The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 04, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AXP FLORIDA. NEWS OF THS TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. Great Damage to Crops :n the Neigh borhood of Fort Valley Narrow Uncap-: of a Bridge Contractor at America* The Interstate Farmers' Convention—Griffin to Have an Ice Machine. G KOBO I A. Carson ville reports that the ctoj on Flint river anil ti>- creek bottom? :*n- a total i-- E. M. Walsh A Cos. will oonunenee this to erect an ice machine at Griffln. The mai-hine will be of tv . tone capacity per day. Harper, Sjmmt and Cloud, who were under arrest a: Atlanta un-.1-r -lA'p, -n of being implicated in the murder of the neyro preacher named Ck-miu u- have teen di ehargwi by J thstlce Tanner tor lac k of evi de CM*. AVilliam E. Sutton killed Robert Mallory (colored at Bruit-e, k. Tuesday, by too t - ing Uh thr ngk ■ a jffnl. Mallory mi .e‘sot. remarks a met Sutton Monday night. M*•i ig Ma ry Tuesday afternoon Suft-ai soxtd him if he bad r.aie these rcinarx- ani ui-w reaving tea: tie bad. drew hi* p.-tol ai*l cocnmaDoad tiring on him. with the above results. At Blakely the esrassva ram.' continue. AH strew.-** *r- -wotien l*.-yr>d the r tank*. The Cbaitaii o l-e m.-r very high aril has covers 1 part- ■*f piamat: <*- a <;g Ir Vein-.- On Or Shackelford* pia * i arivs are under water. Com t> -wn-i- wn in Wednesday's jraw will rot. aril all iron* :c tbe**verfl-*w w i;l \m? ruined. and others umh injured- R.i'i lias apjwnred in the cotton. Fodder saving is at a **'*i.i. At Byron it has been raining almost con tinually for w\ en da vs a. :d, from present Ball*-are*-.*. it lias no idea of doppmj ■* <m. All kinds of outdoor work t.a.~ leer: ve pended for the pa< week. Fanners are gkociT over the outlook They say the cotton" is sbedd og its forms lllr. in many tie- ground being literally covered with eju-ire*- that hare fallen off. Vster me. ■. . .ipear-tws Lave been <•*; je*i. teen—**; the tie Afc cannot be ecte-nsi with snie and •aim The Excessive Committee of the Inter state PkrmetV Conventexi ha* b* tW up a a programme of opening snmiw for t*> convention. The la* been public ye:. masna-h i- th* vir. -us gemie’.ian mv.ted t>deliver Hr~w* hx*- not leen heard feta The Govern-.v will delegate the btsi of wefcxrmng tbedeirgato-* in behalf *< the people >f Georgia t. H my W Grwiy. ai>i Mayor C-:*.-prr will tr a*Nt“d to extend tar fre**. m-f t • cwv l Atlanta There will t tfcer addr*-".-**. and tr. i<r> - graiiime will te- jnbdslse'i as s<: a- .t > completed. The noe* ohaeritvd toward tb*- convention is now Lm-g e-aitee-ted. at. i no trouble is eneneoed la the wort It i* notable that the G* -veraor wid extend the delegates a reception at the Executive Maa sioa. ComptroLer General Wright reemved the foliowing tax digests Tie-slay Dale -* returns $1.110.9*1. an m-reene i |ffl.3Df; Calhoun tumlT return- S7J&.W!. an in crease >*f t2D.<hd: Rari/ipfe crem'y retr.n*s fl.WiSii. an us-r*we j< |*'..*&.*; Ik- v county returns ♦l/d'Viflb, an r-w-- -<f *14.111-. Lagren- .-isir.ty returns t .itC-CST.. fx inTease of $7-4,791; Dawson re turns $772,806. an mr-rewse of t±Jl. Vfk.te enunty returns sh44.*t4. an uk-nMweof 117 - 372; ijerrieo county rerun*- -4*‘>. aa ia*rea.- of t-H>. 71*i; Cobb c tr.ry rKnrr* $4.*7J:.31b. an of ak*. E3-~rt counts returns s!.!>-. 3s. a dee-rea* of llg.- B£g. Ingests have been rwa-wi ■* fa; tr m W •■ouaues, ar*i trewe report an aggregate increase of Only oat sas-g --countm —appears in the L st so far. At Fort Valley the burners report a ruined corn crop, aai socsr think that this wgwdl has already my-red the 'rrtor. err*p fklly S*> per cent, while rrt theftl -f M :rer- std. ptMCs with Bhatotc.g ■ - ,u*-. The fan-rs < Fuat nvw hav- B- I-r-i trcmrr>va .**. vd ha sotoe -aaes their low a wi ** for f> t ooly har they thar ***□-* - run* tr. tfv ■agry IwaC iua karv *> ad tfcsir aiu*. A mw ixraer vdid a carrespohirat hkasisy uia: i*s :;*< idr-wdy .*sat a very MweawHhe ns-ces. -4 com ani tfTr au if -o.r.n n. Titw trweie at he* tr iiati yw TTmli—T rw- I’Pto t: kb: ihi* rrwir is s i*rT avism, v> go Atw. is m? in .him nr.. vm&rr* r^- - .*o: "ar* j istdmL with dirt T' nu r. tr * e'. iMiii' 3b*. issSat'X. Owv Garble ma: EiuflHWar Ttwuiar to L- H. K. *.-i f L*t- jrr-fci sr*. the feeo.TT* Fail. Ccwwwjwwsae- ant Col. If IfelraatL of the Ca* -ViUlw Comsu**w<a. Coi. Mc- Ibrut V- xi - >Qtb- ffcmmr •Was etna le V the ;r* Tu-ml gwut r.f ex tetaur g tee Lperaste sei* ja Georgia m reicard to Seh. -c_niw it vu *t*n teat the fivers of tee: .-ecaor we--- c. -uceutierah*-- o$ r*eT**ev.i*axag_ asai ve-rse .-ti*. -:-**?- en wa bad a reward v toe- beet 'sa f <r fiew gia neerv Tde wat de. vied to ' nt the- it u*i CVA X -Dxeid dw iarerf if tr* Gevewr w - ;g; t* Lra *xa- uxe Where me mod wah-i r..- Aw. he w?*;ii be abfc- to do much rryre than had l*n Aw Gov. < jovdoti mf->na*l tan that he wceiai see- to it teat noe mom in the fHav H- use was vet vsirt f. v that purpews. Other matten v-r- flirweil by the gmtle- Eeu. and the oolnene wm |Aeeear.t. and wui <koihtiec.s remit m renewai interest ir. the question of shx-kiug Georgia nvers with fish. A. R. Coulter, brilge coatrwyor r A the AfUer.-us. Rrestrei ac-l Lti:.-ipia m:r>w), bad a narrow Monday rear .AnMn-1 cus Just before the rtrer bridge vn T epr j •way he r!e out up*e. ,t /: a push car. The stru'-tnre had sa.-g.-d bidjy in tbe -n tre, aril when hereacl*dl.. - 1 1 d_*- mouct-si from the >ar a.l nthd it from him toward tbe opp*.te ud f tie In Ijr*. tearing that b.- own weigh-. alli u> t st of tbe car, would be t- . ■ mn.-h for t-V hr-Is to bear up under. He had gone but a few steps forward wh.-ti the car, win n had gone partly up ti*- incline at tsw end ■ 4 the bridge, start**! hack towarl hisn **:tr. great velocity. Then was rn> nsan to st*-; and*- in onb-r to lei it paw. and but a few seconds in which to d<-.<h. what t*> i>. Planting hurwlf firmly upai a <rou;c beam, he fix**! his eye* "uj*n t!w car at* proaching at ligiittnng -p*-d. arid just a- u was about to strike hun lie leafiol rt-a..—,t upwaird, thus allowing the car to ja-e neath him, and ah .ditir.g upon tie beam in safety. It wa- a narrow tr. af* and only hi* presence of mind and gr-al agility rnved hu life. ICORIDA. W. H. Johnson ha* received hi* 00mm..- Won us Judge of Osceola county. Edmund J. Howard, of Jacksonville, ha been granted a patent for an air injector for steam pumps. Jeff Davis presented the Orlando Record wi’li - im nne oranges Monday. The fruit has I wen hanging on the trees since last winter and was solid and luscious. A. 8. Joyner, of Orlando, madeana*-ign ini lit July 30 to W. L. Peeler. Mr I’el<*r thinks that the aus-u fully equal the lt.un.i tics an 1 that be will be able to |*ay dollar for dollar. Jacob Summerlin has just purchawsl *!>ut -,000 head of cattle from Brevard nnd other southern counties. The same day that b*- made the purchase he saw a cow •M l snake struck by lightning. There is a rise of twelve feet in the Choc lau-liutrhic river at Cary ville, Fla.; Wit tichs mill, which lias been very siiort of logs, none having come down tle river for twelve months, is now well supplied. There i* considerable talk of another saw tuiJl at fVusui At present this place .is tnoKtiy dependent unon outside mills for a good |art of lumber, as the donuual is greater than the present mill can furnish. Tup (oc t inor ha* appointed the follow lag dakestw te Farmers Convention :n adit* n to those already appointed: W C Zir.i inertna.i ani Nick Barco. of Citres. N A. Carter. E. G. Li'-s aod T*. C. Scmner. of Pa-s W E. Hone, B K>.a and W~. J. Bailey, of H-marsoo Hugh D P. desrts. of Kansas, is is Jaek uqt:l-joiing foe a suitable place tore tiblai; aca ’.i.uig factory. Hr ■-ioiiii- 1 tivar the company repr **-:::—! by Lira Las a guaranteed apitaJ of 9te.'.008. with an un- Uruitevl amount of m o*v leLi-.-l it. ‘ sve of the ctrarkh . ,crs. C. W Moore, having ai kk a- much as fil'. OO of hi- owu surplus cwra tai that he o uil out to if necessary, and be thought lit-.- Btr-iucw woukl warrant the outlay • f that mxiunt of morey Tbe 'soutra-t for fortiduig quarrert. nurstu-2 an i sAiDastencie te -fk aivd -ii-a -b:.-i sroineu, at Ja.kjODtriiie. Fla. w-.:h eyes-ia, L-rortanta for tte- are of ti.e suf ferinr from i* atagx-eis daw-e, and for the buruvl rtf d—-ersresl -earaeu. ha- b-en awarirvi te I>.kiva Ihttmar.. -ti Jacaa-nrvlVe. It is probable that a "kink'' in the rw<l-tape sur roun Liug the apj-j-rtnewi: of Dr R. A Ste-rs*-, a# Acting Av-i-cani St.rgwm of the United S-.A-C-, Harme Ho-pit-ol --rrioe wiil now be *Ls nraiijied. Likina Pittman ts a colored woman. Tbe Prrev ietit is a p*xi -leal puttied about th Pertsacc-la C-MiectkrsFup. Tbere <was little Mii-y-vr*. for anybody, ex-epk Ki key an-, M v*co. Fait these are so evenly divided that he if livable te d--tevrmnc wn.- h on* te sebet The labor party c taking a bars! to t:.- bght. and m rexnpiicmting the si.uati ei; v hiM the t-ttst tnat other numbers of tbe M t3i family ar* either holding (>vartioaa. or are u;-pl.~ai.t> for oG-er reo-ier* the e ■ la.-vwwuueot greater. Sut ur Pasc. was -xies-t-si here to taik tbe matter over, hut I>l t. t tovn a his way North. Oa E’rvisy Lxt Mr. Yels v-rtoa, of Palatka. was m tbe ufiper |tvrt of Pntoani county hunting for fc**d tittle, aoi on his return bone- had to crus* El.creek. After gelting cote) devp w vter the horse refund te vw.m. *ii Mr. Yeiverten jurnpoi >-ff the her*- on waat he -npjAwsi wa* a seaUottary log. t-ut the log f. t*d aivd bore tbe gem.e man <k>wn the stream, foll/w—l !.y tbe h -cm By *ncne means tbe reins g- t airounl sGenian s neck, and he was drags-d from tbe V* and nearly drowned before- be i could iliaentangW L.nistLf. He got fchort safely. bowvver. 0-"-eey :v a? yre-ent Uteier a building boom. One large dry gocUs store is now to pr- *-*--* k vrecti a JDxSt, and three smaller core will te-put up right away Tbe "fer tioaer fa-t-vry" will 1*- put up this month. V-n acres having beer. *-uneil by t?.e Mown- W -- : -r that purpijse. who w ill super :nteri tbe -tr... cure tn per-on. They are already in the tsi-iaai in In ii-mapjli*. aivi are ;i.n>in:hly j-rv-ri -oL mm and good • bemists They cia.-. thus by analysis of tb* soil jr • iuV at their very tfoors the plant f-ju*i Use famw-re Lave been hunting for ev— ais-i tbe Lanl *• wttirei. ani tb jo* will al-o be niorh lower than a for udaer has ever teen pot on tbe market to Ftorda Iwfore. Aeo vs .it-r-g affray tc*k place at Or lanev M-*ia at a iwgr. h-uuse of ill fame. Ina -yaarre. over a w,gr-an Rote-rt Wa.ker ■ ee-ieil to camiig Turn Brooks in a ghastly manner. The tiret blow with the knife - .peeked the left siie of Lis fa* from the edge -4 the scalp to below the ear. sev ering the tempera! and several other arteries, from which the Ursa] gasned in streami Auetber cut oa the left fore arm wa tine! foar tores in kxigtii and very 4-ef. Drv. Lawrence and Piliev were qiuckly sihinoDii ami antwdai to stoj* pmg toe flow of b*v*i long enough to sew up the w -ureli Wadcer was arrested by D*e*ity Jkfaertff Puckett and 'ifli-er Hodge aari jdg*d to jpA to await the action of the pand vary. The woanded man will prvea- Uy recover. AltE igh it has been rumored for Severn! •Fays that the aoxxi-:w of the City Marshal of Orttrd. were stwp-choi to be short, noth teg <k-tui;t* has been known a* to the emet am -g)E it being pew-dd at from t . dxi to fcl.dX'. A 0,41-n was mr*le bv Aklerman Milr- at the ia-t meeting of the City Coanci! tE*t a cwtimittce b appointed to investi gate the mmil. an-i if neve-wary empkir ♦ xjwru tear.-t - k them The Finance Com mithss, with the add-ton of the chair una of toe board, were wnpowered to act. The committee or* at the Council r'rmu M odav f r tl* puiqiose of exam a uig the acvvoiits. and the tnvortigati -n will I*vchiy last a day or two kmger Although iskhir.g defu-.te i- as y*< known, it 1- said teat ine defk it woli A exceed one half of the figure named. Mar dial Hodge states that le* is rewiv a: any time to make por>l any shortage which may be found. The fishing schooner II S. Kowe went ashore at Philifv* Inl-t. near Esgumbia Bay. Last Tuesday. Toe crew wav re-.-.-ooL The H. S Rowe was one of the nne-i vin the Pen—tiU nstiilg fi-s-t. .Hb* t- of 72 t. cc- tiurthen arxi was owned by Capt. W. H. N rthup. EL H SaursV r- arvi A ¥. War ren. She was valuci at 87.)*ki and was not insured. She was but resett!v fitted up. and was in fins-eia— corai.ti--n. In com tony with the R w*. or to that vicinity, were six other C-rung veweFs, f-wre for the •wfety of wtiK.-h, with thetr crew-, are enter tain'd to Pevuvriis 4a They were tbe Ads, to the ettiplove of toe Pea—reka Ic* Com lir.v tie- Kmnm 8.. the Albert Hak-y and tie? Char lev Henry, fivaiitg for the ’ New !xrie:i market, an-i the Sarah L. Hanijng. in the v-mploy of Warren A Cos. Dunng the gale mentioned a t.-Ld wave fully 10 feet m height swept up Cboctawt—tcfrie Hwy, piaring havoc' with small craft sal -aw kyv ani dotog crinoderabie other dasnaga. \tt*hj.z the new iad—tries at Kp-rnnw h that of tticirt rru.-::,g. whe a is sgig-d to by Mr L. A. H-s-.-ntejck. wW> >sne te Fkrm iaet s-jAeuar an-1 settled m the w..t He has a coutfortalJe bou-*-. ant everything w.-.l arrai-g*,] for bis chicken btptoe—. w.’h :r-aof-:- <r arsi i-rcoier for tlx you .g ci. ktv Atu-.-tvg *he bessi* of • tuckeo* wtuch he has are the fuli-hhnded, white cre-te-t White P-jish. soils crrete-i R-i -k Po4;-ii ai.-i g'Al and-. 1 ver - r-s-v-i P'--gi. wlis-h ar> S,sintLi lowis: the Hin d■ e Frerx l Wh.te oral Br*-wn I>-ghon. White an! Blue Plymouth Rock. iJark and White Brahma. Dark aiei Vt'hvt* Cochin, Kjwngbsi and P-sv.lcl W rxivik:,--. Silver S,w..g)-i Hamtjurg* m,t-rte-i -Lr<t fr*u bvLc-ii. ! aybrii and kju ’i Bou-ei Ite,i Irarae. vi. 1 tbi- --r:- ana 'iocwtoc fol. aivi tr- inamrir'Wh Br.w,; Turk-y !t . a fwetty sight to s— the little chickens of Uk ‘)(ff.-rv-at i-rvli tog-*.he- Tbirtem <4 the I, mt, t-e pre i,.ams at tlie New ELng Poultry F i:r a.>l the Maine ritste Fair Lv*t year, ao 1 w-re Uc-n jn i.vsd and iwo-igi.t P {Ci—tmirer-. Some Usem cret fS) and 9-i a pn;r. aryl 'rv <-k cost Vl' llev ijn-n p. Tbartare. re> tor - rj>-ntin of st. P- te: fhmxh, Fatnadj—, died i'N-elay at toe rviietsce of Dim loi- y Thumprin, in F-mandina Mr. Tria-s-vra has t-- . graiiially fai.' ng m luaitli f>* soiix yirirs and tl vallv rv-tanxd to PN man i -.*• * - was TiC*vr. ■*; wishing te we .-l hi* lv-t bcaraaamng ti.ow who kw-l meirever-d him. He wo* for twenty five yew recter <f St. Peter'*, atei to a-Tive etiarge till w,th in two years, when fading r.-with obliged him to s- .riquish pn-storal dutx*. Hi burial will be in St. Peter', Ceme tery at l Jil o'clock Friday aft fnrtm Mr. Thackara ww a native of P)<-: phta, an-1 was W rears of ag* Joly 22. He iwfir- to Fl iri i in h'J u,l went t<- St. Augustine, baenming r*~ *.f/r of Trinity church at G>at plac-, wlx.-re lx- re- Hiaitxsl until ISG. wlewi tie re:;e-vl to F-r luuidlim, whir -be has ever liir.r ictiiainwl. only alremting hitnMlf a sN-rt fuw- 1 the war. Mr. Tha. k.-ra !* two <L ter-, ora- Mr*. Palmer, of BaKiritr-. a-,-1 th<- other Mi s Eh/a Thvkara. wdw> ha* r inatneil with him during his sick:e-w H ftlso ieav-w three griwn *oiu> Bishop iV .-i lias been U i--grHj.ii.-l for an lis ex;xs Vs-1 In be prew-nt and officiate, and it is aim-ex pected that n number of the State ..lerry will be present and participate in tix funeral servi<-.-s. Pragfrant Soaodont Hardens and invigorauv* tie- gums, pnri flea and perfume*, the hreath. elean-e>. iwautiflcaand jrwrvm tne t*wh from youth to old o£o. hold by all dm&wU. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. AUGUST 4, 1887. LEPROSY IN HAWAII. Tte rTogr-cto* of an Iscurahie hi a lady Coa=.iered by aa Aipericaa Corras pendest. W;>ra the biitory of leprosy here is writ ten it will make interw-ting reading aai ccwn the eye* of many to tbe abases wh -b flaoßJi n-> l*r tbe present regime, asserts the U-s>:i if u corresporviect of tbe Spring fieil K'p*b? icna The disef agency in the treatment ot tb* diwvm is the leper -settle merit. met atjy oCkwal by Dr Mauntx a&i hi- ns- -t.vito n th-' island of Molokai, aiit 7j ii.iles from Oahu. up*:tu whose bri*t. ...fts *b*xiM be written Dante's in script.on over the rounth of bell i Aturiaa hope* all ye who enter here In this dee ,_xte aai barren place, so rwigh and prwrip:.TUs in -i> -re ttsat landing is ••Te-tei w.ti difficulty, and where th*- **-a with Hid. fury that even SshiaA is impxfhk. are roller-ted from all the islands those wi* **■ .-a*e* aff-nl no h*~>pe of aSVvia ti-Tn. H-re a town has be*en built, with wi- ail p --asan* - r r*et*. and neat bouses set abwit ,-h Litle plots of UUablv groun i, and her* the uiif'WtUnate victims of the dis ease. :•- ’be numler of -cu or *c>. ar- kept in as I'otnfortaWe a state as pwsi!*l* until death cornea to their relief. Cure -here is non- In spste of tbe utmost efT-*rts of wieu tnea tb*? proper tr*atn*ent. an i even the ao*. of topry art a* little ki*;>wn a* in th true cf Mow*. All that can be d-n* is t* - make easy the 'ufTer*r's descent to the tomb, alleviate by morplune arri other pam •L.adecing drugs’tbe terrible panes which usually kroii{cy his end. and lay him away a* spee*iily a* {ywsible in the earth. >a>i au-ewdy of half its latxw in bringing his biv to corruption. Tbe work of death i* -.-wuet’.uies* slow, sometime** rapid, attend &i continually by novel and unexpected the dL**-a*se assainang Prvtean shapes a* it pursue* its rourse in 'iifTerent CMW Ist Gut th* leprous spot, be it ever so small, appear u;jon a man, and not all tbe skill of leech con save him; ho death warrant w nguei. and it is only a question of tune wfcr-n, lu dow or swift’ succfflauon, hi- h-'tir fall* ou*: hi* ears become swoljen, р. us arid m nstrous; tbe riiembramjs f m ju:h and cartiiagei of no*<e are eatet* a war. and the voi-** assuzn*v* a harsh and rancor* ua t‘t; the limbs enlarge and are с, with loath** me scales; lingers end to?* dr -p oil. Mipf urating wn-ea break out. an t ti. internal -wgans become ulcera:e*l -Dd t:.bavTiloa Up to tbe final stage tl.-e •**.a ha- g*-->e|-a!ly nok been sewan*. iut now great suffering usually cones, and th- w • ". and. -* m agoniang pangs uni—-*- antslyne* are gejier*Hrdv ai*f>ti*vL Deai!s- -?f the di*- ea-*e are of the m-'*st hide*ou.* descripticw, aiii th* 'igbt of a I-per in advaa*>*i stages f th* is oae that will hauut a man of ordinary wnab'.lities to the t-n-1 of hi* hfe. •_>ne wcu’d think that the government of a <- -uctry affli.-tod with such a scourge w- aid sfArr- no -ff*rts to stamp it out— but in joint of fact. tl*ere seems to be little rea. inclination to eralicato it. In theorv tb- prin -iple of strirt isolation is carried '•ct and every case of sicknwe that is found ur* n eiarmrsati'-n to b?lepr-*w is sent at oti -e to the leper colony at Molcdtni; but in truth it is probable that the larger proper t. n of aflseted person* are allowed to keep Lh-ir condition cjncew>dgmd becae centres fr*,:n which mar an area of disease. The lepers of Molokai, also, are permitted to marry and prorogate, and a large number of chi Mr-n ’ are born of them. It must be said, however, that the children of lepr >us poreuts are rwt neceasanly tLem seivts kp— -si'. The chances are that they will be so. ear.ier or later ; but oa-es are not infrequent where five or ax chu ireo have been t>*m in familic* where both parent* were leprou* and yet never developed tbe -iisease them selves. Oth -r m-tan * arr- known where two or three children would be born with out taint, th-xi a leprou* 000 wnuH appear, after which other* would show no contam ination. It oft -n iiappxL*, too. that one member of a married couple will be leprous au*l tb-other r.i it iufe-tei Nor doth-na tive* have any fctr <i t their afflicted friends, i*ut live in thr same bouse, sleep m the sane bol. have their cJoUks* a'he*l in the *am*- water, are 1 are always free from leprosy themselves*. The di**w*e does not seem to be contagious, at lea.-’ in the ordinara' ar -ptaa- a of the word, and visitors need have no for of it. but it is <*erta:nly com niunicabie by means wb-oe very obocuritv makes them more terrible. Leprosy seetn to be on tb*? increase in tbe idand.'. and is likely to continu- so until the principle of isolation is rigidly enforced, marriages of top: as p*-rsoii* are prohibited, and the gov enimcot —-to itself ui -.-wrnest about the work of making aa end of this constant menace to the life • -f everv residi-nt of the kingdom It is not native* alone who swell the popula tioc of Molokai'* sad settlement; many srhites, she have be*-n brought into long contact w:th the natives. Irnve also suc < -uniliol to t!w disease, among them wime of the m*n wh . have been most prominent in th* ir efforts to find the cause and cure of this tern bi- scourge. A BOX OF SXCL.LS. The Rare Sight that Greeted an Offi cial From the Phi’atMpAio Cnord. "Alas, poor Yorick 1 I knew him, H*>rati*>.’* soliloquized Deputy Appraiser Hoff can as be stood am-mg tbe balew and Giles in tbe apjirameros store, a time-stained human skull in ooe baud and his writing tablet and pencil in tbe other. This bulv j<- *? of drama enacted by Mr. Hoff man as be .inducted tbe exam tna:. >n of sne thirty <sid cam* of curtoat ire an*i went home bv Utiite*l Statre naval -/ffi ers attaciied to tbe South Pa* iii<- nquad roo They uaiue to tin* |*>rt la*t tra the lark I form* from Pcraqua. Chili, and were sent to the ajq •rui.-cr s store ff>r cx ammat’.on. Tne D-x*-s were rou-igDol to* and fre-nds of the officers in Wa-h --ington, aod iheir remlent' rvpr*re-uU*l the •vonulsteii colloctioiis of exten.kd ermsea am->cg t'.e ivaisl* of tbe South Pacific f>*-ai. with many curious .ortK-i*** gathered *m the Peruvian and Chilian <nat. Tie Yorick of Mr Hoffman's fanciful im agination w u probably a dusky ken town w;tb a*. for teiekT nimioniri** wteei wrii and guilty of no more in d* i-tob, -*- to h - teil'.r tluu, was E'ather Adam, li , wc .-veientiy too oid. too, wln he [mvbi into *p.r.t iand, as the few- teeth r*-e.ining in Ins jaw were worn d<-wu re-arty t.t.,*ir rst- And then liis jaw it--If was "f tbe kiwi that might have fur re -j a for.niiaDle -<pou fora smali -.*il rvsn-wm. Tlrer" -a winlc Ixix of thew *** off *nd drool-up bende. but none of tie-m li_,d Iheir I j'lnce. *ard atta*-be*l p* tiiey Ini when at home. S-anw of to -aniwere cunoady marked by dre-p y *-r-. *d ho*--, iriuv- pamil- i and ruil i.i ia'A f' *m tine '"litre of tbo forehead. * ii .1- o-,i. r* ’..'iv. rged from the tcinples to the centres of the top. HKt'LUt or KIXOA. Here - ro vaitv for you,"* was the com mr-oi of the Deputy as be draggrel <sut three skulls strung upon a cord, and h* retui from a tag "HkoiU of kings of the Easter Is lands' Th*n wa* a lot c/f stuff from the Elaster and Ereetsdlv i*lan*t*. but n*me of the ar t |sxrto>A of t!*e Christlaa attribute* of Ur aof ihov- tar array islaisL*. There were .no .y *-arv‘l and formidable look ing war *-. i> mado of liandsom*- w.aei and lepli **a:m! with Wood. A bundle of kT*,** • fin*i orene irirked l<>kiug *4a ism- at mi. five feK fn length, made of - --i 1-r h< -er* r**l- an*l U(qd with long issiib *f >er#. bomr tt! the arrow* had < Aries. th* G-etii finely cut and very *r..orp. Crum thrqr loJu it appean*i n* if they .-/light ewaiy hudriviyi bv a powerful te.w / ear through a human Ddv. There w* ,-e a iiuniler of **penr*. short bit heavy and sharp (muted, and some of them were bated for two feet of their length. Each lari* wan made *if a miigie pi**** and bound upm tbe shaft with cord Tie* weapon* were of many kinds, hut ail alike of formid able i;n nm One of the moot inter- Mtog -rt(nl .*• ■ MaDTI BtOUi, tIMUi New Zealand. It wa* fs-ar-shaped. about a foot in length and -harp on bth edg*. It was made of s**nte hard and very fine *tone. aud ;ta workmanship ani proporuons were really beautiful. ntPLEujivrs or wabtabz. One of the Imrvi).-* cc-ctain-*i a jot of w ar clubs, in shape and sir*.- i.iuch like cricket bats. They were made of wood closely re sembling mahogany, but much heavier, and were handsomely carvoi Other clubs were of iron-wood, are! were simply carved balls upon handies. S*ne of the pieces of South American poery were of tine workmanship. A flat, circular flask of fine rod clay had for a neck a te-autifully carved bea>! of a man wrth a pointed beard. A curiously shaped lamp trom Chimbote, Peru, was of coarse clay molded in the semiJ*.- **■ of a dnek. One bax contained a lot of gourls. winch were delicaosly carved in carious designs. An other package contained a number of whales teeth. *om*- i them in their natural roughness and others leautifully polished. A *uiall square bale of wliat appear* 1 to be all oakum was tom apart, and the jaws of a big shark were found within. The jaws were very tight but strong, and were •domed with six rows of small, triangular and very sharp t*-* *!: Among the curioa ties were several bas* -if paper blankets. They were evidently of Japan-?* or Chinese make, and were made of very tliick *>ft piper decorated with strange devices in dif ferent color*. Ther>- wa- an almost oislles* number of amaU trink- I*. specimens of min eral*. coral and other curiee,, sufficient to stock a museum. FUN AT A DAKOTA BALL. A Great Social Event at Estelline Made to Resemble Bedlam. FVoiw th. /ajax, 1. 1 BtU. There was a grand ball given up in Estel lin<* o:e night three or four years ago. It wa* the chief social event of the season in which it uccum*i. and elaborate prepara tions were made. It took place in tbe largest hall in town, locate*! over the,Golden Bow! saloon, which institution bad a saloon in it that would hurt your eyes to look at. There was an orchestra brought down at great expense from a German settlement at the head of Stray Hone creek. There were four or five m the band, including a big fid dle trained to stand up on its forelegs, which had a piece of barbed wire for its longest string We all went who lived in town, and a scope r.f country a* Large as tbe State of Jersey was ransacked to furnish ladies enough to make it interesting. Tie* gentlemen connected with Spauld ing's ranch ah* , came. They were fond of society, and it nu-ht tie said that they were in Eshetline's social ''-' im. There was ?>lr. Bill H-etrtt'-r and Big Jack and b ng Jiu-k. If we remember rightly, Mr. Bookmarked Smith and Mr. I’atsv Dougherty were present. We are pi-Utive that Snub'* m Pete and Mr. Dei ni- McCasey were in the party, as well a* Wisconsin Jo, Buck Reno Riel Jimmy the lb<id Agent. The gentlemen were all feeling well when they Wt the ranch < m arriving in town they rode into the Golden Bowl Saloon, and up to the bar and sampled the stock of for eign an*! domestic- lieu* rs, after which they laincheil their horse* in tbe street and came up to the scene of the festivities. Promptly at tt o'clo k the h**ad musician drew a ripsaw acr the iiarbed wire string of tbe big fiddle, and the floor manager yelled “Fcrtn on!"’ Then we all danced, the big fiddle groaned, the little fid*ll*s s*'ree* hed, and the parlor *)rgan, borrowed from th* First Bap tist church, coul-i occasionally be h<-.nrd when the other- to rest. Each danced a* long a* he or she could, the floor shcok. tbe hm;*> - wung. tlie man who called off, his nose up lu tlie air. yelleil an<l the big Ik idle roared. Everything went smoothly till the **vcon*l dance after the supper taken at the H -adquarter* Hotel. At this point The ranch gentlemen came up* in a body—they had before been dividing their time between tlie ball room and the dL-pen.-a.-y below. They came in and drifted up to the head of tbe" hall, when suddenly Bill listener jumped upacd c-acked bis heels three times together, and veiled: * ‘ Wour-reck! I'm er terror! Yar-r-r P Tlie man who wa* playing the church organ fell backward off the platform and started for tlie door or hi* hand- and knees. Tb-n Buck Reno jumped up and struck his h*d against the ceiling twice lefore he tame down and whooped: ‘‘Rar-r-r! rar-r-r! So’m I! Yoowp Long Ja<-k threw his hat on the floor and turned a hnixL]>rinp. in which his feet broke a hanging lamp, and then howled: “Yi hi-vi t.i youck! Iwanterfight! Stop yer bull t; idle Y-i-i-i f The vtolini-t resiched the door in two jumps. The r-tst of us were going ail the time. I'm er murd-rer! Ju 'ear me? I'm er hlo**lv murd-rer!” yellt*J Pockmarked Smith. "M7hoo-jpe' wlioo-p**: fci-yike! ki-yike' ki vike! ki-yikeye!*e>i Patsey Dougherty, as he beat th- fi, * *r with a chair. "Clear th;* year hall er I'll eat yr-r! Git out er Til drink yer blood P whooped Big Jack. "Say. I've shot men in Teven Territories.” shouted Jimmie, th** road agent, as he {silled out a gun and tgan to practice on the stops of the organ. "Ya-a-h! I have stablil men from New Orleans to Ht. Paul,” returned Wisconsin Joe. “Jes’ watch Dennis McCasey l Keep your eye on old Iteunis McCascyl 1 bowled that ir:*livi luaJ, a* he smashed up tlie stove with a chair. “I kin lick anything wliat walks' War-r thar! War thar! lar-r-ruip!” put in Houtoen Pete. "Yikel Yik"! kYh-a-a-a-a-ah? Gimme r*s*m! gimme rofim!” snarled Bill H*Tstett*-r again, a- he pc,undi the wall with a board tom from the [.iatform. Then they went around once more. H had room so far as we society people of Estelline were concerned. We were ac quaiuted with these gentlemen from the ranch, and w< had l*e*.-n failing over one an other in getting down stairs. They kept it up among themselves in the liall and down m tbe -ahem for a couple of hours and then went home. Such little events used to frequently occur at -octal gat:i< rings in Esteem* > in an t>Ai lv *iay, and it d*xa> u* good to recall them. The Famous Haronose Von Glummer. From the Sen I'rattcitco Examiner. The depnrture of the Bnron*-vs Frances Amelia Bartl*-tt Oviedo von Glummer for Mexico to *** -ure n divorce from lu-r husband n*-:li' the c-.irlv history of California. The iiely's fnth r. f„‘< ut. Bartlett, U. B. N , was (be first Amen*-an Alcalde of Yerba Buena, and by a det-re* • gned by him *>n Jan. HO, 1*47, <sjnf*Tre,l it the iia/n* of Sa l Fran cs sco. 4*n the return of the Bartlett family to New York Miss Fnmce' attracted uni versal attenti ui by reason of her wonderful beauty. Tall ar’*l stately, her features strongly n-s-mU -d the famous but ill stai red beauty. Empress Eugenie. Among the numerous suitors for the young lady s hand was Don F.'tehnn Santa Cm/, de Oviedo, a Cutmi milli 'ii iire. He won tbe day, and on Oct. Iff. ISA*, led his bride to the altar. In tin- prodigality of display and grandeur the ceremony exceeded an it hi ug ever b-foro beheld in the metropolis. Arch bishop Hughes officiated in tbe nuptial cere mony, which was celebrated in St. Patrick's cathedral. Tin oiuiis* was packed, while tlioueanrl* of tho-e unable to olrfain in vita* tions lined th© streets striving to catch a glimpse of the **• i.-hrnt-d beauty. Standing at the altar arrayed to n SGJk) rol*> from Pari*, whilst ili-inv'iul* valued at SIOO,OOO blazed upon her person. Miss Bartlett pre sent**! aspect m Ic nevi*r to ts* forgotten by thoH.* who ts'h* 1-1 her. The nrevption foi liwuig th** wedding wa* extravagantly lavish. Thousand* were entertuiin*i in a sumptuous manner. Accounts of the affair were publislied to every portion of the world and tumtshed a nine days' wonder. On the death of Dm Esteban the wi*low married Baron voti Gluininer, tl* mat* h rreulting unimppiiy, us shown by the desire ul Uie wile to Ksure u cv ci *uco ui the tie. fTTIfTRA REMEDIES. ECZEMA And Every Species -l Itchinir and Liurning Diseases Cured by Outicura. ECZEMA, or Salt Rheum. w*th it* •gonixing i iiching and toiming. \y reiieTed by a warm both ■* - .b Civ: *Ha Sou- aisl a siagto ap r-bcati- n 4 CVnocx*. ib*- fr-at Skin Cure. This r-;*-.;i**l .Uily. with two or the*— 4*w* <4 CCn rixi Hi>*‘l*xxt. the V-* Bk>i Punfler. to keep the blood cool, the per*;* rat toil pure and uj.rritaticg. ite bowels the liver and kid urr* active, will sperdur cure Enema. Tetter. Rj'r .-worm. Psoriasis. Lj'-fcen. Pruritus S:a*d Hea.l. I *.* n-iruff and every tpecM* at Itching, iscaiy and Pimply Huniors of the Scalp and Skin, when the beat physicians aad oil known remedies fail. ECZEMA. I gratefully acknowledge a cure of Eczema, or Sap Rheum, on head, peek face, arms and !-zs for seventeen years: not alito to walk except on hands and ktwiw for one year: not able to nelp inywdf for eight years; tried hundreds of rvme d*i: doctors proaococcd my case hope k; per manently cured by the Crncnu Rcnxcms. will McDonald, 2512 Dearboo Street, Chicago, UL ECZEMA. Some five mocthe ac** I had tb** pieowire to inform you r.f mj Improvement inth- -ise of the Cmnxi ItrwEMSs in my case of severe Chronic Ecreiua E>v t h-r .at-•**. and today cheerfully confirm a’l I then said. I consider my cure-per fect and complete, and attribute it entirely to your remedies, having used no others. FERN AN EBENCHARDO, 33W Peirna Avenue. St. Louis, Mo. ECZEMA.* I have suffered from Salt Rheum for overeight years, at *imc- so bad that I could not atvn-J to my business for weeks at a time. Three boxes of CtmcTRA and four fx*ttto* RnsonvexT have entirely c*ir*-! me of this dreadful diwea-ie Mr. JOHN THIKL Wllkesbarre. Pa.. CUTICUBA REMEDIES. Are sold by all druggists. Pi see; CmcrßX. 50c.; Resolvcxt. fI: bOiP.2sc. Prepare*! by the Pot ter Dbc-g AM) CnmiCAL Cos.. Boston Moss. S-nd f r "HOW TO CUKE -KIN 1)1 EASES.” "DTp A TTTIFY the CompJexiou and Skin -D-LJkTA. W l,y using the Ccirtcnta Soap. FCAN’T breathe Chest Fains. Numbness. Soreness. and Hack n a.Keurisy - .n BELrHvtD is * .vl xi.*- itk by fa- Ct-ncvaa .VraPus Plasteb. Nothing llxe it. At drug ’ v fca Ere- -•>: *. i* cents. Potter Drug and Chemical Cos . Boston CLOTHING. OUK STOCK at all time* con-aining the apixirel of correct and seasonable taste U now complete with an as.toi-t.u-nt of gooda which will N- found especially interesting for those preparing for the couiitrv. Particular attention is Invited to our Una of DUSTERS, NEGLIGEE SHIETS, Bathing Suits, House and Lounging Coats, NEGLIGEE CAPS, POJAMAS, And the many little flxincs which add so materially to comfort and appearwnco during an Outittg. We are also showing several novelties io SUMMER WEAR, which are delightfully cool and of the styles and fabrics used in fashionable centres. We will consider it a pleasure to show any one through our stock. A. FALK & SON. RAILROADS. S,, F. and W. Ky. Co.—C. H R. and B. Cos. Savaxxxh, Ga.. Aug. 2. I =67. I’HE connections via the Savannah. Florida aad Western Railway and Albany still be ing Ofen for traffie. all tickets reading via Cen tral railroad will be hon**red on the traias of the Savannah. IT ri-la an-i W**4ern railway for Al bany. EufanLv. M.jotgomery. Macon. Atlanta, and points mtennediatc aod beyond. Central railn*ad at Savannah will sell tickets via S., F. and SV. to points a* above. SCHEDULES. Leave Savannah 1:33 pm Arrive Albany , 1:22 a m Leave Albany 1:30 am Arrive Montgomery 7:10 a m Leave Savannah 1:33 p m Arrive Macon 9:10 a m Arrive Atlanta 1 :fi p m Leave Atlanta 2:00 p m Leave Macon C-00 p ni Leave Albany Arrive Savannah 12:06 p m Leave Montgomery. 7:25 p m Leave Albar y 1:23 a m Arrive Savanniih li:<*i p m Sleeping cars will run between Wajrenvs* and Macon, and W'aycross aud Montgomery. G. A. WHITEHEAD, WM. F. HARDEE. Gen. Pass Agt. Gen. Pa** Agt. C, R R. S . F.XWRy, TX BEE RAIL.ROAI>. SAVANNAH AND TYBEE RAILWAY. Standard Time. /riOMMENCINO SATURDAY. July 16.1687, tbe following schedule will be in effect: No. 3 No. 1. No. 5. No. Lv. Savan nah. 10:30 am 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:30 pm :43 ain 4:lspm 7:00 pm !I:U6 pm No. 2. No. 4. No. 6. No. 8. Lv.Tybee. 7:ooam 4:ospm 9:l3pm 8:OOpm Ar. Savan nah. 6:15 am 5 J>pm 10:23 pm 9:10 pm •Trains 7 and 6 Sunday* ouly. AO* leave Savannah from Savannah and Tybre de|*t, in S . F. a. I SV. yard. *a*t *•( |io* seng'-r -li-pot. leave Tybee fr*ni i *ssin Tick.-t' on sale at depot ticket office. an*l at F*-riintelet's Cigar Store, comer F.uil arid Br**ught*ni streets. C. 0. HAINES. Supt. Sav.vjucAH. July 15, 1*67. St'lH RBAN RAILWAY. City and Suburban Railway. Savavnah. Oa . Mar St. 17 ON and after WEDNESDAY. Jun Ist, tbe following schedule will be run on the Out aide Line: LtAVE ABXtVK IXAVt ISI r -SAVE errv. i city. or uopt nojrr&onxnT •6:35 I A42 j A2O 10:25 6.43 8:13 , 7:50 ••3:25 I 2:03 | 1: 1:00 _♦T l-5 I 6.40 J 6:15 | 543 Tle-rv n ill in. n . early train from Isle of Hope on Sunday morning ' For Montgomery only. Panseugers for Isle of Hope a., i.i Montgomery without extra chary.- Tout train afford* parent* a cheap ex <-uri.i before breakfast for young children with curse* •*Tbi* 3:gi p u. train butt out of city Sunday afternoon. win Saturdays this train ieiivw* ntvat 7:43 '■ * J. 11 JOHNSTON. 1,' ,| >ii SALE. Old Ne*v*iia|er*. just tbe thing tor s rapper,, ouly 15 ce.iU, a hundred, 2to fur 23 caata, at tiw huaiuaw vtt.e. SfTfPPrVG. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOE New York, Boston an-i Philadelphia. FASSASE TO NEW YDFcK. CAREf JJD no EXCURSION a® STEERAGE- 10 00 PASSAGE TO BQSTOM. CABIN fEJ) 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. Ota New Yoke* CABIN $22 50 EXCURSION 36 00 STEERAGE 12 50 'T'HE magnificent steamships of these hue* 1 are appointed to saii us follows—standard time: TO ]STE\V YORK. cm- OF SAVANNAH. Cape F SitiTß, FRI DAY, Aug. 5, at 7 a a. TALLAHASSEE, Cap W H. Fisara. SUN DA A". Aug. 7th. at S;i a. a CHATTAHOOCHEE. Car*. If C Daoorrr, TLEriDAk, Aug. S. at O S) a, *. NACOOCHEE. Cap*. F. Kukio.v : FRIDAY', Aug. 12, at 12 u. TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Cap: U. C. Lewis, THURS DAY. Aug. 4, at 6:30 p. u. GATE CITY, Capt. E. S Taveos, THURSDAY, Aug. 11,11 a. tt. TO PHILADELPHIA. [roa razioKT gut.] JUNIATA Capt. S. L Aseim, SATURDAY'. Aug. 6, at 7 a. i. DESStdI'G. Capt. N. F Howxs. SATURDAY, Aug. 13. at 1 p. k. .Tdr* High *'ilis of lading gfvwn to Eastern aa-l Northwestern joints and to p*urts of the Uiute-i Kingdom and the Continent. for freight or passage aiyiv to C. G. ANDERSON. Agent. City Lxcoange IbnMing. Mcrchnts' and Mine rs’ IraßxportdUuD Cya’y. For Baltimore. CABIN ...sl2 50 SECOND CABIN 10 00 THE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more a* follows—city time: WM LAWRENCE Capt. Stow. THURSDAY’. August 4. at 6 p. ra. WM CRANE, Capt. Billcps, TUESDAY’, Au gust 9. at 11 a. X. WM LAWRENCE, Capt. Stow, MONDAY’, August 15, at 4 p. m. WM. CRANE. Capt Billcps. SATURDAY. August 20, at 8 a. m. And from Baltimore on the da vs above named at 3 p. n. Through bill' lading given to all points West, all the * imifacturing to-sns In New Engtend. and to p>rta of the X’nited Kingdom and tbe Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents. 114 Bay street. SEA. ISLAND ROU TE, STEAMu.Iv DAVID CLARK, Capt. M. P. USINjU W’ II I. LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of ' ' Lincoln street for IXjß* >Y. DARIEN BRUNSWICK an l FERNANDINA. everv TL’ES Day and FRIDAY at 8 p m.. city time, con necting .it Savannah with New York. Philadel phia. ftwlon and Baltimore steamer*, at Fer naadina -ith rail for Jacks-.mill,- au d ail poinu in ETori'ia. and at Brunswick ith steamer for Sat ilia river. No freight received after sp. x. ou da vs of sailing. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. Tickets on wharf and boat C. WI 1.1.1AM.u. Agent. 6EMI-WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN S BLUFF AND WAY LANDINGS. THF. steamer ETHEL Capt 4V T.GiMox.wtU leave for alove MONDAY’S an.l THl'Kft- f ‘clock p m arrive KDS aS AND SATURDAYS at so'clock5 o'clock p. M. lor iufomiiitKm. etc., ai>ily to Wharf f<snt of Drayton street. For Augusta and Way Landings. S T iTa ft IE H K A TIE, Capt. J. S. BEVILL, W’lIJ. learn EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 v o'clock a. u. (city time: for Augusta ani way landings. All freights payable by abipperm JOHN LAWTON, Manager. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE 'i amp'v. Key YVest, Havana. SOUTH BOUND. Lv Tampa Monday and Thursday 9:30 p. ra. Ar Key West Tuesday and Friday 4 p. tn Ar Havana We.toe*lay and Saturday 6 a. ra. NORTHBOUND. Lv Havana Wednesday and ur lay n*x>n Lv Key West Wednesday and Saturday 10 p m Ar Tampa Thursday and Sunday 6 p. m. Conrectiiur at Tamiia with West India Fast Tram t**and from Ni>rilK-rn and Eaatern For .siateroom accommodations apply to Citv Ticket Officeg.. I. 4IV Ky, JactL**.nvilia, or Agent Plant Steamship Line. Tamiia. „ _ p , "WENS. Traffic Manager. 11. 8. HAINES, General Manager Mat 1. I*l7 Bluff ton and Beaufort Line Wharf Foot of Abarcorn Street. STEAMER SEMINOLE leaves f..| Hluffton, L; and Way Landlm-s EVERY TI ES P*' *''w “ , K \ i E ' iY THURSDAY for B*-a.. fort and Way at II a. m For lduff tea EVERY SATURDAY at i p n u. JL STROUUa RAILROADS. S O H EL)U lT CENTRAL RAILROAD. Favas-vah. Oa., July 3, 16?7. OS and after this date Passenger Trams will run ‘lady un!es marked t, which are daily, except Sunday The staiviafa time, by which these trains inn is tfj minute* slower than Sa-an nan city time: So. 1. So 3. So. 5. So. 7. Lv Sarannah .7: K) am 8:*) pm 5:15 pin 5:40 pm Ar Guyton 8:07 atu 6:40 pm Ar Millen 9: 40 am ll:<8 pm 7:80 pin 8:45 pm Ar Augusta *1 45 pm 4:00 am 9:35 pm Ar Macon 1:40 pm 3:9oam Ar Atlanta 5:40 pm 7:15 am Ar Columbus .9:30 pm 2:45 pm Ar Montg‘rjr..7:26 am 795) pm Ar Fulauia 4:33 am 3:50 pm Ar Albany 10:00 pin 2.45 pm Train So. 9* leaves Savannah 2:00 p. m,; ar rives Guyton 2:55 p. m. Passengers for Sylvanla, 3Vrigbt*vi,'le. Mil ledceriilj undEatouton should taka 7:10 a. in. train. Passenecrs for Thomaston, Carrollton. Perrv, F "t Gaines. Talt>tton. Iluena Vista, Blakely a:, i Clayton should take the e:2O p. in. train. So. 2. So. 4. So. 0. So. '. Lv August s .. 10:00 pm C.CiOaia Lv Macon .10:35 am 10:50 pm Lt Allantu.. 8:50 am 0:50 pm LvColuailjus 11 Ail pin 12:45 pm Lv Mnote'ry. 725 pm 7:4*1 am Lv Eufauia 1 15 pm 10:49 am Lv Albany.. s:osam 11:55urn . Lv Miiien 2:2s pm 3:1 Jam 8:15 ams:2o am Lv Guyton . 4:03 pm s:olam 9:40 am 6:.sBara Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 8:13 am 10:31 aru 8:1*) am Train So. P> leaves Guyton 3:10 p. m.; arrives Savannah 4:25 p rn Sleeping cars on all night trains between Sa vannah. Augusta. Macon and Atlanta, also Ma con a.-i-i Columbus. Tram So. 3. leaving Savannah at 6:2) p. m., * ill stop regularly at Guyton, but at no other p'-in* to leu off pas. engers between Savannah and MfiPa Trai: So. 4 will stop on signal at stations be tween Milieu and Savannah to take on passen gers for Savannah. Train So. 5 will stop on signal at stations be tween Savannah and Milieu to take on passen gers for Augusta or points on Augusta branch. Train So. 6 will stop between Millen and Sa vannah to put off passengers from Augusta and points on Augusta branch. Connections at bavannah with Savannah, Florida and '.Yestem Railway for all points la Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale ar City Office. No. A* Bull street, and Depot office 30 minutes before departure of each train J. C. SHAW. G. A. WHITEHEAD, Ticket Agent. Geu. Pass. Agent. Savannah. Florida & Western Railway. [All trains on this road are run by Central Standard Time.] tpiME CARD IN’ EFFECT JUNE 19,. 18W. A Passenger trams on this road will run daily as follows: WEST INDIA FAST MAIL K*D r>ow->. READ try. 7 M am Lv Savannah. Ar 12:06 p m 12:99pm Lv... Jacksonville Lv 7:o9am 4:4opm Lv . Sanford. Lv I:lsam 9:*Xlpm Ar Tampa Lv 6:U)pm PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Monday and*. , Tani ™ Vr 'Thursanl Thun pm i L • Tampa. Ar (Sun pra F^y T p“mf Ar. Key West. Lv p * Wen..-,. Havana Lv |- 1 Pullman buffet cars to and from New York and Tampa. NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. ?:<Y,a m Lv Savannah Ar 7:sBpm ?42amLv Jesup. Ar 6:16 om jc.Vain Ar Way cross. Lv 5:06 pm 11:26 a m Ar Callahan Lv 2:47 pin 12:06 coonAr Jacksonville. . .Lv 2:06 p m 7:00 am Lv . Jacksonville Ar 7:45 p m 19:1-5 a m Lv AVavcross. Ar 4:*) p m 12:1H pm Lv Valdosta Lv 2:56 p m 12:34pm Lv Quitman . ..Lv 2:2s pm I:2lpm Ar.. Thomasville ... Lv I:4spm 3:3~ p in Ar Bambridge Lv 11:25 am OH n ::i Ar Chattahoochee Lv 11:30am Pullman buffet care to and from JacksonviUs and New York, to and from Waycrts and Now Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 1:30 pm Lv Savannah. .. Ar 12:06 ptn 3:Jip in Lv Jesup Lv 10:32am 4 (opm Ar Wgj TO— Lv 9:23am 7:45 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:iY> a m 4 I ’ . Lv Jacksonville . Ar 9:45 am 7:29 pra Lv Way cross Ar 635 am 8:81 Pin Ar. Dupont Lv 5:30 am 3:97. pm Lv . Lake City Ar 10:45 am 3:45 pm Lv Gainesville Ar 10:90 a m 6:57) p m Lv Live Oak Ar 7:10 am 8:40 p fn Lv ... Dmponl7 Ar~'s:2s7m 10:55 pni Ar Thomasville. . . Lv 3:25 am 1:22 ain Ar Albany ,Lv 1:25 am Puilman buff** care to and from Jackson villa and St. Loui3 via Thomasville, Albany, Mont gomery and Nashville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 7:35 pm Lv Savannah. Ar 610 am 10:05pm Lv Jesup Lv 3:lsam 12:40am Ar .. Waycross Lv 12:10am 5:99a nx Ar Jacksonville Lv 9:0) pm 9:oopm Lv Jacksonville .. Ar 6:9oam 1:06 am Lv Waycross . Ar 11:39 p m 2 89a m Ar Dupont I.v 10:05pm Tin am Ar lave Oak Lv 6:55 pm 10:99a mAr . Gainesville. I.v B:S3 pm | Ar Lake C:ty Lv 9:26pm ■m Lv ..Dupont . Ar 9:35 p m 6:30 am Ar Thoraasrille . Lv 7:12) pin 11:40 a m Ar Albany Lv 4:00 pin Stops at all regular stations. Pullman sleeping cars to anil frbiu Jack .)UTiiie and Sa vannah THOMASYTLLE EXPRESS. 6:05 a m Lv WaycTww Ar 7:00 pm 10:25 a m Ar .Thomasville. Lv 2:15 pm Stojw at aU regular and flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 p m Lv Savannah Ar 6:99 am 6:10 p in Ar Jretip Lv 5:25 am Stops at all regular and flag stations CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 a m. far rive Augusta via Yeu.jssee at 12:30 pnn. 12:M p ni and * 23 p m; for Augusta r. id Atlanta at • :'■* am, 5:15 pin and *9l p in: with -leamshipa for New York Sunday. Tuesday and Friday; tor Boston Thursday: f -r Baltimore every tlftnday. At JESL'P for Brunswick at 4: *) a m and 3: B pm: for Macon 70: Xi a m and 1! :07 pm. At tY A YCiiOSS for Brunswick at 10:0ua mand 5:06 p in. At CALLAHAN for Femar.dina at 2:47 pm; for Wald-., Ciduir Key. tX'ala, etc . at 1127 am. At LIVE oak for Madison, Tallahassee, etc., at 10:-Vt a in and 7:*) p ni. At GAINESVILLE f,>r Ocala, Tavares, Brooks viile and Tampa at IO:.Y> a m. At ALBANY f*ir Atlanta. Macon. Montgoox cry, M< bile. New Orieaus. Nashville, etc. At CH ATT vlit ><K'KKE for Pensacola, Mobile, New * irlcnns at 4:14 p m. Tickets sold arid sleeping iar berths secured at ItKEN S Ticket Office, and at the Btitiou. WM p. lIARDEK, Pass H. G. FLKMINO Suiwrlotfu>l( k ot Charleston 4; Savaimab Railway Cos. C'ONNECTIONS made at Savannah with Sa vannah. Florida anil Western Railway. Trains leave and urrive at Savannah by stand ard tulle ':h nieridiani, a inch is 58 minutes slower than city time. 9' Noimnv.uu). No. 14* 3tit M> 78* LvSaVh .122)1 p m 4:00 p m 8.45 am 8:23 pm Ar Augusta 12:30 pm Ar Beaufort 6:98 p m ... . . it): 15 ain Ar P. Royal 6:20 pin . . 10:30am ArAlilaie. 7: to j> m 8:15p m 10:20 ain ..... Ar Cba ston 4:43 p m 9:20 p ni 11:40 a m 1:25 a to SOUTHWARD. St* 35* 27* Lr Cha'stou 7:10 a ni 3.35 p m 4:00 a m I.v Augusta 12:35 pm .... .... Lv Al'dale. 5:10 am 8:07 pm l.v V Royal. 7:00 am 882) p m Lv Beaufort 7:12 a in B:J.'> pm... ArSavli. 10:15am.. 6:53 t> in 6:41 a m •Daily between Savannah and CbarleMon. ♦Sundays only. Tia.u No. <8 makes no connoction with Port Koval and Augusta Railway, and slops only at Riijgeiaml. Green Pond and Kaveuel. Train 14 itop* only at A’enuissee and tireen Irind. Slid connects for Beaufort anti Port Royal dally, and for A lie rutile daily, except Sunday. Trains 35 and connect from anil for Beaufort and Port R* yal ilaily lor tickets, sleeping car reservalions and all other information apply to W)l. BRFN. Sissiai Ticket Agent. 22 Bull street, and st l harlewton and Savannah iall"ay ticket office, at savannah, Florida an t Western Kailnajr deis-i C.. GADSDfiN, fkipt. j—raO.Utfs,