The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 20, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMM KItCIAD. " "savannah market. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, i Savannah, Oa., July 19, 4p. m, (' Corros— The market continues very dull and n l rP ly nominal. Prices, however, were easier declined. There was very little inquiry ■".i offering very small. On 'Change at the ddny call, at 1 p. ra.. the market was re quiet at a decline of for all grades, * tll sales of 3 hales. The following are the *f u ; .i spot quotations of the Cotton Ex '\li idUnp fair - {<s4 Mil. fling Lav middling 10 (;,, vl ordinary 9). a Ida od-The market was very dull and jjj , • There was nothing doing aud no sales. f\V (UOtc: ( , -ntnon Georgias and Floridas 14 ®15)4 M.-tliuni 16V^®17 ,txl medium l.D^is ■vie limn fine 18Wa jV.;c 19i|®20 Vvtra fin© 20)^®21 Choice & Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand July 19, ISBT, and fob the Same Time lust Year. 18S6-87. IKSS-S6. | Island. ! u P land lil'cnd <-P ,L " ld j Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,119; 4,301 551 Received today ...., Received previously 27,337 TTl,3i; 83,3(7 779,1 8 Total I 38,;i86j 775.U50 -"I.iKIS. 183,'.7(1, [Exported to-day 11 I— ...I . | 1 Exported previously 27,531 775,017 ~-\'l i ; ; ! Total ;• 37,8:11 77 i.077 ... 31 777,937 i!Stock on bend and on ship- -I l boui\i luis il i ..,.u !> u i: _The market was quiet, lut firm and i!* i.unrei. There was only a light inquiry, in ! ; nisiness was of a retail character. The a*for the day were only 35 barrels at about quotations, as follows: Fair Good 4>4 Prime 4%®5 Rough- Country lots 60® 90 Tide water 90® 1 15 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur . *ut hc' was \uiet an< l easy. There was a good k. iuirv .ini about 615 casks were sold during *!„ i'v at 29c for regulars. At the Board of L ade on the opening call the market was re jorted steady at 29e for regulars. At the •losing call it- was steady at 29c for regu ars. Rosin—The market was quiet and easy it quotations. There was a fair demand and lixmt 2,00d bairels were disposed of during the lay At the Board of Trade on the first call he market was refuted quiet, with sales of on barrels at the following quotations: A, B. • and I) 95c, E $10.), F $lO5, G $llO, II y i:®l 17 Hi, I $1 20, Ksl 40, M $1 55® 1 60, N fl r., _ . /1 70, window glass sl9s® 2 00, water rhite $2 40®2 50. At the last call it was steady, oith further sales of 1,*30 barrels at $1 15 for H. and for 31 $1 55. N $1 65, window glass $1 95, Hater white $2 40, oth< rs unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spiri**. Rosin. Jtoek on hand April 1 2,548 77.408 leceived to-day 1,320 2,294 Received previously 76,808 160,9* *9 Total 80,671 249.611 Exported to-day Lxported previously 68,676 195,669 Total 68,676 195,669 Dock on hand and on shipboard to-day 11,995 53,942 E‘ceipts same day last year 692 2,261 Finam —Money is very quiet. Domestic Exchange Steady. Banks and > Milkers are buying sight drafts at par and f iling at •' j i>er cent, oremium. \t'oreif/)i Eudiange— The market is weak Jnmercial demand, $4 83V|; sixty days. ninety flays, $4 trancs, Paris and yD*. co:nm *ivial. sixty days, $5 21%; Swiss, 1 f : maris. sixty days, 94) i. " t uiTiES—The market is without life, e . v buyers nor sellers being in the market to - * vcept in a retail way. .moc ks and Bonds —City Bonds—Q uiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid, 110 asked: Atlanta 7 per cent, 118 bid, 121 asked; Augusta ' 1 t cent long date,’ 115 bid, 118 asked; Augusta 5s long date, ios bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 i>er f ‘nt. 100 bid, 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 1 1. 112 asked: new S.ivannahspercent, October t mpons, I>2 bid, K)2>4 asked; new Savannah 5 fvr cent, August eoui>ons, bid, 103J4 asked. State BnnrL s’ Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new 6s, 1889, 103 bid, 104 asked: Georgia new 104% bid, 105% asked; Geor L'ii 7 per cent gold, quarterly coupons, 107 Di-l. 108% asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1890, 120 bid, 121 isked. lioUroad Stocks —Central Common, 121 bid. 12 ' asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent tm trail teed. 132 bid, 133 asked; Georgia com |Q . 197 bid, 200 asked: Southwestern 7 i>er t>*nt guaranteed, 12S$£ bid, 129)a asked; Cen tral 6 per cent certificates, 10OD7 hi i. 101)4asked; Vtlantaand West Point rad h*ad stock, 104 bid, 107 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates, bid, 103 asked. * Railroad Ronds —Market quiet. Savannah. Florida and Western Railway Company general ttiortgage '• |aer cent interest, coupons October, 11 > asked; Atlantic and Gulf first Mortgage consolidated 7 jer cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1897, 118 asked: '-‘ntral consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, • /up-ms January and July, maturity 1893, 109).*) bid. H 094 asked; Georgia railroad 6s, 1897, 106 hid. log asked; Mobile and Girard second mort indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 102 bid, 104 asked; Mont gomery ami Eufaula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed bv Central railroad, lm asked; •arietta and North Georgia first mortgage, 50 V;mis. 6 per cent, 99 bid, asked; Charlotte. ■ ‘ unbia and Augusta first mortgage, 113 ttV.eil; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta y' *nd mortgage, 110 asked; Western Ali ‘ una second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, ;, s bid. 109 asked; South Georgia ana Florida k ! r.yd, 113 bid, 120 asked; South Georgia and Honda second mortgage, 114 bid, 110 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per • nt. 111 bid, 112 asked; Gainesville, Jelrer r.!‘, f . S° u thern first mortgage guaranteed, •4 bid, asked; Gainesville, Jefferson -J 1 ' 1 Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked; , 1 M . a J} steamship 6 per cent bonds, guaran |’d by central railroad, bid. 103 asked; ••Liiesville, JefTerson and Southern second M-.trfgagt* guaranteed, 113 asked; *ui nil us and Rome first mortgage bonds, in m'lsffi i,y (Vnrrai railroarl, 105 bid, 106 asked; T-i 1 , 11 . 1 , >us u,,c l'V*stern 6 per cent guaranteed, bid, 111 asked: City and Suburban rail ' !J: V yi’-, mongAg#. 7 per cent, 109 bid, 110 : ; < huothnrpD Savings and Trust Company, hid, 107 ttfikod. Stocks- -Nominal. Southern Bank of e btcite of Georgia, 200 bid, 206 asked; Mer uumts National Bank, 157 asked; Sa . >P ft, . lk and Trust Company, 97 bid, 99 asked' * >at ‘ ona * of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 ,1 Stoeks —Savannah Gas Light sbsek. ex it , ~I' l - ,5 i,1a hid, 22 naked; Mutual Gas Light Mock. 20 bid, 23 asked. i*,w C ° ' aud advancing: demand twu; Kniokod clear rib sides, shoulders, ; >.*c. iirv Kill ted clear rib sides, 9c; long clear, • •shoulders, none; hams. 13c. mooiNo and Ties—Market quiet. We quote: ‘^ing r 2i , It's, Bt 4 ®BWc; 2 W A ■ 4c, according to brand and quantity. r J' n,,r; -Arrowand other brands, $1 00®1 to tjun lle, according to brand and quantity, ng ami ties in retail lots a fraction higher, v r v rKH Market steady; oleomargarine, 11® . H S5 oh!e 18c; gilt edge, 22c; cream ~*®2se. 'niiAOF. Northern, 16® 12c. i t, KL Market nominal ;sniall demand; stock Me quote, 11® 15c. -kfei;-The market Is firm. We quote for ; '-dl lots: Ordinary. 19c; fair, 20c; good, 21c; poalierry 25c. . hied Pitvn Apides, evaporated, 18c; peeled, ! peeleu, 19c; unpeeled s®7c; cur d.ntN * citron, 25c. u* 11Y —Tlie market is firm; business fair. ' quote: Printa, 4®6c; Georgia brown iii/‘ l iM?’ 7-8 do, 5Uc; 4-4 brown sheet- U ?*'' "’bite osnaburgs, cht*cks. Ini ’ ( Z arn *i 35c for best makes: brown drill- L- ’ 1 M quote full weights: Mackerel—No V; 00; No. 3, half barrels, nominal, iL. No. 2, $7 50018 80. Herring—No. 1, I V, BcaJo,, 25c; cod. s®Bc. *,,* Lfß’R—Market unsettled; demand moderate, r m nu l ° , f : Extra, $4 00®4 10; fancy, $4 85® 4clo ’ i:ho[ce Patent, $5 25®5 50; iainily, $4 50® it -T Market advancing and de -4 We auowc: f 4 Uo(a,6 00. Grain—Com—Market very firm; demand li.,itt. Wc quote; White corn, job lots. <3.*; c . !'lul lots, Glc; mixed <orn. job lots, tile; c.v load lots, < ats steady; demand good. Wo '• Mixed oai.s. k c: curium i lot-s, 40c. Bran. $1 10. Meal. •.')<•. Georgia grist, per sack, $1 40; g*'st. per bushel, 70c. Hay—Market very firm, with a fair demand; st*>ek ample. We quote job lots: Western, ol 00; carload lots. ‘joc. Eastern none. North ern none. Hides, Wool. Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re [ ceipts light; dry Hint, 12c; salted, 10c; dry I butcher, Bc. Wool -Market weak and declining; I prune in hales, 27^0; burry, 10®15o. Wax, 18c. i Tallow, 3® Ic. Deerskins, flint, 20c; salted, 16c. Otter skins, s(>®s4 00. Iron-Market firm; Swede, 4)4® sc; refined, tins 7^jC. Lard—Market is firm; iu tierces 7*6; 501 b 2Kc. Lime, CAlcine Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at Si 80 per barrel; Georgia Si 30; calcined plas ter, $1 50 per barrel; hair 4c. Kosendale cement, Si 50; Portland cement $2 50. Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, Si 50®5 50; rye, $1 50®6 00; rectified, Si 00® 1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm; fair demand. We quote: 3d, S3 90 : 4d and sd, $H 25; ttd, $3 00, Bd, *2 75; lOd to 60d. $2 50 per keg. Nits—Almonds, Tarragona, 18(5 20c; Ivicas, 17®18e; walnuts, French. 12c; Naples. 10c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Baracoa, $5 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 9® 10c; lard, 60c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water 'white, lflpoc; neatsfoot, 62® .80, machinery, 25®30c; linseed, raw, 52c; boiled. 55c; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homelight, lSc. Onions—Bermuda, $1 60 per crate; native, Si 00@1 25 per crate; Egyptian, $2 75 per case. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, S2 75. Peas—Demand light: cow peas, mixed 75® 80c; clay. Si 00® 1 15: speckled. Si 00® l 15; black eye, Si 25® 1 50; white crowder, Si 50® 1 7b. Prunes—Turkish, 534 c; French, Bc. Raisins- -Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00; layers, $2 00 per box; Lon don layers, $2 25 per box. Shot—Drop. Si 40: buck. Si 66. Salt—The deinaud is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots. 690 fob; job lots. 75® 90c. Huoar—'The market is firm; cut loaf, 6&c; standard A, 6l£c; extra (', 5%c; C yellow, sVsu; granulated, D£c. Syrup- Florida and Georgia syrup, 40(7?,45c; i he market is quiet for sugarhouse at 35® 40c; (Juba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull: demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25®$ 1 25; chewing, com mon, sound, % ' 30c; fair, 30®35c: medium, 88 ®s9e; bright, 50® 75c; tine fancy. 85 (a 00c; extra linej 90c®$l 10; bright navies, 45®75e: dark navies, 40®50e. Lumber- -The demand from the West is quiet, owing to fear of effect of interstate commerce bill: coastwise and foreign inquiry is only fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations: We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes $l3 50® 17 00 Difficult sizes 16 00®21 50 Flooring boards 16 000 20 50 Shipstuff 18 50®21 50 Timber—Marketdull andnominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00® 11 00 800 “ “ 10 00® 11 U 0 900 “ “ 11 00® 12 00 1,000 “ '• 12 00® 1 1 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ 7 00® 8 00 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 00 1,000 “ “ 9 00® 10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—There have been no arrivals for the past two weeks. Vessels, however, are ' >tt‘ered freely. The niarket is very dull. Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from this and the near Georgia Dorts to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia. New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c® $1 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal: to South America, $l3 00® 14 00; to Spanish ana Mediterranian j>orts, $ll 00® 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27® 28s; lumber, £3 15s. Steam To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s and, or, 4s lDd: Adriatic, rosin, •is; Genoa, rosin, 2s 10t£d. Coastwise—Steam— To Boston, 50c, on rosin, $1 00on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits, 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 30c, spirits7oc. Coastwise, two or three cargoes of fering by sail. Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York f* tr> 3-16d Liverpool via Baltimore |tlb ... 3-i6d Antwerp via New York fl> Jqd Havre via New York $ lb 9-16 c Havre via Baltimore 66c Bremen via New York lb 11-16 c Reval via New York 11-32 J Bremen via Baltimore \? ti %c Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York $-1 lb %and Boston bale 1 35 Sea island M bale 1 75 New York $ bale 1 35 Sea Island bale 1 75 Philadelphia W bale 1 *> Sea island p bale 1 75 Baltimore bale 1 25 Providence bale 1 50 Rice— By steam— New York ip barrel 60 Philadelphia $ barrel 60 Baltimore barrel 60 Boston ip barrel 60 Vegetables—By Steam—(By special contract) -To New York, Philadelphia. Boston and Balti more. standard crates, 20c; barrels 40c. With out the contract, crates 35c; barrels 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls <p pair $ 65 ® 80 Chickens, to •>£ grown 40 ® tk) Springers 25 ® 4(> Ducks pair 50 ®> 75 Geese $ pair 75 ®1 04 Turkeys V pair 125 ®2 00 Eggs, country, $ dozen 12)4® Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va. W fl>... H Peanuts —Hand picked !b ® 6VS Peanuts—Ga. nominal. 75 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds V bush. 50 (./ 60 Sweet potatoes, yel.yams bush. 65 ® 75 Sweet pot's, white yams bushel 40 ® 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarter grown in good request. Egor—Market steady, with a good demand and scarce. Peanuts— Fair stock; demand moderate; market ad vancing and higher prices predicted. Sugar-Georgia and Florida, nominal ; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, July 19. noon.—Stocks dull and heavy. Money easy at4®4W per cent. Exchange —Jong $4 H2)4@4 82)4, short $4 84® 4 State bonds dull but steady. Government bunds dull but steady. 5:00 p. m— Exchange dull hut firm. Money easy at 4®5 per cent., closing nt 4®4& Sub- Treasury balances—Gold. $134,776,000; currency, $12,531,000. Government bonds dull blit firm; four p*'r cents 1273 4 ; four and a half per cents 109. State bonds dull but steady. The stock market exhibited even more stag nation to-day than yesterday, and with the ex ception of a short period in the hist, hour there was nothing approaching animation. The tone was iieavy, though no special progress was made in a downward direct ion until the lust hour, when Bismarck was reported dead, which stimulated selling. London was a moderate seller in the forenoon, hut without effect upon the market. Room traders are again inclined to the bear side, and such declines as were established were the results of hammering. Union Pacific, St. Paul, and Louisville and Nash ville were the weakest in the forenoon, and the former was especially prominent in the late, break. Reading, Richmond and West Point and Western Union, however, were compara tively firm throughout. There was litt lo or no news of a character to affect values, but the re ports of damage to crops were used with some effect. Few specialties showed a marked move ment, hut the general list was very dull and featureless. Sales aggregated 120,000 shares. The following were the closing quotations: Ala.class A,2 to 5.106 New Orleans Pa- Ala. class B, 65.. 109 cific, Ist mort... 78 Georgia 7s, mort.. 106* N. Y < ’antral .... 10HW N. Carolina tis... 121)4 Norf. <fc W. pref... N. Carolina 45.... 90 Nor. Pacific. ■ • •.. 33® So. Oaro. (Brown) “ pref... r. 5% consols ~.. 10G Pacific Ma 11....... 4*'|, Tonnessre 6s T3 Reading •'*">>4l Virginia6s *4B Riclimond & Ale.. 2 Va consolidated t">l Richmond & Danvlso Ch’peakoA Ohio. 6>4 Richm’d 4 W. Pt. Cliic. A Northw'ii.lliiM Terminal 32}^ ■ * preferred .. 146 M Rock Island 130 Deia., Lack A W. 18154 St. Ha.ul . —- Erin UOfc " preferred.. 120>4 East Tennessee. Texas Pacific 2fF>a new stock 12)i Term. Coal & Iron. 3 Lake Shore 9:i->4 Union Pacific 54>4 L'vflle & Nash.... 61 N. J. Central TWty Memphis* Char. 50 Missouri Pacific 10HU Mobile* 0hi0... 13% Western Union... 7iAu Nash. * ChaW’a . 7.'W ffottonOilTrustcer •Rid. tAsked. COTTON. Livsnroou July 19,1** P. tn.—Cotton steady and in fair demand; middling uplandss 11-lHd, middling Orleans 5 lldOd: ssale 10.000 bales, for speculation and export 1,000 bales; receipts 5,000 bales -American 2,000. Futures—Uplands, low middling elause. July deliv ry 5 37-64d, July and A us us t 5 OS-Odd. TIIE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JULY 2ft, 1887. August and September 5 38-64d, also 5 37-64d, September and October 5 25-64d, October and November 517-64d, November and December 5 14-64d, January and February 5 11-64d. Sej)- tember 5 38-6ld, also 5 37-64d. Market quiet at the advance. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day were 8,500 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. July delivery 5 39-b4d,sellers: July and August 5 38-64d, buvei-s; August and Septembers 38-G4d, buyers; September and October 5 2b-64d, value: Octobt‘r and November 5 17-64d, buyers; November and December 5 14-64d, buyers; December and January 514-64d, sellers; January and February 5 14 64d, sellers; September 5 38-64d, buyers. Market steady. 4 p. m. -F'utures: Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 38-61d, buyers: July and August 5 38-G4d, value; August and septemlier 5 BN-64d, sellers; September and Oetoler 5 25-64d, sellers; October and Novemlier 5 17-64d. sellers; November and December 5 14-64d, value; De cember anil January 5 13-6ld, buyers: January and February 5 13-64d, buyers; September 5 38-64d. sellers. Market closed quiet but steady. New York, July 19. noon.—Cotton opened quid but steady; middling uplands 105-1 Go, middling Orleans 10%o; sales 472 bales. Futures—Market opened steady, with sales as follows: July delivery 10 05c, August 10 10c, September 9 72c. October 9 57c, November 9 48c, December 9 47c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed quiet; middling up lands 10 516 c, middling Orleans I0%e; sales to-day 504 bales: net receipts bales, gross 1,945. Futures—3larket, closed steady, with sales of 81,200 bales, as follows: July delivery 10 18® 10 20c, August 10 23® 10 24c. September 9 73® 9 74c, October 9 59c, November 9 51®9 52c, De cember 9 51®9 52c, January 9 55®9 56c, Feb ruary 9 01®9 62c, March 9 67® 9 iißc*. Co.'s report on cotton futures savs: “There was a fair amount of animation shown, without any very decided feature, except that the general tone has ruled steadier and the cost ranged higher on all months. The absence of pressure from ‘long’ cotton and some improve ment in the tenor of Liverpool advices seemed to be about the only visible influences upon which the better feeling was founded, though evidences of manipulation could be noticed in some cases. Especially did there appear to be an inclination to bid August tip where the gain amounted to over last evening, ami this was supposed to be in order to sell othej; months. New crop made a gain of 6 points and was very firm." Galveston, July 19.—Cotton dull; middling 9%c; net receipts 2 hales, gross 2; sales 3 bales; stock 2,972 bales. Norfolk, July 19.—Cotton steady; middling 10%c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 2,836 bales; exports coastwise 7 bales. Baltimore, July 19.—Cotton dull; middling 11c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 472 bales. Boston, July 19.—Cotton steady; middling 10%c; net receipts none, gross 522 bales; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, July 19. — Cotton nominal; mid dling 10%c; net receipts none; sales none; stock 733 bales. Philadelphia, July 19.—Cotton quiet; middling l0%e; net receipts 18 bales, gross 19; stock 15,*h8 bales. New Orleans, July 19. — Cotton steady; mid dling 9%c; net receipts 660 bales, gross 660; sales 1.300 bales; 5t0ck56,979 bales. Mobile, July 19.—Cotton nominal; middling 9%e; net receipts none, gross none: sales none; stock 383 bales; exports coastwise 65 bales. Memphis, July 19.—Cotton dull; middling 10%c; receipts t bales: shipments none; sales none; stock 6,945 bales. Augusta, July 19.—Cotton very dull; mid dling 10J%c; receipts 4 bales: sales 150 bales. Charleston, July 19.—Cotton quiet; middling 10%c; net receipts 6 bales, gross 6; sales none; stock 823 bales. Atlanta, July 19.—Cotton—middling 10%c; receipts none. New York, July 19.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 2,817 bales; exports, to Great Britain 8,136 bales, to France 40; stock at all American ports bales. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool. July 19, 12:30 p. m. — Wheat dull; demand poor; holders offer freely; California No. 1. 7s 2d; red Western spring 6s sd@6s 6d; receipts of wheat for the past three days 241,000 centals, including 115,000 American. Corli steady and in fair demand; new mixed Western 4s; re ceipts of American corn for the past three days 35,600 centals. Pork, prime mess 68s. Lard, prime Western 85s. New York, July 19, noon. —2 lour quiet but steady. Wheat higher. Corn better. Pork steady; mess sl6 25® 16 75. firmer. $7 07%. < )ld mess pork steady at sls 25® 15 75. Freights firm. 5:00 p. m -Flour, Southern quiet and un changed. Wheat—spot a shade stronger but only moderately active; No. 2 red, July delivery 82c, August 82 5 16® 82‘><c, closing 92%c. Corn —snoi advanced about lc and dropped %® lc on oad crop reports; No. 2, July delivery nomi nal at 45%c; August delivery 46%c, closing at k‘>%e. Oats—spot %@%e lower; options a trifle better on deliveries after July; mixed Western 34®,30c; No. 2. July delivery 33%®,34c, closing 33%c; August 31%e, closing at 32c. Hops un changed and quiet. Coffee, spot fair Rio firm at 20%e; No. 7 Rio not quoted, July delivery 18 56c, August 18 70®18 75c. Sugar quiet but firm. Molasses closed dull and nominal. Petroleum, crude 5%®6%c. Cotton seed oil quoted at 84® 35c for crude, 42%®44c for re fined. Hides steady and in fair demand. Wool firm and moderately active. Pork quiet but strongly held. Beef uuiet and unchanged. Middles dull and nominal. Lard a couple points higher, later fell hack 6® S points, closing heavy; Western steam, on spot $7 02%, August delivery $6 69®G 76. Freights steady. Chicago, July 19.—There was not much doing in the wheat market today, trailing during most of the session dragging slowly. There was little news of any influence on the market, and the firmness which existed was largely attribut ed to buying in corn. Receipts were smaller, but shipments have fallen off proportionately, thereby offsetting small arrivals. August opened %@%e higher at 70®70%®70%c, and advanced to 7l® 71%e, reacted to 70%c, and closed at 70%® 70%c. Corn was active,"excited and higher, with trading of a larger volume than for some days past. The prevailing feel ing was one of firmness. Unfavorable reports continue to l>e received relative to growing crops, and rain is needed in many sections “Shorts" bought freely and considerable corn was sold. Local operators, who usually trade in wheat and provisions, were giving corn their attention to-day. August started at 38%®38%c. declined to 38%c, then advanced to 39%c, ana closed at 38*%c. Considerable com was pur chased for country account. Oats were some what more active to-day. The market was favorably influenced by a good cash demand and prospects of smaller receipts. August started y\o higher at 26%®25%c, and closed at 26%c. Provisions were rather slower ana easier, and had it not been for the strength in corn a more severe decline would have been the result. There was a com parative absence of buying orders, but more disposition on the part of large holders to sell, ana the impression prevailed that the market was being red. Receipts of hogs were fair and prices lower. August .short ribs opened at $s ir>, declined to $7 97%, rallied to $8 0%, and dosed at $7 92%, a decline of 25c from yesterday. August lard opened at $6 75, sold at $6 70®6 75, anil closing at $'J 72%, the same price as yester <hi v Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour quiet and unchanged Wheat. No. 2 spring 60% ® 70c; No. 3 spring nominal; No. 2 red <3%c. Corn, No. 2, 38%c. Oats, No. 2, 26%c. Mess pork sls 50® 16 00. Lird $6C7%®6 70. Short rib sides, loose, $7 90®7 95. Dry salted shoul ders, boxed, ss9o®\6 00; short clear sides, boxed, $8 45®8 50. Whisky $1 10. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— July delivery — 70% 70% 69% August delivery. 70% 71% 70 >4 Cohn— , July delivery... .38 38% 38% August delivery. 38% 39% 38% Oats— July delivery. .. 26% 20% 20% August delivery. 20% 26% 26% Laud— July delivery ... $6 70 $6 70 $6 67% August delivery. 675 675 670 Shout Ribs— July delivery $8 15 $8 15 $7 92% August delivery. 8 15 815 7 92% Mesh Pork—Year sl l 60. Louisville. July 19.—Grain quiet: Wheat— No. 2r04, 70c. Corn—No. 2 mixed 89c. Oats —No. 2, 29%®30c. Provisions steady: Bacon clear rib sides $9 25, clear sides $9 50, shoulders $6 75. Bulk meats clear rib sides $8 50, clear sides $8 87%; shoulders $6. Mess pork nominal. Mams, sugar cured firm at 11%®12. laird, choice leal' SB. Baltimore, July 19. —Flour steady but quiet; Howard street and Western superfine $2 50®3UU, extra $3 15®3 76, family $4 00® 4 50, city mills superfine $2 ftO'ft-l 00, extra 13 25 (7/j3 5; Rio brands $4 50®4 75. Wheat—Southern steady but quiet; red 6l®Bßc, ainl**r 82®Hic; Western n snad** firmer; No. 3 winter mi, on s| M)t and July delivery mo%®Mc. Corn—South ern steady but quiet; white 50®54c, yellow 46® 47c; Western Maroe and bjefadr. Cincinnati, JuJy 19.—Flour weak and lower. Wheat firm; No. 2 red 73%c. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed 48c. Oats weaker: No. 2 mixed 80c. Provisions—Pork quiet ut sl6 25. Lard firm at $6 40. Bulk meats dull but Ann. W hisky active a 7 1 05. Ib*gs active and firm; common and light $4 50®5 60, packing and butchers $5 90® 6 " Bt. Louis. July 19.—Hour steady and un changed Wheat closed Uflfov yesterday; No. 2 red, cJuh 72%c; July delivery 72%®72%c. Corn easy; Uc higher; cash 84%®34%r, August delivery 34%®3V-. Oats firm; cash 25%e, July delivery 24c. Whisky stilly at $lO5. Provis ions stesiy. New Urlkans. J dy 19.—Coffee excited atul higher; Rio cargoes, common to primo 18%® 21 %c. NAVAL STORKS. London, July 19.—Spirits turpentine 26s 3d. New York. July 19, noon.—Spirits turpentine steady at 33c. Rosin steady at $1 Q2%® 1 07%. 5:09 p. m.—Rosin steady at $1 05® 1 10. Tur pentine dull at 32%®::34c. Charleston, July 19.—Spirits turpentine steady at 29%c. Rosiii steady; good strained 90c. RICE. New York, July 19.— Pvice steady. SHIPPI NO INTKLI.IGKNCK. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises 5:11 Sun Sets 7:02 High Water at Savannah 7:23 a m. 8:02 v m Wednesday, July 20, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Chattahoochee, Daggett, New York —C G Anderson. Steamship Juniata, Askins, Philadelphia C G Anderson, Agent. Schr Ida lawrencc, Young, Baltimore, with coal and oil to order; vessel to Jos A Roberts A Cos. Steamer David Clark. Usina, Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta, Catharine. New York—C G Anderson, Agent. Steamship Geo Appold, Billups, Baltimore- Jas li West & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer David Clark, Usina, Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta. New York. Steamship Geo Appold, Baltimore. Bark Guavang (Nor), Dantzig. MEMORANDA. London, July 17—Arrived, ship Zaritza (Sw), Dannherg, Pensacola. Bermuda, July 14 In port, harks Valpas (Rusk Karsten. from Pensacola for Ghent, awaiting orders, cargo advertised for sale; Hor net (Br), Tedford, for Fernandina and Buenos Ayres, ready for sea; brig Alfred (Br), White, from Fernandina, disg: schr Sambango (Port), l)e Senna, from Jacksonville, arrived 10th, in quarantine. Georgetown, S C, July 17—Arrived, schr Nellie Floyd, Johnson. New York. Jacksonville, July 15—Cleared, sclirs Mattie Newman. Loveland, New York; City of Jack sonville, McKinnon, Baltimore. New York, July 19— Arrived, steamships Wyo ming ami Italy. Liverpool. Arrived out, steamship Circassia, from New York for Glasgow. SPOKEN. July 15, off Cape Hatteras, schr Sarah D Fell, from Fernandina for Baltimore. Bark Martin Luther (Nor), from Pensacola for Rio Janeiro, June 24, lat 11 N, lon 26 W. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Bermuda, July 13—Schr Sambango (Port), from Jacksonville, which arrived 10th, was or dered to Granaway's Deep to undergo quaran tine of observation, in consequence of the pilot having failed to comply with the requirements of the quarantine acts. The crew appear jmm fectly healthy and a pratique was granted to-day. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 19—1 car melons, 4 bhls spirits turpentine. 1 car wood, 10 drums gasoline, 55 caddies tobacco, 30 pkgs h h goods, 1 bale hides, and mdse Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. July 19—8 cars melons, 1,505 bbls rosin, 55 head sheep, 858 bbls spirits t urpentine, 1 car heading, 5 cars pig iron, 1 car staves, 10 boxes tobacco, 15 cars lumber, 4 cars wood. 1 ear blocks, 19 head cattle, 8 bales hides, 4 bales wool, 15 tie bars, 30 bolts, 15 castings, 40 pkgs mdse. 7 bbls pears, 956 boxes vegetables. 78 bbls vegetables, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. July 19—57 bales yarn. 2 bbls paint, 135 bales domestics, 13 bole.-, plaids, 5 cars saml, 3 pkgs hardware, 20 bales hides, 1,168 lbs feathers, 1 case eggs, 1 roll leather, 27,100 lbs lard, 1 car coal, 15 cars melons, 1 pkg paper, 335 pkgs tobacco, 177 bbls spirits turpentine, 386 bbls rosin, 120 bbls lime, 1,884 lbs fruit, 60 bales hay, 13 pkgs h h goods, 6*25 bushels corn. 1 bbl sugar, lacars lumber. 1 car wood. 5 pkgs twine, 35 pkgs wood in shape, 5 pkgs wax. 63 bbls oil, 1 pkg machinery, 1 car railroad wheels, 223 pkgs mdse, 42 pkgs empties. EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Augusta, for New York -14 bales domestics and yarns, 832 bbls rosin, 102 bbls lice, 507 bbls spirits turpentine, 60 turtle, 60,000 feet lumber, 54,938 melons, 52 bbls jiears, 456 crates pears, 35 tons pig iron, 217 pkgs mdse. Per steamship Geo Appold. for Baltimore 34 bbls rice, 758 bbls rosin. 58,000 feet lunilier. 281 bbls spirits turpentine, 24 casks clay, 2,078 water melons, 350 pkgs fruit and vegetables, 58 hales domestics and yarns, 30 bills hides, 371 pkgs mdse, 25 rolls leather. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Chattahoochee, from New York -E K Parsons, Mrs E E Parsons, F B Wright, J B Chesnutt, N N Curtis, Lewis K Riley, Dr S ( Burland, A F Dewey. J R Cooper, Mrs J K Cooper, A L McClod, E P Gainard, and 6 steer age. Per steamship Geo Appold, for Baltimore ~ Rev C I Laßoche, wife and 3 children, Mrs Thos Blackshear, Miss () Blaekshear. T EBlackshear, Miss L Flinchbaugb, Miss Spangenlerg, G 1 Taggart, wife and 4 children, J 1> Starr, Mrs Samuels and 2 children. Miss R A Walters, Miss E A Dunbar, .J D Morrison. Per stealnshi p City of A i igusta, for New Y< >rk Mrs J H Daniel and 2 children, Mrs J F Fisher and son, Mrs Geo W Anderson, Miss Kate B An derson. Miss Lillie Anderson. Mr and Mrs J A Douglass, Miss Stella Douglass. Mr and Mrs S P Hamilton and 2 daughters. W Hamilton, Mr and Mrs C D Owens and 2 children, Miss A Bourquin. Col L M Laniar, T Whatley and family, W 11 Mitchell, W H Stegall, A r Murphy, I> Lyons, Lizzie Wheeler, Mr and .Mrs Jewett, J II Daniel jr, Taylor Walthour, Lieut O 31 Carter, Mr and Mrs w B Corbitt and infant, Miss M Deßruyn Kops. Mr and Mrs C E St übs and 2 children. Rev ESTurquand, .1 W Huntington. Sister Scholas tica, Sister Michael, Mr and Mrs M L WoofO, Mr and 3lrs A S Nichols. Miss M Dennison, Mrs C A Iteitze, child and svt, Col R G Cole and 2 svts, H M McCay. T Tennant, .1 ECafthin, Mrs S E Sewell, Miss H Sewell. Miss S Sowell, Mrs M Holden, Miss A Smith. Mrs F.l Miller, Mrs M F, Davis, E A Smith, I) Riordon, T Buckley, H H Bruin, MrsJ F Buckley, J W Applegate' Mrs K M Fannah, Mrs 1) Freeland. B Oldman, J (in*en- Itaum, J W Deming. C P Deming, I) S Einstein. F Miller, E Daniel, G W Daniel, 3 colored, and 6 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 19— E T Robert*, H A Ulmo, Smith Bros & Cos. G W Pochman, Standard Oil Cos. F M Hull, E A Eason, Lee Roy Myers & Cos, .1 F Walsh. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. July 19—Transfer Office. McDonough <t Cos, B S Harris, Bacon, J & Cos, Dale, D & Cos, Brown Bros. W 1 Miller, M Allen, Ijee Roy Myers & (X). S Cohen, A I>tfil*r, Peacock, H A Cos, T Jones, A H Chanulion, Linpman Bros. M Y Henderson, I) (’ox, A Ehrlich v Bro, R Guckenbeimer & Son, Me in hard Bros A: (’o, H Myers & Bros,( ’ F. Jones, IJendheim Bros A; (’o. C l' Stults, M Ferst A Cos, M Bolev & Ron, Ellis, Y A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, J P Williams & Cos, W C Jackson, E T Roheits, W W Chisholm. Per Central Railroad, July 19 Fordg Agt. Woods & Cos, C H Carson. A Ehrlich A Bro. A B Moore, A Leffler, A B Hull, II Solomon A Son. FI Porter, M Ferst A Cos, Graham A H, .1 G Butler, W B Mell A Cos, C E Stults, Bendheim Bros A Cos, Ludden A B, Weed A 0. A II Champion, Put zcl, Packman A V, J P Williams A Cos, I G Haas, I Ei>stein A Bro, L Hege, S Guckenbeimer A Son, B J Cubl>edge, .1 B Fernandez, Stillwell, PA M, I/<* Roy Myers A Cos, Ellis, Y A Cos, Thos West, H Myers A Bros. Peacock, II A Cos, Decker A F, Baldwin A r Cos, Smith Bros A Cos, Ringer Mfg Cos, Baldwin A Cos, Standard < til Cos, Keeler A N. W Thompson, H G Ganahl, J W Tynan, Perse A G W Tiedeman, N Marin. J F Lewis, Dougherty A R, A J Miller A Cos, W S CheiTy A Cos, P N Dunbar, Coast Line Ky, M Y Henderson, C M Gillert A Cos. Per steamship Juniata, from Philadelnhia G W Allen, Arkwright Mills. J O Butler, Brush Electric Lt Cos, O Butler, Butler A H,C H Carson. Cofrode AB, Cornwell AC, Col lat Bros, C F Cler. C A Cox, J A Douglass A Cos. M J Doyle, A Dalsmer, BEiwtein A Br. Eckrnan AV, }>; |, Hackett, G Eckstein A Cos, Frank A Cos, L J Gazan, M Ferst A Cos. S Guckenbeimer A Hon, C M Gilbert A Cos, Graham A H. Gray A < )’B, C F Graham, G C Gemunden, Harmon AC, E .F Kelffer, J Street Pharmacy, C Kolshorn A Bro, Kiu:kuck AS, Kavanaugh AH, E Lovell A Hon, N Iwing, Lloyd A A, D B Lester, Lovell A 1,. Ludden A B. Lindsay A M, A Fyfiler, Lilienthal A Son, FJpp rnan Bros. A J Miller A (’o. McDonough A < f o. W B Mell A Cos, McGillls A M, R D Mcl>onell, PJ Murphy, A Minis A Hons. D P Myerson, Malaga Glass Works, McKenna A W’, A H Milens. P Man ning, Norton A M, J G Nelson A Cos, TJ O’Brien, N Paulsen A Cos, J Roeenheim A' Cos, Savannah Hteam Bakery, H, F A W Ry. H Solomon A Hon, Solomons A Cos, Savannah Cotton Press, C R it, J T Hhujrtnne A Bro, \* (* Strong, stmr Katie, Savannah Times. G W Tiedeman, Tidewater Steel Works, B F Ulmer, Weed A C, Wylly A C, A MA C W West, F Walsh, Ga A Fla IS B Cos, 8, E A' W Ky Southern Ex Cos, G Wagner. Per steamship (!bAt.taboochee, from New “York - A It Altmayer A Cos. Appel AB, E A Abbott, atr Itavid Clark, S Belsliunr, E M Barton A Cos, J F Barbour, Jos Baker, Burglar Alarm A I> Tel Cos, J G Butler, O Butler, Bendheim Hr.m A Cos, T P Bond A Cos. si W Brunch. Bye* A b. C a R A Bkg Cos. E M Connor. P Cohen, J K Clarke £ Cos, J 8 Collins & Cos, WW Chisholm, Cohen B, W (t Cooper, I Dasher £ Cos, J A Douglass fc Cos, Decker & F. A Dovle M .1 Doyle, HU Dun & ('o, A Ehrlich £ Bro, U Eckstein * Cos, Ecknmn V, Wm Eat ill. J U Estill, Einstein & L. .1 11 Furher, I Epstein & Bro, Epstein <£ W, M Ferst &. Cos, Frank & Cos, Fleischman A* Cp, L Freid, .1 B Fer nandez, Fowler Mfg (.Jo, Fret well N. F M Hull, A Folk & Son. Gray &O B. C M Gilbert & Cos, .1 Oorhaui. K J Gazan, S Guckenheimer A Son. Graham <£ H, str Grace Pitt, Hexter A K, J H I taliiwauner.Haines A D. Harms .v J, A Hanley, HD Headman, Wm Harden. .1 1* S Houstoun, Mrs A B Hull, Hymes Bros A Cos. Harmonic Club. D Hogan. llirxeh Bros. U S Jones, W A Kavanaugh A B. 1’ H Keirnau, E Keitfer, Retchum VG, J Kuck, steamer Katie, Lippmau Bros. N Lang, Jno Lyons A Cos, H H Livingston, B H Levy A Bro. J lazing, A l/'tfler, 1> B U ster. Eauney A G. E Labiche. IJoyd A V. Ludden A B. J F Bubs, H Kogan. Lindsay A M. Lovell A L, E 1-ovoll A Son, Meinliard Bros A Cos, Mohr Bros. MeUillisA M. A J Miller A Cos. L A McCarthy, E Movie, McKenna A W, Mutual Cos op Cos, A MeAllister, Monahan A R. Marshall House, McDonough A Cos, R 1> MeDonell, Ueo N Nichols, J McUrath A Cos, Lee Hoy Myers \ Cos, H Myers A Bros, .1 G Nelson A Cos, Palmer Bros, Nenllmger AR, Jno Nieolson Jr, Oglethorpe Club, Order T B Bond A Cos, N Paulsen A Cos, C D Rogers, \V F Reid, T Raderick. C SRichmond, M Rich A Bro. S. K A W Kv, 11 Solomon A Son. Solomons A Cos. C E Stubs, Smith Bros A Cos, Strauss Bros, Slater, M A Co,\V D Simkius A Cos, P B Springer. Screven House, Savannah Steam Bakery, K Salas, E A Schwarz, Savannah Steam Laundry, H L Schreiner, L Z Steinheimer, T P Townsend, Jno Sullivan, J S Silva A Son, Mi’s J Thompson. U W Tiedem&n, H Tennenbaum, J W Tyuan, J C Thompson, Vale Royal Mfg Cos, (J Walter A Cos, Weed AC, Wilder & Cos, J N Wilson. Thos West. A M A C W West, W U Tel Cos, Wylly A C, Ua A Fla 1 S B Cos, P H Ward, Southern Ex Cos. BROK ERsi iW-TilE TIME TO SI’EtTUTK.'^ VOTIVE fluctuations in tho Market offer op portunities to speculators to make money in Grain. Stocks. Bomls and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention given to orders received by wire or mail. Comvui>ondehee solicited. Full information about the markets in our book, which will lo forwarded free on application. H. D. KYLE, Banker and Broker, 3H Broad and 31 flew Sts. New York City. A. J,. HARTRIbOE.' SECURITY BROKER. I3UYS AND SELLS on commission all classes ) of Stocksaiul Bonds. Negotiates hums on marketable securities. New York cjuotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., IBa?ols:ex > s. /YRDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi * ' cago and Liverjiool Exchanges. 19 COMMERCIAL BUILDING. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Ha. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 r pRANSA(’T a regular banking business, (live 1 particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleaus, Savannah and Jack sonville. Fla. Resident Agents for Coutts A Cos. and Melville, Evans A Cos., of London, England. New York correspondent: Tho Seaboard National Bank. CITY BONDS. CITY BONDS. YI7E will receive proposals for thirty days for ▼ ▼ the purchase of Fifteen Thousand Dollars of the bonds of the Tow n of Thomasville, Geor gia. The Bonds are in the sums of Five Hun dred Dollars with coupons I swing five per cent. interest, payable January and July of each year, and have thirty years to run. They are the only bonds ever Issued by the town and they offer a rare opiiortunity for investors. A. P. WRIGHT, Chairman Finance Committee. ~ DRY GOODS, ETC. mm SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET, Will close out the remainder of their Spring and Summer Stock of White Goods, Table Linens, Towels and Napkins, Marseilles and Honey Comb Quilts, Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s Un dervests, Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children’s Hosiery, Para sols, Embroideries and Laces. N. B. —The reductions in the prices of these goods will he worth the attention of parties wanting the same. ST It AW HER It YT'ORD IA L STRAWBERRY CORDIAL A Small Quantity in a Glass of Water Makes a Delicious Drink. IN QUART BOTTLES -AT- A. M. & C. W. WEST’S. LOTTERY. L.S.L. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. “W> do hereby certify that wr supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of the Louisiana state Lot tery Company , and in person manage ami con trol the Dron ings themselves , and that the same, are conducted with honesty , fairness , and in gooil faith toward all parties , and we authorize the Company to use this certificate , with fac similes of our signatures attached , in Us adver tisements" Commissioners. Tt> the undertdfrned Hank* and /{anker* mil pay all drawn in the Ixmisiana State J.nt teries which in a v he presented at our counters. J. H. OGLESBY, Pres Louisiana Nat'l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. State Nat’l Bank. A BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. ITNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION'. I' Over Half a Million Distributed. Louisiana state Tottery company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purixtses -with a capital ,*f $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550.0*0 has since lwen added. By an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State con stitution, adopted December 2d, A. I>. 1870. The only Lottery ever voted on and indorsed by the people of any State. It never scab s or postpones. Its Grand single Number Drawing* tnke place monthly, ami the Keml-Annual Draw ing* regularly every nix mouth* (June and December). A HPLEMHD OPPORTIAITY TO WIA \ POHTI \K. EIGHTH GRAND DRAWING, CLASS 11. IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, August 9, IN*7 —207111 Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. Notice. Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, sl. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL BRIZE OF $150.000... $150,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 50,000.... 50,000 1 GRAND BRIZE OF 20,000 .. 20,000 2 LARGE BRIZES <>F 10,000... 20,000 4 LARGE BRIZES OF 5,000 ... 20,000 20 BRIZES OF 1,000 ... 20,000 50 PRIZES OF 500 ... 25,000 100 BRIZES OF 300. .. 80,000 200 PRIZES OF 200.... 40,000 500 PRIZES OF 100.... 50,000 1,000 PRIZES OF 50.... 50,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of SBOO $30,000 100 “ “ 2tK). ... 20,000 100 “ M 100.... 10,000 2,179 Prizes, amounting to $535,000 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For further Information write elearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or Now York Exchange in ordi nary fetter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed M. A. DALPHI\. New Orleauv, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, \\ aHlilngton, D. C. Address Registered Letters in NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK, New Orlean, La. RFMFMRFR That the presence of Oen r\ l_ IVI U. IVI Dli \ erals Beauregard and Early, who are in charge of the drawings, is a guarantee of absolute fairness ami integrity, that tho chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what number will draw a ITi/.e. R KMFMDKH that tho payment of all Prizes is til'All \N'TKED BY FOIII NATIONAL RANKS of New Orleans, and tho Tickets are signed by the President of an Institution, whose chartered rights an* recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations or anonym* nil scbemM. WATC HJEB AM) JEWELRY. THK ( HI A1 EST BLACK TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such ns DIAMONDS, FINK STERLING SIL VERWARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to he found at A. L. Desbouillons, 21 BULL STREET, the sole agent, for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warranted as represented. Opera Cflnssos at C/Ostt.. FOOD PRO DUCTS. FOREST CITY MILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton STOCK FEES. SEED PEAS, Keystone Mixed Feed, •—AND— All Kinds of Feed For Horses and Cattle, Sold By G.S.McALPIN 172 BAY STREET. GRAIN AM) PROVISIONS. _A__ 18. HZTTXjJL, Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Hay, Grain and Provision Dealer. THRESH MEAL and GRITS In white sacks. I Mill stiitT* of all kinds always on hand. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS: every variety. Kjiecial price* car load lots HAY and GRAIN. Prompt attention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, 83 BAY. WAREHOUSE. No. 4 WADI.EY STREET, on line Central Rail MEDICAL,. Tft \A/PAK Bfl PElfromthf -IHR ILfl gw SMfrUof youthful r- I IWI In If roru, .trly der.y, lost manhood, etc. I will f„ud a valuable treatisefsceled) cniitatuinu full particular, for home rare, fr.e of aU*m. A.tldreael'jul.F.O.lfOWUtK.Fooiiua.Coaa. 1 WHISKY. LA WHENCE, OSTROM km Famous “Belle of Bourbon" Is death to Malaria, Chills and Fever. Typhoid Fever, Indigestion, Dvspereia, Surgical Fevers, Blood Poisoning, Consumption, Sleeplessness or Insomnia, and Non assimilation of Food. 1 O VEA II S OLD. ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO FUSEL OIL IN PRODUCING BELLE orBOURBON* HE USE ONLY THE FLINTY OR HOMINY WRT OFTHE GRAIN THUS FREEING IT OF FUSEL OIL BEFORE IT ISOISTILLED CMicm qCc&wmtti’dJuf, THE GKKAT APPETIZER Louihvillk, Kv., May 22, 1886. This will certify that f have examined the Sample of Bkli.k of Bourbon Whisky received from Ostroiu <& Cos.. and found the same to he perfectly freo from Fusel Oil and all other deleterious suhstances and Htrictly pure. I cheerfully recommend the same for Family and Medicinal piu*posoa. ,1. P. Baknum, M. D., Analytical Chemist, Louisville, Ky. For sale by Druggists, Wine Merchants and Grocers everywhere. Price, $1 25 f>er bottle. If not found at the above, half dozen bottles in plain Im>xck will he sent to any address in the United States on receipt of $6. Express paid to all points east of Missouri river. LAWRENCE, OSTROM & CO., Louisville, Ky. At Wholesale by R. GUCKKNHEIMER*BON, Wholesale Grocers; LIPI'MAN BROS., Whole sale Druggists, Savannah, Ga. DIRECT Slffli] JUST ARRIVED A CAROO OF •A.LSsSEIN’S German Portland Cement. FOR SALE LOW BY ANDREW HANLEY, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. FRUIT AM) OROCXRIXS. Choice Loug Island Early Rose Potatoes, Cabbages, Onions, Apples, Lemons, By Every Steamer. 60 Cars Corn, 26 Cars Oats, 25 Cars Hay. BRAN, CORN EYES, PEAS OF ALL KINDS, GRITS, MEAL, STOCK FEED, &c„ Ac. T. P. BOND & CO., 105 Bay Street. i . , . ■' PIT BLIC'ATIONS. THE WILMINGTON STAR. REDUCTION IN PRICE. Attention is called to the following reduced rate* of subscription, cash in advance: THE DAILY STAR. One Year $6 00 Mix Months 3 00 Three Months 1 50 One Month 50 THE WEEKLY STAR. One Year $1 00 Six Months 90 Throe Months 30 Our Telegraph News service has recently been largely increased, and It is our determination to keep the Star up to the highest standard 01 newspaper excellence. Address WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington, N. C. m ACHimni. J. W. TYNAN, ENGINEER and MACHINIST, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Corner West Brood snd Indian Streets. All kinds of machinery, boilers. Etc., made and repaired. STEAM PUMPS, GOVERNORS, INJECTORS ANI) STEAM WATER FITTINGS of all kinds for sale. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 16 VKARS ESTABLISHED. Gk S. PALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchant. SOUTHERN PRODUCE A SPECIALTY. lOtl lCeudo Street. New York. Consignments shlicited and returns mafia promptly. Stencils and Market reports furnished on application. Ktr-narsens: —Chatham National Bank. Thur her, Whviand * Cos., New York. Also, Bank, and established Produce Merchants of New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. WOOD. “W OOD. Bacon, Johnson & Cos. Have a Hue stock of Oak. Pino, Lightwood and Kindiing ('oruor Liberty and Boat Broad strtwU- Tctephoue .17. 7