The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 09, 1887, Image 1

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i ESTABLISHED 1850. ) '(J. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor.! MEXICO’S FATAL SHAKING 150 LIVES LOST AT MOCTEZUMA AND 27 AT OPUTU. Grenada and Gusabar Almost Com pletely Destroyed and Many People Injured—The San Jose Mountains Again Capering N ear Tucson -Canons Filled With Water and Gold Veins Exposed. San Francisco, May B.—A special from Guaynias, Mex., dated yesterday, says: “The earthquake of May 3 was accompanied by a terrible volcanic eruption at Batrispe, which destroyed Moctezuma, killing 150 per sons and igniting the wooden vicinity. Twenty-seven persons wore also killed at Oputu by falling buildings. Many persons were injured at Grenada and Gusabar, which towns were almost completely de stroyed.” the government informed. Citt of Mexico, May S. —The govern ment to-day received its first information regarding the disastrous earthquake of May 8 at Batrispe, in the district of Moctezuma, Sonora, by which 150 persons lost their lives. The earthquake oc curred at 3:50 o’clock in the afternoon. Violent volcanic eruptions began In the neighboring mountains, lighting up the summits for a long distance. The same afternoon earthquake shocks were felt throughout the State. The prediction is made here by local scientists that Mexico is about to undergo a general seismic convul sion. and recent records of earthquake shocks show that there is widespread vol canic actions from one end of Mexico to the other. Volcanic outbreaks are occurring near the Guatemalian border, as well as in the State of Sonora. THE SAN JOSE RANGE AGAIN SHAKEN. Tucson, Ari. , May 8. —Another violent earthquake is reported in the San Jose mountains, forty miles south of Fort Hua chacea, in Sonora. Gen. Forsyth has sent an exploring party to investigate. A party which has just returned from the Santa Catalina mountains reports that the canons are full of water, which was brought to the surface by the earthquake. This is a great boon for that region, as there are thousands of acres of good farming lands at the base of these mountains which only needed water to make them valuable. 'Another good effect of the earthquake is the opening of two large gold veins, which were discovered in the Santa Catalina mountains at a point where a whole side of the mountain slid down. Several prospecting parties have left to locate claims. FIRE IN FACTORIES. Four Wood WorkingFirma Suffer Loss at New York. New York, May B.—Fire broke out late last night in the frame building Nos. 410 to 430 East One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, occupied in part by H. H. Neil’s sash and blind factory/ The fire extended through the entire row and destroyed the planing and turning mills of George Mc- Kenzie and a liko shop carried on by Mi’s. Clyde. Mrs. Clyde’s stock was damaged to the extent of *3,000, and that of the other two about $5,000 each. The buildings were totally destroyed. While the fire depart ment was fighting the flames they set fire to the lumber yard of Abraham Steers, which adjoined, and destroyed stock valued at about SIO,OOO, whicli was insured for $7,000. The sash awl blind factory of Police Justice Welde also caught fire and $2,500 damage was done to his stock. The losses were pretty well covered by insurance. GLASS WORKS BURNED. Pittsburg, May B.—The Homestead glass works, at Homestead, Pa., caught fire short ly before midnight and in less than an houn the factory, cutting and packing depart ments, offices and warehouses were in ruins. The fire started near the furnaces, and is believed to have been caused by natural gas. The loss was $50,000. The property is fully insured. The works will be rebuilt. One hundred men will bo temporarily thrown out of employment. FLAMES IN A SIROCCO. Vienna, May B.—A hot sirocco blew a whole week throughout Hungary, parching ' egetation and rendering it inflammable. At Toroczko 300 houses were burned and four lives were lost. The conflagration lasted two days. At Ruskberg a church and thirty-seven houses were destroyed. At Eperies all the churches and public buildings were destroyed. It is estimated losses will exceed $2,500,000. All the Hungarian and many Austrian in surance houses are involved Rain is now falling. SUNDAY SHOOTING. A Nephew of Congressman Blackburn Accidentally Kills a Lady. Lexington, Ky., May B.—A terrible tragedy took place this morning near Spring Station, on the farm of Capt. James Black bum, ex-Secretary of State and brother of Honateq-J. c. N. Blackburn. Miss Henriet ta Blackburn accompained by her cousin, Henrietta Hempstead, a young lady of IS) years, went out to shoot at a mark with a small rifle. They were joined by Samuel Blackburn, a young man of 22, brother of Miss Henrietta Blackburn, and a friendly contention was begun as to who should shoot first. The three engaged in a playful struggle for the possession of tho rifle, and in this struggle the weapon was discharged, the ball piercing the heart of Miss Henrietta Hempstead and killing her instantly. Editor Gambrill’a Killing. Jackson, Miss , May B.—The jury of in quest in the eaae of It. J. Giunbrill, editor or the Sword and Shield , who wasshotand nlinof t instantly killed late Thursday night “.V Cos!. Hamilton, lessee of the penitentiary, sojourned at 11:30 o’clock last night after two days almost eontinuui session. They tt vul ’diet as follows: ’ ” p . the jury of inqu<>st in tho case of the death of Roderick Giunbrill, Ibid that he 'ame to his death from pistol shots and wounds inflicted by tho hands of Jones H. i bimilton us principal anil others ns uliet tors unknown to the jury.” Gladstone Gives a Dinner. London, May S.—Mr. Gladstone gave a miiner last evening to Earl Pbieiiecr, Baron olverton, T. I), Sullivan, Justice McCar thy and several British members of tbs iioiueof Commons. The meeting of the Jornellites and Hurl Silencer was a most "i’dml one and was made tho subject of congratulations. Mr. (Hailstone talked Rueli of the Times' charges and the pros pects of home rule and coercion. He also commented on the sympathy shown in America with the Irish cause. Awoke Under a Train. Macon, Ga. , May B.—A negro was killed •n n singular way on the Georgia rend eight miles fioni Macon first night. He made a [miow of hUonat and lay down between cross-ties and went to sleep. He was (moused by a passenger train rolling over mm, ami j, e | H j wv i fiend a bolt on a Brake beam struck him, tearing off the top of ms sku]]. fbe 'BNAI BRITH. District Grand Lodge No. 7 in Session at Memphis. Memphis, May 8. —District Grand Lodge No. 7, Independent Order ’Bnai Brith, met in annual session here this forenoon. There was a verv large attendance of delegates from Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Ar kansas, Louisiana, Florida and Texas. The morning session was devoted to the reading of the message of President G. A. Levy, of Victoria, Tex., and the election of officers, which resulted as follows: President—Gabe Cahn, of New Orleans. First Vice President—F. M. Tillman, of Dallas, Tex. Second Vice President—Samuel Hirsch, of Memphis. Secretary—A. S. Meyers, of Memphis. Treasurer—Charles L. Gross, of Canton, Miss. Sergeant-at-Arms—S. L. Winner, of Meridian, Miss. Trustees of the New Orleans Widows and Orphans Home—Joseph Wagner, of New Orleans; Nathaniel Strauss, of Mobile; I. C. Levy, of Galveston; A. Suhler, of Waco, Tex.; and Samuel Ullman, of Birmingham, Ala. Trustees of tho Touro Infirmary of New Orleans—Max Weiland and Simon Gam ble, of New Orleans, and Isailore Strauss, of Jackson, Miss. Hon. B. F. Peixotto, of New York, late Minister to Roumania, and now editor of the Menorah , the official organ of the order, was present, and gave an eloquent address during the forenoon session. After the installation of officers by Past President Ferdinand Marks, of New Or leans, the convention adjourned until to morrow morning. The delegates were entertained to-night by an operatic perform ance at the theatre by local Jewish talent, followed by a grand ball and banquet at the rooms of the Memphis Club. MURAT HALSTEAD AROUSED. He Defends Gen. Wolseley’s Article Against Mr. Davis’ Criticisms. Cincinnati, Mav B.—Murat Halstead, of the Commercial Gazette , will print in his I wiper to-morrow, over his own initials, a stricture on Jefferson Davis’ historical in accuracy in that gentleman’s recent criti cism of Gen. Wolseley’s paper on Gen. Lie at Fredericksburg. Mr. Halstead maintains that Gen. Wolselev was right. Mr. Hal stead was at Fredericksburg, and knows whereof he speaks. He sharply criticises Mr. Davis for speaking of two Federal armies. He says in substance: “Mr. Davis, in criti cising Gen. Wolseley for saying that Gen. Burnside’s army was in a tight place at Fredericksburg and allowed to escape, falls into the strange error, which he repeats and dwells upon, of assuming that there were two national armies—one under Gen. Burnsides and another within suppirting distance on the north under Gen. Hooker, anti out of this theory of two armies Mr. Davis makes the assertion that Gen. Burn side’s troops were not in a tight place. Gen. Hooker did not have an independent command. He had charge of one of three grand divisions of Gen. Burnside’s army. The other two were under Gen. Franklin anil Gen. Sumner. Gen. Hooker was in the battle of the first dav, personally giving orders to Glen. Humphreys that he had re ceived from Gen. Burnside to continue the hopeless attack upon Stonewall, and vainly attempting to support it with artillery. Btonewall Jackson is reported to have ad vised a night attack on the troojis in Fred ericksburg, and if he hail known how greatly they hod been damaged he would almost certainly have made the attack. There is no doubt that after their repulse they were in a dangerous situation, justifying Gen. Wolseley’s phrase of a “tight place.” A SERIES OF DISASTERS. Laßretagne Sinks a Bark LaCham pagne Sinks a Steamer. Havre, May B.—The French steamer Laßretagne, Capt. de Jousselin, from New York April 30, arrived here at noon to-day. She reports that during the night she col lided with and sank a Norwegian bark. The crew of the bark was saved. Tho steamer LaChampagne, which sailed yesterday morning for New York, and which afterward returned, having bron in collision, was run into by the steamer Viile de Rio. The latter steamer sank, but her crew and passengers were saved. The col lision caused a panic among the Italians on board the LaChampagne, who made a rush for a lifeboat and caused ittocapsize. Thirty five of them were drowned, in addition to thi-ee sailors, who had tried to prevent the rush. The steamer Ville de Bordeaux rescued fifteen Italians clinging to the cap sized lifeboat. The collision took place about noon in a fog. Tlie shock was so violent that the LaChampagne was thrown almost com pletely over the starboard beam. A wide hole two yards long was opened in the larboard side near the poop, just above the water mark. The Captain finding it im possible to return to Havre, ran the steamer aground on a sandy beach in order to save the lives on board. SHOT BY CATTLE THIEVES. A Wealthy Cattle and Land Man At tacked on the Highway. Albuquerque, N. M., May B.—William Slaughter, one of tho wealthiest stock rais ers in New Mexico, was killed Friday in American valley by two men named Young blood and Adkins. Mr. Slaughter was riding along the road unarmed, when Youngblood and Akkins met him, and after a few words shot anil killed him. List year Mr. Slaugh ter was a member of tho Soooro county grand jury, anil a large number of men were indicted for cattle stealing, among them being Younfeblood and Akkins. It was believed that Mr. Slaughter was mainly instrumental in procuring the indictments, ami bad blood has existed between him and the men ever since. NOT DEAD. Albuquerque, N. M., May 8, f> r. m.~ Mr. Slaughter, the wealthy cattle and land owner of Socorro county, who was reported shot and killed last Friday, is not dead, but seriously wounded. Ills assailants have not yet been captured. ELOQUENT BAPTISTS. Every Protestant Pulpit in Louisville Filled by a Delegate. Louisville, Ky., Mays.—Every Protest ant pulpit in the city to-day was filled by a Baptist preacher, both night and morning. Many of the sermons were notable for the profundity and eloquence with which they were delivered. It is generally conceded that the l*>dy of delegates to the convention embraces more scholarship, eloquence and ability than any previous iissomhlngo in the history of tho Southern church. It. is now thought that an adjournment will lie taken by TUl'S!lay afternoon, when tho delegates will participate in a grand excursion to Mammoth Cave. Brewery Hand* Discharged. Ran Francisco. May 8. —Union men numbering nlxiut 200 employed in all the breweries in this city were discharged lost rr"ht. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, MAY 0, 1887. GO AND TELL IT TO JESUS TALMAGE TAKES A LESSON FROM JOHN THE BAPTIST’S DEATH. Tho Disciples When Overcome by Grief Went to Their Master—An Ex ample Which Sin-Burdened Human ity Must Follow if Salvation is Wanted - Emigration from Time to Eternity. Brooklyn, May B.—At the Tabernacle this morning, the Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, D. D., gave notice of the annual pilgrimage of bis congregation, which, this year, will be to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. It will be gin July 1 ami end July 7. Dr. Talmage will preach at Martha’s Vineyard on July 3, anil deliver an oration on July 4. Con gregational singing at the tabernacle is led by a cornet and organ. A boy choir chants twice during the service. The hymn sung by the congregation this morning begins: “Sun of my jsoul, thou Saviour deal", It is not night if Thou tie near.” Dr. Talmage's text was: “And His disci ples went anil told Jesus. ” —Matthew xiv., 12. He said: An outrageous assassination had just taken place. To appeaso a revengeful woman, King Herod ordered the death of that noble, self-sacrificing Christian, John tho Baptist. The group of the disciples were thrown into grief and dismay. They felt themselves utterly defenseless. There was no authority to which they could appeal, and yet grief must always find expression. If there lie no human eaio to hear it, then the agonized soul will cry it aloud to the winds and the woods and the waters. But there was an ear that was willing to listen. There is a tender pathos, and at the same time a most admirable picture, in the words of my text: “They went and told Jesus. ” He could un derstand all their grief, and He immediately soothed it. Our burdens are not more than half so heavy to carry if another is thrust under the other end of them. Here wo find Christ, His brow shadowed with grief, standing amid the group of dis ciples, who, with tears, and violent gesti culations. and wringing of hands, and out cry of bereavement, are expressing their woe. Raphael, with his skillful brush put ting upon the walls of a palace some scene of sacred story, gave not so skillful a stroke as when the plain hand of the evangelist writes: “They went and told Jesus.” The old Goths and Vandals once came down upon Italy from the North of Europe, and they upset the gardens, and they broke down the altars, and swept away every thing that was good and beautiful. So there is ever and anon in the history of all the sons and daughters of our race an in cursion of rough-handed troubles that come to plunder ami ransack and put to the torch all that men highly prize. There is no cave so deeply cleft into the mountains as to allow us shelter, and the foot of fleetest coursers can not Vicar us beyond the quick pursuit. The arrows they put to the string fly with unerring dart, until we fall pierced and stunned. 1 feel that I bring to you a most appropri ate message. I mean to bind up all your griefs into a bundle, and sot them on fire with a spark from God’s aitar. The some prescription that cured the sorrow of the disciples will cure all your heartaches. I have read that when Godfrey and his army marched out to capture Jerusalem, as they came over tho hills, at the first flash of the pinnacles of that beautiful city, the army that had marched in silence lifted a shout that made the earth tremble. O, you soldiers of Jesus Christ, marching on to ward heaven, I would that to-day, by some gleam from the palace of God’s mercy and rod’s strength, you might be lifted into great rejoicing, and that before this service 6 ended you might raise one glad hosanna to the Lord! In the first place, I commend the behavior of these disciples to ail those in this audience who are sinful and unpardoned. There comes a time in almost every man’s history when he feels from some source that he has an erring nature. The thought may not have such heft as to fell him. It may be only like the flash in an evening cloud just after a very hot summer day. One man to get rid of that impression will go to prayer; another will stimulate himself by ardent spirits, and another man will dive deeper in secularities. But sometimes a man cannot get rid of these impressions. The fact is, when a man finds out that his eternity is poised upon a perfect uncertainty, and that the next moment his foot may slip, he must do something violent to make himself forget where he stands, or else fly for refuge. If there are any here who have resolved that they would rather'die of this awful cancer of sin than to have the heavenly sur geon cut it out, let me say, my dear brother, you mingle for yourself a bitter cup. You flv in the face of your everlasting interests. You crouch under a yoke and you bite the dust, when this moment you might rise up a crowned conqueror. Driven and per plexed and harassed as you have been by sin, go and tell Jesus. To relax the grip of death from your soul, and plant your un shackled feet upon the golden throne, Christ let the torture of the bloody mount transfix Him. With the lieam of His own cross He will break down the door of your dungeon. From the thorns of His own crown He will pick enough gems to make your brow blaze with eternal victory. In every tear on His wet cheek; in every gash of Ifissiile; in every long, blackening mark of laceration from shoulder to shoulder; in the grave-shattering, heaven-storming death groan, I hear Him say: “Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast you out, ” “Oh,” but you say, “instead of curing my wound you wont to make another wound, mum iy: that of conviction." Have you never known a surgdkn to come and find a chronic disease, anil then with sharp caustic burn it all out? So the grace of God comes to the old sore of sin. It has long Ikxii rankling there, but by divine grace it is bunted out through these fires of conviction, “the flesh coming again as the flesh of a little child;” “where sin almunded, grace much more abqundetli.” With the ten thousand unpardnued sins of your life go ami tell Jesus. You will never get rill of your sins in any other way; and remember that the broad invitation which I extend to you will not always be extended. King Alfred, before modem timepieces were invented, used to divide the day into three parts, eight hours eaeh, anil then hod three wax candles. By the time tho first candle had burned to tlie socket eight hours had gone, and when the second candle hail burned to the socket another eight hours hod gone, and when all the three candles were gone out then the day had iiassed. Oh, that some of us instead of calculating our days, and nights, anil years by any earthly .time piece, might calculate tnem by the numbers of opportunities and mercies which are burning down and burning out, nover to bo relighted, lest at last wo Is- amid the fool ish virgins who cried: “Our lamps have gone out!” Again: I commend the behavior of the disciples to all who are tempted. I have heard men in middle life say they had never been lend into temptation. If you have not felt temptation it is liecause you huve not tried to do right. A man hoppled anil hand cuffed, .< long as he lies quietly, does not test the power of the chain; but when he rises up. and with determination resolves to i scan tn • hn’idcnff nr break the Wobble (.hen he finds the power of the iron. And there are men who have been for ten, and twenty, and thirty years bound hand and foot by evil habits who have never felt the power of the chain, because they have never tried to break it. It is very easy to go on down with the stream and with the wind, lying on your oars; but just turn around and try to pi against the wind and the tide, and you will find it a different matter. As long as wo go down the current of our evil habit we seem to get along quite smoothly; but if after a while we turn around and head the other way, toward Christ, and pardon, and heaven, oh, then how we have to lay to the oars! You all have your temptation. You have one kind, you another, you another, not one person escaping. It is all folly for you to say to someone: “I could not be tempted as you are.” The iion thinks it is so strange that tho flsli should be caught with a nook. The fish thinks it is so strange that the lion should lie caught with a trap. You see some men with a cold, phlegmatic temperament, and you say: “I suppose that man lias not any temptation.” Yes, as much as you have. In his phlegmatic nature he has a temptation to indolence and oensoriousuess anil over eating and drinking: a temptation to ignore the great work of fife; a temptation to lay down an obstacle in the way of all good en terprises. The temperament decides the styles of temptation; but sanguine or lym phatic, you will have temptation. Satan lias a grappling hook just fitted for your soul. A man never lives tieyond the reach of temptation. You sr.y when a man gets to be seventy or eighty years of age he is safe from ail Satanic assault. You are very much mistaken. A mail at eighty-five years of age has as many temptations as a man at twenty-five. They are only different styles of temptation. Ask the aged Christian whether he is never assaulted of the powers of darkness. If you think you have conquered the power of temptation you are vary much mistaken A man who wanted a throne pretended he was very weak and sickly, and if he was elevated he would soon lie gone. He crawled upon his crutches to the throne, and having attained it he was strong again; He said: “It was well for me while I was looking for the sceptre of another that I should stoop, but now that I have found it, why should I stoop any longer?” and he threw away his crutches and was well again. How illustrative of the power of tempta tion! You think it is a weak and crippled influence; but give it a chance, and it will be a tyrant in your soul, it will grind you to atoms. No man has finally and forever overcome temptation until he has left the world. But what are you to do with these temptations? Tell everylxxlj’about them! Ah, what a silly man you would be! As well might a commander in a fort send word to the enemy which gate' of the castle is least barred, as for you to go and tell what all your frailties arc, and ivhnt your temptations are. The world will only cari cature you, will only scoff at you. What, then, must a man do? When the wave strikes him with terrific dash shall he have nothing to hold on to? In thin contest with "the world, the flesh and the devil,” shall a man have no help, no counsel ? Our text intimates something different. In those eyes that wept with the Bethany sisters I see shining hone. In that voii'e which spake until the grave broke anil the widow of Nain had bark her lost son, and the sea slept, and sorrow stu|ieudou.s woke up in the arms of rapture—in that voice I hear the command and the promise, “Cast, thy burden on tho Lord and Ho will sustain thee.” Why should you carry your burdens any longer? Oh, you weary soul, Christ has lioen in this conflict. He says: “Mv grace shall lie sufficient for you. Youshall not be tempted above that you are able to bear.” Therefore, with all your temptations, go, os these disciples did, and tell Jesus. Apain: I commend the behavior of the disciples to all those who are abused and slandered* anil persecuted. When Herod put John to death the disciples knew that iheir own heads were not safe. And do you know that every John has a Herod? There are persons in life who do not wish you very well. Your misfortunes are honeycombs to them. Through their teeth they hiss at you, misinterpret your motives, and would be f;lu*l to see you upset. No man gets through ife without having a pummeling. Some slander comes after you, horned and husked and hoofed, to gore and trample you; and what are you to do? 1 toll you plainly that all who serve Christ must suffer iiersecution. It is the worst sign in the world for you to lie able to say: “I haven’t an enemy ill the world.” A woe is pronounced in the Bible against the one of whom everybody speaks well. If you arc at peace with all the world, and every!silly likes you and approves your work, it is liecausc you are an idler in the Lord’s vineyard, and are not doing your duty. All those who have served Christ, howev er eminent, have been maltreated at some stage of their experience. You know it was so in the time of George Whitofield, when he stood and invited men into the kingdom of God. What did the learned Doctor Johnson say of him? Ho pronounced him a miserable mountebank. How was it when Robert Hall stood and spoke as scarce ly any uninspired man ever did speak of the glories of heaven? and as he stood .Sabbath after Sabbath preaching on these themes his face kindled with the glory. John Foster, a Christian man, said of this man: “Rob ert Hall Is only aiding, and the smile on his facets a reflection of his own vanity.” John Wesley turned all England ujiside down with Christian reform, and yet the punsters were after him, anil the meanest jokes in England were jierpetrated about John Wes ley. What is true of tho pulpit is true of the pew; it is true of the street, it is true of the shop, and the store. All who will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecu tion. And I set it down as the very worst sign in all yo*ir Christian experience if you arc, any of you, at |ieac<! with aJI the world. The religion of Clndst is war. It is a chal lenge to “the world, the flesh and the devil;" and if you will buckle on the whole armor of God, you will find a great host disputing your path between this and heaven. But what are you to do when you are assaulted and slandered ami abused, as I suppose nearly all of you have been in your life? Go out and hunt up the slanderer? O, no, silly man! While you are explaining away a falsehood In one place, fifty people will just have heard of it in other place*. I counsel you to another course. While you arc not to omit any opjortunity of set ting yourselves right. I want to tell you this morning of one wno nail the hardest things said about Him, whose sobriety was dis puted, whose mission was snouted, whoso companionship was denounced, who was pursued as a luilie and spit upon as a man, who was howled at after He was dead. I I will have you go unto Him with your bruised soul, in some humble, child-prayer, saying: “I see Thy wounds—wounds of bead, wounds of feet, wounds of heart. Now, look at my wounds, anil see what I have sufferew, and through what battles I am going; and I entreat Time, by those wounds of Thine, sympathize with me.” And He will sympathize, and He will help. Go and toll Jesus! Again: I commend the behavior of the disciples to all who may have been Iwreuved. How many in garb of mourning 1 If you could stand at this |>oint where I am stand ing and look off upon this audience, how many signals of sorrow you would liehold. God nas His own way of taking apart a family. We must get out of the wav for coming generations. We must get off the St a:. * that other mav come on. and for this reason there is a long procession reaching down all the time into the valley of shadow. This emigration from time into eternity is so vast an enterprise that, we can not un derstand it. Every hour we hear the clang of the sepulchral gate. The soil must lie broken. The ground must be plowed for resurrection harvest. Eternity must tie peopled. The dust must press our eylids. “It is appointed unto all men once to die.” This emigration from time into eternity keeps three-fourths of the families of the earth in desolation. The air is rent with farewells, and the black-tasseled vehicles of death rumble through every street. The body of the child that was folded so closely to the mother’s heart is put away in the cold and tlie darkness. Tho laughter freezes to the girl’s lip and the rose scatters. The hoy in the harvest field of Shunamsal’s: “My head! my head!” anil they carry him home to die on the lap of his mother. Widowhood stands with tragedies of woe struck into the pallor of tlie cheek. Orphan age cries in vain for father and mother. On, the grave is cruel! With teeth of stone it clutches for its prey. Between the dos ing gates of the sepulchre our hearts are mangled and crushed. Is there any earthly solace! None. Wo come to tlie obsequies, we sit with the grief-stricken, wo talk pa thetically to their soul; but soon the obse quies have passed, the carriages have left us at the door, the friends who stayed for a few days are gone, and the heart sits in desolation listening for the little fret that will never again patter through the hall, or looking for tho entrance of those who will never come again—sighing into the dark ness—ever and anon coming across some book or garment, or little shoe or picture, that arouses former association, almost kill ing the heart. Long days and nights of suffering that wear out the spirit, and expunge tho bright lines of life, and give haggariiuess to the face, and draw’ tlie flesh tight, down over the cheek-bone, and draw dark lines under the sunken eye. and the hand is tremulous, and the voice is husky and uncertain, and the grief is wearing, grinding, accumulating, exhausting. Now, what are such to do? Are they merely to look up into a brazen and unpity ing heaven? Are they to walk a blasted heath unfed of stream, unsheltered by over reaching tree? Has God turned us out on the barren common to die? Oh, no! no! no! He has not. He comes wit h sympathy and kindness and love. Ho understands all our grief. He set's tho height, and the depth, and the length, and tho breadth of it. lie is the only one that can fully sympathize. Go and tell Jesus. Sometimes When we have trouble we go to our friends and we explain it, anil they try to sympathize; but they do not understand it. They cannot understand it. But Christ sees all over it, and nil through it. He not only counts the teal’s and records the groans, but liofore the tears started, before the groans began, Christ saw the inmost hiding place of your sorrows; and He takes it, and He weighs it, and He measures it, and He pities it with an all-ab sorbing pity. Bono of our bona. Flesh of our flesh. 'Heart of our heart. Sorrow of our sorrow. As long as He remembers Lazarus’ grave lie will stand by you in the cemetery. As long as Ho rom'■rubers His own heart-binak. He will stand by you in the laodTation of your affections. When He forgets the foot sore wnv, the sleepless nights the weary I imly, tlie exhausted mind, the awful cross, the solemn grave, then he will forget you, hut, not until then. Often when we wpre in trouble we sent for our friends; but they were far away, they could not get to us. We wrote to them: “Come right away,” or telegraphed: “Take the next train.” They came at last, yet were a great while in coming, or perhaps were too late. But Christ is always near before you, behind you, within you. No mother ever threw her arms around her child with such warmth and ecstasy of affec tion as Christ has shown toward you. Close at hand—nearer than the staff upon which you lean, nearer than the cup you nut to your lip, nearer than the handkerchief with which you wipe away your tears —I preach him an ever-present, ali-sympathizing, com passionate Jesus. How can you stay away one moment from Him with your griefs? Go now. Go and tell Jesus. It is often that our friends have no power to relieve us. They would very much lilt* to do it; but they cannot disentangle mir finances, they cannot cure our sickness and raise our dead; but glory tie to God that He to whom the disciples went has all jxiwer in heaven and on earth, and at our cell he will balk our calamities, and, at just the right time, in the presence of an applauding earth and a resounding heaven will raise our dead. He will do it, He is mightier than Herod. He is swifter than the storm. He is grander than tho sea. He is vaster than eternity. And every sword of God’s omnipotence will lean from its scabbard, and all the resources of infinity hi’exhaust'll, rather than that God’s child shall not be de livered when he cries to Him for revue. Kuppose your child was in trouble: how much would you endure te) get him out? You would go through any hardship. You would say: “I don’t.<•are what it will cost; I must get him out of that trouble.” Do you think God is not so good a father ns you? Heeing you are in trouble, and having all power will He not stretch out His arm and deliver you? He will. He is mighty to save. He can level the mountain mid divide the sea, and inn ext inguish the fire and save the soul. Not dim of eye, not weak ot arm, not feeble of riaourees, but with all eternity and the universe at His feet. Go anil toll Jesus. Will you? Ye whose cheeks arc wet with the night dew of tlie grave; ye who cannot look up; ye whose hearts are dried with the breath of a sirocco, in the name of the religion of J*us Christ, which lifts every burden and wipes away every tear, and delivers every captive, and lightens every darkness, I implore you now, go and tell Jesus. A little child went with her father, a sea Captain, to sen, and when the first storm came the little child was very much fright ened, and in the night rushed out of the eabin and said: “Where is father! where Is father!” Then they told h*r: “Father is on itis’k guiding the vessel and watching the storm,” Ttio little child immediately re turned to her berth and said: “It’s all right, for father’s on deck.” Oh, ye who are tossed end driven in this world, up by the moun tains and down by tlie valleys, and at your wit’s etui, I want you to know the Lord God is guiding the ship. Your Father is on deck. He will bring you through the dark ness into the harbor. Trust in the Lord. Go and tell Jesus. Let mo say that if you do not von will have no I’oinfort here, and you will forever be an outcast and a wan derer. Your death will be a sorrow. Your eternity will be a disaster. But if you go tei Him for pardon and sympathy, all is well. Everything will brignten up. anil j°y will Climf 1° ®he heart and sorrow will depart; your suis will be forgiven and your foot will touch the up ward patti; and the shining messengers that report above what Is done here will tell it until the great arrhiw of God reasnund with the glad tidings, if now, with contrition and full trustfulness of soul, you will only go iuhl tell Jesus. But I am oppressed, when I look over this audience, at the prospect that some may not take this counsel and go away un bleMud. 1 cannot help asking what will lie the destiny of these lxople! Ho I never care whether it comes into tho text or not: I never leave my place on this platform with out telling them that now is tho accepted time, and to some, perhaps, the last time. Xerxes looked off on his sirmv. There were two million men—perhaps the finest army ever marshaled. Xerxes rode along the lines, reviewed them, came back, stood on some high point, looked off upon the two million men, and burst into tern's. At that moment, when everyone supposed he would be in the greatest exultation, ne broke down in grief. They asked him why he wept. “Ah," he said, “I weep nt the thought that so soon all this host will be dead." Sol stand looking off upon this host of immortal men and women, and realize the fact, as perhaps no man can, unless he has been in similar position, that soon the places which know you now will know you no more, and you will begone—whither? whither? There is a stirring idea which the poet put in very peculiar verse when he said: “ 'Tis not for man to trifle: life is brief Anil sin Is here: Our ago is but the falling of a leaf — A dropping tear. Not many lives, but only one have we— One, only one; How sacred should that one life ever be— That narrow span." FLORIDA’S SENATORSHIP. Talk of Trotting in a Dark Horse Again Reviving. Tallahassee, Fla., May 7.—The talk of dark horses to break the Sona torial deadlock is again reviving. Friday night was looked forward to with great ex pectotions by Gov. Perry’s supporters, as they fully expected him to lead through the evening so as to strengthen his following and weaken the opposition. This having failed his support ere ore not so enthusiastic, and many ot them are looking about for available' third men who con defeat the nomination of Bloxham and Puseo, thus al lowing Gov. Perry’s friends to name the nominee. Jutigo George G. McWhorter, Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court., is most frequently mentioned as being acceptable to the l’crry men, but he is unwilling to enter the nice, and will not accept a nomination unless Gov. Perry voluntarily retires. Sena tor Mallory is prominently spoken of, and the only objection to his election is his age, he being now only about, 35. He is a son of the ex-Unitod States Senator and ex-Secre tary of the Confederate navy, and is one of the eldest young men in the State. HEN. FINLEY’S CHANCES. There seems little ho]>o for the selection of the present appointee, Gen. J. J. Finley, and nis friends are urging the Governor to appoint him Judge of the Fifth circuit, which is now presided over by Hon. Thomas F. King. Col. J. J. Daniel, of Jacksonville, is sometimes mentioned in connection with the Senatorship, and his eminent qualifica tions at once make him one of the most suitable persons in the State for this high position. Col. John A. Henderson, of Tallahassee, also has a large following who desire his election. The probabilities that the I legislature will fail altogether to make an election arc being canvassed, ami speculations as to whom the Governor will appoint have already begun. The general impression is that in case the Ilegislature does fail to elect, the Governor will reappoint Gqp. Jesse J. Finley, if he is not in the meantime made Judge of the Fifth circuit. There are many, however, who think the Governor would apjioiiit Col. W. D. Cbipley, of Pensacola. SPECIAL LEGISLATION. Ail matters in the shai*> of special legis lation ure opjiosed strenuously by a portion of oacli house on the ground tliat sucli legis lation is in violation of the constitution. The new Jacksonville charter bill comes un der this head, but while it has been ad versely reported by a majority of the Judi ciary Committee or the Henate, it will prob ably be passed, as the Senate has already committed itself in favor of siiecial legisla tion in spite of the opposition from the law yers of the body. CONFIRMATIONS. The following confirmations have been made during the past week: Henry E. Carleton, to be Collector of Revenue for Manatee county. G. R. Smith, to be Clerk of the Circuit Court of W r akulla county. C. 8. Alligood, to be Sheriff of Wakulla county. T. H. Moore, to lie Collector of Revenue ijfor Wakulla county. * R. W. Phillips, to fie County Judge of Su wannee county. J. W. Newman, to be Clerk of the Circuit Court of Suwannee county. John J. Rohinson, to lie Collector of Reve nue for Suwannee county. A. B. Brown, to be Assessor of Taxes for Columbia county. James W. Payne, to he Collector of Reve nue for Columbia county. A. J. Green, to be Assessor of Taxes for Baker county. J. A. Fortner, to be County Judge of Polk county. George R. Fortner, to be Assessor of Taxes for Polk county. J. I). Tillis, to be Collector of Revenue for Polk county. George R-esc, to be Assessor of Taxes for Escambia county. Manuel Palmes, to lie Collector of Reve nue for Escambia county. W. J. Williams, to lsi Collector of Reve nue for Santa Rosa county? James H. Chandler, to be County Judge of Volusia county. J. H. I> e, to tie Collector of Revenue for Hamilton county. J. M. Tuten, to be Assessor of Taxes for Hamilton county. J. B. Hardee, to be Collector of Revenue for Taylor county. John I). Broome, to be Judge for the Sev enth judicial circuit. David S. Walker, to be Judge for the Sec ond judicial circuit. PASCO TO BE WITHDRAWN. Tallahassee, Fla., May B. Mr. Pasco’s frii'inls talk of withdrawing him from the Senatorial rare. This will leave the field clear to ex-Gov. Bloxham and Gov. Perry, and no other dark horse will be be advanc'd until the last days of the session, if at nil. Just now it seems that no election will be made by the Legislature, leaving the Gov ernor to reappoint Mr. Finley or another. Bartow Briefs. Bartow, Fla., May B.—Next Thursday, Mny 12, will be a memorable day for Bar tow. A plan projected by tliat eccentric old philosopher, Jasper Summerlin, the so called “King or Crackers,” many years ago, ; is being fulfilled. He donated a very largo tract of the land on which Bartow now stands to the village for the purpose of erecting a school house of some magnitude. Enough of this land has been sold, with subscriptions by our citizens, to erect one of the neatest brick institutions of learning in the State. The Grand Lodge of Masons of Florida will lay the corner stone of this in stitute on Thursday, and the Bartowians intend making a general feast day of it. The Financial Wonder. Charleston, S. C., May s.—lt, turns out that the story publishisl originally in the New Haven Lei lyi-r aliout a wealthy Soutli- I ern grocer and his bookkeeper, who is said to have i mid the grocer StV4O,MOO from business by him during the war, is true In its general features. George VV. Williams, of this city, and Daniel Hand, of New Haven, Conn., were the parties to the transaction, j Mr. Williams has mid back to Mr. Hand | sinre tlie war, s7ud,ooo as his share in the ' fipip’s business. j PRICE £IO A YEAR. I 1 5 CENTS A COPY.f PASSES AND LOW RATES. THEATRICAL PEOPLE RUSHING IN THEIR PETITIONS Tho Commission Unable to Suspend the Bection of the Act Cutting Off Special Rates- Railroads Anxious to Be Informed as to Who Constitute* a Minister in the Legal Sense. Washington, May B.—Printed petition! addressed to the Interstate Commerce Com mission asking the suspension of the inter state commerce law so far as tho transporta tion of amusement companies are con* ceraed continue to come in from every city in the country, signed by the owners and managers and the employes of theatres, by actors and actresses and by lit hographing companies and others doing business with theatres. These all estimate the amount of capital employed in tho amusement business at $500,000,000, and insist tliat it is jeopard izes! by the prevision of tlie interstate com merce" law which prevents discriminating rates in their favor. They ask its suspen sion until Congress meets. Then they think they will lie excepted from its operations. WHO IS A MINISTER. The question as to who is a minister of religion within the meaning of the clause in the interstate commerce law permitting dis crimination in passenger rates In favor of “ministers of religion," has been raised. Tho principal question is as whether all religions shall Ik* recognized to the extent of permitting discriminations in favor of their ministers. There is no question as to the minister of the Roman Catholic and Protes tant faiths, but it is an ojien question still whether Mormons, Ruililists and Theoso phists are to tie decided on an equality with Christianity. Tlie Commissioners will uot answer these and similar nyjiothetioal ques tions which tiave been sent to them. They will only act upon a concrete ease properly coming iieforo them with an issue joined under the law. The thing asked of them by the amusement interests is beyond their power. The only section of tlie law which the commission can suspend or relax is the long anil short haul clause. Secretary Moselv by almost incessant ao tivity has gotten tlie offices of tho commis sion into something like running order. He has already indexed most of the vast corres pondence so suddenly thrown upon the com mission. JORDAN’S SUCCESSOR. W. H. Barnum Recommenils J. W. Hyatt for the Treaaurerehlp. ■Washington, May B.—The President, it is understood, asked William H. Barnum some days ago whether he would name a man in Connecticut who would make a good United States Treasurer. Mr. Barnum named his friend, James W. Hyatt, of Nor walk, who had previously lieeu appointed Bank Examiner for Connecticut and Rhode Island. On Mr. Barnum’s recommendation the President made no response. Mr. Bar num brought Mr. Hyatt on last night and to-night took him to the White House to see the President. This afternoon Messrs. Bar num and Hyatt spent several hours with Treasurer Jordan In the latter’s ofHce in the Treasury Department. Messre. Hyatt and Barnum think Mr. Hyatt will he appointed, hut the President has not said so yet. CONDITION OF THE CROPS. Recent Meteorological Conditions A<S vance the Season. Washington, May B.—The Signal Office, in a .special weather crop tmlletin issued to day, says that the season to date in various sections of the country has been about as follows: In the grain regions of the North it has been comparatively cold and dry; in the cotton regions to the wont of (ieorgia, warm and unusually dry; in the cotton ana rice regions of the Mouth Atlantic coast cold and comparatively dry; in the tobacco re gions of Virginia and North Carolina, cold and dry; in the tobacco regions of Kentucky, Tennessee and Pennsylvania the weather has lsn warmer, with the rainfall slightly less than usual, except in Northern Ken tucky, where the rainfall was slightly in ex cess. From the reports received it appears that the meteorological conditions of the past week have had the effect of rapidly advanc ing the season in those sections where it had len previously retarded. DROWNED AT A BAPTIZING. The Rail of a Wharf Gives Way and Many People Log* Their Lives. New Orleans, May A—This morning a numlier of colored people belonging to the congregation of Mount Zion Baptist church, assembled on the wharf at the head of Li zardi street to be baptized by immersion, according to the rights of their church. A large nuin!>er of persons followed the bap tismal party to the wharf for the purpose of witnessing the ceremony. The crowd leaned on the wharf railing, which gave way under the great strain brought against it by the pressure of the crowd, and about fifty persons were precipitated into the river. Three whites and eight colored persons—all women or children—are known to have been drowned. Spectators of the scene express the opinion that many persons were drowned who have not yet been re jiorted missing. There were a number of skiffs on the river in front of the wharf rail ing. Many of the oocupants of these small 1 touts were injured by the people and broken railiugs falling upon them. Many of the skiffs were upset and some of their occu pants were drowned. CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS. The Knights of Labor Met for a Con ference. Philadelphia, Pa., May B.—After a lengthy conference between the Knights of Lalior and Clothing Manufacturers’ Asso ciation to-day the manufacturers’ committee issued a notice to the Anns lielonging to the association stating that as the agreement entered into in Slay, 1886, had expired by limitation, the lockout lately ordered was declared off, and the members ware re ouested to withdraw the notice excluding Knights of ixibor from their cutting rooms, and not to discriminate against members of the organisation. It was stated that no understanding with re gard to the boycott placed upon the goods manufactured by the members of the Cloth ing Manufacturers’ Association had been reached and representative* of the locked* out men said that until anew agreement wets made the men would not return to work. The men asked certain concessions in regard to Ml? dk* uai-go'of new emp]pves and the reinstatement of all the old ones,but no satisfailory conclusion, was reached, and another conference will bo held. Big Prices for Yearlings. Lexington, Kt., May B.—At th" sale of yearling thoroughbreds by I). Swegart at the Ehin-ndorf farm yes ten lay forty-two head sold for $411,980, an average of 11,189. .1 B llaggin, of California, purchased one colt for 84,.VX), one for 14,000 and one for tH,500, and the Dwyer Brothers one for 84. ’.OO