The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 27, 1887, Image 1

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( ESTABLISHED 1850. ) iJ. H. ESTILL Editor and Proprietor. ( PAYIS AND THE FLAGS. CONGRESS ALONE ABLE TO ORDER THEIR RETURN. The State Troops of the North In the Federal Service, and Their Trophies, Therefore, Government Property— A Letter Published in Chicago Pro nounced a Forgery. New Orleans, June 36.—The following note from Mr. Davis was published this morning: Beauvoir, Miss., June 24,1867. To the Managing Editor of the New Or leans Picayune: Dear Sir— ln your issue of this morning there is copied from the Chicago Inter-Ocean what purports to be a letter written by me to Col. Phoeeen Howe, of Danville, 111., from Beauvoir, Miss.. June 30. The letter above described Is a barefaced forgery, the author of which did not qualify him self for his fraudulent purpose by learning from persons in tho neighborhood of Dam * ville, from which place it appears he wrote, facts as might have enabled him to his fiction less palpably incredible. . fiftase give this place in your next issue and a marked copy to the Inter-Ocean that imposition practiced upon it may be ex posed where it was put in circulation. Yours respectfully, Jefferson Davis. MR. DAVIS’ VIEWS. Mr. Davis stated in an informal conversa tion with a reporter of the Picayune, and not. for publication, that the views expressed in this spurious letter are precisely the re verse of those actually entertained by him. The troops in the Union army were all mus tered into the Federal service. The States, as such, had no troops in the war, and con sequently all the military stores and trophies .captured became the property of the general government, and subject to the control and at the disposition of Congress only. Con federate flags had from time to time been returned to Southern States by Northern legislatures and various military associa tions. AUTHORITY FOR THE RETURN. 'WtK we was in reality no authority under Wr Aw for these acts of courtesy, but the i..- i not considered of material im portance and the question was never raised until the issuance of the recent order by Mr. Cleveland. Mr. Davis declared that he had resisted all'attempts of newspaper men to interview him on this subject, and would have remained silent but for this remark able and unique swindle, which he de nounced over and over, in general and in detail, as false in every respect. PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. A Denial of the Truth of tho Story Printed by the “Star.” June 26.—Civil Service ia,ioner Oberly said to-night that ¥*• v,as no truth in the story published in . . shington Star yesterday to tho effect ti.jt in the recent examinations for promo tion in tho Quartermaster General’s office, only 10 out of 38 clerks had passed, that the questions asked would not show a clerk’s efficiency or that any of the clerks, especially women, were sick or hysterical on account lr Sfthe examination. There were thirty-seven clerks in the second and third classes of the Quarter master General's office examined,” said Mr. T>berly, “and of that number thirty-four Stf>jfd and only three failed. Among those ’(■flnined was but one woman, and she went into hysterics nor exhibited any ■■filament whatever. She was cool anti ■Maid, and passed with a higher jiercontage most of the men. The three gentle ii n who failed to pass the examination failed upon the very matters that were of practical every day importance in the offices in which they were serving. The clerks were agreeably surprised at the character of the examination, and they all agreed that the questions asked were of a practical working nature.” He also denied the story that some of the clerics who thought they had not passed good examinations were helped up by their superior who gave them good marks for efficiency, and said the efficiency marks were all sent in before the examination was begun. LUTHERANS AND SOCIALISM. The Denomination Declarer in Favor of Individual Liberty. Chicago, Juno 20.—The Lutheran Synod, the representative body of the Lutheran church in North America, which has been in session here for a week past, promulgated to-day the following resolution: That with reference to Anarchists, Socialists and affiliated workingmen’s societies, we ns the Evangelical Lutheran Synod affirm the principle that the Christian, social and political lilierty of hh individual is one of the most precious rights of every man, which we deem it our duty to defend by all lawful means, and that we therefore most earnestly warn our members against, joining or in any wise supporting such association, of whatsoever name, which op press their members by regulations pre scribing conditions under which they shall work, buy or seR. r SHARP’S DISTRESS. He Passes a Restless Night and Moans Almost Constantly. New York, June 20.—At the urgent re quest of Counsellor Stickney Judge Barrett has modified the order relating to the con finement of Jacob Sharp in Ludlow street jail. Mrs. Sharp and her haughter, Mrs. Delmar, were allowed to remain last night. My. Sharp passed n bad night. He was restless, moaning almost constantly. He evidently suffered much pain. The pris oner has not eaten much of anything for several days. Mrs. Sharp report* his con dition daily to his physician, who prescribes In accordance. The prisoner did not leave his room to-day. Suicide in tho Park. New York, Juno 26.—An unknown sui fide was found in Jerome Park to-day. When the Coroner investigated the case he found that the man had tried to bang himself with a heavy string, which broke. As lie fell his loot caught in the crotch of the tree ami his bead struck the trunk in his fall, causing hemorrhage at the mouth. He hung sus pended by his foot until discovered. A letter was found addressed “M. M. A. Mar ket, Edgefield C. H., 8. C.,” with $5 in money. He was not dressed like a laboring •nan. _ Death of an Infant-, Tenn., June 26.—David, in .antson of Mrs. Baklie Hickey, sister of .Jig*. F. E. McArthur, of Savannah, died 32s afternoon after a protracted illness of seven weeks, during which limn the Mle one was hourly expected to pass a way. ■ older chord wa.. snap] • I at 4 or!"o;. * *utiers 1 services will take place from the •t-. uce of lion. D. Richards to-morrow fternoon at- 3:30 o'clock. Death of a Prominent Mason. Virginia Midland Junction, Va., June 16.—Peyton 8. Coles, Past Grand Master ind grand lecturer of Masons, died at tin igo of 61 at his his homo in Albemarle, at Ui early hour Uus morning. uJje Morning |mb& $1,250,000 LOST BY FIRE. Part of a Monster Packing Establish ment Burned at Chicago. Chicago, June 26. — Early this morning one of the employes of the Chicago Packing and Provision Company discovered fire in the tank room. In a few minutes one of the tanks exploded, scattering burning lard over adjacent buildings, and a dozen sepa rate fires were soon burning. The destruc tion of the immense establishment was nearly complete. Though the fire was under control this evening, fourteen and a haS hours after it started, embers are still smol dering. The loss is $1,250,000. a monster establishment. The Chicago Packing and Provision Com pany’s works occupy about six acres of ground, but the fire was kept within the district bounded by Fortieth street, Centre avenue, Forty-second street and the railroad tracks a block west of Centre avenue. This territory contained four large buildings. The main building was 500x477) feet. In it a portion of the killing was done and the hanging, cutting, packing, curing and other work incidental to a slaughtering establish ment, Except the curing room, in which were 19,000,000 pounds of short ribs, the main building and its contents are a total loss. the curing room. The curing room, 100 by 150 feet, and four stories high, lost its roof, but stonp fire walls saved its contents, a portion of them in roasted condition. On the east side of the main building was a warehouse, 125 by 400 feet with four stories and basement. The two upper floors at the south end were used for killing purposes. In the warehouse were 17,000 barrels of mess pork belonging to Armour & Cos. The building and much of the pork was wholly destroyed About 3,000 live hogs were in the building when the fire started but the company’s employes succeeded in getting most of them out. Between 600 and 700 hogs were burned alive in the building. Back of the main building was a fertilizing factory 100 feet square and an engine house 50 by 60 feet. Both structures were burned completely. no wind blowing. The fact that no wind was blowing when the fire started was probably the only cir cumstance that saved the entire stock yards from destruction. No person seems to know the origin of the fire. Several saw the blaze simultaneously as it went through the roof of the tank house. The flames be gan rapidly to eat their way directly across the main building. Though the lire department was quickly at the scene the fire had gained volume that no amount of water could reduce. Huge sweeping circles of flames were whirling upwards with a roar that could be heard for blocks. Twenty engines and every reserve in the yards were soon brought into play. All the efforts of the firemen and hundreds of the stock yards employes were bent toward keeping the con flagration confined to the works of the Chi cago company. AN EXPLOSION. It was at this juncture while one little squad of firemen were standing in a freight car playing on the burning tank room when the tanks exploded. A heavy beam crushed through the car smashing pipeman Baker’s ankle and knocking Elliott uncon scious. Soon afterwards the walls of the warehouse tumbled to the ground, dis closing great heaps of mess pork. P. D. Armour immediately set 100 men to work removing the meat." Charred barrels of it were rolled out and carted away. The little army tramped over huge piles of loose pork and carried big chunks of it out on the rail road tracks where it was thrown in heaps. CARTING IT AWAY. Two-wheeled carts and big four-wheeled truck? were loaded from these heaps like garbage wagons from the gutter. Mr. Armour ruefully watched the mess of pork and cinders being cleared away, while his manager stood on an elevation of mess pork and superintended the work. In the debris were the carcasses of hogs roasted whole. Charred bodies shriveled into helpless masses of cinders, were mingled with piles of brick, blackened beams and incinerated barrels. After the flames had consumed most of the woodwork of the building, the fire still held its way in the great mounds of burning meat. SICKENING ODORS. Smoke thick with the fumes of tons of roasting pork rolled over the stock pen and drove into tho eyes of the firemen. Falling walls filled the air with particles of brick dust, blinding and suffocating men. They were at times compelled to leave their hose and plumre their heals into buckets of water. Then they sat In turns with hand kerchiefs dipped in water on their swollen eyelids or butned their blistered cheeks with dirty water. AN EXCITING SCENE. Perhaps the most exciting scene of the day was presented when the men who were attempting to drive through the covered run ways, the live hogs in the upper stories were forced by the flames to desist. Below were scores of workmen^ rolling out barrels of pork. Down on the crowd pell mell leaped dozens of affrighted animals from windows or sprang through the open hatchways. The men who had braved the flames fled from the falling hogs and at a distance watched for glimpses of the squealing brutes that crazed with pain were rushing madly about in their tall prison of fire. About 200 barrels of pork were saved before the hogs commenced jumping. During the afternoon the firemen gave their attention to saving the short ribs in the curing room. While a number of men were inside tho main building one of the di vision walls fell, seriously injuring J. A. Heater. Thomas Murphy, W. W. Hue, Capt. Nichols and Thomas Elliott. armour gets out even. Mr. Armour valued his 1,700 barrels of pork at $86,000. He said that with the salvage and insurance ho would come out even. He was unable to give the amounts of his insurance. The plant of the Chicago Packing and Provision Company was mi ned at $300,0.m and the stock at $700,000. A large part of the stock in store belonged to other parties, and the loss will be sustained by them. About half of the Chicago Pack ing ami Provision Company’s 2,000 employes will lie thrown out of work. Fireman Thomas Murphy died to-night. Locks Turned on Loyalists. Dublin, June 36.—County Sheriff Hamil ton called a meeting of Loyalists for to day to be held in Green street court house, Which lielongs to the city. Hamilton and a party of friends having entered tho btuld ng the City Sheriff locked them in, prevent ing the audience from entering. Sheriff Hamilton appeared at an upper window, and amid much laughter, explained the predica ment and announced that the meeting would lie held in the Court of Queen s Bench The Loyalists accordingly pro ceeded to the place named, and held their meeting. The Waterspout's Victims. Paris June 26,—The bodies of nine more persons 8 who had lost their live, by the bursting of the waterspout at Toulouse have been recovered. A Baron Excommunicated. London. June 26.-The Archbishop.of Cologne has excommunicated Baum Bale -11 mcrier for challenging Baron Schorlemer to fight a duel. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1887. EGYPT’S OCCUPATION. France Warns the Sultan Not to Sign the Convention. London, June 26. —The time set for sign ing the Egyptian convention expires to morrow. It is asserted that if the Sultan does not sign the document Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, special British envoy, will depart from Constantinople instantly. THE SITUATION ACUTE The Morning Post says: “The Egyptian negotiations have reached an acute stage. France threatens to break off diplomatic re lations with the Porte and resume her claims regarding the protection of the Ori ental holy places if the conven tion be ratified, while Russia demands recompense in the direction of Erzeroum. The Porte, therefore, asks Eng land whether in the event of the ratifica tion of the convention Turkey can rely upon effective fulfillment of the conven tion relating to Cyprus. The reply to this note has not yet been received at Constanti nople.” FRANCE TRIES TO INTIMIDATE. Constantinople, June 26.—The French government has sent a note to the Sultan in which it distinctly refuses to accept tho situation which will result from the signing of the Egyptian Conven tion and says that if the Convention be ratified France will take the measures necessary to protect her interests which will be endangered by disturbance of the equilibrium of the Mediterranean. On the other hand, France offers formal assurance that she will protect and guaran tee the Sultan against whatever conse quences may result, if he will refuse to rat ify the convention. By so doing, the note says, the Sultan will strengthen the ties of friendship between France and Turkey, and protect his country from tho encroachments and ambitions of England. Upon receipt of this note acoun cil of Ministers was summoned, and a note to the powers wa? drafted, complaining of French interference in the internal affairs of Turkey. The note will be submitted to the Sultan for approval. It is rumored that Russian troops are advancing from Kars as a menace to Turkey. A FATAL WALL OF FIRE. Four Occupants of a Tenement Meet Horrible Deaths. London, June 26.—Fire broke out in a tenement house off Oxford street, London, this • morning, and the flames spread so rapidly that several inmates were unable to make their escape. Several frightful scene* were witnessed by the enormous crowds of people that had bren attracted to the spot. One youth jumped from the top story to the ground and was instantly killed. His mother followed him. In her descent she struck upon railings in front of the house, and re bounded on the heads of the crowd. She was conveyed to a hospital. Another woman appeared at §, Window holding a child in her arms. A moment later she fell backward into the flames. The charred re mains of herself and two children were afterward discovered. The Geneata’s Great Victory. London, June 26.—The yacht Genesta, which is lending in the jubilee race, passed Ventnor at 10 o’clock this morning. The Seline and Gwendoline passed Lizard Point at 7:30 o’clock this morning. Provided the head winds continue the Genesta will arrive about forty hours ahead of the others. The Genesta passed Beachy Head at 7:30 o’clock to-night. at her pier. London, June 27,5:30 a. m.— The Genesta arrived at Dover at 5:15 o’clock this morn ing. She trusted chiefly to the tide in enter ing Dover and missed her pier, having to make two small tacks. The sea was perfect ly calm. A light wind was blowing. OFF DOVER. London, June 27, 4 a. m.—At 4 o’clock this morning the Genesta was two miles off Dover in the direction of Boulogne. Jubilee Services at Windsor. London, June 26. —Crowds of royal per sonages were present at the Windsor jubilee service in St. George’s chapel to-night. Nearly all tho members of the royal family attended. The Queen was not present. COMMENCEMENT SERMONS. Dr. Lipscomb Preaches Before the Lucy Cobb Girls. Athens, Ga., June 28.—The commence ment sermon of the Lucy Cobb Institute was preached this morning in the Seney- Stovall chapel by Dr. A. A. Lipscomb, of Athens. Notwithstanding the feeble health of this much beloved old man, he held his congregation spell bound by his eloquence for over an hour. The singing for the occa sion was unusually fine, being furnished by the young ladies" of the institute, assisted bv severel fine voices from the city. On Friday night tho Indian Society gave a nnfet delightful banquet to the friends and the alumnae of the institute. The programme for the week is as fol lows: Monday morning at 11 o’clock Longfel low day, by sophomore and freshman classes. At’l2 o’clock contest for children’s medal in elocution. Monday evening at 8 o’clock calesthenic exercises and children’s play. Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock Dickons day, by junior class. Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock annual con cert. Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock, contest for elocution medal At 13:30 alumnm address by Miss Florrie Carr; after, which will be the annual alumnw banquet. Wednesday evening at 8 crelock, gradu ating exercise*. Delivery by Mr. Pleasant A. Stovall. Delivery of diplomas Lamar COMMENCEMENT AT THOjl^^mLLK. Thomakville, Ga., com mencement sermon of Georgia Agricultural College wilJ preached this morning by Rev. A. W. Clisky, of Macon, to a large congregation. Chancellor Mell has arrived. The city is crowded with visi tors, and a highly enjoyable commencement is expected, lion. P. W. Meldrim. of the Board of Trustees of the State University, arrived to-dav. He will deliver an address to-morrow night. MERCER’S GRADUATION WEEK. Macon, Ga., June 36. —The exercises of Mercer commencement ware continued to day in the First Baptist church. The house was packed to hear the baccalaureate ser mon, which was delivered by Dr. F. M. Ellis, of Baltimore. It was an ablo and elo quent discourse, and made a deep impres sion. To-morrow morning the trustees moet at the university, and to-morrow evening tho sophomore prize declamation takes place. A largo crowd is in attendance and the interest is great. A Cylinder Head Blown Out. New Orleans, June 26. —A Natchez special says: The Hteamer Paris C. Brown blew out her cylinder head and cracked her shaft just below here, necessitating her re turn to New Orleans. She landed her pax sengers here and they proceeded to their des tination by rail. ARCHERS FOR THE LORD. TALMAGE TELLS HOW THE MIGHTY NIMROD MAY BE OUTDONE. Hunting Down and Destroying the Evils of Society Greater Work Than Slaying Wild Beasts-The Arrow of the Gospel a Very Effective Weapon —The Churches Should Unite In Hunt ing Down Sin. Brooklyn, June 26. —Meny of the fami lies belonging to the church of which the Rev. T. DeWitt Taimage, D. D., is pastor, have gone to the country for the summer, but still the great throngs of people that for eighteen years have been seen in and around Brooklyn Tabernacle on Sabbath days are found there. It is estimated that about 300,000 strangers have visited this church during the past year. The hymn sung this morning was: “Salvation, O, the joyful sound! ’Tis pleasure to our ears; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears.” Dr. Talmage’s tqxt was: “He was a mighty hunter before the Lord.”—Genesis, x., 9. He said: In our day, hunting is a sport; but in the lands and the dimes infested with wild beasts, it was a matter of life or death with the people. It was very different from go ing out ou a sunshiny afternoon with a patent breech-loader, to shoot reed birds on the flats, when Pollux and Achilles and Dio medes went out to dear the land of lions and tigers and bears. My text sets fortli Nimrod as a hero when it presents him with broad shoulders and shaggy apparel and sun-browned face, and arm bunched with muscle—“amighty hunter before the Lord.” I think he used tho bow and the arrow, with great success practicing archery. I have thought if it is such a grand thing and such a brave thing to clear wild beasts out of a country, if it is not a better and braver thing to hunt down and destroy those great evils of society that are stalking the land with fierce eye and bloody paw, and sharp t usk and quick spring. 1 have wondered if there is not such a thing as Gospel hunting, by which those' who have been flying from the truth may be captured for God and heaven. The Lord Jesus in Ilis sermon used the art of angling for an illustration when He said: “I will make you fishers of men.” And so I think I have authority for using hunting as an illustra tion of Gospel truth; and 1 pray God that there may be many a man in this congrega tion who shall begin to study Gospel archer v, of whom it may, after awhile, be said: “lie was a mighty hunter before the Lord.” How much awkward Christian work there is done in the world! How many good people there are who drive souls away from Christ instead of bringing them to Him! Religious blunderers who upset more than they right. Their gun has a crooked barrel, and Ricks as it goes off. They are like a clumsy comrade who goes along with skilltul hunters; at the very moment lie ought to be most.quiet, he in cracking au al der or falling over a log aud frightening away the game. How few Christian people have ever learned the lesson of which 1 read at the beginning of the service, how that the Lord Jesus Christ at the well went, from talking about a cup of water to the most practical religious truths, which won the woman’s soul for God! Jesus in tho wilderness was breaking bread to the people. I think it was good bread; it was very light bread, and the yeast had done its work thoroughly. Christ, after he had broken the bread, said to the people: “Beware of the yeast, or of the leaven, of the Pharisees f” So natural a transition it was; and how easily they all understood Him! But how few Christian people who understand how to fasten the truths of God and religion to the souls of men! Truman Osborne, one of the envange lists who went through this country some years ago, had a wonderful art in the right direction. He came to my father’s house one day, and while we were all seated in the room, he said: “Mr. Taimage, are all vour children Christians?” Father said: “Yes, all but DeWitt.” Then Truman Osborne looked down into tho fire-place and began to tell a story of a storm that came on the mountains, "and all the sheep were in the fold; but there was one lamb outside that perished in the storm. Had he looked me in the eye I should have boon angered when he told me that story; but he looked into the fire-place, and it was so pathetically and beautifully done that I never found any peace until I was sure I was inside the fold, where the other sheep are. The arehere of old times studied their art. They were very precise in the matter. The old books gave special directions as to how the archer should go, ar.d as to what an archer should do. He must stand erect and firm, his left foot a little in advance of his right foot. With his left hand he must take hold of the bow in the middle, and then with the three lingers and the thumb of his right hand he should lay hold of the arrow and affix it to the string—so precise was the direction given. But how clumsy we are about religious work 1 How little skill and care we exercise! How often our arrows miss the mark I Oh, that we might learn the art of doing good, and become “mighty liiffiters before the Lord.” In tho first place, if you want to be effec tual in doing good, you must bo very sure of your weai>on. There was something very fascinating about the archery of olden times. Perhaps you do not kno w what they could do with the bow and arrow. Why the chief battles fought by the English Plnntagenets were with the long bow. They would take tho arrow of polished wood, and feather it with tho plume of a bird, and then it would fly from the bow-string of plaited silk. The brood fields of Agincourt. and Sol way Mo*, and Neville’s Cross, heard the loud thrum of the archer’s bow-string. Now, my Christian friends, we have a mightier weapon • than that. It is the arrow of the Gospel; it is a sliarp arrow; it is a straight arrow; it is feathered from the wing of the dove of God’s Hpirit; it flies from n lx>w made out of the wood of the cross. As far as I can esti mate or calculate it hus brought down four hundred million souls. Paul know how to bring the notch of that arrow on to Unit bow-string, and its whirr was beard through the Corinthian theatres, and through the court room, until the knetsof Felix knocked together. It was that arrow that stuck in Luther’s heart when he cried out: “Oh, my sins! Oh, my sins!” If it strike a man in the head, it kills bis skepticism; if it strike him in the heel, it will turn his step; if it strike him in the heart, he throws up bis hands, ns did ono of old when wounded in tho battle, crying: “Oh, Galilean, thou hast conquored.” In the armory of the Earl of Pembroke, thore are old corselets w hich show that the arrow of the English used to go t hrough the breastplate, through the body of the war rior, and out. through the backplate. What a symbol of that Gosjiel which is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of soul ana tssly, and of the joints and marrow I Would to God we bad more faith in that Gospel! The hum blest man in this house, if lie had enough faith in him, could bring 100 souls to Jesus --perhaps 500. Just In proportion as this age seems to believe leas and less in It, I be lieve more aud more in it. What are inen about that will not accept their own deliv- erance! There is nothing proposed by men that can do anything like this Gospel. The religion of Ralph Waldo Emerson is the philosophy of icicles; the religion of Theo dore Parker was a sirocco of the desert, covering up the sou! with dry sand; the re ligion or Renan is the romance of believing nothing; the religion of Thomas Carlyle is only a condensed London fog; the religion of the Huxleys and the Spencers is merely a pedestal on which human philosophy sits shivering in the night of the soul, looking up to the stars, offering no help to the na tions that crouch and groan at the base. Hell me where there is one man who has re jected that Gospel for another, who is thoroughly satisfied, and helped, and con tented in his skepticism, and I will take the car to-morrow and ride 500 miles to see him. The full power of the Gospel has not yet been touched. Asa sportsman throws up his hand and catches the ball Hying through the air, just, so easily will this Gospel alter awhile catch this round world flying from fc.s orbit and bring it back to the heart of Christ. Give it full swing, and it will pardon every sin, heal every wound, cure every trouble, emancipate every slave and ransom every nation. Ye Christian men and women who go out this afternoon to do Christian work, as you go into Hie Sabbath schools, and tho lay preaching sta tions, and the penitentiaries, and the asy lums, I want you to feel that you bear in your hand a weapon, compared with which the lightning lias no speed, and avalanches have no heft, and the thunderbolts of heaven have no power: it is the arrow of the omnipotent Gospel. Take careful aim. Pull the arrow clean back until tho head strikes the bow. Then let it fly. And may the slain of the Lord be many. Again: If you want to tie skillful in spir itual hunting, you must hunt, in unfre quented and secluded places. Why does the hunter go three or four days in the Penn sylvania forests, or, over Raquetta Lake, into tho wilds of the Adirondack ? It is the only way to do. The doer are sliy, and one “bang” of the gun clears the forest. From the California stage you see, as you go over the plains, here and there a eayote trotting along almost within range or the gun— sometimes quite within range of it. No one cares for that; it is worthless. The good game is hidden and secluded. Every hunter knows that. So, many of the souls that will lie of most worth for Christ, and of most, value to the church, are secluded. They do not come in your waj\ You will have to go where they are. Yonder they are down In that cellar; yonder they are up in that gar ret: far away from the door of any church. The Gospel arrow has not been pointed at them. The tract distributor and the city missionary sometimes just catch a glimpse of them, as a hunter through the trees gets a momentary sight of a partridge or roe buck. The trouble is, we are waiting for tho game to eome to us. We are not good hunters. We are standing in Hchennernorn street, expecting that the timid antelope will come up and eat out of our hand. We are expecting that the prairie-fowl will light, on our church steeple. It is not their habit. If the church should wait ten millions of years for the world to eome in and be saved, It will wait in vain. The world will not come. W hat the church wants now is to lift their feet, from damask ottomans and put them in the stirrups. We want a pulpit on wheels. The Church wants not so uiuch cushions as it wants saddle-bags and arrows. We have got to put aside the gown and tho kid gloves, and put on the hunting-shirt. We have been fishing so long in the brooks that run under the shadow of the Church that the fish know us, and they avoid the hook, and escape as soon as we come to tho bank, while yonder is Upper Haranac and Big Tapper's Lake, where the first swing of the Gospel net would break it for the multitude of the fishes. There is outside work to lie done. What is that I see in the backwoods! It is a tent. The hunters have made a clearing and camped out. What do they care it they have wet feet, or if they have nothing but a pine branch for a pillow, or for the northeast storm ? If a moose in the dark ness steps Into the lake to drink they hear it right away. If a loon cry in the mid night, they hear it. So in the service of God we have exposed work. We have got to camp out and rough it. We are putting all our care on the seventy thousand people of Brooklyn, who, they say, come to church. What are we doing for the seven hundred thousand that do not come? Have they no souls? Are they sin less that they need no pardon ? Are there no dead in their houses that, they need no comfort? Are they cut off frorp God, to go into eternity—no wing to bear them, no light to cheer them, no woloome to greet them? I hear to day surging up from the lower depths of Brooklyn a groan that comes through our Christian assemblages and through our Christiun churches; and it blots out all this scene from my eyes to day, as by the mists of a great Niagara, for the dash and tlie plunge of these great tor rents of life dropping down into the fathom less and thundering abyss of suffering and woe. I sometimes think that just as God blotted out the Church of Thyatira and Corinth and Laodicea, because of their sloth and stolidity, he will blot out American and English Christianity, ami raise on the ruins a stalwart, wide-awke, missionary church, that can take the full meaning of that command: “Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be save?!, and he that believeth not shall lie damned.” I remark, further, if you want to succeed in Gospel hunting you must tiave courage. If the hunter stand with trembling hand or shoulder that flinches with fear, instead of his taking the catamount, tho catamount takes him. What would become of the Greenlander if. when out hunting for the !>ear, he should Stand shivering with terror on an iceberg? What would have become of Du Chaillu and Livingstone in tho Afri can thicket, with a faint heart and a weak knee? When a panther comes within twen ty paces of you, and it has its eye on you, and it has squatted for the fearful spring, “steady there.” Courage, O ye spiritual hunters! There are great monsters of iniquity prowling all around about the community. Shall we not in the strength of God go forth and eombat them? We not only need more heart, but more backbone. What is the Church of God that it should fear to look in the eye any transgression? There is the Bengal tiger of drunkenness that prowls around, and instead of attacking It, how many of us hide under the church pew or the com munion table! There is so much invested in it we are afraid to assault it; millions of dol lars in Imrrels, In vats, in spigots, in cork screws, in gin palaces with marble floor* and Italian-top tables, and chased ice coolers, anu in the strych nine. and the logwood, and the tartaric acid, and the nux vmnica, that, go to make up our “pure" American drinks. 1 looked with wonderiug eyes on the "Heidelberg tun.” It is the great liquor vat of Germany, which is said to hold eight hundred hogsheails of wine, and only three times in a hundred years hus it been filled. But, ns I stood and looked at it, I said to myself: “That is nothing—eight hundred hogsheads. Why, our American vat holds four million five hundred thousand barrels of strong drinks, and we keep three hundred thousand men with nothing to do but to see that it is filled." Oh, to attack this great monster of intemperance, and the kindred monsters of fraud nnd uncleanness, require* you to rally all your Christian courage. Through the press, through the pulpit, through the plat lonn. you must assault it. Would to God thnt nil our American Christians would band together, not for crack-brained fanati cism. but for holy Christian reform. I think it was in 1793 that there went, out from Lucknow, India, under the sovereign the greatest hunting party tbit whs ever pro jected. The. o were ten thousand armed men in that hunting party. There were camels, and horses, and elephants. On some princes rode, and royal ladies, under ex quisite housings, and live hundred coolies waited upon the train, and the desolate places of India were invaded by this excursion, and the rhinoceros, and deer, and elephant, fell under the stroke of the sabre and bullet. After awhile the party brought hack tro phies worth 50,000 rupees, having left the wilderness of India ghastly with the slam bodies of wild beasts. Would to God that instead of here and there a Straggler going out to fight, those great monsters of iniquity in our country, the million membership of our churches would band together and hew in twain these great crimes that make the land frightful with their roar, and are fattening upon the bodies and souls of immortal men. Who is ready for such a party as that? Who will lie a mighty hunter for the Lord? I remark again: If you want to lie suc cessful in spiritual hunting, you need not oply to bring down the game, but. bring it in. I think one of the most beautiful pic tures of Thorwaldsen is his “Autumn.” It represents a sportsman coining home and standing under a grapevine. He lias a staff over his shoulder, and on the other end of that, staff are hung a rabbit and a brace of birds. Every hunter brings home the game. No one would think of bringing down a reindeer or whipping up a stream for trout, and letting them lie in the woods. At, even tide the camp is adorned with the treasures of the forest—U'ak, ami tin, and antler. If you go out, to hunt for immortal souls, not, only bring them down under the arrow of the Gospel, but tiring them into the Church of God, the grand homo and en campment, we have pitched this side the skies. Fetch them in, do not let them lie out in the open field. They need our prayers nnd sympathies, and help. That is the meaning of the Church of God—help, o ye hunters for the Lord! not only bring down the game, but bring it, in. if Mithridates liked hunting so well that for seven years he never went indoors, what enthusiasm ought, we to have who are hunt ing for immortal souls, If Domitian prac ticed archery until he could stand a toy down in the Roman amphitheatre, with a hand out, the lingers outstretched, and then the King could shoot an arrow between the fingers without wounding them, to what drill and what, practice ought not we to subject ourselves in order to become spirit ual archers and “mighty hunters liefore the Lord?” But let, me say, you will never work any better than you pray. The old archers took the bow, put one end of it down liesidc the foot, elevated the other end, and it was the rule that the bow should be just the size of the archer; ifcit were just his size, then he would go into the battle with confidence. Let mo say that your power to project good in the world will cor respond exactly to your spiritual stature. In other words, the first, thing in prepara tion for Christian work is personal conse cration. “Oh! for a closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame; A light tn shine upon the road That leads me to the lamb." I am sure that there are some here who at some time have been hit by the Gospel ar row. You felt the wound of that convic tion.and you plunged into the world deeper; just as the stag, when the hounds are after it, plunges into Scroon Lake, expecting in that way to escape. Jesus Christ is on your track to-day, impenitent man; not in wrath, but in mercy. Oh, ye chased and panting souls! here is the si ream of God’s mercy and salvation, where you may cool your thirst. Stop that chase or sin to day. By the red fountain that lca|*l from the heart, of my Lord, I bid you stop. There is mercy for you —mercy that pardons; mercy that heals; everlasting mercy. Is thero in all this house anyone who can refuse the offer that comes from the heart of the flying Son of God? There is a forest in Germany, a place they cal) the “Deer Leap" —two erags aliout, eighteen yards apart, between a fearful chasm. This is called the “Deer I.eap,” tie cause once a hunter was on the trnck of a deer; it came to one of these crags; there was no escajie for it from the pursuit of the hunter, and in utter despair it gathered it self up and, in the death agony, attempted to jump across. Of course, it fell, and was flashed on the rocks far beneath. Here is a path to heaven. It is plain; it is safe. Jesus marks it out for every man to walk in. But here is a man who says: “I won’t walk in that path; I will take my own way.” He comes on up until he confronts the chasm that divides his soul from heaven. Now, his last hour has come, and he resolve* that he will leap that chasm, from the of earth to the heights of heaven. Stand back, now, and give him full swing, for no soul ever did that success fully. Let him try. Jump! Jump! He misses the mark, arid he goes down, depth below depth, “destroyed without, remedy." Men! angels! devils! what shall we call that place of awful catastrophe? Let it be known forever as “The Sinner’s Death Leap.” It is said that when Charlemagne’s host was overpowered by three armies of the Saracens in the Pass of Roneesvalles, his warrior, Roland, in terrible earnestness seized a trum|*it and blew it with such ter rific strength that the opjiosing army reeled back with terror; but at the third blast, of the trumpet it broke in two. I see yolir soul fiercely assailed by all the powers of earth and hell. I put the mightier trumpet of the Gohjjo! tn my lips and I blow it three times. Blast the first—" Whosoever will, let him come.” Blast the second—“ Seek ye the Lord while He may be found.” Blast the third—“ Now is the a/'cepted time; now is the day of salvation.” Does not the host of your sins fall Imck ? But the trumjjet does not, like that of Roland, break in two. As it was handed down to us from the lips of our fathers, wc hand it down to the lips of our children, and tell them to sound it when wo are dead, that all the generations of men may know that our God is a pardoning God, a sympathetic God, a loving God; and that more to Him than the anthems of heaven, more to Him than the throne on which he sits, more to Him than are the temples of celestial worship, is the joy of seeing the wanderer putting his hand on the door-latch of his Father’s house. Hear it, all ye na tions! Bread for the worst hunger. Medi cine for the worst sickness. Light for the thickest darkness. Harbor from the worst storm. Dr. Prime, in his book of wonderful in terest entitled “Around the World,” de scribes a tomb in India of marvelous archi tecture. Twenty-thousand men were twen ty-two years in erecting that nnd the build ings hround it. Standing at that tomb, if you speak or sing, after you have ceased you hear the echo coming from a height of one hundred and fifty feet. It is not like other echoes. The sound is drawn out in sweet prolongat ion, as though the angels of God were chanting on the wing. How manv souls here to-day in the tomb of sin, will lift up the voice of ;ieniteuco and prayer! If now they would cry unto (Jod, the echo would drop from afar—not struck from the marble cupola of on earthly mausoleum, but sounding back from tlvj warm heart of angels, flying with the news; for there is joy among the angels of God over oue sinner that repenteth. I PRICE Ain A YEAR. 1 4 CENTS A COPY. CONDITION OF THE CROP? THE SIGNAL OFFICE TELLB WHAI THE WEATHER HAS BEEN. An Excess of One to Two Degree* Over the Normal Temperature Ret ported in the Cotton Belt—No Chang* in the Condition of the Ripening Winter Wheat Crop. W ashington, June 30. —The signal oflic* lias issued the following weather crop bullo tin for the week ending June 35: TEMPERATURE. During the week the weather has beta slightly cooler than the average for tht week in the agricultural districts east of th< Rocky Mountains, while it has been warnaai than usual on the Pacific coast. In Um States of the Upper Mississippi aiK Missouri valleys and Upper Lake region, the daily average tempera* ture ranged from 3* to T below normal, while on the Atlantic const, south of New England and in the cotton and tobacco r gions the temperature differed but slightly from normal. In northern California, Ore gon Hnd Washington Territory, the averag* daily excess of temperature for the week ranged from 4" to 10’. The exoess of tem perature for the season, from Jan. I to June 35, amounting to a daily average of from 1* to 3’ continues over the cotton region, th central Mississippi valley and theuce west ward to the Rocky Mountains, while in all other agricultural districts, isolate*) stations, the average daily temperature for the season differs leas than l' from normal. RAINFALL. During the week the rainfall has been in excess in all the States on the Atlantic coast, along the immediate east gulf coast and in Western Missouri nnd Eastern Kansas the heaviest rainfalls occurring along the Mid dle Atlantic coast In tho Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri valleys there was less rain than usual, the deficiency amounting to about an inch in the Htutos of the Missis sippi valley. A large seasonal deficiency of rainfall, exceeding ten inches, continues over the cotton region and a seasonal defi ciency exceeding five inches exist* In Illi nois, Wisconsin nnd lowa. In all other sec tions the rainfall for the season differ* slightly from normal. GENERAL REMARKS. The weather during the week has been fenerally favorable for the principal crops. 'he rains in the South Atlantic State* doubtless improved the condition of stapis crops in that region. More rain is needed in the cotton region, and the indication* this morning are that rain will occur in the Lower Mississippi and Ohio valley* by Monday afternoon. The weather has been favorable for har vesting in the wheat region, there having lioon an excess of sunshine and very little rain. In the corn region the weather ha* I ieen generally favorable, although in some localities more rain is needed, and the cooler weather of the fast week must have slightly retarded the growt h of the <-om crop. In New England where haying is now in progress, the conditinnr have lieenespecially favorable to the hav crop. All the crop* in this section anil the middle Atlantia States have lieen improved by rains, al though in the northern portions of New England and New York there has been less than the usual amount of sunshine, attended with cool weather. WINTER WHEAT. June art.—'The Farmers' Re view this week will say: Although no change has taken place in the condition of tho ripe and fast ripening winter wheat crop since our report of last week, it i* gratifying to note that no material dnmag* is being done to the crop by rust. Harvest ing operations are progressing rapidly and the weather is everywhere favorable for th* work. Growing crops are in need of rain in Illi nois and tne TV astern States. The hay crop is very light. Corn prosjiects are excellent. Fruit prospects are fair. The condition of wheat in the different States is as follows: Many Wisconsin counties report an aver age condition of 88 per cent. Thirteen counties in lowa place the aver age condition at 86 per cent., with littl* damage by bugs. Eleven report an aver age, of 79 per cent. Nino counties in Nebraska plaae the aver age at 89 per cent. The crop is in good condition in Dakota. The oat crop lias been generally damaged by drought and insects. Indiana, Michigan and Ohio alone report th* crop in good con dition. General Speed’s FuneraL Louisville, Kv., June 26.—The funeral of Gen. Jumcs Speed took place this after noon at 4 o’clock from the Church of th* Messiah, ill this city. The services wer* conducted by Rev. C. J. K. Jone*. The re mains were interred in Cave Hill Cemetery. The burial was private. At a meeting of the members of the Louisville bar, which was largely a* tended, yesterday, a committee was ap pointed to draft suitable, resolutions. Th* deceased wns not only a successful and dis tinguished lawyer in Kentucky, but stood in the front rank of his profession in tn* country. The Color Line North. New York. June 36 —The action of ex- Mayor James A. Bradley, of Aibury Park, in excluding colored people from the privi lege of the pavilion, board walk and beach, has caused great indignation among the negro population of New York. Rev. Jess* 8. Cowles, of Zion African Methodist church. Rev. Dr. Derrick, of the Bethel church, and other colored ministers-to-day protested in energetic language against Mr. Bradley's order. Colquitt’s Popularity. Washington, Jtina 36.—Senator Col quitt, of Georgia, nrrivod here to-day. He is regarded as likely to be appointed Secre tary of the Interior if Secretary lamar is appointed to the Supreme Court. The President seems disposed to take a Senator for this place in case Mr. Lamar i> trana ferred to the Supreme Court. There is an effort to make Assistant Secretary Muldrosr the Secretary, but it is not likely to succeed. Mourning a Clergyman. Portsmouth, Va., June 36.—Rev. J. D Blackwell, D. D., pastor of the Monumental Church of this city, died early this morn ing. after a brief illness, of peritonitis. Dr. Blackwell was 66 years of age. and was a very prominent minister in the Southern Methodist Church. He was on the street two days ago, and his sudden demise is * great snock to the community. Pour New Caaee of Fover. Key West, Fla., June 36.-There have boon four new mse of fever since yeeter ilnv t>ut no deaths. The record now stand*: Total case* to (late. 43; total deaths, 18; sick now, 14; discharged cured, 10. A Virginia Commencement. Virginia Midland Junction, Va., June :Ks.—tCommencement exercises began here to-night with a sermon before the Young Men’s ( 'hristian Association by Rev. H. M. i Jackson, of Richmond, Va.