The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 29, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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THE 01/D ROMAN. 4 Talk With Ex-Senator Alien G. Thurman. From the Brooklyn Eagle. That veteran Democrat, ex-Seuator Allen G Thurman, of Ohio, is spending a few days with his eldest married daughter, the wife of Lieut. Cowles, of the Navy, at his elegant country residence at Richmond Hill. A reporter went out, there yesterday after noon to interview' him. For many years he hua enjoyed the reputation of hating the interviewer as thoroughly and conscien tiously as a fat man hates a corn. With the aid of the demure and stately lass who ’tends the post office in the village, the re porter succeeded in getting on the road to the cottage. “Faith an’ bejabbers,” said a weather beaten Irishman, a bystander, beating the damp air with his horny and saffron colored hand to give emphasis to his remarks, “an’ ye couldn’t miss the house if ye’d a moind to. It’s got the funniest looking basement ye ever saw in yer loife. It stands on a Bill." The chimneys were just visible over the tree tops. Hie reporter trudged along in the rain. Suddenly a turn in the road brought the house into plain view. It occu pied a commanding position, and was ap proached by a road skirting it on two sides. One side of the house appeared to consist of an immense deserted con servatory, presenting an extensive front of glass. When within several hundred yards of the residence the figure of a tall, gray haired man loomed up out of the interior darkness of the conservatory and stalked majestically to the window. One fiance sufficed to show' that the man w’as udge Thurman, and the reporter did not fail to observe, as soon as he got close enough, that the old gentleman was gazing at him curiously and somewhat meditative ly as though divining the nature of his visit, while endeavoring to fix on a scheme to put a quietus on him. There was an exuression of surprise in the sharp gray eyes, too, that indicated that it was the first time a re porter had called in that neighborhood since bis arrival a W'eek ago. On entering the house, the reporter found Judge Thurman lying upon a couch near the window, in what has appeared to be a conservatory, but which was simply a large sitting room, ajmost the entire side of the house being of glass. It was a light port able couch, covered with soft rugs, and rest ing upon a tiger skin, the floor lieing of bare, stained wood. The ex-Senat;or arose with a little evident difficulty to greet his visitor and cordially extended a white hand, with long fingers, and which felt wondrous soft when contrasted with the sturdy frame and the strong, rugged outlines of the face. He twisted himself into a sitting posture on the side of the couch, shifting , his slip pered feet a little restlessly bade and forth on the floor, his elbows resting on bis knees, his hands clasped and his head hanging for ward. A large book, bound in garnet cloth, was on the bottom of the couch. It was opened, and the Judge had been reading it when the reporter arrived. After a few in troductory words of w'elcome, be said: “I have suffered greatly from lumbago during the past montn. I cannot sit up longer than fifteen or twenty minutes at a time without experiencing such a pain in the small of my back that I am compelled to lie down again.” “I see you have been reading,” said the reporter. “Yes,” replied Judge Thurman, lying back on the couch,” “and it is a highly in teresting book. McClellan was a grand, good man. He was upright, and as inflex*- lbly honest as any man I ever knew'. Ah! w'hat a shame to have attacked him so! He was one of God’s own men." These words were uttered slowly and earnestly, and in a manner that showed that Judge Thurman had been a most ardent friend and admirer of the gallant ‘‘Little Mae.” The conversation turned to general topics, the Judge declaring that he would not be in terviewed. “The only thing I will talk about,” he ex claimed with a laugh, “is the weather.” “Are you out of politics for goods” asked the reporter. “Yes,” answered the Judge, emphatically. Then in a moment he hastened to add: “When I say that lam out of politics for good I don’t mean to say that I am out to the extent of not taking any further in terest in them. But I don’t want and lam not a candidate for any office whatever." It. was intimated that the public would feel a legitimate interest in whatever opinion the Judge might care to express relative to the recent red-hot controversy over the restoring of Confederate battle flags to their former owners. The Judge shook his head gently and half closed his eyes, as though he were mildly disgusted at the mere men tion of the subject: “I suppose the demagogues will make all they can out of the incident,” lie sententiously. He inquired with evident interest what position the leading papers of New York city liad taken in the matter, his first inquiry being: “How did Charles A. Dana stand?” W r hen informed that Mr. Dana had characterized the order for the return of the flags as a big blunder the Judge said: “Uin!” in a way that showed that he was indulging in a somewhat profound medita tion. “Will you say what you think of Mr. Cleveland and his administration?” asked the reporter. “Yes, I w’ill,” answered the Judge prompt ly, and evidently embracing the question as an opportunity to put himself on record on the matter. “I regard Mr. Cleveland as a brave, an honest and an able man. I might not, perhaps, have done exactly as he has done had I been in his place, but I believe him to be thoroughly upright and honest, and to possess much more ability than he is given credit for. I think that he has never aone except what he believed to be right. ” The talk touched on Blaine. “The general sentiment seems to be, said the reporter, in answer to a question bear ing on the point by the Judge, “that Mr. Blaine can get the Republican nomination if he wants it.” . “It is a year yet before the politicians get together,” said the Judge, “andyou can t begin to tell what may happen in a year. This was not said in a manner that indicated that Judge Thurman was at all apprehen sive about Mr. Blaine’s candidacy, or that he regarded him as a dangerous man to fight in the next national campaign, but in a way that conveyed the impression that the Judge was really in serious doubt as to whether the Plumed Knight could get or Would take the nomination, lie showed how he regarded the situation by asking: “Can Mr. Blaine get a solid Now \ork delegation?”, To this question, of course, there could be no satisfactory answer. The Judge inquired after Gen. Harry W. Slocum. „ . ~ “He was a mighty good soldier, ho said. BIG POKER UP NORTH. The Big Four of the Rod River Valley- MaJ. Ed wards*’ Success as a Bluffer. From the Chicago Herald. Interest in the game of draw poker in the Northwest has lteen gradually dying °ut during the past five years. Those men who made the Rod river valley famous for the recklessness with which the national game was played within its boundaries have turned their attention to legitimate business in towns and cities that have sprung up along the bunks of the Red river, and when they turn their attention now to cards it is more for pleasure than profit. Ten years ago there was a coterie of poker players in that country who won and lost fortunes on card*, and they did it as cheerfully as thov How risk their money in real estate and other speculations that carry with them an air of legitimacy. . ...... Maj. A. VV. Edward* was probably the sti(test poker player in the Red river valley a few years ago, and there were out few of the best who had the courage to meet him on neutral ground. He nevei won thereputaion of playing anything Out an honest game. H did not depend on tricks and clever mauipui-ition of c*rd3 tor M&mmisf^ arriedin f° the e ame with him of nerve that .usually scared bis opponent into defeat. J CMtodwiM* w on , his , wa y 10 the national Ki" th ' Uta few hundred dollars in JJfLjS* Ut , ln Paul he niet a couple of him m t en i fro ‘V Louisville Ky-. who asked never 13111 at cardu - T be Major never refused an invitation of that nature, a “ ‘ a ot four was soon made up. The gentlemen trom Louisville are well-known .. P°f ltl cal circles, and have reputation && vcr -V clever card players. The game began in a small room on the third floor of !. , I , < ri^ erch u antti oarl v bi the evening, and the chips shifted from hand to hand w itaout material gain to either player until daybreak, when the Major puiled bis heavy slouch hat over his eyes, and, tucking one loot under him, his favorite position when play ing, started out to play his game. For a time ha surprised the Southrons at his Utter abandon, but he never showed his nand when he could avoid it. At last ho stood pat. His opponents drew cards, and one man forced the fight with three kings, another three queens, and a third four ten spots. The Major made bid for more money. He was promptly raised. The Major met the raise and went it 8500 bettor, but his opponents were not tired and asked him for more. lie had only 850 in his pocket, and calling a bell boy he sent a note down stairs to Col. Allen, proprietor or the Merchants’ Hotel, asking him for a loan of 81,000. The Colonel knew his man, and up went a check for the desired amount, and the Major coolly dropped the check on the pile of chips and money in the centre of the table, and, leaning back in the chair, took a cigar from his pocket and lighted it. This was too much for the others, who sized him up for four aces, and they threw up their hands. The Major drew in the money, cashed the chips, and found that he had won 8-1,700 on the hand. His opponents looked at their watches, yawned, and push ing back their chairs said they were tired and would quit playing. Before they left they’ picked up the Major’s hand and found that he had stood pat ;uid won the pot on a pair of fours. The four spot the Major considered his lucky card, and never failed to play it hard whether he held one or a quartette of them, and he says it never yet lost for him. Col. Morrow, a citizen of Fargo, who emi grated to that country early in the seventies from the soil of Virginia, was about the only card player in that country who wouldn’t take a bluff from the Major. The men were the warmest friends. They seemed to run a mutual admiration society, but when they faced each other over a stack of chips they fought as warmly and as determinedly as though they were the bitterest enemies. In ’79 the Major and the Colonel sat down to a game in Biily Morrison’s star chamber, which was then the headquarters of sporting men in that part of the country. The game had been a hard one, slightly in favor of the Colonel. Finally he opened a good sized jack pot on a pair of kings. The Major stayed and drew two cards which gave him nothing but a “bobtail” flush. The Colonel took three cards, but didn't better his hand, and he bet 8500 that his kings were good. The Major pulled a check book out of his pocket, made out a check for 8-1,000 and dropped it on the centre of the table. This was a challenge to the Colonel’s nerve which he didn’t hesitate a moment to accept, and without any show of excitement he promptly called the bet. The Major threw down his broken back flush, the Colonel dropped his kings and raked in the money. The game stopped there. Alexander McKenzie, Sheriff of Burleigh county for many years, was a strong player, and ranking with him were John Haggart, for fifteen years Sheriff of Cass county, and Judson Lamoure, a resident of Pembina, where he owns a great deal of property, and is a sort of whipper-in for the Republican party in that portion of the Territory. These men were known throughout the Teritory as the “Big four,” and whenever they came together there was a hard game. John Haggart was a reckless player, but his good fortune always pulled him through a game with a winning to his credit. Jud Lamoure, as he was familiarly called, was usually the victim. This quartette started a game six years ago in Fargo that continued from Wednesday at 10 o’clock p. m. until Saturday noon, and none of the players slept during that time. In the end Edwards was a big winner. Haggart pocketed some thing like 85,000, while McKenzie and Lamoure went broke. These men rarely meet nowadays over the cards. Maj. Edwards is devoting himself to the management of the Fargo Argus, of which he is editor and proprietor, and seldom sits down to cards. When he does it is but a friendly game of casino, hearts, sinch or whist. He has been turning his attention to politics of late and a few weeks ago was elected Mayor of Fargo, and his ambition is now soaring toward the halls of Congress. Alexander McKenzie last year surrendered the shrievalty of Burleigh county, and has settled back on the 8100,000 that he accumulated when he was in office. He makes Bismarck his headquarters, and he is considered the shrewdest political wire puller in Dakota. . John Haggart was knocked out of the Sheriffs office a year ago by the Democrats, and is now paying close attention to his bonanza farm on the banks of the Cheyenne river. He has made money in Dakota, and is worth 8900,iX)0. HUMBUG IN WINES. How Native Brands Are Made Foreign In the Cellars of New York. From the A’etn York Sun. “We make from 30,000,000 to 35,000,000 gallons of American wine yearly, and we do not import over 5,000,000. Those figures tell whether the wine druuk by our people is foreign or American.” So spoke a New York wine dealer. “By far the large} part of the American wine, however,” he added, “is not sold as American, but as foreign wines Only a few days ago I visited the cellar of one of the largest wine merchants in the city. It contained many thousands of gallons of American wine, the casks being marked ‘St. Julien,’ Medoc,’ etc., through the list of prominent foreign’ brands. Hotel men go there and order these wines bottled and labelled as foreign wine, and I saw in the cellar ninny thousands of labels ready for use in this wav. These parties take good care not to imitate a trade mark, but they give the wine the foreign name and sell it as foreign to their guests. It is a strictly confidential business as between the wine merchant and the hotel keeper. The American wine is bottled right there in the cellar, marked with the foreign label, and then sent to the hotel, so that the hotel proprietor is not put in tho power ot ! his steward or caterer bv the latter knowing the source from which his employer receives his wines. Of course this does not apply to ail hotels. “It is not difficult to see the advantage of all this,” went on the wine dealer. “It en ables the hotel man to sell his wines at a profit of 100 to 200 jior cent., and it enables the American wine producer to dispose of his product, that might otherwise be left on '"“But one of the most interesting decep tions ” added the wine dealer, “is that per petrated by some of the creme de. la creme upon their confiding friends. Some rich in dividual, who lias a coat of arms, amt coats of arms can always be (?ot in London at the right figure, will order a quantity of Amer ican wine 1 Kittled, and have ft label with his coat of arms stamped on the bottle. Then he Confides to his friends, as they 101 l over the dinner table, that the wine wasoxpress- V imported for his private us*. It san m „ cent sort of a fraud and the wine proba bly taste* a good deal better for it. “But selling American win** for fore'gn is nothing to the trick of making spurious X out of Cider, or American wine for a body. This is not a deception; it i* morally, and ought to tie crime Yet many thousands of gallons’of such stuff are dispoeod of yearly ni Now York. Trie flower known M the bachelor’s button mo one that doe. not stay oa loog.- .Ycw Orleans Tmyun*. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 18877 MR. KNOX’S ADVENTURE. He Has a Shadow Flirtation With tho Occupant of Berth Fifteen. From the Chicago Herald. Here is a true incident of summer travel: My friend Knox boarded the express train some time near 10 o’clock in the evening, and found the sleepers crowded with passen gers. The colored porter offered a choice of two places—the lower bunk in section 1, the upper birth lieing occupied by an old fen tinman, or the upper berth in section 5, the lower having been taken in New York by a charming young woman, according to the porter. Knox wasn’t half a minute in making a choice. No. 1 was too near tho door, over the wheels, in fact, and to 15 with the porter ho went. He took his little pair of steps in behind tho drab curtains and mounted to his perch. Each of the berths had a short vallance of lace close to tho bed, and a foot awat there swept from tho cornice a heavy drab rep curtain. Up in the cockloft Knox made a few alterations in his toilet, handed his shoes to tho porter, and addressed himself to sleep; but somehow his mind kept wandering to the lower berth. He wondered if its occupant was a blonde or a brunette. The officious porter came along talking to someone just then, and a voice as sweet as a maroon glace said below him: “Is that you, porter? Will you give me a glass of water, please?” Knox lay with his neck on the rail of his bed, as if" it was a guillotine, till the water came, and a slim, white hand stretched forth and took the glass. Then the pretty hand went out again, and fluttered around a refractory button ou the curtain. Byron has said that tho “moon sees more mischief in a month than the sun gets a shine at in r year,” and the moon really does sown to take an interest in seeing fun. As the cars were racing through bucolic scenes she burst forth in all her splendor, and throw a radiant field of white light on the surface of the drab curtain. Madam had pushed aside the little lace flounces of her couch, as she took the water, and now, as Knox rested his off ear on the side rail, he could see the sharply defined outline of a graceful head, and a shapely arm thrown partly over it. The shadow fasci nated him. It changed; evidently tho sub stance of it had turned from tho window and was facing the curtain. For an instant a hand flitted across the moon-lit square, in search, perhaps, for the little muff-like pad which railroad companies furnish for pil lows. The restless sleeper noticed the pretty shadow of her hand, no doubt, for she held it so that all the fingers were displayed. She made a fist of it. She did “fly away, Jack, come, Jill,” with her thumb ana pinky finger. In an instant Knox thought of something. He dropped his hand over the side till the moon's rays threw its shadow beside the smaller one on the rep curtain. Instantly the little one disappeared. Knox has a handsome hand. It is one of his strong points. It is a large hand, perhaps, but woU shaped, white and admirably cared for. Its proprietor showed that he admired it, for on the third Anger gleamed and glistened in the moonlight a $7OO diamond. Such a beauty! Many a time and oft, as he toyed with his moustache in public places, he had seen admiring glances wander to it. An ugly man can attract at tention with a five-karat stone, and Knox knew its attraction for the fair sex. The newly arrived shadow on the curtain hung limp and listless for a moment. Then it took the shape of the first letter of the deaf and dumb alphabet—the second—the third. Knox got on well till he arrived at H. when he seemed to be stranded. To his delight the little fist crept onto the curtain with the thumb and little finger sitting up like soldiers, helping him to the letter I. After this they went along together smooth ly until they came to O. But the lady bridged over the difficulty, and the shadow alphabet was successfully completed. Then ensued a little conversation: “How far do you go,” spelled the shadow on the curtain. “Chicago,” answered the smaller hand. “Traveling alone!” “Alas, yes.” “How nice.” “Do yon go to Chicago!” “I believe I will.” “Are you a married lady!” asked the big hand. “Widow,” responded the little digits. Knox was in the seventh heaven as well as the upper bunk. “We will have breakfast together?” said the curtain. “With pleasure,” it replied. “Do you ever indulge in a nightcap!” asked the facetious shadow. “Never wear one,” answered the obtuse one. “I mean take a little nip.” “I couldn’t think of it.” "Sweet creature,” he thought, “she can’t he much over 20. All widows of 30 like a drop of rye.” ivnox had nearly sa wed his ear off on the side of the bunk by this time, but he was enjoying himself hugely. The widow be low was bewitchingly flavored with white rose. It came up in gusts once in awhile. A silver laugh also had gurgled several times, and Knox was as pleasod as Punch with his delightful adventure. In the midst of a sentence the moon went suddenly behind a cloud, and Knox uttered his first spoken words, “Ain’t that too bad!” and a whistled “Yes” floated hack to him. "Good-night.” Knox boldly lowered his hand. The widow’s reached it. This was simply delicious. The jolt of her car swayed their clasped hands. Knox was in elysium. Go to Chicago! Why, he’d have gone to Joppa. Bidding the enamored man a soft good night, and promising to lie punc tual for breakfast the widow pulled the white lace curtains, and after awhile Knox slept. It was broad daylight when the porter eame through dropping hoots in the differ ent sections. He made an unnecessary row in 15. Knox looked out and said “Hello," and then he wondered what the negro was thrashing about the lower bunk. “Is the lady out!” he a-sked. “Warn’t no lady there boss,” said the por ter. “I sposod they was, when I tole yer, but it seemed jest afore she wont to lied she fell in wif an ole lady wat had number 21 an’ a dude of a fellow, he had a ’arf o’ that section, an’ they got to talking, and jess swapped. I never dmpi>cd to it till the dude got off back 3‘cr to Spension Bridge, an’ I seen ’im a leavin’ number 15 just here under you.” Knox was agbßst. Was he awake? He rubbed his eyes, and as he rubbed them ho noticed that his ring wasjtone. M Kl)icr\ iREcfuLAfiOR j No Home Should He Without It. rAD \A/LinQP B takes the place of a r\J ft Vv n YJOfcdoctnr and costly pre- DC M C CIT serlptlons All who lead Dt IN Cl rI I sedentary lives w ill find it the best preventive of und cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness. Files and Mental De pression. No loss of time, no interference with business while taking. Ladle* who suffer with periodical Headaches. Dizziness, Loss of Appe tite aud Debility, ltavo In tills remedy pleasant and easy moons of keeping the body In health, of clearing the eyes, und cleansing the skin of yellowness; of removing eruption* or humors from the skin. For Children it Is moot Innocent and harm leas; no danger from exposure after taking; cures Colic, Diarrhoea, Bowel Com plaints. Feverishness or Feverish Cold*. Invalids and delicate person* will find it the mildest Aperient anti Tonic they can use. A little taken at night insure* refreshing sleep anti a natural evacuation of thie bowel*. A little taken in tho morning sharpens Ihe appetite, cleanses tho stomach, and sweetens the breath. Our unde mark (Z) in red on front of wrapper is your protection. us , muMsbu. P*. CHEAP ’ADVERTISING. OKE CEKFa WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT .-1 WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. "help wanted. \\ r ANTED, a white girl to do general house t ’ work (all after 2 o’clock r. m.) at 19S Presi dent street, corner Montgomery. ( * OOD RAILROAD FOREMAN can get work ll on Savannah, Dublin and Western Short Line Railroad by applying to GRANT <2 MUNDY, Pulaski House, Savannah, Oa. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. \ r OUNG MAN six years' experience in gro cery business in this city wants situation; can give any reference required; moderate salary. G, this office. YSTANTF.D, by a white woman, position as VV nurse; good references furnished. Ad dress P„ tliis office. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\T ANTED, a good horse for his feed during V V the summer months, good taking care of guaranteed. Apply at RADF-RICK’S, 92 Bull street. 'YETANTED. a partner with small capital to go * * in auction and commission business: best stand in the city. Address J. E., care of this office. TXTANTED, board by a young man in a pri- v vate, sociable, American family. W., this office. AXTANTED. a nicely furnished room suitable ’ for gentleman and wife in a private family, with or without board; wanted near Jones and Abercorn streets. Address A., care of office. hi ■■ i booms To Rent. I .NOR RENT, large and small nicely furnished south rooms, with every convenience; rent low. 41 Broughton street. I NOR RENT, rooms, furnished or unfurnished, single or connecting. 153 South Broad. IDOR RENT, cheap, two rooms. Floyd, second door from Hun Street. I NOR RENT, eight rooms, with bath. Apply HIRSCH BROS., 21 Barnard street. HOUSES AND STOKES FOR RENT. IT'OR RENT, house 89 York street, between Habersham and Price Apply to me at office McDonough A Rallantyne, or 58 Bryan street. ROBT WARRICK. TNOR RENT, dwelling house No. 158 Barnard Jr street: thoroughly renovated and in first - classcondition; possession given immediately. DWELLING HOUSE No. 1M Barnard street: possession given October Ist; in good order throughout. IjiOß RENT, seven-room house. Apply to WM. BOUHAN, Huntingdon and .fiercer streets. I NOR RENT, brick house Barnard street, cen -1 trally located. Inquire 168 Bryan street. I NOR RENT, the conveniently located house No. 151 York street, near Barnard. I NOR RENT, a thirteen-room house: thor oughly furnished; splendid location for boarders; terms moderate. Address X. Y T . Z., Morning News. I NOR RENT, comfortable dwelling of five rooms, with kitchen outside; garden in front; water in vard; low rent to good tenant. Apply 53 Reynolds street. I NOR RENT, residence No. 99 Liberty street; . thoroughly repaired; bath room and gas; seven rooms. Apply to W. J. HARTY, Execu tor I NOR RENT OR SALE, the large and commo -1 dious dwelling No. 132 Gaston street, three stories on a basement and three rooms deep, fronting the Park. For terms address J., P. O. Box No. 106. I NOR RENT, 146 Hull, on northwest corner of Whitaker. Apply to Da. PURSE, 140 Liberty street. ~ FOIv RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICES for RENT.—The old Southern Bank building is now being divided into offices, which are for rent singly or in suites. Apply to JOHN FLANNERY A CO. FOR SALE. TNOR SALE, cheap, a nice Turnout, consisting ' of young dappled grey mare, sound and gentle, good buggy and harness. Party leaving the city for the summer. Apply LUKE CAR SON. ___ A LARGE REDUCTION and anew selection , V of Cloths for Summer Suits. Call and have your suit made. GAZAN'S, Bull. TNOR SALE, cheap, ft very gentle Saddle Pony, ‘ with bridle and saddle. Apply at RADER ICK’S, 92 Hull street. _____ I NOR SALE, a few lemon and white “full stock” setter pups. J. E. CONSTANTINE, 85 Congress street, rpwo LOTS FOR SALE in good location, 1 Apply to WM. BOL'HAN, Huntingdon and Mercer streets. A BHEVILLE LAND SALE.—At Asheville, il North Carolina, there w-yi be sold at public auction twenty-four (2lichoice lots in the north ern and most desirable portion of tho city for residence. Sale to take place on the premises Monday, July Ith, at, 11 a. h. Ternib of pur chase: One-fourth cash and balance in one, two and three years with interest at seven per cent, per annum. Title reserved until all payments are made. For further particulars call on or address A. J. LYMAN, Real Estate Broker, Asheville, N. C. . (NOR SALE, an improved first class farm and village property within one mile of three railroads in one of the healthiest and pleasant est parts of Florida; property valued at, 83,000; will take SI,OOO if sold within ten days; satis factory reasons given for selling. Address DOCTOR, 42 Jefferson street, Savannah. BROKE HORSES; work in harness and good saddlers; also, one gentle Saddle Horse for children to learn to ride, at COX’S STABLES. MATCH PAIR BAY PONIES, match well and stylish In harness, at C< )X’S STABLES. 1,”OR SALE, a well established and paying re ’ tail business; a small capital required. Reason for selling owner wishes to change busi ness. Address at once BUSINESS, care this office. FAIL to go to NEIDLINOER * RA BUN’S for bargains in Trunks, Satchels, Harness and Garden Hose. IINORI INOR SALE, laths, Shingles. Flooring, Ceiling, ' Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taj lor amt East Broad streets. Telephone No. 211. REPP ARP A CO. toga Trunks, Satchels and Buggy il ana's* very cheap. Garden Hose at Bc. per foot. INOR SALE. ROSEDKW Lots, 60 feet on Front street along tho river ami MX) feet deep, at $125, payable $25 cash and Jl2 50 every six months, with interest. FI Vi-1-ACRE Lot* in the TOWN OF ROSF.DEW. with river privileges, at SIOO, payable $2 (rash and $5 every three months, with interest. Apply to Dn. FALLIGANT, 151 South Brood street, a to 10 A. M. itaily BUMMER RESORTS. STRICTLY first clams rooms and board: finest location in New Y’ork city; terras, 92 per day. $lO per week. Address Mns. WHITE, 16 West Thirty first street, between Fifth avenue and Broadway. ___________ THE WHITLOCK HOUSE, Marietta, Oa. Ca- W pooity. 125 guests; large, well furnished rooms; handsome dining room; house lighted by gas; large, shaded grounds: blilinnl*. lawn tennis, croquet, and howling alley, all free for guests Hot and cold water, shower, electric and Turkish bathe, ail new. Term* for board more reasonable than other first-class hotels. M. <). WHITLOCK, owner and Proprietor. HOT SPRINGS. NORTH CAKOLINA. -RUT LAND PARK COTTAGE (old Rumbough Mansion), one of the flnost private boarding houses in Western North Carolina. Send for , i-vulnr, WM T. MESSENGER, Proprietor. SIR AVID. STRAYED, from residence northeast corner Ilotton and Abercorn streets, tn English Fox Terrier Pup; white, with spot* on breast, ward wWtetaU ret A PHOTOGRAPHY. SPECIAL NOTICE -PHOTOGRAPHY—Prices reduced Petite* $1 60, Card* $2, Cabinet $3 per dozen, and Utswwork in the same pro portion. J. N. WILSON. 21 Bull street. lIFE Rise Crayons in handsome frame* for J sls; fine photographs of all sizes as ridieu lously low in price. Call and see at LAUNEY it GOEBEL'SGALLERY, Ml nnd H3 Brough ton street, Savannah, Ua. MI SUE M. AN KOl>. ~ IT EVERY MOTHER recommends ‘‘Boracine” j because It is the best Nursery Powder and prevents chafing. DON'T fail to call and see our Children's Car riages. Our goods are bought direct from factories audit enables us to Sell them lower than you can buy at any public sale. We also carry n complete line of house furnishing goods at NATHAN BROS.. 188 Congress street, LUMPEN A B ITES s. M. H. THE HOUSE THAT 'fm&tk -j f?ii;Sp3 ' .- 1 Wmm Big House, Ain’t It? ykw ! A NO within its walls you will find an army of . clerks, who, notwithstanding the hot weather, arc pushed to their utmost to keep up with the orders flowing in upon us from Maine to Mexico. Yea! it seems that, the hotter the weather the greater the stream of orders. Hence we are BIZZY AZ BEZE! Still we. like the much abused conductor, can make room for one more, and if you want a PIANO or ORGAN we ll crowd your order In rather than disappoint. Now is your lime to make a purchase and have BIG MUZ IC K all summer long. Give us a call and we'll astonish you. Bargains heretofore unheard of, almost endless time and minute installment* to help you out in making a purchase, while our line embraces the CHICKERINO, MASON It HAMLIN. MATHUSIIEK. BENT and ARION riANOS, MASON ft HAMLIN. PACK ABU OR CHESTRAL and BAY STATE ORGANS. DROP AROUND AND SEE US. Ludden k Bales Music House, Savannah, Ga. itAILROAD BONDS. The undersigned offers for sale, at par ex-.l uly Coupon $500,000 of the •MARIETTA AND NORTH GEORGIA RAILWAY COMPANY'S FIRST MORTGAGE PER CENT. FIFTY YEAR BONDS, in multiples of SI,OOO to suit buyers. rpHESE bonds can be safely taken by inves 1 tors as a reliable B per cent, security, which will, in all probability, advance to 15 points above par within the next three or four years, as this road will traverse a country unsurpassed for mineral wealth, for climate, for scenery, for agricultural purposes, and for attractiveness to the settler. The company ha* mortgaged its franchise and entire line of railroad, built and to he built, nnd all its other property, to th<j Boston Rate Drioslt and Trust (lompany to secure its issue of 60-year K per cent, bonus. These bonds will he issuedat the rate of about $17,000 per mile, on n line ex tending from Atlanta, Ga., to Knoxville, Teun. A sinking fund is provided for their redemption. It. will be one of the best paying roads in the South. It will be of standard gauge and will develop a region of country extending from Middle Georgia, through North Carolina to Knoxville, Tenn.. wiiere it will connect with lines leading to Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and Pittsburg. The road is now completed to Murphy, N C., and is to be pushed on to Knoxville as fast as the nature of the country will permit. The high financial standing and energy of the men prin cipally interest ed in it sufficiently guarantees its early completion. Further information will be furnished upon application to A. L. HARTRJDOE, Savannah, (Ta , or to BOODY, McLELLAN & CO„ 57 Broadway, New York. jAI NTS AM) OILS. LLOYD & ADAMS, SUCCESSOR* TO A. B, COLLINS A CO., The Old Oliver Paint and Oil House, Y STILL keen a full line of Door*, Rash, Blinds it and Builders’ Hardware, Paints, Oils, Steamboat ami Mill Supplies, Lime, Plaster. Cement, etc Window Glass a specialty. All sizes and kinds of Packing. A large lot of odd size Sash, Doors and Blinds will be sold at a dis count. AT THE OLD STAND, No. 5, Whitaker St., Savannah, Ga. JOHN G. BUTLER, WHITE LEADS, COLORS, OII.S, GLASS, W VARNISH, ETC.: READY MIXED PAINTS: RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, SASHES. DOORS. BUNDS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME. CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. 1365. CHIUS. Millin', 1865. House, Sign and Ornamental Painting IT* XECUTED NKATT.Y and with (lisjwtah. j paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, W indow (ilaswt;, etc., etc. intimates furnished on ap plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS., Rear of Christ Church. ~, „ ■■ , rtiOUB. HECKER’S SELF-RAISING FLOUR Yields more Bread than flour raised with yeast, is finer, more digestible and nutritious. Always Ready ! Perfectly Healthful! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Geo. Y. Hecker & Cos., 176 BAY BTREET, SAVANNAH. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chaa. F, Wakefield, PLUMBER, GiS anil STEAM FITTER, 48 Barnard street, SAVANNAH, UA. Xck'iiiwuc 375. LEGAL SALEgjiQ^^^ rale. Orrtrr. t Savannah, June 7,1887. f r T NPERAN*DBY VIRTUE of a special tax l execution placed in my bands by C. 8. HaRHEE, City Treasurer, I have levied on, and will sell in accordance with law, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY, I*B7, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the city of Savannah, Chatham county, Geor gia. the following property, to-wlt: One Pool Table, Cues and Balls, levied on as the property of J. L. MURPHY, Purchasers paying for titles. -ROBERT J. WADE, * City Marshal. MILLINERY. Platshek’s, 138 Broughton St. These 3 Colossal Hues \T7ILI, be closed out pretty well if low prices * and grand value can accomplish snob ends. Those not the least in need of these goods would profit by purchasing them and laying them aside for future use. Gloves! Gloves! Gloves! LADIES' ELEGANT LISLE GLOVES in tans, black and w hite, which wo formerly sold at 23c., 86c. and 50c. are now reduced to lie,, 25c. and 85c. 1 oldies’Best Pure Silk Gloves in Inns, black and white, that wo formerly sold at sl, $125, $1 SO are now reduced to 50c., 75c., sl. 3RD pair* 8-button length Lisle Jersey Gloves, Cuffs, elaborately embroidered with silk, only 25c. per pair, worth formerly 76c. Childrens' Gloves in uniform cheapness. Mills! Ills! Mitts! SCO pair* Childrens’ Pure Bilk Mitts, In cream, tans, pinks, white and blues, reduced to 25c. Ladies’Pure Silk Jersey Mitts in every new shade of this season’s wear which weres7, $1 25, $1 50 are reduced now to 50c., 73c., Sl ot*) pairs Ladies' Short Black Knit Silk Mitts reduced to 85c. a pair. HOSIERY! HOSIERY! HOSIERY! 1.000 pairs Children*' Fancy Striped Hose, sizes l> to 8)4, reduced to BJ4c„ formerly sold at 15c. pair. 30 dozen Children*’ Rnnerb Rlhlied Hoe, solid shades, sires 7 to 8)4, reduced to 12)4c. from 900. pair. S3 dozen Childrens’ English Thread Regular- Made Hose in fancy stripes, dark and light ground patterns, reduced to 15c.; formerly sold at 85c. and 35c. 300 dozen Ladies' Fancy fitripe Cotton Hoze at 6k|c. pair; former price iOe. T 25 dozen Ladies Black Hose white feet and extra length, reduced to 12)4c.; was formerly 30c. 60 dozen Ladies' Very Best Superfine Regular- Made Balbriggan Hose reduced to 23c, ; price 40e Cheering reductions proportionately in all other styles of Ladles', Gents' and Childrens’ Hose. Cloninsj Out Bargain** in Fresh Canton Mattings, Ladies’ Muslin Under wear, Linen Ulsters. I-adles' anil Childrens' Aprons, Millinery and our other varied branches. P. S.—Country orders promptly attended to. T- ..I— - . 1 CLOTHING. /OH STOCK at all times containing the V / apparel of correct and seasonable taste is now complete with an assortment of goods which will I>e found especially interesting for , those preparing for the country. Parucula attention is invited to our line of L. &B.S.M.H. BUILT. DUSTERS, IEGLI&EE SHIRTS, Bathing Suits, House and Lounging Coats, NEGLIGEE CAPS, POJAMAS, And the many little fixings which add so materially to comfort and appearance during an Outing. We are also showing several novelties In SUMMER WEAR, which am delightfully cool and of tho styles and fabrics used in fashionable centres We will consider it a pleasure to show any one through our stock. A. FALK & SON. JCK. ICEI Now Is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell It. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pound*, 75c. HO Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to largo buyers. I O ES Packed for Bhipment at reduced rate*. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER IGB GO. 144 ILVY ST. um SALE. HOTEL SITE FOR SALE. TTIF, site known a* the United State* Bar racks, Savannah, Ga., purchased for hotel purposes, 1* offered for aale, condition'd on the erection of a modern hotel of not lea* than 200 room* within two yearn front delivery of title*. The property In cunt,rally located, measures 230 by Alt) feet, with street* oo all aide*, one of which 1* the promenade of the city, and faces south on a beautiful park. Savannah baa gas, electric light*, river and artesian water works, street railroads, paid fire department. splendid police force, etc. It i* the headquarters of two extensive railroad systems, and tbo southern terminus of four steamship line*. It is an active commercial centre, a* well as one of the handsomest, arid healthiest eitie* in the Union. This la the beat often, ng to-day in the South for a first-ebux hotel. For further particulars ad dress K. A. WKILor ED. V. NKUFVILLE, Sa vannah. Ga. UNDKRTAKKR. W. I>. D 1 XONr UNDERTAKER UUttK 111 At.L SINUS OS COFFINS AND CASKETS, 43 Bu]l *, r*. Residence W Liberty street. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. C. H. DORSETT’S COLUMN. Commissioners’ Sale for Partition. C. 11. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Superior Court of Chatham oounty, in the case of SARAH A WALTON versus HETTY E. WHALEY and the MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS' LOAN ASSOCIATION, petitltion for partition, we will sell, before the Court House door in Savannah, during the legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1887, All of that certain portion of land and the tenements thereon, known as sub-dlvlsions Nos. 1 and 2of lot Number 12 Trustees Garden, hav ing a front on Reynolds street of seventy-seven '"et and six inches, with a depth of eighty-two ret for sub-division No, 1, and sixty-five fast lor No. 2. Terms cash. C. H. DORSET?, J. L. WHATLEY, U. H, M -LAWS, < 'oinmissionOT. i hi kike FOR SALE, Containing three bed cham bers and bath room on third floor; a parlor, back parlor and piazza on second floor; dining room, store room and kitchen on first floor. The two-story outbuilding contains four rooms. This house is in a good locality, convenient to two lines of cars, churches and schools. As the owner is moving from the city a good bargain can lie had. A handsome, well-appointed dwelling near the Park. Ia point of location, surround ings and general “ make up ” the most, critical should be suited with this piece of realty. Near S., F. & W. Ry. Depot 1 have a fine property, well adapted to business purposes, private dwelling or a board ing house. No City Tax. Beyond Anderson street, I can sell one corner lot Second Avenue and Whitaker, and one inside lot between Whitaker and Barnard on Second Ave nue. —ALSO — One lot on Montgomery, facing east, between First and Second Avenues. For $1,500 I will sell in the New Addi tion (beyond Anderson) a two-story residence containing three bedrooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen. Lot 30x 145. This is a bargain. For $lO per month and SSO Cash I will sell a beautiful lot in Youthville. Southern front, magnificent oaks and thickly* settled neighborhood. Bor S2OO, To be paid in reasonable time after purchase is made—• $l4O one year thereafter, $ 150 two years thereafter and $lO5 three years thereafter, and no interest—l will sell a lot 30x100 on Lorch street, between Jefferson and Mont gomery streets. A WEST BROAIf STREET CORNER, In a good locality, good for business or residence, size 75 feet on West Broad by 49 feet deep. One Other Chance. For SIOO Cash And time payments as follows: One year after purchase, S9O; Two years after purchase, $95; Three years after purchase, SIOO, without interest, I will sell a lot on New Houston 1 street, near Burroughs. C. H. DorsettT , REAL ESTATE DEALBL 3