The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 16, 1887, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED 1850. i ] J ||. I'.sriLL, Editor nail Proprietor, f CLEVELAND INDISPOSED. CHOLERA morbus and fatigue keep him in bed till noon. Mrs. Cleveland's Eye Still Causing Her Considerable Pain—Villagers Gather Outside of the Cottage to Hear Her Sing— A Family Reunion and Sail on the St. Lawrence. Forest Port, July 15. —Notwithstanding that the sun arose gloriously over the hills this morning there were no signs of lifo at the residence of Rev. Mr. Cleveland, where the Presidential party is stopping, until nearly 9 o’clock. During last evening Mrs. Cleveland played a number of selections on the piano and sang one of her favorite songs. The music, however, seemed to attract the villagers, and as soon as the fact was dis covered she ceased. The curtains were not drawn and the party could be seen chatting together. Mrs. Cleveland, although still wearing a bandage over her eye, seemed to enter into the conversation with energy. Bouquets presented to her at Clin ton wore displayed about the parlors. THE PRESIDENT ILL. The President did not rise to breakfast with the remainder of the family, but re mained in bed till noon. He was suffering from fatigue and a slight attack of cholera morbus. Dr. A. G Brower called during the morning and gave him a little medicine. The Railway Commissioners also made the President a brief call. Mrs. Cleveland’s eye pained her still, and altogether the party is sadly in need of the rest they are now en joying. INVITED TO OTHER PLACES. The agent of one of the hotels on the St. Lawrence river arrived here this morning for the purpose of endeavoring to induce the President to hold an informal reception at a hotel designated by him during the af ternoon to-morrow. The citizens of Water town, too, are very desirous of en tertaining the Presidential party for i short time to-morrow morning. The President, however, has decided not to allow arrangements to bo made for the excursion to-morrow. According to the original plan, the special train conveying the President and Mrs. Cleveland was to reach there at 10:30 o’clock in the morning and was to be met by General Manager Britton, of the Rome, Watertown and Og densburg railway, accompanied by a num ber of Mrs. Cleveland’s friends. The train was scheduled to reach Cape Vincent at 11 o’clock and the party were to embark at once on the steamer St. Lawrence for a day’s ride among the islands. The Presi dent’s arrangements provided for dinner on board the boat. A FAMILY REUNION. Forest Port. N. Y., July 15, 11 p. m.— It is learned that to-morrow’s jaunt will partake of the nature of a family reunion. Family affection among the Clevelands is very marked, and the trip to Forest Port was made with this meeting in view. Be sides the President and his wife and Rev. and Mrs. W. N. Cleveland, the party will consist of Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, of Holland Patent, and Mrs. Yoemans, of Wayne county, his sisters, his nieces. Miss Harriet Hastings, of Clinton, an * Miss Carrie Hastings, of Smith’s CoUege, Mass : Secretary Fairchild and wife, and ( sweg) friends. The President will not depart fruni the original arrangements to spend the day on a steamer among the Thousand Islands. The train will leave Alder creek about 9:30 o’clock in the morning and return about the same hour in the evening. The President went to his room again in the afternoon and remained there until nearly 7 o’clock, when ho began to prepare for the reception. A GREAT NIGHT. It was a great night for the hamlet of Forest Port. People drove in from all sec tions and in all kinds of conveyances. At 7:30 o’clock the reception began. The band gave an open air concert on the hill just beside the parsonage, and the anxious peo ple filled the steps and yard, the crowd ex tending in an orderly line out to the street. The guests were presented to the President and his wife by Mrs. \V. N. Cleveland and Railroad Commissioner Kernan. The lady of the White House wore an evening cos tume of cream-colored lace over a white satin, and at her throat glistened a handsome crescent of diamonds. The President was in full evening dress. During the evening over 700 persons were shaken by the hand by both the President and his wife. Little children and aged men were alike hospitably re ceived. During the day the President re ceived the lithographed invitation of Post Root Grand Army of the Republic of Syra cuse to visit that city, but he will probably be obliged to decline Telegrams also poured in during the evening, requesting that brief stops bo made by the excursion to-morrow at different towns along the route from this village to Cape Vincent. No definite replies were made. DALY INDICTED. He Goes Into Court Without Counsel and Acts Strangely. Washington, July 18.—The grand jury this afternoon brought in an indictment against John Daly charging him with the murder of Joseph C. G. Kennedy, the aged real estate agent, on Wednesday evening Daly was arraigned and pleaded 'guilty, but not responsible.” The court ordered that a plea of not guilty be entered. Dm prisoner said he had no home, no •newts and no counsel and that he would like to have counsel. To the remark of the court that the case was a serious !' ! "\ Daly replied, “I know it, your honor.” ‘"'o members of the local liar were assigned a< tas counsel for the prisoner, and Mr. " orthir.gton, District Attorney, then gave notice that he would to-morrow ask that 'ho caso bo rot for trial some day next week. KEY WEST’S FEVER. Seven New Cases Since the Last Re port, But No Deaths. " asiiington, July 15.—The Marine Hos pital Bureau Ims received a report from i’u: *4 Assistant Surgeon Outturns at Koy shoving that there have been 110 o'.vs and HU deaths from yellow fever nt W-'J.West up to July 14. Hospital Steward 'l'*'* who was recently stricken down ■tli t lie disease has recovered. „ KKVCS NIiW CASKS. . Y 'Vtsr, Fla., July 15.— There have on seven nw cm** of fever since yester '’|y> but no deaths. Nearly all the twenty , new eases reported during the lust lr '*'days have Iswn children who are pass r' jf ■'■'rough un noclimatiug sickness without :', ' esulls and should not be fatally ro “ "e| in the record of the epidemic wiihout Hu nation. Pho Commerce Commissioners. Baku, noton, July 15.—The Interstate Commisukm expects to be able to , u< * B all public hearings which parties <v ,r u - bring forward before the closer of ■Js month. Aliout Aug. 1 a recess will bo *? fn, ‘ aR public hearings nre cou \. J?}- bureau work being continued at <*sn*ngton us usual, while the commission j f l *r >ec fc to visit various portions of the 5* bold™ "'bon public sessions will Slije Jtkfttittfli DYING BY HUNDREDS. Terrible Effects of the Heat in the Tenements of Gotham. New York, July 15. —The hot weather has sent the death rate in this city up to an alarming extent. Children in tenement houses are killed off in droves. In three days 473 deaths have been registered. TWELVE SUNSTROKES. Cincinnati, 0., July 15.—Twelve sun strokes have been reported in this city to day, four of which were fatal. All of these were cases that required the use of patrol wagons or hospital ambulances except one fatal case, that of a man overcome m his home. All the others were laborers at work in the open air. The temperature to-day and yesterday ranged from 96" to 98° in the shade on the street level and the air was still. SUFFERING AT PITTSBURG. Pittsburg, Pa., July 15.—' The Mercury reached 96“ in the shade this afternoon. The suffering among the iron workers was terri ble, and many mills and factories stopped. Three fatal eases of sunstroke and a large number of prostrations were reported. ALMOST INTOLERABLE. Cleveland, 0., July 15. —The heat here to-day was almost intolerable, 94° was the highest point reached, which breaks the July record in Cleveland for the past nine years. Two cases of sunstroke are reported. 100“ IN the shade. Lynchburg, Va., July 15.—The heat here is intense. The thermometer registers 100° in the shade. It has been the hottest day in the year. EDUCATIONAL REFORMS. The Chicago Convention Adopts a Series of Resolutions. Chicago, July 15. —The Educational con vention concluded its sessions toulay. The report of the committee on resolutions was adopted. The resolutions ask for more com plete divorcement of school offices and pol itics; extension of the school year and in crease of teachers’ wages in tlie rural dis tricts; the adoption of some plan whereby meritorious teachers after long service may be honorably retired; the passage of laws, where necessary to secure the attend ance at the public schools of all persons of school age who are deficiont in the rudiments of an English education: increase of public libra ries and establishment of closer relations between them and the schools; recognition of the value of industrial art; more earnest attention not only to instruction in the fun damental principles of morality, but also to the careful training of pupils in moral character; increased attention to instruction in civics as a special preparation for the duties of citizenship; value of musical in struction. EDUCATION OF THE INDIANS. The following are the concluding resolu tions: We express our profound interest in the edu cation of t he Indians and heartily commend the spirit of liberality shown by Congress in the matter, and call special attention to the import ant and encouraging results already achieved. We recommend to the several State Legis latures the adoption of laws: First. requiring instruction to lie given in all publie schools in physiology with special reference to the injuri ous effects upon the human system of alcohol and narcotics. Second, laws suppressing the publication aud sale of impure literature. Third, laws forbidding the sale or tobacco to youths. A committee of three was appointed to communicate with the appropriate commit tees in Congress concerning the resolution on the subject of national aid to education. The people of the South were doing as much as they were able to do, and yet only 3,000,- 000 of the children were receiving as much as four months education in the year. COKE REGION IMPORTS. New Men En Route to Take the Places of the Strikers. Pittsburg, July 15 —A parry of 110 men arrived hero this morning on their way from New York to the coke regions to take the places of strikers. They were shipped to West Leisenring and will lie put to work in the morning. Forty-five men who were engaged in this city were also sent to the region to-day. The operators have accepted offers of Eastern labor bureaus and new men will be sent to the region as fast as the strikers are evicted from the companies’ houses. The Pinkerton men are still on duty, but so far have had nothing to do. A CALL ON THE GOVERNOR. Harrisburg, Pa., July 15.—A commit tre of the Connellsville coke strikers arrived here to-day to request Gov. Beaver to re move the Pinkerton men from the coke re gions. The committee, however, failed to see the Governor, who left for Warren this afternoon. He will be absent a week. DEAD ON ’CHANGE. The Vice President Expires After An nouncing a Death. New Yobk, July 15.—One of the most distressing incidents that bns ever occurred on the New York Stock Exchange trans pired at noon to-day, and was surrounded by circumstances so peculiarly sad that their occurrence causal the members to suspend all business nt once, without any preliminary notice from their chairman. Vice President A. B. Hill, apparently in full health, ascended the platform to an nounce the death of M. F. Deri vas, and had hardly finished when he was taken with a sudden weakness. Friends assisted him to the main entrance, but he had just passed the flight of steps leading to the door when ho expired. The announcement of his death wa.; immediately made, and u special meeting of the Governing Committee was called to take action. Trains? in Collision. Lincoln, Neb., July 15.—This morning a west-bound freight train on the Burlington and Missouri railroad was in collision with a stock train aliout foity miles east of the city on a small bridge. The bridge caught tire, causing a conflagration which con sumed both engines and thirteen loaded ears. Including two of the cattle train. The moil'all saw the approaching danger in time to jump and escape serious injury. The damage will approximate $'400,000. Editors in Convention. CIOUDLAND, N. C., July 15.—TheTen nestso Press Association, with twenty-nine papers represented, met yesterday above the Clovis on the top of Roane Mountain, 049 feet atovo the sea. Koii. John Allison, Sec retary of State, delivered an oration. The association will lie in session several days. Killed by His Pet Dog. Detroit, July 15. —Bernard J Mirhen felder, son of a wealthy brewer, died this morning from hydrophobia. He was bitten by a pet dog five weeks ago. On Tuesday the first symptoms of hydrophobia ap peared, and after suffering terribly ho died after one of his convulsions. Twonty-two Bodies Recovered. New York, July. 15. -Twentv-two bodies linve ben recovered of those who lost their lives Sunday from the swamping of tho yacht Mystery. Otbors are still missing. SAVANNAH, GA„ SATURDAY, JULY 1(>, 1887. A FOG CAUSED HER LOSS. SURVIVORS OF THE MERRIMACK LANDED AT BOSTON. The Captain of the Ship Tells How the Disaster Probably Occurred The Pilot and All the Officers Faithful to Their Duty According to the Cap tain’s Story. Boston, July 15. —The steamer Carroll arrived to-day from Halifax, having on board twenty-nine passengers of the lost steamer Merrimack. The passengers ap peared to be in good health and looked none the worse for their mishap. They say they saw no organized attempt at robbery by the crew or any marked degree of drunkenness, as has been charged, although a few pieces of baggage were broken open and rifled and some of the crew were under the influence of liquor. But in general terms they speak highly of the efforts of the officers and men to get them ashore and prevent loss of life and property. THE CAPTAIN’S STORY. N. S., July 15.—Tug A. C. Whitney, which arrived this morning from Liverpool, N. S., brought the remaining passengers ami crew of the wrecked steamer Merrimack. Capt. Crowell is at Liverpool. He has made the following statement: “The Merrimack ran ashore in a dense fog which settled down between half and three-quar ters of an hour before she struck. Fog whistles had been regularly sounded during that time. The ship was in charge of Pilot Reynolds, a native of Point La tour, who has been piloting steamers on this coast for the last twenty years. This was his first accident. When the fog set in the pilot, first officer and I were in the wheel house, and w hile we were there the ship struck. CAREFULNESS OF THE PILOT. “Quartermaster Morrison was at the wheel. When the fog set in the course was changed by the pilot’s order a half point off shore as a precaution. During all our trips last year our course in that vicinity was southwest by west, which carried us off to the southward, and steering half a point south of this was a precautionary measure, adopted on account of the fog. When the shij i struck, and for ten minutes thereafter, the fog was so thick that the light on the island could not be seen. It then lifted and we saw the light, and knew' we were on Little Hope Island. The first indication we had of being near danger was the vessel striking the nicks. She kept afloat for half or two-thirds her length for a time and then settled on the rocks, listing some to port. The ship was making nine knots when she struck. In my opinion we were carried out of our course further than we were aware of by the current setting in westerly to wards the land.” A CATTLE COMPANY’S SUIT. Cheyenne Ranch Owners Charged With Cheating a Scotch Syndicate. Chicago, July 15. —Suit for 8800,000 was begun in the United Stab's Court this morn ing by the Swan Land anil Cattle Company, limited, of Edinburg, through their solici tors, against Alex. H. Swan and Thomas H. Swan, of Cheyenne, and others. In 1883 the Swan and [’rank Live Stock Company, the National Company and the Swan Krnnk- Authony Cattle Company, composed of the above named parties, were grazing cattle over the ranges in Wyoming Territory. These cor porations joined with James Wilson, of Edinburgh, and sold out, for $2,553,825, to the Swan Land and Cattle Company, which Wilson hail worked up among Scottish capitalists, among them being Lord Douglas Garden and Oliu J. McKenzie. The complaint alleges that the purchasers relied upon the false repre sentations of Alexander H. Swan, upon un tried inventories of the cattle, and upon the reports of one Thomas Lawson, an agent in the pay of the selling companies. The com plainant says that instead of 89,167 head of cattle, as represented, there were no more than 00,000, and that in many other re spects were the inventories which were shown them untrue. In making the sale, the complainant says that Swan represented that the number of calves from the herds would equal 22,628, while in fact they were only 1,600. The complainants ask SBOO,OOO which they sav would only about cover the loss they sustained. The suit brought to-day is a sequel of the failure of the firm of Swan Bros., of Cheyenne, a few weeks ago. It was then announced that the Swan Land and Cattle Company would be in no way affected, but it is known that immediately after the Swan Bros.’ failure some of the Scotch directors of the cattle company hurried to this country and it is supposed that the suit brought to-day is a result of their investigations. ROSEN FELD VS COLLAPSE. An Offer of 25c. on the Dollar Made to the Creditors. Chicago, July 15.— The creditors of Maurice Rosenfeld & Cos. met this after noon. J. F. Gillett presidoil and said that ho had been ]iermittod to examine ilw books of the firm and found that their original capital was $50,000, but after paying $33,000 for New York Stock Exchange membership they only had $17,000 left to use in their business. Their liabilities wore $609,000 and their collectible assets were assessed to pay 10 per cent. The firm’s rtffatives would pay 15 per cent., making a total of 25 per cent. A large number of creditors have already signified their willingness to accent the 25c. offered, but stock houses to trie number of six or seven refused, as they had already secured enough property of the Rosomelds in the shape of the New York Stock Exchange membership and “other security to net them 25 percent, ot their claims, which amount to about 8100,000. It was the sense of the creditor, preient that the offer waa a fair one, and that they had better accept it. A special committee com posed of G. N. Culver, Alex Ge idis and C. \V. Comes was appointed to confer with the stockholders and try and induce them to settle at. 35e. Should they refuse it was proposed to offer them 4bc. and try and get the other 15 per cent., cr about $15,000, re quired to pay that percentage from rela tives. Almost Killed. Macon, Oa., July 15. —Edward Harris, a young white Isiy. while engaged watching ,t lie blasting proems at the new freight depot of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad came ii(>ar losing his lifo this after noon. A lurgo rock was thrown up by the blast and he to avoid it dodged behind two largo sliding doors that had lieen nailed in poHtfon. The rock (track the door, crush ing it in upon him. He was seriously in jured. Tho thermometer reached IK)" here to-day. Struck by Lightninpr- Columbia, 8. C , July 15.—While Meri dtth Mansell (colored), of Pickens county, was at dinner with Ins family the house was strucK by lightning. Mansell and one child were instantly killed. Mansell’s wife and two children were liadly shocked, bruised and cut by splinters. Two more children were severely shocked, but not se riously injured CRIME IN IRELAND. The Bill Passes the Committee Stage in the Upper House. London, July 15. —The crimes bill was discussed in committee in the House of Lords to-night. Lord Northbrook (Liberal) expressed surprise at the summary disposal of the debate on the bill yesterday. Before proceeding further with Irish legislation he urged the (arty leaders to give the country definite answers on four points: Were the Irish members to remain in Westminster ? Was the providence of Ulster to lie treated separately from the rest of Ireland ? Was the duty to maintain law and order to be en trusted to an Irish parliament ? Was power over land to be committed to an Irish par liament? Lord Rosoberry (Lilieral) held that dis cussion of these isiints was outside the scope of the crimes bill. The Liberal peers, lie said, were in a hopeless minority, and could do no more than protest against the bill. In conclusion, he said he felt bound to warn the government of the effect of the measure. Their administration in Ireland would have to be continued in a state of siege. After further brief discussions the bill was passed in committee without amendment. The bill will be read the third time on Monday. A heated discussion occurred in the lobby of the House of Commons to-night between Dr. Tanner and Walter Ilume Long, mem ber for Wilts, during wliicb the former called Mr. Long a “and snob.” The Speaker of the House will be informed of the affair and trouble is expected. MATTHEWS TO RETIRE. Dublin, July 15. —A statement is pub lished here to-day that Mr. Matthews, Sec retary of State for homo affairs, will retire from the Cabinet at the end of the present session of Parliament, and that Messrs. Chaplin and White and Sir Matthew White Ridley will join the Ministry'. FERDINAND'S SMOOTH WORDS. He Replies to the Deputation Sent to Him from Bulgaria. Vienna, July 15. —Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to-day received the dep utation sent to officially notify him of his election to the Bulgarian throne. In his re ply he said: “If I should follow my heart’s impulse, I would hasten to Bulgaria and put myself at the head of the nation. But a Prince elected ruler of Bulgaria must respect treaties. Such respect will increase the strength of the Bulgarian government and assure the grandeur and prosperity of the nation. I hope to justify the Porte's confi deuce and obtain the consent of the powers and to regain in time Russia’s sympathy, to which Bulgaria owes her freedom. I hope to prove my devotion to Bulgaria when the moment comes. The courage, prudence, unity' and patriotism with which God has blessed Bulgaria promise a brilliant future for her.” GREVY CONGRATULATED. The Radical Members of the Chamber Form a Vigilance Committee. Paris, July 15. —President Grevy r has re ceived congratulations from Frenchmen in all parts of the world’Onihe occasion of the celebration of the fall of the Bastile. The Radical memliersof the Chamber of Depu ties have formed a vigilance committee, com posed of M. Antole, M. Delaforge, M. Clemenceaq, M. Pelletan, and others, to watch political affairs. La Petite Journal published a Deroulcelr circular to the effect that it induced the League of Patriots to enter the Radical party. Advocate Barron, of the Court of Ap peals, made his appearance on the streets fiei'e yesterday crying: “A has Grevy.” RUSSO-GERMAN WAR. The Berlin Post in Favor of Making the Czar Show His Hand. Berlin, July 15.—The Post , commenting on an anti-German pamphlet entitled “wait ing for war,” purporting to be the diary of a diplomat, which has been issued in St. Petersburg, charges the Czar’s government with covertly giving its assent to attacks on Germany. The Post asks: “Ought.we to make this an officeal matter and hold Russia responsible for such a publication? The German government should be aide to gauge the position of the Russian govern ment and to asceitain whether the Czar's ministers are too weak to suppress or whether they wilfully allow full play of the elements which seek to plunge hoth empires into war at the earliest possible moment.” TWO HUNDRED BEHEADED. The Warfare in Afghanistan Going on With Savage Ferocity. Bombay, July 15.—News from a native source has been received to the effect that a battle between the troops of the Ameer of Afgliauistau and insurgents recently took place at Mashaki, South of Guzni, and that the Ameer’s forces were victorious. They are said to have captured 160 Ars and Tnrakis and to have sent the heads of 200 of the slain to Cabul. Alar ge force of Jaghuri und Hazarnhs subsequently defeat**! the troops of the Ameer, who is now sending reinforcements to his army. Turkey Still Holds Out. London, July 15.—1n the House of Com mons to-nizht Sir James Ferguson, Par liamentary Secretary for the Foreign Office, reported that the Egyptian convention hod not been ratified bv Turkey, and that Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, special envoy, having the matter in oliargo would leave Constantinople to-night. A HUMILIATING FARCE. London, July 16, 5 a. m.—The newspa pers this morning interpret Sir James Fer guson’s report in relation to the Egyptian convention in the House of Commons last night, a* signifying that the convention is a failure. The Dnihj .Veins says: “The hu miliating farce upon which 4150,000 have been squandered, reflect* the utmost dis credit upon the Premier and his colleagues.” France’s Fete. Paris, July 15. —The celebration which began yesterday in commemoration of the fall of the Bastile was continued until this morning. The fete was observed in an or derly manner. Tho newspapers highly com pliment the people for tho good sense shown in refraining from everything of a disturb ing nature. There were a row manifesta tion* of turbulence, hut they were of no po litical importance. Plans of the Thistle. London, July 15.—The yacht Thistle will make tho voyage acres* the Atlantic under one lower must and a roofed trysail about the size of a sixty-ton yacht’s mainsail. It is intended to make practice cruises in Ameri can water* before the races for the Ameri ca’* cup. __ Ore Shipments. Pittsburg, Pa., July 15.—Notwithstand ing the shut down of th- blast furnaces on account of the coke strikes, the ore ship ments from the lake* show a large increase over last ywr, and it is estimated that the production this year will be 1,000,000 tons in excea* of what it wa* in 1866. CAUGHT IN BLAZING OIL AN EXCURSION TRAIN RUNS INTO A TRAIN OF TANKS. Everything Enveloped in Flames Al most Simultaneously With the Crash—Nine Bodies Burned to a Crisp Already Recovered The Number of Corpses in the Debris Still Uncer tain. St. Thomas, Ont., July 15.—A terrible accident occurred at the crossing of the Grand Trunk railway and the Michigan Central railway in this city' about 7 o’clock this evening. An excursion train oil the Grand Trunk road, from Port Stanley, ran into a jtassing freight train on the Michigan Central road with a number of ears loaded with oil attached. The engine crashed into one of these, when the oil instantly took fire and burned fiercely’, commu nicating to the ears on both trains, and extending to Griffins’ warehouse, coal and lime sheds adjoining the track on the west and to John Campbell’s dwelling on the east, all of which were burned to the ground with their contents. Engineer Donnelly, of the excursion train, waa buried in the wreck. The fireman jumped and es caped with slight Injuries. The forward ear of the excursion train was tilled with passengers, who made desperate efforts to escape, but notwithstanding that hundreds of bravo and willing hands were immediately at work to assist in their rescue, it is stud that a number of lives were lost and that the bodies will be burned be yond recognition. At 8 o’clock, when thou sands of people were crowding around the burning pile, one of the oil tanks on the cars suddenly exploded, throwing hundreds to the ground with great force und scattering blazing oil in all directions, and severely 7, perhaps fatally, burning many. Nino bodies have already beeh discovered, burned to a crisp. ALL STILL IN DOUBT. It is almost impossible to ascertain with any certainty the names of those lost in the wreck until the arrival of the late train for Port Stanley. There are many conflict ing rumors, but it seems almost certain that Engineer Donnelly, Mr. Zealand, a clerk in J. A IV. Mickelboroughs dry goods store, Mr. Zealand’s child, and the wife and child of James Smithers, a dry goods merchant , were killed. Mrs. Zealand was got out badly burned. THE INJURED. Among those injured by the explosion are Herman Ponsford, a bricklayer; Nelson Gadsby, a blacksmith, burned In the head; W. H. Joyce, engineer of the Grand Trunk road, badly burned on both arms; VV. H. Walbourhe, Qhief of the Fire Department, burned in the neck; Charles Dake, of the Dake House, hands and hack; Richard Woodruff, back and neck; Oliver Norswor thy, neek and back, Arehio Norsworthy, neck and arms; a son of Mr. Potts, master mechanic of the Michigan road, burned on the neck, and scores of others who were taken to their homes before their names conld be learned. CLEARING THE TRACK. Gangs of men under the direction of Su perintendent Morford and Assistant Super mtondent Morehead, of the Michigan Cen tral road, are hard at work removing the debris, and it is expected that the track will lie cleared by daylight. All the telegraph wires were burned, with several poles, thus interrupting communication. FATALITIES AT A FIRE. One Man Killed and Two Others Injured Beyond Recovery. Montreal, July 15.—About tl o’clock this morning fire broke out in the Bt. Lawrence sugar refinery, a seven-story brick building, situated on Queen street. The whole fire brigade was called out, but were powerless to save the building. The structure, together with several brick dwelling houses adjoining, occupied by Messrs. Flynn, O'Betteu, Coverinton and Jones were com pletely destroyed. About 11:15 o’clock a large portion of the walls of the building fell with a crash, but an for as is known no one was killed by the fulling of the walls. A man namod Moore, while coming down the fire eseafie, lost his Irold and fell to the ground. He expired al most immediately. Another man who jumped from a window broke his leg. Others are report**! missing or serious ly injured. The immense pile of debris is being searched for dead bodies. Many of the men escaped from the building entirely naked The total loss is estimated at $500,- (XXi. The property is insured in a large number of companies, mostly American. The refinery was only recently erected at a cost of >350,000. Great alarm whs caused this afternoon in the Warmington stamp works by the fall of a large portion of the wall and part of the filtering apparatus and boilers, but no one was injured. The entire loss is estimated at SOOO,OOO, upon SIBO,OOO of which there is no insurance. A BLAZE AT BALTIMORE. Baltimore, July 15.—Fire broke out shortly before 1 o’clock to-day in the Mary land Hominy and Carolina mill, at the foot of Frederick street dock, ami although the entire fire department was called out, the mill was soon destroyed. The damage is es t.imated at $30,000 in machinery and stock. The Hames communicated to throe adjoining warehouses In-longing to Enoch Pratt, and occupied by the < iambrill Manufacturing Company for the storage of wheat, flour Hud barrels, which were almost entirely do stroyod. Tin* fire then crossed an alley and took hold of the large roller flour mill of the Ganibrill ManufncturingConinHny,the upper part of which was burned, and the lower part badly damaged by water. The dam age to the (J.imbrill Company is estimated at $300,000. Tin.' buildings belonging to Mr. Pratt were damaged about SIO,OOO, and those occupied by the Hominy and Corra line Company, lielonging to J. Corner, alsnit, SIO,OOO. The insurance cannot lie ascer tained. A WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH. Mobile, Ala., .July 15.—Fire this morn ing destroyed part of the old Matthews cotton press. Tno family of Charles Hniith, living upstairs, was awakened by Smith’s stepson, who put a plank to a window by which Smith escaped. Mrs. Smith remained to get some money, and her retreat by the plank was cut off. Her screams were heard mocks away. Her remains were found in the mitts this morning. A mixture of the fire alurm sent the engines wild, and the book and ladder compony failed to reach the scene until after the woman was burned to death. The loss is $4,000, with no in surance. FLAMES IN A SHIPYARD. Lewiston, Me., July 15. Fire broke outaisiutll o'clock this morning in the New England Ship-building Company’s yard at Bath and threatened the destruction of the entire property. The Mayor tele graph's! for aid to Portland, liewiston and Brunswick. Help was sent from Brunswick and this was sufll"ient to stop the progress of the fire. The loss will reach over SIOO,OOO. The fire started in the oakum shop, which was instantly ablaze, and with acres of hard pine tiniiier, chips and other inflam mable material near a great conflagration was imminent. A BREWERY BURNER Philadelphia, July 15.—Fire at tbe brewery of the St. Loins Bergdoll Company, on Twenty ninth street, near Girard avenue, this morning caused a loss estimated at $115,000 on tbe building audits contents. The insurance will probably cover the loss. CEMENT WORKS BURNED. Rondout, N. Y., July 15.—The Law mice Cement Works at Eddyville were burned this morning. The loss is $140,000, ami the insurance SBI,OOO. GEORGIA’S MILITARY. The Advisory Board Ordered to Meet at Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., July 15.—The Military Advisory Board has been ordered to meet here on July 25. The matters to tie consid ered by the board are the codification of the military laws of the State, The pending hill to increase the number of companies in the State military organization, and the question of having a State encampment. The Adjutant General said to-day teat he favored these proposi tions, except to increase the number of com panies, which cannot bo done unless the State appropriates the money. The govern ment’s increased appropriation for the year ending July 1 next is already exhausted. Lieut. Col. W. S. Sheppard huving resigned, a commission was drawn this morning for his succesror, Col Jesse J. Bull. William Hartson was commissioned Cap tain of the Forest City Light Infantry of Savannah. A lot of old letters and documents relating to events occurring In the latter jwirt of the last century, which were lost at Milledge ville when the archives wore removed from the old capitol, have been forwarded to the executive department by W. 8. McCul lough, of Jones county, who found them in a Milledgeville store in the fall of 1809. The most valuable of the papers is an auto graph letter from Thomas Jefferson. Mr. McCullough desires to be rewarded with a position on the Board of Pardons if the pay is sufficient. COLUMBUS CHRONICLES. Railroad Stockholders Meeting—An Excursionist Robbed. Columbus, Ga., July 15.—The stockhold ers of the Columbus Southern railroad held a meeting in this city to-day for the purpose of organizing; all the lower counties were represented. Tho following were elected directors: From Muscogee county—T, E. Blanchard, T. J. Pearce, James A. Lewis, C. B. Grimes, 8. A. Carter and J. P. Kyle; from Chattahoochee county —John Hte phens; from Terrell county—J. W. F. Lowrey; from Dougherty county—Nelson Tift. The meeting then adjourned and the board of directors immediately held another meeting and elected the following officers; President, T. J. Pearce; Vice President, Nelson Tift; Secretary and Treasurer, C. B. Grimes. Frank Tigner, who is an employe of Car ter & Bradley, cotton factors, of this city, wenttoGrilnn yesterday on the Georgia Midland railroad with Am other excursion ists, and decided to remain in Griffin for a few days. He stopped at one of the hotels, and when he awoke this morning found that he had been robbed of everything he had except his night shirt and a rair of shoes. He lost, besides his clothing, a Hue gold watch and $25 in money. BOSTON’S BUDOET. Seventy Carloads of Melons Shipped Up to Date. Boston, Ga., July 14.—Seventy cars of melons have been shipped from this point up to date. With a few exceptions the re turns have lieen satisfactory. The LeConte i>oar crop is beginning to move and the express office is the busiest place in town. There will probably he 2,(XX) crates shipped from this point this season. The “blight” reported some time ginco is disappearing and it is thought next season there will bo no signs of it among the trees. Tlio condition of the crops is good. Tho outlook for good cotton and corn crops haw never lieen more promising. The Methodists are, and have been having a revival here for some time. There is a great deal of interest manifested, several merchants closing their stores and attend ing day services. Several converts have been made. The Baptists at Evergreen are being roused by their clover pastor, Rev. T. A. White, who has made forty-five conver sions, while at Salem Rev. J. N. McCann has made twenty-three. ST. AUGUSTINE’S REGATTA. The Decisions of the Judges Reserved Owing to Protestß. St. Augustine, Fla., July 15.—The third and last day of the regatta proved more interesting than any of the previous days, there !icing a liettcr breeze and faster time living made. The lioats started at 10:34 o'clock, the Hero leading. The first, I mat to finish was the Maud at 1:15 o’clock. The actual sailing time was: If. m. s. Maud 2:40:44 Arrow, of St. Augustine 2:42:18 Hero 2:44:28 Hattie .2:48:28 Undine 2:47:28 Seminole 2:51:19 Arrow, of Indian River 2:51:50 Viking 8072:23 The judges’ decision Is reserved, pending the result of numerous protests which have tern entered. EXTRA DAY AT CHICAGO. The Attendance Good, the Track Fast and the Day a Scorcher. Chicago, July 15. —This was the fourth extia day of the Washington Park Club races. The attendance was good, the track fast and the weather very warm. The events wore as follows: First Ka< t Selling; two years-old; five fur longs. Pal .Vtoran won, with Outstop second and Flitter third. Time l:o2*t|. Record Kick. Selling: three-year-olds; one mile, ICeder Khan won, with (Vnncdie second and Fred Sicbig third. Time 1:45. Tmuo Rack Four-year-olds and upward; seven furlongs. Revoke won, with Archbishop si. (md and vertß r third, I line V ocbth Race All ages; one and one sixteenth mile* Hafe Ban won. with 1-ewls (Jlark second and Bonbox third. Time 1:40. Fifth Rack All ages; six furlongs. Belle K. won, with Alice second and Derby third. Time I t Sixth Rack Three year-olds and upward; six furlongs. Poteen won, with Uoloncl Owens second and Qlenti Hall third. Time l: 15J$, KKMPTON PARK’S SUMMER MEETING. laindon, July 15.— I The first summer meeting at Kempton Park opened to-day. The principal ovont was the Kempton Park grand two year-old stakes of 200 sovereigns, distance five furlongs. The race was won by AbingUm’s chestnut colt Juggler, with H H. Combe’s brown colt Simon Pure second, ami Taylor’s Imy colt Pull Together third. There were seven starters. Except for breeding purpose*, nil the stock of the farm should lie young, thrifty and vigorous. Early maturity is the only road to success in these days of intense competi tion. I PRICE SUO A YEAR.) 1 ft CENTS A COPY.f DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE. THE EXPORTS FOR JUNE MUCH LESS THAN LAST YEAR. Fifty Million Bushels of Wheat to ba Carried Over—The Depression in Se curities Possibly Explained in Part by the Heavy Investments in Realty —The Failures of the Week. New York, July 15. — R. G. Dun Sc Co.’s weekly review of trade says: The exports of breadstuff's, cotton, animals and animal products and petroleum in June were valued at $83,668,277 against $38,638,- 224 for the same month last year. Bread stuffs increased $5,300,000 and cattle $3,710, ~ (XX). Cotton increased SfXX),OOO, provisions SIOO,OOO and oil $344,000. With other ex ports as lust year the aggregate for Juue would lie SSO,(XX),<XX) against 50,(XX),00 of Imports, making an excess of imports for three months of $40,000,000. Cotton ac counts for $25,000,(XX) of this loss and recent failures indicate that this speculation wax not wiser than tho one on wheat. wheat’s tumble. The unloading of those who bought wheat after Kershaw’s failure has depressed No. '3 red here to a fall of over 40. for the week ain I 34 V- since June 30, with exports of 153,629,000 bushels for the past year. The stock carried over includes 34,000,000 bushels. Visible supply B,OCX),(XX) bushels in California, and certainly 10,000,000 in far mers’ hands, besides all the Hour on hand, facts which establish the correctness of tli* estimates mnde months ago that the surplus would exceed 5,000,000 bushels. THE STOCK MARKET. In spite of railroad earnings, which gained 15 per cent, in June, and encour aging assurances by prominent men, and continued proof that the interstate act is not to be so construed by the courts as tod® all the harm apprehended the price of stocks has lieen lower. The market de pends not uiion values, or earnlngß, bu# upon individual notions as to the question whether the famous “Ives deal” is merely* undealt or a misdeal. It is a case of a long; row of bricks on end. If one banker call* a doubtful loan he fears that it will causa other calls and toppling over all along the line. 8o everybody waits for the market, and the market waits for the long-prom ised “settlement” to materialize. WHERE THE MONEY HAS GONE. Why invest irs are not buying the, statis tics or new buildings and real estate may explain. If the country has in si* months invested SWXI,iKK),OO() in new build ings, $100,000,000 more in developing! Southern manufactures and mines, beside* the cost of the buildings and os much inorei in the rest of the country, and $100,000,(XXI in new railroad buildings it cannot have aai unlimited subsidy to employ in lifting the prices of securities. The cash outside J tho Treasury and banks, with the deposits, amounted to $2,142,000,000 a year agnofl SBS 70 per capita, and now amount to $2,- 326,(XX),(XX), or $37 70 per capita. PKERENT PRICES. The present prices of stocks, less the as sessments paid, are about 3 per cent, higher than a year ago. Pork is 33 jer cent, higher, cotton 10 per cent, higher, coffee 08 per cent, higher, pig iron 12 per cent, higher, steel rails 10 per cent, higher, wheat 4 per cent, higher, corn 5 percent, lower, oil 9 jier cent, lower, and beef 13 per cent, lower. From all interior points the trade reports ara favorable considering the season, and col lections fair. Unusual activity in tobacc* is noted at Cincinnati. IRON STRONGER. The coke strike does not end at Pittsburg and iron is stronger. Western nail makers are dismissing the formation of a pool, with results yet unknown. The New York state ment, of the Iron production is IX),000 tona less for tho half year than the Pittsburg account, which w ould make the half year's consumption of domestic and imported iroii anil steel 4,258,(XX) tons, against 3,316,000 tons for the first half of 1886. The Treasury has neither drawn from nos added to the supply of currency during the week, and tbe silver receipts at New York continue only 12 per cent, of the total. It is tho belief of the Comptroller that the new law regarding banks of reserve cities ha* but little effect as yet, though the drain oa this centre for crop moving may for othel reasons be loss than usual. THE WOOL MARKET. Home stringency at Western points affects the prices of wool, and the sales at Boston are very light. Wool tricots are much de pressed, the sale of 34,800 pieces Icing noted at 43>£c., against 55c last year; and on* bouse opens light weight cheviots at $125, which were roduiavl to $1 37 last year. In the cotton branch of dry goods prices were well maintained. The business failures occurring through out the country during last week number for the United’Slates 149 and Canada IX), a total of 179, against 154 last week and 181 the week previous. TALLAHASSEE TOPICB. Gov. Perry to Announce His Appolnfc ments In a Week or Two. Tallahassee, Fla., July 15.—1n a week or two Gov. Ferry will announce his ap pointments for Railroad Commissioners and for the several criminal courts of record established by the lust Legislature. A speculat ion as to whom the appointees will be has alsiut subsided since the Governor keeff his own counsel, and all efforts of politicians t< get information in advance are fruitless. It is still thought ex-Chief Justice McWhor ter will be placed at the head of the Rail road Commission. L. B. Woinliwclt, private secretary to Gov. Perry, has been quite ill, but is now convalescent. Miss Kenqier Fisher, of Pensacola, is visit ing the family of R. A. Bhino, on Mu wo* street. The Governor has grr<>*vd a commission of Colonel to Mr. A. tr. Gilchrist, of De> Soto county. Miss Fannie Perry, of Pensacola, daughter of Gov. Perrv, is in the city ns the guest ol Miss Jennie VV’hitaker. The Young Men’s Christian Association, of this city, is now thoroughly organised and occupies the rooms formerly used b> the Mayor. This institution is encouraged and patronised by the leading men of the city, and promises much good by furnishing a suitable place for young men and others to spend their evenings and leisure moments in pleasant and profitable reading and friendly converse. MURDER AT A STILL. One Negro Kills Another in a Row Over Chipping Boxee. Waycboss, Ga. , July 15.—At Wrighfa turpentine still, near this place, to-day Roliert Cooper and Benjaniiu Hobklns (col ored) liecame involved in a dispute about chipping boxes on the fnrm, when Hobkinl struck Cooper with a frying pan, and thet cut him in the head with a sharp instrii meat known as a chipper, whereupon Cnopei stabbed Hohkins in the heart with a like iiv struinent, which he had in his hand. Hob kins was almost instantly killed. Cooped was arrested and is now in jail at this placa