The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 04, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMKRCI VI„. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, I Savannah, Oa., Aug. 3,4, p. m. f CoTTOX— Till' market coutimws wry dull and nominal- Prices; are weak and declining. There , no demand, and not a single transaction e c.ined during the day. On 'Change at the u ,id.l.iy call at 1 p. m. the musket was reported noniiuiil at ad •.•Une at for ali grades. The fnlljwing are the ofticial apot qintat ons of the (>; ton Elto.rA.ngei Mi l Hin t fair Good miihlling . iitrj Middling i)k ! ow middling u Good ordinary Sea Inland— The market is still very dull and uu'hanged. We quote: Common Cksorgiar and Floridas.... 14 C(V>% Medium 18Win IT Good medium lTtoy.lß Medium line lSiiffe Fine I!l'^;o,.h0 Extra Fine Choice 22 <& Comparative Cotton Statement. Rkcf.ipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Aue. 3, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. 188tL8T. | 1885-80. ! |j wZd\ u i‘ 1^ j Jw. v > ta “ d \ (stock on hand Sept. 1 1,140, 4,304; , 551 3.298 Received to-day 1 — i — |! lO5 j Received previously I | Total i 28,393: 775.8Jiji J£i,3S) 783,885 i Exported to-day ? ! — I (| 10 1! jExiiorteti previously j 27,888. 775,360!' 22,709 781,843 | Total ' 27,8881 775,860 1 ja,To<J| 781,947 1 Stock on 1 tand and oti ship-;, j { board this day 555, 4071! 1,3301 1,037. Rice—The market is rather unsettled and for the time nominal. There is very little offering except from second hands. There were no sales reported during the day. We quote; Fair 4^(s4Lj Good 4%(5494 Prime 4%(55 Routfh— Count ry lots Go(s 90 Tidewater. 90($1 15 Naval Stores—Tbe market for spirits tur pentine was ouiet, hut firm and unchanged. The sales were aoout 150 casks at quotations. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm at 2094 c for regulars. At the closing call it was firm at * for regulars. Rosin—The market continues quiet and unchanged. At the Board of Tra !e on the first call the market was reported firm for I and above, and steady for II and lxdow. with sales of 611 barrels, at the following quotations; A, B, 0 and D 9>e, K 95c, F $1 On, Gsl H$l 10,1 $1 12H. Ksl 30, 31 $1 40, N $1 55, window glass $1 85, water white $2 33. At the closing call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Rock on hand April 1 2,518 77,408 Received to-day 549 8,37 1i Received previously 86,867 197,375 Total 89,959 278.159 Exported to-day 4i3 1,110 Exorted previously 76,703 221,580 Total 77,121 222,096 Stock on hand and oil shipboard to-day 12,8:18 55,403 Receipts same day last year 464 2,095 Financial—Money is very quiet. Domestic Exchange —Steady. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at % percent, discount and selling at pane per cent, pre mium. Foreign Exchange —Tbe market is weak. Commercial demand. $4 83 1 4; sixty days. 8154; ninety days, $4 Sli p francs. Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, $5 2l*>4; Swiss, $5 24%; marks, sixty days, 94V4. Securities -The market is inactive, with light offerings. Buyers bold off, and only seem in clined to trade at inside prices. Stocks and Bonds —( ’> tij liomts- Quiet. At lanta Offer cent, long date. 108 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta, 7 percent., 118 bid 121 asked; Augusta 7 per cent, long date, 115 bid, 118 asked; Au gusta Os long date. 108 hi l. 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent., IUO bid. 105 ask and: Macon 6 per cent. 11l bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. October cuiqxins, 102 bid, asked; new Sa vannah .5 per cent. August coupons, 102*4 bid, 103i(. asked. State Btmds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new Os, 1889, bid, 108 ti asked: Georgia new 4t&s, 104V£ bid, 815J4 asked; Geor gia 7 per cent, gold, ijaarterly coupons, 10<i nid, 10< asked; Georgia. 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1896, 120 biu, 121 asked. Railroad Slocks-Centrn\ common, 119 hid, ISO asked • Augusta und Savannah 7 per cent, guaranteed, 131 bid, 138 asked: Georgia corn mon, 190 bid, 198 asked: Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 127 bid, 1.28 asked; On tral 0 per cent, certificates, 109 bid, asked; Atlanta ai.d West Point railroad stock. 110 bid, 112 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 percent, certificates, p 8 bid, 104 asked. Railroad Bonds—M arket quiet. Savannah. Florida and Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 cent, interest, coupons October, H 5 asked: Atlantic and (Hilt mort gage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons Janu ary and July, maturity 1897, 118 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 j>er cent., coupons January and July, maturity 1893, lOUb* bid. 110*>4 (>*orgia railroad : s. I*J7. 106 bid, 108 asked: Mobile aud Girard second mort gage indorsed 8 per cent., coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 102 bid. 101 asked; Mont ffomery and Eufauln tiixt mortgage 0 fier cent . ■‘doused by Central railroad, 1064; bid, 107 asked; .Marietta and North Georgia first mort gage, 50 years, 0 per cent., 99 bid, 1001 s asked; Charlotte, Columliia and Augusta first mort gage 111 hid. 112*6 asked; Charlotte. (Colum bia and Augusta se<*ond mortgage, ill bid. asked: Western Alabama second mort gngu indorsed 8 per <nt.. 108 bid. 100 asked; South Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 bid, l‘*M asked; fioutli Georgia and Fioriil v second niortga*ro, 111 bid, 116 asked: Augusta and Knoxviilo first mortgage 7 par cent., lllVa hid, 112 askd; Gniuesvilie. Jeffui ;ou and South* eni first mortgage guarantivil, 115V* bid. a iku<l: Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not gu ranteed, 118 agked; Ocean Steamship 6 ikm* cent. l>ouds, guaraiteed by (‘on tral railroad. 10 ; :*4 hid. 10.3 asked: Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern re mud mortgage guaranteed. 113 asked; Columbus and Rome first mortgage bonds, indorsed by Cen tral railroad, 105 bid, ](). asked; Columbus and Western 0 per rent. guarnnteiHl, 199 bid. 11l atikeU; City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 jxt cunt.. 1091 ml, !10 asked: * gle tlioq>n Savings aud Trust Company, 106 bid, 307 asked. Ran 7. Stocks —Nominal. Southern Bunk of the State of Georgia. 2UO bid, 205 asked; Mer chants' National Bank. 157 aaked; Savannah Ban); and Trust 99 bid. 101 asked; National Bank of Savannah, 12** bid, 121 asked. Oa.‘i stocks —Savannah Gas Light stock, dividend, 20 bid. 21 ludred; Mutual Gas Light *tock, 20 bid, 2.9 ask and. Bacon sfurkct firm and ;idvnncing: demand t>mok<Bl cle7<r rib si ies. shoulder-. g£*°; dry salted elcur rib sides, long clear, shoulder*, none; hams, 13 *. llAonixq and Ties - Market ouiet. We quote: M-Wng 2*4 11 >m M4GT.Ki.GO; 2 fr-s, 7Wji. 7*4o ; p*4 lt>i)s, 7(7/ according to brand anu quantity Iron ties--Arrow and other brands, $1 WFp | b 5 ler bundle, aecorditig brand and quantity Bagging an I ties m itail l**fs a fraction higher Bittmcji -Market steady: olm>margarine, 1 i', Bkqchoic* Goshen, l‘v; gilt edge, 22c; cream ery. 255 6 Caubaol: -Northern. lff(M2e. . ( ‘hbuik Market nomumljsmall demand ;atock light. We quote, lUc. 15c. Cim kki: The market is firm We quote for small Iota: Ordinary, ddc; fair, 21c; good, 22c; choice, 22Ue: |H?abMT.y. 25e. Drikd Fki’it -Apples, erai^orated, 13e: peek'd, 7c; neuehes, |K*elea, 19c; unpeelod, 5(757c; cur rants. 7c; citron, '£*•. Dry Goods- The market r firm; business fair. We quote: Prints, l r/. 6c: Georgia brown shirt ing. .3-4. 4J*o; 7-Mo. 4 4 iirowu sl*e. t h‘g. 6|qjc; white osrmbur;rs, checks; 6*4 rl7c\ yarns, k.%* for Ikjhl makes; brown drill ings, 7®.7Uc. Kwh We quote full weights: Mackerel—No. J, No 3 half barr- ls. nominal, $6 o0(^7'o ( >; No. 2. t-. 50 ;> s ,v). Herring— No. 1, I *c; HuaUsl, 25c; c*kJ, h(d B*.'. Ki/m h Market unsettled; demand moderate. We quote: Extra. fancy, $1 6 10; choice pit*-it; $5 25<Ta5 50; family, $ bO& 4 00. Fruit—Lonwins—Market advancing and de mand good. We am to; $6 wiy o 70. CiitAiv Corn vary firm: demand light. We quote: Whit.*' corn, job lots. 62c; cur!-Mid lots, toc; mlxe*l Bro, job Tot.,, tide: car load lots, V C C>Ht;; steady; ds'Uinnd good We Cttote: 5,i-;#jd oat a. 48**; carload lota, 40c Bran, ri O*. Meal. nt-. <ioorgU grist, pr rsse t. $1 40; Mi. i,ir immicl. 71k Hai- Market very tirui, with u fair demand; stoek ample. We quote jo'i lots; Western, 51 10; carload lots, Eastern, none; North ern. none. Hides, Wooi,. Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry Hint, lie; salted, 9c; dry butcher, No. Wool Receipts light; !n r V, ne ln „ lxlles - burry, lOoal.V. Wax. 13c. rallotv, 3@4c. Deer skins, flint, 90c; salted luc Otter skins. 50c@§4 00. Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4<d@sc; refined 2>ic. Laud--Market is easy; in tierces, TMc; 501 h tins, 7%c. Caixined Plaster and Cement^-Ala bamu lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at ¥1 30 per l-ari-ei; Georgia, 51 30;calcined pias ter. 51 r i periiairel; hair. Ic. Rosendale cement, 51 00; Purl land cement, 5 J 50. Liqroiis Full stock; steady demand. 11 mi bou, 5150,£A5 50; rye. $1 st)f.vot>; rectified. 51 Olho l 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails - Market firm: fair demand. Weqnote: lid. S3 90; 41 and sd. 53 25; 6J, S3 00; Bd, *3 lOd to OOd, $i 50 per keg. __JCuts—Almonds, Tarragona, 18(Tr.20c; Ivicas, If 18c; walants, French. 12c; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c: filberts, 12c; eocoanuts, Baracoa, 55 25 per KX). Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 4." c: West Virginia black, 9@loe; lard, 0c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c: water white, 13hjo; ueatsfoot, 02@80c; machinery, 25(g.30c; liuseed, raw, 52c; boiled, 55c; mineral seal, l(ic; fireproof, 18c: hotnelight, ISc. Onions—Northern, per bbl, 84 50; native, $1 00(g;l 25 per crate; Egyptian, 82 75 per case. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, $2 50(32 75. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75®. 80c; clay, 81 00® 1 15; speckled, 81 00® 115; black eye, $1 25® 1 50; white crowder, 81 50® 1 75. Prunes—Turkish. 5-Le: French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel. s2<X>; layers, (2 00 per box; Lon don layers, (2 25 per box. Salt -The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 60c fob; job lots, 75i&90c. Shot—Drop, (1 40; buck. $1 G 5. Sugar—Tbf* market is firm; cut loaf, 6->ic; standard A, extra C. 5%c; C yellow, granulated, iiowdered, o^c. Syrup—Florida and Georgia syrup, the market is quiet for sugarhouse at Ss§,4oc; Guba straight goods, 2.4 c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull: demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25e(ff*l 25; chewing, com mon, sound. 25^30c: fair, Ho<&Bjc; medium, its <ff 50e; bright. fine fancy, 85(gi90c; extra fine. 90c(ti?l Iff; bright navies, 4575 c; dark navies, 4lXg^soc. Lumber—The effect of the interstate com merce hill, coupled with scarcity of cars, has considerably curtailed shipments and quieted demand from the West. Coastwise and foreign demand is quite active, and prices remain firm at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 Difficult sizes 16 (Kkc;2l 50 Flooring boards 26 Shipstuff 18 50TC A off Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $9 OOtfjj.ll 00 800 “ “ 10 Off re and 1 Off 900 “ “ 11 00(oM2 00 1,000 “ i “ 12 00fel4 00 Shipping timber in the raft -700 feet average sft 800 •* ** 7 ‘.KX) “ “ 8 00 V Y* 9 (X) I,iHH) “ tk 9 Mill timber §1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—The market is very quiet, a few cargoes offering for New York and Baltimore. All arrivals this week were previously closed. Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from tins and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake {x>rts, Philadelphia, New York. Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@$l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal* to South America, sl3oo<§;l4 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, $1 i 00®, 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27<(j2Ss; lumber. 413 15s. Steam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 Off; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores-Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s 10i£d, and, or. 4s iL. i: Adriatic, rosin, *s; Genoa, rosin, 2s Coast wise—Steam— To Boston. 50** on rosim $1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c: to Philadelphia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c: to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 00c. Coastwise*, quiet. Cotton—By Steam—Tne market is nominal. Idverpool via New York $ lb 3-10d Liverpol via Baltimore i?lb ... 3-1 Gd Antwerp via New York 791 b Havre via New York 11> 9-lc Havre via Baltimore. Otic Bremen via New York f* lb 11-16 c Ueval via New York 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore stb • %c Amsterdam via New York 6f‘ Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York 2> %and Boston hale 135 Sea island H bale 1 75 New York P bale 1 35 Sea Island H bale 1 75 Philadelphia \<*bale 135 Sea island $ bale 1 75 Baltimore i? ijale 1 25 ITovidence bale. 1 60 Rice -By steam — New York barrel ft*) Philadelphia \> barrel 0<? l-Snltiniore V barrel CO Boston barrel 6*) Veoktarles By Steam (By social contract/ —To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standai>t crates, 20e: barrels 40c. With out the contract, crates 35c; barrels 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls : U ]Kiir $ 05 (ih. 80 Chickens, to : >4 grown 40 60 Springers 25 40 Ducks pair 50 75 Geese y pair 75 (j/1 Off Turkeys P i>ftir 1 25 (u 200 F.ggs, country, V dozen 20 Peanuts— Fancy h. p. Va. 1b... (<& <V< lvauuts—Hand nicked \4 (<r 6^ Peanuts —Ga. uushel. nominal. 75 90 Sweet ixffutoes. ye!, reds j?) bush. 50 (ft. 60 potatoes, yid.yams U bush. 05 Ci£ 75 Sweet pot's, whiti* yams $ bushel 40 (<£, 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; den mini light for grown: half to three-quarter grown in good request. Egos-Market irregulur with a good demand ancl hare of stocks, owing to the freshets. Peanuts— Fair stock; demand moderate; ad vaneing and higher prices predicted. Sugar—Georgia anil Florida, nominal: none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good- MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. KIVANOIAT- Nkw York, Aug. 3, noon. — Stocks active and heavy. Money en*y at oftiti j*r cent. Ex change—lon it $4 Sd, sit >rt ■ I * i t - : i s I Slate liomts inflected. Government bonds dull but steady. 5:00 p. in. -Exchange dull but steady Money easv at 4b 5 iw<-ent.. ckwing oiitosj at p,.. Sub-Treasury balatiees—Geld. SIT-, l Ors/xnt; cur reney, Government bonds dull but lina; four per cents l^i-y: four and a half per cents HVi'4. State bonds neglected. Tbe uneasiness caused by rumors ill regard to loans made by the Ives syndicate entirely disappeared to-day. and the temper of tbo market underwent a marked change for the better. There was renewed buying for longae count, and shorts lautauto run, which muck!y ivered the bisst-o of yesterday for most of the active stocks. Boom traders, who have been liearisli to a man. became divide I in opinion, and their operations locked the vim of the post few days. London was ag'iic a liberal purchaser, and more o il of town orders to buy were reported by the commission people than has been seen for a long time. Boor showing of earnings ivixirtml 1 by Bt. Paul, together with fn-e icali/Jtiioiis, checked the advance at, noon, a, and tliungli tin-tv was no decline of any imqueuce, there was no upward movement l hereafter. A feeling of nervousness wnsciir rent among trot lent, who are apprehensive of a and and of soiim s.>ri I. mgspriiiigupoii tbe market. Interest win. monopolized ny half a dozen stocks, while the remainder were quiet to dull. Louisville, New Allsinyand Chicago continued itv decline, hot roe ivereP. later, an I Virginia Midlaud, after onenlng down 10 percent., re covered 5 of it. The o|xmtng was irregular but generally strong at udvanecs exteintfng to : >, pi-i cent., though Otmiha whs cvepi iornllv higher at. I*4 iter cent, atlvunce. 'l oeiv was 1 iig.- Imsiit'c-s in a tow stocks,with quiet t rading iri the remainder, mid price, w.-rc lirui to strong, a id matcri ti aUtaucestvere recorded in tin* 111 st hour. Art or a slight roc*.odon. tile Up ward motoim lit was renewisl, and still higher figures ser ■ • aiili ihed The iiso was checked shortly Is-lore noon, after which tie- market rn insliitsi dull and steady until the lust bour.uhon it Us-une firm mice more. was quiet but th in at ot near the best figures reached.and with the active list all higher. Total sales .vtO.otK* sivtres. Th<3 toilowing were tbo closing quotations: Ala class A,2 to 5.100 New Orleans Pa- Ala. Class li. :* 11*14 elite. Ist mort... 81 i icorgut fs, mort tt os * N. I Central ...10*14 N. Catsilnia Ba It Norf. & \V. prof... 4“Ct N Cal'iluia is. 'JO'* Nor. Paciilc. .. ;*, So Caro. (Hrown) - prof aO-, consols 105 PnellC Mail TrlllK'SSTos ... *' Beading Virginians 1H Bichinona & Ale.. id Vu consolidated, t. 51 Lichtnond a DanrlW Ch'peakeit Ohio 5 RlcUm and at tV. IT Ctiio. & NiM ibw' Fermi rial “ preferred 14 4V6 K* k I-.l*i 4 1. -125 Dela.. A V\ r Bl. Paul Kre* 118 i: and AI 'IVxaH I'oclfit 2< U ut*w Hiouk .. 11 Vi Tonn. Omel jl]w sboif Mm Union pAuldO.. M* THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, ISB7. L'ville & Nash 61 N. J. Central 72** Memphis & Char. sc) Missouri Pacific... Mobile & 0hi0.... 1291 Western Union... 7J* Nash. & Chatt’a.. 77 ]Z CottouOilTrust cer 35 *Bid. t Asked. cotton. Liverpool, Aug. 3,12:30 p. m.—Cotton freely supplit‘U and irregular; middling uplands slMftd, middling Orleans Oftjttd; sales Iff.OOO bales, for BpcHnilation and exi>ort 1,(00 bales; receipts B,<n> Igiles American 2,300. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Au gust delivery 5 20-64d; August and Septembr 525 Bid; September and October 5 13-04a; Octo ber and November 5 0-ft4d; November and l> *- cemlHsr 5 4 64d; December and January 5 4 64d; January and February 5 4-64d; September 523 (jfil Market flat. 2 p. m.—The sales to*day included 7,000 bales of American. Middling uplands 5Ld, middling Orleans sU<l. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Au gust delivery 5 22-tt4d, buyera; August and Sep tember 5 21-64d, value; September and October 5 l()-64d, sellers; October and November 5 4-(>4d, sellers; November and December 5 2-64d, sellers; December and January 5 144(1, buyers; January and February 5 i-64ci, buyers: February and MarchS l-64d,buyers; September 5 21-04d,value. Market dull. 4 p. m.—Futures: Unlauds, low middling clause, August delivery 6 23-64d, sellers; August and September 5 22-64(1, sellers: September and October 5 U-(‘4d, sellers; October and Novem ber 5 l-64d. buyers; Noveml)6r and December 5 2-G4d, wallers; 'December and January 5 2-64d, sellers; January and February 5 2-64d, sellers; February and March 5 2 (>fil, buyers; September 5 22-64d. sellers. Market closed steady. Manchester, Aug. 3. The Guardian says: “The market was very quiet. Fresh inquiry small. India merchants have received few tele graphic orders, although in some instances last week's low limits were raised, and business was done which* previously had not been feasible. The actual transactions and now demand are quite light. Inquiry for China is uniinnortunt. Shippers to Eastern Mediterranean markets arc fairly occupied with regular business for the current season, yet order* an* moderate. Buyers for South American and other lesser foreign outlets continue to purchase steadily-, but as a rule in small quantities. Home distribution is very small. Export_varu sections are inactive. There is a moderate demand, and in some east's prices are a trifle easier. Home manufacturers are averse to buying more than they actually require for immediate or early use. Cloth see tions are quiet, and sales are below the average. Some manufacturers are rather anxious to sell, and are occasionally disposed to accept lower rates. Steadiness rules, however. India and China shirtings are steady where engagements are full. There is some demand for heavy goods, chiefly from nearer foreign markets." Nkw York, Aug. 3. noon.—Cot ton opened quiet; middling unlands 10c, middling Orleans l(%c; sales 28, l>ales. Futures—Market opened steady, with sales as follows: August delivery 9 75c. September 9 27c, October 9 10c. November 9 12c, December 9 12c. January ft 15c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed easy; middling up lands 10c, middling Orleans sales to-day 4ffti bales; gross receipts 280 hales. Futures—Market closed quiet but steady, with sales of 111.4(H) bales, as follows; August de livery 9 83c. September 9 35(&9 30c, Octo ber 9 2R&9 25C, NovemL r 9 Decfmi ler 9te, January 9 22(&9 23i-. February ft 28(ui 9 29c. March 9 3.>(q.9 36c, April 9 43c, May ft Green & Co.'s roport on cotton futures savs: "An irregular tone has prevailed on cotton fu tures today, with the run of cost generally lower. During the early portion of the day a continuation of tame accounts from Liverpool had a depressing influence, and under rather tin dcrselliug. there was a shrinkage of 10(7/12 j oint s. ( >ctoler showing the greatest weakness, i mil afterward more or less unfavorable crop advices created a reactionary feeling, and there was a recovery that put late months back to about lust evening's figures, or a fraction higher, and the chase was steady. August wont off 12 points, and recovered 8 points, but was quiet aud without feature." Galveston, Aug. ■. —Cotton quiet; middling net receipts 106 bales, gross 100; sales 72 bales; slock 1,.83 bales; exports coastwise 35i bales. Norfolk, Aug. 3.—Cotton quiet; middling l(*c; net receipts none, gross none; sales bules; stock i ,576 bales; exports coastwise 110 bales. Baltimore, Aug. 3.—Cotton nominal; middling fi>Mjc; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 472 bales. Boston, Aug. 3.—Cotton quiet; middling 10V 6 c: net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock none; exports to toGreut Britain 89 bales. Wilmington, Aug. 3.—Cotton nominal; mid filing 10c; net receipts none, gross none; Bales none; stock 458 bales. Philadelphia. Aug. 3.—Cotton quiet; mifi filing Iff'a-c; net receipts 9 bales, gross 9; stock 16.519 bales. New Orleans, Aug. 3.—Cotton easy; mid filing ft'4c; not receipts 45 bales, gross 45; sales 50 bales; stock 34,993 bales; exports coastwise 2,568 bales. Mobile, Aug. 3.—Cotton nominal; middling 9>.c: net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 226 brth*s: exports coast wist* KX) bales. Memphis. Aug. 3. Cotton dull: middling receipts l \ bales: shipments none; sales 125 bales; stock ft,495 bales. Augusta. Aug. 3.—Cotton quiet; middling 10?4c; receipts none; sales 4 bales. Charleston, Aug. 3. -Cotton quiet and nomi ual; middling 10c; net receipts 2 bales, gross 2; sales none; stock 516 bales. Atlanta, Aug. 3.—Cotton—middling ftfcje; receipts none. Nf.w York, Aug. 3.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 162 bales; exports, to Great Britain 8,720 bales; stock at all Ameri can ports 162,414 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES, ETC. Liverpool. Aug. 3, 12:3) p. in.—Wheat quiet; holders offer freely. Corn firm: new mixed Western 4:. 1 Wt. New York. Aug. 3, noon.—Flour dull and beu\y Wheat lower. Com lower. Pork steady mess'sl6 25 75. Lard dull at $6 95. Old mess pork steady at sls 25(§>15 75. Freights quiet lmt weak. 5:00 p. m. -Flour, Southern dull. Wheat do dined Vpn w*; options declined closing heavy at near the bottom; No. 2 red, August delivery 78 ; *i<ft79Vie, Se;iernlK*r ,0. Com (krliura closing weak; No. 2, Au gust delivery 46L(c September 47 15-16.7/ 48W- Oats lower, lmt moderately ac tive: mixed W stern 34r/3tto; No. 2, August de livery 31 : ijfe(&31)£c, September 81 Hois quiet sinftdy. Coffee, fair Rio, nominal at 19c; No. 7 Rio, August delivery 16 IXio; SeptomlKU* 17 unchanged: refined quiet. Molasses steady. Cottonseed oil quoted Ik* for refined. Hides quiet but firm. Wool quiet '"it liarely steudy. Pork sUady. Beef dull. Middles dull and nominal. Lard more ac tive and generally steady: Western steam, on srot DD.tO'./,6 9.%, AugUi t $0 Sp tetnher §7 o,<j£7 Oic. Freights dull. Chicauo, Aug. 3.—The corn boom of yester day was overdone and everybody had corn i sell te-day. notwithsuinding that the only ran ietMined oflicwi’fiy anywhere near the neighlior laKid of the corn lelt was at St. Paul. Huron. Dead wood and North Platte, which points, in laet. are 11 good many links from t k* * >.-at of var " < >ff-ring * soon leveled the fancy figures o* Tuesday s ciow. The liveliest trading was fiuri ig th* first hour, when Hepterntier had tumbled down from the opening of to 4ff>4‘*. October and Novem her showed lc drop nlso. the rormer from 42Gc to nnfi the latter from 43c to 42c. May having mode the most marked advance was also in the lead in the retreat aud touched at the same time 44 %c, or l : *vc under vesterfiay's closing Dullncs - fol lowed the decline, and until the noon hour there was a little rally and September sold i* with other futuroa less affected. Tin* ri.s*, however, was weak, in keeping with the feeling of the morning, and the closing prices were He for September and AW#: for May A few local seal tiers did most of the trading In wheat, and on the whole the wheat crowd rather sought what little excitement and gain there was in Die corn pit, or alxindoned trading altogether for the dav. The decline ysterday from the open ing pries* was continued this morning on the belli.ig of longs Tiie market opened lower for all futures from September to May and iec<rd*d a i#*tdine of There was u slight rally toward tie* close, which left the market steady and protm fiug, but lifeless fur the time being. Oats were trtLrly active and unsettled, and piv *s reacted from th** advauco </l ye.?u.*i<lay, the market closing finally at 1 decline for August. U/('t : 'xe lower fot S**j)U.uni*er and oetolier, and L',f lyo in war for May. I 'imifions were moder ately aciive. but an unsettled 11 elmgi>revail I. Tin* slump m corn had u lepres ing effect 0:1 the near deliveries, short i’Bm for .B<qitcmter break ing 17-m'* and duimary advamMiig 20e, but lost n*e of tne app<‘H'Ufiod. S**pte/nlM*r rib* sold ,0 $8,748 17p. and closed tame at the bottom. Jan uary sold nt s*i 4lVit& 6d and clo>'*-l nt ftft.g). b ird remained *ie.*dy at ?*ft 7ff<- , 6 77* > iorS*,p tenil*er and closed at January at £6 77i£ d/M 82‘,, and closed at $G *O. The onfy m.t'on in pors was from sl2 75 to sl3 for J inuary and an advance of Tf.s* in the year opt buis. quotatioua to-fitly ruled as follows: Wheat, No. 2 spring No 2 red 7trii*. f’orn. No. 2, 4ffc. Outs. So. X MV,c. Me4* purl sls Lord, per UK) IliM. $6 6ff7/ 0 V2|Short rib Hides, loose, $7 95. Drysohod Hitouidet-h, boxed, $5 **(//>•' iG; short clour sides, boxtsi Wbttky $1 10. Jy.idmg futures langaa w> follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 WUK AT August delteery. Sept delivery... 70J* *ff)s 70 Corn* August delivery. 41 41 4ffWi Sept, delivery .. 41% 4i% yjgi^ Oath A uguet delivery. 25U 21^4 Neol delieerr... SOfj Mess Pork— Year $l2 30 $l3 87 $l3 25 ... 13 75 18 00 12 75 Lard— August delivery. $0 65 $6 65 $6 02Vj Sent, delivery— 0 72J4 6 75 0 72>S Short Kirs— August delivery. $8 02# $8 02U $7 05 Sept, delivery... 8 17m! 8 17>$ 8 IK) Baltimore, Aug. 3. —Flour about steady and very quiet: 1 Toward street and Yv’estern suj/er fine $2 35(77 2 90, extra $3 75, family s!<*) (&4 40, city mills superfine *2 50u(>3 00. extra $.l 23® 3 75; Rio brands $4 37. Wheat— Southern steady, with moderate inquiry; red 70 @;81c; amber 80(7$ S2e; Western easier; No 2 winter red, on spot and August delivery 78*d <(t ?85rc. Corn—Southern firmer but quiet; white 50<!v->3e, yellow 50(^51tfte. St. Louis. Aug. B.—Flour dull but easy. Wheat Vprfcie lower, influenced chieily by a break in c orn; No. 2 red, cash 690. August de livery GOf p ,i 09Tp\ September 71 l . 4 at 7K‘*c. Corn lower; cash 36Wj£37e. September deliv ery 36Wui 379£c. Oats firm; cash 23V*c, Septem ber delivery 21%(&351<6c. Whisky si §1 05. Provisions dull: Pork irregular; new at $l5 50. Jvircl, $6 40. Pry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 65; long clear $8 10, clear ribs $8 15, short clear $8 40. Bacon taxed shoul ders sc>3s, long clear and clour ribs $9(7/9 10, short clear $0 25(g,9 35. Hams steady at $ll 00 ($l4 00. Cincinnati, Aug. 3, —Flour tinner. Wheat firmer; No. 2 red 72c. Corn active, strong and higher; No. 2 mixed 43<&43V{c. Oats stronger; No. 2 mixed, 27J(jC. Provisions--Pork steady and unchanged at $l5. I-ord at $6 37*4. Bulk meats unchanged; short clear $8 l2Vfc. Bacon un changed; short clear $0 25, short rib $1) 50. Whisky active and firm at $lO5. Hogs firm; common mid light $4 80<$5 35, packing and butchers $5 006? 5 40. Louisville, Aug. B.—Grain quiet. Wheat- No. 2 red. 68c. Corn—No. 2 mixed 42c. Oats— No. 2, Provisions dull: Bacon—clear lib sides $l4 25, dear sides $9 50, shoulders $0 75. Bulk meats clear rib sides $8 50, clear sides $8 shoulders $6 00. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured firm at 11 Lard, choice leaf SS. Nkw Orleans, Aug. 3.—Coffee weak and lower: Rio cargoes, common to prime 17V*>($ 20V$e. Cotton seed products dull and nominal. Sugar strong: Louisiana ojhmi kettle, good fair 5%c; Louisiana centrifugals, choice yellow clarified 6 3 16 Yt prime yellow clarified 6e. Molasses steady mi l in good demand; Louis iana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 28;$ fair to good prime 2£@2sc, common to good common 18ft 21c. naval stores. New York Aug. 3, noon.—Spirits turpentine steady at 82c. Rosin steady at $1 0">($1 10. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin dull at $1 02V{.($1 10. Tur pentine steady at 3l‘4c. Charleston, Aug. 3.— Spirits turpentine steady at 30c. Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, Aug. 3.—Spirits turpentine steady at 29}£c. Rosin quiet; struined 77 W,good strained Tar firm at $1 30. Crude tur pentine firm; hard $1 10, yellow dip $1 75; vir gin $1 75. RICE. New York. Aug. 3. —Rice steady. New Orleans. Aug. 3.—Rice unchanged. MI I PPINO IN TIL LIO I N( F. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises 5:30 Sun Surra 6:52 Ilia ii Water at Savannah 8:36 am. 9:03 p m Thursday, August 4, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Brig John Wesley, Van Gilder, Baltimore, witth coal to G I Taggart; vessel to Jos A Rob erts & Cos. Steamer Grace Pitt, Willetts, Beaufort. Port Royal and Bluff ton—Master. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tonawanda, Brickley, Brooklyn Stillwell. Pike Si Millen. Sefir lda Lawrence, Young, Baltimore—Jos A Roberts & Cos. Seiir Hurry Prescott, Donne, Brunswick, in ballast, U> load for Baltimore—Jos A Roberts A Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Grace Pitt, Willetts, Beaufort, Port Royal and Bluffton Master. Steamer Katie, lievill, Augusta and way land ings— J G Medlock, Agent. SAILED YESTERDAY Steamship Tonawanda, Brooklyn. Schr Ida Lawrence. Baltimore. MEMORANDA. New York, Aug I—Arrived, sehr Henry Souther. Hupper. Pensacola. Cleared, sehrs NathanielSipple. St Au gustine; Gertie M Kicker-ton, Anderson, do. Sailed, brig L Scjuires. Port Royal. S (’ Buenos Avres. June 29 Arrived, bark N S dela Salute (Ital), Olivari. Pensacola. (ier.o3, July -Arrived, bark Rosa Rocca *ltal). Keoetto, Pensacola. Sailed, nark (’n*ola (Italh (ii>elli, Pen^tacola. Hull, July 31—Arrived, barkSoriideren (Nor). Pedersen, Savannah. Baltimore, Aug I—Arrived, sehr Frank Me Gear, Henderson, Fernand inn. Brunswick. July 90— Sailed, barks Farewell (Ger), Klein, Buenos Ayres; 2t)th, Geronimo Madre tltal), Bertolotto, do. Darien, Aug 1— Arrives! at quarantine, bark Ferpetua (Hr), Montgomery, Asplnwali. .Taoksonville, July 38—Arrived at Fort George, sehr Flora Condon, French, from Wiscawsetf*. At anchor off the bar, sehr Lucie from New York for St An -n-'tine. New London, Aug I—Arrived, sehr Samuel B Ilunoard. Mchaiiey, Darien. Pensacola. Aug I—Arrived, sehr Htorer. Dutch, Galveston. Philadelphia, July 30- Cleared, brig Maria W Norwood, Atwood, Fernandina. Rockland, Me. Aug 1 —Soiled, bark Daiscy Reed, Mlt(*hell, Pensacola. St Augustine, .Tillv *-*.) -Arrived (not sailed), sebr Minnie t v Gussie, Fnmch. New York. Fcnmndina. Aug 8 Arrival and cktored to re turn, steamship State of Texas, Williams, New York. Cleared, sehrs Nat Meador. Brown, and Austin D Knight, Drinkwater. New York; JJzzle Chad wick, Chadwick, New Haven. New York, Aug 8 Arrived, steamships Wis consin, Liverpool; State of Georgia, Glasgow. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston an l Savannah Railway, Aug 3—12 bbls rosin. 1 car wood. 16 bhls rice, 2ff4 empty bbls. Iff boxes bacon, 60 pieces hardware. 12 axK*>. 4 bbla brnases, 45 caddies toboeeo, mo boxes tobacco, 10 <|r l>oxes tobacco, 2 rolls ear fief. 1 piano, 2 oil boxes, and mdse. per Hawinnah. Florida and Western Railwnv. Aug 3 —2.677 bbls rosin, 108 box* s v**getabl*s. 447 bbls spirits tiirnentine. 28 cars lunV***r. 17 pair whwls. 2 ears cattle. 2 cars wood, 2 1 Niles w >o|. 3 bal •> hid- L 43 sacks rough rice, 87 pkgs indse, 18 pkgs b h g'Ksls, 36 bbls vegetables, 1 car staves, and mdse. EXPORTS. per steamship Tonawanda. for Brooklyn— -99.590 feet o p lurnlx'r Sfi!lwi*l*. Pike ft Millen Per sc’ir Ida Fawn'no*. for Baltimore- 369,511 feet p p lninb**r Dale. Dixoo A Go. Per lighter Brierly Hill, for Charleston—l,ooo bbls rosin. CONSIGNEES Per Charleston and Savannah Rail wav. Aug 3-Transfer Office. Liiußay &M. Ludden &B, r M (iilhert C. Snfith Bros K’ <’n. O A Ulmo, Jin* M'-O.irthy. Harms A J, J P Willi ims.V Cos, Gr vfi uu A If. Ellis. Y & Cos. R B Cassels. Per Ha van rial 1. Florida aud Western Railway. Aug 3 Transfer <)fince. McDonough A (.Jo. Eli: a Douglass. C EHt ihs. M Fe.i-st A (v. Bavannuh Steam Bekery, Dale, !> X (’o, J P Willi him S’ Cos, 1 n *i>,om S (V*. iteppard & Cos. Bacon, .] ,*C ('*>. M V' Henderson. Wwd Si O, W W Gordon Sc Cos. V M Hull. W s Hawkins. Kay A Q,W <' Jack*>n. W W Cnisholm. Ulienthal A Son. Kllir, V A (b. S (iucket heiiner & Son, A J Miller A Cos, W f Miller, J K Clarke A ('<>. Ivm* R ( y Myers Cos. peue**<*K II Cos, Baldwin <fe (?o, K T Roberts, C L Jones. Russia's Now Gunboat. St. Rffcrshurg Letter to the fa/ndon Tina \ Anew gunboat, built for the Hus m government at Copunhugen, has arrived nt Cronstudt and has Inm*ii visiUsl and ins|H*(*uil by tlu* Czar him elf, who cross *d over in his yiieht from l'oterhoff, the present <lomi rile of the imperial family. Tho vo;w*l, which has lssui named the Manchuria, has Ixi'ii (a instructed of steol, nt a eot of (K>). Tfie following are the principal dine a 8 ons: length, 210 foot; Ik*iui, .T> fe *t; dis plairtuncnt, 1,200 Urns; draught, fore, with out nrtiliory and war material, 10 feet 2 inches; aft, 10 feet 7 inches. The l*oat hoa two ongiiuw, with an indi cated power of 1,000 horse power each. They can without any particular strain develop a speed of more than thir teen knob. The armament of the Man churia wiil consist ( f two 8 iurji long ruige guns in ti e ste n, six HotchkiiM, one Bara uovaky and four 0-|>oundor gun.-. The lxt - tom of th;.* bout is divided ln!o forty two water-tight cnitipartiiieuis, and the In*ld is amply protected by fourteen ;ur-liglit par titions. Moreover, an apfiarntu/i for ejwt i.ig VVhitehcad torpdow will bj plaod in the vlth’l'm bow. The average spied at tained during the run from Copenhagen to Cronstadt wits knots. The new gun boat is de limsi for service in the Pacific ocean. A WONDERFUL WELL. A Singular Phenomenon in the South west -Supposed to be Magnetic and Healing. A dispatch from El Peso, Tex., to tho Missouri Republican says: About 110 miles cast of El Paso, near Sierra Blanca, on the lino of the Texas and Paeitlc rail road, there is a strange phenomenon that has just come to public notice. Tho au thority for tho statements about to be made is ox-Gov. John C. Brown, of Tennessee, receiver of tho Texas and Pacific, who visited this city a few days ago, accom panied bv several officials of the road, in cluding division Superintendent Judy, in whoso jurisdiction the phenomenon is lo oated. Gov. Brown ami Supt. Judy told tho story to ono or two persons hero and it has just come to tho reporter's ears. About three years ago tho Texas and Pacific Railway Company undertook to sink an artesian well a few miles below Sierra Blanca, which is a little hamlet ninety-five miles east of El Paso. The workmen put tho pipe down about 000 foot, when suddenly an underground cavern was struck, the drill dropping about six feet and a current of air rushed up the pipe. Drilling ceased and the well was abandoned, tlio 000 feet of pipe remaining in tho ground and giving a connection bet ween the surface of the earth and the strange subterranean cavity a quar ter of a mile beneath. The phenomenon did not at that time at tract the attention of anyone sufficiently in terested to investigate. Recently, however, Supt. Judy’s attention was called to it, and his personal examination and in quiries have developed peculiar facts and testimony about the wonderful well. Gov. Brown stopped to see it on bis wav hero. Not many peoplo live near the well, but those who do reside in the neighbor hood of it are thoroughly acquainted with it ever since it was abandoned three years ago. The people near by have been * the habit of going and sitting about the well in summer to enjoy the cool, in vigorating air that rushes up tho pipe One of the strangest things is the fact that the current of air ebbs anil flows like tho ocean tides. From about 10:15 a. m. till 10:15 p. m. u current of air rushes out of the pipe with a sound that re sembles the noise made by a locomotive “blowing off steam,” and so loud that it can l>e heard for forty or fifty yards. At 10:15 p. m. the overflow air ceases and a strong suction sets in, which lasts for the next twelve hours, this ebb and flow continuing day after day, ami it has been observed by horsemen that whenever they get in the neighborhood of this well strong magnetic forces are felt, and sparks aro given off if the horse’s mane is touched. Recently a man from Sierra Blanca was sitting close to the well and on taking out, his pocket-knife found a nail which ho hail in his pocket clinging to the knife. Ho held tho knife in the current of tho air and found tho magnetic property was greatly in creased. Several weeks ago Supt. Judy held his pocket-knife in the cun cut of nir for four minutes, and the knife is still strongly magnetized from the effect. Tho outflowing current of air is lielieved to pos sess remarkable curative properties. Its efficiency is to be tested by experiments upon cases of paralysis and other diseases. Tiie people who live near tho wonderful well call it the “fountain of youth.” REWARDING A HUMANE JUDGE. Pranks of a Young Steer Which He Befriended Leads Him Into Trouble. “Just, look yonder!” exclaimed Judge Berrybonc, addressing his wife. Tho Judge was standing upon his porch, says the New York Telegram , and had caught sight of a party of boys throwing stones at. a young steer. “Just look at them, plague take their merciless skins. Elvina, 1 can’t, stand it,; I declare 1 can’t. They shan’t treat tho poor animal that way. 1 don't, know who it belongs to, but if it belonged to toy worst enemy they shouldn’t do it.” The kind-hearted judge ran out, drove the boys away, and turned tho panting steer into his own lot. “Every day I um impressed more and more with your kindness of heart.” said tho judge's wife, who came out smiling. “F just couldn’t stand it, Elvina I can stand it to soo a man suffer, for ho can ex press himself, but, I cannot look inactively upon the torture of an animal.” i “What arc you going to do witn him!” “Keep him here until his owner is ap prised of his whereabouts. “Do you suppose that there is any danger of his breaking through the palings and tramping down the flowers?” the Judge’s wife asked. “I think not. I fell you what’s a fact, Elvina. I ln-lrive that animals have grati tude. Look at that steer—how gratefully he looks at me. Get me a canful of meal and I’ll take it out to him.” The stivr backed up into a corner of tho fence. He wus evidently very hungry, for, its Macaulay said of old Bam Johnson, “t he right, of food greatly affected him.” Tho Jii Igo put down the pan and said. “Now, young fellow, we’ll have something to eat. Come on. Why, I wouldn’t hurt you for the world. Poor thing, lie has been utilised until, unable to distinguish a friend from a foe, he regards tho whole of mankind os his enemy.” The Judge, with one hand persuasively outstretched, slowly advanced toward the animal. “Won’t he hurt you?” Mrs. Bcrrybone shouted. “Of course not. lie’s been so shamefully treated that he doesn’t understand me.” The steer uttered a frightful “bar-r-r,” and made a lunge at the judge, who, leaii ing asido, took to his h iels. Tho steer wheeled about, and started after him, and, what is worse, caught no with him. He knocked the judge down just before he reached the gate, and was butting him with his hornless, but bony, hoad, when Mrs. Berry bone, with wo man’s instant conception of res cue, hurriedly filled a largo tiu cup full of boiling water, ran to thegate and t hrew tho water at the steer. Unfortu nately the animal changed Ills lsjsition just at that moment, and a Joint roar, which cum from the ground, announced that the judge hud (might the water. In a moment more tin- humane gentleman had scrambled to hi* feet and hail dart's! into the house. When he mine out, which he quickly did, be was accompanied with a pun. He tired |srsionut"ly, and. missing the steer, kill’d a blooded colt in an adjoining lot. The steer broke through the palings, tr<xl upon tho (lowers, and made his escape. KI.KC I KIC IIKI.TM. .'rrfjMßßSlßbi This Kelt or lteKenera . . .vllt.. cMpt'*- t/,r ‘ H miu '" expressly At'. for the ouroof dcraiiK'!- tf V'Z i iiifiitnof ttwfcTiii rutivo vntfrM oirWiV 1 ""'a'.'' A continuous „, of 11, ■, •trieify NljL' / FOHl]-ir | rnii'utiii*' tliro’ the vr''-r- .... part* mind rest nix, K .-a L -t* ./ I hr'! ito healthy nation, BBh tvioTl .ill I hl not confound tills WlkKlV 1 with Ki.s trif ih*it mi- UfH ! vnms-il u, cur, nil ills; It i* for the okk spoclllc purrtt.sf. IV,r toll In formation address CIIEEVEIt Ef.Ki TRIO BELT CO., loi WuxhinKton tit., Chicago ill WOOI. WOOD. Bacon, Johnson & Cos. lluvo a fine stock of Oak, Pino, Lightwood and Kindling, Comer I.llierty and East liroad streets. Telephone 11V. IRON PIPE! RUSTLESS IRON PIPE. KyUAL TO OALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LESS PRICE, Weed & Cornwell. BROKERS. A Ij. 11A RTRTOQ^r SECURITY BROKER. ITUYS AND SELIjS on commission all classes > of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiates twins on marketable securities. Now York unotations furnished by privato ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., IE3z?oI^zex’S ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BAN K, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 a regular banking business, diva I particular attention to Florida collections. (’orivsnondenoe solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Ida. Resident A pen Is for Ooutts A Ob. and Melville, Evans X Cos., of London, England. New York correspondent: Tho Seaboard. National Bank. I*l BLICATIONB. MAGAZINES FOR AUGUST AT Estill’s News Depot, No. 23 Bull Street. Price. Midsummer Puck .50c Cent irv Magazine 4<H* 11 urner's Monthly 40c Serifliter's Monthly Jkk* Atlantic Monthly 40c American Magazine Hoc Lippincott’s Magazine 30e St. Nicholas HOc Magazine of American History 50c Eclectic Magazine 50c North American Review i 50c Popular Hdence Monthly 50c Tiie Forum 50c Leslie's Popular Monthly HOc The Season 35c lx* Bon Ton 65c L'Art de la Mode 35*; Revue de la Mode 85c Young Ladies* .Journal 36c Peterson's 25c (lodey’s 25c Delineator 20c New York Fashion Bazar 30c Demurest *s Monthly 25c Outing 80c Mailed on receipt of above price. Address WILLIAM KSTILL, Savannah, Ga. THE MIDSUMMER PCCK. FORTY SIX PAGES. 50r. PER COPY. ASH PHIZES, amounting to SSOO. will be \ paid for successful . elutions <>f the i’rize Puzzle given as a Supplement with the MID SUMMER PUCK. The MIDSUMMER PIIOK is as much superior r< its prod< the “Christman Puck,*' as that was to all previous publications in tin* same line. Mailed on re ceipt of price. Address all orders to WILLIAM E STILL, (Estill's News Depot), 23 BULL STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. PROPOSALS WANTED. Proposals for Paving. City of Savannau, Ga., ) Office of the < *ity Hchvkyor, y July 2th, IHK7. \ IYROPOSAI.S will Im* received until WEDNES DAY, August 241 h, t H o'clock p. m., directed to Ml*. F. E. Kelwirer. Clerk of Council of the city of Savannah. On., for the paving of that portion of ( 'ongre*s street in said city lying between tin* oust property line of West Broun street, and the west property line of Drayton st rent; also, that port ion of Bull street in said city lying In-tween the south line of Confess Ktreot. and the north line of State street, t**ing a total area of about eight thousand square yards. The nroDosals may be for granite, grawacke or asphalt blocks or for siicet asphalt, the sped ficaiioiiHpf which will lie the same us given by the Engineer Depart incut of the District of Co lumbia in their report for 1885. Any person desiring to bid upon the above work, but us** different sped Heat ions from those enumerated above, may do ho provided that a copy of the upeelficatioiiH upon which they bid is enclosed wit h their bid. All I ids for grawu#ce, granite or asphalt blocks must bt* accompanied by a specimen of the blocks intended to ie used Separate bids will also Is; received for the fur nishing and laying of about thirty-five hundred running feet of curbstone, of either blue stone or granite of the following dimensions: four inches broad, sixteen Inches deep, and in lengths of not less than five feet. The curbing to be dressed on rhe top ten inches from the top on the front face and four inches from the top on tho rear face; to be perfectly straight and win are on the ends. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. For further information address J. deMRUYN KWB, Jr.. 0. E., Acting City Surveyor. HARDWARE, ETC . Hardware Novelties and Specialties. VERY SIZE IN IRON JACK, SMOOTH, I j FORE ami BLOCK BLANKS, and in RE VERSIBLE IRON HANDLED SCREW DRIVERS and BROKE SHAVES. —FOB SALE BY— LOVELL & LftTTIMORE, Dealers in Kpear's Practical Philadelphia Home Furnaces, Etc. BTOV KM. IN TIME OF PEACE PllipAHE FOR WAR. in tills Hot Weather think of the Cold to come, and confer with Cornwell & Chipman About, keeping Warm next Winter. W<* are Agents for tho famous BOYNTON FURNACES, HEATERS, Etc., the best in the world, and we don’t charge anything extra for the reputation. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Don’t Do It! Don’t Do What? YV T HY don't walk our tony streets with that ▼ nice dre* sor suit. of clothes on with Stains or Grease KjMits in. to which the Savannah dual sticks “closer than a brother,** when Japanese Cleansing Cream will take them out clean um anew pin. 25c. a bottle. Mode only by J. R. H ALTI WAN Q-ER, At hiu Drug Htorufl, Broughton and Drayton, Whitaker and Wayne lUIwU. PRINTER AND BOOKBINDER. t -iuirn_r Old in Years—Not Old Fogy. GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTER AND BINDER. To tho Manor horn—full of years and expert ence—Mill young (n energy und ability—with all tho ueresnorlm nmssary to Mitlafaetortly conduct. the hUH|gss to which be ha* given his lit) Grateful for past favors--hopeful of oUnra Income. , KUR-VISHING GOODS. Straw Hats! CHEAP STRAW HATS! All our MACKINAWS reduced to close out. WHITE AND FANCY PIQUE. SCARFS, 2V:. PER DOZEN. Unbleached and Fancy Half Hose at 25c. Pair. Now is the Time to Buy. An elegsnt line of BALBRIGQAN and LISLE THREAD UNDERWEAR and HALF HOSE. JEANS DRAWERS und GAUZE DRAWERS, all sizes. NIGHT SHIRTS, Plain and hnney, HAMMOCKS, with Stretchout, for comfort. CHINESE, CORK HELMETS and BARK HATS. SUN UMBRELLAS, GINGHAM and SILK UMBRELLAS, aud the GLORIA CLOTH that wears so well. AU sizes and ull prices. RUBBER PILLOWS, RUBBER COATS and LEOGINS, SATCHELS und VALISES, WALK ING CANES and BATHING SUITS, at LaFar’s New Store, (JO JUJI.I. STREET. DOORS, SASIT, ETC. ANDREW HANLEY, DEALER IN Doors, Sashes, Blinds. Mouldings, Etc. All of the above are Kiln-Dried White Pin* ALHO DBAUER IN Builders’ Hardware, Slate, Iron and Wooden Mantels, Grates, Stair work, Terracotta, Sewer Pipe, Etc., Etc. Paints, Oils, Railroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Glass, Putty, Etc. Lime, Plaster, Cement and Hair, Plain and Decorative Wall Paper, Freacoeing. House and Sign Painting given jiereonal atten tion and finished in the best uiunner. ANDREW HANLEY. .. , JMI FRUIT JARS. WOODBURY, OEM, MASON'S, and other approved FRUIT JARS, s t JAS. S. SILVA A SON'S. FOOT) PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY HILLS; Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cowa and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guaranteed Sweet and Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton ■ " 1 . .."'■!"LLi!g IRON WORKS. McDoiih & Ballafltyae, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmith^ HAM'Kvmintt or STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR and PANS. AGENTS for Alert and Union Injectors, the simplest and most dlectiyo on the market; Gullctt l.iht Draft Ma,;lit,iia Cotton Uiu, the best in tho market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price Lint. — - , _ GRAIN ANO PROVISIONS. 18. ZEitTZL.!^ Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Huy, Grain and Provision Dealer. MEAL and GRITS in white sacks, I Mill stuffs of nil kinds alwhvs on hand. fie,, rut* raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAK: every variety. Special prices car load lots HAY and OKALY. Prompt attention iflven all orders and satis faction Kuni'antonl. OFFICE, 88 BAY. WAREHOUSE No. I WADI.KY STREET, ou lino Central Railroad. PAINTS AND OILS. JOHN G-. BUTLBBC \\rnm. I .FADS, COLORS. OHS, GLASS, VARNISH. ETCs ItEADY MIXED PAINTS: KULROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, BASHES, DOORS, BLINDS AND BUILDERS" HARDWARE. Sole Agent fur GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED IT.ASTER, CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia, 1865. " CHRIS MURPHY,~IB6SI House, Sign and Ornamental Painting T aXKCUTICD NEATLY and with dinoatch. I j Puiuts, Oils, Vnrniahe-, Brushes, Window (Ha*.-**, otc., etc*. Etttiruutvd funuathed on ap plication. OOKNfcJt CONGKKNS AND DRAYTON STli* Hoar at (Vuxzml Church. 7 JAS. S. SILVA & SON