The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 02, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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A WOMAN'S DOUBLE LIFE. A Strange Case Recalled by that of the Chicago Girl who Lostiier Memory. From the Neui York Sun . Hakrisbvro, Pa., July Si.—“l read re cently,” said a resident of Crawford county, this State, “the account of the curious im pairment of memory reported in the case of Miss Houtaling, the Chicago young lady, and while it must be that the case is an ex traordinary one, there died in Crawford county a few years ago a lady who pre sented oue far more extraordinary and mys terious in its nature. Her name was Marv Reynolds. She was a daughter of John Reynolds, one of the early settlers of the county. She was at the age of 10 a young lady of superior accomplishments and of a vivacious nature. At that ago she was pros trated with a nervous disease which left her blind, deaf, and speechless. She re mained in that condition for about a month when she recovered her sight and hearing. Her mind was as strong as ever, and she had recovered her physical health and strength, when one morning about two months after regaining her sight and hear ing, she awoke with all recollection of every thing she ever knew entirely gone. Her speech, however, had returned to her, but her utterances were imperfect and strangely constructed. Her mind was apparently us sound as it had over been, but she did not know her parents nor any of her relatives or friends. She could not name a single letter of the alphabet, and had forgotten the use of written language. She had always been a famous housekeeper, but all her knowledge of domestic employment was gone. She did not know the use of a broom, and a kettle boiling on the stove was a source of wonder to her. She remained in this strange condition for over a month, when she awoke with all her original con sciousness. Bhe had passed out of her period of lost memory during the night. All re membrance of the weeks she had boon in that state was gone. The period was an entire blank to her. Ail the knowledge and attainments which she had forgotten during that period returned to her. While she {tad been in the state of second nature, as it might be called, various things had been taught to her. Kho remained in her natural condition only three weeks when she lapsed into the other stnteugain, and as before for got, everything pertaining to her natural state. What she had learned during her lirst lapse canto back to her in the second. The three weeks’ lucid interval was a blank to her. “These lapses continued at irregular in tervals for a period of twenty-five years. Sometimes she would be in one condition for months, and then change for months into tli! other. Sometimes the lapses would be but for a few hours. Most of the time sne remained in the second condition. The changes always took place in her sleep. In passing from her unnatural into her natural life no evidence of the change was percepti ble, but in changing to the other way her sleep was such that nothing could awaken her until the transposition of natures had taken place. The sleep was, in fact, almost suspended animation, and frequently lasted twenty-four hours. As she had no conscious ness when in one condition of ever hav ing heeiLinthe other it was long before she cametp remits it through the statements and affirmations of her friends. When she came to fully appreciate the situation in which she was placed she could foretell days liefore the (Treaded change to the sec ond condition came that it was approach ing, and at first she always bade all her rel atives uud friends a tearful farewell, fear ing that she might never awaken from the longj. doffth-like sleep. As the years passed, however, and the transitions be came familiar to her, their approach was no longer attended by the solemn apprehen sions. t “In the course of time Miss Reynolds ac quired as much knowledge in her unnatural state as she had in her natural. Her brother taught her to write in the former. He gave her a sentence which he had written to copy, She took the pen and copied the words, but wrote with her left hand, and from right to left. A singular circum stance connected with her was that any thing could lie taught to her with greater ease while she was in her lapsed condition, and that in that condition she wrote charm ing verses, a gift she did not command in her natural state. Likewise she was of a most imaginative nature in her second con dition, with a wit extremely keen, and pos sessed remarkable conversational powers. In her natural state she was quiet and thoughtful. She formed most peculiar and strong dislikes in her lapses against those who were her best and most intimate friends in her natural life. For -more than twenty years she was a teacher in the public schools of Crawford county. For several years before her death she had lived with out lapsing into her second, or unnatural, condition. Relatives of hers live in the vicinity of Meadville and Titusville yet, I believe.” STOMACH TINKERING. The Disposition of Man to take Liber ties with a Patient Friend. Fi om the New York Sun. ‘‘There is nothing on which n man experi ments oftener than his stomach,”said a New York gentleman who is old enough to have dys]pniu and young enough to hope to be cured. "A man will tinker with his stomach when he wouldn’t think of interfering with his clerk or bookkeeper in his store. Yet he uus been in business all his life, and prob ably could take the place of his bookkeeper to-morrow. The bookkeeper has work to do, and so long ns he does it well his employer doesn't come around with anew system or a ucov style of books every week or two and nnve the bookkeeper switched off. That’s hot the way to do business; but the very 'uua who wouldn't potter around with lus employes goes experimenting on himself whi n he doesn’t know what, if anything, is the matter with him. " I'here’s a thing I read in the Sun a few weeks ago thut a man should drink a few pints of hydrant, water immediately on get ting up in the morning. Now let me give s”u a list of the things that, a man should take into his stomach the first thing every morning. I've authority for all these;some . a y° been told me by my friends, the ma joiity I have seen in the paiiors, which have recently done u good deal in this good for the stomach in the morning line: A pinch of salt in it* water. Ati uspoonful of salt in water as hot as you can tale it. A cold lemonade very sweet. •i'll IC..IUH juice with suit. tut n lemon without drinking anything. A cocktail, Strong coffee, lea and toast. juice of three oranges. A mw egg, j'igs. licet' tea. Immediately on gelling up take a hard crack aid devote five minutes to masticating it “feebly. lake a tepid bath and absorb water through a-pores of your skin. This will make you ac l| vi; mid limber all day. UM-feise till you arc la a sweat. Then drink ,/ u 7' Unit bus been bulled, thus making sure of death of any germs. • “That, in only a start on tho list. Thore s a'fascination in it to me. 1 want to try '•i 'll one of those directions and see what u'i's t it, ban on me. Every wok or so 1 see new one, and I cxiierimoiit with that, hem must lie somethin;; gool In them for ' inch,sly, w ) ul | i want to know is why " they such a fascination for most men I ny must a man always be tinkering with | s stomachf There are hundreds of patent i' dieitiets, and the pi oprietors of all Of them e growing rich. It nos gone so far that h ' cut medicines arc advertised tocoun “lacttbe effect of injuries and impure taken under the guise of tonics. Next i':ro will lie now patent medicines to coun -1,1 act the effects of these. All these modi i,!! 1,1 vc “ big sale. There seems to tie an a . '!" i la a man’s stomach, like a child’s •sire for every new toy, that makes him 1(1 give his stomuch un experience nr ' c . vel y new medicine ho hoars of hvahoA* 1 * friends uud newspapers “It sometimes seems to lee that mortal spirit of mankind that formerly had an outlet in cracking some one’s head with a battloax or jabbing lances at each other on holidays now vents itself in making a battleground of a man’s stomach. One friend says: “Old fellow, you’re not looking well. Dyspepsia again? Well l know just the tliing tor it. Take a Dint of boiling water every morning. Brace you up. Make you feel like anew man, ’ “Next friend cornea along, says same thing, only cold water. Another man says some patent mineral water. Try them all. My stomuch is the most precious tiling about me. If it is out of order. I’m no good, vv hen it’s in tine trim I’m chipper. If I were going to invest 10c. in a scheme I’d want to know what it was and what return I’d get before I'd put my money in. Still, I try any number of experiments on mv stomach, and scores of other men that I know do the same thing. Isn’t a man’s stomach more precious than his money? I wonder what weakness of human nature it is that makes him more careful of the wrong one. Is it curiosity or a hankering after something new?” THROWING DICE. A Form of Gambling That is Growing in Favor Everywhere. From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The habit of dico shaking appears to have superseded all other forms of gambling in St. Louis at present, and not only in the city but all through the State is this tho case. The course of the wonderful prev vulenee of dice shaking is to be found in the gambling laws, which have been en forced in St. Louis more rigidly perhaps than in any other large city of the Union. “I used to think nobody played dice but negroes,” said a man who has a saloon and no less than six sets of dice for the accom modation of his customers, “but I’ve got to think dice is a pretty good white man’s game. It’s a great game. In tho first place, it’s square. There’s nothing in it but dead luck, and everybody in the game has an equal show.” “There is no cheating in it, then, is there ?” the reporter inquired. “Well, there may be. There are what are known as ‘hold outs.’ For instance, a man throwing the dice out the first time throws three aces and two other numbers. ,By a dexterous movement he can turn one of the other numbers over until the ace is up, grab that in position in his little finger, throw the the other dice in the box and shake it. As he puts down the box and lifts it up ho loaves the dice he ‘holds out’ on the table, ace up. Then there are certain men who can palm dice very nicely and deposit them on the counter with any number up they desire. Cogged dice—that is, dice that are loaded to turn up certain numbers—have been used, but the rankest, ‘chump’ can catch on to a cogged dice in no time, and when there are three or four in a game a man has to chain lightning to work tho hold-out to any extent. Most games, how ever, are on the square, and a hold-out is no good if the players insist that the dice be rolled out of the box, instead of the box simply being inverted with the dice under it ” “What is the favorite game?” “It depends. There is a good deal of sin gle dice shaken—that is, one dice is shaken with ace high, and deuce low. It’s a rapid game. One shake apiece among the players and high man goes out. Then the shake passes around again until the last two in, shake off. They cgn shake it off at a sin gle throw or dash, or they can shake horses, which means liest two out of three. You and I shake, say we’re the last two; I win the first threw, that’s a horse on you. We shake again and you win, that’s a horse on me. That’s horse mid horse. Next shake the winner wins the game, and the other man is stuck. Then there’s a game in which three dies are used, the ace counting 100, tho spots 60. There are three throws. If a man should throw three aces first throw, he lets up. That’s as much as he can get. Tho other man’s only chance is to tie tlie throw. If the first man throws and aco, and the other two dies turn up anything except six he throws them again. On the last of the three throws the numbers outside of six count. If a man throws an ace on the first dash, a six on the next, and a five on the next he makes 100. Poker dice is the game, though. You use five dice in that, and the spots count just as in poker, except that as a general thing straight’s don’t count. Three of a kind heats two pair, a full hand beats threes, fours beat a full hand, and fives can’t tie beaten except by a higher range of fives. Five aces are not lieatuhle. Ace is high deuce low. There’s lots of fun in poker dice, and some skill in determining what a man shall throw to. It is very often a better policy to throw to travs than to aces or to deuces than to sixes, but all these things a man can only tumble to hy experi ence. There are other ways of tossing dice for money, such as betting how long it will take to throw all the numnors from ace to five with live dice. A man may do it in the first throw, in three throws, or it may take him twenty. It's the some way with throw ing five of'a given kind. I’ve seen a man shake fifty-three times trying to throw five aces, and I’ve seen another man threw them in a single throw. It’s luck and noth ing else. Skinners have little show be cause no man who runs dice in his house wants his customers done up hy a crook. A man with a streak oC bad luck will go broke soon enough without having the dico ‘mon keyed’on him.” Luck is believed in, bv all dice gamblers, but the dice gambler, like his fellow of the faro table, has his little superstitions. He’ll ask a negro to touch his dice for him. He’ll kick if some unlucky party—in the phrase of the class a Jonah—touches them. Certain numbers he'll believe ill, and others he wouldn’t shake to if he was to lose his head on the dash. A game at the Planters’ House bar the other evening illustrated how this supersti tion on numbers clung to a man. It was a game remarkable in the first place because it was at the hotel bar, where a few years ago a dice box was regarded as a plebeian institution; in the second place because the dice throwers were high rollers. It started among a party who shook lor a bottle of wine. They shook for two bottles of wine. Tliry got ti> shaking for $5 and $lO “a crack.” The money went up and camo down rapidly; it wusu t put. on the counter, but the loser just paid over to the winner after overv shake. In addition to tho game for tho regular stakes there were bets on tho outside—hots that certain players would not beat a certain throw. One man tat that another would not heata certain throw, fours. The wager was a suit of clothes. The thrower threw trays and lost, wrote out the order for a suit, anil the winner lilt laughing The los<*r of tliufc lh*t lost on tLio regular siukc ntaut $25. The ganv stopmxi aismt 12 o’clock. One man was loser on the night’*amusement only hut ho said that ho wus really only $l2O out, as ho had beaten the others out ot $550 some nights before. In this gnme there was ono man who had a pronounced aversion to t hrowing to sixes. “They’re Jonahs for mo," he said. “I’d rather throw to deuces,” and several times he discarded good layouts ot sixes for poor little deucos, and really seemed to tx> able to throw deuces tatter than any other Fives are favorite nutntars with dice shakers. In addition to peculiar Uv liefsas to numbers, there are taliots as to the way to handle the box. Home men never throw the #OO without blowing on them. Other* always blow on a dice that rolls on the floor. Home men would not shake dice if they couldn’t rap the bottom of the box on toe counter two or three times and many believe that they cuff cliaiip their luck by shif ting the box in shaking from one hand to another. The most ridiculous suisTstitlon ever observed, though, was that of u prominent lawyer who, when ill a los ing streak, discarded the dice boa and be gan shaking the iallies out of his plug hat. Whether there wa* any peculiar virtue in the hut is net known, but lie pu led out of his bad luck and quit the particular game in which he was playing about $W and as inauy Oriuki ahead. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. AUGUST 2, 1887. CHEAP ADVERTISING. O?iE CENIjV WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to seen re,; indeed,an y wish to gratify, should adx'erfise in this column. ~ i'KRSI) N Ah. JOHNNIE.— “When you die will you will me your whislcerat’’ KATE. HELP WANTED. YV T ANTED, druggist,; a young man with TV three or more years' experience; good position to the right man. J. T. SHUPTRINE & BRO., 185 Congress street-, city. WJ ANTED, bookkeeper who Is steady, sober Vv ami reliable: give reference anil state salary wauled. Address BOOKKEEPER, this office. AGENTS WANTED.—’’HaII’ 1 Typewriter, lY price S4O. WostsaJeahle and nest writer made. References. U. W. lUIiULE, General Agent, Macon, Ga. WANTED, a man of temperate anil moral >V habits, seeking employment, to represent an old established house in his own section; salary S7O to SIOO nor month; references ex acted. AM. MANUFACTURING HOUSE, 1(1 Barclay street, New York. IF S4O bui s a first c ass Type-Writer, why pay morel The “Hall’’ is unexcelled, and whs at S4O. Agents wanted. References. G. W. KIBBLE, General Agent. Macon, Ga. EM I’I.OYM ENT W A NTEIK \ YOUNG LADY of experience desires to ol> tain a position as cashier, assistant book keeper or to do other office work; credentials can tie given as to capacity and character. Ad dress At, care News. \\r ANTED, hy the Jsth. a position as assistant it bookkeeper; references given. Address G., care Morning News. ANTED, by a white woman, position as VV cook; good references given. Address COOK, this office. MI-dELI.ANEOI'S WANTS. TIT ANTED, a nicely furnished south room by VV a young man. Address R., this office. ROOMS TO RENT. IAOR RENT, nicely furnished room 4OCC Taylor 1 street, between Bull and Drayton streets. HOUSE* ANl* MoltEs FOR BENT. I NOR RENT, two-story wooden tenement on brick basement south side McDonough street, lis tween Montgomery and West Broad; possession given immediately. Apply at ill El bert square. IrtOU RENT, four-story house 158 State street. 1 JOHN a. SCHLEY. N'OTICE-FOR RENT, from Oct. Ist, the large and commodious house lately occu pied by Judge Emory Sneer, fronting Pulaski Monument, corner Bull and Taylor; the choicest location in town. Also, an eight-room house in same location, with all the late im provements towards pleasure and comfort. For particulars refer to JOHN LYNCH, Grocer, Whitaker and Taylor. 17'OR RENT, from Oct. Ist. that delightfully 1’ located residence, Drayton street, facing the Park Extension, rad now occupied by David Weisbein. Esq., having all modern improve ments and the handsomest rooms in the city. Only remionslble parties need apply to S. KROURKOFF. Broughton street. T-iOR RENT, new built house, with modern f improvements; gas iixtures, cooking ranges, hot anu cool water; rent moderate. SALOMON COHEN. ________ I TOR RENT, three story brick house on Macon, between Habersham and Priee streets. E. J. KENNEDY, corner Hall mnl York streets. TT'OR RENT, brick store corner William and I Farm streets. Inquire of WM. SCHEM ING. Liberty and Drayton. JTOR RENT, 14(i Hull, on northwest corner of Whitaker. Apply to Dn. PURSE, HO Liberty street. ~ FOR SALE. FOR SALE, twelve-horse power Engine and Boiler, English Gin and Upland Cotton Gin, with self-feeder and condenser; Cotton Press, Grist, Mill, Shafting, Bolting, etc.; above ma chinery aro nearly new. Inquire at FISCHER BROS ', Market square. I TOR SALE, one Tubular Boiler anil one Steam 1 Cylinder; suitable for a dye house; will sell oh reasonable terms. Address GEO. R. DODGE. lH'.l New Houston street. IAOR SALE, twenty shares Chatham Real Es tate and Improvement Company and three shares Southern Mutual, Series B. Address R., this office. I VOR RALE, stock drags and fixtures in one of 1 the Le t towns in Central Georgia. Bus - ness w 11 esta 1 ) ishoir anil can be in reused. Store well situated. A flue opportunlt ■ for anyoua desiring to engage in that line of busi ness. For information address DRUGGIST, cure Savannah News, Savannah, Ga. i~TOR SALE. ROSEDEW Lots. on Front street along the river and 600 feet deep, al $125, payable $45 cash and sl2 50 every six months, with interest. FIVE-ACRE Lots in the TOWN OF ROSEDEW, with river privileges, at SIOO. payable S2O cash and $5 every three mouths, with interest. Apply to Da. FALI.IUANT, 151 South Broad street, 0 to 10 a. m. dally. I TOR SALE. Laths, Shingles, Flooring, Ceiling, 1 Weatherhoarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and Fast Broad streets. Telephone No. 211. REPPARD A CO. ‘ L< )ST. rOST, Lemon and White Setter: was cllpiied j and Is just feathering nut. When delivered at 15l Liberty street will be rewarded without questions being asked. SUMMER RESORTS. '""j MADISON AVENUE, NEW ‘r perior board. Eligible rooms. Moderate prices. Many Southern references. / \(’EAN VIEW. St. Simon's Island, (la. House I / in hundred yards from Reach, fine Surf Bathing. Steamer Egmont from Brunswick lands on the beach tw ice daily. Board $2 per week. A. F. ARNOLD. PHOTO!EKAPH Y, O PEUIAL NOTICE- PfIOTOGRAPHY Price* is reduced Pelites $l 50, Cards $2, Cabinet $8 i>er dozen, anil larger work in the same pro portion. J. N. WIIJsON, SI Bull street. Remember, launey - a ooebkl make life-size crayons, handsomely framed, for SIS; other sizes aiid kinds for,it song,and if you can’t sing they sing for you. 111 Broughton street, Savannah. M!M ri.l.AMil It'S. Xi rANTED, everybody hi send orders*for fine, Vv rijs". juicy Bartlett Pears from Jasper Spring isi per I umbel delivered; to E. W. BROWN, 185 Broughton street. MOTHERS use and recommend ''Boraclne" I localise it: is a superior and highly per fumed toilet powder. I SATING PEARS and Cooking Pears. Onions ’z and fresh Kgg-t for sale uy W. INMAN MILLER. 200 Bay street. \ LARGE ASSORTMENT of lino Toilet Articles at reasonable pricos, at G. M. HF.IDT A CO.’S. DEAR .AUGUSTUS: When you call to-mor row night bring tho Midsummer Puck. It is just lovely. MARY JANE. lIUBBEUS, or Tennis Shoos, a full line 'just t received, at G. M. HF.IDT A CO.’S. IIICR PLANTER’S NOTICE Fine lot Texas It Horses and Mules nl COJCB STABLES. This stock has teen satisfactorily tiled by sev eral rice planters. * / k RETURN TUBULAR BOILERS and Elf ‘ glues cheap and good. GEO. R. LoM BARD A 00., Augusta, (in. (ifmD LUCK will follow every washerwoman JT tlmt uses linsjks’ Bosket Soup. eq II p. RETURN Tt ULLAP BOILER for (U sale cheap. GLO. i>. LOMBARD A CO., Augusta. On. _____ \l v AM>.D, everyli.sly to buy BnbblH's “17” t A Washing Powder. Issants* If ts superior to all other Brands. iI.Ai 1 ' !i 1' GikU. U. LOMBARD & CV , Auguste, Ga,, LUIIDEN A BATES S. M. 11. L.&B.S.M.H. The Longest Pole Knocks the Persimmons TT7E OFFER BETTER INSTRUMENTS, \\ LOWER PRICES and EASIER TERMS than can be offered by any other house in out line. and In consequence we are flooded with orders and correspondence requiring Knights of Labor AND Days of Toil to keep up with the rush. Can it be possible that in this hot weather, with the thermometer so high as to endanger its safety, that people are really purchasing Pianos ana Organs? YEA. VERILY YEA! If you have any doubt.s as to this, call in and let us show you indisputable proofs of what we say, and convince you that orders at homo and from abroad aro ACTUALLY CROWDING US. Wo otter you a superb liuo from which to select. Cliickering, Mason & Hamlin, Mathushek, Bent & Cos., jml Arion Pianos. Mason & Hamlin, Packard and Bay State Organs. NEW Organs $24, Pianos $2lO Second Hand Pianos and Organs Almost Given Away, to Make Room for New Stock. BIG BARGAINS AT Luddcn & Cates Southern Music House, SAVANNAH, GA. GROCERIES. Best Raspberry Vinegar, Qt. Bottles, -60 c Best Lime Juice, Quart Bottles, -35 c Best Syrups, Pin! Bottles, - * -45 c Best Vauilla, 4-Ouncc Bottles, - • 25c Best Essence Lemon, 4-Ounce Bottles, -20 c Hood Essence Vanilla, per Bottle, -10 c Good Essence Lemon, per Bottle, - -10 c Good Turkish Prunes, per Pound, • 5c AT NICHOLAS LANG’S, _ BARNARD STREET. L E M O N S~ Cabbages, Potatoes, Onions. 30,000 bushels CORN, 15,000 bushels OATS, HAY, BRAN, GRITS, MEAL, STOCK FEED. Grain and Hay in carload a Kuevialty. COW PEAS, all varieties. RUST PROOF OATS. Our STOCK FEED is prepared with great care and is just the tiling for lloraes and Mules in this weather. Try it. T. P. BOND & CO.,’ 1.55 Hay street. PEACHES! Received in large quanti ties daily. In packages to suit all buyers. For Sale Very Cheap A. H. CHAMPION. IE 5 O T _A_ TOES. Long Island Potatoes. Onions, Cabbage. Cow Peas. Seed and Feed Peas. Hay, Grain. Bran, Eyes, Etc. Gt}t our prices on large lots of Grain and Ilay before buying. 189 BAY ST. W.D. SIMKINS & CO. NEW CHEESE. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY C. M. GILBERT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. IRON WORKS] McMoiil & SuS IRON FOUNDERS, Machinist*, Boiler Makers and Blacksmith.!, MXNCFAOTUItBHU Or— STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP-RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. A GENTS for Alert ami Union Injector*, tlie i \ Himnlest and uio*t effective on the market; G illicit Light Droll Magnolia Cotton Giu, the beet in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price Lint. I N IJERT’A ii Kit. VV . I> . Di x b nT~ UN DERTAKER UKAfzKtt IH ALL KJNUri OK COFFINS AND CASKETS, 43 Bull etreet. KcKidenoe 59 Ijlierty >trueL bAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 1C E ! Now is the time when every body wants ICE, and wo want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. I O E Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful uml polite service. Full ami liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. I-li ST. MOLASSES. OLD TIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES -AT- A. M. & (', W, WEST'S. FHINTRn AND BOOKWKDXB. ORDERS FOR RULING, PRINTING, BINDING, OR BLANK BOOKS, Will always have careful attention. GEO. N. NICIIOES, PRINTER AND BINDER, of, Hay Street. PETITIONS FOB INCORPORATION. OTATK OF GEORGIA, Chatham (Wm-y. To O tlio Rutierior Court of said county: The petition of CHARLES A. COX, tIFORCE O RENTON, mid WILLIAM lUeIIARRIE. of Forest City Luilyi' No. 1, Knights ot Pythias; EDWARD J. GRADY, JAMES NAYLOR, Jr., and FREDERICK ENSFIELD, of Mrytle Lodge No. 6, Knights of Pythias: RICHARD F. HAR MON, WILLIAM A WALKIit, JAMES T. WELLS, of Exoolsior Lodge No 8, Knights of Pythias; and JACOB E FREEMAN, GEORGE If. MILLER, and J. U. SCHWAR/.BAUM, of Calunthe Lorlgu No. US, Knights of Pythias, re spect Cully shows that they, with such Other per sons as are or may lac associated with them, de sire to he iueorporated under the name of THE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HALL ASSOCIATION. That the object of said incorporation und the principal business which they propose to carry on is to own a hall, with stores thereunder, in the city of Savannah, the property to be used for the beuelit and profit of the stockholders und members of the corporation by lieing rented to societies and Individuals for private business or public entertainment; and to hold und own such real and personal property as may lie nec essary to carry out sai l object and purpose. Your petitioners further show tliat the amount of capital stock to lie employed by them, ac tually paid in, is the sum of Three Thousand (HB.OOOI Dollars, wit h the privilege of increasing the same from time to time to any sum not ex ceeding Fifty Thousand ($50,000) Dollars; that the par value of each share of said capital stock Is to be Fifty (#SO) Dollars. Your petitioners further show that the princi pal office mid place of doing business of said corporation is to be in the city of Savannah, In said Stale and county; that they desire to bo in corporated os aforesaid for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal, and with full power in said corporate name to hold real and personal property, the same to control, Im prove, sod, lease or mortgage; to frame and adopt such by-laws and regulations, with power to a ter and amend tlie same at pleasure; to ap point such oflteers for the management and direction of the affairs of said corporation, and with such powers ils they may deem necessary, not contrary to the Constitution of the Mate or Georgia or the United Mates: ami to huve and use a common seal and enjoy and exercise all other rights and privileges usually.possessed aud exercised by such corporations. Wherefore your petitioners (tie this their peti tion und pray mi order grain iug this their uppll cation und making them a body politic und cor porate under the name und style uforesa 11, for the object and pmqrase above stated, with the eons,rule powers, rights and privileges afore said, uml all other powers, rights and privileges Incident to a corporation, or conferred upon them by tbe lau vof Gils State. R. D. WALKER, Ja., Attorney for IVt if loners. Fled In office and recorded this 15tli duy of July, 1887. BARNARD E. BEE, C lerk 8. C., C. C. LEGAL SALES. Office Hiikiui k ok City Court of Savannah, I August Ist. 1887. ( tJNDER and by virtue of an execution issuing i out of the honorable the City I iourt or HuvauDuli, ut the July term thereof, lu favor of THE SAVANNAH REAL ESTATE COMPANY und against PH<EBE ANN HARVEY, 1 have levied on the following property as the property of said PHCEBK ANN HARVEY, to-Wit: All that lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying aud being 111 said county and Slate, mid known as subdivision “C" of lots forty four and forty five (41 and 48) Middle Oglethorpe ward, said subdivision “C"fronting twenty-eight fret eight inches on Lumber street and running buck ninety feet, together with all und singular .ho hereditaments, rights, members and appurte na cos to the same belonging, or in unyw-iso appertaining. And I will sell the same liefore the Court House door, in Chatham county, on the FIRST TUESDAY, being the 6th day of September next, between the legal hours o sale, to satisfy said exeeut lon. Property pointed out by plain tiff's attorney; person In possession, being de fondant, notified of levy. L. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff 0. C 8. OFFICE SHERIFF OF CITY C’l/I'HT OF Savannah, 1 August ]Bt, 1887. f (T NDER ml by virtue of an execution Issuing J out of tli honorable the City Court of ‘.Sivtijiii 1 ih. .it. i ue July term thereof, In fuvor of THE CHATHAM HEAT. ESTATE AN!) !M PItOVEM ENT COMPANY am! ugaln*l lIENHY WIEHRB, I have levied on the following prop erty ;ln tin* property of said HENRY WIKIIKR, to wit: All tliat, fot, tract or introel of land situate, lying und being In said county and State, anil known and distinguished on the inup or plan of tin) city of Savannah as lot number llfty-four t 54) Choctaw ward, slt'iaU'd on tho corner of Lumber und Sluts streets, in uild city, and being fifty l>y ninety fee’ in dimensions, to gether with till and Singular the hereditament#, rights, inemlHTuand appurtenance# to tho Hanie belonging or in anywine appertaining. And 1 will soil the same before tho Court Mouse door, in Chatham county, on the EiittsT TUESDAY, ’ Mug the fith day of ,September next, between the legal hour- of #alo, to satisfy >ald execution. Pro|s:rty pointed out hy plain tiff's attorney; person In possession, being de fendaat, notifle I of levy. L. L OOODWIN, Kherlff C. C. H. Office fiuKitirr or City Couiit or Savannah, i August Ist, 18M7. ( UNIIEH ami hy virtue of an execution issuing out of the honorable the City Court of havarmali, at the July term thereof, In favor of THE CHATHAM HEAL ESTATE AND IM I'HOVEM ENT COMPANY and against CIIAfILE I l*. HNIALL, 1 huve levietl on tile fol lowing property as the projs-rty of said OHAHLEH p. All that lot, tract or iMtreel of land situate, lying and Isdng in sala cismty and State. and known os lot* num bers nine ill) and ten (10) of C. -I. Hull*# sub division oi lot# numlsirs thirteen f 18), fourteen 114), fifteen (Ift) and sixteen (10) Wyl v ward, us ap|sirs in Comity Kecorit# Booh IKs, pp. 101, etc., together with all and singular the hemdita monts, right*. tnember# und appurtenance# to the some liehmglug, or In anywise appertaining And ( will sell the name before the Court House door, in Chatham county, on the KIKST TIIEEDAY, being the (Jtii day of September next, between the legal hours of sale, to satisfy said execution. Property pointed out by plain tlit # attorney; person In possession, being de teudant, notified of levy. l, u uoupwlaN, tthutia c. v, a. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. 5 Shares Central Railroad Stock AT AUCTION. I. D. Laßoches Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 2d tiny of August, in front of the Court House, we will sell, Five shares of Central Railroad and Hanking Company's stock. Valuable Properly at Auction. I.D.Laßoohe’s Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 2d day of August, wo will offer before tho Court House, during the legal hours of sale, That valuable property on the southwest cor ner of Soul I, Broad and Arnold streets. —IMPROVEMENTS 1 STORE AND DWELLING. 2 DWELLINGS. This is a very flue stand for grocery trade. Newly Ituilt Residence and Fine Size Lut AT AUCTION. I.D. Laßoches Sons, Auctioneers On TUESDAY, the 2d day of August, IRB7, wo will bhII in front of the Court House, during tho legal hours of sale, A comfortable Residence, newly built and in good condition. Water in yard. Same situated on Anderson street, between Abercorn and Lin* coin st reets. Convenient to street railway. Terms at sale, purchaser paying for pti]>erN. THICK GARDEN AT AUCTION. I. D. Laßoche's Sons, Auctioneers THIS DAY, in front of the Court House, nt 11 o'clock, we will sell to tho highest bidder, That valuable Truck Farm, together with dwelling, outhouses, barn, stnbies, etc., situated on the Louisville road, containing about 12 acres fertile land, all cleared, about one mile from ex tended limits of the city. Terms at stile. Horses, Mules, Wagons, Buggies and Harness AT AUCTION By J. MCLAUGHLIN & SON, THIS DAY, AT 11 O’CLOCK, IN FRONT OF COURT HOUBE. AUCTION sales FUTURE DATS. GUARDIAN’S SALE I.D.Laßoche’s Sons, Auctioneers. By virtue of an order granted by t ho Honorable tho Court, of Ordinary of Chuthuni county, Gn„ will si-11 lmfore the Court Holme door, during the legal hours of sale, ml TUESDAY, the llth day of September. 1887, for main tenance, support and educational purposes, One (1) share SOUTHERN BANK STOCK. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS, Guardian for Mary VV. Roberts, Minor. LEGAL HALES. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE? UNDER a resolution passed la Council July 18th, 1887, 1 will offer for sale, at public outcry, in frout of the Court House, In the city of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia, on TUESDAY, the 2d day of August, 1887. Lot Number 21 Wesley ward. Minimum appraised value, nine,hundred dollars (#900). (tonaltlons, that purchaser slutll erect permanent improve, nients thereon within out: year from date of sule equal to one-hulf of the purchase price of said lot. Terms—One-third cash, the balance payable in one and two years, with interest at the rate of seven (7) per coat, per annum. Fureliueers paying for titles. ItOBT J. WADE, City Marshal. Savannah, July 15th, 1887. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. City Maukhal’s Office, Savannah, July 6th, IHK7. XTNDER and by virtue of executions placed J In my liniuis by C. 8. Hurdee, City Treas urer, for cleaning privy vaults, I have levied nn and will sell iri accordance with law on the FIRST TUESDAY IN AUGUST NEXT, 1887, between the lawful hours of sale liefore the Court House door, in the city of Savannah, chat ham county, State of Georgia, the follow ing property, to wit, each piece of property be ing levied on os tho profs-rty of the person or persons w hose name or names immediately fol lows its description, purchasers paving for titles: East, half lot I Chatham ward, M T. Bowden. Lot 13 Middle Oglethorpe wurd, W. M. J. O. Brown. Lot 18 Brown ward, Mrs. A. M. Buritz aud children. Lot 1) Currytown ward, Mrs. M. Giebelbouse LotliS North Oglethorpe ward, I.l>. LaKoclie. Eust fourth lot 32 Marshall ward, Martha Marshall. Ixit 38 Jones ward, Bt. James’ Methodist Church. lg>t HO Jackson ward, estate John Schley. Lots 2,3 and 4 Schley wurd, estate J. M. Schley. West two-thirds lot 25 Choctaw ward, John 8. Scliley. Lot 76 Choctaw ward, ,J. H A. Wtlle. Lot 1C Choctaw ward, Michael Walsh. ROUT. J. WADE, City Marshal. CITY MARSHAL’S SALE. City Mahhhai.’s Office, I Savannah, July sth, JBH7. f ITNDKR and by virtue of a real estate tax J execution placed in my hands by Charles H. Hardee, City Treasurer, in favor of ti e MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF SAVANNAH vs. JAMES J. WARING t have levied on and will sell in accordance with law on the FISItT TUESDAY IN AUGUST NEXT, 1887, between the lawful hours of sale, before the Court House door, In the city or Savannah, Chatham county. State of Georgia, lots of lands numbers one (lj, two (2), three (Hi and four (4) Lee ward, In the city of Savannah, south side of Gwinnett street ami west of Price street, with the. improvements thereon, to satisfy said exe cution. Hgrcbascrs (laying for titles. ROBT J. WADE, City Marshal. CHATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE. * _ I *NDEK and by virtue of a mortgage (I. fn. I issued out of Chatham Superior ('ourt tn favor of SOLOMON BHEFTALL vs. ABRAHAM SIIEFTALL, 1 have levied upon the following depcrilied pro is-rty of the defendant, to wit: All the following lots, tracts or parcels of lund situate, lying mi l lieing in the county of Chatham and State of Georgia, to wit That certain tract of laud known us the “Williams tract," containing oighty-llve (85) ucres (more or less), and bounded north by land of Abruliain Slicftull. eust by land of Thompson, south by the Suvantiah uml Ogeechec canal, and west by land of A. Hhrftall: uleo, that certain tract of lund known ns the‘ Dickerson trail," contain ing one hundred and thirty-one (131) acres, more or less, mill bounded north by the Ogcecbee (Find, south ami east by lands of A. Sheft ill. and west by hunts of Messrs. Baker aud Dicker son: also, tiiutcertain tract of land known as tbe Dews tract," containing forty (40> acre* (more or lens), and Imumied north by lands of Messrs. Baker, east by Kavammh anil < igeeehee canal and Hhrftail, south by Bavunnah and Ogoechue canal, and west by lund of Moynello; and, also, that certain tract containing one hun dred and two (102) acres (more or less!, and bounded north by laud of J. E. Tillman, south und oust by land of Dickerson, and west by luml or Holliday. A nd 1 will offer t he said above descrilied pieces of property for sale at public outcry liefore the Court Homs-door of Chatham county, in the city of Savannah, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN AUGUST, 1887, during the legal hours of sale, to satisfy said mortgage fl. fa Terms cuah, purchaser paving for titles. JOHN T HONAN, Sheriff Chatham County, da. LEGAL NOTH Is. ( t EOKUIA. Chatham Couxtt. -Notice I# I hereby given thut 1 have made application I to tbe Court of Crllnary for ChaUium county I for order to soil lot# numbers seventeen and eighteen in Kelly ward, city of Huvummli, be longing to estate of WILLIAM HAHI'.iS. do e-usod, for the payment of debts and distribu tion, ami that said order will lie granted at SEPTEMBER TERM, IHH7, of said court, union# objection* are fl led HOBKA MAXWELL. , Kxtsiutor Will of WUluwu Uturi#, deceaocd. r. 11. IKHISETT’3 COLUMN. A Desirable Resilience and Stores C. H. Dorsett, Auctioneer, Will offer at the Court House on TUESDAY, August 2d, IMS?, during the usual hours of sale. The store and residence on the southeast cor ner of York and Montgomery streets, having a frontage of sixty feet on York street and twenty-two feot on Montgomery street. Tlie improvements consist of a two-story wooden residence and store. The location is very desirable, living convenient to the business portion of the city aud to the Central Railroad offices and shop*. TERMS CASH. Telfair. County Lands AT AUCTION. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House on TUESDAY, August 2d, 18S7, during the usual hours of sale. Two hundred and two and one-half (202bj) acres of land in Telfair county, Georgia, known as Lot No. 210 of the Ninth district. Terms cash. ' IfL IT OFFEIIfiS. A Farm Near the City. C, H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, W ill sell at tho Court llouso, during th® usual hours of sale; ou Tuesday, August 2d, 1887, that particular piece of Farming Land on the Ogeechoe road, about two miles from Anderson street, near the Charleston and Huvunnub crossing, containing about tiftoen acres of land. Said property adjoins th® lands of Oliver Ilcidt, Stewart mid others, aud has up m it n. large TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING. This is admirably adapted to the require ments of a dairy, chicken or truck farm. SOME GOOD CORNERS. At private sale I am offering some very good corner places, suitable for business or for residences. One on West lirond and Hull, near the offices of the Georgia Central Railroad. This is an excellent location for a boarding house, aud unsurpassed for retail ttusinees. The house is roomy and the lot large, OtixlH), with much of the Npace unoccupied, A splendid stand for business in the im medlato vicinity of the H., F. & W. Ry, just on the thoroughfare leading into the ware house and offices. This conifetfl of a largo dwelling, with store attached, well built andi convenient. Its proximity to the Depot gives special value to this property for em ployes, or for persons desiring the putruuag® of employes. A West Broad and Jones street corner is the last on the list. This is among the best of West Broad cornel's. Funiculars can be had at my office. A Few Residences A double house in the eastern portion oC the city, near the Bay. This is an exceed ingly pleasant location, facing a square. It will bo an admirable home for persons doing business in that section. A two-story dwelling on Bryan street, near Farm. In this locality homes always rent well. This is particularly recom mended to persons desiring a small, snug investment, and those Uravva iu Loan Asso ciations. A neat and comfortable cottage In the southwestern portion of the city. This 1* lust the place in which to commence house keeping life. ON SALT WATER. I have for sale the most complete prop erty of this description in this vicinity. Good Muter and air, cool tu-uezes, fertile land, plenty of shade, abundance of fruit, llsh in abundance, ail within an hour's rid® of tho city. C. 11. Dorsett, urn Mi m 3