The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 09, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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MLLE. DE'CAMPOS- FLIGHT. Successive Stories of Hor Departure With the Sham Nobleman. /'rum the Xeie York M'ivWT The story of the disappearance of Seno rita Mercedes de Campos with M. Miol vaque, lias suffered some very material changes since it first startled and thrilled the Parisians. Some of the boldest heroes created by the elder Dumas xvore common place felloxvs compared with the hidalgo, brigand or whatever he was xvho in broad daylight kidnaped in the Avenue de Bois d,.’ Boulogne the daughter of Martinez Campos himself, heiress to a million and a half —not of francs but of dollars—a beauty ol' the perfect creole type and barely out of her teens. As the story first had it, this au dacious unknown, aided by masked men, t.eized the young woman, thrust her into a private carriage and drove off at a rattling pace, leaving her astonished aud circum vented duenna wringing her hands in de spair. There were txvo theories as to the identity of the bold abductor. One was that he xvas the young woman’s divorced husband, the Count de San Antonio, son of Marshal Ser rano. But this theory was generally re jected as being altogether too coin monplace. The theory which seemed suitable and satis factory was that tho audacious deed had been done by a French nobleman who xvas deeply in love with Senorita de Campos, and who hoped by tiiis coup to make an otherwise hopeless suit successful by placing the heiress in such a position that' she and her family would consent to a marriage to avoid scandal. Of course he hoped ultimately to win her love ill some way, even if she should be so cold-hearted as not to be won by the audacity of his first proceeding. In pursuance of this theory it was set forth that the abductor xvas a handsome, dark featured young man, a viscount, who had first seen and admired Senorita de Campos while she xvas absorbed in her devotions at church; that ho had succeeded in being pre sented to the young xx-oman, but had been kept at an aggravating distance by the duenna, a veritable dragon. He, however, continued to make lox e through billet-doux folded among the blossoms of bouquets, which, under tho peaceful cover of tho night, be fiung on the lady’s balcony—of course she had a balcony. According to this story, Senorita do Campos’ faith ful elderly companion, when she recovered from the stupor pro duced by the abduction, hastened to the house of a brother-in-law of the heiress, the Count, de Casa Monte, and by him she xvas hurried to the Prefecture of Police and thence to the Spanish embassy. She told her story to the police, and xvas positive that the lady hail been spirited away against her will. She did not believe.that the abductor was the young Viscount, but was sure ho was a villain of far deeper dye—a person whom she denounced to the police as having vowed that he would compel her mistress to marry him even if he had to compromise her, and she greatly feared that this person would “try to ruin her reputation bv boast ing that he had committed some odious ac tion.” The Count de Casa Monte called upon Queen Isabella, in company xvith the Marquis de Galliffet, and the Queen prom ised to see that the crime should be thor oughly sifted. The matter-of-fact and unromantic police were strongly inclined to the belief that the abduction of Senorita de Campos was not wholly involuntary on her part—a theory which xvas accepted generally with great re luctance, though it pn ivod to he far from destructive of the romance connected xvith tUo case. The inspector who had charge of the matter was grieved to differ with Queen Isabella, but he discoxvie 1 that the Senorita xvas not rudely torn from tho side of tho duenna, but xvas gently led to the carriage; that she did not raise her hands appealingly nndexelahn: “I’m lost! Pm lost!" but ap peared radiant and full of confidence, and that the alxluctor xvas one M. de la Cour- Garboguf. MaEfiMg the best of it, the romance-loving Parisians gathered interesting material about thd*eTopenient of the heiress with “the Viscount de la Cour dc Garbceuf,” and the story came out in this shape: This young nobleman and aristocrat was the same who had fallen in love with Senorita de Campos upon,seeing her in church at her devotions, btttaie had made better headxvay in his suit than the duenna knew. He had urged the lady to elope; she had hesitated, and, having hesitated, had virtually consented. It had been arranged that the elopement was to be given the semblance of an abduction. And if she xvas agreeable to the abduction at the time and from the spot named by the Vis count, she was to-signify that fact by xx-ear ing white instead of black when sh- started out on that day xvith her duenna. The Vis count, had written to her, xvith what orthog raphy and chirography it was not stated: “My beautiful angel, if you are to lie mine and are disposed to folloxv me wherever I think xxvll to take you, put on a light gown: if not, come in a dark one.” On the morning of the coup, the story had it, a groom on horseback was posted near the lady’s house in the Rue Christopho Colombo, to take note of tho color of the gown hi which Senorita do Campos ap- Jieawl with her inevitable duenna. When the groom saw that the lady was in white he put spurs to his horse and carried tho in telligence to the anxious Viscount. A friend of the nobleman also dashed up about the same time on a foaming steed from the Arc de Triomphe with the same information. Carriages and persons on horseback were waiting in the Avenue de Bois do Boulogne it the spot appointed for the abduction; Wd a party of ladies and gentlemen, allies of the Viscount, were assembled to assist in this delightfully romantic business. When Senorita de Campos arrived, strolling de murely with her watchful duenna, one of these allies of the nobleman approached tho (tame dc compaynie and asked the privi lege of a word with her. What then took place is told as follows: “At this moment the Viscount hur ried out of his brougham, helped tho lady into it, and drive off with her in tho direction of Paris, escorted by a baron, who rode by tho side of the vehicle. The pair made the best of tneir way to tho St. Lazare station, took the train for Pontoise, where 'm 1 ?/ scent an hour, which was utilized by ™l* e> Martinez de Campos, in writing a let ter to the Prefect of Police, stating that she laid gone away of her own free will and to escape bom the tyranny of herduennn. and tiii'ii pushed on to Creil, where they entered the Brussels express, reaching tho Belgian capital ut 10:110. According to this account family, who reside at Ver e.mifs, have proceeded to Brussels to play until tne marriage shall ernno According to this story the ladies of JlUahty who were present to assist the young johieman merely surrounded the wretched hh' iinn, and explained to bystanders that was a lunatic; but they seemed to he the wine who, in an earlier story, surrounded , 1 duenna and “abused her iu a coarse Manner," „ *'?. l ’ s " Vf>, ’al days the story lost rapidly in lil'’ am * "'as llrst hinted and tlien ussertwi that the Viscount de la Cour ; .•arlKPuf was a “shady nobleman,” and .! n ,’h" lady, instead of giving herself tho ‘.''“Me to simulate alarm when slie was , bi be abducted, simply dom'd her and calmly enter'd the carriage. v„; n , ‘umn Senorita do Compos’s legal ad ir V ,** d 1 'sc Rnban Donuden, who h:id •ninpid the annulment of lier marriage u* ,son “* Marshal Serrano, aud lie il,ni t ,(| t the nliduction was organized by Ih. "v* * ol ’ broken-down “mashers;” tiiut ni i ' lN ‘ “ , int de la Cour de Oarboutf was ' 8 p, , ' son osthemest in the best, Parisian lx*.,, ’ ftn 4 tho Senorita de Compo* had ii lwu# ,Ullintert with the Viscount for only upon * uml probably was imposed orVi ' p Ußth, when the truth came out con it v. I,K j viscountde la Cour de Garbreuf, 'WKi that Don Jose Uuhan Donaden K af'* in questioning tho abductor’s til,, i ß *, oß a nobleman. It turns out, that *,“**. nanie is Midlviuiue. He had a (Kinf n "j ler "hose family name was fiar -111111 ** , rt 'till more l ■emote ancestor of [>"• Hocour, hones, “de la Cour tie thmi iTrf'i 1118,1 binweif lived for some Bohemian Uto in the Latin quarter, •aterwnrd was assisted—by Utuubetta, it is paid—to a place as clerk in the Chamber ot Deputies, wuich employment ho left some four months ago. A letter from Meilvaque has been received in Paris by a Mine. Pascal, who is his sister, in which he wrote that Senorita do Campos went with him of iu*r own accord. This woman's husband has in liis possession letters from a maid of Senorita de Campos, who acted as a messen ger between the fatly and her lover. It is not quite certain that the faithful duenna was not in the confidence of her mistress. The present interest in this remarkable case lies in the fact that there is no question as to the identity of the young woman who is iniatuated with the sham nobleman, and who, as it is reported by cable, sent Instruc tions from London to have the banns of her marriage with Meilvaque published in Paris yesterday. According to Don Jose liuban Donaden the young woman’s fortune is so placed that Meilvaque can get very little of MR. AND MRS. BOWSER. The Trouble They Have on Money Matters. From, the Detroit Free Press. Some weeks ago I referred to Mr. Bow ser’s liberality in the matter of pin money. He began in the most literal manner, but ended with the declaration: “See here, Mrs., Bowser, this is all non sense! We are one. What belongs to me belongs to you. This giving you a certain sum of money every week makes it appear as if you were a servant. When you want money take it out of my wallet. If you can’t find the wallet,' just mention the sum you want.” “But, Mr. Bowser, I—” “No buts about it! You were going to say you hated to lie obliged to ask me for money—l, your own husband! When a wife gets as sensitive as that she should be obliged to go barefooted for three months in winter!” I let the matter drop for a few days, but one day when I wanted a dollar to buy some notions I went to Mr. Bowser's coat, which was hanging on the hall-tree for the moment, and took out the family wallet. No, [ didn't either. It wasn’t there. I decided to wait awhile, aivl that night, when Mr. Bowser was sound asleep and blowing his fog-horn, I got up to look for his wallet. It couldn’t be found. All the money he had about him was one poor, old lonesome nickel. I was wondering whether half of that belonged to me or not, when the fog-horn ceased to toot and Mr. Bowser rose up in bed and shouted: “What in blankety blazes are you doing with my clothes?” “I wanted the family wallet!” “Oh, you did! You'get, up at midnight to rob your husband, do you?” “But half the money is mine.” “Mrs. Bowser, you drop that coat and jump into this bed as quick as heaven will let you, and if I ever catch you trying to rob me again I’ll apply for a divorce within an hour.” When he thought I was asleep he slipped out of bed and took the wallet from under the dresser, where Ho had carefully hidden it, and inspected the contents to see if any thin"; was gone. I had firmly made up my mind never to ask him for a cent, but next day he seemed so good natured that I ven tured to say: “Thera are several little things I badly need, and as I am going down town this alternnon I'd better buy them.” “Certainly, my love. Will a five do?” “Oh, yes.” “All right—here it is. If five isn’t enough take ten.” I took five, and I was just making out a list of articles which I proposed to buy when Mr. Bowser came in with a bill in his hand and said: “Here’s the shade-tree man after his pay. You may gix-e me that five and I’ll gix r e you three silver dollars.” An hour later he sent up a dollar’s worth of strawberries accompanied by a note ask ing me to pay for them, and so I got down town with only S3 in uiv pocket. I made them go as far as possible, and xvas rather proud of my purchases I got home. I had them spread on the table of the sitting room when Mr. Bowser came rushing in with. “Say! that colored man is through clean ing up the alley and I can't make change xvith him. Haven’t you got a dollar and a half of that money?” “Why, no!” “Nor a dollar?” “I haven't a penny left.” “What! Squandered every cent of that money! That't just ns I expected! I was told when I married you that I’d bring up in the poor-house inside of ten years, and I begin to believe it was a true prediction!” “But, Mr. Bowser, you only gave me two dol—” He was gone before I had finished the sentence, and during all the evening ho hadn’t a word to say. I think he felt con science-stricken, however, for next day he said: “Mrs. Bowser, you have the look of a child, and you don’t know the villainy of this world any more than a child seven years old. What I object to is the way these dry goods clerks swindle you. They take every advantage of your greenness,and when they cheat you they rob me.” “But have I been cheated?” “Have you! What did you ever buy that you were not cheated? Mrs. Bowser, you are no more fit to walk into a dry goods store xvith a $lO bill in your purse than our old cat is to judge of a lawn mower! After this I will do the buying. Is any thing needed just now ?” “Why, baby ought to have some now dresses, and we need some table linen.” “Very well; I'll see to it." I knexv about what would happen. He slipped off early next morning, and was home by 10 o’clock xvith a back-load of dry goods. “Dresses for the babv,” lie observed, as he untied the package. “What do you think of this—and this—and this? Got 10 per cent, oir on each pattern and I saw to it that tho measure was full.” He held up seven yards of alpaca, a pat tern in green worsted, a third in striped summer silk, fourth in second mourning calico, the fifth and last in satin, which was as stiff as a Brussels carpet. “Mr. Bowser, xviiat on earth have you—!” “And here’s stockings for lnm—red,white, blue, green, orange, terra-cotta and black. I don't propose that any young ’un of mine shall go barefoot.” “Oh! Mr. Bov set-, you—you—” “And here's tlirim green table-cloths and txvo dozen red napkins to match, and—what uils you O' ixv ?” “N—nothing 1” “Didn't 1 get enough?” “But xvo can’t uso these things—not a single article!” lie looked at me in a wild-eyed xvay for half a minute, and then sailed the green tablecloths and re l napkins through the air into the parlor and said: “That's the last time you can make a fool of mo! Don't never ask me to do any more trading for you xvliile we live together, for 1 wouldn’t do it to save your neck! I’vo saved at least $5 over xvhat you could have done, and yet you find fault and show your insane jealousy!” Rough on Rata,” Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bedbugs, beetles, insects, skunks, Jack rate bits, sparrows, gopheix. 13c. At druggists. “Rough on Itch.” “Rough on Itch” cures skin humors, erup tions, ring-wonn, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, barbers itch. 30c. jars. ______ “Rough on Catarrh” Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure of xvorst chronic coses; also unequaled as gargle for diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath. SOc. “Rough on Corns.” Ark for Wells’ “Rough on Corns.” Quick relief, complete cure. Corns, warts, bun ions. 100. THE MORNING NEWS : SATURDAY. JULY 0. 18R7. THE RINGS IN TREES. Little Reliance to be Placed Upon Them as Indications of Age. fl\om the Lumber World. Every day some pet theory, long held and honestly venerated, Is being demolished and smt to the limbo of myth with Toll’s apple, Washington’s cherry tree and other old ac quaintances. Now the age rings in trees has U> suffer iimbouization, if the word may le allowed.. Mr. R. AY. Furras, an agent of the United States Forestry Department, who has given much attention to the age of a tree as indicated by rings, as well as to the pe riod at which trees of different species slop growing and that at which the wood is at its best, has reached some conclusions of general interest, He says: “Concentric or annual rings, which were once accepted ns good legal evidence, fail, except where climate, soil, temperature, hu midity and all other surroundings are regu lar and well balanced. Otherwise they are mere guesswork. Tho only region within my knowledge where either rings or meas urements were reliable indications are in the secluded even and regularly tempered val leys of the southern Pacific coast.” Annual measurements of white, elm, ca talpa, soft maple, sycamore, pig hickory, cottonwood, chestnut, box elder, honey lo cust, coffee tree, burr and white oak, black walnut, osage orange, white pine, red cedar, mulberry atid yellow willow (19 species), made in Southeastern Nebraska, show that “annual growth is very irregular, sometimes scarcely perceptible and again quite large,” and this he attributes to the difference in seasons. As trees increase in age inner rings decrease in size, sometimes almost disap pearing. Diminished rate of growth after u certain ago is a rule. Of four great beeches mentioned by Loudon there were three, each about 17 feet in girth, whose ages were respectively fit), 103 and 300 years. Mr. Furras found 13 rings in a black locust (> years old, 31 rings in a shell-bark hickory of 12 years, 10 rings in a pig hickory of 0 years, 11 rings in a wild crab apple of 5 years, and only 30 rings in a chestnut oak of 24 years. Ai\ American chestnut of only 4 years had 0 rings, while a peach of 8 years Inul only 5 rings. Dr. A. M. Childs, a resident of Nebraska from 1R54 to IRS3. a careful observer tor the Smithsonian Institution, who counted rings on some soft maples 11 yearn 3 months old, found on one side of the heart of one of them 40 rings and not less than .30 anywhere, which were quite distinct when the wood was green, but after it had been seasoned only 34 rings could be distinguished. An other expert says that all our Northern hard woods make many rings a year, sometimes as many as 13, hut as the hist set of colls in a year’s growth are very small and the first very large tho annual growth can always bo determined except when from local causes there is in anv particular year little or no cell growth. This may give a largo number on one side. Upon the Pacific coast of North America trees no not reach the point where they stop growing nearly as early as those of the Atlantic co:i and, Two hundred years is nearly r.he greatest age attained on tho eastern side of the continent by trees that retain their vigor, while 500 years in the case of several species on the western const, and one writer is confident that a sequoia which was measured was not less than 3,37 ft years old. At AVrangel, latitude 30° 00', a Western hemlock, 0 fret in diameter at the stump, was 4 feet in diameter 133 feet fur ther up the trunk and its rings showed 483 years. But in the Old Bertram Garden, near Philadelphia, not more than 150 years old, almost all the trees are on the down grade. The Quercus Robar, England’s pride, which at home is said to live 1,000 years, has grown to full size and died in this garden, and Iho foreign spruces are following suit. Silver firs planted in ISOO are decaying. This great difference in the longevity of trees upon the western and eastern coasts of continents in the Northern Hemisphere seems to be due to tho warm, moist air carried by strong and permanent ocean currents, from the tropics northeasterly, in both the Pacific aua Atlantic oceans, which make the cli mate both moist and equable in high lati tudes. In Sitka, latitude 57°, as much as 100 inches of rain have fallen in a year and tho harbor is rarely frozen enough to hinder the passage of boats. In some winters scarcely any ice is seen. It Is Certainly Ugly. Boston Letter to the Providence Journal. It was my good fortune to be seated one pleasant afternoon recently on a beautiful lawn overlooking u most exquisite sweep of country. My chair was placed near that of the mistress of the country seat where I was calling, and on the lawn were her two grown up daughters. They are both lovely girls, well-educated, accomplished, faultlessly dressed and thoroughly accustomed to the 1 icst society both in this country and abroad; yet the mother sighed as she watched them walk across tho lawn to gather a bunch of yellow lilies which were blooming in great clusters below the hedge. “Did you ever see anything so ugly as the way those girls walk?” she asked. 1 was able to say truthfully that I had seen a good many uglier things. “They walk like camels,” she declared, ignoring my disclaimer. 1 should certainly not have thought of owning it, but one could not hut be struck by the force and truthfulness of her com parison. They did wulk like camels. They could sing divinely; they piay the piano ex tremely well; one sketches very prettily while the other is no mean performer on the violin; French, German and Italian they read easily and speak at least well enough to make themselves intelligible to persons who know the single tongue to which they were born; and in literature they have an interest which has led them to read with very considerable a; mreciation the master pieces of two or threo countries. But with ail these accomplishments the fact remains that they cannot walk well. They hold their citeovs by tlioir sides and wiggle them selves forward in a fashion which would be most painful to see, were it not that we are all so accustomed to this method of locomo tion that we have almost come to regard it as the normal one. “I do wish,” my hostess continued, “that somebody would establish a walking school. We are nil so sophisticated nowadays that we can do nothing simply and naturally, and walking must be learned like anything else, if there were only somebody to teach it.” “But dancing school,” 1 suggested, with a conspicuous lack of originulity, “ought to do something in that line.” “Oh, no doubt,” was the response; “but it doesn’t. It is a popular fallacy that if a girl can dance she must know how to walk, nut it is nonsense, Elsie (lances like a sylph, but, as I said, she walks like a camel. She lias been taught to dance, and she hasn't been taught to walk.” “But who is there to teach?” “That is just the question. There ought to bo sometexty. You know how Miss Blank teaches whist.” “Yes” i mid. M r s Blank is a clover young woman, of a fine old Boston family, who, finding herself in need of earning her living, had the ori ginality to hit upon the unique method of teaching whist ns a means of doing it. Hhe has plenty of pupils, it is said, and dixw her work well enough to deserve them. “Now, why,” continued my companion, “does not somebody who is nice and a lady and needs to earn a living take to teaching girls to walk? I’m sure she’d make a lot of money and lie conferring a great lienefit, on the community as well. 1 declare,” she went on, her eye kindling with the earnest ness of her purpose, '! am going to try and find somebody and have the thing started next fall. It is something wo really ueod, and it is time we had it.” Whether this scheme will be carried out it would bo too much to undertake to su> but the Idea is not a laid one, and certain! there is room enough for a walking school here. She Who Would* Be * Hie Queen of Beauty must look to her teeth, for a pretty mouth is indispensable to female loveliness. Biush voui teeth care fully with fragrant 8012(5 DOST and you will lie charmed with the result, for it is without equal as a duntrfike. CHEAP ADVERTISING-. OKE ( BI A YYOBD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 H'ortfi or more, in this c olumn inserted for OXE CENT .4 WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody irho has any i rant to supply, anything to buy hr sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should, advertise in this voluti n PERSONA 1,. MEET kip trynittht hoft-past seven, weather permitting, same eor-iei- where we three met nceldentalK" that TuosAav night whoa tw took a walk. ' UNCLE ARTHUR. 11KL1* WANTEFL W'ANTED, a good cook fora small family; \ \ one that has l>een cooking in a Jewish family preferred Apply between 0 and 10 a. m. at 110J4 Taylor stpee*. _______ '\\TANTED, a first-class colored pastrycook; \ V man preferred; for which good wages will be paid. Apply to 80 Habersham street this morning. \\T ANTED, white girl in small family; light YY work; home comforts; references. Ad dress COOPER, Morning News. WANTED, a smart oolored hoy about 15 to IS vY years of age; must be able to read. Ap ply !>2 Dull street. tITANTED.—A first Cla-ss cook, with good ref- V Y e fences, can get situation at 50 Gwinnett street. U' ANTED, A German waiter at 107 Brougb- VY ton street. \\’ANTED Agents— Novelty that is taking YY Chicago by storm: a regular picnic; over 200,000 sold here. J. K. PAGE A CO., Chicago, 111. rrv\vo first-class job printers wanted. Apply I at MORNING NEWS Job Department. EM PLOY AI ENT 5V A NTED. \\7ANTED. position with first class grocery Y Y or tobucce house to travel Florida KelVr ences given. Address T. P, A., Beaufort, S. C. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 4Y7ANTED. a Cow that will milk fifteen o YY twenty quarts per day, si 21 Whitakers^, KUO.MS TO it ENT. \ FLAT OF ROOMS TO RENT. Apply at 42 A Habersham street. HOUSES AND STORES IOK RENT. ]AOR RENT, brick residence No. 1 street, near Hatiersham; two stories on basement. C. H. DOP.SETT. IT'OR RENT, cottage lions-' corner Drayton * and Waldburg streets; possession given im mediately. Apply to THUS. BOWDEN, 214 Broughton street. I WOK RENT, three-story brick house on Macon, ' between liah , rsham and Price streets. Alt ply to E. J. KENNEDY, corner Bull and York. (NOR RENT OR SALE, th • large and commo dious duelling No. 182 Gaston street, three stories on a basement and three rooms deep, fronting the Park. For terms address J., P. O. Box No. 108. Ij'OK RENT, 146 Hull, on non Invest corner of Whitaker. Apply to Dh. PURSE, 140 Liberty street. FOR SALE. Horses 3Itlf.ES. Igtrgeat and best lot Texas Horses over shipped here; gentle stock; also lot Mules, at COX'S STABLES. I NOR SALE, a small retail business in centre of city; suitable for a lady. C. H. D< IKBETT. POH RALE, Milk Cow and Calf, at northwest I 1 corner Anderson and Lincoln streets. i[tOß SALE, fine young Maltese Cats at $8 50 each, at N( 'BLE'S, flu Bull ■ treat. r |''EXAB METER Carload "ill arrive on 7th I or Hth, DR. CON'S STABLES. lAO It SALE. ROSEDEW Lots, 60 feet on Front street along the river and .VXI feet deep, at ?125, payable §25 i-nsh an<l If 12 50 every six months, with interest. FIVE ACHE Lots in the TOWN OF ROSEDEW, with river privileges, at ?mn. payable $2O cash and $5 every three months, with interest. Apply to Dr. FALLIUANT, 151 South Broad street, 5 to 10 a. m. daily.. 17UK SALE, Laths, Shingles. Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherlwiarding and Framing Lumber. Office aud yard Taylor nn-1 East Broad streets. Telephone No. 211. REPPAtIP & CO. LUST. 1 OST, Bunch of Keys; left in P. O. Box on fith 1 J inst. Finder will lie rewarded by leaving same at general delivery window. PHOTO(jKAI*HY. C FECIAL NOTICE PHOTOGRAPHY -Prices C reduced Petites $1 50, Cards $2, Cabinet S3 per dozen, and larger work in the same pro portion. J. N. WILSON, 21 Bull street. TIEE-SIZE CRAYONS in handsome frames j SIN All styles and sizes of Photographs at as low prices. LAUNEY & GOEBEL, Savan. Il;jh, I in. SUMMER ItESpRTS. nf EAST 8d STREET. NEW YORK ( TTY.— r Transient guests abbommodated with cool, pleasant rooms upon reasonable terms. Refers by permission to Mr. P. W. Meldrtm, Messrs. L. and R. Mlll-m, Savannah, Ga., Mr. C. W. Pike. Brunswick, Ga. F3OR HEALTH and comfort go fo Gower Springs, Gainesville. On. The best of fare, delightful Hiiiide!) and splendid mineral waters; terms reasonable. Address P. B. lIOLZEN DORFE, Owner. Healing springs, Bath county, Va, Mas. H. CARTER EUBANK. Send for descrip tive pamphlet. YEW YORK CITY, N. Y., rieely lurnwhed a> rooms with board; central location; one block oIT Broadway. M. A. BEVAN, 108 East Twenty-third street. MISCELLANEOUS-. VfOTICE. Don't von worry for we have got i ' it: St. Jacob’s Mali Whisky Times says cures consumption—and that Lunch dully, at DAN QUINAN'B, 8 Bull street. \T HEIDT'S 15 rente gets one of the few can* left of Lightning Lradicator for cleansing cloth. A FEW MORE HOUSE SPONGES, as lari'- i\ as a lmt, for 1 5c., at LIVINGSTON’S PHARMACY. ONE lot of Fine Silk Parasols, price #3, only .Mi at COHKN’tf. .seethweit corner of Broughton anti Barnard stj-twgs. (t HO( 'Of,ATE Caramel, Pineapple Bon Bon J and Orange a!a Mode nre soim-thlng worth trying, only at LIVINGSTON'S, ItORACINE, a superior toilet aud nursery > powder, prevents and cures chafing unit prickly brut. IYON'T fail to call ad our .Child rens ('nr ’ riagt-s. Our good* are bought direct from factories ami It enables us ty> sell them lower than you c.iabny Jl any public sole We also carry a comniete line of house furnishing goods at NATHAN BROS.. 186 Congress street. I IMEADK and Ginger Fruit made fnan the Is treeh frail LIVISUSTON'B PHARMACY. / hNK lot Of ?! BIQUMB Hi 68c COHEN'S. " " southwest corner of Broughton and Bar mnl. I r HE that which you can depend upon for a l blood purifier Deuteuhnlf * < lonoentroted Extract ..f Sarsaparilla IIKIDT’K. TOOTH PR' SUMS only 2nc., worth I / almost double, ut.J.rVfNORTON'S PHAR MACY. ( AM; lot off 2 RllpP'rs at *l. COHEN'S, " ' aowtbwe.i comer nf t‘ro;ijfhton anti Bar nard. 11; hlca i.. kssfi&eiAurt TV'-'Jf C>utoww VtlifOf lII# But HtyUitmtffiVlJk.flllY J No* Illu>trtln6 dc*;lUiur f ’ m WKni * verTwriirle m,ulrc Jt>' i;*u it.<J Wral or Prum Oorp* InciUfiinw; Rfi Vry9 pdtrlßß Trlmilr6^L mi IB to. Conutn# Tawtnr 1104 MM HudB. f Merrhfv tujti It -lV Hrunj Major Tfficllca. Hv Uwt.tnd jf 881 l t Ut 9t Muig. HJIJDKN fe BATES S. M. H. THE HOUSE THAT - Big House, Ain't It? YISSS ! \ND within its walls you will find an nrmv of clerks, who, notwithstanding the hot weather, aro pushed to their utmost to keep up with tho orders flowing in upon us from Maine to Mexico. Von! It seems that the hotter the weather the greater the stream of orders, lienee wo are BIZZY AZ BEZE! Still we, like the much abused conductor, can make room for one more, and if you want a PIANO or OHtIAN we’ll rrowtl your order in rather than disappoint Now is your time to make a purchase and have BIG MUZICK nil summer long. Give us a call and we ll astonish you Bargains heretofore unheard of, almost endless time and minute Installments to h*lp you out in making a purchase, while our line embraces the rHB KKKING, MASON & IIAMIJN, M \THrsil fK. BP NT and ARION PIANOS. MASON A HAMLIN. PACKARD OR CHESTRAL and BAY STATE ORGANS. DROP AROUND AND SEE US. bidden & Rates Mnsir House, Savannah, (in CIA JTHI NG f yl T R STOCK at all times containing the * * apparel of correct and seasonable tofcta is now complete with an assortment of goods which will lc found <wiuc tally interesting for those preparing for the country. Particular attention is invited to our line of EESTERS, NEGLIGEE shirts, Bathing Suits, House and Lounging Coats, NEGLIGEE CAPS, POJA M A S , And the many little fixings which add so materially to comfort apd appearance during an Outing. We arc also showing several novelties in SUMMER WEAR, which are delightfully cool and of th styles and fabrics used in fashionable centres. We will consider it a pleasure to show auy one through our stock. A. FALK & SON. I CE ! Now Is tho time whon every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. I C E Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. I *l-1 BAY IST. FOOD PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY MILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Ilorses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton STOVES. rOH HALE BY - OORNWEIdi Ac CHIPMAN MERCHANTS, manufacturer*, morhhnlcM, corporation*, and all oUvrs in need of printing. lithographing, and blank books can nave their order* promptly Idled, at moderate price*, at tho MORNING NfcWtj DiiIMINU HOUSE, a Whitaker street. AUCTION SAXES FUTURE DAYS. Nice Household Furniture at Auction. Daniei R. Kennedy. Auctioneer. TUESDAY, lath lust., at it p'cloek, at No. 16 Liberty street, second door east of Habersham Street, north side. PAKLOB A>rx> II PIANO, full Octave. ROSEWOOD CASE, COVF.B and .STOOL; EBONY PARLOR SET, Upholstered in Sitk, with LINEN COVERS; marble to** table. lard table, wix -1)0'V SHADES, i BRUSSELS CARPETS, aIN GRAIN CARPETS. STAIR CARPETS and RODS. HALL CARPETS. large EASY ( HAIR ORNAMENT.'. PI; TURKS. VASES. HAT RACK. HKD PLUSH PORTIKRRE GOODS. HKDBOOMS. BEDROOM SETS in Black Walnut and Cherry. RUGS, M \TTINtI. CH VMPER SETS. LOUNGE, ROCKERS. I .AMI S.UAS FIXTURES, SEWING MACHINE, WARDROBES, PACKING TRUNK, CLOCK, MATTRESS. FEATHER PILLOWS and BOLSTERS, BEDSPKI.NGS, MOSQUITO BARS and I It VMF.s.oT’ERA GLASS, GUITAR, COT, PATENTED CARPET SWEEPER. Dining-Room im<l Ititohen. SIDEBOARD. EXTENSION TABLE, CHAIRS, CHILD'S DESK and CIIAIR, SAFE, WATER CO< H.E'.i, HANGING LAMPS. OR; iCIKEiiY and GLASSWARE. COOKING STOVE and UTEN SILS, GASOLINE STOMP Unclaimed Freight. Cent itAL Railroad and Ban kino Cos., of Ga., I Savannah, June IS, ISB7. f Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. r pilK following unclaimed freight will l>e sold 1 at public outcry at tho Down Kn ight Ware house <f this company on MONDAY, JULY 18th at It o'clock, for the benefit of whom it may concern, ami to pay charges thereon. F. A. JON EH, G. A WHITEHEAD, D. F. Agent. G. i r . and I‘. Agent. 1. G A\ Parish, 2 Sugar Mill Rollers. 2. W. F. Nasworthy, l box H. Ware. 3. B II Hi.'**. 1 box Mdse 4. G. W. Parish, I Sugar Mill. T>. P. .). I’rosbv, I box I*. Matter. 6. .J. Barnes, 1 Valise. 7. Oh lander Bios., 24 bills. Cots and 1 bale Moss. 8. J E. Wooten, 1 Iron Safe. 0. II C. Imboll. 1 Valise. 10. W. H. More, 1 box <’hoese. 11. O. W. Parish, 1 Mill. 12. M. K. Moore, 2 boxes Soda. 13. F. W. Harnmn, 2\t pkgs Chair Stuff and 1 pkg Moss. 14. M. K. Moore. 1 l>ox Soda. 15. Order, 1 crate D. W. Machine. 10. A. L. Brad well, 1 pkge (2 boxes), 17 Mrs. F Henry, 1 box Mdse. 18. M. K. Moore, 1 box Boda. 19. L. C. Keeler, 1 Plow and OH. R. Soops. 90. J. N. Platt, 1 piece Pipe. 21. J. Newton, 4 Gravestones and 1 box H. Ware. 22. J. C. Martin, 1 box Reeds. 23. M . K. Moore, t(j lxx Soda. 24. ()., 1 Box. 2T>. E. W. W , 2 bbls Grits, 1 bbl Vinegar and 1 sack Cotton Seed 20. No mark, 1 Tub, 1 Box and Contents. 27 . No mark 1 Box. 28. No mark, 1 bbl Rosin Chips. 29. W. A* (’., 1 ( ult ivfttor. 30. No mark, 1 lot Jugs, Buckets and Traps. 31. No mark, 2 Pot*. 32. W. C., 1 Wheelbarrow. 88. No mark, 1 pkge Buckets and Baskets. 84. W. W. Hmu fa 11, 1 I mix A. Matter. 85. No mark, 1 WaHhatnnd and Chair. 86. No mark. 11 bars Iron and Steel. 37. Ohlonder Bros , l bbl lAmps, 38 No mark, 1 pkge Brooms and 1 pkge Buckets. 39 No mark, 1 dozen R. Traps. 4" No mark, 8 pieces Plows, 2 bales Slats, 1 pkge Sash. 41. G. E., 1 crate Empty Bottles. 42. No mark, 2 Empty Cans and 2Kegs. 43. F. A. J., bbl Vinegar. 41. No mark, i box Bedding. 45, W., 1 box Hooks, No. 40, 1 sack Cotton Seed. ALSO— Various articles left on passenger trains and not, called for, consist ing or Overcoats, Umbrel las. Parasols, Cloaks, Hats, Dusters, Walking Canes, Gold Eye Glasses, Watch Charms, Silk Cans, Clothing, Waterproofs, Physician's Case of Instrument*, Night Shirts, Valises, Slew's, Pocket Knives, Rubber Coats, Shaw ls, Veils, etc., etc. also, Silver ,Plated Cups, Waiter, Plates, etc*., etc. BHY GOODS. Ilf 11 Mourning Goods! Crohan & Dooner, SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 Broughton Street. We have just received another invoice of Priestley's Celebrated Mourning Goods in ALBATROSS CLOTHS, NUN'S VEILINGS, CI.ARIETTE CLOTHB, CONVENT SUITINGS, HAT IST CLOTH, It AVI ANN A CLOTH, FEAR WEIGHT SUITINGS. NUN'S VEILINGS in Silk and Wool and All Wool, suitable for Veils, from 8l to $3 per yard. BLACK CASHMERES, in Blue and Jet Blacks, from 80e. In $1 50 per yard. COURTAULD'S ENGLISH CRAPES AND CRAPE VEILS. Misses’ Black Hose. In Misses’ BLACK COTTON HOSE wo are offering excellent values at 85c., 35c., 40c. and 50c. a pair; all size*. A full line of MISSES’ BLACK BRILLIANT LISLE HOSE from 35c. to 81 a pair. LADIES' BLACK COTTON AND BRILLIANT LISLE THREAD HOSE, all sizes, from 83c. to |1 a pair. Ladies’ Black Silk Hose, In Plaited arid Spun Silk, from 8l to 83 75 a pair LADIES' BLACK LISLE THREAD GI/JVKS. LADIES' BLACK SILK JERSEY GLOVES. 6 and 8 BuUous. Ladios’ Mourning Handkerchiefs lii Plain, Fancy and Embroidered Border* from 10c. to 75c. each. All new pattern*. Mourning Parasols. We are now showing a full lino of i’4 inch MOURNING PARASOLS, in Twiilod and Puri tan Silk*. Ebony Handles, in the latest styles, from i'- 35 to £-1 V each. Also, a choice assortment of SILK LINED MOURNING PARASOLS, in Plain Crape and Ta|io Fringe Trimming*. TTicse have to be eeu to he appreciated. fllllMllil. L. &B.S.M.H. BUILT. LXUAi NOTH EB. k i KORfilA, Chatham Coi'inr.-Whereon, ' * JOHN S. MKHRTENB Intx applied to Court of Ordinary for bettors of Administration on the ok tat® of CATHARINE MEHRTENS, aeceoaed. Thi n® •, therefore, to cite and admnnlith all whom II may concern to be and appear before nakl court, to make o'tjcctlon (if auy they haw) on or before Ihe FIRST MONDAY IN At’Ot’ST NEXT, otherwlne said letter* will be gTanted M’ltper®, the Honorable Hampton f, Fkrkiix. Ordinary for Chatham county. thlM'tho Ist day of July, 18S7. I'HIUF 41. KUStUCCL, Jk„ Clerk C.O.C.C. C. H. DORSETT’S COLUMN. I hi Residence FOR SALE, Containing three bed cham bers and bath room on third floor; a parlor, back parlor and piazza on second floor; dining room, store room and kitchen on first floor. The two-story outbuilding contains four rooms. This house is in a good locality, convenient to two lines of cars, churches and schools. As the owner is moving from the city a good bargain can be had. 0111 OFFERINGS. A handsome, well-appointed dwelling near the Park. In point of location, surround ings and general “make up” the most critical should ba suited with this piece of realty. Near S., I & W. Ry. Depot I have a fine property, well adapted to business purposes, private dwelling or a board* ing house. No City Tax. Beyond Anderson street, I can sell one corner lot Second Avenue and Whitaker, and ono inside lot between Whitaker and Barnard on Second Ave nue. —also — One lot on Montgomery, facing east, between First and Second Avenues. For $1,500 % I will sell in the New Addi-' tion (beyond Anderson) a tw’o-story residence containing three bedrooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen. Lot 30x 145. This is a bargain. For $lO per monthand SSO Cash I will sell a beautiful lot in, Southville. Southern front, magnificent oaks and thickly settled neighborhood. For #2OO, To be paid in reasonable time after purchase is made— sl4o one year thereafter, $ 150 two years thereafter and $lO5 three years thereafter, and no interest —I will sell a lot 30x100 on Lorch street, between Jefferson and Mont gomery streets. A WEST BROAIfsTREET CORNER, In a good locality, good for business or residence, size 75 feet on West Broad by 49 feet deep. One Other Chance. For SIOO Cash And time payments as lollows: One year after purchase, S9O; Two years after purchase, $95; Three years after purchase, SIOO, without interest, I will sell a lot on New Houston street, near Burroughs. G. H. Dorsett, REAL ESTATE DEALER. 3