The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 08, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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< •OMMT'RrTAT.. ~~ 'savannah market. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, i Savannah, Ga.. July 7. 4p. m. i OorroN The market was dull and nominal. Ta ftl was, however, a firmer feeling in prices, •hioh were advanced. The sales for the day 'Vre only 13 bales. "Change at the midday "ft n , j p m „ the market was reported steady advance of 54c all around. The follow “ft 01V the oificia! spot quotations of the Cot ton Exchange: Middling fair 1154 (■jood ini<Wliii|? 11 Middling. JJJM Row middling 105 Gvod ordinary 10 S, a Island- The market was very quiet and unchanged. There were no sales. We quote: Common Georgias and Floodas 14 @1554 Medium 1054(1! 17 Good medium l.U®lB Medium fine lhK>('C- Extra flue *Wril Choice 33 66 Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock ok Hand Jci.y 7, 15>87, and for the Same Time Last Year, . ■ ii 1880-87. | i ISBS-S6. l2nd. 1 1 \. | Upland | ! Stock od hand Sept. 1 1,14!)! j 4,BMj| 551 j 3,498 j Received to-day |j 25! * 21 I Received previously 47.230;; 771,204;; 23.382 778,313; j Total 28,379 1 775.53:4' j 23,033 781 J Exported to-day ji 1 Exported previously 27,766 775.012 ’ '2 V> 776.134 | Total 27,706 1 777.012 1 776.434 ! Stock on hand and on ship- \ i \ board this anda v CI3U 521 J i.l. j, 5.201 Rice The market was quiet, but very firm pu l unchanged. The sales for the day were 89 barrels. We quote; Fair Mm* Good —- lTlnio 5 (ft)5J4 Rough— Country lots IX) Tide water l5 Naval Stores -The market for spirits tur was quiet and steady. The sales for the day were 1,169 casks, of which 160 casks were at -'kX.* for regulars, and 1,009 casks at 3i' 4 c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening oail the market was reported KtuiuU at 30V4C for regulars. At the closing call it was steady at 30*4c for regulars. Rosin— The market was very quiet and unchanged. The sales for the day were about 745 barrels. At the Board of Trade'onthe first call the mar ket was reported dull for H and above and quiet for G and below, with sales of 346 barrels, at the follow ing quotations: A, B, C and D $1 09, E $1 05, F $llO, G $1 15, II *1 20, I $1 25, K $1 50, M $1 05, N $1 85, window glass $2 20, wat,*r white $2 y). At the closing call it was unchanged. naval stores statement. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Received to-day 415 1.478 Received previously 6(3,895 149,102 Total 69,853 227,988 Exported to-day Exported previously 59,282 178,753 Total 59,282 178,753 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 10,571 47,235 Receipts same day last year 230 850 Financial—Money is active. l)oni<.*lic Exchange Steady. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at per cent, pr • aiuiu and sailing at \\ per cent premium. Errhmiqe —The market is easy. (Guin r id J miau l, $4 sixty days. 1" ei 1 'i \ r >i-4vs, $iBD4; francs, Paris and I! . . • :n *:■ •!.*!, sixty days, $5 24££; Swiss, s’> 21 • {: • n 1 u . 1 cty days, 94M. s Tue market is inactive and 1 at 1 1 w.*.‘ . n lots of stocks and de 1h 1 • s Jng for sale. - in Mr* -City Bonds —Quiet. At i • it lon date, 198 bid, 110 asked; •• it 118 bid, 121 asked: Augusta • p 1 r e, ! 15 bid, 118 asked; Augusta Cslu ~ ji, *1 i, 1 }0 asiD-d; udlumous 5 ]K*r cent, irtibid, 105 asked; Macon 6 ix*r cent. 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 percent, October coupons, 101 bid. 102 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. August coupons. 102 bid, 103 asked. State Bonds —Market steady, with light sup ply Georgia new rts, 1880, 103 bid, 104 asked; Georgia new loo>4 bid, 100>4 asked; Geor pia 7 i>er cent gold, quarterly coupons, 107 bid, asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1890, 123 bid, 124 asked Railroad Stocks —Central common 120 bid, 121 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guar anteed, 133 bid, 134 asked; Georgia common. 197 bid, 20) asked: Southwestern 7 percent guaranteed, 128V$ bid, 129 asked; Cen tral 6 per cent certificates, ex-interest, 101 bid. 101# asked; Atlanta and West Point rail road stock, ex-dividend, 111*4 bid, 112*4 asked; Atlanta and Wear Point 6 per cent certificates, 102 bul, 103 asked. Railroad Bonds —Market quiet. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent coupons, January and July, maturity 1897. 119 bid, 121 asked; Central consolidated mortgage? percent, coupons January and July.maturity 1893. 110 bid. 11l asked; Georgia railroad Gs. 1897. 109*4 bid 11'* asked; Mobile and Girard second inort Kuu r <* indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 105 bid. 106 asked; Mont ginnery and Eufaula first mortgage 0 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 109 bid, 11<> asked: Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage, Wyears. 6 per ceac 99 bid, HHi asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mortgage, 113 askod; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta seooud mortgage, 110 aske l; Western Ala bama second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, 108 bid, 109 asked; South Georgia and Florida Indorsed, 118 bid, 120 asked, South Georgia and Honda second mortgage, 114 bid, 116 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 P i cent. 109 bid. ill asked; Gainesville, Jef ferson and Southern first mortgage guaranteed, bid, liGUj asked; Gainesville. Jefferson and bmthern not guaranteed, 112 bid, 113 asked; Ocean Steamship C per cent bonds, guuran* h*ed by (Central railroad, 102 bid, 103 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 113 bid; toiunibus and Rome first mortgage bonds in uor-,1- 1 by Central railroad, 106 bid. 107 asked; , ( *' u, nbus and Western 6 per cent guaranteed, I°'' bid. 107 asked; City and Suburban rail way first mortgage 7 i>er cent, 109 bid. 110 a>k* l; Oglethorrx* Ravings and Trust Com pany. 100 bid, 1(17 asked. Bank' Stocks— Nominal. Southern Bank of Die State of Georgia. 200 bid. 205 asked; Mer cnants'Natiooal Bank, 160 bid, 165 asked; Sa varmah Bank and Trust Company, 98 bid. 100 I s , National liatik of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 das storks Savannah Gas Light stock, cx aividend, 21*4 bid, 22 asked; Mutual Was Light stock. 20 bill, 23 asked. Bacon - Market firm; demand good; ■ui'ited clear rib sides, 9Wc ; shoulders, 7*dc; ?“’ ;‘bi*d clear rib sides, long clear, B*yc; on Millli*i-s. none: hams, 12*4c. baoguno ani Tier Market quiet. Wo quote: L ,a K ,n K. 84(3*8*4c; 2 tfis, \% - , .according to brand and quantity. ' 11 ties Arrow anil other brands, $1 (N)td. l 05 biiiuile, aecordiug to brand and quantity, and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. li-tter Market steady; oleomargarine, 14(£ rv‘^| ( oi V? (ioBlien , 18c; gilt edge, 22c; cream- J’auijauk - Northern, 9<ftM)e jj-’FKt The market is dull. Wo quote for On! , l ‘S? Ordinary, 19c; fair, 20c; good. iV'' : ' boiee, 21 e; peiiherry, 22 *f^ ii , ,ikk ue Market nominal;sfl\all demand;stock 'V' Me quote, Itftiac. ?p- '■ RriT Apples, evaporated, 13c: peeled rn,’.* * peeled, 19c; unpccled, cur rii iU. 7c; citron. 250. i*\l h \ { J OOD * The. market is firm: business '* quote: Prints. Georgia brown SJL 11 .!?*’ ;l b Ifi*e; 7 8 do, r*4c: 4-4 brown sheet white osnahurgs, checks, y?l? I ,1 , 85c f'r best makes; brown drill- i ß o^ We full weights: Mackerel-- J; V No. 3, half Darrel*, nominal, V . "'‘GO; No. 2, $7 50. Herring—No. 1. %.; h|, aleill. to; cod, BBc. n? „ ; ul K * Market weak, demand moderate. 6wa° U ‘ : Kxtra i $4 35; fancy, f 5 00® 47- 1 tlolc ® Ikitent, $5 2f(ss 05; family, $1 60(ft aiL , l4 l l"7^ ?r !} orw ~*Markot advancing and de- T . r ‘, f ** r We quote, $4 00(&4 M. Wu Av. N . 'orn—Market easy; demand light. loui OUi; White corn, job lot*. 6Sc; carload 'ii ml ;*d corn, job lout, 01c; carload 1 s'caily; demunrl Rood. We • Mixed oats, 45c; carload lots, 40r.*Bfan. $1 10. Meal, 65c; Georgia grist, per sack, $1 55; ; grist, per hiisln l, 70c. Hay—Market steady, with a fair demand; I K aniple We quote job lots: Western, jv 1 00; earload lots, 90c. Eastern, none. North j ern, none. lliOEs. Wool, Etc. -Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint, 12c; salted, 10c; dry butcher, Bc. Wool Market weak and decliii - mgjpnmeinbaies, burry, lo^lsc. ‘ h X, i Tallow, 3 (a 4c. Deer skins, Hint, 20c; salted, lbc. Otter skins, 50l\v;$4 00. ' firm; Swede, refined, tills'7^^? rket iS st€ady; in tierces . 7>4c; 50-lb Lime. Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala- lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at barrel : Georgia, 30; calcined plas ?° P? 1 b . arrel ; hair, 4c. Rosendale cement, 5-1 >0; Portland remfut. $2 50. Liquoßs -Full stock: steady demand. Bour rye ' SI J 1 mand. Market firm: fair demand. We quote: ; 4dand sd, $3 25; 6d, S3 ix); Bd, $2 75; 10d to 60d, $2 50 per keg. Nets—Almonifs. Tarragona, 18@20c; Ivicas. 1< (3,18 c; walnuts, French. 12c; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c: filberts, 12c; cocoa-nuts, Baracoa, $5 25 per 100. OiLs—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 4cm- West Virginia black, 9@loc; lard, 60c; headlight, 15c: kerosene, 10c; water white, 13>4c; neatsfoot, 62<*J80c; machinery, unseeil, raw, 52c; lioiled, scc; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homelight, 18c. Onions- Bermuda, $l6O per crate; native, cl l >35 per crate; Egyptian, $2 50 per crate. Potatoes—Scotch, $3 00 20 per sack; new, $3 Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75<a 80c; clay, $1 00@.\ !5; speckled, black eye, $1 1 75. Prunes—Turkish, 5-%c; French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00; layers, $2 00 per box; Lou don layers, $2 25 per box. Shot—Drop, $1 40: buck, $1 65. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 00c fob; job lots, 75(3 900. Sugar—-Hie maket is firm; cut loaf, G4£c; standard A, 6c; extra O, s ^c; C yellow, granulat<*il, od,c: powdered, 6)^c. bYiiur Florida and Georgia syrup, 40(7?,45c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 36@,40c; Cuba straight govwls, 28c hi hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 250(77 $1 25:'hewing, com mon. sound, 25(g,30c: fair, medium, 38(g.50c: bright. fine fancy, 85(7n90c; extra fine, ihJc7? $i lo; bright navies, dark navies, 40(7/,50c. Litmbku—The demand from the West is quiet, owing to fear of effect of interstate com merce bill; coastwise and foreign inquiry is only fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations: We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 50®17 00 Difficult sizes 16 00@21 50 Flooring boards 16 Shipstuff 18,50(770,21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 800 “ *• 10 00(&1100 900 “ “ 11 00(&12 00 1,000 *• “ 12 Shipping timber in the raft -70) feet average $ 6 00(a 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00& 800 IKK) “ “ 8 00(T& 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00(&10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—There is a quiet market, with few transactions and rates firm. Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 *25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia. New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@$l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward. nominal; to South America, sl3 00(gtl4 <K); to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sil 00® 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27®285; lumber. £3 15s. Steam—To New York, $r 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores—Dull. Foreijm—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s and, or, 4s lVjjd; Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s Coastwise—Steam— To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin. 740 c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 70c Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York $ lb 3-16d Liverpool via Baltimore tb . 3-16d Antwerp via New York lb Gd Havre via New York lb 9-loc Havre via Baltimore 60c Bremen via New York slb 11-16 c Reval via New York 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore $ lb Amsterdam via New York 05c Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c < ienoa via New York $ lb %and Boston ; 0 Viale 1 35 Sea island bale 1 75 New Yorkbale 1 35 Sea island p lale 1 35 Philadelphia p bale 1 35 Sea island V bale 1 35 Baltimore # bale 1 25 Providence p bale 1 50 Rice— By steam— New York p barrel 60 Philadelphia p barrel 6C Baltimore p liarrel 60 Boston p barrel 6() Vegetables By Steam—(By speeialcontract) —To New York, Philadelphia. Boston and Balti more. standard crates, 20o; barrels, 40c. With out the contract, crates, 35c; barrels, 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls p pair $ 65 (& 80 Chickens, 14 to $4 grown 40 % 60 Springers 25 (ft; 40 Ducks pair 50 (ft; 75 Geese ip pair 75 (ft.l 00 Turkeys ** pair 1 25 @2 (X) Eggs, country, dozen 14 (ft; 15 Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va. H>... (ft, 6 Peanuts—Hand picked $1 lb (& 5 Peanuts—Ga. nominal. 75 0, 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds bush. 50 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams if bush. 65 (efr 75 Sweet pot's, white yams $ bush. 40 Poultry Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown: half to three-quarters grown in good request. Eoos—Market steady, with a good demand and scarce. Peanuts— Ample stock: demand fair; market steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal; none m market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH* FINANCIAL. New York, July 7, noon.—Stocks quiet and heavy. Money quiet at 0 per cent. Exchange long *s4 B*2tfc(/*4 82% short $4 84(0,4 84Vs- State bonds neglected. Government bonds dull but steady. 5 p. m. -Exchange dull but steady at $4 84® 4 85W. Money easy at 4(9.6 per cent., closing offered at 2. Sub-Treasury balances—Gold, 5134,- 205.000; currency,sl2,loo,ooo. Government bonds dull and heavy; four per cents 1&74; four and a half per cents 108%. State bonds dull and heavy. The stock market to-day showed the effect of the apathy now general am<mg operators, being feverish and unsettled throughout most of the day Western Union was affected by a revival of the stories in regard to the Baltimore and Ohi<> deal, but there was no news to affect values, and even rumors were not plentiful. Stories in regard to an issue of bonds by tiie Northwest, which met with an official deufal and explanation later in the day, were used with considerable effect against grangers, which were the weakest stocks on the general list. Fluctuations, except in a few caw*, were ex tremely narrow, although Manhattan, after opening up 3 per cent., lost the improvement. Tennessee coal shows a material decline this evening. The money market ruled easy at about 0 per cent. Cotton oil certificates were again the feature, being strong throughout the day The opening was firm to strong at an ad vance over last evening's final figures extending to W, per cent. Kurt her advances were made in the early trading, which, however, did not exceed U percent, in any case, but there was no support, and quotations soon gave way to the attacks of traders. The market soon be came dull and featureless, but with general heavy tone, and so remained until the lust hour Special weakness, however, was displayed by grangers Missouri Pacific and Susquehanna and Western while Northern Pacific were unusually strong There was some improvement later, but the close was rather heavy. Final changes in a notations arc irregular, but advances arc slightly ru the majority. In no case, however, is the gain or loss for mom than a fractional amount, except for Tennessee Goal, which lost .> , M . r <V i,t. The sales aggregated 2uß,<XK> shares. Tm* following were the closing quotations: Ala class A.B to S.uw Now Orleans Pa Ala class U, is 111 oitlo. Is: mart... .8 fliorizia 7s mol t.. 11W* N. Y Central . . S?SKI& ® I** N-rf.i W. prof m, N Carolina Is .V 7 Nor. 1 act,lc .... 34 4 ParlfloMalf ::: '::: &"*} & aG : J* Vo K oonsolidiltod.*M Richmond Danvlso Hi'Dntke & Ohio. Kiohni <1 4. AV. PI Chio. X Nortliw'n.UTA* Tonninal , “ proferred 14TV| Nock island •j®, D0 1 a.. , U0k4 4V. ft* KrcfeiTlron. ss LakiT Shore 7 Union Pacific 67 har W .4 Nash | • a 4Wtl j tyu< THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1887. COTTON. Liverpool, July 7, 12:30 p. m.—Cotton firm, with improved demand; middling uplands o*Dd, middling Orleans s£kd; sales 10.000 bales, lor speculation and export 1.000 bales; receipts 2,000 bales American 1,400. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July and August delivery 5 54-64d, also 5 55-64d, Au gust and September 5 52-0 id, also 5 54-64d: Sep tember and October 5 35-64d. also 5 34-64d, No vember and December 5 20-611. also 5 22 Old, l>*et*mber and January 5 20-Old, SeptemlK*r 5 53-64d. Market firm. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day included 7,600 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 55-64d, sellers; July and August 5 51-Old, buyers; August and Septembers 51-64d, buyers; Noviunb<*r and December 522-64d,sellers; lXvemb<*r and January 5 2l)-64d,buyers; January and February 5 2u-04d, buyers; September 5 54-04 vi, value. Market firm. Good middling uplaiuls 6d, middling uplands low middling uplands 54xd, good orainary uplands 5 7-l(d, ordinary uplands good middling Texas 6d. middling Texas s*o. low middling Texas ordinary Texas 5 7 I6d, oixlinary Texas 5^(1; goid middling Orleans Od, middliug Orleans low middling i rk*aus .VRd. good ordinary Orleans 5 7-10d, ordinary Orleans slfcd. 4 p. m. -Futures: Unlands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 55-04d, sellei*s; July and August 5 54-64(1, buyers: September and October 5 33-04d, buyers; October and November B 29-64d. value; November and December 5 22-G4d,sellers; December and January 5 21-64d, sellers; Januai*y and February 5 21-64d, sellers; September 5 54-(>4d, buyers. Market closed su*ady. New York, July 7, noon.—Cottou opened firm; middling uplands 10 15-lHc, middling Or leans 11 sales *990 luiles. Futures—Market uuiet but steady, with sales as follows: July delivery 10 71c, August 10 72c. September 10 09c. October 9 77c, November 9 64c. December 9 61c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed firm ; middling up lands 10 15-16 c, middling Orleans sales to day 1,000 bales; net receipts none. Futures—Market closed barely steady, with sales q{ 90,900 bales, as follows: July delivery 10 09'TJK) 71c, August 10 lO 74c, SepUmdKT 10 oBc, October 9 74e, November 901 9 (Kk*., Dccemlx*r 9 03c, January 9 66c, Feb ruary 9 71<(A9 73c, March 9 78<S 79c. Ur?eu it Cos. s renort on cottou futures savs; "Business in contracts has been less active, but the tone is rather better and prices higher, oi l crop showing at one time 6(S.f points up. This appeared, however, to be only a natural reaction following the previous lilieral break, and as sisted somewhat by a favorable turn of affairs in Liverpool, some covering has taken place, but shorts were not pressed with any severity, and appearances seemed to show that at the gain made considerable cotton was marketed. Spot in the meantime was firm and in good spinning demand, and late months held up well in the face of continuous favorable crop ac counts. There is an impression that some sort of manipulation of old crop is taking place, but its character is not clear. At the close the tone was rather easy at only a small fraction above last evening." Galveston, July 7.—Cotton nominal; middling net receipts 10 bales, gross 10; sales none; stock 3,296 bales. Norfolk, July 7.—Cotton quiet; middling 10%c; not receipts 199 bales, gross 199; sales 5 bales; stock 2,217 bales; exports coastwise 35 bales. Baltimore, July 7.—Cotton firm; middling net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 3,250 bales. Boston, July 7.—Cotton quiet and easy; mid dling 11c; net receipts none, gross 108 bales; sales none; stock none; exports to Great Britain 32 bales. Wilmington, July 7.—Cotton firm; middling net receipts none; sales none; stock 1,039 bales. Philadelphia, July 7.—Cotton firm; middling ll?4c; net receipts none, gross none; stock 14,500 bales. New Orleans, July 7.— Cotton quiet; mid dling 10}4c; net receipts 19 bales, gross 19; sales 125 bales; stock 73,147 bales; exports coastwise 315 bales. Mobile, July 7.— Cotton nominal; middling net receipts none, gross none;sales none; stock 4,032 bales. Memphis, July 7.—Cotton quiet; middling receipts 29 bales; shipments 110 bales; sales 10 bales: stock 7,518 bales. Augusta, July 7.— Cottou quiet; middling 1054 c; receipts 2 bales: sales none. Charleston, July 7. Cotton quiet but firm; middling 10%<r* net receipts 10 bales, gross 10; sales none; stock 577 bales. Atlanta, July 7.—Cotton—middling uo receipts. New Y ork, July 7.— Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 396 bales; exports to Great Britain 32 bales; stock at all American ports 248,874 bales. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool, July 7, 12:30 n. ni.—Wheat dull; demand |oor; holders offer freely. Bacon, short clear 395. New York, July 7, noon.—rlour quiet but steady. Wheat dull ami lower. Corn easier. Pork steady; mess, $l5 00(&15 50. Lard dull at $6 Freights firm. sp. m. Flour, Southern firm but quiet: com mon to fair extra $3 40(7r,3 90. Wheat generally firm, closing strong; No. 2 red. July delivery Ns%(&B6*>kc, August Corn generally steady: No. 2, July delivery 44Uj(&45c, August Oats ’i-H/qc higher, closing steady; No. 2. 34e: mixed Western 33,^36c; No. 2, July delivery 33%@33>£c, August 31H)<&31%c. Hops quiet but firm. Coffee, fair Kit* firm atlB’4c; No. 7 Rio. July delivery 16 soc, August 16 45@ 16 80c, September 10 95c. Sugar dull and nominal; refined quiet. Molasses steady; extra heavy blackstrap 10%c. Cotton seed 0i1—34(5. 25c for crude. 42J4(&44c for refined. Hides steady. Wool firm; domestic fleece 30(>87c, nulled 14@34c, Texas 9tft2s. Pork steady. Beef dull. Middles dull ana nominal Lard 5(&7 points lower and moderately active: Western steam, on spot $6 80t7a6 95, July delivery $6 77, August $6 B2. Freights steady. Chicago, July 7. —There was some rather free selling by local operators at the opening of the wheat market, and for the moment the feeling was easier, owing partly to dull foreign advices, hut a stronger reeling soon developed under better buying, influenced by better advices from New York and other markets and reports of damage to the spring wheat crop in the North west. August opened a shade lower at 71<)6c. As the day advanced it became evident that a sort of midsummer lethargy had settled over the wheat pit. Indisposition to do more than a moderate scalping business was very marked. Buying noted earlier put August up to r*44c before noon. Exporters at the sea board appear to be moving wheat w ith a good deal of freedom, and to this fact is attributed a large share of w hat seems to be the inherent strengi h in that grain; but one thing against it is that there is an entire absence of a nig local trade, which is usually the prominent feature and w hich gives a distinctive character to the home market. The scalping trade, while of considerable volume in the aggregate, is in all other respects light and superficial, the trade moving with the market instead of making it and carrying little or uo weight or influence. The 8e8iO!i closed with August ut 72 %c. The reaction which set hi before the close yesterday in the corn pit w'os continued through to-day. giving the market some activity ami a much firmer tone. The volume of business was con siderable but widely distributed. The prevalent idea in the pit is that corn is cheap, and that somebody will take advantage of the price and put the market up. There was not so much of a desire on the part of longs to unload to-day. August opened at SOJdc, !4c better t ban yester day's close and sold up to 3694 c, where it steiadied to the close. There was only a mode rate trailing in oats to-dav, but a healthy up ward tendency in prices for futures. The firm ness in the oats market mny have been Inde pendent of the reaction In corn, but it is diffl cult to tell. The principal buying was in lead ing futures and August advanced from 2594 c to 25%c, and closed steady at this, the highest point reached. Provisions were dull and easier, nut declines were small. Hogs were lower and the packing crowd were bearish on lard and shorl libs, nut the trade was too light for them to do anything remarkable Id the way of chang ing the general eourtjp of values. Several heavy operators were anxious to sell short ribs, hut finding no buyers turned in and endeavored to hid the market up to sell on, but last sales were 2W,<: below yesterday’s close. August opened $7 65, sold at $7 sgW®7 60 and closed with sellers at that price. Lard for August sold at $6 42)4®<> 59 and closed $6 48®6 47J4, a do cllne of 7)40 from yesterday. fash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour ruled quiet but steady. Wheat, No. 2 spring 70U®7014c. No. 3 spring 68c; No. 2 red 73e Corn, No 2. BMe. Dnts. No :. 2. -0..- Mi a pork 815(7) 16. Lard. $6 10. Short rib sides, loose. $7 4s®7 ifly Dry salted shoulders,lxixed, $5 50ftS 60; sliort clear sides, boxed, $7 85(ui 7 9t>. Whisky $1 10. leading futures ranged as follows; Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— July delivery 6991 70)4 70)4 August delivery. 71)4 72V4 72)2 Sept, delivery... 7394 7494 "4)4 Corn— July delivery ~. 35)4 36U 86)4 August delivery. 36W 8612 36 H Sept, delivery... 3794 5794 37 r ; H OATS— July delivery. .. 25 25)4 26U August delivery. 2514 26 2TJ4 Sejit. delivery. . 25)S 2494 2*6)4 Mess Pork—Nominal. lard July delivery . $6 40 $ $ August delivery. 650 680 6 46 Sept, delivery.... 660 860 6 37)4 Short Bibs— July delivery... $7 45 $7 B 0 $7 B 0 He|it. delivery. 765 770 7 67)4 Baltimore. July 7.—Flour easier and quiet: Howard street and Western suts-rflne $2 50® 8 00. vxlra $8 13443 75. family $4 o<)gt4 fs). citv mills superfine 4? vvftS 00, extra $3 25fft8 75; Rio brands $4 50<ft4 75. 'Wheat- Southern steady and tirm; red m-/ mo, ambor Hsi / 86c; Western firmer but .dull: No. 2 winter red. on spot S'Pqc bid. Corn—Southern easier and quiet: white 50(ft 57c, yellow 48(ft49c; Western sternly but dull. Lovisville. July 7.—Grain quiet: Wheat- No. 2 red, 75c. Corn —No. 2 mixed 40c. Oars - No. 2, 29(ft29*4c. Provisions* firm: Bucon- clear rib sides ($8 50, dear sides 90: shoulders $6 50. Bulk meats -clear rib sides $7 SO, clear sides ®S 12*6; shoulders $5 75. Mess pork nominal. sugar-cured, $ll l2 00. Lord, choice leaf SS. Cincinnati, July 7.—Flour dull. Wheat active ami stronger; No. 2 red 7-. :1 4(0#74 l 4c. Corn in good demand and higher; No. 2 mixed 40t i (2) 4k*. Oats Arm; No. 2 mixed 3<tc. Provisions— J'ork quiet at $l5. Lard weaker at $6 15(d)6 20. Bulk meats quiet. Baoon firmer. Whisky steady at $1 05. Hogs quiet. St. Louis. July 7. - Flour quiet and steady. Wheat higher; injury to crons, wet weather and small receipts caus 'd an advance of 9{.<fT3ie; No. 2 red, cash 74 l .i<ft74 : h;C, July delivery 74® Com firm and a fraction Ijettor but tame; cash 3‘.*Vb®32 f, HO, July delivery Oats very dull; cash 20Le; July v delivery 24 Whisky steady at $1 05. jTovisious slow: Pork irregular; new $l5 50. Lard. $0 25 Dry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 75; long clear $750, clear ribs $7 75, short clear $7 BTL£. Bacon firmer; boxed shooilers $0 25, long clear and clear ribs $8 00® 8 70, short clear *sB 87Lg(g*9 00. Hams steely at $ll (X%'l4 00. New' Orlkans, July 7. CofTee quiet and steady; Rio cargos, common to prime 17kj,(r&2(K\ Cotton teed oil prime crude summer yellow 37(538. Sugars staxuig; Louisiana open kettle, good fair 5%c; Louisiana centrifugals, off white 6c, prime yellow clarified 6c, Si*conds Molasses strong; Louisiana centrifu gals. strictly prime to fancy 28@33c, fair to goo(l prime 22(<£25c, common to giXKI common I8(&21c. NAVAL STORE3. July 7.—Spirits turj>entine 27s (and New York, July 7, n->n. Snirits turt>outino quiet at 33 ! 4 4 c. Rosin qioet at $1 l5. 5:00 p. m.—R)sin dull at $1 10<&1 15. Tur pentine dull and weak aU.’lHVp*. Charleston. July 7.— -Spirits tiuqientine firm at :WV4e. Rosin steady; good strained $l. Wilmington, July 7.— Lpirits turpentine quiet Rosin firm; stittiued 85c, good strained 90c. Tar firm at $1 *25. ("rude turpentine firm; hard $1 10; yellow dip $1 95; virgin $2 00. rite. New York, July 7.— Kiee firm. New Orleans, July 7. —Rice unchanged. SHIPPIN T ISTELLIGENCE, ALMANAC—THIS BAY. Bitn Rises S:(M Sun Sets r 7:05 Hion Water at Savannah. . .10:27 a m. 10:48 p m Friday, July 8, 1887. ARRIVED ‘YESTERDAY. Steamship Geo Appold. Billups, Baltimoro- Jas B West A Cos. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar, Beaufort, Bluff ton and Port Royal—ll A Strobhar, Manager. ARRIVED AT QUARANTINE YESTERDAY. Bark Obdulia (Sp), Bonet, Havana, in ballast —Master. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of I-lacon, Kelley, Boston—C G Anderson. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Cohen’s Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. SAILER YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Macon, Boston. MEMORANDA New Y T ork. July s—Arrived, bark St Mary, Mears, Pensacola*; fichrs Nellie, Prinkwatcr, Fer nandina; Annie K Blackman, Blackman, do; Jennie Loekwoodj Poland, Pensacola; Caleb S Ridgeway, Townsend, Darien. Cleared, bark Flba, Tilton, Fernandina. Oporto, June Arrived, barks Pollux (Nor), Hansen, Savannah; 29th, Sredstvo (Aus), Fo ramptther, I’eririacola. Shields, July s—Arrived, Carmel (Nor), Ander son, Pensacola. Turifu, June 28—Passed, bark Pensacola (Ital), Rise. Genoa for Pensueola. Havana, July4J—Sailed, bark Obdulia (Sp), Bonet. Savannah Apalachicola, July s—Arrived, schr City of Baltimore, Tawes, Galveston. Boston, July 5 Arrived, schr Ella M Hawes, Purington, Ai>niachicola. BmiLswick, duly 1- Arrived, burk Queen (Br), Jones, Rio Janeiro; schr Abhie <’Stubbs, Pen dleton. New York; 2d, bark Casihla. Curtis, do; brig Leonora, Monroe. Philadelphia. Hailed 2d, bark Kate Kearnie (Nor), Loversen, Montevideo; schrs Sadie Wilcutt. Barbour, Pro vidence; Grace Andrews, Boston; 3d, Rebecca .7 Moulton, Wyman. St John N B: sth, imrks Fairy Belle t Br). (’after, Rio Janeiro; Geboninio Max Ire < Itali, Bertolotto, do; schr Fannie L Child, Hart, Providence. Belfast, Me. July 3— Arrived, schr Charlotte T Sibley. Bartlett. Boston, to load for Jacksonville. Fernandina. July s—Arrived, schr K 1) Spear, Farr. Charleston. Cleared, schrs Ridgewood, Weaver, New York; Norman. Kreger, Washington. Pensacola, July s—Arrived, bark Ore (Nor), Ostensen, Plata. Port Royal, SO, July s—Sailed, schr T W Dunn. McFarland, Philadelphia. Delaware Breakwater. July 3—Passed out, steamship Ashdell (Br), from Philadelphia for Bull River. Fernandina, July 7-Arrived and cleared to return, steamship State of Texas, Williams, New York. Cleared, schrs H P Shares, Osborn, Perth Am boy; Joseph Luther. Watt*, New York. New York, July 7—Arrived out, steamships Germanic, New York for Liverpool; Aller, New York for Bremen. • MARITIME MISCELLANY. Brig Soltecito (Ital), which arrived at Port Royal. SC, July 2, leaking badly after being ashore, had five feet Water in her hold. SPOKEN. Bark Crescent, Bartlett, from New York for Pensacola June 30, 1 p in, lat 35 42, lou 74 55. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 7 —64 bbls rosin, 11 bbls spirits turpentine, 1 chest tools, 1 case, 1 box w iron, 1 case wine, 2 bdls rims. 1 case cloth, and mdse. Per Savanuah, Florida and Wee tern Railway, July 7 -1,164 bbls rosin, 293 bbls spirits t urpen tine, 42 cars melons. 39 cars lumber. I cars wood, 1 car laths, 1 car blocks. 1 car cattle. 17 bales wool. 1,092 boxes vegetables, 98 bbls vegetables. 10 bales hide*. 0 bbls flour, 30 tost weights, 11 pkgs h h goods. 55 pkgs mdse, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. July 7—20 bales cotton. 56 bales yarn. 85 bales domestics, 4 bales hides. 2 pkgs f *a|.er, 30 boxes tobacco, 27,540 lbs bacon, 50 bbls spirits turpentine, 403 bbls rosin. 1, SHO lbs fruit, 200 sacks bran, 30 bbls meal, 200 bales hay, 2 bbls whisky, sbf bbls whisky, 1 bbl rice, 5 cars lumber, 1 bbl syrup, 3pkgs wood in shape, 1 pkg vegetables, 1 bbl wax, 1 ikg machinery, 3 pkgs carriage material, 29 hales paper stock, ISO pkgs mdse, 8 bbls cotton seed oil, 1 bbl paint, 3 cars brick, 848 pkgs hardware, 7 bales plaids, 19 car* melons. EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Macon, for Boston - 20 halos upland cotton. 300 bales domestics and yarns. 175 bales wool, 400 bhls spirits turpentine, 200 l ibis roHin, 99,492 feet lumber, K 2 bales hides, 30 casks clay, 61.061 melons. 8,280 squash, 411 bbls i*ars, 447 crates vegetables, 108 ton* pig Iron, 128 pkgs mdse PASSENGERS. Per steamship Geo Appold. from Baltimore— Miss Celia Bin li. .1 H l-awnon, H flreenbaurn, Jos Stump, <i 1’ Homer, M R Dabney, .1 K Stock well, Master F, W Smith, J M Myers. M A Huai, J Stine, Mary Shollman, Mary Ann Polite Per steamship City of Macon, for Boston - Mr and Mrs M YV Sewell. ,J W Collins, Miss M Perkins, J N Morrison, (* II Cash, Miss Emma Onthatik, Mrs P M Whitman and child. Mr and Mrs B F Crocby, S A Horn, H C Noble. Miss Mary Crochy, Mrs J W Miller, H J McGinnis, and steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 0 —Transfer Oflice. B*ndheiin Bro>; A Co.LGabd, I) O f 'onnor. A Falk A: Hon, Vale lioyal Mfg Cos, Baldw in A: Cos, Peacock, II & Cos. Per Savannah, Florida and W<*stern Railway. July 7 Transfer Office. S Guckenbeimer A Son, W K Humphries, A Ehrlich A Bro, WI Miller, M Y Henderson. M Ferst A Cos, G W Tiedeman, Perse A L. A Ijeffler, G V Hecker A Cos, K A Ful ton A Soli, J (i Nelson A Cos, McDonough A Cos, Bale, I > A t '■<>. lhmiiord A Cos, 11 Myers A Bros, Bacon, J A Cos. 1* B Smith Bros A < >, Weed A C, M Ferst A Cos, Lee Rov Myers A Cos, D (kj*. A Einstein’* Hons, J p Williams A f 'o, Peacock, II A Cos, Ellis. Y A Cos, Baldwin A (Jo, W \V Gordon A Cos, W C Jackson, J 0 Butler, W W Chisholm. E T Roberts. Per Central Railroad, July 7—Fordg Agt. A B Hull, T P Bond A Cos. D Weisbein. George I> Hodge*. Herman A K. Weed A C. Palmer Bros, I>eeker A F, Arkwright Mills, M Boiey A Hon. Times, .1 KSflicin. Solomons A Cos, H (iohen. B Dub, A Ehrlich A Bro, p Tul**rdy. T HewftAmf J C Thoni|*ou. Gray A O’B. J F Myrs Mfg Cos, G Eckstein A Cos, Frank A Co,H Holomon A Hon. Eckman A V, Rieser A 8, A Loftier, Campbell Bros, A H Champion, McDonough A Cos. L Put ii hern ‘uitoo OU Cos, i J P Williams A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, A Winters, KoPei* Bros. P M Edward*. Benilliemi Broi A Go, t Stillwell. P& M, H Myers & Bros, Pecker &F. S Ouekenheimer & Son. M Ferst & Cos, Mrs S E (Jrttliam & 11, Perse ,V L. BROKERS. TIME Til SPECULATEr' VOTIVE fluctuations in the Market offer op portunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Stocks, Bonus and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention given to orders received by win* or mail. Corresj>onilenee solicited. Full information about the markets in our book, which will Ik* forwarded free 0:1 application. H. I>. KYLE, Banker and Broker, 38 Broad and 34 New Sts. New York City. A. L. HARTRIDGE* SECURITY BROKER. IYUYS AND SEELS on commission all classes * of StH'k* and Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every flrtetui minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINQ. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Brokers. ORDERS EXECUTED on the Now York, Chi cago ami Liverpool Exchanges. l9 COMMERCIAL BUILDING. BANKS. KI SSI MM EE CITY^BAN'K Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 r a regular banking business. Give I particular attention to Florida collections. (’orresjioiulcneo solicited. Issue Exchange on New \ork. New Orleans. Savannah and Jack sonville. Fla. Resident Agents for Coutts & Cos. and Melville, Evans & Cos., of London, England. New York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. FI \< NISH I NG GOODS. Look! Look! JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Gentlemen’s Fine Night Shirts For $! ’ Fine Jeans Drawers at 60c. per pair. Gauze Undershirts, long or short sleeves, 50c. White Lawn Bows, $1 per dozen. White Ties at 15c. per dozen; 81 50 per gross. Fancy Percale Scarfs, 60c. per dozen. 4-in-hand Ties, wash goods, 81 perdozen. White Duck Vests, from 81 to $2 50. British Half Hose, seamless, Coe. White Duck Helmets, Hammocks, White Flannel Shirts and Hats for Yacbtirig- FINE SUMMER CLOTHING AND DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. We guarantee a fit in every case. Sole agents for Dunlap's Fine Hats and Nasci mento's Comfortable Self Conforming Hats, so •omfortable to the head in hot weather. Beau tiful Pearl Hats, and the new STIFF-BItlM MACKINAW HAT. Sun Umbrellas, Gloria Cloth Umbrellas, never cut like the silk will. Buck-Horn Handle Walking Canes, Fancy Un derwear, and anything needed by men for Sum mer wear at LaFar’s New Store, 1?.) Bull street, Hamilton's Old Stand. FLOUR. HECKER’S SELF-RAISING FLOUR Yields more Bread than flour raised with yeast, is finer, more digestible and nutritious. Always Ready ! Perfectly Healthful! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Geo. V. Hecker & Cos., 176 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GRAIN AND HAY. Cargo Eastern Hay! WESTERN HAY. 20,000 bushels CHOICE MILLING WHITE CORN 5,(J00 bushels MIXED CORN. 80,000 bushels HEAVY MIXED OAT& 100,000 pounds WHEAT BRAN. 100,000 FRESH CORN EYES. I,ooft bushels COW PEAS.- CLAY, speckled, white and mixed. Grits, Meal, Lemons, Oranges and Vegetables. STOCK FEED, ETC., ETC. Call for prices on carloads. T. P. BOND & CO., llnty street. I UOU I'HODL'CXS. FOREST CITY MILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Ha,ynes&Elton ( OMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1G YKAJiM KBTAIIMKUKD. Gr. S. PALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchant. SOUTHERN PRODUCE A SPECIALTY. 100 Iteacie Street, New York. Consignments solicited and returns nmdo promptly. Stencilsumi Market report** furnished on application. Kjckkhkm kh. Chatham National Hack, Thur her. Why land A: Cos., New York. Also, Banka and (wtabltohed Produce Merchant* of New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Bouton Bath Tubs ——AN D '■ TIN TOILET SETS. A LARGE SUPPLY POR BALK CHEAP AT LOVELL&LATTI MORE’S Hardware and Stove Stores. l.Y> end 167 Comirau street, near the Market. IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS, Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph. Streets, Savannali, - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS M 1 F Induced us to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than BK|P * ever. To that end no pains or expense has been spared to maintain HH their HIGH STANARD OF EXCELLENCE. IK These Mills are of the BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (mode long *o prevent danger to the 16 jn operator), and rollers of the ties! charcoal pig iron, all turned up true. Tliery arc heavy, strong and durabU\ light and eveu, and an- guaran- WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery, Win. Keh oe <Ss Cos. N. B.—The name “ KEHOE'B IKON WORKS.' is cast on all our Mills and Pans. i ■ ." 1 1,11 k DOWNTHEYGa MATTINGS AT REDUCED PRICES AT LINDSAY Sc MORGAN’S. IN order to close out our Summer Stock we are selling STRAW MATTING AT VERY LOW PRICES. MOSQUITO NETS, REFRIGERATORS, BABY CARRIAGES, aud all other season* able goods MARKED DOWN TO PANIC PRICES. BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS at NINETY CENTS A YARD. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Kept Off by Using Glass Bed Rollers, Our General Stock is Complete. Call on us Early, LINDSAY & MORGAN. GAB FIXTURES, HOSE, BTC. JOHH HICOLSOH, Jr. DEALER IN Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ M ill Supplies. ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam tracking, SHEET GUM, Hydrant, Steal and Suction HOSE. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps 30 and 32 I )ravton St. AGRICULTURAL I MPLEMENTS. 11l fill! Lawn Mowers, Three Sizes, Ladies’ Garden Hoes, Hand Plows, Hodge Shears, Pruninng Scissors and Knives, Garden Trowels and Weeders, Fountain Pumps, Rubber Hose and Reels, —FOR BALE BY Palmer Bros 148 and 150 Congress Street. BUTTER. BEST” Table Butter ONLY 25c. per lb. STRAUSr BROS, 22 and 22 1-2 Barnard St. STOCK FEED. SEED PEAS, Keystone Mixed Feed, —AND- All Kinds of Feed For Horses and Cattle, Sold By G.S.McALPIN M 2 bAf i WHISKY. LAWRENCE. IISTROM & CO.’S Famous "Belle of Bourbon" Is death to Malaria, Chills and Fever, Tynhois Fever, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Surgical Fevers, Blood Poisoning, Consumption, Sleeplessness ~r Insomnia, aud Non assimilation of Food. lO YEARS OLD. ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO FUSEL OIL IN PRODUCING OURsEj SELLE ofBQURBON' WE USE ONLY THE FLINTY OR HOMINY BHRYOFTHE GRAI* THUS FREEING IT OF FUSEL OIL BEFORE IF IS OISTIUEB faience; THE GREAT APPETIZER Louisville, Ky„ May-2), 1886. This will certify tliul I have examined ths Sample of Belle or Bccunos Whisky received from Lawrence, Ostrom A: Cos., aud found ths same to be (icrfectly free from Fusel Oil and ufl other deleterious substances and strictly pure. I cheerfully recommend the -ame for Fundls and Medicinal purposes. J. P. Baunv'm, M. I).. Analytical Chemist, Louisville. Ky. For sale by Druggists, Wiue Merchants and Grocers everywhere Price, 81 25 per bottle. If not found at the above, half dozen bottles lu plain boxes will be sent to any address in the United States on receipt of 86. Express paid to all poiuts east of Missouri river. LAWRENCE, OSTROM & C 0„ Louisville, Ky. At Wholesale by S. GUCKENIIEIMER&SON, Wholesale Orooen; UPPMAN BROS., Whole sale Druggists, Savannah, (la. 11 AMS. ASK YOUR GROCER FOl UMD BREAKFAST BACON, ° N ±1 oenuinb PAT, “ T '° * UOHT MCAILIO •.(., ATTACH. O TO TH| STAMM, ftnQ PAINTS AND OILS. JOHN G. BUTLER; "WHITE LEADS, COLORS, OILS, GLASS. " VARNISH. ETC.; READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, HASHES, DOORS, BUNDS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME. CALCINED PLASTER. CE MENT, IIAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. lift CBU& MURPHY, 19ft House, Sign and Ornamental Painting T? XEOUTED NEATLY and with dispatch. Lj Puints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windoni Olaaoes, etc., etc. Kdtlniato* furnished plication. CORN EH CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS., Hear of Christ Church. HARD W ARK, EDWARD LOVELL TSON^ HARDWARE, Iron and Turpentine Took Offloe: Oor. State aad Whitaker rf reels 1 Warehouse. las aad lid Statu Greet. 7