The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 03, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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4 C|f|Horning'!ldi's Morning News Building, Savannah, G*. TTOSDAT, MAY a. IKS 7. Registered at Vat Past Office in Saiannah The Mousing N sirs is published every day in the year, and is served to subscribers in the city, by newsdealers and carriers, on their own ac count, at 2t cents a week. Si 00 a month. $3 00 for six months and $lO 00 for one year. The Morning News, by mail, one month, $1 00; three months. $2 SO; six months, $5 00; one year. $lO 00. The Mornixo News, by mail, six times a week (without Sunday issue), three mouths, $2 00; six months. $4 00 one year. $8 00. The Morning News, Tri Weekly, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, three months, $1 25; six months. $2 SO; one year, $5 00. The Scxday N ews, by mail. one year. $2 00. The Weekly News, by mail, one year, $1 25. Subscriptions payable in advance. Remit by postal order, check or registered letter. Cur rency sent by mail at risk of senders. Letters and telegrams should be addressed “Morning News, Savannah, Ga." Advertising rates made known on application. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meetings— United Hydraulic Cotton Press Cos.; The German-American Mutual Loan and Building Association. Special Notice —First Annual Exhibition of Sa vannah Floral and Art Association; Straw Hats, W. A. Jaudon; Notice to Contractors, Fay & Eich berg, Architects; Proposals. E. F Bryan, Supt.; Notice, W. H. Swift, Master of Steamer Pope Catlin; Grand Family Excursion by Steamer Pope Catlin. Cheap Counts Advertisements— Help Want ed; For Rent; Personal; Lost; Miscellaneous. Hotels —The Kensington, Congress Hall, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Pianos—L. &B.S.M. H. Elegant Building Sites— M. J Solomons. Charter Oae Stoves- Clarke <6 Daniels. Auction Saixs— Commissioners' Sale, by D. R. Kennedy; Valuable Real Estate, Three Ix>t, by 1. D. Laßsche's Sons: Crockery, Etc., by C. H. Dorsett; Fine Steel Engravings, Etc., by J. McLaughlin 4 Son. What would become of the interstate commerce law if the Commissioners should be seized with the Birmingham fever while they are in Alabama 1 The number of lawyers in New York city is 4,768, which is ‘,222 more than the number of liquor dealers. The latter find it easier to make a living than the former. Senator Hearet says that the Pacific coast has never seen greater prosjxvrity than it now enjoys. The blessings of a Democratic mdministration cover the whole country. President Cleveland will dine Queen Ka friohuii, of Hawaii, while she is at Washing ton. The dinner will tie strictly Jeffersonian, and no doubt will he greatly enjoyed by her majesty. The proposition to annex Nova Scotia to the United States will hardly meet with fa vor. Nova Scotia's expenses exceed her in come. Annexing her would reduce the sur plus, but that is not the kind of reduction wanted. “I had to earn my breud,” says young James G. Blaine, “and tried newsjiaper work as a temporary exjiodient.” Men who have their bread to earn ought not to try temporary exiiediente. Time is too precious lor that sort of thing. The average cost per annum of educating a girl in the United States is said to be ♦ 1,000, and in Canada SBSO. The cause of the difference will be understood when it is explained that Canadian fathers don’t have to buy commencement dresses. Old topers in New York sober up by making incisions in the roof of their mouths and letting the blood flow. It is said that John Morrissey set the example. The incis ions are not made in the nose for fear of spoiling the color of thatforgan. Col. Fred Grant says that 830,000 sets of his father’s memoirs have been sold, and that another edition is being prepared. If Mark Twain is entitled to belief the memoirs are first-rate authority on the sub ject of ‘‘English as She is Spoke.” Ex-Speaker Carlisle has gone to Washing ton to consult with the President about railing an extra session of Congress. It is said that he was not in favor of the project last March, but that now he thinks it would be a wise thing to call Congress together in October. There is a serious drawback to trade be tween United State* and Australia. Two to three months are required to send goods to Australia, credits are for six to eight months, and payments are inode by way of England. There ought to be a change for the better. Gen. W. T. Sherman is said to take great delight in the social whirl at Washington. The ladies declare that he can pay more compliments per minute than a Frenchman. Age must have improved his manners. Ho was not a favorite with the ladies when ho marched through Georgia. John A Henry, of New York, advertises a school of Anarchism. He wants to teach ‘people how to become outlaws. He declares that be believes in the abolishment of all government, and in his opinion the bomb throwing at Chicago was a good thing. Henry ought to be locked up. John W. Keely, or motor fame, advertises in the Philadelphia papei-s that he is ready to pay his debts. He says that he wishes to be fine from all embarrassments and obliga tions before entering upon the business career of his inventions. This looks more like business than anything else that ever emanated from Keely. The Now York State Asylum tor the In a:i3, at Buffalo, is being investigated by a grand jury. Many abuses have been dis closed. In one Instance a female ]>aTient was jumped on by an attendant and her hip wna broken. It was a common practice to feed patient* with a funnel. The guilty parties will probably be severely punished. In New York a man has been discovered who fuvors developing the corn and wheat belt of the country. His name is Hollins, and he i* it favorite broker of the Vander bilt family. It U refreshing to know that ■there is at least eno man in the country who is willing to glvo agriculture a chance; but perhaps he owns no iron, coal, or natural gas dock. Tho report that ox-Senator Roscoe Conk ling had declared in favor of Senator Rlier- UUUi for the Presidency is discredited by his intimate friends. They say that tho ex- Bonat.or is out of jiolifcics, ami that he will not be token like a piece of crockery from the political table and set nsidt* only to bo replaced again v/bon another piece is needed. Another reason for discrediting the report is that the ex-Senator has i the fight made against him by j man when the letter was Ti‘M*ury under llajos. A Bothered Coiumiscioo. The statement, in our dispatches yesterday th.P the Commissioners would not make the suspension of the long and short haul clause of tho interstate law permanent, but would permit the entire law to go into operation at the expiration of the present trtispen-ion in the South of that, clause, and would hear and pass upon individual complaints against it, is probably correct. The Comm i-siwners have heard a great deal for ami against tho long and short haul clause, and while they have gathered a large amount of informa tion relative to the effect it will have, they are not much better prepared to take defi nite action with regard to it than they were when they started on their Southern trip. The effort in behalf of its permanent sus pension in the South has been much greater than that in behalf of its enforcement, but that may bo because the temporary suspen sion has deprived very many shippers of the opportunity of deciding whether its enforce ment will benefit them or not, and being in doubt they have remained silent. continues to be very decided ex pressions of opinion for and against the long and short haul clause in the sections where it has not been suspended. Brad street's has gathered opinions from about fifteen hundred different sources, and shows that while the sentiment is against tho clause it is not so strongly against it as many of those who condemn it would havo the public believe. It has already been quite strongly stated in our- dispatches that its effect upon the Pacific coast trade and the iron interests of the Schuylkill valley is very damaging. There is no doubt that if some sort of relief Is not afforded many iron mills will have to shut down. In New York city the dry goods and grocery shippers complain of it, but it seems that they suffer more from the new classification of their shipments, which they insist is not justified by anything in the law, than from the law itself. Of course there is more or less complaint in ail branches of business, but it is noticeable, says Brad,street's, thut within the last few days a more conservative feeling with regard to it has prevailed, and not a few manufacturers and business firms have forwarded petitions to the Commissioners asking for the enforce ment of the law in its entirety. All of these petitions are not to be interpreted as mean ing that the law Is satisfactory, but that a fair test of it is desired in order that an in telligent opinion may bo formed with re sjieet to its merits. The interviews with Philadelphia and Boston merchants do not show that they have suffered very serious injury thus far. In fact, in Philadelphia business of no kind appears to havo been greatly disturbed. In the Western cities about the same diversity of opinion prevails as in those of the East. All opinions are, of course, based upon self-interest, and those who oppose the long and short haul clause do so not because they have an opinioft respecting its effect upon the community of which they form a part, but because their own interests are. hurt. The same is true with regard to those who want that clause enforced. It looks as if tho Commissioners could do nothing else than enforce the law as it stands, and then suspend the long and short haul clause ill those cases in which they gre convinced it should be suspondod. Even in those cases, however, they will find difficulties in the way of suspension which cannot be got rid of easily. i • ‘ Give tho Constitution a Trial. It is not probable that any one of the propositions pending in the Florida Legisla ture to amend the State’s constitution will meet with the approval of that body. The constitution has just been adopted, and the wiser course is to give it a trial before be ginning to amend it. It may be that some of the proposed amendments have merit, but whether they have or not, it is not probable that the people want to be bothered with them until it has been demonstrated that the constitution, as it is, will not answer their purposes. It is a great mistake to change the organic law or the statutes before it is satisfactorily shown that such changes are absolutely necessary, and how can it be shown that the constitution can bo amended so as to make it more acceptable to the people before it has been tested? The new constitution was carefully framed and each of its provisions was ex haustively discussed. It yiay be that mis takes were made. There are provisions of the instrument to which there was, and still is, considerable opposition. If the reasons of this opposition are good ones the hostility to tho objectionable features will grow stronger, and if they were not good ones it .vi 11 gradually disappear. As the workings of the different parts of tho instrument are observed and discussed the people will be able to detennine what changes in it, if any, ought to lie made. At present the Legislature appears to have enough to do to get the constitution into working shape, and to enact such laws os are absolutely needl'd by the best inter ests of the State, w ithout devoting any time to constitutional amendments. The excite ment connected with the Senatorial election has retarded legislative work, and there is danger that the session will expire before all that ought to lie done Shall have been ac complished. The members appear to be at tending to their duties, but there is not much to show as the result of their four weeks’ work. It becomes more apparent every day that there is great dissatisfaction with General Master Workman Powderly among the Knights of Labor. The Tocsin, a labor paper published in Philadelphia, suys that nearly every act of the General Executive Board meets w ith disapproval, and that this is the reason why the General Master Work man is trying to boycott certain labor jour nals. There aro signs of serious differences among the Knights. Should the General Master Workman be nominated for Presi dent next year it is not improbable that the order would go to pieces. It is certain that many Knights would vote against the Gen eral Master 'Workman. Ex-Assistant Postmaster General H. D. Hazcn thinks office-holding in this country an anomaly. “Tho young men,” he says, “who ought to take office, because they are fitted for the duties, cannot afford to talcs places Is'causc of the effect on themselves. The old fellows, who enn take the places as well os not, are generally unfitted for duty.” Novcrthckw, not even a post office that pays the Postmaster o’Jy 10c. a year goes a lieggmg. The lower house of tlio Illinois Legislature has passed a bill to prohibit bull playing on Sunday. Something of the kind may 1* neaowtary to tench the Southern League that Sunday is not tho day fur base I*ll. It however, that Bunday games bail into such disrepute in be compelled u * 'Ufport TIIE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1887. Oponing the Fight in Canada. William O’Brien, who, according to our dispatches, left Queenstown on Sunday for Canada, to make that country too warm for the Governor General, Lord Lansdowne, is said to be, next to Parnell, the most popular man in Ireland. He has had a rather re markable career. At the present time he is the editor of United Ireland , a journal that is doing good service in the Irish cause. He is not yet 40 years of age, but he is recog nized as one of the leading orators of the Parnell party, and when a member of Parliament several years ago he made a reputation which placed him in the front rank of the Irish leaders. He was suspended on the motion of Mr. Gladstone, at whose instance cloture was applied to overcome the obstructive tactics of the Par nellites. O’Brien lost liis temper and made a remark to Mr. Gladstone which caused his suspension. He did not return to Parlia ment. He began his career as a reporter on Free man's Journal. Having had a thorough college education, and also having a taste for journalism, his success was immediate. His work attracted so much attention that when United Ireland was started he was made its editor. He made the paper a [>ower at once. In fact, lie made it altogether too much of a power to suit the English govern ment, and the result was that it was sus pended and he was imprisoned. It was six months before ho secured his release. As soon ns he gained his liberty ho began his work again with the same spirit that he liad always manifested. Lord Lansdowne’s Irish estates contain 135,000 acres, and it is said that the condi tion of his tenants is pitiable. It is assented that they aro oppressed in every possiblo way, and that the feeling in Ireland is so strong against him that it would not be pleasant for him to visit his estates. One of his tenants accompanies Mr. O'Brien. This tenant will tell what he knows about the condition of the tenants on the Lansdowne property. Mr. O’Brien will then comment upon the facts in a way calculated to create such a public sentiment in Canada against Ijord Lansdowne as to make his stay in that country altogether uncomfortable. Mr. O’Brien is a small man physically, and rather frail. All of his family died with the consumption, and it is said that he shows indications of being afflicted with the same disease. The President’s Private Secretary. The movements of Col. Lamont, the Presi dent's private secretary, ajijiear to attract more attention than any other man in the country, except the President. It is doubt ful if any other private secretary of a President was ever so closely watched by the newspapers and the politicians, and yet, as far as anylxxly knows, Col. Lament is not a more important official than other secretarial were who filled the same position in other administrations. If Col. Lamont knows more of , the purposes of the President and tho leaders of his party than the newspapers do the fact has never been made public., lie is un doubtedly a very shrewd young man ni and fills his place admirably; but that is no rea son why the newspapers should assume that lie is loaded with a political mfiffiometfety time he makes his apjiearaneoin Jfqrl*’Yf^k. On Saturday he was at the HWihiiin House, in that city, and OoV-ji ’HKI' fltas also there. It seems that they liafl \i’Sfye private talk with each other. ItLiPoft -zts are true the politicians and report-ns about the door of the room in whirl)! tin- Governor and private secretary wer* if tho two gentlemen were engaged in setting a question upon which hung the fate of the nation. Tin' politicians looked wise and in dulged in remarks which were intended to create the impression that a remarkable political scheme was on foot, which they knew all about, but which they wouldn’t talk of pul*, L'-nlly under any consideration. This con duct, of course, excited the curiosity of the reporters, and they felt that something was going on and that it was their duty to find it out. They didn’t find out anything ex cept that tho Governor had come to New York to buy furniture for the executive mansion at Albany. Col. Lamont doesn’t appear to have stated why ho was in New York. It may lie that lie was there only on a shopping expedition for his wife. The reporters, however, were determined that the public should understand that the meeting of the Governor and tho private secretary involved a very important politi cal secret. In ono paper the statement was made that when they left the Hoffman House “there was a flush on the Governor’s face that told of intense mental excitement, but there was also a look of proud satisfaction on his features.” Think of it! Tho Gov ernor’s faco after the conference showed a “flush" and a “look of proud satisfaction.” Tills statement doesn’t satisfy the hankering for news, but; it is sug gestive of mystery. The private secretary must have told the Governor something very gratifying or else why that “flush" and “look of satisfaction?” Perhaps after nil he only said “I’m looking at you Gover nor,” as they sampled some tine old brandy. The brandy would account for the “flush” und the “look of satisfaction." Senator Vest is still talking about the President and the second term business. To a group of politicians at tho Hoffman House, Now York, a day or two ago, he said: “It is true that there may bo influences brought to bear that will create a desire on Mr. Cleveland’s part for a second term. I refer to the jiossililo ambition of his wife to re main another four years, as the first )ndv of tiio land. She is young and beautiful, and if she is in the least like Mrs. Adam - und several other wives of former Presidents there can hardly be a doubt that, she will bring her husband around to her way of thinking.” A New York man, who recent!;/took a horseback trip in Arkansas, telegraphed Gen. Powell Clayton, of Eureka springs: “I ho;ie you will not give Blaine such a horseback experience as I got. We need all liis liaekbonc in 1888." It is difficult to tin dcretand what use Mr. Blaine will have for backbone. It is his party Hint needs btu-k --bono, tho old one having lx-en broken in 1384 by the Democratic sledge-hammer. A story from iah idem is to tho effect that Prince Bismarck recently went to Paris and remained several days. Having grown u heavy beard he was not recognized, It is said that if the Parisians had been aware of his pres ence they would have made it very un pleasant for him. It is not known why lie made the visit, bat perhaps it was because he wanted to size up Gen. Boulanger. Tlie 2,000 men on the New York police force weigh 400,000 jmunds, or an average of 200 pounds to the mna. It is strange thatso much weight seems unable to crush even a single little open-on yunduy rum shop. CURRENT COMMENT. Praise From Texa3. Prom the Houston Post (Dem.) The Savannah Nes s. on<- of Ihe very best newspapers In the Sooth, and among the most successful, has donned a bright new dress. Hardly Working At All. From the New York Tribune (Rep.) It is not correct to say that the interstate commerce law works badly. It is hardly work ing at all. but seems to be in a state of suspended animation and sense. When the Country Will Have Peace. From the Mobile Register (Dem.) Bob Ingersoll has declared his intention to write no more atheistic lectures, and Ben Butler announces his permanent retirement from poli ties. Now let Henry George shut up, and the country will have peace. All Right, If He Is a Democrat. From the Baltimore Herald (Rep.) Will the South remain solid is a question which is being anxiously debated by supporters of the administration at the present time. It is an important question, because, as long as the South does remain solid the chances are that New York will elect the President for years to come. BRIGHT BITS. “Johnny, you may give me the name of some wild flower, said the teacher in botany. Johnny thought a while and then said: “Well, I reckon Injun meal comes about ns near being wild flour us anything 1 know about. Washing ton Critic. Perspiring Man—Direct me to a surgeon as quick as possible. Cool Mull—Somebody met with an accident? “Not yet, but there is no time to lose. My wife is going to drive a picture nail.— Bingham ton Republican. Wipe—John, the stove needs more coal right away. Husband—Can't shop now; I'm reading a war I Tfe-W*li, you'll have an opportunity to write one if you don't come right away '.— Tid- Bits. _ Miss MoLcahey—Sure, Mr. O'Jtufferty, it’s disappointed that wo were last- night that yez didn't call at our house as yez promised. Mr. CRafl’erty-T-Sme, Miss Miileahey, it’s sorry that I am, hut I couldn’t come. I can’t be in two places at once. It s not amphibious that l am.—Texas Siftings. Tommy (who wants to prove things that he hears)—Mother, do you third; our big dog Lion would save a little girl's life if she fell into the water? Mother—l dare say he would, dear. Tommy—(enthusiastically) -Oh. then, do frow Topsy in.—Harper's Young People. Brakes an—But don't you think that $1 50 a day is rather small pay for eighteen hours’ work on the top of-ajfreight car? A Superintendeatl—But- you forget that we charge nothing for traveling. Let’s see: you ride something like 200 miles daily.and it doesn’t cost you a cent.— Boston Transcript. Ethel—Was there a donkey on our steps when yon came in, Mr. Featherly? Mr. Featherly—Why. no, Ethel; what would a donkey Ik- doing there? Ethel—l don't know; but Clara said, just be fore you rang the bell. There's lhat donkey coming in here again.”— Boston Beacon. Little Dot—Mamma, can’t I go over to see Lucy to-dav? Omaha Mamma —You must not go anywhere near Lucy. She has the measles. “Well, I isn’t ’fraid of measles. Can’t I go?” “If—if you should take the measles perhaps your (lollie might get them.'' “Oh, I didn’t (Ink of that.”— Omaha. World. “Do you find a good sale for your verses now, DeWiggs?” “Yes, indeed, Le Diggs. I’ve struck a bo nanza.” “Ah! what is it?" “There is a great demand for posthumous poems by Edgar A. Poe. and I am engaged in supplying it."— Pittsbyrg Chronicle-Telegraph. The Saunterer ovqfier.rtl the following the other day: Two laborer; met upon a street cor n-rand cue of them with kindly interest asked: "How are yon doing. Put ?” ‘ Oh, finely, man; never did better in my life." "What are you Working at?* “Oh. I’m a real estate conveyancer.” “And what in honor’s name is that?” “Why, I’m driving a duinp-cart, man.”—Bos ton Budget. “I see that beastly Snob Jilkins has turned up again. Where the deuce has he been?” “In Australia. I believe." “And why didn't ht- stay there? I'm sure we wouldn’t liave missed him.” "His father or his uncle or some other in cumbranej died, you know, an.-i left him a tidy pile. II- has come back to settle theestate up.’’ “Hum! ha! ah! Jilkins, old fellow, how are vou? Come back with ns for good. I hope? Had, but you're looking like a fres* blown rose, you are, dear boy, upon my soul?" — Town Topics. “Well, I shall call and see you to-morrow, Jessie.” “Thanks. I shall be delighted to have vou come. Ella.” “And I shall bring Fido with me.” “Oh! please do not." “No? Why not?” “Royer is not receiving at. jrhßlvit: He is in mourning'tor n brother yvbo was run over by a South Boston ear. Poor little fellow! ft wrings my heart to see him going around yvlth a crone how around his neck. But the rules of polite society must be observed, my dear.” — Boston Courier. PERSONAL. 11. M. Trollops, a son of Anthony Trollope, is out in “My Own Love Stoyyt" Alma Tads-ia, the artist, has a staircase of solid brass iu his new residence in Loudon. Prince Bismarck received on liis birthday, re cently. a barrel of beer from nearly every brewer in Germany. Emperor William is reported to have said that “it is the one button left unbuttoned which is the ruin of an army,” K?{-S*c?.stast Manntvo's Wien ami daughter, j who are with him at Bournemouth, will be pre sented to the Queen May IS. The biography of the late Mr. Darn in by his son is to he In three largo volumes, and it will be published in a feu- weeks. Michael Pavitt intends to make a tour of the Highlands, where the crofter movement ex tends. and will address several meetings. Sknor Gallarho, the fanner, of Cordova, Spain, who was captured by bandits, paid $6,000 for his release. He yvas kindly treated. The present cashier of the National Traders' Bank of Portland, Me., is Edward Gould. He has lx-en cashier continuously for fifty-three years, and is over HO years old. George H. Boxer, the poet,-author of I-’ran eesea di Rimini, has been confirmed at SI. Murk's Episco|l church in Philadelphia, of w hich the Rev. Dr. Nicholson, formerly of Balti more, is pastor. CllArxrrv F. Black, ex-Lieutcnant Governor of Pennsylvania, has committed himself to a second term for Cleveland with nil his might amt main. He speaks of the President with all the fervor of a flrst-ciass Postmaster. Ilrt. Henry, who recently died in Huston at the ago of !)2, wiu t in- first homoeo pathic physician to practice in Pennsylvania, and Ht the time of his deuth was the oldest or that school of medicine In thut State. Mr. I.Asorcß'Rin remarks that “The Court Circular” has always been uueuviably distin guislusl for its grotesque imbecilities: which is certainly not a toadyisli expression, seeing that the Queen personally supervises the royal bulle tin in question. Tun namo of Gen. Boulanger is pronounced Boolangblal. Iu English Gen. Boulanger would be Gen. linker. Sir Charles Ililke says that, Gen. lioulauger is txiyoud comparison the most popular man in Franco, with the single doubtful exception of M, de Lcsseps. Mme. ScALour is very srocioua to ambitions musical stndeiits who reek her acquaintance. She receives them kindly, oliats wit:# iher.i pleasantly, and they always leave her presence with ns ardent an admiration for her as n woman as they previously lmd for her as an artist. Tur. tint of the Shermans that came to this country left England iu lfitH. Ills name was J"hn. He mis for years a preacher in Counecti eut. He afterward be.-ame a professor of math ematics at Harvard and published several alma nacs. From tills brainy man are descended Senator Sherman and (ten. William T. Sherman. Miss Carroll, stepdaughter of J. Fenner la-o, Secretary of I a-cation at Vienna, recently married a man with a moot striking title. He is "Ihe Count Anton von iteuß of IP-is- Honsteiu and Grafc’.ihao --a. lb iron of Plariv.-in vrg. Chamberlain and Lieutenant in the Uhlan Regiment of Archduke Carl Ludwig, No. 7.” Ami he is ready to fight auy man that savs that he isn t. Da. Vluei'T Kellogg, who died a short time ago t Alameda, c.u., was the first person to descnii accurately to the world the "big trees," whi<-h lie did in Hen. Fremont's report to Con gres* of h;.< explorations. He was nil associate of Audubon in IV a* nt the time of its annexa tion to the United, and he was the botan ist of the first government rx]>odition to Alaska alter tho purehasu of Unit territory. JUDGE BINGHAM'S PLUCK. How He Assisted Mr. Cox to Distrib ute Democratic Tickets in Camp. From Washington Letter to .Veto York Herald. Congressman Sunset Cox says that no act of the present administration has given him so much satisfaction as the appointment of Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, to be Chief Justice of the District Supreme Bench. Mr. Bingham is ono of Mr. Cox's oldest friends. iVhnt endears him to the Ohio jurist, however, is the fact that Judge Bingham stood by him on one occasion when to do so involved a considerable sacrifice of prestige as well as personal dignity. It hap pened away back in the sixties, When to avow one's self a Democrat in Ohio meant almost per sonal and social ostracism. Mr. Cox was a can didate for Congress from the Columbus dh-trict. His opponent was Judge Samuel Shellabarger. for many years past u piorainent attorney of this city. Camp Chase, a few miles distant from Columbus, was tilled with soldiers, and Mr. Cox went out there to distribute tickets and do a little electioneering among them. It was a privilege readily granted to Mr. Shellabarger, but when Mr. Cox attempted it the commandant gave Orders to have him ejected. This was done at the point of the bayonet. Mr. Cox went back to the city and related his grievance to Judge Bingham. The latter offered to see him : hrough anil the two returned to the camp. They suc ceeded in getting inside the gate, but had scarcely commenced handing out the tickets, which the soldiers seemed glad enough to get, when they were unceremoniously hustled out of the camp. The spectacle of the two dignified gentlemen being summarily “Ixnmccd” by a squad of blue coats afforded great amusement to the gamins In the immediate vicinity, but it did not dampen their ardor in the least. They speedily made their appearance at another gate find distributed a few more tickets, until they were again ejected. This they continued to do until every gate was closed against, them, when they drove back to town, rejoicing in the righteousness of their cause, even while smart ing under the shame of defeat. Mr. Cox. who relates the story with numerous embellishments, says that notwithstanding the cavalier treat ment by the camp officials he was only defeated in the subsequent, election by a few hundred votes. Wait a Bit. From the Century Bric-a-Brac, When Johnny came a-courting, I thought him overbold. For I was but a young thing, And he no’ very old. And though I liked him well enough, I sent him on his way. With, “Wait a hit, bide a bit, Wait a week and a day!” When Johnny passed me in the lano, And pleaded for a kiss. And vowed he'd love me evermore For granting of the bliss; Although I lilted it ower well, I ran from him away. With, “Wait a bit, bide a bit. Wait a week and a day!” When Johnny fell a-ranting, With “Jenny, be my wife?" And vowed I never should regret, However long my life; Although (liked it host o’ all, I turned from him away. With, “Wait a bit, bide’ a bit, Wait a week and a day!” Oh, Johnny was a ninny, He took me at my word I And he was courting another. The next thing that I heard. Oh, what a ninny was Johnny, To mind me when I'd say, “Wait a bit, bide a bit, Wait a week and a day!" Heigh-ho, I’ve met my Johnny, 1 gin him a blink o’ my eye, And then he fell a-raving. For want o’ my love he'd die! I ne’er could be so cruel, So I set the wedding day, With “Haste a bit, aor -waste a bit, There’s danger in delay 1” Jennie E. T. Dowe. A Result of the New Law. Boston Cor. Providence Journal. I met the other day a man who is on the road a good deal, and who has a near relative in an important position in one of the large railway C' irporations. < "I’ve been serving my time," he observed jocosely. “Serving your time?” was the response. “Your time at what ? What do you mean '” "Why,” he explained, "I couldn't have my an nual pass except as au employe of the road, so I hired as a clerk this morning, did four minutes’ work, smoked and read the papers a couple of hours, and now am excused from active work at the office until further notice. Of course, now I am in the employ of the company there is no trouble about the pass.” “But suppose the thing should come up for trial?” “Oh, nonsense. It can't come up, and what if it did. There are hundreds of such cases, and it would take six years to get a test case through tlie Supreme Court, and before that time the violators of the law would be more numerous than the sands of the sea.” The President of one of the most important railroads running out of Boston said; “One result of the law is that certain freights we carry would, under the strict application of the law. all go out of our hands; but there are ways of meeting that difficulty. Wo changed our classification, that was all, and if the com mission can master the details of the classifica tion of freights they will be doing rather more than I have been able to accomplish.” The whole matter is attended with infinite complications, and the public feeling is so strong that it is by no means difficult to foresee that the result is likely to be an early repeal of the law. A Very Knowing- Girl. From the Merchant Traveler. Sam Sample is quite a student, and conse quently a great admirer of the intellectual, especially in the fair sex. The other eveuing he was attending a party and made the acquaint ance of a young lady whose features were de cidedly of an intellectual cast. After a number of attempts he succeeded in getting her to sit out die- of the dances wit* him. After a few preliminary remarks, Sam opened with: “Which of Shakespeare's plays do you admire the most?” “Oh, 1 ready don’t know. Did Shakespeare write A Bunch of Keys! lam ready to say that 1 admire that the most, without seeing any of tin- others.” “Yes,” said Sam, “it’s a nice evening isn’t it?” “Oh, perfectly divine. Isn't it just too lovely? The atmosphere is simply heavenly. I was afraid it was going to he stormy this evening. It was very cloudy this afternoon." “Yes, it was. lint it’s nice to-night, and ‘ail s well that ends well.' ” "Why, Mr. Sample, I’m surprised: Everybody says you are so original.” “Indeed? I feel complimented. But why are you surprised?" "I'm sure I’ve heard that remark about end ing well somewhere before.” Not Familiar With Tickets. From the Chicago Heralt Ex-Secretary of War Lincoln, his family and several friends were on their way East from the slope a few days l> foie the interstate commerce law went into effect. They had been out of San Francisco two days, aud were passing through u rather rocky and dusty district, when an Eng lisiimaii got aboard the train and entered the Pullman car. About sundown Mr. Lincoln and his party aud the Englishman went out on the rear platform to enjoy the evening breeze. The conductor joined them a few moments later. Tlie Englishman went down into his pocket, pulled oui a long string of tinted paper and handed it to the ticket puncher. “What's that?" asked tho conductor, with an air of surprise. “Hi* bought hit of your hlawsted company," replied the Englishman in ularm, "And what do you call it?” “Why, blawst your eyes, that’s a ticket; cawn’t you sec?" "So it is,” drawled the conductor, winding tho string on his arm. “It’s the first one I've seen since I left Oakland and I’d forgotten how they looked. Ileg pardon, sir.” One of Mr. Cox’s Jokes Spoilt. From the Cincinnati Knquirer. Sunset Cox is the same as ever in bis buoyant spirits, "i remember,” ho said, “1 was in Tren ton, N. -1.. tin; night we received the news that th Republican pr.rtv had leea defeated in Maine (at the September election) during tile Hancock campaign. There was a public meeting at which 1 was to deliver au address. Senator, now Sec retary. llayard preceded in'*. Ho made a very long speech which I rather thought tired his auditors. I was to follow him. Just liefore lie closed 1 received a '. Ingram from Maine telling me of tlie victory. I said to myself, when lam called upon lo apeak I will announce as prefa tory to my remarks, the good news. When 1 tool; the rostrum, with the telegram from Maine in my band, I struck au attitude and ex claimed: ‘We’ve got ’cut:’ " ‘What’s trial ?’ came a sepulchral voice f-om the rear of th- hall. “Withoutchanging my attltudo I repeated: ‘We’ve got 'em?’ “ ‘Yes,’ came the same voice, ‘you havo got 'em and got 'em bad. What’s your liquor?' “You can imagine,” said Cox, “the contre temps of the situation. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Last Week there appeared in the Philadelphia Ledger notices of the deaths of twenty-six per sons, nine men and seventeen women, who nad lived to or beyond the age of SO years. The bill legalizing Saturday half holidays dur ing the summer months has passed tho New York Legislature, and will of course be Signed by Gov. Hill. A similar bill is before the P&nn sylvauia Legislature. Lx Panamint Valley, Inyo county, Cai., is a very large ledge of antimony ore. The metal was recently quoted in London at $l5O a ton, yet no effort has over been made to do any tning with this deposit. A Brooklyn Judge has just decided against a shoe dealer who brought suit against a former S’ver.hcv ~t foi for shoes furnished her, the court beneving the defendant’s statement that they were tokens of love. The estate of Dtisiane, Scotland, is in the market for sale. It belongs to Mr. W. M. Nairrie. whose family has owned it for some hundreds of years. It comprises Dusiane Hill, the sup posed site of Macbeth’s castle. The effect of prohibition iti lowa is that signs appear on numerous suspicious looking shanties in tlie back country reading: “Druck Sto,” "Drog Stoar,” “DruggStower, etc. The injury done the English language alone by prohibition will be felt by the people of that State for at least fifty years. A newspaper carrier at Altoona, Pa., was knocked down one morning recently by an un known man, who took his papers away from the carrier, lighted a box of matches, threw the papers on them, and then hurried off. The car rier rescued his papers, and now $25 is offered for the arrest of the villain. The late Baron du Menil, of Brussels left, as he supposed, a fortune of only a few thousand dollars, and directed that after paying some legacies all the remainder should be spent on his tomb. It has since been discovered that, un knowingly, he had a fortune of more than SOOO,- 000, and the courts ha ve been asked to decide whether all that must be spent ou a mausoleum. Several years ago a few deer were let loose on the mountains east of Bennington, and since that an effort has been made to enforce the law forbidding anyone to kill deer in Vermont. The rcs'iltis that already here and there throughout the State deer are seen, and as the law has three years to run it is quite likely that tlie Green Mountains may, in time, be well stocked. In tho British Museum historical works are bound in red, theological in blue, poetical in yellow, and books on natural history iu green. Besides this each paid of a volume is stamped with a mark by which it can lie distinguished as their property, and of different colors; thus red indicates that a book was purchased, blue that it came by copyright, and yellow that it was presented. The proprietor of a large wholesale hat and cap store in Chicago is a boy only 11 years old. The boy’s father had owned the store, but hav ing other business, as well as not wishing to cany them both in his own name, presented the establishment to his 11-year-old son. The father still exercises general control, but the legal head of the firm, signer of checks and man of authority is the son. John Anson and his wife, of Bennettsville, Ky , lived happily together for thirty years, and then Mrs. Anson decided that she wanted a cab inet organ. John declined to buy one, and thereupon tlie wife tried to drowii herself by jumping into the waters of the Muddy Fork. She was fished out unharmed, and John'was so disgusted that lie at once quit home, and has not been seen there since. The bark louse, or scale bug, is injuring and killing apple trees in a number of towns in Niag ara county. N. Y, One farmer had an orchard of thrifty 18-year-old trees which last summer were seen to be dying, and when they were in spected this spring it. was found that there ex isted on some of the limbs a germ that contains the eggs of tho insect. On hatching out in the spring they bore holes in the inner bark and kill the tree. Two years ago the office of Inspector of Fur niture for the Treasury Department was created. Secretary Manning persistently refused to ap point any one to the office. A. F. M. Billingslea, of Virginia, has just received the position. A salary of $3,000 a year and traveling exjjenses are the rewards of the office. The department should now have an Inspector of Stationery, a Superintendent of Cigarettes, a Chief Clerk of the Iced Water Department, and a Standing Committee on Fresh Air—with appropriate salaries. A monument is about to be erected at Temir- Khau-Sehoura, in Central Asia, to the memory of Agaphon Mikitin, a Russian artilleryman, who was killed at Geok-Tepe. Having been im prisoned by the Telies, Mikitin refused to fight against his compatriots, although he was sub jected to the crudest, tortures. He-died after liis fingers had been cut off and his back scalded. Another monument to the brave soldier has iieen erected ill his native village in Poland, in the form of a Russian church, toward the de corations of which the Czar contributed 3,000 roubles. It is said that when Alexander >1 itchell was a banker in Milwaukee there was once a run on'liis bank. On the second day of the run an old Scotchman entered tlie bank, covered with mud, aud carrying a pair of saddlebags. He could not gain access to Mr. Mitchell on account of the crowd, but he shouted out to him, holding up the saddlebags: “Aleck, mon, I heard ye hod a roon on yer hank, and I bring ye a)l I have, mon —52,000 in gold.” The crowd contemplated the old Scotchman for a moment, and then began to drop out of the line, and in less than an hour the rim had ceased. A orocer at Beaver Fads is said to have a deg that eats no fat meat, and lives entirely on sweet cakes, crackers, sugar, chewing gum, etc. When a baby dog he was called Snipe, from a fancied resemblance he bore to an old cigar stump; but one <lny the family went off on a visit to the country, and accidentally left poor Snipe locked up in the house without food or water. In forty-three days the family returned. They found Snipe. He was alive, but that was all. For forty-three days he did not have a bite to eat or a drop to drink. He recovered from his long fast,and ever since la., been called Tan ner. TnERE is a decimal clock in Wiesbaden which is constructed on the following principle; The day has 10 hours, the hour 10 decades, each de cade 10 minutes, each minute 10 seconds and each second 10 rays—thus dividing the whole day into 100,000 parts. A similar division is to be applied to the circle. Herr Moder, of that city, goes still further, and proposes to divide tlie year into 10 months- tlie even months of 38. rhe uneven ones of 3,' days each. The ad vantages of this decimal system arc placed in evidence, and the inventor hopes to see the same adopted before long in spit* of the present op position. Among the Chinese who came off on a return certificate was one giving the name of “Leland Stanford. " Ills luggage was marked in that name. He was formerly au employe of the Senator. He was accompanied by his* wife, who to all appearances, as she toddled down the gang-plank, was it rotund matron. Ins-iectress Kincaid thought that the pseudo Mrs. Stanford was extremely bulky in Iter dress, and invited the lady to a secret investigation. The inspec tress removed what she supposed to be Mrs. Stanford’s dress. When tlie article was taken ciff Mrs. Stanford was still dressed, though in a suit of different color and texture. So, marvel ling, the inspectress drew off the garment. Another dress of even finer satin was revealed. Mrs. Stanford wore seven suits. The maguey plant of Mexico has many uses. It Is eaten cut up and preserved like melon rinds. Its long tough flibre in very extensively used in making ropes and cordage. The end of each leaf terminates in a hard, sharp, black thorn. Break off this thorn and st rip down the fibres attached to it, and you have a capital needle and thread ror course sewing. This the muleteers 11.--' to mend their saddles and brokon harness straps. The juice of the plant fermented is the famous pulque. Tho pulque is best in these high regions. Is is a viscous milk-white fluid, very wholesome and sustaining, and would boa most agreeable drink if it "tasted good." In fact it, tastes, when it has I -con a few days fer mented, like a mixture of buttermilk and sour cider. But many strangers become very fond of it. Tho older it growH Llio more intoxicating it In. A California* has been telling how lively Tombstone, Ari., was a few r vears ago. “I hired out us a barkeeper. ” be says, “iu the principal saloon of Tombstone. It was the biggest sa loon 1 ever saw. Tlie liar was sixty feet long, and every known gambling game was in full blest. Every day or two there was a shooting scraiie and somebody gt killed or wounded? Every time a row began i would drop a quarter on tlie floor and pretend that it lux,l rnlhd be hind tlie whisky Darrels, and then I would crawl in alter it. I was hunting money behind these barrels about lrtlf of the lime, whisky straight was tho regular drink, and If a stranger came in and ordered a fancy drink tlie proprietor would pass out whisky straight: and if tuo cus tomer objected somebody would lilt him over the head ’.v lb * revolver and drag him Into tlie street,. You -or the pimple of Tombstone be lieved in haring things after the Arcadian sim plicity model. DRY GOODS. SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORuH -V, HEALERS IN FIRST-CLASS Reliable Dry Goods. The latest Novelties hi Foreign and Domestic DRESS GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. Black and Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres —AND— Silk Warp Henriettas BLACK NUNS’ VEILING, SUITABLE FOR MOURNING VEILS. Mourning Goods a Specialty. ENGLISH CRAPES AND CRAPE VEILS. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Housekeepers’ Groods. TRISH TABLE DAMASKS, Napkins and Tow -1 els of the best manufacture, and selected especially with view to durability. Counter panes aiid Table Spreads, Cotton Sheetings, Shirtings and Pillow Casings in all the best brands. HOSIERY. GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS Regularly made French and English Hosiery for Ladies and Children. Balbriggan Hosiery: Gen tlemen’s and Boys’ Half Hose; Ladies’" Black Silk Hosiery. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Linen Handkerchiefs in a great variety of fancy prints, and full lines Ilf hemstitched and plain hemmed White Hand kerchiefs. Gentlemen’s Latmdried and Unlaundried Shirts, Boys’ Shirts. Gentlemen’s Collars and Cuffs, Ladies’ Collars and Cuffs. CORSETS.—lmported and Domestic, in great variety, and in the most graceful and health approved shapes. VESTS.—Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s Vests, in Spring and Summer weights. PARASOLS.—The latest novelties in Plain and Trimmed Parasols. ORDERS.—AII orders carefully and promptly executed, and the same care and attention given to the smallest as to the largest commission. Samples sent free of charge, and goods guaran teed to lie fully up to the quality shown in samples. Sole Agents for McCall’s Celebrated BAZAR GLOVE-FITTING PATTERNS. Any Patterns sent post free on receipt of price and measure. Telephone No. 401. New Goods By Steamer Chattahoochee. NEW LAWNS, NEW ORGANDIES, NEW CRINKLE SEERSUCKERS, V COMPLETE LINE of Ladies' Children’* and Gents’Summer Undershirts. A full assortment of Empire State Shirts, size from 13 to 17V£. Boys' Shirts, from 12 to 1314. Ladies' and Children’s Lisle Thread Hose, in black and colored. Gents’ Lisle thread and Balbriggan Half Hoso in plain and fancy colors. Gents’ Collars and Cuffs, with a complete line of Black and L.-cond Mourning Goods, compris ing everything new and desirable. at GERMAINE’S, [Next Furber’s. STOVES^ “NOTICE. WHEN you find it necessary to have a Stov* or Range, or anything In Hardware, the very best thing you can do is to give LOVELL <s LATTIMORE your order. You then can feel pretty certain that you are getting it at the low est mark, for their business is too large and thoroughly systematized to make a practice or charging Tom, Dick and Harry each a different price, besideis they sell only the leading makcjl and will have but little to do with inferior goods, as it is very' unsatisfactory to sell them at any price. For shoddy things go elsewhere, they naver't them at ail and won't keep them. 153 and lf>7 Congress street, Savannah, Ga., near the Market. Oil & Gasoline STOVES. A FULL LINE OF THE BEST MAKEB. Cornwell & Chipman ODD FELLOWS BUILDING. MEDICAL. _ If You Have Mo anntllf, Indigestion, Flatnle*** Kick iicuilitcliv. ••all run down, I ■* , uu:I1 liuu the remedy yon need. They tone’M Hie weak stomach and “J." n nagging energies. S'lntT*™.,,,-, mental or physical osrerwook w‘J J relict iron! them. Xlccly sugar eoaie* SOLD EVERYWHERE* POROUS PLASTERS / VS." _ [ __g MHSJIUL all * sounding Ask rom utaSfcA ■B M A Dkx*os’o a*dta,k £ W mmo THEESSTIM lEEWRIiDj