The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 28, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL -"'‘ savannah market. OFFICE OF THE MORN INC, NEWS, I Savanna a, Ga.. April 27, 4p. g. 1 r ._ lOX -_Tbe market was very quiet, but •T and unchanged. There was only a small ' n-uiil sii'l the bulk of the business was effect s!hdav previous. The total sales for the two days were 560 teles. On ’Change at * ... a t 10 a. in., the market was !wrU"“quiet ami unchanged. with sales of h ,c, s vt the second call, at 1 p. m„ .t 't quiet and Arm. there twine no sales At h . third and closing call, at 4 p. m.. it was auie t and firm, with further sales of 5 L The following are the official closing r>o t quotations of the Cottou Exchange: Middling fair- }& | ordinary lnal fV.. ••• •' Nominal geo Mand- The market was very quiet, but tfOT dv and unchanged. There were no sales sported. Last sales were at quotations, as '"common Georgias and Florida. U Medium 17U r! is Medium tine Choice ■' ~~ Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand April 27, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. 1880-87. 1885-80. TsliZl. W"' Maud. U l >lund Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,140 4,804, 551 3.298 Received to-day ... 753! ... 779 previously j 27.258 703,2301 23.159 749,151 Total I! 28,407 768,277 I 23.71Q| 788,228 Exported to-day || 64l Oisjj ..! Exported previously j 20,820 703,158 19,564 j 731,040 | Total | 20,890 763,771 1 19,564, 723.610 l Stock on hand and on ship \ Lou rtl this day i 1,517. 4.tQ6il 4.1U>1 i."..rKB Rice— The market continues strong, but not luotably higher. There was a good demand, tut offerings were light. The sales for the 4ay were 3UO barrels, at about quotations, as toUows: Fair Good Wm — Prime Country lots —so® 60 Tide water 90(11,1 10 Naval Stores—Tljp market for spirits tur pentine was quiet and easy. The sales for the lay were 410 casks, of which 230 casks were tegulars at 33e ami 180 casks of regulars at HWc At the Board of Trade on the opening tall the market was reported quiet at 33V4c [or regulars. At the closing call it was steady It 333.33b;;c for regulars. Rosin—The market (pas irregular in demand and prices unchanged. The sales fur the day were about 791 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported steady for water white anil irindow glass, dull for Nto K, and firm for I ind below, with sales of 144 barrels, at the fol bwing quotations: A, B. C and D $1 Q2)£c, E iliffW, FBl 15, G 81 1754, Id $l2O, I $1 40, K |l 50'.‘M $1 80. X 82 15, window glass $2 50, pater white $2 75. At the closing call it was inchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 deceived to-day 489 1,517 Received previously 10,367 31,596 Total . 18.890 110.521 Exported to-day 639 6,046 Exported previously 6.887 33,404 Total 7.526 39,450 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day... 5,873 71,071 Receipts same day last year.. . 660 1,448 Financial—Money is iu demand, but not so light as it has been. Domestic Exchange Steady. Banks and ixmkers are buying sight drafts at pur and sell mg ut '4 per cent premium. Foreign R.change— The market is steady. Commercial demand, $4 86U; sixty days. 14 85; ninety days. ?iß4)i: francs, Paris and aavre, cominereial. sixty days, $5 22U; Swiss, 15 marks, sixty days. 95. Securities- Stocks are only clianging hands in a retail way, and holdei-s are hardly as firm Is they were, being willing to make slight con sessiuns for round lots. Bonds arc held firmly it quotations. Stocks and Bonds—City Bonds—Quiet. At lanta (i per cent, 104 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent. 115 bid. 120 asked; Augusta 7 percent, tbbid, 112 asked; Augusta Cs. long, 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 98 hid, 1)9 isked; Macon 6 per cent, ill hid, 112 asked; few Savannah 5 per cent, July coupons, 104)4 pin. 10) asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, May toupnns, 105 bid. 105 U asked. State Bonds— Market steady, with light sup ply Georgia new 6s. 1889. 103 bid, 104 asked; Swrgia new 4)45, 100 bid, 107 asked; Geor- Ei‘ * ,e , r cent g(4d, coupons quarterly, 10SU, bid, iwl. asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons Jan J“ rv and July, matui-ity 1896, 122 bid, 123 Used. iJ in, f ro [ w? Stocks --Central common, 123 bid, masked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent pKranteed, ex-div., 136 bid, 187 asked; Georgia tonmoib ex-div., 200, 202 asked; South Ml l"; 1 ' bent guaranteed, ex-div., 131)4 S sed; Central 6 per cent certificates, s i ' n . t " 16* bid, 10SU asked; Atlanta and West font railroad stock, ex-div., 112 bid, 118 asked; lUanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates, Kb hid. 106 asked. Unrfifr 00 *?1 Market quiet. Savannah, • nda and Western Railway Company general " gage 1 per cent interest, coupons October, bid. 112 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort fm. consohduted 1 per cent, coupons January 5. 5 ; 'futurity 1597, 119 bid, 121 asked, Cen la n,.*.!, hdatedI mortgage 7 per cent, coupons lUmU - V,! 1111 ', llly ' "wOm-ity is<. n.'lvi bid, 114 aS: railroad tts. 1897, 10H bid. 110 li niM,i ytobue and Girard second mortgage iu ppopons January and July, . ! y 105 liid, 106 asked: Montgomery b rw? , J. nrt tuortgage 6 per cent, indorsed liid Ur^f d > *6® bid, 110 asked; Marietta tfuGgage 6 per cent, I,—„ as^ ed: Charlotte. Columbia and E * !m mortgage, 112 bid, 113 asked; taee niiVVl i Um b' a a "d Augusta second inort '*“• >12)4 asked; Western Alabama *7 ■iiil.!,i l’-' l b- r e indorsed 8 [so- cent, 107 bid, Its bin *lO. Georgia and Florida indorsed, kcond nm : 30,11 b Georgia and Florida hd K,n .! l,id ' US asked; Augusta Ji'l idni J'‘> . ‘“P'Tffage 7 per emit, 1083; Sv-iit 1 iei-i 1 4 ii : Gainesville. Jefferson and 111S mortgage gnuranteed, 118 bid, xt mr 'l Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern bid, 116 asked. Ocean Steam birnnin'e.i", bonds guaranteed by Central So,!! g"- bid, I.K) asked; Gainesville, Jef p, i,irt , ' l u l^ er i I sf uon<l mortgage guaran- Irst’m.i-i' Gh asked; Columbus and Rome ■d ms bp nd bidiinied by Central rail 1 nor i-' I® l 'tsked; Columbus und Western G 4 166)4 bid. 109 asked: City mibui, I 'llii’ak'ed " Uy HrBL ‘ llurtKaK '' 7 Percent, statist * omlml Southern Hank of 'imiitK oir??'b 0 i r ??'b 185 bid. *W asked; Mer ’"ib IM bi'l. 180 asked: Ha ek-,1 ' W . lriwt Ciim|nv, 90 bid, U 5 b'i sy ,1 J ,u "k of Bavannsh, 117 bid In ■ Savannah Oas Light stock, ex “'> i)liiil ii,ked‘ : MutU *‘ HUM ,J b' ht :].-,u- I’n I steady; demand good; smoked i: '■yi shoulders. dry bw; %Z loa * b-k-ar, (%■; shoulders, K "ir, 1 Market quiet. We quote: •- t!|.L ' ' *■ '-' I'-. 2 I'' .81 jr; Jib tbs' 7t*o, *rn JW ii'JiJ J fimd ttrnl quantity. Iron ties l ’.no ' P 0 1! bundle, accertlmg to . f*"4tglng and ties in re hi in f ; uU, "‘ higher.,iU. .u'f 11 ' 1 , ‘ ,,, 'idy: oleoinai-garlne, 11a UWfc e(Joslß.„, 19c, glit edge 28c; etgainery, hi ,1 *5a39J per linnet; sup ( detuauil good. $■ . Jbn market is striMif stnl advancing. 1 I1 1 M "“ | l lots I)rdlnar), Mr; tab-, Imj * * * ■'¥' claoic* 4 , IN0; pffiiM-rry, *■.'l bit-kioblghji sir I advauclng, g.*d brin *kbt We i|unu, : Halts' ' V>l*,evs|s , rat-1. Me; •I I ,*.,'*' * Mti C; 6*Ml*' •m \\' II* I*. 1 *. U firm: -n* ’ 4 iiul brttwu *•/ ’ *JT* 44 bi t#u 14 .<**•4 i f*.,- * WtjfU 1 •mihiittn Li, , I ** hi iu.m tirili **** so¥ ***** tail No. 1. $7 50al0 00; No. 3, half barrels, $C 00a7 00; No. Herring—No. 1,30 c; scaled, Sso: Cod, sa.Sc. Flo r -.Market steady; demand moderate. We quote; Superfhu-, $3 50; extra, $3 85ai i; fancy, $1 ortas 00; choice patent, $5 35a5 75; family, $4 MUG 05. } :i - [ —Leui'ius. Stock full and demand light.. 5Ve quote: $3 75af 35. Oranges Market fairly supplied;.dtnnuii.l lighter; Fieri las, s.’ 5003 35. Apples—Scarce aud poor; good shipping stock, $4 .ioas 00 per barrel. Grain— Com Market steady: demand ligt*. We quote: White corn, job lots, OSjdjc: carload lots, corn, job lots, G3c;carload lots, 00c. Oats steady; coml demand. We quote: Mixed oats, 4tsc; carload lots, 44r. llran, $1 05. Meal. 6t!Vsc: Gc.irgia grist, per sack. $i 50: grist, per bushel, (ir'/jjo. Hay -Market steady, with a fair demand; stock ampie. We quote job lots; Western, $1; carload lots, 90c; Eastern, none; Northern, none. Hides, Wool, Etc —Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint. 13..,c: salted, ll’-jc: dry butcher, "the Wool -Market nominal; prime in bales, 37c; burry, Mattie. Wax. !Sc. Tallow, 3r. Ic. Deer skins, flint, 30c; salted, ltic. Otter skins, 35ca$l, Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4Uo3c: refined, %e. Lard -Market is steady; in tierces, solb tins, 7^c. Dime. Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand and is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Georgia. $130; calcined plaster, $! 8.5 per barrel; hair, sc; Rosendale cement, $1 50; Portland cement, $3. Liquous -Full stock; steady demand. Bout- Ism. $i 50a5 50: rye, $1 SOaOOO: rectified, $1 (XU 1 3.5. .Ales unchanged and in good demand. Nails Marker firm. Fair de mand. We quote: 3d, St 00; td and sd, $3 35; lid. S'i 10; Bd, $3 85; lOd to 60d, $3 80 per keg. Nrrs—Almonds, Tarragona, 18a3)c; I\dcas, 17al8e; walnuts, French, 13c; Naples, Kic; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 13c; eoeoanuts, Baracoa, So 35 per 100. (Oils —Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virgiuia black, 9aloe; lard, 58c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, lSjjge: ueatsfoot, lioaOOc; machinery. 35a80e; linseed, raw, 47c; boiled, 50c: mineral" seal, Me; lireproof, iSc; bomelight, 18c. Onions - Domestic, almost nominal; Northern stock sprouty and unreliable, $1 35 per crate; barrels. $3 50: Bermuda crates. $3 50. ■ Potatoes-Northern, $3 75a3 00 per barrel; new. $3 00a5 00. Pea a- Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75a 80c; clay, $1 "dal 15; speckled, $1 00a! 10; black eye, $1 3.5a! 50: white crowder. $1 50a! 75. Prunes- Turkish 4 ;i jc; French Bc. Raisins--Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $3 00; layers. $3 00 per box; Lou don layers. $3 50 per box. Shot—Drop. $1 40: buck. $1 05. Salt— The demand is moderate and the mar ket quiet; carload lots, 05c, f o b; job lots, HOaOOc. Suoars—The market is steady; cut loaf, B%e: standard A. extra C. 5Lk-; C yellow, sc; granulated, powdered. 65gc. Syrup—Florida and Georgia Syrups, 38al0c; the market is quiet for sugar) louse at 35a40c; Cuba straight goods, 38c iu hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 3>>e. Tobacco—Market dull, demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 35ea$i 35; chewing, com mon. sound, 35a80e; fair, 3'a3se: medium, :18a 50c; bright. 50a75e; fine fancy, B.sa9rte; extra fine, itOeaJl 10; bright navies, 43a75c; dark navies, 40a50e. Lumber—The demand from the West contin ues good; coastwise aud foreign inquiry is also very active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations, with some advance, while difficult schedules can only tie placed at con siderably advanced prices. We quote: Ordinary sizes $l3 50(5,17 00 Difficult sizes ltl 00@31 50 Flooring boards M "05;, 20,50 Slmjstulf 18 50@3150 Timber—Market dull aud nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00®11 00 800 “ “ 10 OH/, 1100 900 “ “ 1100@13 00 1,000 “ “ 13 00:514 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $ 000(5 7 00 800 “ “ Jfti® 800 900 “ “ 8 00(5 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00(510 00 Mill timber $1 below r these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—Vessels are coming in more freely" for coastwise business, but the demand is active and ready business offering. The rates are firm at quotations. Freight limits are from $5 to $0 35 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesa peake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@,$l higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and windward, nominal; to South America, sl3® 14; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, $11(512; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 37(g,385; lumber, £8 15s. Steam To New York, $7; to Philadelphia, $7; to Boston, $9. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 3s lOjgi, an", or 4s; Adriatic, rosin. 3s; Genoa, rosin, 3s lOjgjd. Coastwise—Steam—To Boston. 50c on rosin, $1 oa spirits; to New York, rosin, 50c, spirits, 80c: to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c, spirits, 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 34c, spirits, 70c. Cotton—By Steam—The market is steady; offering tonnage in good supply. Liverpool via New York 39 It. 5-l(ki Liverpool via Baltimore ty 1b jAd Antwerp via New York B kid Havre via New York ff. aic Bremen via New’ York 19 ib 11-llie Reval via New York $ lb 11-33d Bremen via Baltimore 14 lb fyp Amsterdam via New York 14 lb 65c Genoa via New York 39 lb %1 Boston 59 bale 1 'l5 Sea Island 59 bale 1 75 New York 59 bale 1 35 Sea Island fk bale 1 35 Philadelphia w bale 1 85 Sea Island bale 185 Baltimore 19 bale 1 35 Providence 39 bale 1 50 By Sail Liverpool 17-64*1 Havre 9-33x1 Genoa 5-l(kl Amsterdam 9-33d Rice—By Steam- New York 11 barrel 60 Philadelphia 39 barrel 60 Baltimore 39 barrel 60 Boston 39 barrel <lO Vegetables -By Steam—<By special contract) —To New York, Philadelphia. Boston aud Balti more, standard crates, 30e; barrels, 40c. With out the contract, crates, 35c; barrels, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls 3? pair $ 65 @ 80 Chickens, jij to grown 40 (ic, (SO Ducks per pair 50 (it. 75 Geese u pair 75 @.l 00 Turkeys |) pair 1 35 @3 0) Eggs, country, 39 dozen 13 it 13 Peanuts--Fancy h. p. Va.. 39 lb.. @ Peanuts—Hand picked 39 lb <§i 5^6 Peanuts—Ga. 39 bushel, nominal. 75 (,c 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. redr. C bush. 50 60 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams 3' bush (15 (ft, 75 Sweet pot’s, white yams 34 bush. 40 (a 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy: demand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. Eons—Market Irregu lar. with a fair demand: supply good. Peanuts— Ample stock; demand fair; market firm and advancing. Suoar -Georgia and Florida nomi nal; none in market. Homey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes-Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY T^LEgEAPH. FINANCIAL. London, April 27, noon.— Consols 102 7-1 G for money. 102)4 for Account. New York, April 2?.—Stocks quiet hut steady. Mouoy easy at i>er cent. Exchange lorn; §4 Ml' jtrt t ht%. short $1 HHfji.4 KSVj. State bond* neglected. Government Itonds dull but steady. 5 p. in.—Exchange dull but linn at $1 87® 4 811. Money easy at :id per cent., closing at 4 jM‘i' cent. Sub-Treasury bilaness -Gold. $141.11.12,0rth: ouri-ency. $1.1,404,000. Governincnt bonds dull but steady; four per cents. IVO-Ho throe |h*i- cents. liX). State bonds dull but steady. Tho stock market took Another turn to-dAy, and with the exception of a short period ill the early morning was steady to firm throughout, although the general list was sluggish and tor the most part featureless. London had orders to buy at tho opening, and the lietter tone of boursos, with more paoiDc advicos, made this market strong at first There was no pressure to nidi except in Jersey Central. Now England and Klebinond and West Point, each of whi-di record -1 it material decline. Trader 1 !, however, soon began to cover, and a moderately tii-iii tone war, imparted to speculation, though tile market then bees me dull. ID-avy covering of shorts was indulged ia after the delivery hour, and the mark and was stronger at the e|os - than at any previous time during th day. Heading anil Isn-kuw-idii i were active and Drill, while .leiney Central wits weak. Ismisvlllc and Nashville won the feature, and after Uni early iles-liin- Dim. Western Union whs somewhat erratic in its movement>i, and Is at present rather an enigma to the stive* ITioes at the opening ranged from t, i * |im; eeul. üb've lust night's figures fm ia* gi',ii-rll list, hut New England was up-If nisi lamisvilie and Nashville '•, ism' cei,i <isi. ■.. bus vsr. uiurked the eriy trading, and ac I Central, New f.ngloil-1 aud Itndim Old Mild Wesl /' .lilt broke badly, lln High lb** ivin/iuwir l*s*t fnictions only, tief m,ou U-iiuc very lame The decline was cins i-.i-l is-fi-re tic- end of the first hour, an-l ttw -uai led I r-'lcl -town. TUe volunie ot Inis, ness allowing Heady d,s.-re*e until the loot liour, ibougii alow but Htendy aMMWtatlofl of values o,s j.i.i-e ’Vs-i-lcl eirenmh was shown jfi s►/>!s uf \h** uaJ in Uw tos* toHtf m** * it iaiUf*i mm to ito ***** # ,*i ii 4 hi <144 mm;#*4*m**4 tuto Itob * *V4U THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1887. was active and strong at or near the best figures of the day. The total business was 382,000 shares. The active list, almost without exception, is higher this evening, several stocks for 1 par cent, and more and others for fractional amounts. The following are the closing quota tions: Ala. class A,2 to 5.103>i New Orleans Pa- Ala. class B, V 11214 eifle. Ist inort. 78 Georgia 7s, mort. .10* N. V Onti*al .. .113 N. Caronr.a Os 12314 Norf. &W. pref. 513^ N. Carolina 45.... 98 Nor. Pacific 29^ So. Caro. (Brown) “ pref... (314.1 consols 1091*2 Pacific Mail .554 Tennessee 6s 7G’~j Reading 44 7^< Viiginiafis 19 Richmond & Ale.. big Va. consolidated. 52 Richmond a Danvlso Ch'peak** & Ohio 7 ; G Richm'd AW. Pt. Chic. & Nort.Uw’u.lJkVjJ Terminal 39 ** preferred. 1.50 Rrxk Island 126 Dela., Lack & W.. 137 St. Paul 91 Erie T)i*efei*red. MIM^ East Tennessee, Texas Pacific 30b* new st<x*k 13V4 Tenn. (Vwtl & Iron. 41 lake Shore 95> s Union Pacific. .. 6134 L'ville & Nash N. .1. Central. . 79Us Memphis & Char 59 Missouri Pacific.. 107*a Mifhile & Ohio 10 Western Union... 70^ Nash. & ChatUa.. 82L4 CottouOilTrust cer cotton. Liverpool, April 2i. noon.—Business mode rate at unchanged prices; middling uplands •5 9-iOd, middling Orleans 5%d: siiles 8,000 bales, for speculation and export 1.000 bales; receipts 5,300 bales —a 11 Ame ri(!an. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, April delivery 5 35 64*1, May and .1 une 5 2 i-04*l. June and July 531 August and Sctptember 5 43-64d. Market quiet. The tenders o. deliveries at to-day’s clearings amounted to 100 Uiles new docket and ioO bales old. 2p. m.—The sales of American to-day were 6,800 bales. Futures —Uplands, low middling clause. April delivery 5 30-04 U, sellers; April ami May 5 36-6ld, sellers; May and June .5 36-01d. sellers: June and .)ul} r 5 3S-04d, sellere; July and AngJist 5 40-64d, sellers; August and September 5 42-6 Id, sellers; September ami October 5 30-oid, sell (*rs; October and November 5 27-6-M. value; September 5 43-64d. sellers. Mark**; dull. 4:00 p. m.—Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, April deliveiy 5 37-(S4d, sellers; April and May 5 37-0-hl, sellers; May ami June 5 37-04d, sellers: June and July 5 39-64t1. sellers: July and August 5 41-61d. sellers: August ami Septmaber 5 43-0-kl, sellere; Sept cm ler and *. October 5 37-64d, sellere; Octolnr and November .5 28-Old, value; September 5 41-Old, sellers. Futures closed quiet but steady. Manchester, April 27. The Guardian's com mercial article says: “The market is unsatis factory to producers, who make little progress at anything like regular current rates, which are not sufficient to yield a profitable margin. Neither have buyers reason to congratulate themselves upon the results of their work. The recent rise in prices was not followed, except in a few* sections by corresponding improvement in distributing markets. Transactions, there fore, steadily lessened as quotations advanced. The effect on the India department is seen in the expiration of orders and the desire of manufac turers for fresh contracts. In v. few eases they are willing to accept very low prices. Most manufacturers, however, in view of the unprofit ableness of the present margin, prefer rather to go without orders than to accept the unsatisfac tory offers available. Export yarns were 111 poor demand in all markets. The home inquiry has not improved; the prospects of spinners are consequently discouraging, and they fear they will be unable to resist a further fall. Cloth is quiet. Eastern flections are fiat. Best shirtings are steady, but trade is slow*. The finer reeds of printing and other finishing cloths arc firm. Low'd* reeds are easier. There will be a practi cal suspension of business Friday. May 3, on oc casion of the visit of the Prince of Wales. Mon day will be observed ns market day.’ 1 New York, April 27. noon.—Cotton opened firm; middling uplands lo}fte, middling Or leans 10 13-16 c: sales 173 bales. Futures—Marker quiet but firm, with sales as follows: April delivery 10 54c, May 10 47c. June 10 56c, July 10 63c, August 10 69c. September 10 37c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed firm; middling up lands l0)$c. middling Orleans 10 13-16 c; sales to dav 104 bales; net receipts bales, gross 2,100 bales Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 79.400 bales, as follows: April delivery 10 10 62c, May 10 51 rg. 10 52c, June 10 58® 10 5Je, July 10 65c, August 10 71 dj .lo 72c, September 10 38'F/10 40c, December 9 85@i) 86c, January 9 90® 9 81c. Green & Co.'s reDOrt on cotton futures says: “The option market has ruled firmer, with an advance of 7@9 points at onetime shown, but afterward somew hat modified, closing steady at 4®5 points above last evening. Considerable disappoint ment over tb** small issue of notices created a demand for May here, assisted by a run of orders from New Orleans as the outcome of similar conditions there, and that was the main stimulus. There was, however, some oif set in the offering of late months, and when August reached the neighborhood of 10 7.5 c, the supply came out so freely as to cause the re action before noted.” Galveston, April 27.—Cotton quiet; middling l(%c; net receipts 41 bales, gross 41; sales none; stock 12,251 bales; exports, coastwise 3,052 bales. Norfolk, April 27.—Cotton firm; middling net receipts 349 bales, gross 349: sales 59 bales; stock 9,729 bales; exports, coastwise 379 bales. Baltimore, April 27.—Cotton firm: middling 10%e; net receipts non**, gross 2 bales; sales none: stock 5,875 bales. Boston, April 27.—Cotton steady; middling 10%c; net receipts 84 bales, gross 217: sales none; stock none; exports, to Great Briain 1,351 bales. Wilmington, April 27.—Cotton firm; mid dling 10-ifce; net receipts 15-bales, gross 15; sales none: stock 2.265 bales. Philadelphia, April 27.—Cotton ffuiet; mid dling lOKc; net receipts 24 bales, gross 70; stock 23,156 bales. New Orleans, April 27.—-Cotton strong; mid dling 10 3-16 c; net receipts 1.949 bales, gross 1,9 49; sales 8,000 !>..!•• : stock 141,896 bales; exports, to Great Britain 5,220 bales, coastwise 1.407. Molilk, April 27. —Cotton nominal; middling 10V'*; net receipts 1 bale, gross 3; sales none; stock 3,032 bales. Memphis. April 27.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling l(%c; receipts 143 bales; shipments 648 bales; sales 250 bates: stock 26,981 bales. Augusta. April 27.—Cotton quiet; middling 10t£c: receipts !1 3 bales; sales 97 bales. Charleston. April 27. Cotton quiet but firm; middling 10’.;e: nota-eceipts 145 bales, gross 145; sales none; stock 1..14 bales. Atlanta, April 27.—Cotton—middling 10c; re ceipts 49 bales. New York, Avail 27.—Consolidated net re ceipts for all cotton ports to-day 8,361 bales; ex ports, to Great Britain 0.771 bales, to the conti nent 690; stock at all American ports 246.233 bales provisions, okoceries, etc. Liverpool, April 27. noon.—Wheat firm: de mand fair: holders of or sparingly; No. 1 Cali fornia Hkw/bs Id; red Wirstcrn 7s lAitf* 3d. Corn quiet but steady: demand [hxi: - . New Yorx, April 27. noon.—Flour quiet but steady. Wheal, lower. Com lower. Pork firm; mess' s!fl .sig.l7 00. Lard steady at $7 4B)s. Freights steady. s:ou p. in.- Southern flour quiet but firm; com mon iu fair extra S* 40. good to cl.jicc 8-i l' ( v) 5 25. Wheat. No. ivd. April delivery tWMf-fc 98 11-llic, May 933494 c. June 98 !-16c. Corn )fttf )(C and options ' F' : l lower, closing heavy with less doing: No. 2. .May deliveiy 48'sj® June 43)41(5. is 13 Hk’. Oats a shade lower ana No. 2, April delivery 3i l £C, May and J une 34 b, (e, 34)sc. lloj*. (juiet and aijoni steady; state 7i, 20c. Coffee, fair Rio firm ut lOKc; options higher and fairly active; No. 7 Kin. April deliv ery 14 uOOf.U 55'. May 1 f !KV&IS 06e. June 15 20® 15 25c Sugar quiet but steady: refiued quiet. Molasses steady; 50test lilbjC Cotton sued oil —31((i,32c for crude. 3i )e ,j,3'Jc for reliuesl. Hides quiet: wet salted N'e Orleans sulectod. 15 to Od pounds, ut^'fi.iiJc: Texas, selected. 51 to 60 pounds, in * Wool qui-t hut steady. Peek dull and uuctu'nged; mess 01.41 7 25 ;,old, sl6 ,VJ 17 00 for new. Beef dull. Beef hams steady at s2l. Tierce iieef firm; city extra India mesa 8- 1 B;l 1 •*). Cut meats firm; pickled lieiie'K T-’s'i. 7Wc. Hams Jiiddles dull and iman md. Lard llf f l'< poimr lower, heavy and irregu lar; tVesp-i'll (earn, 97 2.5 ,/ 7 to arrive. May delivery S-. llkp.i 2*l. June 57 261)1, i .19; city steam 97: refined 97 45 iiom the continent. Freights uluou I liull. t C'HU'Aoo. April 27. - The big wheat deal showed evldoiux! of going to j ieoes to-day. ll ispisal hit! that tlie scare over the possibility of a squeeze In May delivery baa not entirely passed, lull certainly free selling by tho bull clique frightened (he growing class of small lioldcrs and developed a panicky and uncertain feeling in the pit Helling, wa very free throughout the entire day. This woo especially true at the opening, when offerings were very heavy. Tig' starting price for May delivery was l(qc, out values dr rpie and 017 so rapidly tint parties hav ing snip orders to fill could not execute them anywhere near the Until s givAn—it was not the matter of iiiire. The trouble was to find buy er*. Kveryissly was s**liing mid no one cared lo buy, and pi le s dropp'd fiGiHje at u time. Tile In.jvr—Sieu hot! gone out before the opening that (die clique i.ere uleiiit to ssll, and for tho llisa um nimuies there w as a serauitiie to realize set loiu witnessed oil tho Kx* iiaiig-*. May do eliiiml 21 qc pi H2c, while Julie di eluvst lo aod July ■i|i‘ During the e* Ip-ne-’i'. day divqqs I |o Dqe la'low .June, tlmugli lids |fseuimn was uiiliM'(|tieiit 1/ nat rowed down again. Wlieu sell In;; i*euM and pt small ux*'*ut ujs rutt*rs Itviiii bj etuujmr 1 notes, ami tqey came Pi tie* euieluMtoo lliat some of lie* firms identified with Him eii.pi.* null itoegb' very iiwli of Ju r aiul this nauMul a firmer I. oUiig May ivliziiv I J*y‘. Jun. and July In Um'mftsrn.smi. lioweter. illng sip ■ n. of a tuarM d**. iq.'ion and '!iy dnazf*ai bi a 1 'p■, aiul cPwvd tor the day at as* . or * 4 lower 1 orn yiotrc-ia*. June t lower Mini Juij „if) lower 41 w.t fowod dltfi 'sk to MUM lyac M*e i*y'* oiereairooe teit Dim trrvai*'*4 lei Hof appearod to bo that tho clinquo intended to shift the load of cum-ins " heat to June on other parties, relieving the fear in a measure of a May “corner C.leurinvs from the seuiioarti were 170,000 Imslieis. The amount of wheat on oooan passage increased bushels. Fhe we.Lk ness in wheat wasrellectod in corn, and through out the day speculative offeriiiKS wei-e free, causing a decline of the market dosing; at uearlv inside tprures. Receipts were leas tiiau usual, and estimated arrivals for tomorrow are also small. Oats were weak, ami prices declined ‘jc under very free speculative offerings. Mess pork was uuolianged. There was a strong press ure to sell laid, and prices broke off -.Me, closing at inside figures. Short ril> des-liiicd Cl 'Be• and closed at the lowest prices of the day. The following were the cash (mutations: Wheat, No. J spring BtUttßlV : N<>- spring 7t.ji.7Bc: No. 'J rcu rIl-y ''(.rl■>,!' Cons. No. 't. Sr ; t 4 e. Oats, No. 2, ttftijc. Mess pork fan 50. 1 jird *0 ,v>. Short rib sides, loose. $. 50. Dry salted shoul decs, boxed, fl> 00-0,0 10: short clear sides, boxed Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— April delivery.. 88M BHW §1)) May delivery Wvj ■ k d'i 88)4 July delivery 82)5 88)J 82^, Corn— April delivery.. 38)6 88)6 37') May delivery 8836 ht-Is 38 July delivery.... Oats— April delivery... 2794 G May deliver 1 - ... 28)r July delivery... 21I)r SO Mess Potts— April delivery. S2O 50 .... .... May delivery. 20 75 .... J une delivery... 20 75 .... .... April delivery .$7 02)4 $7 OS’s 85 Olay delivery 7 02tJ 7 02M4 0 85 delivery... 7 720 7 02)v Short Ribs April delivery .$7 85 $7 B 557 SO May delivery.... 7 63 7 05 7 50 June delivery... 7 87)6 7 87)6 770 Baltimore, April 27. —Flour firm hut dull: Howard street and Western superfine $2 50® :l 10, extra $3 2S<f#B 75, family $3K>( 4 50, city mills superfine $2 50(23 00. extra $3 2o((/ 3 75. Rio brands $! quiet; red 02g£l)5c, a-.nberOOfa.iltlc: No. t Mary land 95c bid; Western higher: No. 2 Western winter red, on spot and April delivery 93c bid. Com—Southern higher; white 4"> 7 snc. yellow 48fi,.19)6c: Western steady but quiet. Sr. Louis. April 27.—Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat firm and %c. higher; a sharp Chicago weakened the market for a time, but tin- close was firm, with May hie and June higher; No. 2 mi, cosh May delivery 81 (q> ••>B|Sm', June closed at Corn. May delivery active, closing !4e higher: all else dull and lower; cash 35U'e.35VMC- May delivery :i'i 1 4 ---r :>V..c, Julv 36)4@36)i>c, closed at 36! p-. Oats, May delivery weak and lower, other op ticus steady; cash 28-to. May delivery 21 'V„u 273,0. Whisky steady at $1 13. Provisions dull aha lower. Pork, old mess irregular at sls 00: new sl6 60. I,ards6ts.>. Dry salt meats- boxed long clear 75, clear ribs Si 872t5, short clear SB. Bacon—shoulders $6 12,Mj:3;6 25. long clear $8 25(3.8 87*4 clear ribs $8 25g?,8 50, short clear $8 60$ 8 67)6. New Orleans, April 27.—Coffee strong and higher: Rio cargoes, common to prime, 73!50. Cotton seed products dull and nominal; prime crude oil 27c, summer yellow oil offered at 36)4 (ioikie. Sugar quiet but steady; Louisiana o[icn kettle, good common to fair 4)ss64flc; Louis iana centrifugals, prime yellow clarified 5 7-16 e. Molasses quiet but steady; 'Louisiana centrifu gals, strictly prime to fancy fair to good prime 22@25c. Cincinnati, April 27.—Flour in good demand. Wheat firmer; No. 2 red, 83c. Corn firmer; No. 2 mixed ll)c. Oats weaker; No. 2 mixed. 30c. Pork weak at sl6 25. Lard heavy at $6 Bb(if,7 00. Bulk meats dull; short ribs $7 70. Bacon firm; short ribs $8 75, short clear $9. Whisky steady at $1 13. Hogs quiet and easy. Louisville. April 27.—Grain quiet: Wheat, No. 2 red 82e C‘>ru. No. 2, mixed 42'. Oats, No. 2,31 c. Provisions closed quiet: Bacon, clear rib sides $8 62)6, shoulders $6 62>y. Hulk meats, clear rib sides $3, clear sides $8 25; shoulders $.5 75. Moss pork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured sll 75©12 50. Lard, choice leaf $8 25. j, 3 50. naval,storks. Liverpool, April 27, noon.—Spirits turpentine 29s 3d. Rosin, common 3s 4)4d New York, April 27, noon.—Spirits turpentine dull at 88c. RoSlti dull at $122)4@1 ‘27t3 S:UO p. m.—Spirits turpentine steady at 88® Sfi'qc. Rosin firm at $) 22V.(A1 27U. Charleston, April 27.—Spirits turpentine steady at 34c. Rosin, good strained 85c. WiImiNOTON. April 27.—Spirits turpentine firm at 83640. Rosin steady; strained 80c, good strained 85c. Tar firm at $i 25. Crude turpen tine firm; hard $1 30, yellow dip and virgin $2 20. RICE. New Youk, April 27.—Rica firm and in fair request. New Orleans, April 27. —Riee quiet; Louis iana, ordinary to prime 3'ki3r.4)^o. Fruit and Vegetable Market. The following specials to the Morning News a-e publishtvl for 1 !i'‘ benefit of our Florida and Georgia readers and those interested in fruits and vegetables, and can bo relied upon as accu rate and reliable: Cincinnati. April 27.—Strawberries, 25@30c per quart; cabbage, $3 50per crate. John O. Moore & Cos. New York, April 27.—The Savannah cabbage via to-day's steamer sold at $4 00 per barrel: marrow peas. $.! 00 jx'r crate: small. $2 00(3;2 50 l>er crate; choice beans, $3 00@ 150 jier crate: strawl strides, 3041-500' p.,-r crate. Florida pro duce in good condition sold at good prices. G. S. Palmer. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALM AN AC—THIS DAyU Son Risks 5:19 Sun Sets 6:36 High Water at Savannah. . .11:32 am 12;00 m Thursday, April 28, 1888. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Gylier (Nor), Halvorsen, Rotterdam— Strachau & Cos. Schr Annie .$ Connant. Blatchford, Boston— Jos A Roberts & Cos. Schr Elwood Burton. Warrington, Pliiladel phia —Jus A Rolierts A Cos. Schr Maggie J Ijnvreuce, Grace, Darien, In ballast, to load for Rhiludelpitia- Jos A Rolierts A Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Katie, Bevill, Augusta and way land ings—J G Medloclt, Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Bark Mercator (Nor). Wilmington, N C. Schr Henry I’Simmons, Darien. Schr Kate V Altken, Brunswick. MEMORANDA , Fernan lina. April 27 - Arrived and cleared to return, steamer State of Texas, Williams. New York? Cleared, schrs John W Tinguc, Budge, Rich mond; Tamos, .’Joule, New Ixindon. New York, April 2.5 - Arrived, schr* B Bramlial). Woodhull, Fernandina: RcUe, illake. Jacksonville: Willie L Newton, Combs. Fauns wick; Thomas 1* Ball. Ryder, Savannah; Job H Jackson. Lewis, Do boy i’RSsel through iti il Gate bound east, schr Effle J Simmons, Bulger, Fernandina for New Haven. Cleared, schr D D Haskell, Haskell, Key West and Pensacola. Bristol, April 35—Arrived, bark Camplx-li (Nor), Simmons. Pensacola. Beocliy Head, Ai>ril 21 Passed, bnrk Marianna Bertha (tier), Peitsch, Savannah for West Har tlepool. Dungeness. April 23-Passed, bark Jno Black (Bri, Ste ens. Pensacola (or Delfxyl, Hull, April 25—Arrived, steamship It F Mat thews (Brh IlofT. Coosnw. S C. Kmsale, April 21 -Passed, liark Sjomaudeu (Non, l.undc, Saiummli for Belfast. Liverpool, April 33- Arrived, bark Nora (Nor), Andersen, Brunswick, I in New Castle. E, April 24 Arrived, bark Dygden (Bus), Ektnnu. Darien. Reval, A)inl 18 - Arrived, bark Moland (Nori, Omundseti, Suvuim ib; 21st, steamship Eglan tine (Hr), (iriinwade. do. Hottardam. April 23 Arrived, iMirk I/'onida (Kali, Trafionl. Savui'iiab Sharpness. Aiirli -1 -Arrived, Itark Agatha (Nor). Hansen, Pensacola Sciiiy, April 24 -Passed, brig Freden (Nor), Langaker, Apaliwbicola for——. Asplnw.dl, April 9—Arrived, sclir Ada Bailey, White, I’eusacolu. Sailed, tstrk Royal Tar (llr), Johnson. Peusa cola. Havana, April 21 Sailed, acbr L A Edwards, PeU'lwoli, i'emvoula Boston, April J> Arrived, schr Jennie S Sin clair. Ht Simons, G. Ciuared, schr Agues I"Grao*, Haavev, I‘rusa (M. iimruiwink, April 18 Arrived, sclirs Sarah l Kell, lsivehttel, Baltimore; 2BiJ, Nellie H Picket lag, Mi Keene, New York Cleaivd glut, w lir Mcawnger, Faiker. Iloatou Hill River, April lb Hailed, stmt* New cast 1-5 City (firi, Adame, iymdou, back Matwl (Rri, Joie-a, do. Italh. Me, April <5-Arrived, mkr K H Cornell, Crie'ker. iMricn, (ia. Ilerteu. A pell 23 4 Reared, win a 1 arrta' A Not ■va. Holgeoti. New York, giella M Kenyisi. Wil liaius, do; kCkb bark Hoperb illeri, Fruiul', tdigo tWlku uium April % * 7-sued, win Ktomsss iPdWIW MkLi'4. isl .bpni'niet Jacksonville. April 25 Cleared, stmr City of Monticelio, Creaser, Curacoa; sohrs Henry N Clark, Haig. Bermuda; John S Davis, Grvon, Albany, N Y. Key West, April 25- Arrived, stmr Maecotte, Hanlon. Havana. New Haven, April 23 Arrived, schr Robert Moreau, Crosslev Doboy. Pensacola. April 23 Arrived, barks Rainbow (Bn, liisily. Cardiff; 23th, Due Cognati (Ital), Rozgo, 1/eshorn; Providenza K (ttnl), Razeto, Mon'uwidts i. Cleared doth, barks Alonte A (Itali, Pussalazna, Newport: Unione (Doll, Pereollft, Genoa. Port Rural, S C. April 25 Arrived stmr Ros send Castle ■ Hr), Richards. Baltimore. Philadelphia. April 25 Arrived, selirs Robt J Harr. Ireland. Brunswick; Three Sisters, Simp son, St Simons; bark Altfunalia, Pray, Darien, Ga. Satilla River, Gn, April 21 Arrived, schr Mora Condon, French, Philadelphia. Ninevard Haven, April 23 Arrived, sohr King Dove. Uarston, Rockland for St Augustine ami sailed 24th. New York. April 27—Arrived, strars Nevada and Italy, Liverpool. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Angleseu, N J, April 25 Schr Emily F Nor tham, from Norfolk for Now York, before re ported ashore on Seven Mile Beach,will is* float ed to-night. Morehead City, N C, April 25—The U 8 light house and buoy tender Laurel, Capt Cosy >ve. from Key West bound for Now York, line put in here for repairs. She blew a hole in her boiler o(T: .ndiivro. ami was detained twelve hourß in pa telling ui) and repairing. Had very heavy weather all lie way and the barometer was lower than l'apt Cosgrove had seen it in t hree years. New York, April 25—Schr Job II Jackson, Lewis, Darien, (la. for New Haven, with yellow pine, reports while coming through Hell Gate struck oil the leilgo oil the west side of black well's i' ’and, causing vessel to leak 1 foot an hour. The Jackson is now alongside the City Island wharf and will have a steam pump to keep her free until she gets to destination. She is half full of water. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, April 27- 7 bills spirits turpentine. 13 bills flour, 2 cars guano, 53 caddies tobacco, 2 bales hides, and mdse. IVr Savannan. Florida and Western Railway, April 27 -1 bales cot ten, 15 cars lumber. 1 car laths, n cars wood. I car shingles. I ear cattle, 12 cars coal, 230 bills spirits turpentine. 12 pieces beef, 1.088 bbls rosin, 12 bales hides, 373 bhls vegetables, 4,025 boxes vegetables, 4 bbls or anges. 1,303 boxes oranges, 1 beer wagon, and mdse. Per Centra! Railroad. April 27—26th, 255 bales and 27th 41. b. lcs cotton, 13 hales yarn. 1 pkgs paper, 131 bales domestics, 4 bales hides, 20 pkgs tobacco, 20 rolls leather, 23.100 lbs bacon, 186 bills rosin. ISO bhls spirits t urpentine, 25 lbs fruit, 413 bales hay, 12 bbls whisky, 25 lit bbls whisky, 179 pkgs furniture and h h goods, 25 bbls flour, 1 cow, 27 ears lumber, 1 car wood, 119 pkgs mdse, 23 pkgs wood in shape 6 tons pig iron, 39 pkgs vegetables, 1 pkg wax, 25 bales paper stock, 1 car poultry, 3 pkgs plows, 6 pkgs empties, 10 pkgs hardware, 23 bales plaids, i5 cases eggs. EXPORTS. Per bark Gylier (Nor), for Rotterdam—3,3oo bbls rosin, weighing 1,485.955 pounds; 3,024 white oak staves Paterson, Downing A: Cos. Per sehr Annie SConnant. for 805t0n—.322,744 feet p p lumber—Stillwell, Pike A Miller. Per schr Elivood Burton, for Philadelphia— -292,153 feet p p lumber—J K Clarke & Cos. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railwav, April 27-Fordg Office, M.l Doyle, A J Miller & Cos, O Derst, Lilieutbal & Son, ltieser A S, Mell 4 H,B T Roberts, H Myers A Bros. J P Williams A Cos, D II Lester, Freeman & O, S C Windley. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. April 27—Transfer Office. W \Y Gordon A Cos. P Pl enty. Reiipard A Cos, G Eckstein A Cos, Frier son A Cos, Dili", DA" Cos, McDonough A Cos. J V Denton. Mein hard Bros A Cos, Bacon, J A Cos, A A Aveilhe. A Hauler. W D Slmklna A Cos, .IF Lamb. K W Branch, F B Irons, IT Myers A Bros, C Kolshoni A Bro. J C Bruyn. A Ehrlich A Bro, A Leffier, J Copeland, L 8 Newton. J II Baker, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, Einstein A 1,, J M Jerkins, Jjpuman Bros, Savannah Steam Bakery, Geo 1) Hodges. A H Champion. Peacock, II A Cos, Dr D Cot, A D Thompson. F.lhs, V A Cos, T M Keller, G Myer A Cos. W W Chisholm, Baldwin A Cos, H H Lewis, J P Williams A Cos, C L Jones, E T Roberts. Per Centra! Railroad. April 27—Forde Agt, W W Gordon A Cos, II M Comer A Cos, A B Hull, Montague A Cos, J R Collins A Cos, Herman A K, T P Bond A Cos, H Myers A Bros, M Ferat A Cos, D 1) Arden. Solomons A Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro, P Cohen, Bond, if A R, Freeman A G. Jno Scldey, R D Walker. Meinliard Bros A Cos, II 51 Walker. Lee Roy Myers A Cos, S Guekenheimer A Son, F II Thompson, Teeple A Cos. Rinser AS, A L. I Epstein A Bro, Kckman A V, Frank A Cos, W B Mell A Cos. S KronskoiT, J P Williams A Cos, Peacock, H A Cos. ff C Jackson, S C Blooworth, Stillwell, p A M, Baldwin A Cos, Slater, 51 A Cos. B Rothwell. McMillan Bros, Ludden A B, 1) R Kennedy, Weed A C, BANKS. DakiklMa.vmino, P’t. Conrad N. Jordan, V.P't. THE WESTERN NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Nrcw York, April 14, 1387. I PREPARATORY to opening this tank for business at its rooms in tho Equitable Build ing, m the City of New York, on Tuesday, May 10. 1387, its Board of Directors has this day culled hi the balance due on the capital stock, 95 per cent., payable oil Monday, May 2, 18137. F. BLANKENHORN, Cashier. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - i? 50,000 r P PANS ACT a regular banking business. Give 1 iiarUcular attention to Merida collections. Correspondence solicited Issue Exchange <m New York. New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Resident Agents for Coutta A Go. and Melville, Evans A Cos., of I/mdon, England. New York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. BROK KBS. \. Is. hartridgET SECURITY BROKER. BUYS AND SELLS on commission all classes of Stock* and Bonds. Negol ia**s loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private (fcker every fifteen minutes. WJI. T. WILLIAMS. W. CVMXINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., 33x,oIkzex’S OP.DERS EXECUTED on tho New York, Chi cago and Llvei-pool Exchanges. If COMMERCIAL BUILDING. MACHINERY. I Mm ! Winery! Cheap and flood and Easy Terms. | KKiHTHORsI'. POWER HORIZONTAL •t IT UK BdX BOILERS (new). l Fifteen-Horse Bower (second-hand) Return Tubular Boiler 1 Fifty-Hone* Power (new) Return Tubular Boiler, . 2Thirty-Horae Power (new) Return Tubular Boilers. 1 rwent.y-flve-Hor*o Power (new) Return Tubular Boiler. 2 Twelve Horse Power Horizontal Centre Crank Engines, on sills (new). 2 Eight Hore- power Horizontal Slue Crank Engine*, on sills Utew i l Light llor.' Prsoi -second hand) Horizontal Bide (’lank Engine, dr whi*-l*. I Six lions- Power Horizontal Bide Crouk Kn glues, on wheel* mew). it Ml* Horse Power Horizontal Hide Crank En gine*. on sills (new), Also, Circular Miw Mills. Haws, Belling, ldpe and Filling*, Brass Hoods, Inspirators, etc. Ad dress Schofield’s Iron Works, MACON, (IKOKCHA. COUGH REMEDIES 4 VERB' CHERRY PECTORAL. Jayne * Ka 1\ pn lorant. Hale e lion- > sod Tar. /loach**'* tier man M>rup, Pull * Cough Syrup, Pkau's Cura, BUTLER’S PHARMACY, tft'M. AND COJHI REEK K.'TtF-ITIC MILLINERY. X O W II E AD Y AT KROUSKOFF’S liIHOTH -MILLINERY HOUSE, SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, COMPRISING ALL THE NOVELTIES. Ten Thousand Straw and Fancy Braid Hats, from the cheapest to tho very finest quality, in every color and iq every shape for 1887. Five Thousand School Hats in the most desirable shapes. Fifteen Thousand pieces of Ribbon, comprising all the latest importations and shades in Chartereuse, Nile Green, Salmon Pink, Lilac and Heliotrope. One Thousand cartons of Flowers. The choicest designs from Paris importations, and comprising almost every flower that blooms in the spring, and positively the finest goods eveiv seen in this city. Our work rooms, in charge of fi've artist™ designers, turn out the most correct trimmed hats in the eityfl at prices much below others. Our shelves and counters on thfl three large floors are loaded with every variety of new milfl nery goods. Our retailing on the first floor at wholesale pricdH enables us to sell our goods far below any competition, anfl ladies can now purchase their millinery at same price as cmJ| petitors have to pay. We continue the sale of Ribbons at siurfl prices as heretofore. Every steamer adds new novelties. 8, KROPSKOFF’S MAMMOTH MILLINERY HOPSI Fl'liMTi HK AMM AItITIY I ~j AM 0I IY WA| Jr LIMISAV & MORGANS f eW raw CEDAR CHESTJf J LATHS AND BHINOLO. LATHS AND SHINGLES VERY CHEAP. No. 1 Cypress Laths, - $1 50 per 1,000 No. 2 Cypress Shingles, - $2 00 per 1,000 Vale Royal Store House, BROUGHTON AND WEST BROAD STS. (IKAIN AND raOTOIOM. Me Cun, Hill Corn, OATS, PEAS FOR PUNTING AND EATING, ALL VARIETIES. Eating Potatoes, Florida Oranges, Messina Oranges, Turdips and Onions. Grain and Hay in Car Load Lots AT LOW PRICES. T. P. BOND & CO., I.T.T Hay Street. ECTJi7ir WAREHOUSEMAN AND Commission Merchant, WHOLESALE GROCER, FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN & PROVISION DEALER. MEAL and (. RITS In white socks, and J mill stiillf* of nil kinds always on hand fieorgla raised APANmn fllANCTS.also PEAS, any variety Hpeetal price* on large lota. odlee, As Bar street Waieheuse, No. 4 Wad ley street, on line C. R. R., Savannah, (la. e ■ I II UNDERTAKER. W. I>. I)IX <) X . U N DERTAKER ■IEZIJta IN *l.l. KINDS or COFFINS AND CASKETS, 48 Bull street. Residence Ml Liberty street. HAVANNAH, (IKOKOIA. I'Ll MID It. l. a. McCarthy, Buemsaor U> ('has K Wakefield, PLIMMiS and STEAM FITTER, Ik Barnard straat. HAVANNAH, CIA. Tele, Jw si* IR S PAINTS AND OILS. LLOYD & ADAMS, SUCCESSORS TO A. B. COLLINS A CO., The Old Oliver Faint and Oil Houe, WILL keen a full line of Doors, Sash, Blinds \\ and Builders’ Hardware, Paints, Oita, Bteambiwit and Mill Supplies, Lime. Plaster, Cement, etc. Window Glass a specialty. All sizes and kinds of Packing. A large lot of odd size Sash, Doors and Blinds mil he sold at a die count. w AT THE OLD STAND, No. 5, Whitaker St., Savannah, Ga. JOHN G. BUTLER^ Ur HITE LEADS, COLORS, OILS, CLASH, VARNISH, ETC.; READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, HASHES, DOORS, BLINDS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE Hole Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR anil LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. 1865. CHIUS. MURPHY, 1865. ~ House, Sign and Ornamental Painting NEATLY and with dispatch. I j Paints, Oils, VarnißlieH, Brushes, Window (I law*, etc., etc. Estimates furnished on ap plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS., Rear of Christ Church. ELEC IKK BELTS. This Belt or Rcgenera ff SjVwtA mH T tor is made expi-emly fol cure of derange- W XfL CrFf y L¥l J 1 1 nenta of the generative I, c VifJ rjir" *r /V I "guns A i ontluuou* V\A-yyV ttJL i pii./ J (ream of K|.x tricity \klL£_/ fOR" f■■ rumitlng thro’ the * vw.Oji —"'"fce . muat •■ester*, | */ 'hem to healthy act ion. Hl*,? WSW/ieJ ~(V Du not confound un* lyli- (INI I wMI ' J-' trk Bell* ad IIILIv UflLI vei tlae.l to cure utt 111*; It U tor the o* siernrlr Muyx*. For full in formation addree* CM LEVER El-K*T'KIO BELT CO., KM Washington St , Chicago 111 ■ 1 ■■ ...mat* NURSERY. KIES LING’S NURSERY. White* Bluil’ Hood. ROUQTKTH. rift fljjW fdrniiii>i to iihtHl t# ilftriAt aft* t* , I'orHir Hull mml Vml 1 "t r***)*, IWtffcott* imli HU. 7