The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 20, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT. Special Meeting of Council. Savannah, Ga., July Tth, 18S7. Council met this day at. U m. His Honor the Mayor: Alderman Schwarz, Bogart, Haines. Mills, Reid, Thomas, Nichols and Meli. The Mayor informed the hoardsthat the object of the meeting was to hear the report of the joint committee appointed to investigate the condition of St. Andrews Hall reported to Coun cil as being unsafe and dangerous to the public. The following report was read and received, and the resolution submitted by the committee adopted by Council: Tue committee to whom lias been referred the petition of Mrs. E, M. Nathans concerning the condition of the St. Andrew’s Hall property, on the southwest corner of Broughton and Jeffer son streets, beg leave to report that they have had the building thoroughly examined by the Assistant City Surveyor and competent builders, and respectfully submit herewith the following resolution and recommend its adoption by Coun cil: Resolved, That unless the owners of St. An drew’s Hall proceed at once to repair the walls of the building in the manner suggested by the Assistant City Surveyor, that the Council pro ceed to try the question whether it be a nuis ance, and if so to proceed to provide for the abatement. D. K. Thomas, Chairman Joint Committee. The bill relative to paving streets to be pre sented to the Legislature was taken up and ap proved by Council. Council adjourned. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. CITY GOVERNMENT. Official Proceedings of Council. Savannah, Ga., July 18, 1887. Council met this evening at 8 o’clock. Pres ent: Hon. Rufus E. Lester. Mayor; Alderman John Schwarz, Chairman of Council: Aldermen Bogart, Duncan, Haines, Mell, Mills, Myers, lteid and Thomas. The minutes of the last regular meeting and special meeting of July Tth were read and con firmed. ACCOUNTS. The Committee on Accounts report that they have examined and found correct bills against the city amounting to twelve thousand and fifty-four dollars and fifty cents as per accom panying schedule, and recommend that the same be passed for payment. Geo J. Miles. Chairman Committee on Accounts. The report of the committee was adopted, and the accounts as per schedule annexed, were passed for payment. Board of Health - Time of hands, O. E. M $ 207 25 Richard Fogarty 188 00 Richard Fogarty 21 00 Julia McGrath 54 00 Julia McGrath 2100 John G. Butler 9 40 Wm. B. Mell & Go 1120 Palmer Bros 85 Washington Garnaway 3 90 Georgia Infirmary 200 00 Alfred Kent 19 05 T. P. Bond & Cos 5S 78 John G. Butler 9 10 Andrew Hanley 2 50 John Lyons & Cos 2 01 Solomons & Cos 143 09 J. G. Nelson & Cos 95 Time of hands (Dis. corps) . 393 00 W. F. Brunner 120 00—51,444 57 City Clocks— Peter Lindenstruth 82 00 City Court— P.M. Russell $ 8100 Mutual Gas Light Cos 38 George S. Barthelmess 44 00 MaxjJ. Desvergers.. 4800 James C. Blance .... 2 00 L. L. Goodwin 72 00— 215 36 Dry Culture— Time of hands $ 92 08 Savannah Brick Cos 24 00 Palmer Bros 2 25 Isaac Wateree 20 00 Andrew Hanley 11 24 W. B. MeU & Cos 1150 Patrick Barrett 3 75 Time of hands 130 13— 300 95 Firf. Department— T. P. Bond &Cos $ 2111 T. P. Bond & Cos 42 20 T. P. Pond & Cos 13 66 Southern Electric Cos 39 17 Bridgeport Spring Cos 13 10 Osceola Butler 36 73 , W. F. Reid 18 24 Solomons & Cos 2 70 Mutual Gas Light Cos 13 86 Dale, Dixon & Cos . 1 75 Palmer Bros 35 85 I). R. Thomas 6 00 W. B. Mell & Cos 86 75 G. S. McAlpin 63 50 McDonough & Ballantyne... 15 60 J. T. Fraser 6 CO Estate D. O'Connor 20 50 A. Hanley 15 85 Thomas Bowden 600 00 William Duncan, M. D 4 00-7-$1,005 07 Fees— Fretwell & Nichols $ 475 R. C. Kennedy 125 00- 129 75 Harbor and Wharves— Alfred Moultrie 25 00 Incidentals— F. E. RebarerC. C $ 62 86 Luke Carson 3 00 Mutual Gas Light Cos 4 14 Lindsay & Morgan 4 00 Knickerbocker Ice Cos 5 Oil— 79 00 Laurel Grove Cemetery— James M. Futch $ 150 Time of hands 169 25 170 75 Market - " Mutual Gas Light Cos $ 12 06 John McAleer 39 74 51 80 Parks and Squares— Thomas Halligan $ 600 Time of hands 169 00— 175 00 Paving— M. Cooley 8 151 48 M. Cooley 02 75 M. Cooley.. 40 30 M. Cooley 4 55 M. Cooley 34 65 M. Cooley 85 61 M. Cooley 19166 M. Cooley 158 20 M . Cooley 57 60 M. Cooley 26 87 M. Cooley 1 00 M. Cooiey 168 54 M. Cooley 144 55 1,157 76 Printing and Stationery— Morning News $ 900 Geo. N. Nichols 10 00 Fretwell & Nichols 11 10 Fretwell A Nichols 3 25 George N. Nichols 43 75 Wm. Estill 1 50 Fretweil & Nichols 1 10 Morning News 4 00 T. P. Townsend . 11 50 Frank E. Reburer, C. C 39 50 Smith & Berry 50-$ 135 20 Police— Fzit. of D. O’Connor $ 100 G. McAlpin 57 45 E. A. Schwarz 75 M. J. Doyle 5 00 Mutual Gas Light Cos 28 08 F. Bchwarz 24 00 W. B. Mell A Cos 56 10 Fretwell & Nichols 2 25 Pay roll, June 4,066 90— 4,241 53 Public Buildings— T. J. O’Brien 2 50 Quarantine— Dale, Dixon & Cos 14 28 Streets and Lanes— Time of Hands $7Ol 22 Estate of D. O’Connor 8 75 William B. Mell & Cos 22 40 Kavannali Brick Cos 47 67 John G. Butler 50 Robert D. Walker 5 00 Patrick Barrett 17 25 Lovell & Lattimoro 15 05 Andrew Hanley 9 20 Dale, Dixon A Cos 35 62 Smith A Kelly 1,001 62 Dale. Dixon A Cos 22 81 Time of Teamsters 192 90 Chattahoochee Brick Cos .... 4.5 50 McDonough A Cos 12 OS E. Moran S3 75 2,161 52 Taxes 1888 (real estate)— William James $ 312 E. W. Green 12 15 James Glover 3 88 Mrs. Ellison 2 59 21 74 Water Works— B. E. Molt welder $ 263 25 Beorge S. McAlpin 6 05 M A. Benkampen 87 30 Estate Dan O'ronnor 1 55 B. Mell A Cos 50 James H. Hooker 9 00 TANARUS, .1. O'Brien 5 SO Charles g. Harden, C. T 2 oo J H. Hooker 25 90 bale, Dixon A Cos 4 90 MG 'enough A Bullantyne... 10 78 Peirce Well Excavator C 0... 98 85 J. W. Tynan 00 69 ndmhr Bros 18 26 J. 11. Hooker 10 62 [' R. Thomas 93 r. Killorin..., 3 00 Andrew Ilanioy 1 26 610 72 Total $ 12,054 50 REPORTS of committees. Iho Committee on Harbor and Wharves, to fUoiu was retem-d, in connection with the Kan vj-ry Board, with "power to net.” the petition ’ • If. Bmlth and Jacob Paulsen to repair "uArves between Bull and Drayton streets, beg te report, that they have granted the pe tit 'men, permission to make the repairs, and ["Ughton the line of wharf front, as proved for, 6 “ring uuduMtooU in making the dcsirod re pairs that where it becomes necessary to dig up, turn over or remove the soil in and about said wharf the iiermission so to do must first be ob tained from the Board of Sanitary Commission ers before the work Involving such disturbance of soil is begun. J. J. McDonough, Chairman Committee on Harbor and Wharves. The Board of Sanitary Commissioners consent to excavations necessary on the outside or on line of wharf upon condition that it be done only in such quantities atul under such regula 16uis as may be prescribed by the Health Offi cer. Rufus E. Lester, Chairman Board Sanitary Commissioners. The above reports were received. The Committee on Finance, to whom was re ferred the petition of E. A. 51. Schroder, asking city authorities to refund amouut paid by him on pool table not in use, beg leave to report ad versely thereto. W. D. Bogart, Chairman Committee on Finance. Report adoptee. The Committee on Water, to whom was re ferred the petition of sundry citizens, asking city authorities to extend water main on Sims street, from Wilson to Lumber street, respect fully recommend that the main be extended as prayed for at such time as the Sanitary Board will permit the upturning of the soil for the purpose of the work. Herman Myers, Acting Chairman Committee on Water. Report adopted. The Committtee on Assessments, to whom was referred the petition of J. A. Logan, asking to be relieved from payment of taxes on im provements on west half of lot 15, South Ogle thorpe ward, beg leave to report favorably thereto. Herman Myers, Chairman Committee on Assessments. Report adopted. The Committee on City Lots, to whom was referred the petition of T. slcAuliffe, asaing city authorities to place at public sale lot No. 21 Wesley ward, recommend Hie sale of the within lot No. 21 Wesley ward, providing the said lot brings at the sale not less than $990. Said sale to be made by the City Marshal at public outcry and in the usual way. George S. Haines, Chairman Committee on City Lots. Report adopted. The Committee on Assessments, to whom was referred the petition of Standard Oil Company, asking to be relieved from payment of certain taxes on improvements on lot & Atlantic ward, report adversely thereto. Herman Myers, Chairman Committee on Assessments. Report adopted. The Committee on Streets and lanes, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Jennie Dub, to connect area in Congress street lane, recommend that area be allowed in accordance with ordinance passed at this meeting, on con dition that for thirty five feet east of Bull st reet its width shall not exceed present width of three feet lieyond line of lot. D R. Thomas, Chairman Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report adopted. The Coinmitte on Streets and Lanes, to whom was referred the petition of Adam Kes sel, asking the refunding by the city authorities of the amount of money paid by him for dam ages sustained by wagon in falling in sewer, rec ommend that the petitioner be paid $t 50 in full settlement of claim. D. R. Thomas, Chairman Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report adopted. The Committee on Health and Cemetery, to whom was referred the petition of sfargaret L. Ferrill for permission to transfer lot 131, Laurel Grove Cemetery, to Mrs. E. F. Green, beg leave to report adversely thereto, said lot No. 131 be ing entered on tho records of titles of said cem etery as the property of John Cunningham. W. Duncan, M. D., Chairman Committee on Health and Cemetery. Report adopted. The Committee on Health and Cemetery, to whom was referred the petition of Mary W. Mingledorf, heir at law of John B. Berry, re questing permifesion to transfer lot 1,040, Laurel Grove Cemetery, to W. R. Boone, report favor ably thereto. W. Duncan, 31. D., Chairman Committee on Health and Cemetery. Report adopted, The Commit tee on Fire, to whom was re ferred the petition of W. E. Gurard for permis sion to repair building on lot 48 Loyd ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom was re ferred the petition of J. 11. Helmken for permis sion to repair building on lot 29 Brown ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom was re ferrrod the petition of Edward Lovell for per mission to repair store on lots No. 3 and 4 Heatheote ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom was re ferred the petition of William Mclntyre for es tate Owen Foley for permission to repair store on lot No. 4, Percival ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the petition of Henry F. Bennett for permission to repair building on lot No. 35, Walton ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the petition of Patrick Houlihan for permission to repair building on comer Congress and Hous ton streets, bog leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Harbor and Wharves, to whom was referred, with power to act, the pe tition of A. E. Smith, for permission to drive a row of piling in front of lots Nos. 9, 10, 11 and 12, Hutchinson Island, beg leave to report that they have granted the petition, and given per mission to petitioner to proceed with the work. J. J. McDonough, Chairman Committee on Harbor and W harves. Report adopted. PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Petition of Dr. J. J. Waring for permission to put anew roof and bay window to house corner Bull and Perry streets. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of W. H. Ray for permission to re model house on lot No. 21 Warren ward Re ferred to Committee on Fire. Petition of the Savannah Street and Rural Resort Railroad Company for right to use cer tain streets in tho city of Savannah. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes. Petition of J. M. Connelly for permission to repair house on lot No. 4 Berrien ward. Re ferred to Committee on Fire. Petition of John >l. Guerard for permission to erect an addition to building on lot No. 22, Jackson wai-d. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of E. F. Davis, city police, relative to being sick and asking sick time be allowed him, as same was deducted from pay roll. Referred to Committee on Police for further investiga tion of the ordinance and regulations. Petition of L. W. Haskell for permission to connect a 6-inch water pipe with the city water main. Referred to Committee on Water. Petition of Dr. R. B. Hands for permission to erect a shed, to be 20 by 20 feet, in yard on Perry street lane, between Whitaker and Bull streets. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of J. F. Miller for permission to build an addition to wooden house on lot No. 14, Hull sub-division, Meldrim ward. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of G. 31. D. Riley for permission to sink a dry well in yard of his premises on Henry street, two doors east of Habersham street. Referred to Committee on Health and Como- Petltlon of Joseph C. Pnder for permission to repair house on lot No. 21, Berrien ward. Re ferred to Committee on Eire. Petition of sundry citizens asking city author! tics to place a crossing on West Broad street, North side of IJulTy street, running East and West. Referred to Conunitteo on Streets and Lanes. Petition of M. 3f. Sullivan for permission to repair house on lot No. 37 Greeu. Referred to Committee on Fire.. Petition of Philip 31. Russell. Sr., ex President of the Oglethorpe Fire Company, asking for permission to transfer lot No. 1598 Lanrel Grove Cemetery to Waring Russell, Jr. Referred to Committee ou Health and Cemetery. ORDINANCES. Ordinance read the first time June 29, 1887, read a second time July 13,1887, placed on its passage and passed. _ . ... An orimnanck. To authorize the 3fayor and Al dermen, in Council assembled, to grant |>r mils for the excavation and erection of areas In the lam s of the city, and to prescribe cer tain conditions for the same. Section I. lie if ordained by Ms Afoyor tool Aldermen of Ihr City of Savannah in tonne,/ assembled. That ItsaaO and may Is: lawful for Council, at nnv time and from time to time lo grant, by resolution or otherwise, permits lo owner* of lots and Improvement* w Ithin the city to exeavate, construet and use areas extending Into the lane* of the city Kuo. 2 That all such ren-mlf*. unless otherwise therein provided, shall be granted subject to tho condit ion* herein named and I lie aeuepiam-e of such permit, or the excavation, erection and use of such ar,-a by any property owner, shall J*> taken and construed as an acceptance ot the said conditions, and binding upon the said prop erty owner and his assign*. future owners of Hie said property. .... ~ ~ Sec. 3. All such area*. Including *ll wall* and material of unv *nrt In tho construction In* same shall not'extend into the latm for a dis tance greater than four 11) feet from the line of said lot. Thev shall he set at such grade as the proper officers of the city may designate, and kept and maintained at such grade aa may from time lo turn) bo determined on for tlo said lauo THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1887. without any expense to the city. Thev shall bo used only tor tne purposes of light mid ventila tion, and for no other purpose what soever. and shall bo covered with a substantial wrought iron grating of such form as shall be an ample protection to persons and property passing through said lane, which grating shall l>e stationary and immovable, and not set upon hinges or other devices ar ranged for entrance and exit into the buildings through said area. Sec. 4. That the owners for the time being of any property, adjacent to which areas may be erected under the provisions of this ordi nance shall indemnify and hold harmless the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, of and from any and all loss or damage that may accrue against it by reason of the excava tion, erection, use or occupation of the area herein provided for, or the obstruction of the lanes of the city. Sec. 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordi nances conflicting with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed in so far as they so conflict. resolutions. By Alderman Duncan— Resolved. That authority he and the same is hereby granted to Mrs. 3lary 31. Mingledorf, heir at-law of John B. Berry, to transfer lot 1,(540, Laurel Grove cemetery, to William R. Boone. Adopted. By Alderman Duncan Resolved, That the Corporation Attorney lie and he is hereby directed to request his Honor Judge A. 15.I 5 . Adams to take from the suspense docket and assign an early day for the trial of tho case of the Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church versus the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, referring to the claim by the former of a portion of the old cemetery on Sout h Broad street as property of Christ Church parish. Resolved further. That in accordance with the above resolution the Corporation Attorney be requested also to notify the attorney of the Wardens and Vestry of’ Christ Church of the wish of the City Council to bring this matter to a final settlement. Adopted. By Alderman Thomas Resolved, That His Honor, the Mayor, be authorized to purchase suitable instruments for use of the City Surveyor, at a cost of not ex ceeding SSOO. Adopted. By Alderman Thomas— Resolved, That the Committee on Wafer lie requested to consider and report to Council concerning the propriety of laying an H inch main, instead of present 4-inch main, or of lay ing a 6 inch additional main on Congress street, between Whitaker and Montgomery streets, as early as the temperature will justify necessary excavation and before that street is repaved. Adopted. By Alderman Thomas— Resolved, That the Committee on Drainage he requested, if practicable, to have drained the pond near Florance, Ninth and Tenth streets. Adopted. By Alderman Mel!— Resolved, That tho Committee on Drainage be and they are hereby authorized to advertise for bids for building certain sewers and culverts on Waters road, according to plans and specifi cations submitted by Assistant City Surveyor. Bids to lie submitted to Council, and the right reserved to reject any or all bids. Adopted. MISCELLANEOUS. A communication was received from James Ryan calling attention to the washout at the east end or South Broad street. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes. The Committee on Streets and Lanes pre scribed and submitted to Council the form of a contract between the 3taj’or and Aldermen of the city of Savannah and the Wilcox & Gibbs Guano Company, and the executors estate of Waldburg, in reference to a bill to be presented to the Legislature authorizing the city, in con sideration of $20,090, to quit claim and cede to the said Wilcox A Gibbs Guano Company and the executors estate Waldburg, certain land west of the City Exchange fronting their build ings Alderman Thomas moved that the Mayor be requested to execute the contract. The mo tion was adopted. Ayes—Aldermen Thomas, Mell, Mills, Reid, Schwarz, Haines and Myers— 7. Nays—Aldermen Bogart and Duncan—2. The following statement, submitted by tho City Treasurer in compliance with section XVI. of tax ordinance, was read and received for in formation: Statement op Expenditures prom Jan. 1 to June 30, 1887, Inclusive, as Shown by the City Treasurer’s Books. Board of Health $ 11,913 68 Board of Health, O, E. M .. 3,731 92 City clocks 61 26 City Court 2,179 77 City extension 587 17 City limps 12,977 55 City lots 15.000 00 Dry culture 8.433 93 Fees 880 35 Fire Department 15,788 64 Incidentals 3,042 68 Interest $ 220 57 Interest coupons bonds 1879 61,188 75 Interest coupons bonds 1883 .8,718 09 Interest coupons old bonds 1,883 24 71,990 65 Harbor and wharves 82 00 Laurel Grove Cemetery 2,803 63 Licenses 30 00 Market 1,722 74 Parks and squares 3,921 94 Police 26,808 59 Police uniforms 1,087 90 Priutingand stationery 1,207 26 Public buildings 756 79 Quarantine 1.710 10 Salaries 10,419 66 Savenger department 8,071 98 Sinking fund, bonds of 1879 27,390 00 Sinking fund, bonds of 1883 6,270 00 Streets and lanes 27,954 05 Paving sidewalks 1,200 04 Paving streets 3,165 00 Taxes, 1801 14 25 Taxes. 1885 9 84 Taxes. 1886 10 85 Taxes, 1887 78 00 Water works 25,974 00 Total $297,279 61 Council adjourned. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. A clock recently patented in France is in imitation of a tambourine, on the parch ment head of which is painted a circle of (lowers, corresponding to the hour figures of ordinary dials. On examination two liees, one large and the other small, ore discov ered crawling among the flowers. The small bee runs rapidly from one flower to another, completing the circle in an hour, while the large one takes twelve hours to eomplete the circuit. The parchment surface is un broken and tho Dees simply laid upon it, but t wo magnets connected with the clock-work inside the tambourine move just under the membrane, and the insects, which are of iron, follow them. Phillips’ Digestible Cocoa Is a valuable substitute for tea or coffee. It nourishes, while they only stimulate. A supei rior drink for children ana for nervous and del cate women. It is different from all other co coas. All druggists and grocers keep it. ~ FLOUR. HECKER’S SELF-RAISING FLOUR Yields more Bread than flour raised with yeast, is finer, more digestible and uulritious. Always Ready! Perfectly Healthful! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Geo. V. Hecker & Cos., 176 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. UNDERTAKER. JOHN H. FOX, TJ nclert aA-er, Masimio Temple, CORNER LIBERTY AND WHITAKER STS. MRWi 117 Ltnoola. w. I>. DIXON. UNDERTAKER ih alt. ittxns or COFFINS AND CASKETS, 43 Bull street. Residence f,9 Liberty street. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. CjiBAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT A WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 (lords or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed.any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELP 3V ANTED. \\ ’ ANTED, an experienced man for retail ’ * sieve store; only extcrionoed men: ed ap ply. Address A., care Morning News office. \\T ANTED, a good cook. Must come well 1 t recommended. Good wage- naid. Services at Beaulieu. Apply to A. ... HARTKIDGE, Battensby’s building. Bay street. ATT ANTED, a good cook, at Concordia Park; v V good wages for the right woman. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. VITANTED, a 2-story and basement house, M north of Jones street; rent not to exceed S3O. Address A. X., this office. TV’'ANTED, Electric Light Stock Script. H. J. tl FEAR, Broker, corner Bull and Bryan. \\T ANTED TO BUY, a goat that will work to * v wagon. Address T. H., this office. ROOMS TO RENT. I DOR RENT, desirable flat, with modern con veniences; also, two dwellings: also, that eligible residence 105 Y ork street, from October Ist. Apply to C. F. MILLER. 173011 RENT, a desirable suite of rooms, at 1?6 State street. F’OR RENT, a desirable suite of rooms, al 159 York. HOUSES AND STORES FOR KENT. INOR RENT, from Ist October next, a three story brick dwelling, with outbuildings, and having water, gas. etc., on Ahereorn, near South Broad street. Apply to JOHN FLANNERY & ii Bay street. 17V ill RENT, Nos. 151 and 153 Barnard street, corner of Hall street; these dwellings are most desirably located, and will be rented in thorough good order. Apply to J. F. BROOKS, 135 Bay street. 17*OR RENT, part or whole of dwelling 58 Con gress, between Linenln and U ihe.rsham streets. Apply on premises. r PO RENT, house, Jones street, near Ahereorn; 1 house and store, Bryan street, near Mont gomery; two stores, 71 and 73 Bay street; three floors and cellar; one store with engine, boiler and shafting. J. H. RUWE. I NOR RENT, from Ist October next, brick store No, 192 Broughton street; three stories on cellar; 30x90 feet, deep. H. J. THOMAKSII.N, 111 Bryan, near Drayton si reel. I NOR RENT, 146 Hull, on northwest owner of Whitaker. Apply to Dr. PURSE, 140 Liberty street. for sale. I NOR HALE, ten shares Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company. Address J. U.. P. O. Box f i 1 /CARRIAGE HARNESS, Wagon Harness, Ex V t press Harness. Buggy Harness, and a full line of Saddles. Whips and Bridles for sale cheap, at McULASHAN’S, No. 37 West Broad street. TAOR KALE. Laths, Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling, I Weatherhoarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 211. KEFPARI) & I '(>. Horses MULES.-- Largest and beat lot Texas Horses ever snipped here: gentle stock? also lot 31ules, at OOX f S STABLES. IT'OK SALE.—ROREDEW I site, fit) feet on Front street along the river and 600 feet deep, at $125, payable $25 cash and sl2 50 every six months,wit h interest. FIVE-ACRE Lots In the TOWN OF ROKEIiKW, with river privileges, at SIOO, payable $2) cash and ssevery three month*, with interest. Apply to Dr. FALLIOANT, 151 South Broad street, 9 to 10 A. M. daily. LOST. IOST, a French Poodle; body half clipped J (white); answers to name of Frisky;” valued for past associations. Reward by return ing same to H. F. JACKSON, S., F. A W. K’y office. PHOTOGRAPHY. C PF.OTAL NOTICE PHOTOGRAPHY Prices O reduced Petite* $1 50, Cards $2, Cabinet $3 per dozen, and larger work in the same pro portion. J. N. WILSON, 21 Bull street. HOARDING. SEVERAL GENTLEMEN can "obtain' board O anil southern rooms at 172 South Broad st reet. ~ SUMMER RESORTS.' PER DAY'. Luge: elegantly furnished rooms and unexceptionable table; central location; fine surroundings;Southern reference. 150 East Twenty-first street, Graiuercy Park. C. F. HUDSON. Hi EAST 23d STREET, NEW Y< >RK CITY.— ’I Transient guests accommodated with cool, pleasant rooms upon reasonable terms. Refers by permission to Mr. P. W. Meldrim, Messrs. L. and R. Milieu, Savannah, Ga., Mr. C. W. Pike, Brunswick, Ga. MISCELLANEOUS.' Brandy ale, Crab Apple, Cream Soda, Ginger Fruit, Catawba, Red Orange, Egg Phosphate, Root Beer and Mead, at HEIDT'S. fPRY XY'BEE Sensational Drink, the latest, at I HEIDT’S. Also, Crab Apple Cider, Root Beer and Mead. IYRICKLY HEAT and Chafing Powder, a mire cure, “Boractm . ’ and be sure you get if. FURNISHING GOODS. Straw Hats! CHEAP STRAW HATS! All our MACKINAWS reduced to close out. WHITE AND FANCY PIQUE SCARFS, 25c. PER DOZEN. Uubleaehtd and Fancy Half Hose at 25c. Pair. Now is the Time to Buy. An elegant line of RALBRIGOAN and LISLE THREAD UNDERWEAR and HALF HOSE JEANS DRAWERS and GAUZE DRAWERS, all sizes. NIGHT SHIRTS, Plain and Fancy, HAMMOCKS, with Stretchers, for comfort. CHINESE, CORK HELMETS and BARK HATS. HUN UMBRELLAS, GINGHAM and 87LK UMBRELLAS, and the GLORIA CLOTH that wears o well. All sizes and all price*. RUBBER PILLOWS, RUBBER COATS and LEGOINB, SATCHELS and VALISES, WALK ING CANES and BATHING SUITS, at LaFar’s New Store, m> utTi.i. wrieKurr. ELECTRIC BELTS. Elect rio Holt Fn■<i. rpo INTRODUCE It and obtain Agent* we will 1 fur the next *lxty day* give away'free of I charge. In each county in the United State* a j limited number „f nur German KleeiroGalvunlo i Kupetutory Belt* price, $5. A positive and un- j fnillng cure for Nerrou* !>ehillty, Varieocelrt, 1 Emiunon*. Impotency, Etc. st*n reward paid j If every Belt we manufacture doe* not generate , n genuine electric current. Address at one* ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY, E O. Box 171 Brooklyn, N. Y. ■ LUDDEN A BATES S. M. 11. L.&B.S.M.H. The Longest Poie Knocks the Persimmons \\T E OFFER BETTER INSTRUMENTS, *V LOWER PRICES and EASIER TERMS than can be offered by any other house in our lino, and in consequence wo are tioodixl with orders and correspondence requiring Knights of Labor AND Days of Toil to ki'ep up with the rush. Can it be possible t: in this hot weather, with the thermometer >< hivh as to t'lultmpiT its safety, that people really purchasing Pianos and Organs? YEA, VERILY YEA! If you have any doubts as to this, call in and let us show you indisputable proofs of what we say, and convince you that orders at homo and from abroad are ACTUALLY CROWIHNii I S, We offer you a superb lino from which to select. Chickering, Mason & Hamlin, Mathushek, Bent & Ca., and Arson Pianos. Mason £ Hamlin, Packard and Bav State Organs. IST3UW Organs $24, Pianos $2lO Second Hand Pianos and Organs Almost Given Away, to Make Room for New Stock. BIG BARGAINS AT hidden k Bales Southern Music House, SAVANNAH, OA. CLOTH I NO. 11 EA r> QUA R T EIIS Foil GENTS’, YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ Clothing and Furnishings. PERFECT FITS, LOYV ES T P RICES. IGI CONGRESS. B. H. LEVY & BRO. SAUCE. LEA& PERRINS’ SAUCE •4 . y (The WoBCESTERsmiiE), Imparts the most delicious taste and rest to EXTRACT SOUPS, ef a LETTER from *3 .... , a MEDICAL GEN- * (.RAVIES, TLEMAN at Mad- jE* ran, to his brother * IMI, at WOUCEBTER, . 11 May, 1851. HOTftOOU) “Tell fsAgcM EEA & PERRINS'F•-^.tlllATS, that their sauce in Hf***-jii/Sji highly sateemod in OAME, India, and is in my HT jJSI opinion, tho most gAai PDmM WEI.SH* . palatable, as well If, y/vviflA ns Hie most whole- Jfr.K tUEUITS, some Fauco tiiat in i! ■* *1 juadu.” &C# Signature is on every bottle of tho genuine. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, N. Y., AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. ICE. ICE ! Now is tho time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, /sc. HO Ttcketl, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $/. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. i <j i<: Packed for shipment at, reduced rates. Careful and polite service. ’ Full ami liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO, 144 n\\ ST. fiu; it. PEACHES! Received in large quanti ties daily. In packages to suit all buyers. For Sale Very Cheap A. H. CHAMPION. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. Piano, Groceries, Furniture and Tools AT AUCTION Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock, Musioal Instrument?!. One SQUARE PIANO; cost, originally $.'500, in perfect order; 5 new CLARIONAS, direct from factory; the sweetest music is produced by tlm instruments; they play then)selves Furniture. Moved to my salesrooms for convenience: PAKIJ dt GET, tIEURO.OM SETS (Black Walnut ami (Vl ta-cl. MATTRESSES,FEATHER BUDS, ('IIMRS, TAKI.IS. SAFES, Oil. STOVE, SPRING MATTRESSES, DAS FIXTURES, UlUl-li'S rum, SOFAS, CARI’ET, TOOI.S, CROCKERY, COOKING STOVE, etc. Grocerie?. 7 chests TEA, ;l ca,ses PICKLES. 10 boxes SOAP, 5,000 CIGARS, A boxes CHEESE, 5 tuba BUTTER, 5 bat's DRIED FRUIT, 7 half barrels SAUSAGES, 10 kits MACKEREL, and lot CANNED GOODS. ’Tools. 11 chests TOOLS, complete and new. Sale sharp 11 o'clock. Everything; must go AUCTION sales FUTURE BAYS. Damaged Groceries, Etc., at Auction. By ROST. H. TATEM, Auctioneer. Will bq sold TO-MORROW (Thursday) MORN ING, at 11 o’clock, in front of uty store, No. 18(i Bay street, A lot of goods damaged by the late fire, con slating of GROCERIES, 'WINK, WHISKY, BRANDY, (GN, HUM. VINEGAR. TINWARE, PIPES, PA’l ENT COFFEE MILL. SCALES, .runs, DEMIJOHNS. KEROSENE, DESK, CLOCK, TRUCK, SHOW CASUS, FLASKS,TEA ell KSTS, M EASI RES, etc. tonal and lYmliaMc Property AT AUCTION. I.D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers By virtue of an order granted bv the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, Gn,, we will sell in front of our store. IBS liav street, at 11 o'clock, MONDAY MORNING, the, Ist day of August, 1887, 1 GOLD WATCH. PENCIL, BREASTPIN, STUDS. SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, WEARING APPAREL and BEDDING. Above is sold lor payment of debts and dis tribution, by order of JOHN H. FOX, Administrator estate Catherine /tllrour. Steamer St Helena at Auction. By Henry Schachte, auctioneer. Will lie sold at public auction, at the pier where she lies at Kerr's wharf, in the city of Charles ton,on SATURDAY,BOth July, 1887,at1l A. m., The steamer ST. HELENA and her appurte nances. The steamer is asidewheel low pressure steamboat of about Sll) tons burden gross, built expressly for and adapted to the inland naviga tion of the eiast. Boiler neurly new, built liy Valk A Murdoch in ISB4. TERMS ?CT)O cosh or certified check t. the close of the bidding, and the balance in cosh on delivery of the steamer. Purchaser to have ten days from day of sale to examine title and comply with his hid. The steamer can be treated for at private sale up to day of auction gate. LEGAL SALES. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. rjNDER a resolution passed in Council July Ie 18th, 1887, I will offer for sale, at public outcry, iu front, of the Court House, iri the city of Savannah, Chatham couuty, Georgia, on TUESDAY, he 2d day of August, 1887, Lot Number 21 Wesley ward. Minimum appraised value, nine hundred dollars ($1*00). Conditions, that purchaser shall erect permanent improve, nvnts thereon within one year from date of sale equal to one-half of the purchase price of said lot. Terms -One-third cash, the balance payable in one and two years, with interest at tne rate of seven (7) per cent. )ier annum. Purchasers paying for titles. ROBT. J. WADE, City Marshal. Savannah, July ISth, 1887. PETITIONS FOB IN< ORFOBATION. ST ATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM OotJmnr. To the Superior Court of said county: The I (Otitic m of D. I). ARDEN, J. S. OOL- I.INH, M. W DIXON, C. If BORHKTT, .1. 11. ESTILI., E. M FLOYD, W. H. FERGUSON, J. A. GROSS, I . GOOLSBY, W. W. METZGER, K. E. NKIDMNGF.R, W. R. BWANNTON, J. R. BATTSSY, G. 11. STONE, J. C. THOMPSON, W. o. VamVORAT. B. WBIGHT, and R. D. WALK ER, ami br.KALB LODGE No. 9, I. O. o. F., re spectfully shows: Tiiat they, with such ether persons as are or may lie associated with them, desire to be incor porated under the name of METROPOLITAN TRUST ASSOCIATION. Thai the object of said incorporation ami the principal business which they propose to carry on is to own a hall with stores thereunder in the city of Savannah, the projierty to be used for the henellt and profit of t lie stockholders and members of the corporation by being rented and let to societies and Individuals for private business nr public entertainment; and to hold and own such real and jiersonal property as may lie necessary to carry out such object and purpose. Your petitioners further show that the amount, of eapltAl stool: to be employed by them, actually paid in, is tire sum of Ten Thous and Dollars, witli the privilege of increasing the same from time to time to any sum not exceed ing Fifty Thsusand Dollars: that the par value of each shure of said capital stock is to be One Hundred Dollars. Your petitioners further show that the prin cipal office and place of doing business of said corporation is to lie in the city of .Savannah, in said Stale and county; that they desuo to tie Incorporated as aforesaid for the terra of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal, and with full |siwr In said corporate name to hold real and |iersoti/tl projierty, the same to control. Improve, sell, lease or mortgage; to frame ami adopt such by laws, rules and regulations, with power to alter and amend the same at pleasure; to appoint Much officers for the management and direction of tile affairs of said corporation and with such [lowers as they may deem neces sary, not contrary to tin* Constitution of the State of Georgia or the United States: and to have and use a common seal and enjoy and ex ercise all other rights and privileges usually pos bessed and exercised by Mich corporations. Wherefore, your |jotltionors tile tins their petition and pray an order granting tl is their application and making them a body politic and corporate under ttie name and style aforesaid for the object and purpose above stated, with the corjsirate ixiwers, rights and jirlvlleges aforesaid, and all other powers, rights ami privi lege incident to 11 corporation, or conferred upon them by the laws of this State. J. R. BADRSY. Attorney fur Petitioners. Pet,'lion for Incorporation (lied in olflco and recorded tills 13th duy of June, A, D. IHM7 JAMES K. P. CARR, Deputy Clerk 8. C., C C. * —— LEGAL. NOTICES. NOTICE. N’DTICE Is hereby glvon that the Savannah Stpsd and Rural Resort Railroad I'oniiuiny will apply to the* Pity Council of Hnvanuah tor leave to use under its charter for a street rail way the following nam.-d streets In said ■ -ity: Wadley street to Bay, thence down liny to Fjud, Broad street, Jefferson street from Buy to Anderson, thence to sixth street, them-*- down Sixth street to Ilubei-sham, and thence down Haliersham to Roitou street. RESTLESS IKON PIPE. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LESS PRICE. Weed & Cornwell. C. 11. DOKSETT’S COLUMN. ilLll ESTATE r A Fan Near the City. C. H. OORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell nt the Court House, (luring th® usual hours of sale, on Tuesday, August 2d, 1887, that particular piece of Farming Land on the Ogoechee road, about two miles from Anderson street, near the Charleston and Savannah crossing, containing about fifteen acres of land. Raid property adjoins the lands of Oliver Hoidt, Stewart and others, and has upon it, a largo TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING. This is admirably adapted to the require ments of a dairy, chicken or truck form. SOME GOOD CORNERS. At private sale I am offering some vary good corner places, suitable for business or for residences. One ou West Broad and Hull, noar the offices of the Georgia Central Railroad. This is an excellent location for a, boarding house, and unsurpassed for retail business. The house ia roomy and the lot large, (jOx'.K), with much of the space unoccupied, A splendid stand for business in the im mediate vicinity of tho H., F. & YV. lty, just on the thoroughfare leading into the ware house and offices. This consists of a large dwelling, with store attached, well built and convenient. Its proximity to the Depot gives special value to this property for em ployes, or for person* desiring the patronage of employes. Another comer on York and Montgom ery streets, consisting of store and dwelling, is in a location where projierty is seldom offered, and never offered long.* Purchasers can nlwaya lie found for projierty in this vicinity, on account of its nearness to the Market, Bay street and the retail street'. Considered as tut investment, it will always lie in demand by tenants. A West Broad and Jones street comer is the last on the list. This is among the best of West Broad corners. Particulars can be had at my oiHco. A Few Residences A double house in the eastern portion of the city, near the Bay. This is an exceed ingly pleasant location, facing a square. It will be an admirable home for persons doing; business in that section. A two-stnrv dwelling on Bryan street, near Farm. In thiß locality homes always rent wall. This is particularly recom mended to persons desiring a small, snug Investment, and those drawn in Loan Asso ciations. A neat and comfortable cottage In the southwestern portion of the city. This is iiist the place in which to commence house .coping life. ON SALT WATER. I have for sale the most complete prop orty of this description in this vicinity, Good water and air, cool breezes, fertflt land, plenty of shade, abundance of fruit, Huh in aimmlance, all within an hour’s rid of the city. C. H. Dorsett, REAL ESTATE DEALER. 3