The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, April 30, 1887, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 1850. I J. H. ESTILL, Editor ond Proprietor. l" A gain for the south. WESTERN ROADS PERMITTED TO PRO RATE ON FREIGHT. The Commission Amends the Suspen sion- Order at the Request of the Southern Railway . and Steamship Association Cattlemen to Have Passes- Union Pacific’s Request to be Complied With. Atlanta, Ga., April 29.—The Southern Railway and Steamship Association ob tained an important order from the Inter state Commission yesterday not heretofore given out. The Commission has granted no concessions to railroads north of the Ohio river under the fourth section, and they have advanced the rates on through busi ness to and from the South, refusing to accept their proposition of through rates based on the old rates under the impression that they would be liable to the penalties of the law. The Railway and Steamship As sociation applied to the Commission for an amendment to the order suspending the Ion" and short haul clause, so as to relieve these roads of the penalties. The Commis sion granted the order, and the association to-day sent out circulars to the Eastern, Western and Northwestern railroads, notify ing them of the amendatory order. SITTING OF THE COMMISSION. Mobile, Ala., April 29.—The Interstate Commerce Commission arrived in this city at 2:20 o’clock this afternoon and met at 4 o'clock in the United State Court room. Representative men were present from Mo bile, Selma, Greenville, Huntsville, Tusca loosa, Brewton, Hartselle, and other places in Alabama, and from Meridian and Aber deen, Miss. Col. W. Butler Duncan, Presi dent. and H. S. Depew, traffic manager, of the Mobile and Ohio road, testified as to the necessity of a suspension of the fourth section of the law in tne case of that road, Mr. Depew’s testimony was interrupted by frequent questions from members of thie commission. To an interrogatory relative to rates on his road, Mr. Depew replied: “You ask, do we charge mote for a short haul than for a long, one out of East St. Louis to (,’airoi Yes, but we have met com petition at Cairo and have not charged more than the Illinois railroad commission has prescribed, though when we charge loss that body has not molested us.” competition the cause. Mr. Morrison—l see there is a gradual risn- of rates from East St. Louis until you reach Cairo, where I see no rate. Mr. Depew—We meet competition at that point, Mr. Morrison—Suppose the shipment is from East St. Louis to Mobile, does the shipper get Illinois rates! Mr. Depew—He does now, that is since April l. Formally he was charged 6c. a band higher. I would add that we could jsissibly equalize rates in Illinois because of the short distance of haul, but while we might charge certain rates from a point near East St. Louis to Mobile we cannot make a charge to all local points in this Southern territory. The average rate from East. St. Ixmis to intermediate points on different kind of freights was then stated. And Mr. Depew continued: “Trade is divided into two ('lasses, that which goes to competitive points and that which goes to non-competitive points.” When asked to give competitive pointu he named Mobile, Enterprise, Meridian, Lau derdale, Artesia, Dupelo, West Point, Corinth, Jackson, Rives, Humboldt, Union City. Columbus, Cairo, Percy, and East St. Louis, adding that one-half the tonnage of his road went to those points.” charged higher rates. Attention being called to the, rate sheet of the road, and the fact that a large number of stations were not allowed competing rates. Mr. Depew explained that the sheet is corrected according to the interstate law, under which the road is working. Mr. Bragg said that if the Mobile and Uii° Company gave special rates to manu facturers, he would like to know why the late, on barrels was 50c. from East St. Louis to Mobile, 70c. to Meridian, and s>l Iff *° a "umber of places intermediate. The rate at Mobile was shown by Mr. Depew to he governed by interstate Mississippi river rate to New Orleans. Mr. Bragg wanted to know whether the Louisville, New Orleans and Texas road did uot protect the Mobile and Ohio from com petition with the river. ?} r - Depew thought it did to some extent, oragg—How do you reach this rate of re repetition n t steamers, don’t they keep their rates secret! Acs. the Anchor line furnishes blanks to nippers ill led in with nominal rates, but cnarge as much lower as they please, mak mg spemal low rates to large shippers.” Mr. Bragg—How do you make your rates •Oniorm to these secret, rates' Sometimes we cannot and the boats get th freight.” • Bragg—So you just go shooting around In the dark Mr. Depew—Sometimes. hates on cotton. The cotton rates out of Mobile to New lork were next stated, as follows: Mobile ’■ * e . w J/’r’R $2 25, Meridian and Enter- L „. ow A ork s;■ 75, from Aberdeen Uu-inthi™-^' tosia •bout the same, from "\* .° ,!U ' | is'ioners were informed that Si trn| led rates at competitive L V/' h,,| ', low U-rail rate to New York " i to Corinth. frorn Mobile and New urv.ii Ul nr° r f w York were then touched i-f 1 ' Dcjvew did not profess much MUai ltanee with this branch of the sub- V H” thought, the rate from Mobile to ion was mntrnled by the rail rate j P ". (>, 'lenn.s,aufl the sea rate *if° I< * ‘* e "thiation. He wan asked over ii P a " ,o,, utof (sitton sent from Mobile HeM,d WM ® between 2,000 bragg— You coin|iete here with the •IrH , ,7V te anfl ,uakp n 'ate of 10c. a him Iren ft-' ’ o ota!l t,, ‘ l cotton brought nrL ,', ' tI . M 'uterior you cmry only that Dcp Lon to New York. Has your road tu„„. k r " blub it shall not charge th'Mom *'", e J lav< ' nn R green lent with u, ’v’ i Hn ’* N4iviUo regarding rates y*" > orlt. i:i \i. .I’ 1 you don't cut ns they do "'Up.uii, 0 My * * “II carry from Mobile to New York for , "’W far is that;/' l,:kl1 * miles.” j, !'" Mississippi Hsilroad Cotnmis pdii,'i,.'- * ,n lf fu rate, romguia* competing li flifi.* 4 in'" '■”' t Vi.s. I'iwsideiit ot the Mobile Uitlii \ i Ini. vjf’WM with rogttitl *, 01 mm ihn,u|j)i **•■< 'i ~j <,, i ] wtiwh iwUrolfai HiiPj. t 1 * tHc <i4 v .g, mul t4i*‘ I inn ring He , * n,, Charges bad uisei ha ( ,j ,(„. 3’y y UUfHJam lt<- gave a bit "•*’an j t;hlo r< ...t tit* ( ljr ' l '"‘ bo..i Uimooo) aiei In .iilwr mu' * of Hie fourth sole at 1 ■ i , y i'*in*r. of tin* ((tty. ' - iit Mtimnb l|t . How of the Chamber of Commerce, also presented a petition asking its suspension. He said that the merchants of Mobile had no fear of not getting reasonable rates, but they did fear that if the law should be forced and they should have to de pend on water carriage for Western pro ducts, the time consumed in such transpor tation would endanger their interests. “Mobile,” the petitioners say, “is unfortu nately situated, so far as concerns her trade allies in the country contiguous. We have to go 100 miles to reach the terri tory we expect to sell. If wo do not get goods at low transportation rates we cannot expect to remain a distributing point by rail. Our rivers do not extend to all pai ls of our territory. The port has only an irregular line of steamers, which has indeed produced a considerable reduction of rail rates from New York to Mobile, and has compelled recognition of Mobile as a port, but this line has had to put the rate so low that business can hardly be remuner ative. We understand there are places in whose favor the fourth sectiou can be sus pended. and we think we act right in asking that Mobile be included in the number of such places." Petitions for the suspensions of the fourth sect i i®i wore presented from representa tives of the cities mentioned above. O. P. Huntley, of Huntsville, presented a memo rial stating that the peop 1 of Huntsville had subscribed to tbe building of three roads in North Alabama with a view of ob taining railroad competition, arid they therefore asked that they bo relieved from the operation of the fourth section. The session was then adjourned till to morrow at 10 o’clock, when the committee will sit two hours, and petitions and testi mony against a suspension of the fourth section will be presented The Commission will leave for Now Or leans at 2:30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. cattlemen to have passes. St. Louis, April 29. —A local paper says that the Western railroads do not make any attempt at concealing their plans in regard to issuing passes to cattlemen. They con tend that while engaged in the transporta tion of cattle, they are as much employes of the road as though their names were on the pay roll, for otherwise substitutes would have to lie paid by the road and the ex penses inrlnded in the shipping rate. The Eastern reads, however, denied their patrons this privilege, with the result of driving from this market some of the leading buyers, who transferred their orders to Chicago, where they had the benefit of the Grand Trunk cut rate. In self-defense, the Indianapolis and St. Louis railroad returned to the pass system a week ago. The shipper and one man for every 1 two cars is allowed transportation East in tbe caboose, aad a return ticket by express. Chicago roads, have established a rebate of 85 per car for all live stock shipped from Texas. LOUISIANA PLANTERS FAVOR THE LAW. New Orleans, April 29. —There was a large attendance of Louisiana planters yes terday at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the State* Agricultural So ciety, called for the purpose of taking some action in regard to the interstate commerce law. A tier full discussion of the matter the following resolution was adopted: h'i'xolivrl, That ill the opinion of the Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society the Lest, interests of the planting community of this State require that the provisions of the inter state commerce law he curried out strictly and enforced throughout the land. UNION pacific’s petition. Washington, April 29.—The petition of the Union Pacific Railroad Company to the Interstate Commerce Commission asking to be relieved from the operation of the fourth sectiou of the interstate law. was tiled with Secretary Mosely to-day, and a copy of the document was taken to Mobile by the same messenger who brought it here to be there laiAbcrore the commission. The Intel-state Commission will add the Union Pacific railroad to tbe list of trans eontin* itai railways exempted for seventy five days from the operations of the long and short haul ( ’nuts.’ of the intei-state commerce bill. Its omission from that list was entirely unintentional, so far as the Commission was concerned. The claims of the Union Pacific were not prop erly presented, while the claims of tbe other roads were, and that was all there was to it. ARIZONA’S TRAIN RO BBERS. The Criminals Spotted and Sure to be Run Down. Benson, Aiu., April 29. —The men who robbed the westbound express train on the Southern Pacific road Wednesday night have been “spotted” and it will be only a question of time before t hey are captured. The officers do not wish to make arrests immediately, fearing that they have not sufficient evidence yet 'to convict. United States Marshal Meade has telegraphed to the mail authorities at Washington urging them to offer an addi tional large reward, which if the request is complied with, will almost certainly insure the capture and quick conviction of the robbers. It is now reported that a sjiecial officer has been in El Paso for several days watching for this occurrence to take place in that locality, he having Ix-en forewarned by outsiders that an attempt would tie made to roll the train somewhere oil the line of the read. The thieves showed unusual judg ment in making the rani in this vicinity, where hardly any one suspected that such an affair would rake place. No Cholera in Mexico. Washington, April 29. —In view of the reports recently published to the effect that cholera had made its appearance in Guay mas and other Mexican towns, Honor Ro mero, the Mexican Minister, telegraphed his government for information on the sub ject. He received to-day the following re ply from the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico: City ok Mkxjoo, April 29, 1887. 7Vi t/ie Mrxirnu Minister, iVa^hiucitow: There is not u single < :u.c of cholera in Mexi can territory, nor In Central America. Mauiscal. Outstanding Tlireo Per Cents. Washington. April 29.—Her rotary Fair child-tid this afternoon, in answer to in quiries on the subject., that, he had not vet lully made up his mind with regard to the uncalled •* i>e.' cent, bonds. It is. however, regarded as practically settled that there will be no more calls for Ixnid* during the pivscnt (ifo/tl year, and that the amount of ff per cents, outstanding, amounting to about ||'.i,(KKl,irKi, will In* reserved for the sinking fund requirementy <>f Lite next fiscal year, Ivegililting July 1. Two Tram pi In a Natural Gas Well Flame. Amikiison, Ind , April 29.—Mix trum|w Iss-mne e; iguuod inn fight at the imlurnl | gas well near n.ciryesterilnv. Two of them were pushed Iniot lie Haute of tin* burning ! gas. One. whose name Is said to ls> Dotto I >au, inbuld the IlmiiMs and did almost in stoutly. Dwyer, of Erie, Pa., is imrm*i almost recognition, and oao not its ove| Tkrou of lite fraittjs*are in jail. Heard end Not H ard. W AMiiKoro*. Audi 'At It la Kaprmeete uve John T ilcaid of Ml sotiru and is* jUjHes iiiautr hunk Hurd, id Ohio, whole s > 111 bnc Mr. Heard la tsSL < to-day, Matty tslsAnww Mkistg Inf Freak llurtla (iMidit oii Car- wins! to-day. SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1887. LOUISVILLE'S LYNCHERS. POLICE PREVENT CROWDS FROM ATTACKING THE JAIL. Several Shots Fired in One of the Scrimages But No One Injured—An Ex-Member of the Legislature and a Law and Order Leader Among Those Arrested. Louisville, Ky., April 29.—Shortly after 1 o’clock this morning a mob of about 500 men and boys, armed with a section of a tel egraph }>ole, marched down Jefferson street in a body to charge the jail. The police heard of their coming and thirty strong, in double column, met the mob at Fifth mid Jefferson streets. The police ordered them to disperse and then charged upon thorn. The mob scattered and returned up Jefferson street, where they began gathering in num bers. At 2:45 o’clock the mob organized at Fourth and Main streets, and after several speeches marched toward the jail. THE SECOND CONFLICT. The crowd numbered about 500 and a number were armed with hammers. They appeared determined and seemed to have leaders. They reached the jail about ff o’clock, and when the jiolice guard line was reached a lively scrimmage took place and several shots were tired, but no one was injured. The mob then retreated in the di rection of the armory, but rapidly grew smaller and soon dispersed. It is believed that another attempt to reach life two negro murderers will bo made to-night, and if the mob has determined leaders they will probably succeed in their purpose. TWO PROMINENT MEN ARRESTED. Among those who were arrested and taken to the station houso n >i-e John Let terleand Allen McDonald. The former was a member of the last Kentucky Legislature and the latter is a leader m an association organized to promote purity in the city government. Mr. McDonald was also a leading light in t he law and order club, now defunct. This morning Jennie Bowman was still sinking. She was worst* tliun at any time yet and was apt to die at any moment. The feeling is that her death will precipitate trouble. MILITIA ORDERED VT. The an wer of the Governor to the follow ing call for aid from the militia was re ceived at 11:15 o'clock this morjiiug and several companies were ordered to guard the jail: Louisville. Ky., April 29, 1887. To (iov. J. Proctor Knott: From representations made to me by the Chief of Police ami jailer there is imminent dan ger ot domestic violence and bloodshed growing out of the assault on'Jennie Bowman unless you call out the militia reserve here. I concur in the opinion and place the facts before you for your action. A crisis might be reached to-night. William L. Jackson, Judge of the Jefferson Circuit Court. A NOONDAY ALARM. The agreed signal of eleven taps by the fire department hells in case of an attack upon the jail was rung at 12:1-10 o’clock this afternoon and came near causing mischief. The alarm, it seems, was the usual call given to notify the members of the legion when they are expected to report for duty at the armory. The people misunderstood the alarm, thinking it was caused by a riot at the jail. About 3,000 people quickly as sembled on the jail square. Jefferson street m ils the scene ot great confusion, and people rushed toward the jail from all points. The facts soon became known, however, and the excitement abated without any further col lision between the people and tne police. A PROCLAMATION. Late this aftohioon the Mayor issued the following proclamation: Mayor's Office, I Louisville, Ky., April 29, 1887. j To the People o f Louisville: It is my duty as Mayor to enjoin upon the people the necessity for preserving order and maintaining the majesty of the law. A most diabolical crime has been committed in our city, but the law must inflict the punishment Kiot is more dangerous to good government than any individual criminal. Lynch law subverts every principle of law and attacks our Very civiliza tion, I herefore, in the discharge of my duty, request every citizen to remain at home to night and to avoid all gatherings, and I caution parents not to permit their children to go in the streets, as their presence increases the number and adds to the excitement. I must and will discharge my duty louphold the law and to pre serve good order, and I command all riotous as semblages to disperse. P. B. Ueed, Mayor, .LYNCHERS ORGANIZING. While the Mayor was dictating the above the first movement looking to an organizing of the exasperated pooyile, who openly and on all sides advocate lynching, was being made. In response to a notice which had been distributed among thousands who rushed to the jail at the alarm at midday, given to order the inemliers of the militia to report for duty, about 509 men gathered in front of Leiilerkranz Hall, on Market street. The janitor refused them admission to the hail and the jxiliee were endeavoring to dispense them. AN EXCITED PHYSICIAN. Dr. Berry, a well known physician of the city, mounted u bai l-el on the sidewalk and addressed them. He said that since 'the brutal crime of Patterson and Turner none of our women and children felt any secur ity, and that, while he generally was op posed to mob law, there was nothing to be done in this case but to lynch the negro fiends. The law hail again and again failed to punish murderers. They hud been sent to the penitentiary when they should have Dam hanged. Lawyera defended blood stained criminals whom they knew to be ■guilty. If this crime was not atoned for a chance would be missed to not u terrible example to hundreds of Idle, worthless and thieving negroes wiio infested the alleys and slums of the city. The doctor cheered at frequent intervals w hile he was speaking. A LAWYER TAKEN TO TASK. Mnj. Kiime.v, a leading criminal lawyer, Iwts.s -il through the crowd. A number ot men stopped him, and then surrounding him, demanded in on exciting manner why he defended men whom he knew to lx* criminals. The Major commenced to ex plain Hiid exiNMtulatv, declaring that he laid never acted as an attorney fora man whom he behoved to lie guilty. He was never more earnest or eloquent in his lit n and breathed a heavy sigh of relief when be slipped out of the throng. The doctor rmuinrd his remarks, and the meet ing udjounied t> u hall near by, where the names of about WO citizens, whose sent,! mentA were known and who, it wan I* lievcd, would J-, n any organized effort to lynch the negi >-s w.*re selected. Other pecchm were made and it was determined to inwt at 10 o'clock to-morrow at the (SiUlt hous'. These men |i|wiiml to Iks 111 dead eaniesl. ul'(kti<Mllile. p.olxihly blond ►.hud, i* looked for to-morrow. A UHOWII ABOUND lIIK JAIL D-spit*. lie* Mayor’s proclamation h<>* | • ver, to 111 gilt the squid s about the jad arc I densely j.,e-k si with met). The [sihee have j I lean able to clear the street for about half a square coot mat *wt of tins ortw. i, iiut he | Valid these Utlllta Uls Jssqil" are Jammed togi t her it rldsi a wnliov, ami no ctfiat, so far, baa been iwl* to diaiiarM> tm-m Two imipaai"* of militia wait in nadiMa (or an order to iiant at any low from tbn am*orv, son** N* nr- *i 1 wiuaito* ** n v (i* market steosa a* * o*d of about 100 are marching up and down, each with about a foot of white cotton roj>o tied to his arm. advertising for lynchers. In a prominneat place on tho court house square is an illuminated design: WANTED—SOO MEN TO JOIN THE MOil Up to this writing good order has pre vailed. The mob appem-s to have no leader, and appears to be only watching out of cu riosity for something to turn up. The police and militia are determined to defend the jail, come what may, and if another attempt is made to-night, or in the morning there will be bloodshed sure. The girl, Jennie Bowman, still lies at the point of death suffering intensely. The physicians say there is no hope whatever lor her recovery. TROOPS OUT WITH A BATTLING GUN. Louisville, April 29, 11 p. m.-—The soldiers were ordered from the armory to the jail and have just arrived there with a Gatling gun. A crowd of fully 10,01X1 peo ple still surges to and fro on Jefferson street. Many women are seen mingling with the crowd. All appear to Vie attracted by curi osity only, and the best of order prevails. THE CROWD DISPERSING. Louisville, Ky., April 30, 1 a. m.—At 12:30 o’clock this morning tho crowds about the court house dwindled down to 390 or 400 people, and these are dispersing grad ually. Throe hundred and fifty soldiers, with a gat ling gun. and 150 armed police men stood guard at the jail. The meet ing- agreed upon to take place ut the court house ut 10 o’clock to-day will uot lx- allowed, and there is hardly a doubt that the, law will be allowed to take its course. The girl is almost certain to die, and the evidence is strong enough to bring both men to the gallows. HORSE THIEVES CUT SHORT. An Arkansas Stockowner Lays Out One of a Gang by Shooting Him. Fort Smith, Ark., April 29.—Felix Grif fin, n notorious outlaw, was killed Thurs day night near Webber’s Falls, while steal ing horses. Felix was the leader of an or ganized band of horse thieves. Robert Vann, owner of the horses, heard that Grif fin was lurking around his place, and laid in wait for him and shot him dead when he entered the stables. The others escaped, A CLERICAL THIEF. Baltimore, April 29.—Rev. A. M. Mor rison stole a horse and buggy in this city on April 5. and a few days ago was arrrested in Brockton, Mass. He returned to Balti more Wednesday in charge of detectives and was put on trial to-day. Conviction followed and he was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary, Mr. Morrison was formerly a Methodist minister and was at one time well known in New England. Liquor was the cause of his downfall, his last pulpit having been in Williamsburg. Ky. Inst year he suffered imprisonment for forgery. lie swindled several religious concerns in New York city lat month and came to Baltimore to escape arrest. Here lie got hard up ami proceeded to raise money by hiring a team and making away with it. He was traced to Brockton, Mass., where he was arrested after a desper ate fight. BULL FIGHTING BY ELECTRICITY. The Light Infuriates the Animals and Makes Tliejn Unconquerable. St. Louis, April 29.—A special from the City of Mexico says: “The novelty of a bull fight by electric light drew an immense crowd to Colon plaza. Among the sjieeta tors wits President Diaz and several mem bers of his Cabinet. The arena was brilliant ly lighted by ten electric lights, and the gaudy uniform of the matadors fairly blazed. The first bull made a frantic rush at the picadors and in a minute was master of the arena, having killed one horse and gored two others. One matador and picador were laid out, though not killed. The fighters became very timid and plied the sword from the ride, being afraid to face tho animal as is usual. Of five bulls every one was desperate in tho blazing light, and the horses and fighters were rolled over and tossed in a terrible manner. One swordsman attempted fo kill a bull as he charged, and was caught o:i the horns and tossed oiit of the arena almost lifeless. The result of the tight was four horses killed, several torn and crippled, two matadors nearly killed and several picadors disabled. The dazzling light seems to make the animals wild. This was the. first time bull fighting has been tried by electric light. NEW ENGLAND FRESHETS. The Connecticut and Kennebec Rivers Rising Rapidly. Hartford. Conn., April 29.—The Con necticut river commenced rising very rapid ly this evening. For the j wist week it bus marked between nineteen and twenty feet above low water mark, but at this hour (midnight) it has reached twenty-two feet and is still rising, THE KENNEBEC ALSO HIGH. Augusta, Me., April 29.—There is a big rise qi tbe Kennebec river at this place. The water has Ixx-u rising all day, and is atxiut two feet deep in the cel lars of tho Water street stores, and at 11 o’clock to-night is still rising rapidly. Koine inhabit'tuts at the north end an- moving their effect* to places of safety. A serious freshet is antic ipated to-morrow. West Virginia’s Senatorship. Charleston, W. Va., April 29.—The Senate (-oiiMmiadkp 'lay in discussing a mo tion to iidjyucu. Without electing uUnited •States Sqiiauii, A letter from Mr. Luca*, Gov. Wttoon’t Mpointer, informed the I A-gistatimJMwjjK]* < mid not he a lawful m-t to and that a contest would re.- .iltWttfld the legislature elect. A ballot will Hi iH| Aftt^flpiifoßßlng. Louisa. K®, AW)* 21.—James H. Mar emu was liungM ,4? r murder of his cousin, t -uaj Maiibu Feb. 19, 18*6 lie was (s*n- .r%*4 ha. evi dence, Imt ilia 14 'ii u fi w days foil Tho (ißKjpt## JK bout *|x*-iu! incident. Murdero-t' tad. jobu, a HsU-tad" Mi mul hi* living iiea "< 11l < • .• -tig.i uMajpM Hi!,.- ImriKvl over lb- ii di. t -*K* toogti ssil U* Foul Klktom, Va , \pi b 9 | Jiaao. a )UJI 4 |oil(^^^K>il<|. 1 el >t • 111 . e llg K {)*,&,, 1.. ((suit. M Ho i>iv t I*ol Itlllwi IIUIaIIIH I#** i • - . RULE OR RUIN IN ERIN. A REFUSAL TO CHANGE THE WORD OFFENSE TO CRIME. The Amendment Proposed by Mr. Healy and Supported by Messrs. Dillon, Bradlaugh and Gladstone— The Government’s Majority 37 in a Total Vote of 377. London, April 29.—The House of Com mons this afternoon went into committee on tho Irish crimes act amendment bill. R. M. Healy proposed that the word “offense" in the act should be changed to the word “crime.” Messrs. Dillon and Bradlaugh supported the proposal. Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, declined, on behalf of the government, to accept the change. Sir 'William Vernon Ilarcourt said it was evident that tho bill was not intended to punish crime in Ireland, but was designed for applying penalties to resident magis trates for the new offenses created by the bill. Mr. Gladstone advised the government to concede Mr. Healy’s amendment. The word “offense” could not be held to be strictly synonymous with tho word “crime” in the bill. If the government desired strictly legal use of the measure, they would accept accurate definitions. Division was taken anil tho amendment was defeated by a vote of 157 to 120. RETROSPECTION OPPOSED. Dr. Commins, member for South Roecom mou (Liberal), moved that the crimes act should not bo retrospective. Mr. Ilealy, in supporting the motion, said he would advise Ins countrymen to refuse to answer summons under tho clause if the act were made retrospective. The Attorney General and Solicitor Gen eral liol h spoke in opposition to the umend ment. They said the bill was only intended to detect and punish crime. Sir Henry James, Liberal Unionists, sug gested that words be inserted stating that inquiries in past, offenses .shall be limited to cases of felony and misdemeanor. Sir William Vernon Hareourt, Liberal, congratulated the government upon the as sistance it was receiving from one of its principal supporters. The Unionists are of some good, at least, he exclaimed, which remark was greeted with much laughter. MH. SMITH'S OFFER. William Henry Smith said that if Sir Henry James were not satisfied with the government's assurances that they would ap ply the act/ fairly they would introduce words pledging that, tho operation of the clause would i>e confined to the limits previ ously announced. Dr. Commins, on suggestion of Bir Wil liam Vernon Hareourt, offered to withdraw his amendment in order to give the govern ment time for consideration, but he was not allowed to do so. Mr. Dillon thought the government was unreasonable in insisting upon a division, and Mr. Healy took the same view. Mr. Ralfour. Chief Secretary for Ireland, said it would be open to the committee Inter to raise the question on Mr. Smith's promise. Dr. Commins’ amendment was then nega tived without division. IIARTINGTON TO PRESIDE. The Marquis of Ilnrtington will president the meeting of the Liberal Unionists called to assemble here to-morrow to consider cer tain proposed amendments to the Irish crimes act amendment bill, principal among which is one doing away with or greatly modifying the clause permitting the crown to change venue to England iu certain classes of Irish cases. At a meeting of the Pornellite members of Parliament to-day it was decided to cancel all engagements likely to interfere with Parliamentary work in order that the mem bers may devote their exclusive attention to their legislative duties. In the division in the House of Commons last night on Mr. Reid’s motion that tho House decline to proceed with any measure directed against tenants combining for re lief until u full measure for their relief from excessive rents was presented, three Liberal Unionists voted with tho minority against government and nineteen Liberal Unionists were übsent and not paired. POPE LEO AND ITALY. The Head of tho Church Expected to Make Exacting Demands. Vienna, April 29.—The Tuyblutt says the Vatican favors the following conditions for reconciliation with the Quirinal: First. The Pope will advise the royal, arcbducal and ducal families of Naples, Tuscany and Modern to renounce ail claims to sovereignty in favor of the Holy See. Second. The Pope will crown Humbert king, granting him and his Catholic deacon dents territory in Italy in fief. Third. The King will govern the whole kingdom with full temporal right, but will acknowledge the’ Pope as suzerain and pledge himself to rule according to the dic tates or the church. Fourth. The King will reside in Rome. Fifth. The territory, including the Leonine city and part of the Tiber shore, will be allotted prinapently to the Pope, with absolute ruling and proprietary rights. Sixth. A special convention will lie con cluded fixing the amount Italy shall pay to maintain the Pn|mi household. Italy’s Troops in Danger. Rome. April 29.—The government bay re ceived alarming ml vice,, from Massowah and lias ordoredthroe battalions to reinforce the garrison there. A BATTI.E FOUGHT. Cairo, April 29.-—Reports have been re ceived here from Massowah, to the effect that the Italians have advanced to capture Keren and met a strong force of Abyssin inns, who gave them Irattle. The result of the tight is in doubt. Gamblers Fleeced. Monte Carlo, April 29. A colossal sys tem of robitory by means of prej wired packs of curds hns lust Is-en discovered si the Casino lierr. The proprietors of the fables have lost ('15,00'). Tne |K>ll<*e are investi gating the matter. Seventy Yachtn Entered. London, April 21*. -Seventy yacht* me said to have is-en entered for the jubilee race and it i nroliobUs that more will I*, added to tile list of competitors before the untiles close June i. Kuaala’a Loan. Ht. Petersiii ho. April 29.—The sub scription* for th* new government loan liuvr reached the sum of two milliards of rubles, of which Minn A per cent, wilt be allotted ttwltrarland’s Kiglittuy Force. lIKItNE, April 29 Tile list* of file land strum formed uieb-i tin l new law snow an cnioiiowiit of iksi.issi urn Qusw Victoria at Windsor, 1/nrbGN, Ajiril 29 The Qie ii Ijft* at • MILLIONS UNTAXED. Charges Preferred Against Two Com missioners at New York. New York, April 29.—The sensation in ■ the City Hall here to-day was the prefer ment of charges against Tax Commissioners Coleman and Donnelly before Mayor Hewitt, by Charles 1. Schampaign, Vice- President of tho Central Taxpayers’ Asso ciation. The charges contain thirteen dis tinct specifications, and the removal of the Commissioners is asked. THE ALLEGATIONS. The allegations are that Commissioners Coleman and Donnelly have wilfully omitted to perform their duty, and have been guilty of gross and culpable negli gence in the performance of their duty be tween Dei-. 1, 1885, unit July 1, 1889; that during that period they failed to assess property lawfully entitled to assessment tig gregating in value $50,000,000, and that during the same period they allowed tuxes to the extent of $1,000,000 to lie lost to the city. THE PROPERTY. The property which they are accused of favoring by neglect is described as follows; Estate of William H. Vanderbilt $25,999,- 999, New York and Harlem Railroad Com pany $9,039,848, Third Avenue Railroad Company $8,100,055, Broadway and Seventh Avenue Railroad Company $8,717,- 0(H). Second Avenue Railroad Company sl,- 942,428, Twenty-Third Street Railroad Coni pany $1,018,120, Sixth Avenue Rail road Company $1,850,000, Eiglitli Avenue Railroad Company $820,118, Ninth Avenue Railroad Company $490,019, Dry Dock East River and Broadway Rail road Company $1,222,000, Central Park North anil East River Railroad S7BBOOO, Christopher St reet and Tenth Street Rail road Company $200,000, Central Croestov. n Railroad Company SBOO,OOO, aggregating $50.149,048. THE SWORN P.ETURNS. The charges allege that in all these cases the sworn returns of the conxirutions ilisclose the existence of accessible property, and that Commissioners Coleman and Donnelly, acting in concert as a majority of the board against the protests of Commissioner Feitner neglected to make the lawful assessments. In the case of the Hudson River Company the returns of the company showed $9,057,- 848. No assessment whatever was made. INVARIABLY IN EXCESS. In all the other railroad cases the amounts shown are in excess of the assessments made by the Commissioners. In the case of \V. 11. Vanderbilt, whose will disclosed over $88,000,000 of taxable bonds, the. assessment was upon $8,000,000. Mayor Hewitt said that he would make a thorough investiga tion. LOSSES OF $273,000. The Cost of the Baxter and Canal Streets Blaze Footed Up. New York, April 29. —The actual losses of last night's fire at. Baxter and Canal streets foot up on review this morning about $278,000, distributed as follows: Mar tin H. Shrewkersen, owner of the building, $50,000; J. Stroheim & Cos., upholsterers, $75,000; I). W. Adiome aud the Union Tic Company, $40,000; Ilertlein & Schlatter, dress trimmings stock mid machinery, $11X1,000; John Moore & Cos.. Art Furnitui • Company, $5,000; Now- York Furniture Supply Company. $18,000; Archer Maun faeturing Company, SIO,OOO. The losses are all covered by insurance, in most cases to the full extent of the losses. HOTEL DEL MONTE’S BURNING. Montery. Cal., Anril 29.—Tin- prelimi nary examination of E. T. W. Simmons, late' of. the Hotel Del Monte, charged with having set fire to the hotel on April 1, was concluded yesterday. The accused was held in $25,000 bail to answer before the Superior Court. ST. LOUIS’ HEELERS. Names of the’Political Crooks Indicted by the Grand Jury. St. Louis, April 29. —Although the names have not yet been officially given out by the officers of the court, the Poxt-Dixpatch. this evening gives the following list of men who were indicted on Wednesday lust by the United States grand jury for committing frauds in connection with theelection iutliin city last fall; State Senator Ketch uni. Cen tral Committeeman James Carroll, Deputy Sheriff Joseph O’Connor, Supervisor* John Chamberlin and Rotert E. Ism?, ex Delegate of the Municipal Assembly Peter R. Mor rissey, Deputy Constable James Conway and Andrew Blong, William Pargeseb, Fred J. 1 x'inert, Patrick K. Golden and Henry Mullancy. It is expected that these men will eit her be arrested to-morrow or that they will come forward and give bonds. A HUMAN HYENA. A. Woman Trapped Who Sent Ob scene Matter to Young* Ladies. Lynchburg, Va., April 29. A woman named Elmira Slonker, of Hnowville, l’u l.iski county, was brought to this city to-day by Post Office Inspectors Barkley and McAfee, charged with flooding the mails with olisoene matter. Her method was to get the names of young ladies end wnil specimen copies and solicit subscriptions to obscene publication*. Officers have been working on the case for over throe years. Tin* woman is übout. 00 years of age, and is said to la! an old offender in other purls of the country. Expelled from tho Legislature. Lansing, I-lich., April 29 I .ate last night th'* argument! in the Dakin bribery imisn' hment case were concluded, and tlm casi* was submitted to tlie House. By a vote of 88 to 11 it was decided that he cn deavored to procure money from F. L. Ea ton and John H. Ktackleton, ostensibly to corrupt members, but really with u view to appropriating it to his own us.-. Of the specific charge that he had placed an esti tinted price after the name of fifteen mem bers, lie was unanimously found guilty. A resolution was offered that Dakin be expelled from tho House, and it was adopted by u uiiuuiuiyux vote. The hail was crowded and there win absolute quiet, as the Speaker aumiunce.l that, in view of tho vote he must declaix* Milo H. Dakin ex|>elled from the floor of the House uinl from its privileges. Stroume on the Rampage Ctf ari.kkton. W. Va., April 29.- Heavy rains in this section have caused the smaller stit suns to run out at a strong i ate. Yes terday tin* flood in Poca river cleaned out from its iuMid to its mouth nil the booms, carrying with it groatipiuntitiosot log*,fits, staves and other limiter. Tne losses re | juried reach $7-S,IXAi. Two Shoemakers Drowned- Lisbon, N. 11., April 29.—John Hauser mi.l 11. i)ry (Inslillell, shoemakers, while out in a tent on the mill pond ill the village uo day, ware carried over the dam ant drowned Neither Is sty has yet I teen found. Iron uuu Wave*a widow and one *-lillil. Nihil mu Arras ted at Oilaaaa. , riptf-r*!.- Ap(J A Kibflwt printing |n*wWi iaaw dlai'iverad tun ami It) Nili * bsis hale IjW 'll ttt t ■- (*sl, j PRIf’E gtO A YEAR. I 1 5 CEVTIi A t:OPY. f SCHNAEBELES SET FREE. FRANCE TO REMOVE HIM FROM HIS OFFICIAL POSITION. The German Government Places ft Broad Construction on the Letter to the German Police Commissary Although the Arrest Was Mad* Independent of It. Berlin, April 29.—Prince Bismarck this morning informed M. Herbette, the French Ambassador, that he would to-day submit! for tho Emperor’s signature an order for the release of M. Schnaebeles. It is und r* stood that in the event of his liberation by the Germans the French government will discharge M. Schnuebeles from the office of special commissioner at. Pagny-Sur-Moselle. The North German Gazette says: "In ordering the release of M. Schnaebeles the German government has placed a broad in terpretation upon the matter regarding the invitation addressed to M. Schnaebeles by the German jiolice commissary as a sort of •■afe conduct, although the arrest itself was effected independently of the invitation and without the knowledge of Commissary Gautseh by two Berlin officials,” ORDERED RELEASED. Paris, April 29.—Premier Goblet has re. ceived a dispatch from M. Hei nette, stating (hat Prince Bismarck has ordered the re lease of M. Schnaebeles. Wagner's opera Lohengrin. the nerf<s|flß anecut winch was [s>st|K)ne.i mi the Schnaebeles incident, will is* given Tuesday next. JfjyS Tho Foreign Office has notified the of this city that M. Srlumclieles Iss'ii r< !-s**l i>\ oi-.icr n| i , ! a;irrnr.^E|s CHICAGO’S BUILDERS. '^f The Masons, Plasterers and Hod rlers Soon to Bo Idle < ’m. \i;o, \jii il Tin- I- -v^Bf Builders Association held a lwo ton , sjnn lust night in considering tho *•1 riki* of helpers and hod enr, i.-rs .. feared will be inaugurated May I, if ileal-rids for an increase of n frot*.Jp : *025 conl.-i |ier hour is not a.-.-.-d.-d to, gjp; the expression was unaniniou > that thaWftH ployei-s cmld not afford under tracts to increase wages. TVy also and. i*|mK that they would not recognize Uarriera’ Union under any ciri*inwtaßK7 either at the present or any other The president of tho association really expecs Ia strike t" take place day. At a meeting of the H<i Union it was deckled to instruct members of the union to lay their < - >mH |K*rsonally befure their -••iipl iyc rs to-BBte row. and to ask for a d- ti.iiie reply. men will mak" rcporls at a in -t mg <m da\. and all those emploveil • ' "i^^B rcfn-ii!:; i o rate* I heir wa v G* or<^^B <^B The Plasterers’Union pa-il prohibiting its memter fiom work done for them bv u *i cnion This 111. sms that the | .c.:. ■ wiM n li^B work with men who, tti case of a would take the place of the union hoßßi riers. The strike of the hod carrier* and helpers means the laying off of the masons also, or the going out of 15,000 men on Mon day next. KNIGHTS HELD FOR TRIAL. The Hanan Strike and Boycott Up In the Courts. New York, April 99. —Justice Smith as the Tomlis Court to-day listened to the ar guments of the counsel for and against the members of the Executive Board of District Assembly I<o. 91, Knights of Labor, who are accused of conspiracy in ordering a strike in the shoe factory of John Ilanan & Sons, at Centre ana White streeS, "and also for ordering strikes, wherever O. B. Hart, the foreman, should find employ ment. When the lawyers bail coucludivl Justice Smith decided to hold the accused, J. K. Gill, John Foster, L. Mosely, James McDonell, J. A. Campliell and Frod Romo hear, for trial on lioth charges. The Knights did not take the decision kindly. They will furnish bail. FIGHT OF THE MOLDFRS. The Executive Board of the Knlghtft Not to Interfere. Philadelphia, April 29.—Tlie General Executive Board of the Knights of Labor, after a three days conference with the rep resentatives of Ihe stove molders throughout the country, to-day decided that they would not interfere in the present controversy übout the St. Louis patterns. The executive officers say that the matter will be left entirely wit!) the District. Assemblies, to which some of the nioldera lielong. aud the matter will thus he transferred from the General Executive Board to the District Assemblies, the fonic-r declaring that the fight is not within their jurisdiction, as only a small number of stove molders belong to the Knglits of Labor. HORSES SELL HIGH. Some of the Price* Realized at a Sala ' at Gallatin. Nashville, April 29.—The stock sales at Gallatin, Tenn., to-day at the Fail-view fai’in and Keunessaw fut m were lagely t* teiniml. The largest sules at Fairview werm A brown colt by imp. Fletcher, dam Tliora. wliich was bought by the Fairfax stable for $2,700; u brown colt bv : mp. Possifer, dam by Dry Toast, bought hv E. Corrigan for ft,050; chmlput T.Uv by imp. Mr. Pickwick, (lam Tu-'-arora, was Isiuglit by the Fairfax stnblwt tor $2, The highest, ut the Keuneeaw were: Long Hop, a Drown colt, by Longfellow, aam Hop, bought by Dwyer Bros, for $2,000; a buy rolt by Ten Broeek, dam Kathleen, twilight by Dwyer Bros, for $8,500; a brown filly by Glengory, dam Virlin Gen, Isiuglit by W. H. .Jackson for $950; a I m y colt by Bramble, dam Nevada, Isiught by Appleby & Johnson for $1,000; a bay colt by Luke Blackburn, dam Hattie 8.. bought by John Mackey for $1,250; n bay or brown filly by UmxfeHow, dam Hierro Nevada, bou -ht ‘by H. H. Owsley, of Midway, Ky., lor $1.500. A HUooting Affray. Yemahhkk, H. C., April 89. —Engineer Nmart, and a colored cook. Pickens, bad • mho difficulty at or neai* Hal'ieh.itebie on Wednesday, and it wu* renewed at Yemaa see by Picken* opening lire on Mr. idmart, sbisiting sonic thirovn shots at him. Smart only returned tlin**- shots. Pickena wa* be hind the train, while Smart was standing in ami ground. Kmart took out a warrant charglM Pickens with assault with intent to ninnler Picketis bsik out a w nrntut for Smart under the some rhiMMe. Their MM v*t*re hi uj’d Iwfore W. N list wwxl at flat* ileevilU*. Ikith panic* were baMihi over for trail at tiis t iwl Mas- at in Iday. N* ini* was hurt tluriiig t'le - a-skmg. A kuoaway Match HaRI KKVII.I.K, H. 1, Apttl 29 - Hugh ! Hayeratt aisl di-- )<***• kb-DuxM*, 4 | 1 I'ti'ida. wtrv iii t' r|, *1 ites Wi imtiL If I was a mii’t'iav ui*e h