The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 06, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 FOGAIHYSSECOND TRIAL SIXTY-FOUR NAMEB STRICKEN FROM THE JURY LIST. Cho Prisoner's Counsel Ask for a Con tinuance of the Case, But Fall to Get It -The Struggle for the Jury The Trial Begun Last Night Very Little New Evidence Expected to be Intro duced. The second trial of Thomas Fogarty, for Shooting Edward J. Kieffer with intent to tnnrder, was begun in the Superior Court yesterday. Every inch of space in the gal lery was taken. The same would have been the ease down stairs had Judge Adams not given orders to prevent the room from being crowded. A large number of tales jurors had been summoned aud the court was very well filled as it was. To all apiiearances there was no less interest in the case than there was two weeks ago, when on Friday morning, April 23, the boyish-looking pris oner was arraigned for assault with intent to murder. When the case was called Solicitor Gen eral Fleming G. dußignon announced that the State was ready. Mr. P. W. Meldlim, who, with P. J. O'Connor. Esq., represented the defendant, asked the indulgence of the court for a short time, as some of hi-, wit nesses had not arrived. After some delay Judge Adams ordered attachments issued for a witness named Paine and another named Burns. Half an hour later the officer returned and stated that one of tho wit nesses was said to be in Florida, and the other was also out of the city. A CONTINUANCE ASKED FOR. Mr. Moldrim then asked for a continu ance until the June term upon an affidavit made by Mr. Richard Fogarty, who de clared that I Kith of tlie ul* cnt witnesses were material, and that one in particular had seen Tom fall in epileptic tits a number of times. Mr. dußignon objected and cross examined Mr. Fogarty as to what ho cx- Svted to prove by Bums and Paine. Mr. etdrim explained that tho father made the affidavit because the son was not of sound mind. The point was briefly argued and the continuance was refused. Then came the struggle for the jury. Both sides were wary. The list contained some excellent names, but there was a gen eral impression that a got*! many would go off for cause. When the list was called it was discovered that nearly half a dozen boys had been summoned. They were ex cused, of course, in short order. Not a single juror was sworn until John Voll nicr’s name, the thirty-fourth was callod. TWENTY OFF FOR CAUSE. Twenty-three hud gone off for cause, tho defense had struck seven and the State three. Four out of every five of tho jurors called said that they had formed and expressed opinions from the reports they read in the papers, and the most of them -aid that they were prejudiced. About 1 o’clock the list was exhausted and more hud to be sum moned. The court took a l-ecess until 3 o’clock. It took nearly throe hours longer to get the twelve men. Gradually, though, the panel was filled up, and the seventy-sixth man who was put up was accepted by both sides anil made the full jury. THE JURY. John Volhner, James I). Helmly, Martin (1. Helmken, Jacob Kaiser, John T. Bird, Philip Y. (Hies, c., Leo Übele, James 8. Evans, John Sawyer, William It. Evans, . Isaiah R. Douglass, Thomas McFarlane. 1 At ft o’clock Mr. dußignon put up his ■first witness and he soon rested hi* case. ■Mr. Kieffer told about the same story that ■be did on the first trial. The defense, ex- Hpnined a number of witnesses, but scarcely new facts were brought out, except the defendant had a fit last Friday Kght. bMAt S o'clock Judge Adams asked the de- Bw to siujKuid until lhts morning. The BPkrors were sent to the Marshall House in charge of officers Jones Franklin and Lewis Endres, and the court took u recess until 9:30 this morning. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. The Savannah Rifle Association will elect officers at its meeting this afternoon. Landmm Lodge, F. & A. M., will hold an extra communication to-night to confer degrees. The Telephone Exchange added to its lists yesterday No. 249, Fay & Eiehberg, archi tects, Boirrel building. The Superior Court grand jury made its general iwesentment yesterday afternoon and was discharged for the term. The pre sentment. is published in full elsewhere in the News to-day. AT THE THEATRE. Miss Van Tassel Makes a Hit in “Kath leen Movourneen.” “Kathleen Mavouracen; or, tpt.. Patrick’s Eve,” wns tho bill which attracted a good lized audience to the theatre last night Miss Cora Von Tassel was tho “Kathleen O’Connor.” The piece excited considerable enthusiasm and the applause that greeted the final climax was heard almost to West Broad street. To-night tho company will produce “The Hidden Hand,” one of the greatest of all sensational dramas. It is taken from Mr*. South worth’s famous story. Miss Van Tassel will appear in a double role as “Archie,” a newsboy, and “Capitola,” an heiress, her best port. Mr. Edwin Young's negro character part is said to l>e fine. Mr. Hoyt's celebrated dog, Patsy, does a star part in the play. The company will close its engagement here to-morrow. AT THE COURTB. The Salas-Green Case Taken Up In the United States Court. The case of liamon Salas against Charles Green’s Son & Cos., action on alleged breach of contract, was taken up in the United States Circuit Court yesterday. There are several suits pending, which were originally brought In the City Court, but which were transferred. A motion was made to have tho suits remanded, on tho ground that the plaintiff is a citizen of Georgia. The defendant’* counsel, Messrs. Charlton & Muekall, objected to the motion, claiming tliat the plaintiff, who is a native of Spain, bus never i>oen naturalized. A certificate from a court, officer in Charleston was offered as evidence by the plaintiff's counsel, Messrs Denmark & Adams, but Judge Speer de cided that it ivus inadmissible and gave the plaintiff until to-morrow to secure a cer tified copy of the record, If there is any. CONVICTS BREAK LOOSE. Two of Them Quit the County’s Ser vice and Take to tho Woods. Within the past two days then' has been a lively time among the convicts at work on the Waters road, and two have tukou “leg bail.” One Was a white man who was help ing lay pipes, and the other a negro who was doing tho ditching. Tile latter broke Into thi' house of a colored man named Adam Houston and stole a suit of clothes whicli lie put on ovor his stripped suit, not forgetting to ornament his head with Houston's Bun day-go-to-mceting l>eaver. The white man oso obtained a suit of clothes from some 09 " and walked off. There Ls evidently something wanting in tlie management of 1 convict—seither bettor guards or more of them. The Rifle Association. Cars for the meeting of tho Savannah I’ifle Association will leave West Broad street at. 2:50 tliis afternoon, instead of .1 o’clock, as heretofore. TO SELL THE BARRACKS. The Property to Be Offered for a Hotel Site at $50,000. ; Before the hour mentioned in the call for j the meeting of the shareholders of the ' Oglethorpe Real Estate Company last night there was quite a gathering of those inter ested in front of the Guards’arsenal, and by the time the meeting was well under way there were thirty-one gentlemen present. The meeting was called to order in tiie supper room by E. A. Weil, Esq., President of the company. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secre tary, Mr. E. F. Neufville, and were con firmed. Messrs. Henry Blun and Lee Roy Myers were appointed a committee to ascertain if a quorum was present, and they reported that 398 shares were represented in person and 11*4 by proxies, which being more than the requisite number, the meeting proceeded to business. Letters were read from Mr. John L. Har dee, of this city, and Mr. J. A. Wood, of New York, in regard to buying the property of the company, and were received as infor mation. Several resolutions were offered and after nbout an hour's discussion the following, which embrace those offered by Mr. D. R. Thomas, and amendments proposed by A. R. Lawton, Jr., Esq., and Cant. John M. Guerard, wore unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Director* be and they are hereby requested to advertise the Barracks property for sale, the minimum bid to lie not less than $.50,000 cash. All bids to be accompanied by a sufficient deposit to guarantee good faith, and (he sale to l)e conditioned on the erection of a hotel of not less than 300 rooms on said property, and its being used entirely for hotel purposes. The building to be completed within two years from delivery of titles, the right being reserved to reject any or all bids. Hr it further Resolved, That the President and Board of Ditectors he and they are hereby authorized, u|>on accepting a bid for the prop erty, to sign, seal and deliver, in the name of this corporation, all deeds and instruments in writing necessary to pass the title to same to the purchaser, with power to arrange all de tail*. provided the consent of two-thirds of tho shareholders lx- first obtained, and that all shareholders be requested to give their proxies to the President or one or more of the Direc tors It was understood thntthe proviso that tho property be used entirely for hotel purposes does not, prevent the huilding of stores in or undor the hotel, nor docs it require that the building cover the entire block, the inten tion being Bimplj r to prevent any part of the property from being alienated from the purposes for which it was originally pur chased. A gentleman present at the meeting stated privately, after the adoption of the resolu tion, that matters ore now in such a shape that he is in position to make a bid for the property in behalf of parties who can and will build a hotel. HUSSARS FACE THE TARGET. Private A. C. McAlpin Wins the Gold Medal—The Ladies’ Contests. The*annual picnioof the Georgia Hussarsat Greenwich Park yesterday was an enjoyable and successful one. The attendance was not large in the morning, but in the afternoon the. number was greatly increased. Tie weather was exceedingly pleasant and there was no annoyance from the sand-flies. The shooting contests for the prizes were carried on with spirit, and afforded much enjoy ment, In strolling übout, the ground and in dancing the time passed quickly. Many remained to take the last tram to the city. All of the trains going out were crowded and a groat, manv drove out. It was esti mated that fully 500 visited the grounds during the day, Altogether the picnic was one of the best the Hussars ever held. The prizes in the contest were carbines and pistols for the active members were tho first prize, the champion gold modal and a pair of gold sleeve buttons, won by Private A. C. Mtc Al, fin on a score of 31 points out of ft possible 25, with tho carbine, and 25 joints out of a possible 30 with tho pistol, making u total or 4(i. , The second prise, a gold sabre, fashioned ns a scarf pin, was won by Sergt. J. T. Bhupti me on a score of 20 points, with car bine, aud 23 with pistol; total 43. Thn prize for the honorary members, with the same weapons, whs a pair of gold sleeve buttons, and was won by ex-Sergt, Joseph M. Farr on a score of 14 and 20; total 34. Of the active members thity-five con tended, and among the best scores made were: Sergt. G. C. Gaillard, 18 and 23; total 40. Lieut. G. R. Pritchard, 18 and 21; total 39. Private Julian Schley, 24 and 14; total 33. Private George Schley, 22 and lt>; tota l 38. Private l). F. SheftaU, 19 and 19; total3B. In the ladies’ contest with parlor rifles tho prize was a pair of opera glasses, and was contested for by seventeen ladies and was won by Miss Anne Hunter on a score of 31 points, with Miss Jeannie Wright, of Cov ington, second—score IS. In all the shoot ing the strong wind prevailing was a seri ous disadvantage. The ladies’ contest was especially interesting and some mild lietting whs done on tho contestants. Parlor rifles were used and the most of the scores were very creditable. HOW THEY LIKED IT. What Some People Said Yesterday About Artesian Water. The artesian water was turned on yester day for about'an hour. The supply pipes leading from the wells to the pumping works leaked badly in several places, ami tlie water was turned off until the leaks could bo repair""!. This was done last night, and it- will be turned on again some time to day. A good many people drank Savannah river water all day and thought all the time that they were drinking artesian water. The imagination is a great help in many things and in others it is apt to lead .one into grave errors if it is not watched closely. At the Cotton Exchange in the afternoon a well-known member, having read tlie an nouncement that the artesian water would lie furnished tlie city at an early hour in the morning, and, not knowing that the water works authorities had lieen unable to carry out their programme, sampled the water at the Exchange and pronounced it superb artesian water, and wondered why the city authorities hadn't resorted to arte sian wells years ago. The fact was that he, like everybody else, had drinking of Savannah Aver water, and that, aided by his imagination, made him just as happy aa If he had been drinking artesian water. Hundreds of people thought they were drinking artesian water yesterday afternoon and last night, and all sorts of things were said about it. Home said it was just like Sa vannah river water, which was true, hut nearly everybody who did not know that then- liad been a failure to con nect at the pumping works, thought that it was a little better or not so good, or it tested different, or they could smell sulphur in it or something of tlie sort. These people will Vie pretty sure to find out to-day what they ure talking about before they Say artesian water to anybody. Delegatee to the Diocesan Convention. The following gentlemen have been ap pointed to represent Christ church parish at the Episcopal Diocesan Convention calk'd to meet at Rome on May II: Walter G. Chariton, Henry C. Cunningham, Robe it If. Footman. These delegates have authority to a]>point substitutes under the cauon. Delicato Children, Nursing Mothers, Overworked Men, and for all dis eases where the tissues are wasting awn v from the inability to digest, ordinary food, or from overwork of the brain or body, all such should takeHoottY. '’milhioN of Pure Cod Liver Oil with HyiKtphosphitm. “I used the Emulsion on a 'lady who was deli cate and threatened with Bronchitis. It, put hyr in such good health und l!.-h that l must say it is the best Emulsion J ever used " - L. P Wapokul, M. D , Hughs' Mills, 8. C. frilE MORNING MK: FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1887. WO^^^^BRJTEMPERANCE. Progrthe State Woman’s Union Conven tion. Tin ftan’inaait branch of the Woman’s Chris Tenartfance Union held its last regal; afternoon before tiie which meets next Tuesday. XjMflptndance was large and was i::nv:upfl by th* Young Woman's Christian TpmporWWPHßrm, whose enthusiasm is a valuable auxiliary to the steady work of older head*. After the regular exercises the President announced tliat Mayor Lester has consented to deliver the address of welcome to the delegates to the State Convention. The programme decided upon is an fol lows : Monday, meeting State Executive Com mittee. Tuesday morning, opening of business session. Tuesday night, at Masonic Hall, addresses of welcome and responses. Wednesday and Thursday will be devoted to business. . Thursday night, at Masonic Hull, Col. George VV. Bain, of Kentucky, will lecture. On Friday an excursion to Tybee will Ik- tendered the delegates, and On Friday night at'the Theatre Col. Bain will deliver his lecture, “A Journey to the Golden Gates, or the Land We Live in.” It had lieeu decided tliat admission should be free, but at the request of a number of peo ple the kulies have reserved part of the house at a small charge that those who do not wish to be inconvenienced by the crowd may secure seats in advance. Davis Bros, ■w ill have charge of the reserved scat sale. A number of additional delegate* were re ported, and the list is now as follows: Augusta—Miu W. C. Sibley, Mrs. Mar garet Chandler, Mis-i Minnie Smith, Mrs. oack Fenrey, Mrs. Julia Scales, Mrs. Jeffer son Thomas, Mrs. D. H. Fullerton, Mrs. J. B. Preston, Mrs. E. P>. Brii lets, Mrs. George Murphy, Mrs. Clairbome Snead, Mrs. E. Kimbrough, Mrs. John Tarver, Mrs. Jack Smith, Miss M. E. Kinchley, Miss Kate Rood, Miss Mamie Bleckley, Aiiss Maly Eve, Miss Cora L. Thomas. Gresliamville—Mrs. M. A. Crawford, Miss Lula IVray, Miss Emma Pennington. Atlanta—Miss Missouri Stokes, Mrs. J. E. Bryaut, Mrs. E. C. Witter, Mrs. Martha P. Brown, Mis. J. H. Ellington, wifo of the pastor of lhe Methodist Episcopal church, who will be accompanied by Miss A. Sey mour, of Pennsylvania. Rome—Mrs. J. L. Camp aud Mrs. J. L. Reynolds. Cave Spring—Miss Emmie Stuart. BrainVn idge—Mrs. P. H. Grumpier, Mrs. Emory Johnson. Macon—Mrs. Walter Hill, Mrs. Emma J. Lester, Mrs. I. N. Birch, Miss Harriet Free man, Miss Currie Butts. Brunswick—Mrs. M. C. Rowe. Columbus—Mrs. Dr. Blanchard, Mrs. Dr. Banks, Mrs. H. Barfield, Miss Carrie Doug, lass. Thomasville—Mrs. M. T. Ilixon, Mrs. C. P. Hansel I. Amerieus—Mrs. Dr. Holloway, Mrs. C. W. II uncock, Mrs. George Tommey. Chiploy—Miss Ida Dunlap, Miss Quintan Purcell, Mrs. is, H. Hunt. Geneva—Mr*. J. K. Fuller. Handersville —Col. C. R. Pringle, Mrs. B. J. Tor button, Mrs. G. S. Johnson, Mi's. F. A. Brown. Rutledge—Mrs. V. V. Hanson. Waynesboro—Mrs. W. A. Wilkins. Greensboro—Rev. and Mrs. <W. T. Cald well. Longview—Mrs. Inez Gibson* People who desire to entertain one or more delegates in their homes the President requests will send their names and address to No. 150 South Broad st reet. The dona tion of cut flowers or evergreens for decora tion or loan of shrubs and tub plants will be greatly appreciated by the ladies. AT THE FLOWER SHOW. Large Attendance and Increasing In terest-New Exhibit* Added. The attendance at the Floral and Art As sociation’s exhibition at Armory Hall was well attended yesterday afternoon and last night. Many new exhibits were sent in during the day and very little space was left for the display of anything additional. The Moral department was admired by everyone, and the art and fancy goods dis play was highly complimented by the visitors. There were so many exquisite things that the judges will lie apt to bo bewildered when they come to make the awards. Among the new exhibits in this department were some fine specimens of Kensington work by Min. Octavus Cohen. An unique bonnet made of a Florida squash by Mine. Desbouillons, anil exhibited by Mrs. S. P. Hamilton, attracted a great deal of atten tion. It was quite a novelty, the work closely resembling lace. Among other new exhibits were fresli strawberries by Mr. F. M. Rliss, soma beautiful lace work by Mrs. Tinssi tiger, a iielargonium by Mrs. Campbell, embroidered handkerchief unit other work by Miss Col lins, ] tain tings bv Miss Delano, a paper flower plaque by Mrs. Win. H. Grady, an embroidered plaque 95 years old exhibited by Mrs. Townsend Glover,button hole work by Miss Georgio D. Ferguson, a collection of paintings by Mrs. L. P. Hart, an elegant crazy quilt by Mrs. L. Haynes, paintings by Miss Nl. C. Harris, an embroidered cushion by Miss Josie Herman, a screen by Mrs. Emma Miller, silk work plaque by Mrs. J. VV. Moore, a basket of cut flowers by Mr. A. N. Miller, old relies by Mr. George N. Nichols,stuffed birds by Mr. George Nobles, a basket of beautiful cut flowers by Mrs. A. S. Nichols, water colors by Mr. VV. VV. Rogers, lace handkerchief by Miss Mamie Spang, embroidery by the pupils of St. Mary's Home, plants by Mr. Charles Seiler, fancy work by Mrs. I). B. Tomlinson, flow el's by Mr. Fred Myers and Mrs. J. G. Thomas, and a quaint but handsome table by Mrs. Simon He xter. Little Miss Virgie Lee Hamilton exhibited her first fancy needlework, which was ven* creditable. A miniature yacht, full rigged, whittled out by Master Harry Richardson, shows talent. A glass with tulips, painted by Guillaume, of Washington, was generally" praised, amt was sold for SIOO to Ludden & Bates. Mr. George Wagner sent a lovely design, principally of cut roses (Estello PradelTs), violets ami daisies, representing “The Gates Alar." Mr. Oelchig displayed and enormous floral 1 s']l of white roses, which was very pretty. The exhibitor announced that any who were matrimonially inclined could have the use of the hell gratis during the show. Among a few exlnhita which were omit ted in yesterday's report were paintings by Miss Jennie and Miss Mattie Ward, an altar cloth und banner by Mrs. Kolb, fancy work. Miss Ida Pitwohke, photo '.raplis by Mr. William Ernest Wilson, and siime views of the chapel at Lexington, Va., in which the remains of Gen. R. E. hv rest. These view* were sent by a Stu dent at tlie Washington and Lee Uni versity. Allot' the ornhnn schools have been in vib'd to attend tho exhibition five, and yes terday afternoon the little In Iks from the St. Mary •; Home visited the lull! and enjoyed tlie display. The exhibition will to night. Agony is Courted By persons who, attacked by a mild form of rbeu.natism. neglect to seek prompt relief. Sub wsiuenttorture is prevented hy an Immediate, resort to Hostetler's Ptomacti Ititters. Slight exposure, an occasion'll draught, will lieget this I mint nl niaiiuly, wuore then- e a predlSfiortitloii to it in the liiisml. tt is not difficult to arrest the trouble at the outset, tmt well nigh impossible to eradicate it when matured. N'n evidence in re lotion to t his superb blood depurent is more pus itnv Ilian taut which establishes It* efficacy ns a preventive and reimsly for rhemnalisni. Not only is it thorough, but safe, which the vegeta ble iirsl mineral poisons, often taken oacura lives of tie' iiiwiiw, ure not. Resides exiiclllng tin* rheumatic virus from the system, tt over- C'lines lever and a ;ue, billuiisaess, constipation and dyspepsia. Imported Swiss ('liecne, French and Turkish Prunes. ; v Pros. FUVIiMI AWHILE M°RT<I|HHErU3 MEN ON THEIR PPipKy HOME, The dfiUtijfc.'! Within One of Being Shut Out Agfain by the Pelicans—The Season to Open in Savannah To- Morrow- -A New Pitcher Signed—The Team to be Strengthened All Around. Hie Savannah “aggregation” left New Orleans after yesterday’s game, and will reach home to-night. Tiie club has not been a very encouraging success so far, but the season is young yet, and there is ample time to make up for all shortcomings. The directors are working to strengthen the team until it is able to play ball. W. J. Gaul, a young Baltimore pitcher, was signed yesterday, and will bo here to-mor row. He comes highly recommended by Hlu-eve, of last year’s Savannah team, and is said to be very speedy and to have perfect control of the ball. The team at present is in a badly crippled condition. Dallas, who was injured in Wednesday's game, is laid up, Parker is sick, and Pike, who has not yet fully recovered from the injury he received in the Charleston games lx-tore the season opened, is tho only catcher left. The directors are on the lookout for new men and are negotiating for one or two first class players, whom they expect to sign in a day or two. Adams, who was released Ixv fore. the team went to Mem phis, has been in practice ever since bis release, and is doing good work. He may ho re-signed. “Tricky” Nichols is here awaiting the arrival of the team, and will strengthen one of Its weakest spots. By the end of next week the direc tors hope to be in good shape. The Charleston team will arrive to-night and will play here to-morrow, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Almost a Shut Out. New Orleans, May s.—After the first two innings to-day New Orleans ran away fr>m Savannah. The latter’s poor infield playing, and the daring base running and heavy slugging on the part of the locals gave New Orleans the victory. Clarke, pitcher, and Forrest, outfielder, made their first ap pearance with the locals and created an ex cellent impression. Both hit tho ball hard. Forrest is also a fine thrower. “Shorty” Fuller and Dallas, who were hurt yesterday, laid off. Pike cought (airly and Brennan played a good short in the place of Powell. Hutchinson playol miserable at short, but made a line outfielder. Notwithstanding the errors charged, New Orleans played a fine fielding gam--, and gave Clarke a good record. The locals leave for Memphis to morrow evening. The score was: SAVANNAH. A.B. R. Ib. P.O. A. E. Peltz, c.f. and s.s 4 0 0 0 1 0 Cainpau. 1. f 4 t l 1 0 0 Brower, lb 4 0 1 12 0 0 Hutchinson, s.s. and c.f.. 4 0 o 2 0 3 Reilly, r.f 4 0 1 2 0 1 Durmeyer, 2b 4 0 1 4 3 0 Somers, p 4 0 0 0 ti 0 Pike, c 4 0 0 5 4 3 Murray, 3b 3 0 114 3 Totals 35 1 5j 27 18 10 NEW ORLEANS. A.B. R. 18. P.O. A. E. Cartwright, lb 5 1 2 11 0 0 (iless, 2b 5 1 1 2 4 2 Brennan, ss 5 2 2 2 0 0 Pujol. 3b 5 2 0 1 0 0 Powell, r.f 5 2 3 2 2 0 Forest. I.f 5 1 2 4 0 2 IL Fuller, c.f 5 0 1 2 0 0 Clarke, p 5 X 2 0 5 1 Wells, c 4 1 1 3 1 2 Totals 44 11 14 27 12 7 INNINGS. New Orleans 00212140 I—ll Savannah 000 1 0000 0— 1 Earned runs—New Orleans 3. Two-base hits—Ueiss 1. Powell, Forrest ami Clark 1. Three-base hits—Brower 1. Total bases on hits—New Orleans 18, Savan nah 7. First base on errors—New Orleans 7, Savan nah 4. First base on called balls—New Orleans 4, Sa vannah 1. Left on bases—New Orleans 5, Savannah 7. Struck out By Clarke 3, by Somers 4. Passed balls—Pike 5, Balls called—On Clarke 30. on Somers 62. Strikes called—Off Clarke 42, off Somers 55. Umpire—Tony Suck. Time of game—Two hours. Nashville Doubles the Memphians. Memphis, Texn., May 5. — The attendance to-day ut the fourth and bust game played between Memphis and Nashville was about 250. The disabled condition of the home team and tlie threatening aspect of the weather combined to keep people away. The result was a foregone conclusion. The visitors had no difficulty in winning. Two amateurs played with the Memphis club. Maul and Nicholas were the battery for Nashville, anil Gorman and Baker for Mem phis. The score by innings was: Nashville ‘2 8608020 x—lfi Memphis 0 1 1 8 0 0 2 0 1— 8 Sneed, manager of tho Memphis club, telegraphed to-day that he had signed Veacta, Kappeli and McKeogli, and they would all be here to play in the games Saturday with Mobile. Dave Force, of the Memphis club, umpired to-day’s gar no satisfactorily to both nines. Charlostoa Wins at Mobile. Moßir.t’, May s.—Mobile’s patronage was good to-day and included a number of ladies. The locals played to win, but errors of the infield lost them the game. Tlie out field was brilliant. Charleston’s fielding was fine, but Drouliy did not come up to his New Orleans gained reputation. Tho errors of Mobile were 7 to Charleston's 2. Drouliy gave'3 men bases on balls; Hungler 1. Thirteen base hits Wore made off Drouby and 10 off Hungler. Each team had b earned runs. Tho score by innings was: Mobile "o 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2—3 Charleston 0 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 x—B Games Elsewhere. At Bt. Louis—The Bt.. Louis-Louisville game was postpone*! on account of rain. At Chicago—'Tlie Chicago-Pittsburg game was postponed on account of rain. At Washington— Washington .... 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1-- r> Philadelphia 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0— 5 Drawn gnmo on account of darkness. At Detroit— Detroit 0 0 3 1 0 t 0 0 0-6 Indianapolis 100001010—3 At New York— Boston . 03 2 0200000—0 New York. ...1 000 0 1 3 0 2 o—o At Brooklyn— Brooklyn !.... 3 1 3 2 2 1 0 3 t—lfi Metropolitan 2 05 40020 o—l3 At Philadelphia— Athletic 2 0 1 020000—5 Baltimore 4 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 x— 7 At Cleveland— Cleveland 2 0 0 000000—2 Clnclniiati o 0 I 0 0 0 S 2 x—6 SUNDAY BASH BALL. Tho Savannah Team to be Indicted by a Nashville Grand Jury. Judge Ridley, of tho Nashville Criminal Court, has instructed his grand jury to in dict the members of the Nashville and Sa vannah base ball duhs and tho officers ami directors of the Nashville Base Ball Associa tion for violating the State law April 24. The legislature iiussed a law two years ago making the playing of Wise hull mid similar (tallies on Sunday a misdemeanor, ami sub jecting oiTcndors to a Hue of not less than t_~-' nor more tlmn After tho recent Nashville gomic tho ministers and laymen held a meet ing nn*i adopted resolutions de manding' that stejjß be taken to prevent game- , in Sunday. In his charge to the jury Judge Ridley said: “It is * v p cm; dutv to present and indicl all persons who have been guilty of this offense, and uot only ought the per sons who actually played the game bo pre sented and indicted, but officers and direc tors of the association who hired and directed the players to engage in the game on Sunday are equally guilty, and ought to be presented and indicted. It makes no dif ference whether these officers and directors were present at the playing of the game or not if they hired ana employed the players and sent them to the field to play. 1 hey are guilty whether they were on the grounds when the game was played or not. Further, every person who attends a base ball game on Sunday and pays a fee to see the game is subject to indictment or presentment for aiding and abetting, and are liable to the same punishment as the officers and direc tors and players.” Judge liidley suggested to the grand jury that the spectators might be allowed to go without punishment, as probably' not one in fifty knew he was violating the Jaw. The Judge concluded his charge by saying to the jury: “If you should determine to indict spectators, then, by ail means, begin with the intelligent class of the community, paying your respects early to the Htate, county and city officials, and leaving, if anybody, the more ignorant colored people and small boys to escape.” The Memphis Umpire Row. The Memphis papers do not altogether uphold Manager Sueed in his accusations against Umpire Diestel. The Avalanche says that while Sneed’s action in scoring Diestel was partly justifiable, he overdid the matter in getting excited and accusing Diestel of being a thief and robber and oth erwise publicly insulting him. These are some of the things that the Avalanche say s about the matter: “The Memphis club had things all their own way at the opening of the season, and the first time it strikes a snag there is a howl that resounds through out the trees on the Arkansas side of the river. The Avalanche believes the Mem phis club the best one in the Southern League, and that at the close of the season it will have the pennant. But when defeat comes as it did yesterday there is no use doing the baby act "and cussin’ the umpire, especially when the error column shows up as it does. * * * That some of Umpire Diestel’s decisions were dead against Memphis there is no denying, but it is too serious a matter to claim "that he did it intentionally. Error of judgment is a failing with all men.” It adds that the Memphis club undoubtedly did some of the poorest playing that was ever Seen there in the Nashville games. Diestel will umpire to-morrow's game here between Bavaunoh and Charleston. Around the Bases. The home team will have its handsome new uniforms next week. The Savannah team is expected to reach home to-night, and will open the season hero with Charleston to-morrow. Charleston will have a ladies day to morrow. Blackboards have heon erected, and the Savannah-Charleston game here will be reported in detail. The Charlotte. N. C., club has offered the Cofumbias, of Columbia, 8. C., SIOO to play three games in Charlotte during the fire mens’ tournament this month. TEMPLARS AT WORK. Christian Temple Publicly Installs its Officers. Christian Temple Lodge No. 63, of Good Templars, publicly installed its officers at the New Houston Street Methodist church lost night. The church was crowded and a deep interest was taken in the exercises. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. A. M. ’Wynn, of Wesley Monumental Church. Mr. M. F. Beals, Past Chief Tem plar ofrthe lodge, announced t he installation. Mr. J. J. Kietli, of Somerville, S. J. W. of Georgia, conducted the installation cere mony. At its conclusion, Rev. Mr. Wynn spoke briefly in regard to temperance and temperance work. Miss Cora VanNess sang with much pathos “Dark Below and Light Above.” Bhe was accompanied on the or gan by Miss Minnie Krieto. Mr. J. M. Wil boy spoke briefly' in regard to the work of the various Good Templar lodges in Savannah and invited applications for membership. Mr. Baols also spoke in regard to the work that is being accomplished. After the adjournment of the public meeting the members of the lodges and their friends were given a collation in Na gle’s Hall. The committee of arrangements consisted of W. J. Cameron, Mrs. M. J. Carr, .1. G. Ledbetter. Mrs. S. A. Lindsay, Gilbert Lindsay and 0. B. Perry. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE Improves Nutrition. Dr. A. TltAn, Philadelphia, nays: “Itpro motes digestion and improves general nutri tion of tile nervous system.” Messrs. M. F. Molina and Simon Gazan. The two above well-known citizens havo kindly promised to manage the counting of the jar of collar buttons on exhibition in one of our windows, which will take plaee in our store on Monday, the 9th, at 7:39 o'clock p. m. The register will be closed on Saturday, the 7th. All those desiring to register can do so before that time, but no one will be allowed to guess on Monday. All interested are cordially invited to call and witness the counting. Appel & Schaul, One Price Clothiers. Three Pleasant Excursions. The excursion steamer Pope C'atlin makes three very pleasant excursions next week. On Sunday, going seaward to Tybee and re turning by Thunderbolt and Warsaw. On Tuesday the steamer accompanies the yacht race of the Savannah Yacht Club, anil Wednesday makes another of those delight ful family excursions, giving an afternoon’s sail and enjoyment of the sea air. Full in formation will be found in another column. Formerly the square piano was generally used, notwithstanding it was always cum bersome and inconvenient, as compared with the more elegant upright piano. Undoubt edly this was because the former was best as a musical instrument. Improvements in the Upright Piano have latterly given it the nrefereuc \ One made by the Mason & Hamlin Company gives the upright still mere acceptance, lty an ingenious arrange ment the strings of the piano are fastened directly to the iron plate, dispensing with any intervention of wood. The result is more ixvfcct vibration of the strings, pro ducing more pure, refined, musical tones, and much greater durability, including free dom from liability to get so easily out of tunc. An Explanation. All stove manufacturers everywhere con struct their Hues on the sdme common prin ciple, and their one aim is to insure drafts that will make hot ovens to retain the heat. The general belief is that all tho plates and pieces should lit snugly, jvarticularly the oven doors, which arc tilled with usixistoH by some makers to better aid Ulis. Stoves like lovell iV Inttlmora’s Acorns and Farmer bills, in which the above points are strongly adhered to, and while there is no fault with chimneys, must and always do bake well. Don't fail to witness tho counting of the jar of collar buttons at Apixil & Bchaul’s, the One Price Clothiers. 6 peaking of Varw • , B. 11. bery £ Bro.'s display of (halts'. Youths’ ami Boys' Haifa about exhausts the variety of foshlonahlo fabrics now In vogue. Buy our brands of flour. You will bo satlsflcd. Strauss Bovs. That’s a Pretty Tie. You enn find a beautiful display of Neckwear at 11. It. Levy & Bra's, 181 Congress street, at low orii on. BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of Purity, Strength and Wholesomeness. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot tie sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cane. Royal Baking Powder Cos., 100 Wall street. New York. NAVY TOBACCO. Messrs. Myers Brothers & Cos. Again Receive the Contract. Yesterday afternoon Messrs. Myers Broth ere & Cos. received notice that the Govern ment contract for supplying the United States Navy with tobacco had been awarded to them for this year. This is a decided com pliment to this enterprising house. Last year there was quite a spirited contest over the contract, Messrs, Buchanan & Lisle, of New York, who had received it for a long time previous, making a strong effort to again secure it. Messrs. Myers Brothers & Cos., however, entered the field against them, and the superiority both of the facilities and the goods of the Richmond firm enabled them to carry off the palm, and the contract came to a Southern house for the first time in many years. Securing this contract again this year is a still greater triumph for Messre. Myers Brothers & Cos., since they had eleven "bid ders against tliern, including some of the most prominent tobacconists in the country. Of these four were from Richmond, two from New York, Bucliannn & Lisle and P. Lorillard; one from Petersburg and one from the West. The fact that tne Messrs. My-ers were again successful over all tin-so competitors, speaks highly for the superior quality of their manufactures. This firm is one of the most enterprising and best known in Richmond, and we are glad to see that the Government recognizes their merits. —Richmond (Va.) Whin. Alderman Herman Myers, of the firm of H. My r ers & Bro., of this city, is a member of the house referred to above. 50c. will buy you a fancy colored shirt with extra collars and cuffs, at Appel & Schaul’s, One Price Clothiers. Whose Boy Can go untidy or ill-dressed while If. H. Levy & ro. lead in variety of Boys’ Suits and low prices? A Daily Occurrence. Scarcely' a day passes but what someone bails us on the street with: “Hello, Sbup trine, I have used that ointment you call Tettorine, and it is the best tiling I oversaw for better, ringworm, eczema, ground itch, etc., etc. Just push it ahead; there are thousands of sufferers who have worn them selves out using other remedies, and will hail yours with gratitude.” Sold by all druggists, or sent by' mail. 50c. per box. J. T. Shupteine & Bro., Savannah, Ga. $2 50 y'ou can buy a Boy’s one or two piece Kilt Suit, Blue or Brown Flannel, sizes 2to 6 years. A. R. Altmayer & Cos. Look out for the grand sale of Children's and Ikiys' Clothing shortly to be announced at Appel & SchauT’s, One Price Clothiers. A great bargain—Boys’ Blue Flannel Suits, sizes 5 to 12 years, $2. A. It. Alt mayer & Cos. All the latest styles in Children’s, Boy's’ and Men’s Straw Hats at Appel & Schaul’s. Call and examine those $7 50, $!) 80, $0 00 and $lO 00 Suits at Api>el & Schaul’s—per fect fit guaranteed. Straw Hats Given Away To every purchaser of a suit of our clothing. To our $“ 50 Knee Suit a nice stra w hat is given free which sells for 50c. To our liner grade of Boys’ Suits a white Mackinaw is given free which soils for 75c. and sl. To our *5 00 Men’s Suits, a white or inixgl Hat is given five; to our liner grades Men’s Suits every purchaser will receive a straw liat free of cost, corresponding to grade of suit purchased. With our finest Suit a tine ?;! Mackinaw Hat or light color Derby is given. The low pi-ices on our own manufactured clothing remain unchanged. The aliove offer wo make to Induce a more rapid sale of our Spring and Summer Cloth ing. Tho “Famous” is always on the look out to give their customers a benefit. These hats are not a cheap lot bought for the pur pose, but our regular assortment, purchased before any thought of their being given away. Come and get a Straw lint free of cost of the Famous New York Clothing House, 110 Congress street. A line assortment of Gentlemen's Uhder wcar, Hosiery, Neckwear and Dress Shirts always on hand at reasonable prices. Price our groceries before purchasing else where. Strauss Bros. Did you see those $1 90, “5 and fCJ 50 Spring Stiff Hats in light colors at Appel <fc Helmut's! Appel & Schaul have a White Pleated Shirt at SI 15 as good as bought elsewhere for $1 50. The nobbiest line of Gents’ Trousers in the city at Appel &. Schaul’s, One Price Clothiers. A Hole in Your Sock, Replenish from B. 11. Lavy ,fc Bro.’s seasonable exhibit of Gents' Fine Hosiery, also Underwear Drr;.v Shirts, etc. Big drives in Teas and Coffees. Strauss Bros., *1 and Barnard. t Are You Going To purchase Groceries this week? If so. don't fail to drop in and see us. You will find plenty good things, a large stock to select from, of the best quality and very lowest prices. We know a visit ill repay you. and we siiull be glad to sue every one of you. large buyers and • mall buyers. Strauss Bros., g-j and Barnard street. Harnett House. Concerning a popular hotel in Savannah, Ga., the Florida Tintes-Union says; “We note from the hotel arrivals as published in tho Savannah papers, that the Harnett House still lends all the other hotels in tho city. In fact they have ns many as tho others combined. There is a good install ment of Floridians always ivgisteml there.” New Spring Butler. Strauss Bros. I’ll Bet You a Hat That Hie prettiest line of Gents', Youths' and Boys'Stiff and Straw Hats In town can bo seen at B. it. levy & Bro.'s, 111 (limgrr*; UUDDEN fc RATES S M lj AN X UAL CLEARANCE Sill OIL PAINTINGS, Film Sieel Eimii®, Pastels, Etchings, kt, fa. ’ Our display now complete and our entire hniu Ing opened and Pictures hung and spread e J7 where on first floor. Gallery and Piano JZ room on second floor. No Auction Goods. Our stock bought to sell, and for the we know and live among. Evary Picture P * Offer is sold fully guaranteed, is delivered freest charge at residence of purchasers in city an securely boxed and shipped free of charge wk, parties reside outside of city. In case goods are not entirely satisfactory when hung on walls at home, you can return and money will be cheerfully refunded. ” SEE OUR DISPLAY AT—— Exhibition of the Floral and Art Society NOW IN PROGRESS AT#' CHATHAM ARTILLERY ARMORY. A SPECIAL OFFER We will, during the continuance of our clean ance sale of Pictures, offer a large assort ment of Indotints and Artotypes At 40 Cents Each. These Pictures when framed in a cheap cherry or oak frame are sometimes worked off on the uninitiated as fine Steel Engravings, and often bring quite an extraordinary price when sold by a quick-witted and talented auctioneer. We offer over 300 styles of Moldings from which to select frames for these Pictures, and furnish wire, screw-eyes and nail for hanging, WE DISCOUNT AUCTION PRICES ON STEEL ENGRAVINGS. OIL PAINTINGS. While not a first-rate year for Oil Paintings, ti* are sellings a great many of those aSx3S gold frames, which contain a very fair painting. We cannot do better than $2 50 each on these, and as the) are going fast, we suggest an early selection. IIP POSTER IIPAB L.&S.S.M.H. STOVES. Ladies, Be Careful OF YOUR HUSBANDS’ LIVES. YITE say this to you, Indies, because it is in t t your power to do that which will give them great comfort and contentment; and it it generally admitted that a contented mind, in addition t.o being a continual feast (as tho old copy books used to inform us), is the surest pro longer of life and preserver of health. To du this successfully you must persuade them to procure you an TttON KING* OR A Cotton Plant Stove. The use of those Stoves insures WELL COOKED FOOD, and FOOD WELL COOKED will always be easily DIGESTED. EASY DI GESTION renders a man at peace with himself anil all mankind, and when a man is at peace with himself and all mankind, he is usually kind and generous to his family; hence we would sty to the ladies that there is no surer prelude to a successful request for anew hat, new dress, new boots, new horse, new carriage, house, or anything tbun a #ood dinner WELL COOKED and cheerfully partaken of, and there is no surer method of CROOKING A GOOD DIN NED than by the use of an IRON KING or a COTTON PLANT STOVE. For sale by -Join A. Douglass & Cos., 161 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. - - H-A. MEDI( AL. ■ r >. r pHK univentnl demand tor a Pleasant and 1. Effective Laxative, Gentle in its Action, and Truly Beneficial in Effect, led to the pro duction of tho now Famous Liquid Fruit Iw>u SYRUP OF FIGS, Which has driven such general satisfaction that it has liecomu the most popular family r, * nl ™y of the It is th* most easily taken and UW most pleasantly effective remedy known toenn* Habitual Constipation, Indigestion, etc . anu w cleanse the system when Dlllous or Costive. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE California Fig Syrup Cos., Wan. Francisco, Oal. For sale by all the leading druggists of tb United states, in hOe. and $1 bottles. _Li i)pman I3ros. Wholesale Agents at Savannah. Q*< f CUBE FITS! Wl.m ISf I5 . ..1 m-.n JJ rtf “* itun. n.t iii.i. ">*• Hi.™ "' lirn **rr rn. *ri .iW'% r,i!i.i.'o "su KHMts ur. “iff. J Hm.r.nt in, iriaw. U eur "*• esl*l" 1 Ith.m <M I l i‘ lor -P!" ,(t min. Snii.l JPlaMn tor n n-sOnn nn.l . r. " * eu|U nrnllltil. innwly III*. t' M"-* •U"' r O,ll ® 1 M ““* b ni |/. u r..rl su!