The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 27, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMEBCB^j* MA.RKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, I Savannah, Ga., May 26, 4p. m. f CoTTO ,_Tb.e market was quiet but very firm. h,-re was little or no inquiry, and but a nomi , bus iness doing. The total sales for the day ere ouly 12 hales. On ’Change at the mld v call hi 1 P- n '- tiie matkot was reported im anil unchanged. Tho following are the U -hil spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: (moo middling lojf| l.oiv middling ISf Good ordinary • • • • ■ hca Bland —The market was very dull and ; - 0 !y nominal. 5Ve quote; Common Geoj'gias and Floridan 14 ©lgH V lOUfeWil/ I7M Extra fine C" ■ ■ -s Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock- on Hand May 26, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. 1886-87. i 1883-80. 1 1 fetaU Upland jSSui. Upland Stock on hand Sept. 4 j 1,149 4,304 551 8,298 Received to-day I .... 483: .... 720, Received previously | 27.806 769,3:6 : 28,288 760,435 Total 28.4551 774,053: 23.839 770,4381 Exported to-day. || —! — t Bxfsarted previously ji 27,442 770,793 21,293 j 757,101! I tel (• 27,442 ~ .IWli 21,283 7M.mi , 1 on band and unship-ll I |! ' P.CE— The market was very- firm with light ifferings. There were no sales reported dui-mg he day. We quote: r.-air 4 © — Good 4 H© — Prime - 5 lots 50(| 60 Nivu. Stores—The market for spirits tur icntine was active but at easier prices. The li- for the day- were 1,290 casks, of which 790 c-,k; were r< gulare at 33c, and 500 casks at f;-‘. for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported Q- iei at 83c tor regulars At the closing call it was firm at 38)4®3)0 for regulars. Rosin—The market was quiet but firm, at dotations. The gales for the day were about 9 0 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the firs; gall the market was reported steady, with sales of 160 barrels at the following quotations' A, B, C and DSi 10. i- *! 15® 1 17U, F $1 'tom 32U. (J $1 85® 1 2?M, a Sinuji'.l 32)4, I Si 45. K $1 60. M $1 80, N jo window glass $2 50, water white $2 80. At the closing call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,548 77,408 Received to-day 989 1,654 Received previously 38,617 77,268 Total 87,149 156,825 Exported to-day Exported previously 26,580 104.202 Total 26,530 104,202 Stock on hand and on shpiboard to-day 10,619 52,123 Receipts same day last year 417 2,065 Financial—Money is active. Domett It Exchange Steady. Banks and har.'.cera are buying sight drafts at par and sell ing at )4@)i per cent premium. Foreign Exchange —'The market is dull but firm. Commercial demand, ?4 87; sixty days, $4 85)T; ninety days, $4 8464: francs, Paris and Havre* commercial, sixty days, $5 21; Swiss, $5 2l)k: marks, sixty days, 96<ff,95 1-16. Szcrßiri as—Are firm but quiet, with some de mend for stocks and long date bonds. Stocks and Bonds— Ciry Bonds — Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent, 11S bid, 121 asked; Augusta 7 per cent long date, 115 bid. 118 asked; Augusta 6s long date, 108 bid. 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 100 bid, 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, July coupons, 104 bid. 105 asked; new Savannah 6 per cent, August coupons, hid, 104)4 asked. Stale Bonds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new 6s, 1889, 108 bid, 104 asked; Georgia new 4%5, 106% bid, 106-Si asked; Geor gia 7 per cent gold, quarterly coupons, 10?% Lid. 101*54 asked ; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1896, 123 bid, 124 asked. Railroad Stocks— Central common, 126% bid, 127 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed. 136 bid, 187 asked; Georgia com mon, ex-divklend, 200 bid, 201 asked; South western 7 per ce*t guaranteed, 131}% bid, 132 asked; Central 6 per cent certificates, 104 bid, l'*!W asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad stock, 115 bid, 117 asked; Atlanta and West Point 0 per cent certificates. 105 bid. 106 asked. Railroad Bonds— -Market quiet. Savannah, Florida and Western Kailway Company general mortgage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 110 bid, 112 asked ; Atlantic and Gulf first mort gage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and July', maturity 1807, 119 bid, 121 asked: Cen tral consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893, 113J4 bid, 114 asked; Georgia railroad 6s, 1697, 108 bid, 110 asked : Mobile and Girard second mortgage in dorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 105 bid, 106 asked; Montgomery and Euraula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 109 bid, liO asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage 6 per cent, Wi bid. 102 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mortgage, 113 bid, 114*% asked; Charlotte, Columbia and August* second mort gage, it? bid, 113 asked: Western Alabama second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, 108 bid, 109 asked; South Georgia and Florida indorsed. 111 bid, 110 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 112 bid, 118 asked; Augusta m u Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent, 110% bid, 112 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson ana eouthern first mortgage guaranteed. 118% bid, 120 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 115 bid, 116 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 per cent bonds, guaranteed by Cen tral railroad, 103% bid. 106 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guar anteed, 115 bid, 116 asked; Columbus and Rome first mortgage bonds indorsed by Central rail road, 108 bid, 109 asked; Columbus and Western 6 per cent guaranteed, 108->i bid, 109% asked; City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 per cent, 109 bid, 110 asked. Hank Stocks —Nominal. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, 200 bid, 205 asked; Mer chants'National Bank. 160 bid, 185 asked: Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company, 95 bid, 97 asaefi; National Bank of Savannah, 117 bid. Stocks —Savannah Gas Bight stock, ex dividend, 21 J% bid, 22 asked; Mutual Gas Light stock, 20 hid, 23 asked. Bacon— Market steady; demand good; smoked ciear rib sides, B%e; shoulders, 7c;'dry salted clear rib sides, B%c; long clear, 8c; shoulders, '•%c; hams, 12%c. Baooino and Tier —Market quiet. We quote: Bagging— 2% tbs, 9%c; ■> i flSi sue; 1% lbs, 7 14 c, according to brand and quantify. Iron ties— Arrow, 51 00@1 05 per bundle, according to praml and quantity. Bagging and ties in re tad lots a fraction higher Ki'TTEB-Market steady; oleomargarine, 14® ite; choice Goshen, 18c; gilt edge, 28c; cream ery, 25c. Cabb.voe—Florida, $2 00® 850 per barrel; sup ply fair; near-by crop coming in. COKrEE—The market is strong and advancing. ' quote for small lots: Ordinary, 20%o; fair, *lAc; good, 22c; choice 22%c: peaberry 28%c. ' hkbse— Market higher and advancing; good uem,md; stock light. We quote: ll@lse. „ UR,KD Fhcit—Apples, evaporated, 18c; liecled, *c; poaches, peeled. 19c; uupeeled, s@,c; cur tains, , C ; citron. 25e. f rs< v Goons—The market, is firm; business ill 1 ; " e quote: Prints, 4®oc; Georgia brown f. 1 , ln g. 3-4, 4W>c; 7-8 do. 6%c; 4-4 brown sbeet •Jj*’ „®%o; white osnuburgs, B®9c; checks, rte '-'c; yams, 5c for best makes; brown drill ings. C^dj^c. quote full weights: Mackerel— -80®j il); No. 8, half barrels, $6 00® 13 $7 30* 8 50. Herring-No. 1,20 c; •talerf, 83c; cod, 5® Bc., t lour— Market weak; demand moderate. e quote: Extra $4 00®4 25; faucy, $5 00® 47}’ cholce Potent, $5 30® 5 75; family, $4 00® tsc it— Lemons-Stock full and demand fair, quote: $3 50®400. W.. ,^ I!, .~ t^on ‘“' ia ekct steady; demand light. foul? 2w : " hi te corn, job lots, 66c; oarloa,'! i nl ' '"4°! ndJusl com. Job lots, 64c; carload P a,s steady; demand good. We jj, -’lixed oats, 40c; carload lots, 44c. Bran, Mwu, 85c; Georgia grist, per sack, > grist, per bu*bel, 7Uc steady, with a fair demand; can, a , ra i | b'. We quote Job lota: Western il 00, earloud lota. Extern, none; Northern, 'F. OOT ? Etc.—Hides—Market dull; r wpol—Market active; prime w a ^’A^fcJ >u^Kk,o^,8c - Wax, 18c. Tal- IRON-Market firm; Swede, 494@6c; refined, Market Is steady; in tieroec, 794 c; 50-tb Lime, CAUuxap. Plaster and Ckhent—AU lime i in fair demand, and is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Georgia, §1 80; calcined plas- X r L7 n J?? r harr *l - hair, sc: Rosendale cement, 9150; Portland cement, $390. Liquoßs— Full stock; steady demand. Bour- J, 1 o® 0 ® 5 SO: rye, Si 60®6 00; rectified, maud A^es unchanged and in good de- Market firm; fair demand; We quote: Bd, S3 90: 4d and sd, $8 25 ; 6d, §3 00 ; 8d,>275; lOd to UOd, $2 50 per keg. —Almonds, Tarragona, 18®.20c; Ivicas, 1 ‘ @18c; walnuts, French, 12c, Naples, 16c; pe ®®ns, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Baracoa, $5 25 per 100. On^—Mai’ket Ann; demand good. Signal, 4oc; )\est Virginia block, fl@10c; lard, 00c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, 13)4c; neatsfoot, Cs@9oc; machinery, 25@91)c; linseed, raw. 48c; boflod, 51c; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homelight. 18c. Onions—Bermuda, crates, S2 25.0.2 50. Potatoes— Ven' scarce. Scotch, $3 00@3 20; per sack: new, $8 00(03iX); crates, §1 25@1 75. I rak— Demand light; cow peas, mixed. 76® 80c; clay, §1 uo@l 15; suckled. $1 00(0.1 15; black eye, $i 25® 1 50; white crotrder, §1 50® 1 f-0. Pai’NKs—Turkish. r>Kc: French, Bc. Raisins— Demand light; market steady; loose new Musoatcl, $2 Ob; layers, §2 00 per box; Lon don layers, $2 25 per box. Shot—Drop. $1 40: buck, $1 65 Salt- -The demand is moderate and the mar ket quiet; carload lots. 65c. fob; job lots, 80® 90c. Sugars— The market is dull; cut loaf, 6§fc; staudare. A, 6*4c; extra C 59s>c; C yellow, sc; granulated, 6W; powdered, GMjC. Srury—Florida and Georgia syrups, 38®40c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse ",tßs@4oc; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsi‘i..; sugar houso molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. "We quote: Smokiug, 25c@$l 25; chewing, com mon, sound, 25@90c; fair, s)@3sc; medium, 88® 50c; bright, 50®75c; fine fancy, 85®90e: extra fine, 90c®1 10; bright navies, 45®75c; dark navies, 40® 50c. Lcshicr—'The demand from the West contin ues good; coastwise and foreign inquiry is also fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations, with some advance, while difficult schedules can only be placed at con siderably advanced prices. We quote, fob; Ordinary sizes ; §l3 50@17 00 Difficult sizes 16 ()o®2l 50 Flooring boards 16 00020 30 Shipstuff 18 50®21 50 Tinmen—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average § 9 00® 11 00 800 “ “ 10 00® 11 00 900 “ “ 11 00012 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00® 14 00 Shipping timber in the raft -700 teet average §6 CO® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00® 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00® 10 00- Mill timber $1 below these figures FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—Tannage is in fair present supply and rates are firm at quotations. Freight limits are from $5 00 to §6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesa peake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c® $I 00 higher than lumber rotes. To the West Indies and windward, nominal; to South America, §lB 00® 14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, $llOO @l2 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber. 27@285; lumber, *l3 159. Steam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia $7 00: to Boston, §9 00. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders. 2s tOGjd, and, or, 4s; Adriatic, rosin, 8s; Genoa, rosin, 2s 10J4<1 Coastwise—Steam— To Boston, 50c on rosin, §1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin, 50c, spirits, 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 80c, spirits 700. Cotton—By Steam—The market is steady; offering tonnage in good supply. Liverpool via New York ft 7-32d Liverpool via Baltimore $ lb 8-16d Antwerp via New York Tt> _ Havre via New York slb 9-16 c Havre via Baltimore 63c Bremen via New York fl lb 11-16 c Reval via New York V *> 11-82d Bremen via Baltimore §) lb .a. 64c Amsterdam via New - York 65c Genoa via New York R> Boston f) bale 1 35 Sea island bale 175 New York 4) bale 1 35 Sea island $ bale 1 35 Philadelphia 14 bale 1 35 Sea island 1? bale 1 35 Baltimore $ bale 1 25 Providence bale 150 Rick—By Steam— New York 19 barrel 60 Philadelphia $> barrel 60 Baltimore 19 barrel 60 Boston 41 barrel 60 Vegetables—Bv Steam—(By special contract) —To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standard crates, 20c; barrels, 40c. With out the contract, crates, 33c: barrels, 76c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls $ pair § 66 @ 80 Chickens, >4 to 94 grown 40 ® 60 Springers 25 ® 40 Ducks W pair 50 <a 75 Geese $ pair 75 @1 00 Turkeys pair 125 @2 00 \ Eggs, country, $ dozen 18 & 15 Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va. f) 1b... —®, 6Wj_ Peanuts—Hand, picked ylb ® 594 Peanuts—Ga. $ bushel, nominal, 75 ® 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds $ bush. 60 ® 60 Sweet potatoes.yel.yams bush. 65 ® 76 Sweet pot’s, white yams bush. 40 to SO Poultry—Market steady: receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. Eocs—Market firmer, with a fair demand, and scarce. Peanuts— Ample stock; demand fair; market steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida nominal; none Ip market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet' Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. London, May 36, 4 p. m.—United State* 4 per cents, 182)4. New Yoax, May 26, noon—Stocka dull and heavy. Money easy at 4®£ per cent. Exchange —long 84 86@4 8% short $4 'B7H&4 7&. State boads neglected. Government bonds dull but steady. 5 p. m.—Exchange dull but steady to weak. Money easy at ja# per cent., closing offered at 8 per cent. Sub-Treasury balances—Gold, $133,281,000; ourrenoy. $15,456,000. Government, bonds dull but-steady; four per oents. 136,4; luce percents. . Btate bends neglected!. The stock market was again dull tj-day, with narrow fluctuation* in the general list and trad ing still ot a professional character. The entire interest in tne market was monopolized hy a few specialties. The opening was quiet but firm, with advances ranging up to % per cent. The general list was firm, with San Francisco promi nent for strength, but a spell of extreme dull ness Intervened before noon, ou which prices re codes! a shade. After that, time, however, Read ing, St.Taui, ana St. Paul and Duluth showed some affiliation, and in the last hour were joined by Denver, Terre Haute and Manitoba, the close being quiet but Strong at about the highest figures reached. Total sales 341,000 shares, sales of Reading alone reaching 67,000 shares. Every thing is higher, with St. Paul and Duluth up 84 per ceut. The following are the closing quota tions: Ala. class A,* to B. 108 'New Orleans Pa- Ala, class B, ss. ..112 cific. Ist mort... 78 Georgia 7s, mort. .100 N. Y Central 118*4 N. Carolina 6s . 124 Yt Norf. A W. pref... 544 N Carblnia 4s 100 Nor. Pacific 32 q So. Carp. (Blown) " prof .. 624 consols 108 Pacific Mail 564 Tennessee 6s 75 Reading 45Js Virginiaos 48 Richmond & Ala 4 Va. consolidated 52 Pdchmond A DauvlftO Ch j>eake A Ohio 654 Rlehm'd A W. Ft. Chic. A Northw’n.l24M Terminal 8(V>0 “ preferred Ml • Rock Island 180tJ Delft., Lack A W.. IBM$ St. Paul 9854 Erie 86J* “ preferred. . 124)4 East Tennessee, Texas Pacific 344* new stock 14J4 Tenn. Coal St. Iron. 39 Lake Shore 97), Union Pacific 02)4 L’ville A Nash. .. CH)4 N. J. Central 81 Memphis A Char. 59 Missouri Pacific . llO>6 Mobile A 0hi0... 1534 Western Union... 77q Nash. A Chatt’a.. 84)5 CottonOilTrust cer 51 COTTON. Liverpool, May 26, 12:30 p. in.—Cotton dull, with prices generally in buyers' favor; middling uplands 5 13-10d, middling Orleans 5 13-18d; sales 8,000 bales, for speculation and export 10,000 bales; receipts 7,000 bales—American 3,890. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, May delivery 5 50-otd. May and Juue 5 SO-64d, June and July 5 51-04&5 50-64 J, July apd August 5 52-64f0,5 81-64d, August and September 6 53-64 (2,5 32-6ld, SeptomVr and October 5 48-64d, Oc tober and November 5 88-Old, Voveinlier ami De cembur ft 31-01d, September 5 64-64455 58-64d. Market dull. . . 2 p. m.—The sales to-day were 5,200 bales of American. . . , , „ jvut uros—Uplands, low middling clause. Mar delivery 5 49-64d. buyers; Mav and June 5 49-6 hi, buyers; June aud July 5 49-G4d, buyers: July and August S 51-64(1, value; August anil Sep tember 5 52-64d, value; September and October 5 43 AM, sellers; October and November 5 88-C4d, buyers: November and December 5 30-64d,buyers; September 5 58-04d. sellers. Market dull. Good rtilrlfUinzr unbinds 5 11-UL) mittUlnir iio- THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1887. lands 518-lSd, low middling uplands 5 11-16d, good ordinary uplands 5 7-IM, ordinary uplands B§d; good middling Texas 5 15-I6d. middling Texas 5 13-16d, low middling Texas • Jl-l6d,good ordinary Texas 17-f6d, ordinary Texas 5V6d: rood middling Orleans 61#-16d. middling Orleans 5 18-16d, low huddling Orleans 5 11-16d, good ordinary Orleans 8 7-16d, ordinary Orleans Bd. 4:00p. m.—Futures: Uelands, low middling; clause, May Jlslivsry 5 50-84d, buyers; May and Jime 5 aOdtld, buyers: June aad July 6 50-64d, buyers; July end Aagnut 6 S3-64d, sellers; Au gust and September 5 SS-M4, value: September and October ft 4Atrtd, sellers; October arid No vember 5 Si-644, sellers; November and Decem ber 5 81-S4d. buyers; September 5 54-64 U, sellers. Marketclosed steady. New York, Mny 30, noon.—Cotton opened firm; middling uplands 11 1-lCc, middling Or leans 1194 c; sales 690 bales. Futures—Market firm, with sales as follows: May delivery — -c, June 10 96c, July 11 01c, August 11 04c. September 10 77c, October 10 230. 8:00 p. m.—Market closed strong; middling uplands middling Orleans 11 5-!6c; sales to-day 452 bales; net receipts 303 bales, gross 1,028. Futures—Market closed strong, with sales of 180,600 bales, as follows: May delivery 11 06® 1108 c. June 11 07® 11 08c, July 11 10®11 lie, August 11 14® 11 15c, September 10 86® 10 87e, October 10 36c, November 10 10®10 12c, Decem ber 10 07®.10 08c. January 10 18®10 lid. Greon & Co.’s leport on cotton futures say?: “A determined effort to bull the market by the clique interested in the old crop has again been successful, with a further addition of 10®11 points made to values. Long cotton has been spilled somewhat freely ia taking the benefit of this advance, but no evidence of sailing the market off to any extent nor could signs of much short interest covering be discovered." Galveston, May 26.—Cotton firm; middling 10 9-lCe; net receipts 1 bale, gross 1; sales none; stock 7,089 bales. Norfolk, May 26.—Cotton firm; middling 10 15-10 c; net receipts 12 bale?, gross 12; sales 91 bales; stock 4,432 bales; exports, coastwise 85 bales. Baltimore, May 26.—Cotton firm; middling HVnc: net receipts none, gross none, stock 4,688 bales; sales to spinners 500 boles. Boston. May 26.—Cotton steady; middling 1194 c; net receipts 298 bales, gross 346; sales none; stoek none; exports to Great Britain 379 bales. Wilmington, May 26.—Cotton firm; mid dling lUfjjc; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; slock 1,888 bales. Philadelphia, May 26.—Cotton firm; mid dling 119‘c; net receipts none, gross 12 bales; stock 21,386 bales. New Orleans, May 20.—Cotton dull; middling 1094 c; net receipts 136 bales, gross 133; sales 150 bales: stock 111,457 bales; exports coastwise 1,268 bales. Mobile, May 26.—Cotton firm; middling 1096 c; net receipts &! bales, gross 22: sales 100 bales; stock 1,711 bates; exports coastwise 27 bales. Membhis. May 28.—Cotton firm; middling 10f4c; receipts 58 bale.-; shipments 119 bales; sales 150 bales; stock 11,514 bales. Augusta, May -26.—Cotton firm; middling 1094 c; receipts 8 bales: sales 79 bales. Charleston, May 26.—Cotton quiet but firm; middling 10V4c; net receipts 1 bale, gross 1; sales 10 bales; stock 752 bales Atlanta, May 26.—Cotton—middling 1094 c; re caipts 22 bales. New York, May 26.—Consol! iated net re ceipts for ail cotton ports to-day 1,201 bales; ex ports, to Great Britain 379 bales; stock at all American ports 358,699 bales. provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, May 26, 12.80 p. m.—Wheat firm; demand fa'r; holders offer moderately. Cora quiet but steady; demand poor. Bacon, short clear 38s 6d. Lard, prime Western 34s 6d. New York, May 26, noon.—Flour quiet but firm. Wheat higher. Coin quiet but steady. Pork firm; mess §l6 00®46 25. Land firm at $6 95. Old mess pork firm at §ls 25®15 50. Freights firm. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern steady. Wheat J4®94c higher and active; No. 2 red, May de livery 96 18-16®9794c, June 97®974e. Com firm and moderately active; No. 2, May delivery 4794t0.47t0c, June 4794®4794c. Oats without change ot importance; trade moderate; No. 2, June delivery 33®8394e, July 3394©3394 c - Hops dull. Coffee, fair liio strong at 20Mc; No. 7 Rio, June delivery 18 95® 19 25c. July 19 40® 19 85c. Sugar quiet but firm: refined steady. Molasses firm. Cotton seed 0i1—3394®84c for crude, 40c for refined. Hides steady; New Or leans selected, 45 to 60 pounds. Objc. Woo! quiet but firm. Pork steady ; mess ?'!> 2S®ls 50 old, sl6 00®16 25 new. Beef steady. Cut meats steady. Middles dull and nominal. Lard 3® 6 Soints lower and heavy ; Western steam §6 90. une delivery $6 86® 5 87; refined §7 10 to the continent. Freights steady. Chicago, May 26.—At the opening of the wheat market this morning June was m demand at 8894 c, July at 87c. This was for only a moment. July then sold at 8614 c and June at 8894 c. There was very little trade m the later months, but It was a fair sign of the circumspection with which dealers, after their past three days’ ex perience, regard the wheat clique. AH of the news received early In the morning was bearish. Foreign markets were barely steady, and crop reports from the Northwest were very flattering for the new crop. During the first hour June advanced to and had many bidders at that. July - hung around So%@.S7c. Then came quite a flurry in June wheat, and the difference betwoen Julie and July, which was 4(jc yester day. widened to 2s4e. at one time to-day. The cause was an unexpected buying demand from small scattering shorts in the crowd. The de mand was almost entirely from people who were short flvee, tens and twenties, and Ihe clique wore taken by surprise. It was not their inten tion to allow the price to advance, but they had no orders to sell, and before they had known it Jime had advanced from 8854®8954e. By the time June had reached the latter flgurc.Kershaw was m the pit with plenty - of selling orders. He very quickly disposed of from 200.000 to 800,000 bushels in Small lots. Shortly after be began selling the crowd stopped buying, and Jnne dropped hack to 89c in the twinkling of an eye. Around 89c and 8994 c it remained steady for some time. During the afternoon session Juno quieted down, and closed at 8894 c. July wheat was a shade weaker, and sold down to fWFj® 8694 c. Corn was firm at the start, but it weakened a minute later. July started at 409®, sold off to 40c, and became steady around 40® 4094 c. Trading at these, figures was fairly active during the day. July closed at 40J4C. Provis ions were weaker. July lard opened at $6 9794. and July ribs 10c lower at §7 20. Toward the close of the first hour’s business, provisions be o#tne fljtotr. July lard advanced to §0 7294, and July ribs to §7 279407 30. Trading at these, figures was light. July lard closed at $6 70 bid,' and July ribs at §7 30. The following were the cash quotations: Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat, No. 2 spring 8894'7/,BB>4c;No. 3 Spring 7!V(V.BIe;No. 2redßßJic. Com, No. 2, 38 c. Oatß, No. 2, 26®. 2054c. Me* pork S2B 75. I-ard $6 60. Short rib side*, loose $7 1794® 7 20, Dry salted shoulders, boxed §5 60 . 70; short clear' sides, boxed $7 60@7 05. Whisky sllO. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 3 Wheat— May delivery... 87% 8B 88% June delivery,... 88% 89% 88% July delivery. .. 87 87% 86 % Corn— May delivery.... 88 38% 87% July delivery... 4040% 40 Oats— May delivery 26% 20% 26 July delivery— 27% 27% 27% Mess Pore— May delivery.. .$23 75 .... .... Juaedelivery. .. 23 75 .... .... May delivery $6 57% $6 62% $6 60 July delivery.... 6 67% 6 72% 070 Short Ribs— Mav delivery $ 7 12% 7 22% 720 July delivery 7 20 7 32% 7 30 Baltimore. May 28.— Flour firm; fairly active; Howard street and Western superfine $2 50® 8 10, extra $3 25®3 75, family $4 00®4 60, city mills superfine $2 50®8 00. extra $8 25®3 75. Bio brands $1 3*®500. Wheat—Southern steady l-iit. qi'ii'.l; red 96®97c, amber 96%tMc; Western hiirbur. No. 2 winter red, on spot bid: May delivery W®(i7%c, June 96%®96}te. July 94%® 95c. August 94c Mdc. Corn--Southern irregular and quirt : white 31 ®sße, yellow AB®49c: West ern steady but dull: mixed on spot IKe asked; June delivery 40%®47%c, July 47%®47%c. Oats Steadv but quiet; Southern 34®SBc; Mestern, white 86@39c, mixed 34®85c. Louisville. May 26.—Grain quiet: Wheat-- No. 2. red tic. Corn—No. 2. mixed i3}Jc, white 45c. Oats—NO. 2,81 c. Provisions quirt. Cincinnati. May 26.— Flour firmer. Wheat strong mid higher; No. 2 red, 88e. Com weak; No. 2 mixed 41c. Oats quiet; No. 2 mixed, 29% ®B9c. Pork stwvly at sls 50. laird easier at 6 46c. Bulk meats firm; shoulders $7 50. Whisky active at $1 05. Hogs weft!:. St. Louis. May 20.—Flour quiet but steady. Aheat bettor; No. 2 red, cash B)%c. July ile t’verv HJldffiß|%c. Corn (Inn; cash 37%e, July delivery Jiljc. Oats dull; cash 274727%c. July delivery 25%c. Whisky steady, $lO6 Proris lont quiet and barely steady.- New Orleans, May 36.—Markets closed un changed. NAVAL STORES. •Liverpool, Slay 26, noon.—Spirits turpentine 80s 3d. New York. May 26. noon.—i olrite turpentine dull at 37c. Rosin dull at $1 27%®; NT. 5:00 p. m.— Spirits turpentine dull at 87c. Rosin dull at $1 22%®1 27%. Charleston, May 26—Spirits turpentine quiet nt 33c. Rosin firm; good -itrained ?1 02%. 'ViunNuroN. May 26.—Spirits turpentine dull at 34c. Rosin firm; strained 36c, good struiued 90c. Tar steady at $1 17%. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 is); yellow dip $2 15; virgin $C 40. HICK. New York, Slay 20. —Rice firm. N'rwOhleiXS. Mcr 20.—Kico unchanged. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINI.VTIJRE ALM AN AC—THIS DAY. Brn Rises Hioh Water at Savannah. 11G? am 11:44 i-m Friday. May 27, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Geo Appold, Billups, Baltimore— • Jas B West A Cos. ARRIVED UP TESTER- Bark Bonita (Nor), Danielson, to load for Eu rope—A R Salas & 00. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Freidis iNor), Larsen, Garston-A RSalas & Cos Sohr Florence Shay, Van Cleaf, Perth Amboy —Joe A Roberts 4 Cos. Schr Wapella, Bagger, Perth Amboy—Jos A Roberts 4 Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Carroll, Cohen’S Bluff and way landings—W TAlibson, Manager, MEMORANDA. Fernandina, Mny 26 Arrived, sehrs Lillie F Schmidt, Eldridge, Baltimore; Quaker City, Mc- Neiiiv, Brunswick. Cleared, sclir Lizzie Carr, Brown, New York. New York, May 24—ArHved, schis Florence 4 Lillian, Smith, Jacksonville; Lizzie. Gandy, Key West; Mary Ellen, Van Name, do; Welcome K Beebe, Lozier, Savannah (see miscaMauj 1 ; E C Alien, McLaughlin, Doboy; Index, Harrison, Georgetown, S C. Cleared, barks Belvidere (Br), Treffy, Savan nah; Farewell (Get - ), Klein, Brunswicft, Ga. Buenos Ai res. Mtiv 15—Arrived, bark Almedia (Nor), Christensen, Pensacola. Hamburg, May 24—Arrived, bark Ocean (Nor), Hellgren, Savannah. Liverpool, May TG—Arrived, bark Johanne (Nor), Itafen. Pensacola. Arrived in the Mersey, brig Saama (Rus) Han gell, Pensacola. Lizard. May 23—Fussed, ban; Fiona tOert, Gerber, Savannah for Rotterdam; 24th, steam ship Bessie Morris (Br), Ward, Coosaiv, SC, for Hamburg. 'i’arifa. May 16—Passed, bark Sollecito (Ital), Caflero, Girgenti. for i’ort Royal. Aspinwali, May 9—Arrived, schr Cal Wells, Newell, Pensacola. Port Spain, May S—Arrived, schr May McFar land, Montgomery, Feruandina. Boston, May 34—Arrived, schr N J Miller, Ab bott, Georgetown, S C. Cleared, bark Subra (Nor), Otterlieck, Bruns wick, Ga. Baltimore, May 21—Arrived, sohrs Sarah I> Fell. Loveland, Brunswick, Gad) Mary LPeters, Williams, Fernaiuliua; Bessie Morris, Wheaton, Savannah. Brunswick. May 15—Arrived, brig Clara Pick ens, Eddy, Perth Amboy. Arrived 23d, sears IV L White, Whiting, Charleston; Three Sisters, Stimson, New York. Sailed, schrs Clifford. Lamoire. New York; Fannie Whitmore, Whitmore, Boston. Cooaaw, S C, May 24—Sailed, steamer Napier (Br), Henderson, United Kingdom. Darien, May 24—Cleared, schr Martha S Be ment, Townsend. New York. Femandina, May 24—Arrived, steamer Annie Gould, Leeraan, Philadelphia (coaled and sailed for Cuba). Sailed, schr Wm R Drury, Swe.etland. Balti more. Norfolk, May 24—Sailed, schrs John M Brown, Coosaw, S C. Port Royal, SC, May 24—Sailed, steamship John Dixon (Br). Welsh, United Kingdom. Philadelphia, May 24—Arrived, schrs Ann J Trainor, Deirickson, Brunswick; Charlotte T Sibley, Bartlett, Jacksonville; .Annie C Grace, Grace, Savannah. Cleared, schr Nellie Bowers, Maguire, Savan nah. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Pensacola. May 20—Capt Noilseu, of ship Bury St Edwards (Dan), who was stabbed by A G Olsen, former second mate of the vessel, died last night. Brunswick, May 24—F.ark C B Hazeltine, Gil key, got ashore going out yesterday; wus hauled ofi and towed into theliarbor leaking. A survey will be held. New York, May 24—Schr Welcome R Beebe, Lozier, from Savannah, May 24. (I p m, off Sandy Hook, collided with steamer Wyanoke, lienee for Norfolk: carried away all of fore-rigging and some other slight damage; steamer canned away some stanchions and flagstaff. Boston, May 24—Steamer Merrimac, Crowell, which sailed hence for Savannah 19th, returned here with machinery damaged. She broke her high pressure engine crank pin on May 21, at 4 p m, when 40 miles N of Hatterass. She will make necessary repairs immediately and pro ceed to her destination. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. May May 36—101 caddies tobacco. 36 boxes tobacco, 1 bill’whisky, and mdse. Per Savannan, Florida and Western Railway. May 26—11 bales cotton, 37 ears lumber. 1 car coal, 2 cars wood, 743 bids spirits turpentine. 676 bbls vegetables, 1,416 bbls rosin, 21 bales wool, 3,555 boxes vegataldes, 5 bales hides, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. May 36—122 bales cotton, 49 bales yarn, 7 bale*, wool, 3 bales hides. 13 rolls leather, 74 pkgs tobacco, 816 bbls rosin. 4.390 lbs bacon, 366 obis spirits turpentine, 250 bbls lime. 281 lbs fruit, 6 bbls whisky, 1 car wood, 12 hf bbls whisky, 60 hf bbls beer, 18<1 qr bbls beer, 18 pkgs h h goods, 360 bbls flour, 14 cars lumbar, 201 pkgs wood in {shape 36 tons pig iron, 6 btfls tallow, 67 pkgs vegetables, 99 pkgs carriage ma terial, 76 pkgs mdse, 40 pkgs hardware, 3 bbls oil, 2 pkgs empties, 61 cases eggs, 2 cars coal. EXPORTS. Per bark Freidis (Nor), for Garston—3.Bso bbls rosin, weighing 1,713,045 pounds—B P Blotter & Cos. Per sclir Florence Shay, for Perth Amboy— -341,283 feet p p lumber—McDonough & Cos. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Oeo Appold, from Baltimore— Miss A Moale, Miss F Moale, Miss M C Kratz, W R Webb, W W Berry, E M Gotthold, 8 H Harbes wife 2 children and nurse, CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savaunab Railwav. May 20 —Rieser & 9, Litientlial A Son, Smith Bros A 00, Luddon & B. G S Schwartz L P Hart. Per Savannah, Florida and.Western Railway, May 36—Transfer Office. Kavatuiugh A B, J G Sullivan & Cos, T- P Bond A Cos, Dale, D A Cos. J V Denton/ McDonough A Cos, CM Gilbert A Cos, H B Cast,els, A Ehrlich A Bro, E Lovell A Sou, , J P Williams A 00, M Y Henderson, M Mnver, Smith Bros A Cos, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, J H Am brose. M Ferst A Cos, CL Jones. Ellis, Y & Cos. MYA DI Molatire, B H Levy A Bro. H Myers A Bros, McMillan Bros, E T Roberts, Peacock, H A Cos. Per Central Railroad, May 96—Fordtr Agt. H M Coiner A 00, M Maclean. VVirron AA, Dr D Cox, G W Tledeinau, C Seller. M Ferst A 00, M Y Henderson. Memhard Bros A Cos, P Cohen, H Myers A Bros, Wm Hone & Cos, Harms £J, Smith Bros A Cos. Leo Roy Myer# AOo limes. C H Carson, A Klusteifi's Sonn, E Lovell A Bon, Weed AC, W B Meil A Cos, CE Stuita, P Mo- Glashen, Lindsay & M, Byrnes Bros A Cos, W D Dixon. A J Millor A Cos, U Ebherwein, A Lt flier, J G Butler, Peacock, H A Cos, J P Williams A Cos, Ellis, Y A Cos, Stillwell, P ,fc M. W C Jackson. O T Shaffer, Vale Royal Mfg Cos, Decker A F, Kay A (J, C Kolshom A Bro. BROKERS, NOW-THETUIE to speculate. A CTIVE fluctuations In the Market offer op port unities to speculators to make money in Grain, Stocks, Bonds ar.d Petroleum. I' personal attention given to orders received by wire or mail. Correspondence solicited. Full Information about tiic markets in our hook, which will be forwarded free on application. H- D. KVLE, Banker anrl Jirok*T, 88 Broad and 81 New Sts.. New York City. A. Lc. HARTRIDGE, SECURITY BROKER. T 2 UYB AND BELIJ3.on commission all classes AT of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiates loaiis on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CCMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Bx , olk:ox'3. ORDERS EXECUTED on the Now York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY” BAN K, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - SBO,OOO r PRANSACT a regular banking business. Give , 1 pajtloukir attention to Florida collections. <Jorreni>oudu'jce solicited. Issue Exohangi' on New York. New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Flu. Resident Agents for Courts 4 Cos. and Melville, Evans 4 CO., of London, England. New York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. DRY GOODg. Exceptional Inducements h o sTe R Y AT Crohan & Dooner’s SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., Ladies’ Hose. 350 dozen Ladies' black, colored and un bleached Hoeo at 10c. a pair. *SO dozen Ladies' imbleaehed full regular made Hose at 15c. a pair, 285 dozen Ladies' black, solid colored and un bleached Hose, full regular made, at 95c. a pair. 100 dozen Indies’ solid colored black ana un bleached Hose, full regular made, at 35c. a pair. 150 dozen Ladies' black and solid colored Bril liant Lisle Ilose at 50c., worth 75e. a pair Misses’ Hose. 300 dozen Misses plain and ribbed black and colored Hone at 10c. a pair. A Job Lot. 100 dozen JUswo*' black aud colored Hose, broken sizes, nt 23e., regular price 85c. and 10c. 175 dozeu Misses’plain and ribbed black and colored Hose, double heel and toe . ai 35c. a pair. 60 dozen Misses’ black and colored Brilliant Lisle Thread Ilose, double knees, from 8 to at 35c. a pair. GENTLEMEN’S HALF HOSE 250 dozen Gentlemen’s British Half Hose at 15c. a pair. 200 dozen Gentlemen’s unbleached striped and solid colored British and Balhrtggan Half Hose at 25-;. a pair. Summer Underwear A complete assortment of all grades and sizes in Summer Underwear for Ladies, Gentlemen and Misses. White Goods! White Goods! 3,7.80 cards Corded Pique at Stic, a yard. 200 pieces India Linen, 30 inches wide, at a yard. 150 pieces India Linen, 33 inches wide at 10c. a yard. 100 pieces India Linon, 82 inches wide, at 13}sJc. a yard. 75 pieces checked Nainsook, Cambric finish, 10 different patterns, at Sf>e. a yard. 10 pieces shear finished I’laiil Inwns, 30 inches wide, at 12(4<\ a yard. A full line of Bleached, Unbleached and Tur key Red Table Damask, Damask and Huck Towels. Napkins and Doylies, Marseilles and Honey Oomb Quilts. A SPECIAL DRIVE. 100 dozen bleached Huck Towels, 33 inches wide aud 45 inches long, at $d per dozen; regu lar price $4 25 FLOUR. HECKER’S - SELF-RAISING FLOUR Yields more Bread than flour raised with yeast, is finer, more digestible and nutritious. Always Ready ! Perfectly Healthful! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Geo. V. Hecker & Cos., 178 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. MA.CHI NTH Y. lifiry! Maciinery! Cheap and Good and Easy Terms. i EIGHT-HORSE POWER HORIZONTAL I FIRE BOX BOILERS (new) 1 Fifteen-Horse Power (second-hand) Return Tubular Boiler. 1 Fifty-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular s'rbirty-Honse Power (new) Return Tubular Boilers. 1 Tweni.y-flve-Horse Power (new) Return Tubular Boiler. 2 Twelve Horse Power Horizontal Centre Crank Engines, on sills (new). 2 Eigktdrtorse Power Horizontal Side Crank Engines, on sills (new). 1 jQglit-Horse Power (second hand) Horizontal Side Crank Engine, on wheels. 1 Stx-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines, an wheels (new). 2 Sis-Horse Power Horizontal Side Crank En gines, ob sills (new). Also, Circular Saw Mills, Saws, Belting, Pipe and Fitting*, Brass Goods, Inspirators, etc. Ad dress • Schofield’s Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. J. C. FREEMAN. A. H. OLIVER. Freeman & Oliver, FURNITURE, Matting, Refrigerators, Stoves, Crockery and House Furnishing Goods, 183 BROUGHTON STREET. Furniture Stored During Summer Months, CONTRACTORS. P. J. FALLON, BUBER AND CONTRACTOR, 22 DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH. I ESTIMATES promptly fumishod for building J of any clasi. MOLAS*I>. .MO L A SS MS. 600 BARRELS MOLASSES m rOR SALE BY SLBERT & CO. US NURSERY, Bluff Road. JUETi, DESIGNS, CUY ■nWbed to order. Leave or- W.’ cornor J-JJ and York WATER COOLERS, RANGES AND STOVES. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OR 1 WATER COOLERS, Artistically Decorated, Plated Lever Sweets, at the Following Low Prices: 1)4 Gallons. 2 Galloas. 3 Gallons. 4 Gallons. 8 Gallons, 90c. $1 60. $1 86. $2 20. $2 80. Also Watering Pots, with Detachable Rose. 3 Quarts. 4 Quarts. 0 Quarts, 8 Quarts. 10 Quarts. 12 Quarts. 16 Quarto. 30c. 36c. 45c. 65c. 65c. 76c. $1 15. And Refrigerators, Kerosene Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Flj Fans, Hair Dusters, Feather Dusters and the Celebrated Charter Oak Ranges and Stoves, With Wire Gauze Oven Doors. The Construction of Which Equalizes the Heat In all Parts of the Oven. For Sale by CLARKE DANIELS, Guard* Armory, Conwr Whitaker and York Street*. TELEPHONE 281. BOOTS AND shoes’. Shoes Slaughtered.! In order to reduce our immense stock of goods, we inaugurate a series of Bargain Sales, and have placed on our Centre Tables the following lots of genuine bargains: II VF V ( X I..*W pairs Ladies' Kid Hand-sewed Opera Slippers, full leather tAn -A " l 1' w l lined, box toes, sold everywhere at Toe., we oiler at ill "b II VP XT I ) O„4ao pairs Iguiies' Kid Hand-sewed Lace Oxfords, full leather lined. Cl An A/ I- 1“ " "• it box toes, sold everywhere at ?l 35, wo offer at tHIU T ( UP \ T / \ pairs Youths’ Glove-Grain Sewed Button Boots, with Sole A | qv -LA / L it V 7 . i) Leather Tips aud all did, regular price $1 75, we offer at.. fipL /. i) II VP \TI I A ,6<) pairs Indies' 18-Thread Serge Tops, KJd Fox Polished, all t q C A/Llt V/. t solid, sizes Is to 7s, regular price Jjl 75, we reduce to flp L ill) II )P\ I 1 E„ft4 pairs Ladies' IS-Thread Merge Tops, Kid Fox Button, worked button A./ Llt V_/ •/ holes, all solid, sizes Is to 7s, regular price 82 25, we offer j IAT A pairs Misses’ Pebble Goat Button Boots, best oak leather soles (a A/ I it\ r. U nplendid school shoe), all solid, never sold at less than |2, A | I k we offer at dpi )U IA r P VT ( \ '7__S4 pail's Misses’Curaeoa Kid Button Boots, worked button dti) A A zV/ LItV / . 4 holes, box toes, always sold at $2 76, reduced to dP/5 UU T AT Mn Q__ll2 [mire Ladies’ Boot Curacoa Kid 4-Button Newport*, box tons, IA ) I itV_/ O Morrow's New York make, sold heretofore at 83, we re- (to O CkA 4ubed to tpJJ UU I /AGP V A A_,47 pairs Ladles’ C oa Kid and Pebble Goat Button Boot*, an assorted -A / I It v" • i’ lot. tnanh/aot'. by Sailer, Lcwln & Go. and Zelgler Bros., of Vhikidclphla. ii wr. *, told at 82 75 and $3, we offer any in fIS •) DG this lot at. && UU We have four more lots op our Outre Tat.-., among them Laird. Hcholier * Mitchell's French Kill Button Boots, sold heretofore at 36 SO, reduced to $5, and a lot of Zeigler’s Ladies’ and Misses' Laced aud Button Boots, n miscellaneous lot of'broken sizes, alt at the uniform price of $1 50. Early callere will have the beet choice. Jos. Rosenheim & Cos., ASBESTOS "GOODS. W A f ASBESTOS ROOFING £ FIRH-PROOF. THIS iB the perfected form of portable Booling, manufactured by ua for the past twenty-seven years, and is now in use upon roofs of Factories, Foundries, Cotton Gins, Chemical Works, Railroad Bridges, Cars, Steamboat Decks, etc., in all parts of the world. Supplied ready for use, in rolls cottaining 200 square feet, and weighs with Asbestos Roof Coating, about 85 pounds to 100 square feet. Is adapted for all climates and can be readily applied by unskilled workmen. Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail. H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., sorji MumrtemmKßa or H. VV. John.’ Fire ud Wntev.PTMf Asbestos Cheatings, Building Felt, Asbestos Staia Packings, Boiler Coverings, Liquid Paint., Fire-Proof Paint., etc. Vulcabeston Monl<rll Piston-Rod Packing, Hint.. Gaskets, rtheet Packing, etc. Established 1858. 87 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. C3ICAO0 ’ For sale by IJI'PMAN BROS., Savannah, Ga. Ul ■"—■an- 1 ; 1 —'j— 11 i ji . ...m. WATCHES AND .IKWKI.RY. SILYEK YV A RE! Having Just returned from New York, where I elected tlie latent design, and style., I can now exhibit tho Largest aud Handsomest Stock of Solid Silverware, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry Ever Ojinned XJp in this City. In addition, our .took ban been replenished In every department with article, suitable for Wed ding PrettßU. House Furntafclng and other purposes. Also, a dazzling display of Diamonds. Watchjk OkalM, (A arpis, Flocks, Jewelry, and, in fact, everything that you would expect to flud In the Leading Jewelry Roure of the-clty. The High Standard of our goods is well known, and a moderate and reasonable profit la all ttot we expect or ask -therefore, no Fancy Prices. Any arti cle in our Extensive and Varied Stock will compare with any similar articles to be found In any respeaUb> Jewelry Howe anywgert: not excepting the hugest cities of tho country. We invite a dull aud inspection W Send for our Illustrated Catalogue. 157 S'bx’ee'b. M. STERNBERG. DIAMONDS. FUKMTI ltK AM) CAItFXTS. THE ALLEGRETTI AT Lindsay & Morgan’s FURNITURE AND CARPET PALACE. Call and see the Allogrotti Refrigerator. Consumes leas ioe than other refrigerator, and keeps at a freezing point all the time. We have just received another lot of the Ice Palace, Empress and Arctic King Re frigerators. Immense stock of straw mattings, consisting in part of Damask, Red Checks, Fancy and Plain Wldte Goods. All winter goods have been marked down below zero, to reduce stock. Fine Carpets at the same price as an ordinary Tapestry Brussclls. Portieres and Lace 0-u-X’'bad.:n_s., Window Shades and Cornice Poleg, Cedar Chests, Baby Carriages. Mosquito Nets io endless variety. Loose covers for parlor suites cut and made to order. LINDSAY & MOKCAN,. 109 and 171 Rrcmghton Street. J Vie Royal Manufacturing (!o| SAVANNAH, GrA 1., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Sasl, Doors, Inis, Millets, Pew is, And Interior Finish of all kinds. Moulding., Baluster., Newel Pets. Estimates, Prioe lists. Mould ing Books, and any Information In our line furnished on application. Cypress, Yellow Pine, Oak, Asn and Walnut LUMBER ou baud and in any quantity, iurnlr.hcd promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Savannah. Ga- 7