The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, July 26, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMKRC i VL. ~ " SAVANNAH It ARIC3T. OFFICE OF TUB MOUNrNG NEWS, I Si.UNXUI, Cl*., July 4 i'. m. i C<xtTt‘S— Tliu market was dull and entirely nominal. On ’Change at the midday call, at i p. m., the mai'ket was reported quiet and uncUaueed, with stiles of 2 bales. The following ire the official spot quotations of the Cotton Middling fair 10^ (food middling 10% Middling 10 l/>w middling 9% Good ordinary ‘.l*4 Sea ls!nnd -The market continues very dull and nominal. There were no sales. We quote: Common Georgias and Floridas H <3115*4 Medium 18*4<(>4r Good medium 17%f018 Medium fine ISVsSj. Fine 19*420 Extra fine 20Vjj@21 Choice 22 Comparative Cotton Statement. I Receipts, Kxports and Stock on Hand July 25. 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. 1886-87. 1685-86. Mnd. jVP ta * ld | Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,149 4,304 j 551 j 3.298| Received to-day 8 ! 410; Received previously 27,237 , 771,335 j! 23,386! 779,683 j Total 28,386 1 775.650); SB.k| 783,421! — 11-— — L- ; t Exported to-day .... 17 j 281 ! Exported previously 27,531 ! 775,077 22.521 G , •• Total 27,831 775,094 22,52 ! Stock on hand and on sbip i board this day l j 556| 566|i 1,416; 4,G.0 Kk r fho market was active and firm, but qn t.ui !i.-' were not quorably higher. The sales for th * day were 201 barrels at about quota* (ions, as follows: Fair 1% Good 4%(&4% Prime 4%(<i,5 Rough - Country lots HO Tide water 90<7>|1 15 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was quiet and weak and prices de clined %c. The sales for the day were only 50 c:usks At 38c for regulars. At the Boat'd of Trade on tho opening call the market was re ported dull at 28%c tor regulars. At the closing call ii was firm at ‘-’Sc* for regulars. Rosin—The . was dull and unchanged. There was very little inquiry and business was merely nominal. At the Board of Trade on the first call the mar ket was reported dull, with sales of 103 barrels, ii the following quotations: A, B, C and D •or. E Dae, F $1 00, G $1 05, H Si 10, I Si 15, K $1 i>, MSi 47%. N Si 6O, window glass 85, water white $2 37%(&2 10. At the closing \ill it was unchanged NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. . Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 .. ;< ’ Received to-day D7O i.925 Received previously 80,006 161,C58 Total 83.570 260,621 Exported to-day <2l 4,763 Exported previously 70.473 202,016 Total 71,194 206,779 Jtock on hand and on shipboard to-day 12,385 53,842 Receipts same <lay last year 1,490 2.413 Financial >l< ney is very quiet. Domestic Exchange- Easy. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at % per cent, discount and selling at par(gt% per cent, pre mium. foreign Exchange— The market is weak. Commercial demand, Si *3%; sixty days, £4 81%; ninety days, $4 Bj%; irunes. Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, $5 24%; Swiss. S5 21%; marks, sixty days, 94%. Securities—The market is without life, neither buyers nor sellers being in the market to-day, except in a retail way. Stocks and Bonds —City Bonds -Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date, 10S bid. 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent, ilB bid, 121 asked; Augusta 7 per cent longdate, 115 bid. 118 asked; Augusta 6s long date. 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per c.inf, ];* bid. 105 asked; Macon 0 per cent, 111 bid. 112 asked; new Savannah 5 jxt cent. October coupons, 102 bid, 102% asked: new Savannah 5 l*r cent, August coupons. 102%bid, 103%.asked. State Bonds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new Gs, 1889, 102% bid, 103% asked; Georgia new 4%5, 104% bid, 105% asked; Geor gia 7 per cent * gold, quarterly coupons, 106 bid. 10i% asked: Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 18%, 120 bid, 121 asked. Boi/road Stocks— Central Common, 119 bid. 130 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, 132 bid, 133 asked; Georgia com mon, 196 bid, 198 asked: Southwestern 7 per rent guaranteed, 128 bid, 128% asked; Cen tral 6 per ’ cent certificates, 100% Did, 101% asked; Atlanta and West Point rail* rtffid stock, JlO bid, 112' asked; Atlanta and Wed Point 6 per cent certificates, 103 bid, 104 asked Railroad Bonds —Market quiet. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway < ‘ompany general mortgage <> per cent interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1897. 118 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January mid July, maturity 1893. 109% bid. 110% asked; Georgia railroad 6s. 1897. 106 bid, 10s asked; Mobile and Girard second mort gage indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, It>2 bid. 104 asked; Mont gomery and Eufaula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad. W 6 bid, 107%asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage, 50 years, 6 per cent, 99 bid, 100% asked; Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta first mort gage, ill bid, 112% asked; Char lotte, Columbia and ~ Augusta second mortgage, 110 bid, 112% asked; Western Ala bama second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, 108 bid. ion asked: South Georgia ana Florida indorsed, iisbkl. 120 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 bid, 116 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent, in bid. 112 asked; Gainesville, Jeffer son and Southern first mortgage guaranteed, 115% bid, 116% asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 per cent bonds, guaran teed by (Vntral railroad, 102% bid, 103% asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 113 asked; Columbus and Rome first mortgage bonds, in dorsed by Central railroad, 105 bid, I<K> asked; Columbus and Western 6 per cent guaranteed, 109 bid. 111 asked; City and Suburban rail "'ay first mortgage 7 per cent. 1% bid. 110 R*ked; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company, 106 hid, 107 asked. Bonk Stock* —Nominal. Southern Bank of 11 • State<>f Georgia, 200 bid, 205 asked; Mer chants' National Bank, 157 asked: Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company, 99 bid, 101 a • "and; National Bank of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 tsked. Of < Savannah Gas Light stock, ex -1 hd. 21 bid, 21% asked; Mutual Gas Light 30 bid. 23 asked. Bacii.n •U.rket firm acd advancing: demand t : • i:c I dear rib sides, 9%c; shoulders, Uted clear ilb ifatta, 9c; long door* * -'i 1 • • *i*l**i*£, none; hams, 13c. BiautNO and Ties -Market quiet. We quote: J and i’i; 2% lbs, 8 3 i(&b%c; 2 ihs, 7%(&7%c; 1% ; 1 • %e, according to brand and quantity. Iron ties- Arrow and other brands. $1 00(/V 1 95 P 'r h.iudlc, according to brand and quantity, it urging and tie?; in retail lots a fraction higher. Urn-Eit- -Market steady; oleomargarine, 14® IG-; choice Goshen, 18c; gilt cage, 22c; cruun wy. 34®a>c. C ambaoz -Northem, 10®12c. < iiKKNK - Market nominal;small demand ;stock “K f We <ji iott 11® t 3c. Crp>:j.; -T!ie market Is firm. Wequotofor iniMll lots: Ordinary. 19c; fair, 20c; good, 21c; Sfioic ■. 2 ‘c: peaberry 25<*. f Buna* Frtui r Apples, evaporated. 13c: peeled, c: (teaches, pooled, 19c; tuipeeled s®7c; cur I rants, <•; citron, 25c. i-JCY .ls The market Is firm: business fair. •J® p'lote: Prints, 4®6c; Georgia brown i urtlng, 3.4, 4%,. ; •; -h do, 5%c: 4-4 brown sheet *7!white osnaburgs, 8%(3G0c; checks, ranis, 85c for ixisi makes; brown drill 7®r; v c. 1’ iHH \\ c quote full weights: Mackerel —No •• 5 59<" lo o); No. 3. half barrels, nominal, J' u(,1 9 •W: No. 2, $7 50® 8 00. Herring—No. 1, *•_, scaled, 25c; cod, suf*Bc. r i. UKr—Mnrlcot unsettled: demand moderate. t 'l u ‘dr* : Extra, $4 UO&4 10; fancy, £4 85® I 60 : lhoioe P**oß* $5 2500; family, $4 50® rrit— Lemons— Market advancing and de- F<kkl. Wo quote: §1 00®5 00. oiAiN— Corn Market very firm; demand “f 1 ? 1 - quote; WJiite corn. Job lots, 62<'; wark>,vl lots, o.‘c; mixed corn, job lots. 60c; car *“**• lots. 58c. oats steady: demand good. We 3'lot.*: Mixed oats. 46c: carload lots, 40c. Bran, '-o. M‘U, Georgia grist, per sack, $1 40; tier 7jc. llay—Market very firm, with a fair demaud; stock ample. *\V auote joc* lore: Western -51 09; carload lots, 90c. Eastern none. North ern none. Hides, Wool, Etc.—Hides --Market, dull; re ceipts lijifiat; dry flint, lfc; salted. 10c; dry butcher, be. Wool—Market weakand deeiiuinir; prime in bales, burry. 10@15c. Wax, 18c. Tallow, S@,lc. Deerskins, flint, Ale; salted, 16c. Otter skius, 50(2,54 MO. Iron—Market Arm; Swede, 4W<asc; reflned. tins t Lard—Market is firm, in tierces 50tb l^ac. Lime. CAlcine Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at 30 per barrel; Georgiasl 30; calcined plas ter, $1 50 per barrel; hair 4c. Rosendale cement, §1 50; Portland cement $2 50. Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, Si Si 00(gG 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm; fair demand. We quote: 3d, $3 90; 4d and sd, S3 25 ; 6d, $3 00, Bd, S2 75; lOd to OOd, S2 50 per keg. • JS uts—Almonds, Tarragona, 18©20c; Ivicas, walnuts, French. 12c; Naples. 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c;i filberts, 22c; eoeoanuts, Baracoa, $5 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 9®loc; lard, 6(k*; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, 13U 2 c ; neatsfoot, 62©80, machinery, 25©:f0e; linseed, raw, 52c; boiled. 55c; mineral seairi6c; fireproof, 18c; homelight, 18c. Onions— Bermuda, Si 60 per crate; native, Si 00© 1 25 per crate; Egyptian, $2 75 per case. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, $2 75. Peas— Demand light; cow peas, mixed 75© 80c; clay, $1 00©1 15; speckled, Si 00©1 15; black eye, Si 25© 1 50; white crowder, $i 50© Prunes—Turkish, 5%c; French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00; layers, S2 00 per box; Lon don layers, S2 25 per box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots. 00c fob; job lots. 75© 90c Shot—Drop. $1 40: buck, Si 65. Sugar -The market is firm: cut loaf, 6%c; standard A, 6V£c; extra O, s*Kc; C yellow, SVfce; granulated. powdered, tifcje. Syrup —Florida and Georgia syrup, 40©45c; the market is quiet for sugar house at 35©40c: Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsh.eads; sugar house molasses. 2)c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25©$ 1 25: chewing, com inon, sound, 25©30c; fair, 30©35c: medium, 38 ©soc; bright. 50©75c; tine fancy. 85©90c; extra fine, 90c©Sl 10; bright navies, 45©75c; dark navies, 40©50c. Lubiber —The demand from the West is quiet, owing to fear of effect of interstate commerce bill: coastwise and foreign inquiry is only fairly active. Prices for average schedules are firm at quotations: We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 50© 17 (>) Difficult sizes 16 00©21 50 Flooring boards :6 (X)©2o 50 Shipstufif 18 50© .! 50 Timber —Market dull and nominal. We quote: 709 feet average $ 9 00© 11 00 800 “ 10 00©11 00 900 “ “ 11 00© 12 00 1,000 “ 12 00©14 00 Shipping timber in the raftr— 7(H) feet average $ 6 00© 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00© 800 900 “ “ • 8 00© 9(0 1,000 “ “ 9 00© 10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail -The market is very dull and unchanged. It is, however, bare of tonnage: but one arrival this week. Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphi New York, Sound parts and eastward. Timber, 50c©$l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal: to South America, sl3 00© 14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranian ports, sll 00© 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27'©28s; lumber, 423 15s. Steam To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Navai. Stores—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s and, or, is lj4d; Adriatic, roeln, 3s; Genoa, rosin. 2s 10WI. Coastwise—Steam To Boston, 50c, on rosin. $1 (X>on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits, 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin, 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 30c, spirits7oc. Coastwise, two or three cargoes of fering by sail. Cotton —By Steam— I The market is nominal. Liv.-r|\*l via New York gift 8 16d Liverpool via Baltimore tt ... 3-16d Antwerp via New York lb Jqd Havre via New York $ I£> 9-16 c Havre via Baltimore. 66c Bremen via New York ip tb 11-I6c Reval via New York 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore ip 1b Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Balttrnoie 61c Genoa via New York $ lb %<l Boston bale - 1 35 Sea island ip bale 1 75 New York <p bale 1 35 Sea Island bale 1 75 Philadelphia -p bale 1 85 Sea island bale 1 75 Baltimore ip bale 1 25 bale 1 50 Rice—By steam— New York barrel 60 Philadelphia ft barrel 60 Baltimore ft barrel 60 Boston $ barrel 60 Vegetables -By Bteam—(By special contract) —To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standard crates, 20c; barrels 10c. With out the contract, crates 35c; barrels 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls fl pair $ 65 © 80 Chickens. %to £4 grown —4O © 60 Spriugers 25 © 40 Ducks pair 50 © 75 Geese pair 75 ©1 00 Turkeys pair 125 ©2 00 Eggs, country, # dozen 12Hj© Peanuts—F|tncv h. p. Va. *p Tb .. © 7% Peanuts—Hand picked : p lb .. © 6V6 Peanuts—(ia. $1 bushel, nominal. 75 © 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds bush. 50 (a, <lO Sweet potatoes, ye I.yams U bush. 65 © 75 Sweet pot's, white yams bushel 40 © 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarter grown in good request. Egos—Market steady, with a good demand aiul scarce. Peanuts Fair stock; demand moderate; market ad vancing and higher prices predicted. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, July 25. noon.—Stocks dull but steady. Money easy at 4® 5 percent. Exchange —long 84 829i@4 88, short $4 bonds dull but steady. Government bonds dull but steady. 5:(K) p. m.—Exchange dull but steady. Money easy at |ier cent., closing offered at 5 Sub-Treasury balances—Gold. $185,(171,000,’ currency, $12,655,000. Government bonds dull anil rather heavy: four per cents 1875*,: four and a half per cents 110%. State bonds dull but steady. The week opened with the market showing no improvement over the past two weeks, but trading is still entirely in the hands of profes sionals. Transactions were exceedingly dull, and fiuct nations, except where sjieoial pressure is brought to bear, extremely neutral. There was a moderately bullish feeling in the room tills morning, and London did some buying. Several of the most influential traders, however, organized a raid upon values. Some ship or ders were reached. Pacific .Mail, Richmond Terminal and Missouri Pacific were the heaviest sufferers, chough the entire unlive list partici pated ill the decline. The market opened strong at advances over Batnrday’s Anal figures from U(o,dd tier cent., the latter for Louisville and Nashvill ■. Tim market was very dull, and further slight gams wore made in the early dealings, but. these wwe soon neutralized. The tone was moderately Arm till noon, when de cided weakness was developed in some stocks, w hile the general market was heavy. Some im proveinent was noticeable at 2 o'clock, and sli riit gains were made in the last hour, but the 'dose was oul'. steady and very dull at. insignifi cant fractions 1 letter than lowest figures. Total sales 114.(109 shares. The following were the closing quotations: Ma class A,2 to 5.196 New Orleans Pa Ala. class B, 5s UK) cific, Ist mort... 78 Georgia 7s, inort, 108 N. Y Central 109 N Cnrollna (is... 127,* Norf. *W. prof... 45*j N Carolina 45.. 96% Nor. Pacific. ..... 34% so Caro. Girown) “ pref... 60% comurfs 105 racifle Maif GU TnnßsceC3 72 Re0d1ng.......... Virginia Os ... 48 Richmond A Ale.. a Va consolidated. 40 Richmond & DanvlDO Cli'peoke & Ohio. 8* Richm'd& W. Pt. Chlo* NortkwTi.llfSyt Terminal 30% ** preferred... 146 Rock island 199 Dela., Lack &W. 132% Ht. Paul^ Erie 31 preferred.. 109% East, Tennessee, Texas Pacific.... 49 new stock 12% Tenn. Coal A Iron. 33% IjUcc Shore 98% Union Pacific sft '.l L'vllle A Nash . 62% N. J. Central 6-% •Memphis* Char. 50 Missouri Pacific... Mobile* Ohio. .. U Western Union .. ,5% Nash. * Chatt'a.. 79% CottouOilTrust cor 85% •Bid. cotton. , Liverpool, July 95, 12:30 p. m.—Cotton- Prices practically easier; nilddltng uplands ft ll ltld, middling Orleans 5 IMOd: sales 10.000 bales, for speculation and export 1.000 boles; re ceipts 6,000 bales American 2.1K10. Futures--Uplands, low mliklllnrf clause, July and August delivery 5 37-Wd: August and Sep tember 5.36 0 Id. also 6 85-4dj Seut-unbcr aud Octob 5 28h4d: October f I>l NovemberC LMMd: THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1887. November and December 5 12-64d. also 5 10-64d; December and January 5 10-64 U. Market dull at the decline. The tenders of deliveries at to-day’s clearings amounted to 200 bales uew dockets and 300 old dockets. 2 p. in.—The sales to-day iueluded 8,000 bales of American. Middling uplands 55jjd, middling Orleans s*>Rd. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, July delivery 5 34-04d. sellers: July and August 534-64(1, sellers; August and September 5 33 64d, buyers; September aud Octobers 19-64d, buyers; October and November 5 32-G4d. sellers: Novem ber and December 5 CMWd, sellers: December and January 5 9-6 M. se)lei*s; January and Feb ruary 5 9-64d, stdlers; September 5 33-6*ki, buyere. Market easy. 4 p. in.— Futures: Uplands, low middling clause. July delivery 5 82-64d, buyers: July and August 5 32-64d,buyers; August and September 5 32-64d,sellers: September and October 5 18-04d, buyers; October and Novembers il-64d, sellers; November and December 5 8-64d, sellers; De cember and January 5 8-04d, sellers; January and February• 5 8-64d. sellers: September 5 32-64d. sellers. Market closed dull. New York, July 25, noon.—Cotton opened easy; middling uplands 10%c, middling Orleans l<%c; sales 135 bales. Futures—Market opened weak, with sales as follows: July delivery 10 10c, August 10 14c. lSepteml>er 9 58c, October 9 37c, November 9 30c, December 9 30c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closet! easy; middling up lands 104nc, middling Orleans sales to-day 148 bales; gross receipts 2,138 bales. Futui*es—Market closed easy, with sales of 160,900 bales, as follows: July delivery l<> &)© 10 22c, August 10 21 ©lO 22c, September 9 51(0 9 52c, October 9 31 ©9 32c, November 9 26© 9 27c, December 9 25© 9 26c, Jauuary 9 27©9 28c, February 9 83© 9 35c, March 9 April 9 45© 9 46c, May 9 52© 9 63c Green A Cos. 's report on cotton futures savs: “The market has been irregular, with a show ing of strength on old crop ana weakness on later months. Early in the day August dropped some 7 points under tame account* from abroad. But there appeared to be a fear of some sort of manipulation, and the lnss was afterward recovered. The new crop, however, has been pretty freely offered throughout and shaded 1 4©1(> points, sellers appearing to be impressed with the favorable accounts from the South and shorting the market with a some what liberal method. At the close there was a small recovery, but not much improvement in the demand and feeling badly." Galveston, July 25. — Cotton dull; middling 9jkc; net receipts 51 bales, gross 51; sales 13 bales; stock 2,167 bales; exports coastwise 00 bales. Norfolk, July 23. —Cotton nominal; middling 101.4 c; net receipts none, gross none; sales 143 bates; stock 2,541 bales; exports coastwise 76 bales. Baltimore, July 23.—Cotton nominal; middling 11c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stockist bales. Boston, July 25.—Cotton steady; middling 10V£c; net receipts none, gross 552 bales; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, July 25.—Cotton nominal; mid dling IOV4C; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 538 bales. Philadelphia, July 25.—Cotton steady; mid dling 10%c; net receipts none, gross none; stock 15,722 bales. New Orleans, July 25.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 9%c; not receipts 1.268 bales, gross 1,263; sales 250 bales; stock 49,781 bales; exports to Great Britain 368 bal**s, coastwise 1,186. Mobile, July 25.—Cotton nominal; middling 9%c; net receipts 1 bale, gross 1; sales none; stock 822 bales. Memphis, July 25.—Cotton dull; middling receipts i4 hales; shipments 204 bales; sales bales: stock 6,795 bales. Augusta. July 2.. Cotton dull and nominal; middling receipts 1 bale: sales none. Charleston, July 25. Cotton quiet; middling lOV.p* bid. 10*4e asked; net receipts 1 bale, gross 1; sales 20 bales; stock 837 bales. Atlanta, July 25.— Cotton—middling 10>£c; receipts none. New York, July 25.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 1,324 bales; exports, to Great Britain 7,748 bales, to France 2,216, to the continent 733; stock at all American ports 198,375 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool, July 25, 12:30 p.m.—Wheat dull; demand poor; holders offer freely. Corn quiet; demand poor; new mixed Western 3s ll%u. New York, July 25, noon.—rlour dull and heavy. Wheat lower. Corn In-tter. Pork firm; mess sl6 25© 16 75. laird easy at $6 90. < >ld mess pork steady at sls 25©15 75. Freights firm. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern quiet but barely steady. Wheat p4©l!4c and options lower, closing heavy; No. 2 red, July delivery 78?£(5 79 9-16 c, closing at 78‘4<*; August 79L. / closing at 7964 c; September Corn quiet but steady; options opened heavy but closed steady; No. 2, July delivery 14©44Vn August 41 September 463-16© tfitke. Oats s4©3£cc lower; No. 2, 32*16©33; mixed Western 34©37c; No. 2, July delivery 32t$c. closing 3214 c: August September ; 40H©30>4C. Hops dull. Coffee, fair Rio, spot quiet at 20c; No. 7 Rio. July delivery 17 95c, Au gust IS 50c, September 18 4C©lB 60c. Sugar firm but quiet ; fair refining quoted at 4 9-16 c; re fined <iiiiet. Molasses nominal. Cotton seed oil quoted at 2T©3oc for crude, 10© 43c for re fined. Hides steady and quiet. Wool quiet and weak. Pork steady; mess sls 25© 15 75 for old, sl6 25© 16 75 for new. Beef dull. Middles dull and nominal. a trifle higher but trading light; Western steam, on spot $6 80© 6 90. choice $7, August delivery $6 98©6 95, Sep ternber $7 02©7 04. Freights dull; cotton 5-32 U; wheat. 3d. Chicago, July 25.—Wheat was l>earish at the opening to-day under free receipts and local un loading, but the market was not particularly active. August opened at 689gc, sold 68U|c. then at but reacted again. The same relative conditions were observed in other fu tures. September opened at fell back to 7014 c, advoucod to 70%, and again receded to 70%c. It was at this figure when the Secretary announced the visible supply as having made an increase of 605,000 bushels. September immedi ately dropped to 7044 c, but before 12:30 o'clock had picked up a small fraction. There was not muen in sight to bull wheat after this, as the whole crowd was not prepared for an increase of the visible supply, and on the strength of it considerable wheat was forced to a sale. Sep tember dropped to 70c a few minutes before tin* close and closed at 70©70V6c. August closed at. 6HUc. Corn opened higher and with a bullish feeling prevalent. August started at 37c, quickly sold up to 37tyc. More is now done in Septem ber corn than In nearer options. Prices in this were firm, because no rain has fallen in the corn belt, though everywhere else in the country it is moderately moist. September opened at 37H*<* fell to 37J4c, and then bulled up a full cent at the close and firm at 38Vie for September and for August. In this grain th*visible sup ply showed a decrease of 728,000 bushels Oats wen active early in the day. The feeling was quite weak, and for near futures there were declines of but this was afterward re coven'd. the market becoming more steady. Arrivals were very heavy, new oats arriving in excess of the demand and thereby unsettling the sj>eeulative feelings. September opened at 24 V4c. sold down to 24%c and up to 26V£c, closing at 24%c. Provisions were again stronger, and despite heaviness in wheat prices were stronger. Trading was heavy, but tna belief that several large packers were quietly buying short ribs through brokers, higher prices for hogs and corn caused holders to keep their products and scared shorts into covering, and although out side prices were not maintained, closing prices were at a net advance over Saturday's close of 2V£e on lard and 12Uc on short, ribs. Septemlrer lard sold at $6 70©6 75 and closed at $6 id. Sep tember ribs opened at $8 advanced to $8 22*4j. and closed with sellers at that price. Pork was slow and light transactions were made at lower prlce. (?ABli quotations today ruled as follows: Hour quirt, without quotable' change and steady. Wheat, No. ‘J spring 67t>4c; No. 3 spring nomi nal ; No. if red 76W*. Corn, No. 2, 3<*4<\ No. if, tf4c leard. per 100 lbs $6A714©6 60. Short rft> sides, loose, $H I0(7r Dry salted shoulders, boxed sf 60©*5 95; short clear sides, boxed. $s i}.*)©* 4<>. \Miisky $1 10. Leading futures r.tmcod as follows: Opening. lliKhesi. Closing. No. 3 NVhkat— July delivery.. 6f*J4 Wbi 07^4 AuKUHt delivery, 60 Hept. delivery... 70q Cork— July delivery.., 9716 .... August delivery. 87 87/$ 37W Sept, delivery... 37V$. 37*4 ;fi Oats— July delivery.... 34 .... .... August, delivery. 34{4 34Ui Sc*nt. delivery... Mem Fork Year sll 00 .... .... Laud— July delivery.... $6 60 $6 624 $6 574 August delivery. 660 6 62*4 6 (K) Sept, delivery.... 0 7*4 C 724 670 Short Hina - July delivery $H 05 $# 15 $# 124 Auxu-st delivery. KOS fi 15 124 Se|t delivery. 815 8 224 W Haltimori:, July 25.—Flour dull and nomi nally steady ; Howard street and Western giipcr flne $2 85©2 20. extra $3 00©3 75, family $4 00 ©4 10, city mills suj)erflne $2 50©3 00, extra $3 25©8 75; Kio brands $4 37©4 02. Wljeat r~ Southern easy sn<l fairh active; red HKit 7zt•; amber ftl©B4c; Wee tern lower but quiet; No. 2 winter hml. on spot and July delivery 784 c bid. Corn—Soul hern stexuly and firm; white 50©58c, yellow 47©48c; Western neglected. Bt. Loris. July 25.—Flour nulet and easy. Wlxoat —No. 2 n:d, cash7o4c: July delivery7oc; August 70©704c. Cora-oum 884 c. August de livery 884 c. Oatcaeh J*l4©2B>4C. .July de livery 23) ._)■/, 34c. Whisky at $lO5. Provisions firm: PorK trrcuiUar: new tuees at sls 50. Lard, JO 45. Pry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 75; long clear $$ lt. dear ribs (8 lv’U 8 25, short clear £8 37bj®S 50. Bacon—boxed shoulders $0 ‘S', ionp deiu' and clear ribs #0 oft 0 10. short clear 89 35@9 30. Hams steady at Ciscixx ati, July 73. — Hour lower ; family $3 ®8 as. Wheat heavy and lower; No. 2 red 78c. Corn in bet ter supply but lower ; No. 2 mixed 41L,®42c. Oats active but lower; No. 8 mixed, new 96c, old 73Vi>c. Provisions- I*ork in moder ate demand at $lO. Lard stronger at $C 3‘.’h, Bulk meats stronger: short ribs $$ 25c. Bacon tinner; sliort, ribs gw 83, short clear 89 50. Whisky active and Arm at 03. Hops steady. I, July 25.—Wheat No. 9 reit, 70c. Corn - No. 9 mixed 4(>e. Oats No. 8, ;!o<a.hOtjc, new outs 37c. Provisions firm: Bacon—clear rib sides 89 95, clear sides $9 50. shoulders 86 75. Bulk meats—clear rib sides $S 50, clear sides Js tk)t<; shoulders $0 00. Mess (x>rk nominal. Hauls, sugar-cured firm at llt.i@lß. Lard, choice leaf 8-6. New Orleans, July 95.—Markets unchanged. NAVAI. STORES London. July 95.—Spirits turpentine 25s 10t£d. Liverpool. July 25,12:30 p. in. Spirits tur pentine 90s tid. New York, July 95, noon.—Spirits turpentine dull at 31 t<jO. Kosin dull at $1 000 ! 10. 5:00 p. m.—Kosin dull at 8l 05©1 10. Tur pentine dull at 3H4C. Charleston, July 25. -Spirits turpentine firm, 2flc l)id. Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, July 95. Spirits turpentine quiet at 98tkc. Rosin dull; strained 80c, good strained Tar firm at 81 30. Crude tur pentine firm; hard $1 10, yellow dip $1 95; vir gin $8 00. RICE. New York, July 25.—Rice Arm. New Orle ans, July 95. — Rice unchanged. Fruit and Vegetable Market. The following special to the MornAi News is published for the beneAt of our Florida and Georgia readers and those interested in fruits and vegetables, and can be relied upon as accu rate and reliable: New York, July 25.—The Savannah steamer arriving to day brought only twenty-six car loads of melons, anil for choice s’O 'k prices are firmer at J3O 00@35 00 per hundred. Many are overripe, however, nud such lmv to be sold at low prices and will not pay to ship longer. !>■( ’onto pears continue in good demand at 81 50 <sjl2 00 per crate; 84 50@5 00 per barrel; Burt letts, $2 60@ 3 00 per el ate. G. S. Palmer. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sitn Rises 5:11 Son Sets 6:58 High Water at Savannah 12:00 m. 12:37 p u Tuesday, July 86, 1837. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Gate City, Taylor, Boston—C G An derson. Agent. Sohr Island City, Voorhees, Baltimore, with coal to Dixon & Murphy, and empty banvls to order; vss ! to Dale, Dixon ,V Cos. Steamer David Clark. Ustna. Femandina— C Williams, Agent. Steamer Katie. Bevill, Augusta and way land ings—.1 O Medlock, Agent. Steamer Seminole, Strobhnr, Beaufort, Port Royal and Bluff ton H A Sfcrobhar. Manager. Steamer (irace Pitt, Willetts, Beaufort, Port Royal and Bluftton—Master. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Wm 1 awrenee, Snow, Baltimore- Jas B West & Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel. Gibson, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. 5 "1 YESTERDAY. Steamship v. awrence, Baltimore. MEMORANDA. London, July 23 Aitived, steamship Hatfield Rr■ Bevan, Port Royal, SC. Montevideo, Tune 90 Sailed, hark Sed (Nor), Haur, Pensacola, Apalachicola, July S3—Arrived, brig Irene, Yates, Calves ton; schr Chas H Faliens, Curtis, Galveston. Boston. July 23—Arrived, schr Elia M Watts, Stevens, Brunswick. Darien, July 23 Arrived, schr Helen L Martin, Fountain, Philadelphia. Fernandlna. July 23—Cleared, schrs John R Fell, 1 loane. Fall River; Frank MeGear, Hender son, Baltimore. Fall River, July 23—Arrived, schr Belle O'Neil, Butler, Savannah. Pensacola, .July 16—Arrived up, ship Arvio (Rus), Wadman, Punta lara. 15th—Cleared, ship White Rose (Nor). Tofte, TiOndon; 16th, bark Athlet (Nor), Natvig, Lis bon; sclir Sallie I’on, West, —. 23d—Arrived, ship Canute (Br), Fraser, Liver pool; bark Agra (Nor), Auli, Montevideo; schr Jos Baker, Edton, Galveston. Arrived up. barks slarthn Birnie (Br). Noble, Buenos Ayres; Livingstone (Nor), Sakkestud, Rin Janeiro. Cleared, ship Adelaide Baker (Br), McGregor, phin; S,trail A Fuller, Hart, New York New York, July 25—Arrived, steamship De vonia, Glasgow. Arrived out. steamship City of Chester, from New York for Liverpool. RECEIPTS. per steamer Katie, from Augusta and way landings 7 bales sea island cotton, 1 lot staves, 114 bids spirits turpentine, 261 bbls rosin, 1 lot lumber, 12 cases eggs, 8 coops fowls, 9 calves, 1 horse and wagon. Per steamer David Clark, from Fernandlna 5 bales cotton. 20 bbls grease, 1 baby carriage, 5 bales hides. 1 bale wool. 1 pkg wax. 1 box bacon, 96 bbls spirits turpentine, 1 bbl aud 8 bxs pears, 342 bbls rosin. 215 empty barrels, 11 bars iron. Per Charleston and Savannah Kail wav. July 25—3 ears melons. 50 bbls rosin. 2 bales hides, 55 caddies tobacco. 30 hf caddies tobacco, 25 boxes tobacco, 2 cases boots and shoes, 1 case clothing, 3 boxes handles. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. July *5 1,078 bota rosin, 719 bbl* fptrlta turoen tine. 24 cars lumber. 3 cars coal, 2 cars wood, 1 car blocks. 255 cases matches, 9 bales bides, 2 bales wool, 11 pkgs li h goods, 3 bbls syrup. 21 axles, 3 sacks peas. 1 organ. 52 bbls vegetables, 15 pkgs mdse. 611 lioxes vegetables, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. July 25—8 bales cotton, 18 bales yarn, 18 bales domestics. 8 hales planls. 1 bale wool, 3 bales hides, 3-3 rolls leather, 2,455 lbs bacon, 1 pkg j>aper, 115 pkgs tobacco, 128 bbls spirits tur])entlne, 618 bbls rosin, 1 cur coal, 2,926 lbs fruit, 1 case eggs. 4 ears melons. 20 doz brooms, 200 sacks bran, 60 bales bay, 1 pkg wax, 5 bbls whisky, 30 pkgs h h goods, 11 cars luml>er, 1 car wood, 102 tons pig iron. 5 pkgN twine, 108 pkgs mdse, 4 pkgs carriage material, 9 bale-s paper stock, 3 pkgs empties, 74 pkgs hardware. EXPORTS. Per steamship Win Lawrence, for Baltimore 251 bbls rice, 1.468 bbls rosin, 57 bales domestics and yarns, 400 bbls spirits turpentine. 16,000 feet lumber, 32 bales paper stock. 17 rolls leather, 09 bdls hides, 168 pkgs fruit. 32S pkgs mdse. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Gate ('itv. from Boston—Mrs J Barry. Mlsh Durant, O M Tiffany. C A Hall, A C Hall, Mrs M E Brown. R C Stearns. Leo Taylor, Mrs Stearns, Mrs Curtis, C H Strickland, A P Engles ton. Per steamship Wm lAwrence, for Baltimore E Coleman, O W Oliver, K Poezolt ami wife, Harry Poezolt, F O Exlev, .Mrs Bailey, Miss Me Ilvaine. Miss L Lehigh, M W Diwon and wife, (l A Mnrr and wife. Mr and Mrs R W Atkinson and 2 children. K Y Atkinson, Ii Atkinson, Miss G Atkinson, Miss .! Atkinson. Per steamer Katie, from Augusta and way landings Miss Groover, O Gnann, R L McCall. J A Tisou. N A Patterson and wife, D K Bramble, T H Cassels, and 15 deck. per steamer David Clark. from Fernandina - F W Craner, Capt Gibson. Jacob Paulwn, A S liarnwell, J J Kirby, Hairy Poizedp, E Polzolp and wife, and 4 deck. CONSIGNEES. Per steamer Katie, from Augusta and wav landings Baldwin & Cos, II M (V>m r & Cos, D K Bramble, Peacock. H & (>), J P W illiams A: Cos, (Jhesnutt & O’N, VV ! Miller. J O Sullivan and Cos, Decker X. F. JllO Lawton. Lay <J. 1) B Ijester, A B Hull, A Ehrlich Si Bro, D Cox, E Ii Flood. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. July 25—Transfer Offic -. .j M Fuller, M Y Henderson. \. Gabel, A J Miller & Cos, J Rosenheim A: Cos, Harms AJ. M Ferst & Cos, Peacock, II Si Cos, Decker & F. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Hallway, July 25—Transfer Office. Lee Roy Myers & Cos, M Y Henderson, B Guckenbeimer &. 8011, f’ar rHsnter & B. Jno Lyons & Cos. A Einstein's Hons, McDonough Si Cos. Dale, D & (k>. Bacon, J A Cos, Ludden & B. H Myers A Bros, A Ehrlich & Bro, Epstein Si W, Hlrsch Bros, O Keteiksn & Cos, A Krauss, IJndsay & M, W K Hawkins, C L Jones, M Ferst & Cos, F M Hull, Gnwly DeL A Cos, G W Tiedeman, Peacck, H & Cos, w W Gordon A Cos, BaldwMn A Cos, Ellis, Y & Cos, J P Williams S. Cos, W C Jackson. Per Central Railroad. July 2ft—Fordg Agt. Wffsis A Cos,W r W Gordon & Cos, T P Bond & Cos, L l*utzel, A B Hull, O W Tiedeman, Frank & Cos, E Lovell & Bon, Eckman & V, H Myers A Bros, jkmdheirn Bros Si Go. I Kjishfin A Bro, B Cohen. H Solomon A Bon. G V Hector A Cos, F Carr, W C Jackson. Vale Royal Mf| Cos, Decker A F, J T Hhuptrtne A Bro, M Y Henderson. Gorrie M Ferst A Cos, Loflll A L M Boley A Bon, I) A Altick's Sons, Standard Oil Go. O *nedeniAn, Southern Colton (}i\ Cos, J McGrath A Cos, J P Williams A Cos. Weed AC. Stillwell. PA M, MeDouough A Cos, II A Cos, A H Chazu- Dioe. Per steamer David Clark, from Fernajidino— T Epstein &. Bro, I> Y Dancy, H Myers & Bros. C Kills, Ray & Q, Lee Roy Myers \ Cos, Weed & C, G W Tiedeman. Hlodmstf, M & Cos, W 0 Jackson. Grady. l*eL A. Cos, A i, Hull, Peacock, 11 A Cos, S Byek. Kills. Y A Cos, M Byek. Standard Oil Cos, S W Branch, ,1 1‘ Williams A Cos, M First A' Cos, M Y Henderson, W W Chisholm, Geo S Owens. M Blnibamn. Per steamship Gate City, from Boston— A R Alt mayor A Cos. S W Branch, Byek Bros, Byek A S, M Beley A Son, Bond, H S K, C R R, Collat Bros, W G Cooper, E Coo, 1 Dasher A Cos, W S Cherry A Cos, C Ellis, A Ehrlich & Bro, I> Ilogan, A Einstein's Sons, M Ferst A Cos, Flood FretwellA N. Garnett, S A t'o, Graham AH, Grady. Del, A Cos, Haven Home, Herman A K, A Kronas, Ktnan.iugh A B, Lindsay A M, H 11 Livingston, Ludden AB, N Lang. Lloyd &A. D P Myerson, McDonough A B. River Lt A W Cos. Meinliard Bros A Cos, Paterson. DA Cos, Mr Katie, J Rosenheim A Cos, Ga A Fla 1S 11 Cos, Southern F.x Cos. Southern Cotton nil Cos, G Treanor, F A Schwarz, PTubenly, S, FA W Ry, Savannah Steam Bakery, Vale Royal Mfg Cos, Solomons A Cos, Weed A C. A Pensioned Donkey. From the Portland Oregonian. A small old gray donkey, a regular “burro,” an animal familiar in mining re gions, but seldom seen here, passed through the city yesterday by express consigned to Mrs. J. R. Ward, Forest drove. A notice on the side of the crate informed the curious that the animal's name was “John Kellogg,” and that it was tlio pr<>perty of N. S. Kel logg, with whom it, shares the honor of dis covering the Bunker Hill mine, the richest mineral lode of the West. The story gres that the patient, faithful animal has shared with his master the toils of prospecting for many years, packing his bacon anti beans, his pick and shovel, and all his other belongings, sustaining himself on bacon gunnies, tin cans and what odds and etuis and crusts his kind master could provide, eked out by any vegetation which came to hand, or ratlin to mouth. While prospecting in tilt- Wardner Hills, Mr. Kel logg one day sat down to eat his luncheon ana the burro, probably tired of his wan dering, unsettled course of life, begun to paw away the snow and uncovered a crop ping of mineral. Mr. Kellogg wiped his lips, took ui) liis pick, and the rich discov ery of the Bunker Hill was made and his homestnke secured. Like ti thoughtful, kind-hearted man, he determined his faithful burro should sltaro his good luck, and so he sent the animal by express all the way to Forest drove, there to revel in the clover the remainder of Ids days. The little animal, as it stood in the Wells, Fargo A Co.’s yard, attracted much attention. He had gorged himself on oats and stood in the shade a picture of content, carelessly dirking a fly off his rump with oue ear and another from Ins fetlock with the other. The hair was all wont off his back, and he looked rough anti shaggy, but he has earned his rest, and it is to bo hoped he may long live to enjoy it. Advice to Motners. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little suffer at once; it produeos natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain and the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re lieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. 115 cents a bottle. GAS FIXTURES, HOSE, ETC. JOHIMCOLSON, Jr. DEALER IN Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ and JVI ill Suppli es. ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam Packing, SHEET GUM, Hydrant, Stsam and Suction HOSE. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps tIO .-mil Ufi I M-rivton St. BROKERS, aT l. TIA IIT RII kJeT BEOUKITY BROKER. BUYR AND KRLI,S on commitwlon all claraes of Storks and Bonds. NeffotiuU*# loans on marketable NecuritieK. Now York quotations furnished by private ticker every flrteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Brokers. ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. 19 COMMERCIAL BUILDING. PEACHES! Received in large quanti ties daily. In packages to suit all buyers. For Sale Very Cheap A. H. CHAMPION. PAINTS AM) oil,*. JOHN G BUTLER, Al/HITK LEAPS, COLORS, OILS, GLASS, VV VARNISH, ETC: HEADY MIXED PAINTS: RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, SASHES, DOORS, RLINDS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Sole Agent for OEOKOIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia, 1865. riIKIS. MURPHY, 1865. House, Sign and Ornamental Painting I EXECUTED NEATLY and with dispatch. j PtuntH, Oil, VuniisheH, ItriiHheH, W indow (iliiKwM, etc., etc. Estimates furuiidjod outp plication. CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON 8T8„ Rear of Chrint Church. I’XDKRTAKER, UNDERTAKER DKALKK IN ALL. KIKDA OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, 43 Bull street. Residence 59 Liberty street. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. TRUNKS AND SHOES. Our trunks Have Arrived, And we are read}” to show you the largest assortment ever brought to Savannah. If you propose to take a summer va cation don’t wait until you are ready to leave, but come around to see us at once and make your selection while our assortment is complete. Trunks, Trunks. Ladies’ Louisa Leather Saratoga Trunks, Ladies’ Lady Washington Leather or Zinc Saratoga Trunks, Gents’ Sole Leather Trunks, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Satchels, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Club Hags. All styles and at Rock Bot tom Prices. Don’t Fail to examine our Gents’ Calf $.5 Shoes, in Con gress, Lace and Button, best in the city, at JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO.’S POPULAR SHOE STORE, 135 BROUGHTON STREET. N. B. The repairs in our store having been completed we are again ready for business. WATER COOLERS RANGES AND STOVES. JUST H I XAidIVMli -A_HSrOTHER LOT OF WATER COOLERS, Artistically Decorated, Plated Lever Faucets, at the Following Low Priees: IV6 Gallons. 2 Gallons. 3 Gallons. 4 Gallons. 6 Gallons. 90c. $1 60. $1 85. $2 20. $2 80. Also Watering Pots, with Drfaehahlc Rose. 2 Quarts. 4 Quarts. 6 Quarts, 8 Quarts. 10 Quarts. 12 Quarts. 18 Quarts. 30c. 35c. 45c. 55c. 65c. 75c. $1 15. And Refrigerators, Kerosene Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly. Fans, Hair Dusters, Feather Dusters and the Celebrated Charter Oak Ranges and Stoves, With Wire Gauze Oven Doors. The Construction of Which Equalizes the Heat In all Parts of the Oven. For Sale by CI.AKKK A DANIEI^, Guards Armory, Corner Whitaker and York Streets. TELEPHONE 284. FRUIT AND GROCERIES. Errs m o 3sf s. Cabbages, Potatoes, Onions. 30,000 bushels CORN, 15,000 bushels OATS, HAY, BRAN, GRITS, MEAL, STOCK FEED. Grain and Hay in carload a specialty. COW BEAK, all varieties. RUST PROOF OATS. Our STOCK FEED is prepared with tfreat , are and is just. the thing for Horws aDd Mules in this weather. Try it. T. P. BOND & CO., Ids Hay Street. CABBAGE. NORTHERN CABRAGE. ONIONS, POTATOES, LEMONS, COW PEAS, TABLE PEAS, FEED MEAL THE BEST COW FEED, EYES, BRAN, CORN, OATH ANI) HAY. GET OUR CAR]J)AD TRICES. 169 BAY. W.D. SIMKINS & CO. SARDINES, 100 CASES AMERICAN SARDINES. FOR HALE BY C. M. GILBERT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE CHEAPEST place TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDR, FINE STERLING SIL VER WARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to he found at A. L. Desbouillons, 21 BULL STREET, the dole agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warranted as represented. Opera Glasses at r'ost. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. .A.. 18. HULL, Wholesale Grocer, Floor, Hay, Grain and Provision Dealer. rr'RKHH MEAL and GRITS lu white socks. Mill Ktu 17;: of nil kinds always on liaud. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS; every variety. Special prices cur load lots HAY and GRAIN. Prompt at tention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, 8 BAY. WAREHOUSE, No, 4 WADLKY STREET, on line Central Railroad. BA N K*. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Bio. , CAPITAL - - - *.’50,000 TRANSACT a regular banking business Give (•articular attention to Florida collections. •Corresiiondetieo solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Oriouue, Savannah and Jock eonville, Fla. Resident Agents for Coutta A Cos. and Moiville, Evans &Oo of London, Engnud. * New York correspondent: Tbo acuhvarj National Bank. -— j AG KICU LTU HAL 1M PL E M ENTS. 11 garden: Lawn Mowers, Three Sizes, Ladies’ Garden Hoes, Hand Plows, Hedge Pruninng Scissors and Knives, Garden Trowels and Weeders, Fountain Pumps, Rubber Hose and Reels, —FOR BALE BY Palmer Bros 14ft and 100 Conyraas Street. PUBLICATIONS. i TIE WILMINGTON STI REDUCTION IN PRICED Attention In called to the following reduced rate# of HiibHcription, cah in advance: THE DAILY STAR. One Year $6 otf Six Month* 8 00 Three Month* f M One Mouth ga THK WEEKLY OTAR. One Year $1 fXJ Six Month* go Three Month* 30 Our Telegraph New* eerviee ha* recently been largely increu*ed. and it i* our detennliiaitfon to keep the Htar up to the hlyheHt etuudard oC newspa|>er excellence. Address WM. H. BERNARD, Wihriingtou, N. C. IRON WORKS. McDoilll & MailJH IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmith^ MANUFACTURERS OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. AGENTS for Alert and Union Injectors, th simplsKt and most effective on the markets Gullett light Draft MagnoUa Cotton Gin, thi best in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price List. S l ot K FEED. SEED PEAS, Keystone Mixed Feed, —AND— All Kinds of Feed For Horses and Cattle, Sold By G.S.McALPIN 172 BAY STREET. NURSERY.” KIESUNG’S White Bluff Road. TANARUS) CANTS, BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, COT 1 FUiWers tmroMfvfto ordsr. Lease orw oarsat DAVIS HMOHAeonteußun and York streeti*. Tol—kew rdHRI 7