The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 29, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. .NEWS OP THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. A Shooting Affray on the Streets of Griffin—A Rabun County Mine Idle— Covington Wants a Public School Bystem—Two Negresses Object to Jim Crow Cars—A Fatal Boiler Ex plosion. GEORGIA. A petrified pine knot was found near Gib son. a few days ago. CoL Seaborn Jones has donated to Rock mart enough land for a cemetery. Vannerson &: Cos., of Augusta, have teased the Georgia Railroad's grain elevator at that place. The Hill City Cadets, of Rome, are to be reorganized, and John C. Printup is to be called to the Captaincy. The Christians will erect a house of wor ship at Rockmart this summer. CoL Sea born Jones donated them a lot. The Rome Brick Company turned out tbeir first kiln of brick Saturday, 300,000. They are now ready to be delivered. The peach crop around Covington is a failure this season. The yield of wheat per acre this year is a very good average. The following gentlemen are being spoken of as candidates for Mayor of Sandersville: CoL Gilmore, Dr. Rawlings, Dr. Summerlin and Dr. Roberta. July 7 will be a big day in Bluff ton. State Commissioner of Agriculture J. T. Henderson and CoL Redding, of Atlanta, ■will address the farmers on farming. The resignation of Deputy Collector IV. T. Trammell, of Griffiu, has"been accepted, to go into effect July 1, and Eugene Blalock, of Jonesboro, will take his place. The Governor having declared the office of Tax Collector of Washington now vacant, the Ordinary has ordered an election to be held on Wednesday, July 20, to fill the va cancy. There is scarcely a doubt now but that Americus will have the telephone, as thirty five contracts were signed before noon Mon day out of the forty that was necessary to secure it. A hail and wind storm passed over Dr. Summerlin’s, Messrs. B. J. Wilson's and Jesse Newsome’s plantations in Washington county, doing considerable damage to crops and outhouses. The hot and dry weather had for several weeks ha* hurt the corn crop in Washington county, but the refreshing showers of the past, few days have put the crops in fine growing condition. Saturday the Masons of the two lodges in [Rome assembled at Floyd Spring with the Floyd Spring lodge. At a meeting resolu tions in favor of prohibition were adopted by a vote of 194 to 6. United States Senator Joseph E. Brown, in his character as President of the Board of Education of Atlanta, by his casting vote, has decided that hereafter colored [teachers only shall be employed in colored schools. So closely does the appearance of the murderous ruffian Bill Colsan tally with the description of the murderer of Bailiff Skipper, in Cuthhert Borne weeks ago, that he is being held at Ma con to await a full investigation. At a festival five miles above Rocky Ford Saturday night Beaurie Sapp shot, Dan Nel son through the head with a pistol and fled At last accounts Nelson was still alive, but fcis brains were said to be oozing out of the bullet hole, and he is doubtless dead by this time. Both parties were negroes. Cotton and corn around Rockmart are looking fine. Cotton blooms are fifteen days earlier this season than last. W. A. Cal houn says he has seventeen acres of corn head high. Wheat is turning out remark able well and of very fine quality. Oats are also much better than was first thought. Since the Sunday soda and cigar law has begun to be so vigorously enforced, people in South Macon wonder why it is that a daguerrean art ist is allowed to keen his shop open on a public portion of Third street, and ply his trade all day Sundays. They cannot see the eternal justice of this matter. Col. J. W. Preston, of Monti cello, has re ceived the appointment as agent of Indian affairs at a point in California. Col. Pres ton is a prominent lawyer and a brother of the Representative from Jasper county in the Georgia Legislature. Tiie appointment came through Secretary Lamar, and the salary is SI,BOO per year, v At Rome Saturday Cant. John J. Seay purchased, through Bassfit Hill, the half in terest of Mr. B. I. Hughes in the AVhiteley livery stable property, paying £3.000, which is an advance of S7OO over the price paid for it during the recent Imom. Capt. Soav also purchased from Dean & Ewing the "Hoyt drug store property, paying for it $7,000, which is also better than was the boom price. Col. M. J. Hatcher, of Mac; in, has just returned from Birmingham, where he suc ceeded in organizing a stock company to manufacture his iron wagon. Anniston and Decatur wanted to procure the factory, but Birmingham, with their usual enter prise, sent a man to meet Col. Hatcher at Columbus, and see the wagon. The stock wa* all taken without moving the wagon from the depot. The superstitious negroes of South Macon have been much disturbed over the peculiar condition of one of their number who had been in the business of cow-minding in the swamps below the city. His name was Jackson, and he was taken violently ill some time ago, and eventually died of a strange and peculiar malady. The negroes aver that during his illness, while raging in delirium, he constantly “lowed like a cow,” and made other noises suggestive of bovine associa tions. Sheriff Fountain, of Wilkinson county, was in Sandersville Friday. He came for the purpose of taking Thomas Holland icoJored) to Irwinton. Holland was indicted 1n Wilkinson in 1883 for assault with intent to murder, the attack being made upon an other negro. He evaded the officers and left the county. Constable George L. Avant effected his arrest at Oconee a few days since and lodged him in jail. After four years of hiding he will now be made to meet the demands of the law. The Rocky Face Spring Company, which ha* recently opened up a beautiful group of some twenty-five springs above Dalton, on the Western and Atlantic railroad, lias been distributing water from one of them, which, it is claimed, almost instantly checks cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, nausea, anil atjove all, tliat dread scourge, summer com plaint in teething children. Its effects are Instantaneous, and so far not a single fail ure occurred, even where children had reached that stage where they could retain neither nourishment or physic. The days of paregoric and soothing syrup aro num liered iu and around Dalton. Thieves again entered Ihn Episcopal church at A meric us Friilay night by break log out several panes of glass and raising one of the windows. All of tho keys to both tbe inner and outer doors were carried off, but nothing else, so fur as is known, was molested, although two handsome solid t.l ver waiters were upon the organ at tho time. It is thought by some that the object nf the thief or thieves is to secure the keys and make the church a sleeping place at night. The church was entered in the same tvay a short, while since and tho keys ear ned off as in this instance. Tho police are keeping slmrp lookout for the rascals. Alluiny .Verna and Advertiutr: A drunken nuui is a rare sight on tho streets of Albany theoe days. A few years ago it was ah every day thing. To what do we attribute Hus reformatory change, we are asked i Not to prohibition nor to wiytbing like an or ganized or legalized temperance crusade, we answer, but to the progress of religion, tho discipline of society and the discriminating methods of business. All these influences ore t hrown in favor of the man who keeps sober, and he whose life i* in defiance of them finds himself ignored by one of less habits, A reform that is f■ u the demands of such influ- and permanent one. As the construction train was returning to Americus from Flint river on .Saturday night last, a negro man was knocked off one of the cars and had rather a narrow escape from se.rious injury. He was stretched out upon the car fast asleep, with his head pro jecting over the side when suddenly it was brought with terrible force against a light wood stump near the track. The darkey was knocked from the car by the force of the blow, and the train at once stopped, his companions expecting to And him mangled beyond repair or recognition, but greatly to their surprise, the darkey was already upon his feet, uninjured and swearing roundly at having had his sweet dreams so rudely disturbed. The receipts and expenditures incident to the inspection of fertilizers for the past season are as follows: 166,078.08 tons have been inspected during the past season, the foes amounting to $83,039 01. The expenses have consisted of tags, express charges, tele grams, dravage, stationery, traveling ex penses, all of which amounted to $4,771 66. leaving a balance which was paid into the treasury of $78,307 33. The salaries of in spectors amounted to $10,200, leaving a net balance of $68,107 35. This is the largest net balance ever paid into the treasury on this account save one. which occurred in the season of 1884-85, when it amounted to $70,183 73. The bureau of inspection is not only a vast benefit to the farmers, prevent ing worthless manures from being imposed on them, but is a source of considerable revenue to the State. Gov. Gordon has not taken any action as yet in the case of Isabella Rooney, the white woman confined at the Chattahoochee brick yard camp. The pressure upon the Governor to pardon the unfortunate woman is very strong, and it is probable that he will do something to relieve her condition. It is said that the lessees of camp No. 3 are very anxious to get rid of the woman. She is intensely ignorant, and she is kept under lock and key in order that she may be protected against any improper assault. She is a white woman of a very low order of civilization, her dialect being that peculiar South Georgia style charac teristic of the lower class of white people who live among the pine forests. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union promise to look after the woman in the event of her freedom. Gov. Gordon received, some days ago, a letter from a young lady in Flint Hill, Va., in which he was requested to send his photo graph. The young lady declared that her name was “Virginia Gordon,” that her pa rents called her so in honor of her native State and after the General, whose reputa tion in Virginia was widespread for bravery in battle and kindness to nis soldiers. The lady was born during the war, and was named about the time Gen. Gordon was campaigning in Virginia. She stated much interest had been manifested in his race for the Gubernatorial chair, and had she been able to have voted would certainly have cast her ballot for hi>r namesake. She ex pressed the wish that the Governor would have a long and prosperous reign and every personal blessing. The Governor wrote her an autograph letter, and enclosed his photo graph. At Milner Sunday night unknown parties entered the blacksmith shop of Jordan Han nel. and arming themselves with sledge hammer, auger and chisel, forced an en trance through the front door of the post office by breaking off the lock, and after opening all the letters that showed any sus picions of i-ontaining money, rifling all the money drawers, appropriating a goodly number of stamps, ana committing some other depredations on the stock of goods of B. A. Howe,, forced their way out by the back door, leaving the house exposed to other unprincipled scoundrels for the bal ance of the night. From there they went to the furniture store of B. P. Ferguson. They again forced an entrance through the front door by breaking off the lock, and by tear ing open money drawers, scattering notes and carrying off goods, damaging him to the amount of $25 or S3O. A portion of the survivoi-s of the First Georgia regiment and the Twelfth Georgia battalion assembled in the court house at Sandersville on June 22 to organize for the purpose of holding a reunion of the above named commands at Sandersville Aug. 3. On motion of B. S. Boatwright the chair man appointed a committee of forty, to be selected from each command, to solicit for a barbecue for the reunion of the First Georgia regiment and Twelfth Georgia bat talion on Aug. 3, at Sandersville, who are requested to report to the chairman, Col. B. T>. Evans, on Tuesday, July 5, 1887. Th? chairman ap pointed the following i-ommittee: B. S. Boat wright, IV. C. Mathews, G. VV. Peacock, John A. Robson, John A. Martin, John W. Layton, G. W. Hartly, Abel Cason, George S. Avant, M. K. Wood, Sr., W. H. Avant, C. A. Move, Edward Martin, Johnson coun ty, T. O. "Wicker, D. R. Gumming, AValkcr G. Knight, George VV. Mills, M. M. Mathis, J. Frank Walker, W. H. Hines, N. H. Jor dan, W. H. Fulghum, J. J. Jordan, W. R. Robinson, G. B. Thigpen, R. J. Moye, I. Herman, M. H. Boyer, .1. T. Youngblood, W. E. Watkins, Jasper M. Rtubbs, R. J. McCoy, L. I). Newsome. John R. Wicker, M. O. Leyerott, VV. A. Smith, S. M. Gil more, W. J. Jordan. Anderson M. Riddle, A. J. Trawick, M. K. Kinman of Jefferson county. The lime quarry, three miles northeast of Rockmart, continues to be the scene of most remarkable discoveries of animal life in human form of pre-existing ages. Some of the workmen wno lived in town had large crowds around them Suuday morning last listening to the wonderful stories they relate relative to the giant skele ton found in a cave ten feet below the sur face of the rock. They state that a skele ton of a woman was found lying on its face. When removed or handled carelessly it de composes. J. H. Dunn visited the quarry last Sunday and says he never saw anything before like it. He also told the reporter that some boys found another skeleton on the mountain insome clefts of rocks. He hrought a piece of its jawbone along with him, and says “men of this duy and time are too small for such jawbones.” Another curious feature to be found is small mounds of rock on the floor of the cave, in each of which large human bones arc deposited. One of the gentlemen living in town exhibited sev eral pieces of liones from the cave. One piece he brought to town with him has a figure live cut into its surface. Among many other strange and unaccountable arti cles found in the cave was a knife of a make and style of age whereunto the memory of mail runneth not. The incredulous had better call at the quarry and enlighten their minds. The Georgia State Agricultural Society announces that the twelfth annual session and exhibition of fruits, plunts and vege tables will be hold at Dalton on Thursday, Friday am! Saturday, Aug. 4, 5 and 6. Fol lowing is the programme: First day—The convention will assemble at 10 a.m.; ad dress of welcome and response; calling roll of members; president's address; appoint ment of committees. Afternoon session— Reports of districts and standing commit tees; essays and discussion. Night session— Discussion on catalogue. Essay ; by prac tical horticulturist' will be read upon the following topics, and discussion will follow the reading of each essay: 1, the chief olislaeles to successful fruit culture, as regards soil, climate, insects, diseases, etc., and the best remedies;; 2, apple culture in the cotton States: 3, facts connected with the new early varieties of i leaches and other fruits intended for Northern markets; 4, l>est methods of yacking and shipping fruit; 5, the newer fruits; (1, grapC'Culturefor mar ket and wine making; 7, utilization of sur plus fruit; 8, strawberry and other small fruits; 9, changes effected upon some vege tables by climate ami cultivation; 10, njulch ing and othor methods to counteract effects of drought; 11, best methods to embolish city gardens; 12. improvement of rural homes; 13, lecture upon entomology with relution to fruit growing. Second day. reports of special committees; election of officers; time and place of next essays and discussion. After- THE MORNING NEATS: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 29, 1887. noon session, essays and discussion. Night session, experience meeting. Third day’, discussions ande ssays. Afternoon session, unfinished and miscellaneous business; new business; adjournment. At Macou Saturday, in the United States Circuit Court, in the case of J. K. O. Sher wood against Rebecca Rduntree, Judge Speer rendered a decision in his ehprge to the jury which is regarded by leading mem bers of "the bar as one of the most far-reach ing and important hi its consequences which has been made in this circuit for years. The pendency of an immense number of suits against land owners in Georgia in which the principle decided is appli cable, gives it this important. The testimony in the case was that the agents of the money lenders did i a ted 20 per cent byway of commissions, ana counsel in argument stated that in all the. borrower had paid 43 per cent, interest This, of course, under the Georgia taw, would be usurious, and the usury would render void any deed or mortgage made to secure such a debt, provided that the true lender of the money had notice of the usury. It was in evidence that Sherwood, through the Cor bin Banking Conuiany of New York, had made manv of "these loans, ana Judge Speer charged the jury that if from the nature of the transac tion, the great number of the loans of this character made where the deeds and mortgages were executed to the plain tiff in this case; the continuous nature of the transactions and importance of the amounts involved, it was reasonable to be inferred that a man of ordinary prudence in his business transactions would under stand and know it, in the absence of proof to the contrary, and that presumption 'not rebutted by proof would charge him with all the consequences of the usurious con tract of his agents; and that if this be true, the plaintiff can only recover the legal rah' of interest. The most widespread effect of the decision will be that such usury would render void the deeds and mortgages exe cuted to these usurious loans. Just a half mile from the corporation line of Griffln. on the Macon road, there nestles in a beautiful grove the cozy home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyons. Recently W. H. H. Lyons, the father of Mrs. Lyons, arrived from Rochester, N. Y., on a visit. In wandering over the farm his attention was attracted to a peculiar, yet familiar to him, formation of the ground. The earth at a particular place had every indication of bituminous limestone, a never-failing sign of gas and petroleum. Upon a close examination of the earth he discovered that there was that damp, oily appearance indicative of pe troleum. The exudation appeared so clearly that he is confident that ne cannot lie mis taken in his opinion that gas and petroleum can be found in this place. Mr. Lyons’ opinion in this matter is valuable. He was raised in Rochester, N. Y., and is per fectiy familiar with the oil fields of Bloomdale. He has made exten sive investigations of the subject and says there is no reason why as fine oil and gas cannot be found here as in New York, Pennsylvania or Ohio. In his investigation he learned that the Indians when here were in the habit of coming to a spring near by this place for water, which they called “medicine water.” Old Uncle Tillman Sea graves, who recently died near this place, remembered well Indians ooming after thLs water and relating wonderful cures effected by it. It is true, continued Mr. Lyons, that the Indians used to collect the petroleum oil on the shores of Seneca Lake and sell it as medicine, by the name of “Seneca or Yene see oil.” An effort will be made to have an analysis made to ascertain if there is gas or oil. "Should a gas and oil well be found it is impossible to foretell the beneficent results to Griffin and Sp&ldiug county. The well will, be sufficiently convenient to "run pipes into the city, so that instead of the flickering kero sene lamps that now dimly light, our streets, natural gas jets will adorn and beautify the town. FLORIDA. Leesburg has not quarantined. Leesburg’s fire company has been re organized with E. H. Mote, one of the lead ing merchants, as chief. The citizens of Leesburg have made ar rangements for a grand barbecue and cele bration there on Saturday, July 2. At Altoona the brick foundation for the new Methodist church, which is to be 35x60 feet, has been laid, and work is progressing daily. Benjamin Boyd, assistant postmaster at Palatka, has returned, having failed to be appointed Post Office Inspector. J. E. Alex ander, of Enterprise, got the office. At Jacksonville Monday Charles F. Poet ting, doing a general grocery business, made an assignment lor the benefit of his credit ors to Messrs. Mayer & Muller, assignees. The Hotel Gazette , published in New York, says that, Henry M Flagler, of the Ponce rle Leon, will start a daily paper in St. Augustine to be larger than any now in tfee State. If there is anything in what politicians say Eustis, Tavares, Leesburg, Altoona, Fort Mason, Lisbon, Yalaha, Mount Dora, Lady Lake, Okeehumkee and Whitney are sure of the court house. The Willing Workers, a band of young girls of the Presbyterian church, hail the privilege of selling icecream and cake on the grounds at the Masonic celebration at Orlando and cleared $45, to be added to the fund for rebuilding their church. Tom Davis, better known as “Short Tom,” of Palatka, had a melon patch a day or two ago of which he felt quite proud. One fine morning since he awoke to find that be had been robbed of some twenty-five or thirty choice cantaleups and musk melons. The work of erecting the new hospital of the South Florida railroad was begun at Sanford Monday morning. It will be a substantial and eprri for table wooden struc ture, and, as the old one has, will receive the careful attention of the officials of the road. At Orlando last year in April Messrs. Haynes Young and Bailey planted 100 vines of the white Niagara grape, one of which lias made an aggregate growth of nearly 40 feet, and the vines have set and riiiened fruit of first-rate quality, the hunches being oom pact and solid ana the fruit juicy and lus cious. This successful experiment will re ’ suit in a large planting of the above grape in that vicinity. At Carrabelle business of all kinds is at a standstill. A month ago the air was full of railroad prospects, but as yet no work has boon done. Five different companies have, during the part seven years, published their prospectus regarding the road from Thom asvfllu and Tallahassee to the Gulf. The last Legislature gave the present company the final extension of time. In eighteen months the road from the Gulf to Talla hassee must lie completed or the charter is forfeited. It seems to be the opinion that Austin & I,ankester have a bonanza in the ownership of the beach property opposite HmyrnH. It the project to extend the railroad across to the fieai ii ever materializes Austin & Lan kester will bless the name of Florida, and the railroads, too. They were particularly fortunate to secure a tract of land over which the railroad must pass and also to have its terminal facilities. Similar lands on tho beach, opposite Daytona, sell to-day at per foot front. At Jacksonville Monday Clark & Loftus perfected arrangements for tho lease of George R. Foster's building, at the corner of Hay and Clay streets, ns soon as it can bo rebuilt . This time they will occupy the en tire building, and to that end it will be ar ranged tr> meet the peculiar requirements of their business, supplied with elevators, etc. The now building will l*> more ornamental than tho old one was, will lie more substan tially built, and, in all probability, instead of being three, it will be four stories high and nicely fitted up. Among tho passengers on tho steamer Florence, who put up at tho National Hotel at Cleveland Saturday wus George it. Schultz, postmaster, United Htales Custom House officer, merchant, proprietor of the celebrated Tarpon House, in charge of Western Union Telegraph and Ocean Cable aud health officer from Punta Rasta, lie has several more offices, such as Mayor, notary public, president of a debating society, and captain of a l>ase ball club, and stall he isn’t proud or stuck up. He is on his way to New York to spend the summer. The South Florida Railroad Company has discontinued the trains between Kissimmee and Tampa, and it is now announced that the regular passenger trains between San ford and Tampa, known as t’uo stealntioat express trains, will tie discontinued after next Sunday. This will leave only the Cuban mail" trains. This road has main tained since its opening the most comforta ble service in Florida, and is entirely excus able from this furlough from its heretofore famous schedule. The quarantine regula tions hinder travel and these trains are not needed. Sine* the rainy season has begun a clo*e observance of the orange groves around Or-' lando reveals a coming crop of summer bloom such as ha* never been seen here be fore. A correspondent was shown a young budded grove Saturday the trees in which are studded with minute blossom buds and some that are showing white. The proba bilities are that Orlando is going to have a summer crop next year that will bring at least double the price of an orange winter crop. The oid seedling groves are budding also, but not so profusely as the one referred to above, but so far as can be learned this blooming will be general. Monday a colored man from some of the southern counties was bound for Jackson-' ville, but having failed to provide himself with the necessary health certificate was nut off the steamer by the inspector at Point La Vista. He aftenvard stated his case to some ond whom he chanced to meet, and this individual volunteered to give the col ored man a certificate for so. AVithout knowing any lirtter he gave the man $5, who wrote out a certificate which he knew was not worth the paper it was written upon. The colored man, thinking that it was all right, took the bogus certificate and walked into the eitv, but was soon after ward taken up and sent to the sand hills. If the members of the Board of Health can satisfy themselves that he is all right he will be liberated at once. They should have the man who wrote the certificate run down, arrested and prosecuted for obtain ing money under false pretenses. A hunter on James Island, about twenty miles from Carrabelle, lately killed a rattle snake having thirty-five rattles. That part of the State is remarkably free from the venomous reptiles, that is to say they are not under every old log, but when it comes down to fish the Gulf coast can match the whole State. Not long since the sloop which carries the mail between Carrabelle and Apalachicola was capsized in a squall and sank in twelve feet of water. The crew got safely to shore. The next day another sloop and schooner went out to raise the craft. A huge shark was evidently in possession, and it was deemed advisable to first dispense with his company. A shark hook was baited, and after a half an hour's coaxing he took the bait and hook and was hauled on deck. On cutting him open it was evident he had been in the cabin of the sloop, as they found three canvased hams, one pair of new shoes and the leather mail pouch, all of which were saved in good order. As Putnam county is about to have a hanging it is interesting to know the cir cumstances of the county’s last hanging, twenty years ago. William Stevens was at that time Sheriff, Tax Collector and Asses sor. One day in November, 1866, this officer went to "the house of the Registers to collect taxes. AVhile at dinner the amount, S6O, was paid over to the collector in the presence of "a young son. When Mr. Stevens had left he was soon followed by young Register, who said he was going squirrel hunting. AVhen near the forks of the Etoniah crebk, he overtook Stevens, shot and killed him. AVhile leaning over the body to get at the money 1 he dropped a letter, and that was the clue that led to the execution. He was tried and convicted, and placed in the old jail that stood where the Putnam County Journal office was. His gallows were erected about where the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key AVeat shops now stand in Palatka. The gallows were burned down years ago, and from that day to this not a sprout ot grass has grown on the spot, though the surrounding ground is covered. Putnam’s first hanging in twenty years will take place July 23. The Post Office Department hast just con cluded the task of readjusting the salaries of the various postmasters other titan fourth-class throughout the country. The total results show an enormous increase for t-hf whole country in the amount of busi ness done by mail, and a corresponding in crease in the amount to be paid by the de partment for salaries, etc. The result conequentlv is a good indication of the pros perity of the country, and of course more especially of the towns and cities in which the postmasters' compensation is increased. With a very few exceptions all the principle offices throughout Florida show a sufficient increase in the gross receipts to earn an increase*l salary for the postmasters showing that Florida is experiencing a steady growth of population and business. The following are the changes which will go into effect on July 1: The salary of the Postmaster at Bartow will be increased from sl,looto $1,300 a year: Jacksonville from $3,000 to $3,100; Key AVest from SI,BOO to $1,900; Kissimmee irom SI,OOO to $1,100; Ocala from $1,600 to $1,700; Orlando and Palatka from $3,000 to $2,100; Pensacola from $2,200 to $3,300; Rt. Augustine from $1,900 to $2,000; Tampa from $1,700 to SI,BOO. The salaries of the following places fall off: Eustis from $1,400 to $1,300; Lees burg from $1,300 to $1,200. A mass meeting was held at Key West Monday night, arid 300 leading manufac turers, merchants, cigarmakers and citi zens assembled and expressed their disap proval of the way the Board of Health is acting in regard to the yellow fever scare. Manuel Mescossi was selected chairman and G. E. Bryson secretary. After speeches had been delivered by Ramon Revero, editor of the El Ecuador , Senor A. Pioti, Ramon Perez, Antonio Oliver©, Manuel Misscassfa, prominent Cubans, and G. E. Bryson, editor of the Evening Call , the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereat, The Monroe county Board of I leal If, having without a projier investigation declared yel low fever to Ire epidemic in Key West ami caused thereby uu unjust arrd outrageous quarantine to be placed against the city, thus suspending our regular dispatched New York steamboat service, crippling the com merce of our island and threatening its manufacturing interests, now, therefore, we, tho manufacturers, business men, cigar makers ainl citizens in mass meet ing assembled denounce their prema ture arbitrary and uncalled for announce ment as untruthful ami injurious to the best, interest of the city. We claim that tho death rate is less than for a corresponding period of the preceding year, anil that a death rate of -10 a month, which tbo records show, is small fora city of 20.000 people. We protest, therefore, against the quaran tine against our city at Tampa ami else where, the cause for' wiiich may bo laid at the door of our board of health. We drp recate the action of our boa pi of health in declining to permit a postmortem ex amination to prove the tyiith or untruth of tho claim that yellow fever is in tho city, and we lietition the Surgeon Generul of the National Marine Hospital service to re quest a committee ot yellow fever exerts, to consist of one local (Julian physician, one local American physician, and one member of the Marino Hospital service, to hold a post mortem uimn some patients (lying nt the hospital, and claimed by the board of health to havo died of yellow' fever, and thus decide the matter. Weclaint the mem bers of tho board of health to be totally in competent. and would recommend their re moval by the Governor, and also petition the next meeting of the Legislature to annul tho law providing such a board. Phillips’ Digestible Cocoa Presents n new and valuable fruit beverage. It is delicious to tbe taste, highly nutritious and rendered readily digestible It will not cause distress or headache, like the ordinary coena. U will bs found at the druggists' ami grocers'. SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR New York, Boston and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK, CABIN 830 00 EXCURSION 33 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO BOSTON, CABIN 830 00 EXCURSION 33 CO .STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New Yore). CABIN 832 50 EXCURSION 36 00 .STEERAGE 12 50 TIIE magnificent steamships of these lines are appointed to sail as follows—standard 'time: TO NEW YORK. CITY OP AUGUSTA. Oapt. J. W. Catharine, FRIDAY, July 1, at 2:30 p. M. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. H. C. Daggett, SUNDAY, July 3, at 4 p. M. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. W. 11. Fisher, TUES DAY, July 5, at 6 p. M. I CITY OF SAVANNAH, Capt. F. Smith, FRI DAY, July 8. at 8 p. m. TO BOSTON. GATE CITY, Capt. D. Hedge, THURSDAY, June 30, at 2 p. si. CITY OF MACON, Capt. W. Kelley, THURS DAY, July 7, at 7:30 p. M. TO PHILADELPHIA. [FOR FREIGHT ONLY.I PESSOUG, Capt. N. F. Howzs, SATURDAY, July 2, at 3:30 p. m. JUNIATA, Capt. S. L. Asklvs, SATURDAY, July 9, at 9 a. m. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and North western points and to ports of the United 1 Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to C. G. ANDERSON, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Com’y. Fox* Faltimox’e. 0 CABIN 813 50 SECOND CABIN 10 00 THE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, MONDAY, July 4, at 5:00 p. m. GEORGE APPOLD, Capt. Billups, SATUR DAY, July 9, at 10 a. m. WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, THURSDAY, July 14, at 3 p. m. GEORGE APPOLD, Capt. Billups, TUESDAY’, July 19, at 6 p. m. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. h. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO.. Agents, S FI >7 ■ Steamer St. Nicholas. Capt. M. P. USINA, WEILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of IT Lincoln street for DOBOY, DARIEN, BRUNSWICK and FERNANDIN.V. every TUES DAY and FRIDAY at 0 p. m., city time, con necting at Savannah with New York, Philadel phia. Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer nnnriina with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Satilla river. Freight within half hour of boat's departure. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. Tickets on wharf and boat. t C. WILLIAMS, Agent. fl Aipsla and Way Landings. From JUNE oth until further notice the STEAMER ETHEL, Capt. W. T. GIBSON, Will leave for AUGUSTA and WAY LANDINGS T-Cvery Monday at 6 T*. M. Returning, arrive at Savanna!) SATURDAY at H r 0 W. T. GIBSON, Manager. PLANT 'STEAMSHIP LINE Tampa, Iv West, Havana. Lv Tampa Thursday 0:30 p. m. Ar Key \\ and Friday I p. in. Ar Havana and Saturday 6 a. m. Lv Havana and Saturday noon, Lv Key and Saturday in p m. Ar Tampa and Sunday 6 p. in. Connecting at Tampa w ith West India Fast Train to ana from Northern and Eastern cities. I'or stateroom accommodations apply to City Ticket Office S., F. A W. R'y, Jacksonville, or Agent Plant Steamship Line, Tampa. C. D. OWENS, Traffic Manager. H. S. HAINES, General Manager. May 1, 1887. Compagnie Generale I ransatlantique —French Line to Havre. BETWEEN New York nnd Havre, from pier No. 42, N. R., foot of Morton street. Trav elers hy this lino avoid both transit by F.nglish railway and the discomfort of crossing ttao Channel in a small boat. Special train leaving the Company'a dock at Havre direct for Paris on arrival of steamers. Baggage cheeked at New York through to Paris. LA GASCOGNE, Saktblli, SATURDAY, July 2, s p. m. LA NORMANDIE, De Kehhaiuec SATUR DAY, July !*, 8 A. M. LA BRETAGNE, De Jousselin, SATURDAY. July 16. 2 p. m. LA BOURGOGNE, Fiianoeci., SATURDAY July 23. 7 a. m. PRICE OK PASSAGE (Including wine): TO HAVRE -First Cabin, $l2O, SIOO and *80; Second Cabin. S6O: Steerage from New York to Havre. 825: Steerage from New York to Paris, S2B; Including wine, bedding and utensils. LOUIS DE BEDIAN, Agent, 8 Bowling Green, foot of Broadway, New York. * 01 'VIIDU'R 4 CO,. Agents fur Savannah. I RAILROADS. SCHEDULE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Savannah. Ga., June 15, 1887. ON and after this date Passenger Trains will run daily unless marked +, which aro daily, except Sunday. The standard time, by which these trains run, is 38 minutes slower than Savannah city time: No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 7. Lv Savannah. .7:00 am 8:90 pm 5:15 pm 5:40 pm Ar Guyton 6:40 pm Ar MiUen 9:40 am 11:08 pm 7:30 pm 8:45 pm Ar Augusta. .+1:45 pm 7:15 am 9:35 pm Ar Macon 1:30 pm 8:20 am Ar Atlanta 5:30 pm 7:80 am Ar Columbus.. 9-80 pm 2:45 pm Ar Montg'ry.. 7:28 am 7:09 pm Ar Euf aula... 4:33 am 8:50 pm Ar Albany .10:00 pm 2:45 pm Train No. 9+ leaves Savannah 2:00 p. m t ; ar rives Guyton 3:00 p. m. Passengers for Sylvania, Wrightsville, Mil ledge villa andEatonton should take 7:00 a. m. train. Passenger* for Thomaston. Carrollton, Perry, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Vista. Blakely and Clayton should take the 8:20 p. m. train. No. a NoTT No. 8. No. 8" Lv Augusta 10:00 pm 6:00 am Lv Macon. ..10:85 am 10:50 pm Lv Atlanta.. 6:soam 6:50 pm LvColumbus 11:00 pm 12:45 pm Lv Montg'ry. 7:25 pm 7:40 am LvEufaula .10:18 pm 10:49 am Lv Albany.. s:ft">ain 11:55am Lv Millen.... 2:28 pm 8:10 am 8:00 am 5:20 am Lv Guyton.. 4:0,1 pm 5.01 am 9:27 am 6:55 am Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 0:15 am 10:30 am 8:05 am Train No. 10+ leaves Guyton 8:10 p. m.; arrives Savannah 4:25 p. m. Sleeping cars on all night trains between Sa vannah, Augusta, Macon and Atlanta, also Ma con and Coiumbus. Train No. 3, leaving Savannah at 8:20 p. m., will stop regularly at Guyton, but at’no other point to put off passengers between Savannah and Millen. Train No. 4 will stop on signal at stations be tween Millen and Savannah to take on passen gers for Savannah. Train No. 5 will stop on signal at stations be tween Savannah and Millen to take on passen gers for Augusta or points on Augusta branch. Train No. 6 will stop between Millen and Sa vannah to put off passengers from Augusta and points on Augusta branch. Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at City Office, No. 20 Bull street, and Depot Office 30 minutes before departure of each train. J. C. SHAW. G. A. WHITEHEAD, Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agent. East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia HR. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. Commencing June 12. 1887, the following Schedule will be in effect: EASTERN LINK Fast Night Express. Express. Lv Charleston 3:45 a m 3:Bb p m Ar Savannah 6:4lam 7:00 pm Lv Savannah 7:06 am 1:30 pm 8:45 pm Ar Jesup B:42am 3:2opm I:osam LvJesup 3:35 pm 3:30 am Ar Brunswick 5:35 p m 6:00 a m LvJesup 10:80am 10:51 om Ar Eastman 2:00 pm 1:50 am Ar Cochran 2:40 p m 2:30 a m Ar Hawkinsvtlle. 8:80 pm 12:00 noon Lv Hawkjnsvilie.. 16:15am 1:35 p m ArMacoh 4:05 pm 3:50 am Lv Maoon 4:20 pm 3:55 a m Ar Atlanta 7:45 pm 7:20 am Lv Atlanta 12:00 pm 7:35 a m Arßome 8:28 p ra 10:40 a m Ar Dalton 4:58 p m 12:03 n n Ar Chattanooga 6:25 p m 1:35 p m Lv Chattanooga... 9:80 am 9:20 pm Ar Knoxville I:sopm 1:10am Ar Bristol 7:35 p m 5:45 a m Ar Roanolte 2:15 am 12:45 pm Ar Natural Bridge. 3:54am 2:29 pm Ar Waynesboro ... 6:20 am 4:20 pm At Luray 7:50 am 6:43 pm Ar Shenando" J’n..10:53 a m 9:35pm Ar Hagerstown 11:55pm 10:80 p m ........ Ar Harrisburg 3:30 pm 1:20 am Ar Philadelphia.... 6:50 pm 4:45 am ArNew York. 9:35 pm 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown. ...12:50noon Ar Baltimore 3:45pm Ar Philadelphia... 7:49pm Ar New York 10:35 p m Lv Roanoke 2:20 am 12:30 noon Ar Lynchburg 4:30a rn 2:30 pm Ar Washington 12:00noon 9:40 pm Ar Baltimore 1:27 p m 11:35 p m Ar Philadelphia .. 3:47 p m 8:00 am Ar New- York. .6:20 p m 6:20 am Lv Lynchburg 6:lsam 3:o6pm Arßurkville 9:20 am 5:27 pm Ar Petersburg 11:10am 7:lspm Ar Norfolk 2:25 pm 10:00 p ra ■ Via Memphis and Charleeton R. R. Lv Chattanooga... 9:25 am 7:10 pm Ar Memphis 9:16 pm 6:10 a m Ar Little Rook 7:10 am 12:55 pm ~~ ViaTK. C.,'fTS. Mid OrTr Lv Memphis 10:45 am Ar Kansas City 8:20 a m VlaCin. So. R’y. Lv Chattanooga... 8:40a m 7:10 pm Ar. Louisville 6:45 pm 6:30 am Ar Cincinnati 7:00 pm 6:50 am Ar Chicago 6:50 am 6:50 pm Ar St. Louis 7:45 am 6:40 pin Pullman sleepers leave as follows: Jesup at 10:61 p m for Chattanooga, Atlanta at 4:30 p ra, for Knoxville. Rome at 4:05 p iu, for Washing ton via Lynchburg; Chattanooga at 9:20 p m, and at9:3o a m for Washington via Lynchburg; Chattanooga at 7:10 p m for Little Rock; Bruns wick at 8:30 p m for Atlanta. B. W. WRENN, G. P. AT. A., Knoxville, Tenn. L. J. ELLIS, A. G. P. A., Atlanta. Charleston & Savannah Railway Cos. CONNECTIONS made at Savannah with Ra- I vannah, Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time (90th meridian), which is 36 minutes slower than city time. NORTHWARD. No. 14* 38t 66* 78* Lvßav’h... 12:26 pm 4:00 pm 6:45 am 8:23 pm Ar Augusta 12:80 pm Ar Beaufort 6:08 pm 10:15 am Ar P. Royal 6:20 pm 10:30 am Ar Al'dale.. 7:40 pm B:lspm 10:20 am Ar Glia'ston 4:43 p m 9:20 pin 11:40 a m 1:25 a m SOUTHWARD. 33* 86* 27* Lv Cha’ston 7:10 am 3:35 p m 4:00 a m Lv Augusta ... 12:35 pm Lv Al’dale.. 6:loam 3:07 pm Lv P.. Royal. 7:00 am 2:00 pm Lv Beaufort 7:12 a m 2:15 p in Ar Sav’h., .10:15 ain 6:68 p m 6:41 a m •Daily between Savannah and Charleston. •Sundays only. Train No. 78 makes no connection with Port Royal nnd Augusta Railway, and stops only at Ridgetand, Green Pond and Ravcnel. Train 14 stops only at Yemasseo and Green Pond, and connects for Beaufort and Port Royal daily, and for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Trains .35 nnd 66 connect from and lor Beaufort ami Port Royal dally. For tickets, sleeping enr reservations and nil other information upply to WM. BREN Special Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and at Charleston and Savannah railway ticket office at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway depot- C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. June 9, 1887. FOOD PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY ILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton RAILROADS.! Savannah, Florida & Western Railway^ [All trains on this road are run by Central Standard Time.] ** Time card in effect june w, iss? Passenger trains on this road will run daily as follows: WEST INDIA FAST MAIL. REUD DOWN. READ PR 7:06 am Lv Savannah Ar 12:06 pm 12:80 p m Lv Jacksonville Lv 7:ooam 4:4opm Lv Sanford Lv I:lsam 9:oopm Ar Tampa Lv 8:00pm PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. S ay p an n d i[ Lv... Tampa.... Ar Friday^ p’m \ Ar. .Key West. .Lv ged. Wednes. and j. M Havana.. J* ijW -8a„ ami j Bat., noon Pullman buffet cars to and from New York and Tampa. NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:o6am Lv Savannah...—Ar 7:sßpm B:42am Lv Jesup Ar 6:18om J):soam Ar Way cross Lv 5:05 pm 11:26 am Ar Callahan Lv 2f47 p m 12:00noonAr Jacksonville Lv 2:05 p m 7:00 a m Lv Jacksonville Ar 7:45 p m 10:15 am Lv Waycross Ar 4:40 pm 12:04 pm Lv Valdosta Lv 2:56 pm 12:34 pmLv Quitman Lv 2:28 pm I:22pm Ar ThomasviUe... .Lv I:4spm 3:35pm Ar Bainbridge Lv li:Bsam 4:04 pro Ar.... Chattahoochee —Lv IY!3oTm Pullman buffet cars to and from Jacksonville and New York, to and from Waycross and New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 1:30 pm Lv Savannah Ar 12:06 pm 3:20 pm Lv Jesup Lv 10:82 am 4:40 pm Ar Waycross Lv 9:23a m 7:45 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:00 a m 4:lspm Lv. .Jacksonville Ar 9:45am 7:20 pm Lv Waycross Ar 6:85 ara B:3lpm Ar Dupont Lv s:3oam 3:25 p m Lv I,ake City Ar 10:45 a m 3:45 pm Lv Gainesville Ar 10:3)1 a ra 6:55 p m Lv Live Oak Ar 7:10 a m B:4opm Lv Dupont Ar 5:25 ant 10:55 pm Ar ThomasviUe Lv 3:25 ain 1:22 am Ar Albany Lv 1:25 am PuUinan buffet cars to and from Jacksonville and St. Louis via Thomasviile, Albany, Mont* gomery and Nashville. ALBANY EXPREBS. 7:Bspm Lv Savannah Ar 6:loam 10:05 pm Lv Jesup Lv 8:15 am 12:40 am Ar Waycross Lv 12:10 am s:Boam Ar Jacksonville Lv 9:oopm 9:00 p m Lv Jacksonville Ar 6:30 am 1:05 am Lv Waycross Ar 11:30 p~in 2:30a m Ar Dupont Lv 10:05 p m 7:10 am Ar Live Oak Lv 6:55 pra 10:30 a m Ar Gainesville Lv 3:45 p m 10:45 am Ar Lake City Lv 3:25 p m 2:55am Lv Dupont. Ar 9:Bspm 6:30 am Ar ThomasviUe Lv 7:00 p m 11:40am Ar Albany Lv 4:oopm Stops at all regular stations. Pullman sleeping cars to and from JocksonviUe and Sa vannah. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 6:osam Lv Waycross Ar 7:oopm 10:25 a m Ar ThomasviUe Lv 2:15 pm Stops at all regular and flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 pmLv Savannah Ar 8:30 am 6:10 pm Ar lesup Lv 5:25 am Stops at all regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 a ra. (ar rive Augusta via Yemassee at 12:30 p m), 12:26 p m and 8:23 pm; for Augusta and Atlanta at 7:00 am, 5:15 p m and 8:20 pm; with steamship* for New York Sunday, Tuesday and Friday: for Boston Thursday: for Baltimore every fifth day. At JESUP for Brunswick at 3:30 a m and 8:35 pm; for Macon 10:30 a m and 11:07 p m. At WAYCROSS for Brunswick at 10:0Uamand 5:05 p m. At CALLAHAN for Femandina at 2:47 p m; for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala, etc ,at 11:27 am. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, etc., at 10:58 a m and 7:30 p m. At GAINESVILLE for Ocala, Tavares, Brooks* ville and Tampa at 10:55 am.* At ALBANY for Atlanta, Macon, Montgom ery, Mobile, New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans at 4:14 p m. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured at BREN'S Ticket Office, and at the Passenger Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent. R. G. FLEMING Superintendent. South Florida Railroad Central Standard Time. ON and after MONDAY. June 13, 1887, traiM will arrive and leave as follows: ♦Daily. tDaily except Sundays, ‘Daily ex* cept Mondays. LIMITED WEST INDIA FAST MAIL. Leave Jacksonville (J., T and K. W.) *12:30 p m. Sanford 4:40 p in; arrive Tampa 9:00 p m. Returning leave Tampa 8:00 pm, Sanford 1:00 am; arrive Jacksonville (J.,T. and K W.) 6:30 a m. WAY TRAINS. I.cave Sanford for Tafoya and way stations 43 8:40 am Arrive at Tampa t|| 1:35 pm Returning leave Tampa at til 9:00 a m Arrive at Sanford tl 1:46 p in Leave Sanford for Kissim mee and way stations at.tlo:3oamand 5:00 pra Arrive at Kissimmee at t 1:20 p m and 7:05 p m Returning leave Kissimmee t6:00 a in and 2:15 pm Arrive at Sanford tß:2oamands:3spnj tibteamboat Express. BARTOW BRANCH. Lv Bartow Junction.. .411:45 a m and * 7:40 p ra Ar Bartow 12:65 p m and 8:40 pm Returning Lv BiX'tow..4 9:30 a m and * 6:00 p m Ar Bartow Junction... 10:40amand 7:lopm PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated by the South Florida Railroad. ‘Leave Bartow for Pemberton Ferry and way stations at 7:15 a ra Arrive at Pemberton Ferry at 9:50 am ♦Returning leave Pemberton Ferry at. 5:00 p m Arrive at Bartow at 8:00 pm tLeavo Pemberton Ferry, 7:00 a m Arrive Bartow U:2oam •Leave Bartow 12:40 p m Arrive Pemberton Ferry 4:50 p ra SANFORD AND INDIAN RIVER R. R. Leave Sanford for Lake Charm and way stations 5:80 pm Arrive Lake Charm 7:16 p m Returning— Leave Lake Charm 6:30 a m Arrives at Sanford 8:00 a m SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. Connects at Sanford with the Sanford and Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and points on Lake Jesup, with the People’s Line and Deßary Line of steamers, and J. T. nnd K. W. Ry. for Jacksonville and all intermediate points on the St. John’.; river, and with steamers for Indian river and the Upper St. John’s. At Kissimmee with steamers for Forts Myers and Bassinger and points on Kissimmee river. At Pemberton Ferry with Florida Southern Railway for all points North and West, and at Bartow with the Florida Southern Railway for Fort Meade and points South. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS. Connects at Tampa with steamer “Margaret” for Talma Sola, Braldentown, Pnlmetto/Mana tee and all points on Hillsborough and Tampa Bays. Also, with the elegant mall steamships “Mas cotte” and “Olivette," of the Plant Steamship Cos., for Key West and Havana. Through tickets sold at all regular stations t® points North, East and West. Baggage checked through. Passengers lor Havana can leave Sanford on Limited West India Fast Mail train at 4:40 p ra Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting same evening with steamer at Tainpa. WILBUR McCOY, General Freight and Ticket Agent. Si; HI Hit A N It AI LAV AY. " City and Suburban Railway. Savannah, Ga., May 81. 1887. ON and after WEDNESDAY, June Ist, the following schedule will be run on the Out* tide Lis leave arrive I leave isle leave CITY. llry. I OK HOPE MONTGOMERY *7:00 6:50 6:23 10:25 B:4b 8:16 7:50 **3:25 2:00 1:30 1:00 47:15 6:40 6:15 5 45 There will lie no early train from Isle of Hope on Sunday morning. •For Montgomery only. Passenger* for Isle of Hope go via Montgomery without extra charge. Thin train affords im rents a cheap ex cursion licforo breakfast for young children with nurses ••This 3:23 P. m. train last out of city Sunday afternoon. •On Saturdays this train leaves city at 7:4J p m. J. H. JOHNSTON. r f'o COUN IV i>l FICEttS Books and Blanks A required by county officer* for the use of the courts, or for office use. supplied to order by the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HOUSE,? Whitaker street. Savannah.