stone and Patent Block suitable for all Building and Paving purposes, possessing strength and hardness, and free from efflorescence when exposed to the air; and it con sists in the combination of ingredients particularly described in the letters of patent. This Stone is formed into Blocks in any suitable molds and of any desirable color or shape, and can be made at any place where good, clean, silicious sand or broken rock is to be had. See the Blocks being put in the walls of the new Epis copal Orphan Home now being erected in this city, Jefferson and Liberty streets. We warn all parties to not make, buy or use articles pro. tected by patent and owned by us. Call at the Factory, foot of William street, or at the Company’s Office, 116 J Bryan street, and leave your order for Sidewalks, etc. FOR SALE! State and County ManJ facture J times S. I?eii*ce’s Patent Artificial Stone 7 ♦ Minnesota, Florida, Louisiana and Georgia Sold! My invention has for its object the production of an Ar tificial Stone and Patent Block suitable for all Building and Paving purposes, possessing strength and hardness, and free from efflorescence when exposed to the air; and it consists in the combination of ingredients particularly described in the letters of patent. This Stone is formed into Blocks in any suitable molds and of any desired color or shape, and can be made at any place where good, clean, silicious sand or broken rock is to be had. ' JAMES S. PEIRCE, At the Company’s Office, llfii Bryan Street, or at the Factory, foot of William Street, Savannah, Ga. CHARTER OAK RANGE! WITH WIRE tiAUZE OVEN DOOR. ITS WATER ATTACHMENT is the simplest and lest means yet devised for heating water for household j'.tpv-s-s requiring the consumption OF LESS FUEL THAN BY ANY OTHER >*FTH,)D. CLARKE & DANIELS, Guards Armory, ntnl Vuilt fciLiTwu. 7