The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 06, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 SIFTINGS OF CITY SEWS. LITTLE GOSSIP FROM THE STREET AND SIDEWALK. Dashes Here and There by the News Reporters- Yesterday’s Happenings Told in Brief Paragraphs-Pickings at Police Headquarters. The Fords are expected hack from Macon this morning, and will liegin rehearsing at ance for Friday’s performance. The firemen were called out ut 12:30 o’clock yesterday by an alarm from box 13, at Broughton and West Broad streets, caused by a fire in the second story of a house on Broughton street lane, betwi-en Jefferson and Barnard streets. Tho damage was (light. The lire is supposed to have started from a defective flue. Several of the plans called for by the com mittee of County Commissioners to deride whether it will lie better to remodel the present court house or erect anew one have Deen received. As soon as Mr. Howe, by whom the plans were received, is ready to advise the committee concerning their rein tive merits a meeting of the committee will be called and the matter will lie decided. Justice Waring Russell, Jr., issued a "-ar rant yesterday for the arrest of William Fogarty for assaulting Henry R. Daniels at Montgomery on Monday. Daniels and Fo garty were both at tlie Knight* of Labor pic nic- According to Daniels’ story Fogarty walked up to him and asked him what ho told the Solicitor General about Tom Fogarty at the time of his trial for shooting Mr. Kiefl'er. Daniel* replied that he did not know either Fogarty or his brother, mid Fogarty drew back and struck him several times iu the face. The warrant was placed in an officer’s hands, but Fogarty was not found last night. VALUE OF THREE FINGERS. James Harrigan Gets $4,245 from the Savannah, Florida and Western Ry. The Superior Court heard the second trial of the case of Jamos Harrigan vs. tho Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company, and the jury gave the plaintiff a verdict for $4,245. Harrigan was a car builder, but went into tho shop one day to make a hammer handle for a fellow-work man, a tinner, ns the handles tho company furnished did not suit the work the tinner was doing. While cutting out the handle at a circular saw Harrigan lost thm> fingers. He sued thecompony for $lO,OOO and got a verdict for $3,750. The company moved for anew trial and it. was grunted, and Harrigan got another verdict, this time fur $4 ,245. The defense was that the company furnished handles and had issued a positive order to the men not to make their own han dles, but to get them from the foreman. The plaintiff proved that, notwithstanding the order, the men continued to make han dles; that the foreman knew it and never stnppi . them, and, said one of the jurors, it was that point that influenced tho jury to give a verdict for the plaintiff. The application of Samuel Herman for a homestead out of the assets of his assign ment was heard in the Superior Court. H. B. Clafliu & Cos. und other creditors object ing. The jury returned a verdict for Her man, sustaining the homestead. TO FORECLOSE A MORTGAGE. The Central Wants the Savannah and Griffin Railroad Bonds Paid. The Central railroad has determined to foreclose the mortgage bonds which it bolds against the Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama road. The amount of the lxinds is $500,000, which would have become due in 1891, hail it not lieen fur the clause which was inserted iu the mortgage stipulating that in cose tho interest, which becomes due semi-annually, should not be promptly paid, or, in case six months elapst-d without a payment of interest, the entire amount of bonds with interest up to date of maturity becomes due. The Central claims that Its interest has not been paid as required Ivy the conditions of the mortgage Linds. Tin-full amount set forth in the bill is $908,000, represented by $500,000 principal and $408,000 interest. A decree lias been asked from tho court ordering that the mortgaged road lx put on sale, so that the nocessary amount can tie raised to pay off its bonded indebtedness. The bill will be argued before Judge Boynton at Griffin in February and it is understood will not Vie met with opposition by the stockholders, whom it is expected will file counter suit- und try and restrain the foreclosure. The bill has already been filed ot Griffin. Tho capital stock of the Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama railroad is $1,011,195. Of this amount the Central controls $301,100. OFF FOR ATLANTA. A Part of the Chatham Delegation on Its Way to the Legislature. A part of the Chatham delegation to the General Assembly left for Atlanta Inst night to attend the opening session to-day. There are a number of bills to lx- presented from Chatham. One is a bill for tlie crea tion of a board of tax assessors, whose duty it shall be to consider cases appealed by the owners from the valu ation made liy the receiver of taxes. Another bill is to incorporate tho Guarantee Mutual Life Insurance Company. Two bills relating to the Ordinary’s office will L presonti-il. One is to repeal the present snecial law and tlie other to reduce the charges. Quite a number of bills will be presented in regard to the city's government. One of the most important is to relieve the city from the expense of maintaining the City Court, and another is to exempt from taxa tion for a certain length of time certain property in the city’s western extension. Several other bills of less importance will bo introduced. Tlie present session of the Legislature is expected to be a long one and an adjourn ment will hardly be reached until late in October. THEY COULDN’T AGREE. Domestic Economy Causes a Disturb ance in Evans Williams’ Home. Evans Williams was arrested yesterday on the complaint of the partner of liis choice. Evans is a person of color, as is also his wife Mary. Then- has lieeu am*lor of conjugal infelicity around their home for some time past .and a few da vs ago it lux-ante a well known fHi-t that Evans and his wife were not happily mated. The incident that gave rise to this rumor occurred on the street. There was a difference of opinion l let ween liustiand and wife on tho matter of domestic economy, and the husband, find ing that he could not win tin day by moral stuisiou, escorted hi* wife to the sidewalk, and Ix-gan practicing on her a* if she wa -a sandluig and he wa. training for a prise fight. After the hot tie Mnrv went to the office of Justice Molina and swill- .1 Mill rani, but until vi-storda) Evans kept hiifisolf secluded from oh-eria tion. Bhe espied bis manly form, however, and informed a |tnlic*ninu, who promptly arrested the lielligerent hiisl-atul. PRIMUS JONES’ FIRST BALE He Sends It to Brunswick This Year Instead of Savannah. Primus Jones is on deck with the first bale of new cotton but he sent it to Bruns wick this year instead of -Savannah. Supt. Henderson, of the Havnimnh Board of Trade, m-eived a telegram yesterday from Supt. Petmiman, of the Brunswick Board, saying: “First hole cotton crop of 847 reached here this afternoon from Primus Jones through Goins, Him kins & Cos., to Brunswick Board of Traile and forwarded to New York by express,” The must complete line of thin Coats and Vasts now to be had at Ap;>"l it kicLaul's. MOTHER PEAK AND HER FAMILY Give a Charming Entertainment at St. John’s Pariah Hall. The “L. O. V.” Society of St. John’s church gave a most delightful entertain ment at St. John's Parish Hall last night. Mother Peak anil her twenty-one charming daughters were given a hearty welcome by the audience as they marched into the hall with their toll white peaked caps. Their opening chorus was very prettily sung ami was loudly applauded. Miss Maggie (ilivcr as “Olivette Peak,” sang “Who’s at My Window” inacliarnting manner. Mother Peak in announcing Olivette’s song said that she diil't approve of it at all but that “Olivette” was a Peak. Miss Oliver is a favorite with the musical public and she was wurmly applauded. Miss Marie Lesesne as “Mamie Peak” very sweetly sang “For You” and was followed by the Ivamm chorus, as played by Theodore Thomas’ orchestra, by eight Peaks. The chorus was “Way Down Upon the Suwanee River” played on combs. It was repeatedly applauded anil as an encore Mother Peak list her daughters in “Dixie,” which was even more enthusiastically received than was “S’wannoe River.” Mother Peuk then introduced her dumb daughter, Tiney, whom she explained had been staying at Tybee for her health, and had lost her voice in the marshes some time ago while on her way to tho city by the Tybee railroad. When Tiney stepped be fore her sistci-s she didn’t look as though she bad been staying at a summer hotel very long. Her song was in pantomime, but it took the audience, mid she was twice re called. The last time her identity was re voaled, and the audience knew Tiney as Mr. Cecil Berrien. Then followed the closing anthem, and the Peaks retired. "Mother Peak," by Mrs. J. Riley, was a most original character. Her witty savings and local hits were apt and pointed. There ore few who can make the part a success, and Mrs. Riley did. Her daughters were Misses Williams, Besselieu, Middleton, Shivers, Stone, Oliver, Lesesne, Berrien, Paine, Proctor, Haynes, AVnlthour, Gar many and Cherry. The "Peak Family" lias never been better represented than it was last night. Tho second part of tho entertainment be gan with Miss Bernstein’spianosolo,"Bongof the Woods.” Miss Bernstein is a talented performer, and her execution of one of Ralmdeeker’s most difficult works was greeted with warm applause. In response she plavod one of Chopin’s waltzes. Mr. \V. IS. Dnffin sang with excellent effect “Two Little Bagged Urchins;" and then came the operetta, "Cups and Hau ers,” with Mr. P. H. Ward as the “Gen eral,” and Miss Maggie Oliver as “Mrs. Worcester." This was tho concluding part of the entertainment. The piece was charmingly given. Miss Oliver made a splendid “Mrs. Worcester," and the part could hardly havo beeu letter acted. Her solos and duets with the “General” were ad mirably given. Mr. Ward made the most of the "General's” part. Everybody was de lighted with tho operetta ami the entire en tertainment The “Y. B. F.” orchestra, composed of Missis, Hiirtridge, l’urso, Drane, Butler, Lamar and iSpivy, played the overture. After the operetta tho young ladies of the society served ice cream and cake. The entertainment was given in aid of the church rectory fund. In spite of the rain there was a tine attendance, ami tho hall was nearly filled. HUNTING FOR A DRUGGIST. Officers Looking for Dr. William Ham mond, of Florida. Officer Rhodes, of Hernando county-, Flor ida, name to Savannah yesterday in search of William Hammond, formerly a druggist there. Hamtnom l came here some time ago, and lias been boarding on Montgomery street. He claimed to have a drug store and 100 acres of land in Florida, which he was anxious to sell. Mr. James Jackson, a clerk at tho Central railroad, negotiated for its purchase, which was finally- arranged, and R. D. Walker, Esq., wits employed to draw up the papers. Mr. Jackson finally concluded, after agreeing to pay- $5OO down on tho purchase, to go to Florida and look at the property. When ho got there he found things not as represented, and Mrs. Hammond refused to sign the [wipers for the transfer of tho prop ertv. Mr. Jackson returned to Savannah yesterday and brought the officer with him. A warrant was issued for Hammond, but he could not L- found. He was finally located at Jesup and will probably be brought to Savannah this morning. Mr. Jackson is out $5OO and the expenses of his trip to Florida unless Hammond will settle. FOR BWEKT CHARITY'B SAKE. The Performance by the Fords Next Friday Night. On Friday night the Fords will repeat the play in which they have made such a pro nounced success this season, “The Pink Dominoes.” They have just returned from Miu-on, where they played to standing room only, and won meritorious applause in the same play. “The pink Dominoes” is one of the brightest anil most thoroughly enjoy able plays that the Fords have t-ver pre sented, and tho excellent manner in which they put it on adds greatly to its beauty. It is intensely interesting throughout, tho dialogue lieing well written and tho situa tions strong and appropriate. The Fords are repeating this piece by special request, and the proceeds of the entertainment are to lie devoted to the completion of the Episcopal Orphans’ Homo building. The great merit of the performance and the worthy charity it is designed to aid ought to In- sufficient to (ill the theatre to over flowing on Friday night Besides that, this is a good opportunity to show the Fords that Savannah is proud of their brilliant success away from home. Tho cast will be as fol lows : Uncle John Tubbs Mr. Larry Doyle l'buries Greytliom Mr. Lawrence Hanley Sir Privy Wnggstaff Mr. Thomas K. Mi i'aU lli-m y Greeulanes Mr. Jos. K Doyle Brisket Mr. William Fleming George .. .Mr. William Mi-leoa Lely Maggie Wagstaff Miss Clara Baker S' liny Grcythoru Miss Moliie M.n iler Kooeoca Min Maud White Mrs. Joskin Tubbs Miss T. Farrar ■ The box shoot will open at Davis Bros.’ ut 8:50 o'clock this morning. Tickets may also be hail from J. C. Shaw, Central rail road ticketoffli-e; Fernandez’ cigar store, and from the committee. Court House Halos. J. McLaughlin & Son sold the one flftoctith interest in 990 acres of land on Whitmareh Island, a part of Turner's Hocks, and belonging to ('state of Brown, to Louis T. Turner for $333 33. They also sold the undivided one-twelfth interest in lot 11 Middle Oglethorpe ward, estate of Kossella Bass, minor, to Isaac B. Butler for $5O. Railroad Clatter. Conductor Harris, of the Charleston and Savannah railway, on his trip over from Charleston a day or two ago picked upa ln-g from the track and carried him five miles on the |>il>it of the engine without a scratch or tin- loss of a hair. The hog wn standing on the truck at the ninety--three mile-post when caught up by the pilot of the engine. The train was going at the rata of about thirty miles an hour. The animal took a front seat on the engine without being in the leant disoomvrtoif at the sudden and im expected t in- in pork, and rode across the Savannah river to the ninety-eight mile lust, where lie was lauded safe aud sound. The Tilt at Blufftou. The steamer Seminole will leave Savau nah Thursday morning at 6:30 o'clock and reach Blufftou in time for the grand tilt lie tween the Beaufort District Troop and the | Charleston Dragoons. A grand ball will bo given at night, aud tho steamer will not I li u v • until its doss. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1887. JUDGMENT DAY. A Number of Cases Decided in the City Court. A number of judgments were taken in the City Court yesterday in cases where jury trials were not asked for. In the cases pend ing against Thomas B. Innes, tho former contractor of the Tybee railroad, the fol lowing judgments for the were taken: By tho River Lighterage and Wreck age Company, for services, $504 10 and s'.( 02 interest; A. LelHer, grocery supplios, $1,544 72 and $lO 80 interest; B. H. Levy <& Bro., clothing supplies, $225 21, with inter est; Ross <t Hanford, driving piles, $3,855 00 ana $22 50 interest; the Vale Royal Manu facturing Company, timber, s‘s*s 50 and $5 55 interest; E. Lovell it (Sons, hardware supplies, $4Bl 50mid $0 17interest;Oeorge F. Byrnes, services of tugboat, $415 and $4 in terest. The other judgments were as follows, all for the plaintiffs: J. Faust & Sons vs. E. B. Flood, suit on account, $123 75 and SPKB interest; H. W. Catherwood vs. William Hone & Cos., account, $3lO and $5 57 inter est; R. M. Marks & Cos. vs. Moses Krauss. ac count, $978 GO and *334 20 interest; Robert Couch, Jr. <fc Cos. vs. E. B. Flood, account, $134 50 and $lO 78 interest; F. H. Allen i& Cos. vs. Kamuel A. Einstein, promissory note, $0.54 18 and interest from April 20, 1887; Chatham Real Estate Improvement Company vs. Henry Wiehrs, agreement and deed, $2,007 24" with interest from July 1, 1887, and $290 72 attorney's fees; T. R. Van Dozer vs. W. 11. Whitehead, slll 21, with interest from April 1, 1880; Harzburg & Cos. vs. Appel Bros., $615 75 and sll 10 interest; Savannah Real Estate Cos. vs. Bhoobo Ann Harney, promissory notes, $l5O and S7O 96 interest; T. B. Bond (V Cos. vs. J. A. Bapot, account, $1,113 68, and interest from Mav 1, 18,86; DeWltt C. Bacon vs. William H. Bacon, promissory note, $lO6 67 and $8 70 interest; Eckman & Valsburg vs. Hart & Rodda, suit on ac count, $154 50 and $5 07 interest; the Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos. vs. Charles P. Small, agreement and deed, $1,700 50, with interest front July 1, 1887, and $l7O attorney foes. The grand jury of tho City Court will meet on July 15. Judge Harden assigned most of the cases yesterday but on account of the absence of some attorneys, others were not set for trial. These cases will bo assigned on Tuesday next. THE COURT OF ORDINARY. Convening of the July Term—Letters of Administration Granted. The July term of the Court of Ordinary was convened yesterday. William D. Dixon qualified as administrator upon the estate of T. B. Blackwood. Jordan F. Brooks qualified as guardian of the property of William I. Fallen, minor Henry J. Thmnasson qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Lieb Harrison. George S. Rountree, administrator, pro cured an order to confirm the sale of real estate of Isaac M. Marsh, deceased. letters dismissory were granted to E. M. Anderson, R. H. Anderson and Horace A. Crane, as executors of the last will of Ed ward C. Anderson, deceased. Aaron H. Champion was granted letters dismissory as guardian of tho property of his minor children. Letters dismissory were granted to Aminta E. oinl Edward M. Green, executors of the will of Charles Green, deceased. Orders to sell were granted to Henry M. Drane as guardian of Henry M. Drane" Jr., to Jefferson D. Miller, administrator of the estate of Richard D. Stotesbnrv, and D. L. Roberts as guardian of Mary W. Roberts, minor. OVER IN CHARLESTON. What is Going on in South Carolina’s Metropolis. Capt, F. W. Wagener, who has been men tioned as a candidate for the Mayoralty of Charleston, says that he will not be a candi date, nor will he accept u nomination for this office if it should tie offered to him by the Democratic convention. The term of office of the present Mayor and City Council will close with the present year, and tho merits of different citizens who might be come candidates are being discussed. A report has bean current in the city that an effort would be made to induce Capt. Wagener to accept tho Democratic nomina tion. Charlestonians are stirred up over the rumors about the New York steamships. The Sews and Courier says that negotia tions of some kind have been in progress for some time. What they are no one except the officers of the company know, and there is no such thing as a latch string on the door of their mouths. They say that something is going to happen and this is all that they will sav. The City of Columbia and the City of Atlanta have not been running be tween New York and Charleston for about two months. These two steamships hnve been in New York for debt. It is said that three years ago the indebtedness amounted to $150,000. An arrangement was made, as the story goes, that this indebh'dness, which was due the builder of the ships, was to be paid in throe annual installments, and that not one of those in stallments has beeu paid. The builder of tho ships wanted his money, demanded payment, anil a short while ago seized the ships. The builder was not the only creditor of the line. Claims for repairs and claims for supplies have been entered and arc seeking priority. The whole amount of indebtedness on tfie two steamships is now said to amount to over $200,060, It is suiil that there will be a lawsuit over the ships, and that they will be sold. Tho two ships are said to Ik.'long to the South Carolina Railway Company. THE STAR-STUDDED SKY. Movements of the Planets During Summer’s Second Month. The star-lit evenings of July will be full of tieauty for those who delight to study the wonders of the heavens. Tho peerless Venus, fairest of the stars, will reach her greatest distance eastward from the sun, while she shines like a young moon in the glowing West. The lordly Jupiter will look down from the meridian at sunset and tread with starry foot his western path until at mid night he sinks below the horizon. The ring girdled Saturn, hidden from mortal sight, will |mss beyond tho sun and commence his course as morning star. Mer cury, on winged feet will, like Venus, reach hi* eastern Hunt, and w ith hurrying pace pans between us and the sun to join the choir of morning stars in hoavenlv liar inony. These are the movements of some of our brother worlds, members like our selves of the sun’s family. They are but motes in the sunbeum, grains of sand on the seashore, where we compare them with the immensity of the material universe, as glo riously pictured in the suns of space that track their shining wav in myriad hosts over the broad concave of the heavens. Manv People Refuse to Take Cod Liver Oil on account of its unpleasant taste. This difficulty has been overcome in Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos phltes It living as palatable as milk, and the most valuable remedy known for the treatment of consumption, scrofula and bronchitis, general debility, wasting diseases of children, chronic coughs and colds, has caused physicians in all iiarts of the world to use it. Physicians retort our little pa tient* take ii with pleasure. Try Scott’s ] Emulsion and be convinced. The Boat Eye Glass. At Butler’s pharmacy can he found the most complete line of eye glasses in the State. All eyes can lie fitted from this largo ( assortment, and perfect satisfaction guaran teed. Mr. Hawkes, the optician, will be at i Butler's to-day, and wifi lie glad to give those needing glasses tho beuent of his ex- IxTionco. No lietter glass can is' found than • the celebrated Hawke* crystallized louses. THE BALL AND BAT. Charleston Turns the Tables on the j Pelicans and Wins Again. New Orleans, July 5. —Charleston played a great fielding game to-day and made a few opportune hits which won the game. Both pitchers did fine work, but Mc- Vey, owing to a sore finger, could not hold Ewing’s hot shot successfully. Charleston’s outfield again carried off the fielding honor, while Powell of New Orleans, also played a great fielding game. Charleston made its first run on a base on balls, a steal and Bowel 1A two bagger. In the sixth inning New Orleans took tho lead, Carupau and Bowell hitting safe, stealing a base each, Campau scoring on Cartwright’s hot grounder to third and Bowell coming home, while Cart wright had himself run down going to second. Charleston tied in the eighth inning, Glenn hitting for two bases really a misjudged fly by Pujol and scoring on two passed balls. In the ninth inning Williams made tho winning run for Charleston on a base on balls, a passed ball, Carl’s sacri fice and Hurgler’s single to right after his foul tip was muffed. Two postponed games will be played off to-day. Charleston kick erl against Merritt’s umpiring, although it got the best of tlie decision. The innings were: Charleston t 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1— 3 New Orleans 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0— 2 Batteries—Bungler anil Childs, Ewing and MeVey. Base hits—Charleston 8, New Orleans 7. Stolen bases New Orleans G, Charleston 4. Errors —Charleston 3, New Orleans 5. Gafnea Elsewhere. At Philadelphia— The Philadelphia-Fittsburg game sched uled for to-day was postponed on accouut of rain. At Louisville— Louisville 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 2 o—lo Athletic 3 1 2 1 00000-7 Base hits—Louisville 9, Athletic 12. Errors— Louisville B, Athletic 4. At Indianapolis— Indianapolis 0 0220001 0— 5 Washington 1 20000 1 0 0— 4 Base hits -Indianapolis 10, Washington 12. Errors—lndianapolis !, Washington 8. At Detroit— Detroit 0 2 1 7 1 0 0 5 x—l 6 Boston 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 2 1— 8 Base bite—Detroit 19, Boston IS. Errors—De troit 1. Boston 5. At Chicago— Chicago 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 x— ls New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 Base bits Chicago 17. New York 16. Errors— Chicago 3, New York 9. Batteries—VanHallren and Daly, Keefe, Tierman, Brown and O’Rourke. The Interstate League Meeting. The meeting for the org inization of an Intei-state League club was not held last evening, owing to the inclemency of the weather. It, will bp held at the office of Mr. I. G. Haas, 141 Bay street, to-uight ut 8:50 o’clock. Important matters will be intro duced, and tiiero is every assurance of the Interstat e League being a success. Eight cities will probably constitute the league, Savannah, Macon, Augusta, Atlanta, Co lumbus, Charleston, Columbia and Jackson ville. Local Personal. Hon. S. R. Atkinson, of Brunswick, is at the Bulaski House. Capt. and Mrs. D. B. Greene were pass™ gel's on the steamer Tallahassee for New York yesterday. Maj. A. L. Hartridge, who has been North for a short time, returned home yesterday, much better in health. Mr. C. M. Holst, Norwegian Consul at this port, was a passenger on the steamship Tallahassee, which sailed yesterday for New York. Mr. Holst goes North for a brief res pite from business. The first grades of the [grammar schools in Philadelphia recently had two examina tions, one preparatory to the other, for pro motion to the high school. In each of these, Harry Oollager, of Savannah, stood first in his own class, and fourth on the list of 123 scholars, who, out of 256, passed both examinations successfully. Master Gallager has been a pupil of the Savannah public schools until within a year past. Among the arrivals at the Pulaski House yesterday were: J. H. Johnson. B. L. (’aid well, Williamsport, Ba.: H. B. ltoddock, C. Fritzsimous. J. W. Craig, James G. Holmes, Charleston, S. C.; James M. Lynch, Jr., Atlanta; B. H. Divine, Washington, D. C.; E. R. Holmes, New York: J. Crawford, Harvey Coale, Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. Porter, P. L., New York. At the Marshall House were W. H. Rey nolds, Lakeland, Fla; R. A, Ivev. Branford, Fla; H. B. Mattox, C. F. Hitch, Homerville: Miss M. J. Davis, Westerly. R. I.; G. A. Barker. Macon; Daniel Me Ivin ley, Jackson ville, Fla.; L R. Battle, Haekton; 8. M. Chapman, Jr , and wife, Mrs. Byington, Johnston; J. F. Guiclieteau, N. Y.; L. B. Way, Brunswick: Miss Atherton, New York; Ja- R. Babbitt, Bainbridge. At the Harnett House were B. S. Corker, T. M. Taylor, Waynesboro; J. W. nogan, Valdosta; F. Dunlap, Atlanta; I. L. Eden fleld, Si-riven county, J. N. Wood, Bremer; E. H. Forrester Brunson, S. C.; E. T. Adams, R. Teynae, Jacksonville; D. G. Drew, Drew, S C.: M. L. Thornton. Hunt ington, W. Yu.: J. s. Roller, James Elliott, S. E. Cribb, Olenmore; W. Champlin, Feu saeola;N. Rossu, Brunswick. A Commercial Traveler’s Complaint. Eastman, Ga., July 4. —Editor Morning Sews: The traveling public on this lino of road (Macon and Brunswick division of the East Tennessoe, Virginia and Georgia rail road) are very much put out on account of a recent order by the management of this road which prevents the public getting on or off by the night lines, both north and south-bound, at any station except Cochran, Eastman, Cliaunccy, Lumber City and Cur rency. This is not only a great inconve nience to the commercial traveler, but to the public generally, who have no ftime to lose in visiting either Macon or Savannah. No doubt in many instances persons prefer staying at home rather than spending nearly thrixs days for a trip formerly made in one day. Before the order was issued one could leave home at night for either Mooon or Sa vannah, have all day following to attend to business, and be back home again the same night. As it is at pivsont it takes tile Inst jiart of one day to get to either citv. arriv ing there late at evening, another day to at tend to business and the best part of a third day to get hack home again. t cannot see any good reason for such a change. Bv leaving it by the former sched ule the roucl is not put to any extra expense, mid to save time in running they need not stop only at stations where passengers want to get off or are flagged down for passen gers to get on. I hope by your bringing these facts to tho notice of the management they may find it to the interest and advantage of all con cerned to revoke the order. I). Weak lungs, spitting of blood, consump tion and kindred affections, cured without physician. Address for treatise, with two stamps, Woklu’n Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. How A Colored Boy Becamo Rich. The holder of one-tenth of ticket 23,8'.<0 — the second capital prize in tho April draw ing of The Louisiana Htato Lottery of $50,000 —has received his $5,000, and our readers would perhajis like to know that Clifford J. Tweedy is a likely colored boy, 22 years of age raised by Mr. Henry T. Peay, and getting #4 ]*-r month. He deposited $4,000 in the Georgia Railroad Bank and di vided a portion of the rest amongst his pi*ir colored relations. He did not forget Mr. Peav, to whom he gave $5O. He said that he had a ticket regularly for the last fifteen months, aud it was the fifteenth dollar that did the work.— Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, April 30. The best 45 cent Undershirt in the city at Appel & Bchaul's. THE FEATURES OF JUNE. ■■■ - ■ *■ What the Signal Service Reports Say About the Month. The month of June, according to the sig nal service reports, was remarkable for gen eral deficiency in rainfall all over tho coun try, the absence of frosts in the northern portion of the country, and the small num ber of severe local destructive storms. The moan temperature for the month was equal to or below the normal over the States lorderiug on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, Tennessee, Arkansas and Missouri. The greati-st depressions below the normal were 3 at Wilmington, Jacksonville and New Orleans; 4” at Charleston, Brownsville, and Uio Grande City, and 6" at Mobile. It was above the nornuu over the Like region, tho Ohio, the Missouri, and Upper Mississippi valleys. The greatest differences are re ported os 3* from St. Louis, Davenport, St. Paul, Duluth and Deadwood; 4° from Hu ron, Dak., and Bismarck. There was a general deficiency of rainfall throughout the region cast of the Rocky Mountains, except in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Kansas, Nebraska, South ern Georgia, and the southern portions of the States bordering on tho Gulf of Mexico. The greatest deficiencies are reported from Tennessee, the Ohio and upper Mississippi valleys. Some of the greatest departures below the normal rainfall (in inches) are: Chattanooga, 2.8; Louisville, 2.7; Coluin bus, 2.8; St. Louis, 2.(i; Keokuk, 3!9; Des- Moines, 4,!); LaCrosse, 3.5; Milwaukee, 3.3; and Grand Haven, 3.9. Some of the great est excesses of rainfall above the normal (in inches) are: New York City, 4.4; Phila delphia, 3.5; Savannah, 3.8; Jacksonville, 4.0; Mobile, 8.4; New Orleans, 5.3; Galves ton, 4.0; Brownsville, 11.5; and Rio Grande City, U.S. The total rainfall for tho month on the Pacific coast was slightly below the normal. The following total rainfall (in inches) for the month are given as extra ordinary: Savannah, 10.8; Mobile, 14.1; New Orleans, 11.3; Brownsville, 13.8. No destructive frosts were reported from any stations of the service during the month. This fact seems to be in accord with the statement of the mean temperature being above the normal for the month in the regions where frost would most likely occur. During the 10th and 11th high easterly winds prevailed aloug the Atlantic coast from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras. The ab sence of rain, the presence of temperature of 30° to 50“ aiiove freezing, the general steadiness of the wind velocity, and timely warnings by cautionary signals reduce possible disasters to a minimum. A number of other dangerous winds occurred, but were of a local nature and brief endurance, and usually accompanied thunder storms. Severe local storms were quite rare during the month. Some were reported from Penn sylvania, West Virginia, Missouri, Dakota and Western Texas of a destructive nature. The Markham House, Atlanta, Ga. This always popular hostelry has recently changed hands, and is now conducted by Ervin Maxwell, who is also the proprietor of the celebrated Palace Hotel in Cincinnati, O. The latter, however, is run under the name of Ervin Maxwell & Son, while the Markham is managed solely by Mr. Max well himself. This gentleman has lieen in the business for lorty-one years, starting at the bottom as a kitchen boy and steadily working up to the topmost rung of the lad der. The Palace Hotel under his astute management, from the very lowest condi tion when ho assumed charge, has acliieved a proud success, and now takes rank with the best andAuost fashionable houses of en tertainment in the Union. Under the plas tic touch of Mr. Maxwell the Markham, too, has taken anew departure, and the interior of the establishment would hardly be recog nized by its best patrons. Indeed he has so added to. altered and improved the arrange ment of the first floor, that it is like anew creation. Partitions were knocked away, new chambers, closets, etc. constructed, and till the conveniences and appurtenances of a first-class modern hotel superadded. The effect has been almost magical. The water closets are simply unsurpassed. A commo dious kitchen with long cooking ranges, boilers, dressers and all the new inventions of the culinary art in full array, presided over by skillful and experienced cooks, leaves nothing wanting in that department. Adjoining, too, may be found the pantry, crockery and glass room, linen chamber, bakery, steam laundry, (with its ironing ap paratus, wringing machine, etc.) carving ;uid serving apartments, storeroom stocked like a family grocery, pastry closet, wash room, and in short a place for everything, deftly and artistically devised and arranged by Mr. Maxwell himself. All of these im provements are entirely new and complete, even the floors having been taken up and re laid. Above, the sleeping chambers, par lors, passage ways, etc., are all handsomely furnished and well ventilated; most of the furniture and carpets, and all of the jiair mattresses aud linen being “spic and span” new. Every room in the house has been thoroughly papered and painted, and the whole establishment remodeled at heavy cost, and presents a very attractive appear ance. Even the elevators, which run ail night, have iieen thoroughly overhauled, and electric bells communicate with every chamber. The dining-room equipment, in cluding chairs, glass, cutlery, candelabra, linen, etc., is all new and elegant. These improvements were all made under the im mediate direction of thejnroprietor at an outlay of over $30,000. The hotel has had a most successful opening and will doubtless be liberally patronized. The cuisine and table are simply excel lent, and the staff of servants large and at tentive. Mr. Maxwell is no stranger in Georgia, having owned a home in Marietta tor many years. Phons Young, so favor ably known to the public, is iubtallod in the office, assisted by Will E. Maxwell, room clerk; Fred Davis, cashier, and Theodore Hammoud night clerk. The Markham can accommodate 250 guests, and the proprietor is always on hand to make them comfortable and happy. An inspection of our thin Coats and Vests is earnestly requested before purchasing. Appel & Si-haul, One Price Clottiiers. Important to Buyora. During the month of July I will sell Hats and Shoes at greatly reduced prices to make room for my purchases while in tho Northern markets. Call early and secure liargoins. A. 8. Nichols, 12> Broughton street. For the Comfort of Stout Mon. We have White Shirts, open front, with Collars and Cuff’s attached, sizes 17, 17J>j, 18, 18L,, 19, made to order anti not called for, which w ill be sold low, by the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. A complete line of Seersucker Coats and Vests at Appel & Schaul’s. Call and look at the elegant. Pongee Coats and Vests at Appel iY Sonaul's. A complete line of Uud*-wew at Appel & Bchuurs, HlB Congress stri-et. A few more of those White Flannel Suits left at Appel & Sclmul’s. Call aiul see the newest shades in Pongee Coats and Vests at Apjiel & Sellout's. Just received, an entire new line of Pongee Coats and Vests at Appel & Helmut's. Umbrellas for Sun and Rain. Silver and Gold Handled Gloria Umbrel las for three dollars and three-fifty, and every other grade down to one dollar, for sale by the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street The nobbiest line of Straw Hats in the city to be seen at Appel & Sr haul's. A complete line ot percale Slurt.s at Appel & Schaul's. Balbriggan Underwear in all grades at Appel & Bchaul's, One I’ritv Clothiers. Weather Indications. Special indications for Georgia: RAIN Southeast to northeast winds in the eastern portion, and northeast to northwest winds in the western portion, stationary temperature, local rains. Comparison of mean temperature at Savan nah, July 5, 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. lianorturo Total Mean Temperature fro#i tlie Departure — Mean Since for 15 years 1 July 5, Bft. -1- or Jan. 1,1887. c 2.0 | 72 0 —10.6 372 2 Comparative rainfall statement: ~.. i . . Departure l Total Mean Datiy Amount f rom the Departure !„iv? r ’B~ Mean Since 16 Years. July... 87. or _ Jau j, 1887. 467 . 590 -|- .428 446_ Maximum temperature 84.6, minimum tem perature 00.0. The height of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta timei was 5.7 feet—arise of 0.6 during the past twenty-four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin for 34 hours end ing 6p. in., July 5. 1887, 75th Meridian time. Districts. j Average. - INo-ofl Max. | Min. !Rain thins. Tem P Tum P ( faU ' 1. Wilmington 9 86 72 47 2. (Charleston 8 85 70 .67 3. Augusta 12 88 70 20 4. Savannah 12 01 72 .81 5. Atlanta 18 87 71 .80 6. Montgomery 9 80 73 .05 7. Mobile 9 02 71 .25 8. New Orleans 13 60 71 .24 9. Galveston 21 03 74 .81 10. Vicksburg 5 80 72 .28 11. Little Rock 14 90 70 09 12. Memphis 19 69 69 .14 Averages Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah, July 5, 9:36 r. w., city time. j Temperature. Direction. < %: Velocity. F , Rainfall. Name of Stations. Portland CB.SW 8 j Clear. Boston 72 8 10 .Fair. Block Island 70,8 W 12 Fair. Now York city ... 72; S 18 07;Cloudy. Philadelphia 74; S 12 16Cloudy. Washington city.. 78(8W 7 Cloudy. Norfolk 74; S 11(Cloudy. Charlotte 72, S ...... {Threatening Hatteras 76: Si 141 .25 (Fair. Wilmington 76 SW 7; .06 Fair. Charleston 745W..j 05, Fair. Augusta 76: 8 .. .01'Cloudy. Savannah 72SW | .50Cloudy. Jacksonville 76 SW 12 08 Fair. Titusville 72; j ,87|Cloudy. Key West 82 F. 7 ... Clear. Atlanta 72 8 W 16 Fair. Pensacola 82 S W to .... Threatening Mobile 70. NW 15 .24 Threatening Montgomery 76( S 7j Cloudy. Vicksburg 74; E .. .04 Cloudy. New Orleans 80i W 'Fair., Shreveport 74! 8 .03 Fair. Fort Smith fO F. t 01.... Cloudy. Galveston 82 8 W 12 (Clear. Corpus Christi 82 S EjlSl |Clear Palestine 76 S Clear. Brownesville 78 S E 8 . ...(Clear. lUoGrande 82 8 0 Clear. Knoxville 78 W 6.. (Cloudy. Memphis 76 8 W . .08 Cloudy. Nashville 14 W cloudy. Louisville 80 S .... (Cloudy. Indianapolis 788 W jFalr. Cincinnati 82 S E Fair. Pittsburg 80 8 12 .... Clear. Buffalo 76 SW ’Fair. Cleveland 741 S .. .48 Fair. Marquette 02 NW Clear. Chicago 74 S 8 {Clear. Duluth 74 NW 12 [Clear. St. Paul 74 . i Clear. Davenport 78' NW j Fair. Cairo 76 W 12' (Threatening St. Louis 84 8 6. Fair. Leavenworth... . 70j N 12,.... Cloudy. Omaha 70 1 ... ..; Clear. Yankton 72 N 1..1 (Clear. Bismarck 72. E >.. .Clear. Deadwood 68 S Wl.. |... Clear. Cheyenne E ! 6 (Clear. Nortii Platte 76 N E 7 ... Clear. Dodge City 80; 8 (..I [Clear. Santa Fe 70l S 1..1 (Clear. G. N. Salisbury Signal Corps, U.S. Army. For Warm Woathar. White Linen Duck Suits, gray and cream color, Pongee Coats and Vests, Black Al pacas, at all prices. Seersucker Coats and Vests, thin Coats for fifty cents; thin Under wear to close out, by the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. For the Benefit of the Clergy. Wo have on hand Clergymen’s Black Alpaca Coats, to be sold low, by the Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. At the Harnett House, Savannah, Ga., veil pet all the comforts of the high-priced hotels, and save from 8! to 92 per day. Try it and be convinced. —Boston Home Jour nal. SUMMER GOODS. Headquarters at the Crockery House of James S. Silva & Son. Keep cool; don’t worry about tho hot weather. Know ye that we have a large lot of artistically decorated WATER COOLERS, both plain and porcelain lined, and the prices we put on them will not hurt your pocketbook. We keep the best ICE CREAM FREEZERS to be had. Remember, Fly Fans, Ice Ticks, Fly trapis. If you want to be sure of the purity of your drinking water use the GATE CITY STONE FILTER. It is simply perfect. Come and let us show you one, explain the working and give you a glass of river water without the mud. James S. Silva & Son. N. B. —Our “Odds aud Ends” Sale con tinues. Embroideries and Laces. This week we will put on sale, besides the balance of other stock, all the Embroideries and Islet* which were saved at the fire. We promise to give such bargains as will com mand a ready purchase, as we arc very anx ious to close out the entire stock at the earliest possible moment. Please bear this in mind and be certain to examine our stock of Embroideries and Lares. We also offer excellent bargains in Children’s ami Gents’ Fine Hosiery, Kid, Bilk and Thread Gloves. " David Weisbein, 165 Congress street, next door to Solomons’ drug store. Our great success in thin Coats and Vests so far this season, compelled us to telegraph our New York buyer to purchase anew stock of them, which he has done, and now we can show the prettiest style* in the city. Appel & tSchuul. Wedding Presents. I am in an uncomfortable store, Broughton street, directly opposite Ludden & Bate's Music House. Of course, as soon as I can, shall remove to my old quarters. I teel like r fish out of water. Just think, I have received an immense stock of solid silver ware, and have no room to show it, consequently I have to make room. But howl By selling it ns quickly ;is possible, to accomplish it, I have put the prices down to almost cost. Henoe anybody in nets lor not in need of such gods Lave an opriortu nity which is seldom offered. M. Stern berg, 110 - v ' Broughton street, opjmsite Lud den A Bate's Music House. Do not fail to sett our Fancy Striped Suit of Underwear selling at 81 50 per suit. Ap pel SclmtU, 163 Congress street. Novelties in thin Coats and Vests just re ceived at Appel & be haul's, One Price Clothier* BAKING POWDER. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of Purity, Strength and AVholesomeness. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Cos., 108 Wall street, New York. 1.1 DPEN <fc BATES 8. M. H. FULL TILT. We are busy, very busy; all departments crowded. This, in midsummer, rather astonishes us. We thought we would have a good trade, but it rather ex ceeds our utmost expectations. Orders coming in from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mis sissippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Ken tucky and Virginia, and the rea son of their coming to us is, “ that price and fair dealing, to gether with prompt and careful attention to orders, will sell goods.” Our bargains in Stationary, Artist Materials, Pictures and. Frames are still open to Savan nah buyers, and are well worth examination. L.&B.S.M.H. EYE-'. LASSES. today; AT Butler’s Pharmacy, The last opportunity to consult MR. GEORGE B. HAWKES, The Traveling Representative of Hawkes’ Crystallized Lenses. 1 1 This gentleman is a skillful expert optician, having made the subject a study for years. He will adapt glasses on scientific principles to those needing them, and guarantee a fit. He t) thoroughly conversant with the errors of refrao* tion and diseases of the eye, congenital and ac quired, and guarantees that the glasses adjusted b / him will suit. HAWKES’ CRYSTALLIZED LENSES ABE THE PERFECTION OF EYE GLASSES. Indorsed by Thousands of Wearers. In this city their sales have been immense, and everyone joins in the popular verdict that HAWKES’ CRYSTALLIZED LENSES give more satisfaction than any other glass in the market. Don’t Delay. Make an Effort to consult Mr. HAWKES to-day at Butler's Pharmacy, and have Glasses fitted to your eyes by one who will know what you need. REMEMBER THIS. It costs you nothing for the benefit of Mr. HAWKES' skill, and you can get a glass just suited to your cane. The cost of these Superior Glasses is no more than that of the inferior kind usually sold. At Butler’s Pharmacy TO-DAY. See Morning News of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and read the golden opinions of those who have used these celebrated Glasses. ... i.— J-S3 TOOTH paste. FOR THE TEETH! / YKIKNTAL TOOTH PASTE. Cherry Tooth \ f Paste, Charcoal Tooth Paste. Sntffleld'. Cream Dentifrice, Lyons' Tooth Tablet's, Arnie. T'kiili Snap. Thompson's Tooth Soap, Carbollo Tooth Soap. Tooth Powers and Washes all kinds at STRONG'S DRUG STORE, corner BuU and Perry street lane. KIESLING’S White Hoad. I )LANTS. BOUQUETS, DESIGNS. CUI I FLOWERS furnished to order. Leave or ders at DAVIS BROS.’, coiner BuU and Y-ork .o.*;: Toiennons call ill). State OF Weather.