The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 02, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ITEMS IN THREE STATES. GEORGIA, FLORIDA AND SOUTH CAROLINA PUT IN TYPE. Arrlvalat Macon of a Notorious Shover of Counterfeit Money—One of the Delegates to the Raptist Convention at Albany Nervous About Burglars— A Negro Found Drowned at Albany. GEORGIA. Wheat is looking well in Forsyth county. It is said that there is a man in Sumter county over 52 yea n old who has never re ceived a letter of any kind. There are probably six or eight persons in Forsyth county who are entitled to iien sions under the late Mexican pension bill. Erwin Maxwell, late proprietor of the Palace Hotel at Cincinnati, is to become proprietor of the Markham House at At lanta. When the railroad is completed Baisden’s Bluff will be the great watering place of Darienites. It is attracting attention al ready. The aldermanie election neld at Americas Friday to fUI the unexpired term of Dr. W. P. Burt, resigned, resulted in the choice of J. L. Mack. It is forty-one miles through Worth county from north to south boundary, and it will reouire $*2,000 worth of stock to se cure the Atlanta and Ilawkinsville railroad. There is a gentleman in Rome making arrangements with the land company to plant shops and works for the manufacture of bridges and other machinery in that line. The Governor’s Horse Guard of Atlanta will go into encampment at. Salt Springs for one week next July, and during that time will live the life of a soldier barring the battle. The belled buzzard has made his appear ance in Carrollton. It passed over the resi dence of Wiley Stewart Tuesday. A negro girl was the first to see it and became very much excited. There was some hail at Carrollton Friday, >ut not enough to do any serious damage, lood rains have fallen in several parts of tlm onnty, which have produced quite a “come iut” in cotton, corn, oats and vegetables. Nero West, a colored preacher of Darien, was recently committed for larceny from the house. West has already served a term in the penitentiary, and he now has a son in that, institution. However, he may be inno tent of the charge. A white man was hung in MeTntosh county many years ago after he hod been reprieved by the Governor. The reprieve had to come by courier from Milledgeville, and it arrived in Darien a few minutes after the hanging was over. Tuesday morning when T. J. StudstiU, of Alapaha, went into Us livery stable he Mound the right hind leg of a fine iron gray horse, bought last Saturday, broken about seven inches above the fetlock. There was not the slightest abrasion of the skin, nor was the hair disturbed in the least. It is one of the unsolvable mysteries. Carrollton Timm: Oapt. D. W. Croft In formed us that the bridge at the river is now completed and that cars ran through Wednesday morning. The extra train will run for a few days until the block of freight at Griffin is cleared. It arrives here at noon as formerly. Capt. Croft says a good job has been done on the bridge. To-night the people of Atlanta will as semble m DeGive’s opera house to denounce the proposed coercion of Ireland by the Tory government of England. Gov. Gor |don will preside. The Georgia Senators ►will speak. Dr. Hawthorne and Dr. Morri- Iton "ill also address the meeting, as Vvell as Bion. N. J. Hammond, Judge Van Epps, jHoke Smith, Hon. A. IT. Cox and Mayor The body of George Hamilton, a negro hoy about 21 years old, of Albany, who £ad< been missing from his home since last Tues-' lay morning, was discovered by Joe Ward Saturday morning, in a lime sink ou the J. W. H aters’ place. The boy frequently had epileptic fits, and it is thought, had gone to the lime sink to fish, when a fit camq on and he fell into the water and was drowned. At Atlanta Drs. Joseph Jacobs, Walter Taylor and David Curry nave dissolved. Dr. Jacobs retains the old business, and has his father and two brothers witn him. Dr. Taylor will go into the manufacture of tweet gum and mullen and Taylor’s cologne, while J)r. Curry has returned to Caitors ville. Dr. Jacobs, on the winding-up of the Dusiness, drew out $30,000, which he has made since his removal to Atlanta. Tiie directors of the Columbus and Gulf Navigation Company held n meeting Fri day. It was decided to build two large freight boats to ply between Columbus and Apalachicola Capt. C. A. Klink and George Denham were authorized to go to Jeffersonville, Ind., and have one of them built at once. This line will prove a great thing for Columbus, as it will connect wit h steamships from Boston, and will give this city the benefit of comjietitive water rates under the interstate law. News has reached Cumming that Dr. Har deman was severely bitten by a inad dog last. Tuesday morning. He was obliged to beat the rabid animal loose with apish >1 from its hold on his hip, after shooting it three times. Dr. Hardeman lives near Oscar viUe, in Forsyth county. Immediately after he was bitten his father went to Atlanta for a madstone, but the doctor, in a frenzy of despair, had so burned and seared the wound that the stone would not stick. He is in a very precarious situation, and is half crazed by fear of the result Last Wednesday a nicely dressed lady ap peared at the residence of Mr. Sorrels, in Acworth, and informed that gentleman that she desired to purchnse land. He showed her some farms which he owned, two of which he soon bargained to her for $4,000. Friday morning she left as mysteriously as she came. It is said she ex hibited a through ticket to St. Louis and quite a roll of money, and she wore a fine gold watch and chain. Still she left on foot and was seen several miles north of Ac worth, going in the direction of Chatta nooga. Her conduct, to say the least of it, Is mysterious. Col. T. M. Swift, of Elberton, a success ful merchant and planter, was in Athens the other day with anew patent which he is developing and selling through the State. This consists of a combined handpower and treadle attachment to a sewing machine. It works upon a movable fulcrum iuid can bo attached to any sewing machiue, by means of which the ruinous method of work ing the treadle, so injurious to women, can be averted. The machine is thus easily worked by band power, and the attachment is warmly recommended by ladies who have tried it, and by physicians who have ob served its motion. Col. Swift will soon build a Elberton for the purpose of making these attachments at the rate of 1,000 a day. A cyndicate composed of Evans, Howell, Henry Grady und others, of Atlanta, to gether with James A. Benson, E Y. Hill, anil Capt. W. G. Cade, of Washington, liave purchased a tract of laud consisting of SO oi- more acre* from L. A. Moore, which lies adjoining the Hillman well. A pit has been dug on this property and w ater found which is said .to possess all the alleged qualities of the Hillman well It is said that these gen tlemen wili build a line hotel there, laying off a. title driving pork in the lx-autiful val ley just below the Hillman hill, and make other necessary and elegant, improvements. The purchsws are at present, however, not quite certain as to what they will do. There is no question, however, of the fact that the t. ade lor the land has been consummated. Naylor correspondence Valdosta Times: The Standard Oil Company proposes to in augurate a movement that promises to be of great benefit to naval stores manufacturers lu this section of country, in that they offer to buy the crude spirits of turpentine direct from the operator, using a tanlcou board thw cars to empty the laurels into, returning same to him, paying him the quoted price in the Havannuli market. This arrangement will be a great convenience to all operators who are so situated as to avail themselves of the be lefits of it, ns well as a saving of bar rels, freight, leakage, storage, commission, etc., under which the producer has long labored and groaned. As to the remunera tive results to the company we are unable to answer, but it is said that the plan has been in operation on other fines of railroad and has proven beueficiai and satisfactory to all parties. At Macon Saturday a meeting of the druggists x\ as held over Payne & King’s, and Dr. J. \V. Goodson was called to the chair, Campbell King was made secretary, and the following agreement was drawn up and signed: “We, t lie undersigned druggists of Macon, agree to observe faithfully the following rules and hours in our Sunday business: To sell no cigars and soda water nor other general merchan dise, and to keep our stores open on Sundays until 10:30 o’clock in the morning, and from 5 until 8 in the evening. Signed. John Ingalls, N. I. Bruner, Hunt A Shelverton, L. AV. Hunt A Cos., Massenburg & Son, Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, DeWitt McCrary, Rankin & Cos., Payne & King, Sol Hoge. /It was then resolved that Dr. John Ingalls should go before Judge Sim mons with this agreement, and plead a miti •gation of whatever fines arc imposed on the druggists who have been indicted. It iK thought that all the druggists in t,o\vn, with perhaps ono exception, will sign the agree ment. A delegate from North Georgia to the Baptist convention recently assembled in Albany, had evidently heard of the burglar sensation in Albany in Mareh, and enter tained some apprehension that burglars still infested the city. The reverend gentleman reported that his wife had five children by her first husband and ho had six by his first wife, and that there were eleven children by the present marriage. This state of facts made it im perative that he should care for what he had. His line fell in pleasant places here, as he was assigned to one of the most com fortable homes of the city. On re tiring for the first night of his sojourn in our. midst, hi' carefully concealed his possi bly plethoric poeketbook under the pillow on which he laid his head to dream, pier chance, of the old woman who lived in the shoe. After a refreshing night’s rest he waked to a realization of the balmy mom, and, being lost in a contemplation of Al bany’s beauties, he forgot his poeketbook. The servant, going to the room to arrange it, found the forgotten treasure, and re stored it to the rightful owner, who ex plained that he did not know but what Al bany was still infested with burglars. At Augusta Saturday S. M. Savage re ported that two Momion eiders came to his house last week without an invitation and began making themselves at home. Mr. Savage lives in the One thousand two hun dred and sixty-ninth district of Richmond county, out beyond the Sand Hills. He says that they told him they were ministers of the Church of Latter Day Saiuts and wanted to preach their doctrine in his neigh borhood. Mr. Savage at first did not ex actly understand what they meant, but finally drew out that they were Monnou preachers. Last Sunday afternoon they gave out in the neigh borhood that they would preach at an old abandoned Methodist church. Quite a number of the substantial citizens attended, and when the preachers camo to the door and announced that services were about to !>ogin, they were informed that it would probably behest for them not to at tempt it, whereupon the preachers, after some parleying, left. Mr. Savage reported that the feeling against these t ramps is quite strong in his settlement, and would not bo surprised if some of the “hoys” did not take t hem in hand if they persisted in attempt ing to poison the minds of the female por tion of the community with their repulsive doctrine. There arrived at Macon on the South western train from Preston Saturday after noon a Uuited States deputy marshal hav ing in charge a man vho gives his name ns both Barker and Bartlett, but for whom a (warrant charging him with counterfeiting was issued. Bartlett has Ison going through the country in the neighborhood of Web Itor and Stewurt counties riding a mule and dripping counterfeit dollars wherever he (joiild buy sc. worth of tobacco or pay 2fic. for a njeal. Several of the poor people of Web ster had become victims, ana Sheriff Davis was called upon to arrest him, which was done after considerable manreuvering at the house of a man named Bell, in Stewart county. Sheriff Davis arrested him while at the supper table, and immediately dis armed him of his pistols and knife. Bart lett was handcuffed and taken in the dark night to the home of Mr. W. 11. Mercer, and while on the wav succeeded in getting his hand into his saddlo-bags and taken there from a quantity of the spurious coin. While on the way to jail at Preston it became necessary for the Sheriff and his posse to stop on the way, and, while stopping, Bart lett succeeded in hiding under under some leaves three packages of tho bogus money wrapped up in rags. When the jail at Pres ton was reached the Sheriff searched his prisoner and found the money gone. He re membered that while stopping in the road Bartlett fumbled Considerably in the leaves on the ground, and concluded to go back. He did so, and found the package of money, amounting to $24. The prisoner had a like amount of good money on his person, be sides $7 taken from his saddle-bags. He was held to answer. During the trial a telegram was received from Huntsville, Ala., saying that Bartlett was one of a gong of counter feiters, and that three of them had been captured in Franklin county, of that State. FLORIDA. Daytona will soon have a lively stable. Enterprise wants anew railroad station. Kissimmee is to organize a fire company. A Bartow paper had the first watermelon DeFuuiak has a neat paper, called the Critic. Bird plumes have gone down on the market. DeFuaiak has three literary schools, all of which are well attended. By May 1 President White hoped to have the telegraph line and express office in ope ration at Daytona. Senator Kelly has introduced a bill in the legislature to prevent railroads from trans porting freight on Sundays. The Jacksonville steamers will in future touch at Fernandina, thus making the Clyde line semi-weekly from Fernandina. The steamship Montieeilo is going to Cu ban waters, instead of being put on her old route between Charleston and Palatka. George Leonard lias been appointedpoßtal clerk on the Palatka and Drayton Island route. He will begin his duties to-day. John Wells, stevedore, was badly hurt by falling lumber, while loading the schooner John H. May at Fernandina, Tuesday after noon. W. C. Nutt, Assessor of Taxes for Orange county, has appointed J. W. Mangum assis tant assessor for the Eighteenth election precinct. Henry Harris has sold his residence and land adjoining the Ocklawaba House prop erty for $.">,000 for the proposed hotel project in Kustis. Mr. Marlow brought to Waldo Friday a mammoth cabbage grown on his truck farm. It was fifty-one inches in circumference ami weighed thirteen pounds. The LeContc pear trees in the orchards of Nisi E. Frarell and Muj. C K. Dutton at Waldo are bearing heavily this season ami considerable shipments will he mode. The Mallory steamer State of Texas took 185 passengers to New York on her last trip from Fernandina. This is the largest num ber carried by any steamer for some time. Fort Ogden, with the largest population of any town in Manatee county, on the rail road, is without a saw and planing miil, and offers splendid inducements to this enter prise. Lnst Thursday as the steamer Little Anna was coining down theChoctawhatchee river from Geneva, Ala., to Caryvillo, Fla., she had a hole knocked ir. her bottom and was sunk. ti muter v Lile Timet: Farming operations THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, MAY 2, 1587. are progressing finely in this section of the Btate. with the recent rains that have fallen we may expect excellent crops this season. Three store houses are being built at the depot of the Florida Railway and Naviga tion road at Have City, ami it is thought that the entire business portion of the town will be moved there. It is stated on good authority that Florida has now 2.000 public schools. Nassau county has sixty-two. Nassau’s State and county school tax amounts to 110,120, of which the city of Fernandina pays about $4,000. The orange trees throughout the Waldo section have never before been filled with fruit in such abundant profusion. The fruit is now well set, and the crop will be at least twice as large as that of any pre ceding year. Jacob Cue. representing the Duke of Sutherland, and C. E. Knewer were at Sumterville on Monday last looking at railroad lands near that place with the view of purchasing and settling a Scotch colony upon them. They were well pleased with the quality and location of the land. Mieanopy and Evanston are shipping half the vegetables now Iteing carried over the Florida Southern. On Tuesday there was shipped front Mieanopy 1(40 packages, con sisting of beans, Irish potatoes, cabbage, squash and cucumber, and yesterday they were 374 packages forwarded. Evingston contributes about, half as many daily. The steamer Cumberland, now on the docks at Blackwater, will be put regularly in the trade lie tween Pensacola aud Tampa, beginning July 1, and that, shortly thereaf ter, another boat to ply between the same ports, touching at St. Augustine, Apalachi cola, St. Marks and Cedar Key, will be put on. The line is owned by Henry Fuller & Son, of Tainpa. The residence located on the grove of Mrs. J. E. Walpole, half a mile south of Sumterville, was consumed by fire on Thursday, April 21, at 2 o’clock in the day. The bouse was occupied by a colored wo man, who was from home at the time of the burning, and lost all her household effects. * The fire was the work of au in cendiaiy, it is supposed. Last Saturday Mr. Johanson, of the firm of Johanson & Isgren, of Arcadia, was at work at the turning lathe getting out banisters, when the guide, which hail not been properly fastened, worked around until it struck the revolving piece of wood, caus ing it to fly up, striking him in the mouth, loosening a few teeth and splitting the lower lip. The lip and part of the chin were badly lacerated. Dr. Greene dressed the wound, which is very painful. Mr. Johanson was confined to his room for a day or two. He is now out again, but is not yet able to par take of any solid food. At Orlando Friday afternoon, about 3:30 oV'loek, the storehouse belonging to the Or lando Fruit Company gave way with a crash, burying in its ruins piles of casks containing orange wine. Providentially, no one was hurt, but the crash alarmed the citizens resident in the vicinity, who hur ried to the scene of the disaster. The build ing was not insured, and the loss will be a considerable one to the company. As Mr. Cram, the manager of the company, was sitting in his office he heard the building crack, and on going to ascertain the cause he observed that the nails in the beams support ing the centre of the building hail given away. Mr. Cram at once left the office and called for assistance. He had, however, hardly got outside the building when the whole edifice came down with a terrific crash The store was a wooden one recently erected and slightly built. It was composed of timbers recently forming the South Florida Exposition building and was used as a store for the wine manufactured by the Orlando Fruit Company. It is the inten tion of the eommny to rebuild tho store more substantially as soon as possible. The dimensions of the one destroyed were 150 feet long by 30 feet broad, and it was capa ble of storing nil immense quantity of wine. Sumterville Times: Bunk tbWns ship ping some fine cabbage at present. Five car loads of crate stuff is now lying on the yard at Panasoffkee depot. Two thousand and five hundi'ed crates of strawberries wore shipped from PanasofTkee Within the past week. The old reliable steamer Pyles is intact and getting all the business &e can do. Grand preparations are being made for the concert to be given at Panasoffkee at an early day. AY. D. I ids, the big strawberry grower, shipped 1,300 crates on Wednesday in refrigerators. Col. Adam Eiehelberger is shipping cabbage by the boat load. Ho will probably have about 10,000 barrels. Freights down the river have increased hugely, and the steamei-s are loaded down with vegetable* every trip up. For tho first twenty-two days in this month, 3,500 barrels of cabbage, 700 crates of vegetables, and 400 crates of fruit, were shipped by freight from this depot. It will bo gratifying news to every one in this section to learn that John Conley will rebuild his mill on the old site as soon as he can get his machinery in order. Tho burning of this proi>erty, some seven weeks ago, has proven a great drawback to the people for miles around, as Air. Conley had largo orders for crates and building material, and in consequence of the fire could not fill them. One of the old settlers of Arcadia the other da>, in the course of conversation, related a wonderful story of how he secured a lot of turkeys. He said he wanted a mess of turkeys mighty bad and, taking his gun and dog, started out. to get some. He walked several miles without seeing any signs or hearing a gobbler. As it was getting dark he was about to return home, when he heard a noise up in the top of a pine tree. Look ing up he was astonished to see a bunch of turkeys roosting on a limb. He counted thirteen. The old man said they looked so nice and fat that he hated for itny of them to get away, and he determined to try an experiment, which, it seems, from his statement proved satisfactory. He ar gued that “if tie could only split, "that limb” all the turkeys’ feet would fall in the crack anil get fastened, so, taking good aim with his old rifle, ho fired, anil when the smoke cleared away he had the satisfaction of seeing thirteen turkeys hanging by their feet, and raising tho biggest row he ever hoard in his life. Now, to get the turkeys was the next thing. The tree was too tall to climb, and the only thing that remained for him to do was to shoot the limb off. Loading the old rifle again, lie fired tlio second shot, bringing both limb and tur keys to the ground. The old man said ho and the old woman had hardly got through eating turkey yet. BOOTH CAROLINA. The increased acreage in sorghum in Spar tanburg county is considerable. There is more corn being planted in Ander son county this year than any year since the war. St. Peter’s Catholic church, of Beaufort, will hold its annual picnic May 11, at Hun dred Pines. The live men of Bamberg are making ready to erect a fine building for their fine high school. The County Commissioners of Williams burg county have divided the county into twelve trial judicial districts. Tho City Council of Anderson has decided to furnish a m’uzzle, free of charge, to all persons who have paid a tax on their dogs. Capt. J. M. Humbert, of Colleton, has twenty-five acres of Irish potatoes planted for the Northern market, which bid fair to mate a line yield. Mrs. Inman, of Conway, attempting to climb n roil fence received what is thought to b<> fatal injuries, hy the feuee breaking and falling upon her. The Masons of Barnwell have again come into possession of their old lodge site, and arc contemplating the erection of anew building at an early date. More than hO.IHX) grajrt vinos have been planted in the vineyards and in aud around Wolhalla. Tlie number planted is increas ing largely year by year. The shipments of cotton from the depot in Yorkvllle from Sept. 1 last to April 18 aggregate <i,t)'!o hales. The stock now in the hands of local buyers amounts to 3&j tales. Bishop Duncan is making au Episcopal visit to Mississippi. He will be in that State until the first week in May. He will then attend the annual meeting of the Bish ops in Nashville. Col, J. 11. Rice, State Superintendent of Education, has accepted an invitation to at tend the commencement of Prosperity High School. Cos!. Hi ■“ will deliver an address Friday, June 10, 18S7. Thirty-five car loads of beef cattle have been shipped from Anderson this season over the Savannah Valley railroad. This was a business unknown in Anderson before the advent of the stock law. Rev. A. Coke Smith, of Wofford College, will preach the commencement sermon, and Prof. F. C. Woodward, of Wofford College, will deliver the literary address at the ap proaching commencement in June. The mail service from Cade's to Prospect and Johnsonville is in a very unsatisfactory condition. The citizens living in these lo calities are making great complaint about the slow facilities afforded them of getting their mail matter. A sensation has been creak'd at Ridge Spiring by the reported discovery of an elec tric pit (Mr. William Merritt's flower piti, which cured Mr. Merritt, who has for four teen years been a dreadful sufferer front chronic rheumatism and dyspepsia. A cutting affray occurred about four miles below Prosperity on last Saturday evening between Banks Dominick and I)an Lever. Dontinick was severely if not fatally cut, the knife penetrating to the hollow In the region of the heart or lungs. Lever is not much hurt and is able to bo out. Two stores in Campbellton, Hampton county, were destroyed by fire last Thurs day night. One was occupied by W. R. Brabham and the other, belonging to Airs. Elizabeth Barber, was unoccupied. Mr. Brabham lost his entire stock, said to have been worth $2,000. The buildings were valued at about $OOO each. A circular has been printed containing a prospectus of the First Annual Interstate Farmers’ Encampment, to be held at Spar tanburg, beginning Tuesday, Aug. 2, and continuing until Saturday, Aug. 6. The en campment is to be under the auspices of the Patrons of Husbandry of Alabama, Tennes see, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina A brutal murder was committed near Green Pond on Monday afternoon on the person of E. A. Morgan. The person who committed the murder must have been very close to the murdered man, as the fire from the gun singed his hair and burnt the collar of his coat. He was shot from behind, and a hole was made in his head that would hold an egg. Pieces of his jawbone were picked up at least thirty feet from his body. A special meeting of the Sinking Fund Commission lias been called for Thursday, May 5. At this meeting the 17,000 acres of land which was bid for by the Berkeley Land and Stock Company at the last meet ing of the Sinking Fund Commission, will be sold. There will probably be a number of bids to be considered. The peculiar loca tion of this tract of land makes it more suit able for stock raising than for any other purpose. A colored woman, living about five miles from Conway, in the Pot Bluff section of Horry county, was instantly killed last Fri day afternoon by lightning. The atmos phere seemed to lie surcharged with electric ity, and when the rain cloud came over from the west the electrical display was sublime. This woman was sitting near the hearth, and the lightning flashed down the chimney and enveloped the woman in the flame and passed through the floor into the ground beneath. The following is a list of candidates for appointment to the United States Naval Academy from the Seventh Congressional district:'Hugh W. Fraser, Georgetown; T. Davis Porcher, Berkeley; Raphael S. Moise, Sumter; Poinsett Pringle, Georgetown; Frank Parker, Georgetown; Sullivan T. Sparkman, Georgetown: Robert Fishburne, Berkeley; E. Mikell Whaley, Jr., Edisto Island; Augustine 8. Buvck, Orangeburg; William W. Clement, Berkeley; Messrs. Bowman and Geraty, Berkeley. Capt. W. T. Wilkins, from the upper part of Spartanburg county, reports that two brothers by the name of Crawford have been behoving badly in his neighborhood. They went over into Polk county, N. C., and married two rcepoi to jle girls, and after living with them a short time they sent them back to their fathers and left. They also contracted debts and failed to settle the same. It is rejwted that one of them has a living wife in Union county. The men are 40 to 50 years old, and one of them Ims but one eye. Their profession seems to be cutting tombstones out of soapstone or , other soft rock. Edgefield Advertiser: Mr. Felix Walker's sons, living with their father, six miles above Edgefield, while out fishing one night of last week, wore attacked by an animal, having the general appearance of a dog, which they succeeded in killing, after strik ing it several times with gigs, by a well directed thrust in the forehead. The ani mal, from the description given, mast have been a beaver, although we had supposed that race long since extinct in our county, for our oldest inhabitant remembers no thing of this animal, although we have several streams, Beaver dams, named for it. Mr. Walker has the skin, and the short ears, blunt nose, small forefeet, large flat hind feet and ovate or fan-shaped tail—all tally exactly with the natural history description of beavers. But evidently this is the last of the race in this part or South Carolina, and no doubt he felt like “one who treads alone some banquet hall deserted.” RAILROADS. Charleston & Savannah Railway Cos. CONNECTION made at Savmnnah'with Savan nah., Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time iDoth meridian), which is 30 minutes slower than city time. NORTHWARD. 45* .sat 43* 47* I.vSav'h..l2llspm 1:00pm 7:loam 8:23 pm Ar Augsta 1:45 pm Arßeauf’t6:lopm 11:00am Ar P.Royal 6:25 pm 11:20 am Ar Al dale..7:4opm 11:20am ArCha’ston4:4s pm 6:80 pm 12:55 p m 1:23 am SOUTHWARD. 34* 42* 40* Lv Cha'ston 8:00 am 3:30pm3:45am U Aug'ta 9:20 a m LvAl'uale.. s:4oam 11:45am I.v P.Roval. 7:45 am 12:30 pm Lv Beaut't. 8:00 a m 12:46 pm Ar Sav'h 11:20am 7:00 pm 6:41 am •Dully between Savannah and Charleston. tSundays only. Train No. 47 makes no connection with Tort Royal and Augusta Railway, and stops only nt Ridgeland. Green l’ond and Ravenel. Train 45 stops only at Yediaasee and Given Pond, and connects for Beaufort and Port Royal daily, and for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Trains 42 and sS connect from and for Beaufort and Port Royal daily, except Sunday. For tickets, sleeping ear reservations and all other information, apply to William Bren, Special Ticket Agent. ~ Ball street, and at Charleston anil Savannah Railway ticket office, at Savannah, Florida aud Western Railway depot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. Nov. 14. 1886. shipping. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique —French Line to Havre. BETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier No. 18, X. It., foot of Morton street. Trav eler's by this line avoid botli transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the Channel in a small boat. S|>ccial train leaving the Company's ihx'k at Havre direct for Paris on arrival of steamers. Baggage chocked at New York through to Paris. I.A GASCOGNE, Sa.ntki.U, SATURDAY. May 7, 5 a. u. LA NORMANDIE, D* Kehsautec, SATUR DAY. May 14. 11a.m. LA CHAMPAGNE, Thato, SATURDAY, May 21, 4:30 A. M. J LA BOURGOGNE, FnAomx, SATURDAY, May 2H. fl a m. PRICE ok PASSAGE (including wine): TO HAVRE First Cabin, $l2O, SIOO and $80; Second Cabin, $80; Steerage from New York lo Havre. $25: Steerage from New York to Paris, $81; including wine, bedding and utensils. LOLIS DE BF.BIAN, Agvnt, 3 Bowling Green, foot of Broadway, New York. Or WILBER 4 CO., AgeuU for Saranuhab. SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR New York, Boston and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New York). CABIN S'* 00 EXCURSION 35 (X) STEERAGE 12 00 r UHE magnifi--ent steamships of these lines JL are appointed to sail as follows—standard time: TO NEW YORK. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. H. £. Daggett, TUESDAY, May 3, at 2:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. J. W. Catharine, FRIDAY, May 6, 5 p. M. NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Kempton, SUNDAY, May 8, at 6:30 A. M, TALLAHASSEE, CaptjW. H. Fisher, TUES DAY, May 10, at 8 p. m. TO BOSTON. GATE CITY, Capt. D. Hedge, THURSDAY, May 5, 4 p. m. MERRIMACK, Capt. G. Crowell, THURSDAY, May 12, at 9:30 a. TO PHILADELPHIA. [for freight only.] DESSOUG, Capt. N. F. Howes, SATURDAY, May 7, at 6 p. M. JUNIATA, Capt. S. L. Askins, SATURDAY, May 14, at 11:30 a. m. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to C. G. ANDERSON, Agent. City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Com’y. Fop Baltimore. CABIN sl2 50 SECOND CABIN 10 00 *T*HE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap -1 pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, MONDAY, May 2, at 2 p. m. WM. CRANE, Capt. Billups, SATURDAY, May 7, at 6 p. m. JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, THURSDAY, May 12, at 12 at. WM. CRANE. Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, May 17, at 3 p. M. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. m. Through hills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents, 114 Bay street. Sea Island Route. THE STEAMER St. Nicholas, Capt. M. P. USINA, 'VITILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of Lincoln street for DOBOY. DARIEN, BRUNSWICK nnd FERN’ANDINA.every TUES DAY and FRIDAY at 6 p. m., city time, con necting at Savannah with New York. Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore Rfearners, at Ker nandina with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Satilla river. Freight reoeived to within half hour of boat's departure. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will he at risk of consignee. Tickets on wharf und boat. C. WILLIAMS, Agent. For Augusta and Way Landings. S T LA'At Kit K A TIK, Capt. J. 8. BEVILL, T*7TLL leave EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 “ o’clock a. M. (city time) for Augusta and way landings. All freights payable by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, Manager. SEMI WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN’S BLUFF AND WAY LANDINGS. r T , HE steamer ETHEL, Capt. W. T. Gibbon, l will leave for above M(>XD AYS nnd TIIURS DAYS at 6 o’clock p. m. Returning, arrive WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 8 o’clock p. si. For information, etc., apply to W. T. GIBSON, Manager Wharf foot of Drayton street. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE Tampa, Key West, Havana. TRIWr.FKLY. SOUTH-BOUND. I.v Tampa Tues., Ttiur*. and Sal. p. m. Ar Key West Wed., Friday and Sun. p. m. Ar Havana Thnrs., Sat. nnd Monday a. m. NORTH-BOUND. Lv Havana Thuiu., Sat. and Mon. noon. I.v Key West Thin-*., Sat. nnd Mon. p. m. Ar Tampa Friday. Bull, and Ikies, n. m. Connecting at Tampa with West India Fat Train to and from Northern and Eastern cities. For stateroom accommodations apply to City Ticket Otllee S., F A W. H’y. Jacksonville, or Agent Plant Steamship Line, Tampa. C. D. OWEN’S, Trams Manager. H. S. HAINES. General Manager TO^MENHK manhood. #to. I will nond a valirahlo trwiti*<*oalf>d) contAiuinff fall nrtical*rt for hom* cure, free of cktrgt. AadxeeeFrof.F. 0, FOWLliU,Moodu*, Conn. RAILROADS. CENTRALRAILROAD. Savannah, Oa.. April 17, 1887. ON nnd after this date passenger trains will run as Dailv unless marked t, which are Daily except Sunday. Tlie Standard time by which these trains run is 30 minutes slower than Savannah city time. Lv Savannah 10:1)0 a m 8:20 pm 5:40 pm Ar Milieu 12:35 p m 11:08 p m 8:45 pin Ar Augusta 4:45pm 6:15 am Ar Macon 4:50 pm 3:20 am Ar Atlanta 9:00 pm 7:30 am Ar Columbus 6:50 a m 8:02 p m Ar Montgomery... 7:09 p m Ar Eufaula 3:50 p m Ar Albany 10:08 p m 10:50 a rn Passengers for Sylvania, Samlersville.Wrights villo, Milledgeville and Eatonton should take 10:00 a m train. Passengers for Thomaston, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, To'botton, Buena Vista, Blakely and day toil should take 8:30 p in train. Lv Milieu 12:55 p m 11:15 p m 5:10 a m Lv Augusta 10:20 ain 9:30 p m I.v Macon 9:50 a m 10:50 p in Lv Atlanta 6:35 am 6:sopm Lv Columbus 10:20 pm 11:15am Lv Montgomery... 7:lspm 7:4oam Lv Eufaula 10:49 a m Lv Albany 4:50 a m 8:57 p m Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 5:55 am 8:05 a m Sleeping cars on all night passenger trains between Savannah and Augusta, Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta, Macon and Columbus. Train No. 68, leaving Savannah at 8:20 p m, will stop regularly at Guyton, but at no other point, to put off "passengers between Savannah and Milieu. Train No. 54, arriving at Savannah at 5:55 am, will not stop lietween Millen and Sa vannah to take on passengers. Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at city office, No. 20 Bull street, and depot office 80 minutes before departure of each train. G. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent. J. C. SHAW, Ticket Agent. EastTcnnessee, Virginia & Georgia HR. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. COMMENCING March 13, 18S7, the following Schedule will be in effect: EASTERN LINE. Fast Night S., F. &W. Depot. Express. Express. Lv Charleston 3:45 am 3:30 pm Ar Savannah 6:4lam 7:00 pm LvSavannah 7:o6am B:4spm I:3opm Ar Jesup 8:42 a m 11:25 p m 3:20 pm Lv Jesup 1:45 am 8:35 pm Ar Brunswick 5:45 a m 5:35 p m Lv jesup 10:30 am I:lsam Ar Eastman 1:48 pm 4:49 a m Ar Cochran 2:30 pm 5:40 am Ar Hawkinsville... 3:30 pm 12:00noon Lv Hawkinsville.. 10:15 a m i :35 pin Ar Macon 4:0(7p m 7:15 am Lv Macon 4:05 pm 7:30 am Ar Atlanta 7:45 p m 10:50 am Lv Atlanta 10:80pm 1:00pm Ar Rome 1:45 a m 4:00 pm Ar Dalton 3:16 am 5:27 pm Ar Chattanooga.. s:ooam 7:oopm Lv Chattanooga... 9:80a m 9:lspm Ar K .oxville 1:50 pm 1:10 am Ar Bristol 7:35pm 5:45am ........ Ar Roanoke 2:15 am 12:45 pm Ar Natural Bridge. 3:54 a m 2:29 pm Ar Waynesboro... 6:20 a m 4:20 pm ArLuray 7:soam 0:48 pm Ar Shenando’ J’n. 10:53 am 9:86 p m Ar Hagerstown.. .11:55 p m 10:30 pm Ar Harrisburg -3:30 p m 1:20 am Ar Philadelphia... 6:50 p m 4:45 am Ar New York 9:36 p m 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown. ..12:50noon Ar Baltimore 3:45 pm Ar Philadelphia.. 7:49 pm Ar New York 10:36 pm Lv Roanoke 2:20 am 12:30 noon Ar Lynchburg 4:80 a m 2:30 pm A r Washington 12:00noon 9:4opm Ar Baltimore 1:37 pm 11:86 pm Ar Philadelphia... 3:47pm 3:ooam Ar New York 6:20 pin 6:20 am Lv Lynchburg— 6:15 a m 3:05 pm Ar Burkville 9:20 a m 6:27 p m ...... Ar Petersburg 11:10 am 7:13 pm Ar Norfolk 2:26 pm 10:00 pm Via Memphis and charleston K. R. Lv Chattanooga... 9:26 a m 7:lopm Ar Memphis 9:lopm 6:10 am Ar Little Rook 13:56 p m Via K. cTfTs. and G. rTr. Lv Memphis 10:45 am Ar Kansas City . • B:2Uam Via Cin. So. R’y. Lv Chattanooga... 8:40 a m f:!opm Ar Louisville 6:45pm 6:Boam Ar Cincinnati 7:00 pm 0:50 am Ar Chicago 6:50 am 6:50 pm Ar St. Louis.7:tsam 6:40 p m Pullman sleepers leave as follows: Jesup at 1:15 a m for Cincinnati, alternating with Mann Boudoir; Atlanta at 10:30 p m and 1:00 p in far Cincinnati, alternating with Mann Boudoir sleeper leaving at 10:30 pm (is open for occu pancy at 8 o’clock); Rome at 7:45 p m for Wash ington via Lynchburg: Chattanooga at 9:15 p m for New York via Shenandoah valley; Chatta nooga at 9:30 a m for Washington via Lynch burg; Chattanooga at 7:10 p m for Kansas City; Chattanooga at 7:10 p m for Little Rock; Bruns wick at 9:05 p m for Macon. B. W. WRKNN, G. P. * T A., Knoxville, Tenn. L. J. ELLIS, A. G. P. A. L Arianta. South Florida Railroad. Central Standard. Time. ON and after SUNDAY, March 20, 1887, trains will arrive and leave ns follows: * Daily. tDaily except Sundays. ; Daily ex cept Mondays. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way stations *210:30 a m and *1 4:40 p m Arrive at Tampa—*2 3:40 p m and *1 8:50 p m Returning leave Tam pa at *| 9:30 a m and *lf 8:00 p m Arrive at Sanford ...*j 2:30 p m and *sl 1:00 a m Leave Sanford for Kissimmee and way stations at t 5:00 p m Arrive at Kissimmee at t 7:00 p m Returning leave Kissimmee t 6:25 a in Arrive at Sanford + 8:20 a m * Steamboat Express. •VWest India Fast Mail Train. X BARTOW BRANCH. DAILY. I.v Bartow Junction . 11:25 am, 2:10 and 7:15 p m Ar Bartow 12:25, 3:10 and 8:15 p m Returning Lv Bar tow 9:50 am, 12:50 and 5:30 p m Ar Bartow Junction 10:50 a ro, 1:40 and 6:80 pin PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated by the South Florida Railroad. * Leave Bartow for Pemberton Ferry and wav stations at 7:15 a m Arrive at Pemberton Ferry at 9:45 a m •Returning leave Pemhert'on Ferry at.. 5:25 p ni Arrive at Bartow at 8:25 p nt Jljeave Pemberton Ferry 7:u9 a m Arrive Bartow ii;.t, ~ , n tLeave Bartow 1:10 pm Arrive Pemberton Ferry s:lspm SANFORD AND INDIAN RIVER R. R. Leave Sanford for Lake Charm and way sta- \ . tions t!o:lsamand s:lopm Arrives Lake Charm... ll:47amuud 6:40 pm Returning— Leave Lake Charm 6:00 a m and 12:30 p m Arrives at Hanford 7:40 am and 2:10 pin SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. Connects nt Sanford with the Sanford and Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and points on lake Jesup, with the People’s Line and Deihiry Merchants’ Line of steamers, and J. T. and K. W. Ry. for Jacksonville and all intermediate point* on the St. John's river, and with steamers for Indian river and the Upper St. John’s. At Kissimmee with steamers for Forts Myers and Bassinger and point* on Kissimmee river. At Pemberton Ferry with Florida Southern Railway for ail points North nnd West, and at Burtow with the Florida Southern Railway for Fort Meade nnd point* South. • STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS. Connect* at Tampa, with steamer ‘'Margaret'’ for Palma Sola, Braldentown, Palmetto, Mana tee nnd all point* on Hillsborough and Tampa Bays. Also, with the elegant mail steamships “Mas co tte" and “Whitney,” of the ITant Steamship Cos., for Key West and Havana. Through tickets sol i at all regular stations to point* North, East and West. Baggage checked through. Passengers for Havana can leave Hanford on Limited West India Fast Mail train at 4:40 p m (stopping only at Orlando Kissimmee. Bartow Junction, Lakeland and Plant city), Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting same even ing with steamer at Tampa. WILBUR McCOY, General Freight and Ticket Agent. railroads. ■ Savannah. Florida ft Western Pufe* T IME CARD ™ EFFECT DECFVdt ■ H I U V ,?“ Benger trains oa this H l daily as follows: WEST INDIA FAST Mail. READ DOWN. 7:06 a m Lv Savannah... a . *** tfl 10:00 am Lv Waycross t,, je 12:30 pm Lv Jacksonville jl 4:4opm Lv Sanford .. 8:50 pm Ar Tampa.... "V T ,' 3 M PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE LT B ’T Lv... Tampa Ar mj Sum’.Tp'm!" Ar- Key West..Lv FTkS.P®. Thnrs, Sat, I . „ _ Mon ami Ar.. Havana...Lv [{HaiM Pullman buffet cars to and from vs? and Tampa * e * ict^B NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. ■ 7:06 ain Lv Savannah.,.. a/... H B:42am Lv Jesup " Ar 9:3lam Lv Blackshear Ar 9:50 a in Ar Waycross Lv 11:26 am Ar Callahan ~ Lv~i77r^B 12:00noonAr Jacksonville I v 7:ooam Lv Jacksonville. ...Ar 7:8:1 am Lv Callahan A r 65 10:1.5 H m I.v Waycross.. .71 \r~i ll:()0ani Lv Homerville.. i v 11:15 am Lv Duixint Lv 12:01 pm Lv Valdosta Lv 12:34 pm Lv Quitman Lv 1:22 pmAr Thomaaville... Lv l 3:3) pill Ar Bainhridge Lv 4:04 pm Ar. .. .Chattahoochee... I .I.v 3:12 pm Ar 77 • Alhany~777l.v jhOO^B Pullman buffet cars to avid from JacksoMirß and Now York to and Trom Jacksonville .5 ■ New Orleans via Pensacola. *“* H EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. I:3opm Lv Savannah Ar li-w. 3:20 p m Lv Jesup Lv 10-'feß 4:2lpm Lv Blackshear I.v 4:40 pm Ar Waycross Lv Seulijß 6:57 p m Ar Callahan 7 77771v~7-m7:I 7:35 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv •s:oopm Lv Jacksonville Ar Ris!?H 5:41 pm Callahan Ar 7:58 p m Lv Waycross Ar~syTzH B:4spm Lv Homerville Lv 5 : i0a28 J9:00 p m Ar... Dupont Lv 4:55 a nfl 3:20 pin Lv Lake City....TTArlftiHi I 3:55 p m Lv Gainesville Ar IMeTjH 7:30 pnt Lv....... Live Oak Ar <shoi“B 9:10 pm Lv Dupont Arjit I 10:01pm Lv Valdosta Lv 4'05> ,1 10:34pm Lv Quitman Lv 335 ail H 11:25 pm Ar Thomaaville Lv 250 ii ■ 12:50am Ar Camilla Lv | ; #,J■ 1:55 am Ar Albany Lv 12:50an I Pullman buffet cars to ancTfrom JacksomS I and Louisville via Thomasville, Albany, w I gomery and Nashville. Pullman sleeping cars to and fromTrabueiU I Savannah via Gainesville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 8:45 p m Lv Savannah Ar 6:loan I 11:25 pm Lv Jesup Lv 3:Bjj ■ 1:30 a m Ar Waycross Lv li:3op* | 5:25 a m Ar Callahan I 6:15 am Ar Jacksonville Lv R:lsp a I 8:15 p m Lv Jacksonville Ar 6:!sam I 9:05 pm Lv Callahan Ar 5:25an I 2:00 a m Lv Waycross Ar I 3:2) a m Ar Dupont Lv UMbps | 6:40 am Ar Live Oak Lv 7:pa I 10:05 a m Ar Gainesville Lv 3Jspu I 10:15 ain Ar... ..Lake City Lv 3:20 pa I 8:45 am Lv Dupont Ar 9:35pa I 5:27 a m Lv Valdosta Lv B:3opm I 6:10 ain Lv Quitman Lv 7:56pm I 7:15 ant Ar Thomasville Lv 7:oopm I 11:40 a mAr Albany Lv 4:oopm I Stops at all regular stations. Pullman buffet I sleeping cars to and from Thomasville sod Washington, and Savannah and Jacksonrille, and to and from Jacksonville and Nashville vg Thomasville and Montgomery. Pullman buffet cars and Mann boudoir buffet cars via Waym*. Albany and Maeon, and via Waycross Jesup and Macon, l>etween Jacksonville and Oineinpatt Also, through passenger coaches between July Bouville and Chattanooga. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 6:15 a mLv Waycross Ar 7:oopm 7:38 a m Lv Dupont Lv 5:26pm 8:37 a m Lv Valdosta Lv 4:lspm 9:lsamLv ..Quitman Lv 3:3opm 10:25 a mAr Thomasville Lv 2:lspm Stojis at all regular and flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 pm Lv Savannah Ar B;3oam 6:10 p mAr Jesup Lv 5:25am Stops at all regular and nag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 7:10 am. (ar rive Augusta via Yemassee at 1:45 p m). 11:15 p m and 8:23 p m; for Augusta and Atlanta it 8:30 a m and 8:20 p in; with steamships for Net York Monday, Wednesday and Friday; for Bos ton Thursday: for Baltimore every fifth day. At JESUP for Brunswick at 1:45 a m (excefs Sundays and 3:80 p m; for Macon 1:15 am and 10:30 a in. At WAYCROSS for Brunswick at 3:15 a m and 5:05 p m. At CALLAHAN for Femandina at 8:00 am and 2:17 pm; for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala, etc, at 11:80 a m. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, etc, at 11:08 a m ntul 7:46 pm. At GAINESVILLE for Ocala, Tavares, Pei> I tenon's Ferry, Brooksville ami Tampa at 10:30a m: for Cedar Key at 3:30 p in. At ALBANY for Atlanta, Macon, Mont gomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola, Mobild, New Orleans at 4:14 p m; with People's I.ina steamers advertising to leave for Apalachicola at 5:00 p m Sunday and Wednesday. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured at BREN'S Ticket Office, and at the Passenger Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent, R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West R’y. Quickest and Best Route for all points in Flori da south of Jacksonville. SCHEDULE in effect February 9th, 1887. Main line trains use S., F. and W. Railway station in Jacksonville, making direct connection with ail trains from Savannah, the North and West. No transfer. OfllNG BQUTH. Cu,mn - „ stations. Mail Daily Pass. Daily. Sam or “- LvSavannah ... 8:45 pm 7:06 am 7 ; 06 ain Lv Jacksonville... 9:ooam 12:30pm 3:3opm ArPalatka 10:50am 2:lspm Ar DeLand 1:80pm 4:lspm 8:00pm Ar Sanford 1:45 p m 4:30 p m 8:35 p m Ar Titusville 8:05 pm Ar Orlando 5:24 pm Ar Bartow 9:00 p m Ar Tampa 8:30 pm Leave Jacksonville (St. Augustine Division) 0:06 am, 1 :tX) p m, 4:00 p m. Arrive St. Augustine (St. Augustine Division) 10:30 a in, 2:30 p m, 5:80 p m. GOING NORTH 7 Taiujm 8:00 P,™ (Cuban mail) and 9:20 am: Orlanno 12:00 mgiui 7:*r> ain nnl 1 :S8 p ni; Sanforil 1:1ft a. m, jj m and 2:*ift p in. Arrive Palatka 4:lft and I* : J ® m, |> in; Jacksonville am, 1:8* , v ‘ ’ * p m, comiectinK for all points North and y■ • Leave St. Augustine 8:30 am, 12:00 and4.0U pm. Arrive Jacksonville 10:00 a ni, 5:20 pm. b 12:80 p m Cubanniailtrain<Si>ntliihas through Pullman deeper front New York to Tatiipa, * connect* with steamers for Key '' rst . L. Havana Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday nup* 8:00 p in Cuiiaii mull train (Northward) has i man sleeper t hrough to Wosliington. No cna s" of ear* between Jacksonville and Tampa. Direct connection* with Florida Southern t way ul I’alatka for Gainesville, Ocala and •A' burg, nnd with St. John’s mid Hal fa* B* Railroad for Daytona. At Titusville with steauv or Rocklodge for all point* on Indian river. L. C. DF.MING, Gen. Ticket Agent. M. R. MORAN, Gen. Snot. SUBURB AM H A, LWAY^ yO , City & Suburban BY r\N and after S*\TURDAYt‘6th l h2t. * * lowing schedule will be observed on Huburlian Une: I.KAVK lARRIVKI IJEAVB . CITY. I CITY. IlSLie HOPB. MONTU 10:27 am 8:40 am 8:15 a m 7:00 AJj 8:27 1M 2:00 f M 1:80 rn l-fj" J M t*7:lo i- m| KKTr m 6:00 PM S '?L*.- A tiaiia leavvMuaity every Monday morning W MontAta , }at 0:1.7 AM. 'TbMMW' omitted Sundays. . u, too HaUiroaira - train leuves city ru. jTvfvm n - JOHNBTO.N, President-