The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 05, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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HOW TOMMY WENT TO SEA. Col. Tom Ochiltree Tells Clair a Story. Evom the Neir York Evening Sun. A table separated Col. Tom Ochiltree aud Judge Clair at tne Hoffman House recently. A corpulent bottle stood on the table which contained poppy juice. Tno Colonel looked dreamily out of the window at the stream of people pouring out of Madison Square The atre. Inside the room a partially intoxi cated man was criticising Mr. Boogumvetra’s masterpiece, and telling a friend how ho would have painted some of the lines in the famous picture. A few Generals aud Sen ators were scattered about the room in care less attitudes. ‘‘You seem a little off color to-night, Tom,” said the Judgs. “Take a little stimulus.” “1 have no taste for the infernal stuff to night, Judge. The fact is, I’m a trifle senti mental. Let me tell you a story.” The Judge lit a cigar nud listened. “Last Sunday,” said the Colonel, “things were rather dull around the hotel. About noon I took a cross-town car to Grand street ferry, aud crossed over to Brooklyn. Just after 1 boarded a Nostrand avenue car a laboring man, with his wife and two chil dren, signalled the conductor. Tommy, the eldest, of the children, was placed in the cor ner of a seat next to me, and in a few lqin utes we became fast friends. Tommy was small and round. His copper-toed shoes reached only half way to the floor. He wore a faded suit of blue flannel and a peak less cap from under the front of which there trickled a few strands of corn-colored hair. There was a deep Dolly Varden dimple in his chin and a number of irregular dents in his cheeks made by the smallpox, whose l agged outlines were softened by a faint flush of health. He was an inquisitive little chap. He wanted to know if 1 could get the iu curve on a base ball, and whether I ever ‘knocked out’ marbles. IV lien I told him that the only' game I played was with pieces of card board on which were painted pictures of kings and queens, diamonds mid spades; that clubs were sometimes used in the game, and that the gamesters were in the habit of playing tricks on each other, his blue eyes opened wide and he wanted to learn how to play this wonderful game. He protested when I told him he wasn’t big enough to understand it that he was ‘big ger’n his brother Johnny.’ “The air of Brooklyn was quiet and dreamy that afternoon. The car rolled by long avenues of archiiig trees. A Sabbath quiet was in the air. The hum of bees and the sweet smells from flower gardens lulled Tommy to sleep. He lurched forward several times when the car come to a sud den stop, and I pushed him back into the seat. But there came a time when my at tention was diverted and Tommy rolled out of the car upon the track, and one of the iron wheels crushed his left leg just above the ankle. “There was weeping by the women and the men’s faces were pale. Tommy’s father tore off his coat anil vest and tied his sus penders around his boy’s leg above the frac ture. As was natural under the circum stances, there was no color left in Tommy’s cheeks, and his face wore an anxious, trou bled look, as though he failed to realize the extent of his misfortune. His eyes were wide open, but some of the lustre of life had gone out of them. As he lay in his father’s arms, wrapped in his coat, his little brother pulled at Tommy’s coat and called ou him to get up; but Tommy only answered with a wan smile. The sun shone just as brightly as before; the avenues of trees looked just as invitingly cool, and happy children on the street laughed as gleefully as before. To Tommy’s mother the landscape wore a fune real garb. Every tree: was draped in shadows, and the stain of blood was on the fences. In fancy shesaw a wagon with black plumes winding slowly down the road at tended by decorous coaches. “ ‘God is good,’ she sobbed, ‘but Tommy never did anny one harrm.’ • “The men on the back seat threw their cigars away and the driver lashed his horses into a gallop. “ ‘ls he hurted much?’ said a prospective bride to her intended husband. “ ‘He is that. His leg is mashed.’ “ ‘An’ will he die, I dunno?’ “ ‘Mebbe he will an’ mebbe he won’t. Sure ye can’t tell till th’ sawbones gets at him.’ “The car rolled swiftly by an old lady who waved her umbrella frantically on the corner. There was a stern setting of the father’s jaw and a mute protest on his face which relapsed into an expression of infinite compassion as Tommy feebly asked him; ‘Arc we nearly home?’ “When the father reached home with his burden and Tommy had been made as easy as possible, the doctor was called in. There was a gleam of steel, and Tommy weighed a few pounds less than when he started for Cone}' Island two hours before. Although the doctor thought that Tommy was last losing sight of the land—he was even in the Narrows now in the doctor’s opinion— he did not go into the kitchen, from whence there came a faint sobbing, to say so. Tommy's hair was brushed back from his forehead and the varnish of candy washed from his face. It is questionable whether the hoy was any more picturesque looking for the bath. As the twilight eaiue on the next evening Tommy hail been swept further out toward the sea. The tide had evidently been running strong during the night, and the foam-crested waves were leaping hungrily at him. A rosebud lay on his pillow. Perhaps it was the warmth of the room, perhaps Tommy’s feeble breath helped to unfold it. At least the rose slowly aiened its red heart and a faint, perfume led the room. Well, some time during the night Tommy drifted out. past Sandy Hook, out of sight of the friendly lighthouse, out of sight of land, beyond the smell of flowers and beyond the gaze of his mother. Per haps the tide carried him to a shore beyond the sea, and he may he piekled up by some friendly wrecker. You are aware. Judge, I presume, that there is a legend to the effect that harpers harp upon their harps inside the breakers across the sea to guide the shipwrecked through openings in the surf.” Yes, the Judge had heard of the legend, and although he didn’t pretend to under stand it, yet lie had a kind of lingering be lief that it was true. The Colonel got up from his chair and stretched himself. He looked critically at a marble Venus standing in the corner and yawned. Whether the yawn was an affe ( tion of a lack of interest which he did not feel the Judge did not know, but he is willing to bet six days on the island against a grocery store cigar that he heard the Colonel humming under his breath n snatch of song which wont something like this; Why art thou better seen toward night, dear land? Look always fair, look always bright, That we may gaze Calm The door shut and cut the song in twain. “Bucfcu-Palba." Quick, complete cure, all annoying kid Hey, bladder and urinary diseases. $l. At druggists. “Rough on Bile” Pills. Small granules, small dose, big results, pleasant in operation, don’t disturb the stomach. 10c. and Joe. “Rough on Dirt." Ask for “Rough on Dirt.” A perfect "ashing powder found at last! A harmless extra flue A! article, pure nrnl elcun, sweet ens, freshens, bleaches and.whiteus without Mlgli test injury to flnwfl (uric. 1 ooqusled for tine linens and laces, general household, kitchen and laundry use. Softens water, saves la!sir and soap. Added to starch pre- Vonts yellowing. 5c., 10c.. !isc. at grocers. For Warm Weatltor White Linen Duck Sufis, gray and cream color, Pongee Coats and Vests, Black AJ narus, at. all prices. Seersucker Conte and Vents, thin Coats forllfty cenis;thlu Cnder wear to close out, bv the Famous New York CioUung Home, liJ street. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENTa WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS , 15 IVbrrfs or more, in Ihis column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy cr sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column, PKRSOXAII npHK parties taking Rubber Coat at Catholic I Library picnic yesterday will please return same to E. S MF.YER & CO., 38 Whitaker street. IIEJ.P WANTED. \\T ANTED, a competent young lady for office \ 1 work; must nave lnul .some oflleq experi ence. Address, witli references, PERMANENT, care Morning News. \\T ANTED, youth in office of wholesale house; II must he good penman and quick at figures. Address, stilting compensation required, X., office Morning News. TIT ANTED, a good woman as cook and light tV housework; no washing; highest wages paid to the right woman; references requireil. fall at S. KROUSKOFF'S, 1M Broughton street. TlTANTED—Agents—Novelty that is taking VV Chicago by storm; a regular picnic; over 300,000 sold here. ,1. R. PAGE& CO., Chicago, 111. Kill >M sit) 11K NT. rpHREE ROOMS TO RENT in odd Fellows’ JL Hall. Apply to Dll UUBBEDGE, with Dr. Lanier., I3(i Broughton street. TNOR RENT, eight rooms, with bath. Apply r HIRSCH BROS-21 Barnard street. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT. I, ''OH RENT, the conveniently located house 1 l.'il York street, near Barnard street. I T()lt RENT, Cottage House, corner Drayton 1 and Waldburg streets. For particulars ap ply to THOS. BOWDEN, 314 Broughton street, TT'OR RENT, the Buckingham House at the 1 Isle of Hope, with bath house; artesian water on place. Apply to THOS. HENDERSON, 133 Y'ork street. INOR RENT, three-story brick houseou Macon, between Habersham and Price streets. Ap ply to E. ,T. KENNEDY, corner Bull and York. INOR RENT OR SALE, the large and comma- I dious dwelling No. 182 Gaston street, three stories on a basement and three rooms deep, fronting the Park. For terms address J., P. O. Box No. 106. _____ I. vcin RENT, 146 Hull, on northwest corner of 1 Whitaker. Apply to Da. PURSE, 140 Liberty street. FOR SALE I IVOR SALE, four lots on Barnard street, seven . on Henry, three on Duffy, two on President, two on Bismarck, three on Second, eight on Fourth, one on Gwinnett, one New Houston, two on West Broad, one ou Bolton, etc.: also, residences in different parts of the city, and all sizes of lots around the city, laud in Georgia and Florida. liOBT. H. TATESI, Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer. IvoK SALE, cheap, new Dump Carl* corner of Montgomery and Henry street lane. r l v K.X AS MULES.—Carload will arrive on 7th 1 or Mb. DR. CO .VS STABLES. \SK your druggist for Robinson's Sticky Fly Paper.” IVOR SALE.—ROSEDEW Lots, 60 feet on l 1 Front street along the river and 600 feet deep, at $125, payable $25 cash and $l2 50 every six months.with interest. FIVE-ACRE Lots in the TOWN OF ROSEDEW, with river privileges, at $lOO, payable $2O cash and $5 every three months, with interest. Apply to Dr. FALLIGANT, 151 South Broad street. 9 to 10 a. m. daily. 1V( )R SALE. Lulls, Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 811. REPPARD & CO. LOST. lOST, on Friday'. July 1, a Silver School j Medal, with owner's name on same. Please return to No. 107 Henry street and be rewarded. PHOTOGRAPH Y. OPECTALNOTICE-T’hoTOORAPIIT Trices FT reduced I’etites $1 50, Cards $2, Cabinet $3 per dozen, and larger work in the same pro portion. J. N. WILSON, 21 Bull street. TIFE-SIZE CRAY'ONS in handsome frames J $l5. All styles und sizes of Photographs at as low prices. LAUNEY & GOEBEL, Savan. naKGa^^— SUMMER RESORTS. pANDA House. MAY YORIC 17 Lafayette V Place. Centrally located; American plan; large Southern patronage; a really select, good house, from $1 50 per day. Write for circular. \v. W. URQUHARt, Proprietor, JV( iR HEALTH and comfort go to Gainer Springs, Gainesville, Ga. The best of fare, delightful shades and splendid mineral waters; terms reasonable. Address P. B. HOLZEN DORFF, Owner. ■ 1 j MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK. -Su- ITT is:rior board. Eligible rooms. Moderate prices. Many Southern references. HEALING SPRINGS, Rath county, Va. Mrs. H. CARTER EUBANK. .Send for descrip tive pamphlet. X’EW YORK uITY'. N. Y.. nicely furnished x A rooms with board; central location; one block off Broadway. M. A. BEVAN, 108 East Twenty-third street . MiSC cleanEOUS. " nOUSEKEEPERS use “Robinson's Sticky F y Paper and clear your bouse of flies. /v RE AT BARGAINS in Odds and Ends at Mits. V I KOLB'S on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, previous to taking stock. ( T SF. “Robinson's Sticky Fly Paper;" splendid J for sick rooms. 1A RETURN TUBULAR BOILERS and Kn 1U gines cheap and good. GEO. It. LOJI BARDdt 00., Augusta, < iu. TAOX'T fail to call and see our Children’s C'ar -1 ' riages. Our goods are bought direct from factories and it enables us to sell them lower Ilian you can buy at any public sale. Wo also carry a complete line of house furnishing goods at NATHAN BROS.. 188 Congress street. 170 H P RET URN TUBUL HR B< >ILKK for i'' sale cheap. GEO. It. LOMBARD A CO., Augusta. Oa. OAIR 55-11. P DOUBLE ENGINES cheap I GEO. R. LOMBARD &CO . Augusta, Ga. EDUCATIONAL. / MVIL, ME< HAMCAL AND MINING EN H V NEERING at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Tr-.y, N. Y. The oldest engineering school in Ymeriea. Next t''rm begins Heptcm l> k r 14th. The llegistei for 1887 contains a list of the graduates for the jmst 62 years, with their petitions; also course of study, require* meats, expenses, etc. Candidate* from a dis tance, or t lose living in distant States. Ly speeial examinations at their homes, or at such schools as they may he attending, may determine tho question of admission without visiting Troy. For Register and full information DAVID M. GREENE, Director NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY MUSIC, FI N K A IMS. ORATORY, Literature, English Branches, French, German, Italian. 1 1•. Largest and best enuip ned iii the world; PM Instructors; 2.18 TANARUS, Students List year. Board and room, with Steam Heat and Electric Light. Fad term begins Sept, h, liS7. IllM Calendar free. Address E. TOL’U JKI , i Franklh . q., ft to t, Itai ■*i”lnnn Xitiri'iuofcAjiir>>'t .. issi A i uv..n,*. . 1.-ariu-. pIIMIMIJ ,riM 'MsPi|ijli/*taV’l( NUMi r i?a*-'lony ’* • 'incu • Ai* '*• ' ’•/ i *•* I ■MMDMmWaMM :: ■ \ * i P. J. FALLON, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, 22 DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH. JT'STiM ATES nruaijill/ lui ui.hou tor LiiaUiuK AZ 4 ut mx ulaw. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1887. LUDDEN & BATES S. M. H. L&B.S.M.H. THE HOUSE THAT K t A-.. •* Big House, Ain't It? YES ! AND within its walls you will find an army of clerks, who, notwithstanding the hot weather, are pushed to their utmost to keep up with the orders flowing in upon us from Maine to Mexico. Yea! It seems that the hotter the weather the greater tho stream of orders. Hence we are BIZZY AZ BEZE! Still we, like the much abused conductor, can make room for one more, and if you want a PIANO or ORGAN we'll crowd your order in rather than disappoint. Now is your time to make a purchase and have BIG MUZ IC K all summer long. Give us a call and we’ll astonish you. Bargains heretofore unheard of, almost endless time and minute installments to help you out in making a purchase, while our line embraces the CHICKERING, MASON A: HAMLIN, MATHUBHEK, BENT and ARION PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN, PACKARD OR CHESTRAL and BAY STATE ORGANS. DROP AROUND AND SEE US. hidden k Bales Music House, Savannah, Ga. ICE ! Now is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. I O E Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. 14“4 HAY ST FURNISHING GOODS. Look! Look! JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Gentlemen’s Fine Night Shirts For $1 Fine .Jeans Drawers at 50c. per pair Gauze Undershirts, long or short sleeves, 50c. White Lawn Bows, $1 per dozen. White Ties at 15c. per dozen; $1 50 per gross. Fancy Percale Scarfs, 50c. per dozen. 4-in-hur.d Ties, wash goods, $1 per dozen. White Duck Vests, from $1 to $8 50. British Half Hose, seamless, 25c. White Duck Helmets, Hammocks, White Flannel Shirts and Hats for Yachting- FINE MUMMER CLOTHING AND DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. We guarantee a fit iu every case. Sole agents for Dunlap’s Fine Hats and Nasei mento's Comfortable Self Conforming Hats, so comfortable to the head in hot weather. Beau tiful Pearl Hats, and the new STIFF-BRIM MACKINAW HAT. Sun Umbrellas, Gloria Cloth Umbrellas, never cut like tho silk will. Buck-Horn Handle Walking Canes, Fancy Un derwear, and anything ueedod by men for Sum mer wear at LaFar’s New Store, 20 Bull street. Hamilton's Old Stand. LEGAL SAXES. ~ 'CITY MARSHAL’S SALK ' City Mzhbhxl’s Or^ifK, Savannah, July sth, IRB7. f TNDKR and by virt uu of yxeuutioiiH placed U In nqr hnoas byC.S. Hardee, City Treas urvr, for cleaniiiK privy vaults, 1 have levied on and will soil in accordance with Inw ou the FIRST TUKSDAY IN AUGUST NEXT, IKs;, between the lawful hours of sale, before the Court House door, lit the city of Savannah, Chutham eoimty, StaU: of (feoryia, the follow bur property, to wit, each piece of property L iiiß leviml on a tJie property of the txwson or iiersoiiH whose name r names limnediately f,|. lows its description, purchasers paying for titles: Isits 22 and 30 Columbia ward, Augusltut Barie. I/vt 10 Columliiu ward. E. C. Barie. I.ast half lot 1 Chatham ward. M. T. Bowden. Lot 13 Middle Oglethorpe wurd, \\ M. J. G. Brown. I sit 18 Brawn ward, Mrs. A. M. Buntz aud children. East half lot S Davis ward, A. K. Desverney. la4 10 South Oglethorpe ward, Miss Mary Ferly. East half lot 8 Reynolds ward, Georgd C. Freeman. I.ot !i ('orrytown ward, Mrs. # U Gleltelhotise. l/ttliHf.aton w'tiist, estato Rotiert HulaTshani East Lrtlf lot 21 North Oglethorpe vurd, Mrs. Bridget Hanley. Lot 40 Brown ward. D. It. Kennedy. North third lot 20 Elliott ward, E .1 Keifrr. I sit 85 Currytown ward, estate William Klnn. Vest half lot 21 Greene ward. M. Lavfn. Is,i 85 North Oglethorpe ward, 1. D. Isißrs he. Fstst fourth lot 32 Marshall ward. Martha M owhall. Isit 38 Jones ward, St. James' Methodist Church. Lot 38 Jackson ward, estate John Schley. Lots 2,3 and 4 Schley ward, estate J. M. Schley. West two-thirds lot 20 Choctaw ward, John 8. Schley. West two fifths lot 36 Elliott ward, William Silak. East half lot 23 Gilmerville ward, A. B. Smith, Trustee. South half lot 28 Brown ward, P. Tuberdy. Lot 21 Railroad ward, estate F. Walsh. Lett 70 Choctaw ward, J. II A. Wills Lot 18 Choctaw ward, Michael Walsh. ROBT J. WADE. CiW Marshal. LEGAL SALES. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. City Marshal's Optics. ) Savannah, June 7th, 188?. \ XT NPER AND BY VIRTUE of real estate tax J executions placed in iny hands by C. S HARPF.E, City Treasurer, T have levied on and will sell, in accordance with law, on the FIRST TUESDAY 1N T JULY. 188,, between the lawful hours of sale, before tb* Court House door, in the Uity of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia, the following: property, to wit: each piece of property levied on as tne uropertv of the person or persons whose name immediately follow a its description. Purchasers tlaying for titles. A. Adams, Isaac—lmprovements on part lot 31, Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Albert. Jane—Lots 11 and 12, Weed Ward. B. Baker, George—lmprovements and lot B,' Weed Ward Black, Sarah A.—lmprovements and lots 4 and 5, Berrien Ward Brown, Henrietta E.—lmprovements and lot 20, White Ward. Br mu, children of Nancy Improvements and ; middle one-third lot 88. Gilmerville Ward. Brown, w. M. G.—lmprovements on lot 13, Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Bui\foy, Mrs. a. M. and children—lmprove ments and lot 13. Brown Ward. Burke, Sarah E. and children—lmprovements anl southeast cue-fourth lot 9, Middle < hrlethorpe Ward. Butler, Ahralmm—lmprovements and west one half lot 10 Magazine Ward. Butler, Samuel—lmprovements on northwest one-quarter lot 31 Elliott Ward. C. Chess Carlay St Co.—lmprovements and part lot 28. Atlantic Ward. Christian, John A., trustee—lmprovements on lots 4 and 5, Stephens Ward. Clark, Ja. F.- Improvements on northeast one-quarter lot 10. Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Clark, Mrs. Bridget—lmprovements and west one-half lot 4C, Stephens Ward. Coakley. Mrs. Virginia Improvements on lot 1, North Oglethorpe Ward. Cohen. I sane <4.—lmprovements on southeast one-fourth lot 24, Liberty Ward. Courtney, Mrs. L. M. E —lmprovements and two fifths lot 32, Monterey Ward. ('ox, Mrs. Hannah, trustee—lmprovements and east one-half lot 11, Guo Ward. D. Davidson, Win. M.—lmprovements on lot 6, Calhoun Ward. Dawson. Win. E.—Lot 02, Gaston Ward. Deacy, Bridget—’lmprovement ami lot north one-quarter 21 Davis Ward. Deveaux. J. 11. Improvements aud west one half lot 3, Davis Ward. Doolan, James—Lot 5, sub-division of lot 7, near lot wharf lots, Yamaeraw Ward. Duggan, James, trustee—lmprovements and middle one fourth lot 0, near lot wharf lots, Yamaeraw Ward. Dunning, Ralph--Improvements and east one half lot 20, Franklin Ward. E. Elmore, Hetty—Lot C., subdivision of lot 5, Marshal Ward. Entires, L. 8.. trustee—lmprovements and east.nne-fourth of south one-half lot 31, Elliott Ward. F. Fitzgerald, J. (minor)—lmprovements on northwest one-fourth lot 10, Washington Ward. Fisher, Josephine—lmprovements on lots 103 and 108, Schley Ward. Foreman, estate Thos. M.—Lot 32, Atlantic Ward. Freid, estate Lewis—lmprovements and west one-half lot 7, Heathcote Ward, Laßoche tyth taff. Furlong & Cos., J. F.—lmprovements on lot 21, Jones Ward. Fleming. Jas. W.— Improvements and east one-half lot 69, Waring Ward. O. Ganahl.Mrs.M.E. and children —lmprovements and west one-half lot 39, Franklin Ward. George, Mrs. S. Ew—lmprovements on south one half lot 4, Charlton Ward. Oielielhouse, Mrs. Margaret—lmprovements and lot 9, Currytown Ward. Golden, V. J. Improvements and west one. half lot 20, Columbia Ward. Gordon. Mrs. James and Mrs. E. M. Williams Improvements and lot 7. Forsyth Ward. Gordon'. A. b.—lmprovements on part lot 8 Elliott ward. H. Habersham, John S.—lcnprovements and southwest one-half lot 41, Elliott ward. Hallorm, John - Improvements and west one half lots, Carpenter How. Hanley, Mrs. Bridget—lmprovements and east one halt lor 23, North Ogletnorpe ward. Harmon Wright—lmprovements on lot 1, Railroad ward. Harmon. A. W.—lmprovements and lot 31, Brown ward! Harris, John—lmprovements on two thirds of lot 13, Screven ward. Harrison. George Paul-Improvements and west two-thirds lot 4, Perclval ward, Holland ty thing. Hi Usman, C. A.—lmprovements and east one half lot 3, Wesley ward. Houston. Mrs. Margaret C.. trustee—lmprove ments and lot 22, Davis ward. Howard. John B.—lmprovements and lot 26, Lloyd ward. Jacobs, R. F.—lmprovements and lot 18, White ward. Jeuks, Delanc> Improvements and southwest part lot 19, South Oglethorpe. Jones, Chas.—lmprovement* on lot 1, Weed ward. K. Kemps, Mrs. L. J —lmprovements and south one half lot 47, Gue ward. Kennedy, D. R.~lmprovement® and lot 40, Bruw'ii ward. Kino, estate Wm.-Improvements ou lot 17, Chatham ward. L. Lachlison. estate James—North one-third of north one-third lot F, North Oglethorpe ward. Lamar, Mrs/Parnella— Improvements and lot 19. Stephens ward. Langler, C. J. C.~Loti, Wesley ward. Lawler, Geo. ll.—lmprovements on north part lot 58, Lloyd ward. Lawrence, John—lmprovements on part lot 7, Screven ward. Lemon, O. T.—lmprovement# on lot 80, Gue ward. Lemon, O. TANARUS., and Isaac Decket—Lot 83, Gue w a rd. Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, trustees of lots 1 aud 4 of No. 24, Garden Lots wt*t Lufburrow, estate M. —Improvement* and lot 46, Jackson ward. Leech, Frederick—lmprovements and lot 28, Davis ward. M. L. &8.5.N1.H. BUILT. Martin, John S.—Lot No. t Canal lots, west. Martin, Wm.—lmprovements on southeast part lot 17, Screven ward. Mauralt, F. A.—lmprovements and lot 26, Davis ward. MuurulF-'ltnprovements ou west one-half lot 32, Waring ward. Monroe, Ida L.—East one half lot 47, Wylly ward. Moore, J. W. -Improvements on centre one third lot 11, Calhoun ward. Morgan, Mrs. Mary—lmprovements and lot 37, O’Neil ward. Murray estate, Wm.-Improvements on north one half lot CO, Jones ward. Mmtacli, J. T.~lmprovements and lot 10, White ward. Murtagh estate, Thomas—lmprovements and lot 54, White ward. Mo. McCabe, Edward—lmprovements and west one-half lot. 24, Currytown ward. McCarthy, Mrs Bridget Improvements and part lotm 3(S aud 40, Columbia ward. McGrath, John—Lot 12 of No. 24 Garden tot, west. McGrath, Mrs Julia- -Improvement* and north one half lot 7. Choctaw wurd. Mclntlre estate, James—lmprovements and part lot I, Docker ward. McKenna, R. F- Improvements and west one. half lot 20, Davis ward. N. Neill, George J Improvements and lots A and It subdivision of south one-half lots 44 and 45. Middle Oglethorpe ward. Norwood. Thomas .'I. -Improvements on lots 23 and 24, Calhoun ward. P. I’elot. Mrs. F. R. and ehlldren Improvements and west one-half lot 11, Jackson ward I'rendi-rg.'-t. .Mrs, B. U.—lmprovements and lot 1, O'Neil ward. K. Rahn, Henry R. ■ Improvements on middle part lot 8, Bereven ward. Robert, Mm. E. T. Improvements on lot 61, Walton ward. Roberts, Mrs. Mary Ellen-lmprovemcnt* on ninth 1 *art lot '.'3. .lotion ward. Ryan, Mrs. M. K. Improvements on part lot U 7, GilmerviUe ward. 8. Second Haptist Church—Lot southwest one quarter lot 34, OilmerviUe ward. Sutcliffe c-taic M.J Improvements on oast one half lots, Calhoun ward. Stiles, Hows-Improvements on part lot 85, Schley ward. Schley estate, John -Improvements on lot 36, Jackson war<l. Sherlock A Cos., John—Lot 4, Middle Ogle thorpe ward, cast of Canal. Simpson. Lizzie-Improvement* on lot 34, Middle Oglethorpe worn Small, C P.—improvement* and west four flftlis of lot I*. Wyllv ward. Smith, James—lmprovement* and lot 30, Weed ward. Staley, John A , Trustee- Improvement* on uvi Utaoal Uuuo-uaaitoa lot lit. fciheu ivarti. LK(iAL SALLS, Steele, Gortnuio E—Middle one-fourth lot 14, North Oglethorpe ward. Steele. Joseph - Iminovemeuts and lot 16, North Oglethorpe word. T. Tftlbird. Mm. O. E Improvements on north halt lot 16, Greene wanl Telfair estate. Mrs. Margaret Improvements on lots fl, ? and K Elbert want. Thompson, Harriet Improvements anti one half lot 13, One ward. Thompson, Mrs E. M., children of—lmprove ments ami lot 4, Monterey ward. W. Walsh. Michael—Lots 11 ami 15, Choctaw ward. Ward James R Improvements and west half lot .3, Crawford ward. Waring, Edward Improvements on east half lot2o. Minisward. Walsh estate, Richard—lmprovements and lot 4, Stephens ward. Whaley, Hetty Improvements and east two thirds lot 12. Trustees Garden. Wicks, Edward Improvements on southwest pail loti), Screven ward. Wicks, Henry—lmprovements and lot 54, Choctaw want. Williams, Eliza E. Improvements and west part lot 10, Mercer ward. Williams. Ijowis Improvements and lot 63, South Oglethorpe waru. Wilson, Mrs, An also Improvements on lot 2. He men ward. Wright. Rosa—lmprovements on part lot 54, South Oglethorpe ward. Y. Yeomans. David L,—lmprovements and lot 33, White ward. ROBERT J. WADE. City Marshal. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. City Marshal's Office, ? Savannah, Juno 7, 1887. f TTNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a special tax v 1 execution placed in my hands by C. S. HARDEE. City Treasurer, 1 have levied on. and will sell in aceonlanee with law, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY, 1887, between the legal hours of anle, before the Court House door, in the city ot Savannah, Chatham couuty, Geor gia, the following property, to wit: One Pool Table, Cues and Balls, levied on as the property of J. L. MURPHY, Purchasers paying for titles ROBERT J. WADE. I nv Marshal. GUARDIAN'S SALE. TATE OF GEORGIA, Chatham County.— O By virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary of Jefferson county, Georgia, there will he nold before the Court House door, in the count.vof Chatham, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY next, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to wit: One fifteenth undivided interest in nine hundred and ninety (ilflO) acres of land situated in said county of Chat ham, and lxing a part of Whitemarsh Island and adjoining lands of L. I'. Turuer and others, and known as a part of Turner's Hocks. Sold as the property of LUCIUS and MARY BROWN, and in pursuance of the terms of the order afore said. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for titles. May ID, 1887. JAMES F. BROWN, Guardians of Mary and Lucius Brown. CITY MARSHAL'S SALK. City Marshal's Office, ) Savannah, July 6th, 1887. ( (TNDER and by virtue of a real estate tax J execution placed in my hands by Charles S. Hardee, City Treasurer, in favor of the MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF SAVANNAH vs JAMES J WARING, I have lovliml on and will sJI in accordance with law on the FISUT TUESDAY IN AUGUST NEXT, 1887, between the lawful hours of sale, lxfore the Court House door, in tin* city of Savannah, Chatham county. State of Georgia, lots of lands numbers one (1), two (2), three (8) and four i4) li* e ward, in t he city of Savannah, south side or Gwinnett street and west of Price street, with the improvements thereon, to satisfy said exe cution. Purchasers paying for titles. ROBT. J. WADE, City Marshal. CHATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE T JNDER and by virtue of a mortgage fl. fa. issued out of Chatham Superior Court, in favor of SOLOMON SHEET ALL vs ABRAHAM SHEFTALL, 1 have levied ujon the following described property of the defendant, to wit: All the following lots, tracts or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the county of Chatham ami State >f Georgia, to wit: That, certain tract of land known as the “Williams tract," containing eighty-five (85) acres (more or le*s>, and bounded north by land of Abraham Sheftall, east by land of Thompson, south by the Savannah and Ogeecbee canal, and west by land of A. Sheftall; also, that certain tract of land known as the “Dickerson tract," contain ing one hundred and thirty-one 081) acres, more or less, and bounded north by the Ogeechoe pond, south and east by lands of A. Sheftall, and west by lands of Messrs. Baker and Dicker son; also, that certain tract of land known as the “Dews tract," containing forty (40) acres (more or less), and b-miided north by lauds of Messrs. Baker, east by Savannah and Ogeecbee canal and Shettnll, south by Savannah and Ogfechee canal, and west by land of Moynello; and. also, that certain tract containing one hun dred and twb (102) acres (more or less), and bounded north by land of J. E Tillman, south and east bv land of Dickerson, and west by laud of Holliday. And I will offer the said above described pieces of property for sale at public outcry before the Court House door of Chatham county, in the city of Savannah, <m the FIRST TUESDAY IN AUGUST, 1887, during the legal hours of sale, to satisfy said mortgage fl. fa Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. JOHN T RON AN, Sheriff Chatham County, (la. CHATHAM SHERIFF S BALE F TNDER and by virtue of a fl fa. issued out of vJ the Justice's Court of the Refund O. M. district of Chatham county in favor of WIL LIAM K LEAKIN’ vs. LUCY HARBOUR, and levy having been made and indorsed on said fl. fa. April 21st, 18H7, by Joseph Blmmons, Dep uty Sheriff Chatham county, and defendant notified of said levy and wild fl. fa. turned over to me for advertisement and sale. One hundred and forty-nine (HD) acres of land (more or less* situate in Ogeechee district, iri Chatham county. State, >f Georgia, near the six mil*? post of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company, near the new public road, near r lowersville, not including that |>ortion sold to Slee A Norris. And I will offer t he said above described prop erty of the defendant for sale at public outcry beforetbe Court House door of Chat ham county, in the city of Savannah, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN AUGUST, 1837. during the legal hours of Kale, to satisfy said fi. fa. Terms cash. JOHN T. RONAN, riff <Co.. Ga. UNITED STATER MARSHAL'S BALE, X TNDER and by virtue of a writ of fieri faccas J issued out of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern Division of the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of HEL LER. HIRSH A CO. vs. PERRY M. DkLEON, I have this day levied upon the following dev Keribed property, to w it: All that tract or par cel of land lying, being aud situated in the county of Chatham. State of Georgia, and con taining ten (10) acres, more or loss, lying a little west of the city of Savannah, ami bounded north by tie* Savannah river, east by lands of D. C. Bacon and by lands known as lands of said Perry M. DeLeon, ami south and west by lands known as lands of Francis A. Exley, as the projierty of defendant, PERRY M. PrLKON, aud wilf sell the same at public outcry before t he (Alstom House door, in Savannah, Ga., oil the FIRST TUESDAY IN AUGUST NEXT during the legal hours of sale. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney, and duo notice given to the tenants in possession. Dated at Savannah. Ga.. June 10th, 18*7. LUCIUS M LAMAR, U S Marshal. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAY s.' Hmisohold ami Kitchen Fursiture. !. D- Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On WEDNESDAY, the Ctli flay of July, at housn No..!Y> Kcyiiold* xlroet, between South Broad and Jackson streets, at 11 o'clock, will be sold: Elegant BEDROOM SETH, BLACK WALNUT fcost SCUO|. bandsoino WARDROBE, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, MARBLE-TOP CENTEX TA BLES. CHAIRS. TOWEL RACK BRACKETS, I’ICTUKEH, CARI'ETS, MATTING, OIL CLOTH, EXTENSION DINING TABLE, SAKE, DINING CHAIRS, REFRIGERATOR, LAMPS, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, KITCHEN FUR NITURE, STOVE, etc. The almve are all first clans roods. Sold on account of owners breaking up housekeeping. Terms -ash IVAbove property for rent. Apply to Auc tioneer ■ -■ ■■ ' TO COUNTY OFFICERS.- Books ami Blanks required by county officer* for the use of the courts, or for office use, supplied to outer by the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HO Lot, 3 | Wluuktu street, baunnoh. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. Valuable Property AT AUCTION. I. D. Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the sth PAY OF JULY, we will offer in front of the Court House, during hours of sale: That 8-story Brick Dwelling on Gordon street, one door cast of Barnard street, facing the square, in good repair and located in one of the most desirable parts of the city. —AI-SO Lot and improvements on the corner of Henry nml Cemetery streets. Improvements consist of 2 two-story Dwellings on front and two one story Dwellings on rear. Terms at sale. Pur chaser paying for papers. Half Interest iu Part Lot No. 19 Washington Ward at Audio* !.D. Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers Ou TUESDAY, the Mb day of July, 1887, in front of the Court House, during the legal hours of sale, we will bell: Half interest in part Lot No. 19 Washington ward and improvements, situated on the north west corner Houston and Bryan streets. Im provements consist of Brick Store and Dwelling. This is a tine businesa location. Terms cash; purchaser paying for papers. vlt Auction. Five Shares Tybee IIR. Slock. I.D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers, Will offer for sale (5) five .shares Tybee railroad lie fore the Court House door, at 11 o'clock on TUESDAY, being the 6th day of July. This stock will bo sold to the highest bidder. Terms cash. Valuable Vacant Lot on West Broad St. AT AUCTION. I.D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the sth day of July, IHN7,in front of the Court House, during the legal hours of sale, we will offer: That lot oti the northwest corner of Henry street lane aud West Broad street. Terms cash; purchaser paying for papers. Desirable Fane for Sale. By I. D. Laßoche’s Sons. In front of Court House THIS DAY, July 5, at 11 o’clock, A desirable FARM of about 12 acres. Large, commodious House, Stables, Corn Sheds, etc. One mile from city limits on Louisville road. Terms cash. Desirable Building Lot at Auction. I.D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the sth day of July, wo will offer before tlic Court House, That elegant lot on the comer of Taylor and Price streets (No. 20 Wesley ward). Terms cash; papers guaranteed. Trustee’s Safe of Real Estate. By lIOR'T 11. TATEM, Auctioneer. TTNDER (he power vested In me as Trustee of U ANNA J. MILLER and children, I will offer for male at the Court House, to the highest bidder, on TUESDAY, 6th OF JULY, the fol lowing property, situAted in Savannah and known as lots H 4, 85, and the went one-fourth of lot No. 88, Screven wan!, fronting on Gwinnett street, with improvement*, consisting of eight houses; ami also lots E. F. and I), of Middle Ogle thorjie ward, on east side West Boundary street, improvements, consisting of six houses. Titles guaranteed. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. G. H MILLER. House and Lot at Auction. By ROBT. H. TATEM, Auctioneer. Will be sold before Court House on TUESDAY, July 5, 1887, at 11 o'clock. The lions** and Lot next to southeast, corner N**w Houston and East Broad street Iyt fronts 85 feet, more or less, on East Broad street and under good rent. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. Building Lot at Auction. By ROBT. H. TATEM, Auctioneer. Will be gold before Court House, at 11 o'clock, on TUESDAY, July 6th, Lot No. 14H Derby ward, 39x100, and fronting north on St. John street. Terms cash, pur chaser paying for tit lea. Guardian’s Sale. Bv j. McLaughlin & son. V ON TUESDAY, sth JULY, 1887. At 11 o’clock, before the Court House. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Hampton L. FsnaiL!., Judge of the Court ot Ordinary for Chatham county, I will proceed to sell at the above mentioned time and place. The undivided one-twelfth Interest of the northern half of lot 11 Middle Oglethorpe ward and Improvements, having a front of 50 feet on Pine street, and running hack a depth of feet. Hold as the property of ROSSELLA BAKH. minor, to pay debts. Terms cash. ROSSELLA GIONILLIAT, (Tuardian. A Rare Gurnee for Investment * Six Brick Dwellings at Auction Tuesday, July sth. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. I will sell at the Court House on TUESDAY, July sth, at 11 o'clock, That very dodrabla property known a* Lot No. •.“I Pulaski word and which consist of Six brick dwelling*, situated on Hie southwest corner of Charlton and Whitaker street*. Till* property is centrally located, very desirable size houses anil ths Investment would Ite a paying one. Terms -One third rash, balance on easy terms, with interest anil mortgage. B. HULL~ Wholesale Grocer, Floor, Hay, Grain and Provision Dealer. rTREHH MEAL and GRITS In white sacks. Mill stuff* of all kinds always on hand Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS: every variety Special prices oar load lots HAY and GRAIN Prompt attention given oil orders and satis faction guaranteed OFFICE. 88 BAY. WAREHOUSE. No 4 WADLEY STREET, on j kas Santfiii lUiiiMuL C. H. DORSETT’S COLUMN. ConiniLsioners’ Sale for Partition. C. 11. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Superior Court of Chatham county in the case of SARAH A WALTON versus HKTTV K. WHALEY and the MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS LOAN ASSOCIATION, petititiou for partition, we will sell, before the Court House door in Savannah, during the legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY. JULY 5. i IHlff, All of that certain portion of land and the tenements thereon, known as sub divisions Noe. 1 and 2of lot Number 12 Trustees Garden, hav ing a front on Reynolds street of seventy-seven feet and six inches, with a depth of eighty-two feet for sub division No, 1, and sixty five fo# for No. 2. Terms cash. C. H. DORRETT, J. L. WHATLEY, U. H. McLAWS, Commissioners. J Brick Residence FOR SALE, Containing three bed cham bers and bath room on third floor; a parlor, back parlor and piazza on second floor; dining room, store room and kitchen on first floor. The two-story outbuilding contains four rooms. This house is in a good locality, convenient to two lines of cars, churches and schools. As the owner ia moving from the city a good bargain can be had. OTHER Ills. A handsome, well-appointed dwelling near the Park. In point of location, surround ings and general “make up” the most critical should be suited with this piece of realty. Near S., F. & W. Ry. Depot I have a fine property, well adapted to business purposes, private dwelling or a board ing house. No City Tax. Beyond Anderson street, I can sell one corner lot Second Avenue and Whitaker, and one inside lot between Whitaker and Barnard on Second Ave nue. —also — • One lot on Montgomery, facing east, between First and Second Avenues. For $1,500 I will sell in the New Addi tion (beyond Anderson) a two-story residence containing three bedrooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen. Lot 30x 145. This is a bargain. For $lO per month and SSO Cash I will sell a beautiful lot in Southville. Southern front, magnificent oaks and thickly settled neighborhood. ITor I^2oo, To be paid in reasonable time after purchase is made— sl4o one year thereafter, $ 150 two years thereafter and $165 three years thereafter, and no interest —1 will sell a lot 30x100 on Lorch street, between Jefferson and Mont* gomery streets. A WEST RROAITsTREET CORKER, In a good locality, good for business or residence, size 75 feet on West Broad by 49 feet deep. One Other Chance. For SIOO Cash And time payments as follows: One year after purchase, S9O; Two years after purchase, $95; Three years after purchase, SIOO, without interest, I will sell a lot on New Houston street, near Burroughs. C. H. Dorset!, HEAL ESTATE DEALEJL 3