The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 27, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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ZACH CHAmp’S%LAN. A.N ALLEGED BIT OF SECRET PO LITICAL HISTORY OF 1876. An Early Meeting in New York on the Morning of Nov. 8 in the Interest of Hayes’ Election—Telegrams Rushed to Persons in Several Southern and Coast States to Hold Them for Hayes —Men Sent South by "Zach’s Orders. The New York Timet; prints the following statetemeiit of what occured in the Fifth Avenue Hotel early on the morning of Nov. 8. ISIS, when the country was awaiting the returns of the Tilden-Hayes election: A gentleman entered the Fifth Avenue Hotel at tho Twenty third street door about 8:30 o-’doek in the morning, possibly a little before that hour, Ho went at once to the rooms of the National Committee, and found them occupied only by a number of the serv ants of the hotel, who were engaged in clean ing and setting the rooms to rights. Every body had gone home or to bed a couple of hours before. He left the room and started for the clerk’s desk to ascertain the number of Mr. Zachariah Chandler’s room. While opening the first door in the direction of the reading room on his way to the office of the hotel he came in collision with a small man, wearing an immense pair of goggles, a hat drawn over his ears, a great coat with a heavy military cloak, and carrying a grip sack and a newspaper in his hand. The newspaper was a New York' Tribune. The fentleman did not recognize the stranger, ut the stranger recognized the gentleman immediately and said: “Why, Mr. , is that you?” Tho gentleman knew the voice, and said: “Is that you, Mr. Chandler?” He an swered: “Yes. I have just arrived from New Hampshire by train. D—n the man who brought this disaster upon the Republican party.” The gentleman replied: “The Republican party sustained no dis aster. If you will ou]y keep your heads up here, there is no question of the election of President Hayes. He has been fairly and honestly elected.” Chandler replied: '* l Look at this paper. ” The paper had not the news, and the gentleman began to give Mr. Chandler an idea of the situation, when Chandler interrupted him, saying: “I have just got the key to my room: come up-stairs.” Upon entering the room Mr. Chandler placed his gripsack in the comer, took off his overcoat, sat down, and said: “Now go ahead,” The visitor wenf over the ground care fully, State by State, showing the vote as it was finally counted for Hayes and Tilden. After he had finished William E. Chandler said: “Well, what do you think should be done?” The gentleman replied: “Telegraph immediately to leading Re fublicans m authority in South Carolina. lorida, Louisiana, California, Oregon, ana Nevada.” Mr. Chandler made no direct re 'ply, but said: "“We must go add see ‘Zach.’” He said he where his room was. He led the ■way to the Twenty-fourth street side of the hotel and knocked at a door, but only suc ceeded in awakening a lady, who was greatly flightened. Then he moved down the corridor and knocked at another door, with like effect, the occupant of the room, a lady, threatening to call the servants. Then Chandler went to the office, ascertained the number of “Zach” Chandler’s room, which was between those of the two ladies, and he began kicking and knocking at the door. Altec a long time eftme the well-recognized voice from the inside. “Who’s there?” to which William E. Chandler replied, “It’s me, Chandler; open the door quick.” The door was opened and Zachariah Chandler was discovered standing in his night-dress. William EL Chandler tuen said, closing the door: ‘ “Here is a gentleman who has more news than'you have, and he has some sugges tions to make.” To which Zach Chandler replied: “Yes; I know him. What is it?” With this he seated himself on the edge of his bed. William E, Chandler then said: “The gentleman will tell you the story himself. He understands the case better’ than I do.” The gentleman then went over the details of the election, and added the recommenda tions he had made to William E. Chandler. The Chairman of the National Committee lay down and said: “Very well; go ahead and do what you think necessary.” The two vistors left the room and went to the telegraph office in the hotel. It was just five minutes before 7by the hotel clock when they arrived there. The telegraph office was not open, and they were informed that it would not be open until 8, possibly later. The two men stood by the receiver’s shelf at the littlo telegraph inclosure, Chandler with his back to the door opening toward the Twenty-third street entrance. The only other persons in the room were a few servants and a clerk in the news-stand. The gentleman then said: “I'll have to take these messages to the main office of the Western Union.” Chandler called a servant and directed him to have a carriage brought to the Twenty-third street entrance. Then Chandler said, “Well, what do you want to do?” The gentleman re plied, “We’ll first telegraph to Gov. Cham berlain of South Carolina.” The gentle man dictated the dispatch, which was as fol lows: “To D. H. Chamberlain Columbia S. C.: Hayes is elected. \Vo have carried South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana. Can you hold your State? Answer immediately.” Cliandler took the dispatch in shorthand as dictated. The gentleman proposed to send a similar dispatch to S. B. Conover of Florida. William E. Chandler immediately objected, saying that Conover was as much of a Democrat as he was a Republican, and would probably show the dispatch to the , Democrats as early as he would to any Re ' publicans in town. At any rate the Demo crats would get it first. The gentlemen re maj ked. “Have you any other proposition to make, or have you any one in your mind whom it would be safer to or better to ad dress?” . William E. Chandler after a moment’s consideration said he had not. The gentle man then said it was imperative that some, one should be woke up down there, and ift Mr. Chandler could think of no one else it was essential to telegraph to Conover. Mr. Chandler hesitated for an instant and said:; “Well, I suppose we must; something has to be done.” The gontleinan accordingly dictated to Chandler the Conover dispatch. Here it is: * _ “To S. B. Conover, Tallahassee, Fla.: The Presidential election depends on the vote of Florida, and the Democrats will try and wrest it from us. Watch it and‘hasten returns. Answer immediately.” The gentleman then'suggested S. B. Pack ftrd-ns the proper person to address in Lou- < isiana, and the Packard dispatch was dic-i tated and taken down by William E. Chand ler iu shorthand: “To S. li. Packard, New Orleans: The Presidential election depends on the vote of Louisiana. The Democrats will try and wrest it from us. Watch It and hasten re turn. Answer immddiately.” The gentleman then asked, “To whom shall we send in Oregon?” Mr. Chandler said, “John H. Mitchell.” The Oregon dispatch was then dictated: “To John H. Mitchell, Portland Ore.: Without Oregon Hayes is defeated. Don’t be defrauded. Hasten returns. An swer.” The gentleman suggested that George C. Gorhum of San Francisco was the proper man to receive a telegram. Chandler at once assented. Then the gentleman sug gested that probably he might be able to do something with Nevada and Oregon, and a dispatch something as follows was prepared: “Nov. 7, to George C. Gorham, San Fran cisco, Cal.: The Presidential election de pends on our having both Nevada And Ore fou, which are loth reported for Hayes. elegraph both those States immediately. Watch them and hurry up results. Answer immediately. W.’E. Chandler.” , name ttojF' C i tl J n(iler signed with his own ham of IIT hfS to °J egon an<l to Gor- To the dispatches the r Ver ’ P^ kard and Chamberlain me narrator’s recollection is he signed the name Zachariah Chandler Wi£m E andwrnw °' K 't to,k the telegraph blanks five dis™/n° m stenographic notes the u'e dispatches above printed, the eentle nl b t . S f) an l! U ? by him taking every dispatch When* fto®? !* ,r ad care£ull > reading it. pu. j,* be , ,a -“ t dispatch was trauscrffied handed it to the gentleman and “Are they all right?” He was informed that they were. Chand fromth^lf' to r y started to open the door the reading-room to the Twenty-third 2™ tn “ ce that the gentleman'might make a hasty exit, but Chandler matfe a dWvll t S 3 °t * of ? t; the gentleman told the a l - 0 B et td tne main office of the West ablvtill, 0 !," Possible speed. Prob y the quickest time ever made by a car ,~°tt * h e Fitt h Avenue Hotel to the Western Union was made that morning. at the Western Union office the inew well 40 tbe reeeiver > "'horn he thes . e dispatches off as quickly as posible and charge the Republican National The receiver-replied: 1 he National Committee has no account here and we can’t do it. Why not charge them to the New York Times’ account?" ihe gentleman replied, “All right,” and the receiver immediately handed them back to mm to be countersigned. This was promptly ' m}d the gentleman was driven back to the Filth Avenue Hotel. There was still no body stirring connected with the National Committee. Mr. Zachariah Chandler, Chairman of the National Committee, asked the gentleman above alluded to the evening of Nov. 8, if it wouid not be well to send William E Chandler to Florida. The gentleman thought A would. William E. Chandler left for h londa the following day at 6 p. m. He therefore did not initiate the idea.of going to Honda. The truth is that Zachariah Chandler wished to send to Florida a gen tleman who had been formerly a private secretary to William H. Seward, but the person was not at hand and could not be reached iu time. William E. Chandler for this important mission was a second choice. The whole scheme of sending what were afterward called ‘visiting statesmen” to the doubtful States orginated in the brain of “Zach” Chandler, not William E. Chand ler. SOME REFLECTIONS IN COURT. Why William Nye Would Not Be Jake Sharp, with All Hie Millions. From the New York World. Thrift in moderation is a good thing. When the Duke of Edinburgh, while at school, used to cut the autographs from the letters sent him by his royal mother and sell them to his companions, and even encour aged Victoria to write often and wrote let ters to her full of questions, demanding an immediate answer, and sought in every way to draw her out in order to multiply her signatures, it was a good specimen of Eng lish thrift. It showed that the time may come when the British throne will have to be nailed down. American thrift manifests itself in various ways and is greeted with various degrees of applause, according to the customs of the locality where it breaks out. In anew coun try the. rise and fall of the thrifty American horse thief and claim-jumper are sudden. Thrift there, is readily recognized and re warded, for more than one man has broken his own neck by the weight of his overshoes and tried to kick pieces out of the sky as he madly reached out for something to stand on—but that is one of the curses or poverty. A man who does not care to dabble in flea bitten bronohos and wild-cat claims may enter the market for the purchase of Aider men, and it will take three weeks and $25,- 000 to get a jury to try him. But though the mills of the gods grind 6lowly, they pulverize middling fine, and it did not take a man of average intelligence long to discover yesterday iu the Court of Oyer and Terminer that it was no place to indulge in humor. No man can deal lightly with those who buy and sell the integrity of men or the virtue of women. While no element of pity can enter into the verdict in the case of the People against Jacob Sharp, the sorrowful picture of an aged man sitting in the sultry air of a great trial and gradually feeling the solid earth give way under his feet, is not one that could move his bitterest enemy to smile. With the look of a man who L -Ttumied by a heavy blow, with staring eyes and his mouth ajar, Jacob Sharp waved his green fan and felt the grim shadow of fate settle down about him like a man in a dream. At a time in life when good men gather their grandchildren about their knees and love to think of their struggles and victories in the past, Jacob Sharp looks on each suc ceeding day that breaks upon him through the barred windows of Ludlow street jail with new alarm. The past can give him no pleasure and the future is Ailed with uncer- tainty. If the picture he presents to the young men of New York be not of value to them, the law is useless and justice a joke. One by one his associates are heeding the warning and preparing to “stand from under” before the blow falls. Day after day the squealer coraeth forth for to squeal, and every evening the darkness comes a little earlier and a little deeper over the ■ aged defendant. It is not alone the city of New York or the State of New York that is watching the result of this mighty trial, but every man in America who pays his money for good government and loves to believe that justice is not dead follows anxiously every detail of this great conflict between the people and a most wicked and powerful “combine.” We are apt to speak lightly of the meth ods by which unscrupulous men obtain great sums of money through a tratflo in otticial integrity, but let those who think it a pleasing relaxation to be in Canada or in suspense look carefully at the panting, pers piring defendant to-day and ask themselves whether they would like to go there and take his place in order to own a string of yellow cars that nobody can go taboard of without breaking his neck. I admit that I am ambitious myself. I have often thought that I would like to own a train made up of sleeping cars and dining cars, so tjiat when I get tired of the mental strain and braih-fag Incident to being a , sleeping car conductor, I could revel in the pleasurable excitement of being adining ear conductor, with the lives of hundreds of peo ple in my hands. But still, all this is not necessary to my existence. Ido not crave cars or a horse railroad if I have got to swap men’s souls for them. I would rather Care are all right in their places, and I like to go in one now and then, in order to give my seat to a young woman who is going over to Twenty-third street to buy half a yard of ribbon that will match her dog. I like to.go into these cars sometimes ■ ttVsee bow the air used to smell in the cata combs on a close, muggy day; but I would rather .go without cars for years than to sit in the hot and anxious chair that is now held down by the defendant in the gr eat trial of the People vs. Jacob Sharp. Bill Nye. A Multitude of Aliments. The ailments which afflict the kidneys and bladder are so numerous, that merely to name them would Oil a space far outrunning the liiplta of this article. ■ Suffice it to say that they are both obstinate and dangerous. To their preven tion Hostetler's Stomach Bitters is well adapted. The stimulus which It lends to the action of the kidneys when they are lethargic, serre to coun teract a tendency in them to lapse, first. Into a state of pernicious inactivity and afterward into one of positive organic disease, which soon destroys It heir delicate Integuments, poisons the bloiid and causes death. A double purpose is served by this depurent. It promotes activity “7h7kldneys an<fexpels impurities from)** blood which have no natural channel of outlet except those organs. Constipation, biliousness, fever and ague, rheumatism and dyspepsia are also remedied by this medicine of thorough action and wide scope. Light "Weight Business and Dress Suits for gents, at B. H. Levy A Bro s. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. JUNE 27. 1887., THE LONE STAR OF TEXAS. The Flag of the Republic—How It was First Made and Used. James S. McGahey, of Hempstead, Tex., a Texas veteran, thus writes to the Galveston Aeics: On or about Septembers, 1835, Texas was invaded by a force under the Mexican General took possession of San Antonio and ordered the people to surrender tlieir arms, allowing one gun to every flfth family, and demand ing at the same time the surrender of fivo of the best and most influential citizens of Texas, who were to be taken to the City of Mexico and there held as hostages, or to be tried for treason by a drumhead court martiaL At this time—viz, September 15, 1805— the writer hereof (a Virginian by birth) was at Capt. Wm. Scott’s, San Jacinto, assisting in the organization of a company, upon the captain’s proposition. At that date there were many young men in Texas who could fiud no employment and who had not means sufficient to take them away. Wm. Scott (a Kentuckian) was a wealthy man and pa triotic to the core. He proposed to equip In full any one who would volunteer to light for the cause of Texas, giving him a good horse, saddle, bridle, gun, accoutrements, provisions and a suit of clothes, and making his house headquarters until they were ready to march. About thirty men (one of J whom was the writer) took Mr. Scott at his word, and completed the organization by electing the said Wm. Scott captain, Peter J. Duncan of Alabama first lieutnant mid myself second lieutenant. While mak ing our preparations Capt. Scott one morning said to me: “Mack, Ihavoapiece of beauti ful silk, solid blue. If you’ll make a staff we’ll have a flag.” He gave me the silk—about four yards—and as I went up to the mill to make a staff I called in to see Mrs. Lynch of Missouri (wife of the man who had a ferry acro-ss the San Jacinto) in order to get her to sew a piece of domestic to the silk in such way that the flag staff would not injure the silk. Mrs. Lvnch did the work nicely, and when finished I took it and went on to the null, where I happened to meet Charles Lanco, an Italian, who said he was a painter by trade, and that he had some nice paints on hand. I told him I wanted some painting done on the flag, and he asked me What he should paint on it. I answered, “paint in the center of it a large flve-pointed white star.” Wben the work was completed and examined carefully, the Italian observed, “Well, now, that looks naked; let me paint something under it. What shall it be? “My reply was: “Put the word independence, and it was done accordingly. The same day. while I was at work at the stuff, the flag lying stretched out on the work bench close by me, men from eastern Texas came by on their way to San Felipe for the sole purpose of hearing the news, and hoping to learn something about the situation of af fairs. In those days we had no mails, no railroads, no telegraphs; so that when one wanted to hear the news, the only alterna tive was to got on a horse and ride to some central point, often distant many miles. Some of these men, as they passed by where I was at work, stopped for a few minutes’ conversation, and looking at the flag, greatly admired it. They said: “It is just the course for Texas to take,” having reference to the motto. On their way to San Felipe they stopped’at Harrisburg, where there was at that time a company of volunteer soldiers. These were told of the flag—the Lone Star —and the motto. They became angry and said they would shoot any man who attempted to raise a flag with the word independence on it before independence was declared by the proper authorities. This messago was brought to mo that evening by a courier. In reply to the message I said: “Tell them to come down to-morrow about noon and they would see it hoisted,” for it was then the determination of every man in our company to follow the fortunes of Stephen F. Austin, let the consequences l>e what they might. But this reply*sent back to the people at Harrisburg was sent entire- ' ly upon my own responsibility: 1 had consulted no man, not even Capt. Scott, ilNefd 1 am not sure that he yet knew what I had put on the flag; but later the same evening, m apprising the captain of the situation, I told liim of the message re ceived from Harrisburg, and also of my reply to it. “By blood,” said he, “Mack that was a little rash, but I’ll sustain you in it.” Sure enough, the next day about noon two large yawl-bouts, containing eight armed men each, came sailing down to see the flag hoisted, or rather to see that it was not hoisted. They pulled up to the bank within twenty steps of Mi’s. Lynch’s house, but not a man got out of either boat, nor was there a word spoken by any ona Capt. Scott ordered Lieutenant Duncan to form his men into line between the boats and the house. Everyman had his gun, and it was loaded. As I passed by the house I set my gun against it and took my position with out weanpn of anykind. After a few moments “stepped back into the house, took the flag down from the lack, and returned to the center of tlio company, unfurled the banner, planted the .staff with a firm stroke in the ground on the banks of the San Jacinto, and the Lone Star, with the magic word independence, floated proudly on the breeze. For some minutes not a word was said. Presently the captain of one of the boats ordered his men to .push away from the bank, and when out a short distance in the stream the captain stood up, and taking off his hat, flourished it around his head, shouting, “Hurrah for the Lone Star!” Every man of liis crew did likewise; but the other boat pulled away and departed up stream without any demonstrations of any kind whatever. When the boats had passed out of sight we broke ranks, ate dinner, bade goodby to friends mounted and marched westward. I do not know the exact date of this occurence, but it was, sonic time in the latter part of Beptemlier, 135. I bore my flag as far us to San Felifie, where, finding it cumbersome, I took it off the staff, folded it carefully and packed it in my sack. On the evening before the bat of Conception, two miles below San An tonio—being then on General Austin’s staff, I told him of the circumstances connected with the flag, and that I still carried it in my pack. Among other things, he said: “Take care of it—it may be useful.” The next morning just before day the bat tle began. After daylight—although it was so foggy that we could hardly tell when daylight came—when we could manage to see a short distance, in selecting our iiosi tions it so hapened that I and Thomas Bell. ,a member of Fannin’s company, found ourselves side by side loading and shooting as rapidly os it was possible for us to do. I soon discovered that Bell wate brave man, and upon further found him to be a perfect gentleman. ]Hmi the bat tle was over and the victoryZSMl was dis tressed to know that I wafijMfcty badly wounded. Gen. Austin remarking as he did so: well, recruit up, for your servicaßlflpCe needed again.” Before leaving foiTidTfie, however, 1 placed my flag in care of Thomas Beil at his own urgent entreaty. Ha liegged for it; he vowed most solemnly that it should never be disgraced—and I have no reason to be lieve that it ever was-t-a) though I have not seen either the flag or Tom Bell from that day to this. In all probability the flag was lost or captured by the Mexicans in some of the defeats and bloody massacres which followed soon after the battle of Concep tion. In the meantime the convention of dele gates from all parts of Texas rdet at Han Felipe on the Brazos, and in a few weeks thereafter removed iu a body to old Wash ington, also on the Brazos, whore on March 2. 1836, Texas declared herself independent of Mexico. David G. Bufnett was chosen president and old General Zavalla vice-, president. A full cabinet was appointed and proclalmation issued, in which the state was denominated “The Republic of Texas.” Gen. Ham Houston was made commander in chief of the Texan army and navy, Gen. Austin being sent to the United Htates. Ait soon as I was able for duty, that into say on March 8,188 fl, I reported to Gen. Houston at Washington. By him I wan detailed at once to ride as courier over the country, notifying the volunteers and men generally to meet Gen, Houston at Gonzales, w here an army of defense would be organized and equipped as well as the resources of the State would allow. Houston himself left Washington with only thirteen men. There were four of its serving in the double capacity of courier and scout. Having given notice to the settlements generally, we started for Gonzales to rejoin our com mands about the last of March or April 1 1836. We did not get to Gonzales, but met Gen. Houston with his troops, in retreat—Tr-‘is and Fannin having been slain and their forces massacred early in March. Falling into line I marched with the troops to San Felipe, where Gen. Hous ton expected to make a stand; but, finding the position not advantageous, hq hid his men in the Brazos bottoms and sent out trusty spies and scouts to watch Banta Anna's movements. Tho Mexicans, In strong force, came to San Felipe and burned it, but Capt. Merely Baker of Alaliama kept them from crossing at that "point. Subsequently, however, Santa Anna got his own division across at Fort Bend anil with it marched eastward. On his way lie burned Harrisburg, on Buffalo bayou, ami thence went to New Washington, at the mouth of the San Jacinto, whore he ex pected to capture the President and Cabinet and he came very near accomplishing his purpose. Failing in that he burnt and destroyed much private property for the citizens, of whom, perhaps, Col. James Morgan Ruffeml more than any other. Meanwhile Houston's scouts were on the alert and when Santa Anna left New Wash ington, taking the .road for San Jacinto — Houston havmg moved up Ida forces also— the two hostile armies now found them- selves in close proximity to each other. On April 20, 1836, about loaded by Santa Anna from the store houses of Col. Morgan was seen to go up tho San Jacinto. It was learned by the scouts that this boat was to land at Lynch’s ferry, from- whence the supplies were to be-transported to the Sabine,the boundary line between Texas and the United States, where Santa Annafpro posed to establish a garrison, scornfully proclaiming that be had driven the rebels out of Texas, and if the United States did not behave herself he would give her a dose of the same medicine, and then return to the City of Mexico the Napoleon of tho new world 1 Gen. Houston did not take any stock'in the “Napoleon” part of the pro gramme, but sent ten men with orders to capture the boat, inasmuch as his army was sorely in need of something to eat. I was sent on that mission, with nine others. Taking our position on the bank of the river, I perceived as the boat approached that the helm was managed by turner Morgan, a slave belonging to Col. Morgan, whose property the Mexicans had so un mercifully raided a few days previous. As the boat came in speaking distance, i' hailed Turner and ordered him to bring the boat to me. He was glad to do so at once, and as he rounfted, ten of the twelve Mexican oarsmen jumped overboard and swam away; the other two we kept as waiting boys. We captured a quanity of provisions, amply sufficient to supply our army well, over which there was great rejoicing. On the same day, April 20, 1830, Santa Anna was reinforced by 600 men, and he made preparations at once to give the crushing blow to Houston’s army. These reinforcements had crossed a bridge over a bayou, aud, to prevent their retreat, Hous ton on that night sent “Deaf Smith" to bum the bridge, which la-fore the next morning dawn was totally destroy- i. On the morning of April 21, 1836, it was seen that a battle could no longer be deferred. Houston made a speech to his men in which he told them that victory was their only hope. The troops compre hended the situation and resolved to con quer or die. The line of battle was formed and we waited the advance of the Mexicans —with orders not to fire until wh could see the whites of their eyes. After remaining in this position a short time our general thought he could get for us actuation still more advantageous, and while attempting to make the move the two armies came suddenly in contact with each other, and the famous battle of San Jacinto came off in an open prairie near the residence of Mrs. Lynch, and in full view of the spot where my flag with the lone star was raised first under such trying circumstances on or about September 15, 1835. It seems as if an overruling providence had said to the haughty Mexicans: “Thus far, and no farther shalt thou come.” And to day the people of this fair land are in the full enjoyment of the innumerable blessings resulting from the independence won on the banks of the beautiful Kan Jacinto, where the lone star with that “magic word” ‘first blazed in the sunlight of heaven, and danced on the balmy southern breeze. Freshly-made glue is stronger than that which has been repeatedly melted. Too large a quantity should not, therefore, be made at a time. Glue may be freed from the foreign animal matter generally in it by softening it in cold water, washing it with the same several times, till it no longer gives out any color, then bruising it with the hand, and suspending it in a linen hag beneath the surface of a large quantity of water at 66° F-. By doing this the pure glue is retained in the bag and the soluble im purities pass through. If the softened glue, be heated to 122* without water and filtered, some other impurities will be retained by the filter, aud a colorless- solution of glue be obtained. MEDICAL. No Home Should Be Without It. w/uncc It takes the-place of a run WnUOL doctor and ccst ly pre- DC MCC IT script ion*. All who lead DC. IvL rI I sedentary lives will And it the best preventive of and cure for Indjgestton, Constipation, Biliousness, Piles and Mental De pression. No loss of time, no interference with business while taking. Ladies who suffer with periodical Headaches, Dizziness, Loss of Appe tite and Debility, have in tills remedy pleasant and easy moans of ke<*ping the body hi health, of clearing the eyes, und cleansing the skin of yellowness;, of removing eruptions or humors from the skin. For Children ft Is most Innocent and harmless; no danger bum exposure after taking; cures Colic, Diarrhoea, Bowel Com plaints, Feverishness or Feverish Colds. Invalids ard delicate persons will find it the mildest Aperient and Tonic they can use. A little taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a" uatural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken iu the morning sharpens the appetite, cloanses the stomach, and sweetens the breath. Our trade mark (Zj in rad on front of wrapper is your protection. J. H. ZEILIN A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ■a Ufri 1/ ■■■sa|afferirfromthf -1111 WCfln inf |o SI fuels of youthful ar il *" ' ITb £■ Bti rn P. early drruy. lost manhood. f- I will ••naa valuable tr*ati(ealed> containing fall particulars for home cure, free of ohargs. Addreaa Prof. V. 0. FOWLER, Moodua, Coca. BANKS. KiSSTMMFf'cTTY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 TRANSACT a regular hanking business. Olts particular attention to Florida collection*. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Resident Agents for Coutts St Cos. and Melfllle.-Bvans A Cos., of London, England. New York .correspondent: The Seaboard !; National Bonk. ""tooth paste. *FOIf~THE TEETH. ORIENTAL TOOTH PASTE, Cherry Tooth Paste, Charcoal Tooth Paste. Bhiffleld's Cream Dentifrice, Lyons' Tooth Tablet ’s, Arnica Tooth Soap, Thompson’s Tooth Soap, Carbolic Tooth Soap, Tooth Powers and Washes all kinds at STRONG'S DRUG STORE, corner Bull and I'oiry sunt 0 Uao, SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. * CANCER, //-f Xng treats - x on Blood and * ' fw Bkin Dise,lses is ECZEMA, / X ■““ eJ "“ “ *>'• _*7 f firom Atlanta,Ga. Promptly and most TETTER, effectively eradi- ' _ cated by this JT Ssv wA^J* Wonderful ULCERS, remedy. Permanently Cured by * • DKY UOOUS. ECKSTEIN’S, Congress and Whitaker Streets Wo are on lian<l tills week with an array of liar-gains that, has seldom if ever been equaled. Space will not admit of many com ments. Come anti wee the Goods, they will apeak for themselves. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. 500 pairs Silk Mitts, 35e. 00 dozen T.isle Gloves, 10c. 25 dozen Fine Silk Gloves, 37t^c. 1 case Balbriggan Silk Clocked Ladies’ Hose, 17c. Black Lisle Thread Hose, 50c. Children’s Ribbed Hose, 10c. Bargains in Infants’ Socks. 50 dozen Ladies’ Pure Linen Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, 1 2 the. Children’s Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, pSc. a dozen. We have the Goods at Prioes Advertised. EMBROIDERIES. LACES. Job Lot of Laces, White, Cream, Tan, sc. and 10c. a yard. Wide Oriental Laces, 10c., 12j4c., 15c. 42-inch Lace Flouncings, fl. All-Over Oriental Lace, White and Cream, 70c. a yard. Out* Advertisement Will Not Deceive You. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Skirts, Tucked and Ruffled. 40c., 80c., 75c.,85c. Night Gowns, Special Bargains, 65c., 80c. Ladies’ Summer Vests, 25c. each. New Tinted Colors Balbriggan Vests, 25c Ladies’ Linen Collars and Cuffs in Sets, 15c. set. Mosquito Nets and. Gauze, All (’(j|ors, 400. a I’ieoe. Canopies, Ready for Use, 750, up, 500 dozen Gents’ Socks, British, Balbriggan and Fancy, at 19c.; worth 25c. A llargain Lot ofGents’ Handkerchief!*, 1C X-J3o. A $lO Parasol for $7. * A $7 Parasol for $4 60. A $5 Parasol for $3. A $4 Parasol for $2 25. These Trices Will Hold Glood All the Week at GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN'S POPULftR STORE. AITLLI NKK Y. jxisw~Sn££7i KROUSKOFF’S Mammoth Millinery House. We are now offering immense /lines of* New Straw Hats,, Ribbons, Feathers, etc„ which are now being.shipped daily by our New York buyer, and our Mr. Krouskoff, who is now -North to assist in the selection of 'the ?Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It. is astonishing but a fact, that we sell fine Millinery cheaper than.any retail store in New York. How can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our suc cess. Perhaps on account of large,fclearing-rtut purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris—but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prices. We are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, and we are now offering full lines of fine Milans in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses and Children in an endless variety of shapes. RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and our regu lar full liue entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale prices. * S. KBOTTRKOFP. MOSQUITO NETS. gjjQQ~y L, Y! DON’T BE TORMENTED WITH MOSQUITOS. BUT CALL AT LINDSAY & MORGAN’S STORES 1(39 and 171 Broughton Street, AND SECURE AT ONCE A MOSQUITO NET OF SOME KIND. On hand LACE and GAUZE NETS, FOUR POST, HALF CANOPIES, TURN OVER and UMBRELLA MOSQUITO NET FRAMES. REFRIG ERATORB of several kinds. Prominent among them ta the ALLEGRETTI, also the EMPRESS, TOM THUMB, SNOWFLAKE, ICE PALACE and ARCTIC KING. BABY CARRIAGES. About twenty-five different styles to select from. Prices very low. Our stock of CHAMBER and PARLOR SUITES is fulL STRAW MATTING. Big stock, low prices. Ortlore Jt’illod. With Dispatch. -40 LINDSAY & MORGAN. SASH, DOORS, KLIN PS. ETC. Vale Royal Manufactaring Cos. GA„ MANUFACTURERS OF AND.DEALERS IN Sash, tars, Blinds, fails, Pen Ends, And Interior Finish of all kinds, Mouldings, Balusters, Newel Posts. Estimate*, rrioe Lists, Mould ins: Book*, and any information in our lin furnished on application. Cypress, \eliow Pino, Oak, Aah and Walnut LUMBER on hand and in any quantity, furnished promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Savannah, Ga P. J. FALLON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, 28 DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH. ESTIMATES promptly famished for building of any class. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. All Silk Surahs, in every shade, 69c. Satiu Rhadame, Black and Colored, 79c. White and Cream Surah Silk*, 50c., 69c. and A lot of Remnants of Silk in sash lengths at a bargain. White, Cream, Blue, Pink, Tan, All Wool Alba tross reduced to 40e. All Wool Gray Goods for traveling, 00c, LAWNS AND SEERSUCKERS. White Lawns, Checked and Plain, 5c., 6Wc„ Bc., 10c. . Printed Lawns, 5c., 10c., 12j4c. India Linens, 10c., 12ke. Persian Lawns, 10c., 12j*e. Tinted Mulls and Nainsooks from 12J4c. up, Novelty White Goods, 16c. up. LINENS AND DOMESTICS. Turkish Bath, Linen Duck, Checked Glass and Linen Damask Towels, groat Job Lot, 12l^o. Job Lot of Towels at 250.; worth 40c. Summer Spreads and Quilts, 56c., 75c., 86c., sl. Linen Suitings, Plain and Fancy, 15c. a yard. Awning and Feather Ticks, 1214 c. up. Gents' Gauze Vests, 19c.. 40c., 50c. White anti Colored lawn Ties, 10c. and 15c. doz. Sun Umbrellas, 75c. each. Silk Umbrellas,"s2 50up. Rubber Cloaks, Linen and Alpaca Dusters, $1 up. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chas. K. Wakefield, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, 48 Barnard street, SAVANNAH, GA Telephone 373. | CLOT^gfG. OUR STOCK at all times - th apparel of correct and seasonable taste is now complete with an assortment of good* which will be found especially interesting far those preparing for the country. Ibu-ticula attention is invited to our Una of DUSTERS, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, Bathing Suits, House and Lounging Coats, NEGLIGEE CAPS, P O J A M A S, And the many little fixings which add so materially to comfort and appearance curing an Outinq. We are also showing several uorelties in SUMMER WEAR, which are delightfully cool and of the style* and fabrics used in fashionable centre*. We will consider it a pleasure to show any one through our stock. A. FALK & SOY OFFICIAL. (lI'AUiVTIM; soficiit! * Ornrz Health Oman. I Savannah, Ga.. May 1, 1887. f. from and after MAY Ist, ink?, the city ordW nance which specifies the Quarantine require, tnents to be observed at the port of Savannah. Georgia, for i>eriod of time (annually) from May Ist to November Ist, will bo must rigidly en forced. Merchants an.Kail other parties interested will bo .supplied with printed copies of the Quar aut ino Ordinance upon application to office ot Health Officer. From and after this date and until further no. fiee all steamships and vessels from South .America, Central America, Mexico, West Indies, ‘Sicily, ports of Italy south of 40 deg*. North latitude. and cast of Africa beweezt 10 degs. North and 14 degs South latitude, direct, or via American port will be sub jected to close Quarantine and be required to report at the Quarantine Station and be treated as being from infected or suspected ports or localities. Captains of these vessel* will have to remain at Quarantine Station until!, their vessels are relieved. All steamers and vessels from foreign port* not Included above, direct or via Americas ports, whether seeking, chartered or otherwise, will be required to remain in quarantine until boarded and passed by the Quarantine officer. Neither the Captains nor any one on board of ouch tv'ssctii ivili be allouunt to none to the dtp until the veeeels are inspected and passed by the Quarantine Officer. As ports or localities not herein enumerated are reported unhealthy to the Sanitary Author!-' ties, Quarantine restrictions against same will be enforced without further publication. The quarantine regulation requiring the Jlying of the quarantine flap on vessels subjected to detention or inspect inn will be riaidly mforeed.' J. T. McFarland, m. and.. Health officer. ORDINANCE. Ah Orlinance to amend article LX. of the Sa vannah City Code, adopted Feh. 16, 1870, so M to require all oocupunts of houses, merchants,, shopkeepers,grocers and tradesmen occupying! r remises to which no yards are attached tq within their premises a box or barrel ofi sufficient, size. In which shall tie deposited all offal, tilth, rubbish, dirt and other matter gen* crated in said premises, or to put such box or barrel In the streets or lanes under condition* Srescribed herein. ■choiU. Beit ordained by the Mayor and 1 Aldennsn of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by ma authority of the same, That section 2 of said article be amended so as to read as follows: The owners, tenants or occupiersof bouses-having yanth or .enclosures, and all occupants of houses] all merchants, shopkeepers, grocers and trades] men occupying premise# to which no yardpOM attached shall keen within their yards oci premises a tiox or Wrel of sufficient size,. ini which shall lie deposited all the offal, filth, Mb* bisli.dirt and other matter generated in Said building and enclosure, aud the said filth of every description os aforesaid* shall bo placed in said box or barrel, from the first, day of April t<>the first day of November, before the hour. aiT| o'clock a. m., andfrom the first day of N.wtJthbes tlnolusive) to the last day of Starch (inShlsivej before the hour of Bdfclock a. and such uiaN ter so placed shall T> dally removed (Sunday* excepted) by the Buperintendant, ta such places two miles at least] Kitliout the city as shall lie designated by .the ayor or a majority of the 1 Hirert aud Lane Committee. And It shall be unlawful for ana oocupuut'qf.a house, merchant, shopkeeper grocer.’Or.tradesman to sweep into or to depuffti In any street or lone of this city any paper, trash, or rubbish of any kind whatsoever, butt the same shall lie kept in boxes or barrels M hereinbefore provided, for removal by the scav enger of the city. Any person not having a yard may put the box or barrel containing the offal, rubbish, etc., in the street or lane for removal by the scavengar, provided the box or barrel so put in the street or lane shall be of wuh char acter and size as to securely keep the offal, rub bish, etc., from getting into the street or lane. And any person other than the owner or scaven ger Interfering with or troubling the box or bar rel so put in the streot or lane slutll be punished on conviction thereof In the police court by fine not exceeding SIOO or imprisonment not exceed* ing thirty days, either or both in the discretion of officer presiding In said court. Ordinance passed in Council June Ist, 1887. RUFUS E. LESTER, Mayor. Attest: Frahk E. Kkuaukk. Clerk of Councity • City Marshal s Onrta, i Savannah, April 28<1,1887. J THE City Treasurer has placed in iny hand* Real Estate Executions for 1886, Privy Vault Executions for 1886, Htock In Trade and other personal property executions for 1886, and Spe cific or License Tax Executions for 1887, com manding me to make the money on said wrjta by levy and sale of the defendants’ property at by other lawful means. I hereby notify all per sons In default that the tax and revenue ordi nance wiU he promptly enforced if payment is not made at my office without delay. Office hours from 11 a. m. to 2 v. u. ROBT. J. WADE, Cltv Marshal. QUA RANTIN’E NOTICE. Orncr. Health Onricsit 1 Savannah, April sth, IH7. f Notice is hereby given that the Quarantine Officer is instructed not to deliver letters to vee hclk which are not subjected to quarantine de tention, unless the name of consignee and state ment that the vessel is ordered to some othec port appears upon the face of the envelope. This older is made necessary in consequence qf the enormous bulk of drumming letters eua. M the station lor vessels which are to arrive. j. t. McFarland, m. and., '* Health Officer. QUARANTINE NOTICE. Ovnc* Hkalth Oirnn. 1 Savannah, March 25th, 1887. | Pilots of the Port of Savannah are informed that (he Hapelo Quarantine Station will be open, edon APRIL Ist. 1887. Special attention of the Pilots Is directed to sections Nos. 3d and 14th, Quarantine Regul* tione. Most rigid enforcement of quarantine rcgul* tions will be maintained bv the Health author* ties. J. T. McFarland, m. and., Health Officer, g IRON WORKS. "* KiMh k BalMyii; IRON POUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmith^ manvvactvrirs or— STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES! VERTICAL and OtOP- RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. AGF.NTS for Alert and Union Injector*. thJ simplest and most effective on the market GuUett Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, th 4 beet in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send fol I'iu-c I.:-.' , COUGH REMEDIES AYERS’ CHERRY PECTORAL, Jayne’s Fj9 pcctoraut, Hale’s Houey and Tar, Boachee’g German Syrup, Bull’s Cough Syrup, Piso’s Curq BUTLER’S PHARMACYi BULL AND CONGRESS STREETS- 1 5