The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 27, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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A LOST PAIR OP SHOES. Peculiar Story of a Beautiful and Strong-Minded Countess. Paris Letter to the Sew York Moil and Express. Do you remember Gen. Pelissier, Queetor of tbe French Senate, who accompanied M. de Lesseps to America last October i The General, in himself, is not especially inter esting, but ho lias a beautiful niece whoso matrimonial difficulties are the subject of the day in one city at least. The General’s brother, Mareehal Pelissier, was made Due dc Malakoff on his return from the Crimea. Thon the Empress married him to one of her Spanish cousins. In 18(50 his daughter, Douise Eugenie, was born, and to her the Marechal devoted his life. He was in name Governor General of Algeria, but it was the baby Louise who ruled both Governor and governed. In spite of his energy and bravery the Mareehal was very superstitious; when the Puchesse Louise, as she was called, was old enough to wear shoes, her father ordered for her the most beautiful that could be made. According to the ideas of the mother it was necessary to observe a Spanish cus tom, so the shoes were packed m a box of oranges and sent to Paris to be blessed by the curate of Notre Dame. After the bless ing they were to remain one night on the feet of the miraculous black Madonna. A letter of explanation was sent requesting that the shoes be returned with ''Personal and immediate” written upon the package. The final sentence of the letter was: “I am sure that these blessed little shoos will bring happiness to Louise all her life.” The shoes never reached their destination, and although diligent search was made they were never found. Then the father, who had never flinched on the field of battle, for the first, time in his life was afraid, and for his child. In 1874 he died, and Louise txv enme a beautiful young girl, very head strong. exceedingly intellectual, and in French opinion her conduct was too much like that of an American. She had friends other than those selected by her mother, went out alone, received visitors when no older person was present, and listened to lectures on German philosophy at the Sor bomie. Count dean Zamoyski, a Pole, rich in gold and royal alliances, came upon the scene; eleven days AFTER THE FIRST MEETING Louise de Malakoif promised to became Countess Zamoyski. Zamoyski, who was a member of the Austrian Reichsrath, scan dalized Viennese society by his proposed marriage with a Bonapartist. In Viennese eves that was a sin not to be pardoned. When his fiancee told him that she believed in Plato more profoundly than in Shopen bauer, Zamoyski seized the occasion to break the engagement, but Louise had made up her mind to marry this scion of a noble house, and not oriiv to marry him, but to bring him over to her own views on the ex tinction of the human race. Of course she succeeded; they were married in May, 1881, and went to Vienna to live. The beauty and grace of the young Countess were much talked of in society; she seemed devoted to her husband, ana certainly she was con sidered very unhappy if he were absent a day. Naturally all were surprised when the young wife asked the Pope to annul her marriage and the civil tribunal to grant her a divorce. She says her husband abused her, was jealous of her philosophers, locked her up, fed her upon bread and water, etc. Count Zamoyski has published a pamphlet in answer to his wife’s allegations, or rather the accusations of her friends. In this he says that not only does he love his wife, but in every respect she is worthy of his affec tion ; that he wishes neither divorce nor sep aration, and affirms that he is the victim of Bonapartist schemes. Have Viennese friends who warned Zamoyski in the beginning at last influenced his opinions? Perhaps he re grets that their advice was ever scorned, for his wife is willing to pay the Sacred Council thousands of dollars if the marriage is de clared null. At present Countess Zamoyski lives with her mother, the Duchess of Malakoff, at No. 74 Avenue Marceau, Paris, and Count Za moysld has received orders from the Aus trian Emperor not to negotiate for a divorce, and to await quietly in Vienna the decision of the Sacred Council. SAD END OF A MARRIAGE. Paris now mourns the loss of Ignace Mic cilaus Gurowski, another Polish noble, who, in 1841, married an infanta of Spain, Isabel Fernaudiua of Bourbon, daughter of Don Francois de Paule and Princess Louise of Naples. By this marriage Count Gurowski was brother-in-law to Queen Isa - bella and great uncle to the present King. I had met Count Gurowski many times at Mme. Adam’s receptions, but what made his death of special interest to me was the fact that almost at the moment he expired the infanta was calling upon me. She knew nothing, of the Count’s sudden illness as they had been separated for a number of years; however, their homes were only distant a few doors one from the other, and the wife often took luncheon with the husband or vice versa. Of Count Gurowski the infanta always speaks well, and many times have I heard her make this remark: “Does a woman wish to know'whether she is really beautiful? Let her ask my hus haud—front him she will hear nothing but truth.” Indeed, Count Gurowski was noted for his frankness, love of truth and kindness of “tart. He had but olio fault—a fault too common with European noblemen—he was spendthrift. Witn him money went much more easily than it came, the infanta, as roval Princess, received from the state about ‘hooo a year, and after she had paid debt luter debt of her husband, one day she said: ''Listen, my friend. We shall remain on the *t of terms if you livo in your own way, lin mine. Set up an establishment of your <wn; then you ran spend your income as vou please. If we remain together we shall te o mo enemies, because of your extrava gant habits.” Count Gurowski accepted the proposition made by his wife, and from that day they tvnd separate lives. Queen Isabella and Mr husband, Don Francois d’Assises, brother M the infanta, had long before set the ex- Mipk*. Some years ago, it is said, the in lanta was avaricious, or rather economical, *9“ her daughter, Marie Louise, who died W Madrid, suffered from this extreme •eouomy; but if that were then the case ®ei infanta now has the reputation of gener ®uy, as she divides her income betwen her ®ree children, of whom Princess Marie uiristme, Viscountess of Trancoso, is well mown in Paris. a romantic elopement. Monday, at the funeral, I could not help •meeting on the sad termination of one of , in s*t romantic marriages that ever took j lace n a royal family, a marriage tliat *'¥*** the wildest excitement In the French 'd Spanish courts. Forty-six years ago, "unt Gurowski was liandsome, <lis ‘Uguished imd well received in society. Don i mu? 0 . 18 '. f at hor of the iul'anta, resided at •allifi-t house, Paris. The. iufantu herself ', 111 a convent, from which she escajied , dcconipanietl Count Gurowski to Del -1,, .’ "r® 1 ' 0 some priest was found willing ( Perform a marriage ceremony, h a . as the elopement was known i, ‘'''do father dispatched messengers , directions; the Governor of the ■ Princesses at last found tluj fugitives , | rlgitun, and, with the assistance of the i ,l! c, they wore arrested. The count was , s liberty, but tho infanta was t' i' f!' * /i * J, iris. .She told the Governor • if ho would give her his word of honor , ~! J/'k® her back to thut convent she tuiu (. lo ° w tim to Pads without rosis- K.jD,ko rno to my father,” said she; but I n,* i f'ficois refused to receiv'e his disobe -11 ‘dkhter. What wns to be done! Tho ji,,' ''( c red Governor accompanied her to die Interior, and on the*way v, infanta to re-enter the oori ihn!! C i liniln ' ier y° r word of honor,” was reply. Be<*n>n * ’"t’drtment of the Interior only a thi V'i Urj eou *d Isj found, and he, puzzled as , ( , (^? v r n mr,aid: >it , ' a * -shall we do with yon?” deliwiiJiSla'Jty* the simplest, tho most , , dr.g to do,” replied Fernanilina. t 0,,.!.: n l® to my husband, Count Gu •lor * *uti really warned. Whcu we went to Belgium, in a little village, we found a priest who made us husband and wife.” “This marriage, mademoiselle.” replied the minister s substitute, “lacks all neces sary formalities, and ” “At least I am married before God. I must ask you not to call me mademoiselle, but Countess Gurowski. There has been much said about my, adventure, has there not?” “Naturally.’’ “1 knew' it. I am sure there has been much scandal. how dreadful! But, frankly, it was the only way to carry out mv scheme. My mother knew that I loved Gurowski—l say love without blush ing; for he is my husband now'. That is why she placed me in that horrible convent, to escape from which 1 riskod my life. My window was 30 feet from the ground, and I descended a ladder made of towels and sheets. I shall never, never go back. Will you lend me a handerchief ? I am going to cover my hair, for I was recognized by those miserable red curls.” The poor Governor thought she objected to the color of her hair, and answered tim idly; “Rubens always gave that color to his heroine’s hair.” Meanwhile tile Minister of the Interior came in and sent a request that the father receive the Countess Gurowski at Galifet house. The father refused the second time, but gave his formal consent to the mar riage. 1 Quick —a passport!” said the infanta on hearing the news. “Order horses; lam going to my husband.” And she met him at Namur, Belgium. Louis Philippe’s Queen, Emelie, aunt of the new Countess Gurowski, was broken hearted because of the disgrace that had fallen upon her family, and Don Francois, the father, seized the occasion to cut his daughtA - off without the proverbial shilling. It is sad to think that such a wealth of true, deep love, such absolute faith, w'as followed by the coolness, the indifference that always leads to separation. PASQUAL'S PYRE. Weird Scenes at the Cremation of the Old Yuma Chieftain. Yuma (A. TANARUS.) cor. San Fiancisco Examiner. Pasquol, the famous Yuma chief, who died on the night of May 9, was a remark able man, particularly noted for his intelli gence, courage and physical strength. In this respect ne ranks far above Cochise, Nana, Geronimo and other chiefs of the Arizona tribes. But little of his history can be obtained here. Gen. Heintzelman made him chief in 1851, when he established Fort Yuma, and with the exception of some difficulties with the whites between the years 1852 and 1856, Pasqual had been friendly and peaceful. He was a just and fair-minded Indian himself, and often enforced discipline and obedience upon refractory Indians of his tribe by the bastinado. He was never known to drink or steal. For several days before his death Pasqual, wan and emaciated, fully knowing that the end was close at hand, never fault ered or lost courage. DEATH-BED SCENES. He was laid upon his rude bed, surrounded night and day by squaws, who kept up an ineesssant wailing that was weird and un earthly in the extreme. The end came on the night of May 9, and during the remain der of the night the older Indians com pleted the arrangements for his cremation, most of which had been made before. The younger bucks carried the firewood and caught the horses that were to bo slaughtered to accompany the chief to his future home. Bright and early yesterday morning many Yuma ladies and gentlemen repaired to the Indian village .to witness the curious and barbaric cremation ceremonies. The village, situated directly west of tbe hills upon which the forts are built on tbe California shore of the Colorado, was in the midst of a flat, covered with cacti, mosquito bushes ana cottonwood trees, which grew abundantly. Among these their rude huts or wickiups were scattered. CREMATION CEREMONIES. The entire tribe had been notified, and several hundred Yumas assembled about the funeral pile. This was formed by digging a V-shaped hole seveD feet long by three feet wide. Along its sides large sticks of dry wood were placed upright. Between these sticks beds of twigs and brush were heaped, and upon this the body, well swathed in ashes, and a thick oanvas covering. Then short, dry wood was piled up until the pyre reached seven feet in height. Then the worldly possessions of the old chief, com prising an old-fashioned trunk, quilts, blank ets, kuives, bows and arrows, calioo, gun and a variety of other things. Two fine young horses, gayly rigged in bright-colored trappings, were brought to the pile, alongside which their graves were dug. Just before applying the torch the brutes were knocked m the liead with axes, disemboweled and thrown into their graves, and as the last shovel of dirt fell upon them, the torch was applied and the dense smoke and flames rose heavenward. During the ceremony the bucks and squaws grouped about the funeral pile ke|st up solemn, hoart-reuding cries and wailing, the anguish and sorrow of which could be heard for a long distance. Several young boys holding bows and arrows, with fanci fully designed head-gear of red flannel and fwithers, assisted actively. AN EXTRAORDINAY SCENE. Many Indians threw their most valuable possessions into the flames. A buck threw nis watch, squaws their ornaments and calico, and children and men their weapons. The older squaws were in most cases near ly nude, as were many of the older bucks. The entire scene was extraordinary and im pressive Several days will elapse before the election of a successor to Pasqual. It is thought that an English-speaking Indian will be selected. The other Indians generally officiated, and several tearful speeches were made, which, though unintelligible to the whites, inva riably ended with the cry, “Pasqual! Pasqual!” This, with the cremation of the Yumas recently dying with measles, has practically bankrupted the tribe. It is reared that papers of great historical interest belonging to Pasqual and received by him at various times during his long and varied career have been destroyed with his body. Advice to a Young Man. Burdette, in Brooklyn Eagle. My son, you must overcome a difficulty as you would split a gnarled pteco of wood; strike square at tho knot. It looks to be the harder way to go at it. but is the easier and the shorter way. It will take you all day to split a tough old guarl of hickory by chip ping around the knot, and then alter you have wasted tho day and wrenched the ax handle and sprained your wrist and have t tvistod and turned and pounded and chipped away all the rest of the chunk, there will the knot lie still, hard and sound and tough ns ever it was, and over so much harder to handle, because you have no way of getting at it. You will never split it now. It will take you a lifetime to overcome a bad habit if you go at it by degrees, and just try to "chip away the easy edges of it. The chilly water in the ford will not grow the warmer because you stand on the bank and shiver, unless you ore going to stand there until next summer, and by that time you won’t caro to cross. You’ll never lo an early riser if you roll over for just oae more cat nap after the alarm calls you. You'll never quit lying by “pruning” your ex travagance of speech. And, I don't know, hut I am pretty certain that you won't quit drinking by shutting off one drink every week. You are so apt to lose your count, don’t you see? In fact,, the only way to do anything is to do it, and you never knew a man who accomplished a thing by not doing it. There is only one thing, mv boy, that a man can successfully accomplish by general evasiveness and lazy neglect. He can go to tlte devil; he c 'iy (jo [his with greater case and less exert rhadf* n anything else in the do it a-whooping, too. If tluc*to do, you might lio dowr ■■■■ shop again; you’ll * get there THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1887.-, LONDON’S GREAT JENKINS. A Sketch of Sir Algernon Borthwick, Editor of the ‘ Morning Post." From the Sew York World. At the London Press Club dinner tbe other uight I saw Sir Algernon Borthwick, the editor of the Morning Post, aud a men tion of him comes in very properly in dis cussing social topics. The Morning Post is the fashionable organ of London society. It is a well written, cleanly printed paper. It prints the Reuter telegrams and a few specials from the continental cities. Its advertising patronage is very large. The feature of the Morning Post, however, is the printing of social news. It is the one paper which prints the court circular every day in full, wherein the movements of the Queen and different member* of the royal family are recited with the hack phrases of the market reports in the American newspapers. A ball or reception is not considered fash ionable unless it is reported in the Post. I was told at this dinner by an old London journalist that this kind of fashionable in telligence was the source of a great revenue to the paper, and that its method of print ing this kind of news was unquestioned and accepted as a matter of course by the mem bers of London society. Every notice of the movement of people is paid for at so much a line. Reports of parties and -dinners are charged for at space rates. If the Hon. John Smith wishes to cast a gloom over society by the announcement that he is about to leave London for a few days to go to the country, or if he wishes to thrill don don society with the announcement that his wife will be at home on curtain days, these bite of intelligence cm be communicated to the public at the rate of ono guinea for a paragraph of five lines. Another friend of mine told me later that the space rates of the Morning Post for society reports was about 75 guineas a column. He found this out oue day. A wealthy tradesman from Vienna, who came to London to be married, was very anxious to have a report of the mar riage printed in the Morning Post. He came to this friend and asked him if he could arrange it. He replied that he thought so, as he knew one of the sub-editors of the Post. He called upon him and asked him about it. “Certainly,” said he, “it’s a mere matter of business. It is very easily arranged. How much would your friend liko?” “A third of a column” will do him.” “That will east 25 guineas.” The amount was handed over and the next morning the Vienna merchant was thrilled with pride and joy at the sugar-coated paragraphs giving the account of the wedding, with the names of the distinguished people present mid toilets of the ladies. Sir Algernon Borthwick is a member of Parliament and the editor of a paper whose power is almost distinctly social. It is said that the manuscript upon which all the copy of his office is prepared is pink tinted and that it is written with a violet-colored and perfumed ink by elegant young men who sit in the office late at night in evening dress, and prepare with languid ease these guinea paragraphs which nave made Sir Algernon a proud member of Parliament and a very wealthy business man. Sir Al gernon Borthwick, at the London Press Club dinner, maintained throughout the banquet his character as a nigh so cial magnate. He wore lilac kid gloves all through the dinner. It is said that he is the only man in London society who always wears lilac kid gloves. I do not know whether he sleeps in them or not. He is the only man who persistently wears them through every dinner to which he is invited. He has a small figure, a round head, slightly inclined to be bald. His hair is dark and partly gray. His complexion is a alear olive. His eyes are a dark blue, deeply set under a bulging forehead. His nose is a slight pug. It is serious flaw in the aristocratic repose of his high society face. The lower part of his countenance i hidden by a mustache and full iron-gray beard. The Funny Professor. From the Arkadsaw Traveler. Prof. Remington, of Calacanthus Acad emy, the author of many of the amus ing articles which have recently appeared in the Daily Horn, called on the editor of that journal several evenings ago, and after much “tittering,” said: “ff, sir. the articles which I have been sending to your influential journal were humorous, I have now prepared one for you that is unreservedly funny; so funny, indeed, that even I, after conceiving it and thereby being prepared for all surprises, cannot read it over without extreme laughter. I should think that when an author laughs at his own conceits it is the best test of their mirth-provoking qualities. Artemus Ward, you know, often laughed uproariously at some of his jokes; and what better bears”out the trutjj of my observation, the jokes that most excited his laughter, hail the most effect upon his readers.” The editor, who was running a six-line advertisement for Calaeanthus Academy, agreed with the professor. “I am told,” said the school man, “that printers are fair judges of humor.” “Yes,” replied the editor. "Well, then,sir,when they strike this arti cle a wave of mirth will ride throughout your entire office. By the way, I would like to take an unobserved position and hear their comment.” The editor consented and the professor se creted himself hehind a pile of }>aper. He had to smother his mirth when he recalled a certain expression in the article, and once, had it not been for the timely and vigorous use of his handkerchief, he would with a snort, have betrayed his hiding place. First Compositor (with a groan)—"l’ve gone into the floral business.” Second Compositor—“ How so?” First Compositor—“ Caught some slush from Calaeanthus.” Third Compositor (with a groan)—“ls that chump writing again?” First Compositor—“ Yes, and he’s extra funny this time.” Second Compositor—“ He’s calculated to make a roan tired.” First Compositor—“ Yes. and yet some people wonder why printer.%.drink.' Third Compositor—“ The real wonder is that they don't commit suicide.” Fourth Compositor —“Holloa, I’ve got a take of it. Wish I had that fellow.” First Compositor—“ What would you do with him?” Fourth Compositor—“ Teach him to stand on his hind legs.” Third Compositor—“ He’s getting funnier. Rays here that a widow is a widow because her husband don’t live wid ’er.” [Loud groans.] First Compositor—“ Hold on. Here’s n master stroke. Rays that the yellow negro ought to have more affection for the mule than the black negro has, because the yellow is a mule-atto.” [Moregroans.] Third Compositor—“ Wonder if the law would do anything with a man for killing him?" First Compositor—“ Not if tho jury had any sense.” Fourth Compositor“ Hold up! another hen on the nest. Says that one of tho lirvs in Bums was written by a toad. ‘Oh, wart some power tho gif tie gio us.’ ” [Th printers loudly thumped Iheir cases.] Second Compositor—“ That settles it. If that fellow cornea around here I will hatbe xuv hands in Ids cold and watery blood" The professor slipped away. A* he passed through the editorial room the editor inno cently asked: “Prefessor, won’t you stay and look over your proof. ” “No, I thank you. In fact, I don’t feel very well this evening.” Delicate Children, Nursing Mothers. Overworked Mon, and for all dis eases where the tissues are wasting away from the inability to digest ordinary food, or from overwork of the brain or body, all such should take Scott's Eml-lsioN or Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphitos. **i used the Emulsion on a lady who was deli-' cate and threatened with Bronchitis. It put her iu such good health and flesh tliat I must say it is the best Emulsion I overused.”— L. P. Waddell, M. L\, Hughs' Moils, & Q, CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENFa WORD. ADVERTISEMEXTS, 15 (lords or more, in this column inserted for OXE CEXT A WORD , Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. PERSONAL. A YOUR Personal rend; may 1 cal] or meet • vou? If so, when, how and where. Hardware. HELPWA N T E D. TTITANTED, an experienced cook (colored). Vi Apply at Dragon street, second door from Gwinnett. X\T ANTED, a first-class butler. Apply at VV MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK. YI7ANTED, competent salesman to solicit re- VV tail cigar trade; goods guaranteed. Ad dress, with reference. fiARoN a 00., 1007 and 1000 E. Pratt street, Baltimore. Md. AX 7 ANTED, men. women, boys and girls to I I earn 870 per month at their own homes: a nice, light, easy and profitable business: costly outfit of samples, a package of goods and full instructions sent for 10c. Address H. C. ROW ELL A CO.. Rutland. Vt- \\T ANTED, 1.000 tidy Agents nt once tor my ll wonderful new rubber undergarment. The most rapid selling ladies’ specialty ever made, aud positively astonishes everyone who sees it. Address Mrs. H. F. LITTLE, Chicago, Iff EM 1*1.05 M EN I WANTED'. .'V.ev.V'V- ■'N.'v-^VN.'N A WHITE GIRL wants situation as cook. Address 8., this office. A RESPECTABLE white woman wishes situation as nurse or housekeeper; refer ences furnished; country preferred. Address M., care News. ROOMS TO RENT. FOR RENT, a desirable furnished room; south ern front and all conveuienees. 73 Liberty street. (ft ~t rj PER MONTH will rent large basement, 1 kitchen, dining room and two rooms on parlor floor, en suite; suitable for family and in nest locality. Address COSMOPOLITAN, care News. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT. FOR RENT, two brick dwellings, recently repaired, with water and bath room; situated on Gaston street, south side, directly west of Barnard street. Apply to DANIEL R. KEN NEDY, 174 Bay street. I?OR RENT, for sll per month, two-story house Gordon near Price street. Apply to R. D. GUERARD, McDonough and Abercorn streets. FOR RENT, the store and residence at the corner of Charlton and Whitaker streets; possession given June 1. Apply to JOHN SUL LIVAN, lag Congress street, TTOR RENT, 146 Hull, on northwest corner of r Whitaker. Apply to Da. PURSE, 140 Liberty street. FOR RENT, the Buckingham House at the Isle of Hope, with hath house; artesian water on place. Apply to THOS. HENDERSON, 133 York street. FOR RENT, house on Tattnall, between Harris aud Liberty streets, with all modern im provements. GEO. W. PARISH. No. 193 Bt. Julian street. FOR SALE. TWENTY building lots, some beautifully situated, for sale by ROBERT H. TATEM, Real Estate Dealer. 17 OR SALE, Laths, Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling, Wedtherboardbig and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 81L RKPPARD & CO. / ’ ARDEN HOSE at Bc. per foot; four and VX eight arm Lawn Sprinklers cheap. A large stock of Saratoga Trunks just received at low prices. NBIDUNGKK & RABUN. FOR SALE. — ROSEDF.W Lots, 60. fret on Front street along the river and 500 feet deep, at $195, payable $25 cash and sl2 50 every six months.with Interest. FIVE-ACHE Lots in the TOWN OF ROSEDEW, with river privileges, at SIOO, pay attic S9O cash and $5 evc.rv three months, with interest. Apply to Da. FALLIGANT, 151 South Broad street, 9 to 10 a. m. daily. ’ FOUND. FOUND, breastpin, at Schuetzen Park yester day ; pay for advertisement; prove property. 70 Bay street. BOARDING. STRICTLY first class rooms and board; finest location in New York city; terms, $2 ]>er day, $lO per woek. Address Mrs. WHITE, 15 West Thirty-first Street, between Fifth avenue and Broadway. I'HOTOG KA PIIY. “ SPECIAL NOTICE—PHOTOGRAPHY Prices tp reduced Petites $1 50, Cards $2, Cabinet $8 per dozen, and larger work In the same pro portion. J. N. 'WILSON, MISCELL A N EOUS. A I.L kinds of electric machines adjusted and. 1\ repaired; instruments kept in order by the month; prices reasonable: all orders left at Messrs. Solomons A Cos. and Osceola Butler will receive prompt attention. L. W. WORTH MAN. TITANTED, you to remember no drink has ever equaled HEIDT'B Oelehrated Egg Phosphate, for a Milk Shake, .or ' Soda with shaved ice. r want to try a Milk' Jtllcp or Pineapple 1 Bon Bon at LtVINOHTO.YH PHARMACY. BEST sugar-cured shoulders 9Ur. and hams 14c., guaranteed, at MaoDONNELL'B, 178 Congress street. N OTICE.—That excellent Clam Chowder and etc. to-day at DAN QUINAN'B, 8 Bull street. YOU will lose half of your life if you don't try LIVINGHTON’S Pineapple Bon pen C'iHAEING Powder, also a sure cure for prickly J heat. Boraclnne Toilet Powder. Hold by all drag,Tint*. RD. MacDONNELL is still selling Pearl , Grits and Meal at 20c. per peck. 178 Congress .inn"- • r |''o-I)AY Limeade made frollr. fres'i fruit 1 at LIVINGRTON’B PHAKM At \y }v,.| gad State streets. >fOTICE - -On and after WEDNESDAY, dune > Ist, the City and Suburban Rallv. ay will run an earlv train from Isle of Hope, leaving there at 6:25 a. m. , 711 H. P. RETURN TUBULAR BOILER for IV sale cheap. GEO. ii. LOMBARD A CO., Augusta. 1 la. YITEAK, undeveloped parts of the body en y y large 1 and strcnglhened. Full particulars sent (sealed) free. KHIE MEDICAL CO., ttuffa 10, n. y. | a RETURN TUBULAR BOILER* Iv glues cheap and good. GEO. R. LOM BARD & CO,, Augusta. <7. C'AI.L and see samples of LAUNKY A > GOEBKL'B LIFE HI/.E CRAYONS. In handsome frame*, complete, for $lB and S2O. Sqcli folly was never known, but they must tie introduced and competition must be met: con sult them on all style ami size pictures before having voiir work done; It will pay you. PAIR 55-11. P DOUBLE ENGINES cheap I GEO. R. LOMBARD <S DON'T fail to call and see our Children's Car riage*. Our good* are bought direct from factories and it enables us to sell them lower than you con buy at any public sale. We also carry a complete lino of houeo furnishing goods at NATHAN BROS,, lftl Congress street BLUM BEK. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chaa. £. WiJWMMmm rum ms and sthKii, vs Barnard street, hAYAJj^Hppfei W.pUunea.J. LTTDDEN' it BATES S. M. H. L&B.S.M.H. PIANOS At 550 Each. PIANOS At $75 Each. PIANOS At $l5O Each. PIANOS At $2lO Each. ORGANS At $24 Each. ORGANS At $35 Each. ORGANS *t $55 Each. ORGANS At $75 Each. Tbs Inutrumeotß above specif! ad are beyond all question Genuine Hugaims and must be seen to 1m appreciated. Uur Ware rooms are tilled to repletion, and. although busy ns bees in tilling orders from all parts of the South, and our own Forest ('ity ns well, we have enough to go round, and therefore want your order to complete our happiness. CALL E A RL Y. Ludden & Bates Southern Music House. SAVANNAH, -GA. PIANOS MOVED. SHIPPING, Packing or Unpacking by expc rienced New York Piano Movers. Work done safely, quickly and without damage to premises or Instruments and at low priceß. PIANOS TUNED. BY the year or single timings, and when we take charge of Instruments by the year we make no additional charge for strings or slight regulation of actions. There is economy In em ploying good tuners. Sin. H. N. MOORE still looks titter tills branch of our business. L- &c 33. S. JE I- PETITIOXS FOR 1 SCORPORATION. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER FOR BRICK COMPANY. OTATE OF GEORGIA, Chatham Corjrrr.—To O the Superior Court of said county: The petition of John Jl. Estill, Gustave Eckstein, John J. McDoDough. Samuel P. Hamilton, John C. Rowland, P. J. Fallon, Francis S. Lathrop, Daniel R. Kennedy, William B. Stillwell, Elton A. Smith, Herman Myers, Ambrose FJirllch, Benjamin RothweU. Andrew McCormick, Thomas MoMillau, William Falconer, Clayton P. Miller, William J. Lindsay, George A. Hud son, Jacob Coheu, Henry Solomon, Louis P. Hart, Jeremiah .jij Cavanaugh, Henry Blun, Rubert D. Bpgflrt, Henry D. Stevens, John N. Daniel Y. Dancy, John O- Smith, Robert N. Stunt and Andrew J. Ayleswortli iv> spectftiUjf showpth that they desire for them selves, and for such other fiersonk as may be as sociated with tliem, to be incorporated under the name and stylo of THE PIONEER STEAM BRICK COMPANY'. That the object of their association and the particular business they propose to carry on is: Firsf. The manufacture of Bricks, Tile, Piping, Pottery ami all such other articles as said coin pauy may wish to manufacture. Second. To undertake, carry on and prosecute building operations and other work of a like character for said company or for others. Third. To buy, sell, lease, own and transfer real estate, with or without Improvements thereon, to anyone desiring same, either for cash or upon such Installment plan as may from time to time be determined by said curporation, and to these ends to own. buy, sell, lease, oper ate and maintain kilns, storehouses, machinery, live stock, vehicles, and all articles and things necessary and proper for carrying on said busi ness, and generally to do ami perform every thing necessary to the successful management of said business That the amount of capital to be employed by them in said business, actually paid In, is llfteen thousand dollars, and they desire the privilege of Increasing the capital stock of said company from time to time to such sum or sums is,t to exceed lifty thousand dollars as they from time to time may deteiTOine, the said stock to lie divided into shares of one hundred dollars <*ach. That the place of doing business of said cor poration will be Chatham county, Georgia, with its principal office In the city of Savannah, In said county. That they desire to be incorporated as afore said for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal nt the expiration of said term, with the power to purchase, own and lease lands, mitts, kmis. buildings; casements, tram wJays, roads, wharves, machinery, steam en gines, live stock, carts, cars and other vehicles and other* real and personal property and rights and privileges, and to sail, mortgage, sublet or convey the same, or any part thereof, with the appurtenances, and to reinvest at pleasure, to moke by-laws not inconsistent w ith the laws of the land, to have and to use a corporate seal, to borrow money and to iRSUe obligations or bonds therefor, and to secure the same by deed, mort gage or citlierwiue, to sue and to be sued in Its corporate name, to enter into contracts, and to employ agents and servants, and generally to luive, enjoy and exercise the corporate powers and privileges incident to private corporations for business purposes tw prescribed by the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, your petitioners pray t-liat they and their associates may In' Incorporated for the purposes aforesaid for the term aud with the powers aforesaid LESTER & RAVENEL. Petitioners’ Attorneys. Petition for incorporation filed in office and recorded this 21st day of April, A. D. ISW. BARN ARD E. BEE. . Clerk 8. 0., C C. State of Georgia, Chatham County, Clerk's Office, Superior Court.—l, BARNARD F. BEE, Clerk of said Superior Court. do certify that the foregoing is a true, extract from the Minute* of said court, and that the same was Hied and recorded on this the hist day of April, A D. ISoT. Barnard e bee, Clerk C. C. 0. / ' BORGIA, OftATAAMOotnmr To the Bum* 5 1 rior (.. iri of ..aid county: T!i imtltlou of Birtf, Witt. Kdm, An drew ff ley, T. H. Thompson, P. J, O'Ootunr, l i ' i, J. F. liart IcCorUi/, T A, MoMalrv,, .lames I*. Dooluu and M. A. <> Hyriic. In t‘"'*alf of theniselviw and such others, inniuhers if.-.Jhe Cuiliolle IJhr.-iry As.-o cintion. ,i> lu>v,* l on -a'may In' an-,named with tiieiu, I'eejwctfully they cb-dre to Iwt iaeorp, rated and ciiurtere< twenty years, with the piivilege ol an news! at I l,e exnir.'.l 111 of Hint time, under lii'S' . i nil'' nnrue ..t mu.ic i tbrai: *’■-' ■ ASSOCIATION.” The I.liji'el oi tl.eir i ' ' *M : tbu purohaosof building of a tall suit# i! ■ for the i atholh I J ' other pur)nisei*: said Library Association to have the privilege of absorbing, by purchase, the slock of said Hall Association at such time and in such manner as the hy-laws of said Hall As sociation shall proscribe. Your petitioners pmy that said Hall association be allowed to invest its funds and profits in such real estate or per sonal property aa may lie deemed licet for pro inotiiif its ob/e.'ts, with power to bond, mort gage or pledge any property it may ucqii ta- The amount of capital to be employed by sala Hail Association is twenty thousand dollars, divided Into two hundred shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, to be paid in monthly In stallments of two dollars, with the privilege of Increasing the capital from time to time to auy sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars; there fore petitioners pray that they, with their asso ciates and successors, be incorporated an aliove stated, with all powers necessary or convenient to the corning out of tlielr object and transac tion of their buainoas. and all rights and powers conferred upon corporations by the lawa of this State, and your petitioners will ever pray. M. A. U'BYKNE, Pet .doners’ Attorney. GEORGIA, Ciutham Cockty. Clark’s Office, puperioc tkiurt. —1 certify the tbov- to lie i true copy of the original petition for incorporation fibs! in office aud recorded thia isrh day of May, A. D. IStff. JAMES K. P, UAKIt, Deputy Clerk, a. C. Cl (i AUCTION SALES TO-DAY'. Furniture, Groceries and Bats A. X AUCTION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer THIS DAY’, at 11 o'clock, One Marblo Top Bedroom Set, I’arlor Set, Walnut c’luurs. Bedsteads, Mattresses, Crib, Child's Carriage, One Piano in good order and time, Hatrack. Refrigerator, ice Cream Churn, Cooking Stove and Utensils, Tinware, etc., etc. —ALSO — 5 barrels Pilot Bread, - crates Apple Butter, 18 Cheese aud an assortment of fresh canned goods. —ALSO-- 25 boxes Soap and 15 chests Tea. —ALSO— -9 boxes Ladies’ and Men s Hats. WAGON' AND MULES AX AUCXION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. THIS PAY’ at 11 o'clock. ONE DOUBLE STRING SEAT WAGON. ONE DOUBLE SET HARNESS. 2 GOOD WORK MULES. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. BLOCK OF LOTS AX AUCXION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer am! Real Estate Dealer. TUESDAY’, JUNE 7th, at 11 o’clock, at the Court House, I will sell the following lots which are in a direct lino of Improvement and all enhancing in value very rapidly. FIVE LOTS situated on the northeast corner of Montgomery and Lawton streets, size 10 by 00 feet each. These lots are high and beautifully located and formally a part of the Kings’, die tract. Those seeking an Investment should gb c this piece of realty their attention. CO R N E R LOT AX AUCTION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. TUESDAY’, JUNE 7th, at II o'clock, at Court House. I will sell LOT on the southeast corner of Woldburg street and Cemetery street lane, size 50x40 feet. This lot is nicely located and is at the head of the new road that runs north of the cemetery; level and high land. The (llil Southern Bank Building At Auction. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. I will sell at the Court House on the FIRST TUESDAY’ IN JUNE NEXT, at 11 o'clock, if not sold previously, the Three-story brisk building on cellar recently occupied by the above bank, and situuted on the northwest comer of Bryan and Drayton streets. The location of this property Is unsurpassed for any line of business, and as an investment It offers very superior Inducements. Terms: One third cosh, balance In one and two years, with legal rate of interest and bonds for title. MDSOI FUiITiE -AND ARTICLES OF VERTU. By J. MCLAUGHLIN & SON, On TUESDAY, Slat MAY, 1887, at 11 o'clock, on the premises tki Hall street tCohen’a new range), between Drayton and Abercorn. Handsome Parlor Suites, Costly Mouquettc Carpets, Chairs, Easy Obalrs, Tables, Jardi nieres, Original Oil Palm lugs by Llverodge. Longworthy, Costelar, etc., Goupil Proof Colored Engraving, Choice Copy; Secretary, Hatrack, 1-ounge, Bedroom Furniture. Bookcaae with standard works. Real Bronze Figures and Orna ment*, Engravings, Ta;est ry Hall Carpet, Stair Carpet. Dining Table, solid mahogany, good old style, Massive Sideboard, Chairs, Brussels Carpet, etc., China, Crockery, Glassware, Magnificent Ilaviland Dinner Service, very valuable; Desert Service, hand painted and enamelled; Hare Old Glass In wines, goblets, claret*, etc., etc.; Kitchenware, Safe, Refrigerator made to order, Table, Stoves and Utensils. (■UAheroom street cares pass Hall street every 10 minutes. LEGAL SALES. Guardian’s Sale Under and by viriue of an order grunted by the Ordinary of Effingham county, Georgia, I wifi sell at public outcry, before the door of the Court House iu Savannah, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY, the 7tl day of June. 18K7, the following property bo longing to LULA 811EAROUSE and JOHN SIIEAROUBE. namely: All thut undivided one-sixth (1-6) interest .ip that certain lot of land situate and beingdu the said city of Savannah and county of Chat tiara, known an lot number seven (7) Davis 'war*, (routing lifty-abt (net on Taylor street aud run ning fifty-six feet to Jones street lane. (Terma cash, purchaser paying for titles. , , [Signed] ' J. E. SHEAROtIBE, ' Guardian of Lula and John Kheareuse. ItKAI, ESTATE. ONE SOLID BLOCK. 41 Lots—Of Fiie-41 Lois BUILDING LOTS Directly South of the City. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. AT PRIVATE SALE. Speculators' and Divertors' attention is |>artic i * larly called t -this property. foRTY-ONE 1/>TS, all in one body: real estaTj in the neighborhood of those lots boa wondTgfiilh ini r --iscd in val-i ition, and firm, I- 11. i.'JI.-- \ idin- cm. 11 mil-.. i. i• i- r-. i ■ I . i-. is in *-V'-i-if#nt opportunity f-u- an invent ment. Foroth-i iVi/riiai :-m and plan of lots call at To Whom Concern: Aid i'JTI >N pr lyingT-ir tin- passugi- -rf a stock law to operate** Ciinlierlamf inland. icily, this stale, Vdl is present,-d at taw eewwtfuH :ui- MMthf Jwbox*. /-YEORGIA, Chatham OocXTY, —Not 100 is \T hereby given to all persons having de mands against WILLIAM HAHIUS, deceased, to present them to me properly made, out within the time prescribed by law, so as to show tiicir character and amount: and all persons Indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make Immediate r-ay ment, to me. Mar 18, lf*7. HOSEA MAXWELL, Qualified Executor Will William Maxwell, de- C. H. DORKETT’S COLUMN'. IT 111 W. Fancy Goods, Silverware, China Goods AT AUCTION. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell on FRIDAY, 27th iust., at 11 o'clock, as 156 Congress street. Everything Contained in the Store Such as White Cliinaware, Cut Glass Wine* and Cordials, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Ics Cream Sets, Igimps. Dinner Sets, Cups and Saucers, Silvor Plated Knives, Forks, Table, Tea and Dessert Spoons, Butter Dishes, Creams, Cas tors, Toilet Sets ami Stands, Epergnes, Knif* Rests, Cups and Goblets. —ALSO— Large Glass Cases for showing fine goods. Real Estate OFFERINGS. The attention of those and siring to purchase Real Estatß is directed to the list belos $5,000. Residence on Tay® lor street, between Bull Drayton. . $4,000. Residence on Tay lor street, between Lincoln and Abercorn. $1,500. Lot on Ilall street, near Montgomery, 41x130. $450. Lot on Second Ave nue, between Whitaker and Barnard. SOOO. Lot on West Broad and Waldburg Lane. SBOO. Lot on Duffy, be tween Jefferson and Mont gomery. $350. Lot on New Houa ton and Cemetery. $2,500. Lot on Harris, near Whitaker, with out buildings on lane. $1,250. Residence on West Broad, near Henry. $025. Lot on Henry, south side, between Burroughs and West Broad. SSOO. Lot on Gwinnett, near West Broad, 40x100. $2,500. Lot and two houses on Jones street, between Hab ersham and Lincoln. SI,OOO. Lot on Gwinnett near Montgomery, 32x130. SSOO. Lot on West Broad, near the corner of Henry, 35x60. • $550. Lot on West Broad, corner of Henry lane. —also — The finest lot in the village of Guyton, 30 miles from Sa vannah. Pure pine air, good water and auperfor transpoL tation facilities. 15 acres, two miles from Bay street, on Ogeechee road. Good two-story house. 30 acres, three and a half miles from Bay street, on Thunderbolt road—house apd store included. About one acre at White Bluff, near the river. Fine Building site at Isle of Hope, near the railroad, on the river front. j FOR RENT, j A fine store (corner), cellar and two stories above, on Con* —— 3