The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 27, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. A Counterfeiter Shoving the Queer in Several Towns in Northern Georgia —A Claimant for a Large Part of the Land Now Occupied by the Business Portion of Tallapoosa Wine His Suit in Court. GEORGIA. Stewart Superior Court will convene nest Monday. Avery large alligator was seen in Vorus’ mill pond, at Lumpkin, last week. An effort is being male to establish a brickyard at Richland, Stewart county. At Carrollton there is a trunk in the depot that has been there five years. No one as yet, has ever claimed it. Five hundred shares of Augusta factory stock were bought in Augusta Monday by one party for sll2 per share. William Jackson, of Black Ankle district, Heard county, has been a Justice of the Peace in his district forty-five years, and has never missed attending his court during tiia whole time At Cartersville John Henderson, the horse thief who was arrested in Atlanta, last Thursday for stealing horses from Mr. Head den and Ben Akerrnan, had a preliminary trial before Judge Neal and committed to jail in default of $52,000 bond. From all that can be learned of Henderson he will have a number of charges of like kind to answer. A handsome card of invitation has been issued by the committee in charge of the banquet" complimentary to Gov. Gordon and his staff and all visiting military to be given at the armory of the Macon Volun teers May 12. Macon is bound to make the coming "prize drill an event long to be re membered. The proverbial hospitality of the Central City assures every visitor a good time. At West Bowersville Saturday night the store of S. P. Bond was broken into and sev eral pounds of meat, flour, sugar, etc., taken out. A search warrant was issued to search the house of John Vanhan, where the goods were found packed in the bed-tick on which his two daughters, who were sick, were lying. Vanhan was arrested, and informed that A. J. Vaughan was also implicated with him in the burglary, and he was also ar rested. Hon. M. R. Russell, of Carrollton, bad a cow that developed a plain case of hydro phobia last week. She was bitten some time since by a dog affected by the disease. He put the cow up and says "he has never seen such antics cut by any beast as this one cut. A>he ran at Air. Russell, who was only saved by use of a stick that he carried in Eis hard Air. Russell had the cow killed and Burned to prevent harm to bis other stock. At TViuglagville Thursday uight J. H. Smith (white! and Arthur Reynolds (col ored) bored out of the jail. Sheriff AVard at once offered a reward for their arrest, The deputy Sheriff of Paulding county ar rested both of them on Sal unlay and they are again in jail, ready to get out at the first opportunity. Smith had just ar rived at an uncles near Lost Alountain w hen arrested, and Reynold! was at work for a farmer in Paulding county. At Macon Alondav a negro named Aleck Tavlor, working at Anderson’s brick yard, had a dispute with a negro woman named Cornelius Heighten, living on the lower end of Cherry street, and in his rage threw- a railroad spike at her. The spike missed the woman and struck her little son John on the head, inflicting a dangerous wound, which soon covered his entire body with blood. When Taylor saw what he had done he took to his neels and made his way to the woods below the city. Hon. AA'. F. Brown and Judge AV. C. Adamson brought suit in Haralson Superior Court some months ago for a largo part of the land now occupied by the business por tion of Tallapoosa. The" first case was tried in the court and the defendants were repre sented by Hon. J. M. Mcßride and Col. M. J. Head, of Buchanan, but by the careful and able management of Messrs. Brown and Adamson the case was gained for the plaintiff in that court. The defense carried the case to the Supreme Court and a recent decision of that court sustains that of the lower court. This gives one-fourth of the land where Tallapoosa is looatedt o the plain tiff. This is quite a victory to these legal gentlemen. The land in dispute is occupied y some of the best business houses in Talla poosa, and sold when the town lots were sold for the aggregate sum of about SB,OOO. A man giving his name as Crouteh passed •brough Buchanan Tuesday and left a few counterfeit silver dollars with some of the people. He also victimized Cedartown, Limo Branch and Bowden. He had anew Bet of saddlebags, in which it is supposed he carried his counterfeit money. Cixmtch is a heavy built man. w eighing about 175 pounds, with a set of dark whiskers, and was riding a small black mule when he passed through Buchanan. He said he lived uff Blountsville, Ala., and went to Buchanan to be treated by Dr. Pfifer. AVhen the doctor informed him that he would have to take off his coat to be examined. Crouteh hesitated n moment- He then took a pistol out of his pocket and pulled off liis coat. The doctor prescribed, sold him $5 worth of medicine and took his note for S2O, receiving $4 in quarters and a counterfeit dollar. Crouteh was very careful not to leave but one spu rious dollar with a man. A sensational marriage occurred in loi- Grange Sunday night. The contracting Sulies were Robert J. Guinn and Miss Mat e 8. Abraham, daughter of John W. Abra ham, of that place. Sunday night just after preaching was over uud as the crowd VW going out of church the young lady nMDke loose from her mother and ran down Pie church steps where Mr. Guinn was wait log for her with a buggy. Further down the street a carriage was standing in readi ness to drive to the marriuge scene. As the the young lady sprang in the buggy all parties started off at a rapid speed. They knew that they were soon to be followed, as her mother had given the alarm. They hurried on out on the Antioch road. Just as they reached the front gate of Maj. McGee, where parties were waiting to witness the marriage, the ceremony, was performed by I). J. Gaffney. And even before the cere mony wus over the sound of horses' hoofs could be heard. It was known that they were the pursuers. No sooner were the aouole united thun they sturted for Antioch, t'uc parties still pursuing. Justice Gaffney and the young men who nad gono to wit ness the marriage, stood aside and let them pass. Miss Abraham is the only child of wealthy parcuU). a beautiful little brunette oi eighteen summers. Mr. Guinn is o splen did young man. The cause of objection is unknown. A telegram has boon received at Macon notifying the authorities that Stella Hor ton, who wue arrested in Nashville, Term., last Friduy. had been released. When Mr. Wiivy Jone*. whose daughter, Mist Lillie, tails assaulted by Stella with a horsewhip, on April 15, learned of the occurrence, on Friday last, he telegraphed to several cities and nod her anestssi in Nashville. On Friday he went to Solicitor Hardeman and took out what he warn the projier paiirrK to oocurw a mjulHlion for tha iToiniui. Ho then employe*! Col. Litnior. whojrmo him n I#tt4*i* to Attorney (h*n#*ral AmU'ivtn, MhUifijj th<* lat.l* r \*> m-f him m th* matter. HaiTif*. of City I Wit, oxaminevl tbn jwi iiaJ fuidtei lilm jn'iniM-noiit. Mr. left fof Atlanta oil tJj* flint train ft’** relay morning, miml urrlrt ug thto* lie tiumM to tin* (4ovartK>r' **flloe am! leal ih* m#tl *r I * }.,/, him ‘ i.ithJ \ii tiri > tit wh* uiUwl, nwi hf* a*i (iov, (lordon Mr. Joim* thet hU iafxr* wmih no that tin* M urniMU iitunl h lu th* uflh ** of Hio ( k o| t4ia C|| v and IWif Ji i ..fW |ii|Hdl4el to tha (loyMTllof tjtiiimMitytfiUtg * oiiid U4m< M Jixif** tie a*JvigKf tu return hu Mjuj4i el ceme urt'l !*** iwv aumU/ pc.v tu am,4*>si. and then apply at the executive office for 1: • requisition. He telegraphed Col. Lanier to meet him at the train, and boarding the train returned to Alaeon, where he arrived at 5:40 p. m James Anderson met. him ard inquired as to what was lacking, which All-. Jones briefly explained. Taking his carriage, he sought the City Clerk, who he was informed was out of the city. He then found Lieut. Wood and Chief AVilev and went in search of the Mayor, whom he failed to find. He visited Supe rior Court Clerk Adams, who said he hail no jurisdiction. Then he sought Judge Sim mons. who was not w ell and could not look into tlie matter. Solicitor Hardeman was consul ted, and be stated that he was not aware of the change in the law. Finally, worn out with trving to get the matter ar ranged, he went fiome, deciding to wait un til Monday and resume operations. Mean while notice was given of the release of the prisoner. FLORIDA. A temperance society has been organized at Arcadia. Rev. Henry Messer received his ordination as a minister in the Baptist church at Piue Level last Sunday. The negro who was recently shot at Dade City by Henry Johnson (colored), who is now in jail awaiting trial, has died. The Florida Railway and Navigation em ployes were all paid off last week for Alareh. It required about $85,000 to square accounts. At Fruitland Park the Clietwynd Hotel is nearing completion. A newspaper is talked of as one of the features of the Park next fall. Tho A\ T elnka correspondent of the Morning News, under date of April 25, says: “The weather has been pretty warm of lari', but a fine rain for the past twenty four hours has cooled the atmosphere and assisted growing crops. Orange trees are looking remarkably well and a fair crop is the indication, the fruit being now about tho size of acorns. Irish potatoes, straw berries, etc., are plentiful: oats and rye are heading out; corn is rather backward, though I bas e seen some in tassel and have hoard of good sized melons. Most people who were sojourning in Florida the past winter have i gone North, and I fear may have gone too soon. One party left here a week ago, when mercury was 80 degs., and landed in a snow storm at Syracuse, N. Y It is much safer to remain here until May 1. This place was duly incorporated on April 23, and wo are now a municipal corporation. A few voted against incorporating, but for no good reason. The following ticket was elected: Mayor,.). S. North; Aldermen C. F. AValdron, C. A. Greenwood. C. E. Thorne, George Hanuer, R. J. Broad, H. H. Bryant, G. E. Welch; Marshak AV. AV. Stephens; Clerk, F. E. Reeder. Tiffs is a good ticket, and there were no opposing candidates. This ia one of the necessary steps to induce people to come among us, and some good op portunities are open. AVe hope to see a good hotel go up. and it is a grand opening for the right man. The railroad movement seems to go on correct, and we hope to hear the iron horse whistle by fall. Alen are all home from court duties and feel relieved. Fort Myers Press: Monday morning about 7or 8 o’clock on an island in Mat lacha Pass, a young inan called “Dud’’ or “Dudley,” supposed to be a son of Air. T. O. Russell, formerly of Madison, lud. ,shot Mr. Gustave Chucar over tho right eye with a charge of shot. Though he was not dead When our informant left, there was no pos sible chance of his living. Mi's. AI. C. Yeomans (John L. Bright’s widow-) had sold the island to Mr. T. O. Rus sell and went over in his boat ac companied by them and her husband, to prevail upon Mr. Chucar to give up the island to the parties who had bargained for it. Mr. Chucar was living on the island with the consent of Airs. Yeomans, with the understanding that he should vacate when called upon to do so. This he utterly re refused to do, and it seems was armed and had threatened violence to anyone who should seek to occupy the land. The party landed and succeeded in getting into the house, and cutting Air. Chucar off from his guns, and while Mr. James Yeomans was talking to him, the young man, “Dudley,” who was standing behind Mr. Yeomans, picked up one of Chucar’* guns and shot him as above stated. Air. Yeomans says that, the young man immediately dropped hLs gun ana com menced wringing his hands, saying: “My God! What have I done!” The old gentle man, Mr. T. O. B ussell. turned to the young man and said, “AVhat did you do that fort I told you not to shoot,’"’ or words to that effect. Old man Chucar was supposed to be an outlaw from Russia, belonging to the Nihilists organization, and was w anted in that country for being mixed up in the as sassination of the Czar, Nicholas. While hero he was engaged principally in making illicit rum. Air) James Yeomans says the shoot ing was possibly an accident. Mr. Russall and son immediately left in their boat for Trabue, which looks bad for them. The Coroner’s jury returned last night, and will continue their session this (Thursday) morning. They have had Mr. James Yeo mans put under arrest pending their delib- it is stated that Air. Yeomans bus told conflicting account* to different parties, who will be summoned to testify. Old man Chucar was buried on the island. Phillips’ Digestible Cocoa Is a valuable substitute for tea or coffee. It nourishes, while they only stimulate. A supej rior drink for children and for nervous and del icate women. It is different from all other co coas. All druggists and grocers keep it. SHIPPING. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique —French Line to Havre. BETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier No. 48, N. R., foot of Morton street. Trav elers by this line avoid both transit by English railway nnd the discomfort of crossing ibe Channel in a small boat. Special train leaving the Company’s dock at Havre direct for Paris on arrival of steamers. Baggage checked at New York through to Paris. LA BRETAGNE, De Joi’Sseun, SATURDAY, April SO, 10 k M. LA GASCOGNE, Santelu, SATURDAY. May 7. r. a. m LA NORMANDIE. De Kerkaiubc, SATUR DAY, May 14, 11 A. m. LA CHAMPAGNE, Tit ALU, SATURDAY, May 81, 4:30 a m PRICE OK PASSAGE l including wine): TO HAVRE First Cabin, $l3O. SIOO and $80; Second Cabin, $00; Steerage from New York to Havre, $35: Steerage from New York to Puris, s2*: including wine, bedding and utenslls- LOI'IS IJE BEBI.VN. Agent, 3 Howling Green, foot of Broadway, New York. Or WILDER A: CO., Agents for Suvaunhuh. R MI.ROADS. Charleston k Savannah Railway Cos. (“10NXKCT10N niadont Savannah with 8a van* j nab., Florida out I Western Railway. Trains leavts and arrive at Savannah by stand an! tin.'* (i*uth mrridian), which is minute* blower than city time. NORTHWARD. 4M m 43* 47* l.v Suv*h 12:15 prp 1:0D p m 7:loam 6:2Bpm Ar AutfVta I:4ft p m Ar Itaatif ‘t 0:10 pn . . 11:00 am Ar T Royal G:2ft pm ll:tt) aui ....... Ar Al'dale..7:4o pm 11:30 am Ar ('ba ston 4:4.7 pin tf :20 p m 12:56 pm 1 :Sj uin SOUTHWARD. 84' 45* |o* Lv Cha'aton 6:00 am B:3opmß:4sam i<f 140 am Lv Ardnli' 5:40 am . 11:4ft am l.v iMiuynl 7:4Aant . . 111:30 pm ... . Li liraiif i WrflOam 18 l> pm ArKui 'lt II . JO a hi ' oo pm 0 II am •Daily lf*t a ***i Suvannuh and ('harlaaton. 4 Kundny* only. Trail. so 17 male** no roiiiwelioii with Fort #t*%ul Mini Auioaiii liailwuv, and Mtop only at Ri(lttr*Uud. Uiim'ii I'oiid and Kavttni*) Train 45 r.loj* only at YiniMW and Ot**n J'oud. Hint fir fb’aufiirt and J'ort JinyoJ daily, mui for daily. jn**i>t nijiplu) Tniifi* 4 i and 43 roniiMf fr<*u ana for IV*aufort and |srt fto).{ daily, * *jw|4 Himday Tor ll< Im*ta aWpiuy iar i••**sat ir>o, aial all oilvr liifonua: lo V\ HiUiu Him Hi ►***.(Ji*k, latnlrli, |UeH> a'lye ivupi ' Nut. U. IWU, THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27. 1887. SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. •1838; 11SWHTSaSPECIFIC. 1111881 • A BEMEDY NOT TOE A DAY, BUT FOE“ Ecr HALF A CENTURY “fee RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY I ' sss sss sss ss!s an interesting treatise on blood and skin diseases sent FREE TO ALL APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD BE READ BY EVERYBODY. ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, C,A. DRV GOODS. Gray & O’Brien WILL OPEN THIS WEEK The following lines of Goods bought under very favorable circumstances: 2 cases Check Nainsooks at f5J4c., good value and sold all over at Sc. 2 cases Check Nainsooks at Bc.. good value at 10c., and sold all over this city at We. 100 pieces Flat fold Sheer Nainsook Checks at 18c.; these goods are good value for 30c. 200 pieces Real India Linen at 12*yc., 10c., 20e. and 25c. (slightly soiled); these are actual value for 25c. to 60c. 200 pieces Book-fold Persian Lawn at 12J4c.; same as sold at 25c. GINGHAMS AND SEERSUCKERS. The greatest variety and every conceivable pattern, Bc., 10c. and 12e. 20 pieces Imported Zephyr Ginghams. 50 different patterns in Imported Sateens; all choice patterns. EMBROIDERIES! IVe will offer the most complete lines of 45-inch and other Flouncings, together with Black Hand, New Spanish and Chantilly Flouncings and All Over Lace to match. All Over Colored Embroidery and Edgings to match. Dress Croocls. 50 pieces of All Wool in all the newest shades at, 48c. 30 pieces Nuns’ Veiling, In new shades, at liffje., 18c. and 25c.: good value at 18c., 25c. and 35c. 15 pieces 45-inch All Wool Black Bengaline—good, said to never wear out, at 65c., and good value for sl. A full line of Evening Shades in anew Summer Serge. These are not to be had except at our store. Silk Surahs and Rbadames in all the Newest Shades at the lowest figures. 20 pieces 42-inch All Wool Black Nuns’ Veiling at 49c. jr TABLE DAMASK. Napkins and Doylies—One of the Most Complete Lines Ever Kept by Us. 100 Damask Setts, Cloths and Napkins to match. All slightly soiled and at soiled prices. PILLOW CASE LINEN AND LINEN SHEETINGS A full line* of Pillow Case Linen from 42 to 5-4 inches. 200 dozen Misses’ Ribbed Hosiery at 25c.; wort h 50c. 100 dozen Misses' Solid Color Hose, all sizes, oto 8 inches, at 20c.: worth 30c. 100 dozen of same style of goods, but much finer, all sizes, 6to 8 inches, at 25c.; good value BOYS’ SPRING SUITS. Full line now ready for inspection. About 12 suits of nice good long Pants 13 to 15 years. ECKSTEIN’B Great Annua! Clearing Sale! IN THREE WEEKS FROM THIS DATE it is our intention to take our Annual Inventory of Stock. In order to close out many large lots of FINE GOODS, we shall offer GREAT BARGAINS In every department. Our Stock is unusually large and well assorted—everything new and relia ble—no old shop-worn goods, our system being not to carry over from one season to another, but to close out at any sacrifice. This Great Clearing Sale Will therefore be very attractive, and presents an opportunity to purchase BARGAINS that seldom occurs. On Tlxe Dress G-oocLs Connter An immense lot of 37-inch DRESS FABRICS, Wool Filling, in Plain Colors, Cheeks, Stripes, Plaids, Brocades and Fancy Styles, will be closed out at Bc, 10c, 13j£e and 15c; worth double. DOUBLE WIDTH WOOL DRESS GOODS In all Now Spring and Evening Shades, with Fancy Combinations to Trim, marked down to 25c, 35c, 45e uud .50c. THESE ARE TREMENDOUS BARGAINS i 150 ROBES IN BOXES, all the latest Styles and Color*—the choicest roods to be found iu the city—will be closed out from $1 50 to sls 00—a reduction of 20 per cent. Ui<£ Bargains in, Bummer Mourning Dress Goods at 40c. 50c and 65c. Si r.KS ! SILKS ! SI I.TvS ! 24-inch Fancy Surah Silks, 7.5 c; reduced from Si 85. 200 yards Black Satin DeLyon, very rich lustre, pure silk; manufacturer's price $1 35; out price this week BMe per yard. Bargains I 100 doaen GENTS' GAUZE UNDERVESTS, 19c each. Parasols and Sunshades all reduced. 6.000 yards Embroidery in Nainsook, Swiss and Cambric, at 85c per yard; worth from 40c to 60r. E C Iv BTE IN’S. TELEPHONE UG.G. ASBESTOS GOODS. J ASBESTOS ROOfING A j ■ T'V: . JHB FIRE-PROOF. r I 'HIS is tbo perfected form of portable Rooting, manufactured by us -*• for the past, twenty-seven years, and is now in use upon roofs of Factories, Foundries, Cotton Gins, Chemical Works, Railroad Bridges, Cars, Steamboat Decks, etc., in all parts of the world. Supplied ready for use, in rolls coijtainiag 200 square feet, and weighs with Asbestos Roof Coating, about 85 pounds to 100 square feet. Is adapted for all climates and can be readily applied by unskilled workmen. Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail. H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., OI,K MAXtirACT!'ftMIA OK 11. IV. .lolma* Flrr itil Wai#r*Frool Anbriion at imm, Rtilldinf FHl* AalimiOM hikii m Far kin ga, Haller I'overiiiß** l.hiuld l*Nlntn Flr*Froaf I'alnia, ric. Vulcabf.ston. • Ul <l#*f l*|atoulfod r< king, l(lnga. 4*iuikrta, M*M I'ncliliii.olr. Established 18-3. 87 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. For kl<> by LIFTMAN BKOtk, Kavmuiab, G. 4 ON I'll A. T'OKA. PT J. FALLON, ** HIUYTOX MTRKKT, HA VAN'S AII l/irilMA firoUiUUy luruM fur (jiiudiyf 4 4 <4 an; via*• IKI Ip l , ami MI UK IMn. COUGH REMEDIES \ STUH ( ICT.PY FIOTUIIAL. Jurit' m Kt i !• -■! ■<•>" Hub> k Honey uud T*r, li-w luv > (iunnau Hyni|i H i Congfi Syrup, Piw/ Cure, BUTLER’S PHARMACY, UVial. AND WtitltlUmi biiUala SHIPPING. omTsteaMhip CMIPANY —fob— New York, Boston and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New York) CABIN I $22 00 EXCURSION 30 00 STEERAGE 12 00 ''pin: magnificent steamships of these lines 1 are appointed to sail as follows—standard time: TO NEW YORK. NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Kempton, FRIDAY, April 29, at 10 A. M. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. W. 11. Fisher, SUNDAY', May 1, at 12 u. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. H. C. Daggett, TUESDAY, May 3, at 2:30 p. u. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. J. W. Catharine, FRIDAY, May 6, 5 p. M. TO BOSTON. MERRIMACK, Capt. Crowell, THURSDAY, April 28, at 9 A. M. GATE CITY, Capt. D. Hedge, THURSDAY, May 5, 4 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. [roß freight only.] JUNIATA. Capt. S. L. Askins, SATURDAY, April 30, at 11 a. m. DESSOUG, Capt. N. F. Howes, SATURDAY, May 7, at 6 p. m. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apnlv to C. G. ANDERSON, Agent, City Exchange Building. SjSS sis s sss sss Merchants’ and Miners’ TransportationTom’y. For CABIN sl2 80 SECOND CABIN 10 00 r pHE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap- X pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, MONDAY, May 2, at 2 p. m. WM. CRANE. Capt. Billi-ps, SATURDAY, May 7, at 6 p. m. JOHNS HOPKIXB, Capt. Foster, THURSDAY, May 12, at 12 m. WM. CRANE. Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, May 17, at 3 p. M. Andi rom Baltimore on tho days above named at 3 p. m. Through bills lading gben to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and tho Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO.. Agents, 114 Bay street. Sea Island Route. THE STEAMER St. ]NTicliolas, Capt. M. P. USINA, WILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of T > Lincoln street for DOBOY, DARIEN BRUNSWICK and FKRNANDINA, every TUES DAY and FRIDAY at 6 p. m., city time, con necting at Savannah with New York, Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore, steamers, at Ker namliiia with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Sat ilia river. Freight received to within half hour of boat's departure. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. Tickets on wliarf and boat. C. WILLIAjMS, Agent, For Augusta and Way Landings. STEA ME R KAT rE, Capt. J. S. BEVILL, WILL leave EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 * * o'clock A. M. (city time) for Augusta and way landings. All freights payu'ole by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, Manager. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN’S BLUFF AND WAY LANDINGS. r |'HK NtmmiT ETHEL, Opt. W. T (librok, I will Im*\* for rtl)ovo MoNDAYrt and TIIUKH PAYK at ti o'clock f m. Returning, arrivn WEDNESDAYS mid SATURDAYS hi o'clock v m. For informal lou, etc., npi’lv to W. T. (JIHsOK, Manasjpr. Wharf font of Drayton *tro*t. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. M'atnim, Iv<*v W'ont, llrtvnna. Till WKKII.y. SOUTH HOUND Lv Tmunu Thom., Thur* and Hat p m. Ar K* y Wwt Friday and Sun. p. in. Ar Havana Tbun hat. and Monday a. ru NORTH HOUND Lv Havana Tlmn* . Sat ami Mon. Boon. Lv K*y W#t Tham,. Kat and Mon p, m. Ar 'JamiG* Friday. Hun and p n i’-nitiiaoflna at lamiia with v%>m India l‘a-t Train to and from Sorth* rn and Kaat*rn r.llim For atatmaMii in oifinatdalama apply to Of y TH' i • inii'i* H I 4 Vi It y, or Atf*nl Riant KUuuuMiJji liir, Tainiai, r D WEN'S liaUn Mail a|f*r II H H A INKS, (P iq-iai Manage TpSfIEN RAILROADS. ceTtralrailroad. Savaxxah, Ga.. April 17, 1887. ON and after this date passenger trains will run ns Daily unless marked t, which are Daily except Sunday. The Standard time hy which these trains run is 30 minutes slower than Savannah city time. I.vSavannah 10:00am B:2opm s:4opm Ar Milieu 12:35 p m 11 :03 p m 8:45 p m Ar Augusta 4:45pm o:lsam Ar Macon 4:50 p m 3:20 a m Ar Atlanta 9:00 pm 7:20 am Ar Columbus 0:50 a m 3:02 pin Ar Montgomery.. 7:00 pm Ar Eufaula 3:50 p m Ar Albany 10:08 p m 10:50 a m Passengers for Sylvanfa, Sanderßville.Wrights ville. Milledgevillo and Eatouton should take 10:00 a m train. Passengers for Thomnston, Carrollton. Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Vista, Blakely and Clayton shoidd take 8:20 p in train. Lv Millen ~. .12:55 p m 11:15pm s:loam Lv Augusta 10:20 a m 0:30 p m I.v Macon 0:50 a m 10:50 p m I.v Atlanta 0:35 am 6:50 pm Lv Columbus 10:20 ;> m 11:18 a m Lv Montgomery... 7:lspm 7:4oam Lv Eufaula. ...... 19:49 am Lv Albany 4:50 a m 3:57 p m Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 5:65 am 8:05 am Sleeping cars on all night passenger trains between Savannah and Augusta, Savannah and Macon. Savannah and Atlanta, Macon and Columbus. Train No. .53, leaving Savannah at 8:20 p m, will stop regularly at Guyton, but at no other point, to put off passengers between Savannah and Millen. Train No. 54, arriving at Savannah at, 5:55 a m. will not stop between Millen and Sa vannah to take on passengers. Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths oil sale at city office, No. 20 Bull street, and depot office 30 minutes before departure of each train. G. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent. J. C. SHAW, Ticket /Agent. East Tennessee, Georgia R. R. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. /COMMENCING March 13, 1887, the following V Schedule will be in effect: EASTERN LINE. Fast Night S., F. &W. Depot, Express. Express. Lv Charleston 3:15 a m 3:50 p m Ar Savannah 6:4lam 7:09 pm Lv Savannah 7:06 am 8:45 pm 1:30 pm Ar Jesup 8:42 a m 11:25 p m 3:20 pm Lv Jesup .I:4sam 3:35 pm Ar Brunswick 5:45 am 5:35 pm Lv Jesup 10:30 am 1:15 am Ar Eastman 1:48 pm 4:49 am Ar Cochran 2:30 p m 5:40 am Ar llawkinsville... 3:30 pm 12:00noon Lv llawkinsville 10:15 am 1:35 pm Ar Macon 4:00 pm 7:15 am Lv Macon 4:05 pm 7:80 am Ar Atlanta 7:46 pm 10:60 am Lv Atlanta 10:30 pm 1:00 pm Ar Rome 1:45 am 4:00 pm Ar Dalton 3:16 am 5:27 pm Ar Chattanooga.. s:ooam 7:oopm .. Lv Chattanooga... 9:30 am 9:15 p m Ar Knoxville 1:50 pm 1:10 am Ar Bristol 7:35 pm 5:45 am Ar Roanoke 2:15 am 12:46 pm Ar Natural Bridge. 3:54 a m 2:29 pm Ar Waynesboro... 6:2oam 4:20 pm Ar Luray 7:50 am 6:43 pm ArShenoudo' J'n.. 10:58 a m 9:85 pm Ar Hagerstown.. .11:55 p m 10:30 pm Ar Harrisburg 8:30 pm 1:20 am Ar Philadelphia... 6:60 pm 4:45 am Ar New York 9:85 pm 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown.. .12:50noon Ar Baltimore 3:45 pm Ar Philadelphia... 7:49 p m Ar Now York 10:35 pm Lv Roanoke 2:20 am 12:30 noon Ar Lynchburg 4:Boam 2:39 pm Ar Washington—l2:oonoon 9:40 pm Ar Baltimore 1:27 p m 11:85 p m Ar Philadelphia... 3:47 pin 3:00 am Ar New York.... 6:20 p m 6:20 am Lv Lynchburg 0:15 am 8:05 pm Arßurkville 0:20 am 5:27 pm Ar Petersburg 11:10 am 7:15 pm Ar Norfolk 2:25 p m 10:00 p m Via Memphis and Charleston R. R. Lv Chattanooga... 9:25 am 7:10 pm Ar Memphis 9:16 pni o:Joam Ar Little Rock 12:55 pm VifTk. c7f7s7 and o' R. IT Lv Memphis 10:45am Ar Kansas City B:2oaiu Via Cm. So. R'y. Lv Chattanooga... 8:40 am 7:10 pm Ar Louisville 0:45 pm 6:30 am ArCineiimati 7:00 pm 6:soam Ar Chicago 6:50 am 6:50 pm Ar St. Louis 7:45 am 6:40 pm Pullman sleepers l ave as follows: Jesup at 1:15 a m for Cincinnati, alternating with Mann Boudoir; Atlanta at 10:30 p m and 1:00 p in for Cincinnati, alternating with Mann Boudoir sleeper leaving at 10:30 pm (is open for occu pancy at 8 o'clock); Rome at 7:45 p in for Wash ington via Lynchburg; Chattanooga at 9:15 p m for New York via Shenandoah valley; Chatta nooga at 9:30 a m for Washington via Lynch burg; Chattanooga at 7:10 p m for Kansas'Cily; Chattanooga at 7:10 p m for Little Rock; Bruns wick at 9:05 p in for Macon. B. W. WRENN, G. P. A T. A., Knoxville, Tenn. L. J. ELLIS, a. (i. P. A.. Atlanta. South Florida Railroad. Central Standard Time. ON and after SUNDAY, March SO. 1887, trains \v;ll arrive ami leave ns follows: "Dally. tDaily except Sundays. {Daily ex cept Mondays. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way stations 10:60 a m and *Y 4:40 p m Arrive at Tampa. . 3:40 p m and *T 8:50 p m Returning leave Tam pa at *: 9:30 a in and*" 8:00 p m Arrive nt Sanford . 2:30 pm and 1:00 ain Leave Sanford for Kissimmee and way stations nt + 5:00 p in Arrive at Kissimmee at + 7:00 p m Returning leave Kissimmee t 6:25 a m Airive nt Sanford t 8:20 a m " Steamboat Express. *5 West India Fast Mail Train. BARTpW BRANCH. DAILY. Lv Bartow Junction. 11:25 a m. 2:10 and 7:15 pm Ar Bartow 12:25, 3:10 and 8:15 p m Returning Lv Bar tow . 9:50 am, 12:50 and 5:80 p m Ar Bartow Junction 10:50 a in, l :40 and 0:30 p m PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated by (lie South Florida Railroad. •Leave Bartow for Pemberton Ferry and way stations at 7:15 a tn Arrive at Pemberlon Ferry at Ii: 15 a in . •Returning leave Pemberton Kerry nt.. 5:25 p m Arrive at Bartow at 6:25 pm {Leave Pemberton Ferry 7:00 a m Arrive Bartow 11:83 p m tloave Bartow. 1:10pm Arrive Pemberton Ferry 0:15 pm SANFORD ANI) INDIAN RIVER B. R. Leave Sanford for Lake Charm and way sta tions .. 410:15 a m and 5:10 p m Arrive* Lake Charm. .. 11:45 am and 6:40 pm Returning Is*a\e ijihe charm 8:00 a in and 12:30 p m Arrives at Hanford 7:40 a m and 2:10 pin SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. Connects at Sanford with the Sanford end Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and points on IjiU" JfNUp, wltii lie* People’s Line ami le llin y liny# Merchants’ Line of uteainrrs, and .1. T and K IV. Hv. for Jacksonville and ail Intermediate points on the St. John * river and with steamers for Indian river and the tipper 8t Jolm'n, .it Kissimmee w ith steamers tor Porta Myern and ft.iMaiiigei l and jtnintnon K stiunns* civ, v. At I’emts.iioii ferry with Florid i Honl e-rn Railway for all points North and \V. t and at Bartow with the Florida Kniillieni Railway for Fort Meade and (mint* South. hTE A Mhll IP CONN Ft TIONH. Connects at Tuim|ni ■■ itb sleutoei Marge vet** for J'aliua Nils Hrnldentowii. palmetto. M Aiia lee amt 01. isilnt* on llillsi*,rough and l.i/noa Mays Also, with the elegant non I steamships "Mos cotte " mat 'Whitney.” of the plant Menloshlp I'n , for Key West and Havana ‘I 111 oil.di liekeis sold a' all tegular si at lons to |kiioU lietiti, I'.ui Mint West Maggsge li4-* S'"l I tirough p/t#nriiyo-r lor Havsnsesn lists Hanford on Jaunted west imlis l ast Mail inun at M ■ p mi is'oppn.g only at 'hUieio Kissimmee lisriow Junetiot: laitoisad 'linowist amt ds in >4%4ssmee.<4l samesveii in/ * I'll ■<eoe i si I '<:Ma —ZVft 'A __ RAILROADS. Savaimali, Florida i Western qMME CARD IN EFFECT DECFMRva 1 1886 Passenger trains on this road wliA daily as follows: "99 ruj WEST INDIA FAST MAIL READ DOWN. 7:06 a ill Lv Savannah ... A r ret? rp -10:00a mLv Waycross .... 'i v 12;S0pmLv Jacksonville. 'Y v 4:40 p in Lv Sanford t.. 8:50p mAr Tampa ... "j v PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE Pni Lv... Tampa —Ar Si m.. F p m[ Ar • Ke y West ..Lv j ThursfsS, Thurs, Sat. I , J Ti? 11 "P® Mon aml' Ar •■ ■ Havana .. Lv Bat Pullman buffet cars to and from New w? aud Tampa . ‘Wfc NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:06 ain Lv Savannah r -no B:42am Lv Jesup Ar r, : iR Pn 0:34 am Lv Blacksllear % 9:50 am Ar Waycross Lv 5-05 pej 11:28am Ar Callahan .~Lv tfr 12:i)onoonAr Jacksonville Lv a'lßS 0 7:09a ill Lv Jacksonville ... \r 7 p,n 7:83 a m Lv....... Callahan...frit ££ 10:1? a m Lv Waycross Ar TireT: 11:00am Lv Homerville Lv 11:15am Lv Dupont Lv 3-40?® 12:01pm Lv Valdosta Lv S*3ttS2 12:34 pui Lv Quitman Lv 2 28nS I:22pm Ar ThomasviUe... Lv 3:35 p m Ar Bainbridge Lv lldßam -I:o4pm Ar Chattahoochee. . .Lv 3:49 i’in Ar. . Afbnny Lv 11:00an Pullman buffet cars to and from and New York, to and from Jacksonville and New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. I:3opm Lv ..Savannah Ar 1P55,~ 3:20 p m Lv Jesup Lv mu? 4:21 p m Lv Blacksllear Lv 9 34am 4:4opm Ar AVaycross. Lv 9:lsam 6:57 p m Ar Callahan I.v 7:33am 7:35pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:o)am 5:00 pm Lv Jacksonville Ar B:ssam 5:41 p m Callahan Ar B:liaia 7:3Bpm Lv Waycross Ar ~5:57Tm B:46pin Lv Homerville Lv s:loam 9:00 pin Ar Dupont Lv 4:55am 8:20 p m I.v. 1 2 ke1!ity...... Ar 10:157m 3:55 p m Lv Gainesville Ar io-ffiam 7:30 pin Lv Live Oak Ar 6:40 a m 9:lopm Lv Dupont. Ar~4:soan 10:01 pin Lv Valdosta Lv 4:osam 10:34 pm Lv Quitman Lv 3:35am 11:25 j.) m Ar Thomasville Lv 2:50 a m 12:50am Ar Camilla Lv I:39am 1:35 am Ar Albany Lv 12:5)am Pullman buffet cars to and from Jaeksonviik and Louisville via Thomasville', Albany, llonh gomery and Nashville. Pullman sleeping cars to and from Trabueaal Savannah via Gainesville. ALBANY EXPRESS. B:4spmLv Savannah Ar 6:loam 11:25 pm Lv Jesup Lv 3:2oam 1:30a m Ar Waycross Lv 11:30pm 5:25 a m Ar Callahan Lv 9105 pm 6:15 a in Ar Jacksonville Lv 6:lspm 8:15 pin Lv Jacksonville Ar 8:15 anj 9:06 p m Lv .Callahan Ar 5:25 am 2:00 a m Lv Waycross... . Ar !I:2opm 8:20 a m Ar Dupont Lv 10:00 pm 6:4oamAr Live Oak Lv 7:2opci 10:05 ani Ar Gainesville Lv B:s6pm 10:15 ani Ar Lake City.. ..Lv 3:20 pm 3:46a m Lv Dupont Ar 9:35pm 6:27 a m Lv Valrlosta Lv B:3opm 6:10a m Lv Quitman Lv 7:55pm 7:lsam Ar Thomasville Lv 7:oopm 11:40 a m Ar Albany Lv 4:00 p m Stops at all regular stations. Pullman buffet sleeping cars to and from ThomasviUe and Washington, and Savannah and Jacksonville,! and to and from Jacksonville and Nashville rig Thomasville and Montgomery. Pullman buffej cars and Mann boudoir buffet oars via Waycross. Albany and Macon, and via Waycross Jesup and Macon, between Jacksonville and Cincinnati. Also, through passenger coaches between Jack* sonville and Chattanooga. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 6:15 a m Lv Waycross Ar 7:oopm 7:33am Lv Dupont Lv 6:26pm S‘:37 a in Lv Valdosta Lv 4:lspm 0:15a mLv Quitman Lv B:3opm 10:25 a m Ar ThomasviUe Lv 2:lspm Stops at all regular aud flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 p m Lv Savannah Ar B:3oam 0:10 p m Ar Jesup Lv 5:25a0 Stops at all regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 7:10 a m. (ar rive Augusta via Yemassee at 1:45 pm). 12:15 p ill and H:23 p m; for Augusta and Atlanta at 8:30 a in arid 8:20 p m; with steamships for N'e York Monday, Wednesday and Friday; tor BOS' ten Thursday; for BaiUmore every fifth day. At JESUP for Brunswick atjl: 15am(except Sundays and 3:30 pto; tor Bacon 1:15 am and 10:30 a m. ' At WAYCROSS foflMiilclat 3:15 a man! 5:08 pm. At CALLAHAN fo# ftfww* i at 3:ooan and 2:17 pm; for Mh'litojjfrjOaf %v. Ocala, etc, At LIVE OAK for Jfcahassec, etc, at 11:08 a ill and 7:45 pHDF *1 _ At GAINESVILLE to* Ofßgavarea, berton's Ferry. Brooksvffleandßßupaa 1 10:30* '"At" ALBANY 'Ro'm- ?! ont ‘ joinery. Mobile, New f/**-.. At Mobile, New Orleans at 4:14 ]• \ steamers a<lvertiaing at 5:00 p ni Sunday and oHMa&T- . Tiekets sold and Blee})iu| , ffcurcd a6 BKKN S Ticket Oftice, aad At tho Passenger Station. wWTKjWni WM. r. HARDi:%I*SO* lto*. Agent. R. O. FLEMING. atomdWih JacksonA,Tampa ?stR y* Quickest and Best Route forijdl potoW ,u* da south of J.u lsmßvOta. SCHEDULE in effect F-briggy WMg 7 O line trains use S.. I. in Jacksonville, making \v cat. all trains from Savannah, tlidpptto Bp* LvSavannah ... 8:45 p m *** Lv Jacksonsille. . -9:00 a m Kt m ArPalatka 10:50 a m c,, V, m ArDeLaud 1:80pm fljpstn Ar Sanford 1:45 pm If® PJ* Ar Titusville 8:05 pm -A- re |Y Ar Orlando SfiS ... Ar - Leave jaoksonville ts:. Autta^BP”^ 1 ' 9:05 a in. 1:00 pm, 4:00 pm. to*hi„n) Arrive St. Augustine (St. Aug’BHHß*' 10:80 am. 2 ,11 in. 5:30 |> m. n , " GOING N>HTH. !/‘live T.i <•' JL;”, (Cuban mull) and 9:20 am: Orlauß e’* ,J, a 7:26 ain and 1:28 pm; Sanford 18 * ‘ M.fti A m und 2:45 pm. Arrive Ralatkft^W^ • 7ij in, 6:30 p in: Jacksonville 0:80'%.*• p in, connecting f(r oil points > i 0 Leave St. Augustine N:80 a f yeoj**Y|in( n in. Arrive JacksoiiviUe 10:0( * 6:J" p hi- .... . -+■ rx-a 18:80) p 111 CubMii mail train‘S"UP .*nd Pullman sleeper from New sork|* < cniiiiecl:. with su-atnen, fw W / . Y.l. Havana Tuesday, Thurwlay and SJP’. , j,n --8:00 p m Cuban mud train (Nprin*** . I<4 man sleeper through t<> Wasliin J # of can* la*! ween Jai'lcHonville and ** ail- Direct cuimectiom with Flondu J-e wav ut J’olatka for Oaineuyllle.' J 1 ~ cf hurg. mid Willi St. John s a' l ' l UII - R alii reel for Daytona. Ai litosw er Hockledge for all isdnt* "J* ‘"'J S. ! r. DMMISG. Grin *■ / M, R. MG HAN, G'H- SuP l ___^ l , fi HUIII RHAM RAJI.V j City & Suburbs 1 Mavass/h. Ga.. l/AN tovl after SATUKDAV. 9th * to ( / 10w,,,, ehedule di Buburhati IJw: | if ‘ ''Vrv v * r Vri v Sr vJT*. Ilifcw , w H‘o a m I t *! . !<• * * iAm j; u iw'!• 2J “vjkjjo dß**j ly-f&sw