The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 10, 1887, Image 1

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i ESTABLISHED 1850. ]JL H. EsTILL, Editor and Proprietor. baptist mission work. $20,000 COLLECTED AT A SINGLE MASS MEETING. Money Greatly Needed—Eight Cents Per Capita Per Annum the Amount Turned in by Southern Baptists Pine Fields for Work in Texas, Louisi ana and Indian Territory. Louisville, Ky., May 9. —The Southern Raptist Convention was called to order by President Mell at 9 o’clock this morning for its third days’ work. It was announced that the collection taken up at the mass meeting Saturday night for the benefit of foreign missions amounted to $20,000. The order of business was reported as giving the afternoon session to the continua tion of the home mission reports, and the evening session, opening at 8 o’clock, to a ;eneraf home mission meeting, led by Rev. A motion limiting speeches to ten minutes was adopted. The report of the committee on sugges tions to tne Board of Foreign Missions was read by Dr. W. C. Cleveland, of Alabama. It was prepared by Dr. John A. Broadeus, who was indisposed and unable to read the report himself. MUCH IN NEED OF MONEY. It pointed out that the missions were much need of money and that the mission aries in some cases must be sent home; but it would cost as much to bring them home as to support them until the stringency for money was passed. It suggested means to raise the needed money. In discussing the report Dr. Rowland, of Maryland, called attention to the compara tively small amount given by Southern Baotists, Bc. per capita per annum. He urged that more foreign mission tracts should be printed. Dr. E. E. Folk, of Tennessee, said the peo ple should give to the church money given Masons, Odd Fellows, and Knights of Py thias. The work of the church is better and capitalists should give their money to church work exclusively while there was need. The report, as read by Dr. Cleveland, was adopted. PROFIT IN PUBLICATIONS. I)r. Wharton, of Maryland, presented the re]>ort of the committee on the Kind Words publication. It reported the removal of the office from Macon to Atlanta, the publica tion at a profit to the Home Mission Board Df a series of lesson leaves and an entirely successful system of Sunday school publica tions, and the need of continued and earnest effort to make the publications more useful and successful by putting them in all the Sunday schools of the Baptist church. The report was adopted. Dr. Frost, chairman of the committee in the general work of the Home Mission Board, reported that there had been in creased support from all the States repre sented in the convention. There was good work doing under the board among the ne groes and Indians, and within a year a won derfully successful work had been begun in Cuba. For all there was need of money and more work. MISSION WORK IN TEXAS. Dr. Holt, of Texas, Secretary of the Home Mission Board, said that the board has always greatly aided that State, but vet there are eighty-seven counties where tliey have neither preachers nor churches. The Baptists number 190,000 white and 600,000 colored communicants. The recent drought had affected many portions of the State, hut the frontier work neeeded assis tance and must have it. There are 200,000 Germans in Texas and no missionaries among thorn, where thore should be ten. Dr. renick, of Louisiana, spoke of his State as a missionary field. Ho said there are about 20,0iX) Baptists in Louisiana, with thirteen missionaries at work who were heart and soul engaged in Christianizing the people. There are 260,000 French speaking popple, all Catholics, while among them are only working two missionaries. .These peo ple arc growing tired of the yoke of Catholi cism and stand ready to throw it off’. Many of them have already become Christians, and others of the Creole population will fol low. AMONG THE INDIANS. Rev. J. S. Monroe, Indian missionary, ro fTod to the work in ludian Terri tory, It is tlie weakest mission connected with the association. “There are,” he said, *“217,7(11 Indians in the United States, not including Alaska. Of these 75,000 are eiv nizal, 141,816 wear citizens’ dress. 38,801 retd th‘ English language, and 60.000 chil dren are of school ago. The Territory com prises an area of 04,222 square miles, 79,791 Indians and forty-six tribes. There are missionaries and 7.000 Baptists, but fenced more workers and more help. We upon this board earnestly to come to ter aid.” Fraternal delegates from the Northern Lurches next addressed the convention, he convention then adjourned till evening. THE NEXT MEETING PLACE. the convention reassembled the re port of the committee selected to designate 1. K llu '''- the next meeting was heard, bio First Baptist church of Richmond, Va., *M chosen and the second Wednesday in %. DBBB. Rev. F. M. Ellis, of Baltimore, win preach the sermon. Ocn. Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky, .Die Committee on Temperance, re ported the following: hesolved, That wo do solemnly protest against manufacture, sale and use or liquors, und press our sympathy with the prohibitionists te-ryvrhere. debate on this produced about the Hiest cross-firing witnessed during the invention. Gen. Smith said he had in hand “I Heathen Helper directory of the Baptist , uyeution, containing the advertisement of i,.i 7 dealer, and lie asked if that was to *]P the heathen. Nome one said: “No, the whisky dealer,” “jeh produced laughter. BrTo’.^ ,n *tk continued, declaring Hint the Pombitum shower was coming and those i" > were opposed to it must get. out of the *hu hour set apart for other business ving arrived the report hail to ixtdroppod. , "HI come up again to-morrow when a breezy discussion!* expected. 11 ■ remaining hours wore consumed hy u,' . . >er * Diaz, of (Havana. He gavo e status of the mission in Cuba ami its Over $4,000 were raised spontunc i ly before the convention adjourned until •tenting. Manning’s Bank. Washington, May o.—The Comptroller \vJ. Durreney to-day authorized the V, -b 01 ' tl Donal Bank, of the city of New it vv, tagiii business with a capital of o°. The officei-s are Daniel Manning, tushter and Ferdinand BUvnkinhani, ANOTHER VERSION, James W. ITyatt and his spon 1, ’. PX-Seuator Barnum, went homo cfMT They insist<*d Ix-foro they 1 Hint they were no wiser about the United ux tes rreusurership than when they ar ' , 11 they expect Mr. llyatt to be ttp il/ilfw!’. , nn( i nro looking around for the rhp, l .tend required of the Treasurer. "f™"* makes no sign, but it is under- Dwt he did mit like the publicity Ml - . friends gave the blatter. §Bhe ITlormiuj ffotosS. B’NAI BRITH. Ll3t of the Committees Announced at the Convention. Memphis, May 9.—The proceedings of the Convention of Grand Lodge No. 7, Inde pendent Order B’nai Brith, to-day consisted of the appointment of committees, reading of communications and reports and the elec tion of the following committees: General Committee—Haz Hirseli, of Vicksburg; Samuel Ullrnan, of Birming ham; W. L. Ernst, of Uniontown, Ala.; B. Davis, of Dallas, Tex.; S. Hecht, of Mont gomery, Ala.; M. Mayer, of Alexandria, Appeal Committee—H. Fink, of Helena; Louis Volmer, of Little Rock; I. Ernstein, of Bavou Sara, La.; L. Mohr, of Montgom ery, Ala.; Joseph Maguer, of New Orleans. Committee of By laws—A. X. Myers, Sol Harpman, Sam Slagler, of Memphis. of the District Reserve Fund—S. Young, of Montgomery, and Sam Hirsch, of Memphis. Trustee of the Cleveland Orphan Asylum —Sam Schloas, of Memphis. The convention adjourned at 2 o’clock until to-morrow morning. JORDAN’S PLACE. Assistant Secretary Whelpley Apt to Be Appointed. Washington May 9.—Nothing is yet set tled with regard to the office of United States Treasurer. Treasurer Jordan spent yesterday in Washington, and had inter views with the President and Secretary Fair child. He returned to New York last night. Bank Examiner Hyatt,ffc Connecticut, who has been mentioned as Mr. Jordan’s success or. called on Secretary Fairchild this morn ing, in company with ex-Senator Barnum. These two gentlemen also called on the President. Mr. Hyatt subsequently visited the Comptroller of the Currency, who is his immediate official superior. The latest report in regard to Mr. Hyatt is that he is content with las present office, and is not desirous of making a change. The Treasurer-ship has not been offered to him by the President, and it is no longer thought it will lie. It is believed that the office will be fillod in a few days, probably to-morrow, and many persons are of the opinion that Assistant Secretary Whelpley will get the appointment. DIXIE’S HOROSCOPE. Georgia to Add 50 Per Cent, to Her Wealth in Five Years. New York, May 9.—President Alfred Sully, of the Richmond Terminal Company, who has just returned from a trip over his roads, says: “I went over some of our South Carolina lines, East Tennessee roads and Georgia Pacific. I found them all in very good condition and a great boom down there in real estate and mining interests. There is a lull in the Birmingham real estate sales, but there is a very large amount of build ing going on. There seems to be a remark able amount of enterprise manifested in the South, especially in Alabama and East Ten nessee, developing the natural resources of the country. While real estate speculation may have been overdone at some points still many localities have yet to feel the effect of the enterprise and improvements going on. There is no question but that the newly developed manufacturing interests of the South are upon a permanent basis and I believe that Georgia, Alabama and Ten nessce will add 50 per cent, to their material wealth in the next five yen re.” A TAR HEEL LYNCHING. An Assault on a White Girl Costs a Black Fiend His Life. Raleigh, N. C., May 9.—A special from Tarboro reports that Ben White, a negro who feloniously assaulted a 16-year-old white girl, member of one of the best fami lies in the county, was lvnched by masked men Saturday night. When arrested Judge Shipp, of the Superior Court, for better pro tection from the indignant friends of the girl, sent the negro to jail at Williamston, N. C. A body of men arrived there on a train Saturday night, and some time after midnight picketed the streets, broke open the jail, took the negro to Tarboro und hange.l him to a tree near the spot where he jierpotmted tho outrage. There was some excitement among the colored people at Williamston, the better class of whom, how ever, think White deserved his fate. FRANCE’S MARITIME DISASTERS. The Loss of Life on LaChampagne Not as Great as First Reported. Havre, May 9.—lt is now stated that re ports of lass of life among the emigrants on the French steamer IjaChampagne, which was beached after being damaged by col lision with the steamer Ville de Rio on ''Saturday were exaggerated. Less than a dozen emigrants were drowned. The steamer Laßrctagne, which will sail for New York on Wodnosnay, will convey the passengers of the LaChiuitpagne. It has been ascertained that the bark which the La- Bretagno collided with and sunk Saturday night just before her arrival at Havre from New York was the Norwegian bark Tellus, Captain Thorbjornsen, bound from Rouen for Now York. Tho Laßretague was not in jured. Taxing Drummers Unconstitutional. Washington, May 9. —Judge Merrick in the District Supremo Court in general term to-day announced the judgement of that court in the case of the District against Mr. Heneck, a Baltimore drummer, charged with being unlicensed. The act Imposing a license tax was passed by the old District Legisla ture under the authority, it was claimed, of Congress. The court dismissed Mr. Hen neck, holding that a tax on drummers is regulation of commerce between .States, and that such a law can is* imposed by Congress alone. The court held, however, that the act is applicable to District merchants and drummers. Consul General Walker Resigns. Washington, May 9.--Consul General Walker, of Paris, who is here, has resigned. His resignation is to take effect u]ion tlieex piration of ills leave of absence. His suc cessor will he appointed ns soon ns he can lie found. There are numerous applicants for his place, for it is one of the most important, in tne consular service, uiul has a salary of ffi 000. But the President bus not yet been able to find such a man as he wauts to appoint to it. The Telephone Case. Washington. Mov 9.—lt was expected that tho Unitod States Supreme Court would announce its decision in the groat tol phone case to-day. Its members, except Justice Gray, arc understood to have spent all dav Saturday reviewing It, but either they did not got through or they did not ap prove it as read, for neither it nor any othor decision was announced to-day. $41,291 Short. # * Jersey City, N. J., May 9. -The expert who has investigated the accounts of 51. 11. Murphy, the missing water registrar of Ho boken. reports to the water commission that the deficiency is $41,291. Murphy held the office for sixteen years. No traoo of his iv heron bouts has been discovered. SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1887. VIRGINIA'S LOAD OF DEBT THE BRITISHERS WANT PRINCIPAL OF $26,887,000. Obligations Representing $7,511,000 Thrown Aside in This Demand—Back Interest to the Extent of $1,002,000 and Promises of the Thumbscrew Stamp Wanted in Addition. Richmond, May o. —The Debt Commis sion held two meetings to-day. After the meeting in the forenoon a rumor prevailed that the two sides were not far apart, and that a settlement was certain, while another report was that an agreement had been reached and only awaited full details. This afternoon’s session, however,the proceedings of which have been made public, has re sulted in a final adjournment of the joint conference without arriving at any settle ment. Subsequently the Virginia repre sentatives held a meeting and appointed a sub-committee to prepare a preliminary re port on the subject to be submitted to the General Assembly to-morrow. The full re -1 port of the Virginia committee will be made later. THREE SESSIONS AT NIGHT. Richmond, Va.. May 9, 11 p. m.—The sub-committee of the Virginia debt commis sioners had three sessions to-night and agreed upon a report to be submitted to the General Assembly to-morrow. From the report it appears that the last proposition of the bondholders’ representatives was that they should have principal in the sum of $26,887,000. This amount was reached by deducting from the debt of the State the Riddleberger bonds held by the State amounting to $2,240,000; the bonds com prised in the literary fund amounting to $1,179,000; the bonds held by the Board of Public Works, $168,000; the debt due the United States government, $1,300,000, and a further deduction of $2,629,000, being 10 per cent, of the State’s debts, evidence of which they claimed had been lost and for which no demand would be made in the future. STILL MORE WANTED. In addition they demanded in cash from the State $1,002,000, being 40 per cent, of the 60 per cent, of arrearage of interest on tho consols and 10.40 debts. They also demand id that tho new bonds should be exempt from all taxation; that the coupons should l>e tax receivable; that all expenses incurred in connection with the present negotiation should be paid by the State, and that after the expiration of 2 years no bonds should be funded by the State except with the consent of the council of foreign bondholders. To these demands the Legislative committee re sponded by saying in substance that tho propositions named would be rejected. ANXIOUS TO SETTLE. The committee, however, still anxious to reach an agreement presented as an ultima tum a proposition that the principal of the debt be fixed approximately at $25.61)0,000 to be capitalized upon terms hereafter to be agreed upon and to include all bonds held by the State, the new bonds to ran for fifty years but to lie redeemable at the pleasure of the State after ten years and the question of security to lie kept open for, further negotiaton. After the re ceipt of this from the legislative Commit tee the bondholders’ representatives modi fied their proposition only so far as te exclude the bonds held by the Sinking Fund Commission ers ($1,179,000) proposing that such bonds should share with them their rateable part of the nominal interest charge of $806,600. They further emphatically declared that they declined, once for all, any negotiations that would involve a reduction of the capi tal of the consols and 10.40 bonds so ns to bring the total amount within $25,000,000. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. Thereupon tho Legislative Committee adopted and forwarded to the English Com missioners the following preamble and reso lution: Whkreas. The Commission on the part of the foreign bondholders have stated to tins couimit tee that they adhere to ttio proposition this day presented by them, and have rejected the propo sition made by this committee, and declare the former as their ultimatum, therefore Kemtlred, That it be communicated to tho commission that in Ihe opinion of the joint com mittee further negotiations will not lead to a final agreement, and that we feel constrained so to report to the General Assembly. The Legislative Committee will supplement this with a detailed statement, which will embody stenographic reports of the proceed ings of all the meetings between the two commissions. SIGNS OF AN UPHEAVAL. No Volcano Found in New Mexico, But Nature Terribly Shaken Up. Albuquerque, N. 51., May 9. —A special from Benson, Ari., says all other reports to the contrary notwithstanding, no volcanic eruptions occurred in Arizona on May 3. Simultaneously with the severe earthquake shocks experienced here great cloud* of smoke appeared over the peaks of the moun tains south of here, and at night the horizon was bright. The phenomenon continued during the following day, and on 51ay 5 an exploring party, under tho leadership of Gen. Forsyth, commanding Fort Hiiaehuea, started for the mountains for tho purpose of investigation. SIGNS OK AN UPHEAVAL. They returned on May 7, and reported that there was no volcanic eruption, although signs of an upheaval were abundantly visible, and that the brilliant illumination of the sky and the clouds of smoke which hovered over the mountain (leaks were caused by forest fires. This re port effectually explodes the volcano sensa tion among the people. Another severe shock of earthquake was experienced here at 1:14 o'clock this afternoon. No damage wus done, but tho shock caused great con sternation among the people. Pan Handle’s Robbers on Trial. Pittsburg, PA., 51y 9. —The Pan Handle railroad robbery cases wore taken up in the Criminal Court this morning, Judge Kwing presiding. The first ease tried was that of William T. Lavalle, a brakeman. The pros ecution procured witnesses from Philadel phia, Dennison, Pittsburg and Penrod, Ky., and the goods shipiiod from the fonner place to u fence in this city established by detectives for the purpose of detecting thieves. Detective Allen, who ran the fence, testified thut Lavnlie hud sold to him n large lot of goods which lie acknowledged ho had taken from a freight car. Those goods were afterward identified as the property of a firm Iu Kentucky. Wrecked on a Switch. Green Castle, I.vd., May 9. —The slonon passenger train for Chicago, iltw here yes terday morning, was wrecked one mile south of tiiis place. Tho engine went one third of the way down a 85-foot embank inent. Both on fine and tender lie wheels up. Tho baggage car was also derailed. Engineer Green vas found head down be tween engine and tender. lie was badly scalded. The fireman saved himself by jumping. Tilts wreck was (alined by a mis placed switch. Railway officials claim it wus opened and a stone placed between the rail* by someone through malice. FLORIDA’S LEGISLATURE. Three Bills Forming New Counties Sent to the Governor. Tallahassee, Fla., May 9.—Tho House to-day passed the bill creating Loo county, ami spent tho entire afternoon considering the bill fVlative to State militia in commit tee of the whole. The Senate passed the bill forming De- Soto county, which wus certified to the House and goes with the Lee county hill to the Governor, together witii the Osceola county bill, which was to-day signal by the President and Secretary of the Senate. The bill for the erection of anew building for the use of tho Supreme Court was ad versely reported. The bill appropriating $12,000 to the Gainesville Seminary passed the Senate. GORDON’S RAILROAD. To-day a hill declaring Gen. Gordon’s In ternational railrofid charter forfeited was Introduced, reported favorably and an effort made to i>a*s it at once summarily under a suspension of the rules, but finally it was made the special order for to-mor row afternoon. The legislative officers to-day signed sev eral minor bills, which were sent to the Governor. The two houses of the Legislature in joint session voted for Senator to-day as follows: Bloxham #8 Perry 32 Pasco ••••••a 11 Goodrich (R*?ij) v IB Finle.v 1 Mallory 1 An election seems further off than ever. Thomas Peoples, a young man, acci dentally shot himself Saturday while play ing with a pistol and died to-aay from tne wound received. THE RAILROAD COMMISSION BILL. Among the measures to be considered this week are the railroad commission bill and the poll tax bill. The commission bill will most probably be passed after lieing delayed as long as possible, but the poll tax bill will lie stubbornly opposed. The railroad com panies desire te have the railroad commis sion bill amended so the salaries paid tho Commissioners will be’inoreased in order to get competent men to accept places on it, also to allow an appeal to the courts of the State provided the railroad pays all ex penses, the award of the commission taking full effect meantime. It is also desired that the commission act only on complaint and after a heal ing. ON AN EXCURSION. Quite a number of the members went on an excursion to Newport Sunday. A large amount of very important work now awaits action in both houses, and many matters of great import have not even been presented, so the last weeks of the session will he crowded with measures demanding careful consideration, and it is feared some of them will be possod without due care. Time enough, however, remains if it is utilized from this day forward. CHATTAHOOCHEE’S CONVENTION. Delegates Arriving at Columbus on Every Train—A TLt Over a Cannon. Columbus, Ga., May 9.—Among the dis tinguished delegates who arrived to-day to he present at the opening of the Chattahixi chee Valley Convention, were Senator Brown and Congressman Crisp, of Georgia, and Hon. W. J. Sanford, of Alabama. Large numliers are expected to arrive to morrow. The Atlantic Braes Band, of Brunswick, arrived to day and attracts great attention. It is greatly regretted that Gov. Gordon’s indisposition will prevent his attending the convention, as he expected to do. Assistant Adjt. Gen. Munroe, of Atlanta, came here to-day for the purpose of taking the gatling gun here to Atlanta to be turned over to the Atlanta artillery, but those who had charge of it declined to give it up. They claim that a bond has been given for the gun and that Adjt. Qen. Munroe has no authority to take it. He will leave for At lanta to-morrow without it. THOMAS VILLE TOPICS. Chastain Brought Back from South Carolina-A Railroad Rally. Thomasvillk, Ga., May 9.—Sheriff Hurst returned this morning from South Carolina with John Chastain. Chastain killed a negro near this city last fall and fled. His whereabouts have not been known until information was received a few days ago that he was in South Carolina. He wits captured without trouble and brought here safely. An enthusiastic meeting of citizens as sembled at the city hall this afternoon look ing to getting the Atlanta and Hawkins villo and the Augusta and Gulf railroads to come to Thomasville. A committee of five was appointed to confer with the authori ties of the roads as to what, were the chances of getting the roads. Thomasville can always lie counted on to do whatever will advance her interests. ROCK THROWERS JAILED. A Beaufort Judge Takes Steps to Break Up a Criminal Practice. Hardekvillk, 8. C., May 9.—Judge W. N. Ileywanl to-day committed to Beaufort, jail two negro lx>y* for throwing rocks nt a railroad train on Sunday afternoon. The fast mail train M as passing Furysburg cross ing when a rock smashed in a window of one of the cars. Conductor Fitzgerald saw two l)oys standing on a car on the siding, and, judging that they wore tho miscre ants, he quickly pulled the bell rope and stopped the train. The boys took to the woods, but one was overhauled by one of the railroad employes and confessed to lieing one of tho party, and gave the other boy away and caused bis arrest also. On Friday five homing pigeon* were sent here by Mr. Kotehuin, of Savannah, to bo turned loose on their first journey. A spoidamnn shot one of them on Saturday about a mile north of this place. It is unprecedentedly dry in the whole of this section, and everybody is hoping for rain. Young Oambrell’s Murderers. Jackson, Miss., May 9.—The following parties wer# arrested to-day upon an affi davit by Rev. J. H. Gambrefl, father of Roderick GambreH, the young man who was killed Thursday night: Jones 8. Hamil ton as principal, and Mlmo Eubank,William Hardy (a negro), W. 11. Fugures and J. \V. Albrecht, us accessories. The four latter are in jail. Hamilton is under guard at home, where he will be iletainod some time on account of his wounds. A full report of the testimony which was taken will appear to-morro w. Great exciteiuonfc prevai Is Lore und the trial will be watched with interest. All the parties are woll known here and throughout the State. Augusta's New Exchange. Augusta, Ga., May 9.—Augusta’s new Exchange was formally opened to-day with great eclat. It is one df tlui finest building* of its kind in this section, aud the house warming was a great event. A heavy wind blew over this city to-night, Report* df damage on the hill cannot be au thenticated. EDITOR O'BRIEN IN A FOG THE UMBRIA UNABLE TO FIND HER WAY INTO PORT. A Tug With Members of the League Aboard Goes Down the Bay to Seek for the Coming Visitor—Healy Ques tions the Government on Egan’s Proposition to Return. London, slay O.—T. M. Healy, in the House of Commons this afternoon, asked what answer had been returned by the government to tho letter of Patrick Egan, Treasurer of the Laud League, offering to return to Dublin and stand trial for the charges against him provided the venue in his case was not removed from Dublin. Col. King-Hamian, Parliamentary Secre tary for Ireland, replied that no reply had l>een sent, for t(ie reason that no such letter had been received. [Laughter.] Mr. Healy then requested W. H. Smith, First Lord of the Treasury, to state that it was the intention of the government to sanction the conduct of Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, in deliberately ab staining from coining into the House until the questions on tile paper relating to Ire land were all over. Mr. Smith submitted that tliat sort of a question should not bo put. -The exigen cies of tho country, he said, re quired Mr. Balfour to attend to urgent business connected with his department of the government outside the House, aud in the interval replies to ques tions respecting Irish affairs were usually given by the Parliamentary Under Secre tary (Col. King-Harman). MR. HEALY protests. Mr. Healy—lf my friends and I are te be left to the mercy of this Orangeman f shall direct attention to the matter. Speaker Feel— Order. This interruption is most unparliamentary. Arthur O’Connor, member for East Done gal, then intimated thut in consequence of the attitude of the government on the Times charges, he refused to continue to serve as a member of the commission of in quiry into civil service. [Parnellitecheers.] The House then went into committee and consideration of the Irish crimes act amend ment bill was resumed. 51 r. Clancoy, Nationalist member for North Dublin, moved an amendment to the effect that magisterial inquiries into cases of alleged crime under the bill lie conducted in public. Mr. Balfour opposed this. Mr. Clancey’s amendment was rejected by a vote of 188 to 181. HEALY OFFERS AN AMENDMENT. After soveral minor amendments had lieen disposed of Mr. Healy moved that any one frivolously summoned or needlessly detained as a witness could hold an action for com pensation against the magistrates. The Attorney General opposed the amend ment. James Stuart, home rule Radical, moved to report progress. W„ H. South objected on the ground that amendments to first section should rtrst be dealt with. Mr. Motley supported the motion. Hubbub ensued, ending in a division which resulted in the motion being rejected by a vote of 249 to 176. Mr. Healy asked the government to state their views'on his amendment. Mr. Smith replied that their answer had been given. He then moved for cloture, and tne motion was adopted by a vote of 249 to 170. 51r. Chamberlain having returned, the Unionists will now determine what amend ments they will propose to the crimes bill. Mr. Wallace’s motion was rejected by a vote of 245 to 161, and Mr. Smith then moved to put the question on the whole re maining portion of the first section of the bill. Tlie chairman, however, declined to put cloture because of six amendments which the motion would exclude. Tiiis de cision was received with loud applause. At 4:30 o’clock this morning the House was still sitting. Eventually Mr. Smith’s cloture motion was put and agreed to, und progress was reported. A TRIBUNAL PROPOSED. The Earl of Carnarvon (Conservative) writes to the Times suggesting that, as it is intolerable to allow the Dillon-Times ques tion to rest in its present state, a special tribunal lie created outside of Parliament invested with full powers to call witnesses and to which decision of the matter shall be loft. While expressing confidence In the impartiality of the proposed tribunal the Times says it is doubtful whether the Par nellites would consent to submit their case to such a tribunal. SEIZURE JUSTIFIED. Dublin, May 9.—ln tho case of John Dil lon against Police Insiiectore O’Brien and Davis for assault and illegal seizure of money and papers, at liOughrea, the Court of Queen’s Bench ha* adjudged that the con duct of the police was lawful. It will be re merutiered tliat slr. Dillon and other mera liers of tlie league were closeted in a room in a hotel at Loughrea receiving and re ceipting for moneys paid them as trustees, by tenants, under the plan of canqiaigii. Tne police, without warning, broke into the i-oom and by force took from Mr. Dillon the money and paper* he had in hi* poa*e*Bion at the time. Mr. Dillon at once had the In siiootoifi, who were responsible, arrested, the plaintiff taking the ground that ho was aot violating any law and that the action of the police was an assault unwar ranted and illegal. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ho* pro hibited a Nationalist meeting at a counter Orange demonstration announced to lw held at Armagh txemorrow. Great excitement prevails. Police ure arriving there to re inforce tho local authorities. The returns of the Irish Land Commission for January and February show that 461 rent case* were adjudged ami rent* wore fixed to the amount of £7,394, the holdings in question having previously been rented at £10,507. o'bhien’b arrival. New York, slay 9.—The steamship Um bria, with William O’Brien, editor of United Ireland, and Bishop Ireland, of Minnesota, on board, was unable to cross the bar at high water thi morning on account of a fog, and will now remain at anchor outside until 6 o’clock this evening, " hen this new* was communicated te the reception committee, who went early to tho Ctmard pier to greet the distinguished passengers, they at once notified John H. Htarln te pro cure a steamboat for them tliat they might go down the liey to accord the welcome. THE UMBIUA'K ARRIVAL. The Canard *tettinsldp Umbria arrived off the lightship und anchored at 6:13 o’clock Saturday afternoon, but was detained by a dense fog, and no information of her pres ence was received here until Sunday after noon at 0:00 o’clock. A I mot was then sent for the mails, but did not succeed in finding tlie Umbria until Monday morning. There is still a dense* fog outside, and the ship will probably bo unable te reach her dock until Tuesday. A tug was procured by the Irish League, who wUhod to welcome slr. O’Brien, and started for tho Umbria yesterday. Noth ing has yet been heard of her. HEALY’* AMENDMENT REJECTED. London, May 10. 6 a. h.— Mr. Kaly's amendment was rejected by a vote of 250 to 150. V Mr. Labouchsre moved to report progross. The motion was rejected by a vote of 248 to 170. Robert Wallace (Homo Ruler) moved that the chairman leave the choir, Mr. Coney bear (Radical) supporting the motion. Mr. Smith proposed cloture and the mo tion wus carried by a vote of 248 to 100. A RALLY AT CHICAGO. Chicago, April 9.—A rousing meeting of representative men of Chicago was held at Battery I) Armory tonight to give expres sion to American sentiment ill opposition to the suspension of constitutional liberty in Ireland. Six thousand people were present. Mayor Roche was president and most of the speakers were partisans of American birth, such as Gov. Oglesby, Rabbi Hirsh, Rev. Dr. Bolton, Congressman Mason and Gen. Martin Beam. They strongly denounced the coercion bill. Resolutions similar to the speeches were adopted and cablegrams telling of the pro ceedings were sent to Messrs. Gladstone ami Parnell. QUEEN VICTORIA’S JUBILEE. The Corporation of London Presents Her With an Address. London, Muy 0. —The Queen to-day re ceived at Buckingham pHlaee the London corporation, which called by appointment to present her majesty a jubilee address on behalf of the city. In response the Queen said: “I thank you for this renewal of your assurance of loyalty. It gives me great satisfaction, in looking back over the his tory of my reign, to recall how much its prosperity is owing to the sound sense and good feeling of my subjects and to the sym pathy uniting the throne and people. I trust, that, under the divine blessing, this cordial sympathy may remain unbroken.” London’s American Exposition. London, May 9.— The American Exhibi tion was formally opened to-day. About 7,0(8) persons attended. The bursting of a boiler during the morning prevented the Starting of the machinery. Otherwise the programme was carried out. Hundreds of visitors ignored the ceremony of opening the regular exhibition and rushed to the grounds where the Wild West show per formed. Boulanger’s Mobil lsflition Bill. Paris, May 9. —President Grevy has au thorized the introduction of Gen. Boulan ger’s mobilization bill in the Chamber of Deputies. M. Lamoure declines to produce “Lohon grin” in London.” A Change Probably, Romk, May 9. —The Vatican is negotiat ing with France relative to the appointment of a successor to Mgr. RottelU as Pupal rep resentative at Constantinople. Mgr. Rot telli is now Nuncio at Pal is. Forest Fires in Galicia. Vienna. May 9.—Terrible forest fires are raging in Galicia. Fire brigades and mili tary detachments are trying to prevent a spread of the (lames. Italy to Fight Abyssinia. London, May 9.— A dispatch from Rome to the Chronicle, says that Italy is arrang ing for a summer campaign against the Abyssinians. A Drama Ruled Out. Et. Petersburg, May 9.—The Russian governmeoEhas prohibited the sale of the drama composed by Count Tolstonia, or general circulation. SPORT ON THE TURF. Alama, Florimoro, Pearl L and Mono crat Win at Lexington. Lexington, Ky., May 9. —To-day’s races were as follows: First Race—One and three-sixteenths miles. Alama won. with Jaubert second anil Watch Em third. Time 2:(W. Second Race—One and one-quarter miles. Floromoro won, with Wary second and Nellie third. Time 2:12)4. Timm Rack One and one-sixteenth miles. Pearl L n on, with Hlera second and Jim Bran non third. Time 1 :M!4 Fourth Race—(>ne anil i ne-quarter miles Monocrat won, with Long Slip|jer second and Wanderer thlrd . Time 2:11 . THE TRACK TOO WET. Baltimore, May 9. —In consequence of a heavy ruin and the condition of the track the races of the first ilay of the Maryland Jockey Club were nostponed until to-morrow afternoon. The declarations in the stake race have been extended to that time. Queen Kapiolani at the Hub. Boston; May 9. —A coniplimentarufircn);- fast wan tendered to Queen Kapiolani by Mayor O’Brien at the Parker House to-day. The breakfast room was handsomely deco ratod. Aliout fifty guests were present, among whom were (Tov. umi Hit Arnes, Mayor and Mrs. O'Brien, Col. C. H. Taylor of the Globe , ex-Mayor Prince, Bishop and Mre. Paddock, Hon. Leopold Morse, Hon. William Gaston, Hon. H. L. Pierce, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. A Socialist in Danger. Pittsburg, May 9. —W. W. Vroomau, a Socialist and editor of the Labor Organ iser, of Kansas City,’Mo., was arrested to night while speaking in the Diamond, in Alleghany City. Tne Diamond is in tne centre of the city, and the sjieeoh had at tracted a large crowd. Vrooman said: “America was a poll with a flag tied to it." This aroused the crowd, and the Mayor or dered Vrooman'* arrest, fearing that he would I*' injured. Unveiling the Garfield Statue. Washington, May it. —By an executive order the elenitive offices and department* at the sent of government, including the public printing establishment, will lie closed at noon Thursday, May lk, to enable the liersons employed therein to attend the ex ercises at the unveiling of the statue of the late President Garfield. Jennie Bowman Dies. Louisville, Ky., May 9.—Jennie Bow man, the brave young domestic whose brutal treatment by two negroes so aroused the feeling of the people a few weeks ago, died to B§hf. Charity Begins at Home. From the Albany Journal. A gentleman connected with the New York Central railroad said the other day that the mall that reached Mr. Vanderbilt and President Dopow contained many curi ous letters. He recalled one that he had had the privilege of reading. Young Cornelius Vanderbilt had delivered an address at the Railroad Young Men's Christian Association rooms at the Grand Central station, New York. Reference was made to the address in the New York iwjiors. Within a few days Mr. Vanderbilt received a letter in Which the writer said he hail been very much interested in the address tliat Mr. Vanderbilt had made and In the work of the Railroad Young Men’s Christian Associa tion, and that he desired to assist in that work and had made up his mind to give 10 per cent, of his income to it. He said lie was dealing in railway supplies nnd be would be very happy if Mr. Vanderbilt would give him orders for some, which would Increase the amount of his income and proportion ately increase the amount which lie could give the association. It is safe to say that lie did not obtain any orders. ( PRICK AIO A YKAR.I ) 3 CENTS A COPY, f IIKWITTS LABOR VIEWS. A NON-UNION MEN’S DEFENSE AS SOCIATION SUGGESTED. The Mayor Replies to a Letter of Com plaint Fi-om One of the Men Inter fered With by the Plasterers’ Society - Other News From the Field of Labor. New York, May 9.— Mayor Hewitt to day, writing in response to a complaint from a plasterer, who says he has been interfered with by the plasterers’ society, says: “Your complaint is one of many which has been made to me on the subject. I can only say t lmt such conduct on the part of societies is unlawful. You can, of course, recover damages by suit. I understand per fectly the difficulty which is in the way of a laboring man who has not the means to conduct a suit. I should think that nil association might be formed in New York to defend the rights of honest men who are refused an opportunity to earn their own living, and I will gladly co-oper ate with any citizen who may think, as Ido, that the occasion is one which needs prompt and earnest action.” MINERS IN A QUANDARY. A Portion of the Men Want to Strike and the Rest Object. Washington, May 9. Dispatches from different ]x)ints in tho anthracite cool region uro about equally divided in opinion as lo the probability of a strike. The Knights of Labor and Amalgamated Association arc at odds. Both favor a strike but cannot agree upon the conditions, and the Knights in the employ of the Reading railroad oppose a strike until the miners have all joined tho Knights. Merchants do not regard tho movement with much favor, and many say they will refuse to sell goods on credit if a strike takes place. a conference held. Philadelphia, I’a., May !).—lnformal conferences were held to-day between repre sentatives of the anthracite producing com panies whose offices are located here, and it is understood they are still determined not to grant the advance of 10 per cent. A con ference will t ake place Wednesday between representatives of the coal miners and pro ducing com|>anies ut which it is understood t.he companies will submit a proposition to ihe men to give them a 3 per cent, increase. General Master Workman Powderly is de clared to lx- opposed to a strike at this time, as the condition of the coal trades precludes all possibility of success. Tne Miners’ and Mine Laborers’ National District Assembly No. 1 HR, Knights of Labor, has issued a cal) for the annual session of delegates from the miners’ ami lalxirers' as semblies of the United (States, to is) held in Cincinnati June 1. Each sub-division is en titled to ono representative for the first 000 men and an additional ono for each addi tional *SOO. There are eleven sub-divisions of tin* organization, divided among the various coal and coke regions of Eastern and Western Pennsylvania and Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and other Bouthern and Western Hiatus. Muster Workman Baily is expected to preside. LONGSHOREMEN BTRIKE. Extra Men Demand an Advance of Five Cents Per Hour. Jersey City, N. J., May 9.—About 100 longshoremen employed at the Rotterdam, Inman anil Red Star steamship piers are on a strike. Tho strikers are extra men who are paid by the hour. They receive 2V*. per hour for day work and 40c. for night work. They demand an advance of Sc. per hour for day and night. The regular forces of the three companies, who are paid sls per week, work or play, have not joined the strikers, nor are they expected to. The strikers claim the steamships are carrying comjiai-atively little freight, and that the extra men cannot earn more than $6 per week. The representatives of the steamship companies say that the demands of the strikers will not ho acceded to. They claim that the men regularly employed by the companies can get along for the present at least without extra help. Building Trade Troubles. Chicago, May 9.—lt is said that a com mittee of three has Ix-en appointed by the Amalgamated Building Trades Council with instructions to wait upon tho Executive Committee of the Master Masons' Associa tion and wt tic the strike of the hod carriers. The Council also decided to notify the con tractors that in cas -of a refusal to settle the difficulty by arbitration, all the union carpenters, gas fitteix, plasterers, etc., vill lx- withdrawn from jo its on which non-union laborers are employed. Chicago’s Bakers. Chicago, Muy 9.—At a conference be tween the journeymen bakers’ committee and the bosses yesterday on agreement was reach ml whereby the journeymen gained their points. The bosses agreed that 10 hours should constitute a day’s work, ex cept on HtMurday, when the men shall labor 12 hours, a week to consist of six days ai d extra |xiy when work is done Sunday. None of the men are to )<e compelled to tnwird with the bosses, and in lieu of such txxird $4 per week is to he added. Stove Holders Go Out Again. Milwaukee, May 9. —The stove molders employed at the Dumber works, numbering 200, were locked out to-day lieoaiisc they re fused to work on the boycotted St. Louis patterns. They had been on a strike three weeks, but last Friday returned to work, with tho understanding that they were to make tho prescribed patterns. 800 Mon Strike. Pittsburg, Pa.. May 9.—The amalgam ated men ut A. M. Byers ft Co.’s rolling mill struck this morning, lieeause the firm refused to employ an extra hel(x:r at tht furnaces, as provided for in the scale agree ment. The mill has closed down and (500 men are temporarily tin-own out of employ ment. A Semi-Monthly Pay Day Demanded. Cleveland, May 9.—Two hundred em ployes at the furnaces of the Brier Hill Coal and Iron Company, near Youngstown, 0., struck to-day l-s ause their demand for a soml-monthlv puy day was refused. They are now paid once a mouth. Diamond Wearers on Vacation. Detroit, May 9. —Two hundred journey men plumbers to-dav struck because of th discharge of a number of men whom th bosses considered incompetent. Six Prisoners Escape. Columbus, ()., May 9.— Hix prisoner* escaped from the Franklin county jail lasl night by sawing off the bare to n window. They were all under indictment, but uoim have had their trial*. One first-degree murder man did not esoaiie. The work wai planned by a prisoner who has since bee® transferred to the peniteutiaiar.