The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 14, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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married at midnight. An Uncommon Sight on the Platfrom A ' of a Pullman Sleeper. From the Portland Oregonian: The unconventional, if not romantic, redding which took place on the Northern Pacific train at Rathdrum Sunday evening waA a "picnic” for the passengers. Mr. W. jj Broome, from New York, who came out to superintend the pyrotechnic display in Portland on the Fourth, was a passenger, and gave full details of the wedding. The b ri,le is Mrs. A. A. Mitchell, of Minneapolis, aged about 35 years. The groom is Mr. B. v Buck, a well-to-do grocer of Spokane Falls where he has lived about a year He is about 50 years old. They made each other’s acquaintance several years ago in Madison, 'Vis. Each moved to Minneapolis. About the middle of this mouth Mrs. Mitchell secured a divorce from her hus- Innd, and on Thursday of last week started West t< l meet her new husband, taking nas klt(‘ in the Pullman sleeper Dickinson, under command of Conductor George Carter. There were six through lady passengers and a dozen or more gentle men, among them Mr. F. E. Rice, Superin tendent of the Pullman Car Company at fit Paul. Tiie train was due at Rathdrum about 3 , in., but did not arrive until midnight. V- Buck intended to be married on the train in Washington Territory just after the Bain had passed the Idaho line, and had t den the Rev. Mr. Beebe, of Spokane Fulls, along to perform the ceremony. While he i, as waiting at Rathdrum for the delayed, t a in, he decided to be married in Idaho, f.,,,1 fortunately found a.Tustice of the Peace. Fader the laws of Idaho no license is neces The train stops for water at Rath (irum. Mr. Buck hurried into the car, found the bride waiting despite the late hour, led her to the rear platform of the Pullman, and there they were married. The couple stood at each side of the door, the Squire in front of them, and the two offl rial witnesses, Paul F. Moher and Ned Rice, just inside the car. Near them stood a Scotch missionary, en route to Alaska. The Justice, u good-natured little man, tilted his hat on the back of his head, took out a lead pencil, and sort of marking time with it as a con ductor does with a baton, began: •'Please join hands.” Addressing groom: ••Do you take this woman to bo your law ful wife?’ Groom —I do. Addressing bride: "Do you take this man to be your lawful husband?’ Bride —I do. Addressing both: “Then under the authority conferred on me by the Territory of Idaho, I pronounce you husband and wife, and what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” Then, fearing the train would start off with him, he stepped off the car to the station platform and called out in the darkness to Mr. Buck: “I’ll sign these papers and send them down on to-morrow’s train.” The groom called him back, and handed him a coin. The Squire looked at it, returned thanks, and exclaimed, “I’ll set it up fine for the toys on this.” The Scotch missionary was almost dumb with astonishment. Recovering'his speech, he said to Mr. Rice: "Mon, is this legal? Do they do things laak that in this koontry?” Mr. Rice assured him that this cere mony was strictly legal, and that it took ao more time to hang and bury a man in Idaho. Mr. Rice went to his wife’s berth, awoke her, whispering so it could be heard 'to the further end of the car: “Been a weddin’; weddin’on the train.” Mrs. Rice, half awake, half asleep, turned over, trying to collect her scattered senses, muttering: “Eh? what? wedding? who?” Then in a jerky, exasperating way which a person wide awake could scarcely under stand, he told a tout the episode which had just occurred on the platform. This was heard by Mrs. A. and her sister, Mrs. S., two California ladies who occupied the sec tion opposite Mrs. Rice’s. Finally Mrs. Rice, thoroughly nervous and excited at the manner of her husband’s recital of the story asked appealing: “Now, Ned, do sitdown:sit down quietly, and calmly, and tell it all over, and tell it slow.” He did so, the two California ladies with heads stuck out through the portieres being attentive listeners. In a few minutes all the ladies in the car had made themselves presentable. The bride and groom, who had been chatting with some gentlemen in the smoking room, now came intp the car and received con gratulations at all hands. Mrs. Buck apologized to the ladies, saying she expected to be married at 2 in the afternoon, and if the train had not been late all of them could have witnessed the ceremony. Then she threw off her duster, and, standing up asked: “How do you like my dress? I’ve had it on since 5 o’clock this morning.” It Was a rich brown silk, with a profusion of white lace about the neck and sleeves. She wore fawn-colored kid gloves. The lionks which the bride read on the trip out were “Tangled Lives,” “Under a Shadow,” “Wooed and Married,” and “Lost and Won.” CHANGED HUSBANDS. Singular Settlement of Claims to aVWife —An Odd Trade in Lovely Woman That Has no Parallel. From the Pittsburg Commercial-Gazette. Atoiq five years ago Joseph Miller was married to Miss Elizabeth Hinemarch, the daughter of a respected and well-to-do West End family. Miss Hinemarch was a highly cultivated young lady, of a pleasing disposi tion and made a good wife. Mr. Stiller was a puddler, nnd wus employed at Lind fiJ" McCutcheou’s mill, in Allegheny. 1 lie young couple lived happily for nearly 5/® al 'and made their hohie in the Thirty luth \\ urd, this city. Sir. Miller was over taken with adversity. He got out of work mid lett for another city in search of em ployment, leaving his wife at their home in the West End. Shortly after ho went sm y news of his death reached his wiles ears and she was stricken with gnet. Hut time healed her sorrows, and in a ywir she became the wife of R. 13. Connor, former bosom friend of husband No. 1. . , had not yet lived together a year un > their utter amazement, Mr. Miller put in i a PP° ai 'anoe. He had never even been ' • hut some evil-minded person had circu lated the rumor of his death for somo un known reasons. peculiar arrangem ent. In the face of these circumstances all par- JJ* 8 'ynre at a loss to know what to do. Both men had been warm friends in their boy < avs - They had worked and lived to gether und regarded each 'i her a* brothers. Aoopaultetlon was he'd and resulted in hus- Mtid No. 1 verbally agreeing t o release all claims to his wife to Mr. Connor, the latter i.? r , to support mid care lor her as his tawfully wedded wife. In the course of a few months the usual “iount of unpleasantries that ore to be ex fr’tcd "i such cases sliowod themselves in i. minor's life. and things began to go crosswise. Then he Was willing to resign as husband and give back to 1.,* i er “I" wife. The ndcaso was made, and band No. ;! returned to the solitary life of “ bachelor and took up his abode on Ann * ,th Ki, ib. , ' Millor then lived with his wlfo a few wn im' w * l, ' ri he also found that his life 1„ ''e more pleasant if he parted from ' A, * Heref(ire they sepainbd. Miller i-i 1 ,, “nurd on Rebecca street, Allegheny, •rsv-Tii n v ,lM l*ing With her mother in 81ml \ lenrn o' , ” a * n °t long until Mr. Connor m f the separation, and(he again pre himself as a .-umiidute for her sup -1 Husband, and wasaoceptcsl. But snri,.™ t lllß a *° a bitter feeling Imgan to of . 5 U l* ln men that Sowed signs hoJ ous . <-u,m in*tion, and it was deemed Bivl., 3 to withdraw and Uy Kwseaiou to the rightful owner. A REMARKABLE DOCUMENT. at" 1 ''km' Hinemarch, the grandfather of - ils - a “ 1 .‘er, (as she now is), came to Alder man Richards’ office in the Thirtv-sixth ward Monday evening Inst, July 4, witli his daughter to have some arrangement for peace made. Asa result the following docu ment was formulated before the Magis vrate: n „ . ~ , Pittsburg, Julv 4,1557. Article of agreement made this day be tween Joseph Miller, Ehzabeth Miller and ■tv Vs. Connor: “f, Joseph Miller and Elizabeth Miller, agreo to live as man a#d wife, and R. E Connor agrees to leave her, her-lawful hus band, ana not go near while they remain to gether as wife and husband, from this date. “Joseph, “Elizabeth Miller, “R. E. Connor.” The document was brought back to the of fice by Mr. Miller himself anil agreed to be fore the’Squire. The parties all left the office in good spirits, Mrs. Miller appearing to be the best satisfied. Mr. Connor* will re turn to his bachelor home on the South Side. He is a boiler-maker liy trade, and has quite a respectable income. Mr. Miller will live with his wife at her mother’s home in Shalersville. A SHOWER OF FROGS. Pittsburg Has a No vel Rainfall of Small Tadpoles. Prom the Pittsburg Dispatch. “Say, pa, look here at these frogs how they jump!* Whoosh, what a lot! There must be 3,000,000 of them at least'!” The ex clamation was made by a little boy the other afternoon to his father while both of them were walking along Duquesuo way. It was immediately after the shower, ami the boy’s paternal parent, evidently'know ing by experience that his son woidu want an explicit explanation in reference to the appearance of the little animals, at once said: “Well, do you know how they got here?” “No.” “The rain brought them down. It has been often witnessed, by farmers irtvthe country especially, that a heavy rain storm after a long drought is liable to be accompanied by a frog ram.” A reporter who, while walking along the river at the moment, had accidentally over heard the boy’s remark, stopped to investi gate the truth of the boy’s statement as to 3,000,000 frogs being leaping about in the street. Although it had to be granted the boy’s vivid imagination had prompted him to exaggerate, there were, nevertheless, thousands and thousands of the little hop hers covering the street from the suspen sion to the Hand street bridge—all along the wharf. The animals were all very small —some of them not more than a quarter of an’ inch long. They were not green like the small amphibian usually found in meadows or fields, but their hide had a grayish dark color, denoting the regular toad. Whilo the bodies of some of them were still graced with tails, others had already passed that state of their metamorphosis, and were hopping about without such appendages. A number of people passing along the street were attracted by the omnipresent little animals, and their enormous quantity, and the reporter asked several persons what they believed was the cause of the frogs’ ap pearance. “Well, I don’t know,” said one gentleman. “I have heard! of frog rains very frequently. I lived in Washington county for many years, where my father had a farm. I remember that, when I was about 15 years of age, one summer my father's field was covered with little frogs. They had come with a rain storm, the same as these, but they were green. My father got quite mad about, it, I recollect, and got all his laborers to kill them. Every one went out with sticks, pitchforks and hay rakes to exter minate the creatures, but they had to give it up after awhile.” Another gentleman, in the Boyer House, told of a similar experience about a frog rain that had taken place near Parkersburg, and that the people had so many of them running about that they thought the plague of Egypt was coming upon them. The con versation attracted several other guests, and the subject of frog rains and stone rains was reigning supreme, when at last somebody said: “I know what is the cause of the frogs coming down to-day. They wanted to cele brate along with the rest of the folks; and I don’t blame them, either.” SIXTY SKELETONS. Ghastly Reminders of Ante-Bellum Times. A letter from Coakeville, Tenn., to the Nashville American says: Before the war, for twenty-five years, a road within 3 miles of this place leading from Louisville, Ky., through the State down into Georgia and South Carolina, was known as the Ken tucky Stock road, and was at that time the principal highway for traders between the two section?. Planters, slave dealers and stockmen would drive their negroes, mules, etc., down tb the Southern market, return ing with the money from their sales. Such parties were frequently missing very mys teriously, no trace of them over being found. The road through this section ran through a wild, thinly apttled mountain country, the stopping pi (ices, or dwellings where a traveler could get shelter, frequently being thirty or forty miles apart, and. as recent investigations show, were kept by robbers and murderers of the worst description, who for years followed this business of wholesale robbery and murder. About thirty years ago a man who is now a citizen of this place, found a skeleton at the entrance to a cave, but no further in vestigation was ever made until yesterday, ami it was left for a stranger to make dis coveries that cast in the shade all stories of like description where the writer finds his terrible characters only in his own brain. Yesterday a party was organized under the leadership of Mr. Ferd Kincaid to explore the cave where the skeleton was found 30 yean? ago. Hack on the mountain side, about one half mile from one of the notorious stop ping places described the entrance to the cave was found. A hole, something like a well, going straight down 34 feet, was first passed through, and then the cave opens into large caverns with a downward course un der the mountain. At the bottom of the shaft the party found human bones, and, with a little rligging in the debris that had accumulated at this point, unearthed about sixty skeletons of men who have been murdered and thrown down this hole. Home skulls were found with bullet holes through them, others being mashed with an ax or instrument of that kind. Old citizens now liviug in this vicinity, say that the keepors of these dens would keep track of the travelers when they passed through with stock, and on their return they would be almost certain to disap|iear. The robbers were even so bold they would take tho clothing, saddles and horses of their victims and use them publicly. They would get a man drunk, if possible, and as whisky was plenty, and the custom of drinking common, i! \v as no hard mutter to do, then in then drunken stupor, kill, mb and throw then bodies in this hole. Without doubt many men, as this fearful disclosure proves novel returned to their homes, and anxious friends waited and watched, and wondered why they returned not. Not far from hero, by tho side of this road, still stands a house; the walls of one room are stained and spattered with human blood. Above here in tho mountain- alxmt twenty miles was still a worse place, if possible, than thw. Another cave is there, and would, if investi gated, repeat tho sickening story of yester days investigation. The peoplo here are much excited over this discovery, as niitiiv ' descendants of this robber tdmg ?re s ti I living all through this country. But dead men tell no tales," and the history of these fearful crimes will never ho known. Just received, an entire new line of Pongee Coats and Vests at Aphid & Bchaul. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1887. 1836111 SWIFT’S SPECIFIC.iI 11886 A REMEDY HOT FOR A DAY, BUT TOR' JtftaT HALF A CEHTURY RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY! sss sss sss sss ■ ■: •;>. AN INTERESTING TREATISE ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES SENT FREE TO ALL APPLICANTS.*- IT SHOULD BE READ BY EVERYBODY. ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. MILLINERY. mii a jnkrv'at KROUSKOFF’S Mammoth Millinery House. We are now offering immense lines of New Straw Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., which are now being shipped daily by our New York buyer, and our Mr. Krouskoff, who is now North to assist in the selection of the Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It is astonishing but a fact, that we sell fine Millinery cheaper than any retail store in New York. llow can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our suc cess. Perhaps on account of large clearing out purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris—but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prices. We are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, and we are now offering full lines of fine Milans in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses and Children in an endless variety of shapes. RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and our regu ,lar full line entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale prices. S. KROTTSKOFF. MATTING. DOWN THEYGrO. MATTINGS AT REDUCED PRICES AT LINDSAY Sc MORGAN’S. IN order to close out our Summer Stock we are selling STRAW MATTING AT VERY LOW PRICES. MOSQUITO NETS, REFRIGERATORS, BABY CARRIAGES, and all other season able goods MARKED DOWN TO PANIC PRICES. BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS at NINETY CENTS A YARD. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Kept Off by Using Glass Bed Rollers. Our General Stock is Complete. Call on us Early, LINDSAY & MORGAN. 169 and 171 Broughton Street, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal ManiitactiiringCo. SAVA-ISTJSrA.H, 0A.., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Sasli, Doors, llimls, Mis, Pew [nils, And Interior Finish of all kinds, Mouldings, Balusters, NewdJ Posts. Estimates, Price Lists. Mould ing Books, and anv information in our line furnished on application. Cypress, Yellow Pine, Oak, Ash and Walnut LUMBER on hand and in any quantity, rurntehod promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Savannah, Ga ENGINES, BOILERS, ETC. _ i Kinds. Simplest, Safest and Most Durable. All Machinery fully Guaranteed. Reliable Ma chinery at reasonable prices. Do not buy without first seeing us, or writing for our prices, naming just what you want. Address richmon’u’va. | TALBOTT & SONS, Macon, Ga. ,T. C. WEAVER, Manager. ( EM EXT. DIRECT IMPORTATION! JUST ARRIVED A CARGO OF .A-LSEIV’® Gorman Portland Cement. FOR SALE LOW BY ANDREW HANLEY, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. BATH TUBS. Bath. TulDs AND TIN TOILET SETS. A LARGE ‘SUPPLY FOR BALE CHEAP AT LOVELL&LATTIMORE’S Hardware and Stove Stores, 155 and 157 Conß-nwR street, near the Market. i • v n. nO your own Dya’ni?, at home, with PEER LKBH DYER They will dye cverythina. They are sold everywhere. Price 10c. a package —th colors. They havd no equal for strength, brightness, amount lu packages, or for fastness of color, or non fading ntuUltles. They do not crock or smut. For safe ty B. F. Cuon. M. ]>., Pharmacist, coni*-r UxHukton and Houston streets; P B. Kkid, Druggist and Apothe cary, comer Jones and Abercorn streets; KnwAßn J. Kicrer-a, Druggist, comer West Bread and tttewart street*. LIQUOR LICENSES. 1887. LIQ lOH LICWSEST 1887? Second Quarterly Statement. City of Savannah, ) Office Clerk of Council, V .July 12th, 1887. | r L'HE following is an alphabetical list of at! 1 persons liccnstni to sell liijuor published un der provisions of section 11 of tax ordinance for 1887. FRANK F„ REBABER, Clerk of Council. A. Asendorf, Cord, cor. Liberty and East Broad Sts. Asendorf, Frederick, cor. Tattnall and Gordon st. lane. Asendorf, Peter A., cor. Habersham and Jones s. lane. Asendorf, John M., cor. East Broad and Charl ton sts. Avrenetty, Eli. No. 171 Bryan street. Anderson, J. N., Randolph st., near Brough ton st. 11. Buttimer, P., cor. McDonough and East Bound ary sts. Byrnes, Geo. F., cor Houston and Congress sts. Brmvn & Mikell, cor Congress and West Broad streets. Branch, 8. W., S.W. cor. Broughton and Whit aker sts. BischofT, John M , cor. Farm and River sts. Barbour, Joseph S. F., cor. New Houston and Barnard sts. Barlxuur, U. T.. cor. Price and Hall sts. Berg. Henry, cor. Hull and Hirer sts. Brown, Win. 8., No. 182 Bryan st. Backman. George, No. 21 JeiTe.raon st. Bostock, Thos. A Bro., cor. Lincoln and River sts. Boldridge, Geo., No. 24 Price st. Bossell, Nellie L., cor. Jackson and Randolph sts. Bonaud, A., cor. Charlton and Whitaker sts. V. Cosman. J., & Cos., cor. Price and South Broad sts. Cooper, William 0.. No. 28 Whitaker st. Cole, ffm. H., No. 21 Drayton st. Champion, A H., No. 164 Congress st. Cooley, TANARUS., & Cos., cor. River and West Broad sts. Cole. Wm. H., cor. Indian st. and Coffee alley. Chaplin, W. H., No. 95 Abercorn st. Connolly, Mary M., No. 2:1 South Broad st. I>. Derst, George, S. W. cor. Charlton and Jeffer son sts. Dailey, J. P., cor. Farm and Mill sts. Dierk's, W. C. A , cor. Jeffei-son and Hall sts. Daniels, Edward F., No. 3 Houston st. Demers. Annie, cor. Indian and Ann sts. Doyle, 51. .1., cor. St. Julian and Barnard. Diers, Wm., cor. West Blood and Minis sts. Dub, 8., Screven House. Dieter, Geo., Jr., Waters road, near Lovers lane. Delany, M., sliss, cor. Zubly and St. Gaul sts. Decker, John, cor. Waldburg and West Broad sts. E. Entelman, Albert 11., cor. Charlton st. lane and Price st. Egan, Michael, cor. Huntingdon and Mercer sts. Entelman, Martin, cor. South Broad and Ar nold sts. Entelman, Martin, cor. Randolph and Clebum sts. Eicholz, Emanuel, cor. Liberty and Wheaton sts. Entelman, John F., cor. East Broad and Lib erty sts. Entelman, Deidrick, cor. Bay and West Broad Entelman, J. H. H., cor. East Broad and Broughton sts. Ehlers, Geo., cor. Farm and Mill sts. Elsinger, TANARUS., cor. Habersham anil President Enright, Thos. H., S. W. cor. Drayton and Broughton sts. F. Fehrenbacb, Henry, cor. President and Rey nolds sts. Finn Bros., cor. Huntingdon and West Brood sts. Fox, Gustave, No. 107 Broughton st. Farrell, Ellen, Bay street, third door from Ann st. G. Grimm, John, cor. Randolph and Wheaton sts. Gerken, Claus, cor. Walker and Guerard sts. Gerken, Claus, Wheaton st., near Liberty st. Gartelman, D., Gordon and East Broad sts. Gemunden, Geo. A., cor. St. Juiianand Whita- Ror sts Gails, Benj., cor. Whitaker and Liberty st. lane. Gefkin, John, cor. Reynolds and Jackson sts. Grewe, F. R., Ogeechee road, near Battery Park. Grass, Joseph J., agent, cor. Waldburg and Burroughs sts. Graham, C. F.. No. 49 Congress st, Gat-hade, H. W., cor. Burroughs and Gwinnett st. lane. Godfrey, D. S., cor. Liberty and Reynolds stH. (iroot, 11. TANARUS., cor. East Broad and Charlton sts. sjss slss sss sss Harms, J. D., Bolton st., near Coast Line Juncl ion. Helmken, Martin G., cor. Whitaker and An derson sts. Honig, John A., S. E. cor. Price and South Broad sts. Hit-sob Bros., No. 21 Barnard st. Hess, Herman, cor. York and Montgomery sts. Harms & Meyer, S. E. cor. Liberty and Ran dolph sts. Helmken, Martin, cor. South Broad and East Broad sts. Hickey, J. TANARUS., No. 160 Bryan street. Houlihan, Patrick, cor. Congress and Halter sham sts. Ham, Ed. Y., cor. Drayton and York st. lane. Ham & Haar, cor. State and Drayton sts. Henderson, J. M., Bay lane, near Bull st. Hanson, Christian, Thunderbolt road, at Toll Gate. Heomsoth, H.£L. cor. Pine and Farm sts. Helmken. John >., cor. Whitaker and South Broad st. lane. Helmken, J. D., cor. East Broad and Charlton, sts. Horrigan, Mary, cor. Bryan and Houston Rts. Ilajir. F. H cor. West Broad and Bolton sts. Houlihan, Thos., No. 1 Bay st. Hodges, Geo 1).. Marshall House. Hennessy, M. I’., No. HI Bay st. Hughes, Obadiah & Cos., cor. Farm and Harri son sts. Harnett, M. L., Harnett House, N. W. cor. Bryun and Barnard sts. Hart, J., Bro., No. 11 Jefferson st. Houlihan, Thos., cor. Abercorn and Anderson sts. Immen, John H., N. W. cor. Jones and Haber sham sts. Immen, John, cor. Bryan and Whitaker sts. J. Jachens, Fred. H., cor. Bay and West Broad Johnson, J. X., cor. Zubly and Ann sts. Jackson, Andrew, No. 22 Whitaker st. Johnson, Joseph, No. 5 East Broad st. K. Kuck, George, No. 6H West Broad sts. Kuck, John, cor. Drayton and Jones st. lane. Kuck, John, & Cos., cor. Taylor and East Broad sts. Keenan, Thomas, No. 161 Bryan Rt. Kriegel, Louis, cor. Charlton and Jefferson st. King, Fred cor. Price and Jones sts. Kramer. Henry F., cor. New Houston and West Broad streets. Kelly, John, cor. Broughton and East Broad sts. Kaufmann, Julius. No. 109 Broughton st. Kelly, T. Mary, cor. President and East Broad sts. King, T. Catherine, cor. Williamson and Mont gomery sts. Kelly, John, cor. Houston and South Broad' Kuck, H. F., Ogeechec road, J 4 mile south of Anderson st. Kohler, Chas., No. 17H St. Julian st. Kaiser, Augusta, White Bluff road, near An derson st. Lenzer. John, No. 22 MeDonough at. Lavln, Michael, No. 46 East Broad st. Lulls A Garwes, eor. West Broad and Duffy sts. Lynch, John, 8. E. cor. Whitaker and Taylor sts. Leacy, Ellen, No. 9 Bay street. I.ester, I). 15., No. 21 Whitaker st. Lee & Martin, No. Jefferson st. Lulls, J. F., cor. Mims and Purse sts. Lightboum, J. F., No. 18 Jefferson st. lane, James, 8. E. cor. Buy and Habersham sts. larch, John, cor. Huntingdon and Jefferson sts. lang, Nicholas, No. 19 Barnard st. lang, Nicholas, c ir. Broughton and Barnard sts. Lang, John H., Price and York st. lane. Lawler, Kate, No. 02 Price st. Lyons, John & Cos., cor. Broughton and Whita ker sts. M Murkens, John, Thunderbolt road, near Toll Gate. Mcßride, James, 8. E. cor. South Broad and Price sts. Meyer, Emily, cor. Reynolds and South Broad stg. Meitzler, Ann. No. 197 H Congress st. McCarthy, Michael C., cor. Wheaton and Reyn olds sts. Malloy, Thos. F., cor. Wart Broad and Gwin nett sta. T.IQCOK LICENSES. Moeller, Peter H., S. E. cor. West Broad and River sts. Moehlenbrock & Dierks, cor. Whitaker and Jones st, lane. Monsoes, C. H., Huntingdon and West Broad sts. Manning, Patrick, No. 0 Drayton st. Meitzler, Jacob, No. 68 Jefferson st. McMahon, James J., cor. Congress and East Broad sts. McGuire, Rosa, cor. Farm and Olive sts. Meyer, Catherine, S. K. cor. Price and Charl ton sts. Magee, Thos., cor. Habersham and Bay lane. McCormick, Win., on Indian st., near Farm st. Murphy, 1.. James, No. 148 Bryan st. Moore, Ella. No. 60 Houston st. McGrath, James & Cos., No. ID Whitaker st. X. Noonan. M. C., East Broad and Perry sts. Nelson, J. G. & Cos., cor. Whitaker and Presi dent sts. <l. Ohsiek, Charles, cor. Pine and Ann sts. O’Connor, Kate, cor. Montgomery and Gaston sts. O'Byrne, James, cor. Bay and Montgomery sts. O’Driscoll, Bridget, cor. Bay and East Broad sts. Oetjens, Dicdrieb, Augusta Road. Fechmann, R., No. 113 Bay st. Pratt, A. 1,., Railroad and West Boundary sts. Precht, Henry, cor. Habersham and Charlton sts. Pearson Spann, No. 188 Congress st, Palmer, Francis, cor. Dumber and Sims sts. . 9 Oilman, D. J., No. 3 Bull st. Quint, a. & Bros., Lovers Lane and Randolph sts. Quint, A. and Bros., S. W. cor. Drayton and McDonough sts. Quin, Timothy, cor West Boundary and Indian st. lane. 11. Rocker, John, & Bro., cor. West Broad and Jones st. Rosenbrook, R. D., cor. Anderson and Whita ker sis. It icker, Christen, cor. West Broad and Berrien ste. Huy, Win. H.. foot of East Broad and River sts. Rosenbrook. R. D., No. 180 St. Julian st. Renken, Herman, cor. Indian and Farm sts. Renken, Herman, cor. Bull and Anderson sts. Renken, Herman, cor. Bryan and Ann sts. st. Sullivan John J , Pulaski House, Bull st, Kteinniajl. S., No, 28 Wes! Broad st. Sanders. Henry, 185 South Broad st. Smith, George W., No. 21 Bay st, Schwarz, George, No. 172 Broughton st. Sauer, Henry, cor. Jefferson and Bay sts. Suiter, Martin W., cor. Price and Taylor sts. Suiter, Henry, cor. Lilierty anil Montgomery sts. Seiler, Charles, Concordia Park, White Bluff road. Struck, Herman W., cor. West Broad and Henry sts. Schroder, George, cor. Little .Tones and rurse sts. Sion, John, cor. River and Reynolds sts. Suiter. H. F., No. .35 West Broad st. Sehelhing, Wm, cor. Liberty and Drayton sts. Schroder, E. A. M., cor. West Broad and Lib erty' sts. Schroder Bros., cor. Bay and Farm sts. Schroder, Jphn H., cor Barnard and River sts. Sullivan, John, No. 133 Congress st. Schuenemaun, Dedrieh H., cor. East Broad and Bolton sts. Semlten, Henry, cor. Bay and East Broad sts. Scheele, J. F., cor. Farm ami William sis Steffens, Win., cor. West Broad and Waldburg sts. Schwcirenlioch, R., N. E. cor. Margaret and Farm sts. Schweibert, J. F., No. 46 Price st. Schroder, Henry, cor. Habersham and Brough ton sts. Schwarz, Philip, No. 162 Bryan st. Strauss Bros., No. 22 and 22tk Barnard st. Stahmer, J.,cor. West Broad anil Taylor sts. Sexton, Sarah, cor. Price and Huntingdon sts. Smith, Alice, cor. Farm and Margaret sts. Slater, Moore & Cos., No. 183 Congress st. Swift, W. H., 8. E. cor. Broughton and Dray ton sts. T. Tietjen, John F., cor. West Broad nnd New sts. 11. Ulmer <fc Copeland, cor. Jefferson and St. Julian sts. Umbaoli, C. A, H., No. 11l Broughton st. V. Vonderbreling, William, cor. Jefferson and York at. lane. Vollers, Win., cor. Pine and Farm sts. Von Newton, J. H., agt., cor. Anderson and Lincoln sis. W Walsh, Frank R., S. W. cor. Harris and West Broad sts. Wehrenberg, William A., No. 06 Broughton st. Walsh, Ceclla, cor. Bryan and Ann sts. Whiteman, James E., No. 28 South Broad st. Wellbrock, Geo., cor. Harrison and Walnut sts. W’ilder, J. 11., cor. New Houston and Lincoln sts. Warnock & Williams, cor. West Broad and Orange sts. Werner, Catherine, cor. Price and Hull sts. Witte, (bm. 11., cor. Anderson and Middle Ground Road. Ward, J. It., cor. River and McGuire sts. Wade & < ’urr, cor. Price and Bay sts. Waltjen, C. J. and Bro., cor. Wayne and Jef ferson sts. Wernt*, J. H., cor. Huntingdon and Barnard sts. Watson & Powers, Pulaski House, Y. Ybanes, A. G., No. 101 Bay st. Yenken, Ann, Reynolds st., four doors from Broughton st. GAN FIXTURES, HONE, ETC. JOHN NICOLSON, Jr. DEALER IN— Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ AND M ill Supplies. ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam Tracking, SHEET GUM, Hydrant Steam and Sactioi HOSE. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps. 30 nnd 32 Dravlon St. WATCHES AND JKWKLKY. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO HUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDS. FINE STERLING SIL VERWARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to be found at A. L. Desbouillons, 81 BULL STREET. the sole agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warranted a* represented. Opera GHanuns at Cowl s* \ I l: IK ND in need Is a friend indeed ' If 1 \ you have a friend send him or her the savannah WEEKLY NEWS; it only costs >4 M fox * vwar. OFFICIAL. QUARANTINE NOTICE. " Office Health Officer, I Savannah. Ga., May 1, 1887. f From and after MAY Ist, 1887, the city ordi nation which sixeeifles the Quarantine require ments to be observed at the port of Savannah, Georgia, for period of time (annually) from Mav Ist to November Ist, will be most rigidly em forced. Merchants and all other parties interested will be supplied with printed copies of the Quar antine Ordinance upon application to office of Health Officer. From and after this date and until further no tice all steamship and vessels from South America, Central America, Mexico, West Indies, Sicily, ports of Italy south of 40 (legs. North latitude. and coast of Africa beween 10 degs. North and 11 degs. South latitude, direct or via American port will be sub jected to close Quarantine and be reouired to report at the Quarantine Station and bo treated as being from infected or sm-pacted ports or localities. Captains of these yessela will have to remain at Quarantine Station until their vessels arc; relieved. All steamers mi l vessels from foreign porta not included above, direct or via American ports, whether seeking, chartered or otherwise, will be required to remain in quarantine until boarded and passed by the Quarantine Officer. yeither the Captains nor any one onboard of such vessels will be allowed to come to the city until the vessels are inspected and passed by tho Quarantine Officer. As ports or localities not herein enumerated are reported unhealthy to the Sanitary Authori ties, Quarantine restrictions against same will be enforced without further publication. The quarantine regulation rispiiring th e flying of the quarantine flay on vessels subjected to attention or inspection will be rigidly enforced, J. T. McFAKUANT), M. !>., Health Olßoer. ORDINANCE, An Ordinance toamend article LX. of the Sa vannah City Code, adopted Feb. 18, 1870, so aa to require all occupants of houses, merchants, shopkeepers,grocers and tradesmen occupying premises to which no yards am attached to Keen within their premises a box or barrel of sufficient size in which shall be deposited all offal, filth, rubbish, dirt aud other matter gen erated iu said premises, or to put such box or barrel in th** streets or lanes under conditions proscribed herein. nRoriON 1 lie it ordained bv the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That section 2 or said article be amended so as to read as follows: The owners, tenants or occupiers of houses having yards or enclosures, and all occupants of houses, all merchants, shopkeepers, grocers and trades men occupying premises to which no yards are attached shall keep within their yards or premises a box or barrel of sufficient size, in which shall he deposited all the offal, tilth, rub bish, dirt and other matter generated in said building and enclosure, and the said filth of every description as aforesaid shall l>e placed in said box or barrel, from the first day of April to the first, day of November, before the hour of 7 o'clock a. m., and from the first day of November (inclusive) to the last day of March (inclusive) before the hour of 8 o’clock a. m., aud such mat ter so placed shall Is; daily removed i Sunday* excepted) by the Superintendent, to such places two miles at least without tne city as shall Ik* designated by the Mayor or a majority of the Street and Lana Committee. Ana it shall be unlawful for any occupant of a house, merchant, shopkeeper, fjrocer or t radesman to sweep into or to deposit b any street or lane <*i this dty any pacer, trash, or rubbish of any kind whatsoever, out the same shall bo kept in boxes or barrens as hereinbefore provided, for removal by the scav enger of the city. Any person not having a yard may put the box or barrel containing tne offal, rubbish, etc., in the street or lane for removal by the scuvengar, provided the box or barrel so put in the street or lane shall be of such char acter and size as to securely keep the offal, rub bish, etc., from getting into tne street or lane. And any person other than the owner or scaven ger interfering with or troubling the box or bar rel so put in tne street or lane snail be punished on conviction thereof in the police court by fine not exceeding SIOO or imprisonment not exceed ing thirty days, either or both in the discretion of officer presiding in said court. Ordinance passed in Council dune Ist, 1887. RUFUS E. LESTER, Mayor. Attest: Frank E. llk barer, Clerk of Council City Marshal s Orrros, f Savannah, April SWd, 1887. f 'TMTB City Treasurer has placed in my hands I Real Estate Executions for 1880, Privy Vault Executions for 1888, Stock in Trade and other personal property executions for 1888, and Spe cific or License Tax Executions for 1887, com manding me to make the money on said writs by levy ami sale of the defendants’ property or by other lawful means. I hereby notify all per sons in default that tho tax and revenue ordi nance will be promptly enforced if payment id not made at my office without delay. Office hours from 11 a. m. to 2 v. m rort j. wade. City Marshal. UL'AItANTI.YE NOTICE. Office Health Officer, I Kavannah, April r>th, 1887. ( Notice is hereby given that the Quarantine Officer Is instructed not to deliver letters to ves sels which are not subjected to quarantine de tention. unless the name of consignee and state ment that the vessel is ordered to some other port appears ujsm tlie face pf the envelope. This order is mode necessary In consequence of the enormous hulk of dnimhiing letters sent to the station for vessels which are to arrive. J. t. McFarland, m. and.. Health Officer. yiARANTCNK NOTICE. Office Health Officer, l BAvan.nah, March 28th, 1887. t Pilots of the Port of Ravamiah are informed tliat, the Ha Lie I o Quarantine Station will be open ed on APRIL Ist, 1887. Htieclal attention of the Pilots is directed to sections Nos. 8d and 14th, Quarantine Regula tions. Most rigitl enforcement of quarantine regula tions will bo maintained by th Health authori ties. J. T. Mt;F AKx-iAND, M. D., Health Officer. RAILROAD BONDS. The undersigned offers for sale at par ex-July Coupon $500,0i of the MARIETTA AND NORTH GEORGIA RAILWAY COMPANY’S FIRST MORTGAGE 6 PER CENT. FIFTY YEAR BONDS, in multiples of SI,OOO to suit buyers. fTMIEKF, bonds ean be safely taken by inves- J. tors as u reliable 0 per cent, security, which will, in all probability, advance to 15 points above par wltliln the next three or four years, as tliis road will traverse a country unsurpassed for mineral wealth, forelimate, for scenery, for agricultural purjHwes, ami for attractiveness to the settler. The company has mortgaged its franchise and entire line of railroad, built and to tie built, and all its other property, to the Boston Hafe Deposit and Trust (Company to secure its issue of 50-yea# 6 per cent, bonus. These bonds will be issued at the rate of about $17,000 per mile, on a line ex tending from Allunta, Ga., to Knoxville, Tenn. A sinking fund is provided for their redemption. It will be one of the liest paying roads in the floutb. It will he of standard gauge and wii) develop a region of country extending from Middle Georgia, through North Carolina to Knoxville, Tenn., where It will connect with lines leading to Cincinnati, Dullsville, St. Louis and Pittsburg. The road is now completed to Murjihy, N. C., anil is to be pushed on to Knoxville' as fast as the nature of the country will permit. The high financial standing and energy of the men prin cipally interested in it sufficiently guarantees its early completion. Further information will he furnished upon application to A. I- HAKTKIDGE, Savannah, Oa , or to BOODY, McLELLAN A CO., 57 Broadway, New York. IRON WORKS. McDoqoiH & Ballantyne, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, MANUFACTURERS OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES* VERTICAL and TOP RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. AGENTS for Alert and Union Injector#, th simplest and most effective on the market; Gullett Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, the best in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price List. PRINTER AND BOOKBINDER. Chips from the Old Block! THE WORKMEN EMPLOYED BY GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTER AND BINDER. - Their work tin* given repu. tattoo to the EitabiUbmeul. Nuuk httUt, 5