The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 17, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. A Gold Mine Near Tallapoosa Bought by a Syndicate of Capitalists A Negro Shot in Tattnall County— Dwellings Struck by Lightning—A Negro Who is the Father of Thirty- Four Children. GJtORGIA. Chickens are dying of cholera in Way crass. The tobacco plant is growing very nicely near Bronwooa. E. L. Parker, of Walker county, has just dug a potato weighing 17ounces. Eggs sold in Senoia several flays ago at So. per dozen. However, they have gone back to the usual price, lie. The City Council was petitioned at its last meeting by the business men of Cuthbert to appoint a city cotton weigher. O. A. Barry, of near Coleman, has a crop of sixty-eight acres, twenty eight of corn and forty of cotton, that has been cultivated with one mule. The LeConte pear orchards that are old enough to bear in Dougherty county did not yield much this season. The suspicion that this fruit is a failure is growing in that section. At Athens some physicians now express doubt about Mr. Reaves being shot through the liver. Dr. Pope says the wound is too high up to reach the liver, and he hopes that Bob will get well. The steamer John J. Seay brought 100 tons of pig iron to Rome Thursday. It was shipped to Cincinnati. If Rome had rolling mills she could use it at home and the freight both ways would be saved. There is a negro man living on Mr. O. A. Barry's place near Coleman, who is the father of thirty-four children. He is S4 year* old, has his third wife with a babe at, her breast and is as active as most men at fifty. Mt. Zion church in East Mitchell, is now taking steps to build a neat frame house of worship and it will soon lie under wav. One of the large property holders of Camilla has made a liberal proposition in regard to the park. A guano factory it to be built at Benoia, The machinery has been purchased, and nothing but the latest and best improved machinery will be used. The buildings will be erected near the railroad opposite the hriek warehouse. Near Lexington last Sunday a goat, in W. T. Patman's flock suddenly showed signs of hydrophobia, and began to fight and bite at everything that came in its wav. It was seen and killed, though, before it had bitten anything or anybody. The peach crop in Dougherty is turning out much better than was expected. Bev eral wagons with luscious peaches of finest varieties drove in from the surrounding country, yesterday. No difficulty was ex perienced in disposing of them. L. D. Harris, of Watkinsville, had left several ears in his roasting ear patch for seed, and one day last week noticed that several of them were gone. He thought that some negro had stolen them, but ujion investigation found it to lie a dog. Col. H. P. Brewer, of Way-cross, shipped to New York recently ISO pounds of collard seed, for which be received satisfactory prices. While thei-e is considerable risk in this busmens, the crop being somewhat un certain, it is likely to become a paying and profitable industry. Rev. Ed RAnford, priest in charge of St. Athanasius Chapel, at Brunswick, has just returned a decided negative to an offer of a better paid mission in the North, where the work would be much lighter. His removal at present would be injurious to the work among the colored people. Blakely Newt: A Mother Hubbard looks awfully cool and comfortable on a pretty young lady, but when you accidentally run upon one attired in this way, how the blushes do chase themselves over her cheeks, and how she seems to long for a chance to slip around a friendly corner of the house. Monday afternoon a large rattlesnake was killed in front of Mrs. O. C. Cheves' gate at Montezuma Mrs. Cheves walked up close to the snake before she saw it. Had ten rattles and an ornamental sleeve button. When the editor of the Jircard goes visiting now after dark, he uses a pair of stilts about three feet high. A rich syndicate, composed of A. E. Burke, of New Orleans; J. N. Carpenter, of Natchez; W. R. Pinkard, of Binning ham, and several other wealthy capitalists, have purchased the Cross Gold Mine near Tallapoosa, and will put in improved ma chinery at once. A large smelting furnace will form a part of the plant. A gentleman has written to J. J. Minster, of Athens, wanting to get the plate of the Confederate postage stamp printed in Athens. The Banner Watchman, then the Southern Watchman, printed these stamps at the old office on Broad street. This gen tleman offers a good sum for the plate. The plate probably has long since melted into type. J. F. Johnson’s residence, at Bmlthville, was struck by lightning on Friday last. The bolt struck the kitchen chimney and completely demolished it, tearing away a portion of the roof and scattering tho bricks everywhere. Fortunately the family were in the main dwelling, and, aside from the faintest perceptible shock, sustained uo in juries. Hampton Time*: There is nothing that provokes a more tragical expression of the countenance or exhibits a more energizing determination to leap, scream and investi gate than when a young lady for some imaginary reason think* that a lizzard has gotten into her slipper, when she has noth ing but the pale glimmering of a blushing moon by which to examine. In the Fortieth district of Tattnall county Friday morning an altercation occurred be tween a Mr. Stanley and a negro named Troy, employed at Powell A Yates' turpen tine still. Some rough language was used, when Mr. Stanley wentinto the commissary, got. a pistol and shot the negro in the groin. T>r. JetT Rogers was sent for, and he suys that the wound is not a serious one. Mr. Bair, a young painter of Athens will soon be a full fledged private in the Salva tion Army. He joined them the second night they came to Athens, but they re quired that he practice ins bass for three months and leani to play on bis tambourine “I'll end this warfare" before he could par ticipate in the benefits of the purse. Ho wears a blue coat with brass buttons und attends nightly. Last Saturday morning a large oak tree standing just outside the front gate of John Mathis’ yard, six miles east of Cuthbert was stricken by lightning and torn into shreds. A mule hitched to a buggy belonging to Mr. Devane, near by, was knocked down. The mule, as soon as it arose, broke loose from the bush to which it was hitched and ran across a woodpile with the buggy, but before going far was stopped, without doing mate rial injury to the buggy. Enoch Jones, reading eighteen miles be low Albany, on his plantation in Baker, was in Albany Thui-sday. He reported a heavy rain in that loculity on Wednesday night, accompanied by quite a brilliant, dis play of electricity. During the storm a bolt of lightning struck bis gin house and ripped off some of tho weutherboarding. The fact was not discovered until vesterdny morning, when an examination discovered that rtro had caught the little mottv pile of cotton left in the lint room, but that had burned without communicating the flames to the building. There was quite an animated scene around Stilesboro Tuesday morning when the train arrival. The farmei-s of the community were in town, and their teams and horses were hitched near the track. Several be came scared at the engine and broke for a more congenial clime, and succeeded in com pletely wrecking Jim Jolly’s and Jim Hoin- Vjond * road cart*. One of the horse* scat* ' tered a crowd in one of the stores in double ! quick time, and could hardly be k--pt from running into the store. Strange to sa vno one was injured, but it was somewhat of a bad and iy for road carte. A recent Blakely letter mentions a most singular and unusual accident which oc curred on Tuesday of last week on the prein ises of Pat Gay, nino miles east of there. Whilst some of his hands were cutting bridge timber one tree, in falling in an east erly direction, entangled with the limbs of a tree some twenty feet distant, the body of which was considerably burned on the op site side, ami bent it over considerably. Af ter the falling tree became disengaged, tree No. 3, in its rebound, broke off near the base and fell west just the opposite direction, and struck Fortune Johnson and killed him instantly. For several weeks that “bar” has been a terror to the “cuUurd pursons” in the vicin ity of Lexington, and thev will rejoice to known that it has been slain. One night lust week Jeff Donaho (colored), living about a mile from tow n, heard a noise in his yard. He arose, seized his gun, loaded for the occasion, and hurried out. Ho saw the bear plainly, and emptied a couple of loads of buckshot into it. It fell without a strug gle, and Jeff went back to lied to await day light to skin the beast. Ho was up bright and early in the morning to find that he had completely demolished his washqiot, but there was no trace of the bear. There is a sensation at Camilla over another mad dog. On Mr. Acree’s planta tion, about three and a half miles from town, a mule recently bit by a mad dog has since died, also a hog, a dog and other ani luaJs. It was the intention to kill the mud (log, but he managed to make his escape, and it is supposed that ho is now prowling about in tho neighborhood of Camilla. It is having a demoraliz ing effect upon tho night meetings of the colored folks. People have actually lie come afraid to go upon the streets at night, not knowing w hat moment they may come in contact with some rabid annual and lie bitten, which is equivalent to having their deat h warrant % ijjned There is no estimat ing the mischief that has been wrought on the Acree place. The mule that was bitten has inflicted like wounds upon other animals, and there is no telling when or where the danger will cease. The people have about, decided to kill all the dogs in the entire sec tion so as to be sure in reaching the right one. A homeless woman, giving her name as Horston, and claiming to be from Anderson county, S. 0., is wandering about in Ath ens subsisting on the charity of the people. She came there recently, and says she wants work. Thero is a suspicion that she is not in her right mind. Thursday morning a married man who works for a Clayton street firm, went to Mayor Hodgson, and asked that ho have the woman sent out of the city, as she was publicly using his name in a compromising rummer, that w-as calcu. latod to injure him. He acknowledged talk ing to the woman, but said ho had no inten tion of wronging her, as she declared. It was also said that she went to a well known gentleman in the city and stated that he had lirought her to Athens and would not soe that she was provided for; that she had spent her last dollar, was barefooted, and had no place to stop, or means with which to buy food. The young man said he never heard of tho woman liefore, and that she is simple and adventurous, who has by some means obtained his name and is trying to blackmail him. The woman is being watched by tho police. FLORIDA. Lakeland has formed an agricultural society. Orange trees are putting on a vigorous growth around, Leesburg. The health of Columbia county has been excellent thus far this year. It is reported that 1 .akeland will soon have a patent medicine manufactory. The crops in the vicinity of Williston are fine, and tho farmers are cheerful. Rev. Mr. Groover, of Columbia county, is tho proud possessor of sixteen children. In Columbia county tobacco is going into the barn at a lively rate just about now. A negro has been appointed mail agent on the Florida Southern between Palatka and Bartow. F. B Moodie, of Lake City, is erecting another large tobacco barn ou the lot rt* cently purchased from Dr. Luther. The new steamer lieing built at Pinellas to run between that place and Tampa is well advanced towards completion. The Polk county Board of Health has joined the State Quarantine Association, and will in future co-operate with it. One hundred and eighty-eight thousand five hundred dollars has been invested in brick blicks in Orlando since July 1, 1880. Judging by tho number of fruit jars sold by tho laUo City merchants an immense quantity of fruit will bo preserved this year. The Tiuko Cisy Reporter comes out this week full of interesting news. It is a good jiapor, as is also its neighbor the Tobaccu Riant. A two-acre strawberry patch at Plant City netted the owners $4-40. This was on new raw land, and can be called ait excel lent yield. In Columbia county the weather of the past week has been unusually warm, but dryer and much more to the liking of those having tobacco ready for cutting. H. A. Adams brought a pumpkin into Or lando on Thursday which weighed eighty three ixiunds. It was grown on Mr. Adauis, place about two miles from the city. It is ordered that an election be hold by the qualified voters of Suinterville, on Sat urday, Aug. -0, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, a Marshal, three councilmen ami a clerk. The minister and members’ meeting of the South Florida Baptist Association will be held at Thonotosassa church, in Hills borough county, commencing Thursday. July 38. Stove Joiner is charged by tho coroner’s jury with killing Willis Mason at Palatka a day or two ago by stabbing. Frank John son, who was arrested on suspicion was dis charged. lies.-, than seven months ago the first move toward the establishment of a cigar factory was made in Lako City. Now it has two, with every probability of another within two months. The conference of the Live Oak district, in session last week, adjourned on Monday morning last after a pleasant and prolltable session. Jasjier was selected as’the next pi ace of meeting. The steam yacht Victorine, on the lino be tween l’nlatka ami Crescent City, has been on the wavs at Jacksonville for repairs, ami after a thorough overhauling has gone to Crescent City to take her old place on the line, As an evidence that Columbia county is in need of a cannery or a fruit dryer it is noted that T. I. Sistrunk has had already this season 600 bushels of splendid | teaches to go to waste. Being about ten miles from the city lie could not afford tot lose the tirno from the farm to bring them in. From reliable sources the J alto City lie porter learns that the acreage planted in provision crops is larger this year than for a long time past, and as a mlo fen debts liave been made by the farmers. Every thing indicates a more satisfactory suite of affairs than for the past ten yoars. The election for and against new bonds, which was held in Madison county on Fri day lust, seems to have been u one-sided af fair in favor of new bonds, as only one vote was cast against, so far as the returns re vived yesterday morning show. Very little interest was manifested in the election, and the vote polled was very small. Mr. Eaton, of Lake City, has a son Char lie, a) suit 3 .vein's old, who thinks he can do anything that can la- done. He smokes to bawo and cuts up generally, the only ob stacle to his perfect happiness being that lie lias not yet. put on pants. Becoming vexed with Mr. Edwards the other day, he pickisl up a large pet gopher, ran across the street and tried to make it bite him. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, J-JLT 17, 1957. Capt. J. L. Inglis and family, of Mad son, left on Wednesday last for the northern summer resorts where they will snend tho remainder of the summer. During his stay the Captain will pur chase anew outfit of machinery for tlie Madison Cotton Mills and will greatly increase the capacity and double tlieir force of workmen for the next season. An agent of the Hyatt system of water works was in Kissimmee Tuesday, looking up tlie chances of putting in a system of tlieir works there. The agent thought that £15,000 would (mt works that would supply the town with 000,000 gallons of water daily, every drop of which would pass through one of the patent filters, thereby making its purification thorough aud com plete. It will require 150,000 brick for the foundation of the new sugar mill at Kis simmee. The main building of the mill will lie 50 feet wide by 150 long, three stories high. This docs not include engine room or other necessary out-buildings. Tlie main building will tie covered and sided with corrugated iron, making it practically fire proof. Tlie building will be ready about Oct. 1. Kissimmee Lender: We learn that the big squash—weighing sixty and one-half pound*—brought us some weeks ago by Les ter Granger was only one of four grown on the same vine, one of which is considerably larger than the one he brought us and is still growing. But squash is not the only big thing he raises. Tuesday he brought us an egg plant measuring 21% inches one way and 22 inches the other. W. R. Marcum, living near Lake City, had a strange experience lately. He went into the store of Steve Roberts to make a few purchases and on coming out lost his pocket-book. Search lieing made, a pocket book was found in the sand, but Mr. Mar cum was positive it was not his and Mr. Roberts identified it ns belonging to Tom Sistrunk, which had been lost in the earlier part of the day. It puzzles Mr. Marcum. G. B. Sparkman has been elected Mayor of Tampa, defeating H. C. Ferris. The other officers elected are W. T. Haskins, Jr., Mar shal; J. I,aniont Bailey, Clerk aud Treas urer; J. C. Robbins, Tax Assessor; A. M. Fleming, Tax Collector. For Councilmen: Joseph A. Walker, C. M, Ybor, C. N. Brig ham, S. L. Bigelow, IV. B. Henderson, I. S. Giddens, H. L. Knight, W. A. Honaker, C. E. Harrison, J. E. Mitchell, Fred M. Myer. “Uncle Peter,” the old colored fiddler who is somewhat “off’’ in his upper story took in Jasper again in his wanderings last week. The old fellow was as agreeable as ever, and was so loaded down with old watches, chains and charms .that he looked lik* a watch tinker's shop window struck by lightning. Peter can take a tune and twist it into more shapes than any man alive. He wanders all over the State, and frequently gets as far north as Havannah, Ga. One of tho residents of Lake City has a boy 5 years old who cannot be excelled in toughness and strength anywhere. He swings to a rope with both hands and clings to it for some minutes. Not long since his mother called him into the house. He re fused to go. She said: “Run, somebody, and get me a switch. ” The young gentleman quietly but firmly said: “O, I’m a coming.” As much as to say: “I won’t put you to that much trouble, on my account.” So he picked himself up and trotted in. The outlook for Sumter county is indeed bright, and there is no doubt but what the farmers will lie in a far better condition this season than for some years past. The acre age in corn, potatoes, sugar cane, peas, etc., lias been largely increased, and cheering news comes to us from every direction as to the condition of all crops. Besides more at tention has been given to stock raising than heretofore. There are a great many hogs, sheep and cattle in the county nd these are healthy and in good condition. The orange groves have been closely looked after, and thousands of acres set out this season in young trees. Marianna Enquirer: Caterpillars have been seen on the plantation of Mr. J. A. Finlayson, two miles west of town, and also on the form of Mr. J. V. Dykes, ten miles east of Marianna. Being discovered at these points east and west of us would indi cate a more general appearance, but by re peated inquiries we have yet to hear of this enemy to the cotton plant in other localities of our county. It is to be hoped that these gentlemen are mistaken, and that instead of the caterpillar it is the grass worm. We might add, however, that tho rainy season with which we have been visited is propitious for tho appearance of the caterpillar. The determination recently manifested to build a hotel at Marianna by the citizens of the town indicates that tho project has 3olid backing aud will certainly be built. Ten tier cent, of the subscribed stock has already boon paid, and on Aug. 116 per cent, ad ditional will have been paid in, with an additional 25 per cent, to be (laid on Oct. 1. The site has already been determined uiyin —the comer lot upon which the Widgeon residence stood, and which is tho most eligible and of ample dimensions. Mr. Welsh, the owner, agrees, in the purchase of this property, to take tlie £SOO in stock, thereby showing his faith in the benefit to he derived from its acquisition. Tho di rectors have secured a photograph of a ho tel recently built in South Florida, which, with minor alterations in size of rooms, width of hall and the addition of water, (both hot and cold) through the house, they will adopt this plan. L:ist Saturday night, at Columbus City, six or seven negroes were gambling and l>e eame involved in a dispute. One of the men was well pounded. They separated without bloodshed, but the next night a party of men, headed, it is supposed, by Lewis Sumter, wont to tho house of Squire Blackshear, tlie pounder, and shot eleven buckshot ut him through the window. One of the shots penetrated liis right ear, but glanced downward, lodging in the muscular part of tho throat, a narrow escape, but he seems to bo all right at present, and goes around as usual. Another shot passed through his hand and another through the arm. The rest of the shot and the pistol bullets lodged in tlio house. An affidavit was made, search begun, two men wrested as accomplices, and diligent search made for Lewis Sumter, blithe had fled into Georgia. 1 .art Tuesday the alleged accomplices were brought be fore Justice DeFerro, and their eases con tinued until next Monday. "Ouida” Fifty Yoara Old. From the Boston Globe. “Ouida,” the extravagant, passed her fif tieth birthday some time ago, and is still Miss do la Raineo. She is rather masculine in figure, and from much exposure to wind and weather her face, including her nose, has become decidedly rubicund. Her "amber hair," which she used to wear flowing over her shoulders, in the style she favored in her earlier novels, is cut short, pushed tiack from her forehead and confined with a narrow ribbon. On festive occasions she wears white velvet, a favorite material of hers, judging from the frequency with which she arrays her heroines in it, but ordinarily she is drowsed In the most dowdy English style. She lives with her mother in a villasitimted about four miles from Florence, which is literally crammed with all sorts of choice and artistic possession*—old embroideries antique gold and silver brocades, fine old porcelains, bronzes, pictures, etc. In fact, it is said that she has sunk most of the large sums that she has received for her later novels in these purchases. She is also extravagantly fond of dogs, and is always accompanied in her daily walks by some ten or fifteen of these canine nets, which art* usually of the largest possi ble size. Also she delights in driving in a high dogcart at a tremendous rate of speed, 1 and lias been more than once fined for too rapid driving. Phillips’ Digestible Cocoa Is more delicious in taste and aroma, and, by the process it is prepared, is rendered more nourishing and more easily digested than nny other preparation of cocoa or chocolate, it fc an exceedingly nutritive drink. All druggists and frruour* ns ve it. CHRIBTINE NILSSON AT HOME. The Hospitality Dispensed by the World-Renowned Songstress. London, July 3.—The home of Christine Nilsson in Kensington court is one of the most luxurious bonbonnieres in London. It may really be looked upon as her bridal bower, for previously she occupied a house in Belgravia which, though very fine and expensive, was not half so charming as the beautiful newt in which the nightingale now reposes. I made one of the diva’s company at her last reception, and passed an hour qr two of that unalloyed enjoyment which it is occasionally given us mortals to experience. The world renowned songstress received me with engaging and hospitable warmth at the door ofner drawing room, an apartment crowded with artistic furniture richly carved and gilded, embroidered draperies and an almost indescribable quantity of rare bibe,lots. A gilded cabinet bearing her monogram is quite filled with exquisite ancient fans, several of which are historic, having belonged to Queens and Princesses: a Chickering concert grand piano is partially covered with an unusually fine China crape shawl, embroidered in colors, trimmed with a multi-colored fringe and looped up here and there with rare old silver clasps. Sculptured ivories, burnished enamels, an ancient ormulu clock with its face sot round with costly crystals, which sparkle almost like diamonds, a marble bust of the diva standing on a buhl table under the graceful foliage of a palm, and at least a score of photographs of crowned heads, whose sovereign fingers have offered tjhc se tributes, with their autographs, to Christine Nilsson, are a few of the many interesting objects upon which the charmed eye of the visitor falls. The lovely Queen Mercedes of Spain, the Empresses of Russia and Austria, the Queens of Greece, Sweden and Norway, the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Edin burg and many other great ladies have given their photos and autographs and phrases of admiration to the celebrated singer. Right well and happy does the celebrated songstress look to-day in her dark blue gown of satin-faced surah, made without train, high neck and with the elbow sleeves which show to such advantage the white and shapely arms. A touch of pink ribbon and a voluminous cascade of fine old iwiint lace from an admirable 1 ackground for the wonderful par are of sapphires and diamonds with which her ears, neck, fingers and arms are adorned. She looks hand somer now than she did a score of years ago when Cavanel painted that exquisite full length of her as Ophelia which hangs yonder. “I was young and poor then,” she says, stroking her now plump cheeks, and by the use of the word “poor” in the ser.s l of “thin,' 1 showing how great an influence her American connection has had in forming her English speech: for in England “poor” and “lean” are not considered identical in meaning. AVith a hearty admiration that has truth ringing in every syllable, Chris tine speaks of her fondness for America; and her gratification in the knowledge that she is liked there. She belongs to the Scandinavian race, a people who, more perhaiis than any other, assimilate well with our native-born population; and one can quite easily believe that if she were but one of the many simple Swedish women who inhabit America, instead of being one of the greatest prima donnas who ever lived, she would like, even almost as much as now she does, the free air and the socially noble institutions of the United states. The fair Christine is now the Countess Casa de Miranda, and I was interested in the personality or her happy spouse. The Count is a slender man of middle age, of aDout Nilsson’s own height, with dark com plexion, and oyes which require a circular rimless glass stuck in one of them only. Immeasurably proud, and naturally so, the good gentleman seems to be of his renowned and fascinating wife; and the pleasant little daughter, who nas brought them together, flits from one parent to the other, as joyous as a bird in the sunshine. She is quite Spanish in her coloring, and though she has fine black eyes, would scarcely be called a lieauty. With the joy of happy motherhood and wifehood gleaming brightly from her sapphire eyes,Nilsson herself is a beauty; and her voice is the angel’s prayer it ever was. Am I not to be envied! I who write to you, sitting on a gold divan, by Nilsson’s side as she sings Schubert’s Serenade, Nettie Car penter accompanying her on the violin, and Ganz at the piano! I will hear no lesser vocalizing after that exquisite dream of melody, and so depart, down the goblins tapestried oak staircase, past the morning room in claret velvet, the dining room in Spanish leather, the quaint hall with stained glass windows, in which stand three men servants in livery, and then out into the Crosaic world of spoken speech, the Queen’s ighways of Piccadilly, Bond street aud the Strand. Olive Logan. What Became of a Million of Dollars. The Extraordinary Grand Drawing (the 20oth monthly) of the Louisiana State Lot tery took place at New Orleans, La., on Tuesday—always Tuesday—June 14, 1887. The occasion had an unusual interest from the magnitude of the prizes in value. £300,- 000 was the First Capital Prize, sold in twentieths of £15,000 each, at $1 each, was won by No. 52,740; one went to Theo. Flug macher and William Wendel, and one to AVTliiam Kernpler, all of New York city, paid through Adams Express Company; two to Mrs. K. A'. Wassennan, of Omaha, Neb., paid through Pacific Express Com pany; one to Annie Chandler, of Clifton villr, Miss., one to L, M. Reinack, through Kiuus A Bro.; both were paid through First National Bank of Meridian, Miss.; one to James H. Raymond & Cos., of Austin Tex,; one to City National Bank and one to Na tional Exchange Bank, both of Dallas, Tex.; one to A. J. Trefts, northwest corner Sixth aud L streets, San Francisco, Cal.; one was paid in person to P. J. Mooney, No. 420 Ur suline street, and one to Charles E. Dennis, Exposition Boulevard and Preston streets, both of New Orleans, La. The Second Prize was SIOO,OOO. won by No. 21,058, also sold in twentieths at $1 each, one to S. Levy, No. 140 E. Sixteenth street, Chicago, 111.: one to John Kvlc, of Buffalo, N. Y., paid through Adams Express; one paid to Casco National Bank of Portland, Mo., through Maverick National Bank of Boston, Mass.; one to Frank Armstrong, through R. Truman, Af ton Bank, Afton, la.; one to John G. Liebel, of 1919 Peach street, Eric, Pa.; one to Sny der, Wells I 'o., Gates, Tclin.; one to J. C. Curry, proprietor of Tivoli Garden, Main street, Memphis, Tenn., one to a depositor in the Louisiana National Bank of New Or leans, La.; one to J. B. Boyd, San Diego, Cal., paid through Wells, Fargo & Cos.; one to George Miller, No. 1334 , Howth street, Soil Francisco, Cal., through Anglo-Califor nian Bank, Limited; one to Wells, Fargo & Cos., of San Francisco, Cal. Third Capital was won by No. 1(1,18(1; it was not sold. No. 34,018 drew the Fourth Capital Prize of £35,000 :iit was also sold in twentieths at $1 each. One to A. B. Clark, Boston, paid through International Trust Company, of Boston, Mass.; one to R. J. Tuitin, also of Boston, Mass., paid through Adams Express Company; one to John Moßedniond and John McKenna, of Stamford, Conn.; one to First National Bank of San Jose, Cal.; one to John L. Steelman, No. 63 South street, New York city; one to R. O. Hefferman, Louisville, paid through Third National Bank of Louisville, Ky. ;onpto a depositor in the New Orleans National Bank, at Now Orleans, La.; oue to G. It. Goldbeck, Manor, Tex., etc., etc. The scheme embraced 3,130 prizes, amounting to £1,055,000, and while the further details are interesting to many investors, any information can be had on ah application to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. The next occurrence of a’ similar na ture will lie on Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1887. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. AVinslow’s Soothing Syrup should always lie used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little suffer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pun and the little cherub awakes u$ “bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re lieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. 35 cent* a hotti*. DRY GOODS, ETC. MIAMI, SUCCESSORS TO B. P. McKenna & Cos., \ 137 BROUGHTON STREET, Will close out the remainder of their Spring and Summer Stock of White Goods, Table Linens, Towels and Napkins, Marseilles and Honey Comb Quilts, Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s Un dervests, Ladles’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s Hosiery, Para sols, Embroideries and Laces. N. B. —The redactions io the prices of these goods will he worth the attention of parties wanting the same. MILLINERY. Platshek’s, 138 Broughton St. Positive Clearance Sale OF OUR ENTIRE REMAINING STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS IN— Millinery, Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, Embroideries, Laces, Collars, Infants’ Lace Caps, Ladies’Muslin Underwear, Canton Mattings, Linen Ulsters, Knit Underwear, Jerseys, and Oar Great Line of Novelties Those wishing to buy real, live bargains can never avail themselves of a better chance than we are now offering, for what we state is posi tively bona fide. N. B.—Country orders will receive the same benefit of reduction given to our home trade. Your orders we respectfully solicit. ICE. ICE ! Now Is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. ICE Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full anil liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO, 144 BAY ST. WOOD. wood] Bacon, Johnson & Cos. Have a fine stock of Oak, Pine, Lightwood and Kindling, Corner Ulwrty and East Broad street*. Taloohouo 117. MILLINERY'. new'MILI,ITVERY ATE KROUSKOFF’S Mammoth Millinery House. We are now offering immense lines of New Straw Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., which are now being shipped daily by our New York buyer, and our Mr. Krouskoff, who is now North to assist in the selection of the Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It is astonishing but a fact, that we sell line Millinery cheaper than any retail store in New York. How can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our suc cess. Perhaps on account of large clearing out purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris —but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prices. We are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, and wc are now offering full lines of fine Milans in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses and Children in an endless variety of .shapes. RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and our regu lar full line entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale prices. 8. KROUSKOFF. . TRUNKS AND SHOES. Our trunks Have Arrived, And we are ready to show you the largest assortment ever brought to Savannah. If you propose to take a summer va cation don’t wait until you are ready to leave, but come around to see us at once and make your selection while our assortment is complete. Trunks, Trunks. Ladies’ Louisa Leather Saratoga Trunks, Ladies’ Lady Washington Leather or Zinc Saratoga Trunks, Gents’ Sole Leather Trunks, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Satchels, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Club Bags. All styles and at Rock Bot tom Prices. Don’t Fail to examine our Gents’ Calf $3 Shoes, in Con gress, Lace and Button, best in the city, at JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO.’S POPULAB STHLOTL STOZRZE3, 135 BROUGHTON STREET. N. B. The repairs in our store having been completed we are again ready for business. WATER COOLERS RANGES AM) STOVES. JtTST RECEIYEI) ANOTHER LOT OF WATER COOLERS, Artistically Decorated, Plated Lever Faucets, at the Following Low Prices: lj-i Gallons. 2 Gallons. 3 Gallons. 4 Gallons. 6 Gallons. 90c. $1 50. $1 85. $2 20. $2 80. Also Watering Pots, with Detachable Rose. 2 Quarts. 4 Quarts. 6 Quarts, S Quarts. 10 Quarts. 12 Quarts. Ifi Quarts. 30c. 35c. 45c. 55c. 65c. 75c. $1 15. And Refrigerators, Kerosene Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Hair Dusters, Feather Dusters and the Celebrated Charter Oak Ranges and Stoves, With Wire Gauze Oven Doors. The Obstruction of Which Equalizes the Heat In all Parts of the Oven. For Sale by CLARKE &. DANIELS, Ofua/riis Armory, Corner Whitaker and Y'ork Streets. TELEPHONE 264. IRON WORKS. KEHOES IRON WORKS, Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, Sairaimah, -* - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS I FAS induced us lo manufacture them on a more extensive scale than er. To that end no pains or e.-.n -nRe has been spared to maintain ■0 their HIGH HTANARD OF EXCELLENCE Aft These Mills are of the BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with K 9 heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (mail" long lo prevent danger to the O m operator,, and roller,! of the best ciinrennl pig iron, nil turned up true. ia H They arts heavy, strong and durable, nm light and even, and are guaran teed capable of grinding the heaviest fully matured nwn'iw "Igaa. ■HnraiNUUl Ml "lir Mills arc f. l ll \ I • ne venr. < *ii! Pans heln.- .-ast I.M'.ans dmin. wSffiw'SiK'wfSrvJl l-’sses smooth,n-Ks 1 1: i,. in. a,ill 1111 if. ,n 11 it vof TgffljgiTrTffirflr Ljyj'.'j-s Mi^u.' 1 ui<u: m tii-usi; made in MQK PI Having unsurpassed facilities, WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. Wm. Kehoe & Cos. N. B. -The name “ KEHOE'S IRON WORKS.' is east on all our Mills and Paris. SASH, DOOBS, BLINDS, ETt . Vale Royal Manufaeturing Cos. SA V ANN AH, G-A., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Mi, Doors, lllimls, Mantels, Pen Ends, And Interior Finish of all kinds. Mouldings, Balusters, Newel Posts. Estimates, Price Llata, Mould ing Books, and any information In our line furnished on application Cypress, Yellow Pine. Oak, Ash and Walnut LUMBER on hand and in any quantity, furnished promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Savannah, Ga