The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, May 28, 1887, Image 1

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i ESTABLISHED 1950. \ \ J. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor. ) 1,500 HORSES ROASTED. OAR STABLES AND FIVE TENEMENT HOUSES BURNED. Tne Beit Line Stables, Five Tenement Houses and a Factory Burned in New York-Animals Roasted Alive -Many Scores Rendered Homeless Only One Life Lost. New York, May 27.—Flames broke out at 1 :30 o'clock this morning in the south end of the Belt Line stables on Tenth ave nue, lietween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth streets. The building was entirely de stroyed with 1,600 horses and nearly all the ears in the building. Tire flames were first seen by one of the night hands, who gave the alarm. The flames spread rapidly and soon completely enveloped the building in their folds. NO TIME TO SAVE ANYTHING. The building was a five-story building, and covered the square or block reaching back to Eleventh avenue. The upper stories were occupied by the repair shops and were lull of combustible material, which blazed up as soon as touched by the fire. The offices were situated in the southeast comer. They were in flames so quickly that there was no chance to save the books of the com pany. In the stables were over 1,600 horses and several hundred cars. Only ten horses and two cars were saved. The rest were all burned up. At 2 o’clock this morning the walls of the building fell in with a terrible crash, sending millions of sparks- and blazing pieces of wood high in the air. A GENERAL ALARM. The fire alarm of the three six°s had been made as soon ns the fire chief arrived at the scene, and engines from all parts of the city, with the water tower and the hook and ladder companies, were rapididly coming. PROSTRATED BY THE INTENSE HEAT. The heat from the flaming building was so great that several firemen and two po licemen were prostrated. FLAMES SPREAD RAPIDLY. At 1 :45 a. m. the flames, aided by the strong, high wind which was prevailing, had leaped across the wide avenue aud caught the whole block on the east side, between Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth streets. TERROR-STRICKEN TENANTS. The block was composed of six-story tene ment houses and a coal yard. The terror stricken tenants poured out of the building like a swarm of bees, praying, fighting and cursing by turns. BEYOND CONTROL. The scene of terror was indescribable; the buildings burned rapidly, though the fronts facing the avenue were Of brown stone. By 2:o0 they were completely gutted. The flames had spread to the entire square block over to Ninth avenue. At 2:30 this morning the block below had caught on fire and was blazing furiously. FLEEING FROM THE FLAMES. The streets in the vicinity for blocks away were filled with the frightened, crying and woe-stricken tenants fleeing from the ravages of the flames. The fire attracted thousands of awe-stricken spectators. HOMLESI.ESS POOR PEOPLE. The tenement houses were thickly peo pled. Every floor had from four to five families. All were poor people who will lose all their property. CONTROLLED AT LAST. The ffcv was got under control at 4 o'clock this morning. LOSSES AND DAMAGES. On the stables, with their contents, and the frame houses on the opposite side of Tenth avenue and down Fifty-fourth street which were destroyed, the loss will not be much lev* than $1,000,000. RESCUED BUT TO DIE. Elizabeth Walsh, 76 years old, one of the occupants of the house No. 540 West Fifty lonrth street, which was burned, was sick m her bed. The police rescued her and brought her to the sidewalk, where she expired from he fright and shock. over $1,000,000 LOSS. T.ater estimates show that the loss by Are •till not be covered by -$1,000,000. ' Ihe stables are a complete wreck. The tenements on the streets facing the stables were also 1 mined. There were something like 1,400 horses in the stables, and only stout 100 of these were saved. The loss is now estimated at $1,3.25,000. A SCENE OF DESOLATION AND RUIN. The fire raged from 1:3') till daybreak, the sun rose upon a scene of desolation, but with the tired firemen masters of the situ ation. The bodies of tho 1,200 horses that had been smothered or burned alive were roasting in the ruins of the stables. One "lag of the Jacob News silk factory in Fifty fourth street, and the live brick tenements" in that block ha ve disappeared. Scarcely it trace was left of any of them, save the corner tenement on Tenth avenue, the front v which yet stands. A row of frame cookeries on Tenth avenue, fronting the stables, had been wiped out, and of the v.unty settlement all the way down Fifty w! . street > from Tenth avenue to within v 0 lent of Eleventh avenue, nothing was eft save the blackened rocks and the rows ? <lf ®d goats, dogs, pigsand horses that had *n burned to death in the vain scramble for life. HEARTRENDING SCENES. Yore than 100 families, to a great extent 'Vy poor people, had been rendered hoine fw. m one woman bad perished from the tight and excitement. Any number of people, including the firemen and police, heat° bCen P rost, ' ateli l, y tlle consuming POOR PEOPLE LOSE THEIR ALL. leu, women and children aro wandering milessly over the ruins of their wrecked itnes, bereft of their all. and bewildered at th su , and crushing Plow. Their losses, ,/’ u Fh mostly insignificant in amount, were e ‘o-cuuiulnt ion of a lifetime. SMALL INSURANCE. Tile insurance will be less than $500,000. ne street car company carried $310,000 in ance, divided among 150 companies. ANOTHER CAR STABLE BURNED. ■'ineinnati’s Street Car Stables Burned But tho Horses Saved. Cixcinnati, 0., May 27.—Tho street car e lire was got under control about 2:15 morning. The stable employes 8,1 the horses by turning thorn out, .. saved most of the harness and all Mini 1 onl y half of the stable is loi-vT i' There were about 150 cars and 300 m the stable. A New Orleans $2,500 Blase. 'lay 27.—A fire tills after roUl^,J royedt hlrfcy-two small housos un wiiy.f . la , rw ’ ° n cither side of TcUopitoulas luu siYl' Ve tu Bordeaux and the upper 1 "ecu. Ihe loss j s estimated at $2,600. Tho Ridenour Case. *I V) Va., May 27.—Ridenour, Rrt.v l oo " vu ’ted of the minder of young hot C ,iL h ° K railt< d anew trial, will coun? Uwd unUl t hc July term of the Iljc morning ■ PARIS IN MOURNING. Probably Over 200 Lives Lost in the Opera Comique Fire. Paris, May 27.—The examination of the ruins of the Opera Comique for the remains of other victims still continues. Twenty bodies have been found in the dining-room. These victims ad met their death by suffocation. Tho fliemen saw their bodies, but were unable to reach them. It is believed that 150 more bodies are in the mins. what the roll call shows. The roll call of the attaches of the Opera Comique, made to-day, shows that seven teen actors and employes are missing, ex-" elusive of the supernumeraries, who were engaged nightly as they were needed, and of whom no record was kept. CROWDED WITH SIGHTSEERS. The approaches to the burned theatre are crowded with sightseers. A pamphlet was circulated on the streets to-day, the moral of which was that if there had been a series of Ministers of Fine Arts with as high a sense of public duty as had been shown by Gen. Boulanger, the disaster would not have occurred. The pamphlet way eagerly bought and produced a visible effect upon the populace, which was heightened by the occasional passage of an ambulance containing a corpse. All audacious firebrand could have per suaded the crowd to do anything. All Paris turned out to witness the transfer of the corpses to the Morgue. A gentleman who was mistaken for M. Berthelot was obliged to seek refuge from the throng of indig nant people, amid cries of “ala Seine.” MORE BODIES FOUND. Paris, May 37, 8 p. m.—A later official report announces that sixty-eight bodies have been recovered from the opera house up to 7 o’clock to-night.. The work of searching the ruins continues to-night with the aid of the electric light. Inquiries for missing friends are still being received. Inquiries at the leading hotels show that Very few English persons, mid no Ameri cans, are missing. The wife and daughters of Gen. Meredith Read had a very narrow escape. Their dresses were almost com pletely torn oil’ in the crush. It is estimated that it will take nearly a fortnight to clear away the ruins. ABSENT AT ROLL CALL. At roll cal! to-day of the Opera Comique Company there was a distressing scene. The names of the dead were greeted with sobs and lamentations. M. Tosquin, who is to receive the cross of the Legion of Honor for his heroic efforts to prevent a panic on the night of the disaster, was welcomed by his fellow artists with the greatest display of gratitude and affection. M. Caroalho, in expressing his heartfelt thanks for tile generosity of the theatrical world, begged to be excused from making any speech as his feelings were too much harrowed by the frightful catastrophe FURTHER GOVERNMENT RELIEF. M. Steeraekers to-day announced that the government would make further appropria tions for the relief of the sufferers. AMERICA IS WELL REPRESENTED. J Hies. Vanzandt and Nevada to-day ■abled with offers of their services in the benefits, and similar offers are coming in from all sides. The Vienna municipal au thorities have voted 20,000 francs in aid of tho victims. * VIRGINIA’S ELECTIONS. The Old Dominion Has a Negro for Commonwealth’s Attorney. Norfolk. May 27.—The returns from Norfolk county did not come in uutil 4 o’clock this morning, owing to the vast deal of scratching. The Republicans’ straight ticket is elected by a large majority over the citizens’ or fusion ticket. Asbury (col ored) is elected Commonwealth’s Attorney, which is said to be the first time hi the his tory of the state w here a colored man has been elected to this position. Portsmouth City elected the Democratic ticket by a large majority over the Labor ticket. REPUBLICAN TICKET AHEAD. Harrisonburg, Va , May 27. Semi official returns from all precincts in this county show tho following result of the election for county officers yesterday: Har rison (Rep.) defeats Yancey find. Deni.) by 700 majority for Common wealth's Attorney; Messerley (ind. Dom.) defeats Lewis (Rep.) by 150 majority for County Court Clerk; Martz (Ind. Deni.) defeats Biaek (Rep.) by 160 majority for Circuit Court Clerk. The Republicans elect the full Board of Super visor and nearly all district officers. WINCHESTER’S ELECTION. Winchester, Va., May 27.—Freder ick county elects the entire Demo cratic ticket except one commissioner. The Democrats did not have any ticket in the city election. The Council was elected from three tickets, tho temperance ticket, .citizens’ ticket, and the ticket of the Repub licans, supposed to be non-partisan. SOLID FOR DEMOCRACY. Staunton, Va., May 27.—1n Augusta county the general Democratic ticket was elected by from 500 to 1,200 majority, the Republicans carrying some minor offices, including two of the six supervisors. * JUMPED THE TRACK. Four Killed and Twelve Injured by an Accident in Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Pa., May 27.—A passenger train on the Pennsylvania railroad jiunped the track at Horseshoe iiend, near Kittan ning Point, in the Allegheny mountains, to night, and three cars went over the cm- Imnkment. The accident was caused by the breaking of an axle on mi east-lxmnd freight train just before meeting passenger train. The report says that four persons were killed and twelve wounded. A number of physicians have gone to the scene of the wreck. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Altoona, Pa., May 27. —T0-night as the fast line west-bound mail train was near Kittanning Point the wheels of a car on (jjae freight train bound East burst aud tho car crashed into two passenger coaches with terrible effect, killing instantly lour men Hd injuring many others. Telegrams were immediately sent, to this city for physicians and all that could bo procured were detailed to the wreck. The Wiled are: Mr. Graham, son of ex-Speaker Graham, of Allegheny, Pa.; J. H. Stauffer, of Louisville, O.: W'y mcr Snyder, of Hha mokin, Pa., and John Dorris, a newsboy, of East Liberty, Pa.; Frank McCue, of 76East Thirty-third street. New York city, will probably die; Charles Biedelman, of Brinflcld, Noble county, Ind., is dying: six others wore seriously, but not dangerously hurt. No passengers occupying the sleeping or parlor cars were injured. The accident was an unavoidable one, and the worst that has happened for years on the Pennsylvania railroad. - The injured were brought to this city, and were made as comfortable as possible. Cut Down 10 Per Cent. Reading, Pa., May 27.—The 860 cra plovew of the pi|- mill, of the Reading, iron works, were to-day informed of the redac tion in wages of 10 per cent. A month ago they were udvancod 5 tier cent. It is the general belief that the men will not accept the reduction. SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1887. i IRON INTERESTS NEED IT. WHY THE INTERSTATE LAW SHOULD BE SUSPENDED. Vice President Stahlman, of the Louis ville and Nashville, Urges the Com mission to Consider Alabama’s Iron Interests- His Respect for Congress is Nil—Birmingham Is His Pet. Washington, May 27.—E. B. Stahlman, Third Vice President of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, appeared before tbe Intel-state Commerce Commission to-day to answer certain statements made by Com missioners Fink and Gault of the Queen and Crescent route. He said if there w-as auy exceptions anywhere oil this continent, that called for relief under tbe fourth sec tion, the whole Southern system of rail roads is that exception. Touching the appli cation made by his company, Mr. Stahlman said tljat the impression had been created that the Louisville and Nashville wanted relief from'the operation of the law, as it affected every point in the country. Asa matter of fact, it sought relief at only seven teen points, and at fifteen of them there is a strong water competition, as far as the traffic between Kentucky points and Cincinnati is concerned INGENIOUS ARGUMENT. Mr. Stahlman suggested that the effect o f the application would be to cause the rail road companies to open depots at Coving ton and Newqxirt, opposite Cincinnati, and maintain the present competitive rates from these places to Frankfort and other Ken tucky ,points. By ail elaborate statement of rates Mr. Stahlman sought to remove, what he styled, the mistaken impression to the effect that the Southern railroads deliber ately had gone to work to build up the Ala bama iron interests at the expense of the other sections of the country. The rates were fair and equitable and the people were satisfied with them. NOT LOCAL BUT THROUGH RATES, In answer to the chairman he said he was not aware of any necessity for any relief in the matter of pig iron rates on his own line, but he did desire relief in through traffic to New- York. The chairman suggested that such an order would be futile unless other connecting roads joined in the application. Mr. Stahlman replied that the Lake Erie and Western railroad was so situated that it could unite with his road on a $4 rate to New York without violating the law. “Then you don't want an order,” remarked Commission Walker. The witness replied that his road wanted tbe business and could not mako sure that the company he had mentioned would consent to unite in any satisfactory rates. BIRMINGHAM’S ITERESTS. Mr. Stahlman stated that the business of Birmingham would be crippled if his road was obliged to charge as much to Birming ham as it charged to intermediate points. The chairman inquired if a compliance with the request, for a suspension of the fourth section in the South would not amount to a virtual nullification of the law in that sec tion of country. The witness replied in the affirmative and maintained the neccessity for such suspension. The people of Alabama, he said, were not hankering for the enforce ment of the law. The jehairman remarked that people of the South seemod to have felt the necessity for the law, as evidenced by the action of Congress. Mr. Stahlman answered that the people of the South had very little feeling in tne matter. Said he: “It was just our friends in Congress who came here and said, ‘We will ride along on this current,’ and a good many of them were sorry for it, too.'* CONGRESS BEYOND CRITICISM. Further on in his argument, Mr. Stahl man again animadverted upon tho spirit that had animated Congress when it passed the law. Commissioner Bragg interrupted him to say that such reflections upon the intelligence of Congress were not in place. The remarks were lacking in the respect due to the supreme law-making power. Mr. Stahlman admitted that the point was well taken, and concluded his argument without further incident. GROVER ON A PLEASURE TRIP. The Übiquitous Reporter Keeps Him Under Strict Surveillance. Albany, N.Y., May 27.—President Cleve land and party arrived here at 3:15 o’clock this morning. They left immediately by a special train on the Delaware and Hudson railroad. The party were joined here by Dr. Ward, of this city. THE GREEN MOUNTAINS SEEN. Burlington, Vt., May 27.—President Cleveland aud party passed through this city on a special train at 0:40 this morning. A stop of a few minutes was made. The President and Mrs. Cleveland appeared on the rear platform of their ear in’ company with Collector Smalley, and were greeted with enthusiastic applause. The President made no remarks. ALL VERMONT HAPPY. St. Albans, Vt. . May 27.—President Cleveland and party arrived hereatlo:3o o'clock and were enthusiastically greeted by a large crowd of citizens. The train was halted a few minutes and the President aud Mrs. Cleveland appeared on tho rear plat form to acknowledge the popular greetings. They were presented with two elegant bou quets by a couple of children, and as the train moved out several giant torpedoes sounded a salute. Tim party will proceed direct to Moira, N. Y., whence they will branch off into the Adirondack region. NOW IN “INNOCUOUS DESUETUDE.” Upper Baranac Lake. Mav 27.—The President and party, consisting of the Presi dent and Mrs. Cleveland. Col. and Mrs. La mont ami Dr. and Mrs Rosman, of Brook lyn, reached the Prosjjoct House at 7 o'clock tills evening. The train consisted of the sleeping car in which the party left Wash ington last night, and a drawing-room car taken on at Jersey City. The first consid erable stop was made after daylight this morning at Rutland, Vt., which point was reached. at 7:30 o’clock. A large crowd had assembled at the station, and the President stepped out oil the platform and shook hanus with as many us could be accommodated during the few minutes’ stay. This programme was related at Burlington, Manchester, St. Albans, in Vermont, and at Malone, N. Y. The party reached Paul Smith’s station at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Three buck boards were awaiting there to convey the party to Saranac Lake. settled down for fishing. The President and Mrs. Cleveland and Colonel and Mrs. Liunont are located in Dr. Duutou's cottage, a short distance from the Prospect House. The President will rise early to-morrow morning, and accompanied by his guido, will s;>eml the day in fishing. Public Debt Reduction. Washington, May 27.—The business of the government has so far this month indi cated a large reduction in the public debt. Receipts to date have ben $81,286,021, and expenditures $20,540,833, leaving u surplus for the month of $10,738,188. Tne ex|>endi tures included about $10,000,000 paid on the account of pensions. CHURCH AMENITIES. Presbyterian Bodies Exchanging Fra ternal Salutations. Philadelphia, May 27. In the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian church of North America, Rev. J. C. Gal loway, of the Associate Reformed church, South, was introduced and addressed the assembly. He conveyed the Christian salu tation of the synod of the South to tho assembly. The course for him to pursue was one of utmost candor and frankness. Tho Associate Reformed church has rejected the basis of union and tho reasons, as he conceived for doing so, were two. First was agitation .in the United Presbyterian church over the organ ques tion, and second from the opposition of a respectable minority to the fourteenth arti cle in tlie testimony of the United Presby terian church. The Associate Reformed church wishes to wait until tho organ ques tion is settled in a peaceful way. A largo portion of tho Associate Reformed church considers the introduction of an organ as fatal to congregational singing. GLAD SLAVERY IS NO MOKE. The Associate Reformed Church does not wish to restore slavery. There is not a man who does not heartily rejoice .that the incu bus of slaverv is destroyed never to return. [Applause.] The opposition comes from the old people, those of ante-bellum times. The old live iu the past, but, after all, their op position is more that of a chavalrous senti ment than otherwise. “We feel,” said Mr. Galloway, “that we ought to regard the feelings of those old people, and not out rage their convictions and drive them from our communion. When the year 1900 shall have arrived slavery will be almost out of mernorv. I was born and reared, said he, in South Carolina. The New South has no lean ing towards slavery. Why cannot we rest as a basis of imion on the cordial accept ance of the Westminster Confession and Catechism as historically interpeted?” He trusted the day was not far distant when the two churches shall be organically what they are spiritually—one. Tho mod erator responded to the greetings of Mr. Galloway, and said it would be well that there should be no indiscriminate haste relative to instrumental music. With re gal’d to the article in the testimony of the United Presbyterian church, it is the record of the church. He trusted that over two churches there would Vie soon one banner, with the words written over it, “The United Presbyterian Church of North America.” “We can goon and do our work until God, in His own good time, brings about organic union.” PRESBYTERIANS UNITING. Committees Appointed to Confer Re garding tbe Reunion. Omaha, Neb.. May 27.—The Presbyterian Assembly (North) met this morning at the usual time. A resolution from the assembly in St. Louis, looking for united action be tween both divisions of the church, reading as follows, was adopted: “That a committee of four ministers and four ruling elders, together with the moderator, is to moet with a similar committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church of America (South). Each committee shall be appointed for the sole nurpose of in quiring into and ascertaining the facts above mentioned and as to the position that the assembly purposes to maintain in the colored churches, ecclesiastical hoards and any other subject now regarded as obstacles in the wav of a united effort for the propagation of the gospel, and rerxirt those facts to the next General Assembly for such action as they may warrant.” A similar committee was appointed by the assembly to confer with tho committee above referred to. A STRONG TEMPERANCE PLATFORM. The following resolution was adopted al most unanimously: “That this assembly re iterates and emphasizes the deliverance of the former-assemblies with reference to the sin of intemperance, the unspeakable evil ami wrong of the liquor trafflo, the use of intoxi cating drink a.s a beverage and the duty of all members of our churches to encourage aud promote the cause of temperance m every legitimate way, and especially by the power or personal influence and example, aud by the strong arm of the civil laws. WORKING FOR UNION. Southern Presbyterians Willing to Unite if Possible. St. Louis, May 27. —Tho General Assem bly of the Southern Presbyterian church, after a two days’ discussion, adopted a reso lution offered by Dr. Hoge, of North Caro lina, which was really a substitute and and a compromise for the mi nority report on the organic union: “That a committee be appointed to confer with the committee of the Northern church to ascertain the sentiment of the latter body in connection with ecclesiastical boards and the colored church, and other subjects of the 4wn churches as might be deemed necessa ry.” The vote stood 81 for and 69 against the resolution. Dr. Mortion presented the report of the Committee on Narratives, which specially spoke of tho lack of attention to tho colored people. Tne Committee on Foreign Missions rec ommended the request of tho Brazilian church to allow it to erect a aeperate na tional synod in connection with the North ern church missions, which have been re leased. ONLY ONE CAUSE FOR DIVORCE. The Reformed Episcopal Church Takes a Decided Stand. Philadelphia, May 27.—At to-day’s ses sion of the General Council of the Reformed Episcopal church the following resolutions were reported from the Committee on Con stitution and Canons, aud adopted after a brief discussion: 1. Reiolved , That the Reformed Episcopal church recognizes adultery as tho only scrip tural ground for divorce. 2. That this church forbids its ministers to perforin a marriage ceremony for any divorced party unless the person from whom that party is divorced has been guilty of or is living in adultery. 3. That nothing In these resolutions forbids the remarriage of a former husband aud wife. SUPREME COURT ADJOURNED. The Telephone Cases Still Waiting to Hear “Helloa.” Washington, May 87. —The United States Supreme Court rendered decisions ' to-day In about forty cases. The telephone CMes, however, were not among them, and only a few of tho judgments announced were of general interest. The petition for a rehearing of the Maxwell land grant case was denied. The court lias adjourned for the term. Closing of a Non-Paying Bank. Harrisonburg, Va., May 27.—At • meet ing of the .stockholders of the Rockingham Bank, at this place, it was determined to throw it into liquidation with a view to dotting up the business as speedily ns possi ble, The bank is perfectly solvent, but is not paving. The bank Is Is years old. WASHINGTON’S GALA DAY SINGLE, COMPANY AND REGIMEN TAL COMPETITION. Yesterday’s Drill Witnessed by Enthu siastic Thousands- Popular Features Introduced Our Volunteers Hold Their Own, Though Scrutinized by the Argus-Eyed Officers of the Reg ulars. Washington, May 27.—T0-day was an other line day, and a busy one, for the sol diers in the national drill. Competitions were in progress in the main drill grounds, the Athletic Park, base ball grounds and the Uni tel .States Arsenal grounds, the latter being the individual competition in the riflq shooting. The shooting yesterday was at 200 and 500 yards, and to-day at 500 aud 1)00 yards. Lieut. Pollard, of the Washington Light Infantry, still heads the list, with a total of 172. Next conies Capt. Chisholm, of tho Second Maryland, 167; third, Private Crossman, of the S&eond lowa, 106; fourth, Private Moring, of tho Light Infantry Blues, Virginia, 166; fifth. Private Cash, of the Washington Light Infantry, 161- infantry PRILLS. The infantry companies which drilled to day were tho Indianapolis Light Infantry, the Alexandria (Va.) Light Infantry, the Jackson Rifles of Jackson, Mich.; the Moiineaux Rifles, Company D, Second New YorlU: the Belknap Rifles, of San Antonio, Tex.; the San (Tex.) Rifles; the Lomax Rifles, Mobile, Ala,, and the Sheri dan Guards, Manchester, N. H. It is difficult to specify the points of excel lence or imperfections, but popular sympa thy and appreciation seemed about, equally enlisted by tiie Lomax Rifles, of Mobile, und the Belknap Rifles, of Texas, withjthe Sau Antonio Rifles close after them. 'The crowd was immense and generous in its demonstrations of applause. Next oatno the battalion drill between the Fifth Rhode Island, the Louisville Legion and the Wash ington Light Infantry. The practice through out was pronounced good by aompetent judges and the opinions of outsiders are about evenly divided as to their respective merits. LIKE UNTO A SPELLING MATCH. The most entertaining feature of tiie day’s pageantry was (he individual competitive drill, conducted on the country siwlling match principle, which came next after the battalion competition. The sixty competi tors were selected men, two from each com pany, and they were welcomed with loud cheers as they drew up in line before the At the very outset the line was iby tho judges, who retired eight men for a failure to place their pieces against their toe at order arms. The drill was exceedingly severe. Four keen-eyed army officers were on tiie lookout for the errors, and traps and pitfalls were set for the unwary; the orders come thicker and more abruptly as the work went on. Now and then the commander worked his way with much elaboration up to some point where it was expected whole dozens would go down only to be surprised himself by the ready and accurate response of every competitor. One quick-witted boy was seen to make no less than three errors, which went undetected by the judges. Another, who was charged by the .too-ready judge with an error of some kind, appealed his case to tho other judges and, amid tbe sympathizing shouts of tho spectators, was sustained, but only to be slaughtered two or three minutes later. THE SPECTATORS INTENSELY EXCITED. The excitement rose to a fever heat whan only four men were left standing, to three of whom the prizes must fall. The Belknap Rifleman was the first of these to go down, and the final struggle lay between the Sau Antonio Rifleman, the Washington Light Infantryman and the Ser geant of the Louisville Legion. The eves of the judges won detected petty mistake.'. o>i the part, of tho two latter, and they di rected the handsome, erect Hiid well-built Texan to step forward as the winner of the first prize. The contest between tho re maining two resulted in giving the second prize to the Washingtonian, and the third to tho Louisville man. The victors in this contest were Private H. G. Htoocke, of the San Antonio Rifles; Cliaries T. Conrad, of Company B, Washington Light Infantry, and Sergt. J. R. Waggner, of Company A, Louisvillo Legion. A BRILLIANT DRESB PARADE. The day closed with the dress parade of the Virginia brigade, commanded by Gen. An derson. They are a fine body of ’men, hand somely equipped and drilled, and w >u liberal applause from the 12,000 spectators present. PLEASING EXHIBITION DRILLS. After the dress parade the Lomax Rifles and the Toledo Cadets successively gave ex -hibition drills, which were witnessed by 3,000 or 4,000 jioople. These two corps, if popular opinion is to be relied upon, are the rival expectants for tho flint prize and aro not without some warrant for their hopes. WHY THEY DRILL BO WELL. The Lomax Rifles were commanded during a jKirtlon of this work by Miss Mery C. Voss, of Mobile, the company’s charming sponsor, a young lady of queenly form with a face of tho noblest type of Southern beauty. At tho conclusion of their drill they were presented with a magnificent floral shield by Congressman Wheeler, of Alabama, who mode an appropriate speech to them. TOO SENSITIVE BT HALF. The action of the Vicksburg Southrons and the Memphis Zouaves in dropping out of tho line of Wednesday’s review. l> uuv the former objected to their position next after the Virginia brigade, because the rear of that brigade was composed of two com panies of colored men, has been taken cogni zance of officially. The Memphis men were not in liko situation with the Vicksburgers, but left the line out of sympathy with the latter. The Chicago Zouaves ana the Keck Zouaves, of N w York, to-duv joined in u protest to the judges of the drill against the consideration of the drill of the ’Jeninlimns, biX’Suse of their act ia thut affair. The pro test has been referred to the Captain of the Memphis company for explanation. GOV. HILL SMILES At Ex-Senator Platt's Proposition of an Offlca “Dicker.” Albany, N. Y., May 27.—Gov. Hill was interviewed to-day with refcuence to ex- Scnatnr Platt's letter received by him this morning, and he Raid iu substance: “I can not, with propriety, take any official notice of this letter. Tiie executive of a State cannot properly enter Into any liar gain with the Commissioner of Quarantine or any other official, as to who would be appointed his successor in the event of Ills resignation. I must decline to give an assurance or en gage in any ‘dicker’ in reference to this or any other officer. If Mr. Piatt sincerely desires to re-sign, his resignation must lie unconditional and without any promises on my pari. ” The Governor proceeds to say that Mr. Platt is perfectly wall aware of all of this, and he broadly intimates that his offer is not made iu good faith, and ad<is that, when Mr. Platt has actually resigned it will l>o time enough for him to offer suggestions gs to his succMwr. , MONTREAL’S WELCOME. 30,000 People Enthusiastically Greet the Irish Patriot. Montreal, May 27. —What was done here this evening in honor of William O'Brien was meant as the crowning demonstration. This was the first place he spoke at after in vading Canada, but the reception tendered him then was tendered by the Irish socie ties almost exclusively, while the reception to-night was not alone by the Irish societies, but by all the other city organisations, the French Cunudian associations prodomlnat ing. A GRANT! RECEPTION. No sooner hod Mr. O'Brien reached here Inst night than a meeting of representative French Canadians was held in Richlieu Hall, at which the general sentiment seemed to be in favor of inviting Mr. O’Brien to stay there and offering him all hospitalities. To this end Mr. Duroeher, the proprietor, and other French Canadians, waited on Mr. O’Brien and made known their wishes, but lie was obliged to decline. The torchlight parade was a magnificent spectacle. IN FULL SYMPATHY. While Mr. O’Brien was speaking from the balcony of St. Lawrence Hall, after his carriage ha/I been hauled through the princiiial streets, one man trod upon anothcr man’s foot, who groaned with pain, and the people thought ho was dissenting from Mr. O’Brien’s remarks and intent on creating a row in the audience, ’and they “went for him” as one man and before be had time to recover himself and to explain be was badly bouiaed and cut His name is 8b: rl, and he isjhe editor of the Canadian \y'orl:mnn and a warm synif a'.hizcr with Mr. O’Brien. ALL OUT IN FORCE. In grand parade after the deputations from the outside towns, came a carriage in which Mr. O’Brien was seated with Mr. Denis Kilbridge, Mr. M. .7, Oloran, Presi dent of the National league; Mr. D. Barry, President of 84. Patrick’s Society, and Mr. J. B. Lane. Next in line came carriages hearing the invited guests. On either side of the vehicle in which Mr. O’Brien sat were files of carriages representing tho Hack men’s Union, who were loudly applauded as they filed past. At least B,?XX) men car ried torches, and as they filed past, St. Lawrence Hall, on the balcony or which Mr. O’Brien stood with the American now’spaiior men and officers of the local league, there was set up a deafen ing cheer. On the principal streets along the route tho houses were illuminated, and electric lights and fire crackers flashed. Mr. O’Brien and his friends stood in the upper gallery of Bt. Lairin’s Hotel, from which the speeches were made. In the neighboring streets thero were at least 30,000 persons. Not far away, at Ottawa and Young streets, was Brother Arnold, of Rt. Ann’s Christian Brother School, with his 500 students stand ing and applauding until they were hoarse. They sang the Irish national anthem, “Clod Have Ireland.” Mr. O’Brien, surveying the scene, turned to tho Associated Press reporter and said he had never seen anything finer outride of Ireland, or even in Ireland. H. J. Oloran, President of the local branch of the National League, pre sided. THE BUSINESS PULSE. Failures Decreasing but Financial Pros pects Looking Blue. New York, May 27.—R. O. Dun & Co.'s review of the trade for the week says: “The most important news of the week is also the beat, that is, that crop prospects have decidedly improved. In view of the great speculations in wheat and cotton, and the false reports carefully circulated by inter- parties, it is or service to know that our own agents telegraph from Wisconsin— ‘Local rains have helped agricultural dis tricts;’ from Minnesota—‘Rains throughout the Northwest very materially improve the crop prospects;’ from Kansas City—‘The prospects are excellent for exceptionally large crops, the recent copious rains being of great benefit;' from Now Orleans— “ Crop prospects generally good.” And these are samples of our favorable dis patches from nearly all quarters. The fi-ar of injury thus far seems satisfactorily re moved, and if harm to the wheat or cotton crops is to come, it must be from climatic influences in the future. This good news for the whole country is disheartening, however, when the financial proepects have come to depend upon tne success of gigantic speculations for an advance in the prices of products. The financial future is also affected by tho large receipts of the Treasury, amounting for the oast, ten months and twenty days to $31,012,867 more than the receipts for tne same part of the previous year. At tho same rate the Treas ury must take from the market s a large sum every month, after the last call for 3 per cents., which matures July 1. ‘.‘Washington dispatches* tate that the ad , ministration will purchase bonds with great reluctance, if nt all. During the past week tiie Treasury has taken in $1,500,000 more gold and $.’.,000,000 more currency than it has paid out, with the issues of Silver certificates only balancing the increase of silver held, and with only SIOO,OOO added to the dopes.ts in the banks. “Foreign commerce does not improve. April imports exceeded the exports by $17,073,975, an excess only equaled*in one month of 1882, after a partial failure of the crops, and in no other month since 1872. The prevailing spwulnuons, rather than the interstate act, cause the decline In export*, for shipments of grain by lakp and rail are made without regard to local rail rates. In cotton the exports ore hardly a quarter of those of May, 188d. “The Interstate Commission has not yet revoked its orders of the suspension of clause 4, but all information tends to (lie lielier that it will do so and points to a rigid enforcement of the act. “Business failures occurring throughout tho country last week number for the United States 153, and Canada 22; total 175, against 180 last week, and 187 the week previous. The figures for the week are about up to the avefhga.” CONFEDERATE CEMETERY. Dedicated at Springfield by a Large Assemblage. Sprin’GKIELD, Mo., May 27.—The Confoil er n't" cemetery, which adjoins the National cemetery on the south, and in which ore interred 507 victims of the Wilson creek battle, was dedicated and deco rated to-ilav. There was a large attendance. Speeches were made by Silvan l/iuk Bland, Col. J. R. Clyborne and Gen. D. M. Frost, of Bt. lx>ul, and letters and telegrams were read from lion. Jefferson Davis. (Senator Cockrell. Senator Walthall and Hon. W. C. I*. Breckinridge, of Ken tucky. WOUNDING THE OVERSEER. Three Convicts Attempt to Kill Their Overseer but are Shot Down. Batavia, 0., May 27. —Yesterday even ing two negroes and a white man belonging to the convict gang constructing a railroad on the Kentucky side of the Ohio river, opjwwito New Richmond. 0., mortally wounded the overseer mimed Marshall. The guard near fired cm: load of buckshot uud killed the white laau and one negro The utlicr negro was seriously wounded. i PRICK AIO A TEAR. * j 5 CEATS A COPY, f EUROPE IN PARAGRAPHS FRANCE’S GREAT MEN CANNOI WORK IN UNITY. Gen. Boulanger Depressed—Pornell’i Friends Explain the Kennedy Caae- Belglan Troubles Increasing lrisl Evictions Begun Again—Lord Coin Campbell Financially "Broke." Dublin, May 27.— Evictions are now be ing carried on at Bodyke, nnd ore attended by exciting Rcenes. To-day a fight occurred and polieo charged tho people. The Sheriff who was in command of the officer* w seized with apoplexy. A truce was had al once, and was used by the people M strengthen their defenses. The persons t 4 lie evicted are all barricaded in their home* and have plenty of assistance in resisting thl police. It is lielievod t hat a spvere light, arw even bloodshed is inevitable. PARNELL S FRIENDS EXPLAIN. The Freeman's Journal denies that Parnell has been guilty of cruelty to Ken* uedy, one of the Irish leader’s Arondala tenants, ns charged yesterday by the DubliM Express. Tho Journal savs that instead of being coerced to exchniigehis good farm tot inferior laud, as averred bv the Tory paper. Kennedy sought the exchange, desiring 14 occupy less improved land (luring the gra ing season. In order to accomplish the eio change Kennedy* went to Parnell's agent and offered him half of tho year’s rent du on tho farm, minus 25 per cent., which h* asked as reduction. The agent offered tc cancel Kennedy’s agreement if ho would pay the entire year’s rent minus 30 per cent, which he offered as reduction. This Ken* nedy refused. FRANCE’S NEW CABINET. Paris, Mav 27.—M. Rouvier, in accept ing the task of forming anew ministry, re quested President Grevy to allow him full liberty of notion. M. Flourens will remain in the Cabinet as Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is probable that M. Rouvier will take the office of Minister of Finance. It is also expected that, M. Kallieres will be Min ister of the Interior; M. Hpulle, Minister ni Justice; M. Etierre, Minister of Publi* Works; M. Prevet, Minister of Agriculturej Admiral Jaurez, Minister of Marine, anq M. Casiimir-Perierr, Minister of Public Instruction. CAUSING FINANCIAL DEPRESSION. M. Ferry lias written a letter denying that it was he who incited the Presidents of th* three republican groups to go to the Elvsee Palace to urge President Grevy to displace Gen. Boulanger. The Bourse was depressed to-day under tho delay in the formation of the ministry and sinister rumors caused a stagnation of business. Three per cent, rentes fell 35 centimes, credit fancier 7 francs and the Suez Cunal shares IS franc*. CHANGEABLE PARISIANS. M. Cranetaud M. Lockroy have informed M. Rouvier that they cannot join his min istry unless Gen. Boulanger be associated with them. La Erunre report* that a section of thf Lelt bus decided to leave the union of the Gauche* and form anew group, to be called the Gambetta party. / ALL DECLINE THE HONORS. Paris, May 27 .—La Lanlrmt to-day says that Gen. Boulanger will be sent to command the army corps in Algiers. Another rmnor is that he will be sent at Ambassador to Kt. Petersburg. Ribot, Pey feral, Guyot and Bizarelii have declined portfolios' in the new Cabinet. ALL THERE, SAVE RUSSIA. Constantinople, May 27.—A1l the pew. era. except Russia, have replied to the Porte’s recent circular consenting to a dis cussion of tho Bulgarian question. GERMANS IN ALSACE-LORRAINE. Berlin, May 27.—The official statistics show Uuit 49,250 persons left Alsace-Lor raine lietween the years 1880 and 1885, while during the same period there was a German influx of 36,958, SKULL AND CROSS BONES AT DUBLIN. Dublin, May 27.—A procession of the un employed of this city, carrying a black flag with a skull and cross bon**, on it, waa dirt iiersed to-day by tho police. IN GOOD TIME. The Bodyke evictions have been sue pended. BELGIAN RIOTS INCREASING. Brussels, May 27.—The striking collier* at Uormi, a village of Hainaut, have at tacked the troops, who were guarding the mine property. Three lancers were wounded. An attempt has been made at Hornu to destroy the house of a non-striker with dynamite. Twelve hundred more men joined the strikers at Charleroi to-day. At Bousmi, in Hainaut, 300 men went, out to day, and at Dour 180. At Mons 000 striker! paraded, clamoring for universal suffrage. WISE COTTON SPINNERS. London, May 27.—Two hundred and fifty cotton spinners met in Manchester to day. and resolved, two-thirds of the whole number of cotton, spinuerx agreeing, that t hi mills lie run on half time for a period of eipkt weeks, beginning on Monday next. 1 his action is takrti in order to counteract the effect* of the present comer in cotton at Liverpool. RUSSIA'S ANTI-JEWISH I.AW. Berlin, May 27.—Private advices front Warsaw state that the Russian govern men® is extending to Poland the provisions of the law forbidding any foreign Jews to conduct business. A number of German-Jewish merchants, although providod wiitj the requisite guild certificate, have !je<wi that they will not bo ullowed to connate trading. SPANISH CONCESSIONS. London, May 27.—A special from Wad rid to the Standard say*: "Tho Spanish Government will consent in July next, to declare the reduction of the differential Hag duties on the trade between America and the West Indies jiennaneut. Himllar concessions will lie made to other countriea having treaties with Hpain. UNWELCOME VISITOR AT CALCUTTA. London, May 27.—A cyclone has visited Calcutta. Four ships are” reported missing and one foundered. he is vert amiable. London, May 37.—Lord Coiin Campbell has consented to lie placed in bankruptcy in accordance with the decision of the Bank ruptcy (Joint, on the petition of the Duke of Marllxirough. His liabilities are ift),ooo, inJ eluding it),000 for the costs Incurred in pros* ecu ting his divorce suit against his wife. THE OAKS WON BT D’OR. Tho Oaks was won by Revo d’Or, St Helen second aud Freedom third. Clothing Cutters’ Lockout Ended. Philadelphia, May The long lock out of clothing cutters by tho Philadelphia Clothing Exchange was settled to-day to tho satisfaction of both parties concerned. The lockout now ended has lasted since Feb. 7, almost four months. Although at first atlVoting about IKK) men about half that numtier can now enjoy harmonious re lations. Closed for Want of Coke. Chicago. May 37.—The Union Steel Com (aiiiy shut, dowii its rolling mili to-day. The conq-any is out of Coke, owing to the strike in Pennsylvania. Several hundred turn are thus made idla.