The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 05, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. ~ MARKET. OFFICE OF TIIE MORNING NEWS,- ) Savannah. Ga., Aug. 4,4, p. m. ( Cotton—The market continues very dull and nominal. There was no inquiry and no sales. Od Ohange at the midday call at Ip. m. the market was reported nominal and unchanged. The following are the official spot quotations of t ha Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 9% Good middling 9% Middling 9J£ Lo# middling 0 Good ordinary 8% i'aa Island—' The market was very dull and unchanged. We quote: Common Georgias and Floridas 14 ©15% Medium 1C%(J;17 Good medium 17V2@18 Medium fine 18%© fine 19%©20 Extra Fine 20%@21 Choice 22 © Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports a.vd Stock on Hand Auo. 4, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. 1886-87. | 1885-88. 'island. U P land j! iflafid. f7^ami Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,149 4,301 561 Received today .... Received previously 27,344 771,363 23,388 TSo,4£2j Total 28,393 775,667 23,939! 753.V85 4 m -zz: Exported to-day 315 Exported previously 27,838 775,260 22,709 781,846 J Total 1 27,8:58 "5.260 28,708 782,161 j .Stock on hand and on slilp-U 1 board this day \\ 585 407 1,230 j 1,0241 ltlCE—The market was qujet, but firm at quo tations. The sates for the day were only 10 barrels, at about quotations, as follows: Fair 4%®**% Good 4%((i14% Prime 4%©5 Rough— Country lots .60® 90 Tide water 90@1 15 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was quiet, but steady at quotations. The sait-s were 337 casks at 30c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm at 30c for regulars. At the closing call it was steady at 30c for regulars. Rosin—The market quiet, but firmer, and the better grades were advanced slightly. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported firm for I and above, and steady for H and below, at the following quotations: A, B, C and D 90c, K 95e, F *1 09. G SI 02%, H Si 10, 1 $1 12%, K $1 39, M SI 40. N $1 50, window glass $1 85, water white $2 35. At the closing call it was (inn for I and above and steady for H and be low. with sales of 575 barrels at the following quotations: GSI 00, MSI 42%, Nsl 60, window glass SI 90, water white $2 50, others were un changed. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Received to-day 34i! 818 Received previously 87,416 209,751 Total 909301 278.977 Exported to-day Exorted previously 77,121 222,696 Total 77,121 222,696 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day... t 3,180 56,281 Receipts same day last year 354 1,645 Financial—Money is very quiet. Domestic Exchange —Steady. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at *4 per cent, discount and selling at par@% per cent, pre mium. Foreign Exchange —The market is weak. Commercial demand. SI 8314: sixty days, $4 "I->4: ninety day::, 84 81%; francs, Baris and Havre, commercial, sixty days. $5 21 ->4; Swiss, 85 4’>.i: marks, sixty days, 9! 4 ■ Securities —The market is inactive, w ith light offerings. Buyers hold off, aud only seem in clined to trade at inside prices. Stocks and Bonds —City Bonds—Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent, long date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Atlanta, 7 per cent,, 118 bid 121 asked; Augusta 7 per cent, long date, 115 hid, lIS asked; Au gusta 6,s long date. 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 pei - cent., 100 bid. 105 asked: Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; now Savannah 0 per cent, Octoher coupons, 102 bid, 10% asked; new Sa van nah 5 per cent. August coupons, 102>i bid, 103 to asked. State Bonds —Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new (is, 15M,10214 bid, 103% asked; Georgia new 4%5, 101% bid, 105% asked; Geor gia 7 per cent, gold, quarterly coupons, 106 bid, lofts asked: Georgia 7 per cent coupons January*and July, maturity 1896, 120 hid, 121 Asked. Railroad Stocks— Central common, 118)4 bid, 119)* asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent, guaranteed. I'll bid, asked; Georgia coin -111011, jyt>* bid, 198 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 127 bid, 128 asked; Cen tra! 0 ]H*r cent, certificates, bid, 100)4 asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad stock. 110 bid, 1 12 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 jx-r cent. certificates. 10.*! bid, 104 asked. Railroad Rom/.*?- Market quiet. Savannah. Florida and Western Railway Company general m i tgage 0 percent-, interest, coupons (October, 115 bid. 117 W asked; Atlauticaud Gulf first mort gage consolidated 7 psr cent, coupons Janu ary and July, maturity 1897, 118 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent., coupons Jauuury and July, maturity 1893, 109)4 bid, 110% asked; Georgia railroad os, 1807, 10(> bid. 108 asked; Mobile and Girard second mort gage indorsed 8 cent., coupons January and July, maturity IBP9, 108 bio, WMaskcd; M nt jfM&ery and Kufaula first mortgage 0 t x*r cent., hdr>raod b\ Central railroad, loo*4 bid, 107)4 asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mort gage. 50 years, 6 per cent.. 00 bid, 100)4 aske<l; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mort gage 111 bid, 112)4 asked; Charlotte, Colum bia and Augusta second mortgage. 111 bid, 11 “J 4 asked; Western Alabama second mort gage indorsed s percent., 108 bid. 109 asked; South Georgia and Florida indorsed. 118 bid, 120 asked; South Georgia and Florid 1 second mortgage, 114 bid, 1 16 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent., 111*4 bid, II * asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern first, mortgage guaranteed, 115)4 bid, 116)7* ** • •and; Gainesville, Jefferson arid Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked: Ocean Steamship b per cent, bonds, guaranteed by c*n -11 al r.ulro id, kci, bid. 103 asked: Gainesville, J**t*tvmi and Southern so ond mortgage guaranteed. 113 asked; Columbus and Ron * first mortgage bonds, indorsed by Cen tral railroad, !0!> bid, 100 asked; Columbus and Western 0 j*r cent. guaranteed, 109 bid. 111 askcil; City and Subtn ban railway first mortgage 7 per cent . UK) bid, 110 asked; < >gk*- tuSavings and Trust Company, 100 bid, 107 asked. R'Oik Stocks-*- Nominal. Southern Dank of C Slab* of Georgia, 290 liid, ‘JOB asked; Mer Ci.uic National Rank, 157 asked: Savannah D> uk and Trust Company, 99 hid, 101 asked; Nut ion a I Hank of Savannah. 120 bid, 121 asked. Go* .Vor/c*—Savannah Gas* Eight stock, ex dividend. x*q hid, 21 asked; Mutual Gas Light kl °ek, CO hid, 23 a*kod. Bacon Market lirin and advancing; demand pood; "luoKed cleur rib sid* shoulders, ; dry salted dear rib sides, 9J4c; long clear, •k-; shoulders, none; hams, lilc. Daikiino and Ties Market uuiet. We quote } ; *g:rhig- -“*'4 lbs, 9* pr M-.c; 2 lbs, 71475 1% l r ‘*s. 7w 7) 4 e. id •cording to brand and quantity. Irn ties- Aitow and other brands, $1 WIM 05 le-r bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bulging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. P*h*ilk- Market steady; oleomargarine, 1 i<& Its*; choice Goshen, pjc; gilt edge, 22c; cream ery, :&^ Caihiaol Northern. 10<ft 18c. UiiUiisK Market nominal;smalldemand;#tock light. Wo quote, ll(d 15c. * ofkke—The market is firm Wo quote for tmiull lots: Ordinary, 80c; fair, 21c; good, 28c; choice, iMVije; pcaberry, 25c. diiicd h ituiT—Apples, evaporated, JBc; peeled, ,c - reaches. peel •*) i9c; unpceled, s<&7c; cur rants. 7c; citron. 85c. I >hy 1 100 us —The market i firm; business fair, w v quote: Prints, I: />**; Georgia brown shirt ,M g. 3 1. 4f4c; 7-Bdo. SUjC; 4-4 brown sheet C4.*e; white osmUmrgs, 8)4(3 10c; checks; Y*i r " 7e; varus, 85c for best makcM; brown drill ings. 7(f/),i4c. tisfi We quote full weights: Mackerel —No. • . *7 sor,r 10 no; No. i. half barrel*, nominal. 0%; ixi; No. 2, $7 5O. Herring -No. 1, ; uculed. 25c; cod, s<i4Bc. Ki.our Market unsettled; demand moderate. Jy* quote: Extra, $4 10; fancy, $4 Bftf4 i Go patent; $5 5O; family, $4 59(iy Fayrr— Lemons—MnrkPt advancing and de muud good. We qu< te: $5 Ouft-O :() - < cirn Martcet very Una; demiml light. We quote: White corn, lob lots, Ofs*; carkmd lots. 94e; mixed com,, job lots, 64c; car * *ad lots. <W<*. ijni* steady; demand g '>d Wo uuui iklntsil oats 42c: carload tots. <A;. Bran. 81 00. Meal, 70e. Georgia grist, per sack, Si 40; g*ist, per bushel, 75c. Hay—Market very firm, with a fair demand; stock ample We quote job lots: Western, 81 10; carload lots, $1 00. Eastern, none; North eru, none. Hides, Wool, Etc.— Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry Hint, 11c; salted, 9c; dry butcher, Bc. Wool Receipts light: prime iu bales, 27%c: harry, 10®15c. Wax, 18c. Tallow, 3® 4c Deer skins, flint, 20c; salted, 10c Otter skins, 50c<3,54 00. Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4% ©sc; refined, me. Lard—Market is easy; in tierces, 754 c; 501 b tins, 7%e. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, aud is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Georgia, #1 30: calcined plas ter. $1 50 per barrel; hair, 4c. Itoseudalo cement, 81 50; Portluml cement, $2 50. Liquous—Full stock; sternly demand. Bour bon, 81 50®5 50; rye, $1 50(0,0 00; rectified, >Bl 00® 1 35. Ales unchanged aud in fuir de mand. Nails—Market firm; fair demand. We quote: 3.1, 83 90; 4d and sd. 83 25; Ud, 83 00; Bd, *2 75; lOd to OOd, §2 50 per keg. Nuts—Almonds, Tarragona, 18@20c; Ivicas, 17<gil8o; walants, French. 19c; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Baracoa, 85 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 9@loe; lard, 60c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, 18%c; ueatsfoot, 62®80c; machinery, 25@30e; linseed, raw, 52c; boiled. 56c: mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c; homelight, 18c. Onions—Northern, per bbl, $4 50; native. Si 00® 1 25 per crate; Egyptian, $2 75 per case. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, §2 50® 2 75. Peas—Demand light; oow peas, mixed, 75® 80c; clay, $100®Tl5; speckled, $1 00®1 16; black eye, $125tg160; white crowder, 8156® 1 75. Prunes—Turkish. &%e: French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady: loose new Muscatel, $2 00: layers. $2 00 per box; Lon don layers, $2 25 per box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 60c fob; job lots, 75@90c. Shot—Drop, §1 40; buck. $1 65. Sugar— The market is firm; cut loaf, 644 c; standard A, 634 c; extra C, 534v’; 0 yellow, 5%c; granulated, 6%c; powdered, 6%c. Syrup—Florida and Georgia syrup, 40@45c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at Ss@4oc; Cuba straight goods, 280 iu hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco— Market dull; demand moderate. 5Ve quote: Smoking, 25c®$l 25; chewing, eon? mon, sound. 25®80c; fair, 80®35c; medium, 38 ®soc; bright. 50®75c: flue fancy, 85®90c; extra fine, 90c@$l10; bright navies, 45®75c; dark navies, 40®50c. Lumber- The effect of the interstate com merce bill, coupled with scarcity of care, lias considerably curtailed shipments and quieted demand from the West. Coastwise and foreign demand is quite active, and prices remain firm at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 50@17 00 Difficult sizes 10 IX)®2l 50 Flooring boards 16 00®20 50 Shipstuff 18 50®21 50 Timber— Market dull andnomlnal. We quote: 700 feet average 8 9 00® 11 00 800 “ “ 10 Uo®ll 00 900 “ “ 11 00@12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00®!4 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ 7 00© 8 00 900 “ 8 00® 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00® 10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—The market is very quiet, a few cargoes offering for New York and Baltimore. All arrivals this week were previously closed. Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@$l (X) higher than lumber rates To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal; to South America, sl3 00®14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, slloo© 12(X1; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27®2Ss; lumber, C.3 15s. Steam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s 10%d, and, or, 4s l%d: Adriatic, rosin, -Is; Genoa, rosin, 2s 10%d. Coastwise —Steam— To Boston, 500 on rosin, $1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin 30e, spirits 80c: to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 00c. Coastwise, quiet. Cotton—By Steam—Tin- market is nominal. Liverpool via New York r tb 8-10d Liverpool via Baltimore U lb 8-lGd Antwerp via New York 7115 %and Havre via New York 9-lOc Havre via Baltimore 6(ie Bremen via New York y tb tl—l6c Reval via New York 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore $ tb %c Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Baltimore ... 61e Genoa via New York ft lt> Boston y hale .. 135 Sea island y liale 1 75 New York y bale 1 35 Sea Island y bale 1 75 Philadelphia %? bale 1 35 Sea island p bale 1 75 Baltimore y bale 1 25 Providence y bale 1 50 Rice—By Steam- New York y barrel 60 Philadelphia y barrel • - 60 Baltimore y barrel 60 Boston y barrel 60 Vegetables—By Steam—(By special cont raeti To New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti more, standard crates, SJOc: barrels 40c. With out the contract, crates 350; barrels 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls y pair S 65 ® 80 Chickens. >4 to % grown 40 ® 0 Springers .. .. . 25 @ 40 Ducks y pair 50 ® 75 Geese y pair 75 (y 1 (X) Turkeys y pair 125 0-2 (X) Eggs, country, y dozen 20 (y, 22 Peanuts—Fancy lj. p. Vn. W tt> .. © 7% Peanuts—Hand picked ylb ® 64; Peanuts—Ga. y bushel, nominal 75 ® 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds jj bush. 50 ® 60 Sweet potatoes, yel.yams y bush. 05 ® 75 Sweet pot's, white yams y bushel 40 ®. 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light tor grown; half to three-quarter grown in good request. Egos—Market irregular with a good demand mid bare of stocks, owing to the freshets. Peanuts— Fair stock; demand moderate; market ad vancing and higher prices predicted. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal; none iu market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes-Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Aug. 3, noon.— Stocks active and steady. Money easy at, 46/,5 per cent. Ex change— long $4 81% Oi l 81%, short $1 8*1%©4 84. State bonds neglected. Government bonds dull but steady. 5:00 p. 111. -Exchange dull but steady at $4 B}% ©IU). Money easy at 4®C p r cent. Sub-Troa smy balances -Geld. $131,811,000; currency, sl2,no;.non. Government bonds dull but firm to strong; four per cents 12: four and a half per ecnis KM. State bonds dull but steady. The announcement by the Secretary of the Treasury that he would lire pay interest and buy ootids for the sinking fund created quite a scare among the liears this morning, and for some time there were lively times to cover shorts. The upward movement was also accele rated by lilieral purchases for Loudon account, and out of town order., were quite as muuerii'is us yesterday. The advance in prices during the forenoon was fully equal to anything iu that jin,. 1,,)- acme Uni". Much feverishness marked transactions torn fieriod, but liter the ail vane * became general and very decided. Later, how over. Dsn’s recovered from their scare, and Ins' in to argue that the rise would cease with tlieclinimaliou of the short interest.aud more influential traders put out a fresh line onthe short side. I his induced considerable reaction, inn slight. Traders on the long side and a large proportion of the gains were washed out Rumors that a Nevada bank was in trouble aided in producing a reaction, but upon the contradiction of the stories a better tone be came apparent. The news of tho day was gen ei ally favorable, all I much talk was heard in regard to the settlement of the cable war. be side which the bullish utterances of several prominent dealers infused confidence Into their followers. I'b'? opening was very active mid Strong at advances over last evening's final prices of Iroui %'</,% per cent. Prices were feverish and uuseti led for some time after the oih-uiug, bin soon Is’gan to advance, and further fractional guilts recorded. The upward movement continued until noon, subject to one or iw,.slight r-acllons. blit after tlial time dull ness became the feature, aud buying slacked off The liears were thus encouraged to make a demonstration, and u lurge proportion of the forenoon's gains was lost. New England and Western I,'nion received sjssual attention, and their declines were material. The close was quiet but firm at a rally from the lowest figures of Die forenoon, and everything higher than ot the opening. Halos aggregated SMiOOfl sliares. The following were the closing quotations: Ala class A.9 to 5.106 New Orleans Pa- Ala class 13. ss. 101 ciflc, Ist inort... 81 Georgia 7s, mort.. I9M* N. Y font nil ... 108_ N Carolina bs... 122 Norf. A W prof... 42% N Carolina 4s. 99 Nor. l*aciflc ...834, So Caro. (Brown) “ . prof... 59% consols . .105 Pneifie MaiL 39'v, Tennessee6s 70 Kfttd1ng........-. 5% Virginia3s 348 Richmond A A1e..*104, Va ’consolidated.*s4 Richmond* lianvl.'A) Cli'peake* Ohio 0 Richtn'd *W. Ft. Cidc .V Norllist'll. 114% Terminal 27% •• .ivlerrod .141 Hock island. 123% THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1887. Dela., Lack *W. 129% St. Paul 81 Erie 30 " preferred 11884 East. Tennessee, Texas Pacific 27% new stock 11% Tenn. Coal * Iron. 32% Lake Shore 93% Union Pacific 55* L'ville & Nash 61% N. J. Central 72% Memphis & Char. 50 Missouri Pacific.. 98% Mobile * Ohio 13 Western Union... 73% Nash. A Chatt'a . 77% CottonOilTrust cer 31% •Asked. tßid. cotton. Liverpool, Aug. 4, 12:30 p. m.—Cotton—Busi ness good at hardening rates; middling uplands 5%d. middling Orleans 5%d: sales 12.000 bales, for speculation and export 2,IXX) bales; receipts 5,000 bales—American ■1,200. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Au gust delivery 5 25-64d; August and September 5 25-64,1. alao 5 26-64 it; September and October 5 13-64d. also 5 15-64(1; October and November 5 8-C4d; November and December 5 5-64d, also 5 6-*>4d; December and January 5 5 04d; January and February 5 4-aid, also 5 6-Old; September 5 24-64d, also 5 30-6 Id. Market very firm. 2 p. m.—Tho sales to-day included 7,700 bales of American. Futures—Uplands. low middling clause. Au gust delivery 52i 64d. buyers: August and Sep tember 5 26 (kid, sellers; September and October 5 15-tkld, value; Hctols r and November 5 S-tklil, buyers; November and December 5 6-64d. buyers: December and January 5 6-6-Kl, sellers; January and February 5 6-04d, sellers; February and March 57-ii4d, sellers; September 5 26-64d, sellers. Market steady. Good middling uplands 5%d, middling up lands uplands 5%d, low middling uplands sJisd,5 J isd, good ordinary uplands 5 l-10d, ordinary uplands 4%d; good miudling Texas 5%d, mid dling Texas 5%d, low middling Texas 5%d, good ordinary Texas 51-liid, ordinary Texas 44. id; good middling Orleanss%d, middling Or leans 5%d, low middling Orleans 5%d. good or dinary Orleans 5 1 lOd. ordinary Orleans 4%d. 4 p. m.—Faitures: Uplands, low middling clause, August delivery 528 (Md, sellers; August and September 5 27-64,1, sellers: September and October 5 15-64d, buyers ; October and Novem ber 5 9-64d. sellers; November and December 5 7-64,1, sellers; December and January 5 0 (34,1, Imyers; January and February 54J-64a. I,uvers; February and March 5 7-Old, sellers; September 5 27-Wd. sellers. Market closed steady. New York, Aug. 4, noon.—Cotton opened easy; middling uplands 10c, middling Orleans 10%-c; sales 252 bales. Futures—Market opened steady, with sales as follows: August delivery 9 90c. September 9 40c, October 9 28c. November 9 22c, December 9 2:3c, January 9 20c. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed steady; middling up lands 10c, middling Orleans 10%c; sales to-day 900 bales; gross receipts bales. Futures—Market closed firm, with sales of 92,800 bales, as follows: August delivery 9 87® @9 89c, September 9 39©9 40c, October 9 28® 9 29c, November 9 25c, December 9 25c, Janu ary 9 28(a.9 290. February 9 31®9 36c, March 9 41 ®9 42c, April 9 47@9 48c, May 9 54@9 55c. Green* Co.’s report on cotton futures savs: “The market for cotton contracts has been variable all day, fluctuations appearing to fol low* contradictory crop accounts. 011 ihe whole, however, the tendency was toward somewhat greater firmness, and after at one time shading a fraction under last evening, the market closed fully 5@6 points higher on most months and pretty firm, and more favorable accounts from Liverpool helping matters somewhat. So far as known no actual homage of a serious charac ter has befallen the crop, but at ruling rates operators feel inclined to cover for safety. Au gust is without any new and special feature, but has improved with late months." Galveston, Aug. I.—Cotton quiet; middling 9%c; net receipts 121 bales, gross 124; sales 90 bales; stock 1,705 bales; exports coastwise 3 bales. Norfolk, Aug. 4.—Cotton steady; middling 10c; net receipts none, gross none; sales bales; stock 1,494 bales; exports coastwise 82 bales. Baltimore, Aug. 4.—Cotton nominal; middling 10%c;net receipts none, gross 55 bales; sales none; stock 472 bales; exports coastwise 55 bales. Boston, Aug. 4.—Cotton quiet; middling 10%c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, Aug 4.—Cotton nominal; mid dling 10c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 158 bales. Philadelphia, Aug. 4.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 10%e; net receipts none, gross none; stock 16,519 bales. New Orleans, Aug. 4.—Cotton easy: mid dling 9%c; net receipts 209 bales, gross 309; sales 300 bales; stock 33,233 bales; exports coastwise 1,969 hales. Mobile, Aug. 4.—Cotton nominal; middling 9%c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 226 bales. Memphis, Aug. 4.—Cotton dull; middling 9%c; receipts 11 bales; shipments none; sales 50 bales; stock c.rxxi bales. Augusta. Aug. 4.—Cotton quiet; middling 10%c; receipts none: sales none. Charleston, Aug. 4.—Cotton quiet and nomi nal: middling 10c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 516 bales. Atlanta. Aug. 4.—Cotton—middling 9%c; receipts none. New York, Aug. 4.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 333 bales; exports, to the continent 1.300 bales; stock at all Ameri can ports 158,269 bales. provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool. Aug. 4, 12:30 p. m.— Wheat quiet; demand poor; holders offer freely; California No. 1, 7s@7s2d; red Western winter 6s Id ©(is (id. Corn steady; demand fair. New York, Aug. 4, noon.—Flour dull and heavy. Wheat lower. Com lower. Pork steady: mess $lO 25(2:16 7.3. Lard weaker at $6 90. Old mess pork steady at sls 25© 15 75. Freights steady. 5:60 p, in.—Flour, Southern quiet and barely steady. Wheat declined about %e, leading to a moderate degree of activity, in good part for export; options opened heavy and %®%c lower, but subsequently ruled stronger, aud rallying from the decline, closed firm; No. 2 red, August delivery 78%®79c. September 79 9 Hi© so%c, closing at N)%c. Corn about lc and op tions %c lower, closing firm with some reaction; No. 2, August delivery 46%e, Septemlier 47© tilUc. closing same. Oats %©%c lower cart heavy; mixed Western 33©34e; No. 2, August delivery 314,0, September Sl®3l%c, closing at 3i kc. Hops in light demand. Coffee, fair Rio, spot at 19c; options higher and moderately w five, closing firm; No. 7 Rio, August delivery 16 77ic, September 17 00®17 65c, October 17 15®, 17 85c. Sugar quiet and generally steady; cen trifugal .5 5-16 c, fair refining 4 9-16 c; refined quiet —standard A f>%@s 9-l6c. cut loaf and crushed 6 l-10©i>!4c, granulated 5 15-16 c. Molasses nom inal. Petroleum, crude 5%©6%c. Cottonseed oil quoted 28©31c for crude, 41®43c for re fined. Hides quiet und very steady. Wool quiet and unchanged. Pork firm and fairly ac tive; mess sl6 25© 16 75 for new, sl7. 25 for old. Beef dull. Middles dull and nominal. Lard opened 3®5 points lower but closed firm, with decline recovered; Western steam, on spot $6 tx) <g,o f,2%, September $7 00®7 02c. Freights dull. Chicago, Aug. 4.— To-day in the corn pit, though September had closed at 41c, the mo ment’the o]ie)iing belt tapped there were offers to Sell at 4'I%C. and nothing was done at higher figures than 39%c. From this it ipiickly dropped to 39%r, then recovered to 39%' and for a time fluctuated between %@%c. Everybody was sellers. On the sheet made by the weather map there was a I Hi? rain everywhere throughout the corn Kelt, but some operators tool the ground that everything was so thoroughly dry that half tin Inch of rain would make no impres sion; that com was ruined anyway, and that any quantity ot rain now would simply break the market without helping actual conditions any. Inside of a quarter of an hour September got up to 3'.M',o Later there were re|Kirt s that no more ruin was probable and the early bears developed into the strongest kind or bulls. During the last half hour they put the corn market up at a lively rate. Nearly everybody wanted to buy, and competitive bidding sent September quickly from 40%e to ll)%e. The Hosing prices, compared with yesterday, were tie I? over for September, hut rather firm and %e higher for Augusi. More than ordinary in terest attached to early prices for wheat to-day, for there was some anxiety manifest to know whether tho collapse of the California wheat corner would produce any effect on this market. Two view* were taken of the’Frisco deal. The bears partly held that prices would Is- lower, and I lie bulls raid they discerned comfort in the outcome. A panic had been averted, no failmwa hod been reported, the bank bad not been in volved. and a normal and healthy state of affairs had succeeded the recent strain Prices on tho strain, however, did not throw the needed light on the situation and the crowd remained oil the keen edge of expectancy until the 9:30 gong made music. It was dear music, however. The Aral sale was at 09%e, after which the dial went down the toboggan slide until it halted at 69**0, nearly lc Inflow last night's clooing, uil of which demonstrated that the California corner had bellied the D ors just a little. There were more traders in the wheat pit than on yesterday, hut corn was the great strictlon and wheat did very little rtuetnatiou. Septemlier at one time got down to 69?', but reacted %c before tho close. The severe break in corn early carried the spec ulative market tor oats down There wus 11 de cline of 14® %0 for Septemlier and October de liveries, and a break of l>ic for .May. After wards cams a strong market and a steady reaction near the close. Futures advanced ut about % " %c higher an*l May sold up l%e from Ibe inside or folly up to yesterday's •closing. Provisions were dull and without feature. The price changes were confined to small range. At the close the only one of luiiwrtance was au advauce of 7%c on September and 5c decline iu January short ribs. Cosh quotations to-day ruled os follows: Flour quiet, without quotable change. Wheat, No. 2 spring 7%®flec: No 8 spring nominal; No 2 red 7?)%c. Coni, No. 2, 89%®40c. Oats, No. 2. 21V40. Mess pork, sls. Lard, per 100 lb - $6 57%. Short rib sides, loose, $ ‘ 00. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $5 .0® • to; short clear sides, Ooxc *s' it). )) maky $1 10. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— August delivery. 67% 68 67% Sept, delivery... 69% 69% 69% Oct. delivery 71% 71% 71% Corn— August delivery. 39 40 49 Sept, delivery . . 39% 40% 4'ri; Qci. delivery 40% 41% 41% Oats— August delivery. 25 Sept, delivery... 25% 25% 85% Oct. delivery.... SO% 80% 20% Mess Pork— Year $ sl3 15 sl2 15 Jau. delivery .12 60 12 6.% 19 65 Lard— August delivery. $6 00 $ f Sept, delivery 6 67% 6 70 6 70 Oct. delivery 6 ,77% 6 tX) C 80 Short Ribs August delivery. $7 99% $8 03% $8 02% Sept, delivery... 797 % 807 % 8 07% Oct. delivery.... 7 92% 8 09 8 02% Baltimore, Aug. 4. —Flour lower and fairly active; Howard street and Western super fine $2 25©2 75, extra $3(K)®3 60. family 8 (75 ® t 35, city mills superfine 82 50©3 00. extra $3 25® 3 75; Rio brands sl3s® I 50. Wheat- Southern steady; red 78®80e; amber 80®Hie; Western lower but quiet; No. 2 winter red, on spot and August delivery 78©78%c. Corn Southern nominal; white 51®53c, yellow 50® 51 %c; Western easier but dull. St. Loris, Aug. 4.—Flour quiet Iml easy. Wheat lower, declining markets elsewhere caus ing almost a panic early, but subsequently the market was dull and heavy, closing Un 1 i-qe Dj low yesterday; No. 2 red, eash 68%0, August de livery 68%0. September 70%@70%0 Corn lower but closed strong; cash 35%®36c. September de livery 35%®36%c, closed at 36%0. Oats weak and ’lower; cash and August delivery 23%0. Whisky steady at $1 05. Provisions quiet: Pork irregular; new at sls 50. Lard firm at §6 15. Dry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 75; long clear $8 15, clear ribs $8 20, short clear $8 45. Bacon- boxed shoulders $6 25, long dear aud cl '.ir rilis $9 05© 9 10, short clear $9 3U©9 37%. Hams steady at $11()0@14 00. Cincinnati, Aug. 4.—Flour weaker. Wheat weaker; No. 2 red 71%®72c. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed 42%®43c. "Oats easier; No 2 mixed 20% 27%0. Provisions—Pork quiet at 315 00. Lard strong at $6 37%. Bulk meats quiet. Bacon easy. Whisky steady at $1 05. llogs firm; common and light $4 80®5 40, packing and butchers $5 00®5 60. Louisville. Aug. 4.—Grain quiet. Wheat- No, 2 red. 68c. Corn —No._2 mixed 43c. Oats— No. 2, 30©80%c. Provisions dull: Bacon—clear rib sides *9 25, clear sides $9 50, shoulders $6 75. Bulk meats —clear rib sides $8 50, clear sides $8 87%; shoulders $6 (X). Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar cured firm at 11%@12. Lard, choice leaf SB. New Orleans, Aug. 4.—Coffee weak mid lower; Rio cargoes, common to prime 17%® 20%c. Cotton seed products dull and nominal. Sugar strong; Louisiana open kettle, good fair 5%r; Louisiana centrifugals, choice yellow clarified 6 3-16©6%c, prime yellow clarified oc. Molasses steady and in good demand; Louis iana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 28® 28%e, fair to good prime 22®25c, common to good common 18®21e. naval stores. New York, Aug. 4, noon.— Spirits turpentine steady at 32%c. Rosin steady at $1 02%©1 10. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin quiet at $1 03%@1 10. Tur pentine steady at :32%c. Charleston, Aug. 4.—Spirits turpentine firm at 30%c. Rosin quiet; good strained 90c. Wilmington, Aug. 4.—Spirits turpentine firm at 243ic. Rosin quiet; strained 77%e, good strained 82%c. Tar firm at $1 30. Crude tur peutinu firm; hard $1 10, yellow dip $1 75; vir gin $1 75. RICE. New York, Aug. 4.—Rice steady, with fair demand. New Orleans. Aug. 4. —Rice unchanged. SHIPPING LNTKLLIiiKN( K. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sunßises 5:20 Sun Sets 8:51 High Water at Savannah 9:18 am, 9:39 p m Friday, August 5, 1887. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamsliin City of Macon, Lowis, Boston—C G Anderson, Agent, Steamship Win Lawrence, Snow, Baltimore— Jas B West & Cos. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Citv of Macon, Boston. Steamship Wm Lawrence, Baltimore. MEMORANDA. *’ New York, Aug 2—Cleared, schr Ridgewood, Weaver, King’s Ferry. Aspinwall, July 25—Sailed, bark Drci Emma (Nor), for Pensacola. Boston. Aug 2—Arrived, schr Melissa A Wil ley. Willey, Apalachicola. Brunswick, Aug 2—Arrived, liurk Eulalia (Sw), Svensseti, Rotterdam. Georgetown, S C, July 31—Sailed, schr James Ponder, Robinson, Philadelphia. Pensacola. Aug B—Arrived, bark Eliza J Mc- Manenty, Dodge, Sabine Pass. Cleared, ship Prim* Patrick (Nor), Newman, West Hartlepool; bark Mariquita, for Grange mouth. Port Royal, S C. Aug 2—Sailed, liark lone (Br), Jones. Tanning (Germany). July 31, arrived, brig James Mason, from Georgetown, Sailed, selirs Mattie alay, Philadelphia; Lizzie S James, Boston. Philadelphia, Aug 2—Cleared, schr A D Lam son. Smith, Savannah. Delaware Breakwater, Aug 3—Sailed, brig Maria W Norwood, for Brunswick, Ga (the Nor wood was re; lorted cleared at Philadelphia for Fernandina). New York. Aug 4—Arrived, steamship Califor nia from Hamburg. Arrived out, steamships Germanic, New York for Liverpool; Aller, New York for Bremen. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Rnllwav, Aug 4—2 cars staves, 2 cases cigars. 5 bbls tallow, 17 bales plaids. 2 rolls carpets, 1 organ, 10 pkgs 50 lif caddies tobacco, 10 Pox us tobacco, 16 pkgs w buckets. 54 lidls baskets, 1 case cigarettes, 25 pkgs 125 caddies tobacco, 72 bdls castings, 25 boxes tobacco, and mdse. Per Savaunah, Florida and Western Railway. Aug 4—798 bbls rosin. 321 boxes vegetables, 40 cars lumber. *5 ears wood. 1 car blocks. 1 car cattle, 12 lif bbls flour. 3 bales w ml. t halos hides, 14 pkgs mdse. 98 boxes vegetables, 31 bbls vegetables, aud mdse. EXPORTS. Per steamship Wm Lawrence, for Baltimore 101 hales sea island cotton, 279 bbls rice. 1,460 bids rosin. 341 bbls spirits turpentine, 20,(XX1 foot, lumber. .50 bales domestics and yams, 148 bdls bides, 19 rolls leather, 150 pkgs fruit, 278 pkgs mdse. Per steamship City of Macon, for Boston -68 hales upland cotton. 3 lanes wool. 12 holes do mestics ami yarns, 150,000 feet lumber, B<M bbls rosin, 2.50 bbls spirits turpentine, 137 hales hides, 120 tons pig iron, 149 pkgs mdse. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Wm Lawrence, for Baltimore M L Frank, Wm B Potter, .1 K Gutman and child, H Gutman, Father W Kenney, F Key. W 1< Shadinan, Mrs I) A Gould. 11 A Gould und wife. Sister Joachim. Wm Robson. Per steamship City of Macon, for Boston— Mrs JM Jones, .Mrs E Hafford, Mrs L Herrick, 5 S Case, Mr and Mrs Patterson, MrsFu". Mr and Mrs H C Osborne, W G Charlton, Miss Ida Cone, KG Irwin, A E Whittier. Mrs Brossell, A K Childs, Mr and Mrs A W Staiblrvl, T P Keck, II W Metcalf, C W Hawkins, T F Monahan. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railwav. Aug 4- Transfer Office, Lindsay *M, Luddeti * 11, Lee Roy Myers & Cos, Pal:n‘*r Bros. J F Lai* nr, C M Gilbert * Cos. Lovell A L, A it Sulas X Cos. Weed >S: C. Eckrnan *V, Frank ACo Blodgett, M tt Cos, Smith Bros & Cos, Lilicntliai A Hon, G W Tiedeman. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railwav. Aug 4—Transfer Office. McDonough A Cos. JW Hunter, Peacock, 11 A Cos. Lee Roy Myers A Cos, 51 Y Henderson. lUeser AH. J K Clarke<v Cos. 8 Guckenheimer A* Hon, D Y Dancy. J W Tynan, M Holey & Hon, Bacon, J A Cos. Ellis, Y A Cos, K T Roberta, J P Williams A Cos, W< • Jackson. O L Jones. D Grimm, Dale, D A 00. B IloiTiss, Bendiicim Bros A Cos, WW Gordon A Cos, Bald win A Cos. Prior to Removing from our present s-toro, 140 Congress, to 144, cornel' of Whitaker, we have marked the prices down on our enti ro stock of clothing, furnishing goods, hats, trunks and umbrellas to what they cost to manufacture in Now York, In order to clear them out to suvo moving. Now is the time to lay in a sup ply of clothing when it takes so little money to buy them of the “Fnmous." WOOD. WOOD. Bacon, Johnson & Cos. Have a fine Mtock of Oak, Pine, Lightwood and Kindling, Corner Liberty and Cut Broad streets. Tek*i#hon 117. BROKERS. NOW- THE TIME TO SPECULATE. ~ \CTIVK fluctuations in the Market offer op portunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Stocks, Bonus and Petroleum. Prompt personal attention given to oriel's received bv wirv or mail. Corres|K)ndcnce solicited. Full information about tin* markets in our book, which will lHi forwarded five on application. H. D. KYLK, Banker and Broker, 88 Broad and 8-1 New Sts. New York City. ~aT il 1i A BTrFi >C SKE SECURITY IiROKER. I>UYS AND SELIMS on commission all classes > of Storks and Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York (nictations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CVMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., ZBx'oHsLex’S OIIDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago aiul Liverpool Exchanges. 1!) COMMERCIAL BUILDING. ICE, ICE ! Now Is the time when every body wants ICE, and wo want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. i o r: Packed for shipment at rqfluoed rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weighty KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. 14.4 BAI ST. WATCHES AM) JEWELRY. THE CHEAPEST PLACE To BUY ~ WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDS, FINE STERLING SIL VERWARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY, FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., is to befoundat A. L. Desbouillons, 21 UUI.I^THKET. the sole agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warranted as represented. Opera O-lasses at Oost. STOVES. Tlie Tillies WSk \\ r E HAVE RECEIVED the agency for this v v popular Stove (over 100,000 in use), and take pleasure in offering them to ourriistome!'-' It is heavy, durable, and took first prize ifi, Pennsylvania State Fair for halting. It lias all the latest improvements, including *utilated oven. CORNWELL & CIII PM AN, Odd Fellows’ Building. VRUPOSAU WASTED. Proposals for Paving. City of Savannah, Ga., ) Office of the City Kruvryon, r July 29th, 1887. ( I PROPOSALS will be received until WKDNKS -I>AY. August 24th, at 8 o’clock V. m., directed to Mr. F. E. Rubaror. Clerk of Council of the city of Savannah, (id., for tin* paving of that portion of Congress street in said <ity lying bet ween the east property line of West Broad street and the West property line <*f Drayton street; also, that port ion of Bull street in said ck) lying between the south iin* t Cougress street aud the north line of State str**<*t, being a total area of about eight thousand square yar< Is. The proposals may be f. r granite, grawockc or asphalt blocks or for shoot asphalt, the speci fications of which will b* the name as given by the Engineer Depart moot of t lie District of Co lumbia in their report for 1880. Any person desiring to bid upon the above work, but use different specifications from those enumerated above, maj do so provided that a copy of the sjH-ciflcations upon which they bid is enclosed with their bid. All t-ids for gra wacko. granite or asphalt blocks must lin accompanied by a specimen of the blocks intended to be used. Separate bids will also Im* received for the fur uislungand laying of about thirty-live hundred running feet of curbstone, of either blue stone or granite of the following dimensions: four inenea broad, sixteen inches deep, and in lengths of not le im five feel The curbing to be dressed on the ton ten Indies from the top on the front f.*.ee and four Inches from the top on the rear face; to Ixj perfectly straight and squuiv on the ends. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. For further in formation address J. ueDRUYN HUBS. Jr . C. K., Acting City Surveyor. cm WINDS. CITY BONDS. \\ r K will receive proposals for thirty and jys lor v V flu* purchase of Fifteen Thousand Dollars of the liondnof the Town of Thomasviile, Ueor lria. The Bunds are iti the sums of Five.Jlun dred Dollars with coupon* five jx;r cent, interest, payable January and July of each yoar, ami have thirl v yearn to run. They are the only bonds ever Uiiii*d by tbe town and they offer a rare opportunity for investors. A P. WKJtaiT, Chairman Finance Committee. COM MISSION M KKCIIA NTS. 10 null MTOUMOD Gr. S. PALMER, Wholesale Commission Merchant. SOUTHERN PRODUCE. A SPECIALTY. 100 Roade Street* New Y ork. solicited and return* made promptly. hfieucil* and Market reports furnished on application. Kurus:M'S*:—Chatham National Bank, Thur* ber. Why land & CYj., New York. Also, Bunks and established Produce Merchant* of Now York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. IRON PIPE. RUSTLESS IRON PIPE. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LESS PRICK. Weed & Cornwell. qpo COUNTY OFFICERS. -Du<>k .ad Blank. 1 nxjtilrvd by county uflloe™ for (be u*e of the count., or fur i.ftliM- uae, nuTtplJud to order by tic MORNING NEWS PitUCfi.NU IIULSE, S Viab'.-.-r Savutnah. IRON WORKS. KEHDE'S iron works, Broughton Streot, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, - - Georgia- CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS g T r.VB induced us to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than I 1 ever. To that nd no pain* or expense has been spared to maintain t> ft their HIGH STAN VRD OF EXCELLENCE. M These Mills lire of the BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (mode long to prevent danger to tlio gjE S3? operator), and rollers of the best charcoal pig iron, all turned'up true, ray WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Largo Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. "Wm. rCelioe Cos. N. B. The name “ KKHOE’S IRON WORKS,' is east on all our Mills and Pahs. SASII, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. SAVANNAH, GA„ MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Mi, Boors, Inis, Saids, Pint Ends, And Interior Finish of all kinds, Mouldings. Balusters, Newel Posts. Estimates, Price Lists, Mould ing Books, and any information in our lino furnished on application. Cypress, Yellow Pine, Oak, Ash and Walnut LUMBER ou hand and in any quantity, furnished promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Savannah, Ga FURNISHING GOODS. Straw Hats! CHEAP STRAW HATS! AU our MACKINAWS reduced to close out. WHITE AND FANCY PIQUE SCARFS, 23c. TER DOZEN. l oblcacheii and Fancy Half Hose at 25c. Pair. Now is the Time to Buy. An elegant line of BALBRIGGAN and LISLE THREAD UNDERWEAR and HALF HOSE. JEANS DRAWERS and GAUZE DRAWERS, all sizes. NIGHT SHIRTS, Plain and fancy, HAMMOCKS, with Stretchers, for comfort. CHINESE, CORK HELMETS and BARK HATS. SUN UMBRELLAS, GINGHAM and SILK UMBRELLAS, and the GLORIA CLOTH that wears so well. All sizes and all prices. RUBHKR PILLOWS, RUBBER COATS and LEGUINS, SATCHELS and VALISES, WALK ING CANES and BATHING SUITS, at LaFar’s New Store, ao UTTI-r- STREET. PUBLICATIONS. MAGAZINES FOR AUGUST AT Estill's News Depot, No. 23 Bull Street. Price. Midsummer Puck 50c Cent ry Magazine 40c Harper’s Monthly —lO c Scribner * Monthly 40c Atlantic Monthly —4O e American Magazine -80 c Lipplncott’s Magazine 30c St. Nicholas. 30c Magazine of American History. 50c Eclectic Magazine 50c North American Review • —soc Popular Science Monthly 80c The Forum 50c Leslie's Popular Monthly 80c The Season 80c Lc Hon Ton 66c I,‘Art do la Mode TIT. 86c Revue de la Mode 3&o Young Ladies'Journal 85c Peterson's 250 Godey's 25c Delineator. 20c New York Fashion Bazar 80c Demorest’s Monthly 25c Outing 30c Mailed on receipt of above price. Address WILLIAM KSTILL, Savannah, Ga. TIIE MIDSUMMER PDCK. FORTY-BIX PAGES. 50c. PER COPY. /~IAHII PHIZES, amount ini' to $5OO. will lie \J for successful solutions of tin? Prize Puzzle given as a Supplement with tin* MID SUMMER PUCK. The MIDSUMMER PUCK i a . mucti superior i<> its prt deoe i iar lho “Christmas Puck,’ 1 ns that was to all previous publications in the surne line. Mull'xl on ro ceipt of price. Address all orders to WILLIAM E 8 TILL, (EfttUPs News Depot), 88 BULL STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. HARDWARE, ETC. Hardware Novelties and Specialties. I.•'VERY SIZE IN IRON JACK, SMOOTH, I J Four, ill*; BLOCK PLANES, ami In RE viitsiui.E ikon handled screw DKI VERS and SPOKE SHAVES. -FOR HALE mr— LOVELL & L6TTIIKORE, Dealeib In Siiear'n Practical Philadelphia House Furnaces, Etc. Vain rs and oils. JOHN G. BUTLER, WHITE LEADS. CODIPS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISH. ETC: %F..\DY MIXED PAINTS: RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES. SASHES. DOORS, BLINDS AND BUILDERS HARDWARE Sole A cent for GEORGIA DIME. CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. P.iij (HUS. MCRPHT, 18S5. House, Sign and Ornamental Painting PXICCTED NEATLY and with dispatch. I J PuiiiUi. Oils, Varubdiea, Brushes, Window Glosses, etc., etc. teb furnished ou ap plication. corner congress and draytor stb., lire uf '.liridt 1 'burol 1 . FRUIT JARS. WOODBURY, GEM, MASON’S, and other approved FRUIT JARS, at JAS. 8. SILVA ft SON’S. FLOUR. HECKER’S SELF-RAISING FLOUR Yields more ISrejid than flour raised with yeast, is finer, more digestible and nutritious. Always Ready! Perfectly Healthful! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Geo. Y. Hecker & Cos., 176 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. ■ '-im 1 ." -. "...'...-.'.i.i.i FOOD PRODUCTS. FOREST CITY MILLS. Prepaubd Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure grain. Guarauteed Sweet and NutriLi** Bond,Haynes&Elton IRON WORKS. Icßonflntr OallantFia, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers anil Blacksmiths, UANmcTVHSRS OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANB. A GENTS for Alert and Uniou Injectors. Gia . V simplest and most i ffcotivo on Uw market; Gullett Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, the best in the market. All ordcrb promptly attended to. Send for Price U*t. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. 18. HTJLL; Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Huy, Grain and Provision Dealer. U’RESH MEAL and GRITS In white saclw. F Mil! stuffs of nil kinds aliraya on band. Georgia raw'd SPANISH PEANUTS, also PEAS: every variety. SjX'cial prices car load lot* HAY and GRAIN. Prompt at trillion given oil order.) and bati*. faction guaranteed. OFFICE, 3 DAY. WAREHOUSE, No. 4 W ALLEY STREET, on line Central Railroad. THE OLD RELIABLE! GEO. N.IaCHOLS, Printing and Binding, 9J|( Bay Street. New Machinery! New Mateeiau! Best Patkks ! Best Work ! .“’-i /*.vju. No Bl'‘*ter. No *fnUru 7 ;JAS. S. SILVA & SON