The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 23, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE NATIONAL DRILL. CHANCES OF SOUTHERN COMPA NIES FOR THE PRIZES. The Whitneys’ Last Reception The Traffic in Flowers at the Capital and the High Prices at Which They Sell Something About the Supreme Court Justices Kapiolani at the White House Dinner The New Catholic University. Washington', May 2L — Little else than the national drill is talked of hero now. It promises to be a success. It would not be %t all surprising if the prizes were won by Southern companies, as they seem to be piite the favorites. The hotel-keepers, who have not been doing much since Congress adjourned, are wearing smiling faces. The indications arc that they will do a thriving business while the drill lasts. THE WHITNEY RECEPTION'. The reception which the Whitneys gave at their country place, the Grasslands, near Washington, on last Wednesday, was a very fine alTair, and lias been the subject of much pleasant talk. It was a genuine lawn fete, and was the rendezvous of all the social world after 4 o'clock. There was one con stant cloud of dust reaching fmm the citv to the Secretary’s gate during the two calling hours. Mrs. Fairchild went out with her mother, Mi-s. Lincfclaen. Miss Endlcott also was there. Miss May Mo Elroy drove out with Miss Viola Mver. Mrs. Lament was accompanied by Ihe wife of Gen. Farnsworth, of Albany. Mrs. Senator Cockrell, Miss Bancroft, Mrs. Bonaparte, Mi-< Macomb, Madame Reuterskiold, of Sweden, and nearly all the foreign minis ters now here were among the groujs upon the lawn. The men sauntered off into the woods to smoke and the ladies, in fresh spring toilets. jfttjn little knots of two and three enjoying OUfaftomitry air. Mrs. Whitnev. in lilac covered with white lace, flitted one group to another ministering to of all. Two tallies were at one of which ten was served and other ices, cake and strawberries. FLOWER SALES. traffic in the stile of flowers in Wash- is growing every year. tsv ry dealer himself a- highly satisfied with of the past season, and they say still they can do and are rushed morning till ’ night. The leading of the town has just complied a verv live-storied brick and iron huild ':wSm in the centre of the city out of the of ten years’ (dealing in La France IBs. at 75c. apiece, and Marechal Neil at $j a dozen. The renting of potted ;Hts for an evening’s entertainment is a the business which jays; while for I me can procure a flue centrepiece for talde, a few yards of green for and a dozen or more vases of cut Of course corsage touquots arp v< ry and cost from *lO to $l5 when of flue rosi-s, violets or other rare Another source of revenue to the ■Hut is the dear young man who makes a thing of sending flowers to his and wearing a rare quality of the size of a saucer, for a Imuton- foreigners and attaches to the lega here are great hands for these. One man has standing m-d-i'for the florist a magnificent Ismquet of cut flowers |H Udle on Connecticut avenue uvery Sun Another fair and sprightly maid re every morning throughout the year a gKfa of violets, the tribute of her far lover, a naval offitvr, who, before Hg on a Urns' years' voyage arranged the delicate fragrance of the sweetest |Bcr should daily add another jwrfume to toudoii mid imp ! her mind of him. THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES. Whist Club is com posed of the Justices ■■ic Unites States Supreme anil families, and in the season meets at respective residences. This brings closer together than the usia! official of visits would do. ami is greatly lt is a somewhat singular fa ; t two of the Supreme Court .Justices WUt full beards—Field and Matthews— WHgh Justice Woods also wore a full Iward. The others are all closely shaven. Justice Field is the most popular -with the administration, and gets more patronage than any of the Senators or Representatives in the California delegation. About two years ago Justice Harlan moved his family n otn Washington to Rockville, Montgomery oonnty. This was done for economical reasons, as he was at that time financially embarrassed, in consequence of heavy indorsements for friends. In this way he became so reduced in means that be could not live in Washington in the stvle that a Justice of the Supreme bench should observe. lie lias three grown sons, one of whom was re cently ordained a minister of a leading Presbyterian church in New York, and now receives a salary of £(5,000 a year. He on iy. graduated at Princeton four years ago. An qthei son is a lawyer in Chicago, with a rapidly increasing pract ice, and a third will be graduated from the Columbia Law tlchbol, this city, next month. The two former are unmarried, au<l recoghizing their father’s financial condition, and hav ing more money than their needs called for, had built for him a handsome house on Meridian Hill, which was just occupied by the Judge and his family last week. Thus, the social circle of the Supreme Court is Complete for the first time in two years, md, as the Judge himself lias met his ’finan cial obligations, there is a likelihood that it will be the scene of brilliant social enter tainments during the coming fall and muter. THE SEW CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY: It Is said tliat rumors have been circu lated here to the effect that the propriety of locating tho new Catholic University at some other place than Washington was iieing agitated, but no faith is putin such statements. It seems that tjbere is some feeling among architects relative to the plans for tho new university building. Clark & Hchultae, of this city, who say they were a wan led the $5OO prize for the best plans, assumed they would have the con tract for doing the work.' Hut it is now said that Architect Baldwin, of Baltimore, lias been selected, and the Washington firm has written a letter of complaint to Arch bishop Williams in consequence. Arch bishop Williams replied that the matter had not boon settled, but w ould be at a meeting to be held in Baltimore next month. SECRETARY WHITNEY ORATIFIED. The success of Ensigns C. H. He wee and W. L. Capps, who were immediately after graduation ut the Naval Academy sent to le Glasgow to take the ad vanced course in construction and marine irchitecture, is exceedingly gratifying to the •Jecretary of the Navy. The two young Ben, It lias been learned, stand first and sec ond in a very large rlaxs. At the close of die term they took nil of the principal prizes ITie Secretary thinks there is now every ■toxpect of semiring a construction corps for ||B navy which will equal, if not excel, that ■ m,v foreign power. The young men thus selected for the advanced training show degree of aptitude for the duties of a constructor, and with some practical may prove of great value to .lie if they are not induced to enter the of private <smix rns by the pms]>ecu salaries than they can hope for in Bp service of the government. Hu’IOLAM AT THE WHITE HOUSE DINNER, interesting story is 1 icing told of the Bpuor given to Queen Kapiolani. The sat between tho Queen and tiie Bncis. The Queen silt between the ITesi- Hpt and the Secretory of Htate. As she Boss but little English, although she u:i- Bgtanda It somewhat, and as the President. IB* not speak Hawaiian, and Mr. Bayard with difficulty, it can be mBB 1 ' majesty was a rather awl ut olio tunc it as if .BjoHB j relegated to silence. The happy device of 1 passing the dinner cards from guest to guest for an exchange of autographs was hit uixun, and the Pivsich i:t and the B**eretary of State wrote their*-- upon the Queen’* card, while she put hers upon quite a mim ■ bcr. After this had failed, the gentle | men began to tel! tales about mission aries to the Cannibal Islands, indulging in all the absurd anecdotes and witticisms which pass current ii: Christian lands about the love the cannibals used to have for good, fat missionaries, even to the roasting and eating of them. j The Queen entered into the spirit of the j occasion with entire gi**xl will, although | some of the jokes were at tire expense of her | ancestors She is far t<x> sensible to Is* l annoyed by snob trifle*. One gentleman, I think it was Postmaster G**n< ral Vilas, brought down the table l*v quoting the re mark Sidney Smith Shade’ to the effect that he hofxxl missionary agreed with them. The Queen quite enjoyed the joke. "When she was presented to the Rev. Dr. Bartlett, of this city, she said to him: “But for men like you, and the good work they did, I should not be here* as lam now’.’' Wasn’t that a good reply for a native of the Cnnni bal Islands to make to an American clergy man? After all, there is some virtue in foreign missions. THE PURITAN SABBATH'S RETURN. The Gnat and Camel Farce In the Me tropolis. New York, May 21.—1n their attempts to make New York a Puritan village the authorities are straining at gnats and swal lowing camels. On Sunday two entirely reputable citizen* of New York, both of whom reside in the Hotel Brunswick, stroll ed np Fifth avenue and back again for a walk about noon. Neither one of them was a drunkard, aud both have lived in tho hotel for many years. When they returned they stood near" the door for a moment dis cussing the dust. “It makes me thirsty,'’ said the first, wiping the street refuse from his eyes with the corner of his handkerchief. “Would you like something to drink?” asked the other. “Yes; suppose we go in and get some lemonade.” They entered the hotel and found the bar room closed. Two of the bartenders had just been arrested and taken off to prison for serving drinks to the regular guests of the hotel. Tbs thirsty men went from the bar room to the restaurant and ordered the drinks they had discussed. The waiter shrugged hfs shoulders and smiled mourn fully. “It is not possible,” he said, “to get any thing but champagne or lager beer, mid even then you must order something to eat with it.” "But I never drink champagne and I don't care for lager beer,” said one cf the men. “Lemonade is certainly enough of a temperance drink to |<ass muster even in this town of queer political freaks, isn’t it!” The waiter was very sorrv. The lemon ade was regarded as a mixed drink. There were no bartenders, and the only possible way for the men to refresh themselves was to order champagne or lager beer in con junction with the luncheon. They got up hi disgust and went over to the ladies’ restaurant, where they were actually obliged to buy a light lunch beforo they could get anything to satisfy their thirst. I doubt if a more pronounced absurdity could be found in the history of any city than this. At Delmonico’s, which is un questionably the most famous restaurant in the word, tne public at large was refused service. Men who hod been breakfasting at Delmonico’s for many years found that they could not get a glass of wine or anything at all but tea anu coffee to drink with tneir morning meal, and so on throughout the city. At one place a young man who was a cashier in a pool room where drinks were served was imprisoned for three months. His salary was $lO a week. He was the only support of a widowed mother. During all the time this hubbub was going on in the city proper the big hostelry in Central Park, which is owned by the gov ernment, was selling liquor in every form to hoards of thirsty New Yorkers. Why the law which applied to Delmonico’s nnn the Brunswick should not reach this official gin mill of the city is another of the inexplica ble mysteries of the present administration in New York. All the lighter forms of amusement, such as concert halls, cafes where one may smoke, drink and listen to good music, and so on, have been driven away, and the public dance houses closed. Everybody knew what the result of this would be, but now the au thorities seem suq>rls<Nl that tho inevitable has come true. The result is that disreputable women have invaded every nook and cranny of the island, swarm in droves in. public jilaoes where one could formerly take a lady with out danger of meeting obnoxious characters who parade the streets night and day in shameless desperation. When there was no external evidence of their existence a few months ago they are now legion. A few streets in the city were given over to them, where tho police could keep a vigilant eye on their movements, aud wq.tch the crc/oks, blacklegs and gamblers who usually fol lowed in their wake. These places have been brokon up In tlioir turn and the women and their queer hangers-on have spread into the public flats and tenement houses, whore they have already begun to spread the seeds of Iniquity and add to the tempations of the working girls of New York. It is admitted now that this practice of oppression is a mistake, but the authori ties go on the same way as lief ore. 1 doubt if a more innocent form of enjoy ment could lie devised by a Puritan minis ter than that of some thousands of industri ous and frugal Germans of this city who have formed singing societies. There is no end to the number of such organizations. The police have never been called upon to reprimand any of them. Tho membership isconqxised of mechanics, barbers and hard working men generally, who meet one or two evenings a week and spend a lmppy time in singing classical music and chatting over their beer. Recently they have all l>een arrested for pursuing tliis heinous course. They will no longer be permitted to drink beer and sing in the same place. Did any ono ever hear ol’ a German being able to sing without Gang backed up and fortified by beer! Before long New Yorkers will have to apply to the police for permission to ' "entile. The future of such absurd Puri . inisni i.s plain. At the next election Mike Oxigan, Oilly the Blue, Plug O'Connigle or Patsey O’Keefe will run for Mayor on the great platform of free rum, free fun and an enlightened civilization and sweep the town by 100,000 majority. Blakely Hall. CARELESS BOATMEN. Boat Capsized and Five Persons Drowned. Philadelphia, May 22.—Early this morning a party of eight people started out from Port Richmond, in the northeastern part of the city, in a row boat to take a ride down tho Delaware. On tlioir return trip, when near Market street wharf, the boat, which was undoubtedly overloaded, cap sized, ana five of the occupants were drowned. ' Rough on Piles.” Why suffer piles? Immediate relief and complete cure guaranteed. Ask for “Rough on Piles.” Kiu-e cure for itching, protrud ing, bleeding or any form of Piles. oOc. At druggists or mailed. Skinny Men. Wells’ “Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence, ner vous debility. For weak inen, delicate worn eu. sl. Wells’ Hair Balsam. If gray, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil or grease. A tonic Restorative. Stops hair coining out; strengthens, cleanses, heals stain, 60c. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, MAY 23, 1887. GEN. CATLIN NOT ALONE. i Col Stegman also Leaves the Repub lican Party. J-Yon the AY*** York Star. The sensation caused in Brooklyn by the action of Gen. Isaac S. Catiiu in leaving the Republican party and going over to the ranks of tho Democracj', was augmented yesterday by the anouncement that CoL Lewis R. rttegman. a prominent Republican | of the Nineteenth ward, had followed his j example. “Yes, it's true,” said Col. Stegmau to a reporter. “Gen. Gatlin has taken the proper j <*ourse ainl I honor him for it. I tun going ’to take the same course. I had made up my j mind to do so lief ore I heard of Gen. Gatlin's | action. I want to get out of the party open i ly, squarely and above board.” “What led you to this conclusion?” was S asked. "Well. I am disgusted with the party, i After I read the vituperative report of the Bacon investigating committee I made up my mind tliat if a Republican Legislature adopted it it was time for me to get out of the party. I have lived in Brooklyn since my boyhood. and I love the city, and I can’t conscientiously remain a member of a party tliat has vainly attempted to blacken tbit* city's fair fame. I can t endure the attempt to create the impression that it is a sink hole of vice and corruption simply for political capital. .So far as the Bacon committee’s reference to me, I have the greatest contempt for it. but I am pain*-, i at the impression that ha-s lieon spread abron 1. Business men in other cities object to do business with us for fear we are nil knaves and swindlers. I hoid that it is the business of no party to create such an im pression as that simply to gntn a temporary party advantage, and I will not hold alle giance to a party whose leaders prostitute it to such purpose*.” Col. Ktegman is an ex-sheriff, an old soldier and a prominent Grand Army man. He has a host of friends in tho city w"ho wifi be influenced hv his action. Republicans could hardly believe the re port that Gen. Gatlin had left the party and become an out-and-out Democrat. Gen. Jourdan thought it was a joke when he was told about it. When he was convinced that it was true he expressed genuine regret. “Gen. Gatlin i.s a friend of mine,” said he, “a generous, warm-hearted man, and I am sincerely sorry to lose him politically.” Mr. Jourdan would not. however, say anything about the causes which led Gen. Gatlin to take the step. Ex-Mayor Seth Low found the subject equally painful. He did not care to talk for publication, he said. Roliert 1!. Sedgwick, one of the leading and best known Republi cans in the city, was not so close mouthed. He admitted that the loss of Gen. Gatlin would boa serious blow to the party. “No man has a greater following of personal friends than lie,” said Mr. Sedgwick. “No matter where he is placed he can command them, too. He has done more for the party than the party has ever done for him. Who would have gone into the Mayoralty fight against Woodford as he did? It was a per sonal sacrifice, but he was loyal enough to make it.” Gen. Gatlin himself spoke out plainly about the matter yesterday. He said he had stood with the party as long as possible, but after he had worked for years in its ser vice he could not stand it to be kicked and insulted by a lot of young Mugwumps who had never"done more than to vote. “It makes my blood boil,” said the old war horse, “when I think of these things. I hate to leave the old party for which I have labored. It is like leasing home, but when the old folks kick a son from their door step he does not beg to be taken back, not if he is a lari of any spirit. And such a hoy generally finds as good a home as he has been driven from, sooner or later. But how much worse is it when your associates, your brothers and the old gentleman begin to scold and call you hard names after faith ful and long continued service, and this sort of thing is kept up year after year, anil finally it culminates by formal and elaborate ceasure published before the world without a scintilla of foundation for it; theij it is about time for a fellow to begin to look for another home, and that’s my case, ; And I shall not be lonesome after a "little whit*, for pjready the strongest evidences in writing a>l'l ver bally are coming to me that I wfif have plenty of company from the old mansion. Lots of the faithful boys who have stood br ine like heroes will come with me and stand by me hereafter. And I’m not going to say a word against the old home. I merely say that I can’t be pursued any longer by the Pharisees and hypocrites that have been snapping and barking at my heels for these long years without any rebuke from the constituted authorities of the old mansion. There has l<eeu a corner on lies in it for months and years, which is still busy manu facturing and peddling the pure material, and now, having cut loose from it, let them whack away, as I am out of their jurisdic tion. “As for tho portion of the Bacon report which reflects upon Mr. Ridg.vay and my self, that was written by Edward Morse Shepard. He {loses as an independent Democrat and he argues tliat in throwing odium upon Mr. Ridgwny and myself, he will compel his own nomination for District Attorney. He snvs to the people: ‘You see the situation: Lev* s Catlin who received the unanimous Republican nomination, and here’s Ridgway who received the unani mous Democratic nomination. You see what they have done. Here I am. Now. you must nominate me in order to have things ns they ghoul 1 lx*. But should Mr. Shepard lie nominated he would not get enough votes to know that he was run ning.” The letter which Gen. Catlin prepared to send alonp with his letter of resignation he concluded at the last moment not to send. He refused to give it out for publication, saying that it was better to leave it as the letter that was never sent. A NEW ZEALAND EPISODE. How an Old Antipodean Person Was Treated by His Wife. From the Sydney Bulletin. A few short months ago a wealthy farmer named Woodward owned some property at Avondale. N. Z. Ho was in the sere and yellow leaf and his teeth being all gone he could no longer crunch his victuals, while the wind whist led shrilly through the empty amphitheatre of his jaw?. Under these cir cumstances ho begun to think of death and other cheerful subjects and ultimately he made over all his property to his wife, who wok young urnl enterprising and had all her teeth still on hand. Very shortly after this Woodward began to have an unholy glare in his eye—at least his wife brought two doctors who said so— and he was shipped off to a madhouse, and when lie was ejected from this place as ix*r foctly sane it was only to be run into tho hospital ami have mustard plasters put ou him. Here again he was turned out cured in a very short time, and then being desti tute on*l hungry ho drifted into the Old Men’s Refuge among other edentates! old vagrants, and his wife, lieing sued for main tenance, aliowod him 9 shillings per week. Ho now hobbles aiml<*ssly around with his log in a sling and his shiny bead bowed down —a solemn warning to all old men with young wives and real property. Jublloo Services at Westminster. i London, May 22.— Four hundred mem bers of the House* of Common* attended tho jubilee service at St. Margaret’s church, \\ est,minster, to-day. Tho members formed in profession at the Home of Gommon* and marched to tho church, at the head Gang Speaker Peel, Mr. Gladstone, Mr. W. JL Smith, I<onl Hartiugton, and Mr. Goshen, who were given the seat of honor. United States Minister Phelps stood at the foot of the altar stalls The choral service was conducted by the Archbishop ot Canterbury, tho Archbishop of York, the Dean of Westminster, and Arehdqacon Farnu*, the hymns being eom (osod for this occasion. The Bishop of Ripofi preached the sermon, UdcuaM l**xt, from Psalin exxxvii. 5. AFTER JAY GOULD. The Texas Train Robbers Announce the Object of Their Work. A dispatch from Austin, Tex., to the Mis souri Republican says' The following are incidents of the train robbery at McNeill not obtained until late to-night. It is stated that after securing the operator and the engineer, the bandits walked leisurely and coolly back to the express car, which was closed. Mr. A. J. Northaker, the express messenger, refused to ojien the door when ordered. Thereupon the robbers broke down the door, entered, and seizing North aker they teat him over the head with their six-shooters and robbed the safe. They got several bags of specie, how much it Is not yet known, but it is certainly not less than ?<joo in silver, since that amount is known to have gone from Austin that night. The thugs next proceeded toward the passenger cars. From a man who had his head out of a window, and who seemed to lie watching the robbers, they took a gold watch and chain. Among the passengers was Harry Lauda, of Ban Antonio, a brother-in-law of Phil Abrahams, uf Austin. He was in a re clining position in the car. either dozing or asleep. He was struck on the hand by a stray bullet and severely but not fatally wounded. The leader of the robbers is described as a tall man, wearing a long sandy beard, sup posed to be false, from the jieculiar way m which it hung from his face. He was jier feetly cool, and spoke with a voice and air of Habitual command. He seemed to be obeyed with the utmost alacrity. While one detachment of tbo thugs were going through the express car some of tho othei-s walked around and talked leisurely with the passengers. Oue of th'- robbers said to a passenger: “Any tobaeker, pardi” “Nary a scrumption: don’t chaw, espe cially at sich times as tins." “ vou, git me a chaw, anyhow, and gimme tliat hat of your’n. I just lost mine,” said the bandit. Tho hat and tobacco were both forthcom ing. Another robber said to a passenger: “Oh, don't you fellers be sheered. It’s Jay Gould we aro after.” After the robbers got through their job, at a word from their leader they ranged themselves alongside of the fence in military fashion. The leader then ordered the engi neer to mount the cab. "Now get out of here, and that quick.” said the bandit chief. The engineer never awaited a second com mand, nrrt opened the throttle -and the cars moved off as though nothing unusual had happened. The robbers also quietly disap peared. The shooting that was done was as fol lows: Before the arrival of the train and after the bandits had captured the operator, they arranged themselves outside the station and awaited the train as it stopped before crossing the narrow gauge track. The col ored porter jumped down to act as flagman when lie saw the robbers approaching, and, suspecting something wrong, the porter halted them. They instantly began firing on him with Winchesters and six-shooters, but without effect. The porter darted off into the darkness like lightning. About thirty shots were fired at the porter. It was one of these that hit Hairy Landa. When Capt. Lucy's posse reached McNeill early this morning they found the telegraph wires cut, as was surmised last night, and also tho telegraph instrument had been smashed into pieces with hammers. WANTS $4,000,000. Two Ladles Propose to Relieve the Government of Some of Its Cash. A Philadelphia dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer says: “Miss Jane E. Hall, of Montgomery count?', Pa., and a married sis ter living in this city have instituted a suit to recover $4,000,000 from the United States government. The ladies claim to lie lineal descendents of one Jacob Dellaven, a wealthy Frenchman, who emigrated to America and settled near Norristown in ante-revolutionary times. The story goes tlrnt in 1777 Dellaven loaned the Colonial government 500.000 francs with which to pay the troops, and dur ing the latter years of the strug gle contributed further of money, food and forage. During Washington’s first ad ministration Mr. DeHaven presented his claims to Congress and they were allowed, but as there was not any surplus in those days, the claimant was told that he must Wait for his money. He died before receiv ing a pietmy, and for more than half a cen tury the claim lay dormant. Borne time between 1850 and IsiK), it is said, the official records in Washington were examined, and a sum was appropriated to pay the DeHaven debt: but the claimants, each insisting on priority, were so many, and the testimony as to descent from Dellaven so poor, that no division of the money could be made, and the civil war put a stop to further pro ceedings. in the matter. Now, however, Miss Hall and her sister insist that they can prove incontestably that they are DeHaven’s true heirs, and they have placed their claim in the hands of a Norristown lawyer, with i ills ructions to bring suit ;#ainst the govern ment A once. * Snuff That Was Snuff. From the Daytona Messenger. One of our promment citizens visited Daytona last week on business and among other articles he had to pur chase was a pound of snuff. He went into tho Central drug store and called for their best snuff, and to satisfy himself as to the quality to. >k a good liberal pinch. In about half a minute later ho commenced to sneeze a modi ;t little sneeze, which was fol lowed by anotli r and another, each one a little harder. Finally great, tears gathered in his eyes, and to hide his weakness he stepped out on to the front pxireh, but that snuff seemed to have settled all over him by this time, and he-puffed and wheezed and sneezed until 1 >r. Corwin thought a Western blizzard had broke loose: but all tilings must have an end even the effects of a pinch of snuff, and his circus culminated in one mighty and awful sneeze that knocked all of his previous efforts in the shade; and in order to give it all the room possible ho openiHhhis mouth to its full extent, threw ins head away back on to his shoulders and closed his eyes for a moment, but when she exploded it was like a rook blast and carried everything before it. He opened his eyes just soon enough to sec his false teeth (lying through the air end land in the middle or the stnvt. With the exclamation, “by golly, that’s snuff," he walked out and picked up his teeth and took them to the river to wasfi out the sand. After he had got them cleaned he went, back to tho store and told the doc tor lie thought that kind would do and ho might give him two pounds. Aid Asked for Lako Linden. Chicago, May 22.—A special from Mar quette, Mich., says: “Tho full details from Lako Linden show that fullv 2,000 people are suffbring from the fire. Telegrams and letters asking aid for the sufferers have I wen sent out and tho people are responding freely.” Successful Surgical Operation. London, May 23, 1 a. m.— A dispatch from Rome says: “Dr. Mackenzie operated upon the Crown Prince Frederick William’s t hroat Saturday. The result wnsau assured success. Prof. Viorels; w made a micro scopic examination and does not believe the trouble is serious. The Crown Prince has gone to Potsdam. One of Nature’u Freaks. ; /•'ram the Florida HcraUl. Col. C. F. Hopkins, the veteran surveyor, has in his possession a unique curiosity in a shell, in which, distinctly outlined, is the face and fonn of n baby in startling dis tinctness. The shell was found sometime ago by Johnny Hopkins, the little .ion of Joe Hopkins, keeper of the life-saving station-at Cane Malabar, on t he Florida coast. The shell was insjiectod by a celebrated lapidary, who became so enthusiastic that ho offered tho t’olonel n larpe sumo? money l'ortlie curiosity, but nolhiug will induce C*>). Hon kins to port wth it. How It Turned Out. From Drake's Travelers' Guide. The usual way—'"Yen, I gave each of ray sons 85.000 aud sent them West to make their for tunes. John invested his money in a cattle ranch ora! '.vent to work in earnest. It grieves me to say that Henry. disregarding my admoni tions about honesty and industry, started a taro bank.” “And it all turned out in the usual way. I sup pose?” “Yes. Henry owns John's cattle ranch now, and has lent him money to come home with.” Small Man (furiously)—Who struck my friend? Large Man (contemptuously)—l did, what of it? Small Man (timidly)—X'n'nothing! but — (struck with a bright idea)—didn't you hit him a daisy paste? —Harvard lampoon. JIA KIM ALE". ” FALLON—LANDERT.—Married, at Jackson ville, Fla April 27. Mr. P. J. Fallon, formerly of Elizabeth, X. J., and Miss Amelia Landert, of this city. {Atlanta, Ga., and Elizabeth, N. J., pa pers please copy. meetings! GEORGIA TEAT SO. 151 I. O R Attend a regular session of your tent THIS (Monday) EVENING, at and o'cloclc, prompt. Third degree to be conferred. Bv order, C. O. GODFREY, c. r. T. M. Hotnes, R. S. DeKALB LODGE XO. !). I. O. O. F. A regular meeting will be held THIS (Monday) EVENING at 8 o'clock. Members of other Lodges and visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. By order of J. S. COLLINS, N. G. John Riley, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. REMOVAL. DR. B. S. PURSB Has removed his office and residence to liO Liberty, between Whitaker and Bull streets. FOR SALE. 130 Horse Power ENGINE for sale at a bar gain. Cylinder 20x30. About new and in per fect order. A. B. HART, Lake City, Fla. DR. HEARY S COLDIAU, DENTIST, Office corner Jones and Drayton streets. SEA BREEZES A AD ATLANTIC OCEAN. Steamer GRACE PITT will leave wharf foot of Lincoln street on TUESDAY, 'tiny 24. 1887. at 2:90 o'clock p. in. for a trip around Tybee Bell Buoy au<l return. Fare for round trip 50c. This steamer can lie chartered at reasonable rates by applying to the Captain on board.or on wharf to C. WILLIAMS, Agent. ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, It cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other. Si 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. L t LMAR, M. D., Pharmacist. Sava/nah, Ga. FBI Sf A N E> CROC Ellll>. mm mm LMulik)j LLiilUiiiJ) Lemons. 1 JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF FINE MESSINA LEMONS. Groceries, Groceries. K. POWER, Corner Congress, Bull and St. Julian. ONIONS BERMUDA ONIONS IN CRATES. Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Peanuts. BLACK EYE T J “n't A M SPECKLED CLAY 1 Hi J \ BLACK HAY AND GRAIN. Special Prices on Car lx.ts. Eastern Hay, Feed Meal, Bran, Corn, Oats, Grits and Meal. 169 HAY STREET. W. D. SIMKINS & GO. STOVES. CONGRESS STREET FOR STOVES. WE CAN SHOW ALMOST ANY STYLE AND KIND OF Stove or Range At prices below the reach of competition. LOVELL & LATTIIWQP.E, Hardware and Stove Dealers, Savannah. Ga. a EDUCATIONAL. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA? CUMMER LAW LECTURES (nine weekly) he ? ' gin 14th July, Ids', and end I (tli September. For circular unply (P. I. University of Va.) to JOHN B. MINOR, Prof. Com.amißtat, Law. K V kL Y jfc !< ) L O-X i K, T7OR YOUNG WOMEN. Princeton, N. J. I lVosivnctus, full particulars, sent, oil ap. plication to J. 11, MtJLVAIN K. MOLASSES. TVL ( ) Lj >\ 9 S S. 500 BARRELS MOLASSES •—am sai.7! ?v C. M. GILBERT & CO.! I PICHICS. fur si. Patrick s oii RdL ANNUAL - PICNIC UNDER THE AUSPICES OF The St. Patrick’s T. A. k B. Society, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1887,'' AT MONTGOMERY! For the B -nefit of St. Patrick's Church. Tickets 25c. and 50c„ for sale by members of the Society. EXCURSIONS. Excursion to Warsaw. —by the— Young Women’s Christian Temperance Union, TUESDAY, MAY 24th, 1887. CTEAMER DAVID CLARK Haves wharf foot ~ of Drayton street at 12 o'clock M. Return ing. leave Warsaw at 5 p. m., arriving at wharf at p. m Whole Tickets 50 cents; Half Tickets 85 cents. REFRESHMENTS.-Coffee and Sandwich 15 cents: Ice Cream and Cake 20 cents. AMUSEMENTS. BASK BALL T<i-I>AY. New Orleans VS. SAVANNAH! Tickets on sale at FERNANDEZ'S CIGAR STORE. Game called at 4 o'clock. MACHINERY. limy f fiiiif! Cheap and Good and Easy Terms. I FIGHT-HORSE POWER HORIZONTAL •± FIRE BOX BOILERS (new). 1 Fifteen-Horse Power (second-hand) Return Tubular Boiler. 1 Fifty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boiler. 2 Thirty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boilers. 1 Twenty-five-Horse Power (now) Return Tubular Boiler. 2 Twelve-Horse Power Horizontal Centre Crank Engines, on siUs (new). 2 Eight-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank Engines, on sills (new). 1 Eight-Horse Power (second-hand) Horizontal Side Crank Engine, on wheels. 1 Six-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines, on wheels (new). 2 Six-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines, on sills (new). Also, Circular Saw Mills, Saws. Belting, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Inspirators, etc. Ad dress Schofield’s Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. WANTED. Wool Wanted The highest cash prices paid at all times for WOOL. Shippers will save money by consulting me before cpl 1 in o' M.Y. HENDERSON, 180 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. PROPOSALS WANTED. Proposals Wanted. T> TI>SS will be received up to the Ist of JUNE I ) for the buildings on the eastern half of lot on the corner of Whitaker, President and State streets, and also for excavatjng to the dept-h of tt.; feet the lot above meat i* uea, measuring (50 by ! 0 feet. Tlie buildings to be removed within ten days and the excavating to be finished by the first of July, 1887. Bids must be made separately. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. J. H. K,STILL, D. R. THOMAS. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, RUFUS E. LESTER. Committee Union Society. City of Savannah, i Office City Map.shal, ? Savannah, May 19th, 1887. ) PROPOSALS * \\7 ILL be received at this office from Plumbers l ’ until May 25, to repair or replace water boxes on sidewalks. Sfieeincatlons furnished. The city reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. ROBERT j. WALK, City Marshal. FLOUR. USE THE BEST. HECKER’S SUPERLATIVE FLOUR. TAKE NO OTHER, PRINTER AND BOOKBINDER. GEO. N. NICHOLS, THK OLD AM) KKLIABLK PRINTER and BINDER. The repnlntlnn acquired by more tlmn Half u century at I tlie business, and tliirty-Mcven ( yearn In conducting It, will be , mu lulu inert. KIESLING’S NURSERY, I WLite HliilT ]-i oad. T)LA NTS. BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, CUT j 1 i'iJ MVFK.’t furnish 1 *! to order. ,>r -1 Bull and York I SUMMER RESORTS. Silt IfijT U AUSTELL, GA. T%aaisasßaßa*w week. The accommodations are S3 ’VTjSrXS&gs* Austell, (ia. MONTYALE SPRINGS" Blount County, - Tennessee, THIS Health Resort will be open Mav Ist IRS? , l Tlie most celebrated Dyspeptic Water known. Elegant Hotel and Grounds. Excellent Table. Telephone connection with Knoxville Rates: Si per day; $25 pei-moiith for May and June; S2 per day, SlO and Sl2 per week, 535 and rib per month for July and August. Half rates for children. _ J. C. ENGEL, Prop CLAFLIN HOUSE; Among the “Berkshire Hills.” BECKET, MASS. Twelve Hundred Feet above the sea. Savan nah reference. Address A. Q. CROSS, Proprietor. THE WHITE SI'IMR SPRIXGS, GREENBRIER COUNTY, W. VA. The most celebrated of all the Mountain Resorts, and one of the oldest and most popular of American Watering places, will open for the season June 1. Elevation above tide- water 2,000 feet: surrounding mountains, 3 500 feet’ Send for pamphlet describing hygienic advani tages. B. F. EAKLE, Sup't. CLARENDON HOTEL' Saratoga Springs, N. Y, OPENS JUNE 25th Popular rates S3 00 per day P. STEINFELD, Proprietor. the Columbian; SARATOGA SPRINGS, THE FAVORITE HOTEL OF S A VANN AHIA.N'B Opens June 25th. JAMES M. CASE, Proprietor. Indian Harbor Hotel, GREENWICH, COiNTIV. Will Open Saturday, -June 18th, Address WM. H. LEE, Grand Hotel, 31st street and Broadway, New A’ork. CATSKILL MOUN TAINS, GLENWOOD HOTEL, r pHE finest and healthiest place in the moun tains. All kinds of amusements. Board $9, Send for circular. V. BRAMSON, CatskiU, N. Y. pAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, Alkaline v Lithia and- Superior Iron Waters, Hamp shire county, W. Va.—This celebrated mountam resort for health and pleasure: Baths of any temperature: a summer climate unsurpassed; a charming summer home with its many improve ments. accommodating 800 guests, opens Jane Ist. Send for circular and rate sheet (for medi cal and other testimony). WM. 11. SALE, Pro prietor. r PHF. WATAUGA HOTEL, Blowing Rock, N. 1 C. In the mountain! of North Carolina, 4.000 feet übove the sea. Easily accessible. Medi cal graduate on the premise's. Terms the low est in North Carolina. Opened June Ist for the , season. For information address WATAUGA HOTEL CO., Blowing Rock, X. C. nC'i'C lER KOl'rtE. I JAWLING. N. Y., on the Harlem railroad: a 1 large brick structure, first class in every particular. Now open. Terms reasonable. Send for circulars. WM. Jtl. BURROUGHS, Proprietor. HOTELS. WASHINGTON IIOTKL 7th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. JOHN TRACY, PROPRIETOR. RATES, $2 50 PER DAY. Centrally located, only a short walk from Tenn'a and Reading Depots. New Passeneer Elevator. Electric Bells, New Dining Room and all modern improvements. Polite attendance and unsurpassed ■ table. NEW HOTEL TOGNI, (Formerly St. Mark’s.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla rpilF. MOST central House in the city. Ne* I Post Office, St reet Care and ail Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bnlift Baths, Etc. $3 50 to 8(5 per day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor. S. A. UPSON, Manager. HOTEL VENDOME BROADWAY & FORTY-FIRST STREET NEW YORK. VMERICAN PLAN. Centrally located, ij the latest improvements. Cuisine ana see rice unex died. Special rates to permanent guests. I. STEINFELD, Manager. DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. 'PHIS POPULAR Hotel Is now provided with Ia Passenger Elevator (the only 01l, ‘ int city) and has been remodeled mid newly ro* nistied. The proprietor, who by recent puren™ is also the owner of the establishment, spar" neither pains nor expense in the entertainm of his guests. The imtromtge of Florida n ors is earnestly invited. The table of Screven House is suiiplied with every ■ / that the markets at home or abroad can am MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, - - GA. f ' F.O, I). HODGES, Proprietor. Formerly® * .1 the Metropolitan Hotel. New York, and Grand Union, Saratoga Springs. Location - tral. All parts of the city and places est accessible by street ears constantly the doors. Special Inducements to those' lng the city for business or pleasure. THE MORRISON HOUSE. One of the Largest Boarding Houses In tJ * , South. A FFORDS pleasant South rooms, good boa™ 1 V wfill pure Artesian Water, at price*’ those wishing table, regular or transient ai , modotion*. Northeast, corner Broughton Drayton streets, opimsito Marshall GRAIN AND n.vY. Cow Peas. Keystone Mixed Feed. -ALSO — HAY AND GRAIN. —D7— S.S.McALFIN 172 BAY STREET.