The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 03, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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SOME MEN OF THE SOUTH. Remarkable Tales Told of Noted Soil L'a erners and Said to Be True. Washington Oorresimudence of the Dhihidel pkUl Timer.. The favorite rendezvous of the statesmen of South Carolina in Charleston is the Charleston Hotel, still grand, gloomy and peculiar, " ith its large pillars and its spa eious piazzas and square area, like the Louvre Hotel in Paris. This hotel is still owned by the Keltt family, one of its most distinguished members, i-zrtvrenee M. Keifct, being well remembered for Ins assault, in the Senate chandler of the United States upon Charles Sumner when a Sena tor in Congress, an occurrence second only to the effect of the guns trained on Fort Sumter in firing the Northern heart and causing the late unpleasantness, now. thanks to the rapid growth of the new South, only to be commented on or criticised by the his torians who are pleased to wander in the dim aisles of the past. In the Charleston Hotel, occasionally wet ting their “whistles’’ with corn whisky, the favorite South Carolina beverage, could lie found during the sessions of the United States Court two men still prominent in the politics of the old Palmetto State. One was Judge R. B. Carpenter, the other Samuel Melton, then and now United States District Attorney of that State. JUDGE CARPEXTEK Judge Carpenter's history has been varied and romantic. He was prosecutor of the Picas in one of the interior counties of Ken tucky, and first won his legal spurs through bis brilliant prosecution of Matt. Ward,who was tried for the murder of Butler, a school teacher, educated at Hanover College, Ind., who had inflicted personal chastisement upon a brother of llatt Ward, who was a scholar in Butler’s Institute in Louis ville. Ward was acquitted after a des perate legal battle, contested inch by inch, and it is said that it was in this famous case that Tom Marshall got even with a Kentucky Judge. Tom Marshall was the brother of Humphrey Marshall, onco a member of Congress, and chiefly remem bered, as to his military career, for tho rapidity of the movements of his command in getting away from Gen. Garfield tip the Tennessee valley, JGarfield having driven Marshall before his srfia.ll but victorious army out of the State of Tennessee. Tom Marshall > • the wittiest man Kentucky ever produced, and perhaps tho brainiest, and he perished intellectually, like many another child of genius, from the rapid growth of his fondness for blue-grass whisky. He was always a political rival of Rev. Dr. Robert J. Brecuenridge, the fminent patriot, whose dignified presence as tempo rary president of the Baltimore Convention, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for a second term, is still remembered. Tom Marshall was fond of saying “that, he and Rev Dr. Breokenridge early in life had taken different texts ” Tom’s “was the bottle and Dr. Breckenridge’s was the Bible, ’’ and certainly, added Tom, “the reverend doctor will not deny that I have close ad hered to my text.’’ In the county in which the immortal Tom chiefly practiced at the bar an erratic jurist named Judge Nuttle presided and whenever Dan Rice’s circus arrived the Judge always announced: ‘This court will now adjourn to see the elephant swim the Ohio river.” BORROWING OF THE JUDGE. In the cause celebre, where the defendant was tried for murder, possibly the Matt Ward case, the Judge admitted some testi mony which thoroughly disgusted Tom Mar shall over the barrister’s objections. He jumped to his feet, not fully recovered from a big game of draw poker the night before, and said in anger: “Judge, do you know that Pontius Pilate convicted Jesus Christ by admitting just such testimony as that?” The Judge quickly replied: “Clerk, fine Mr. Marshall SSO for contempt of court.” Tom rase, and, steadying his somewhat vibratorv motions against the railing front ing the Judge’s bench, with mock gravity opened: “May it please your honor! It has been some months since I have seen SSO of my own money. I beg your honor to lend me the money with which to pay the fine!” “The court” was astounded, but catching its judicial breath, replied, sotto voce: “Mr. Clerk, upon reflection, the court is inclined to remit Tom Marshall’s fine, as the State of Kentucky is better able to lose that SSO than the court is!” To return to Judge Carpenter. He held office as a disbursing Treasury agent in Chi cago under Buchanan, and espoused the Union side during the war. In a street encounter with a Kentuckian in Covington, who had taken mortal offense ut something Carpenter had said in some pyrotechnic flight of his untamed oratory, Carpenter was shot through the body with a bullet from a navy revolver, but after being given up fbr dead rapidh recovered, and made as manv and as formidable stump speeches for the Kentucky Democracy as he did before he lay at death’s door. Carpenter did not n9ed reconstructing, but went South with the war tide of migra tion seeking fortune, and was made a judge in Columbia, 8. C., of one of the State courts. He was an inveterate faro player fmm the days of his youth, and the green baize table had the same fascination for the eloquent Kentuckian that a cocking main possesses for the sporting citizen of Georgia or South Carolina. It is told of Judge Car penter (the ad literatim accuracy of the ftory I do not vouch for) that, while on the bench, a venerable “gambolier” ol'Columbia Wrested his colored servant, the faro table "lookout” for stealing S2OO worth of blue chips.” The ease came on for trial. The learned Judge professed entire ignorance of the character and value of the blue “ivory,” and told the aged “sport” he was at a loss to fix the exact value or the blue but valuable countere of fortune. The old gambler waxed indignant. “Jedge.’ he said, “what’s the use of you’re a-foolk'. Many a time you've coppered th<* nee in "my place and right well you know what’s the value of them 'ere blue chips." The chop-fallen disciple of Blaekstdne und exponent of values asked no more ques tions in that case. A MAN OK LEARNING. Judge Carpenter, in spite of his sporting proclivities, is a gentleman of real learning, J capital diner out and an ever-welcome habitue of the Washington clubs. Ha Ims always been close to eg-Senator Steve Dor wy, and cut a respectable figure in the star rouUi trials or. Dorsey’s side. Carpenter, since the exit of Artndr's administration, has gone hack to South Carolina and has subsided from tho public gnzo, but is likely ,l!*'' vc J°i' i n t° n roaiing Cleveland man in i Rut, for his devotion to the faro table ~ Judge, who is a man of Infinite humor, jwnsnig address, a good scholar and a ri;>e unvj-er, would have boon at the verv head anu front of his profession, liio law ‘in the State of South Carolina. " •tuout tho insinuatin'} manners or graceful address of Senator butler, of South Carolina, and without claiming tho social graces of Senator Wade Hampton, one of e most delightful raconteurs, scholars, or *ws and soldiers of the l’almetto State, is -tii. Samuel Melton, appointed United ,District Attorney by President V ,1, , for the State of‘South Carolina. • uUm is over nix feet in hoightli, dresses sober broa/lelotli always, and, like °Jd Arkansas gentleman bu rn i faizf * by Aliiert Pike, is always I U J.‘ y ’ to take his matutinal cocktail. Washington the other day, the K'tial District Attorney, Mr. Melton, who db".i n, ' rs ,u inimitably ns Charles i-nuib fssi? l T° *** a ''eusou for taking his morning sis,! i ilw'i 0s there were *‘t-t-en th-ou wtiou H;lc d*-P°ll-y-wogA in his s-s-iomach ~ *, J-refused to keep ouiet t-till they Uva f‘“t n tlriuks >- n ’em. ” Asa soldier he nn 11 1 snk in the Confederate anny, ok, * r K*, for n brief peri(>d, of the but : ra t? ”■*’ Department at Richmond, of tlp war Wded he nuide no secret old Dincwinc his allegiance to the . w . order of office under President Arthur. And a more difficult place no native Carolinian was ever called on hi till. At first the Dis trict Attorney’s social ostracism was com plete, and his old friends in rhe service of the gray flatly refused to countenance him or to receive him socially. But Meltou went on like a star, unhasriug and unresting, per formed his duty and succeeded, as Burke says. In making “power gentle and obedi ence liberal," and soon won the respect and even Die affection of those who were loudest in denouncing the- South Carolina gentle man for accepting office under the Federal administration. LUCK AT CARDS. Mr. Melton’s elegant homo is a rosp-em bowered cottage at Columbia, where he has perhaps the finest law library in the State. Like the typical Southerner, he isnotaverse to a quiet game of cards, and being a player of extraordinary nerve, many interesting stories are told of his marvelous luck in scooping in “jack-pots” or successfully call ing the turn. One summer, after a long and arduous winter in trying government eases in Charleston, and lieing a prey to inflam matory rheumatism, Melton went to New York to try a change of air. “To play faro successfully,” he says, “the player must neither drink nor smoke.” He was stopping at theGilsey House and “honors were easy, with a comfortable bank account, and being too sick to read and disinclined to talk, he hied himself to John Morrissey’s game, near the Hoffman House, and asked the dealer if there was any limit to the play that dnv. “Not for you,” replied the dealer. Mel top placed a SIOO bill on the ace. It turned up, and his pile of blue chips increased to S2OO. The dealer looked nervously at the South Carolinian, but he made no sign. In two turns the ace showed again ana away from the “box.” Melton’s pile increased to *4OO. Still the nervy lawyer chewed his tookpiek and said nothing. The green baize showed six cards and two aces in the box. Next turn dis closed the inevitable ace on Melton’s side of the silver box, and his “pot” increased to SBOO. Then the counsellor’s face was as un moved as that of a sphinx. A call turn now engaged the nervous dealer’s attention, but Melton sat back cool as an iceberg and said nothing. The turn came—a three anci one ace. The plucky lawyer's pile increased on the ace to $1,600. “I am riot feeling well,” said the amateur sportsman, “and I reckon I’ve had enough fun for the day. Dealer, I reckon I’ll cash in my chips!” Old gamblers sitting around the board said that in a quarter of a century they had never seen more nerve or luck in a single “deal.” A WONDERFUL STREAK OF LUCK. Melton tells, with great gusto, of a still more wonderful streak of Tuck he had in Charleston with Grady, the father of the now celebrated editor, then a bitter foe of Wade Hampton. Grady was a strongman, intellectually and physically, as Editor Grady is, and with a brilliant companion the three bon virants undertook to have a day off and sailed out from the Charleston Hotel after a bountiful breakfast of straw berries in March, pompano, the most deli cious of Southern fish, good coffee and Vir ginia “pone.” This was a day when the trio meant, like Pike's historical fine old Arkansas gentle man, “unless some d—d contingency inter vened,” to “bust a faro bank.” Melton s party, the trio of amateur play ers, had SI,OOO between them, wliich was religiously divided up, as all Gaul was, into three parts. They were intent on big game. They round. The war was just over and two Northern gamblers “opened” in Charles ton with a roulette table and the inevitable and painted “thirteen keerds” that have made as much havoc in a hundred years as an army with banners bent on red” ruin to smiling villages and fertile plains. The party of the third part was soon snnffed out and his capital of $333 twined with the woodbine. Grady had wonderful luck. At one time he called the turn for S2OO and picked up SI,OOO. It is a misfor tune of faro that one deal may capture a fortune for the man behind the'table. But Grady’s “stacks” grew till he had $5,000 lie fore him in “chips.” He bet SI,OOO on the king with a copper. He lost. Luck turned. The balance of the deal he didn’t, win a bet. But at the end of the “call” he cashed in $1,500 worth of ivory. He rose to go. In vain did Melton persuade him to stay by and see him “bust the bank.” Grady, with his rare good sense, had enough, and while Melton was absorbed in the new desk he quietly slipped to the depot and struck for Columbia (the State capital) with his $333 increased to the snug sum of $1,500. Melton played till dark, sometimes having $5,000 before him, and once by two fatal strokes of fortune with his capital re duced to s>oo. But luck turned in a lucky “call” for S3OO in which he picked up $1,500 for his stake of S3OO. His theory was to play heavily on the bank’s money, and he. pressed his luck till the “boss” gambler had no more chips on the board, anil grew white around the mouth, as he reached into his in -side vest pocket for a SI,OOO bill to pay Melton’s winnings. At the end of that deal, Mr. Banker said slyly: “General, the jig's up, the bank’s busted; let’s liquor.” The lawyer rose slowly, ordered a couple of bottles of champagne, straightening him self, for he had not left his chair for five hours, and when his chips were all in he folded down in a capacious pocketboOk $10,200 and the bank was broken. Tlie news soon went by grapevine tele graph that Melton and Grady had broken B.’s liank. The gamblers thirsted for re venge. Melton treated all the boys at the Clarleston till midnight, and then it was whispered that B. had opened bis bank again. Grady was safe at the State capital, and Melton’s friends, full of symposium juice and with the fire of a thoroughbred, said: “Old boy, let’s go to the jungle again and strike the tiger in his den.” They went, they saw. they didn’t eonquor. And at early dawn the tall, splendid form of Tom Melton could have been seen at the desk of the hotel clerk, saying: “Mr. C-l-l-erk, g-give me S2O on m-m-my ch-check; I r-r-reckon I’ll g-go li-home.” The grave But high-spirited counselor rarely speaks of his bad luck, but in one hour he was $10,200 “out.” Homesick for Normandy. Hwii the Bolton Transcript. Not very long ago two ! tidies stood before a picture of n sunny hill slopo, up which marched tiie golden ranks of a field of wheat. Two brawny reapers—one a man, the other a woman—were beginning an at tack on the rear guard of the golden army. Just above the topmost ridge of the wheat rose a line of cherry trees, and peeping alovo the flank was the top of a farmhouse chimney. “Oh, that’s Norman!” said the first lady. “You never see that sky outside of Nor mandy.” “Yes,” said the second lady, in a tone that, hinted of a polite doubt. •‘Those figures are Norman peasants to the life, too, and the irtiy the cherry tree* cr<>wn the ridge. Oh, it makes me tnink of my summer among the Normans.” She sighed the sigh of the traveler who has come I jack to the Unitod States and found it hollow. The second lady said noth ing. but had she known that the wheat field represented was not five miles from the State House, and that the Norman peasants wore Farmer Moriarty and his industrious daughters, she must have felt that her doubt was vindicated. • Disease and Death Force their way into many a household that might be protected from their Inroads by the simple precaution of keeping in the house that benign family medicine and safeguard of bealt h, Hostetler's Stomach Hitters. Particularly whore there are children, should It be kept ou baud, as a prompt remedy for infantile com plaints, in tueir outset easily conquerable, tut which, if allowed to engraft themselves on the dedicate childish organism, are not easily dis lodged, and speedily work grievous mischief. Irregularity of the bowels. Indigestion and bil iousness, nre r lhnents of common occurrence lu the household. Children living In malarious i-egions nre more liable to be attacked with chills and fever than adults, and the ravages of that THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1887. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT~A WORD. Al) V'ER TISSUES' IN, 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for OSE CENT -1 WORD , Cosh ia A dvance, each insertion. Everybody xvho has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; y vrish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELP WANTED. A GOOD cook wanted (colored >; must come IV well recommended. Apply liS4 Broughton street. VI , r A XTED. ten competent section foremen * for Tyliee railway construction. Apply on Saturday next, with references, to T. A. BROWN, superintendent for contractor. Fort Bartow. YET ANTED, five hundred laborers on Savon ' ' nah and Tybee railway. Apply on Satur day next to T. A. BROWN, superintendent for contractor, Fort Bartow. \UANTED, men. women, tioys and girls to ' ' earn S7O per month at their own homes: a nice, light, easy and profitable business: costly outfit of samples, a package of goods and fuli instructions sent for 10c. Address H. C- ROW ELL £ CO.. Rutland. Vt. 1 Tl'l"! EMPLOYMENT WANTED. W”ANTED, situation in an office by young " man who understands bookkeeping and stenography. For particulars and references address BUSINESS, rare Morning News. YX7ANTED.-—An elderly lady would care for a r ' house during absence of tenant from city; references furnished. D. E. 8., News office. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TANTED, table board, by a young man, in a t t nice private Jewish family. BOARD, this office. ROOMS TO KENT. A DELIGHTFUL south room, with good board at 118 State street; also table boarders wanted. I NOR RENT, two rooms, second floor, single or ' connecting, with bath. 158 South Broad. I, ''OR RENT, two unfurnished rooms, second floor, with bath. 153 South Broad. Ij'Oß RENT, part of large office on ground 1 floor, 104 Bay street. E. MORAN. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT. FOR RENT, house on Tattnall, between Harris and Liberty streets, with all modern im provements. geo. w parish, no. 193 st. Julian street. FOR RENT, three-stdry brick dwelling on English basement, Macon street, between Habersham and Price E. J. KENNEDY, Bull and York streets. I DOR RENT, a four-room house and two acres ' of land within ease access from the Battery Park cars. C. H.JpORSETT. TT'ORRENT. store and hall, corner West Boun- I dary and Railroad streets. DECKER & FAWCETT. I DOR RENT, brick block corner Farm and William streets: store at corner: good stand. SVM. SCHEIHING, Liberty and Drayton streets. I DOR RENT, two brick dwellings, recently repaired, wit b water ami bat h room; situated on Gaston street, south side, directly west of Barnard street. Apply to DANIEL R. KEN NEDY, 174 Bay street. FOR RENT, the store and residence at the comer of Charlton and Whitaker streets; possession given June l. Apply to JOHN SUL LIVAN, 138 Congress street. TT'OR RENT, 146 Hull, on northwest corner of Jr Whitaker. Apply to Dk. PURSE, 140 Liberty street. Ij'Oß RENT, the Buckingham House at the Isle of Hope, w-itli bath house; artesian water on place. Apply to THOS. HENDERSON, 188 York street. FOR SALE. Fi'Oß SALE, a fine sail and row boat, in perfect order; completely fitted out. Address BOAT. P. O. Box 38. _ FOR SALE, Milk al $1 for 12 quarts, at PAR SONS’ GARDEN, Anderson street and Ogee chee road. FOR SALE, anew upright piano, 7 % octaves; ebony ease: injnerfect order Address W. O. E., care News office. BROKE TEXAS HORSES, large to medium sized, for sale at DR. COX’S STABLES. Ij'Oß SALE, a fine Slay Mocking Bird; sings night and day. 78 Taylor street. T'OR SALE, three miles 85-!b. second hand 1 Iron Rails. Now in Jacksonville, Fla. .WILSON & HUNTING, Fernandina, Fla. _ TT'OR SALE, Laths, Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling, I” Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office gnd yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 211. REPPARD * CO. I'OR SALE.- ROKEDEW Lots, 00 feet OH ! Front street along the river and 500 feet deep, at $125, payable $25 cash and sl2 50 every six months, with interest. FIVE-ACRE Lots in the TOWN OF' ROSEDEW, with river privileges, at SIOO, payable S2O cash and $5 every three mou the, with Interest. Apply to Dr. F'ALLIGANT, 151 South Bread street, 8 to 10 a. m. daily. BOARDING. BOARD and delightfully cool southern rooms. large and small, on second floor; bath on same. ISO Harris, between Bull and Whitaker streets. VFEW gentlemen can secure southern rooms and board at 172 South Broad street ” PHOTOG R APH Y, c FECI AL NOTICE—I’HOTOG KAPH Y—Price* i' reduced Petites $1 50, Cards $2, Cabinet, $3 per dozen, and larger work in the same pro portion. J. N. WILSON, 21 Bull street. IIFE-SIZE CBAYONB in handsome Frames J made for sls and S2O by LAUNEY & GOEBEL. Satisfaction guaranteed. 141 Brough ton street. f 'ONRULT LAUNEY & GOEBEL on all sizes v 1 and styles of Photographs before having your "picter struck.” It pays. SUMMER RESORTS. B ath alum springs, b*th covntt, vaY Eight mineral springs. First-class accom modations. |i per month, Si days. Address PROPRIETOR. HUHE WHITLOCK HOUSE, Marietta, Ga. Ca- JL pacity, 125 guests: large, well ftimisb-d rooms: handsome dining room; bouse lighted I Lyons: large, shaded grounds: bilHards. lawn tennis, croquet, anti how ling alley, all free for I guests. Hot ami cold water, shower, electric and Turkish hath*. all new. Term* for board more reasonable than other firsts'lass hotels. M. G. WHITIAICK. Owner Rod Proprietor first class rooms and board: finest hm kpKMhJi in Netv York city: terms. 92 per •lifiM&mr "rek. Address Mb*. WHITE, lfl ItiaaAlUMvmrst street. between Fifth avenue WV' _ /JraHuKkiMS; good table: slvule trses: flue ” T term., reascuablc. S. ROOT, ~ - wSfc WEI. LA N KO U S. !■ Brush' milv 20e : sale, two I '•jatdjfigptitlily I t’TNWSTONS Pll.tlt ' tvY. Rolt< * . tstatrt si reels. I ■utuule; muile from Hie 1 Vs PHARMACY’, iifl-.uirt wfr,. i,:cc-r. Dull and State streets. (iSEK ttioinAl ijkißccs large as a hat, only ' Sc. . XPINGSTON’S PHARMACY, Bull and Kate. IN oaitrjSfc I tee, my stock before going li llucijliigs and other fancy uWe.any relucea prices. Mas. Jf. [Ol nti** t onjst rvet. m HFT' fiNMRTULIK BOILERS and Kn Ilf gioes ueaq, and good. GEO. It. LOli BARIVCG , AifctsU, Ga. \\' parts of the body m rged ..nd H i Poll part Tfitmat’ffll-’ MEDICAL CO.. Butfa to, v Y J |H§; sghi MISCELLANEOUS. M~ R. and MRS.' PARSONS return heartfelt thanks to the ladies of tlie Havens Home for their noble and kind assistance in extin guishing the fire which occurred in the green Douses on the very bitter cold night of the Sth of January, 1387. A't I’M CAMPHOR, Insert Povrder, Ohoride V 1 Lime, Carbolic Acid, of the best quality, at HEIDT’S _ O MOKEI) TONGUES, very ehoioe, at 00c. each, O by A. H. CHAMPION TT'OR Prickly Heat and Chafing “Boraoine" 1 Toilet Ponder is a sure cure. Sold by all druggists. TliON PHOSPHORATED MEAD, the great 1 nerve food. Try it with your soda water nt FIEIDT’S. PAIR 55-H. r DOUBLE ENGINES' cheap GEO. R 1/iMBARD A CO., Augusta, Ga DON’T fail to call and sec our Children’s Car nages, Our goods are bought direct from factories and It enables us to sell them lower than you can buy at any public sale We also carry a complete line of house furnishing goods at NATHAN BROS.. 188 Congress street. HIDDEN * BATES s. >j. h. L.& B. S. M. H. PIANOS At SSO Each. PIANOS At $75 Each. PIANOS At $l5O Each. PIANOS Al $2lO Each. ORGANS *t 524 Each. ORGANS At $35 Each. ORGANS At $55 Each. ORGANS At $75 Each. The instruments above specified ere beyond all question Grenuinw llsresins, and must bo seen to be appreciated. Our Were rooms are filled to repletion, and. although busy as lives in filling orders from all parts of the South, and our own Forest City as well, we have enough to go rouad, and therefore went your order to complete our happiness CALLEAHLY. Ludden & Bates Southern Music House, SAVANNAH, GA. pTaN OS MOVED. CHIPPING, Packing or Unpacking by expe- O rieneed New York Plano Movers. Work done safely, quickly and without damage to premises or instruments and at low prices. PIANOS TUNED. BY the year or single tunings, and when we take charge of Instruments by the year we make no additional charge for strings or slight regulation of act ions. There is economy ui em ploying good tuners. Mr. H. N. MOORE still looks after this branch of our bumness. Xj-cSzsIB- S- 3VE- ZE3I FURNISHIJ4G GOODS. Look! Look! JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Gentlemen’s Fine Night Shirts For SI. Fine Jean* Drawers at 60c. per pair. Gauze Undershirts, long or short sleeves, 50c. White Lawn Bows, SI per dozen. White Ties at 15e. per dozen; $1 50 per gross. Fancy Percale Scarfs, 50e. per dozen. 4-in-hand Ties, wash goods, 91 per dozen. "White Duck Vests, from f 1 to $2 50. British Half Hose, seamless, 25c. White Duck Helmets, Hammock*, White Flannel Shirts and Hats for Yachting- FINE SUMMER CLOTHING AND DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. We guarantee a fit in every case. Sole agents for Dunlap’s Fiue Hats and Nasoi mento’s Comfortable Self Conforming Hat*, so comfortable to the head in hot weather. Beau tiful Pearl Hats, and the new STIFF-BRIM MACKINAW HAT. Sun Umbrellas, Gloria Cloth Umbrellas, never cut like the silk prill Buck-Horn Handle "Walking Canes, Fancy Un derwear. and anything needed by men for Sum mer wear at LaFar’s New Store, 29 Bull street. Hamilton's Old Stand. ICE. Country Buyei's, Attention! Reduction in Price. ICE ! ICE PACKED FOR SHIPMENT. 100 to 500 POUNDS Seventy-five Cents, COMMENCING JUNE Ist. Special rates for larger packages. Write for partK'ihhrs. Menu ICE CO. 14-4: /BAY - 1 11 ivjkju M IY< "BINEJi V, ’ J. W. TYNAN, Engineer and Maeliinist I SAVAkNAHIjgGIA. 1 Corner V est Brood ■ ALL MACHINERY, HHs. Etc , IMAGE AND STEAM PUMPS, GOV^^^AjECTORS PETITION* KOB IN CO R POH A TIO V. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER TOR BRICK COMPANY. CTATE OK GEORGIA. Chatham Cockty. —To it the Superior Court of said county: The Satition of John H. Eat 111, Gustave Eckstein, uhii J. McDonough, Samuel P. Hamilton, John C. Rowland, p, j. Fallon. Francis fi. Lathrop, Daniel R. Kennedy, \\ idiom B, Stillwell, Elton A. Smith, Herman Myers, Ambrose Kurlich, Henjnmiii Rothwoll. Andrew McCormick. Thomas McMillan, William Falconer, Clayton X'. Miller. William J. Lindsay, George A. Hud son, Jacob Cohen, Henry Solomon, Louis P. Hart. Jeremiah F. Cavanaugh. Henry Mini, Robert D. Bogart, Heury D. Stevens, John N. Johnston. Daniel Y. Dancy, John O. Smith, Robert N. Stunt anil Andrew J. Aylesworth rt apeottully showed that they desire for them selves, and for such other persona ns may bo as sociated with them, to bo Incorporated under the name and stylo of THE PIONEER STEAM BRICK COMPANY. Thut the object of thetr association and the particular business they propose to carrv on is: First. The manufacture of Bricks. Tile,Vlping. Pottery and all such ether art ides its said coni pany may wish to manufacture. Sissmd To undertake, carry on and prosecute building otierations and other work of a like character for said company or for others Third. To buy, sell, lease, own and transfer real estate, with or without improvements thereon, to anyone desiring some, either for cash or upon such Installment plan as may from time to tltne be determined hy said ixiriioratlon. and to these ends to own, buy, dl, b#u*o, oper ate and maintain kilns, storehouses, machinery, live stock, vehicles, and all articles raid things necessary and proper for carrying on said bust ness, and generally to do and perform every tiling necessary to' the successful management of said business That the amount of capital to lie employed by them in said business, act unity paid In, is fifteen thousand dollars, and they desire the privilege of increasing the capital stock of said company from time to time to such sum or sums not to exceed fifty thousand dollars as they from time to time may determine, the said stock to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. That the place of doing business of said cor poratiou will be Chatham county, Georgia, with its principal ofllce in the City of Savannah, in said county. That they desire to be incorporated as afore said fpr the, term of twenty years, with tbti privilege of renewal at the expiration of suiil term, with the power to puivliase. own nud lease lands, mills, kilns, buildings; easements, tram ways, roads, wharves, machinery, steam'en gines, live stock, carls, cars and other vehicles, u*>d other real and personal property and right* mid privileges, and to sell, mortgage, sublet or convey the same, or any part thereof, with the appurtenances, and to reinvest at pleasure, to make by-laws not inconsistent with ihe laws of the land, to have and to use a corporate seal, to borrow money and to Issue obligations or bonds therefor, and to secure the same by deed, mort gage or otherwise, to sue and to be sued In Its corporate name, to enter Into contracts, and to employ agents and servants, and generally to have, enjoy and exercise tbe corporate powers and privileges incideul to private corporations for business purposes as prescribed by the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, your petitioners pray that they and their associates may he incorporated for the purposes aforesaid for the term and with the powers aforesaid. LESTER & RAVEN EL. Petitioners' Attorney*. Petition for Incorporation filed in office ajid recorded this 21st day of April, A. D. 1887. BARNARD E. BEE, Clerk 8. C., C. C. State of Georgia, Chatham County, Clerk’s Office, Superior Court.—l, BARNARD E. BEE, Clerk of said Superior Court, do certify that the foregoing Is true extrari from the Minutes of said court, aud that the same wns tiled and recorded on this the 21st day of April, A. D. 1887. Barnard e. bee, Clerk 8. C. C. C. / ' EORGIA. Chatham Cocn-ty, —To the Supe VT rior Court of said county: The petition of P. T. Gleason, W. J. Harty, Win. Kehoe, An drew Hanley. T. B. Thompson, P. J. O'Connor. R. E. Pepper, J. F. Harty, J. F. McCarthy, T. A. McMahon, James P. I lonian and M. A. O'Byrne, in liehalf. of themselves and such others, members of the Catholic Library Assn elation, as have been or muy be associated with them, respectfully showß t hat they desire to be Incorporated and chartered for the period of twenty year*, with the privilege of a renewal at the expiration of that time, under the corporate name of ‘THE CATHOLIC LIBRARY HALL ASSOCIATION." The object of their OMOCia tlon is tb purchase or building of a hall suits ble for the Catholic Library Association and for other purposes; said Library Association to have the privilege of absorbing, by purchase, the stock of said Hall Association at suob time and in such manner a the by-laws of said Hall As sociation shall prescribe. Your petitioners pray that said Hall Association be allowed to invest its funds and profits in such rea I estate or per snnal projierty as may be deemed lies! for pro moting it# objects, with power to bond, mort gage or pledge any property It may acquire The amount of capital to he employed hy suit! Hall Association is twenty thousand dollars, divided into two hundred shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, to he jiaiu In monthly In stallments of two dollars, with the privilege of Increasing the capital from time to time To any sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars; there fore petitioners pray thst they, with their asso ciates and successors, las incorporated as above stated, wiih all power# neot ssary sir convenient to the carrying out of their object and transac tion of their business, and all rights and power* conferred upon corporations by the laws of this State, and your petitioners wi(l ever pray M. A. O’BYRNE, Petitioners' Attorney. GEORGIA, Chatham County, Clerk’s Office, Superior Court I certify the above to boa true, copy of the original petition for i neonoral ton filed in office aud recorded this lgt.h day of Muy, A. D. 1887. JAMES K. P. CARR, Deputy Clerk, 8. C. p. C. UWAX NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby given that application will 1> made to the General Assembly of Geor gia In July next to pass an act to be entitled "An act to incorporate THE GEORGIA MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAYAN NAH, to enable said company to carry on the business of insurance, and for such other pur poses as are usual ana customary for the Irans actimi of said business." notice: To Whom It May Concern: V PETITION praying for the passage of a stock law to operate oufunilierlann Island, Camden county, this State, will lie presented at the convening of the Legislature July next. i t EORGIA, I hathaii County. Notice in VT hereby given to all persons having de mands t-gatust. WILLIAM HARRIS, deceased, to pres.-nt them to me ]>roperly made out within the time prescribed bylaw, so as to show their obaroetbr and amount; and all persona indebted to said deceased arc hereby required to make immediate payment to me. May Ift, 18*7. HOSE A MAXWELL, Qualified Executor Will William Maxwell, de ceased. GRAIN AN'l) HAY. Keystone Mixed Feed, SEED AND FEED COW PEAS. —ALSO Hay and Grain. G.S.McALPIN 172 BAY STREET ItOUSKK EE PING UOOM. J. K. riUEBJIiM. X. H OUVCN. Freeman & Oliver, FURNITURE, Slatting, Refrigerators, Stoves, Cm&y and House Furnishing Goods. .. v^Mil ß,lt?r,,rroN fiTßaK ' l '- Owing Summer Months. AUCTION SALES KI’TTRE DAYS. The Old Southern Bant Building At Auction. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. I will sell at the Court House on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, at 11 o'clock. If not sold previously, tho Three-story brick building on cellar recently occupied by the above bank, and situs ted on tho northwest oornar of Bryan aud Drayton streets. Tho location of this property is unsurpassed for any lino of business, and as an investment it offers very superior Inducements. Terms: One-thirdensb, halanoelnone and two years, with legal rate of Intercut. BLOCK OF LOTS A T AUCTION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. TUESDAY. JUNE Vtb. at II o'clock, at the Court Mouse, 1 will Bell the following lots which arv In a direct line of Improvement ami all enhancing in value very rapidly. FIVE LOTS situated on tho northeast corner of Montgomery and latwton streets, slue to by DO feet each These lots are high and beautifully located aud formally a part of the Kingsville tract. Those seeking an investment should give this piece of realty their attention. CORNER LOT AT AUCTION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, at II o'clock, at Court House, I Will sell LOT on the southeast corner of Waldburg street nud Cemetery sli-eet lime, si/e 50x40 feet. This lot is nicely located und is at the head of the now road that rtms north of the cemetery; level and high land. Broughton Street Property at Auction. I. D. Laßoche s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 7th day of June, In front of the Court House, during the legal hour* of sale, we will sell for division That half lot and frame building aituated on the north aide of Broughton street, between Barnaul and Jefferson streets, opposite Weed A Cornwell'* hardware establishment Terms cash, purchaser paying for popers. R HAL ESTATE. OIE SOLID BLOCK. 41 Lots—Of Fine -41 Lois Directly South of the City. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer and Real Estate Dealer. AT PRIVATE SALE. Speculator*' and Investors' attention is particu larly called to this property. FORTY-ONE LOTS, all in one body: real estate in the neighborhood of these lots has wonderfully increased in valuation, and as time rolls on the value continues to Increase. This is an excellent opportunity for an investment. For other information and plan of lots eal! at tny office PAINTS AND OILS. LLOYD & ADAMS, H! < CKftftOltft TO A. B. OOLLINS * CO., The Old Oliver Faint and Oil House, WILL keep a full line of Doors, Sash, Blinds and Builders' Hardware, Paints, Oils, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Lime, Plaster. Cement, etc. Window Glass a specialty- All sizes and kind# of Packing. A large lot of odd size Sash, Doors and Blinds will lie sold at a dis count. AT THE OLD STAND, No. 5, Whitaker St., Savannah, Ga. JOHN G. BUTLER, TirHITK LEADS, COLORS. OILS. GLASS, it varnish, etc.; ready mixed PAINTS: RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, SASHES, DOORS. BLINDS AND BUILDERS HARDWARE. Sole Agent for OEORGIA LIME. CALCINED PLASTER. CK MKNT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. 1865* CHRIST MURPHY, 1865^ House, Sign and Ornamental Painting INXECUTED NEATLY and with dlsjoatcb. Pj Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, window Glasses, etc., etc. Estimates furnished on ap plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON BTS., Rear of Christ Church. RAILROAD BONDS. The undersigned offer# for sale at par ex-July Coupon $500,000 of the MARIETTA AND NORTH GEORGIA RAILWAY COMPANY'S FIRST MORTGAGE tt PER CENT. FIFTY YEAR BONDS, in multiples of SI,OOO to suit buyer*. r PHEBE bonds can lie safely taken by Inves -1 tors as a reliable B per cent, security, which will, in all probability, advance to 15 points above pm- within the next three or four years, ns this rood will traverse a country uusur|iasNed for mineral wealth, for climate, for scenery, for agricultural puriioses, and for attractiveness to The dMitpany ha* mortgaged its franchise and entire line of railroad, built and to be built, and all its other property,to the Bristol! Safe Tfipoaß aud Trust. Company to secure its issue of 50-yen r B per uent. bonds. These bond# will lie issued at the rate of about SII,OOO per mile, on n line ex tending from Atlanta, G., to Knoxville, Tun. A sinking fund is provided for tbefrredemption. It w ill lie one of the best paying load# fit the South. It will he of standard gauge mid will develop a region of country extending from Middle Georgia, through North Carolina to Knoxville, Tenii., where It will ..gurnet with line# leading to Cincinnati, I St. Louis and Pittsburg. ’ j The i oad is now-cotnpletndPSL'fpiy. N. C., and is to lie pushed on to W*(NT.A a* fast as the nature of the country The high financial standing and men prin cipally interested in it aufllcUy'F"? yanteesits early completion. _ > , A Kurt her information will WaL ' Jibed upon application to A. J. Its ,or to BOODY, Mc LF.L^“'“ B T CO., 57 Broadway, New York. IKON ~ fflcDonoao k BiM IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, MAMPFACTtaEPa or STATIONARY and PORTABLE. ENGINES, VERTICAL UNDER-RUNNER and TOY-RUNNER CORN MI LI 8. CUOAR MILLS and BANS on hand and for 1 i.sjk'NfaiM. oi Igffk .Ulflif'w kSM. C. H. DORSETT’S COLUMNS One lore Last Chance. Bargains at Auction Id Cutlery, China and Plated Goods, ete. Q. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will sell on FRIDAY, SJ lost., at 11 a. at J3BCongress street: Plate*. Spoons. Forks Toilet Sets, China Cups and Saucers. Plates, Dishes, Milk#, HanrisozM Plated Tea Seta, Tinware, Hall lamps. Toilet Seta. Vase#, Wood Trays and Buckets. Pocket Knives. Butcher Knives, Brackets, Step ladders. Coal Vases. Also— Show- Cooes, Desk, and Iron Safe. N. B. -Thi# i# probably tho last wale. If pos sible the whole stock will be sold out at this *le. y-r- ANCIENT LASIkS AT AUCTION. Bricks, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Well Seasoned Timber for Sale. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell on the premise#, at 6 o clock p. *.. am MONDAY. June oth, 1897, The wooden buildings on the Union Sociatylot corner of Whitaker and State hi reels. The building# consist of the following: Aonn storv wooden building on the northwest corner of Whitaker and President streets. A two story wooden building on the southwest corner of Whitaker and State streets, with one-story shed In the rear. Two two story wooden India* mgs on a hrh-k basement, known as Nos. 148 and I.Y) President street. There are several large brick chimneys In these houses. TerniH cash. The buildings and all debris to be removed in ten days Valuable Land For Sale. | L'nderandby virtue of an order passed by the * Honorable Commissioner* of Chatham coun ty. I am authorized to offer for sale That Porlion of the Jail Lol —i tlie south by lot number 87 Forsyth sard; west by Barnard street. Ja The said land has a frontage on Barnard anß Howard streets of about two hundred and twen ty-three (ifcSi) feet by a rectangular depth of about one hundred and thirty (ISO) feet. Propositions for the pmvhnsr of the above de scribed land will he received by the undersigned until a. M. on the fith June, INK", the minimum price being fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000) net. C. H. DORSETT, BEAL E3TATE DEALER. VALUABLE Yaiaeraw Property At Auction. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House on TUESDAY, June 7tb, during the usual hours pf sale. The middle portion of Lot No. 19, North Ogle thorpe ward, situated on the north side of Bryns street, near the corner of Farm. 'Hie said land a frontage of about twenty five 1 35) fact on Bryan street, by a depth of atxmt forty-four feet. , * The Improvements consist of one two-story house, which rents for eight dollars per month. Terms cash. A fiilt Piece OF— Country Property. G. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell on TUESDAY, June 7th, at the Court House, during I lie usual hours of sale, V Sixty-four acres of laud dear Jf- 1H Central, about one half of which is cleared anus fenoed, and the balance is In wood. The improvements consist of one and a hi"; 1- story residence with store attached, at which or ,-r -good nusiiiess has been done, os it is the regulth camplng ground for persona comlug to the C't 6 t i a good chance for an industrious pi o a good Canning aud awrebandisuh 3