The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 27, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 BLUN BROUGHT BACffli HIS ARRIVAL AND INCARCERA TION IN THE JAIL. The Doubt Concerning His Return Removed- The False Impressions About the Status of the Case--Gov. Hill’s Delay in Honoring the Requisi tion-Inspector Byrnes Suspicious Mr. Dußignon Will Move for Sen tence To-Day. Those who heard yesterday that the *t<>anier City of Savannah had brought bark Charles S. Blun and that he was safely lodged in jail were exceedingly sur prised, for it was not thought that ht would ever return, or that the barred and bolted doors of Chatham county jail would ever close upon him. This impression was the result of the general misconception of the status of the case. By some it was thought that after he hail been convicted of keeping a gambling room a line had been imposed upon him, and he had left without paying that fine. Thinking so, the conclusion was arrived at that if his brother paid the fine justice would be satisfied, and the fugi tive would be allowed to go his way in peace A rumor was started that his brother had paid the fine, and that he was a free man, but that was not true. He was convicted and was released pending sentence on a bond of $.500, upon which T. F. Johnson was se curity. It was while at large under this bond that he ran away, and sentence was never passed upon him. ANOTHER WRONG IMPRRSSION. The other idea was that he was to be brought back in the interest of Mr. John son, his bondsman, and Mr. Johnson himself was of that opinion, and ho stated that if Capt. Blun would pay him the amount of the bond and some expenses to which he had been put, he would not insist on having the fugitive returned. Of this impression his mind was relieved by Mr* dußignon, who informed him that the requisition was issued in the name of the State; that the State asked the return of a fugitive that the sentence of court might be passed upon him, and no money settlement of any kind could at all effect tho return. These are the reasons that so many expressions of sur prise were heard when it was bruited abroad yesterday that Blun was in jail. located in new YORK. After Blun’B escape from here the author ities were at a loss to know what had be come of him, but a few days later he was located in Now York where his family is, and a detective was sent onto bring him back. Requisition pajzers were obtained from Gov. Gordon, and armed with those the detective went to Albany, N. Y.,fora gubernatorial warrant from Gov. Hill, au thorizing him to cause tho arrest of Charles Blun and bring him back to Georgia, but much to the detective’s surprise, Gov. Hill refused to issue tho war • rant on the ground that in so light a case as mi demeanor he would require proof of con viction. This caused a delay, hut in due course of time the proofs were forwarded from here and the executive warrant was issued. Blun had been located in New York in the meantime and ns soon as the papers were had Inspector Byrnes was call ed upon to arrest the man and turn him over to the Georgia officer. THE INSPECTOR SUSPICIOUS. The detective, however, had let Inspector Byrnes know that Blun’s bondsman was in terested in having him brought hack and would give him a fee for so doing, and Byrnes became somewhat suspicious. Ho was afraid that the only purpose of the arrest was to bring a pressure to bear on Capt. Blun to, in a measure, force him to reimburse his brother’s bondsman, and thet having been done Blun would be turned loose in'New York, and thus the maohinesy of the law would be put to a service for which it was not intended. 80 he informed the detective that he would deliver the pris oner to him on board the steamer on the day she was to sail. A short while before the City of SavanMih was to put out, on Thursday last, he took his prisoner aboard and on the deck of the vessel delivered him to the detective. His men then remained about the wharf until the steamer had left, and then reported to the Inspector that she had departed with her charge on board. awaiting his arrival. During the time oecupiod by the voyage, the return of Blun has been a topic of great interest in this city. It was feared by some that he would he permitted to land at Ty bee, or some other point, and escape from there, but this fear was the result of the false im pressions concerning the reasons for which he was brought back. The steamer should have reached the city at about 10 o'clock Saturday night, and had she done so there would have been a number of people on the wharf to see whether Blun hail really returned, and also what disposition would be made of him, but she was delayed, and not until 11:45 yesterday morning did she reach her wharf. When the passengers disembarked Blun and his captor were among them. They walked off the wharf and stepping into a carriage that was await ing, drove rapidly away. Twenty minutes later Blun walked through the doorway of the iail and the heavy iron lock of the door clanked behind him. It may readily be surmised that he was not upheld by any ex ceeding buoyancy of spirits, but he takes his capture quietly and has nothing to say. Mr. dußignon will move his sentence to day, and it is probable that the court will pass it. It is the custom of the court to im pose fines for keeping gambling rooms, but the aggravated circumstances of this ease render surmises as to the court's probable action of little account. It may be, how evor, that in view of the fact that Blun's family now resides in New York, and* that he will in all probability take up his resi dence there immediately after his release, the court will impose a light sentence with the understanding that he will immediately leave the State and remain away. SMALL CONGREGATIONS. The Heavy Rains Force the Church- Goers to Remain at Home. The inclemency of the weather yesterday had a very marked effect on tho congrega tions at about all the churches. The con stant dripping of the water and frequent heavy showers were too much for the aver age church-goer. The morning services were fairly well attended, but the downpour of rain at about the time for evening service was so extremely heavy that few ventured out. Rev. Dr. J. W. Rogan was to have de livered one i >t' liis series of talks to young men on “Money—lt’s Use and Abuse; or. How to Make, How to Save, How to Sfiend," but so few were present that the expected talk was deferred to a more propitious oc casion. Rev. Myron Holley, of St. Phillip’s, At lanta, preached at Christ church in tho morning and afternoon, and nt both ser vices he had unusually large congrogatiohs. Mr. Holley is an excellent reader and ail eloquent preacher, and the congregations that heard him were very much pleased. B ith few exceptions there were no ser vices at night. Walked Off the Boat. John Brown, a colored catqenter, while at work on the steamer Katie, on Saturday evening between 5 and ti o’clock, was drowned. He was working on the wheel house, but thetsun was too warm for him. to he got down on the lower deck and walked aft. That was the last seen of him by those on the boat, He was observed by a negro boy who was some distance further down on the wharf. The boy saw him as he wont down the last time, and immediately informed tboHe on the boat of the accident. His hat was noticed floating on top of the water. Brown was about 40 years of ago and be longed to Jonesville, hi. C.. where his wife resides, (the was informed of the accident and cauv? to tin city yesteniay. Winn, the diver, was diving for Use body yesterday morning, but it baa not been recovered. A RAINY DAY. Pour From Early Morning ~"Till Alter Midnight. The clouds that ovorlWfcpf the city early yesterday morning began to let down their surplus water about !) o’clock, and there was rather a heavy shower, which was followed by a slight cessation, and that was succeeded by another shower, and thus a drizzle and a hard rain alternated all day. Not for a moment did the rain stop altogether, and at 2 o’clock this morning it was still falling with its monotonous patter. At times it fell in torrents, pouring down until gytters and roadways were tilled. Down every street rushed two streams of water, and every depression in the pave ment was a basin full to overflowing. The amount of water that fell was some thing extraordinary. The rain gauge in the signal service station marked 2.09 inches at 11 o’clock last night and the rain was still falling. This is by no means an un precedented fall, for it has lxien equaled twice in the last, two years, and in August, 1885, there was a fall of 5 inches in one day, but it is not common for so much to fall without a let-up. Thu cause was a backward movement of a high barometer area from the northeast. Southwest currents of air ladened with vapor wore moving this way from the Gulf, and the high area in the northeast started down, bringing with it northeast Atlantic winds that were likewise near the point of saturation. They met here and the result was the precipitation. The barome ter last night showed a graduation in the atmosphere from Key West to Boston, hut the high seemed to lie making its way down, for Mobile and Montgomery got rain late in the day. There are no indications that this will l>e followed by cool weather, as was a similar movement about ten days ago, for the low est thermometer in the Northeast was 6i}°, while Savannah recorded a minimum of only 68*. The range of the thermometer yester day was quite small, the maximum being TU.6°, while the minimum was 68.3. Thero are no immediate prospects of a return to the extremely hot weather, however. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. There were five arrests for disorderly con duct and one for larceny yesterday. Georgia Tent No. 151, Independent Order of Rechabites, will hold a regular meeting this evening and elect officers. The sale of reserved seats for the Fords’ next performance to-morrow and Wednes day night will begin at Davis Bros, this morning. A regular meeting of Calanthe Lodge No. 28, Knights of Pythias, will be held this evening, and the election of officers will take place. The Georgia Infirmary Airl Association concert, by the colored people at the Theatre to-night, is given for the benefit of the In firmary fund. DeKalb Lodge No. 9, I. O. O. F., will hold a meeting this evening, at which officers will tie elected and some new mem bers will he initiated. The Savannah Yacht Club will meet at Ford’s Theatre to-day, to consider altering Rule 111. of the sailing regulations, and to attend to matters of business pertaining to the club. An unknown negro woman was danger ously stabbed yesterday afternoon in a house on Cooper street lane* and it is said that she was cut by a negro named Charles Harris. Dr. Norton attended her and pro nounced her condition dangerous. Harris lia-s not been apprehended. A meeting will bo held at the office of Mr. IV. Robertson, the English Pro-Consul, No. ltay street, at 8:30 o’clock this even ing, for the purpose of completing the or ganization of the Cricket and Athletic Club. Those desiring to become members are invited to be present. TO TEST THEIR MERIT. The Jennie S. and the Zinga to Sail for the Championship. Com. Demere mid Mr. George McAlpin, the former the owner of the Jennie S., the latter of the crew of the Zinga, have at last arranged a race between the two yachts, to test their relative merits and settle the-long disputed matter as to which is the better lHKit. The contest will come otf on the Fourth of July, when the regatta will take place. Both" the yachts will be in the regatta, but if it can be so arranges! they will lie made a special class. They will be started some minutes ahead of the other boats in order that they may have a free and uninterrupted course over which to sail. On the return the other lmatfi will give them the right of way as much as possible, that there may be a fair test of the speed of the two crafts. The first idea of the gentlemen interested was to sail for a certain amount of money, but as they both concluded afterward that it would lie better not to sail for money each will put up a basket of ehainpague and the winner will have the honor of drawing the corks. The Jennie S. and the Zinga are undoubtedly the most popular racers here. A contest between these two is always a matter of interest and the announcement of a race for the championship will be sufli cient to insure the assembling of a large number of spectators on that eventful day. GENERAL RAILWAY NEWS. Matters of Money and Management About Various Lines. The new depots recently erected at Hunt ington and DeSoto, on the eastern extension of the Americas, Preston and Lumpkin railroad were opened for handling freight on Monday last. J. W. Jordan, Jr., is the agent at Huntington and Oscar E. Lowe at DeSoto. The depot at Cobb will be comple ted in a few days. Track laying in Dooly county is progressing finely and will soon roach Gum Creek when the name of that station will be changed to Coney, in honor of S. W. Coney, Vice President of the road. An attachment was levied at Greenville, S. C., Mondav by Sheriff Gilreath, on the road bed, rigfit of way, franchise and real property of the Atlantic, (taxmville and Western railway in this oouffrv and on the real estate and bonds belong..ig to Susong & Cos., who control the road. The attach ment was nmde in the suit of W. E. Sulli van, against Susong & Cos., for $10,500, bal ance due him on a grading contract. Susong <fc Cos. own the fair grounds in the city an>\ have $16,000 of township bonds on depo .. in the National Bank, all of which was at tached. Mr. Sullivan was one of flhe principal contractors on the grading of tho road, and when the road was turned over to Susong & Cos., he was paid a portion of the nmoiuit duo him and promised tho remainder. It is leanest that the suit in no manner prejudices the road or the credit of Susong <t Cos. When the firm assumed control of the road they took also its liabilities, including a claim of Mr. Sullivan for grading. Part of that account was |wid to Mr. Sullivan in cash. The original company had previously trans ferred to Mr. Sullivan several thousand dol lars in notes of private parties. Susong & Cos. now claim that, including those notes, they have a 1 ready overbid Mr. Sullivan, anil they refuse to pav more until the notes are accounted for. The suit is simply a dis pute over a settlement, and does not affect the road itself one way or the other. Excellence Without Extravagance. This is the motto of the famous United States Hotel at Boston, mid it lives up to it most con scientiously. while Its central location mikes It u most convenient one for all Southern and Western people visiting the East. Two thousand six hundred horse cars pass its doors daily I If you like a nice thin Flannel Coat and Vest, varied patterns, we can fit you. They are not only attractivetnil comfortable and stylish. B. H. ijesy K Urn., 181 Congress street. Just received, a:i entire new line of Pongee 1 h'r.ets and Vests nt Appel & Schaul’s THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1887. COTTON COMPRESSING. No Lien Prior to the Affreightment Contract on Cotton Compressed In land. Judge Pardee, of the United States Cir cuit Court of Louisiana, has rendered an important decision in a suit brought in New Orleans to establish a maratime lien for the compressing of cotton when the compressing was done inland and before any contract for affreightment binding on the ship was made, which is of interest here, where the same practice prevails as at New Orleans. Compressing cotton for shipment by ves sel or railroad, Judge Pardee decides, is land business. The demand of the libelant in the case which he decided was, in effect, to establish a maritime lien for the com pressing of cotton, when the compressing was performed inland and before any con tract, of affreightment, binding on the ship, was made. The statement of the case showed that there can be no lien for such compressing. In the port of New Orleans the custom and usage was and is that bills of lading of cotton are made and rates are fixed with reference to the de livery to the ship of uncompressed cotton, and that when compressed cotton is deliver ed to a ship the ship repays the cost of compressing. Concede such a custom, Judge Pardee said, and it' can have no greater ef fect than an express contract to the same purport lietnreen the master and the ship per. Such an express contract is in sub stance an agreement to make ft rebate on the freighter compressed cotton and to pay such rebate before the freight is earned, or, in other words, the ship, in consideration of freight to tie earned, agrees to pay down a cash amount. Maritime liens are stricti juris, and do not arise on all contracts made by the owners to result in benefit to the ship. Many examples might be given. It is only where the contract to result in bene fit to the shin is a maritime contract that a lien on the ship arises. Whether a contract is or not a maratime contract depends on its subject, matter, i. e. whether it provides for maritime services, maritime transactions or maritime casualties. In the present case the contract has reference to the obtaining of a cai'go and is to be performed before the voyage is commenced and without reference to the result. A policy of insur ance on a ship is a maritime contract, but no lien results for the premium. There if no lien for commissions on advances nor fJi obtaining freights. A shipping broker has no lien for services in procuring a charter party. The services of a solicitor of freight are not maritime in character and create no lien on the vessel. t Judge Blown says s' “The distinction be tween preliminary services leading to a mar itime contract, and such contracts themselves have been affirmed in this coun try from the first and not yet departed from. It furnishes a distinction capable of somewhat easy application. If it be broken down I do not perceive any other dividing line for excluding from the admiralty many other sorts of claims which have a reference more or less near or remote to navigation and commerce. If the broker of a charter party be admitted the insurance broker must follow, the drayman, the expressman and all others who perforin services having reference to a voyage either in contempla tion or executed.” And so the responsibilities of the ship on account of cargo must lie held to commence with the delivery of the goods to the ship and be confined to the transportation to and safe delivery of the goods at the port of de livery, and to the perfomance of such mari time services as mav lawfully be agreed upon. If charges and expenses necessary to the ship and to the conduct of its business, but preliminary to the contract of affreight ment, are admitted as maritime liens, there will be no end of the business that may be drawn to the admiralty. Compressing, ginning, baling, and perhaps picking cotton, may each ripen into a lien on the ship that eventually contracts to carry the cotton from the country. The principle on which the decisions rest as to lien or no lien is, “that the test is to be applied to the subject and not to the ob ject—that is to say, it is the subject matter of the contract which must be maritime and not the mere object—the ship.” The subject of tho libelants’ contract under the custom claimed was not the carrying of the cotton, but was preliminary thereto, and was not a maritime contract and no lien arises. The exception was maintained and the libel dismissed with costs. Birmingham Whitewashed. New Orleans, June 36.—Birmingham tried a local shoemaker who was ambitious to be a pitcher. He has goodjstuff in him, but does not know what to do with his skill. He was hit hard and often, and by the most daring kind of base running, as well as er rors of the visitors, the locals piled up sev enteen runs. Ewing and Mover did great battery work, and up to the seventh inning not a hit had been made by Birming ham. Then Doherty and Kent made singles and in the next inning Merritt hit sufe. This is all Birmingham did with the stick. New Orleans fielded brilliantly and did not make an error. Charlie Hantzo was tried at first by Birmingham, and Diestel signet! him and Han tel, the young catcher. Birmingham left to-night. The score by innings was: New Orleans 1 0930400 o—l 7 Birmingham 0 0000000 0— 0 Batteries—Arata and Taylor, Ewing and Mc- Yey. Base hit*—New Orleans 22, Birmingham 3. Stolen bases—New Orleans 17. - Errors—Birmingham 8. (James Elsewhere. At Cincinnati— Cincinnati. 20000000 I—S Louisville 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 1 x— 7 At Ridgewood, L. I Brooklyn 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0-6 Athletic 10010100 1-4 Local Personal. M. Hamilton, Deputy Collector of Customs, returned home on the steamship City of Savannah, which arrived yesterday morning. He has been North on a brief va cation. Prof. J. Mngath is spending a few days in the city with friends, prior to a trip to Eu rope. He will sail for New York on Tues day with a jtarty of (Jeorgians, whom he will take across the water. Among the arrivals at the Harnett House were A. C. Drew. J. Drew, Coosawhatchie, S. C.; James S. Phillips, Port Royal, S. C.; H. L. Rodgers, Sumter, S. C.:' W. H. King, H. Logan, Chatham county; T. N. Morgan, Macon; J. W. O’Berry, Owensboro: W. IS. Crosby, T. B. Jebb, New York; C. H. Whit tier, Boston, Mass.; J. H. Grady, Elizabeth, N. J.; H. P. Kolland, Edinburgh, Scotland; J. W. Gaylord, Adrian, Mich.; E. A. Sny der, H. R. Walker, Chicago, III.; J. C. Lof tin, Wavcross: T. A. Davis and wife, St. Paul, Minn.; W. C. Hulsted and wife, Hart ford, Conn. '**’ At the Pulaski House were J). C. Town send, A. G. Tunstull, M. Shannon, J A. Horan, Rotiert W. Hopkins, New York; R. W. Long. Cordova, Ala.: James M. Gray, M. J. Callahan, W. J. Roonev, Augusta; E. E. Griffin, Bain bridge; J. F. Corcoran, Charleston; J. W. Porter, A. D. Hicks, R. S. Tomlin, Philadelphia. At the Screven House were J. T<cvy and wife, Mrs. A. A. Chase, Thomasville; Mrs. P. H. McGrath, Atlanta; Maj. W. B Hall and wife, .1. R. Duggan, Baltimore; W. P. Baya, Jacksonville: E. A. Soheper, Beau fort, S. C. ;R. R. Muller, Louisville, Ky.; J. Steimeyer, New York; G. W. Hart, Philadelphia: P. Johnson, London; E. L. Crawford, Baltimore; J. L. Foster, Darien. Harnett House. Concerning a popular hotel in Savannah, On., the Florida Timrs-Union says: “We note from the hotel arrival- as published in the Savannah papers, that the Harnett House still leads all the other hotels in the city. In fact they have as many as the others combined. There is a good install ment of Floridians always registered there.” Blazing bargains in Boy "a Suita, Shirts and Shirt Waists, at B. 11. Levy & Bro., 181 Congress street,. WILES OE THE FAKIRS. How the Gullible ' Guy" and Hla Money Are Gathered in at Fairs. From the Chicago Hail. “You think I’m fly, don’t you?” “Yes, very.” “Werry? Well, yes; lam werry. That’s where your head is level. My regards.” The old man settled himself back in the big chair with the uncomfortable wooden arms, pushed his heels a little further up on the barroom table, raised his glass of whisky and water with beaming courtesy, clinked it against another glass, and emptied it at a asking me about fakirs, ain’t you?” he resumed, with an alcoholic mel lowness in his voice. “That’s where you are level-headed again. If there’s any one who knows anything about the subject I’m the man. I’ve been a fakir, let me see, well ” “Ten years, perhaps.” “Every one of them; every one of fifteen. Werry likely every one of twenty. Things is changin’ in fakin’ as they are in every thing else. The competition is fierce nowa days, I tell you, and if you want to make anything out of the wheel or the shell or the cards you’ve got to be as smart as a bank president.” “The wheel f’ “Yes, the wheel is one of the favorite games nowadays. The shells is another and the cards is a "third. And there’s fraud in all of them. Ha, ha: When I think o’ the lots of people as is fooled day after day it do make me gigvky” The old mart giggled so much that he had to have some more whisky and water, es pecially whisky, to bring his muscles back into their normal state and bis thoughts into their ordinary channel. Then he struck a big chunk of philosophy. Said he; “if peo ple what gets fooled didn’t always think they were a heap smarter tiian the people what fools ’em they wouldn’t get left so often. Fakirs live by making other people believe they are smarter than they themselves are. Take that idea out, and there wouldn't be any game left.” “Let's begin with the wheel.” “Well, the wheel, then. The wheel is a circle marked out on a table covered with oil-cloth. The table is four or five feet long by three or four wide, and divided into parts so it can be folded up easily. The circle is divided into little sections, painted red, white, and blue. In the middle of the circle is a brass or steel spear, fixed on a pivot so as to swing. Eakirs follow fairs and circuses nnd horse vacas most generally, though they go wherever there is a crowd, especially of country people. Well, now I set up my table on the fair grounds, say. I bet any one a dollar or two, or any sum they like, against any of my three colors. Suppose there are eighteen color sections and $1 on each. Red wins. I lose six reds, but I can pay it out of the other twelve winnings and be square. But if the game is kept up long enough I get all the money.” > “How?” t “Well, in my table there is a little groove running from the edge close to the p.vot of the spear. In the groove, and connected with a little spring in the edge, is a strong iron rod.” “Called r “The pinch. It pinches the countryman's dollars without their even suspecting it, for the whole arrangement is all covered with the oilcloth. It ain’t often all the colors are covered. There will be favorites, aud you can bet as much as you like on any color. Well, I have a partner, don’t 3*oll know, for I wouldn’t be no good without a partner. He leans over the table very careless like, and gets his fingers over the ‘spring in the edge.’ He keeps his eye on the colors, and when the majority of the money is laid on the color he, hy gently pressing the spring, stops the spear on another color —the one on which he has bet. Well, if the crowd gets follerin’ him in his bets, why he lets himself lose and we rake in the big pile again.” “But does not the crowd suspect him?” “It would if he stayed long enough. But after he is here awhile he leaves and another plays it; he goes and a third comes. We travel in crowds of three or four or five. All the men run various games of their own, and after the show divide up the profits.” “Of course, you always divide fairly ?” “Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t. Werry often there is disputin’and fights, but everything generally ends in peace, because we can only work well in gangs. Instead of colors’on the wheel, we sometimes have a figure, an eagle, or Gen. Jackson, or something else. The bet ting is that the point of the spear will stop over that figure. As there is only one chance out of a lot, the fakir gives big odds —sometimes S2O to sl. But the country man never gets that money; the player on the secret spring is always around in games like that.” “Now, the shell games.” “The shell is a great game. It is played generally with three half shells of English walnuts and a little gum ball about as big as a pea. The ball is made of stuff used in printing-press rollers. I throw out the shells on a table, place one of them over the ball, and move them all about. Where is the ball i Bet anybody he cant’t find it. WeU, some fellow is sure he has followed me in my movements. He has seen me put n certain shell over the ball. I took good (Mire that he noticed it. That was the bait. He bets me $lO, S2O that he can pick out the shell over the ball. I liet. He picks up the shell that he had kept his eye on. Well, the ball is not there. It is under another shell. I win. Now, that's as easy as preachin'. As I move the shell about I manage to press a linger against the ball, which sticks to the finger, and I quietly place it under another shell. So you see Mr. Smarty was sold again. The shells bring in money fast. The Izets are big. We have to put up liberally, though, to people in charge of fairs and other such gatherings to lie allowed to run. Then special officers have got to be remem bered, too.” “Don't the people who are—are——” “Swindled. “Don’t they ever grumble?” “They do. So its the 1 nisi ness of a fakir, then, to be cool and quick. I’ve stood un armed in a crowd of a hundred or two hun dred men, ail ready to kill me, and I just laughed away their threats. But if we are cornered we must fight our way through, und we do it. But our aim is to live in quiet and peace. We want to escape attracting any attention. The shells bring in some times fBOO a day. We don’t keep the money about us. As fast as wo win we pretend to let a partner win it from us, so that if we should be locked up, and any vic tim wants his money back, nothing is found on us. Sometimes the confederate is a woman.” “Are fakirs often arrestedP’ “No; very rarely. I knew one—Big Harry, whom you can find round most any night when he is not away on business— who was arrested last fall in Rich mond, Va., for playing the shells and got four months. The punishment sur prised and told on him so much that he will give Richmond a wide berth here after.” For Rickets, Marasmus, and Wasting Disorders of Children, Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites is unequaled. The rapidity with which children gam flesh and strength upon it is very wonderful. Rend the follow ing: “I have used Scott’s Emulsion in cases ot rickets and marasmus of long standing, aud have been more than pleased with the results, us in every case the improvement wa* marked.”—J. M. Main, M. D., New York. Boys’ Bult3 at Less Than Half Cost. The Famous, 140 Congress street, has laid one side one hundred Boys’ Suits, to be sold for $3 60 to clear out. Every one worth $7 00. Tho first to rail for them will have first pick. ' •>' Call ami look at the elegant Pongee Coats and Vests at Appel & Bchaul’s. The recent cool wave was caused by a heavy arrival of lieut*’ pongee Suit* and other thin garments at H. & Bro's. RAISING WATSRMBLON6. Over SBO 000 Scattered in Brooks County This Season. The Quitman Free. Press says: The indus try of raising watermelons for shipment is comparatively anew one in Brooks county, but it has been tried sufficiently to develop the fact that there’s money in it. Up to date fully 300 carloads have been shipped from Brooks county, and these cars nave netted an average of more than SIOO per car. The season has just opened up good, and there are at least 300 car loads yet to be skipped. It is true that the last shipments don't yield so large a profit as the earlier ones, but taking the crops all together it is safe to estimate that on her 500 and more car loads Brooks county will receive up ward of $50,000 from her watermelon crop this season. Figures don’t lie, and here are the figures to show that the county will realize fully $50,000 on this year’s crop: Judge J. M. Shearer, one of Brooks county's most thor ough-going and progressive farmers, has al ready received $317 as the proceeds from a fifteen-acre patch, and he has one car on the track and will get at least one more from the patch. With these two cars yet to hear from it is safe to estimate that the Judge will realize S3OO from his fifteen-acre crop. It is true that this is one of the best yields and best sales in the whole county, hut if the entire acre age of the county be computed at one-half this rate there will still remain an income of $50,000 with room for deducting a consider able margin. Brooks is head and shoulders above any other county engaged in the business, and she is likely to remain so. She raises more melons and finer aud larger melons than any county#n Georgia, she has them ready for shipment before any other county, and pay's better prices for them than any other coun ty. One of the first cars shipped this sea son netted its owner $223. The report had gone forth that the enterprising county of Lowndes had received $225 for a car, but investigation showed that, it was purchased by a local buyer, and that the $225 was S2OO 25. Quitman is the acknowledged headquar ters for this business in Southwest Georgia, as is shown by the fact that the railroad and commission men congregate here in such numbers. Asa matter of course this ben efits the merchants and business men of Quitman generally. In fact, it would be hard to estimate the amount of good the town does receive from this business. The long stretch of summer dullness is broken bv a lively, bustling, busy six weeks that almost makes one think we are in the midst of the cotton season. Long live the Kolb Gem, and may the love of the Yankees for them grow as rap idly as they dc. FLIGHTS OF BOTTLES. Spookish Pranks in a .Washington House Said to be Haunted. A Washington dispatch to the New York World sayg; An old brick house op Four and a Half street and Missouri avenue is said to lie haunted. The building, a three story structure, is occupied by a colored man named Pendleton and his family. The house is kept as a hotel, but at present there are very few guests in it. A few days ago the inmates were startled at sounds indicating a crash of glassware outside. They rushed out and were greeted with a shower of beer and soda water bottles, pieces of lead pipe and other missiles, apparently hurled from the other side of the house. In the rear is a high brick fence, over which it would be practically impossible for any one to climb. Going through the building to see where the missiles came from, no one could be found, and almost immediately the shower of bot tles began to fall from the other side. This has been repeated at intervals since, even in the day time. Other curious things have happened in the house. Pendleton has repeatedly gathered up many of the bottles and deposited them inside in an empty room and locked the door. He declares that in some mysterious way they are taken from the room and made to resume their flight over the buy ing. Quite a crowd of excited colored peo ple gathered around the place to-day, and the ghost, or whatever it was, gave a special exhibition of bottle-throwing. Pendleton, with a countenance betraying fear and anxiety, picked up a piece of iron gas-pipe and said: “See dis hyar? Well, it’s been ober dis house moen twenty times, fus one way, den de udder. I tuk dis (the gas-pipe) and dis hyar (another piece of irom and ,1 put dem in my room ana lock de do’. Fo’ God, by de time I got outen de house agin dey bote cum a-flyiiig ober agin! Dey was gone from de room' but de do’ was was still locked. I went in dare to see. We bin watch in’ de top of de house, an’ on bofe sides, an’ still de bottles keep on flyin’.” The top of the house can only be reached by a ladder from the attic of Pendleton’s house through a trap in the roof. All of the bottles in Pendleton’s place were destroyed, but the bottle throwing continued last night. Early this morning several of the family were in a room on the first floor when suddenly several gallons of water came through a hole in the ceiling and floor alxive, through which a stovepipe projected in cold weather. Pendleton vowed there was no water in the upper room. He says no outsider could have gotten into the upper room. The flying missiles have been seen by numerous individuals, and the general opin ion is that some person must have concealed himself upon the roof. But. as Pendleton maintains, it is hard to explain how any per son intent upon fun or revenge could have got to the roof and how he could have pro cured the bottles in such numbers from the lower floors without being seen. Many in the vicinity have made up their minds that the house is “haunted.” To break up colds and fevers, use Dr. Pierce’s Extract of Smart-Weed. Wedding Presents. I am in an uncomfortable store, Broughton street, directly opposite Ludden & Bate's Music House. Of course, as soon as I can, shallremove to my old quarters. I feel like a fish out of water. Just think, I have received an immense stock of solid silver ware, and have no room to show it, consequently I have to make room. But how? By selling it as quickly as possible, to accomplish it, I have put the prices down to almost cost. Hence anvbody in need or not in need of such goods have'an opportu nity which is seldom offered. M. Stern berg, Houghton street, opposite Lud den & House. A man that he hasn't seen his feet In ten lttl We can fit anybody. The line of thin Coats and Vests at Appel & Schaul’s. Novelties in thin Coats and Vests just re ceived at Appel & Bchaul’s, One Price Clothiers. Embroideries and Laces. This week we will put ou sale, besides the balance of other stock, all the Embroideries and Laces which were saved at the fire. We promise to give such bargains as will com mand a ready purchase, as we are very anx ious to close out the entire stock at the earliest possible moment. Please bear this in mind and lie certain to examine our stock of Embroideries and Laces. We aW> offer excellent bargains in Children’s and Gents’ Fine Hosiery, Kid, HUk and Thread Gloves. David, IBS Congress street, next door to Solomons’ drug store. •An inspection of our thin Coats and Vests is earnestly requested lieforn purchasing. Appel & Schnul, One Price Clothiers. A few more of those White Flannel Suits left at Appi l ,v Srhaul’s. Call and see the newest shades in Pongee Coats and Vests at Appel & Selin til’s. Weather Indications. I” | Special indications for Georgia: RAIN Easterly winds, local rains, slight Ichanges in temperature. Comparison of mean temperature at Savan nah, June 26, 1867, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. Departure Total Mean Temperature from the Departure -I Mean Since for 15 years June 26,’87. -|- or Jan. 1,1887. 62.5 I 73.7 8.6 206 5 Comparative rainfall statement: ZrrrT I Departure Total Mean Daily Amount . f rom the Departure Amount for for ' Mean Since 16 Years. jjune2b, 87. ... or _ ,j an . l, 1887. I !To9o i -1-1 856 6 089 Maximum temperature 79.5, minimum tem perature 65.2. The height of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was 6.2 feet—a fall of 0.7 feet during the past twenty-four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin for 21 hours end ing 6p. m., June 26, 1887, 75th Meridian time. Districts. Average. .... iMax. Min. Rain h Jtfons. Te,n P Tem P fal “ 1. Wilmington 10 84 6-1 .15 2. Charleston 5 83 70 .53 3. Augusta 11 89 70 .23^ 4. Savannah 12 89 70 , 46| 5. Atlanta 9 87 70 .06 6. Montgomery 8 93 66 7. Mobile 8 96 63 8. New Orleans 8 94 70 .07 9. Galveston 19 92 72 .32 10. Vicksburg .. 4 94 69 11. Little Rock 9 87 69 .04 12. Memphis 17 88 64 .02 Averages Observations taken at the seme moment of time at all stations. Savannah, June 26, 9:36 p. m., city time. Temperature. Direction. 5* V eloeity. 9 Rainfall. Namb OF Stations. Portland 62 NW . Clear. Boston 66 N .. |. Clear. Block Island 64 NW 7 .. (Clear. New York city ... 70 jClear. Philadelphia 68 S Clear. Washington city.. 70 Clear. Norfolk 72 NE Clear Charlotte 68 E 7 Cloudy. Hatteras 70 N 16 .ffvOloudy. Wilmington 70 NE 6 .... Fair. Charleston 74 N E 13| .06 Cloudy. Augusta 76 E | Cloudy. Savannah 68 E 6-2.00 Heavy rain. Jacksonville 72 |2.49 Light rain. Key Vest 82 E 12 .... Cloudy. Atlanta 78 E 14. Cloudy. Pensacola K2!s E .. Threatening Mobile 82 S El . Cloudy. Montgomery 76 E 111 36 Light rain. Vicksburg 80 N j.. Cloudy. New Orleans 80 S E] Clear. Shreveport 72 E j . .09,Clear, Fort. Smith 80 S E| iciear. Galveston 76 E 12 .36 Clear. Corpus Christi— 78' E 20 .10 Light rain. Palestine 681 E 8 .72 Fair. .Brownesville | 78j S V air. Rio Grande 76 E j Cloudy. Knoxville 72; N j Fair. Memphis 74 N E 6 ICloudy. Nashville 76|N E|lo .... iFair. Louisville 72: E 6 . .. Clear. Indianapolis 72 N E I Clear. Cincinnati 74jS El Fair. Pittsburg 66 N 'Clear. Buffalo 641 N ! Clear. Cleveland 64-N E Clear. Marquette 66 S 10 Clear. Chicago 64 N E 6 Clear. Duluth 52 N 6 Clear. St. Paul 70 S E 8! Clear. Davenport........ 74- E 6 -Clear. Cairo 74 E .. I Clear. St. Louis 76 S Ei 71 Clear. Leavenworth... . 74 S E 7 .. Clear. Omaha 74-S El3 Clear. Yankton 78IS E!2O [Fair. Bismarck j j Deadwood 70; S j Clear. Cheyenne 70 NE 11 08 Cloudy. North Platte SOS El3 .12 Cloudy. Dodge City I 82IS E 9 Clear' Santa Fe I 64 j K,. .01 ICloudy. G. N. Salisbury, Signal Corps, U.S. Army. Do not fail to see our Fancy Striped Suit of Underwear selling at $1 50 per suit. Ap pel & Schaul, 163 Congress street. A complete line of Underwear at Appel Schaul's, 103 Congress street. SUMMER GOODS. Headquarters at the Crockery House of James S. Silva & Son. Keep cool; don’t worry about the hot weather. Know ye that we have a large lot of artistically decorated WATER COOLERS, both plain and porcelain lined, and the prices we put on them val| not hurt your pocketbook. We keep the best ICE CREAM FREEZERS to be had. Remember, Fly Fans, Ice Picks, Fly traps. If you want to be sure of the purity of your drinking water use the GATE CITY STONE FILTER. It is simply, perfect. Come aud let us show ycu one, explain the working and give you a glass of river water without the mud. James S. Silva & Son. N. B.—Our “Odds and Ends” Sale con tinues. The best 45 cent Undershirt in the city at Appel & Schaul’s. The nobbiest line of Straw Hats in the city to be seen at Appel & Schaul's. We can't keep those Pongee Suits on hand a minute, there is such a rush for them. Every steamer, however, brings us new supplies. So don’t get discouraged. B. H. Levy <S Bro., 161 Congress street. A man thin enough to crawl through a gas pipe had no trouble In getting a good fit in a stylish suit at B. H. Levy & Bro's.. 161 Congress street. The man we couldn't fit hasn't arrived yet. Our great success in thin Coats and Vests so far this season, compelled ns to telegraph our New York buver to purchase anew stock of them, which he has done, and now we can show the prettiest styles in the city. Appel & Schaul. Bargains in Clothing. Participants of our bargain sales of Polo Caps, Sailor Suits and Knee Pants, know that we always do as we advertise. We have made a gnat reduction on our entire stock of clothing. Manufacturing all tho clothing we sell, brings our prices low at the start, and we have them down now to rock bottom, in order to clear them out to make room. Now is tho time to get real bargains in Clothing, Underwear, Press Shirts and Neckwear, also a selection out of one thousand different sorts of Trousers, prices from ouo dollar up to seven. “The Famous,” 140 Congress stroet, is the place for real bargains in clothing. Come and price them. If we cannot satisfy you that we give you the lowest figures ever heard of, then we will have to give them away in order to keep people from breaking the law against going bare-backed. Appel & Schaul are selling their Straw Hats at remarkably low figures. 'Ve still have a great variety of Patterns in Gents’ Colored Percale Shirts, cheap and be coming for summer wear. B. 11. Lew .t Bro 161 Congress stroet. 1 '* A complete lino of Seersucker Coats and Vests at Appel & Schaul’s. A complete lino of Percale Shirts at Appel & Schaul's. Bnlbriggnn Underwear In all grades at Appol & Schaul’s, One Price Clothiers. BAKING POWDER. m( &4KIM c POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of Purity, Strength and Wholesomeness. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powdbr Cos., 106 Wall street, New York, LUDDEN A BATES 9. M. H. A Yacht Race REMINDS us of a well regulated business, where each department 16 fully organized and starts in its class to cross the line ahead of all competition. Wo have started in flyers in all the different classes, and they are all coming back in splendid • shape We have guarded against all mishaps and squalls by adopting the strictly cash system (excepting on PIANOS and ORGANB), which enables us to offer lower prices than same goods can be bought for anywhere, New York not excepted. Statb of Weather. CLASS A. CLASS B. CLASS C. FIVE ENTRIES. FIVE ENTRIES. EIGHT ENTRIES. Pianos-Organs, Artist Materials Stationery, Sheet Music, Art Goods, Society En. Musical Instru-Picture Frames, graving, ments, -Moldings, Fine Pocket- Band Instru-FineEngravings books, ments. Brass Goods, Band Supplies. Letter Files Cabinets, Easels, Music Racks, , Japanese Goods. We have won in all classes, and if low prices, large stock, and prompt and careful attention to orders and customers will keep us in the lead, we expect to stay there. Always Glad to See You. l.&blm.h. FURNISHING GOODS. • Look! Look! JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Gentlemen’s Fine Night Shirts For $1 Fine Jeans Drawers at 50c. per pair. Gauze Undershirts, long or short sleeves, 50c. White Lawn Bows, $1 per dozen. White Ties at 15c. per dozen; $1 50 per groea F'ancy Percale Scarfs, 50c. per dozen. 4-in-hand Ties, wash goods, 81 per dozen. White Duck Vests, from $1 to $2 50. British Half Hose, seamless, 25c. White Duck Helmets, Hammocks, Whit* Flannel Shirts and Hats for Yachting- FINE SUMMER CLOTHING AND DRES3 SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. We guarantee a fit in every case. Sole agents for Dunlap’s Fine Hats and Nasci mento's Comfortable Self Conforming Hats, so comfortable to the head in hot weather. Beau tiful Pearl Hats, and the new STIFF-BRIM MACKINAW HAT. Stm Umbrellas, Gloria Cloth UmbreUas, never cut like the silk will. Buck-Horn Handle Walking Canes, Fancy Un derwear, and anything needed by men for Sum mer wear at LaFar’s New Store, 29Cu1l street, Hamilton's Old Stand. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW BOOKS* —AT Estill's News Depot, No. 23 Bull Street. To Call Her Mine 25c On Her Wedding Morn 25c The Great Hesper 250 Knight Errant 250 The Squire s Darling 250 The Golden Hope f. 250 This Man’s AV ife : .'... 260 Sweet Cymbellne 25c King Solomon's Treasures 250 Clarlbels Love Story 25c Open Sesame 250 Karma 250 The Woodlanders 2So Pa 25c King Solomon's Wives 250 Ma *o Her Word Against a Lie 250 A Girl's Heart 25c Wee Wlfle 250 Elisabeth's Fortune 250 Mystery of Golde Fell 950 A Hidden Terror 250 The Rival Cousins 25c She 250 He 250 It 850 Me. * BGO Hornet’s Nest ' 600 From Jest to Earnest 300 Without a Home „300 Miss Churchill 600 Address all orders to WILLIAM ESTII.L, Savannah, Oa. Any of the above mailed on receipt of adver tised price. ELECTRIC BELTS. l’il< ‘<'t ri<* H< •1 ( Free- TO INTRODUCE It and obtain Agents we will for the next sixty days give away, free or charge, in each county In the United States a limited number of our German Electro Galvanic Huimnsory Belts pride, $5. A positive and tin tailing cure for Nervous Debility, Varioqcele. Emissions, Impotent;)', Etc. SSOO reward paid if every Belt we manufacture does not generate * gbtmme electric current. Address at ones ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY, P. O. Bo* Ibi Brooklyn. N. Y.