The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 04, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 READS LIKE A ROMANCE. rWO FLORIDIANS CLEARED FROM AN UNJUST CHARGE. The Kelly pothers, Who a, Cir cus Man at Dawson, Pardoned by Gov. Gordon—The Prominence Which the Fugitives Have Attained in the Land of Flowers. Atlanta, Ga., May 3.—0. B. Stephens tnd J. M. Griggs, of Dawson, who have lor some weeks been engaged in mi effort to ibtain a pardon for John It. ami Charles A. telly, brothers, came to Atlanta Saturday light, with their clients, who voluntarily sur endered. A hearing was heard before the Sovemor to-day and this afternoon the par ion was granted. The Governor based his let ion on the numerous petitions from Terrell Bounty, signed by the recent grand jury, turvivors of the traverse jury who convict ed, Judge Harrell who presided, the prose- Buting attorney and the county officials and BX-offlcio officers; the acquittal of the murder of C. T. Ames on the ground of solf iefense, and that on the liest legal authority the verdict of voluntary manslaughter on iccount of the accidental killing of Oxford jannot be sustained by the law and the facts in this case. The applicants for executive clemency are two of Florida’s most prominent citizens, and their story is an interesting one. The Constitution tells the following story of their lives: Some years ago John R. Kelly and Charles A. Kelly, brothers, were two of Terrell county’s best and most highly respected cit izens.' They were bright, intelligent, up right men who had, by their genial quali ties and sterling integrity, won the respect and esteem of all their neighbors. No iner> in Dawson, their home, stood higher. Such a thing as either ever being charged with crime of any kind hail never been thought of. The story is soon told: On Nov. 2, 1870, Ames’ circus, one of those straggling affairs whose main charac teristic was its gang of dirty hangers-on, showed in Dawson. Just before the circus opened in the evening a man named Russoll, n resident of Dawson county, started, witli his wife and family, into n side show. He had purchased tickets at the ticket wagon, but as he started in the doorkeeper stopped him, saying that he was trying to pass in more than he had paid for. Russell denied this, claiming that, he had paid for them all. Without paying any atten tion to Mr. Russell's statement the door keeper grabbed Mrs. Russell, who had gone ahead and was a tent to enter the tent, and drew her back, handling her pretty roughly. Russell-then and there had an altercation with the doorkeeper, who evidently believ ing discretion one of the leading traits of a valiant nature, mude for the inside of the tent. Russell followed him. Just about this time John R. Kelly, ac companied by his young wife and sister-in law. appeared upon the scene, and, knowing nothing of the trouble, wanted to go hi and see the side show. W hile the Kellj' party stood waiting outside the ropes for an op[x>r tunitv to go iri anew doorkeeper, evidently one of the "fighting men” of the circus, came out to take a hand in the running of a (Tail's. In his hand he held a murderous-looking derringer. Making for Kelly, whom he doubtless mistook for Russell, the circus man pushed him back roughly,saying; “I’m going to put a stop to this swindling busi ness. There is going to be no more of this passing in more people than you pay for.” He kept on pushing Kelly until tlie latter decided that he had been pushed enough and, planting himself there, said lie would go no further. At this stage of the proceedings Ames, proprietor of the show, and a number of his fiangers-on and thugs, put in all appearance. All were armed to the teeth with shooting irons. Kelly was handed a pistol—the testi mony on this point is understood to be somewhat contradictory—and facing the circus men he said to them that they could not drive him away, as lie had come to stay. It was at this time that Charles Kelly put in an appearance upon the scene. Seeing that liis la-ot her was in trouble, he walked up, presumably with the intention of making peace, if possible. Before' he could sav anything, Ames rushed up to the Kellvs, and pointing his derringer at them said he would blow n— out of them. Then the firing began. The testimony in the trials which followed showed that it was absolutely impossible to tell who fired the first shot. Several shots were fired iu rapid succession, and then there was a general fusilade. This lasted probably fifteen or twenty seconds, and when the smoke cleared away it was found that Ames had been shot through the stomach. He died the next day. 4 An innocent bystander was also a victim to the inevitable’ stray bullet. During the melee David Oxford, a brother-in-law of the man Russell, over whom the row started, was standing within the side show entireh out of sight of the shooting. He was struck by a bullet and killed. Whether the bullet which killed him came from tlie pistol of one of the fighters outside or whether he was deliberately murdered by some one of the circus men has never been determined. At the time of his death Russell was standing by his side. Russell testified that he hoard the bullet strike Oxford, and, looking up, saw the showman with whom he (Russell) had had the first altercation standing in the doorway of the tent pointing u smoking pistol toward Oxford. One thiug which the testimony on this point did develop was that it was lmtxssrible Tor cither of the Kellys to have killed Ox ford for the reason that they were shooting in a southerly direction, while Kelly was standing a little north of west of them. Several trials followed. The Kelly brothers were indicted for the tuurderof Ames, and upon the trial of the case were acquitted. They were then in dicted for the murder of Oxford, and Gov. Bullock employed special counsel, S. D. Ir vin, to prosecute the oase, which he did with sir'll vigor that ho suciveded in con victing the brothers of manslaughter, the conviction being based upon the general proposition of law that if the Kellys were there with pistols they were there unlaw fully, aud if u homicide was committed upon the person of an innocent bystander, they were guilty of involuntary man slaughter in the commission of un unlawful act. The jury' relumed its verdict early Sun day morning, and at about 11 o’clock the Kellys walked out of the jail in which they had boon confined and easily made their es cape. The streets of Dawson were full of people, all of whom knew the two men well, but they were not interfered with at all. On tlie contrary the people bxk nti interest, in their welfare, and all whom they met wished them God speed. Gov. Bullock offered a reward of $.700 for their arrest. In those ilays SSOO was a big sum to tlie average citizen of Dawson, ord many doubtless needed the money, but al though almost everybody knew tlie wliere alxmts of the refugees, none would give any information tending to lead to their capture. The strange part of the story is tliul relat ing to their life since that time. They made their way to Florida and set tled in the northern iwtrt near the Georgin line. There they have since lived and both have risen to lx- among the most prominent men State. John Kelly is now Hon. John Kelly, one of the loading members of Florida’s Legislature. He wax one of the most prominent figures in the work of reclaiming Florida li-oru carpet-bag rule, uud placing her buck in Dennx-ratic tanks. For several years he has represented ms county in the State Leg islature, and has alwavs filled offices of trust and honor with such fidelity that the people of his county place implicit faith in S? m - , Jo | u J Kelly is recognized as Gov. j'eirj’s right hand man, and he is on inti mate terms with such men us cv-Hpcaker It. Davis, Congrersnien ftoxgtoin gni‘ Dougherty, and oU the men iu the btiite. * Charles Kelly lias not risen to sucli polit.i cit prominence as that attained by his brituer, but it has been from lack of in dinatiou rather than from lack of op]xir t inity. He is at present chairman of t!ie Denvvratic Executive Committee of liis di riet, ami chairman of the Board of Com ty Commissioners of his county. In polities he is recognized as a thorough w >rker and in business ranks tvith Florida’s bed men. Both men enjoy tlie esteem and confidence of the people of Taylor county, and are highly respected by all who know them. Although they have lived within a few miles of tlie Georgia line, and have paid frequent visits to their old home in Dawson, they ha\ r e never been molested. Realizing that, despite their prominence, they were nominally fugitives from Georgia justice, they have naturally felt that they would like to have the odium removed. For u long time the vast majority of the people of Terrell county have felt that a great injus tice had been done these two men, and at the November term of the Superior Court, last fall, a movement lookiug to a pardon for them was begun. The movement was begun by the mem bers of the grand jury, ail of whom signed the petition for pardon. Similar petitions were signed by ail the members of the Ter rell county bar, by the Solicitor General, all the county officers and about SIXJ of the best citizens of Terrell county. It is said that of all the persons asked to sign such a peti tion not one refused. These petitions were reinforced by a per sonal letter from Judge I). B. Harrell, who presided at the trial, arid by special peti tions signed by all tho members of the juries which tried the Kellys. These papers were filed in Gov. Gordon’s office sometime in February, and have since been under his consideration. To the friends who presented tho matter, the Governor said he would take no action whatever until the two men gave themselves up to the State authorities. A MODEL FLORIDA TOWN. Volusia’s Commercial Metropolis—lts Rapid Growth. DeLand, Fla., May?,—lt is but a short time since DeLand was almost destroyed by fire, yet hardly a trace of the terrible visita tion remains to-day. The burnt district has been rebuilt with fine and even elegant brick blocks, and their fine proportions and plate glass fronts show the energy and business foresight of her capitalists and business men. Rents in these brick buildings are about as reasonable as in the old buildings, while the insurance rates are reduced from 5 1-2 and 6 1-2 jx'r cent, to 3 and 2 1-2. Isn’t this a strong point in this direction alone, regard ing the id isolate necessity of building fire proof stores and business blocks? DeLand is Ixautifully hxiated on a high ridge and in the midst of a very fertile sec tion. This latter feature is clearly shown in the numerous and valuable orange groves all through here, extending for miles on every side of the city. Asa health re sort it lias attained a reputation second to no place in the State, its location on this ridge and in the midst of the pines giving it great advantages in this respoct. Its growth has not boon “phenomenal, nor has it had a sudden “boom,” but the substantial im provements show the abiding faith of the builders iu its future. And judging from the appearance of the town itself, its well built business blocks, elegant hotels and handsome residences, and the well-settled country immediately surrounding, this faith is not misplaced. A good deal of building is going on now, several largo sales of real estate have been re ported recently and the general indications point to a very fair summer and mi ex tremely heavy fall business in all branches. In 1880 the population was about 300, now it ls in the neighborhood of 2,000. The educational advantages of DeLand are superb and are its pride. The DeLand University offers a most complete course and of a high standard. To Mr. H. A. De Land’s generosity aud public spirit does this institution owe its existence. He endowed it liberally from the start, and has used his time, money and influence without stint to place it stilt higher. An endowment fund of *30,000 is now being raised, Mr. DeLand giving $10,00;), the other $10,11)0 being raised throughout the State by tho Baptist denomi nation. Mr. John B. Stetson, of Philadelphia, has invested here largely, probably to the ex teut of SIOO,OOO or more, and as one result “Stetson Hull” is now completed. It has rooms for the faculty, twenty-six rooms for students, dining rooms, ete., and is a hand some-building in every respect. The term just finished has been well attended and scores of applications have already been made for the fall term. Besides this there is a fine kindergarten school, as well as a well • taugh public school. With these certainly the city lays claim, and justly, too, to having the best educational facilities in tho State. Both the college building and Stetson Hall are handsomely designed and planned and finished off in native woixis. Mr. Stetson has just offered to donate $25,- 001 towards a SIOO,OOO endowment fund, and the friends of the university hope to secure the other $75,000 soon. The business of the merchantsiseems to be on a good basis, and they carry large and well assorted stocks in their several lines. Nearly all are readers of the Morning News and sjx'iik highly of it. Among the new readers of the paper we may mention: James Wylie, gas and steam fitting, tinning, etc.; Cairns & Pearson, fine cabinet makers; J. P. Bcigue & Cos., hardware, stoves and tinware; Hamlin & Stewart, attorneys; Robert G. Wolesby, proprietor DeLand Laundry; Mrs. J. W. Hitcnings, millinery; W. H. Wood & Smooth, house and sign painting; L. C. Boardslee. billiard room, ci gars, tobacco and mineral waters. Next week Is commencement week at the university, and the students are in a flutter. The Morning News representative was shown some line free hnml drawing executed by the pupils of the art department, and they nil showed much proficiency. Miss Anna K. Tut hill, the teacher, is very pains taking, and the student* seem to have profited by her teachings. She has just finished a handsome crayon portrait of Mr. DeLand, which is spoken highly of. The exercises of commencement week will open witli the baccalaureate sermon, Sundy evening, by President Forbes. On Monday the examinations will Ixt completed, and in the evening the Palmetto Society will give a reception at Stetson Hall. Tic's'lay morn ing tlie entrance examinations will take place, and in the evening the Palmetto So ciety will give their public literary exercises at the Baptist church. Wednesday morn ing the ixiard of trustees will hold their first meeting under the new charter, and ia the evening will lx* the regular commence ment exercises at tlie Baptist church. Stops ure now, Ix'ing taken to introduce the electric light here, and it is hoped that tietore next season it will be iu full oiiera tion. Vegetables are looking well and are quite plentiful. Orange, peach and other fruit trees are growing thriftily, and the orange tree* seem well laden with young fruit. Tho crop will lx* very fuir in this section, judg ing from present indications. Burglary at Marianna. Marianna, Fla., May 3.—The store of A. Merritt, a dealer in general merchandise, whs entered by burglars Sunday night, anil $l5O in cash taken from the safe. Cirruai stfijicos indicate that the keys of flu' safe were abstracted from Mr. Merritt’s i>ocket by someone who entered his bedroom during tlie night. The keys were returned, but there were many indications of tlie pockets having been searched. Suspicion has ns yet centred on no one, but the thief was evi dently well acquainted with tho premises, though new ut the burglar’s badness. Neither fxxiks, pu]>ers, nor any of tlie mer chandise in tlie store were disturbed, it being strictly a cash transaction. Firo Near Ways. Ways, Ga., May 3.—On Friday last J. A. Keller of this county had his barn ami plantation supplies and also his working it byt gained subhead way th *9 pll gTOSM lmwwKrrfi iWBJr •MISlsJ' I IFF, MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1887. FLORIDA’S LEGISLATURE. The Ballot in Joint Session Not Mate rially Changed. Tallahassee, Fla., May 3.—Senator Wail to-day introduced a bill in the Senate appropriating SIO,OOO for anew building for the East Florida Seminary at Gainesville. The afternoon was consumed in consider ing the bill to enforce the local option pro vision of the new constitution, if.' Mr. Mallory presented to tlie Senate peti tions from citizens of Pensacola asking that their present city government be not abol ished a s is proposed. The bill for the establishment of a State Board of Health was unfavorably reported. The House acted favorably on the bill forming anew county of DeSoto from a portion of Manatee. A resolution to amend the constitution so that exemptions from forced sales be limited to forty acres was indefinitely postponed. The joint session to-day s’oted for United States Senator as follows: Perry 26 Bloxluun 26 Pasco 17 Mallory . A Finley 2 McWhorter 1 Oixxlrieb (Republican) 15 The joint session adjourned to noon to morrow. OAKLAND’S PROGRESS. Growth of the Town on Lake Apopka , —A Base Ball Boom. Oakland, Fla., May 2. —Work on the artesian well, which has been suspended for some time owing to lack of proper tools, has been resumed. A much heavier engine and larger tools have been secured and the work of boring is going on rapidly. On Saturday last the A. M. E. church gave mi excursion from here to their grove and picnic grounds at Clarcona. A special train had to bn run to accommodate the crowd (hat attended. Efforts are being made among tho young men of the town to start a base ball club here. Material for a good club is not want ing, and as the citizens are willing to give the enterprise substantial support it is probable that the movement will be a suc cess. The new store of Messrs. Baker & White -I}' will lx; finished in a few ilaysrwhen their large stock of grain and feed will be moved in and the place opened for business. Our citizens eagerly await the arrival of the Northern mail, which brings the Morn ing News each day. The fair and impar tial representation which tlie News gives of Florida has done much to further tho journal’s popularity in this place, and the already goodly li.-.t of suliscribers is being lengthond rapidly. The work of clearing away the under brush, thinning the trees, and otherwise beautifying our park, is progressing. Walks will lie made, arbors erected, seats placed in different places, and so soon as the arte sian well is finished and a good flow of water secured, a large and handsome fountain will be placed in the centre. These improve ments, together with the unrivalled view of the lake which one may get from any point, will give us a park that will not be equalled in iK'nuty, or even size, by any in the State. Oakland badly needs someone capable of managing a really good hotel. There is a bonanza in this business to tlie right party. The road bed of the Orange Belt Railway is entirely completed and ties all laid to Cleremont, twelve miles west of here. Tlie work of laying rails will commence in a few days, and it is expected that trains will be running to Cleremont by May 20. Columbus’ Firemanic Contests. Columbus, Ga., May 3. —The annual parade and contest of the Columbus fire de partment took place this afternoon. There were running tests and engine tests, in both of which Columbus No. 1 was the winner. The reel test was made in SO% seconds, which won tlie first prize, SSO. The engine test was made in 7 minutes and 5 seconds and won S2O. Champion No. fl*-wwi,the first prize in the colored cohtestj Wright (colored) was run over by tne reel and severely injured. , hor, Jf're r Pensacola’s Gallant Fire Lhddide. Pensacola, Fla., Muy 3.—The annual parade of the firemen of this city took place to-day. Seven companies partiepuitod. The decorations displayed an unusual amount of artistic taste and skill. The day was concluded by a grand picnic at Kup frian’s Park. The department is a volunteer one. The merchants of the city, as a token of their appreciation to the department, closed their places of butiness in order that their employes might attend tne celebra tion. Suing Railroads. Green Cove Springs, Fla., May 3. The Western railroad of Florida, formerly the Green Cove Springs and Melrose rail road, is again in the toils, a New Jersey firm having entered suit to recover for several miles of iron furnished. Process has also been served upon the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railroad in tho matter of a claim for damages arising from the destruction of Budington & Wil son’s saw mill by firo a short tune ago. Indian River’s Victors. Palatka, Fla., May 3.—ln the regatta of t lie Indian River Yacht Club at Oleander Point to-day there were twenty-three en tries. In the first class tho Ripple was first and the Aitow second. In the second class the Gretohen was first and the Rosalind second. In the third class Gold Dust was first and Rosa A. second. In the fourth class Ohio was first and Victoria second. RUSH OF THE RACERS. Opening Day of the Meeting of the Na tional Jockey Club. Washington. May 3.—Tlie first day’s races of tlie National Jockey Club’s spring meeting at Ivy City were us follows: First Rack— Five, furlongs, Pasha won, with Bramble second, and Germania third. Time 1:0:?. Second Race—Mile; for three-year-olds and upwards. Telie Doe won, with Buffalo second, and Nettie third. Time 1:40. Third Race-National handicap; mile and a furlong. Dry Monopoly won, with Burch sec ond, and Boaz thiol. Time 1:57. Fourth Kaos—Youthful stakes for 2 year old:, : half mile. Omaha won witli Salvini se cond and Tauigue third. Time 50 seconds. Fifth Race -One mile; :! year-olds and up ward; selling race. Ten Strike won with Mag gie Mitchell second and Parasol third. Time l:44Js|. Mutuals paid $35 50. LEXINGTON RACES. Lexington, Ky., May 3.—To-day’s racing events here wore as follows: First lUer. -Ono and one-eighth miles. Montana Regent won, with Long Alight second and Relax third. Time, l:sUte. , Second Race ilalf-mile. Princess Bkuidina won. witli Fauna Hancock second mid Miss ltuth third. Tim >, 51)$. T hru Kju>i: One 'and one-fourth m!!e. Kanburg won, with Montrose veoud and Li bretto third. Time, 2:10. FontTE Hack— Ono and one-sixteenth lnilos. Osceola won, with Mute second and Mono emt third. Time, I:SOV£. NASHVILLE RACES. Nashville, May 3.—To-dav’s races were as follows: Fms r Race—Six furlongs. Shadow won, with Charlie Marks second and Alico Moore- third. Time 1:16) j. Second Race —Seven furlongts. Ban Ynn won, witli Hold Flea second and Drumstick third. Time 1:20. Third Race—Nino furlongs. Spalding won, with Dunciug Kid second and Birthday third. Time 50Vt%. Fourth Race—One mile. EdistO won. with Ban Nuil second and Ermine third. Time t :15)q. In General Debility, Emaciation, Consumption and Wasting in Children, Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cixl Liver Oil with Hypophosphites is n most valuable food ntni medicine. It creates on iipjietito for food, strengthens the nervous system and builds up the body. Please read: “I tried Kcott’s Emulsion on a young man whom physicians ut times gave up hope. Since he began using the Emulsion his cough lias ceased, gained flesh and strength, and from all appear ances liis life w ill bo prolonged many \ ears.” — John .Sullivan, Hospital Stow/cxl, Mir - 1 gauzn, Pn. ' > j MRB. KATE CHASE. Something About Her Home Life and the Biography of Her Father. AVont Washington fetter to the Chicago ,Yetr.s. I saw Mrs. Kate Chase on the street yes terday, and, although she is considerably stouter, she holds her beauty to this day, and would lx; conspicuous in any company for looks and brains. There is seldom a woman in these modern times who has suffered as she has undeservedly; seldom one with greater devotion to those who have been just and true to her; but as trouble never comes to those who cannot endure, she lias had the strength, the courage and the resistance few women are possessed of. I know something of the untold his tory of recent years, facts that may not be published, and the knowledge impels me to speak a word of praise for Mrs. Chase whenever I get. an opportunity. She is living quietly at Edgewoou, the old mansion that was the summer home of her father* when he was Secretary of the Treas ury and Chief Justice, situated a mile or so beyond the boundaries of the city eastward, on a hili that overlooks the country for miles around. The course of the empire is always westward, and the fashionable folk have gone in crowds in the other direction, so that now Edgewood is almost in seclusion and few people know that Mrs. Chase is there. She is in voluntary retirement, however, in a work of love and duty, and has only emerged onwi since her return from Paris. That was one evening last winter, when she attended the “comipg-out” party of the daughter of an old friend of whom she is very fond. For a couple of hours she stood in the centre of an admiring company and answered questions about herself; then she returned to the shadow again where invita tions do not reach her, and few callers are admitted, except very near friends. In con nection with the education of .her two daughters, which she is conducting herself, with tho assistance of a young blind man, who teaches them Lat in and mathematics. She is devoting herself to a biography of her late father. Two lives of Chief Justice Chase have been written, one by a man bv the name of Shuekers, who is living on liis familiarity with the affairs of the Chase family as Ba deau is living on the acquaintance he had with Grant, and another by a lawyer named Warden, who was secretary to Andrew Johnson. Neither of these bocks was authorized, so to speak; both were written for tho benefit of the authors and not for the honor of the subject, and one the family has attempted to sup press. To her children and to her father’s memory Mrs. Chase will devote the rest of her life, and at Edgewood she is sit ting neck deep in old papers, letters of a pri vate as well as a public nature, official records, etc., studying, classifying, making briefs, copying extracts and preparing ma terial for a work that will add much of in terest and value to the history of the times when Salmon P. Chase was a great leader of men and a factor in events. The work will*not be purely a biography, but a history will be made from tlie mate rial be left, some of it of such a character that it will excite comment and controversy. Such a work as Mrs. Chase proposes could no t have been printed ten veal’s ago. It will not be printed till ten hence, probably, when sharp outlines of jx*rsonal character and partisan prejudices will lx; softened by study and reflection. We write our history too soon. I understand that Mrs. Chase’s income is limited, and she must do the work alone. She cannot even afford an amanu ensis. But she has a home, enough funds to buy what comforts she needs, and no desire to return to fashionable life. Her eldest daughter, Miss Ethel, now al most a young lady, is talking as if she in tended to go upon the stage, not because she seeks notoriety or covets dramatic honors, but because she lias some gifts that way and thinks she can put them to profitable ac count. Hhe is ambitious to make money and aid her mother. Several times she has received offers from managers to appear, but both the mother and daughter agree that her education should bo finished first, and two or three years more will be spent in study at the country home. MISS WOLFE’S LOVE STORY. How SI,OOO Happened to Come Be tween Her and a Husband. jYeie York fetter in Chicago Tribune. A genuinely solemn thing is the death of Catharine Wolfe, the richest maiden lady in the land. She Was a genuine devotee of religion and charity. Her obituaries have ere this been printed everywhere. Stories of tlie reason of her celibacy, and imparting a romantic tinge to it, are current in so ciety. An intimate friend assures me that they are not true. W r ith millions ujxin millions at her command from girlhood, with the utmost refinement and goodness inherent in her nature, with family connec tions of the proudest sort, her opportunities for wiving herself advantageously were of the best. But she never had the remotest desire to marry. This feeling may have been partly due to a distrust of all wooers, for how could she know that they wanted her rather than her money? But princi pally it arose from a genuine repugnance to wedlock. She desired to maintain utter inde pendence. Twenty-five years ago a Count Valeo came nearer to winning her than any body ix'fore or since. He was an Italian, and his title was all right, though Counts are of no great, distinction in Italy, lie had Ixt'ii educated for tho Catholic priesthood, but he had liecome an Episcopalian in this country. He professed to devote himself to benevolent work, and gained Miss Wolfe's confidence in that way, and it was thonght that she almost, if not quite, accepted him as a lover. But lie couldn’t wait for her money. She intrusted SI,OOO to him for a particular charity. He confiscated the fund for liis own use, and she detected the rob bery. “I will never ‘-ust a man a gain.” she said, “unless lie refrains from courting me.” This seemed to become the fixed rule of her life, and its operation necessitated maideiiUixxl. How the Bishop Should Have Thanked Him. Prom the Providence Journal. One of Henry B. Anthony’s stories was of a policeman who recovered on a steamboat a pocket-look which had been stolen from tho good Bishop Griswold. "I did not want any reward,” said the policeman, “and 1 would not have taken anything, but I did think tho Bishop might have said: ‘Ohdamn it, Smith, have *lO. If he luul just said that, I should have been satisfied.” on Rats,” Clears out ruts, mice, roaches, flics, ants, Iwslbugs, beetles, insects, skunks, jock rab bits, sparrows, gophers. 15c. At druggists. "Rough on Corns.” | Ask for Wells’“Rough on Corns.” Quick relief, complete cum, Corns, wiu'td, bun ions. 15c. "Rough on Itch.” “Rough on Itch” cures .skin humors, erup tions, ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, frost si feet, chilblaius, itch, ivy poison, barber’s iteh. 50c. jars. •'Rough on Catarrh” Corrocta offensive odors at once. Complete cure of woi-st chronic cases; also unequaled ns gargle for diphtheria, sore throat, loul breath. 50c. Harnett House. Concerning a popular hotel in Savannah, On., the Florida Tiines-Union says: “We note from the hotel arrivals ,i* published in the Savannah papers, that the Harnett House still lemls nil tin' other hotels in the city. In fact they have as many ns the others combined. is a good install ment of Floridians always registered there.” Tire town of Lkmtrenog, Waloa, proposes to celebrate th“ Queen's jubilee lu grand slj lu by buying a now beers- W orvt’uer Indications. 1 Special indications for Georgia: FAIR Fair weather; slightly cooler. For Georgia and F.astern Florida: Fair weather, slig .tly cooler, fol lowed by local rains in western portion, variable winds, generally southwesterly. Cotton Itegion Bulletin for 24 hours end ing tip. m., .May 3, ISS7, 75th Meridian time. Districts. | Average N.wv S st“ f ! Max. 1 Min. Rain- Don. | Tem pjTenipj fall. 1. Wilmington 9 j 84 j 59 I 0 2. Charleston 6 SI j 57 0 3. Augusta 10 | Si | 57 j 0 4. Savannah 12 87 i 61 0 5. Atlanta 12 8' ; 60 | 0 6. Montgomery 9 87 61 j 0 7. Mobile 9 86 63 0 8. New Orleans 9 82 62 .75 9. Galveston* 68 54 1.75 10. Vicksburg 5 85 60 I* 11. Little Rock 0 68 56 1.10 12. Memphis 17 84 60 j .30 Averages j 82.4 59.2 j .80 ♦lnappreciable. Observations taken at the same moment cf time at all stations. Savannah, May 3, 9:36 p. m.. city time. Temperature. 1 Direction. < | Velocity. ° j Rainfall. Name of Stations. Norfolk 70|SW| 7 dear. Charlotte 72! s ]..) Fair. Wilmington 68 S W ; .. Clear. Charleston 70, S i j j Clear. Augusta 72 8 Ej.. I Cloudy. Savannah 68iS Ej..! -Fair. Jacksonville 70 E !.. j... . Clear. Key West 74 E 12 ! Clear. Atlanta 74 S E Bj. ..(Fair. Pensacola 72 S >11i.... j Clear. .Mobile 70 E 15 ; Fair. Montgomery 70 S El.. Cloudy. New Orleans 70 S 1J:10 Cloudy. Galveston 66 NW is .86 Cloudy. Corpus Christi 68 ; N illlj [Clear. Palestine 50 Nj 9 [Fair. Brownesville I j.. j j Rio Grande j |.. | | G. N. Salisbury, Signal Corps. U. S. Army. Why Stokes Will Never Deal Faro Again. John W. D. Stokes sent 63 for the pur chase of a ticket in the Louisiana State Lot tery in the February drawing. He received a fifth of No. 45,151, and when he learned that it. called for part of the 650,000 prize ha resigned as dealer in a prominent gambling house. The money arrived by express. He is now enjoying a season of rest, and is hav ing his wife, who is nearly blind, treated for her affliction. Stokes says he will never deal faro again. —Detroit (Mich.) Tribune Feb. 27. Speaking of Variety, B. H. Levy & Bro.'s display of Gents’, Youths’ and Boys' Suits about exhausts the variety of fashionable fabrics now in vogue. The Savannah Weekly Neffs. Sixteen Images. For Saturday, May 7, 1887. READY THIS MORNING CONTENTS First Page—Bartlmeus; Monsieur LeCure; A Lunatic's Story About Mrs. Cleveland; Free Lunch Destroyers, illustrated; He Revered His Mother; A Shadow's Romance; Reformed by Kindness. Second Page—Figuring on the Rates; Suffer Little Children; Florida's Lawmakers; Auburn dale's Advantages; Protection the Issue; Mexi can Bonanzas; Cleveland’s Position: Peace Almost Certain; Franklin’s Unhonored Grave; Gov. Gordon iu a Stupor; Palmer’s Pal; A Crew Under a Cloud. Third Page—Small Towns Ask a Show; A Prisoner Takes Morphine; Titusville Items; Views in Florida; A Hoggish Trick; Uncle Rufus in London; Gladstone on America; vXnvardly Murder; Robbers Stop a Train; Men in Black Masks; An Odd Fellow Oddity; Trial of the Nihilists. Fourth Page— Louisville's Lynchers; Millions Untaxed; Horse Thieves Cut Short; Sunday School Topics; The Sub-Tropical Exposition; Gainesville Notes; A Woman as Engineer; Schnaebeles Set Free; Bull Fighting by Elec tricity; Pope Ia:o and Italy; Perry Holds the Lead. Fifth Page—Walling in Each State; Smashed to Splinters*, Cursed by a Suicide; Mitchell’s Millions: Pneumonia in the Pens; Louisville Quiets Down; Rails Warped by the Sun; Florida oil the Wire; A Bohemian Paradise; Politicians in a Pickle; Interesting Real Estate. Sixth Page—Fashions of the Season; Hard Lines for Crooks; Drawing-Room Decorations; The Pauper's Drive; A Woman’s Lodging House; Up. Down anil Around; Fire Escapes and Toughs. Seventh Page—Agricultural Department: Forest Fires and Impoverished Land; How to Protect the Grape Crop; A New Forage riant; A Strawberry Barrel; Something About Figs; Peaches; Early Pasture; Farm and Stock Notes. Popular Science; Cupid and His Catches; Bar tow’s Budget; Florida's Capital; A Law Agin It. Eighth Page—Proverbs of Solomon, Talmage Tells How Paul Stirred Up Ephesus; Slashed With a Knife; Thumbscrews to be Put On; A Pope in a Stovepipe; A Man Under the Bed; Robbery and Outrage; Pounded for Twenty Pounds; Not a Jingo Regime. Ninth Page—Carlisle on Politics, a Louisville Paper Interviews the ex-Speaker: Dillon Faces His Foes, the Timex Editor Called a Base and Cowardly Liar: Rights of the Smacks, Another Batch of Fishery Correspondence; Lured Across the Line, South Carolina Causes More Compli cations; Other Important Telegrams. Tenth Page—The News in Georgia, Gathered from Correspondents and Exchanges; He Died the Death of a Hero; Bullets by Telephone; More of the Higher Law; A Veiy Knowing Girl. Eleventh Page—Round About in Florida; South Carolina Items; Debt of the Nation; Museum Masterpieces; What Mr. Cleveland Really Said; Her Arms Torn Out; They Acci dentally Found Ills Money; Calhoun for Coun sel; Florida’s Metropolis; Augusta Annuls. Twelfth Page—Editorial: The Maxwell Land Grant; The Southern Boom; A Southern Memo rial Day; The Shiloh Controversy; The Friend of the People. Two Washington Belles; Stay at Home; A Bothored Commission. Perry Still i;i the Van; Brief Telegraphic Summary. Thirteenth Page -Local Department: The New Water Supply; Alfred Solly's Visit; Tem perance Workers; The Central Directory; Sale of Tyliee Island: Eaten by Flame* at Sen: The Inside Route: General Railway News; Picking as Oil Mill Site; Mrs. Campbell Divorced; Base Ball. Fourteenth Page-Wedded In Death; He Aped the Pninon to Hl* Faee; The Pre ident fn 1KHO; Gov. Gordo:; at'Augusta; Story of a Mur der; Memorial Day; Mangled by a Bombshell; Struck a Pocket. Fifteenth Page—Frown* and 'Tears; A Strange Story; Mr. Bancroft's Return; A Curi ous Adventure: lie'- Faith iu Garrett; Mr. Bird’s Little Joke; What Public Men Drink: Home, Sweet Home; Eccentricities of Women’s Fashions; Current Comment; Bright Bits; Per sonal: Items of Interest. Sixteenth Page—Financial and Commercial Review of the Week; Reads Like a Romance; Two Floridians Cleared from an Unjust Charge; Other Interesting Telegrams; Advertisements. Just the paper to send to your friends. Single copies 5 cents. For sale at Est ill’s Nows Depot and at the of fice, 3 Whitaker street, MEETINGS. GEORG! V CHAPTER NO, 3, 11. A. N. A regular convocation of this Chapter will be held THIS (.Wednesday! EVENING, May 4th, at 8 o'clock. I'. and M. E. degree will be conferred. Trnsient companion-', are cordially invited to meet with u.\ By order of THOMAS BALLANTYNE, H. P. P. H. Ward, Recorder. I. O. O. F. MAGNOLIA KN- X CAMPMENT No. 1. Odd Fellows’ Tern- , _ fflp- j’jtfi _ pie. N. W. corner Bar naril and Stole streets. Regular meeting W‘ Tills I Wednesdayi’*bw. EVENING at 8 o’clock. JOHN RILEY, C. P. J. S. Tyson, Scribe. __ GOLDEN BULB LODGE NO. 12, 1.0. O. F. A regular meeting of this Lodge will be held TUTS EVENING at 8 o'clock at new hall. Important business will be brought before the lodge. Members o', other Lodges and v isiting brothers are invited to attend. By order of C. S. WOOD, N. G. 11. G. Ganahl, Secretary. SAVANNAH VOLUNTEER GUARDS. Hi£,'..o'q'hs Bat. Sav’h Volunteer Guards, ) Savannah, April 29th, 1881’. f General Order No. 23; . The Battalion is hereby ordered to assent- 0 1 hie at the Arsenal on WEDNESDA Y, the 4tl)fflft May, at 2:45 o’clock p. m., punctually, folly**™ uniformed, armed and equipped, to proceeds f r to the Schuetzen Park for target practice. llr Cars will leave Broughton and Bui! stroetrsJa* at 3 o'clock. A prize for the ununiformed members will be offered in addition to the regular battalion prizes. By order of LIEUT. COL. WM. GARRARD, Com’d’g. Wm. W. Williamson, First Lieut, and Adj’t. NOTICE. The Lady Managers of the Episcopal Orphans’ Home will meet at the Guards Arsenal between the hours of 10 and 12 TO-D AY to dispose of the refreshments left over from the entertainment last night. THE EUUITABLE LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. The eighth (Bth) regular monthly meeting of this association will be held at the office of the Secretary THIS (Wednesday) EVENING at 8 o'clock. C. P. MILLER, President. J. L. Whatlby, Secretary. May 4th, 1887, TRAVELERS’ PROTECTIVE ASSOCIA TION. The Annual Convention of the Georgia State Division of the Travelers’ Protective Association will !>o held in Macon on MAY 33d and 24th next, T. P. A.’sand all other traveling men are re spectfully invited and cordially requested to at tend. Reduced rates will be given from your town. UNION ROAD CO. A meeting of Stockholders of Union Road Cos. will be held at the office of Wm. Neyle Haber sham on SATURDAY NEXT, the 7th May, at 12 o’clock. • THOS. P. SCREVEN, President, SPECIAL NOTICE. Savannah, Ga., April 25th, 1887. An important meeting of the stockholders of the OGLETHORPE REAL ESTATE COMPANY will be held at the Supper Room of the Arsenal of the Savannah Volunteer Guards, on THURS DAY. May sth. prox., at 8:15 p. m., to consider offers made with a view to the final disposition of the property for hotel purposes. By Older of the Board of Directors. ED F. NEUFVILLE, Secy O. R. E. Cos. SPEC IA L NOTICES. A CARD. Headquarters Georgia Hussars, )_ Savannah, Ga., May 3d, 1887. t Rev. Leonard W. Baron, D. D.. Savannah, Ga,: Dear Sir—The Georgia Hussars, at a meeting held at their Hull last evening, passed the fol lowing resolutions; Resolved, That the Georg'a Hussars recognize in the eloquent sermon, "Bearing the Sword as God's Minister,” delivered by the Rev. Leonard W. Bacon, D. D., on March 30th ult., at the Inde pendent Presbyterian Church of Savannah, an admirable presentation of the duty incumbent upon all good citizens to sustain a well organ ized and efficient volunteer soldiery, not by words of commendation only, but by an active membership and an active,jiersonal participation in the discharge of the various duties thence arising. Resolved, That the Georgia Hussars, in full appreciation of the declarations thus made, feel greatly encouraged In the discharge of the duties incumbent upon thorn, and hereby desire to ex press to the Rev Leonard W. Bacon, D. D., their grateful acknowledgements for his com mendation of the volunteer soldiery of Savan nah and his zeal in their behalf. Resole and, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted by the Secretary to the Rev. L. W. Bacon, and a copy published in the Savannah Morni no News. it gives me great pleasure and pride in pursu ance of said resolutions to send you the forego ing copy. Yours, respectfully, W. \V. Gordon, C’apt. Com’d’g. GB YNI) FAMILY EXCURSION: BY REQUEST, THE STEAMER POPE UATLIN, CAPT. W. H. SWIFT, Will leave KELLY'S WHARF, foot of Bull street, ON WEDNESDAY MAY 4th. at 2 o'clock p. m., passing the SCHULTZEN PARK. BOKAVEN TURE and THUNDERBOLT, returning by way of WARSAW, WILMINGTON RIVER, etc. FARE 60 CENTS. CHILDREN HALF PRICE. Refreshments on board. NOTICE TO ~ Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received for the erection of an offi"e building for the CENTRAL RAILROAD witl lie received by the undersigned until TUESDAY, M AY 10th. at noon. Drawings and Specifications nui\ W* seen at the offices of Fay ,v Eichbcrg, No. 3 Bull street, Savannah, and 19J4 South Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. Bond and Security will be iwpiired for the performance of the contract. Work to be com plete) 1 on or before SEPT. Ist, 1887, under for feiture. Bids will lie received either in whole or for separate parts of the work. FAY A EICHRKRG, Architect*. SAVANNAH FLORAL AND ART ASSO CIATION. FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION. Exhibitors of artistic work at the Fior and Exhi bition, opening attic Chatham Anill-rv Hall on the 4th Inst., are re,#,-a<-d to attach a card firmly to the work which they semi to exhibit, with their name and title of work distinctly written upon ii CCMMITTKE ON EXHIBITION. PROPOSALS Will be received up to MAY 15th for offices in the new COTTON EXCHANGE building. De tails in reference to terms and conditions fur nished upon application to K. K. rkvan. Superintendent •ANOTHER LOT Of those WHITE STRAW HATS by last steamer from New York, for sale very low by JAUDON, 150 St. Julian street. ULMER'S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation ij in.alunble for the restoration or tone and strength to the sys tem. For I Constipation and other ills, caused tUsuplflgd liver, it cannot bo ffier’e Llve#lMMMMU*Pfiid take no other. $1 00 a bottle. Knairht gjltl to any uddros*. AtVjK NDS AND SIZES^* W, THOMAS? o*’ 0 *’ )iil and Wood, i State of Weather. AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE.' ointe week:. —AND— 3 Wednesday and Saturday Matinees Engagement of the Bright and Cbarmimr lit tie Soubretle. s CORA VAN TASSEI, and her excellent Dramatic Company in ' a repertoire of popular successes.’ THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, MAY 4 Will be presented ESMERALDA. Entire change of Programme each evening People s popular prices: 13c., 25c. and & during this engagement-. Reserved seats m 2 ou sale at Dfivw Bros. w fXoraiTk xirrmrioNT ~ ' FLORAL AND ART ASSOCIATION EXHIBITION Chatham Artillery Armory Hall, MAY -4-th, sth and Qth. RULE 13.—A1l articles in every department ’ entered for competition must be delivered at the hall before 6 p. m. on the opening evening Articles simply for exhibition received at aiiv time. 1 Sii*>clal prize offered by Mr. A. C. Oelsehig re duced to allow competition as follows: For the best 18 named Hybrid Perpetuals and ti named Tea Roses A prize of 30 for first and 20 for second Assorted Hybrid and Tea Rose Plants Flowers for competition must be in uniform baskets furnished by the association, which may he had at Jacob Gardner’s or Jno. F. LaFar s Bull street. • ’ Doors open May 4th at 7 p.m., on May sth and 6th from 3 to 6 and 7 to 11 p. si. Admission—Adults 25c., children 15c. excursions: GRAND TEMPERANCE EXCLRSTON *—ON THE— Steamer St. Nicholas to Tybee, FRIDAY, May 13th. Leaving foot of Lincoln street at 9 A. M., re turning at 5 p. m. In honor of the delegates attending the State Convention of the Woman’s Christian Temper ance Union. Tickets 50 cents; Children under 10 half price. Ice Cream, Lemonade, Soda Water, Coffee and Sandwiches, may be procured on board at rea sonable charges. Tickets for sale at Ludden & Bates, Davis Bros, and at the Boat. MILLINERY'. MGOOiriEWGiI Caps, Caps, and Sun Bonnets, Normandy Caps, Nurses' Caps, Shirred Caps, Corded Bonnets, Lace Caps, Embroidered Bonnets, Embroidered Caps, Cambric Bonnets, Pique Caps, Pique Bonnets, French Caps, Ruffled Bonnets, Mull Caps, Insertion Corded, Bonnets made to order. 12 Styles to Select from. Mrs. Tv. Power, No. 137 St. Julian and Bull. MAC 111 N KBY. J. W. TYNAN, Engineer and Minis!, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Corner West Broad and Indian Streets. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, BOILERS, Etc., MADE AND REPAIRED. STEAM PUMPS, GOVERNORS. INJECTORS AND Steam Water Fittings OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. FOLIATION AL. MiSa INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. BOSTON, MASS. Entrance Regular four-year course* in Civil Mechanical, Mining and Electrical Engineering, Architecture, Chemistry, Physics, Natural History, etc. Students are also admitted to pan ial or special courses. Next school-year begins Sept. 26, 1867. Entrance examinations at 9 a. m., June 2 and 3, at Atlanta, in charge of Maj. W. F. Slaton, "5 E. Mitchell street. Francis A. Walker, James P. Mvnroe. President. Secretai '"COMMISSION merchants. 16 years established. (3-. S. PAIjMLR.. Wholesale Commission Merchant. SOUTHERN PRODUCE A SPECIALTY. IC.G Reade Street, New York. Consignments solicited and returns rr.aita prompt Iy. Stencils and Market reports furnished on application. References:— Chatham National Bank, Thur bei, lVhyland & Cos., New York. Also, Banks and established Produce Merchants of Ne w York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston_^__ UNDERTAKER. \v. i>. BTSfoNy UNDERTAKER dealer in all kinds or COFFINS AND CASKETS, 43 Bull street. Residence 59 Lilierty street. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. USX M.U.M REX MAGNUS. FOR KALE BY C.M. GILBERT & CO., Agents for Georgia mid BWXET Oil*. For ' Family" Trade. /choice SWEET OIL. BOTTLED C’IBEB. I Choice FAMILY I I.OUR in half biuid* OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA, CHOICE IEA. FRED. M. HULL, THJtI MORRISON HOUSE. Ono of the Largest Poor,ling Houses in th* South. 1 FF’OHDS pleasant South rooms, 1 V wnh nuro Art os win Water, at prioos tosuii thone wmutng table, regular or ti’anulent mod at ion*. Northeast corner Bmugbtou Drayton Ktrects, oppoeJtc Mumbai! House. . * \ FRIEND lii need is a friend hide*! ’ N iv you have a friend send him or her to SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS; it only ill 25 tor a Year.