The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 01, 1887, Page 11, Image 11

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fashions ofthe season. fHS GENESIS OF BEAUTY IN . WOMEN'S DRESS. individuality and Independence—The Enfranchisement of Modern Fashions Beauty and Adaptability the Mod em Standard of Style-Masculine Idoas of Fashion—Refinement Versus Vulgarity-New Promenade Cos tumes in Heliotrope and Gray -The Dress “Complet” and the Parisian Workwoman Canvas Costumes- French Bodices and Tennis Suits-An Easter Wedding Trousseau. tSew York, April 89.—Women can never bo" really great till less of their nervous energy is expended upon dress. Yet who would devise any absolute basis and fixed laws in regard to women’s dress, even if thev could? A woman—student and scholar in one—who rarely makes her appearance m society, attended a grand reception the other evening, and when asked why she in dulged in so much dissipation, replied: “I came to look at the good clothes. A feast for the eyes, is it not: Yet I see nothing very gay or unlike what I have seen be fore.” Still, it was—as this quiet lady re marked—“a feast for the eyes.” The lovely art shades of color, which were formerly railed aesthetic and were confined to a few persons, have now become general, and their softness and delicacy blend in masses and create a lovely tone and glow of color. There is also a great deal that is charming and individualized about present fashion. Women are dttirentiated. They look less like milliners’ blocks; less as if put in and taken out of one mold. The dress of one will show a refinement of simplicity; another, the subtlest manipulation and blending of art. One is as “fashionable” as the other : for everything is “fashionable” that is a suc cess_that is, that looks well and makes its wearer look well. There is a delightful freshness and a look of novelty to spring fashions which are hardly .justified by their materials. The feeliirt and appearance are produced by the greater variety of color and the picturesque suggestiveness of some of the new combina tions A finer art is constantly being culti vated in the designing of gowns and gar ments. “Drapery” is now', with some, a. specialty, and books and pictures are studied both by dressmakers and their customers in order to discover anew idea, anew fold, a new effect, and if one is found it is seized upon with avidity. Drapery, therefore, has not gone out of fashion because plain skirts have come in; both are equally fashionable, equally desira ble, if both are equally fitted to be represen tatives of their class. It is highly impor tant to get rid of the notion that because one thing is “worn” another must not be. For example, that because the polonaise has been revived, the basque and draperied skirt have disappeared; or that the use of one color excludes another. There is no rule in dress that, is not open to a bril liant exception, and there never was a time when general culture, intelligence and special requirements entered so largely into the general economy <4| dress or found so much individual expression as now. Yet, notwithstanding this, it is certainly true that women must release themselves very much more genera 11 v from the burden and authority of their clothes, if they are to bo ready to do the work of the world with the force that is demanded of men and with no more waste of nervous energy. This fact is beginning to be accepted by professional women everywhere, anil they are gradually acquiring a characteristic tone in the general features of their attire. The thoroughbred women can alw'ay's be recog nized anywhere, principally by the presence of refinement and the absence of the con spicuous in her clothes. But unfortunately she is not often seen on the street. The spec imen with which we are most familiar in the crow ds that throng the sidewalks is the wig gling woman, whose big bustle carries her skirt like a sail, who lives in boarding houses and flaunts her latest acquisition in the shape of feathers or flowers, bangles or wraps, upon the promenade. With the majority of men, this w'oman stands as the representative of “style.” They walk behind lier and com ment upon her as they take their afternoon stroll up Broadway; and she, unconscious that, her bustle has worked considerably to one side and radiant in the consciousness of a tall ladder of spring green bows in the front of her straw hat and a new' gown in the proper combination of striped with plain material, carries her head higher even than usual and feels that “life is worth living” as long as spring brings new fashions. THE PROMENADE COSTUME is a short jacket of light, stone-colored cloth, untrimmed but faced interiorly with silk over a black or brown soft vicuna or cash mere dress, and black or brown straw hat, ■with bunch of spring flowers or grasses and ribbon bows set upright. Fresh lowers are almost always worn at the breast or carried in the hand; heliotrope, violets, yellow daffodils, lilies of the valley or fragrant mignonette. They are displayed in tempting masses upon every block at comparatively small cost, and lew can w ilistand the temptation of adding a “posey ’ to the dainty neatness of anew spring jacket. Gimps and {inssementeries have now disap peared from street jackets of the best class; their distinction is due altoget her to the fin ish of the smooth broad cloth, the refine ment of tint and the perfection of cut and nt. The tufted and coarse mixtures in ma terials are only used by those who possess ™em and must wear them The fashiona ble “tailor” cloths are in every im]>ortnnt respect identical with those worn by men. braiding is perhaps more than ever, but it is executed by hand and upon entire costumes. A braided jacket, with draped cloth or silk skirt, such as was com monly worn a few years ago, is now not elegant. The bodice is not bra ided in a bor der line, but to form a deep, pointed vest — bark and front—and the design is rei>eated 111 a panel upon one side; ami a port of it — a decorative touch—upon the hip drapery of the other. Some of the handsomest of these costumes mv made in blaek; others in shades of helio trope and gray; but perhaps tile most de cidedly novel in tone and appearance are the sage greens, a kind of gray green shade, which suits admirably the rich hand orna mentation in oxidized silver that is put upon it. It is hard to tell what, turn A CAPRICE OF FASHION will take, or when it will bo found enough mul not too much. There are tempting looking pattern dresses, in boxes, which teem to exemplify the latter part of the phrase. At flirt sight everyone wants them, mid there is open wonder at tbo low price •>' id. They are cotton satine of varying degrees of prettiness or ugliness, occompa jpru by fan and parasol matching the dress. he cost of the whole is less than 87. The dress ®* course is unmade, but the fan and parasol are mounted, finished and ready for carry ing along a dusty roud on a summer after noon. Why do ladies look at all for so little money, and nineteen times in twenty turn nixuit and leave it as a bait for others less wary * The reason is that it is “too much.” the fan and parasol are bound to the dress, they would lie lit for no other costume. If the pattern or color of the dress itself is not altogether desirable, the disagreable part of it is multiplied by the presence of the extra article and instead of becoming an induce m®nt they are an obstacle. Abroad such designs, complet, sell like hot cakes" as summer approaches, for they furnish exactly what hundreds of work women and shopwomen want when they go to the “hois” on Sunday or spend a day ln the country. The Parisian workwoman lias no money to spend on knick-knacks, and is not tempted by stacks of “Japanese” fans to waste her "cnlimen. But when she goes into the '■ountry, if only for a day’s outing, she to ho equal to the occasion. The rlress “ rom/ilet ” suit* her exactly. Hho will *tay up all uigbtto make and put, the fluish •rt touches unou it and a ribbon uuou u pesky straw bonnet. , Twenty francs pro vides her entire outfit; the bonnet, therib- Imn, the di es.;, the parasol, the fan carried with an “air” and common little handker chief, hut with border matching the tone, if not exact color of the dress. I must say, for myself, that the sight of a workwoman on Sunday in such a costume, her gay dress, faultless in fit, her head car ried high, her parasol higher, her fan flut tering—even though in a gale of wind— gives more pleasure than all the brilliant toilets of the grand opera. I am thankful then, with nil my heart, to the manufacturer of the pattern dresses “comp/ef,” for lie provides those who cannot afford anything better, with something that gives them satisfaction, that gratifies their experienced. sense—not to say cultivated taste, anil whatever gi\ es us fullness of enjoyment in this world, within the small domain of fixed and narrow resources, is something to be glad and thankful for. Our workwomen are not so restricted. They have usually several cotton dresses for summer wear, several woolen for winter wear, and they aspire—without an excep tion —to silk on Sunday'. Besides, they would not carry a figured satine parasol when stri])e.s were in fashion, even though it matched the dress. They want stripes— if stripes it is—or nothing. SUMMER MATERIALS. There are many new and pretty materials in wool and silk or all silk and all wool; but they possess one uniform characteristic,they are soft, pliable, gentle in tone anil texture, light in weight anil fall in easy folds. It seems quite impossible to revive the stiff and wiry alpafccas, the more stately poplin or even the useful dc beige. We hear occasion ally of these materials being employed fash ionably, but they are not seen either in the shops or on the street. The materials in de mand are the line cloths, the camel’s hairs, the thin wools, the cambrics, the ginghams, the soft silks and the lovely new mixtures of silk and wool known as Bengaline, pean de sole- anil the like. In some of these colors are united so as to produce the most artistic effects—as the “Gobelins” for example—which blend gray, green and gold, or gray, blue and gold ex quisitely. The new designs and combina tions show fantastic differences only to be recognized by experienced eyes. ' When plaids are used, for instance, they are em ployed for the skirt anil a smaller plaid ur a plain material for the bodice and drapery. When a stripe is used, however, this is gen erally reversed. A solid material is reserved for the skirt, which may have a stripe let in as a panel, if the design admits of it, but the upper |iort of the dress, basque or polonaise, is of the striped fabric with vest or recces of the plain,- or whatever mounting the de sign calls for. The newest Scotch ginghams show large plaided patterns for the skirt, anil small plaids, checks or solid colors for the bodice Bad drapery. The Gobelin silks in their soft, dark opal and amethystine shades are {jerhaps the prettiest of the summer silks; and suit so well the touch of pink or green in lining or iu the trimming of the bonnet. Pink, a very delicate shade, is revived, and allowed in conjunction with gray, in small quantities and almost out of sight, even in the street. Pink and lilac are also combined; and pink with tender green and brown, a union of colors fashionable forty years ago, when the fashionable shades were very much what they are now. Some of the new foulards are charming. The ground is covered with a small, ali over, irregular, puzzle pattern in olive or green, with minute dots in old gold or blue or white, set like little points or nails in the pattern. This design conceals the light ground and imparts a general tone of color and character which foulards often lack and renders them more available than when printed in small, detached figures upon the light grounds. Light grounds are not now tolerated in materials that are used for any outdoor purpose. The shops are inundated with pretty chales—a fine and soft printed wool—which is, however, more like the old fashioned wool delaine, than the ehale of our grandmothers. All the same, it is a fine, soft, delicate material, all wool, but printed in detached flowerets or leaves on a cream ground, and therefore unwearable in the street except in the country. But away from the conventional necessities of city streets, in the quiet of villages and country homes, it furnishes a fine, gentle and inex pensive material, very cheerful looking, only 85c. per yard and net-ding no extras in the way of silk lining, which brings cost up to the annihilating point with many women. A clever and successful way of utilizing the cheap ecru and white cottons in lace designs has been discovered, and may be taken advantage of by those who cannot avail themselves of the new methods of applying drawn work to plain linen. The idea is simply to run narrow colored ribbons through the open part of the stripe, length wise upon the bodice and so as to form panels or complete strij>eil front to the skirt. A sash may also be finished in this way for the back. The lighter shades of ecru are the prettiest, run with very narrow ribbons in two shades of ecru and still finer lines of green or blue anil blaek or red. The rib on is 18c to 25c per piece of ten yards; and the cottons are 10c to 13c, or possibly 15c per yard. They can be worn for after noons, a whole season, without washing. CANVAS COSTUMES. In the windows of many dry goods shops upon Broadway and eLsewhere, are moun tains of all wool canvas cloth in lovely, light shades of yellow stone or gray. They are marked down to 25c. per yard; yet, when inado by a fashionable dressmaker, the cost of a can vas dress will come up to *75 at the very least. The reason is, that a complete dress is made of .silk, underneath this one of canvas wool and that it is finished—so far as the bodice is concerned —with even more care than an ordinary silk bodice. All the fitting is done in the silk lining, all the seams are taken in this and not in the out side, which is simply gathered in to the form and tacked to the sides of the silk front, which is finished as a vest; plain, plaited or with a piece of Oriental em broidery, if the dress is trimmed in this way. These canvas materials are handsome and durable; but of themselves they lack char acter. They made over fine cotton satine of the shale and trimmed with con trast color in velvet, effectively, and much less expensively. FRENCH BODICES of soft silk, shrimp pink, pale blue and ecru arc among this season's importations They are handsome, and have a little lace or fine, open needlework laid fiat upon the silk for trimming. The cost is #25 ouch; but tney could bo easily reproduced by any clever seamstress for five. They are gathered into a narrow fullness, front und back, arul have a skirt about the depth of an old-fashioned Jersey liasquo. The sleeves arc full at the top and gathered into a deep cuff, which is covered with the lace. They look well with Lite of black, thin skirts for summer morn ing and general house wear. A CAPITAL DRESS For tennis, for boating or for outdoor wear in the mountains, consists of stri|Ksd cotton or wool, hemmed and kilted close and in fine pleats, which are taped across with care on the inside. Attached to this skill is a belt, cut high, hollowed under the bust and arms, but well made and well whalebonod, so as to take the place of a corset. It is marie of undressed linen, the coarse kii;d, which never loses its stiffness, and is fasten ed with substantia] hooks und eyes over a flap of the linen, which comes next the underwear. The bodice is a blouse, not so loose or baggy as the Uarabaldi, but cut so ;ts to give perfect free dom to the nrms while still maintaining its neatne ■; of outline. It is open at the throat and turned back sailor fashion, showing the habit shill and collar of striped or dotted linen and the silk tie. The sash is of soft wool, silk or cre|>e de Chine in the contrast ing color, gathered at the ends and knotted at the sides; and the Algerine cap of knitted silk, the pointed top turned over and liang ing down, is of the same color Undressed linen, or linen in the natural yellow color, with the stiffness of the fibre remaining and none of the strength lost in the dressing process, makes an excellent foundation Tilling for silk or such fabrics ns are not tnuunaßiuLand of which service is mi aired. 1: JW* iMMUffuess of mohair is TIIE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MAY I, 1887—TWELVE PAGES. cooler and cheaper; not more than !50. to 30c. {x*r yard, and as wide or wider, measur ing nearly a yard, while mohair is often not more than three-quarters in width. For traveling -ind every day wear in wooded and mountainous districts, the ques tion of underskirts becomes quite serious hi summer. White cotton are out of the ques tion, for they are so easily soiled and so un tidy looking when soiled, that a substitute becomes indispensable. Besides an under skirt—which if an edge of it is seen, conveys more nearly the tone and character of the costume—is now considered ’ t iter taste, because better suited to out off ■ u-e and wear, than the white cotton formt rly em ployed, and which all have not yet success fully replaced. An exi client material for such skirts is mohair, pure but not essentially fine, in any preferred shade of gray, ecru or brown. Cotton satine makes lovely summer skirts, in black, gray or brown, where stiffness is not essential. Both are easily relieved of dust and both are durable and not expen sive. A TROUSSEAU sent over for an Easter wedding, displayed some features of decided novelty which are worth noting. One was the finish to a pale, apricot colored, satin dress, the skirt of which was entirely plain and just long enough to touch die ground at tin- back. The bodice was cut a pretty square at the neck, the front of it covertsl with an em broidery of seed jieurls, A small, square collar, set upright nt the back, was eni broidereil to match, as were the deep cuffs on the lower arm of the full sleeves. A beading of lace, with narrow, apricot rib bon edged the neck; but otherwise there was uo other finish or trimming, except the silk and lace plaitings on the interior edge of tho skirt. A charming morning dress was of strips of silk, which looked like ribbon with pieot edge and lace. It was made over soft silk in the pale, pink tiqt of the stripe, and trimmed with clustering knots of ribbon. The front was of pink silk covered with lace. A cream lace dress was made over a ribbon-strqxkl silk in very delicate shades. The jacket bodice was of the silk, with lace vest, but not itself covered with lace. Tlu'sinall mantles were almost entirely of beads, mid the bonnets—certainly less ex aggerated--of ri-rpe and lace, the feathery foliage and bright flowers shrouded in tulle, as they were upon the French bonnets last season. Jenny June. FIRE ESCAPES AND TOUGHS. The Strong Hold tho Fire Department Has Upon the People of New York. New York. April fid. —The utility of lire escapes has been well tested during the past week, for there have been acet al big tenement house fires, and if it had not been for the iron ladders on the outside of the buildings an appalling loss of life would unquestionably have resulted. In nearly every case the fires in the big tenement houses have eaten away the stairways first. A fire in a tenement at night is an awful thing, for the men. women and children are paclcod away seventy or eighty feet above the ground at the rate of fifty or sixty on a floor, and they are absolutely at the mercy of the flames unless the pfloper tire escapes are at hand. There is one thing that every citizen in New York believes in with his heart and soul —and that is the fire depart ment. In the tenement fires of last week the tenants gathered in groups on the fire escapes high up in the air and waited with white faces for the arrival of the fin- depart ment. Few, if any of them, attempted to climb down the narrow ladders. They simply dung together and watched the streets below. V T hen the life-saving corps of the fire de partment got to them they obeyed the fire men like children and followed each other down the ladders under the direction of the popular heroes without a thought of revolt or independent action. The tenement house people are not always docile, however. In the presence of the flames they are terrified, but when they go abroad they develop into terrors themselves. When they begin tne excursion season they are a constant menace to the thousands of New Yorkers who are anxious to live in the suburbs, where they can come to town every day. The crowds of excursionists whoop things up at stated intervals during the summer season. -The O’Mulligan Coteries,” “Gentlemen’s Sons from ’Wav Back,” “Real Bloods,” “Square Back Rangers,” “O'Gilligan’s Own Friends,” and other such exclusive social organizations leave the city every day in fine weather and settle like a flock of locusts on the prettiest country within easy reach. When the New York tough is off on a holiday the universe itself stands in awe. Such a thing as a casual murder does not disturb any one’s serenity during the picnic season, and the invasion of private grounds, including insults to an unprotected family and general carnage among the flow ers and shrubbery, pass as the regulation thing. Some of the places along the Hud, son have armed constables with shotguns, howitzers, etc., to keep the excursionists off but the danger which lurks at these {mints seems to add an additional charm to them, and the roughs and toughs of lioth sexes makes the beautiful environs of New York a source of terror instead of happiness to the reputable citizens of the town. Efforts are ruakiug to abate the evil to a certain ex tent by providing regular grounds for the picnics. But the genuine New York tough likes his bit of nature in simple form. He doesn’t care for swings, merry-go-rounds, flowers, shooting galleries and other time honored and familiar appurtenances of the professional picnic grounds, but likes that which is nature’s own. Hence he descends with malice aforethought on the spot where he is least expected, and havoc and misery results. The river is afloat with |)lice boats, and the shores are lined with armed men in preparation for the usual spring outing of the New York tough. Blakely Hall. LITTLE BOYS ON A SPREE. Fifteen Young Scholars Tap a Carload of Whisky With Serious Results. At noon to-day, says a Lowell. Mass., special to the New York Herald , Benjamin Clancy, a truant schoolboy, discovered a carload of whisky which had been side tracked near the Boston and Lowell depot, and an idea struck him. For the first time in weeks Clancy was punctual at .shoo) this afternoon, but, instead of puzzling over common fractions, his mental powers were devoted to giving the tip to about fifteen of his companions. As soon as school was out the boys, in pursuance of Clancy’s plan, rusht-d home and each secured a tin pail on representation to his parents that lie had lieen invited to a sap party in the woods. In less than half an hour tho gang had gathered at the car, and, securing entrance by some means, they tipped up one of tbo barrels, knocked out tho bung with a stone and soon had their i>ails tilled with the fiery corn juice. Then the bacchanalian revelers adjourned to a secluded place and began their orgies. Toasts were proposed and drank with the greatest gusto, speeches made and songs sung until every one of the fifteen was beastly drunk. About 6 o’clock to-night they came trooping into the city, shouting, singing and staggering. Several were so far gone as to he unable to walk without the assistance of their mates. Tho police soon got after them and took Clancy, who is |:i years old, Patrick O’Brien, aged 13, and Patsy Corrigan, aged 9, to the station. Cluuey was allowed to go home with his parents. O’Brien was unable to sit up, and was put to bisl at the station. In the midst of his hiccoughs he said: “Clancy told us to drink and we did.” Corrigan was soon found to be in a critical condition and his life was saved only by tho use of emet ics and careful attention from several phy sicians. HORSFORD’S ACID PHOSPHATE In Nervous Debility. Dr. W. J. Burt, Austip, Tex., says: “I ust>l it in a case of nervous debility, and very vriiat iuuHWOmii’i*. followed ” FROWNS AND TEARS. From Harper's Magazine for May. Before the days of clock in hall. Or watch in pocket, or on wall, The ancients told tho time of day By measurements 'if sun and shade, Just as you do, you forward jiule, Who call ho everything hut gay. They set up in a public place A dial, with a painted face. Whereon a (inure, like your nose. Or like your threatening linger, rose; Ami, wneu the sun went up and down, Pointed the hours, as you do now, With sullen humors on your hrow, For every hour a different frown! When the sun sot, or hid his light In cloudy days, and in the night, They told the time another way, Bv water, which from vessels dropped, Till tliev were emptied, when it stopped; And this they called the clepsydra. You use the same old measure yet, For evermore your eyes an- wet. You leaky creature, old and sour, Whose life is a perpetual shower! Strong should he lie. and iu his prime, To whom, as wife, you measure time. How he can teil. with you ill sight, Whether it In- the day or night, Has puzzled me, I own, for years. Your (M-ovish temper* change so soon; Y'our frown, as now. proclaims i! noon, And now tis midnight—by your tears! R. H. Stoddard. HARD LINES FOR CROOKS. Tho Detectives Claim to Know- All of Them. New York, April JO.--It is one of the boasts of the New York detectives that they are personally acquainted with all the pro fessional criminals in and near town. The results of this acquaintance are often pecu liar. You are talking with Detective Prior a few feet from the door of the Fifth Ave nue Hotel and he sees a young dandy halt a few feet away. “Better keep right' on,” he says to the dandy; “hurry up, now.” “till, good morning, says the dandy. “Fin only going to set my watch.” That is Kid Miller, chief of the bunco men, and the de tective will not allow him to stop hi front of the hotel. You are pushing your way into Macy’s shopping store and a little lady like body is just ahead of you. Suddenly someone stops up to her and roughly orders her to “Get out at once.” “Certainly, sir,” she says very meekly, “I was only going to match a piece of silk.” She lies. She is a shoplifter and the man who ordered her out is a detective. P rimps you are nt the Arion ball with its 5,000 dancers and lookers on. You walk in the lobby near the entrance for a breath of air and meet Capt. Williams, in uniform, alert and handsome as an eagle. He darts from your side and stands in front of a stout, elderly, well-dressed gentleman so as to oppose his progress. “What do you mean by coming here?” he says. The man answers boldly: “My wife is here and I have come to take her home. ” ‘That’ll do now, ’says the Captain; “there’s the door; get!” And, as Artemus Ward to say, “he gets.” Of course the man is a pick pocket. “I would like to be in Wall street fifteen minutes to-morrow, Inspector,” says the burglar. “I want to see about a personal matter.” “1 will have one of my corps meet you at Broad and Wall at noon, sharp,” says the Inspector. The burglar thanked the official, for it is a favor to such a man even to be allowed to go to the money centre with a detective nt his shoulder all the time he is there. To go without this pa-mission and escort means a certainty of being arrested and locked up. The only kmarvn crooks that get into Wall street under Byrnes are men in business there whose offenses he cannot punish; the only others are the employes who default now and then. A neatly dressed, rather substantial look ing man of middle age sends in his card to Inspector Byrnes at Police headquarters. The name on the car Tis that of a burglar better known by an alias, say “Red Leary,” for instance. “Well, what do you want?” Mr. Byrnes asks gruffly. He has an especial tone for men of that class, and it is a tone that forbids familiarity and suggests mas tery, a very different tone from the quiet and easy one he lias for Ills friends. This is not the only part of town that shady characters are excluded from. It has always been a favorite method with Capt. Williams to say to rascals of various sorts, “If you ever put your toot in my precinct I’ll send you up.” This may uot be accord ing to law, but it’s according to fact, and they give that precinct a wide berth. Pick pockets like the Allen brothers, who are well known, have a hard time of it in New York. No matter how much they may want to see a play or a ball game or attend a meeting there is apt to be someone to stop them at tho entrance with a “right about face. now. You can’t get in here.” I have seen a pickpocket hustled along like a bit of down in the wind from one block to another, while apparently an innocent spectator of a street parade. And yet, on the other hand, they elude oliservation very often. The hostiles are not always on bad te-ms, either. You will sometimes see a burglar and a detective noil pleasantly as they jiass each other, anil even stop for n mWinent’s chat. Perhaps the de tective may have once sent the thief up for a term of years, but the thief is even the more proud of the acquaintance on that ac count, and likes to ask the officer if it was not “a good job” he went to jail for. A re ply in the affirmative is like meat and strong clnnk to a criminal. Julien Rali-h. Matthew Arnold On the Epoch. From the Nineteenth Century. The immense, tho epoch-making change of our day, is that a stage ir. our intellectual development is now declaring itself when mythology, whether moral or immoral, as a basis for religion is no longer receivable, is no longer an aid to religion, but an obsta cle. Our own nation is not specially lucid, it is strongly religious; we have witnessed hi the Salvation Army the spectacle of one of the crudest anil most turbid developments of religion with the ,element of mythology in full sway, and yet it Is certain that, even union get ourselves, over all which is most vigorous and progressive hi our population mythology in religion has lost or is fast losing its |>ower, and that it has no future. The gross mob ha- ever Ixs.-n apt to show brutality and hostility to wan 1 religion, and demonstrations of this spirit we have often enough still. But mingled with the mere ignoble and vicious enmity against any dis cipline to raise, restrain and transform, there is also in the common people now a sense of impatience and anger at what they think futile trifling with them on the part of those who offer to them, in their sore need, the old mythological religion—u thing felt to be impossible of reception and going if not quite gone, Incapable of cither solving the present or founding the future. This change is creating a situation much more favorable to the mystics. Whole libraries of theology have lost their interest when it is perceived that, they make my thology the basis of religion, and that to take seriously this mythology is Impossible. But for those groiqis and individuals, little regarded in their iluy, whom their h-art prompted to rest religion on natural truth rather than on mythology, the hour of hear ing and of well-inclined attention lias at lust come. For a long while it was so heavily against, them that they merely preached the following of Christ, instead of the article of justification, the article of election; now at last it was in their favor. Let me be candid. I love the mystics, but what I find Ijest in them is their golden single sentences, not the whole conduct of their argument and result of their work. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup should always tie used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves tis- little suiter at finis-; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from iwin and the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button.” It is very plensant to taste. It Hootlv>s the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re lieves wind, regulate* t.lic bowels, and is the best known remedy for dlarrhuvi, whether arising from teething or other causes. 45 coals a bottle. BROWN’S iRON HITTERS. A QUESTION ABOUT Browns /row Bitters ANSWERED. The question has probably been aaked thousand* ,■/ timet? “How can Brown’s Iron Bitters cure 1 'ry- Shinjrr” Well, it doesn’t. But it doe*cure any diMwa f*.r wnieh a reputable physician would prescribe IW Rl sicians recognize Iron aa tho beat restoratiTß went known to the profession, and inauiry ot any loading oheroical tlrru will substantiate the assertion i Uat there aru more preparations of iron than of Rny other substance useo iu medicine This shows con clusively that iron is acknowledged to be the mot important factor in successful medical practice, it however, a remarkable fact, thatprior to tho disc ov sry of HR OWN’S I It ON 111 TTKKS no pjrioct ly satisfactory iron combination had ever been found. BROWS IRON B!TTERS?MS headache. or pnxlaoo oooatip.Uon—all ot her Iron medicineedo. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS •ires Indigestion. Biliousness. Wrakur*. Dyspepsia, llalnriu. I’hill* nnd Fever*, Tired Feeling,*;*-nernl Debility,Palo tutlm Side, Hack orl.lnibo,lleadoebe*ndNenrnl. gin —for all theae ailments Iron is prescribed daily. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS.MfIir: minute. Like all other thorough medicines, it acts dowur. When r.rken by tncti the first symptom ot oenefit is renewed ejtergy. The muscles then become tinner, the digestion improves, the bowels are active. In n-o/uen the effect is usually more rapid and marked. The eyes begin at once to brighten; the akin clears up; healthy color comes to the cheeks; nervousness disappears; functional derangements become regu 'ar. and if a nursing mother, abundant- sustenance is supplied for the child. Remember Brown’s Iron Hitters is the ONLY iron mediciuo that is not in* jurioua. Physfciatis and Druggists recommend it. The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed mi line? wrapper, TiKl’ Nfl IA >tti:uy. |a Q | I—. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. “HV da hereby certify that ttv* supervUte the arrangements for all fhe .Monthly and. Semi- Annual Drawings of the Louisiana State JaU tery Company , and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with hotuyry, fairness , cm l in good faith toward, all partirs , and we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached , in its adver tisements." CommiHsioners. We the undersigned Hanks and Hankers will pay all Prizes drami in the Louisiana State lot teries which maybe presented at our counters. J H OGLESBY, Pres Louisiana Nat'l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. State Nat'l Bank. A BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. | UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! v Over Half a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated in 1808 for 25 years by the legis lature for Educational and Charitable purpi -ses with a capital of $1,000,000 -to which a reserve fund of over 8550.000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote us franchise was made a parr of the present State constitu tion adopted December arl, A. D. 1870. The only Lottery ever voted on and indorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. It* {.rand Single Number Drawing* take plan- monthly, and Ihe Semi-Annual Draw [uic* regularly every *ix month* (June and December). A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN SL FIFTH GRAND DRAWING, ; THE* ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NS. TUESDAY, May ID, 1 sal’- ll Prize, $150,000. -Tickets are Ten Dollars only. 5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, $1 LIST OF PHIZES. TOBfa-atffPA L PRIZE OF $150,000. $150,000 rgrand prize of 50,000. . 50,000 1 UR7Bn> PRIZE OF 120,000.... 20,000 /IWBMIqk frizes of 10.000.. . 20,000 4 RAfffiK PRIZES OF 5,000. 20.000 •JO PRIZES OF 1,000. .. 20,000 60 500... 26.000 iW “ 800. . 30,000 200 “ 200.... 40,000 500 “ 100... 60,000 1,000 “ 60.. .. 60,000 xppnoxiMATiotr prizes. 100 Approximation Prizes of S3OO 530,000 100 “ “ 200... 20,000 100 “ “ 100... 10,000 2, ITS) prizes, amounting to $535,000 Application for rates to clubs should he made only to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. HOST \l, NOTES, Express Money Orders, or Now York Exchange in ordinary let ter. Currency by Express (at our expense) ad dressed M. A. DAI HHI.N, New Orleans, La. orM. A. DAITHIN. \Ya*liinglon, D. C. Address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. DE7N/ICMDUD That the presence of Oen- K t IVI t rvl Dt rx ~r alK licfturegunl and Early, who are In charge of 'lie drawings, Is a gum-autoe of absolute fairness und integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what number will draw a Prize. KEMEMIIKIt lhat the payment of all Prizes is H\R WI PED BV EDI K N ATION AL IIAVKsi of New Orlean , anil the Tickets un signed by the President of an Institution, whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations or anonymous schemed. M EDICAL ERRORS OfYOUTH tbs toViit 1 Ifl ** v “- IVrfeet, Lasting Cure and Full Vlpor, Full Ktierxfcth, Potrnry nnd Drvelopmvot of Tart*, with nevt Drain and Kcrva Timor* or we torieit #IOOO. Wo u*e only tbo wonderful (KAHJIE MFl)!(’.m:i> PEARLS. No Humbug. U noun-work, or Rxprrlmwnt* rOSITIVF PH OOP*. Itwiiira* ftvnb'ucq* Jt nt* ory t/i tne iJiwovvrjr, IdM. of Cmck,..Ttefereucet, Symptom*. Method nud Prlevp malb and rRr.E. fitilctiFt Serrecv. fVnM!tatlon Free. jMJdrefti CKAiCIF MEDICAU CLINIC* . :*3 Nr<t9iu Pt., Mew York* PENNYROYAL RILLS. ■■ HICHESTER'S ENGLISH.” The Original anil Only Genuine. Safe and always Reliable Beware of worthless Imitations, fmlUponaoble to LADIES. Ask your Druggist for ••C’hlolienirr’* Eugilsli” and take no other, or inclose 4c. (stamp) to us for iwu-ticulars in lett. r by return mall. NAME PAPER. • lileheater Chemical 2.413 Madison Square, Pliilmla. Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Ask for “t'lil eliesier's English” Pennyroyal Pill*. Take no other TOISY PILLS % I Ua*4 10-4ay roaolarj bf 10.000 Avrrini 4Xi Woneii. OuißsKTiit- vraaioiTo su- • thus, ob ( am Kart’ s*l n. l>*u l waniu oinufjr o f e rrm.Bß KwtMßi TRY THIM KKMKDV FIRHT. a4 vu will Msi nt* oih* f . ABM)I.OTRkY INFiLLIBH* rmrtivulftra. P’liK ♦ centß. . _ WILCOX SPECIFIC CO., FUUB<UIykU. F*. For b*lo uv l.U'l'jlaA buvau tiah. Ga. i ARTIFICIAL. STONIS. THE PEIRCE PATENT Stie ii Bii Comani OF- — - Georgia. INCORPORATED. CAPITAL STOCK - SIOO,OOO This company deals in a superior quality of Artificial Stcxe for all building purposes. Buildings, Pavements, Curb ing, Bridges, Railroad Culverts, Sewers, Chimneys and Orna mental Tops; Stone Trimmings for Brick Buildings, Side walks of all kinds, Cemetery Lots,Garden Walks, Flower Vases, Corridors and Office Floors, Well Curbing, Fire-proof Vaults for Banks and Private Residences, Fountain Bases—in fact, this composite Stone may be applied to any of the uses made of Brick or Stone, and is protected by letters patent. Our Stone is fire proof and in ease of fire the walls will uot crack like Brick, Natural Stone or Marble, of which we can give sufficient proof. This Building Stone has been recommended by the Florida Medical and Surgical Journal, which says: “This Stone will be the building material of the future, for aside from its beauty it fulfills all the requisites of sanitation and economy. Our Blocks have the air space in the Block for circular tion of air. County Right to Manufacture James S. Peirce’s Patent Artificial Stone Io the State of Georgia. For sale at the Company’s office. The invention has for its object the production of an Artificial Stone and Patent Block suitable for all Building and Paving purposes, possessing strength and hardness, and free from efflorescence when exposed to the air; and it con sists in the combination of ingredients particularly described in the letters of patent. This Stone is formed into Blocks in any suitable molds and of any desirable color or shape, and can be made at any place where good, clean, silicious sand or broken rock is to be had. See the Blocks being put in the walls of the new Epis copal Orphan Home now being erected in this city, and Liberty streets. We warn all parties to not make, buy or use articles pfl tected by patent and owned by us. Cali at the Factory, foot of William street, or at tfl Company’s Office, 116£ Bryan sireet, and leave your ordH for Sidewalks, etc. n FOR SALE! State and. County Ttip:h.t to ManjJ facture James S. Peirce’s Patent Artificial Stone I Minnesota, Florida, Lonisiana and Georgia Solfl My invention has for its object the production of an tifioial Stone and Patent Block suitable for all Building a® Paving purposes, possessing strength and hardness, and from efflorescence when exposed to the air; and it consists in the combination of ingredients particularly described in tho letters of patent. This Stone is formed into Blocks in any suitable molds and of any desired color or shape, and can bo made at any place where good, clean, silicious sand or broken rock is to be had. JAMES S. PEIRCE, At the Company’s Office, 1162 Bryan Street, or at the Factory, foot of William Street, Savannah, Ga. HOOTS AM) HHOKS. Shoes Slaughtered i In order to reduce our immense stock of goods, we inaugurate a series of Bargain Sales, and have placed on our Centre Tables the following lots of genuine bargains: r( \'r \Tn | 300 pairs Ladle*' Kid Hand-sewed Opera Slippers, full leather CAr, j\ / 1 lx l " . 1 lined, Irox toes, Hold everywhere at 75c., we offer at ... O' 1/ PP V/ \ • 480 pairs Ladies' Kid Hand Hewed Ijiee Oxfords, full leather lined, Q|| n t 1 lxl/* £t~ box toes. Hold everywhere at $1 2ft, we offer at t/v'-' I / \ r p \ T ri *) B 8 pairs Youths’ Glove-Grain Sewed button Boots, with Sole Jb |> ► Ijl J I lxl/* •) Leather Tip* and all solid, regular price $1 75, we offer at ffPl it) I / \ r P \ T / k ) ..ISO pairs Ladies' 18-Tbruad Kerge Tip. Kill Fox IVishod, all | • e Ij\ 7 1 INI/* T solid, sizes Is to 7s, regular price SI 75. we reduce to *3? I / T /V I 1 VI 1 ft __lM iiaks Ijulios’lß-Thread Kergo Toiw, Kid Fox Hutton, worked button J j\J 1 it V/■ t) holes, all solid, sizes Is to 7s, regular price *2 85, we offer | 1/ v'l' XT/A /• 58 pairs Misses’ Pebble Goat Hutton Boots, best oak leather soles (a iUI IxV/. O” spier,dill school shoe), all solid, never sold at less than >2, y. ] ”/ k we offer at rl till I( \rp V/\ re _>it pairs Misses' Curaeoa Kid Button Boots, worked button iWk jl ) 1 a' '/ * I holes, box toes, always sold at 92 75, reduced to nT m 'll) f 1 I'F \T/\ Q„US pairs Ladies’ Best Curaeoa Kid 4-Button Newport#, Ik>:c toes, lil 7 1 Ixx. / • O Morrow’s New York make, sold heretofore at s,'s. we re- Jh •) AA duct* lto r<s ui; 1/ \ r l' VTA Q__47 pairs ladles’ Curaeoa Kid and Pebble Goat Button Boots, an assorted j\ JJL lx V/• " lot, manufactured by Sailer, Iyovln & Cos. and Zeigler Bros., of Philadelphia, always sold at 92 76 and SB, we otter any In ) AA this lot at .. npA W We have four more lots on our Centre Tables, among them Laird, Schohar & Mitchell’s French Kid Button Boots, sold heretofore at $A 50. roilueed to so, and a lot of Zeigler’* I Julies’ and Misnoar Laced aud Button Boots, a miscellaneous lot of broken sizes, all abthe uniform price of $1 50. Karly callers will have the best choice Jqs. Rosenheim & Cos., 135 BROUGHTON STREET. 11