The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 26, 1887, Image 1

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s ESTABLISHED 1850. ) *) J. H. EtiTILL, Editor and Proprietor, j PRESBYTERIAN REUNION. DR. SMOOT SHARPLY CRITICISED BY A GEORGIAN. Animated Debate in the Southern Assembly on the Proposed Reunion —The Good Presbyterians Get Some what Excited and the Discussion Becomes Warm. ST. Louis, May 25.—The following is on epitome of the speech made yesterday after noon in the Southern Presbyterian Assem bly by CoL Livingston, of Georgia, in which he not only spoke in favor of the majority report on the union of the two assemblies, but handled with bare knuckles Dr. Smoot, of Texas, who had presented and advocated the minority report. Col. Livingston said: “When the majority of the committee made their report it was opt of no disrespect for the fathers of the church, like Dr. Smoot.” The speaker admitted he had rep resented his people iu the Legislature at home, but he was not a politician. Dr. Smoot’s speech was made up of the “bloody shirt” and an attack upon the Methodist Board. A MISPLACED POLITICIAN. He characterized Dr. Smoot as a “natural born politician iu the pulpit of Christ.” He said Dr. Smoot had been mad ever since the Federal army came into his county, in Ken tucky, when they made him step up every thirty days and take the oath. “They could not trust him more than thirty days.” Ever since that time he has had no use for any thing north of Mason and Dixon’S line. Dr. Smoot said he would not go if all the others went. The speaker suggested, rather quaintly, that they would let him stay. [Laughter.] He wanted to know if there was any politics in his predecessor’s address concerning Wendell Phillips and Lloyd Garrison. THE DOCTOR’S BITTERNESS. He wondered if a Northern man ever used language more cutting to the Southern people than that was u> the Northern people. Dr. Smoot was different from Garrison. Mr. Garrison would say to Dr. Smoot: “Your rebellion caused all the sorrow and ruin,” and the doctor would reply, “Well, you led us to do it,” The war was over and its issues should lie buried forever and ever. As to co-operation, the speaker de clared that Abraham armed his servants and went down and helped Lot and released him and his family. They did not co-operate any more because the town was burned up and Lot's wife was turned iuto a pillar of salt. The men supporting the majority report were lorn farther down into the heart of slavery and war than ever Dr. Smoot was. As the statement that the ma jority had doctored the figures, the speaker completely overturned the charge. SILENCE GIVES CONSENT. It was unfair to the Presbyteries, which had not been head from, to say they were not moving in the matter. The legal pre sumption was that the silence of the Presby teries meant their consent. There was no question but that five spoke in favor of it. The others either cared nothing for it or favored it. As to the charge that this movement ought not to follow business men, “the [children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light;” this, Christ had said to certain peo ple, once. The trouble with the Presbyte rian church was that there had been too lit tle business about it. Business men were hard-headed and sensible, and the church should have some of their sense. SMOOT’S NEW MISSIONARY SCHEME. As to Dr. Smoot’s idea of sending mis sionaries to “convert the New Englanders from their Unitarianism and other isms,” the sjieaker said he would like to be one of the missionaries. They might answer him in some fashion, such as this; *‘Don't you think you Southern Presbyterians had bet ter go back and tend to those millions of niggers you have down there?” God never intended a separation of his children. POLITICAL IDEAS SOMEWHAT MIXED. A clause in the majority report sj usually stipulated that the Southern church did not believe in deliverances or politics. The Southern . church went out because the Northern assembly in 1861, in Philadelphia, had declared its members to be under the government Of the United States, a govern ment de facto and dr jure, and no member of the church should bear anus against it. If this clause was removed then the church Could go back. How many political deliver ances had the Southern church made? Manv'of them. The people at Omaha had notified this assembly that they would ac cept just what the Missouri synod had ac cepted. Dr. Smoot had dug up the bloody shirt and washed it and waved it and raked up every cruel thing the Northern church had ever said. JUDGE BY THE TOERENT. It was not a fair thing to make the Northern church of to-day stand for the church of ten, fifteen or twenty yeai-s ago. It would have been fairer to have taken their later declarations as an expression of opinion. If the assembly did not pay more attention to the now made, the church would lose many border Presby teries. The whole matter of church pro gress and church growth had been hindered hy the two conflicting churches in one field. In all other matters the issues and differ ences of the war were being buried out of sight and of God should not be the last to harmonize. yesterday’s work. The Presbyterian General Assembly, couth, devoted the morning session to the argument on organic union. Elder J. T. L'ingston, of Georgia, and Rev. J. M. rolts. of Alabama, spoke in favor of a union with the Northern church, and W. H. 1 arks, of Bt. Ixiuis, opposed it. WILL CO-OPERATE after all. 1 lie invitation of the Second Presbyterian church, of Philadelphia, to the Assombly to hold their next session in that city and ex : tending their hospitality was declined, as this assembly has no church in Phiadelphia, hut they resolved to hold their next session in May, 1888, at Baltimore, and to take a recess on the fourth Tuesday in May and proceed to Philadelphia to assist "! the celebration of the centon- P*~ anniversary of the Reformed Pres byterians of America. They further tbair quota of the addresses and tne lotlowing speakers and subjects were “signed: Rev.R M. Palmer, Children of toi’.i oycnaut; Rev. M. D. Hoge, City Evan gelization: Rev. j. l. Girard an, History of un'-hytorianism and Its Work for the rut lire; Rev. M. 11. Houston, Foreign Ms .. jb nK ' Rev. W. H. Moore, Home Mis * ?V s l Rev. Jerry Witherspoon, the closing S' j. Randolph Tucker, of Virginia, Adaptation -of Presbyterians to the i„ as ° s; "• f*- P. Breckinridge, of Ken iiv. of Calvinism and Religious Liberty; i, , ■ Cotteran* of South Carolina, Calvin y” and Human Progress; Clifford Ander- Georgia, Lay Effort Among the vorlr, ot *. ' n his speech for union, spoke r - temperately. His position was thuthe -on? . tße o !’P°intmeut of a committee of he ® M a l )ea,v measure. The church, On * s now sailing In a perilous s -a. nn *>, , one side is disruption; desirHi°^ Pr disintegration. What ho red was to guide the church through §£he Ittafnina |frto& this peril. He had been for a time in con nection with the Northern Assembly while holding charges in Wilmington, Del., and at Philadelphia. UNION A NECESSITY. In that connection, and before and since, what he had seen had convinced him of the necessity of union, but it was apparent that too much must not now be done, as that would mean disruption and too little would mean continued disintegration. Hence he favored a conference. CHICAGO’S BOODLERS. Unexpected Presence of a Witness They Feared. Chicago, May 25.—The jury tor the trial of the “boodle” county officials was com pleted to-day and the trial was begun. The introduction of the first witness for the State caused a sensation in the court room. The witness was Niok Schneider, a contractor, who has been missing ever since the “boodle” in vestigation began, many weeks ago. He has been under arrest all the time, and after being induced, by some mysterious means, to turn informer, has been, under a detec tive’s care, on a tour of the South and East to keep him out of the reach of the defend ants. HOW THE BOODLE GANG MANAGED. On the stand Schneider was prompt and direct in his testimony. He related how Engineer McDonald, of the county hospital, had told him that other contractors were getting work at the institution by paying <55 per cent, of the proceeds to those who helped in obtaining the job. Schneider replied lie would do whatever the others were doing. McDonald said 40 per cent, would lie necessary, as the warden, Mc- Gurigle, would have to be “squared,” be sides several commissioners. ONLY 40 PER CENT. PROFIT. An agreement was reached on about that basis, Schneider to do all work and pay all the expenses, sharing the net proceeds equally between himself. McGarigle and McDonald. Ten of Schneider's bills went through the County Board. The first one. for $1,500, was paid before a particle of work had been done. While Schneider was testifying a scene was caused by an apparent attempt on the part of M. C. McDonald, a noted politician and ex gambler, to catch the informer’s eye. M. C. McDonald is a brother of the defendant engineer, and Schneider showed signs of being disconcerted. State’s Attorney Grin ned leaned forward to McDonald ami quietly warned him to desist or he would be publicly denounced and ejected from tho court. McDonald replied defiantly, but soon left the room. Schneider’s examina tion will be continued to-morrow. AN OUTRAGE AVENGED. The Perpetrator of a Brutal Assault Shot Dead in Court. St. Louis, May 25.—A special from Rock ville, Mo., says: “Last Tuesday a man called at Mr. Anderson’s residence and asked for a glass of water. Miss Jennie Anderson, the popular and accomplished daughter of one of the leading citizens of Bates county, waited upon him. When she came near him he suddenly seized and chloroformed her, and while under its influence she was outraged. A search resulted in the arrest of John Vauderburg, and lynching was prevented only by doubts of the prisoner’s guilt. After the excitement had somewhat cooled down, Miss Jennie Anderson con fronted the prisoner and claimed to recog nize him. At a preliminary hearing yester day the Anderson family were all present, and Miss Jennie told the horrible details of the crime. The Judge had just announced that the prisoner would lie hold in *IO.OOO bail when a shot rang out, followed by two more. There was scattering for the street, and when quiet was restored the prisoner was found dead. No one knows who fired the shots, but as two of Anderson’s boys were in the court room they were put under arrest.” CATHOLIC YOUNG MEN. Meeting of the National Union in Con vention in New York. New York, May 25.—The Catholic Young Men’s National Union opened its convention in this city this morning. Two hundred delegates, representing many States, are in attendance. The delegates attended in a body a mass celebrated at St. Patrick’s cathedral. Archbishop Corrigan addressed the union at the cathedral at the conclusion of the mass. The session continues to-day and to-morrow at Chartier’s Institute, in Fifty-ninth street, where Archbishop Corrigan and Mayor Hewitt will attend and speak. Among the Jirominent Catholics in attendance are Rev. Toseph Mecham, President of the union; Rev. Patrick J. Wellon, Vice President; John P. Leahy, Second Vice President: Thomas 11. Byriie.s.Hecretary and Treasurer; Dr. A. J. Faust, Ph. D., Washington, D, C.; Edward Mountol, Cincinnati; Rev. J. E. Quigley, Buffalo; Henrv C. LauTey and F. J. Devereaux, of Charleston, S. C. COLLISION AT SEA. Steamer Wyanoke Rakes a Schooner From Stem to Stern. New York, May 25. —The steamer Wya noke, which left here for Norfolk yesterday, returned to-day, having collided with the schooner Peuobscott, from Jacksonville, when about three and a half miles from the Scotland lightship, at fl p. m. on May 24, during a dense fog. The steamer's starboard wheel struck the schooner on the forecastle, raking her from stem to stern, carrying away the bowsprit and jibbooin and every thing on deck, and demolishing all the spars and rigging. The crew of eight men escaped injury. The steamer’s starboard wheel was disabled and she sustained considerable otherd amage. The Peuobscott arrived here toAlay. SAN ANGELO WRECKED. The Tornado Got Thera Even If No Railroad Existed. Ran Angelo, Tex., May 25.—A disas trous storm visited this place last night. It damaged business property and residences to the extent of over S.'SO,(XX). All the churches in the town were damaged and over a dozen dwellings were unroofed and partly demolished. Ran Angelo is a town of s,<o:)’inbnbitatits and bears the distinction of being the largest town in the United Htales without railroad facilities. iGEORGB W. CHILDS HONORED. Degree Conferred by the Grant Me morial University. Athens, Tenn., May 25.—The Board of Regents of the Grant Memorial University to-day unanimously conferred the degree of doctor of laws upon George W. Childs, of the Philadelphia Ledger. Good-By, Kapl. New York. May 25.-Queue. Kapmkwa and her suite departed for hiwppe to-day. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1887. OUR DOUGHTY WARRIORS GRAND PARADE AND REVIEW BEFORE THE PRESIDENT. Distinguished Personages Witness the Parade The Troops Complimented on Their Soldiery Bearing The Southrons Didn’t Like Their Position —Another Shower Interfered With the Dress Parade. Washington, May 25.—The parade of the troops to-day for review by the Presi dent has afforded the first opportunity for seeing at once the entire body of those form ing the encampment, and was an unquali fied success. Tlie weather was perfect, Washington looked its best, and the greater ' part of the population seemed to be on the line of march. The arrangements for the parade were seasonably completed, and were carried out almost to the allotted second and without any apparent hitch or break. BEGINNING THE PARADE. The head of the column started from the camp promptly at 12 o’clock, and reached the grand stand erected for the President and invited guests ten minutes later. This stand had seats for nearly 300 persons and was well filled without crowding. With the President were Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs. Welsh and Mrs. Marsey and Colonel and Mrs. Lnmont. Gen. Sheridan and several members of his staff, in full uniform, wore their escorts. DISTINGUISHED GUESTS. Among the guests of the drill were Gov. Lee, of Virginia, and staff; Gov. McGill, of Minnesota, and staff, and the staff of Gov. Gray, of Indiana, (the Governor himself having been detained at the last moment); Secretary Endicott and Gen. Sheridan, the Mexican and Japanese Ministers and the ladies of their families, and a liberal sprinkling of other legation and army people. MARCHED LIKE VETERANS. The troops looked and marched like vet erans and were encouraged with liberal ap plause. In one respect the programme was departed from. • Tiro Vicksburg Southrons, with their band, and the Memphis Zouaves brought up the rear, with quite an interval between them and their predecessor's. NO COLORED TROOPS NEED APPLY. They formed, in fact, a little column by themselves. They had been assigned to po sitions respectively in the Fourth and Nint h provisional battalions, but dropped out of the line, because, as their officers explain, they were placed immediately behind the colored organizations. MILITIAMEN LIKE WATER. Another heavy shower about 4 o’clock prevented the dress parade scheduled for 5 o’clock. GROVER’S RECEPTION. Gallant Militiamen Shake the Presi dent’s Hand. Washington, May 25.—About 1,500 per sons attended the President’s reception in the East room this afternoon. He shook hands with each of them and the reception lasted nearly an hour. Many of the visiting militiamen took advantage of the oppor tunity and paid their respects to the Presi dent. POORE SINKING. The Veteran Journalist on His Dying Bed. Washington, May 25.—Ben: Perley Poore, tho veteran newspaper correspond ent, is gradually sinking, and is supposed to be dying. Marriage of a Senator’s Daughter. Washington, May 25.—Miss Agnes M. Dolph, daughter of Senator Dolpb, of Ore gon, was married to Mr. Richard Nixon, Washington correspondent of the New Or leans I'imes-Dcmorrat, this evening at the Church of the Epiphany. A large and fashionable audience was present. Miss Dolph was one of the belles of Washington society during the past winter. Mr. Nixon, besides being an excellent journalist, is something of a poet. A reception at the residence of the bride’s parents followed the wedding. The church was tilli-d with the prominent people of Washington, and the affair was a notable society event. Among those present were Chief Justice Waite, Justices Gray and Mil ler, Benntors Sherman and Cockrell, Assist ant Postmaster General Stevenson, Con gressman Glover, of St. Louis, ana Gen. Catlin. Sudden Death of a Journalist. Washington, May 25.—Henry J Rams dell, a well-known journalist of this city, and recently Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia, died here this evening of apoplexy. He was about town this after noon in good spirits, and apparently in good health, although he has suffered from Bright’s disease several years. Brunswick’s New Postmaster. Washington, May 25.—The President has appointed to ho Postmaster at Bruns wick, Ga., Ellis Hunter, vice J. T. Blaine, resigned, Joseph Rt. C. Wiggins, who was appointed April 11, 188“, having declined. Railroad Officers Elected. New York, May 25.—At a meeting of the dim-tors of tin.' East and West railroad, of Alabama, to-day, the following officers were elected: President, George H. Pell; Vico President and General Manager, John Postell; Treasurer, Polard B. Hazard. The road runs from Cartersville, Ga., to Pell City, Alabama, where it will connect with the Georgia Pacific. Consolidation of Two Great Cities. Albany, N. Y., May 25.—1n the Renate to-day Mr. Woi tli offered a resolution re questing the Mayors, tho corporation coun cils and the ComptiC’lers of New York and Brooklyn to report to the next Legislature the advisability of consolidating the two cities, in view of their intimate commercial relations and tho probability of the con struction of more bridges between them. It was adopted. Water Drinkers in Council. Saratoga, N. Y., May 25.—The thirty third annual session of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars of the World is now tying held here. Nearly every country in the world is represent si. Thera are rcnllv two bodies in session, the Right Wort hy Grand Ixvigp and the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the World. In 1870 a disruption occurred, when the English branch sec/ded. Killed at an Illinois Asylum. Windsor, Ili, May 25.—0n May 1 B. G. Peadroe. a farmer, died at the Southern Insane Asylum, at Anna, 111., where lie had lieen sent for treatment. An autopsy was held and the Coroner investigated the ease, and the jury returned a verdict that Pea droe came to his death from wounds in- M 1 bv the officers or attendants iu clprge of the asylum. FIGHTING THE UNIONS. Chicago Master Carpenters Declare War to the Knife. Chicago, May 25.—Six contractors signed tho document agreeing to sustain the platform of the Master Masons’ Association, and were given permits to begin work to day., They begun with from two to live non-union bricklayers each. They also re ceived orders upon material men for sup plies. watching the new move. Many of the Mrominant contractors prefer to see “how tne thing works” before they try to resume. ‘ ‘lt is not, exacted that muon will be done tyfore Monday,” said George Pressing, “and iu the meantime the Chicago bricklayers will be given the opportunity of securing jobs. If by that time the union men do not show a willingness to begin we will get other bricklayers. We can get them, as there are any number of men who want work.” what the men say. “Our platform is (sight hours at 40c. an hour and a Saturday pay day,” said President Vorkeller, of the Bricklayers’ Union, “and we will begin on no other terms. Where are they going to get their men to begin work with? None of the Union men will work, and there are no foreigners here, nor will there be, in my opinion.” OPERATORS DEFIANI. Endeavoring to Introduce New Men in the Coke Region. Pittsburg, Pa., May 25.—A plan is being considered here by the members of a coke syndicate to introduce new men in the coke regions. Heveral meetings of the syndicate operators have been held in Pittsburg, and the matter is tying thoroughly canvassed. They claim that they are daily receiving applications from scores of first-class men who are willing and ready to go to work. In case they de cide to put new men to work they will be carefully protected, and the preference will be given to native Americans, as they have found the Hungarians too troublesome to make any more experiments with them. They will also make every provision to pro tect tho new men and preserve order. the other side. On the other hand the labor organizations have arranged to circulate information and data with regal'd to the causes of the present strike in all the industrial centres of the country. Asa consequence of the strike shipments of iron ore from Cleveland and Ashtabula have been almost entirely sus jiended. HOSIERY MILL TO CLOSE. An Imported Plant and Operatives Don’t Thrive Here. Providence, R. 1., May 25.— The British Hosiery Company at Thornton has posted a notice of the probability of a reduction to half the present force or possibly a shut down. This is on account of the extreme depression of the trade and a large stock of unsold goods. This concern was imported from England, with the plaut and operatives iu 1884, to work under the advantage of a protective tariff. The notice spreads dis may among tho operatives, few of whom have saved enough to enable them to return home with their families to England. In the event of the English help being unable to secure employment else where, the concern will plan tq run the mill half time or at reduced wages to save Its operatives from starvation. The mill has heretofore made only winter goods, but the manager savs if the present season can be weathered the manufacture, of a variety of goods will be begun, which will insure plenty of work the year round. COKE TOO HIGH. Important Meeting of Furnace Men at Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Pa., May 25.—The blast fur nace men of Mahoning and Sherango val leys and the Wheeling and Pittsburg dis tricts, met in this city to-day and unani mously demanded that the price of coke he reduced from $2 to $1 50 per ton on June 1. A committee was alto appointed to confer with the railroad officials and en deavor to procure reduced freight rates. The furnace men claim that owing to the dullness of trade and the reduction in price of pig iron, they cannot pay $2 per ton for coke. The action taken at to-day’s meeting may result iu ending tiie coke strike, as any reduction in the price of coke will destroy the argument of the workmen for an ad vance in wages. ON AMERICAN TERRITORY. Arrest of a Mexican Lieutenant at Laredo. Galveston, May 25.— A special from Laredo, Tex., says: “This afternoon Sheriff Sanchez, of this county, arrested Lieut. Jose Cortez, of the Mexican army, clmrging him with violating the law of Texas in carrying firearms. Lieut. Cortez was in a boat at tho time and was near the American side. He was firing at a deserter from the Mexican army, who was in the water, but who succeeded in safely reaching the American side. The arrest of Lieut. Cortez created a sensation. Renor Rafail Vareios, the Mexican Con sul, appeared and demanded the release of Cortez, holding that so long as the boat had not touched the Ameri can shore the Rheriff ha/1 no authority to make tho arrest. At the in stance of the Mexican Consul, who desired time to submit the matter to his govern ment, Justice Wilstow released the Lieu tenant on a nominal bond, (lending instruc tions from the Rtato authorities. OFF FOR MONTREAL. Mr. O’Brien not to Decline the Boat for Cork. Niagara Falls, May 25.— Mr. O’Brien left by train this afternoon for Montreal. htandard’s article unauthorized. Niagara Falls, May 25, 4 p m.—Reply ing to an inquiry from Buffalo as to the statement or the London Standard that Mr. O’Brien had declined his srat in Parliament, to which he was recently elected, Mr. O’Brien telegraphs: "The Standard'* state ment is wholly unauthorized. Have neither accepted nor declined the seat in Parlia ment. Will first await consultation with my leader.” father to the wish. London, May 25.— Tbo Standard this morning says: “It is state 1 tliat Mr. Wil liam O’Brien will not accept his prat in Parliament for Northeast Cork, to which he was recently elected. Drowning at Hamilton. Hamilton, Ont., May 26.— John Thom son, a boat builder, left here last night for a row on the tyy in a skiff, taking with him Ills wife, Miss Vincent, his wife's sister, and three children. It is supposed that tlie boat was upset, in a squall which sprang up shortly after the party started, a Mrs. Thompson’s body was washed ashore this morning. Nothing aas been heard or the Other occupants of the boat. A HOLOCAUST OF FIRE. BURNING OF THE OPERA COMIQUE £T PARIS. Nineteen Killed and Fifty Injured—The Actors and Chorus Girls Escape in Their Costumes The Audience File Out Quietly Without Loss of Life- Thrilling Scenes and Incidents. Paris, May 25.—The Opera Comique took fire this evening and tlie whole building is now wrapped in flames. Fourteen persons who jumped from the windows are dead, and forty-three were in jured. It is probable that many were crashed to death in the galleries, but at present this is uncertain. Five bodies terribly burnt were conveyed to the National Library. Among them was the body of a woman clasping a little boy in her arms. The money receipts were sa vivl and deposited in the Oavlots office. The firemen showed the greatest eotjrago. The Military Club rendered groat assist ance in the work of rescuing the people from the pudding. nineteen killed and many injured. Nineteen persons are now known to be dead. Many of these were supers. HOW IT CAUGHT. An artificial fire apparatus which had lioen placed in position in readiness for the burning of a palace in the second act rolled down from its place near the roof and ex ploded below. A SCENE OF HORROR ENBUED. Women, half clad and carrying their cos tumes, fled from the stage screaming; some of the chores fled with nothing on but their tights. The flames spread with such rapidity that in fifteen minutes the stage was a vast furnace. Several actors escaped by climbing to the roof of the side of the Rue Marivianta, where they were rescued by the fire escapes. THEIR COURAGE SAVED THEM. M. TasqUer implored the audience to re main seated until the exits were opened, which they did. If they had made a rush for the doors the loss of life would have been terrible. The police outside were unable to restrain the crowd, who besieged tho build ing inquiring for friends inside, until the military cordon was formed. CRAZED WITH ANXIETV. One man who wanted to rescue his brother and sister, raved and tore his hair and me naced with a stick the people who stopped him from rushing into the blazing building. WILD EXCITEMENT RULED ALL. The scene outside was one of wildest ex citement. The falling embers struck the horses in the surrounding streets, causing them to plunge and roar. The flames shot out of ©very window, forcing the crowd into the narrow streets where the crush was terrific. Mile. Figuarante says that there were 150 pel-sons on the stage when the lire broke out. She heard the glass falling like a hailstorm, but told the other girls not to mind it, but while she was speaking a column of flame burst through the wings with a roar and all rushed pell mell from the stage. Many policemen wore injured. LOSS YET UNKNOWN. It is still unknown how many persons were unable to escape from the doomed building. Only a fortnight ago M. Rteenackers called attention in the Chamber of Deputies to the dangerous condition of the Opera Comique, which was the oldest theatre in Paris. The audience was delayed a few minutes by the dense smoke and insufficient light. The director of Sated, with his wife and two chiMren, escaped without injury. The killed include four firemen. There waa not a frantic rush in the theatre, but it is be lieved that tho staircase became blocked OVER SIXTY KILLED OB INJURED. London, May 25. —Hauas’ news agency, of Paris, places the number of persons killed and injured by the fire in the Opera Comique lust night at sixty. Tho theatre was completely destroyed. SAVED BY AN IRON CURTAIN. The iron curtain was lowered in front of the stage and this prevented the fire from spreading immediately to the auditorium and allowed the audience time to escape. Men who carried away the money chest report that when they left the auditorium it was empty. FURTHER PARTICULARS. The fire brigade distinguished themselves and many of them ha/1 narrow escapes. Most of the casualties reported were due to nervousness and fright. Many persons who were unable to trust themselves to walk the narrow ledge of the .©ornice round the building jumped off in their terror. One woman eoolly walked all uround tho cornice, while the 'flames were bursting aliove, until she reached the fire escape. The victims were almost all singers. THOUSANDS IN THE STREETS. The streets in the vicinity of tho burned theatre were crowded until an early hour this morning. Mr. Howell, Solicitor iif the British Embassy, said that the audiem v showed great calmness when the alarm was given. When the gas was extinguished he groped his way to the balcony and saw peo ple in the street laying straw mattresses to receive the persons jumping from the win dows. He was ultimately rescued by the firemen. A FIERY SHEET. The fire broke out during the first act of the opera of “Mignou.” One of the wings caught fire from a gas jet and the entire i t.age wus immediately enveloped in flames. The fire soon spread to the whole house. All the a/'tin's ran out in their stage cos tumes. The audience got out easily, but the gas was turned off before ail hail left the building and it is feared that some were left in the upper tiers. The roof soon fell in, sending showers of sjiarks as far as the Plwe de la Bourse. With exception of Madame Hellier, who perished in tlie flames, ail the actors escaped, though several of the supernumeraries were injured severely. Death of Rev. Richard Newton. Philadelphia, May 25.— Rev. Richard Npwton. D. D., a distinguished Protestant Episcopal clergyman, died at his residence, at Chestnut Hill, tills morning, ugod 74 years. In 1881 Mr. Newton resigned as rector of the Church of the Epiphany by reason of impaired health. Dr. New ton was a representative of tho ex treme evangelical or low church school of thought in the Episcopal Church. He was for many years a leader of the party, and as such wiefiled great occlesistical in fluence. lie was an author of marked ability, and gave to the pulpit many volumes of in structive and entertaining, moral and re ligious literature. Three of a Kind. Philadelphia, May 25.—There is now in session in this city the General Synod of tho Reformed Presbyterian church of North America, tlie twenty-ninth annual session of tho General Assembly of the United Presby terian chureh of Noi't.h America and tne Eleventh General Council of the Reformed Episcoiial church. GEORGIA'S CAPITAL CITY. Moonshiners Broken Up—Convicts to be Pardoned. Atlanta, May 25. Special Revenue Agent Colquitt, Deputy Collector Harris and Deputy Marshals McDonald and John son left the city at 7 o’clock last night by a private conveyance for Campbell county. They had received information that a block ade distiller}' was in operation near Ben Hill post office, near the Fulton county line. They reached the distillery about midnight and found the stillers uad just left. There was a fire in the furnace, and everything in position for making rum. After looking the ground over the officer* separated and concealing themselves, lay in wait until morning. About 6:30 o’clock two men were seen approaching the distil lery, but Indore they got to it they evident ly discovered the officers and took to their heels. The officers gave pui-suit, but the moon shiners had too muon the start and e floe ted their escape. The distillery was hroken up, the tubs and fermenters burned, 1,200 gal lons of Ixvr and mash destroyed and a sixty gallon copper still cap and worm and eight gallons of whisky seized and brought out. The distillery was located witliin two miles of where John Brown was killed about a year ago, and since that occurrence many threats have been made that tho revenue officers would receive a very hot reception should they visit the locality again. A COLLECTOR BEHIND. The Comptroller General has issued a ft. fa. [against J. A. Robson, Tax Collector of Washington county, for an unpaid balance of $2,521 30 on the taxes of 188(1. The sure ties of the county bond of the Collector have also anpliad to lie relieves! from future lia bility for 1887, alleging malpractice in office and that he is a defaulter to the State as their grounds for relief. The bondsmen have paid up the present shortage. Col. Tower, the principal keeper of the penitentiary, to-day made nut a list of con victs to be discharged between now and July l: Wesley Collier, White field, June 20; John Moore, Calhoun, June lfi; Jacob Lane, Decatur, June 2H; Alexander John son, Fulton, June 25; Simon Johnson, Pike, June 10; Wade Hampton, Decatur, June 20; Henry Jones, Flovd, June 4; Jerry Walker, Cobb, June 20; Joseph Scott, Richmond, June 17; Russell O’Hara, Chattanoogo, June 5: Charles Jones, Morgan, June 25; Gus Everett, Washington, Juno 24; William Doan, Habersham, June 10; H”ry Benton, Coweta, June 1; Emanuel King, Muscogee, June 1; John Wilson, Spaulding, June 30; Cain Flag, Washington, June 27; Richard Payne, Floyd, June 30; Dave Snowden, Clark, June 23. Snowden is the negro sentenced in the fall of 1885 to im prisonment for life for a murder, but sub sequently, upon a showing made to Gov. McDaniel, tho sentence was commuted to two years. • FAILURE AT JACKSONVILLE. Funeral or Garnee's Victim-Robbery at Panasoff kee. Jackhonville, Fla., May 25.—A. Rosen thal, one of the largest furnishing goods stores in Jacksonville, failed to-day; the assets and liabilities at present are unknown. B. M. Baer is the assignee. Rosenthal had only been in business here a fow months. A mysterious package was sent by ex press to-day to Mayor Burbridge, which he thought was an infernal machine, but on investigation showed a brick. Quite, an excitement was caused this after noon by a negro named Ed Williams, who tried to shoot, another named Gus .Swing. Tlie trouble was about a woman, but Swing escaped without injury. ltogero, Garnee’s victim, was buried this morning. The funeral was largely attended. The grand jury took hold of the Garaee stabbing case to-dav. The trial is to take place at this term or the Circuit Court, now in session. SI,OOO Miasma with the clerk. John Connell v, a merchant of Panasoffkee, was robbed of SI,OOO cash by his clerk, named James Thomas, alias English Jim. Thomas left last night. Mr. Connelly left the safe open and went to supper, and on his return the safe was found open and the clerk and money missing. Officers are in pursuit. FLORIDA'S PROGRESS. Judge Kelley’s Impressions of the South’s Prosperity. Baltimore, May 25.—Hon. William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, who has *j ust re turned from a visit of several months to the South, will begin in this week’s issue of the Manufacturer*' Jtecord, a series of elabo rate articles u|>on the agricultural and in dustrial progress and possibilities of that section. The first article, which apjiears in tomorrow’s issue, is devoted to the past, present and future of Florda. Incidental to his treatment of the subject quoted. Mr. Kelley makes a strong protection taritf ar gument. LATONIA RACES. Libretto Disabled by a Kiok and With drawn. Cincinnati, May 25.—The following wore the events to-day: First Back— One and one-sixteenth miles. War Hign won, with Alfred second and Uncle Dan third. Time 1:54. Second Rack -Five furlongs. Cruiser won, with Ocean Wave second and Bob Thomas third. Time 1:07. Tuiiid Rack— Seven furlongs. Clarion won. with Rinda second and Katie A. third. Time 1:38)4. Fourth Race -Nine furlongs. Jacobin won, with K.doolah second and O'Fullon third, Time Kirrn Race, One Mice. -While at post Fugato delivered u vicious kick on the upper left foreleg of Libretto, tho winner of Monday's Derby. The Injured colt trembled iui if about to fall, but was led into the paddock with the blood streaming from the wound. After a long consultation the irets were declared off. Libretto was allowed to lie drawn and the race was postponed twenty minutes to give ample time for new betting. Unite won. with Pearl second and Fugato third. Time 1:46)4. The accident to Libretto is said hv lhe owner to consist of a flesh wound only. While he doe* not regard il as permanently serious, It is suffi cient to put the horse out of training and will disqualify him from running ut the St. Louis Derby, In which he is entered. Sheep an; low liable to disease than hogs and are subject to smaller risks than rattle. Sheep multiply fast, and returns come from t hem quickly. The lamb dropped in March will bring a large price in August. If kept till the following May it will give a fleece of wool. The owner or a wall-managed flock of sheep will fcive wool to sell in the latter part of spring, lambs in riiiilsummcr anil mutton ut other times in the year. In addi tion to these he can keep his tublo supplied with fresh meat. M. Ijeon Kaquillo has perfected a marvel ous invention in electricity and photography. Ity speaking Into a piiotojiiione transmittor, v. hhAi consists of a highly polished dia phragm, reflecting a ray or Light, this ray of light is set into vibration, anil a photo graph is made of it on a traveling bund of sensitized paper. Now comes the wonder ful iart. If the image of this photographic tracing lie projected oy means of an electric arc or oxyhydrogen light upon a selenium receiver, tine original speech is then heard. It is evident tiiat there is no limit to the development of this peculiar combination of methods. j PRICE AIO A YEAH. { 1 6 CENTS A COPY, f FROM OVER THE WATERS VICTORIA’S JUBILEE BIRTHDAt WELL OBSERVED. Prince William’s Ailing NotDangeroui —Merry Hampton Wins the Jockey Stakes at the Derby —The Belsriaa Strikes Assuming’ Alarming PropoP tions The Crisis in France. London, May 25.—The foreign diplomat* representatives here and the British amlms sailors at the European capitals, gave asp oial banquet last evening in honor of Quee* Victoria's jubilee birthday. At Malta the day was observed as a gen oral holiday. The Duke of Edinburgh ami Prince Gorge of Wales, with the Governoi of Malta, attended tho spocial service in the cathedral. A review of the tiixips, a gar den party and a grand banquet were tb* features of the day’s celebration. PRINCE WILLIAM'S MALADY NOT SERIOUS. A dispatch from Berlin to the Standard says thut in an Interview to-day Prof. Vir chow asserted positively that there nai no danger l in the Crown Prince Frederick William’s malady. The professor said, however, that it would take some time M effect a complete cure. • EGYPT IN ENGLISH HANDS. The Anglo-Turkish convention relative t Egypt provides for the maintenance of al existing firmers and the neutralization of the Hucz canal and guaranteed international inviolability of Egypt. It also provide* that tho British sliall withdraw from Egypt in throe years unless the country il threatened with danger, either internal ut external. England shall, after tlio with drawal of her troops, supervisa the whole Egyptian army fot a further two years, with the right to reoc eupy, with or without the aid of the Turkish troops, if order is disturbed or an inva sion is foared. England and Turkey jointly invite tho powers to adhere to the conven tion and to propose the modifications o| capitulations. Certain branch** of till Egyptian administration will bo specially settled w.thout fresh discussion. All powers, except Russia, co-operated with England to expedite tho settlement, and Engliuid made every possible conces sion to arrive at an undo!•standing with Turkey. The contingency of eventual military movements by way of the Huez canal will form a subject for future discussion. EUROPE HAYS AYfc. The convention is received with favor ia all quarters at Constantinople. RUSSIA DISTURBED BY IT. The Noroe Vremya, of St. Petersburg says: “The convention places Egypt nndei the perpetual t utelage of England. Franc* and Russia,” this paper says, “are expected to protest that the Forte has no right to dis pose of tho future destinies of Egypt, and inasmuch as Turkey has no proprietary right, but merely the right of usufruct. GOVERNMENT SUPPORTERS WARNED TO OR GANIZE. Hon. Joseph Cliamberlain, in a letter pub lished this morning, urges upon the sup porters of the government's Irish policy the necessity of organizing, and warned them that if they fail to do so, they will surely be beaten. A “HOTTENTOT” POLICY. John Morley, M. P., spoke to-day at an immense coercion meeting at Norwich. In the course of his remarks ho said that the time was not ripe for a conciliatory move man t by the Libaru.'s. because the Unionist* were forcing a hateful coercion bill upon them. replying to the appal* by defiantly and doggedly making the bill as drastic as possible. Lord Salisbury had referred to Irishmen os “Hottentot*,” but it wns the Conservative party that had adopted a Hottentot policy anil that wa* endeavoring to pass the Hottentot bill. CANON FLEMMING’S IDEA OF PLAGIARISM. Canon Fleming, who was accused ol plagiarism by the Pall Mall Gazette, write* to that paper that the use of a jiart of the sermon delivered by Rev. Dr. Talmage, of Brooklyn, in the volume of sermons pub lished by the canon was an act of inadvers tence on bis {tart. He attributes the erro* to his habit, when reading, of making ex> tracts for illustrations in the puipit and on the plutforxn. lie apologizes to Dr. Tal mage for the mistake. The Gazette declare* that no apology can cover Canon Fleming’* actions. THE REICHSTAG ADJOURNED. Berlin, May 25.—The Reichstag to-das referred tho sugar bill to the committee and adjourned until June 7 for the W hitsun holiday. ominous signs. It is rumored that Count Von Munster German Ambassador at Paris, is alsiut td resign, ostensibly on account of his ill health, but really because of the increasing friction between German and France. MOBH AND VIOLENCE IN BELGIUM. Brussels, May 2.s.—The iron worker) affiliated with the Knights of Labor hav* joined the striker*. Ill' ’t.s have ix-eurred in various districts, mobs displaying the black and red flags. The mobs were in each case dispersed by troops without serious trouble. A plot lias been discovered to attack and pillage Charleroi. It is rumored that th strikers have used dynamite at Haine, Ht. Pierre and Parturages. The telephone lute lias been cut at Mont-Sur-Marehieuue. AT THE DERBY. The race for the jockey stakes for 3-year, oliis was won by J. Simons Harrison’s bay colt Merry Hampton, L. Dawson’s bay colt, Tlie Baron, was second, and John Watson’s chestnut colt Hartley third. There were eleven starters. A DUCLERC GOVERNMENT PROPOSED. Paris, May 25.--This evening M. Floquet refused to form the ministry, and It is now proposed to form a Ducltsro government) witu Gen. Saussier as Minister of War. READY, BI T NOT COURTING WAR. In ail interview published in the VoUairt to-day Gen. Boulanger is represented at saying tiiat if he were omitted from tin Cabinet he would simply return to his old place iu the army. Suspicion of ulterior motives on his ]wrt, be said, was absurd and an insult to his patriotism. When he took the war portfolio he found that France had been asleep for fifteen years. Ho awakened her to a sense of her' dignity and the moral effect had lcen a revival of the military aidor m all the provinces far from the frontier. “The army under my guidance,” he added, “has shown no undue desire tor war. I do not four to say that we are ready, but there are no proofs that I have ever courted war.” KREYCINET AGAIN IN DEMAND. President Orovy has again asked M. Frey cinet to form a cabinet. THE SITUATION GROWING SERIOUS. | Brussels, May 23. The situation of th miners’ strike at Berang is assuming an alarming aspect. Twenty-two hundred tnoro miners nave left their work and ura taking port in the strike. At Charleroi 7,000 men ure on a strike, anil the appear* atiee or attiurs is growing more serious. I DYNAMITE IN FAR ODESSA. Odessa, May lift. —Nobles & Rothschild's petroleum conduits, near Batoum, have been destroyed with dynamite. The outrage if said to be the result of trade iealousv.