The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 01, 1887, Page 9, Image 9

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C'OM.MSRCLY!., "savannah market. OFFICE OF THF. MORNING NEWS, I Savannah, Ga., April 30, 4P. M. ( Corros—Tlie market was very Ann, and ad miring. There "'as a good demand, with light brings. The total sales for the day were only v) bales. On 'Change at the opening call, at . ) am„ the market jvas reported firm at an of l-Hto for all grades, with sales of 22 |ia] ; s ; vt the second call it was firm ar.d uu .'banged, the sales being IS bales. At the third in*! closing call at4p. m. it was firm at an advance of 1 WcyAsc ah round, with further sales of Id bales. The following are the offl dal closing spot (flotations of the Cotton Ex change: Middling fair 10%<3H0 13-16 SUldlinK lOFk.U) 9-16 Middling ~ n 4 CiL n ?'}S ,Cd ordinary ‘s® o 9-16 Ordinary Nominal. Sra Island—The market was dull, but steady , unchanged. There were no sales. Last gales were on the basis of quotations, as fol ' coinmon Georgias and Floridas 14 @ls)s Extra fine oo^S:' 1 Choice ® Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand April 30, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. 1886-87. j 1885-86. ijzzd. u P ian 4isk%d. up,and Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,149 4.304 j 651 3,298 Received to-day 33 18:3: j 30 270 Received previously 27.258 764,635 j] 2.3,159 751,389 Total Exported to-day | 31 Exported previously I 26,800 764,689 19,6G7 728,162 j Total j 26,890 704,720 728,162 1 Stock on hand and on ship- I i i-un-ii tViis day li 1,550. 4.402 4.0731 26,795 Rice— The market was was firm, with light offerings at quotations The sales for the day were 320 barrels at about quotations as fol lows: Fair Good —" Prime Country lots— 50(51 60 Tide water 90@1 10 Naval Stores— The market for spirits tur pentine was very quiet. There was some little inquiry, but only a nominal business was doing. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported quiet at 33c for regu lars. At the second call it was quiet at 33c for regulars. Rosin—The market was quiet, but very firm at quotations. The sales for the day were about 885 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported steady for I and above, and very firm for H and below, at the following quotations: A, B, C and D $1 10, Esl 15, F $1 20, G $1 25, H $1 30, I SI 40, K SI 50, M $1 80, N $2 12J4@2 15, window glass $2 50, water white $2 75. At the closing call it was unchanged NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2.543 77,408 Received to-day 685 978 Received previously 12,321 85,961 Total 15,549 114,347 Exported to-day 8,471 617 Exported previously 8,079 63,171 Total 11,550 53,788 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 8,999 60,559 Receipts same day last year 373 1,157 Financial— Money is in demand, but not so tight as it has been. Domestic Exchange Steady. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at par and sell ing at )$ per cent premium. Foreign Exchange— The market is dull but firm. Commercial demand, $4 ST ; sixty days. $4 85)$; ninety days, $4 84%; francs, Paris lind Havre, commercial, sixty days, $5 2215; Swiss, $5 23)5: marks, sixty days, 95. Securities—Very little doing in stocks. Some little demand for Central railroad and South western at inside quotations. Debentures seem to be the favorite investment at the moment and round lots are asked for. City bonds are neglected and seem inclined to sag off. Stocks and Bonds— City Bonds—Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent, 1(44 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent, 115 bid, 120 asked; Augusta 7 per cent, 105 bid, 112 asked; Augusta 6s, long, 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 98 bid, 99 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, July coupons, 101 bid. 104% asked: new Savannah 5 per cent, August coupons. 103% bid, 104)$ asked. State Bonds —Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new (is. 1889. I6S bid. 104 asked; aeorgia new 4)ss, 106)$ bid, 107 asked; Geor fna i per cent gold, coupons quarterly, 1084$ bid, 1094$ uskad; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons Jan mry unJ July, maturity 1396, 122 bid, 123 asked. I hit,, road Stocks i—Central common, 12314 bid, 1U asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent pjaranteed, 138 bkl, 137 asked; Georgia com mon, 300 bid, 302 asked; Southwestern 7 per wit guaranteed, 131% bid, 182LJ asked; Central 'Per cent certificates, 103% bid. 104 asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad stock, 113 bid, H i asked; Atlanta and West I'uiut (: per cent certificates, 106 bid, 106 asked. Bonds —Market quiet. Savannah, nor .da a ml Western Railway Company general Mortgage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 110 bid, 112 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort- Roge consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1897, 119 bid, ;21 asked, Cen tral consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893. 113% bid, 114 asked; Georgia railroad os, 1897, 108 bid. 110 asked; Mobile and Girard second mortgage in florsed.o per cent, coupons Jaimarv and July, niatunty lHfiti, 108 bid, 107 asked; Montgomery juul huitmln first mortgage 8 per cent, indorsed !’ y , K- ntr ? l rj Uroad, 110 bid, 113 asked; Marietta ~, uV J orth Georgia first mortgage 8 per eent, lid bid, 10114 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and ct l s'i sta ' rst mortgage, 113 bid, 113 asked; uoarlotte, Columbia and Augusta seeond raort- Eige, ill Uj bid, 112L> asked. Western Alabama second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, 107 bid, South Georgia and Florida indoreed, ns bid. 119 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage. 113 bid. 115 asked; Augusta fP? Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent, 108V6 109 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson ami southern first mortgage guaranteed, 118 bid, iioasked; Gainesville. Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 116 bid, 116 asked. Ocean Steam sum () )>er cent bonds guaranteed bv Central Jiulroad. 106 14 bid. 108 asked; Gainesville, Jef ferson and Southern second mortgage guaran- Jeod, lie bid. 118 asked; Columbus and Rome nrst mortgage bonds indorsed by Central rail road, HW bill, 109 asked: Columbus and Western ? Pf’wut guaranteed, 108 U; bid. 109 asked; City r/iv?*? I burbau railway first mortgage 7 percent, 109 bid, 110 asked. Bn.iii; .S’loots-Xominal. Southern Bank of 1 lie Stale of Georgia, 196 bid, Oix; asked; Mer citants National Bank, 155 bid, 180 asked; Sa vannahßank and Trust, Company, 91 bid, 96 ~‘‘‘l: National Bank of savannah, 117 bid. Stocks- Savannah Gas Right stock, ex *4s bid, 22 asked; Mutual Gan Right K"ck, 3t) bid. 23 asked. ~ Bacox— Market steady: demand good; smoked Gear r b sides, 9%c: shoulders, 7*40; dry salted Clear r|| sides, BUjc; long cleat , ikHe; shoulders. ‘'Mi'; bams. ioUc. lUgoixg and Ties.—Market quiet. Ws quote: “WBlntr-Slq It.s, 914 c; 3 lbs, Uc; IJi tbs,7Mjc. aordlug to brand and quantity’. Iron Him jr™'' - ' 8100a 106 per bundle, according to 1“ 1 t't'l quantity Bagging and tics hi re ,* l( Jte a fraction higher. - Marker, steady; oleomargarine, Ha 26c’ O lolc '*' Goshea, 18e; gilt edge 23c; creamery, , |*-* nr ' A <*—Florida, s•„* TjaliOi) per barrel; mip- P'y Klit; demand fTKxt. ' okkkk—The market is Htrong nnd advancing. > quote for small lots: Ordinary, lOc; fair, lltij,. IKK *' !<>ie üboluu, ific;" |>eaborry, Ciiekkic— Market higher and advancing; good “ynnnd; stock light. \Ve quote: Halts:. ****b Fruit Apples,evaporated, lMc; pooled, I*' Peimbos, peeled, 1th;; uupeelcu hate; our raf‘- To; citron, SSc. • r Rv Uoodh—Tlie market la firm; business I,! 1 '- "'<> quote: Prints, la'J; Georgia brown “lulling,i, tu,o; t s do. .V , ■; I I brown sheet u|g._ Uljc; while osnatiurgs, (tone; chocks, ®,qac; yarns, Hoc for liest makes; brown drill- O^iCUc. Ftm, We quote full weights: Mackerel— n°. I. Sr r.'taioiVl; No. :j. half barrels. SO Ot'ar 00: £?• “• Sr BtUB,. Herring—No. 1, Hue; seated, cod, SaHc. ilurket stood}; riemund modest*. We quote: Superfine, $3 TO; extra. $3S5a4 01; fancy, 54 9aj t: choice patent. $0 soa3 75; famuv, §4 sfia4 65 Fruit—Lemons—Stock full and demand light. " 0 Quote: §3 ~5a4 2.5. Oranges—Market fairly supplied; demand lighter; Floridas, $2 50a3 25. Apples—Scarce and poor; good shipping stock, S4 500.5 00 per barrel. ‘ 1 GRAt.v—Corn—Market steady; demand light, to quote: White corn, job lots, carload lots, 61Ue:mix6d corn, job lots, tc;earioad lots, Outs steady; good demand. We quote: .fixed oats, 46c; carload lots, 44c. Bran, 31 05. c.cai, IMvgc: Georgia grist, per sack. $1 50; grist, per bushel, 67^c. Hay—Market sternly, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots: Western, £1; cur.oad lots, 90e; Eastern, none; Northern, none. Hides, Wool, Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint. 13'gc; suited, lH*e; dry butcher, ilbjc. Wool—Market nominal; prime in bales, 27c; burry, 10al5c. Wax, 18c. Tallow, 3a4c. Deer skins, dint, 20c; salted, 16c. Otter skins, 25ca$l, I*° s —Market firm; Swede, 4)tjasc; refined, 29^0. Lard—Market is steady; in tierces, 7®c; 50® tins, 7)4e. Lime, Ca/tined Plaster axd Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand and is selling at 31 30 per barrel; Georgia, 31 30; calcined plaster. $i H 5 per barrel; hair, 3c; Rosendale cement, $1 .50; Portland cement. S3. Liquors—Full stock: steady demand. Bour bon, $1 50a5 50; rye, $1 50u6 00; rectified, Si 00a 1 35. Ales unchanged ami in good demand. Nails Market firm. Fair de mand. We quote: 3d, $4 00 ; 4d and sd. $3 35- 6d,_s3 10; Bd, $2 85; lOd to OOd, $2 60 per keg. Nuts—Almonds, Tarragona, 18aa9c; Ivicas, LalBc; walnuts, French, 12e; Naples, 16c: pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoauuts, liaracoa. $5 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal 45k; West Virginia black, flalOc: lard, 58c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c: water white, 13!4c; neatsfoot, 05a90o; machinery, 25a30c; linseed, raw, 47c; boiled, 50c; mineral seal, Itie; fireproof, 18c; homelight,.lBc. Onions—Domestic, almost nominal; Northern stock sprouty and unreliable, §1 25 per crate; barrels, $3 50; Bermuda crates. 32 50. Potatoes—Northern, $2 75a3 00 per barrel; new, $3 00a5 00. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75a 80c; clay, 31 OOal 15: speckled, $1 OOal 10; black eye, $1 25al 50; white crowder, $1 50al 75. Prunes—Turkish .33®; French Sc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady: loose new Muscatel, $2 00; layers, $2 00 per box; Lou don layers, $2 50 per box. Shot—Drop, $1 40: buck, Si 65. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket quiet; carload lots, 65c, fob; job lots, 80a90c. Sugars—The market is steady; cut loaf, 6%c; standard A, 6>4c; extra C. 5)4c; C yellow, sc; granulated, oty; powdered, (C^c. Syrup—Florida aud Georgia Syrups, 38a40c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 33a40c; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull, demand moderate We quote: Smoking, 25ea$l 25; chewing, com mon, sound, 25a30c; fair, SOviSc; medium 88a 50c, bright, 50a75c; fine fancy, 85a90c; extra fine, yocasl 10; bright navies, 45a75c; dark navies. 40a50c. Lumber—The demand from the West contin ues good; coastwise aud foreign inquiry is also very active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations, with some advance, while difficult schedules can only be placed at con siderably advanced prices. We quote: Ordinary sizes 313 50® 17 00 Difficult sizes 10 00@21 50 Flooring boards 16 00® 20 50 Shipstuif ; 18 50® 21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00® 11 00 800 “ “ 10 00® 11 00 9>o “ “ 1100&12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00®14 00 Shipping timber in the raft -700 teet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00® 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00®10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—There Is a very scant sup ply of vessels coastwise tonnage, and vessels are wanted for quick loading. The rates are firm at quotations. Freight limits are from $5 to ftt 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesa peake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber. 50c® *1 higher than lumber rates. To the West, Indies and windward, nominal ; to South America, sl3® 14; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sll® 12; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27®2Ss; lumber, £3 15s. Steam—To New York, $7; to Philadelphia, $7; to Boston. $9. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., tor orders, 2s 10Wd. and, oris: Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s 10JqM. Coastwise—Steam —To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 on spirits; to New York, rosin, 50c, spirits, 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin. 3>c, spirits, 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 3Jc, spirits. 70c. Cotton—By Steam—The market is steady; offering tonnage in good supply. Liverpool via New York lb 5-16d Liverpool via Baltimore ft lb jid Antwerp via New York 19 lb Jyl Havre via New York ft lb 9qe Bremen via New York $ lb 11-10.' Reval via New York '4B 1b 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore $ lb a® Amsterdam via New York $ lb 6.5 c Genoa via New York jl lb Boston 19 bale 1 85 Sea Island 19 bale 1 75 New York 19 bale 1 35 Sea Island 19 bale 1 33 Philadelphia V bale 1 35 Sea Island bale 135 Baltimore 14 bale 1 25 Providence 1? bale 1 50 By- Sail— Liverpool 17-64(1 Havre MM Genoa 5-1 Ud Amsterdam 9-32d Rice—By Steam- New York 19 barrel CO Philadelphia Iff barrel 00 Baltimore 1! barrel 00 Boston 19 barrel 00 Vegetables—By Steam—(By special contract) —To New York, Philadelphia. B - 'on and Balti more, standard crates, 20c: barrels, 40e. With out the contract, crates, 35c; barrels, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls ff pair $ 05 ® 80 Chickens, J 4 to % grown 40 ® 60 Ducks per pair .. 50 ® 75 Geesepair 75 ®1 00 Turkeys ft pair 1 25 @2 00 Eggs, country. f> dozen 12)4.® 13 Peanuts—Fancy n. p. Va„ 19 lb . ® 0!e Peanuts—Hand picked ff lb ® 5)4 Peanuts— Ga. ff bushel, nominal. 75 ® 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds W bush. 50 ® 60 Sweet jx>tatoes. yel. yams f! bush 65 ® 75 Sweet pot's, white yams $ bush. 40 ® 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. Eggs—Market firmer, with a fair demand, ami scarce. Peanuts— Ample stock; demand fair; market firm and advancing. Sugar—Georgia aud Florida nomi nal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—. Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. Fruit and Vegetable Market. The following specials to the Mornimo News are published for the benefit of our Florida ami Georgia readers and those interested in fruiis and vegetables, and can be relied upon as accu rate and reliable; Cmcixkati, April 30.-Strawberries, 23c per quart; cabbage, $3 50 per barrel. John O. Moobe & Cos. Nkw York, April 30.—Strawberries. Florida choice, 23(6,35c per quart; Inferior, 5(6, 20c per quart; strawberries. Charleston, 30,'d,80c jper quart; Irish potatoes. Florkta prime. 85 00c? .>5O pen- barrel; small, 13 <>oic®4 00 per barrel; beans, Florida wax, $4 .V)per crate; round. $1 on per crate; fiat. Si 0061,3 IK) per crate; beets, Florida, J 2 00(?i'2 75 per crate; cucumbers, Florida. SI '“1 Sji.4 00 per crate; cabbage, Florida, 82 60(0,8 50 Cer barrel: cabbage. Georgia, 84 Ohm 426 per urrrl: cabbage. Charleston, $2 50,;>3V) per barrel; peas. Florida green, $1 50 per crate; squash. Florida white, Me tier crate; others, no change, ,1. I). II vuiagev Eastern Agent Florida Dispatch Lino. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. gINANCIAU. London, April 30. noon. -Consols 102%. Nxw York, April 31, noon.—Stock* dull but a*eady. Mm ey easy at 30 I i-*r cent. Exchange •—long 5" t 8:9 |l/ l 88 ‘I, short 11 8, 1 3S. S;at* bonds neglected. Government bonds dull but Vp,’ m.— Exchange dull but steady. Money easy at ! < I percent., closing offered at 5 per cent. Hub-Treasury balances —Gold. 8131.810,two; currency. 815,233,000. Government bonds dull and rather heavy; four per cents. 129%; throe percents. 100. State bonds dull hut steady. The stock market to-ilay was the dullest for the week ami trading absorbed less than any day for some time. The temper of speculation was bullish. The early duinand soon aiedaway, H aving the market pxtivaicly dull and some what irivmilar, though the tend mey \ up ward in the morning and downward during the remainder of the (lay, and Hnctuntions, except ill Iwo or three stocks, were entirely Insignifi cant. Heading was the only riullypoto" -l ick. Its recorded sales were one-! bird of Uie enllre bustne„". The remainder of the nmrket Is dull uml euliirtly devoid of feature. The oixuling j was generally firm.while Mi ■ ■ >uri Pacific showed a.I advance of -ht ocr cent. The first fow min- 1 THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1887-TWELVE PAGES. utes of business was marked bv great activity, but it soon quieted, and by the end of the first half hour had liecome dull, and so remained the rest of the day. Fort Worth and Denver was specially weak, dropping nearly 2 per cent., while the rest of the list showed but slight fluctuations. Fort Worth afterward recovered most of the loss, aud after the issue of the bank statement, which was favorable, ail interest ceased. Quotations closed steady. Sales aggre gated 204,0*40 shares. The following are the dos ing quotations: Ala. class A,2 to 5.108 New Orleans Pa- Ala, class IJ, ss. ..1121$ cifie. Ist mort.. 78 Georgia 7s, mort.. 108 N. Y Central 1131$ N. Carolina 0s . 1231$ Norf. AW. pref... 51% N. Carolina 4s ... 93 Nor. Pacific . 297$ So. Caro. (Brown) “ pref... 61% consols Gots Pacific Mail 50% Tennessee 6s 77 Reading. 43-% Virginia 6s 48 Richmond & Ale.. 6J$ Va. consolidated. 52 Richmond & I)anvlso Ch peake & Ohio. S Richm’d ,1: \V. i't. Ohic. 2t Northw’n. 12114 Terminal 3914 “ preferred.. .1491$ Rock Island. 128\* Deia., Lack W.. 137% St. Paul 91 % Erie 34% “ preferred.. ISOVi* East Tennessee, Texas Pacific 80% new stock 18% Twin. Coal * Iron. 44U Take Shore 93% Union Pacific ... 617 L’ville Nash. .. 117,7$ N. J. Central. ... 81 Memphis & Char. .39 Missouri Pacific... 108% Mobile * Ihio .. 15*$ Western Union.. 70% Nash. 4 Chatt'a 82% CottonoilTrust ci*r 68iJ The weekly statement of the associated bank's, issued by the clearing house toduj-, shows the following changes: Reserve increased $ 479,123 Loans decreased 2,109.34) Specie decreased 42. ,306 Legal tenders increased. 647,8tK) Deposits increased 504.700 Ci> dilation decreased 23,200 Banks now hold $7,139,925 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. COTTON. Liverpool, April 30, noon.—Cotton—Business good at hardening ratre.. Quotations of Ameri can cotton all advanced l-10d; middling uplands 5 11-l(id. middling Orleans 5%d: sales Ul.iXio bales, for speculation ami export 1.000 bales; Yesterday's sales increased 2.000 bales Ameri can by late business. Receipts to-day 3,000 bales —American 2,100. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, April delivery 5 44-64(0 .3 43 (!4d, May and June 5 43-641, June and July .3 45-65:1. July and August 5 -10-64d, August and September 5 48-04® 549 Old, Septem lier and October 43 5 42-64d, October and November 5 33-6-kl, Septembers 49-04®5 50 640, Jlarket steudy. The tenders of deliveries at to-day's clearings amounted to 1,100 bales new docket'. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day were 8,300 bales of American. m Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. May delivery 5 42-(ikl, buyera; May ami Juno .3 4,2 04d, buj*er; June and July 5 44-64 U, buyers; July and August 5 46-64d, buyers; August and Sep tember 5 48-34d, buyers; September and October 5 12-6 id, sellers; October and November .3 33-640, sollrrs; November aud December 3 31-64d. sell ers; September 5 49-6 Id, buyers. Market closed dull. New York, April 30, noon.—Cotton opened firm; middling uplands lOKe, middling Orleans 10 15-16 c: sales 1, t!5 bales. Futures —Markei steady, with sales as follows: May delivery 10 59c, June 10 67e. July 10 67c, August 10 72c. September 10 16c. 5:00p. m.—Market dosed firm: middling up lands 10%e, middling Orleans 10 15-10 c; sales to day 580 bales, last evening 855; net receipts 205 bates, gross 235 bales. Futures—Market closed firm, with sales of 101,461 bales, as follows: May delivery 40 70 (ft 10 71c, Jane 10 77®10 78c. July 10 82®10 83c, August 10 89®d0 90e, September 10 54® 10 55c, Octolier 10 10® 10 13c, November 9 9so l 9.*e, December 9 97® 9 98c, January 10 *>2 0 10 03c. Grren Si Co.'s report on cotton futures says: “It has been an exciting day, with liiieral trad ing on exjiected firm developments. During the early portion of the session matters were lit e slow but suddenly ordeis came in with g. freedom to the extent of 50,000 hales, and on this demand prices showed a rapid upward movement and made a gain of 13 point: , (-spe cially on old crop moat iis. The fresh call was mysterious to most of t he trade, but indications favored the belief that it came from New Or leans to a large extent. A reaction from highest figures took place, but the close found a firm tone and values still about 10 points above last evening.” Galveston, April 3*'.—Cotton firm; middling 10<$c; net receipts 224 bales, gross 224; sales 126; stock 12,533 Wes. Norfolk, April 30.—-Cotton firm; middling 10*$e; net receipts 27 bales, gross 27; sales 3! bales; stock 9,718 bales; exports, coastwise 181 bales. Baltimore, April 30.—Cotton firm; middling l(%c; net receipts 250 bales, gross 690; sales none; stock 5,615 bales; exports, coastwise 479 bales. Boston, April 30.—Cotton steady: middling 10%c; net receipts none, gross .525 bales: sales none; stock none; exports, to Great Britain 102 bales. Wilmington, April 80.—Cotton firm: mid dling 10j$c; net receipts 23 bales, gross 23; sales none; stock 2,192 bales; exports, coastwise !10 bales. Philadelphia, April 30.—Cotton firm; mid dling 10<c; net receipts 1,143 bales, gross 1,113; stock 23.015 bales. New Orleans, April SO.—Cotton firm: mid dling 10 qjc; net receipt s 7.38 bales, gross 750; salas 1,000 bales; stock 138.313 bales; exports, to Great Britain 1,908 bales. Mobile, April 30.—Cotton firm; middling lOlqc; net receipts 44 bales, gross 46; sales none: stock 2,914 bales; exports, coastwise 95 bales. Memphis, April 50. Cotton steady; middling 10%e; receipts 822 hales; shipments 1,281 bales; sales 1.000 bales; stock 23,313 bales. Augusta. April 3*l.—Cotton firm; middling 10%*:: receipts 16 bales; sales 334 bales. Charleston, April 30.—Cotton quiet but firm; middling lOjfjc; net receipts 15 bales, gross 15; sales 10 bales: stock 1,553 bales. Atlanta, April 30.—Cotton—middling 10c; re ceipts 1 bale. New York, April 30.—Consolidated net re ceipts for all cotton ports to-day 3,085 bales: ex ports, to Great Britain 2,010 bales, to the conti nent none; stock at ail American ports -118,717 bales. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,518,098 bales, of which 1,837,1818 bales are American, against 2,472,275 and 1,970,854 bales, respectively, last year. Receipts at all interior towns f'jr the week 8,737 bales; receipts from plantations 5,016 bales. CYop in sight, 6,191,470 bales. provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, April 30, uoon.—Wheat firm; de mand fair; holders offer sparingly; red western spring. 7s®7s 2d; winter, 7s2d@,7s4d. Corn steady, with fair demand. Lard, prime western Ml New York. April 30, noon.—Flour quiet but steady. Wheat better. Corn quiet but firm. Pork "firm; moss 810 50® 17 00. Liml dull at $7 30. Old moss pork firm at sls 00® 15 25. Freights steady. 5:0) p. m.—Flour closed quiet but firm; com mon to fair extra $3 40® A ill, gov 1 to choice ditto $4 10(5,5 23. Wheat }s*;, %* higher; No. 2 red. April delivery 55V\ >lay 93®',i3%e, June 98!4®93%c. Corn a shade better but compara tively quiet; No. 2 white, 49% 1 : No. 2, May de livery 471$ :i4Bc: June GTttFoiH'iie: July 491.5®, 4Oats, cash firm; No. 2. 38-3, 1® 34c; No. 2. May delivery 33%®340; Juue 34%® 84%c. Hops dull; (State 6® 2V. Coffee,fair Rio quiet at 16V$c; options lower but moderat'd.,' active; No. 7 Rio, May delivery 14 71>®14 7.3 c. June 14 fiOc. JiUy 15 0.3® 15 1,3 c. Sugar dull and unchanged; re fined dull and easier; C 4->® 4>sc, off A B®slsc, mould A s>jc. confectioners’ A 5 -16(<t ssse. cut loaf and crushed 6js®6 3-16 c, poivdereil 5t5(%5 15-16 c, granainted 5 11-16® 5%c. Molasses quiet and unchanged Cotton seed oil—3l @JS2c for crude. 37J$®39c for refined. Tallow steady at 8 J3-16iW,3j$e. Hides nuiet. Wool nulet and unchanged. Pork steady. Beef dull. Beef hams steady at s2l 50. Tierce beef dull; city extra India mess sl3. Cut meats quiet. Mid dies dull and unchanged. Lard 5®7 points lower and only moderately active: Western steam, V 30. May delivery closing at $7 29. June $7 31. city steam $7 .53 to the continent. Freights closed dull •Chicago, April ,10. —Trading In wheat waa not on a large scale. oiH-ratorA evidently feeling in clined to await developments Monday. The market opened firm and prices udwiuced tke over the closing figures of }*csp , rilay. Inn during llie last hour the tone leeauie heavy anil tin to 1 wince wiA lost, the market closing %e lower for May than yesterday. Clearings from the sea board aggregated 163,Ci0 busliels. (t was esti mated triat the visible supply would dlacioae a decrease of 15*),0**l busbel.s. (torn was again quiet and easy. Receipts were slightly larger, an I under fair siieoiilatlve offerings, prices re ceded and elosisl :•; under yesterday. Oats were fairly active and weaker, closing Me lowe,-. Moss pork was mar >‘*l up an additional 6flc./ $1 a barrel, and dosed steady, laird declined iii,/ 12%e. and closed <piiet. Short ribs declined 2'Fic. and dosed at medium figures. Tlie following were the cash iiuotatfons: Flour quiet ami nneuanged. Wheat. No. 2.spriug 804s®tk4Vsc; No. 2 red siDrc. Com, No. 2, 87® 31 (sc. "'its. No. 9. 26%0. Mess jsirk $.28. Lird l-'bort rib siiles, looae, $, (V)®7 70. Dry salted shoulilors, boxed. $5 90,(6 09; sliort dear siiles, boxe<l. $8 ffl &H 05. Whisky $1 18. Lading futures rang • 1 as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— April delivery.. 80)$ 811$ Host May delivery... 81 81% 80^ Juue delivery.... 83 83% 88% Cork April delivery., 37% 37% 86% May delivery ... 87 87 87% June delivery.... 39)s Oats - April delivery... 20% 26% 26% May delivery.... 27 27 28),, July delivery... 28% 28>$ tH)$ USM I’OIIK May delivery,..993 Ml $23 00 $22 90 June delivery-. 22 00 2' 00 22 73 ILard — May delivery $7 OJts S; 02V$ $6 92t$ ! .Tune delivery... 7 12Vx 7 12* 2 7 0(5 July delivery. .. 725 725 715 Short Ribs- - Mav delivery.. .$7 75 $7 75 $7 82U June delivery... 790 790 7 77)$ July delivery ... 8 02)$ 8 02)$ 7 87)5 Baltimore, April 30. —Flour quiet but steady; Howard street and Western superfine $2 50® 3 10. extra $3 is®3 75, family SSSS®4 50, city mills supcrlim* $2.30®3 00. extra $3 23®3 75, Rio brands $4 50i n4 62. Wheat—Southern steady but quiet; red 04(f(96c. amber 96®9Hc; Western higher but quiet: No. J Western winter red, on spvt 92%e bid. Corn —Bout horn firm but quiet: white 49®51c, \ellovv 48®49e; Western about steady, closing dull. St. Louis. April 30.—Flour firm and un changed. Wheat unclinnged; No. 2 red, cash nominal. Mav delivery Hi V/itHe' $0. Jun<‘B2' s® S3' s c. Corn lower; cauh 3.3% 'vie. May delivery 31-'ij®3so, June :1.5->s(,{.Siic. Oats easy; cash •£% (ti 28Ljc, Jlay delivery 27t$c. June 28ce. Whisky steady at $t 13. Provisions very dull. Cincinnati, April 80. —Flour quiet. Wl:at heavy; No. 2 red, 83c. Porn scarce and higher: No. 2 mixed t3)sc. Oats firmer; No. 2 mkied. 3" <* 31c. Pork dull at sl6 25. Lard dull $0 90 Bulk meats easy; short ribs $7 62)5. Bacon scarce an.i quiet; short rite $8 62%., sliort dear $9 87%,. Wnlsky firm at $1 13. Hogs firm; common and light $4 25j7.5 30. packing anu butchers $5 <X)(3>5 60. Louisville. April 30.—Grain and provisions quiet and unchanged. New Orleans, April 30.—Coffee, deniaud light but holdej-s firm: Kio cargoes,common to prime. 15® 18c. Cotton seed products quiet but steady; prime crude oil 27c,altered : cake iiikl meal S2O 'to (~20 2.) por ton f. <>. li. Sugar steady and linn: Louisiana open kettle, good fair to prime 4)s'i. ,V, go,kl common to fair 4Js<g)4%o, common to good common 1 1 idiT Vae; Louisiana centrifugals, off wbite V ,r, :i-1 dc. choice yellow clarified 5 7-l6c. Mr,kisses steady aud firm; Louisiana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 28,, 7.33c. fair to good prime 22® 25c, common to good Common 18®2ic. NAVAL STORES. Liveri*ool, April 30. noon.—Spirits turpentine 29s 6d New York, April 30. noon.—Spirits turpentine dull at 37)$®8Hc. Rosin dull at $1 25® T 27L,. 5:09 p. in.—Spirits turpentine quiet at 37)3® 38,:. Rosin dull at $i '22% 't,27)s. Charleston, April •).— Spirits turpentiue steady at 38c. Rosin firm, go,„! strain,' 1 95c. Wilmington, April 80. .Spirits turpenline dull at 39c. Rosin flam; strained 90q, good strained 85c. Tar firm at $1 2.5. Crude ttnpeii tin,Winn; hard $1 30, yellow dip aud virgin RICE. New York, April 30. —Rice firm, with fair inquiry. New Orleans, April 30.—Rice dull and un changed. SHIPPING IN i KLLivtKNf K. MINIATUHB ALMANAC THIS HAY. " Sun Rises 5:18 Sun Sets 6:38 High Water at Savannah 2:06 a m 2:42 pm Sunday, May 1, 1888. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Johns Hopkins, Foster, Baltimore— Ja-s B West &• Cos. Schr Welcome R Beebe, Lozier, New York, with mdse to order; vessel to Master, Steamer Et liel. ('arroll, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gi'oson, Manager. Steamer Pope Oitlin, Swift, Iloboy, Darien and Brunswick—J G Medlock, Agent. ARRIVED AT QUARANTINE YESTERDAY. Baik Lindesnaes (Nor), Leonardsen, Buenos Ayres, in ballast A R Salas &. Cos. Hark Esra (Nun, Jorgensen, Buenos Ayres, in ballast - A If Salas & Cos. Bark Republic (Ger), Blanoke. Dakar, in bal last—Master. ARRIVED UP FROM QUARANTINE YES TERDAY. Bark Chalgrove (Bn. Francis, to load for Eu rope—Paterson, Downing & Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. Fisher, New York—C G Anderson, Agent. Steamship Juniata, Askins. Philadelphia—C G Anderson, Agent. Bark Sestrl (Nor), Rostmp, Riga—A R Salas & Cos. Schr Annie Bliss, O'Donnell, Baltimore—Dale, D & Cos. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Juniata, Philadelphia. Bark Juno ((4eri, Goole. Bark Johanness Rod (Nor), Queenstown for orders. Schr Annie S Conant, Boston. LU MEMORANDA. Femandina, April 80—Arrived, schr June Bright, Barter, Boston. C-fen miscellany). Cleared, sehrs Mary F ('orsun, Robinson, New York; Ridgewood, \\ caver, Philadelphia. New York, April 28— Arrived, sc firs Mary J Cook, Hoffses, Fernandina; Rillio S Derby, Nay lor, Satillariver, Ga; J H Parker,Wicks, George town, SC. Cleared, schr Caroline Hall, Lollis, Mayport, Fla. Belfast. April 29—Arrived, bark Sjomandeu (Nor), Lunde, Savannah. Deifzyl, April 27- Arrived, bark John Black (Br), Stevens, Pensm-ola. Girgeuti, April 21- Cleared, bark Soilecito (Ital), Port Royal. London, April 28—Arrived, bark Cohnhelin (Ger), Zeplein, Savannah. Lizard, April 28—Passed, Ijark Camilla (Nor), Zacbariasen, Apalachicola for Cherbourg. Port Ye mires, April 19—Sailed, bark Volpe (Ital), Pensacola. Workington, April 24—Sailed, steamship Her cules (Br). Fernandina. Valparaiso, March 26—Sailed, bark Persia (Br), Owen. Pensacola. Darien, Ga, April 28—Ot-ared. sehrs Helen L Martin, Fountain, New York; Robert H Parker. Steelman, Philadelphia. Fortress Monroe, April 29—Passed out, brig Jehu Wesley, from Baltimore for Key West. Georgetown, S ('. April 28—Arrived, schr E V Glover, Ingersoll, New York. New Haven, April 27—Arrived, sebr F.ffieJ Siimnons, Bulger. Fernandina. Philadelphia, April 28—Arrived, bark Vidette, Tunnell, Savanna!); brig John Shay, Conk, New York, for Fernandina (flamaged). Perth Amboy, April 27—Sailed, schr Quaker City, McNeilly, Brunswick. Wiscassttt, Me. April 27—Sailed, schr Dione Raynes, St Augustine. Jacksonville, April 26-Below, sctu - lfforida, Warren, from New York. Sailed from Fort George 2Ctb, schr Mollie Rhodes, for New York' Key West, April 28—Arrived, stmrs Colorado, Daniels, New 5 ork (and proceeded for Galves ton): Olivette. McKay, Havana; Shodiva.ii (Bn, f ren Progreso (where she was refused eutrance); schr C F Pensacola. Pensacola, April 28 —Arrived, barks Ugglau (Swi. Oadd, Liverpool: Skein (Nor). Jorgensen, Palo; Trento (Ital). Fazio, Cape Town; Kate, Crowley. Sabine Boss. Cleared, ship Enterjirise (Br), Uwia. Liver pool ; Dominion <Br\ Jones, Grangemouth; bark Lauretta (Br). Davies. Brest. Port Royal, SC, April 28 Arrived, schr Martha S Beinent, Townsend, Perth Amboy. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Brig Jolt,l Shay, which was spoken off Fen wicks island with damage, bound from New York for Fernandina, arrived at Philadelphia April as. Schr Rillie S Derby, Naylor, from Katilla River. Ob. at New 5 ork April 28, reports the following: April 96, off the Delaware, hod a heavy gale from NE, lasting 12 hours: lost and split sails; 27th, passed a large quantity of wreck stuff, consisting of lumiier, boxes and pieces of fur uiture. Fernandina, April 30—Oapt Barter, of the schr June Bright reports tossing an iron steam ship (Bn. supismod 10 1,,- loaded with cotton, on fire, iu lat 31 35, lon 79 43. He sailed arouud the vessel to render assistance but could sic no one. All her boat-; were gone. [Probably the steam ship Bon Hope (Br), previously reported*. RECEIPTS. Per litenmrr Ethel, from Cohen's Bluff and wnv landings 227 bbl* naval stores, 1 ,aist ing. 2 is.rds wood. 11 cases eggs, 2 sacks fx-tis, 1 Iwlc 111 'ms, 2 Mils la,tiles. 1 coop fowl Per Charleston and savaniwli Railway. April 80—8 bblti rosi:i. 2 blits s)ilrlta turpentine, 1 car fruit, 13 bill * rice, 90 caddies tobacco, 8 bag ; |K‘.is, I boxes tobacco, 3 boxes Isi con. 1 box lot - tens, 2 cases clothing, 1 bale lines, 1 case hats, aud mdse. Per bavannan, Florida and Western Railwa , Anril 89—7 lial'-H cotton. 43 cars lumber. 2 <uir wood, 127 bills : pirltK turpentine, 721 libln rosin 2 oars bacon, 1 car *• crat,*, 5 bbls whisky, 1,325 boxes vegetables, 5 boxes meat, 13 bales wool, I lories lodes. 61 empty b>,ts, 2 bbls syrup, 8 pkgs b*K*f, 83 Im,X"s oranges. 2 bbls oranges. 5 bbls till low, 1,796 bbls vegetables, 150 bbis grits. 2,' bales bay, and mdse. Per Central Railroad, April 30—187 balea cot ton. 7! bales yarn. 49 bales domestics, :i, pkgs imjs-v, sr, ],kg tooacco, 2 bales wool. 5 i,ali s bides, s rolls lent her, 160 bbls spirit s turpentine. 186 Ww bai-on, 260bbls rosin, llibland II uf libis whinky, 2,3 bids Imer, 30 hf liliis beer. 180 ,jr bbis Isier. 4oU bales hay, 138 pkgs h h goods, 1.9. V) bushels corn, 1.30 lilfis flour, 685 llis flour, 81 ears lumber, 61 tons pig iron, 6 pks twine, 22 pkgs vegetables, 1 likg wax, 24 pkgs lochy, 61 balea nais-r stock, 08 pkgs nids,', 121) pkirs empties, 13 iwfos plaids. 54 bbls cotton seed oil, I I pkgs hardware, 7 cases rggrs. KXPORTU. Per area in:, bln Juniuta. for PUiladclohla— ' 31 bales upland cotton. 273 bales domestics and yarns, 881 empties, 138 bbls rice, 86 bbls rosin. 225 bids spirits turpentine, 15.722 feet lumber, 28 bbls iron, 61 linles paper stock. 32 bags bones, 429 crates oranges, 1,950 bbls vegetables, 1,429 crates vegetables, 84 tons pig iron, 120 pkgs mdse. Per bark Sestri (Nor), for Riga—3,l6o bbls rosin, v. eighing 1,155,815 pounds—>S P Shotter & Cos. PASSENGERS. Per steamer Pope Gatlin, from Brunswick and wav landings- Mary Jane General. Kate Berry, Mrs E M Bailey. Miss B T Fuller. N B Gorton, 8 Koet, Elsie Junes. lens Powell, IClien Hilliard, B Keet, Goo Graves, E Blown, Capt Jno Brown, 1‘ O'Keefe, C Alexander. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. April April 30 D O'Connor, M Y Henderson, Hexter A K, J P Williams A Cos, ,T S Collins & Cos, P H Igirhens, E T Roiierts, 31ohr Bros. Per steamer Ethel, from Cohen's Bluff and way loadings—J P Williams A Cos, F.lhs, Y A Cos, Peeo>J;, H A Go. Baldwin A 00, WC Jackson, IV 1 Miller, D B Ijcslei, J G Sullivan A Cos, R II Tatem. E Moyle, A J Douglass, W B Metzger. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. April 30 Transfer Office. .Ino Lyons A Cos, W K Martin, McDonough A to. Onier Dodd A Son, P 41 Ward A Cos. A J Miller A Cos. TBos Daniels. .1 P Bryan. Order J 0 Mitchell, Screven House, P olctilnshnn, Ja-s Tharme. Roy Myers A Cos, "Mcinhard Bros A Cos, S Guckenheiraer & Son. W S King. .! MoLaugldili A Son, Ohesnutt A O’N, B Balsop, Dale. D A Cos, A IT Champion, Mrs G W Stewart, A Ehrlich A Bi o, W l> Snnkins A Go, P T Haskell, Lippman Bros, M Y Henderson. Geo Williams, M Ferst A Go, J K Clarke A Go. it H Tatem, E E Cheatham,Frierson A Go, .1 T Lainli, Bacon, J A Cos. F M Hull, Vale Royal Mfg Cos, A A Aveithe. M Bolev A Son, Pearson A S, 31 Rob inson, Ejwtcin A W, Decker A I l ', (J 1. Jones, T M Keller, Peacock, H A Cos. W W Gonion A Go, W G Jackson, .1 l’ Williams A Cos, W 3V Chisholm, Baldwin A Cos, Ellis, Y A Cos, Peruse A L. Per Central Railroad. April .30— Fordg Agt, Jno Fliuuiery A Cos, Herron A (1, Baldwin A Cos. W W Gordon A Cos, F M Farley, T 1' Bond A ('<>. W D Simkjns A Cos, Jno 1-Courke, A B Hull, T B Innis H Solomon A Son, .1 T Eutelman. R F Bar tmur. Freeman A O.A H Champion. A Elehberg, A J Miller A t ’o, C E Stlllts. Frank A Cos. M Gold stein. Lilienthal A Soil, Bendlietm Bros A Cos, M Iziski, Smith Bros A Cos, Lee Roy Mvers A Cos, J S F Barbour, J l'.),si, in A Bro, laniden A B, Get, "lever, D Ilogan, 31 Robinson, Stillwell, PA M. (' Kolshorn A Bro, M For t A Cos, Ellis. Y A 00, c v Hecknr A Cos, Peacock, li A Cos, Warnock A ■ ,'.v. Dli Arelen, .1 P Williams A Cos, IVarson A S, W Gxlnckson, E Moyle, W 1 Miller, S Sternbcig, T H Hnr,® Ki^g'-nuiu. GOOD-BY, BOVS. OOOD-BY! V-K The Meaning 1 of a MesaaV' that Went Over the Wire One frig.-ht. From the New York Sun. Cheyenne, Wt., April 17.—“Did'you ever hear of anybody committing suicide by wire Tasked a telegraph operator here last night of a party of men, young and old, who hail experience at the keys. One inan knew of a follow who hanged himself with a clothes-line wire, and several others had hoard of canes where men had strangled themselves on telegraph poles and cross trees, but these wore not what the first speaker meant. “You don’t catch the ixilnt,” he con tinued. “When the overland wire was newer than it is now, a go<l many funny things used to happen, and some of them were not so funny either. The country was full of romances and tradgios and we used to have them all to ourselves. One night in the winter of l.'SiU-TO I was on duty here alone. It was a howling night, intensely dark and stormy. Not much was going on, and as I had been reading a hair lifting story, and was a little nervous anyway ou account of the numer ous crimes that had beer, committed in tho neighbor hood, I liegaii’Ho fidget. The sounder was still, and so, just to make a little noise, I went out and poked up the tire. Pretty soon a press dispatch started, and w hile that, was going through I felt more at ease. The rattle of the instrument, and the oeeasonal conversation between the two men who were sending and receiving mode some company tor me. When this stopped, the howling of the wind seemed louder than ever. I lighted mv pine and tiegan to walk arouud. Then I picked up my book and tried to read, but a little later I resumed my walk. Finally, at alout 2 o’clock iu the morning, 1 settled back in my chaiifl with a feeling of droVrefness, and hail lostrtyrelf for a minute or two, perhaps, wbMi tIW sounder clicked off, sharp and ‘MriCHxl-by. boys! Good-bye!’ “I Will'd forward, and as I did so some- the line broke in with a ribald remark. Thou others took it up, and pretty soon tinere was a general questioning and erotw-questioning going on for the purpose of, |tlnamg out who had sent the message. I telegraphed to ten or twelve of tho boys that I had not done so, and others had made their denials, so that after a little things be came quiet again. 1 sat thinking for a few minutes and was loading my tnpe for an other smoke, feeling somewhat lietter than I had done nt first, when there came uot quite as rapidly as before, but still with perfect distinctness, the words: “ ‘Good-by, laiys, J. -oy.’ “Laramie broke in with: “ 'Well, good-by. What’s the matter with you f and several others whom I couldn’t locate got on the wires with, ‘ground that wire,’ ‘cheese it,’ ‘let me sleep, ’‘who’s calling T ‘wliat do you say'f ‘let up, will you T and other remarks. One or two of the boys tried to locate tlie opera tor by calling up the stations along tlie road, but the storm was having its effect on the wires, and as some ot the offices were closed nt night there wore a good many that could not be raised. Al ter that I heard nothing more, and I made up my mind that some smart Aleck was having a little fun with us. “In the morning the man who -was to re lieve me was a little late, and while I was waiting for him to coine in I heard the fol lowing press message going through ; “ ’Felton’s Siding, Wyo., 5. When the day this station came on duty this morning he found Nicholas Barron, the night operator, dead at his in strument, with a revolver at his side. He ha<l com mi tod suicide some time during the night. He is thought to have had relatives in the East.’ “ ‘That was the duck who was telegraph ing last night,’ somebody said over the wires as soon as the disimtch went through, ar.d so he was. He hnu shot himself twice, and it is evident that he telegraphed his farewells before each shot, closing his kej 1 at once and making no resjionse to the clatter widen his mysterious manages created. He was a pretty good fellow, but 1 heard that; he got lonesome out there. It’s a jiooc wuy to commit suicide, though.” WATCHES AMD JEWELRY. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such ss DIAMONDS, FINE STERLING SIL VER 3V ARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to be found at A. L. Desbouillons, 21 BULL STREET, the sole agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also muken a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warrantA.l as represented. Opera (Classes at Oostfc. M RDICAXm COUGH REMEDIES VYERH’ CHERRY PECTORAL Jayne's Ex pectorant, Hale's Honey mid Tar, Boschee s German Syrup, Bull's Cough Syrup, Pino's Cure, BUTLER’S PHARMACY, BULL AND OONGKKt.St STR/ETB. DRY OOOOS. ECK BTE rN’S POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE. Magnificent Stock of Fine Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. We shall continue to offer at rlosing out prices our ontire stock of Fine Robes and Spring and Summer Suiting. As the assortment is daily growing lesrwo advise an early insnection in order to secure a choice of the many bargains. Several special cheap lots of Suitings for Traveling Dresses will l>e offered this week. One lot of .',4-inch LADIES’ CLOTH, in Tans. Grays and Novelties, at 75c.; worth sl. One lot of GRAY SURAH SILKS at $1 10; reduced from $1 50. Embroideries. 5,000 yards Swiss Cambric and Nain sook Edgings, white and colored, at 5c yard. .*5,000 yards very choice Cambric Nain sook and Swiss Embroideries at 10c. yard. 5,000 yards extra choice work in Cam bric, Nainsook Swiss and Batistes, white and colored Edgings and Flouncings at 95c. yard. Hosiery. Ladies' tine Ralbriggan Hose, silk docked, at 15c. pair. Ladies’ solid Colors and Black, full regular made Hose, at 23e. Ladies’ Brilliant Lisle Thread Hose in black, slate and tan colors, at 50c. pair. One lot < f I Julies’ Silk Hose, solid and fancy, Will be sold out at Si 81. We will | ml on sale ono more case of Checked :t-1 <! F'ia i< 1 IVain woolc at 0 X-4-o. P< We wdl offer all the best brands of PRINTS and SHIRTING CAMBRICS for one week only at sc. per yard. Now is tho Time for Bargains at ECK BTE J N ’S. DANIEL HOGAN. SPRING AND SOMMER NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! I">AP ASOLB.—Coaching and Sun Umbrellas in the newest and largest variet y. DRESS FABRICS in Silk, Wool and Cotton. Th finest assortment we have ever shown. We 'Vr,l n1..0 offer the following special bargains: 75 pieces Striped and Checked Summer Silks nt 25c., 87c., .■ , 15c., 50,-., 55c. title. and O.V. These figures do not cover cost of Im pnrtation. .W# yards Colored Brocaded Satins at 40c. to 05c. A full line of Colored Gros Grain Silks at 85c. to Jii .50. Colored Surah Silks, in all the new Spring shades, at 85c. per yard. Guin ea's Celebrated Blac k Silks at nil prices from 75c. to 50 per yard LADIES’ MUSLIi" UNDERWEAR.--At 25c., Ladies Iligh-Neck Corset Covers, nice Canibrta and Embroidered; nt 2V , I Julies’ ('hemise, extra heavy Cot' n Bands and Sleeves, chain stitchoj; at 48c., I julief ' Chemise, yointed Yoke of three rows of Inserting between four clusters of tucks. Embroidered Bands and Sieves; at 50c., Ladies’ Gowns. Mother Hubbard Yoke of four clusters of wide lucks ami trimmed with Cambric ruffle; at 06c.. Ladies’ Gowns. Mother Hubbard style, solid Yoke of Hamburg Kmk.’oidery between tucks, edged Sleeves and Neck; at 98c., Ladies' Skirts, with extra deep ruffle of dfamburg Enibroidery and ten tucks abose. This Skirt would bo cheap ut, $1 25 BOYS’ CLOTHING.—Complete hues of School and Dress Suits ranging in prices from $1 75 to i’lo a suit. CANTON MATTING 1 CANTON MATTING:-100 pieces new Canton Matting, just opened, a* the following prices, viz: 20c , 26c., 80c., 85c . 40c., 45c. and 50c per yard. Colored Embroideries on White Grounds with Embroidered colors. Hamburg Edgings and I'lousciugs at 2c. to >4 per yard. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. One lot 40-inch nil wool Plaid Allwitrofw at 50c.. aerial value '’Oc. One lot Stri<|>ed Albatroßs at NX\. actual value 00c. 20 pieces Plain, Striped and Plaid Persian Carapefl in t v c leading: Sprine colors (32 and 30 incheyi wide), and in everv sense of the word a novelty. These (foods are actually worth 50c. a yard, I will offer them during this week at 30c. a yard. DANTE I. HOGAN. MILLINERY. INf O W If EA I) bl AT krouskoffS .3 MAMMOTH MILLINERY %I SPRING AND SUMMER MILL J IP J I COMPRISING- ALL THE NOVELTIIT 1 Ten Thousand Straw and Fancy Braid Hats cheapest to the very finest quality, in every every shape for 1887. ’g Five Thousand School Hats in the most desirable Fifteen Thousand pieces of Ribbon, comprising a latest importations and shades in Chartereuse, Nile GreiM Salmon Pink, Lilac and Heliotrope. One Thousand cartons of Flowers The choicest designs from Paris importations, and comprising almost every flower that blooms in the spring, and positively the finest goods ever seen in this city. Our work rooms, in charge of five artistic designers, turn out the most correct trimmed hats in the city, at prices much below others. Our shelves and counters on the three large floors are loaded with every variety of new milli nery goods. Our retailing on the first floor at wholesale prices enables ns to sell our goods far below any competition, and ladies can now purchase, their millinery at same price as com petitors have to pay. We continue the sale of Ribbons at same prices as heretofore. • Every steamer adds new novelties. 8. KROUSKOFF'S MAMMOTH MILLINERY HOUSE. WATOMS AM) Jin BUT. BIL YE RWTRE! Having Just returned from New York, where I select <vl the latest designs and styles, I can now exhibit the Largest and Handsomest Stock of Solid Silverware, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry Biver Opened Tip in thin City. In addition, our stock bn" Ix-on replenished in every department with article* suitable for Wed ding I’rewnts. House Kurnkilling ami other purposes Also, a dazzling display of Diamonds. Watches, Chains, Charms. Clocks, .fewelry, and, In foot, everything that you would expect to find in the Leading Jewelry House of the city. The High Standard of our goods is well known, and a moderate anil reasonable profit is all that w exp s-t or ask therefore, no Fancy Prices. Any arti cle In our Extensive ana Varied Stock will compare with ary simitar articles to be found in any respectable .lewelry House anywhere- not excepting the largest cities of the country. We invito s call and iusjtectiou. Iff" SeniA for our Illustrated Catalogue. 157 ZBx’ouLglhL'LoxL Street. IVI. BTERNBERG. DIAMONDS. LATHS AND SHINGLES VERY CUE A. 15.I 5 . No. 1 Cypless Xjaths, - $1 50 per 1,000 No. 2 Cypress fehlngles, $2 00 per 1,000 Vale Royal Store Rouse. BBOUUHTQSI WaWT SROAD STS. Laces. A combination lot of White, Cream, Tan and Tan and White Mixtures at 10c. yard. Wide Trimming Laces and Financings, white and colored, worth from 40c. to 50c. yard; re duced to 25c. All our 40-inch Lace Flouncing* and All Over Nets reduced to cost. Gloves. Ladies’ Lisle Thread Gloves, black, white and colored, at 25c. Ladies’ extra long Silk Gloves in newest shades at. 50c. pair. Ladies’ Lace Mitts in all colors and black at 50c. pair. The balance of our stock of Kid Gloves will be sold out at cost. 9