The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 08, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AH) FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. What 111-Luck a Four-Legged Chicken Caused—Augusta’s Great Curiosity- How They Catch Sturgeon on the Flint River—A Whopping Story About a Whopping Big Tree. GEORGIA. Brick Masons are in demand in Atlanta. I Atlanta has 5,79(5 scholars enrolled in- her | public schools. | Atlanta is noted for the number of artists } in her borders. gf It is said that under Broad street bridge lis the coolest place in Atlanta. A The paupers of Whitfield county are kiok ving against going to the pauper farm. S Walker county continues to send a large ■number of beef cattle to Chattanooga every ■week. B The Macon druggists have not yet decided “on a plan for keeping a store open all day on Sunday. There is a barber in Augusta who doesn't talk to you when shaving. He must be coining money rapidly. The surviving members of the Fifth Geor gia Regiment are looking to a reunion of the regiment in Ellaville, Schley county, this summer. Two out of four little negro children who ate some wild jessamine leaves or vine, on the place of William Harrell, in Thomas county, have died, and a third is expected to die. _ The Enterprise factory, Augusta, has com pleted its automatic sprinkler system. The cost of the system was about $5,000. The insurance on the building will doubtless be reduced enough to soon pay for tbe system. Henry Taylor, of Glynn county, killed this morning a regular gray eagle measur ing from tip to tip six feet and several Inches. Judging by the looks of his claws and the length of has wings he could carry a good sized lamb. Lowe’s Chapel Sunday school gave a de lightful picnic at Akridge's grove on last Thursday. There was quite a large crowd out, considering the short notice that was (given. Several young ladies and gentlemen t from Atlanta we’re present, i While workmen were engaged in felling trees near the railroad bridge over Flint river a few days ago a pine tree fell into the stream, striking a large sturgeon in its fall and killing it. The workmen secured the fish, which weighed over 100 pounds and •was 5 feet and 8 inches in length. L. Fullright, of Buchanan, Haralson county, was bitten by a mad dog Thursday, and arrived at Fairbum Monday night, accompanied by his son-in-law, to see Dr. Tidwell and get the benefit of his madstone. The bites are numerous, being on his hands, arms and legs. The dog made its escape. Two well-known negro shoemakers were arrested Monday morning in Atlanta for violating the prohibition law, and both oc cupy cells at police headquarters. An in vestigation showed a small-sized barroom fitted up back of their shoe shops, where the whisky-thirsty individuals were all satisfied. Georee Stone, an Atlanta negro boy 12 years old, while leaning against a tree there during the thunder storm Friday, was stunned by a bolt that struck near hfm. He was seen to spin around several times and start down the street. After running some distance he stopped and went through the ■une spinning motion. He has been crazed Bver since. ■ Dr. W. R. Wilson, of Joseph, had a four out last wee k, and m fig**** in caused a ■TOO cow to die, it laid its little trouble'. 1 Head on a pine-burr and gave up the ghost . ■ Thomas J. Kitchens is in the Mcßae jail of mayhem. The outrage was ■Hjßjflbd upon a young white girl, and • <R(N6tmHnature too revolting to repeat, and *Ws O<lH|hitned without any apparent mo tive. He charge was fully sustained hy SffirrW. and it was with some difficulty that lynching was prevented. The girl is in a critical condition, very weak t£n<l may die. Friday afternoon four small boys climbed up into the baud room of the Wide Awake band, of Amerieus, and deliberately smashed one or two of the new instruments and dented several of the others, some of which they also filled with kerosene oil. Marshal Lingo has the names of all the young depredators, and they will undoubt edly be properly punished as they certainly should be. A lot of negro children were playing with • shotgun Saturday evening, about 5 o'clock, near Dawson. Lowgeue Williams, a girl of about 14 years of age, grabbed the gun, pointed it at Sol Weston, a boy 11 years old, arid fired. The boy fell dead with a load of buckshot in his breast. The Sheriff arrested the girl and took her before the Solicitor General, who, after - investigation, decided it to be an accident, and the girl was dis charged. There are some big pine trees in Dooly county. A negro tie cutter on the eastern extension cut one down Friday from which be afterwards hewed fifty railroad crosstieg, each 8 feet in length, and 6xlo inches in thickness, and as the hands are paid ton cents a tie the darkey realized exactly $6 for his day’s work. The average tree. It is estimated] will turn out from twelve to eigh teen ties only, so this monarch of the forest must be a “daisy.” G. B. Pride, a conductor on the Bruns wick and Western, was badly hurt at Waresboro last Saturday evening about 4 o’clock. Mr. Prido was standing on the head end of the tender of the engine and a oar loaded with lumber was next to the engine. A piece of scantling fell off the flat ear and the scantling struck Mr. Pride, knocking all his teeth out and mutilating his head. He was brought to Brunswick Saturday night for medical treatment. Atlanta Constitution: The failure of Mr. Sid Phelan is still the theme of conversation among business men. Wherever a crowd assembles the matter is discussed in all its phases. Much sympathy has been expressed for Mr. Phelan and his family, ana it is generally predicted that he will get on his reet financially before many years. It is stated that the old exchange stand at the corner of Broad and Alabama streets will be occupied by the Capitol City Land and Im provement Company. It is said the new wink has a five years’ lease on the building. SAturday morning, us a lady was return ing borne m her buggy from a shopping tour in Amerieus, she stopped at a residence on Lee street und went in for a few momenta, leaving an armful of bundles in the buggy at the gate During her absence some thief walked up to the buggy and heljied himself to the entiie lot of bundles and succeeded in making his escape with them undetected. There is no clue as to who the thief was, and Oie robbery is one of the boldest ever heard of, as the ouggy stood on one of the most prominent streets in the city and within a stone’s throw of the public square. Several important resolutions were passed nt the last meeting of the Atlanta Council. The body was in session four and a half hour*. T weuty-flve thousand dollars, to be raised by the Rale of tbo city’s stock in the Atlanta Gas Comjiariy, was appropriated for additions to the Girls’ High 8 -hool and the erection of anew building for a high school for boys, by u vote of 10 to 1. It re solved that 2 1-2 p*r cent, be allowed payers of the first 6100,(XW taxes collected this month. An ordinance was passed making it a misdemeanor for women of loose char acter to lie seen on the streets after i) o’clock nt night; or for men to talk to them In pub lic after that hour. Men seen riding with them on the city's thoroughfares will also be held guilty of like offense. Tvricd a year, a few days before Jan. 1 and July 1, say* the Atlanta Constitution, tbe Treasury of Georgia deposits with the Fourth National Bank of New York U money to meet tbe interest t a li- ing due on the Georgia bonds. This interest amounts to $815,887 50. Marry of the State bonds are held in Georgia, and the coupons are presented to State banks for collection. In fact, about one fourth of the interests is j>aid in the State, and the full amount due is not necessary in New York. The Treas urer sends to the metropolis, therefore, only ¥175,(t00. which is more than sufficient for the purpose. In Savannah coupons are paid to trie amount of $20,000, and Augusta and Atlanta collect twice each year the same amount. The same sum is generally paid out twice a year- at the Treasury to bondholders. About June 15 Treasurer Hardeman will add to his deposit now in New York n sum sufficient to make it $175,- 000, to meet the July interest. Watkinsvillo Enterprise: Many years ago there lived In this county a man by the name of M. M. Sheats, a farmer. One day Mr. . Sheats went down in the woods on his" place to feed his hogs, and bis attention was called to a large forest pine tree, which he noticed was occupied by a colony of bees. He said nothing of his discovery, but kept it to him self. Soon after this he moved from this county to Coweta county, where he lived ten years, then moved bar k. After his return lie remembered the lee tree, and prompted by curiosity, he went to examine and see if the bees were still there. Sure enough they were, so he called in some of his neighbors for help and cut the tree down, when it was found to contain a hollow 38 feet long and 8 inches in diameter, chock full of honey from one end to the other. At the last meeting of thp Board of Di rectors of the Muscogee Manufacturing Company at Columbus it was decided to build a very important addition to its already extensive mills. The new mill will ornament the Mott corner—Front and Four teenth streets. It will be a handsome four story building in the shape of an L, fronting on the west ride of Front street and ou the south on Fourteenth street. Its capacity will be 400 looms, or 203 to 300. and neces sary preparation in machinery for supplying the same. It is understood that this new mill will be built without assessing the stockholders, and will greatly enhance the present value of the stock in the manufac tory, as it will equal the present mills of the company in output of goods or double the value Of the present product. A lively fight occurred in Hoschton Sat urday evening between the citizens of that quiet little town and some uegroes from Pendergrass. The Pendergrass negroes had a spite at some Hoschton colored people, came over to seek revenge and raised a row with their enemies in the town. The white people told the whole gang to go out of town for their fight. The Pendergrass ne groes refusal to go, and said they would simply clean up the whole concern and be gan’ to make good the threat. The whites then armed themselves and the negroes commenced the fun. The negroes filed upon them and wounded a white man named Low House slightly in the leg below the knee. The fire was returned, and one negro shot down with the contents of a double-barrel shotgun and a Winchester rifle He was laying on the ground unable to be moved when the train passed Saturday night, and the attending physician said he was bound to die. The other negroes after the first fire fled to the woods. Sumter Republican: A gentleman living near Amerieus said: “I had a fine mulberry tree in front of my house, and was thinking seriously of transplanting it to the rear thereof ’ so as to give a shelter to the back part against thp afternoon sun, which beat against the house without opposition. Tuesday night I went to sleep while the thunder was rolling and the lightning was flashing around, thinking about tbe tree, and worried about transplanting it during the presentdrought. 1 arose'Friday morn ing, and looked out of my front window and was greatly surprised to find my mulberry gone. What had become of it was a ques tion that worried me. I went to the back door, opened it, and found my tree just where I wanted it. I asked my wife who had transplated the tree, but she thought I had gone daft and made no answer. When she saw the tree at the back of the house she then said: “That is what you were doing in the night, I could get no sense from you, and was too tired and sleepy to watch you.” The man had got up in his sleep and transplanted a tree that it would take four or five men to handle. FLORIDA. Winter Park has a circulating library with 1,000 volumes. Work on the Tavares, Orlando and Gulf will be resumed next week. Kissimmee shipped two car loads of water melons to Washington last week. The Ocala High School will close June 10, with it* monthly examination. E. •M. Vary, a prominent Palatka at torney, died there Sunday evening. W. H. Howell, living a mile and a half from Orlando, saved sixty-three aud a half dozen eggs from fifty heus during the month of May. A Cuban created some excitement on the streets in Tampa one day la*t week by fail ing in a fainting fit a few minutes after being married. An Ohio gentleman, Cleveland by name, is putting out an 800 acre orange grove near Wildwood, and has from forty to fifty hands employed in the work. A. P. Kott, the Brevard cattle king, brought to Sanford four car loads of cattle from his ranch Thursday. They were shipped to the Savannah market. All of Alachua's citizens, both white and colored, are indignant at tho action of the Legislature in reducing the number of Alachua county's representatives from four to two. lt is now the duty of all Gainesville owners of dogs to pay the $1 city tax and secure a collar for them. On and after July 1 all dogH not wearing the collar will he or dered killed by the City Marshal. Arrangements are being perfected for an ocean yacht race between well-known craft of the St. John's river, to take place in a week or two. It is the intention of the pro jectors that the course will bo so laid that parties visiting Pablo Beach can have an op portunity of witnessing it. A Bay Port correspondent of the Rrooks ville News nays: “We understand that an extension of the Sanford and Tavares branch of the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West is being considered, and a route from Tnva res by Ista Chatta, and through the Annut taliga hummock to Hay Port, is being ex amined.” The notion of the Orange County Board of Health in suggesting that the government lie requested to furnish cutters to patrol the coast and maintain the quarantine against yellow fever, by sea as well as by land, is to be commended and should lie indorsed by the boards of health of other counties on the Atlantic ami Gulf ooasts. E. W. Jernigan, the successful wine maker of West Putnam, has the largest crop of grapes over grown in liis vine yard. He has one aero in grape vinos, und he thinks of making 1,000 gallons Of wine this fall. He has about twenty barrels now on hand of the finest kind of wine that can be made from grapes. The County Superintendent of Public Schools for Manatee countv reports 08 school* from Sept 1, 1880, to Slav 1, 1887,10 of which were for less than three months. There wore 01 touchers employed, at a net cost of Ati,4o4 ‘(0 for salaries. There wore 1,809 scholars enrolled. The highest attend ance was at Manatee, 63, and ut Joshua creek, (50; Fort Ogden 60. Palmetto 55, Ar cadia and Wauchula each 62. The prize debate Saturday night at the East Florida Seminary was on “Resolved, the Warrior is of More Benefit ton Coun try than the Statesman.” The disputants were: Afilnnati ve* —Cadets E. Haile und F. W. Stone; negative—Cadet* G. T. Cater and 8. T. Shaylor. Shaylor got first prize and Cater second. The commencement sermon at the opera house Sunday evening, by Rev. J. F. Eden, was delivered before a THE MORNING NEWS : WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1887. of the latest, improved lock boxes artistic ally arranged, with one of the most genial postmasters in the world, polite, affable, and attentive to every one that calls. But th" must attractive feature of the office is the clerk, for “the way she can handle those letters, boys, is a caution. We wish we could get our mail there,” sorrowfully re marks the editor of the DeLeon Springs Courier, “but fate has decreed otherwise.” Monticello Constitution: We have au thority for saying that new bonds of Jeffer son countv, properly issued and bearing ti per cent. Interest, to run thirty years, re serving to the county the right to redeem any or all of them at any time after five years from their date, can be placed at par in any amount sufficient to raise the funds necessary to pay off the 8 per cent, bonds and judgment how outstanding against the county. Will the County Commissioners and our people avail themselves of the op portunity? The Leesburg Commercial gives particu lars of a big swindle perpetrated by a con tractor of the Orange Belt railroad, building through the southeastern portion of the county. This contractor had a large number of hands employed grading, and last week drew the sum of $1,860 with which to pay the hands off, but instead of paying them he skipped with the money, leaving the negroes unpaid, and also owing a number of personal debts in the town of Minneola. The negroes are left In a bad condition, and were forced to the necessity of pawning their shovels and axes for the wherewith to satify the crav ings of hunger. Nothing is known of the whereabouts of the rascal. In 1885 Orange county had 15,425 popula tion. Estimating four persons to every voter, this would allow 3,85(5 votes. At the election last fail Orange county polled 3,804 votes, which proves tbe general correctness of this estimate. That portion of Orange included in the new county of Lake cast 880 votes at the last election, which would mean a population of 3,.>20, representing the loss to Orange by the creation of Lake county. The Kissimmee precinct polled 2i() votes, representing a population of 1.108 as the loss to Orange by the creation of Osceola county. Thus the creation of the two coun ties represent a loss to Orange of 3,628 in habitants. or about one-quarter of the en tire population of the county. Brother Harris,of the Ocala Banner, rather takes exceptions to a humorous squib in the Mosxisg News’ Florida column a few days ago. wherein it was intimated that the Press boys would “go prepared to sit four teen solid hours in strict obeyanee to the rule of the craft.” especially as the line above had stated that his essay was a lengthy document. Now our good brother must re member the injunction, “hold fast to that which is good,” and if his essay is as good as the articles in the Banner usually are we’ll guarantee to sit any uml>er of ’ hours list ening to its delivery. Anyway the boys will have a jolly good time, “intellectually and physically,'' and the Morning News young man would like to attend. La-t Friday the darkeys belonging to sec tion gang No. 5, on the South Florida, rail road, near Kissimmee, became involved in a ouarrel over money matters, when one of them grasped a Winchester rifle and ran the others off. Thomas A. Powell, foreman of the gang, inquired into the trouble, told the darkey that he would see that he was protected, and asked him to give up the gun. The darkey refused, and drew the gun on Powell, who, in self-defense, drew his revolver and shot him, the shot taking effect in the muscle of the left aim, coming out close up under the arm and entering the body. The darkey was immediately brought to Dr. Worley, Kissimmee, who prolied for the ball. but. was unable to find it. Mr. Powell gave himself up. and had a prelimi nary examination before ’Squire Johnson Saturday evening, Ik? ing acquitted on the ground of self-defense. When last heard from the darkey was getting along all right. Alfred E. McClure, ofj Jacksonville, has prepared for Sub-Tropical Committee on Plans and Property three elaborate plans, giving three different views of the proposed Suh-Tropioal Exposition building. Col. Forbes has two of the plans, which he ex hibits on his present tour, and give general satisfaction to all who inspect them. The building on paper looks very much like the Crystal Palace. It is decagonal in general form, diameter 213 feet, floor space 43,000 square feet, including annexes for restaur ant and vestibule. The approximate estimated cost, inclu ding foundation piers, cost of leveling ground and construction of ample galleries, is $24,000. The material for construction will lie frame work of dressed yellow pine, siding and roof of best galvanized corrugated iron, and glass in proportion to admit ample light and venti lation. The site for the building has not as yet been selected, but it is understood ground in Springfield, in the neighborhood of the water works, will be bought for the exposition hall. In a dispute between Austin Williams and Ben Hall Sunday morning at Fernandina Williams drew a knife and advanced threat eningly toward Hall, who seized a military rifle, and as Williams raised his hand to strike Hall fired and the bullet shattered the knife into a thousand pieces, taking a finger or two off Williams’ halvl and passing through the wrist of another man standing by, caused a bad wound that may necessitate amputation of the hand. Williams and Hall were arrested. All the parties are colored. This affray shows how badly an efficient police force is needed there, for it is said tliat Williams followed Hall about for several hours threatening to kill him, and Hall had asked for police pro tection and complained of Williams, hut the officer refused to interfere, and the result was as above stated. It is thought that under the new charter Fernandina will maintain a police force that will lie a credit and protection to the city. Some of the old force have been in so' long they have for gotten what they were placed there for. The New Florida Apportionment. The apportionment of Florida is as fol lows: There are thirty-two Senatorial dis tricts. The First is composed of Santa Rosa county: Second, Escambia, Third. Walton and Holmes: Fourth, Jackson: Firth, Lib erty, Franklin and Wakulla; Sixth, Gads den; Seventh, Polk: Eighth, Leon; Ninth, Hernando, Pasco and Citrus; Tenth, Madi son; Eleventh, Hillsborough; Twelfth, Tay lor and Lafayette: Thirt*enth, Dade and Brevard; Fourteenth, Columbia; Fifteenth, Bradford; Sixteenth, Nasau; Seventeenth, Suwannee: Eighteenth, Duval; Nineteenth, Orange and Osceola; Twentieth, Marion and Sumter: Twenty-first, Levy; Twenty.-oec ond, Jefferson - ; Twenty-third, Sumter and lake; Twenty-fourth, Monroe and lx*e; Twenty-fifth, Washington and Calhoun; Twenty-sixth, Putnam; Twenty-seventh, Manatee tuid DeSoto; Twenty-eighth, Vo lusia; Twenty-ninth, Clay and Baker; Thirtieth. Hamilton; Thirty-first, St. Joh n's; Thirty -second, Alai 'hua. The Senators elected at the general elec tion in A. I). 1888 from the districts desig nated by even numbers shall lx; elected for two years, mid their terms shall expire at the end or two years from their commence ment. Those elected ataaid election from districts designated by odd numbers shall be elected for a full term of four years. After the said election in IsBS all Senators, except when vacancies are to be filled, shall be elect ed for four years. The sixty-eight memliers of the House of Representatives are appor tioned among the several counties as fol -1 lows: Alachua two members, Baker one, Bradford two, Brevard one. Calhoun one, Clay <>uo, Columbia two, Dade one, DoSoto one, Duval tuo, Escambia two, Franklin one, Gadsden two, Hamilton two, Hernando one, Hillsborough two, Holmes one, Jackson two, Jefferson two, Lafayette ono. Lake two, Lee one, Leon two, Levy one, Liberty one, Madison two, Manatee one, Marion two, Monroe one. Nassau two. Orange two, Os ceolu one. Polk two, Putnam two, St. Johns two, Santa Rosa two, Sumter one, Suwan nee two, Taylor one, Volusia two, Wakulla one, Walton one, Washington one/ Phillips’ Digestible Cocoa ( for tea or coffee. It U'-rytMf, snmjgmf nnh>- \ supc •?y dnjawwWß“• l - r t.i-i iii i greedy A WORD OF WARNING. The Fearful Dangers of the Present Season and How to Avoid Them in Time. Mr. Wilton R. Palmer, of New York city, received the left wishes of the season from all the friends lie met ou his birthday, and believed that his future life was to be long and joyous. That evening he felt a tickling In the throat, a slight pain across the chest and he coughed once or twice. The next day his nostrils were inflamed, his throat sore and his lungs all filled up. The day following he was in bed, with physi cians shaking their heads, and the third day he was dead from pneumonia, which he failed to take in tune. There are ten thous and men and women in America to day in just the same condition as Mr. Palmer was. Their throats are sore, their lungs are irri tated, and they arc on the verge of pneumo nia and death, but they do not know it. This terrible disease, pneumonia, ha* be come the monster of American life. It is sudden, severe and fatal. It comes without warning and strikes down without mercy. Physicians say it must be thrown from the system on the start, and that there is noth ing equal to pure spirits for this purpose. Pure liquors are absolutely necessary when pneumonia is coming on, and from the care ful investigations of the beet chemists and physicians we are convinced that no liquor now known to the world is equal to Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey for pneumonia or any other pulmonic trouble. This whiskey is put up solely for medical purposes, and sold only in seated bottles. It is a stimulant to the organs that have been congested by coid. It arouses the tissues to fresh action. It wards off disease, and containing no fusel oil it does not injure nor intoxicate. Mr. E. W. Roswell, of Washington, D. C., related his experience as follows: “I had hemorrhages and was examined by a physi cian, who thought my lungs only slightly congested. In August I had three more hemorrhages and lost a quart of blood. An other physician said I was in the last stages of consumption, and finally I gave up all hope. I obtained Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and took it. I have gained health and strength rapidly, and am completely re stored. This remarkable whiskey, which is sold by all first-class druggists (and the secret of whose manufacture many have in vain sought to find out), deserves to be kept in every household, not only to be used in cases of emergency, but to assist in prolonging life and bringing health and happiness. ~ DLFFV'S PI HE MALT WHISKEY Is Sold Only in Bottles. Price $1 00. For sale by Druggists, Grocers and Dealers. Persons East of the Rocky Mountains (except the Territories: unn ole to procure it from their dealers can have Half Dozen sent, in plain ease, unmarked, express prepaid, by remitting 80 to The Dcm Malt Whiskey Cos., Rochester. N. Y. QVINIIOKM PLASTER. ENORMOUS CONSUMPTION OF QUININE. Quinine, Belladonna and Capsicum, Favorite Remedies among Physicians. 6,000,000 ounces of Quinine are consumed annually. No other remedy known to physicians fs used to the same extent, though Belladonna and Capsicum are prime favorites among physicians. Qulniform Is a substitute for Quinine, having all the remedial virtues of Quinine, without Its disagreeable and dangerous effects, and ©Qulniform Plaster is a happy combination of Qulniform, Belladonna aud Capsicum, with other Ingredients, and is, as common sense would In dicate, a much higher grade of plaster than the public has hitherto Aers Gihm m in- “ Doffn - . J b . e Malaria or pr _. W . T ™ Ague-subduing and tonic rcRK wateb. virtue of Qulniform, and the pam-killing action of Its other Ingre dients, are applied to the system through the poreß of the skin. Quiniitorm Plaster Is a phenomenal pain-relieving and curative remedy. For Malaria nnd all of the aches, Enins and Ills for which Quinine and Plasters ave been used, it will he found to be decidedly preferable. Quinlform Plaster Cap be obtained of any druggist, or will by mail, on receipt of 25 cents by Inson & Johnson, 23 Cedar St , N. V. For sale by LIPPMAN BROS., Lippman’s Block, Savannah. SAXJCEs. IPFIPI SAUCE ■ i . ...(TSZ Wor.CESTERSHIRE) , Impart s the most delldou.3 taste an and zest to EXTRACT soups, of *LETTEIt from __ . a MEDICAL GEN- GRAVIES, TLEMAN at atari- I J ns, to hl brother I | ISSH, at WORCESTER, J May, 181.1. , C&. HOT A COLD “Tell f?AUCfgl| LEA & PERRINS* MEATS, ' that tltrir aa.tco Is By n-.ijts highly eetcamod in CAME, India, and is in my it efel opinion, tha most HAS PERM WELSH' palatable, as well v as tha most whole- DAK EDITS, gome sauce that Is fit e fSS nude.” v . scr-.ij? Signature is on every bottle of the genuine. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, N.Y., AGENTS FOR TTT3 UNITED STATES. CORNICES. CHAS. A. COX, 40 BARNARD ST., SAVANNAH, OA., KAinjFACTriUSR or— GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES AND TIN ROOFING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. The only house using machinery in doing work. Estimates for city or country work promptly furnished. Agent for the celebrated Swedish Me tallic raint. Agent for Walters' Patent Tin Shingles. PLUMBER. 1., a. McCarthy, Successor to Chiu. E. Wakefield, PLUMBER, CAS and STEAM FITTER, 48 Barnard street, SAVANNAH, UA. Telephone 873. NURSERA . KIESLINGPS NURSERY, White Bluff Hcvid. TJLANTS. BOUQUETS. DEMONS, CUT A FLOWER;-; furnished to order. Leave or ders at ,I)AVis Bros,*, comer Bull and York afreet. Telephone call 4V. SHIPPING. ocean lelMpcomy —for— New York, Boston and Philadelphia, PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN' ; S4O 00 EXCURSION woo STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION . 82 00 STEERAGE . 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New York). CABIN , $22 60 EXCURSION 86 OO STEERAGE 12 50 THE magnificent steamships of these lines arc appointed to sail as follows—standard tlnur TO NEW YORK. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Capt. F. Smith, FRI DAY. June 10, at 9:00 a. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. J. W. Catharixe, SUNDAY, June 12, at 10:30 a. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Kkmpto.v, TUESDAY, June 14, at 12:30 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. W. H. Fisher, FRI DAY, June 17, at 3 p M. TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. W. Keixey, THURS DAY', June 9, at 8 A. M. GATE CITY, Capt. D. Hedge, THURSDAY, June 16, at 2 p. M. TO PHILADELPHIA. [FOR FREIGHT ONLY. 1 JUNIATA. Capt. S. L. Askixs, SATURDAY, June 11, at 10:80 a. m. DESSOUG, Capt. N. F. Howes, SATURDAY, June 18, at 3:30 p. M. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage aopiy to C. G. ANDERSON, Agent. City Exchange Building. Meft hants’ and Miners’ Transportation Com’y. For Baltimore. CABIN sl2 50 SECOND CABIN 10 00 tpHE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap~ 1 pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. Foster, MONDAY, June 18, at 2:00 p. m. GEORGE APPOLD. Capt. Billups, SATUR DAY, June IS, at 4:00 p. m. JOHNS HOPKINS. Capt. Foster, THURSDAY, June 23, at 7:09 p. m. GEORGE APPOLD, C'apt. Billups, TUESDAY, June 28, at 2:00 p. m. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 8 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO.. Agents, 114.8ay street. SEA ISL A. ND It OtlT lb Steamer St. Nicholas. Capt. M. P. USINA, \\7ILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of ' ' Lincoln street for DOBOY. DARIEN, BRUNSWICK and FERNANDINA. every TUES DAY and FRIDAY at 0 p. M., city time, con necting at Savannah with New York, Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer nandina with rail for Jacksonville and .all points it: Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Sat ilia river. freight received to within half hour of boat's departure. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. Tickets on wharf and boat, C. WILLIAMS, Agent. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN'S BLUFF AND WAY LANDINGS. opHF. steamer ETHEL. Capt. W. T. Gibsok, Jl will leave for above MONDAYS and THURS DAYS at li o'clock p. M. Returning, arrive WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at t> o'clock p. m. For information, etc., apply to W. T. GlßStlv, Manager. Wharf foot of Drayton street. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE Tampa, Key West, II avana. HEMI-WEEKLY. SOUTH-BOUND. Lv Tampa Montlay and Thursday 9:30 p. m. Ar Key West Tuesday and Friday 4 p. m. Ar Havana Wednesday and Saturday 6 a. m. NORTHBOUND. Lv Havana Wednesday and Saturday noon. Lv Key West Wednesday and Saturday 10 p.m. Ar Tampa Thursday and Sunday tl p. m. Connecting at Tampa with West India Fast Train to and from Northern and Eastern cities. For stateroom accommodations apply to City Ticket 1 tttlce ■s., F. X: W. H'y, Jacksonville, or Agent Plant Steamship Line, Tampa. C. D. OWENS, Tratlio Manager. H. S. HAINES, General Manager. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique —French Line to Havre. BETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier No. 42, N. R., foot of Morton street. Trav elers by this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the Channel in a small boat. Spi-dnl train leaving the Company’s dock nt Havre direct for Paris on arrival of steamers. Baggage checked at New York through to Paris. LA NORMANDIE, Ds Kkrsabiec SATUR DAY, June 11, 9 a. M. LA BRETAGNE, De Jousselin, BATEKDAY. June 18, 3 p. m. LA BOURGOGNE, Frangecl, SATURDAY. June 25, 8 a. )i. LA GASCOGNE, Santelli, SATURDAY, July 2. 8 p. m. PRICK OF PASSAGE (Including wine): TO HAVRE First Cabin, $l2O, SIOO and *80; Second Cabin, $00: Steerage irum New York to Havre. SBS: Steerage from New York to Paris, S2S; Including wine, bedding and utensils. IjOUIS DE BKBIAN. Agent, a Bowling Green, foot of Broadway, New York. Ur.WILDER A CO,, Agents for Bavauuhoh. RAILROADS. SOHEDULE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Savan-nah, Ga., May 22.1887. ON and after this date Passenger Trains will run daily unless marked +, which ore daily, except Sunday. The standard time, by which these trains run, is 80 minutes slower than Savannah city time: No. 'l NcTr No7s. No. 7." Lv Savannah..7:oo am 8:20 pm 5:15 pm 5:40 pm ArGuyton 6:4opm ArMiflen 9:40 am 11:03 pm 7:80 pm 8:46 ppl Ar Augusta. .+1:45 pm 7:15 ain 9:35 pm Ar Macon 1:30 pm 3:20 am Ar Atlanta 5:30 pm 7:30 am Ar Columbus. .5:50 pm Ar Montg'ry 7:09 pm Ar Eufaula 8:50 pm Ar Albany- 2:45 pm Train No. 9+ leaves Savannah 2:00 p. m,; ar rives Guyton 3:00 p. m. Passengers for Sylvania, Wrightsville, Mil leilgeville and Eatonton should take 7:00 a. m. train. Passengers for Thomaston, Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbottom Buena Vista, Blakely and Clay-ton should take the 8:20 p. m. train. So. 8. No. 4“ No. A NoTeT Lv Augusta 10:00 pm 6:00 am Lv Macon... 10:35 am 10:50 pin Lv Atlanta.. 6:soam 6:sopm Lv Columbus 0:25 pm : Lv Montg'ry. 7:25 pm 7;40 am Lv Eufaula.. 10:18 pm 10:49 am Lv Albany.. 5:05 am Lv Millen.... 2:28 pm 3:10 am 8:00 am 5:20 am Lv Guyton.. 4:o3pm s:olam 9:27am8:55am Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 6:15 am 10:30 am 8:05 am Train No. lot leaves Guyton 3:10 p. tn.; arrives Savannah 4:25 p. m. Sleeping cars on all night trains between Sa vannah. Augusta. Macon and Atlanta, also Ma con and Columbus. Train No. 8, leaving Savannah at 8:20 p. m., will stop regularly at Guyton, but at no other point to put off passengers between Savannah and Millen. Train No. 4 will stop on signal at stations be tween Millen and Savannah to take 011 passen gers for Savannah. Train No. 5 will stop on signal at stations be tween Savannah and Millen to take on passen gers for Augusta or points on Augusta branch. Train No. 6 w-iil stop between Milieu and Sa vannah to put off passengers from Augusta and points on Augusta branch. Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at City Office, No. 20 Bull street, and Depot Office 30 minutes before departure of each train. J. C. SHAW. G. A. WHITEHEAD, Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agent. East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia R.R. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. /COMMENCING March 13, 1887, the following v.' Schedule will be in effect: EASTERN LINE. Fast Night S., F. A- W. Depot. Express. Express. Lv Charleston 3:45 am 3:30 pm Ar Savannah 0:41 am 7:00 p m Lv Savannah 7:06 am 8:45 pm 1:30 pm Ar Jesup 8:42 am 1:05 am 3:20 pm ■Lv Jesup I:4sam 3:35 p m Ar Brunswick 5:45 ani 5:38 Prn Lv Jesup 10:20 a m 1:00 pm Ar Eastman 1:57 pm 1:27 am Ar Cochran 2:38 pm 2:llam Ar Hawkinsville. 8:30 p m 12:00 noon Lv Hawkinsvillp 10:15 a m 1:35 pm Ar Macon 4:05 pm 3:45 am Lv Macon 4:05 pm 3:55 am *.... Ar Atlanta 7:45 pm 7:15 am Lv Atlanta 1:00 pm 7:30 am Ar Rome 4:oft p m 10:30 a m Ar Dalton 5:27 pm 11:49 am Ar Chattanooga 7:00 p m 1:25 p m Lv Chattanooga... 9:Boam 9:lspm Ar Knoxville I:sopm 1:10am Ar Bristol 7:3opm 5:45a ra .... Ar Roanoke 2:15 am 12:45p m Ar Natural Bridge. 3:54 am 2:29 pm Ar Waynesboro ... 6:20 am 4:20 pm At Luray 7:50 am 6:43 pm Ar Shenondo’ J'n. .10:53 a m 9:35 pm Ar Hagerstown 11:55 pin 10:30 pm Ar Harrisburg 3:3opm I:2oam Ar Philadelphia ... 6:50 pm 4:45am Ar New Y’ork 9:85 p m 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown 12:50noon Ar Baltimore 8:45 pm * Ar Philadelphia... 7:49 pm Ar New York —10:83 pm Lv Roanoke 2:20 ant 12:30 noon Ar Lynchburg 4:30 am 2:30 pm Ar Washington 12:00noon 9:40 pm Ar Baltimore 1:27 p m 11:35 p m Ar Philadelphia... 3:47pm 3:ooam Ar New York. ... 6:20 p m 6:20 am Lv Lynchburg 6:1.6 a m 8:05 pm 7 Arßurkville 9:20 am 5:27 pm Ar Petersburg 11:10 am 7:15 pm Ar Norfolk 2:25 pm 10:00 pm Via Memphis and Charieeton R. R. Lv Chattanooga... 9:25 a m 7:10 pm Ar Memphis 9:lspm 6:loam Ar Little R0ck,.... 7:10 a m ; 2:58p 111 Via K. C., F. S. and 0. R.R. Lv Memphis 10:45 a in Ar Kansas City 8:20 am Via Cin. So. R’y. Lv Chattanooga... 8:40 am 7:10 pm Ar. Louisville 6:45 pm 6:3oam Ar Cincinnati 7:00 pm 6:50 am Ar Chicago 6:50 a m 6:50 pm Ar St. Louis 7:45 am 0:40 pin Pullman sleepers leave as follows: Jesup at 10:80 p m for Chattanooga, Atlanta at 7:80 a m and 1:00 p m for Chattanooga, Rome at 4:05 p m for Washington via Lynchburg: Chattanooga at 9:15 p in for New York via Shenandoah valley; Chattanooga at 9:30 a m for Washington via Lynchburg; Chattanooga at 7:10 p m for Little Rock; Brunswick at 7:50 p m for Atlanta. B. W. WREXN, G. P. & T. A„ Knoxville, Tenn. L. J. ELLIS, A. G. P. A., Al junta Charleston & Savannah Railway Cos. CONNECTIONS made at Savannah with Sa vannah, Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time (90th meridian), which is 36 minutes slower thaij city time. NORTHWARD. No. 14* 38t 66* 78* Lv Sav'h. .12:26 p m 4:00 p m 6:45 a m 8:23 p m Ar Augusta 12: 40 pm Ar Beaufort 6:08 pm 10:15 am Ar P. Royal 6:20 p m 10:80 am Ar Al'ilaie.. 7:40 p m 8:15 p m 10:20 am Ar Cha’ston 6:00 p m 9:20 p m 11:40 a m 1:25 a m SOUTHWARD. 38* 35* 27* Lv Oba'ston 7:10 a m 3:35 p m 8:45 a m Lv Augusta 12:45 p m LvAJ'dnle.. 6:10 am 8:07 .pm Lv P. Royal. 7:ooam ~ 2:oopm I.vßeaufort 7:l2am 2:lspm Ar Sav’h,, . . 10:15 ain 6:53 p m 6:41 a m •Dally between Savannah and Charleston. ♦Sundays only. Train No. 78 makes no connection with Port Royal and Augusta Railway, and stops only at Ridgi-land, Qreen Pond and Raveuol. Train 14 stops only at Yemassoe and Green Pond, and connects for Beaufort and Port Royal dally, and for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Trains 35 and 66 connect from and tor Beaufort and Port Royal daily. lor tickets, sleeping car reservations and all other Information apply to WM. BREN, Special Ticket Agent, 28 Bull street, and at Charleston and Savannah railway ticket office, at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway depot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. May 15, 1887. food i-iiom i ts. FOREST CITY MILLS, Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton I -ROADS. road are run bv ard Timed - on this road ‘'■ 'sl, rtUl niniqj ia fast mail. ■ vannah , 12:80 p m Lv h - 13,1, * Monday and Thnrs. p m fnHMWMJtoh*J + ?***■ Tuesday and > . v ' J - Friday.. p m C cst. Lv Wednes. and i ... „ . rS t •pT Sat am ( • Havana... Lv j. ®d. and Tam^ bUffrt earS tOaM *“ ft® NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS 7:06 a m Lv Savannah. sV B:42am Lv Jesup..... '"al ( I;*P #:80a m_Ar .. ...Waycross. 11:26 am Ar .... ('aUahmi. 7 ITTEv^ l2:00noonAr Jacksonville.. |;*lPla .:00am Lv Jacksonville. ...jJ I;®Pa 10:15am Lv Waycross Ar~iuir~ 12:04 pm Lv Valdosta Lv 12:34 pm Lv Quitman r v |^*P 1:22 pm Ar Thomasville. ,;* Pa 3::)5 pin A.* Bainbridge Lv'TpKtjp* 4:1+4 pm Ar Chattahoochee.. Pullman buffet cam to and from Jick. ,! and New York, to and from Waycross SS Orleans via Pensacola. atld Ne EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS I:3opm Lv Savannah. ... A r 8:20 p m Lv Jesup T v Sf* 4:40p mAr -Waycross -Lv 7:85 p m Ar Jacksonville 777 Lv~7Su" 4:lspm Lv. .Jacksonville .Ai -7:20 pin Lv Way-cross. . .. Ar7fTSTB 8:81 p m Ar Dupont Lv 5:30 a q 3:25 p in Lv Lake City ATi(f:iia 3:45 p m Lv Gainesville Ar"l(Hn7^ 6:55 pm Lv Live Oak fr 8:40 pm Lv Dupont 10:56 pm Ar Thoniasviile. ... Lv s'5J 1:22 am Ar Albany Lv i-aJ! Pullman buffet cars to and from Jacksramib and St. Louis via Thomasville, Albany gomery and Nashville. 310 “ tl ALBANY EXPRESS. 7:35 pm Lv Savannah \ r fi in.. 10:05 pm Lv Jesup Lv *-aoS2 ; m Ar.. .. -Waycross Lv i&'*JJ 5:30 am Ar Jacksonville. ... .Lv~94ul 9:00 pm Lv Jacksonville Ar S;3OaJ 1:05 a m Lv Waycross Ar lcanTS 2:30 am Ar Dupont Lv I0:05pa 7:10a mAr Live 0ak..... ..Lv~s;' 10:80 a m Ar Gainesville Lv 3:45 pn; 16:45 a m Ar Lake City Lv 3:^~iTia 2:55 a m Lv.. Dupont . 771T7S b:.JoamAr Thomasville Lv 'lltuZ 11:40 ain Ar. Albany Lv 4:<V>p™ Stops at all regular stations. Pultau sleeping cars to and from Jacksonville and Si vannah. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 6:05 a m Lv Waycross Ar 7:oonm 10:25 a m Ar Thomasville Lv 2:lspa Stops at all regular and flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 p m Lv Savannah Ar B:33am 6:10 p m Ar Jesup Lv 5:25am Stops at all regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 am, (an rive Augusta via Y'emassee at 12:40 p m), iia p m anil 8:23 pm; for Augusta and Atlanta at i :00 am, 5:15 p m and 8:20 pm; with steamship* for New York Sunday, Tuesday and Friday; for Boston Thursday: for Baltimore every fifth day. At JESUP for Brunswick at I:46am and!:l pm: for Macon 10:30 a m and 10:00 p in. At WAYCROSS for Brunswick at 10:00a man! 5:05 p m. At CALLAHAN for Femandinaat 2:47 pmj for Waldo. Cedar Key. ©cala, etc , at 11:27 an, At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, eta, at 10:58 a m and 7:30 p m. At GAINESVILLE for Ocala, Tavares, Brook* ville and Tampa at 10:55 a m. At ALBANY for Atlanta, Macon, Montgom ery, Mobile, New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans at 4:14 p m. Tickets sold and sleeping car herths seeurel at BREN'S Ticket Office, and at the Passenger Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pas3. Agent R. G. FLEMING Superintendent South Florida Railroad, Central Standard. Time. CAN and after MONDAY, May 23d, 18S7, train! ‘ / will arrive and leave a follows: ♦Daily. tDailf except Sundays, {Daily et cept Mondays. LIMITED WEST INDIA FAST MAIL Leave Jacksonville (J., T and K. W.> *12:30p m, Sanford 4:40 pm; arrive Ta mpa 9:00 p ci. Returning leave Tampa 8:00 nm, Sanfom 1:00am; arrive Jacksonville (J.,X. andK "4 6:30 a in. WAY TRAINS. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way stations + : B:4oaa Arrive at Tampa t I:3spm Returning leave Tampa at + 9:ooam Arrive at Sanford . .tl 2:00 P m I/eave Sanford for Kissim mee and waytaionsat.+lo:2oamands:oopm An-iveat Kissimmee at t l:3npmandL(6pm Returning leave Kissimmee t0:00 am and 2:16 pm Arrive at Sanford tß:2oamands:!pM tlSteamboat Express. BARTOW BRANCH. Lv Bartow Junction.. .til:4s am and * v+OP™ Ar Bartow 12:55 pm and 6:40 pm Returning Lv Bartow..t 9:30 a m and * 6:oopm Ar Bartow Junction... 10:40 am and <:lopm PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated by- the South Florida Railroad. •Leave Bnrtoiv for remberton Ferry and way stations at Arrive at Pemberton Ferry at •Returning leave Fembertou Ferry at 6:oo pm Arrive at Bartow at ® {l,eave Pemberton Ferry Arrive Baitow :*® ♦Leave Bartow. Arrive Pemberton Ferry 4:sopm SANFORD AND INDIAN RIVER R- R- Leave Sanfot-d for Lake Charm and way stations 5 Arrive Lake Charm 7.10 P ™ Returning— 'emum Leave Lake Charm Arrives at Sanford. SPECIAL, CONNECTIONS. , Connects at Sanford with the Sanford Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and pota™ lake Jesup, with the People’s Line and Wtw Line of slouinena, and J. T. and K. >' R Jacksonville and all intermediate points on- St. John's river, and with steamers (or in river and the Upper St. John's. . At Kissimmee with steamers for Forts vo and Basemgerand liolnw on Kissinimee n . ___ At Pemlierton Ferry with Florida bou - Railway for all points North and West, an Bartow with the Florida Southern Railway 1 Fort Meade and points South. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS- . Connects at Tampa with steamer Marga for Talma Sola. Braidentown, Palmetto. • tee and all points on Hillsborough and 1 Also, with the elegant mail steamship* COtte" ami ‘‘Olivette." of the Plant, steamship Cos., for Key West and Havana. m Through tickets sold at all regular stat points North, East and West. Baggage cliecked through. o,„f or d on I'asseugers lor Havana can leave Sanr Limited West India Fast Moil train at Atop. Tue:uluy, Thursday and Saturday, coni samo evening with steamer at Tamps -4 WILBUR MoCOY, General Frel-br and Ticket Age"^, SUBURBAN RAILWAY, City and Suburban Railway. / \N and after WEDNESDAY, J}'" * ) following schedule will be run on tu side Line: - uavi I anrivE li.iavk tSLI errv. : citv. jok norr. itowwm^ •7-00 6:50 1 6:25 • ••iljj"" 10:25 8:4t) , ; 00 , 8:25 2:09 1:60 ' > +7:15 6:16 BR* f - .-J ~There wiii be no early train from 0 on Sunday morning. for W* charge. This train afford* parent#• ciirsion before breakfast tor young with 1 ill men. HtV at l-U ton Sutmxßy* tul M' lll,l j H _ nfj j/f, 11,1,1 1/ m b V ,)fferi nt? treni th 73 SSiSJKHssaiSSs neinheed. f I o.S <riUs4M 0- "J