The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 01, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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WALLING IN EACH STATE. BIRMINGHAM ATTACKS THE FOURTH CLAUSE. Secretary Bauron Tells the Commis sion of the Injury Worked to His Company by the New Interstate Law— Other Alabamians Make On slaughts on the Measure. Mobile. April 30.—At to-day's session of (he Interstate Commerce Commission repre sentatives from Birmingham, with petitions asking for a suspension of tlie fourth section, were heard. J ames Baurou, Secretary and Treasurer of the Tennessee ami Alabama Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, was first heard. He stated that the pig iron product of Alabama was to-day 000 tons per day, and that it would shortly be 1,000 tons that there was no local consumption to justify such product, and that it must seek a distant market. The business of his com pany was begun with informal contracts extending over several years, under which the railroads gave low rates in return for a guarantee of steady business, and under these contracts the railroad business had steadily increased. their sales cut way fiow.Y. “Since the bill went into effect instead of niß kin ’ sales of 000 tons we have made sales of "not inore than 100 tons, and t hese mostly for shipment by water-rates. The railroads have adhered to their contracts with us. We have been placed on the basis of the most favored customer and we have had many concessions made us. There were causes by which the rates of transportation of iron have been made contingent upon the value of the iron market. We have shipped by the train and half train load at a time. Vt"e want relief in such form as the com mission is able to give. If through rates cannot be continued we want the temporary suspension made permanent. All now suffer seriously, there is nothing imaginary about it ” Cooler— What capital is invested? Mr. Banron—This is gu aggregation of six companies, v hose capital stock is <510,000,000 and bonded debt st>,ooo,ooo. CONDITION OF THE CAPITAL. Judge Cooley—You mean that §10,000,000 capital has been put iu ! Mr. Baurou—Some stock has been sold at a discount, but since that time some of the monev earned has been appropriated to the capital stock account-, and the two have about evenly balanced each other. The company was at first composed entirely of Englishmen, some 200 men of the North of England, and formed the Southern States Iron and Furnace Company. The Sewanee Compan v was composed of Tennessee men, the Pratt Company of Tennessee and New York gentlemen; the Alice of Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky men, and the Lynn of Alabamians and Tennesseeans. The origi nal Tennessee Coni and Railroad Company embraced New York capital and is now owned chiefly hi New York, after passing through the hands of the Tennesseeans. Some of the works are outside the limits of Bir mingham. Some 10,000 people are employed outside in portions of our work who could not be counted as part of Birmingham. We own 180,000 acres of coal lands. We have invested in buildings and machinery not lees than $5,000,000. $10,000,000 INVESTED. Mr. Cooley—Do I understand that $16,- 000,000 have been actually invested in lands and property by your company? Mr. Bauron—Yes, sir. Mr. Cooley—Has the stock been subject to changes in the market? Mr. Bauron —Yes, It is listed in Wall street. It went up to 110. To-day it is not more than 45. This was the result of the readjustment, bringing in new works and bringing in other stock. The highest quota tion after reorganization was 45. .Since then there has been n steady decline. There is no special reason for this except the gen eral stagnation in the iron business. We have not yet shut flown any of our business liecauae we have hope that the law will not be enforced. STAGNATION CAUSED BY THE LAW. Mr. Cooley—Do you think stagnation lias lieen caused by the enforcement of the law as to roads north of the Ohio? Mr. Bauron—Most emphatically, I do. Mr. Cooley—Have you cut down any on this account ! Mr. Baurou—Not vet, sir. Now, as to our business, we do it entirely on long con tracts. Mr. Bauron here gave reasons for this, and added that there has been r.o over production durirg the last eighteen months. Stocks, such as we make, are 80,000 to ‘•0,000 tons less than heretofore. Mr. Cooley—As I understand you, as to your business you expect to be crippled by this act, but not by any over product of trade? Mr. Bauron—l know that. If I could say I would deliver iron for three months or for six monthsnt Si. Louis or Detroit at the old rales of freight I know wo could sell from 0.000 io .yjUO pins inside of the next twenty days, y e have competitors in New York, -■pw England, Eastern Pennsylvania, in Missouri, in Michigan, etc. These are leading competitors. COMPARATIVE COST OF PRODUCTION. Mr. Cooley—Should not the cost of mak ing iron at Birmingham be less than at those competing points? Mr. Buu on—You; expansion of eleven 1' id in the last few years is sufficient proof oi that fact. Mr. Cooley-—ls it because of these con tracts with the railroads that you are able PH* your products in these competing markets? Mr. Bauron— Yes, sir. Judge Cooley--Do manufacturers in Mich igan, Pennsylvania, etc., regard this as just.; is not the tendency to drive them out of business? THE AIXIOF LEGISLATION. Mr. Bauron—Legislation is designed to produce the greatest goo: 1 for the greatest number. Whatever their opinion, the con sumer;. up there are fifty to one of the maim - tacturers. and the consumers would hold up i - lr hands and bless a commission which should aid them to get cheap iron, needed lor every kind of industry. Mr. Cooley—Are not theae advantages 3 on us,; foe at the expense of tome other in dustry of the same sort ? -Mr. Bauron—l tliink not. The life of our ironworks is of limited duration. All in the East of late have Ix-en established with ft view of risk, 1 submit that the enforcement of the local rate is to putawali mound each State, a policy which might 1> pially applied to each county, and prove ftt length to bo preventive of true inter course. fhoinas Ward, of the Birmingham roll ''JS piills; Thomas J. Mack, superintendent 1 ‘he Eureka furnace, near Birmingham, tv-ii- President Williamson, of the ' iihainson Iron Company of Bir mingham, made statements showing m to their business that, would ensue from me cnioreement of the fourth section of the “cf. confirming all that had been said about Paralysis "f trade produced by the onforce fhe interstate commerce law. They wild t.hut what the iron men want is to bo en peo to make such terms with tlie roads <s the roads ora willing to concede, the iron o-n being well satisfied with what the rail- WKls have done. , yellow PINE INTERESTS. McKenzie, of the Dunham Lumber "mpHny, submitted a jietition from tho up|minted by the Southern Yel ‘•v line Lumber Manufacturers’ Aiwocia iion. ip. was questioned by Mr. Ktnlilman, fJ' I , *poke of the largo interests of tho lumber men af Alnlrumn and Georgia and u " [ t!l '’ territory of tlieir trade, lie id t ley could get u throusu-yl<- North of * duo, hut It in a UMCilbtoa? ion of local ate* which makes tin; i-ut3 rule larger dn business wilßßht. Sc alludeuto ’h” drain rate* fn-tfSßcld and St. ><* Kunxaa Citffl ail IMB rates being Mr. Morrison— what road 7'rt use frem Ht. City! Mr. McKenzie cou^ NOT a RESULT OK THE LAW. Mr. Morrison—Well, the main line from St. Louis to Kansas City is altogether in the State of Missouri and does not come within the perview of the act, therefore the rise of rates was not a consequence of this law except that; the Missouri people may liavasjjumped up the rate, taking ad vantage o! the Occasion perhaps. We are not in a position to grant relief in such cases. Mr. Cooley—l understand that no rail roads north of the Ohio river have asked to be relieved from the operation of the fourth section. Mr. Culp, being requested to do so. named several roads north of the Ohio which re fused to receive pig iron on the old rates. Only three • have coma into the old rates since the law was suspended as regards Southern roads. These three are the Evans ville and Terra Haute, Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton, and Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis. On all the others local rates have been changed. SHOWING OF THE COTTON MEN. Maj. Proskauer, of the Mobile Cotton Ex change, presented the petition of that liody, asking the enforcement of the fourth sec tion. He said: “The Cotton Exchange of Mobile lias no desire to submit evidence, but we have some statistics to show how the trade of Mobile lias l>een diverted to other places. AVe desire to state, as regards these facts, that they show uot only mismanagement oil the part of the railroads, but discrimination also against Mobile. The Cotton Exchange lias taken the nosition that the’eompeting rate, that is a through rate made iu order to meet competition by a water route, should be first made by the railroad and then submitted to vour honorable commission for approval. From this proposition the Cotton Exchange has taken it for granted that this city wall have water privileges that will have the benefit of a through rate, provided the rail roads see fit to compete with water routes. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. “Heretofore the railroads have not only competed with but have destroyed water routes. Having accomplished their ruin they immediately put up their rates again. Wo have had from time to time competing rates along railroads at the season of high water in the rivers. We have had under such circumstances exceedingly low rates. The Cotton Exchange understands that un der this bill, the roads will not be able to re peat this operation. They will have the power to redueo freights but will not have the l ight to advance them again without giving ten days notice, so that all parties in terested can be heard before you on the sub ject. THE MERCANTILE CLASSES. “You have not as yet heard from the mercantile classes, but have heard much from the side of railroads and from that class which has a vague fear of the results of a raise of rates. Meantime there are cer tain things that ought to be brought to your attiidtion. Coal is not cheaper than iu New Orleans, though we are nearer the coal fields than is New Orleans. Mobile by, reason of her position, is entitled to control the South American trade, and also to have the lead ingcoal business on the Gulf; but railroad competition with river rates from Pittsburg has cut against us and given New Orleans the advantage. Why do not our brothers in the coal business compete against the coal men on the other side of the Atlantic who ship coal here at such cheap rates? It is because they are engaged in a competitive fight with Mississippi freight rates in the hope of capturing New Orleans trade. The com mission adjourned its session at the conclu sion of Mr. Proskauer’s testimony to meet in New Orleans Monday, and left on this af ternoon’s train. TOE OREGON LINES’ PLEA. Washington, April 80. —Secretary Mosely, of the Interstate Commission, has received by telegraph application from the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, asking to be relieved from the operation of section 4. The petition represents that its lilies connect with the Northern Pacific and with the Union Pacific, and that with such connection the petitioners’ lines form links in through lines tx the Pacific. The peti tioner is Informed that said section has been suspended as to the lines aforesaid, and that both said companies make rates to the Pa cific coast, including transportation over the lines of the petitioner. PASSES FOB CATTLE SHIPPERS. Kt. Louis, April 80. — A local paper says that now but two Eastern lines, the Vanda lia and the Ohio and Mississippi, refuses to gi ant passes, and in consequence are losing newly ail their live stock traffic. They get no stock at all from competitive points. It is stated that the Vandalia, plainly seeing the effect entailed by its isolated position, is anxious to give such passes, and that its Eastern connection, the Pan Handle road, would join in. The Wabash is giving re turn passes from Toledo and Indianapolis awl St. Louis from Cleveland, and it is not believed tiiat the other lines wiil long hold ont in their refusal. HITCHES IN NEW YORK. New York, April SO. —The new inter state commerce iaw does not yet ran with the facility of well oiled machinery. Little hitches arc found oil some roads. The main difficulty had been with the Baltimore and Ohio road, which refused to come into the agreement in regard to west-bound passen ger rate-. The Baltimore and ()hio kept up th;' old rate, but now it lias decided to come in on the same terms as the other roads The matter will lie arranged next Wednes day. TICKET COMMISSIONS. The Fight Between the Eastern and Western Roads Still On. New York, April 80.—The Evening Post says: “The fight between the Western and Eastern railroad companies about the pay ment of commissions for the sale of tickets continues in a quiet but dogged sort of way. The trunk lines yesterday ordered that the tickets of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa I'e Railroad Company and the Hannibal and Kt. Joe Railroad Company be taken off sale. Tiiat means, if the order is carried out, that no tickets can be bought at any trunk line ticket, office to Kansas City or to any mint, in Kansas, Colorado. Mexico or Cali fornia, by way of Kansas City. Passengers will only be able to buy such tickets at the offices of the Western roads, or of their agents. AVhen asked about this, Mr. Mal colm, eastern agent, said that, as a matter of fact, their tickets were stili on sale, but it. was a matter of indifference to the com pany, because, since the fight began, there lias been no connecting link with their road, Kansas (lily being practically cut off. The Chicago and Northwestern road is rtill paving commissions, but their tickets are still kept on sal" by the trank lilies. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company this morning issuisl oi tiers to their agents not to s:4l t ickets to Chicago or Kt. Louis to any representative of \\ owtem roads. The Western men, of course, will send all the IMRsoiigors they can by wane route other than the Pennsylvania, nmi they think tiiat the latter will fee the losor by their action. The only outlet to the West the Eastern trunk lines now Have is by the Chicago and Northwestern rood. The Western roads are stalling their passengers by the Ontario nmi Western, Chc-vpeake and Ohio, and by the Old Dominion Steamship Company. THE RURLIN HON ROAD GIVES IN. Chicago. Acr-1 HO. —The Chicago, Bur lington and Quincy railroad officials to-day notified their associates in the Western Pss sctigcr Association that commencing May 5 the Burlington nml will allow Eastern lines to ai i. *n ito agent* under the conditions prescribed In regard to the payment of commissions. This action by the Burling ton road is t In* first complete surrender won bv the allied Eastern roads from any of the AVestern lines that recently combined to fight the great boycott. Texas Still Too Dry. Galveston, April 80. —Rniiorte of the drought throughout the agricultural dis tricis in Texas are daily assuming a more serious qspeet. It would seem that the re cent, telegrams tolling of copious ruins were greatly exaggerated. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1887-TWELVE PAGES. BISMARCK BENT OX WAR. SLURS CALCULATED TO IRRITATE THE FRENCH. The Gallic Government Charged with a System of Official Espionage on Teutonic Movements to Which the Germans Do Not Stoop-Real Signifi cance of the Schnaebeles Incident Explained. Copyrighted 1887 by the Armciaied Press. Berlin, April 80.—The Budget Commit tee of the Reichstag to-day adopted in the form proposed by the government estimates for the construction of barracks and lias pitals, also the vote for strategetic railways, and the vote for increasing the efficiency of the army and the loan bill. AVhen the Reichstag resumes its sitting on Thurs day the committee will present a report approving the whole budget proposals of the government excepting the artillery grant. Some discussion occurred over tlio 52,000,000 marks devoted to render ing the army better prepared to fight, and suggestions were made to reduce the vote of 68,000,000 for strategetic railways, but the ideas of economy were overruled by a con viction that a collision with France cannot long be postponed, for the release of M. Schnaebeles only modifies the position so far as justifying Prince Bismarck's diplo matic position in demanding a cessation of French official excitation to revolt in Alsace Lorraine, and the stoppage of an organized system of espionage throughout Germany. GERMANY’S CLAIM ON FRANCE. Official circles consider that Germany has a good claim to demand that France shall cease from official intriguing in the German provinces. It is believed that Prince Bis marck is about to make urgent representa tion that having proved good will in the Schnaebeles ease France must now stop offenses against the international law hv or dering her officials to refrain from foment ing treason in Alsace-Lorraine. If tne re sponse of the French government to these representations is not satisfactory the Schnaebeles incident, it is thought, will be come the starting point of the greatest events of tho century. FRENCH OFFENDERS. The Cologne Gazette publishes a list of French agents who have been arrested anti convicted in Germany, and defies tlie French government to adduce a single case where a German government agent has been con victed of espoinage in France. Hitherto, the paper adds, the French government agents who were ar rested have been liberated after a short detention. The case of the Danish captain, Saruw, the poetKazewski, and the Belgian, Janssen, do not apply to the French. A re cent instance of tlie leniency of the German government is the case of Lieut. Leteiiier, who was caught at Carlsruhe, having in his possession plans of the fortress and sketches, and who was liberat'd after his guilt had been fully established. This course on the part of the government has been the rule toward other Frenchmen, but further obser vance of the rulo, the ;Gazette declares, is impossible. Tlie Kreus Zeitung represents that the in creased irritation among all classes in Ger many must impel the government to ask France to offer a trustworthy guarantee that Germany shall in the future be pro tected against officially permitted espionage. SCHNAEBELES AT HOME. Paris, April 80. — M. Schnaebeles who was released from prison yesterday by or der of Germany, and who at once departed from Metz, where he was incarcerated, ar rived at midnight at Pagny-Sur-Moselle, where he had lieen arrested. His wife and son met him at the station, where were also assembled the whole populace of the town, headed by all the officers of ‘the municipality. M. Schnaebeles was ovated by the crowd, who cried out: “Vive is France!” “Vive Schnaebeles!” After a . hort stay M. Schnaebeles proceeded to Paris. He declined to bo interviewed by members of the press. He declared that lie had been well treated by the Germans. TONE OF THE PRESS. Paris newspapers appear to lie nearly all well pleased by the manner in which the Schnaebeles affair lias been set tled, and pronounce it an honorablo settle ment. They praise the prudence and fair ness displayed by M. Flourens, Minister of Foreign Affairs in his conduct of France's side of the i-ase. A majority of the papers draw from the incident a lesson that in the, future France must redouble her vigilance in order to avoid surprises of the kind caused by the arrest of M. Schnaebeles. KEEPING DOWN DEMONSTRATIONS. According to the Itepublique Francaixe, all the French prefects have been instructed to prevent people in their respective districts -from using the occasion of M. Sehnnelieles’ liberation for making anti-German demon strations. M. Schnaebeles reached Paris this afternoon. Ho at once called upon Premier Goblet and had an interview with,him, in which he reaffirmed the story of his arrest as originally told. It is again asserted that M. Schnaebeles will be relieved of his post of commissary at. Pagny-Sur-Moselle and that he will be retired on a (tension. La France is soliciting donations of one franc each toward the purchase of a dia mond cross for Schnaebeles. Eleven mem bers of the Gautsch family head the sub scription list. THE POPE PROTESTS. Home, April 80.—The Vatican has noti fied France that Gen. Boulanger’s military law, which refuses exemption from military service to youths or men studying for the priesthood, is an infringement "on the Con cordat. Notes From the Fatherland. [Copyrighted 1887 by the Axxociated Press.] Berlin, April 80.—The Reichstag com mittee on the bill relating to artificial but ter has adopted a motion tiiat the artificial article must be called not butter but oleo margarine, and must, not bejcolored to imi tate genuin • butter. The flue for violation of the act, which was originally 150 marks, has been raised to 1,000 marks. The new law is to go into operation in October. An analysis of the returns for the recent elections of mombers of the Reichstag issued liy the bureau of statistics show that the candidates comprising the government majority obtained a total of 8,617,816 votes, whereas the minority polled 8.010,285 votes. Tlie majority owe their position to uneqnal distribution of the electoral areas. THE IRISH CRIMES ACT. Stormy Moating' of Liberal Unionists Over Amendments to tlio BUI. London, April 80.— The meeting of Lilie ral Unionists, called to consider certiun pro posed amendments to the Irish crimes act, assembled at tlie city residence of the Mar quis of Harrington to-day. Tb meeting was very stormy owing to divergence in opinion as to many of the details of the bill. Several pronent left tlie meeting before its conclusion. MR. O'BRIEN’S DEPARTURE. William OJBrien, editor of United Ire land, who proposes to deliver a series of addresses in < 'onada on the subject of the Lmsdowmi evictions, will suil for America to-morrow, la an interview to-day he said he believed that Lord Lansdowne may possi bly propone r compromise at the last mo ment. Mr. O'Brien is confident of receiv ing i'uir play from tho Canadians. Italy Denies tho Alarmbig Rumors. London, April 80.—The Italian govern ment denies the report received at Cairo I front MasHowah f tho effect that e battle luid bran fought between a large I tody of ' Ahyaeinians and the force of Italians which | was advancing oil Keren. An official denial I is also given to tile statement that tho gov- I eminent, owing to the receipt of alarming intelligence from Massowali, had ordered | throe battalions to reinforce flip garrisons I there. LOUISVILLE QUIETS DOWN. A Belief That all Danger of Attempts to Lynch Is Over. Louisville, April SO.— Everything was quiet this morning about the jail and court house square. The meeting agreed upon by the mob leaders last evening did not ma terialize, and it is generally lsdinvod t hat, all danger is ovor. Turner and Patterson spent a miserable night. They refused to eat, and could not sirs']). They Were called upon by three ministers, who endeavored to'pacify them, but only partially succeeded. During the night the prisoners were visited by numerous citizens, who out of curiosity wanted to see them and hear what they had to ,->av. When Turner was asked if Patter son was guilty he would reply in the affirma tive, and Patterson never failed to reply that it was not true. CAUSING A DISPUTE. A dispute would then begin, each swear ing that lie was right and the other wrong. When they were told that, tha militia had appeared, thev grew quieter. The state ment published by one of the papers, indi cating that Patterson was üble to prove an alibi, is not generally believed. Jennie Bowman continues in the same dangerous condition. She was resting easier this morning, under the influence of opiates, but it was still thought that, she cannot re cover. The alleged attack at 12 o’clock tiiis morning did not amoiuit to anything, the militia not taking part. A howling crowd of boys threw some stones at the police, and numerous arrests were made, but no one was seriously hurt. THE ALLEGED ALIBI. The mob spirit has about exhausted itself, and the at tention of everybody is now upon the alleged alibi of Patterson. An after noon paper publishes a detailed account of the movements of Patterson upon the day of the crime, with corroborative evidence," which appeal’s to throw serious doubt upon the guilt of the man. Nothing conclusive can, as yet, be deduced, how ever. The negro’s contradictory statement ftrat given may have -been made when he was so scared and frightened that what he said was not relia ble, but many people believe that, there is collusion between the prisoner and some of the witnesses. At all events the alibi claim ed by Patterson, and which is urged as con clusively proven by some of the papers, lias laid the effect of emphasizing the necessity of leaving the case in the hands of the law. That this will be doue there is no longer any doubt. The militia remain on guard again to-night. There is no trouble expected. Jennie Bowman is slightly better this evening. RAILS WARPED BY THE SUN. Five Cars Hurled Into a Ditch With Loss of Life. Steele, Dak., April 30.— A westbound passenger express train on the Northern Pacific railroad jumped the track to-day about 1 o’clock near Driscoll Station, and precipitated five of the coaches into n ditch. The train was running on a heavy down grade, and the heat of the sun, which had been something unusual here at this season, had warped the rails. The engine and ex press ear passed over in safety, but the five oars following left the track anil turned bot tom upward in the ditch. Two of the coaches were loaded with two companies of the Seventh United States Cavalry, en route for Fort Yates and Buford. The other three were filled with immigrants and firat-elass passengers, mostly bound for the Pacific coast. THE CASUALTIES. Following is a list of the killed and wounded: Killed: VV. O. Breed, Faribault, Minn. He was accompanied by his family, en route for Washington Territory. Mr. Breed’s family were uninjured. The wounded are: C. 11. Gray, of Ells worth Falls, Me., cut in the arm aud head: Miss Gertrqde Hill, of Bozeman, Mont,., bally hurt internally; W-. H. Roobell Assist ant Superintendent of the Northern Pa cific telegraph lines, legs badly smashed and doubts of his recovery: H. B. Scott, Seventh Cavalry, of Fort Buford, jaw broken: Al bert Wolf, Seventh Cavalry, of Fort Yates, and John C. Keily of Fort Buford, injured internally but not seriously. Dr. John llajcourt, of Steele, was on the train, but escaped injury, and at once set about attending the wounded. He tele graphed here for his brothel’, Dr. W. C. Ilai’court, of Chicago, who was visiting hei-e, and the latter was at once conveyed to ihe wreck on a hand car. Only the (lining car and sleeper remained on the rails. It is surprising, under the circumstances, that a score of jieople were not killed. SMASHED TO SPLINTERS. Colliding Trains Kill One Man and In jure Two Others. Pottsville, Pa., April 30.—This after noon on the Philadelphia and Reading rail road, at Mintzer’s station, about two milts north of Tamaqua, a long freight train, with one engine pulling and one pushing, was going north, and in rontiding a curve collided with a loaded coal train. The crash was tremendous. Both engines were wrecked and the box-cars of the freight train were shattered almost from end to end, scattering merchandise in every direction. Brakeman Pruett, aged 2(1, was oil the engine and instantly killed. Fireman McAfTee, aged 30, married and living at Tamaqua, had a leg crushed and is believed to lie otherwise injured. The engineer of the coal train was severely hurt. The pecuniary Joss to the company is very heavy. The responsibility for the”accident is charged to Assistant Dispatcher Scott, of Tamaqua, in giving conflicting running orders to trains. Scott has disappeared. CUF.SED BY A SUICIDE. A Portland Girl Leaves a Strange Note for Her Father. Portland, Me., April 30.—A sensational suicide occurred on Green street at 2 o'clock this morning, the victim being Miss Alice Cobb, aged 24 years, daughter of Alvin Cobb. It is stated that for some time the girl has shown signs of insanity. This morning the girl's father heard a shot in her room, and, upon entering, found her dead, with a bullet through her heart. The fol lowing note was fastened to the wall: “I um not cra/.v, but my health is broken. A dead woman’s curse on all who have wronged me. Father wants me to die. I will do so. But if my spirit -can come back I will haunt him until he dies. Take my letters to Maggie for her to burn. lam weary of living and suirering. Father has driven me to it. Alice.” Mr. Cobb said his daughter was unques tionably crazy und had beeu so for some time. Dcaorves Hanging. Hartford, Conn.. April 30.—George Cowles, a fanner of Wethersfield, last night discovered a tramp in Iris ham lighting a mutch. He ordered the tramp out, but the fellow sei/.ixl a pitchfork and drove Cowles from the barn and thou scattering hay about deliberately set fire to tbe building. The barn was totally destroyed, together with four cows, hay, jiigs, etc. Cowles called his neighbors nuii they pursued the tramp, who was '-rippled by a buckshot wound, and was finally captured, thought he had to lx* (dubbal to keep him still. He was lodged in jail. St. Louia Boodlsrs. Ht. Louts, April 30.—Six more indict lncnts for complicity in the election fraucuN last fall were returned by the United States grand jury this afternoon and the jury was discharged. Be vend of the men indicted yesterday voluntarily came forward to-day and gave iionds, and two others were arrest ed. All gave bait in th“ sum of $2,000 each. April’s Debt Decrease. Washinoton, AprilBo.—lt Is estimated at the Treasury Department to-day that the debt, decrease for April amounts to $21,500,- 000. ** —s' PNEUMONIA IN THE PENS. TWO THOUBAND CATTLE KILLED BY THE COMMISSIONERS. Owners Unacquainted with the Law Forcibly Oppoao tho Authorities— Police Crack Several Skulls String ent Measures Being Taken to Stamp Out the Disease. Chicago, 111., April 80.— A special dis patch from Helena, Mont., says: “Gov. Leslie will proclaim quarantine on cattle in Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl vania, Maryland, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Virginia, Vermont ond Texas.” A local paper says pleura-pneumonia, ac cording to the statistics of the State, is more prevalent in Chicago and vicinity than ever before. It has been found necessary to quarantine the district between the lake and Dis Plaines river, lying north of Twenty second street, including tho towns of Lake view and Jefferson, and to establish n patrol or watch system to prevent the smuggling of cattle past the quarantine limits. STRINGENT MEASURES. Within the quarantined district the most stringent measures for stamping out the plague have been adopted. Diseased cows nave been slaughtered by hundreds, infected burns have been disinfected, and even dis .stroyed in some cases. Since the first, dis covery the disease has been spreading slowly despite these measures. It ha* become an epidemic, and apparently can only lie eradi cated by sacrificing all the cattle that have been exposed to it. The lave Stock Com mission are working under the new law, which gives the right to slaughter cattle as soon as they are pronounced diseased, if they hail had such powers hist fall when the plague first appeared, the chairman says, it could never have spread through the city. THOUSANDS SLAUGHTERED. Yesterday tlie count of the veterinarians showed tiiat 2,00!) cows had been slaugh tered. Two hundred and seventeen cows were taken from the swill trouakxot the Empire distillery sheds at one I uNfeatayrmi to tue Archer avenue stable and MHBHMpi work is being done under the hii Awnt’-' the veterinary surgeons, who itod discretionary powers. EuJHHMri • appraised before dicing slaudwW^M-1 these claims arc promptly nfission. All animals iiiHpcdlVjbfep iux< marked with a tag. A good was experienced by tho veterljHHßlßiea they undertook to corral and tag"tfMtKnhnt are running loose on account of the deter mined opposition of the owners of the herds. SHOWING FIGHT. The latter are mostly ignorant farmers and could not understand that measures were being exercised for their benefit, but armed themselves with rifles und drove the vetemarians off The pol ice were called upon to protect them, and the tagging and Inspec tion was accomplished, though not until half a dozen skulls had lieen cracked and as many arrests made. Chairman I’earson says the present outbreak of the disease is traceable to the distillery shed last fall. It was brought to Chicago from Geneva, 111,, where it made its appearance three or four years ago, and came to Illinois from Mary land and New York through shipments of blooded cattle. MITCHELL'S MILLIONS. He Leaves the Bulk of His Estate to His Son. Milwaukee, April 30.—-'The will of Alex ander Mitchell, the millionaire banker, was made public to-day. No approximation of the value of the estate is made, and tlie terms of the will avoid the filing of an in ventory, so that tho exact wealth left by Mr. Mitchell will never he known, it is believed to lie from $15,000,000 to $25,000,000. Tlie entire property, real and personal. is left to his only son. John L. Mitchell, after deducting the following legacies: Mra. Martha Mitchell, widow, $20,000 and the homestead, valued at $500,000, and $500'.000 annually; David Mitchell, grandson, $100,000; Mrs. Isabella Mackie, of Milwaukee, a niece, $25,000; seven liequests to public charities, aggregating $50,000; Jessie Mitchell, of Aberdeen, 'tootiaml, his sister, SSOO a year. SLOW DEATH BY POISON. A Woman Kills Her Child and then Awaits Death Herself. Racine, WiS., April 30.—Mrs. Michael Brown was found dying and her adopted child dead in their home yesterday. The house liad been locked and its curtaius drawn since last Monday, and it was sup posed that they had gone away, Yesterday afternoon tlie mail carrier pee}>ed through the bedroom window and saw Mrs. Brown and her child lying upon the bed. The former was breathing heavy. Hr suspected that something was wrong and notified a policeman, who brake ojieii the door. An investigation proved tiiat, Mrs. Brawn had poisoned herself and child. Tho latter hail lieen dead three days. At last accounts tlie woman was alive. RIDENOUR'S FIGHT FOR LIFE. The Jurora Deny Charges of Having Been Guilty of Illegal Conduct. Winchester,Va., April 30.—Judge Clark has directed that the jury in the case of Ridenour, who stands convicted of the mur der of young Bray, shall bo summoned lie fore Tuesday, when an investigation will is* made of the charges stated in the affidavit tiiat they conversed with persons awuy from the hearing of the Hheriff. and also received letters, ana were guilty of other conduct not In accordance with the law. After this investigation the Judge will render his de cision on the motion for anew trial. Counter affidavits from the jury, Sheriff and deputies have been presented to the court denying each and every charge brought by the friends of the prisoner. RAGING RIVERS. The Kennebec Higher than It Has Been for Years. Watervillk, Me., April 80.—Up to noon today rain has lieen falling for thirty six hours, and the water* in the Kennebec river had risen to a greater height than had been known for eighteen years. Two mil lion logs at Somereet Mills broke loose arid are floating out to sea. Many buildings along the river bank are afloat, and tho water was still rising at the rat*' of six inches per hour. The damage cannot fail to be great. Lynched for Thievery. Proctor, IV. Va., April 30.—The liodies of three negro brothers, named (Sylvester, were found hanging to a tree on the road six miles east of here yesterday. Fnch liody Isirca placard, on which was written “Nig ger thievery must be broken up.” The fanners In tne neighlmrhood have suffered depredations nt tho hands of unknown per sons, and it seems they finally settled on the Sylvesters as the guilty one*. No arrests have been made. Suicide After Breaking a Promise. Nashville. April 80.—Yesterday after noon Rilward E. Humuels, a prominent St. Louis merchant, jumped tram a bridge in this city iid* i the river. Ho was reecued by wan i men in a ennooand removed to Eves Hospital, where he died at 8:80 o’clock this morning. Before he died he said that his reason ior attempting suicide was that he had broken a promise made to his wife that ha would drink no more intoxicating liquor. Pun Handle Prisoners Indicted. Pittssurg, Anril 80.- Tmo bills were found to-day against thirteen of the Pan Handle railroad employe*, arrested on a cliurge of jobbing freight. The, com-s will nrobably come up some time next week. GEORGIA’S CAPITAL CITY. Several Nice Points at Law Arising Out of Criminal Cases. Atlanta, Ga., April MO. —J. p. McNally, of Augusta, for whom the Governor of South Carolina has issued a requisition, growing out of the Blackwood kidnapping case, lias forwarded to the executive office copies of the record showing the ponding prosecution against him in Augusta upon which he claims ho cannot be reached now by the requisition. It appears that McNally was arrested April 21 on ft warrant charg ing him with the larceny of a setter dog Jan. 21, the property of Ottman tranter. The requisition was made April 28, and it was known that it would he made weeks be fore. The showing is regarded here with suspicion as a sharp dodge Uf evade justice. A KICK POINT AT LAW. The George Daniel habeas corpus case w as heard before) Judge Marshall Clark to-day Daniel is a convict., serving out a sentence. He was convicted of Vmrgulary on atrial held before Judge Richard H. ('lark of the Stone Mountain Circuit, in the basement iu the Fulton county oourt house, while the Judge of this circuit wits hearing court up staii-s. The Supreme Court aflbmed the ver diet. After Daniel was sent to the peniten tiary his lawyer decided that his conviction before Richard H. Clark was illegal, liecause Judge Marshall Clark, of this circuit, was then holding court in the court house. Ho sited out a writ of halsiaus i-orpus. Judge Clark dismissed the writ to-day and stated that it was a question for the Supreme Court. There are sixty convicts now in the penitentiary who were convicted in a simi lar manner. THE TRAVELERS’ PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Joseph Hirsch, President of the Georgia division of the Travelers’ Protective Asso ciation, announces that the annual conven tion, to lie held in Macon May 10 and 17, is postponed to May 28 and 24. Capt. English, for the lessees of peniten tiary companies 2 and 3, to-day paid the Treasurer $14,000 37, the balance of the con vict Im c due the State for the year ending April 1. Senator Brown hail already paid $10,333 03. The following damage suits were filed to day In tho United Slates Circuit Court against the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad: Charlie Dees, a train hand, who was knocked oil' a car by a bridge built too near the track and seriously hurt, wants #25,000. Mrs. Lula Ketchem, whose husband, a freight conductor, was killed in a collision near Rome Feb. 11 last, wants #20,000. FLORIDA ON THE WIRE. Judge Woetcott’s Funeral-Republi cans Win at DeLand. Tallahassee, Fla., April 30.---Judge James D. Weeeott was buried from the Episcopal church to-day. Gov. Perry and Associate Justice Raney wore among the pall-bearers. The services were attended by the members of the Legislature, the execu tive and judicial officers of the State anil a large numljer of citizens. Many mem Ism's of the Legislature have gone home to ejieud Hunday, and the city is quiot, with no Sena torial excitement. DELANO’S ELECTION. DeLand, Fla., April 80. - 1 n to-day's city election the full Republican ticket was elected, with one exception. Following Is the list: Mayor, F. S. Good rich; Marshal, William H. George; Clerk, Silas B. Wright; Aldermen, J. Ross, Walter Crib-hell, ana the vote between J. D. Owen and R. S. Conaway i-esulted in a tie. BROTHERS SHOOT EACH OTHER. Gainesville, Fla., April 30. —Chari 'sand Elbe Bailey, two brothers, members of an old and highly resieetcd family, hud a personal difficulty this evening, and Istth used their pistols. Charles was killed instantly and Kllie is mortally wounded, being shot through the stomach. The difficulty is of long standing, Elbe having left the home stead to avoid trouble with Charles. SLIPPERY WILSON PALMER. He Goes to the Chattahoochee Brick Yard to Begin His Term. ’ TWHUITBiU, Ga., April 30.--Wilson Palmer, the convicted burglar, was taken this morning by a penitentiary guaitl to Capt. English's camp at the Chattahoochee brick yard. He was heavily chained and gave no indications of any attempt to es cape. Several futile efforts have been made since bis incarceration here to get Palmer's photograph. Photographer Clark to-day succeeded in getting one while Palmer was talking to the guard before entering the train. The Chattahoochee brick yard is barfly safe enough for such a bird as Pal mer, anil he will likely be carried to the Dade coal mines before long, if ho don’t af fect his escape before that time. The officers here predict that be will not remain in the penitentiary three montlis. JORDAN’S RETURN. Secretary Manning In Fine Spirits When He Left Him. Washington, April 30.—Treasurer Jor dan returned here this morning and re sumed his duties at the Treasury. He says he saw ex-Secretary Manning before he left Loudon on April 21, and was much en eouraged at his condition. A severe cold from which he was suffering had entirely disappeared, and his spirits were of the host, it is Secretary Manning's intention to sail for New York about June 1 and to enter upon his duties as President of the Western National Bank. Mr. Jordan says that his resignation has not yet. been acted upon by the President, but he expects it to he ac cepted in a few days. The new bank is to be opened on May 10. He has no informa tion in regard to the appointment of his successor. POUNDING ON THE ROCKS. The Ship Mary L. Cushing Going to Pieces on Block Island. Newport, It. 1., April 30.—The ship Mary L. Cushing went ashore on Block Island this morning. The Cushing left New York On Thursday last for Hong Kong with 511,000 eases of kerosene. Oil Isiard were the captain, two mat's, carjienter, steward, cook, eighteen seamen and the captain’s wife anil daughter. The vessel struck heavily on the risky bottom near the Life Saving Btation, wide running under full sail. Several of the crew wore thrown down. She l>egrm including heavily, and at !) o'clock bilged and filled rapidly. Pieces of the keel ls-gan to come up, showing that she was undergoing a severe strain. All hands were t aken oft. A Church Burned. Amesii’-rv. Mass., April 80.—The Pond Street Methodist church was fired by an in cendiary tills morning and destroyed. The loss is #12.000. The insurance is $4,500. A SWISS VILLAGE DESTROYED. London, April 30. —The Swiss village of Silts, near Thusis, in the Canton of Orisons, has been dost soy rf by Arc. Col. Way at Washington. Washington, April 30. —Consul General Charlton H. Way was at, the State Depart ment to-day receiving instructions prepara tory to his departure for Ht. Petersburg. Racing at Memphis. Memphis, April 30.—T0-day'-s racing events hero ware as follows: First Race- One-half mile: In heats. Hin doo Rose won the sret and third heats anil race, amt Evak took the second lira#. Time 5(^4,51 he, 51U. SKOOKD Rack Three-quart ere of ■ mile, lz)- laihl won. with False Note second and Bertha C. third. Time 1:11). THIRD Rack One-half mile. Anibnn won, with Ivanboe second and Banister third. Time sk. Pointtm Race- < 'nr and One-sixteenth miles. Spaulding won. with Ht. Valentine second amt Jem Nave third. Time t:52. Fieth Racs Steeplechase over the short. | course, Aurellan won, with Tennessee second > and Osceola third. Time SS;S2V4. POLITICIANS IN A PICKLE. WEST VIRGINIA’S LEGISLATORS LOOKING INTO A SCANDAL. State Senator Minnear's Request that the Charge that He was Bribed to Vote for Camden be Investigated Bearing Fruit—The First Witness Acknowledges Himself a Rascal. Charleston, W. Va., April 30. At the close of the last session of the Legislature charges were preferred against Senator Min* near, accusing him of having been influ enced for a consideration to vote for Mr. Camden, the Democratic candidate for nv election to tho United States Senate. This charge was made by Senator Dawson, and nothing was done with the matter then. The Legislature having met in extra ~sion Mr. Mi linear deni atu leil a sjieedy'ex amination. A commit tee of throe Senators, Messrs. Horn mervi lie. Flournoy and Dawson, was appointed to inquire into the matter. Thu committee met to-day, witnesses having ben summond. CAMDEN CHARGED WITH CROOKEDNESS. Shelton Reger, of Tucker county, from which place Senator Minuear was elected, testified that as a personal friend he had visited the Senator at his home and learned that a letter from tho Republican Cen tral Committee had been sent to the Republican members of the Legislature alleging that Senator Camden was using ins money to lie re-elect ed United States Senator by electing nictu liern of the Legislature in ways that wets* dark. Tho w itless obtained a copy of the letter, immediately reporting to United States Collector of Revenue McGraw ami to Mr. Camden, offering a copy for consid eration, whereupon he was told that only tho original was worth anything. THE LETTER STOLEN. Ho again visited Mr. Minnear’s home, awl there purloined the letter, a facsimile oC which npiieared in tho Wheeling Regmlrr. He further admitted that ho eanie hero and bargained with three mom hers of the Legis laturo to vote for Mr. Camden, for which they were gu> rnceive #5,000. The money, he said, was raised by Republicans, whose names he refused to give, to pry them, and votes were to lift cast when lie stood on the table in the pages* room in the House of Delegate and wiped his nose as a signal that, the money waH ready for them and would lie jiaid. Mr. Camden said to him that if these men voted for him he (Camden) “would prosecute ma And them. For this reason I did not give the signal agreed upon, and for this reason the votes were not cast for Mr. Camden.” THE NAMES WITHHELD. Ho dot-lined to say again who the member* were, or who was to furnish the money, hub said it was not Mr. Camden. After tin* publication of this famous letter the witness said he gave it to Senator Camden, directed to Mr. Minnear’s wife. When asked wlmb lie got for this letter, tho witness said he re ceived his exjiensoH and a check for SBO, and sub - qitently #2O more was paid him in Wash ington by Mr. McGraw. Tlie committed adjourned until Mouday, at, which time the investigation will be con tinued. The witness is subject to epileptic fits, and had one after giving his evidenco in that committee room. Michigan’s bribers. East Saginaw, Mich., April 30.—Al though the legislative bribery investigation ivuilted in the expulsion of Milo H. Dakin from the House ol Representatives, it seem* Hiat the end is not yet. It seems that Dakin, who was elected as a Labor didale, will is- expelled from the Labor. it is also asserted that Sh ••-LI- ton was mixed up in the will !*■ compiled to resign. ”3 CHICAGO’S LABOR CLASHE^fi| Waltert Threaten to Strike nRdHH| Umployora Grant a.u Advancjttil Chicago, Aj/il 30.—Six hundred iflH 7(K) wuitors of Cliieago hi-l.i a eight to i!<-t<- rn >•:.■ ■ I Itev uouUH^?* augurate a str.Ue. Six hmiilrcd are SR here of tU Knights ot Labor, and iMinding iO jier cent. increase in wagc^H At a meeting of the nailers’ Knights of Lalior, this evening, mitteeinen who bid cm Ire on lor an answer to the waiters’ firt that over this- fourths of proHis'ti\e strikers had gamed their A few large restaurants hiv and their waiters arc under instruct quit at 5 o'clock Monday afteraoou. Detailed reports to uie Bakers’ Umo*l ffis dicated that the workmen of that craft had also l>een successful to a large extent. The Hod Carriers’ Union were not simi larly favored. At a late hour the officer* were able to point to a few contractors only who showisl any signs of succumbing. A. mass meeting of 5,000 members of the union will be held to morrow to consider whether it is advisable to carry out the threat to strike. Stove Foundries to Resume. Chicago, April 30.—1 tis asserted to-day that two of the largest stove foundries here will follow the plan of the Pittsburg firms and start, up Monday with their apprentice* and those journeymen who are willing to work, Theinotder* will be required to han dle the boycotted St.. Louis patterns. HOLDERS TO RESUME. Cincinnati, April 30. —Too local union of iron 1111)1110111 has rebelled against tha authority of the national union and has de termined to resume Monday Rt the old rated. A Now Scale. PITTHBERO, April 30.—The wiigo seal* adopted at the miners’ interstate conven tion, bold at Columbus, 0., last February, will go into effect Monday, The scale ad vances wag** sc. per ton. A later dispatch says the Executive Com mittee of the Knights of Uibor have decided to join witii the Amalgamated Association in the demand for an ndvanre. This action leaves the question of a strike in the hands of thy ojaratoix. It. is generally accepted that If they offer 5 per cent, that a strlkd will be averted. Ready to Btrike. Everson, Fa., April 38.-—The Miners' Amalgamated Association of the coke re gions met hero to day to consider the award of Umpire Jackson, of the coke arbitration txiard. It was decided to accept the award to date, and to make anew demand for 2 1-2 per cent, advanco in wages, the alter native to be a strike. A committee was appointed to confer with the Knights of Lalior miners, and if lsiesible, secure thai* co-o[ieration. Over 1,300 men ate repre sented. Silver Chasers Satisfied. New York, April 30.—'The striking fibres chasers in the employ of the Whiting Corn puny, in East Fourth street, settled their differences with their employers to-dav, and will return to work on Monday. The strike has lasted for six weeks, and oc curred because of the employment of more apprentices by the firm than the chaser* thought were required. Engineers Murmuring. Rochester, N. Y., April 31.—A strike ii threatened by the engineers of the New York Central roail, Uwause of certain or ders which will tend to break up the present homes of the men. Greek Officers Doomed to Die. Athens, April 80.—A court-martial ha# sentenced to death throe off cere for treach ery, in having surrendered to tlie Turk# dtiring the frontier fight, and acquitted five others, charged with the same oifense. StarkeviHe’s New Bank._ Washington. April 30. —The Firet N% tional Bank uf StarkeviHe, Miss., has iieec authorized to begin busino* with a capita' of *150.000. 3