The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 05, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. Scenes of Devastation Along the Banks of the Flood-Swollen Rivers— Acres of Land Added to the Tax Di gest of Clarke County—A Columbus Frenchman’s Unfortunate Marital Venture. GEORGIA. There have been fewer melons brought to Dawson this season than for many years. Tlie editor of the Dawson .Wins saw a ’ rainbow a dav or two ago for the first time in his life. Centrevule has been made a post office. It Is colled Triplett, and Josoph Holmes has been appointed postmaster. The Tax Receiver's digest shows that Clarke county contains over 1,000 more acres of land in 1887 than it did in 1880. The Police Commit tee of Athens granted each of the force a two weeks' vocation, ex cept those men who have already lost so much time. There will be a reunion of the survivors of the 4th Georgia regiment at Albany on the first Wednesday in September which will be the 7th. The Governor has been petitioned to issue a reward for the person or jrersons who ret fire and burned the church at Pleasant Hill, Taylor county. At Albany the firm of C. M. Shackelford & Cos. has been dissolved, Mr. Shackleford having purchased the interest of his part ner, Mr. YV. W. Wilson, in the business. Mr. Epps, living up the Oconee, went to his w atermelon paten in a boat and found the melons floating on ton of the water. He put them in the boat and brought them to Athens, The river was rising at the rate of three inches an hour at Albany Tuesday, and quantities of driftwood came floating down. The water was out of the river bed tor the first time this year. Rust is making its appearance in the cot ton in a good many fields around Cochran, but of small extent. As it is produced by the excessive wet weather, it will, of course, magnify in its ravages till fair weather and abundant sunshine put a stop to it, Tho end and one side of a two-story brick building, in the yard at rear of Farr's store on Jackson street, Athens,was undermined by the hard rains and fell outward, Wed nesday, leaving the roof of the building supported by just two walls. Fortunately, no one was nurt. A remarkable freak of nature occurred in the lower part of Taylor county a few days ago. A child was bom to a respectable family having only one hand and an arm. On the other hand tlie re are ton fingers and on each foot there are ten to m. The child appeared to be well developed otherwise. R. H. Alien & Cos., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in saddles and harness, of Buford, have moved their entire plant to Athens, and consolidated with T. G. Hada way. They will conduct a wholesale and retail business. Mr. Allan brought with him eleven ineehunics with their families, and will give employment to the present help. Monday the body of a negro man was seen floatiug down th<- river at High Shoals, and was also seen ut Furlow's mills. It is supposed to be the body of one of Hampton’s hands, who wanted to reach Athens ami tried to cross the Appoluchee above the shoals and was drowned. The negro had n full set of whiskers, and no one of that de- seription in missing anywhere near High Shoals. At the meeting of tho Amerieus City Council Monday night it was voted to ad and sell the bridge over Flint river belonging to the city. This bridge was built some ten or twelve years ago at a cost to the city of near (12.000, since which tinu* it has not paid the interest upon the invest ment, to say nothing of the amounts ex pended for necessary repairs and the sulary of the bridge keeper. At Columbus the Central, People’s and the Merchants and Planters line of steamers have resunusi their regular tri-weekly sched ule. They liave also reduced their iarilf to the old 20 cents per barrel rate. The steam ers will leave Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 8 o’clock a nV, and will leave as soon a.' the river falls sufficient for the tuff* rent lines to feel safe to navigate the Chattahoochee. George White, who has uppoared before the Mayor of Dawson mnnv times and paid so nmen money into the city treasury, is in danger of being mobbed by some of the colored denizens of the city. As George ap|x*ars, in some shape or other, in so many cases, the report is Is'ing eirculated thut the City Council has pot him employed to get up fusses at (1 a case. This has incensed nianj- of the colored people and George is in danger of being handle' l , roughly. Murcits Newman and Miss Dora Wright were married in Columbus a week ago. A day or two ufterward they left for Green viih., Ala., to visit the bride’s mother. Mr. Ntvvman returned to the city without his wife, and stated that lie had liecn compelled to leave her on aceouut of threats mad" by a man named Forster, who bod ls>en inti mate with the woman before her marriage, and would kill any man who dansl to live with her. Newmau is an unsophisticated Frenchman, and seems to huve entered hastily into marriage with a very bad woman. The river at Dr. Trice’s mill, in Oconee county, was 9 feet higher than ever known before. It curried nwuy the doctor’s line ?;in house and buried his saw mill lamenth 0 feet of sand. He will have to dig it out. The sand in the mill yard was pileu up to a depth of 10 feet. These sand Hoods are a part of the troubles from the late high watein. The rivers are wuslied out to 411 unusual depth and small mountains of saml deposited on the banks. At Princeton fac tory millions of tons of sand were left by the receding waters. This shows that the lands were fearfully washed. Amerieus Republican : Prom the Council proceedings it will lie seen that our city fathers have agreed to give Mr. \V. L. Oless ner $250 for a certain number of copies o' the Recorder for distribution. The City Council bos no right to appropriate the peo ple's money to any such purposes. Asa tax payer we slrnll tuke ste|s to prevent the payment of such money. If they pay the Recorder such an amount we give notice now that we shall apply to the City Council at its next meeting to appropriate a similar amount of extra copies of tho Sumter Re publican for the same purpose. Col. John Mclntosh Kell, the Adjutant General, has declared his intention to organ ize thi' Walton Guards, <hwne Rifles, Gainesville Volunteers and Madison Home Guards into a battalion, and the election of a Colonel to command the four eonnmnies is contemplated ut an early date. It is the Jiurpose of the companies to have an annual intuition encampment, where drills and guard-mounting and prize company mul manual drills will occur, uml these encamp ments will bo hel<l alternately at the four company towns—one year at Gainesville then at Monroe, Madison and Greensboro, in wliutevcr order might be agreed upon. The Calhoun oorresjxmdent writes tho News as follows under date of Aug. 2: “Alie Phillips, the negro who cut Jim Hro willow Huturduy night, was captured by Sheriff McGinniss on a train between Boyc and Chattanooga Sunday evening and brought, licrv and jailed. It appeai-s that Urownlow mid Ralph Hughey were crowd ing the negro when Jim Bennett (negro) pulled Hughey Isu'k. Alxnit thin time the ■ uOTrig Uxik plane, hut not before Brown low hail dealt Phillips several blows oil the head with a stick. Phillip', being one of our most quiet and peaceable negroca, and Urownlow overbearing vvlien drinking, in all probability the negro was to some ex tent justillable jp defending himself. Had he iiiude wide si son between himself mid Urownlow it would have been l>cst for all concerned. Jim Bennett is also in jail. Brn widow is doing well, wi Liu good chance si mVTts’Jf,” Tle 5 o’clock train went out as usual from Washington Friday evening. It i passed o'er the river bridge safely, the river lieing at that time within 2 feet from the iron. Several persons from town went down to look at the river. These gentle men concluded to stop at the bridge until the train returned. The river nee very rapidly, mid within an hour after the train passed the water was up to the cross ties. Just about this time a large thud was heard and about middle of the bridge was seen to sway out of a line aliout 1 foot. About twenty minutes thereafter a sudden crush came, and Little river bridge swept down and out witli the sweeping current. A terrible crash, and down came the timber. Flashes of light were seen to proceed from the briilge as it came in contact with the telegraph wires. A few minutes after the train approached the southern end and stopjied to view the wreck. It will probably be three weeks be fore the train can make its regular schedule. Flint river was away out of its banks Tues duy. A close watch was kept at the A. I’, and L., railroad bridge during Monday night, and at il a. m., Tuesday the gauge showed a rise of five feet in the river since 8 o'clock the previous night. Great damage will re sult to the crops neur the river from the overflow, the waters having already extend ed far out into the fields 011 each side. When the train left Johnston station Tues day morning it is said thut several ne groes were seen riding in boats across the com fields, ei,gaged in fishing for mud-cats. A large number of cattle have been drown ed near there by tho overflow, among which was a tine yoke of oxen that were caught by the swift current Monday and earned down the river. The loss of the bridge will not interfere with the progress of the work of track laying on the other side, ns, fortu nately, Supt. Bass kept u couple of engines and enough material over there to keep the hands busy for ten duys or two weeks, by which time it is hoped that the damages to the stmeture can lie repaired. Sixty labor ers who arrived at Amerieus from Camilla to work on the extension are awaiting a fall in the river in order to cross and join ttie force some twelve or fifteen miles beyond. Indications were rather favorable for a break in the weather during the afternoon. FLORIDA. Joseph Sangaree, of Apalachicola, is now making contracts for the delivery of 2,000 pounds of turtle daily. The contracting stevedores of Pensacola held a meeting Tuesday night, and effected an organization with a membership of thirty-two. At Apalachicola in 1881 town lots were soiling tor #lO each, and went lagging at that. 111 1887 many of these lots are lield at from SIOO to $125. The Gem City Guards of Pnlatka are still increasing in number and efficiency in drill, and by the time the uniforms for the new members arrive they will ba ready for the encampment. Apalachicola’s coasting trade has never been so good nny one previous summer since the war. There are some eight or ten lum ber coasters in port at present and quite a number to arrive. An agent of an electric light company was in Do Land last week and held a con versation with nornn of our business men at the Putnam House in reference to putting in u plant at this place. The steamer Georgea brought to Pulatka Tuesday a cargo of 1,100 watermolons from Buffalo Bluffs These melons were shipped hv Mr. Burrentino. They wore consigned to parties In Ht. Augustine. There is some talk of a second class race at Palatka shortly, yachtsmen of this class being dissatisfied with the race on tho Fourth of July last. Three new boats have been added to the fleet and a lino race is ex pected. Tuesday, at Kupfrian’s Park, at Pensa cola, during the progression of a colored picnic, Robert Foster, alius Washington, (colored) stabbed a colored boy with a knife. Hehas been jailed. The boy is not seriously wounded. The case of E. E. Skipper vs. L. Lyttlo, both of Bartow, which was heard before Judge Mitchell, in Tampa, last week, has been brought to a close by a decision in favor of Skipper. Thu umouut of the suit was S9,(XX). At Ap-aehicola Mrs. F. J. Eglxirt has purchased from lion. \V. T. Orman the lots adjoining tho old stand and isinning hack from Water street to Commerce street. A storehouse will be built upon that part facing Commerce street, work to commence soon. Orlando is to liavo still anotUcrmaper. The Broad Arc, devoted to the rigifcs and interests of the colored race, is planned to appear about Aug. 20, under the auspices of Chas. A. Leonard, a negro who has been working in tho Progress office for sevoral months -,*ast The negro Murray, who did tho cutting ill the affray at Orlandoon Monday last, ap peared before Justice Everett Tuesday morning, to answer to the charge of qssuult with intent to kill. Witnesses were on hand who testified to his guilt, and no was remanded to jail to await tho September session of the court. (’apt. T. E. Burkinan, of Jacksonville, has for a number of years had in his mind the invention of a car coupling that would act uiltiOiiiaticaUv and taut could lie used in coupling with tlio cars of any rood in the country. He has finally succeeded and the invention is s(x)ken of favorably l>y tho Car Builders Association of the United Stab's. A toacheix’instiluto will hi* held in Ornnge county this fall or winter. Dates and invi tations will bo issued hereafter. Prominent islucutors from other Stub's, and teachers from adjoining counties, will he invited. Hon. A. J. Russell, Prof. Felkel, Mix In gram and others will be present, which alone assures success, U> say nothing of the uhle corps of teachers of Orange aud ad joining counties. O. B. Smith, acting as agent for the citizens of North City, a suburb of St. Augustine, has signed a con tract with the American Asphalt Com pany of New York U> place upon the pres ent shell road an asphalt pavement 1 inch thick, 20 feet wide through the centre of the road, and 1 mile in length, commencing im mediately at the city gab's. Tho curbstones ure to lx* of concrete. The Lake Weir, Flo., correspondent of the Nkwh under duteof August 2, writes ns follows: Temperature 88 .—Capt. and Mix. J. L. Carney left to day, for a trip through Georgia.—Rev. J. 0. Porter will summer in Tennessee and Kentucky.—Janette, infant daughter of Dr. mid Florida McNamara, died yeshTday evening.—Marion county is petitioning the County Commissioners to order hii election, in which the people will voh'foror against “local option.” Tho damage done by the storm at St. Andrew’s last, week is about as follows: L. M. Ware, wharf, salt house and small bunts, $850; Jieker & Son, lumber, office, tools, etc., $400; Brown’s wharf, $200; Humliert's wharf, $200; Baptist church, $000; Alex ander’s wharf and boat 42(H); Cant. Ander son’s schooner and boat., $150; saw mill wharf, logs, etc., $1(10; Ferguson & Hrnkiu. steamer, $;kH) or $400; Lutz, house, SSO: Hammond's house, $00; Rodney’s house, SSO; Mosher’s house, SSO. There aero several minor losses, mostly of small boats, which it is impossible to get a list of now. At Warrington a great dual of damage was done by the storm on Tuesday ami Wednesday of last week. At Fort Mcßae 70 feet of trestle mid 200 feet of railroad track whs torn uwuy. The selnxmor Ken nedy was at the Fort Mcßae wharf when tho storm came up, discharging hor cargo of rock, mul had to bo tow*l away or she would have Ixien broken to pieces by the storm. A party of ladies ami gentlemen were at Fort Mclloe at the time of the storm, ami they oumo near having to May there nil night, as it was utterly unposwlife for them to get back in the bouts which ttiey went In, so they walked hack, a dis tune" of about five miles. Tuesday L. O. Heudricks, of Mlddlolmrg, found the Ixxiy of Engineer Grant Connor, of the stvau'ur Twilight, which makßuuUuy THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. AUGUST 5, !SS7. night in Black creek, about four miles be low Middleburg. When taken out of the water it wi discovered tjiat the engineer's throat had been cut. and then: was a large gash also extending down the left breast across the heart. Mr. Hendricks notified Justice Krisbee. of Middleburg, who took charge of tlie body and Ik-U1 an inquest ut Middleburg. The jury returned a verdict of murder by unknown parties. The theory is tliat the murderers went aboard to scuttle the lioat. and the engineer waking up was killed with a razor, and that his body was towel up the river by a skiff oHiateuu and that the murderei* then returned and scut tled the boat. There is no tide there, and the twdy of the engineer must have been towed up the river or carried in a small bout. The fishing smack Albert Haley, one of the six missing vessels of Pensacola, is re ported safe at Mobile. A telegram from that city was received Tuesday night by 8. C. Cobb, suiting the fact and asking news of the Charles Henry, another one of the missing fishermen. No particulars of the Haley’s eeea|ie from destruction by tlie storm have come to hand, but it is supposed that she was pretty well to the west ward, put to sea in tho northeaster, and made Mobile when the gale abated. Messrs. Warren & Cos., in ease the Sarah L. Harding does not put in an appearance by Thursday, will institute a search for the vessel or her remains. Mr. Warren is of the opinion that the Harding was to the east ward of the cyclone, but reports from Cedar Key are to the effect that the wind at that point blew at the rate of seventy live miles per hour, and the vessel could not therefore have lie*-n out of the weather. Besides, the master of the Estella, which came in last Tm-sdav morning, saw the Harding on Monday night off tho Cape St. Bias buoy. The Postal Department has been notified of the formation of the following new counties in the Htate of Florida, with tlie post offices os mentioned located therein, viz: Citrus county, (formerly north ern portion of Hernando county.)—Arling ton, Citronelle, Crystal River, Fairmount, Floral City, Hernando, Homosassa, Le canto, Mannfield, (e. h.), Oakdale, Orleans, Kosehill, Huge Pond, Totnpkisville, Viona, Pasco county, (formerly southern portion of Hernando county.)—Anelote, Argo,Blan ton, Chipco, Dade City (c. h.L Eurnestville, Ellerslie, Fort Dade, Hudson, Denard, Macon, Owensboro, Port Richey, Richland, Bt. Thonins, Hun Antonio. Hernando county (bounds changed)—Add, Bay City, Buy I’ort, Brooksville (c. h.), Istachatta, Oriole, Rural, Twin Lakes. Wiscon, Lee county (formerly northern portion of Monroe county)—Alva, Dennud, Myers U'. h.) Punta Rassa, Haint James City, Thompson. Osceola county (formerly south ern portion of Orange county and western part of Brevard) —Campbell, Kissimmee (c. hdNarerosse. De Soto county (formerly eastern portion of Manatee countj)—Ar cadia, Rowling Green, Calviuia, Castalia, Charlotte Harbor, Cleveland, Crewsville, English, Fort Green, Fort Ogden, Grove City, Liverpool, Nocatee, Pine Level (c. h.) Trabue, Zolfo. Lake county (formerly northern part of Orange county and eastern part of Bum tor county formerly in Orange county)— Acron, Altoona, Astor, Cassia, Eustis, Fort Mason, Glendale, Grand Island, Hawkins ville, Higley, Indian Springs, Kismet, Lis bon, Messina, Mount Dora. Paisley, Pitt man, Ravens wood, Heller’s Like, .Seneca, Horrento, Spring Grove, Umatilla, Victoria. (Formerly in Sumter county)—Axtabula, Bloomfield, Cason, Clermont, Conaut, El dorado, Exeter, Gardenia, Lady Lake, Luuo Park, Lanier, Leesburg. Mascotte, Minne ola, Montclair, Moptverde, Okahumpka, Orange Bend, Parkland, Villa City, Whit ney, Winsted, Yallalia. BLUE-BLOODED FARO. A Game at Which Gentlemen Alone are Permitted to Play. From the Cincinnati Enquirer. Gambling in a palace Is a rare treat. Playing faro at an elegant residence on a fashionable thoroughfare of one of Cincin nati's most aristocratic hill-tops, however, is a greater one. But it can bo done—that is, if you are a man of means and are posted. It is now over a year ago since gambling houses were closed in this city. One full year has passed since tho goose ceased to squawk in keno bunks, and also that length of time has elapsed since faro and other games were ordered stopped. Sporting men liavo waited all through these many days, hoping that, the time would surely come, sooner or Inter, when gambling would bo permitted. True, they whiled away a few hours leisurely at poker. But, at best, poker is a slow game and a poor substitute for tho more legiti mate game of faro. The chalices of w in ning any amount at poker are small, awl the percentage which goes to the house is sufficiently groat to in time eat up the prin cipal of each player. ACTION, TOO, 18 SLOW, and for many reasons poker does not come up to the standard of pure sport. A change has come, however, and tho swell man about town has an opportunity of indulging in his favorite pastime. For some time past there have been quiet rumors to the effect that a man pining for a few hours at a faro-table could lie accommo dated in case lie could get, upon the inside. This getting upon the Inside meant that he would have to trot for a few weeks in harness with a number of the blooded youths in this city. Their confidence had to be won before it would bo made known where the CAMBLI.NO WAS GOING ON. There have lieen numerous little imrtiesof well-known young fellows—anil some of the older fellows, too—engaging hacks at the various hack stands. Sometimes there would be two or three of these parties, but tlie hacks were never seen going in the same direction, nor would they start at th" same time. Up the smooth surface of Race street they would generally glide, and jf seen at all it was supposed they were simply out for an airing. But they had a far differ ent object in view 011 a pretty little street on one of Cincin nati's delightful hill tops nestles, amid vine and sliude tree, a beautiful residence. A carriage will huid one there from Fourth and Vine in forty-live minutes' time, or the cable, If it is not the wee suin’ hours, will bring him there sooner. It is a royal place, and tbo residence is furnished in TIIF, MOST LUXURIANT STYLE, showing at least t hat great wealth has been expended in furnishing it, even if the taste displayed is slightly off color. A handsome, dashing brunette, one who would attract attention anywhere among the beautiful ladies, queens it at that homo and, assisted by her spou-o, a gentleman of many social qualities, makes a most agreeable hostess. It was one night during the past wrek that an Rmpiirer reporter joined one of these hack parlies. They were out for a little plixusure, it was said. North on Race street, past elegant turnouts, with liveried drivers, they went until Twelfth street was reached. Then one of the party whispered a few words to the driver and the course taken was east on Twelfth street A little later and tho horses settled down to a walk. The carriage was ascending a hill “Cut through Eden Pari:,” were tho instructions given to the driver, and soon the pleasant odors of green shrubliery were wafted to the party, ft was half an hour afterward, probably, when the carriage stopixvl at the corner of two prominent thoroughfares. THE PARTY ALIGHTED. “We'll get out here,” said one of tho party, who had ts en acting its 14 sort of leader. Ho was n wide-awake traveling salesman, and the reporter thought to himself that the fun. whatever it might lx*, would s>xm lx* on. “Just wait where you are,” lie said to the driver, and that worthy drew up in the shade of one of the numerous shade-tree* that lined the sidewalks. Down the street the lights of another buck could lx* seen, while just u little lieyond a third hud stopped. A hort walk and th" party dn w up in front of n residence. Not a light, could be s*vn about the place, but It struck tho reporter us strange thut where blinds could lx* seen a unU thin streak of tight trow tho insiiio was observable. “Around this way,” said the leader, a portly, large-moustached gen tleman, who proceeded atone© to lend the party around the path to the side of the house. a portico was reached, and s<x)ii all were standing in front of a door. The leader gave THREE DISTINCT RAPS, the door was partly opened and a colored female servant demanded what was wanted. “Oh, it’s all right, Janey,” said the leader. “That you, Mister ,’’ asked the woman, a grin displaying her ivories. “Yes, bade again, Janey,” was his re sponse. “Walk right in. gentlemen,” she said, throwing the dfior wide open. Without any further invitation the party walked into the hallway, where each one was presented to the lady of the house. A door was then opened and then a curious sight met the guze. Seated at a jxs uliarly shaped table a man, whose features were somewhat fa miliar, was drawing curiously-shaped bits of pasteboards from a box-shaped affair. It look's! very much like faro. Three or four gentlemen were seated ulxmt the table and a wise one asked a strangely familiar ques tion. It was: “what did the kino do?” ‘ It’s a case—won, lost and won,” wu3 the answer. There was no doubting it now. A game of faro was in full blast right in the midst of those aristocraetic smroundings. Tlie lieautiful hostess was very agreeable, and her witty savings and dashing stvle were re markable. The reporter glanced about. It was undoubtedly one of tlie parlors into which the hostess had ushered the party. Costly bric-a-brac and costlier paintings were plentiful. The furniture was heavy and elegant, while rich curtains hung in graceful folds before the windows. The carpet was protected by a light covering, but it was soft and easy to tho tread. The dealer greeted all cheerily, and then, with straw hat well pulled down over his eyes, resumed his dealing. “Give me SSO worth of checks,” was hoard from several of the party of which the reporter was a member. Another purchased $25 worth, and cases lieing reached, things soon be came interesting. One was cleaned out of his checks in the first deal. A second held his own, while the gentleman who pur chased the single stack cashed in at the end of the deal A DECIDED WINNER. Then another dial was gone t hrough with, and another, until tho gray dawn was an nounced and the party left, some wealthier, others much poorer, all thoroughly satisfied, however. The game had been losing for several nights, it was understood, although it had previously won in large amounts. There were several parties of gentlemen at the house on tho night referred to. Tho game is particularly blue-blooded, and none but tlie wealthy would be permitted to enjoy it. It has been kept a profound secret for several weeks. Here, away from the police, with no danger of interruption, is u small faro game. It is not the only one in Cincinnati, either, as was learned that night. There are others, but they have only lasted for a night or part of a night. These latter games liave been at one or two of the leading hotels, blit their existence was not known to the pro prietors. King Thoebaw’s Country. From the Chicago Herald. Robert Sutherland, of Bumiah, is at the Grand Pacific Hotel, and his fawn-colored Knickerbockers, black stockings, white can vas shoes, long linen vest, tight-buttoned to the throat, eye-glass and red moustache make up a very striking combination as he sauntered about the lobby. He was found when approached to be a highly intelligent and affable man of the world, and to have an apparently inexhaustible fnnd of in formation about Burmuh and the East. “I am traveling for pleasure," he said, “and shall bo here for a few days, seeing the sights, having never seen Chicago before. Then Igo East and to England. You see. in Burmah, during the rainy season, which lasts six months, we can do nothing, so I travel during that time. We came by way of Singapore through China and spent some time in Japan. There I was greatly sur prised at tlie intelligence of the natives and their rapid growth in Western ideus of late years. We went up country, beyond the railways, our conveyances being a sort of llutli chair upon two wheels and drawn each by two stout, fine looking natives, who made astonishing speed, sometimes as high as 40 miles a day. We traveled every where, as freely and safely as we would, in Japan, a marked contrast to the total exclu sion of foreigners only 20 years ago.” Mr. Sutherland has been in Burmah twenty-six years, and much of the tiino as resident manage -of the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, one of tiic con cerns in the East. “Burmah possesses the only ruby mines iu the world aud they are very valuable,” lie continued. “The desire of the French in Tonquiu to get control of these and the teak forests led to the recent trouble with King Theebaw and the overthrow of that mon arch's rule. He repudiated a very large claim against him by the Bombay Burmah Corporation, claiming that the agents had made false returns. Ho wanted to break his contracts, and to prevent his trading with tlie French tlie English government took up tho claim of the corporation, its members being British subjects, mid the war over its enforcement led to Theebaw's capture and the extension of the English protectorate over the whole of Ilur mah, instead of one-half the coun try, as before. This was accom plished two years ago, Theebaw lieing sent to India, where he remains a nominal pris oner, though ho has ample means and lib erty. \\ lien Theebaw’s army was disband ed the soldiers were allowed to retain their arms and simply sent home. Without means or occupation they began robbing, first to get foou, and then plundered from the, mere lust for it. They are known as the Dacoits, mid grow to lx* very dangerous hands, all the idle and vicious swarming to their ranks, the greater part of the country lx*ing terrorized by them. The government flnaly began a systematic suppression of them, and l expect the country will be all quiet, and peaceful when I return. Ameri can missionaries have accomplished won ders in Burmah, uot only in Christianizing the people, but in civilizing and elevating them. You meet them everywhere, and the natives have learned to have a grout deal of respect and admiration for them.” A Kyiuci sk lawyer, In drawing up a brief, referred In a "goto,” a “earpentlr, a “hoteli keiqxT," and a “cellstebul,” and vet he wen his cisc. A hiwy, 1 who can weep before u July bu' "•> need of any orthography at all.— Detroit Five Press. MEDICAL. CONSTIPATION. “My attention, after suffering with C mstina tiou for twu or thtve yeaun. wam called t. Him luon.s Liver Hctfulator, and bavin# tried almost ‘•very thin# ris* concluded to try it. I first took n wmrtflnssfnl and afterwards reduced the dose to a teanpoout'iil (iw per direction*) after each meal. 1 found that it lind done me do much that 1 continued It until I took two lioitleti; nine**then I liavo not experienced any difficulty. I keep it in my house uml would not be without it. but have no use for It, having cured iup.“ (•bo. W. Kimk. Assistant Clerk Superior Court, liibb count v. <Li Haviii# led a stHleniary Ute for a unrulier of yeaf* my bowels heroine very Irregular and rnv habit constipated, tty the advice of friends I wan induced to resort to Him mom* Liver He/u --later and 1 now enjoy better health lhau I have kuown for year*.-' fso. W. Eckkkt. Water Department. Philadelphia. Demand the Lode mark “2'* in red ou trout of urauper. U the avuuU.o. SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOB New York, Bosk and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN $3) 00 EXCURSION 33 00 STEERAGE 10 OJ PASSAGE TO BOSTON, CABIN $3O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (.via New York). CABIN $22 50 EXCURSION 30 00 STEERAGE 13 SO IMIE magnificent steamships of these lines are appointed to sail as follows—standard time’ TO NEW YORK. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Capt. F. Smith, FRI DAY, Aug. 5, at 7 A. u. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. W. H. Fisher. SUN DAY, Aug. 7th, at 8:00 A. M. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. II C. Daoortt, TUESDAY, Aug. 0, at 0:30 A. M. NAUOOCIIEE, Capt. F. Kempton, FRIDAY, Aug. 13, at 13 M. TO BOSTON. GATE CITY, Capt. E. K. Taylor, THURSDAY, AUg. 11, 11 A. M. CITY OF MACON, Capt. H. C. Lewis, THURS DAY, Aug. 18. at 5 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. [for freight ONLY.| JUNIATA. Capt. S. L. Asians, SATURDAY, Aug. ti, at 7 a. M. DESSOUG, Capt. N. F. Howes, SATURDAY, Aug. 18, at 1 p. M Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of tho United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight ur passage apply to C. G. ANDERSON, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Cuin’y. Fop JBaltimore. CABIN *l2 so BECUNU CABIN . ..... ... , THE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah tor Balti more as follows—city time: VVM. CRANE. Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, An gust 0, at 11 a. m. WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, MONDAY, August 15, at 4 p. m. WM. CRANE. Cant. Billups, SATURDAY, August 3D, at 8 a. m. WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, THURSDAY’, August 35, at 13 m. And from Baltimore on the days above named at.'! p. n. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. JAS. B. YVEST A CO.. Agents, ll4 Bay street. SEA I SL.VXD ItOU 'XJJ. STEAMER DAVID CLARK, Capt. M. P. USINA, WILL LEAVE Savannah from wharf foot of * IJncoln street tor I>OB<)Y. I>MtIEN BRUNSWICK and FERNANDINA, every TUES DAY' and FRIDAY at 0 p. m . city time, con necting at Savannah with New York. Philadel phia. Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer nandinu with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Hutiila river. No freight received after sp. m. on days of sailing. Freight not signed for 34 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. Tickets on wharf and boat. C. WILLIAMS, Agent. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN’S BLUFF AND WAY LANDINGS. r pilF. steamer ETHEL, Capt W. T. Gibson,will 1 leave for above MONDAYS and THURS DAYS at r> o’clock p. >i Returning arrive Y\ FDNESDAYS AND SATURDAY'S at 8 o’clock p. M. For information, etc., apply to W T. GIBSON, Manager. \\ half foot of Drayton street. For Augusta and Way Landings. STEA MI -; 1 i K ATI E, Cait. J. 8. BEVILL, \\’ 11.1. leave F.VEBY WEDNESDAY at 10 " o’clock a. B. (city time) for Augusta and way landing ;. AU freights payable by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, _ Manager. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Tampa, Key Went, Jlavuna. RKMI-WKK&LY. SOUTH BOUND. laV Tampa Monday and Tburnday 0:30 p. m. Ar Key West Tuesday and Friday 4 p. m. Ar Havana Weiinouduy and Saturday 0 a. m. NORTH-BOUND. I.v Havana Wednesday and Saturday noon. Lv Key West Wednesday and Saturday 10 p.m. Ar Tampa Thursday and Sunday tt p m. tVmneetin* at Tampa with West India Foot Train toaiul from Northern and Eastern cities. Kor stateroom aceommodatioriN apply to City Tieket Ofllee S.. F. tV W R*y. .iueksonviiie, or AKeut Plant Ktoamtihip Line, Tampa, ti , .. . .Jp- D. OWENS. TraflSo Manager. H. S. HAINES, General Manager. May 1.1837. W. J>. DIXON. UNDERTAKER I'LALKR IN ALL KINDS ON COFFINS AND CASKETS, 4a Bull St reel. Kmiidenco 89 Liberty slroeU AV4N*IA.ri. •KVHU. SHIPPING. Compagnie Generaie I ransatlantique —French Line to Havre. I> ETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier > No 42. N. R., foot of Morton street. Trav elers by this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the Channel in a small boat. Special train leuving the Company's dock at Havre direct for Paris ou arrival of steamers. Baggage checked at New Y'ork through to Paris. LA GASCOGNE, Saxtelu, SATURDAY’. August G, 7 A m. LA NORMANDIE, CE Kebsabiec, SATUR DAY. August 13. noon. LA BRETAGNE, DC, SATURDAY, Aug. 20. 0 a. M. PRICE OF PASSAGE (including wine): TO HAY'RE—First Cabin, *l#), 5:00 mid $80; Second Cabin. S6O: Steerage from New Y'ork to Havre, $25: Steerage from New Y’ork to Paris, S3B 30; including wine, bedding and utensils. LOUIS DE BEBLAN, Agent, 3 Bowling Green, foot of Broadway, New York. Or ,1. C. SHAW, Ipsq., 31) Bull street, Messrs. WILDER & CO.. 126 Bay street, Savannah Agents. RAILROADS. East Tennessee, Virginia k Georgia R.R. GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. CtOMMENCING July 34. 1887, the following ) Schedule will be in effect: EASTERN LINE. Fast Night Express. Express. Lv Savannah 7:00 ain I:3opm 7:35 pm Ar Jesup 8:43 ani 3:30 pm k:sspm Lv Jesup 3:35 p m 3:30 a m Ar Brunswick 5:35 p m 6:00 am Lv Jesup 8:50 am 11:07 pm Ar Eastman 13:12 pm 2:00 am Ar Cochran 12:53 pm 2:87 a ui Ar Hawkinsville. 2:oopm 11:45am Lv Hawkinsville.. 10:05 am 11:15 a m Ar Macon 2:20 pm 3:55 am Lv Macon 2:35 p in 4:00 am Ar Atlanta 5:45 bm 7:30 am Lv Atlanta 0:00 pm 1:00pm 7:35 aui Ar Rome 0:00 pin 4:10 pin 10:10 a m Ar Dalton 10:33 p m 5:80 p m 12:00 n n Ar Chattanooga 7:00 piu 1:35 pm Lv Chattanooga... 0:30 a m 10:00 pm Ar Knoxville I:sopm 2:ooam Ar Bristol 7:35 p m G:2O am Ar Roanoke 2:15 a m 12:45 pm Ar Natural Bridge 3:54 ain 2:23 pm ArWaymesboro ... 6:30 ain 4:30 pni At Luray 7:50 am 6:43 pm Ar Shenando’J’n.. 10:53 ain 9:35 pm Ar Hagerstowp... .11:55 pin 10:30pm Ar Harrisburg 3:30 pm 1:30 am Ar Philadelphia 6:50 pui 4:45 am Ar New Yolk 9:35 pm 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown 12:50uoou Ar Baltimore 3:45pm Ar Philadelphia.. 7:49 p m Ar New York 10:35 pm Lv Roanoke 2:90 a m 19:90 noon Ar Lynchburg 4:30 am 2:45 pin Ar Washington 12:00uoon 9:40 pin Ar Baltimore 1:27 pm 11:35 p m Ar Philadelphia. . 3:47 pm 3:00 am Ar New York. ... 6:20 pm 6:2lam Lv Lynchburg 6:15 am 3:05 p m Ar Burkville 9:20 am 5:27 pm Ar Petersburg 11:10am 7:lspm Ar Norfolk 2:25 pm 10:00 pm Via Memphis and Charleston R. R. Lv Chattanooga... 9:25 am 7:19 pm Ar Memphis 9:15 p m 6:10 am Ar Little Rock 7:10 am 12:56 p m Via K. C. t F. S. and Q. K. R. Lv Memphis 10:3) a in Ar Kansas City 7: to a m Via Cin. So. R’y. Lv Chattanooga... 8:40 a m 7:10 pm Ar. Louisville 6:45 pm 6:30 am Ar Cincinnati 7:00 pm 6:50 am Ar Chicago 6:soam 6:sopm Arjst. Louis 7:45 am 6:40 pm Train leaving Savannah 7:35 pin, arriving at Chattanooga 1:35 p m, makes close connection with N. C & S. L. for Sewanee, Monteagle, Nashville, St. Louis and Chicago. Traiu leaving Savannah at 7:00 am, Macon at 2:35 p m and Atlanta at 6:00 p m is fast train for the East, and goes directly via Cleveland, car rying through sleeper to Knoxville, making close connection at Cleveland with train leaving Chattanooga at 10:00 p m. Pullman sleepers leave as follows: Jesup at 11:07 p m for Chattanooga, Atlanta at 6:00 p ni. for Knoxville. Rome at 4:10 pm, for Washing ton via Lynchburg; Chattanooga at 10:00 p m for Washington via Lynchburg: also one for New York via Shenandoah Valley, and at 9:30 a m for Washington via Lyuokhurg; Chatta nooga at 7:10 p m for Little Rock; Brunswick at 8:30 p m for At-lanta. B. YV. WRENN, G. P. & T. A., Knoxville, Teun. L. J. ELLIS, A. G. P. A., Atlanta. TYREE RAILROAD. SAVANNAH AND TYBEE RAILWAY. Standard Time. COMMENCING SATURDAY, July 16,1887, the following schedule will be in effect: No. 3. No. 1. No. 5. No. 7.* Lv. Savan nah 10:30 am 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:sopm :4s am 4:15 pm 7:oopm 11:05 pin No. 2. No. 4. No. 6. No. B.* Lv.Tybee. 7:ooam 4:ospm 9:lspm 8:00pm Ar. Savan nah 8:15 am 5:20 pra 10:25 p m 9:lopm "Trains 7 and 8 Sundays only. All trains leave Savannah from Savannah and Tybee depot, in S., F. and W. yard, cast ~f pas senger depot, la:avc Tybee from Ocean House. Tickets on sale at depot ticket office, and at Fernandez's Cigar Store, corner Bull and Broughton streets. C. O. HAINES, Supt, Savannah, July 15, 1887. SUBURBAN RAILWAY. City and Suburban Railway. Savannah, Ua., May 81. 1887. ON and after YVEHNESD AY, June Ist, tho following sohedulo will bo run on tho Out side Line: LEAVE ! ARRIVE jUEAVK ISLE LEAVE CITY. I CITY. jof Hops. MONTGOMERY *6:55 6:42 .6:20 .... 10:3’> 8:10 8:15 7:50 **3:25 2:00 1:30 poo _ +7:15 6:40 6:15 5 45 There ill i -no early train from lulo ol Hope on Sunday morning. *l'or Montgomery only. Passengers for Islo of Hope go via Montgomery without extra charge. Tliis t rain affords parents a cheap ex cursion before break fast for young children with nurses. “This 3:25 p. in. train last out of city Sunday afternoon. ton Saturdays this train loaves city at 7:4i l*x J. II JOHNSTON. MAi IHINERI. J. W. TYNAN, ENGINEER and MACHINIST, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Corner West Broad and Intlian Streets. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, BOILERS, Etc , made am! repaired. STEAM PUMPS. GOVERNOR.-;, IN.IEtTORS AND STEAM YYATI.It lIITTINGSofI I ITTINGSof all kinds for sale. HANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kisstmuieo City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - . *.’10,000 'T'KANKACT ft regular hankingbusirws*. Ulv 1 jNirtioiilftr attention to Florida colli-at lona Corrrs(Nindrni aoUcited. Iwiue Kxuiiange on Now York. Ne.v <>rloau.<, huvumukh amt Jack sonvillr. Kla. llt-41(lout Agents for C'outts At Cos. and Melville. Kvaiui & Cos., of lamdon, Knglamj New York comiLpouaent: TUo boatioard N aHimal Sank. RAILROADS. “ tS < 'HE DU LE CENTRAL RAILROAD, Savannah, Ga., July 3,1887. ON and after this date Passenger Trains win run daily unless marled i, which ore daily. except Sunday. The standard time, by which these trains run. is 86 minutes slower than Savannah city time: No. 1. No. 3. No. 5. No. 7 Lv Savannah..7:lo am 8:20 pm 5:15 pm 5:40 p;[ Ar Guytou 8:07 am 6:40 p: Ar Milieu . 9:40 am 11:03 pm 7:80 pm 8:45 pq Ar Augusta. .11:45 pm 4:ooam 9:35 pm - Ar Macon 1:40 pm 3:2oam . .. - Ar Atlanta .5:40 pm 7:15 am Ar Columbus..9:3o pm 2:45 pm Ar Montg’ry 7:25 am 7:09 pm ’ Ar Eufaula. 4:3) am 3:50 pm ” Ar Albany... 10:00 pm 2:45 pm Train No. 9+ h-avt-s Savannah 2:90 p. m,; ar. rives Guyton 2:55 p. m. Passengers for Sylvania, YVrightsville, Mil ledgeville andKatouton should take 7:10 a. tq train. Passengers for Tliomaston, Carrollton. Perry Fort Gaines. Talbotton, Buena Vista, BlakelJ and Clayton should take the 8:20 p. m. train. No. 2. No. 4. No. 6. NoTf Lv Augusta 10:00 pm 0:00 am Lv Maeon.. .10:35 am 10:50 pm Lv Atlanta.. 6:soam 6:sopm LvColum bus 11:00 pm 12:45 pm Lv Moutg'ry. 7:25 pm 7:40 am Lv Eufaula. .10:15 pm 10:49 am Lv Albany.. 6:osam 11:55am Lv Millen— 2:28 pm 3:10 am 8:15 am 5:20 ati Lv Guyton 4:03 pm s:olam 9:40 am 6:6Bam Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 6:15 am 10:80 am 8:00 an Train No. lOf leaves Guyton 3:10 p. m.; amvei Savannah 4:25 p. m. Sleeping cars on all night trains between Sa vannali, Augusta, Macon and Atlanta, also Ma con and Columbus. Traiu No. 3, leaving Savannah at 8:20 p. m, will stop regularly at Guyton, but at no othe| point to put oil passengers between Savunnal and Milieu. Train No. 4 will stop on signal at stations bo tween Milieu and Savannah to take on pussen gers for Savannah. Train No. 5 will stop on signal at stations be tween Savannah and Milieu to take on passeu gers for Augusta or points on Augusta branch. Train No. 6 will stop between Millen and 8a vannali to put off passengers from Augusta aid points on Augusta branch. Connections at Savannah with Savannah Florida and Western Railway for all points it Florida. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berthi on sale at City Offlt-6, No. 30 Bull street, ant Depot Office 30 minutes before ’ departure a each train. J. 0. SHAW. G. A. WHITEHEAD, Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agent. Savannah, Florida & Western Railway, [ All trains on this road are ran by Centra) Standard Time.] tTMME CARD IN EFFECT JUNE 19, 1837 1 Passenger trains ou this road will run daily as follows: YVEST INDIA FAST MAIL. RKAD DOWN. READ Ut, 7:o6am Lv Savannah Ar 12:06 pn 12:30pm Lv Jacksonville Lv 7:ooan 4:40 pm Lv Sanford Lv 1:15 ait 9:oopm Ar Tampa Lv 8:00pu: PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Monday and I L Tampa Ar ~ Tllursan< Thurs . pmf aampa... nr , gun „„ Tuesday and I . w , T (Wed. am at.. ivey vvcst . lv „„ Wednes. and I . T . „ r ,„ T „ (Wed. ant Sat ami Ar.. Havana . Lt Pullman buffet cars to and from New Yerl and Tampa. NICYV ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:06 am Lv Savannah Ar 7:58 p q 8:42 ain Lv Jesup. Ar 6:16 pif ii in Ar .Wayoross Lv 5:05 pit 11:20a mAr Callahan 7T. Lv 2:47pn 12:00uoon.Ar Jacksonville Lv 2:05 p n 7:oott in Lv ..Jacksonville Ar 7:45pn 10:15am Lv YVaycross Ar 4:4opq 12:04 pmLv Y’aldosta Lv 2:56pi) 12:34 p m Lv Quitman Lv 2:28 p q 1:22 pm Ar. Thomasville— .Lv I:4spi) 8:35 p m Ar Bainbridge Lv 11:25 a t) 4:04 nm Ar .Chattahoochee”? .Lv li:3oa~i] Pullman buffet cars I o and from Jacks, >uvilli ana Now Y’ork, to and from Waycross and Ne Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. I:3opm Lv Savannah Ar 13:06pn 3:3opm Lv Jesup Lv 10:32a q 4:40 pin Ar YY’aycross Lv 9:23a i) 7:45 p m Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:00 a u 4:18p in Lv. Ar 9:45a n 7:20 p m Lv Waycross Ar 6:35 aij 8:31 p m Ar Dupont Lv 5:30a i) 3:25 p m Lv Lake City. Ar 10:43a ii 8:45 pm Lv Gainesville.... .Ar _ 10:39a i| 6:55 pm Lv Live Oak. Ar 7:10 aij 8:40 p m Lv —Dupont .Ar 6:25 aii 10:ai pm Ar Thomasville Lv 3:25 an 1:22a m Ar Albany Lv I:2san Pullman buffet ears to and from Jacksonvillt and St. Louis via Thomasville, Aibany, Mont ginnery and Nashville. < ALBANY EXPRESS. 7:35 pin Lv Savannah Ar 6:10 a q 10:05pm Lv Jesup Lv 3:lsau 12:40 am Ar 1... YVaycross Lv 12:10 an 8:80a m Ar Jacksonville Lv 9:oopn 9:00 p m Lv .Jacksonville Ar 6:30a n 1:05 am Lv Waycross Ar ll:30~p"ri 2:30 a ni Ar....... Dupont Lv 10:05 pn 7:loam Ar Live Oak Lv 6:sspit 10:30 a ill Ar Gainos’ille Lv- 3:15 pil 10:43 a m Ar Lake City Lv 3:25 fTi) 2:55am Lv Dupont". .. —Ar ffisVpq 6:30 ain Ar Thomasville Lv 7:00 p and 11:40am Ar Albany Lv 4:oopu Stops at all regular stations. Pullmat sleeiiing cars to and from Jacksonville and be vannah. THOMASVILLE EXPRESS. 605 a m Lv YVaycross Ar 7:oopa 19:25 ara Ar —Thomasville.. Lv . btops ut all regular and flag stations. JESUP EXPRESS. 8:45 p m Lv Savannah Ar 8:30a a 6:10 p ni Ar Jesup Lv 5:23 a a Stops at ail regular and flag stations. OONNEf ’TIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 a m. (ar rive Augusta via Y’emaesco at 12:80 p ml, 12:‘l tu and 8:23 pm; for Augusta ami Atlanta ill , :00 a in, 5:15 p in and 8:20 p in; withsleanislilp for New York Sunday, Tuesday ami Friday; foi Boston Thursday: for Baltimore every liftlulav. At JESUP for Brunswick at 3:30 a m und 8;J pm; for Macon 10:30a m and l!:07li in. At YVAYCROSS for Brunswick at 10:00 a man) 5:05 p in. At CALLAHAN for Fernandlnaat 2:47 pra for YVolilo, ( 1 filar Key, Ocala, etc , at 11:37 a ti) At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, etc., at 10:58 a m arid 7:30 p in. At GAINESVILLE for Ocala, Tavares, Brooks villo and Tampa at 10:55 a m. At ALBANY for Atluutu, Macon, Moutgon* cry Mobile. New Orleans, Naslivillo, etc. A. Cl! ATTAH(>OCHEE for Pensacola, Mobile New • irleans at 4:14 |i in. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secure) at BREN’S Ticket Office, und at the l’assengel Station. YVM. P. lI.YRDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent. R. G. FLEMING Superintendent Charleston & Savannah Railway Cos, (CONNECTIONS matl* at Savannah withS* vnnuah, Florida uud Western Railway. Trains loavn and arrive at Savannah by stana* arl time (l#Kh ineridiuii;, which is dC uunutal slower than city time. NORTHWARD. No. 14* 3Ht 00* 78* Lv cviv'ij .12:96 p m 4:00 p m 0:45 a m 8:23 p a ArAutftsta 12:80 pm * Arßeuufort (>:OS pm 10:15 h m Ar I'. Itoyal 6:20 pm 10:30 am Ar APdale. 7:40 pni H:l. r ipm 10:20 a m Ar CLui btoii 4:48 p m b:9O p m 11:40 am 1 :S5 a m SOUTHWARD. 33* 85* 27* Lv Chasten 7:loam 8:86 p m 4:00 an Lv Augusta . 12:86 pm Lv Al <lair. 5:10 am 8:0? p in I.v IV UoyaL 7:ooam 2:oopm Lv Beaufort 7:l2am 2:lspm ... • Ar Httv'h.. . 10:16 a in 6:53 p m 0:41 a a ♦Daily between Savannah and Chariest on. tSun.lays only. Train No. 7H makes no connection with Pon Royal Olid Augusta Railway, and stops only n> Hi -Iceland. Green Pond and Jlaveuel. Train U Sops only at Yemassce and Green Pond, uni connects for Beaufort a.ul Port Royal daily, anj for Allendale daily, except Sunday. Train* U and 60 connect from and for Heaufort aud Royal dally. Vor ticket a. sleeping car reservations andlal other information apply to WM. BREN Sikh da I Ticket Agent, A Hull Street, and 4 (’uurloston and Savannah railway ticket offle* at Sttvaunah, Florida an I Western depot. 0. tt. ti AJKJHtff • bufih* Jem e 3.4887