The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 17, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL;. [ SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, 1 Savannah, Ga., May IG, ip. H. f B rroN -__Tm3 market is still dull aud tely nominal. There was little doing and hut K u s toek offering The total sales for the ■ were only G bales. On 'Change at the mid- Beall at I P- m. the market was reported as ■e"doing and prices unchanged. The foi ling are the official spot quotations of the ■ton Exchange: Middling fair -*• 10 13-16 fid middling 10 0-16 Middling JO 5-16 ■ow middling 10 1-16 Mood ordinary 9 9-16 l a island— The market continues very dull, 1 steady and unchanged. There were no Is. We quote: lommon Georgias and Floridas . ... 14 ®15% Medium JSHxH Mood medium L%@lß ledinm fine 18%® fine 19U®90 |xtra fine 20U®21 Mhoioe ■ ** ®* I Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Mav, 16 1881, and ' fob the Same Time Last Year. 1886-87. j! 1885-86. /stand. U P lan,l '\lsland. U *>' and Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,149 4,301 551 3,298 Received to-day 2 294 3-38 Received previously 27.-102 767,030 23,248 700,696 Total 38,453 772,231! 33,799] 704,832 .Exported to-day ll 46! j 207) 2,021 Exported previously 1 27,340 j 7C9,082| 20.1001 748,3621 ; Total j J _ 27,340| 709,128: j 20,807 750,883 j I — l — l -.1— —.--j 1 I^BUce—The market was very active and firm. was but little offering The sales for the wel -e fully 700 barrels, on tho basis of as follows: Hair * m < ■l id dV-i® 4% Bt> lots 50® 60 water 90@1 10 Stores—The market for spirits tur- was quiet but firm and unchanged. sellers, however, were somewhat Sn. At the Board ol‘ Trade on tlie open- the market was reported firm at 31 %o for regulars. At the closing call it was at :.iU,c for regulars. Rosin -The market quiet and steady at unchanged prides, sales for the day were about 785 barrels, the Board of Trade on the first call the Hl'ki'! was reported firm at the following quo- A. B. Cand D $1 05. E Si 10, F SI 15. MSI 20, H Si 25, I $1 45. K $1 60. Msl 80, §■s2 10, window glass $2 50. water white $2 75. the closing call it was unchanged. B NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Bl Spirits. Rosin . Hek on hand April 1 2.543 77.408 to-day 1,207 2.298 previously 23.752 58,209 Hotal 27,502 187.915 to-day 448 4,741 ported previously 20,554 81,674 H'otal 21,002 89,415 on hand aDd on shipboard Ho-day 6,500 48,500 same day last year 1,326 2,197 Money is active. Exchange— Steady. Banks and are buying sight drafts at par and sell %(£% per cent, premium. Exchange—Tho market is dull but, Hn. Commercial demand. $187: sixty days. 85%; ninety days, §4 849,: francs, Paris and commercial, sixty days. $5 21; Swiss, marks, sixty days, 96@95 1-16. RtTiEs—Securities very quiet., with some "■tie inquiry for Augusta and Knoxville rail bonds and Central railroad debentures. and Bonds —City /Jomif— Quiet. At -6 per cent long date, 108 bid, 110 asked: ■bc;i 7 percent, 118 bid, 121 asked: Augusta 7 longdate, 115 bid. 118 asked; Augusta BH, I'-.'ig date, 110 bid. 112 asked: Columbus .5 per ;l>' bid, !D5 (isl.erl: M 6 j**r cent, 112 [■>: il4 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. July 103% bid. !i'4% asked: new Savannah Trent, August, coup, ms, 103 hi I. 1041.4 asked. H ' Rond;- Market steady, with light sup Georgia new 6s, 1889, 103 bid, 104 asked; <: ;ia new 4Us. 106% bid, 107 asked: Ueor- B 7 jier cent gold, coupons quarterly, 108% bid. Georgia 7 percent, coupons Jau- S-', and July, maturity 1896, 123 bid, 124 Stocks Central common, 123 V* bid, '- 2 asked; \ii£iista and Savanmih 7 per cent uiv., 195 bid, 199 asked: Southwestern 7 per K*:-? mi'uvnt'H'd. 151“*j bid. 132 U asked; Central H pi' cent cert ideates, 104 bid, asked; and West Poiut railroad stock. 113 bid. asked; Atlanta and West Point bperceut Mfcrtiflcatos, 105 bid, ]i>(> asked. Bonds— Market quiet. Savannah, 'Hnuand Western Railway Company general 6 jxr cent interest, coupons Coluber, t'onsoJidnted 7 per cent, coupons January maturity 1897,119 bid, I*3l asked; Ceii consolidated mortgage 7 ]m*i* cent, coupous ■wiuarymid July, maturity 1893, 1134 bid. 114 Georgia railroad 6s. 1897, 199 bid. 312 Mobile and Girard second mortgage in- S i*r cent, coupons January and July, Kuianlu first mortgage (i per cent, indorsed ■‘y j-'cmal railroad. 110 bid, 112 asked; Marietta Georgia first mortgage o percent, bid, 192 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and ;i?usra first mortgage, 113 bid. 114 asked; Columbia aud Augusta second inert 11* Wd, 113 asked; Western Alabama mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, 107 bid, ■’'disked: South Georgia and Florida indorsed, Ml" bid. 119 asked; South Georgia and Florida mortgage. H i bid, 115 asked; Augusta ■Jjl Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent, 10914 111 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and ■boutneru first mortgage guaranteed. bid, asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Sou:hern guaranteed, 115 bid. 116 asked, Ocean ■cUMinship o per cent bonds, guaranteed by Cen ■y a * raiu-oad, 105Gj bid, 106 asked; Gainesville, ■JcrterHon and Southern second mortgage guar ■ju‘wd, 115 bid. 116 asked; Columbus and Rome ■iirst mortgage bonds indorsed by Central rail ■rr<ad, 108 bid, 100 asked; Columbus ami Western ceut guaranteed. 109 bid, 110 asked: City railway first mortgage 7 per cent, ■ iMbid. 110 asked. 1 /Afcnk Stot'L* —Nomina!. Southern Rank of State of Georgia, !X> bid, asked; Mer- CL'ants National Rank, 155 bid, 160 asked; Sa 'mmah Bank and Trust Company, 92 bid, 95 pked; National Bank of Savannah, 117 bid. new s/oc/.m—Savannah Gas Light stock, ox birb '' f wkeu; Mutual Gas Light stock, w ! >W, rjriaakcd. Lacov- Market steady; demand gorwl: smoked rear rib sides, shoulders, 7c: dry salted ct ar nb gides. B(jJc; long clear, Sc; snoulders, hams, IMUe. Oaqgixq and Ties—Market quiet. We quote: lbs, 9tje; 2 lbs, 8) 4 c; lfc lh, TVjc. RworuLug to brand and quantity. Iron t* ? uT°i v ’ 4 ( W((t-l 05 j>i>r bun<Uc, according to A,*g l J (1 ft,l( l quantity. Bagging and ties in re- LJ lots a fraction higher. steady; oleomargarine, iw ’ 18c; gilt edge, *JJc; crcaiu- l>c. r*J rair: ueor-by crop comics; in. Cofi-f.e— The market iR strougnnd advancing. ,n, e . l lote for small lots: (mlinr.ry, IS/io; fair, good, lykjjc; cboico, -.Vc; pea burry, .C'iirrsF.—Market higher and advancing; good ■Mjwua; stock light. Y.’e quote: lln I.V. X’rifu 1' ui’iT—Apples, evaporate!, 13c; pooled, ' c ; P'-'A' 11 " 1 ' poelod, pjc; unpooled, cur n -/c; citron. SV. f,.:'.i.'OODs -Tbc market is firm; business „ii . "e quote: Prints, 4ftflc; Georgia brown Jhitling. 3-j, trie; 7.8 do. 8i.40; 4-1 brown sheet- JSt- .‘ lO; v.bito osnaburgs, sjtr.ic; checks, in. >' arn *> Me for best makes; brown driil- quote full weights. Mackerel— S. •■•“kWOUU; No. 4, half barrels, StiOrMh ‘ £' f/'f'.H M. Herring-No. 1, Cue; *^fl.*c:eod,©Sc. . li -o:-r—Market weak; demand moderate. ” 'icote: Sunerilne, S3 80; extra, *4 00s?4i r ' dOfifiß 15; choice patent, $5 MSj5 73; family, $4 00^175. **’ ‘T—Lemons—Stock full and demand fair. $ M®4 00. Orange*—Market fully aIKi aa d:. andl *"W‘l lighter; Kloi-ldas, 13 Uo©a 00. ami poor; good shipping stock, •> 00 jper barrel. w. lu,s —Com—Market steady; demand light. White corn, job lots, (lie; carload iXJ!' mixed corn, job lots, (Me: carload Oats sienily: good demand; Wo ■note. Mixed oat*, llic; carload lots, 44c. lirau. $1 15. Meal, 65e: Georgia prist, per sack, Jl 50; grist, per bushel, 70c. Hay -Market steady, with a fair demand; stock ample. 3Ve quote Job lots: Western. $1; carload lots, 90c; Eastern, uone; Northern, none. Htdf.s, Wood. Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light: dry flint, salted, IlUc; dry butcher. 9Ww. Wool—Jlarket nominal; prime m bales, buray, low, 3@4c. Deer skins, dint, 80c; salted, iOc. Otter skins, 50c(&$4 (X). Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4Vf.@sc; refined, 3%c. Lard—Market is steady; hi tierces, 7Wc; 50!b tins. 7%c. * Lime, Calcined Blaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand and is selling at Si SO per barrel; Georgia, 1 30; calcined plas ter, $1 85 per barrel;;Roseudalecement, Si 50; Portland cement, $3. LtqcoßS—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, Si 50(8,5 50; rye, $150(316 00: rectified, 51 00(81 35. Ales unchanged and in good de mand Nails—Market firm. Fair demand. We quote: 3d. $4 00: 4d and sd, S3 35; tid, §3 10; Bd, 52 85: lOd to 60d, $2 60 per keg. _Ncts —Almonds, Tarragona, 18(7? 20e: Ivicas, 17®l8e; walnuts, French, 12c; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Baracoa. $5 25 per 100. Oils--Jlarket firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, WnrlOc: lard, 58e; headlight. 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white. 13)Aic; neatsfoot, 05(890c; machinery, 25(830c; linseed, raw, 45c; boiled, 48c; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 13c: homelight, 18c. Onions—Bermuda crates, S2 25(7? 2 50. Potatoes—Very scarce. Northern, $2 75(7?,3 00 per barrel; new, S3 00Q500; crates, SI 25,81 75. Peas—llemaml light; cow peas, mixed, 75(8 80c; clay, $100(8115; speckled, sft)o®l 10; black eye, §125(8150; white crowder, SISOB 1 75. Prcnes—Turkish 5%c; French, Bc. Raisins-Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00; layers, §2 00 per box; Lon don layers §2 25 per box. Shot—Drop. Si 40; buck, Si 65. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket quiet; carload lots, 65c. fob; job lots, 80 (7690 c Sugars—The market is dull; cut loaf, standard A, 6)4o; extra C, OVfje; C yellow, sc; granulated, 61,4 c; powdered, 6-)4c. Syrup—Florida and Georgia Syrups, 38@.40c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at3s®4oc; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull demand moderate. We quote; Smoking, 25c@$l 25; chewing, com mon, sound, 85<830e; fair, 30®.35c; medium, 38®. 50c; bright, 50®75c; fine fancy, 85®,90c; extra fine, 90c®$t 10; bright navies, 45@75c; dark navies, 40@50c. Lumber—The demand from the West contin ues good; coastwise and foreign inquiry is also fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations, with some advance, while difficult schedules can only be placed at con siderably advanced prices. We quote: Ordinary sizes §l3 50@17 00 Difficult sizes 16 00® 21 50 Flooring boards 16 00& 20 50 Shipstuff 18 50®21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00®11 00 800 “ “ 10 00® It 00 900 “ “ 11 000,12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00® 14 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00® 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00®10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sad—There is a good demand for coastwise tonnage at full figures. Freight limits are from $5 to §6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesa peake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@.§t higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and windward, nominal; to South America, §lß® 14; to Spanish and Mediteranean ports, §ll® 12; to United Kingdom for orders, timber 27® 2fls: lumber, £3 15s. Steam—To New York, §7; to Philadelphia, $7; to Boston, $9. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s lOjAjd, and, or 4s; Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosih,”2s Coastwise—Steam— To Boston, 50c on rosin, §1 on spirits; to New York, rosin, 50c, spirits, 80c: to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c, spirits, 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 30c, spirits, 70c. Cotton—By Steam—The market is steady; offering tonnage in good supply. Liverpool via New York V ‘N 5 -16'! Liverpool via Baltimore lb Lid Antwerp via New York lb 4|d Havre via New York V !?■ %c Bremen via New York V 11-luc Reval via New York V 113 5i Bremen via Baltimore fllb 6§e Amsterdam via New York {? ft 65c Genoa via New York i 1 lb Hui Boston f* bale 1 35 Sea Island V bale 1 75 New Yorkbale ..1 1 .35 Sea Island $1 bale 1 35 Philadelphia w bale 1 35 Sea Island p bale 1 35 Baltimore ft bale 125 Providence $ bale 1 50 Rice—By Steam- New York barrel 60 Philadelphia ft barrel 60 Baltimore barrel 60 Boston barrel 60 Vegetables—By Steam—(By special cont ract ) —To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standard crates, 20c; barrels, 40c. With out the contract, crates, 35c; barrels, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls $ pair § 65 ® 80 Chickens, LL to % grown 40 ® 00 Ducks 4? pair 50 ® 75 Geese ft pair 75 (7r 1 01} Turkey* ft pair 1 25 ®2 00 Eggs, country, 46 dozen 12 ® 12W Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va. 4? B> -- ■ -- ® 6L| Peanuts—Hand picked j-t Hi ® 5),^ Peanuts—Ga. ft bushel, nominal, 75 ® 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds fj bush. 50 ® 60 Sweet potatoes.yel.yams ft bush. 05 ®* 75 Sweet pot's, white yams ft bush. 40 ® 50 Poultry—Market steady: receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. I.ggs—Market firmer, with a fair demand, and scarce. Peanuts— Ample stock; demand fair; market steady.' Suoar —Georgia and Florida nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce: receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. London, May 16, noon.—Consols 103 5-16. New York, May 16, noon.—Stocks quiet but steady. Money easy at 4®5 per cent. Exchange —long §4 85L(j®4 85%. short §4 Stale bonds neglected. Government bonds dull but steady. 5 p. ro. —Exchange dull but steady at §4 86)4 ®4 88. Money easy at 8(25 percent., closing offered at 3 per cent. Sub-Treasury balances —Gold §134,777,000; currency, §15,378,000. Gov ernment bonds dull but steady; four per cent*. 129; three per cents. 100. State bonds dull but steady. The week opened on the Stock Exchange with a quiet market, in which a bullish sentiment, predominated, although advocates of higher prices did not present the wholo front shown a few days back. The course of prices was up won i during the forenoon, and many stocks reached higher figures than had liecn seen up to that time on the present advance. Limited buy ing was el’good quality, but foreigners were doing Utile or nothing, except in Union Pacific and Wabash preferred. The forenoon improve ment, however, upon the circulation of rumors of riots in Chicago, caused by labor troubles, was nearly wiped out. To this effect tree reali zations also aided, but upon investigation of the rumors their taisity was sufficiently demon strated and a further improvement was cV im mediate result. Fluctuations in a majority of the active list, were again comparatively small, though lew stocks, influenced by circumstances peculiar to themselves, mode large, advances. Among these may lie noted Marshal Coal, which was admitted to the dealings Saturday. Others prominent in the advance were Rock Island and Pullman. Others in the general list showing considerable strength were Northwestern, Lake Shore and Canada Southern, the latter being affected by a rumor that a traffic arrangement had been made with Wabash which would throw considerable bnslneas over the road. The open ing was generally firm, but there war an inclina tion to heaviness in tho early trading and slight losses were sustained. The market quickly ral lied under tho lead of Hocking Valley .ind Ismis ville and Nashville. Tho heavy tone was re newed before noon, however, R >'■’,* Island Icing a conspicuous exception. The market liecame cotnoaralively dull and su remained during the continuance of the di pression, in which Jersey Central and Norfolk and Western preferred were prominent. In the last hour, upon somewhat more .active trading, there was a fractional im provement and the market closed moderately a tivo aud firm nt somewhat better than the oiiening figures. 'Fite closing prices show few declines for insignificant fractions, while the bulk of the list is materially higher. Tho following arc the closing quotations: Ala. class A,2 to 6.197 New Orleans Fa- Ala. class li, ss. .112 clflc, Ist mort... 78 Georgia 7s, mort.. lUB N. Yt ’ liuul 11834 N. Oarolina os.. 123>4 Norf. ,t W. prof... 55 N. Carolina 4s .. 95 Nor. Pacific 31 So. Caro. (Brown) “ pref... 02 consols 109 Pacific Mail Wji Tomiesicofls 77* Reading 44:i< Virginiaos 48 Richmond & Ale.. f>‘A Va cousoiidated. 52 Wc'nmmdA DanvlßO Ch'penke .V Ohio. 73i Richm’d &W. Pt. Chic, j: Ni>rthw'n.l2s,'s Terminal 40J4 e p ref arris i .162 Rock Island 138tb I)c!a., Lack & W..138M St. Paul 93S Kriu 3Hi “ preferred.. 12V) TIIE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1887. East Tennessee, Texas Pacific fW<£ new stock 143* Tenn. Coal & Iron. I3’q Lake Shore Union Pacific 6294 L’ville <£ Nash 09 N. J. Central 80L Memphis A Char. GIT-& Missouri Pacific... 198(2 Mobile A 0hi0.... 16 Western Union... 77)q Nash. & Chatt’a.. 86)4 CottonOilTrust cer 50 * Asked. COTTON. Liverpool, May 16, noon.—Cotton firm, with fair demand: middling uplands >Vid, middling Orleans s>qd: sales 10, 000 bales, for speculation and export 2.000 hales; receipts 11,000 balm.-- American 2.300. Futures— Uplands, low middling clause, Mav aud June delivery 517-(4ld, June and Julys47-64d, July and August 5 ;S-64d, August and Septem ber 5 49-64®5 50-04d, Septemwr and October 5 40-G4d, October and November 5 30-64d. No vomlier and Decemtier 5 28-64d. September 5 50-64®5 51-64d. Market firm at the advanre. The tenders of deliveries at to day's clearings amounted to 300 bales new docket. 2p. m.—The sales to-day were 7,200 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. May delivery 5 47-okl, buyers; May and June 5 47-64d, buyers; June and July 5 47-040. buyers; July and August 5 48-04d. buyers; August and Sep tember 5 49-04d, buyers; September and October 5 11-6UI, sellers: October and November 5 31-04d, sellers; November and December 5 28-64d, buy ers ; September 6 50-64 U, buyers. Market closed firm. 4:00 p. m.—Futures: Uplands, low middling clause. May delivery 5 47-64d. sellers: May and* June 547-ti4d, sellers; June and July 5 47-04d, value: July and August 5 48-U4d. buyers; Au gust and September .5 19 04(1. buyers; September and October 5 40-64(1, sellers; October and No vember .5 30-64d, buyers; November and Decem ber 5 28-04d, sellers; September 5 50-04d, buyers. Futures closed dull. New York, Mav 16, noon.—Cotton opened firm: middling uplands 10'®', middling Orleans 11 1-1 tic: sales 324 half's. Futures—Market steady, with sales as follows: May delivery 10 72c, June 10 82c, July 10 "2e. August 10 85c. Scptemlier 1049 c. October Slide. 5:00p. m.—Jlarket closed firm: middling up lands totie, middling Orleans 11 l-!0e: sales to day 187 bales; gross receipts 1,085 bales. Futures—Market closed dull, with sales of 81,400 bales, as follows: May delivery 10 76c, June 10 81® 10 85c, September 10 4f?®lo 49c, October 9 99® 10 00c, November 9 86®9 87e, De cember 9 85®9 80c. Jammrv 9 (10®9 92c, Febru ary 9 97®. 9 (Ktc, March 10 04® 10 06c Green & L'o.'s reuort on cotton futures says: “Business was unusually light aud the market did not amount to much. Offerings were so managed as to prevent any great supply coming upon sale, and buyers getting a little nervous over reports of dry weather east of the Missis sippi, there was covering enough to add four points at one time. As so frequently demon strated of late, however, the snorts were soon weeded out and a reactionary feeling followed that left rates only a fraction above Saturday evening, with the close dull.” Galveston, May 16.—Cotton steady; middling 10%c; net receipts 13 bales, gross 13; sales none: stock 8,408 bales; exports to the continent 755 bales. Norfolk, May 16.—Cotton firm; middling 10'S4e; net receipts 115 bales, gross 115; sales 14 bales; stock 4,3*2 bales; exports, coastwise 443 bales. Baltimore, May 16.—Cotton firm; middling 11c: net receipts i bales, gross 835 ; sales none; stock 4,806 bales; exports, coastwise 95! bales. Boston, May 16.—Cotton steady; middling 11c; net receipts 7 bales, gross 611; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, May 16.—Cotton firm; mid dling lOfse; net receipts 36 bales, gross 38; sales none; stock 1,985 bales. Philadelphia, May 16.—Cotton steady; mid dling 11c; net receipts 21 bales, gross 57; stock 20,822 bales. New Orleans, May 16.—Cotton firm; mid dling lOJ-ic; net receipts 1.628 bales, gross 1,028; sales 1,600 bales; stock 119,793 bales: exports, to Great Britain 3,500 bales, to the continent 3, 263 bales, coastwise 711. Mobile, May 16.—Cotton firm; middling 10%e; net receipts 23 bales, gross 23; sales none; stock 2,271 bales. Memphis, May 16.—Cotton firm; middling lOAgC; receipts 88 bales; shipments 50 bales; sales 375 bales; stock 15,818 bales. Augusta, May 16.—Cotton firm; middling 10>Rc; receipts 15 bales; sales 72 bales. Charleston, May 16.—Cotton firm: middling 10)-£c; net receipts 28 bales, gross 28; sales bales; slock 1,072 bales. Atlanta, May 16.—Cotton—middling 10c; re ceipts none. New York, May 16.—Consolidated net re ceipts for all cotton ports to-day 2,168 hales; ex ports, to Great Britain 4.606 bales, to the conti nent 7,007 bales; stock at all American ports 375,612 bales. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ETC. I.iverpool, May 16, noon.—^Wheat firm, with fair demand; holders offer moderately. Corn quiet but steady, with poor demand. New York, May 16, noon.—Flour quiet and firm. Wheat better. Corn unchanged. Pork firm: mess §l6. Lard tinner at §7 02)4. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.— Flour. Southern quiet but firm. Wheat )4®V£c higher and moderately active, closing firm; No. 2 red, May delivery 98%® 97)4c, June l-ltie, July 95)4®96 3-10 c. Corn a shade easier ana quiet; options un changed. Oats, cash steady; No. 2 33)®S8J4e, May and June delivery 33)d®:!3bie, July 34® 34(j,0. Hops quiet. Coffee, fair Rio dull and nominal at 183jjc: No. 7 Rio fairly active, May delivery 18 95c. June 16 00@17 Itlc, July 10 80® 17 30. Sin nr dull: refined quiet. Molasses steady. Cotton seed oil—32Uj®:He for crude, ■ ■o‘ro s OOe for refined. Hides steady and quiet. Wool quiet, but steady. Pork quiet out steady. Beef dull. Middles nominal. Lard 6®B points higher and moderately active; Western steam §7 05. June delivery §6 95®i 04. July §7 04®7 12. Freights dull;cotton 1-lGd, wheat 2u. The following were the cash quotations: Flour steady and firm. Wheat, No. 2 spring 87®87H*c; No. 2 red w"4c. Corn, No. 2, 38% ®3BLjjC. Oats, No. 2, 20®26)6c. Moss pork §2l 00. Lard $6 65®6 70. B’uort rib sides, loose §7 10®7 15. Dry salted shoulders $5 60 (6,5 70 ; short clear sides, boxes §7 56®7 60. Whisky §1 10. Chicago, May 16.—June wheat opened this morning at 87L4e, and at once went to 87L$c, higher than was touched at all during the late manipulation iu May option. The nervous iag in the crowd, Iq-ought about by clique - tqietutions hist Saturday, large export clearings, and an expectation of alwut 2,000,000 decrease in the visible supply were the cause of strength. Clique buying during the first hour of the session was very light, and the balance of the crowd were in possession of the market. Every trade in the pit was trying in one way or an other to buy a little wheat, and the feeling was unanimously bullish. At the close of the first hour's trading June was bid up to 8754 c, with sellers at that price very few. At midday an advance of !4ie had been scored in June. The predictions of 90c for June wheat l fore the week was over were made very freely, and shuns were extremely nervous. They started buying themselves, and the clique did not begin to' bul very loudly early in the day. After prob Ably an hour from the opening of the session the clique were known to bn picking up everything offered, and the shorts became panic stricken. Before this prices were 8794 c and be low for June, but when the stampede com menced, that option ran right up to 88%c. At Wc than w as considerable short wheat hovered, but it came from the crowd promiscuously umi no very large lines were evened up around 88%c and BH‘4e. There was a short lull, aud prices again advanced. June went right up to 88)4® 88; (jc. Little later on it reacted some, and at 12:89 it was selling at 88%®88)4c. Immediately after the afternoon session opursl June wheat bulged to s.Y\ but it failed to hold and settled back to tihLje. Between these two figures it was very active, and the final close was 88%® iNTqc. Cora opened easier, nt 4094 c for July, sold down to 40 %(o iOAje iu the first few minutes, atul continued to drug until mid day, when some pork men stcpiied over into the corn pit at a time when wheat became tlte strongest, ami run prices of July up to 41 %e, later it. reacted to title and remained steady around 41%® 4P)(jc. at which figure it closed. A larger arrival of nogs than was expected made iirm islons weak, July lard opening 5c lower, at and 70, and July ribs also opened 5c lower, at $7 12)4. Afterward lighter receipt* of hogs at other points and an abundance nr selling made provisions firm up a little. In the course of an hour July lard went up to §7 75 and July ribs to §7 20. In the afternoon the market strength iu w heat an 1 com had its Influence on provisions. July lard closed at §6 85 bid and July ribs at §- 32% bid. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— May delivery... 80 87’>4 87% June delivery.... 87% 89 88% July delivery.... 85% M)4 80% Corn May delivery.... 37% MM 88U Juno delivery.... 39 89% BsC July delivery ... 40?4 41% 41% Oath— May delivery.... 26% .... ... June delivery... 27% 27% 27% July delivery... 28% 23% 28% Micas Pork— May delivery... .s2l 00 .... .... June delivery.... 21 00 .... .... I utan — May delivery $6 55 $6 72% $6 70 June delivery..., 660 6 77% 6 77% July delivery.... 670 685 085 Bhort Ribs— May delivery $7 00 $7 15 $7 15 June delivery.... 7 02% 7 20 7 20 July delivery 7 12% 7 82% 7 32% Ht. Lotus. May 16. -Flour quiet but Ann. Wheat liigher; No. 2 red. cash 85%c, June de livery 84%®81%e. July B:%®H2%c. Corn firm: cash B7e, June delivery 88%c, .tidy 37%®3744c. Oats, no sales. Whisky steady at $1 05. Provl*- lobs stronger: Pork, 114 007-514 50 for new and 815 75 for old moss. lard. SO 40. Dry salt mcatr. boxed shoulders §5 70, long clear and clear ribs §7 12%. short clear $7 25. Bacon—boxed shoul ders §i\ 25, long clear §7 75®7 85. clear ribs $7 80® 7 SB, short clear $S 00@8 12%. Hams quiet and unchanged. Baltimore, May 16. —Flour firm but quiet: Howard street ’ and Western siqierttne §2 50®3 10. extra $3 25®3 90, family §4 <X)®4 60, city mills superfine 5350®3 00. extra §3 9B®B 75. Rio brands $4 75®6 00 Wheat—Southern steady and firm; red :*s®97c, amber 97®990; No. 1 Maryland, 97c bid: Western higher but quiet; No. 2 winter red, on spot 966496%e. Corn - Southern steady: white 52®53c, yellow 51® 52%c: Western flrm. Cincinnati, May 16.—Flour strong: family $8 70®3 35, fancy §3 95@4 10. Wheat strong and higher; No. 2 red. 867<{.87c. Coni easx'r and lower; No. 2 mixed 42%c Oats steady; No. 2 mixed, 80% 4? 80%e. ITovisions— Pork quiet at sl6 tA>. Ltrd steady, §6 00 bid. Bulk meats firm; short ribs $7 20. Bacon quiet; short ribs $8 25, short clear $8 25. Whiskv firm nt §1 05. Hogs quiet: common and light §3 90®4 OO.jiaek ing and butchers §4 65®5 10. Louisvili.e. May 16.—Grain quiet: Wheat,— No. 2 red winter 82e. Corn, No. 2 mixed 43%e, w hite 45c. Oats, No. 2,31 c. Provisions steady: Bulk meats, clear rib sides $7 37%, clear sides $7 50, shoulders §5 62%. Mess |>ork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured, Si 1 00®1150. 1 su'd, choice leaf $8 25® 8 50. New Orleans, flay 16. — Cotton seed oil prime crude 29® 80c, summer yellow 30c, t. o. h. Sugar unchanged; Louisiana 01 " kettle, good fair to prime 4%®5c, common 4%(u t:%e; Lou isiana centrifugaLs, off white 5% .i 9-llle. choice yellow clarified 5%c. Molasses uneUauged; Lou isiana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 28 ®33c, fair to goisl prime 23®,ct, common to good common 18®21c. NAVAL STORKS. New York. May hi. noon. -Spirits turpentine steady at 35%e. Rosin steady at ?1 32%®1 25. 5:tW p. m.—Spirits turpentine steady at 35c. Rosin dull at $t 33%(ft l 2i. Charleston, May 16. Spirits turpentine firm at Sl%c. Rosin firm; good strained §l. Wilmington, May 16. —Spirits turpentine firm at 81(00. Rosin firm; strained 85e, good strained WV. Yar firm at $1 17%. Crude turpentine firm; hard §1 20; yellow dip §2; virgin §2 30. RICE. New York, Mav 16. —Rice firm. NkwOrlkans. Slay 16.—Rice, Ikiuisiana, ordi nary to prime 354®4%c. Fruit and Vegetable Market. The following specials to the Morning News are published for the benefit of our Florida and Georgia readers and those interested in fruits and vegetables, and can be relied upon as accu rate and reliable. New York, May 16.— The receipts of Savan nah produce via to-day's steamer light, and prices favorable for all good stoek. Wax beans, §5 00 per crate: green beans, §4 50 per crate; cabbage, $3 00®3 50 per barrel; beets, §3 50 per crate. Outlook favorable for choice beans and cucumbers, as Floridas are poor in quality. G. S. Palmer. Boston, May 18.— Tomatoes, Florida, §3 00® 4 00 per crate: cucumbers, Florida, §2 f>ou. 350 per crate; Irish potatoes, Florida. $5 00iji 600 per barrel; cabbage, Florida, §2.’so® 300 per barrel; beans, Florida choice, $3 00®2 50 per crate; squash, Florida, $1 00 pin- crate; straw lierries, Florida, 30® 95c per quart; cabbage, Georgia, §8 00®3 50 per barrel; beans, Georgia, §4 00®5 00 per crate. O. (1. Peaeson, Agent Florida Dispatch Line. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIAT URE ALMANAC—THIS DAY?~ Sun Risks .5:0-1 Sun Sets 6:48 High Water at Savannah 4:02 am 4:42 p m Tuesday, Slay 17, 1888. ARRIVED YESTERDAY'. Steamship 1 (ate City, Hedge, Boston—C G An derson, Agent. Sehr J B Hamel Jr, Fenimore, Philadelphia, with coal to D R Thomas; vessel to Master. Steamer David Clark, Usina, Feinandina—C Williams, Agent. Steamer Silver Star, Post, Beaufort—Master. Steamer Grace l’itt. Willetts, Beaufort, Port Royal ana Bluffton—Master. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar, Beaufort, Port Royal and Bluffton—H A Strobhar. Agent. Steamer Katie, Bevill, Augusta aud way land ings—J G Medlock, Manager. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Biland (Nor), ♦arisen, Riga—A R Salas & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Carroll, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gib on. Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Bark Lincoln (Aus), Trieste. Bark Arendal (Nor), Oporto. Schr Welcome R Beebe, New York. MEMORANDA. New York, May 14—Cleared, schr Minnie & Gtissie, French, Jacksonville. Buenos Ayres, April 9-Sailed, barks Amadeo (Ital), Capuiro, Pensacola; Collector (Nor). An dersen, Tybee. Cette, May 7—Sailed, bark Bakran (Aus), Moulicich, Pensacola. Reval, May 6—Arrived, barks Iliis (Nor), Salve sen. Savannah; Taurus (Nor), Johnson, do; Bth, Olaf Glas (8w), Andersen, do. Rio Janeii-o, April 22—Sailed, ship Dora (Nor). Hansen, Pensacola. Stettin, May 13—Arrived, steamship Hudson (Bri, Bryant, Coosaw. St Vincent, April 24 Sailed, ha. k Ncptunus (Nor), Tobiassen, Port Royal, 8 C. Barbados, April 23—Sailed, barks Svalen(Nor), Sorensen, and Urbauo (Ital), Olivari, Pensacola. Boston, May 14—Cleared, .schr Jennie S Sin clair, Savannah. Brunswick, May 13—Arrived, schrs Fannie A Gorham, Burgess. New York; Hairy Prescott, Turner, Boston; 14th, bark Kate Carnie (Nor), Levisen, Montevideo via Tybee. Sailed, bark Consuelo (Sp). Zovor, Barcelona; schi-s John C Smith, Foss, Boston; R Bowers, Thompson, do. Philadelphia, May 14—Arrived, schrs Frank McDonnell, Cannon, Jacksonville: Emma F Hart, Keene, St Simon's; Samuel McManemy, Yirden, Fernandina. Delaware Breakwater, May 14--Pass*‘d out, stoamshio John Dixou (Br), from Philmlelpbia for Port Royal, S C. 1 ernanthua, May 16> Arrived, schrs E A Gas kill, Wilson, Philadelphia: Nellie F Sawyer, Avery, do; Lizzie Carr, Brown, New York: Hat tie Turner, Keene, do; B Barter, do; Lame Cobb. Cobb, do; Win R Drury, Swcetland, Bath; Maggie F Hart, Williams, Boston. New York, May 16 -Arrived out, steamship Werra, from New Y'ork for Bremen. Arrived, Htsamshifis Arizona. Liverpool; Fulda, Bremen. MARITIME SIISCELLAXY. Pensacola, May 10—Ship Bride of Lome (Br), before reported, parted her hawser last week and went out into the Gulf w ithout rudder, pilot or sails, but subsequently drifted back and grounded on C.-iycos Shoals. She afterward floated and on Thursday night went aground on the Middle Ground, wher: -i.e still 11.-s in about 14-feet, of water. Her upper works were fired in order to get at and save the cargo. On Fri day a tug went alongside to put the fire out, aud it was thought site had sticc'-e led, but yester day morning the ship v.s.s still burning on the starboard side and some of her lower (leek cargo bad boca burned. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. May 16 —9 bbls rosin, 19 bids spirits turpentine, I 'car staves, 5 bbls tat , 5 kegs tar, 1 bale . ...4 and mdse. Per Savannan, Florida aud Western Railway May 10—190 bales cotton, 15 cars lumber. 3,888 boxes vegetables, 3 cars wood, 2 bales wool, hod blil-t spirits turpentine, L!.37 bids rosin, 1,006 bbls vegetables, 3 bales hides, and mchio. Per steamer Katie, from Augusta and wav landings—iOO bales cotton. 113 bbls rosin. 170 bills spirits turpentine. 71 stick i iseis, 9 sheep, 10 cases eggs, 6 ersq>e fowls, 5 Ixl Ls tildes, 3 sacks wool, blpkgsmdso. Per Central Railroad. May 16—97 bale# cotton, 6 bale* yarn. '79 hah s domestic*. .22 bales plaids, 6 bales wool. 13 bules hides, 13 rells leather, 1' pkg paper, 48 tobacco. 238 bbls rosin, 114 hbl sriirits tiirjxuitinr, 150 bbls lime, 31 lbs fruit, 12 pkgx empties, 11 pkgs jieinL 1 car stone, 18 linrdw are. K casi-v eggs. 175 sacks grits, 35 bids meal, 15 bbls whisky. 5 hf bbls whisky, 16 [ikgs fnrullirre nnd h h g, .ixlsi 34 cars lumber, 2 tsars wood, 19 pkgs wood iu xharie, 21 casks clay, 18 ton* pig iron, 5 pkgs twine, 277 pkgs mdse, 353 pkgs vegetables, 12 pkgs machinery, 5 boles waste. EXPORTS. Per bark Biland (Nor), for Riga-—3,180 bbls rosin, weighing 1,418,290 pounds; 2 this spirits turpentine, measuring 102 gollona-Pftterbon, Downing & Cos. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Gate City, from Boston-Mrs Glidden, Maatei H (Hidden, Master D (Bidden, M.u*P-r E Glidden, MWt Schetnerhom, FH Foote, Miss A Fagln, J Fagin, E Walxsrton, Maxb-r L Fayln. Per steamer Katin, from Augusta and way landings A D Powell, Mr and Mrs R OGnerard, Minn Bessie Iklwtou, J N Hnluiey, L Sehebie, II H Jtuidou, W T Giwon, A Malm, C Spivey, E O Solomons, and 20 deck. CONSIGN EES. Pee Charleston and Savannah Railway, May 18 —Transfer Office. Lloyd AA. J Grimm. M Schroder. Lee Rov Mrerr A Cos. O W Pa’-i.iii, J F Torrent, E R Middleton, J P Williams & Cos, E T Roberts. Per steamer Katie, from Augusta and way landings Ralli Bros, Peacock, HA' Cos, Perse & L, ,1 P Williams A Cos, W 1 Miller. Baldwiu A 00. Grady, Del. A Cos, Ellis, Y A Cos, Decker AF, Ray AQ, Chesnutt & 00, Ix>o Roy Myers & Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro, A la<fllor, Pearson &B, E li Flood. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, May 16—Transfer Office. S Gnckenhelmer A Son, I.udden A B, Rieser &8, Appel A 8, Ray A Q, Grady, Del. A Cos, I.ippman Bros, R B Oassels, n Myers A Bros. .1 White, Perse A 1., C L R R Cos. Reppard A Cos, Bendheim Bros A Cos. B W Tedder. N Wallace, Dule. I) A On, W G Cooper, McDonough A 00. Stillwell, PA M, S W Branch, duo Lyons A Cos, Lovell A L, (1 Eckstein A 00, M Y Henderson. W M Mills. Chesnutt A O'N, H H Lewis, Epstein A W. McDonough A B, G M Gulden, I.udden A I>. I'P Myorson, CL .Ices. H Solomon A Son, lalienthal A Sou, Peacock, H A Cos, duo Flannerv A Cos, J P Williams A Cos, Ellis, Y A Cos, W O Jackson. E T Rolierts. Per Central Railroad. May 18—Fordg Agt, W W Gordon Ac,., \ Hanley, C H Carson, J R Eason, A Ehrlich A Pro, C M Gilliert A Cos, Wm Kent, I.udden A It. Eekman AV, Mohr Bros, H J Ivey, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, I Epstein A Bro, IJlienthal A Sou, Rieser AS, G V flecker A Cos, Lloyd AA. G W Tiedemun, landsay A M, C 1. latte, A .1 Miller A Cos, Palmer Bros, Word A C, Graham AH, M Feist A Cos, BH Levy A Bro, Frank A Cos, 0 E Stulls, and McGrath A Cos, Ft: A E, Peacock, H A Cos, .1 (’Thompson, 1. J Gu/an, Baldwin A Cos. Smith Bros A Cos. Ellis, Y A Cos, J G Sullivan A Cos, Stillwell, P A M. Wm D Dixon, Baeou. ,1 A Cos, Hendheim Bros A Cos, K Moyle, CY March, MeDunouijh A Cos, G W Parish, ,1 Maskorit.z, Vale Royal Mfc Cos, Perse A L. B RnthwoU. and P Williams A Cos. Per steamship Gate City, from Boston—G .1 Baldwin. A K Alt mayor A Cos. M Bolev A Son, 8 W Branch. J G Butler, B.vek Bros. E J Clay, Collat Bros. VV G Coojier, C R R, Fret well A N, J H Estill, 1 Epstein A Bro, S A Einstein. J H A Einstein’s Sons, M Ferst A Cos, Graham A FI, J Gardner. G M lleidt A Cos, Herman A K, R S Jones, A Krauss, .1 Knek. I.udden A B, Rogtn A' W, dno Lyons A Cos. it It Lester. Lloyd AA, E Love!! A Son, Lovell A L.MeinLnrd Bros A Cos, D P Mvcrson, D J Morrison. A S Nichols, 51 C Noonan, K 1) MeDonell. N Paulstut A Cos, stntr Katie, J Rosenheim A Cos, Ga A Fla IS B Cos, S. F A W Rv, Southern Ex Cos, (1 W Tiedeman, J D Weld, IF Solomon A Son, J H Schroder, E A Smith. M Stewart, E A Schwarz, P Tuberdy, Weed A C. BROKERS. A. L IIARTimS, SECURITY BROKER. I}UYB ANI) SKTJjSon commission all classes ) of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. v ( IMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., IBx’o3s:ex*s - ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. 1 ia COMMERCIAL BUILDING. FLANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BAN K, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 fpRANSACT a regular hanking business. Give 1 particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited, issue Exchange oil New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Fiesidont Agents for Coutts A 00. and Melville, Evans A Cos., of Loudon, England. New York correspondent; Tho Seaboard National Bank. MACHINERY. Maclimery!_ Machinery! Cheap and Good and Easy Terms. i EIGHT HORSE POWER HORIZONTAL I FIRE BOX BOILERS (new). 1 Fifteen-tlorse Power (second-hand) Return Tubular Boiler. 1 Fifty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boiler. 2 Thirty-Horse Tower (new) Return Tubular Boilers. 1 Twenty flveTlOrhe Power (new) Return Tubular Bpiler. 2 Twelve-Horse Power Horizontal Centre Crank Engines, ti sills (new). 2 Eight-Horn* power Horizontal Side Crank Engines, on sthsjue**-;. 1 EightfHoi'p Pqypw; (second-hand) Horizontal Side Crank £tagiuA on wheels. 1 Six-Horse Hnver Horizontal Side Crank En gines, on whG ’.s (hew). 2 Six-Horse'Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines, on silts (new). Also, Circular Saw Mills, Saws, Belting, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, inspirators, etc. Ad dress Schofield’s Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. HOUSES KEPI SQ GOODS. J. E. FREEMAN. A. H. OLIVER. Freeman & Oliver, FURNITURE, Matting, Refrigerators, Stoves, Crockery asd House Furnishing Goods. 108 BROUGHTON STREET. Furniture Stored During Summer Months STARCH. 2,200 POUNDS Kingsford’s Pure Starch —IN -3 POUND BOXES, 0 12 “ 42 “ “ 192 “ BARRELS. —ALSO— OSWEGO CORN STARCH. A. M.&UW. West’s. MUNTEB AM) BOOKBINDKB. ORDERS FOR RULING. PRINTING, BINDING, OR BLANK BOOKS, VVi'l always have careful attention. GEO. N. NICHOES. PRINTER AND BINDER, OS'A Baj Street. PLA\s \V A STEX). NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS JUIE Commissioners of Chatham County. Georgia, invite A "chltoct* to submit designs of a Court if or ho building to bo located in the city of Savannah. The successful competitor will be charged w ith the execution of the work at the usual ree of 3 per cent, on root for plans, specifications and supervision. The (election of a design will be mode under competent professional advice. Pail particulars may be had by addretwing JOHN K. DILLON, Clerk 0. V. C., Savannah, Ga. BUM I Hit m i 18. a This Belt or Regenera tor is made expressly for the cure of derange ments of the generative organs. A continuous stream of Electricity permeating thru' the parts must restore them to healthy action. Do not confound this with Electric Belts ad vertised to euro all ills; Jt is for the on* specific purpose. For full In formation address CIIEEVER ELECTRIC BELT CO.. 198 Washington St.. Chicago 111 DRY GOODS. THE BIGGEST THING YET Grand Special SalcoTToweisaiiilOtlicrGooils On Thursday Hen. May 19th, we will sell: 1,000 Towels, extra fine ami trge, at 15c; worth 35c. 1,000 yards pure Linen Damask at Ise and upward, half value, 1,000 All Silk. Mitts, black and colored, worth 50c, at 17c. On Friday Next, May 20th, we will sell: 1,000 large and heavy Marseilles Quilts, worth $2 50, at 89c, 1,000 large Bleached Towels at 0 for 25c. 1,000 Ladies’ Cambric Bordered Handkerchiefs C for 10c. On Saturday Next, May 21st, we will sell: 1,000 Huckaback Towels, unbleached, 38 inches long, at sc. 1,000 Splendid 50c Corsets at 33c. 1,000 Assorted Fans, worth 15c, 20c, 25c and 40e, at only 9c. On Monday Next, May 23d, we will sell: 1,000 extra large and heavy Marseilles Quilts, worth $3, at 98c. 1,000 yards Imported Canvas Cloth, worth 25c, at 12ac. 1,000 yards French Sateens, in lengths from 5 to 9 yards, worth 35c, at 10c. 1,000 yards Figured Nuns’ Veiling, worth 10c, at 3c. 1,000 All Linen Towels, splendid quality, from 36 to 42 inches long, worth 25e, at 10c. 1,000 yards Fancy Dress Ginghams, worth 10c, at 6jc. 1,000 yards handsome styles Seersuckers at Ole; worth 10c. 1,000 yards Dress Goods, sold heretofore at 20c,reduced to 10c, 1,000 yards Dress Goods, sold heretofore at 25c,reduced to 10c. 1,000 yards Imported Dress Goods, worth 50c and 60c, re duced to 25c. 1,000 Parasols at half price, from 10c up. 1,000 yards Scrim for Window Curtain, worth 12ac, at 6.1 c. 1,000 yards for Commencement Dresses at immense bargain. 1,000 yards Linen, India, Victoria and Egyptian Lawns ai half price. * OUR BAZAR Will offer during the entire time extraordinary bargains in a variety of goods, chief among them is: Jerseys at 25c, 39c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 95c and upward. Ladies’ Chemise at 15c, 25c, 50c, up to $2; excellent bargains. Ladies’ White and Colored Skirts, worth 50c and 75c, at 25c. Palmetto Fans at 10c per dozen. Goblets, 3 for 10c. English Pins (genuine article) at 3c a paper. American Pins, full paper, at ic a paper. Ex cellent Needles, full paper, at lc a paper. Thimbles, each lc. And thousands of useful articles at given away prices. DAVID WBISBBDST, 153 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. STOVEB. S Showing the superiority of its v o~*cruction over all its competitors. The heat entirely surrounds the oven, causing articles to cook evenly in every part at tin? same time, a feature < possessed only by the CHARTER OAK. Call and examine the apparatus. Clarke &c Daniels, /GUARDS ARMORY, - SAV ANN AH, GA FTJKVJTCItE AND CARPETS. THE ALLEG&ETTI AT Lindsay & Morgan’s FURNITURE AND CARPET PALACE. Call and see the Allcgret.ti Refrigerator. Consumes less ice than other refrigerators and keeps at a freezing point all the time. We have just received another lot of the Ice Palace, Empress and Arctic King Re frigerators. Immense stock of straw mattings, consisting in part of Damask, Red Checks, Fancy and Plain Wliite Goods. All winter goods have been marked down below zero, to reduce stock. Fine Carpets at the same price a-, an ordinary Tapestry Brussells. IE 3 ox*‘b±e2?©s and. Lace OTxx’-fcaiixs., Window Shales and Cornice Poles, Cedar Chests, Baby Carriages. Mosquito Nets in endless variety, Loose covers for jiarlor suites cut and made to order. LINDSAY & MORGAN, 169 and 171 Broughton Street. M BTBAM LAUNDRY. SMKSAI STEAM LAM, 131 Congress Street Blankets aal Lace Curtains Cleaned as Good as New. SEE OUR NEW REDUCED PRICE LIST. Work Called for and IsHvered. WINKS AND LIQUORS. J Wines, Liquors, Etc* B. Select Whisky, per gallon sl. Maker Hye Whisky, jmr gallon jl. Imperial Choice Rye Whisky, per gallon Pine Apple Choice Rye Whisky, per gallon Oiil ltve Whisky, a pure article, pur $1 50. i,t| Brandy from $8 to $8 per gallon. Giri from $1 50 to $5 per gallon. Rum from St 50 to S3 per gallon, * ■ Wines from Si to $3 per gallon. $ High Life Cigars, Very Fine. Try Tliefl Groceries at, Cost and a fraction abova. DosHH fail to give me a call. A. H. CHAMPION. 7