The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 06, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 B.RAY. BACKS IT FELTON. A STONG PHILLIPIC AGAINST THE LEASE SYSTEM. The speaker Bids Defiance to the In fluence of Gold-No Possibility of Reforming the Criminal Classes Under the Present Conditions-But Little Done in tho Senate. Atlanta, Ga., A us. s.—ln the Senate to-day a large portion of the morning was consumed in reading bills the second t ime. Mr. Davidson, of the Eighteenth district, introduced a bill to regulate the term of office of members of the City Council of Augusta. The following bills passed: To incorporate tho Planters’ Bank, of Preston. To amend the act incorporating Clayton, in Rabun county. To require itinerant venders of stock to pay a license of SIOO for each county in which they do business. For the relief of A. Harris, Tax Collector of Talbot county. The Senate then adjourned to Monday. In the House In the House the Senate amendment to the section for a joint committee to investi gate the affairs of the Western and Atlantic railroad and the State's property in Tennes see was concurred in. The hours of the session were again Changed, and mill be hereafter from 9to 13 o’clock. The House went into Committee of tho Whole on the reformatory prison hill. Mr. Simmons, of Sumter, concluded liis argu ment of yesterday. He said that the hill was impracticable. 110 contended that reformation seldom if ever followed the , commission of a groat crime. lie road from reports that at least nine-tenths of tho convicts sentenced for such crimes had no disposition to reform, punishment being of no avail to produce it. lioaskisl would the House take tills highest human authority or that of the gentleman from liartow, that of Hr. Mundav, or that of I)r. Felton. The gentleman from Bartow was very consistent lie never preverted facts. He quoted Dr. Felton’s opening declaration that lie hud no attack to make on tho convict lease and said his speech was a most ferocious attack on the convict lease system, but lie sug gested no remedy in decrying the evils of the system. Referring to the doctor’s charge of undue intimacy between the male and female convicts, he asked if his bill made any provision to prevent it. The Same keepers would overlook tho school of reformation as the camps of tho lessees, and have tho enforcement of’ the laws and regulations. PROVISION FOR KIND TREATMENT. He read from the rules governing the management of the convicts to show the provision made for their humane treatment and protested against I)r. Felton’s charges, founded upon newspaper statements. He asked if the Governor and the keeper could not enforce these rules how could they lie enforced under l)r. Felton's system I The rules required two bods in each cell. A ne gro with two bedsteads would he so puzzled to choose between them that he would sit up all night. No man was a 1 letter friend to the colored peonlo than ho was, am 1 ho believed that If it was left to the colorod people of this coun try he could lie elected President of the United States. lint that, did not prevent him from alluding to their vices. He said that with a few exceptions they had no regard for the marriage tie. lhey thought it could bo dissolved at will. They had no feeling of detestation of crime, but were l ather inclined to make heroes of criminals. The hill would tax virtue to sus tain vice. The Bible establishes pains and penalties for crime, and the llrst sentence was pronounced in tho gar den of Eden. Solomon said “Spare the rod and spoil the child." Pains and penalties for crime were thundered from Mount Sinai and repeated from Oeth semaii". Stand by virtue iii Georgia and opposition to vice. Let the criminal suiter for his crime. He pronounced “She" the most dialKilieal lunik that was ever written. If he should die,as warned bv Dr. Felton, ho woulddio game and proud in the knowledge that he was killed by the political chief of Georgia. MR. BRAY FAVORS IT. Sir. Bray, of Fulton, followed jn favor of a reformatory in what is pronounced the ablest speech of the session. lie. said that either extreme modesty or an incorrigible hereditary laziness prevented him from much speaking. Tho discussion had taken u wido range and included tho convict lease system of Georgia, He took occasion to say that now and hereafter he was opposed to it. If ho had the power he would rive it ns the lightnings of the Almighty rives the forest, lie would support the bill because it was opposes! to the present system und would re store to Georgia tho custody and control of its own convicts. Wo have heard the lease system extolled. The only difference lie tween it and the State’s direct control was that there was money in it for somebody. There was a job’ in it. It puts money and power in the hands of a few' men. It is n monopoly. Why does Nihilism and Communism gain'u foot hold! It iAecauso we are establishing monopolies everywhere. Here in Georgia wc have established u monopoly of convicts to compete with the honest lalior of the people. The lessees wore enabled to run out free labor and put money in their own pockets. See what the brick industry now is and what it u.-nvl to lie. COVERED WITH MILDEW. That camp on the Chattahoochee has thrown its mildew over it, The lease system builds n low at the expense of the ninny. The gentleman from Dougherty had pronounced it the grandest system the world ever saw Mr. Hrav rcu'd from a sermon delivered in Atlanta by Dr. Hav go.! declaring that no government had the right to transfer to anyone the power to punish its convicts. If it did so to avoid responsibility or expense it was weak and Cowardly. The convict lease sytem <-ould never have been devised but for a money consideration. There could Is- no good and wise legislation where a money con sideration xvas paramount. These views were os wide ns the poles from those of Dr. Tucker quoted by Mr. Amheiin. He Asked: “Has any ante cedpnt Ilegislature the (icwer to restrict the police power of this legislature! Has not the legislature repr sentTng the sovereignty of the State the right to deal with this question:" He insisted that the Htate had Me right to take charge of its convicts without regard to the lease con tract. He road trom authorities to sustain this proposition. The lease system was horn in the nineteenth century ‘and hail been forced upon Georgia by a liastard govern ment. Among the authorities remi was a decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia denying the right of the State to surrender the police (lower over its convicts. cocld be niviDEn. He insisted that there eonld be a division •f this (lower. Hoix-ferreii to the ease of a hoy convicted after eight years eon line ment of oonunitting murder in the vicinity of Atlanta--a murder in the Penitentiary and the State supposed to be present— was that the exercise of its police power? Would the crime have born committed if the State had maintained its police (lower over its con vict®. (ie was afraid to speak of the man agement of any of the cunuis. He believisl that the system was simply infernal. Ho believed that wo have tho authority to pass this bill and ho Ijclieved in Its principles. Referring to the argument of the gentleman from Sumter tliut there could b" no reformation, he said, that was contiudietory to tho assurance given to tho thief on t.ho cross, and to the whole plan of salvation. Without it Christ died in vain, and our religion is a cheat and aauarc. He would lead u little reformu- tory literature showing that seventy-four reformatory schools in this country w ere established or aided by the State, and that 7:1 per cent, of those discharged were re formed. He had nothiug but admiration for Dr. Felton, that grand intellectual white headed old man. Time would sing his praises and the angels of God would prolong the applause. THE I’OWE 11 OK GOLD. He knew the power of gold and the power of the men who jingle it in their pockets, but ho cured not for it. Though he believed the State had power to resume control of its convicts, the bill before the House does not interfere with the rights of the lessees. The Supreme Court of Georgia had dis tinctly said that the State could change its system of convict punishment but even if the court had not said it it was an indis putable sovereign power if we have the right to exercise it. Why not do it? Ah, money again. We wore told beware liow you levy taxes on the people. It was a slander on the people to say that they wero not in favor of honest government. You stop jobs by which men make money, and make labor content, and you will never bavo cause to complain that the peo ple will not stand it. To show that he was not afraid of this power he would say that the Western and Atlantic railroad was an infamous contract. Ho did not belipvo that the State's sovereign power could 1* limited by a con tract. He was not well acquainted with the provisions of the ponding bill but ho wanted to break up the convict Tense system. GROWING DANOEROUS. He would break it up if he could, or break somelmdy’s nock. Replying to the charge that Dr. Felton’s bill di<J not provide sulll cieat regulations for the comfort of the convicts, he said that it took ten years to evolve the present regulations of the State and that the requirement was not a proper sub ject for the bill, but for the superintendent. Tlic last thought of a dying man was how much good had he done, how much evil had he avoided. All the arguments used by the opposition to tho reformatory bill applied to the lease system so all those arguments full to the ground. Society at large, as well ns tile State, has an interest in this question. \\ ns not society us well protected by the di rect power of the Stub: ns by the delegation of that power to a few men. The argument of these gentlemen resolved itself to this—tlmt the State could not work tb fi convicts profitably, but, the lessees could. If that is the case, why not surrender the courts and other departments of tho State government to the lessees? The convict lease system is an educator of crime, 1 localise it denies the theory of reformation. But treat the convicts humanely; teacli them properly, and the instruction and ex|>erionee of the prison will be as sacred to them as the teachings of a sainted mother. Tho ("cmnitlee reported progress and the House adjourned. HALCYOND ALE’S FRESHET. The Ogeechee Hi her Than it Was Ever Known Before. llalyaoniialk, Ga., Aug. s.—No rain lias fallen here to-day. Tim weather was very hot. The water in the Ogeechee river is much higher than has been known for years. The two bridges adjacent to this place are washed away. Ilagin’s bridge is totally lost. Some pilings are washed off. Crops in tho river swamps are flooded. The swamp fields of P. C. Elkins are totally covered with water, in many places six feet deep. Nothing is visible but a per fect sea of water for several hundred acres. The crops were fine. The water is clear ami lias the appearance of not having come from a great distance. AH the crops in this vicinity are badly damaged. Cotton is shedding its forms bud. Arrest of a Murderer. DarieEl, Ga., Aug. !i. —Officer Guyton arrested Emmitt Fonder (colored), a Wilcox county murderer, to-day. Fonder killed Tucker Huger (colored) in September last and escaped. The Governor's reward is $lO9 and the county of Wilcox offered a reward of $l5O, all of which Guyton will get. Fbnder came hero on a raft and was informed upon by several colored men who were present at the murder. Fonder ac knowledges the killing and claims self defense. Ready to Lynch Him. Jonesboro, Ga., Aug. A—Yestesdoy morning, about nine nfilos north of this place. Mack Estes, a negro 10 years old, at tempted to commit a rape on William Odum’s 7-year-ohl daughter. The negro has been arrested and is in jail at this place. Tlio liailiff lind trouble in getting tho negro here, as a crowd was after him, and hud they succeedi* 1 in catching him they would certainly have lynched him. From appear ;uh‘gs it is doubtful as to whether tho negro will see the sun rise again. A Terrific Thunder Storm. Waycross, (la., Aug. 5,-rOno of tho most terrific thunder storms ever seen in this section visited Waycross last night. The lightning was one incessant glare, and Die reports like minute guns ut sea. Several trees were struck and a cow in front of the residence of Capt. Reynolds was killed. The scene was one of grand magnificence. A Gumo Goes by Default. Surrency, Ga., Aug. 5. — Surrency and Graham were to play agnmeof hall here to day but the Graham club did not make its apjienranoe, The umpire gave the game to Surrency by a score of 9 to 0. Two More Smacks Safe. Pensacola, Fla., Aug. 5. — The Ashing smacks Ado and Sarah L. Harding, two of the smacks that have been absent since the recent gules, and ns to whose safety some anxiety has been expressed, arrived in port last night. They both experienced extraor dinarily heavy weather, but rode through it without serious damage. The Ada suf fered the worse of the two. There are two more of the smacks unaccounted for. Seven New Fever Cases. Key M ust. Fla., Aug. s. —Seven new eases of fever have been reported by the Hoard of Health since yest erday and no deaths. Injured by a Fall Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 6.—D. J. Crowley, Manager of the Western Union Telegraph office here, had n severe full to day and seriouly injured himself. Start of tlio Sprite. Charleston, S. Aug. s.—The pilot boat “Sprite,"of Savannah, which has been hero for ten days, with Capt. Marmelstein mala party of ladles and gentlemen, sailed for Savannah to night. The party have hem the recipients of many social atten tions and promise to come again. They will go outride. . Alabama’s First Bale. Selma. Ala., Aug. s.—Alabama’s first bAle of cotton was received here to-day by Hooper ii Cos., cotton commission mer chant-, from 11, S. Allen, of Newborn, and was s. Id to P .rtridge & Cos. for 13 V- per pound, n weighed 440 pounds and clawed us strict low middling. Evictions to bo Tested. PITTHRL'RQ, Aug. s.—Tho officials of the Knights of labor are perfecting their plans for bringing a suit to test the legality of the evictions of the salt works strikers ut Nutronu, Pu. Two Hotels Burned. Dunkirk, N. Y., Aug. 5.*-The St. James and Eastern hotels wore destroyed by fire at 13 o’clock last night. There lire 2,400 unmarried women in the foreign missionary field. A hateful liac.he lor suggests that they go into the fluid lie cause '.hoy are determined to boss some body, if only a hoatheu male.— i'hiladrl- Call. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1887. CAPITAL CITY CRAYONS. The Proposed Sale of the state Road- Hardships of Convicts. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 5. —Thesul>-Finance Committee of tlio House, charged with con sidering bills for the sale and lease of the State road, has agrood to report a resolution authorizing the Governor to advertise for bids for the sale or lease of the road, the bids to lie published before the next Legis lature convenes, and the final disposal if the whole matter to be left to that body. Tlio resolution w ill require a forfeit with all bids for lease or sale as a guarantee of good faith. The committee wid also recommend a commission to make an inventory of the property of the rood and have a conference with President Brown to find out just what Ids olaim is. The Marietta and North Georgia Railroad Investigating Committee held its first session to-day since last winter. The committee decided to meet next Monday and prepare a report on tho charges against Messrs. Rankin & Fain, anil decide upon the procedure on the second branch of the investigation per taining to the Marietta and North Georgia railroad. the penitentiary investigation. The Penitentiary Investigating Commit tee had before them this afternoon Supt. Nelms, who desired to make a statement in regard to the assertion Wednesday by VS'. D. Grant that when his convicts were turned over to the purchasers in 1884 Mr. Nelms, then principal keeper, was present and acted for Mr. Brown iii selecting and dividing his convicts. Mr. Nelms says Mr. Grant made this statement ignorantly or he wilfully lied, one or the other. Ho was before the committee simply to set himself right. He did not intend tor Mr. Grant or any other man to misrepresent him or place him in a false position. PRESENT ONLY AS AN OFFICIAL. He was present on the occasion referred to simply as n State officer in the discharge of his duty. Mr. Towel's was put on the stand in regard to the charges that convicts had been worked on Sunday. He said be fore tlic investigation began that he had only heard of that being done at Oxlartown. Since the investigation began he has learned that it has been done at Rising Fawn. Capt. English stated touching his camps that at tho brick yards, in burning brick the work lias to go on and certain of the convicts who are skilled work on Sunday under wind ion of Gov. McDwiel and are paid for it, but none of this work is compulsory. The only other work on Sunduy is cooking, cleaning up the barracks and inside yard and look ing after tho stock. Tlio Governor to-day granted tho order pardoning Henry Redding Houston, a negro who has been in the penitentiary nineteen years for arson, of which he was illegally convicted. The Adjutant General lias received from Washington the muster roils of the Fourth and Fittli regiments of Georgia volunteers. An Executive reward of S3OO has been offered for the unknown murderer of W. li. Clemmons, tho negro preacher killed here on the night of July 30 J. J. Brener was to-day commissioned Captain of the Seriven Troop. CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD. Clifford Anderson, son of Hon. Clifford Anderson, the Attorney General of Georgia, was unanimously eleeted Captain of the Gate City Guard to-night. Mary Commer, a working girl, swore out n warrant for seduction to-day against Eg bert Kirby. Kirby is a clerk in the Buck ley spice mills, office on South Pryor street. The girl eamo from South Carolina several months ago anil applies! for u position in the office. She was friend less, moneyless and an orphan. For this reason she was given a place. Buckley’s suspicions wore aroused that all was not right bv a note written some time ago by Mary Cominer to Egbert Kirby which note he picked up by accident on the floor, lie charged them w ith tho crime They de nied it, but when the note was produced both confessed. The girl was sent to her brother in South Carolina, who sent her back to Atlanta. She asked Kirby to repair the wrong. Ho declined and then she swore out the warrant. Kirby is about 3b years old. J. 11. Strand, of Die Markham House wine room, Sid J. Holland, of th > Bonanza wine room, and Johh T. Conally, of the New Era wine rooms, were all arrested to-day by de tectives lor selling spirituous, malt and in toxicatingyliquor. Violations of the prohi bition law have become more frequent since the wine room men have found out that the throats to send them to jail are only u blutt'. HIGH LICENSE. Chicago’s Testimony to its Great Power. From the Inter-Ocean. Perhaps uo city lias given high license a more thorough tost than Chicago. Under the operation of the high license law the revenue derived from saloon licenses has in creased from $300,000 per annjim to nearly $3,000,000. The former rate was $53 {ier annum. It is now SSOO. Under the old rate there were m 1883 nearly 4.000 saloons in tne city. There are now :>,!KH), not a very signal diminution in number apparently, but it is to Is* remarked in explanation that the city has grown enormously in population and in business since 1883, and, moreover, a considerable urea of territory lias since been a<l<led. Hod the former low license pre vailed ut> to the present there would have been fullv 0,000 saloons in Chicago. An additional significant fact is that the brewers, who largely control and influence the saloon traffic, actually tiay the licenses for, 1 should say, one-half the snloous. This is done by wav of advances, or accommoda tion. Were the brewers to refuse their aid, and decline to advance the money, to pay saloon licenses, I am satisfied the result would be 1,000 fewer saloons in the city. Flirting' in the Corridors. Do in the IViiht’li'lphin Lcdjer. Some time ago the chief clerk of the Treasury I lepnrtnicut issue 1 an order pro hibiting clerks from visiting and promenad ing the corridors during business hours. Prior to this regulation Die Treasury girls spent considerable time in visiting each other and in walking leisurely around the i-orridors with favorite masculine clerks. For a time tho new order effectually sup pressed tho abuse aimed at, ns all persons found visiting and walking about idly were reported to the chief clerk The order still produces good results, yet many male and female clerks, with a disposition for flirta tion, luivo devised a (dan liy which they may enjoy o promenade of a mile without Doing detected by tile minions of the chief clerk. The Treasury building is ulxmt :&>n by *Xk foot in dimensions. It is quadrangular in form, with u central wing stretching from east to west, thus converting the building into a double quadrangle. Two elevators located in distant i-orners of the building carry nil vomers from floor to floor. The length of the corridors of each story ex tended in a straight line is a full quarter mile, and as there arc four stories, we have a full mile of corridors, forming, with their tiled floors, frescoed walls, and vaulted ceilings, a most charming promenade. To be found loitering on any particular fl ier is to insure a report and reprimand, and repetition of the offence brings admonition of suspension or discharge. Some of the girls of the Treasury are smart, as well us pretty, and have devised a plan by which they may join each other and their beaux without ‘ ar of the Chief Clerk and bis sentinels Meeting at an appointed hour and pliioo, these couples will promenade th > entire length of the corridors of one floor, and then, taking separate elevators so as to avoid detection, will proceed to tho next floor, and lsisuroly continue their “s;*oo.i ing” while they make the circuit ef its' cor ridors. This is repeated until they havetrii- ; veined the coiTidora of the four floors, when 1 each will repair to his or her proper divis - ion, using both elevators tor the purpose, i having walked a mile, kille Ia half hour's i time, “knocked out the eye of tli- Cnief Clerk,’’ und had a “lovely time” while so i engaged. i GEN. BUTLER AND MRS. MUMFORD. A Piece of War History by the Chief Actor in It. From the New Orlea me Picayune. The Staunton (Va.) Vindicator recently published an article stating that “it is said Gen. Butler has tor years been able to re tain in office in Washington the widow of Muniford, whom he had hanged in New Orleans.” Upon the publication of this statement Mr. Lanier Dunn, of Warm Springs, Va., who married a ward and meeo of Gen. Butler, addressed a note to the General requesting him to state the facts in regard to Sirs. Mumford, and received tlio folio wing answer: Washington, June 34, 1887. My Dear Mr. Dunn: You ask me to state the facts to vou in regard to the late Mrs. Mumford. 1 have not made any public statement alxmt the matter, because I didn’t care to bring her name into prominence nnd expose her to vulgar curiosity during her life. Her husband, a man of some prominence among his class, incited a mob and tore down the United .States flag from the mint of the United States after the surrender of the city of New Orleans. The flag was torn into shreds, and portions of it wore worn at tho buttonhole ns a trophy by himself and his associates. The fuels being made known to me, ho was arrested, brought before a military commission for trial, and that commission found him guilty and re jiorted him and his action to me, as com manding general. After much thought upon the subject I deemed it was for the best interests of the people of the United States, and especially of Louisiana, that an example should be made of him specially, because his act caine very near bringing a bombardment upon the city by the fleet, because tearing down the flag was a signal that the city had assumed to consider itself unsurrenderod and desired to open hostili ties. I therefore ordered his execution on the mint, at the place where he had torn down the flag, which was done. Shortly before his execution Mrs. Mum ford called upon me to intercode for his life. I told her that mv decision was irre vocable. Sho was a Northern lady by birth. I told her further that I regretted the effect of my action upon herself and family, and that if in the hereafter I could do anything to alleviate her great misfor tunes she might call upon me as a friend. The best thing she could do for her husband t hen was to go to her husband anil assure him that his son ten re was irrevocable, and I would give her an order to be admitted to his presence, to stay with him as long as she liked up to the time of his execution, and directed my orderly to take her and her children in ray carriage to tlio place of his confinement. This was in the summer of ’62. Long af terwards (I should say in ’6B) I received a letter from a lady acquaintance of mine in the north saying that she knew Mrs. Mum ford, who was in distress, and sho told her I had promised to befriend her when I could, and asked me if I would allow Mrs. Mum ford to see me at Washington. I answered that I would be glad to see Mrs. Mumford if she desired. A few days afte r Mrs. Muniford called on me, nnd in answer to my question how she was getting on she gave me the following narration: That soon after her husband’s death n subscription had been made in the South for her and her children’s benefit of considerable sums of money, 1 nit. as it was Confederate money it had not been much benefit. That a considerable portion of all of it hod been placed in the hands of a trus tee, a clergyman, I think, who had bought for her some land in Wvtheville, Va., and had built a house thereon, but which hadn’t been quite finished. There was a carpenter’s lien on her house, and it was about to bo closed upon that carpenter’s lien and she would los" it unless sho could get money enough to pay the carpenter. I told her I would look into the matter, and if she would call a couple of days afterward I would tell her what. I could do> for tier. 1 telegraphed to a gentleman in Virginia, who hod charge of some property of mine, and asked him to go and investigate Mrs. Mumford’s matters at Wytheville, and to pay whatever was necessary to save her house. Ho went and immediately telegraphed me how matters stood, and that the carpenter’s lien was something like SBO, which lie adjusted and charged to rnv account. Mrs. Mumford called and I told her what had been done, and she was very grateful. • 1 then said to her: “How are you to live!” She said all she had to live upon was what she and her children could earn or raise from the land, of which there was a very few acres. “But,” I raid, “how are your children to lie educated, then?” She said she didn’t know. “Well,” 1 said, “you never can get on in that way. I will see if anything else can be done for you, and if you will call on me in two or three days I will seo what can be done." I further said: “Madam, you have been very profuse in your thanks to me; will you do me the favor to put what you say to me in writing in the form of n little note? lain going out now, nnd you can write it here at my table and leave it for me, and ns you snv you are stopping at Alexandria with a friend, if you will call to-morrow or next day I will tell yon whether I can do anything more for you.” On my return I found her note, very well written and well composed, showing that she was a lady of education. What I wonted of the note was that it should lie a sort of civil service examination to ascer tain if I could recommend her for a ole^k. 1 was satisfied and went to my friend, Mr. Commissioner Douglass, of the in ternal revenue bureau, and told lum that 1 imio have a clerkship for a lady if possible. He told mo that it was hardly possible, he thought, but lie would see if there was a vacancy. I told him the story. I said: “I don’t want to give any recom mendation to be put on fUo, because it would call attention to the Indy’s nArno, and might lie unpleasant to her.” Like a true gentleman, he said, ‘ 1 Very well; smd tho lady in with your card and I’ll sre that she lias work in my burealn” The next day Mrs. Mumford called. I gave her my card ami told her where to go and j present it. and she got a clerkship, which she filled very creditably unti' the I coming in of Hayes’administration. Vpo'i that event, as was usual, I suppose, the lists of clerks were looked over to find places for Die friends of the new adminii tration, and as Mi'S. Mumford appeared on j the list without any influential men lie- Idnd her, she was, of course, discharged. Meanwhile, as she had told me, (as I saw her perhaps once a year), she had disposed of her property in Wytheville, brought her children to Washington, and sent them to school and supported them by her earnings. I learned of tlto fact of her discharge from her, and she was in groat, sorrow. Where upon i went to the Treasury Department and asked ' the ap pointing officer to restore her. 1 met with a decided rebuifl. 1 was no more pop ular with Hayes’ administration than it was with the people. 1 went to the Secretary of the Interior, with no better success. ( then went to Postmaster Genera I Keyes, n “Con federate Brigadier,” and I laid down on him, told him the whole story, and said that she wa; one of his friends. He nppoiub-d her to a place in his department, which she filled very acceptably, 1 believe, through the ad ministration mid afterward*. At least she never coiiuilulned to me of any trouble, and 1 have known nothing of her affairs since until 1 heard of her denth. 1 saw in the Southern newspapers not, un freqnently Unit sbo was bringing up her children and just rii -ting them in a vendetta against me. indeed, it went so far that when I was at the Chicago convention in ’SI it was published in Chicago that there " a* n sou ot .Muiiiford's en route from some Western territory to kill me in revenge for his father's ihnth, and I was advised by my friends to lake great care to let no strange man get near me. I told them that. If 1 hvisl until someone of Mrs. Mutubird's children lolled me I should reach a ripe old age, an I laughed ut that foolishness, as I have o-.-as:o i to laugh at. much other newa ("ijs-r 1). (IISCIIV- I iiriv i is iin tted to miv further that th -re is a :;vv eheti • ■ ef feeling apparently I eo.uo m •. ; op'.o hi ragoid to I I my being justified in the execution of Mum -1 ford for hauling down the American ting, ! because I saw a letter of Gov. Fitzlmgh Lee, when speaking of the return of the Confed erate flags proposed by the President, in which he winds up by saying: ‘‘lf any man hauls down the American flag let him bo shot on the spot.’" I hope I have fully answered your inquiry. I am, my dear Mr. Dunn, very truly yours. Benjamin P. BuTlkr. THE GREAT TUMBLE WEED. The Terror of the Prairies in Times Gone By—A Wichita Production. From the Wichita Journal. Mr. W. F. Neiderlander, the prominent real estate man, lias on exhibition in the window of his office a fine specimen of the curious plant known as the “tumble weed.” This specimen was taken from the old fair grounds last year after tho grounds tyero abandoned. The plant is a mass of branches, spherical in form, and so tightly interwoven as to form almost n compact mass. Like the earth this globular mass of branches is flattened at the poles—only more so. The present specimen is about five feet at its greatest diameter. Mr. Neidnrlander says he has seen specimens fully twice this size. This weed once grew plentifully through this country and Colorado. IV hen green they present a very pretty appearance, and look more like a dwarf tree than a weed. They are very dangerous in case of a prairie lire, and often dangerous in plain wind storms where there is no fire. In case of fire, tho flames seem to strip the plant of its leaves, and it at once goes rolling before the flaming hurricane, a perfect wheel of fire. These revolving wheels of fire will jump any ordinary furrow or lire break, and carry fire into the timber or grass, as the case may be. Nothing can stop their progress but a river. Into those they jump, leaping out into the stream forty, fifty or sixty feet and go down with a hiss, throwing up a column of steam where they sink. “I have seen hundreds of these plants in Hurle r county and tho Siqnashie Valiev,” said Mr. Neiderlander this morning. “When started to rolling in a fire no ordinary horse cau run before them. Once, in the Si quashie Valley, I only saved myself by driving my team into the river, which I fortunately reached just in time.” In Colorado wind-storms these weeds are also a source of much danger. In Middle Dark a few years ago a party of travelers were suddenly overtaken by a storm. See ing what they supposed te be a mass of huge bowlders in the distance thev made for them, thinking they would afford at least partial shelter. To their surprise as they approached, the bowlders suddenly broke loose and commenced rolling toward them at a furious rate, cut ting all sorts of curious capers and gyrating menacingly as they came. At times they would strike un obstruction and bound high in the air, and again striking tho ground, resume their rapid circular motion. The travelers put spurs to their horses, and it was only by the greatest effort that they managed to escape from the track of these monsters. On examina tion. they found their supposed bowlders were really immense weeds, which had been torn up by the roots by the wind storm. These weeds are so solid that t hey are a great menace to man and beast under such circumstances. Impelled bv a heavy wind, they go with force enough to kill a horse, and a human being is in great danger if he cannot get out of tile track of these mon sters when they are running before a hur ricane or in caso of a prairie fire. Weather Indications. Special indications for Georgia: 1 RAIN ■cal rains in the southern portion, | fair weather in the northern por tion, winds shifting to northerly, nearly stationary temperature. Comparison of mean teaineraturo at Savan nah, Aug. 5. 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. Departure j Total Mean Temperature Irom the Departure Mean Since for 15 years Aug. 5, ’£7. -J-or Jan. 1,1887. -j 1 7 122.8 Comparative rainfall statement; sass SFH* WTB. .28 .AO 1-1- 28 I— 1 88! Maximum, temperature 90.5. minimum tem perature 75.4. Tho taught of the river at Augusta at 1 :33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was 23 0 feet—a fall of 8.2 during the past twenty-four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin for 34 hours end ing Op. in., Aug. 5 1687. 75th Meridian time. Districts. j Average. Nvme l N Max - Min - Rain lions. Tenq. Temp fall. 1. Wilmington ; 10 i 90 72 i .31 2. Charleston....... 8 94 72 .00 8. Augusta I !2 94 72 j .21 4. Savannah I 13 I 92 72 .03 5. Atlanta I 10 j 90 72 10 8. Montgomery | 9 ; 92 72 ,10 7. Mobile j 9 I US 72 .38 8. New Orleans 11 j 50 74 .19 9. Galveston 20 j 98 70 .00 10. Vicksburg 4 91 74 .34 11. Little Rock I 15 | 96 I 74 16 12. Memphis | 10 ! 94 > 74 I 28 Averages... I | .... | | Observations taken at the 6mo moment of time at all stations. Savannah, Aug. 5, 9:30 r. city time. Tampers turn. Direction. | i? Itainfu.ll. Name or Stations. Portland .18 S 1 Cloudy. Boston 7.P S ... Cloudy. black Island 74:.... .. Fair. Now York city 78 8 Cloudy. Philadelphia t 78 8 K ... Fair. lH‘tpoit ' 70 N ... Cloudy. Fort Buford j 70 SIC i (. Fair. St. Vincent I 58 8 ! ...(Clear. Washington city.. | 80S E. Clear. Norfolk i 78 s K: 0|.... Fair. Charlotte j 74 MV .. Cloudy. Unit crus I Titusville j Hv 8 K in ('lenr. Wilmington K; W t. ...(Clear. Charleston ftl'SW s ''tear. Augusta j HOIS E 1 .. Cloudy. Savannah | 78 8 , , ('lenr. Jacksonville ! 818 E o ! Cloudy. Cedar Keys 84 W 0 01 Cloudy. Kev West 84 N K s < leir Atlanta .. 7H W tl Cloudy. Pensacola tS IV . Clear. Mobile. 7t)(NW[..i i Clear. Montgomery .... 70 N E :.... Fair. Vicksburg 7i W 58 Raining. New Orleans 74 W ,I.UBCloudy. Shreveport 80' N |. I Fair. Fort Smith. % 78 S ! Cloudy. Galveston 84 S !C Cloudy. Corpus Christ!... 84 8 F 10 CNir. I‘ulestine 80 NEIO . Fair. Brownesvl'lo. 8(8 E,.. j . (Clear. Itio Grande 84 8 8 : t'lcar. Knoxville 70 8 W Cloudy. Mem phis 70 BWI .. .Tldtaining. Nashville 711 W I | 54 Raining. Indianapolis.. .. 74 KW 1 .j 04 :cloudy. Cincinnati NdNWi | Cloudy Pittsburg 84 8 ....(Fair. Buffalo 78 W (( loudy. Cleveland 70 8 F.|.. 18 Clear. ManpieUc oo NU ! (Clear. Chicago i 74 NW Clear. Duluth i| 04 NW . (Clear. St. l'uul 08 NW (Clear. Daveti|>ort. | 74 N'Vj Clear. Cairo 84 N , Cloudy. bt. Louis .... 84 NW. t’lcar. lA-uvenwortb .. .1 74 NW .. 'clear. Omaha 74 NW ICI-ar Yuukton G#NW|.. clear. Bisinarel; 04i K. | Clear. Dead wood o!bW Clear! Oheyonue 04 b (Jiear. N'orih Platte 00 8 E Clear. lKslge City 74 N 17 Clear. Santa Fe | GN. sliest Corns. T T .K. Army. Books are w AOiAaay iMjw Ltuat ums poorest peo- Cle can buy and own thorn, and the richest can um>w uad kAMiu lhaatr— Aew OrioatiaiVougutre. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. GILI.ROY.—The friends and relatives of Mr. Thomas Gillroy are respectfully invited to at tend bis funeral from the resilience of Mr. Wil liam H. Devlin, No. 7 Gordon street, at 10 o'clock THIS MORNING. MEETINGS. STOCK HOLDER S’ ATTENTION. The seventh regular’ monthly installment of the Metropolitan Savings and Loan Company will lie due on or before TUESDAY the #th day of August, 1887. H. C. DAVIS, Treasurer. SPECIAL NOTICES. , NOTICE TO WATER TAKER*. Office Water Works, I Savannah, Aug. Ctb, 1887. ( In consequence of the incontpletion of the re pairs to the broken sewer on Day street, the water will be shut off TO-DAY (Saturday) at 10 o’clock a. m. in the district included from Broughton to Bryan street, and from West Broad to Abercorn street, and also on Bay street from East Broad to West Broad street, and will remain off several hours. A. X. MILLED. Superintendent. METROPOLITAN SAVINGS AND LOAN COMPANY. DIVIDEND NOTICE. A dividend of 2W. per centum from the first six months’ earnings of this company has been declared, and will be payable in cash at the of fice of the company on and after AUGUST 20TH, 1887. H. C. DAVIS. Treasurer. NOTICE. The public is hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any one in my name, GEORGE W. MATT AIR. TIIE MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, 3 Whitaker Street. The Job Department of the Morning News, embracing JOB AND BOOK PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING AND ENGRAVING, BOOK BINDING AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURING, isthe mostcomplete in the South. It is thorough ly equipped with the most improved machinery, employs a large force of competent workmen, mid carries a full stock of papers of all descriptions. These facilities enable the establishment to execute orders for anything in the above lines at the shortest notice and the lowest prices con sistent with good work. Corporations, mer chants, manufacturers, mechanics and business men generally, societies and committees, are requested to get estimates from the MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE before send ing their orders abroad. J. H. ESTILL. RECEIVER’S NOTICE. Bahberville. Fla., July 27th, 1887. All parties holding claims against the firm of BROWN & ODUM, of Barberville, Florida, are hereby notified to send in same at once to me. By order of the court. JOSEPH LICHTENSTINE, Receiver. DU. lIENUY b COLDSNU, DENTIST, Office comer Jones and Drayton streets. ILMEH’s LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to tho sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Liver Corrector and take no other. $1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, SI. D., Pharmacist. Savannah, Ga. PROPOSALS WANTED. Proposals for Paving. City of Savannah. Ga., ) Office of the City Surveyor, > July 89th, 1887. ) I PROPOSALS will he received until WEDNES I DAY, August 24th, at .S o'clock p. m , directed to Mr. F. E. Re barer. Clerk of Council of the city of Savannah, Ga., for the paving of that portion of Congress street in said eity lying between the east property lino of West lirotid street and the west projierty lino of Drayton street; also, that |*>rtion of hull street in said city lying between the south line of Congress street and the north lino of State street, being a total area of about eight thousand square yards. The proposals may be for granite, grawacke or asphalt blocks or for sheet asphalt, the speci fications nf which will l>e the same as given by the Engineer department of the District of Co lumbia in their report for lSSfi. Any person desiring to hid upon the above work, but use different specifications from those enuixiorutcd above, may do so provided that a copy of the sj)ecifieations upon which they bid is enclosed with their hid. All bids for grawacke, granite or asphalt blocks must l>e accompanied by a specimen of tin* blocks intended to lie used. Separate bids will also be received for the fur nishing and laying of about thirty-five hundred running feet of curbstone, of either blue stone or granite of the following dimensions; four inches broad, sixteen*p, and in lengths of not less than live feet. Tha curbing to be dre .sued on the too ten inches from the top on the front face ana four inches from the top on the rear face; to be perfectly straight and square on the ends. The right to reject anj r or all bids is reserved. For further information address J. naIiRUYN K< )PS. Jr.. C. K., Acting City Surveyor. State or Weather. WINKS AM) LIQUORS. FO H s aTI e! H Select Whisky §4 CO 1 laker Whisky # 4 no Imperial Whisky ,3 00 l*iuoapnle Whisky 00 North 1 'arolina Corn Whisky mi OM Kyo Whisky 1 50 Hum Ww Kurland aiul Jamaica.. sl 50 to <*o Rv* *i*i<i iioiiuM'l 4. .h .. 4 1 ro to a 00 lirandy—Domestic anJ Comae ] 50 to 0 uu w j n ks. Catawba Wine .$1 onto 31 iso' Blackberry Wine l Onto 1 50 Madeira, Forts and Sherry* l no to 3 (X) PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. A. H. CHAMPION, 151 CONGRESS STREET. HARDWARE. EDWARD LOVELL 4 SUNS. HARDWARE, In and Turpentine Tools. Office: Cor. State and Whitaker streets. Warehouse: 138 and 140 State street. PRINTER ANl> JIOOKHINDER. ~lß3i- FIFTY-THREE YEARS—ISB7 ~|.£'|"'7 SSSHTSt 7,7.7 W. M . GEO. N. NK’MOLS, PRINTING, RINSING o.n nooKy. n^:rxi\i i ru\ K <T VwoVr AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE? MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 8. GRAND BENEFIT FOR THE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. A RARE TREAT IN STORE. More Comedy! Fun Again! •THE FORDS, IN BRONSON HOWARD’S SARATOGA, OR, PISTOLS FOR SEVEN. Twenty funny characters requiring every member of the Association for its production Read the great cast on the bills. New and ele gant dresses. Staffing bv entire company. Tickets §l, SOe. am! 35c. Reserv'd seats on sale at Davis Bros.’ without extra charge. Box sheet opens Saturday at 8:30 a. in. VACHT' RACE H? AT MONTGOMERY Under the auspices of the ISLE OF HOPE YACHT CLU IT will be over the best course on the coast to i)e finessed by tho spectators on shore, us it will lx: a repeating race, and the boats pass in full view of ail of the popular resorts on tho Vernon river. There are a largo number of en tries, and a very exciting race may be expected. Trains leave the city at 10:25 and 12 o'clock. The latter is a special train, and will wait at Montgomery until the race is over to carry par ties to the Isle of Hope and bring them to tho city. The following are the entries: First Class—Etta, T. L. Kinsey; Irene, L. A. Falligant; Fdith, Clifford King; Vivien, O. E. Brown; Blonde, R. M. Demere; Madonna, D. W. Mayer. Second Class—Zinga, J. H. Dews; Jennie S., R. M. Demere. Third Class- Idler. A. L. Hartridge; Marie, U, E. Bee; Sprite, Fred Lillie. Fourth Class—Siren. F. 11. Thompson; Undine, F. 11. Ferguson; Agile. S W. Mayer. Fifth Class—Nina, Geo. W. AVylly; Curlew, R. M. Demere; Anna C.. Julian Schley; Katrina, F. M. Beviile; Krminie, F. E. McArthur. —- ■■■ '■ jo DOORS, SASH, ETC. ANDREW HANLEY^ DEALER IN Doors. Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. * AU of the above are Best Kiln-Dried White Pine. ALSO DEALER IN Builders’ Hardware, Slate, Iron and Wooden Mantels, Grates, Stair work, Terracotta, Sewer Pipe, Etc., Etc. Paints, Oils, Railroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Glass, Putty, Etc. Lime, Plaster, Cement and Hair. Plain an<l Decorative Wall Paper, Fret-coeing, House and Sign Painting given jiersonal atten tion and finished in the best manner. AN I > HEW HANLEY. PUBLICATIONS. THE WILMINGTON STAR? REDUCTION IN PRICE. Attention is called to the following reduced rate* of subscription, cash in advance: TIIE DAILY STAR One Year $0 00 Six Months 3 CM Three Months 1 50 One Mouth 50 THE WEEKLY STAR. One Year. $1 00 Six Months til Three Months SO Our Telegraph News service has recently been largely increased, anti it is our determination to keep tlie Stab up to the highest staudurd of newspaper excellence. Address WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington, N. C. TllEllilll m FORTY-SIX SAGES. 50a PER COPY. CASH PRIZE S. amounting to SSOO, will b® paid for successful solutions of tho Prize Puzzle given as a Supplement with tho MID SUMMER BUCK. The MIDSUMMER BUCK is as much superior to its predecessor, tha "Christmas Puck.'' as that was to all nteytaus publications in tho same line. Mailed oh re ceipt of price. Address all orders to WILLIAM ESTILL, (EstilPs News Depot), 23 BULL STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. MOLASSES. OLD TIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES -AT- A. M. & C. W. WESTS. HARDW ARE, ETC . Hardware Novelties and Specialties. I?VERY SIZE IN IRON JACK. SMOOTH. FORK and III.OCK PLANKS, and In KB VI RUBLE IRON HANDLED bCUCUf DKIVEKo and BROKE SHAVES. —you SALE BY— LOVELL & LATTiMORE, Dealers in Spear’s Practical Philadelphia Iloii.m I',,maces, Etc. uxor i>. TMiistfiv#. Ayr. ITAVr nEOKTVKD the agency for thin * * iK>i>ilir i-iove love:* Jik ,ii k i hiiim*>, aid t'*A j i t .I/* in o.jtMluj; Uiourcii’k, >m•***' it is dm\kbi\ ail took Ht*bt |riwat • i*nn..y!wi n i r air tor biUia*. It ha all * •* I Ik'*- iiiii;*vtinu*nU, includm*; itffe. COiiNWELL & OH IF 11AN, 1 ! I ►’ llov/j' Ji•’? ***•/•