The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 07, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF TIU: MORNING NEWS, l , S/.VANNAII, (A.. Allg. 0,4, P. M. f i Jotton—Tins market continues very dull and entirely nominal. Then lies for the day were c ,,lv bales. On '< 'htuige at the midday call, at 1 e m.. the market was reported nominal end unchanged. The following are the official spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Hi idling fair W)i 11 ,ixl middling 95$ H al lling hJa 1 „,w middling. 9 Good ordinary 854 , Island— Tito market continues chill and nominal. Nothing doing and no sales. We quote: Common Georgias and Florida*. . 14 (7- 1554 Medium lt>Wc,/17 Good medium 1754(<ftUj th-dium fine lit ids Qji Fine Extra Fine 3655(5i21 Choice <& Comparative Cotton Statement. I Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Aug. 6, 1887, and for tiie Same Time Last Year. |j 1888-87. jj 18S5-SG. [Stock on hand Sept. 1 ! 1,140 4,334 ; j 501 1 3.298 Received to-day ‘ ■ 1 i . ... 7 j Received previously 27,244 771,300 ; 23,38? ; 780,000 Total 770.G7J 23.938 j 788,010 Exported to-day 12 j j Exported previously 27,939 770,328 22,709; 782,202' j Total 27,939- 17‘,32S 22,709 1 182,271 i Stock on hand aud ou ship ~ I board this day. U 154, 343i. 1,229. 1,033. Rjce—The market was active and firm at quotations. The Sales for the day were 12 bar rels. on the basis of the following quotations: Fair 4%<<JJ — Good Prime Rough- Country lots 60, 90 Ti le water Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was very quiet and unchanged. The g.des for the day were 43 casks at 300 for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening cail the market was reported steady at 30c for regulars. At the closing call it was steady at 30c for regulars Rosin—The market was quiet, but firm at quotations. The sales for the day were about 1,000 barrels. At the Hoard of Tra ie on the first call the market was reported firm, at the following quotations: A, ]{ C, and D 90c, E 95c, F $1 Ou. <i Si 00, 11 $1 in, I SI 12%, K Si 35, M SI 50. N Si 65, window glass $2 00, water white $2 50. At the last call *4t was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 deceived to-day 473 1,540 Received previously 88,181 203,151 Total 91,197 282,105 Exported to-day 850 14 > Exerted previously 78.799 226,227 Total 73,649 226,367 Stock ou hand and on shipboard to-day 11,548 55,738 Receipts same day hist year 487 1,107 Financial— Money is very quiet. Domestic Kxchuiiye -Steady. Hanks and bankers are liuying sight drafts at % per cent, discount and selling at par@% per cent, pre innna. I'meign Kohange—' The market is weak. Commercial demand, S4 S3: sixty days, s'l 8M 4 ; ninety day $1 81%; francs. Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, 85 2-4%; Swiss, t-> 24%: marks, sixty days, 94%. Sixtrities Securities continue neglected. No class of stocks or bonds seem to have any life at the moment. Stocks and Bonds— City Ronds—Q uiet. At lanta 0 per cent, long date, 108 bid. 111) asked; Atlanta, 7 per cent., 118 bid 121 asked; Augusta 7 f>er cent, long date, 115 bid. 118 asked; Au gusta 0s long date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent., 100 bid, 105 asked: Macon 0 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. October coupons, 102 bid, 102% asked: new Su vaunah 5 per cent . August coupons, 102% bid, luß% asked. State Ronds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new 0, 1889, 102% lit, 103% asked: Gn rgia new 4%5, 101% bid, 10a% asked; Geor gia 7 per cent, gold, quarterly coupons, 109 lid, 10v% a iked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1696, 120 bid, 121 asked. Railroad Stocks— Central common, 119 bid, 120 asked; Augusta ami Savannah 7 per cent, guaranteed, 132 bid, 133 asked: Georgia coin men, 196 bid, 198 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 127% bid, 128 asked; Cen t.rnl 0 per cent, certificates, 99% bid, 100t£ asked; Atlanta and West Point railroad stock. 110 bid, 112 asked: Atlanta and West Point 0 cent, certificates, 103 bid, 104 asked. Rdlroad Ruud: Market quiet. Savannah. Florida and Western Railway company general mortgage 6 jv'T cent, interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort gage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons Janu ary and July,maturity 1897, 115 bid. 11 7%asked; C'crural consolidated mortgage 7 i**r cent., coupons Jaiumry and July, maturity 1893. 109% bid, 110% asked: Georgia railroad Os, 1897, lOn bid, 108 asked; Mobile and Girard second mort gage indorsed 8 per cent., coupons January and July, maturity 1899, 102 bid, 108% asked: Mont gomery and Eufaula first mortgage 6 per cent., indorsed by Central railroad, 100. Inu. 197% osked: Marietta and North Georgia first raon gage. 50 years 6 per cent., 9ft bid, 100% asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mort gage 111 bid. 112% asked; Charlotte, Colum biu and Augusta second mortgage, 111 bid, 112% asked; Western Alabama second mort gage indorsed 8 percent., 108 bid. 109 .asked; South Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 bid, 120 asked; South Georgia and Florid i second mortgage. 111 bid, lift asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent., 1)1% bid, 112 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and South mi fust mortgage guaranteed, 115% bid, 116% asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed. 113 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 ier cent. bonds, gajxraute *d by Cen tral railroad, 102% hid. 103 asked: Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern f©'oud mortgage guaranteed, 113 asked; Columbus and home first mortgage bonds, indorsed by C*n tial railroad, 105 bid, 100 asked; Columbn and Western 0 per cent., guaranteed, 109 bid. 111 asked; City and Suburban railway fu**t mortg,:ge 7 per cent.. 109 bid, 110 asked: Ogle tuorpe Savings and Trust Company, 106 bid, 10. asked. Ranh Storks —Nominal. Southern Bank of h" 1 State of Georgia, 200 bid, 205 asked; Mer chants' National Hank, 15< asked; Savannah S 1 ™’- a, 'd Trust Company, W hid. 101 asked; National Hank of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 asked. too .s/'udss —Savannah Gas Light stock, ex dividend. 20 bill, 21 asked; Mutual (ins Light Kb-ck.2o bid, 23 asked. Bacon Market firm and advancing; demand 6 ,>0< 1; titnoked clear rib sides, 9%c; shoulders. W*-dry salted clear rib sides, 9%c; long clear, "C; shoulders, none; hams. Me. bAuiii.No AND Ties Market quiet. Wo quote: Ragging 2% Ihs, 3 4 c; P' 4 } l,ls ' acenrditig to brand and quantity. Iron ties Aitqw and other brands, $1 00<jr/;l 05 C r bundle, according to briuul and quantity, bugging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Bitter Market steady; oleomargarine, 14tf& lw; choice Goßlien, 18c?; gilt odgi, 23c; cream • &ur. 26e. CAnHAOß—Northern, Kk&lftc. ( hekhk Marker nominal ;smalldemand;stock ,J ght We quote, llfiflßSc. ' The market is firm. We quote for wunlllotM: Ordinary, 20c; fair, 21c; good, 22c; Choice. 22%e; peuborry, 26c. . Rhikd Kkcit Atp!<‘> evaporated, 13c; peeled, D'dehcs. peeled, lftc; impeded, s(<j7c; cur fuuts, r<*; citron. '3sc. I’iiy Goodh—The market ir firm; business fair. r* quote: Prints, 4 (fa fie: Georgia brown shirt- V*K, 34. 4%?; 7-Bdo, 5%c: 4-4 brown sheet* !S£* white osnahurgs, B%(ftJoc; checks; ' H oe; varus, 85c for best makes; brown drill* Wh, Tt^i’Uc. . quote full weights: Mackerel—No. L 9<-VVgdOuo; No. 3, half barrels, nominal, op; No. 2. £7SCV.B 50. Herring—No. 1, Afc; hi’a led. ftsc; cod, %/Hc. .Market uu:*ttied; demand moderate. e quote: Extra. $4 WCa 4 10; fancy, $4 856A 4no c “ uice patent; 5>5 25(q>5 50; family, $4 50 P nrrr—Lemona— Market advancing and de -10,1 , u< 1 gessi We (jin .u*: $0 (KH§6 1 0. n V? A,!C '—Corn—Market very firm; demand I • Wc quote: Whlt< com. Job lots, 66c; jurioii,] lots, 04**; mixed corn, job loti, 6k*; car *ofß! lotH. 62r, Oats steady: demand good. We Mlxod oats. 42c; carload lots, 40c. Bran, • l 00. Meal. 7t>c. (icorgia. grist, per sack, 40; kTist, per buibd, 75c. •ay Market very firm, with a fair derriaud; 1 atnpin. W* .1 b lots; Wes*on. | 10; carload lots, §1 00. Eastern, none; North i era. none. Hides, \\ 001, Eiv.—Hides—Market dull' i*e jcipt, light; dry flint. 11c: salted, fte; dry ! ouTchcr. Bc. Wool Receipts light; ! prime in bales, 27%c; burry, Wax, 18c. Talh.w. :p,. u Deer skins, rtiut, 20c;salted, 16c. I i ffter skins, . V- . 4 00. Lard—Market is easy; in tierces, 7%e; 501 h I tms, 76c. j biHE, Calcined Plaster and Cemjcnt—Ala- I bam i lump linn* is in fair demand, and is selling :at >l3:' per barrel; Georgia, 30;*aleined plas- V‘ r : ™ per barrel; hair. 4e. Rosendale cement, £l .>0; Portlaml ni**nt. $2 50. Fiqvoßs- Full stock; Rteadv demand. Bottr b)ii. ??1 'Xl'd 1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails— Market firm; fair demand. We quote: 3d. 2?3 90: 4d and s<l. £3 2'; 6d, J3 00; Bd, >2 75; 10(1 to iKkl, 82 50 per keg. Nits— Almonds. Tarragona, 18(Tz20c; Ivicas, 1. .• 18c; walants,, 12c; Naples, 16e; pe cans, lOe; Brazil, 10c. filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Ha racoa, :?5 25 pir 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c: West Virginia black. 0®10c; lard. 6',K*; headlight, 15c; kerosene. 10c; water white, Ip’ yc; ucatefoot, 62a> , .80c; machinery, 25<&30e; linseed, raw, 52c; boiled, 55c; mineral seal, ltk*; fireproof, 18c: liomelight, 18c. Onions— Northern, per bbl, S4 50; na#ive, Si OibSsl 35 per crate; Egyptian, $2 75 \>er case. Potatoes'—Long Island Rose, $2 50(k 3 75. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75(?5. 80c; clay, speckled, black eye, Si 25,t],l 50; white crowder, S1 50^ Prunes-—'Turkish. 5S4c: French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $200: layers. Ou per box; Lon (hm layers. #2 25 per box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 60c fob; job lots, 7o(T:iftoc. Shot—; rop, $1 40; buck. Si 65. Scoar—The market is firm; cut loaf, 674 c; standard A, 6%c; ext ra 0, 5%c; C yellow, 5%c; granulated. powdered. 6%c. Syrcp—Florida an l Georgia syrup, 40@45c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 36(^7,40c; (’uha straight goods, 23c in hogsheads; sugar house molass*s. 20c. Tobacco- Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25ctq Si 25; chewing, coni nnii, Bound, 25<r/j3oe; fair, 30(g486c; medium, 148 (" 50c; bright. 50(2 75c; fine fancy, 85@90c; extra fine, ‘JOrfo Si i(); bright navies, 45(3;.75c; dark navies, 40(^50c. lumber— I The effect of the interstate com merce bill, coupled with scarcity of cars, has considerably curtailed shipments and quieted demand from the West. Coastwise and foreign demand is quite active, and prices remain firm at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 50<fot7 00 Difficult sizes 16 Flooring boards 16 006/20 50 ShtpstmT 18 50@1 50 Timber— Mar ket dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00<7/ill 00 800 “ “ 10 (X>q ; ll 00 ftOi) 4i 44 11 (K) 1,000 4 * 44 12 00(&14 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -1 (X) feet average $ 6 800 * 4 44 ? 900 “ 44 8 (X% 9 (X) I,OOD 44 44 ft Mill timber §1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail -The market is very quiet, a few cargoes ottering for New York and Baltimore. Tonnage is offering freely. Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@$l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal; to South America, §l3 to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, $1100614 13 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27(5:285; lumber, £3 15s. Steam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia. $7 00; to Boston, $-9 00. Naval Stores—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s 10%d. and, or, 4s 1 %and; Adriatic, rosin, ss; Genoa, rosm, 2s !o%d. CJoastwis** -Steam — To Boston, 500 on rosin. £1 OJ on spirits; to New York, rosin 78)c, spirits 80c; to Philadelphia., rosin Jfcie, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 60c. Coastwise, quiet. { Vviton—By Steam —The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York tt 3-16*1 Livcrpviol via Huitimore 1b ... 8-1 (kl Antwerp via New York lt> %and Uavtv via Now York R 11> 9-16 c Havre via Baltimore 66c Hit* men via New York ijlih 11-l(>c Reval via Nev/ York 11-32d kfremeu \ ia Baltimore $ lb sj>c Amsterdam via New York 6oc Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York It> %and Boston bale 135 Sea island hale 1 75 New York 4ft bale 1 35 Sea Island bale 175 Philadelphia V bale 1 85 Sea isl ih l V bale. 1 75 Baltimore bale 1 25 Providence p bale 1 50 Rice—By stea?n— Nw York barrel 60 Philadelphia 60 Baltimore xJ barrel 60 Boston barrel 60 Vloetahlem -By Steam—(By special contract) —To New York, Philadelphia. Boston and Balti more, standard crates, 2k.*; barrels 40c. With out the contract, crates :45c; barrels 75c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls pair § 65 (i% 80 Chickens, %to \ grown 40 @ GO Springers . 25 (& 40 Ducks p pair 50 75 Geese $ pair 75 <&1 00 Turkeys y pair 125 (<£2 00 Eggs, country, p dozen 17 (•>:, IVanuts— Fancy h. p. Va. th .. <& 7% Peanuts —Hand picked ib (<?, 6% Peanuts—Gft. bushel, nominal. 75 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds V bush. 50 (and. 60 Sweet potatoes.yel.yunis bush. 65 75 Sweet pot>, white yams bushel 40 (<?. 50 Poultry -Market steady; receipts heavy; demand light for grown; half to three-quarter grown in good request. Eoga—vlarket easier, with a good demand. Pbanuts — Fair stock; demand moderate; market ad vancing and higher prices predicted. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand Sood. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New Yoke, Aug. 6. noon.—Stocks quiet but heavy Money casv at :i(34 per cent. Ex <. l)a r ; ie-lmu.- Jl MK-. short ?! 48 ;. State bonds neglected. Government bonds duil but firm. .VOO p. m. -Excbance unchanged. Money easy at :pf I r-i- cent Hub-Treasury balances—Gold. HI:U,*SS,OOO; currency. $12,770,000. Government bonds dull but firm; four jier cents 12?%: four and a half per cents ll>„. State bonds neK le, ted. \ 11 ije nt mber of brokers and ruierntors weie absent today, and tbo trade resumed the professional character which has heretofore I, . the marked feature of the slock market. Titere was no special demand for stocks, al though Ixmilon was a moderate buyer early in tiie day. News received upon the street ltnd no spt'eiai iuflueuce upon priees, and ther • were no rumor I of Importance. Traders advanced prices dm-inff the first hours of business, but tue im provement was entirely l"i Is-fore the close. The Northern I’aclflc were airairi a s[ccuill.v weak stiot and Western Union declined sharply in the early dealing. St Paul develojied special weakness toward the close, but toe other Miuoreisi were verv well held. Fluctuations in the limited market were, however, of special aifioance. The first sales were made at con cessions from last evening's dual prior s from V* („ ■• tier eeut., and further fractional declines were recorded in the early tradiuK- Western Union however, wrs sfieclally weak and lost 1 iwr cent Business was quiet and soon became dull There was a sharp rally from the early depression. tlnriiiK which the losses were recov ered witii fractions ill addition, but before the end of the llrst hour a heavy tone became noticeable, which later developed into decided weakness St. Paul and Northern Pacific hem* sneeiallv 'prominent. The close was dull and heavy at the lowest tiyuros reached. The total business for two hours was 100,000 shares The i iv it maturity of the active list are lower to niirht although declines are for fractional amounts only, except for Northern Pacific. !tend ink and Bt. Paul, each of which lost 1 per cent. The following were the closing quota tions: Ala. class A.2 to S. 100 New Orleans Pa- Ain class H. 55... eifle, Ist inort... 81 (leonda Is. N. Carolina C* lit Norl. 4fW.pref... VM, N. Carolina Is ‘>v4 Nor. Pacific. ... #4 So Caro. tUrown) prof... eh consols ... l**’ l Pacific Mall Tennessee fis WO Beading., Virginialis +43 Richmond & Ala. .10 Va. consolidated. Richmond & Ibauvl.V) Ch'peake.t Ohio. lticUmd J'VI t Cblc. of Nort'iw'u.llO'A Terminal ♦ ..W “ preferred. .1! Ah Rock Island 147t4 Dsla., Lock 4; 'V. UkHs Ht. Paul Erie preferred .I*l East Tennossee, Te xas Pacific u n**w stock 12% Tenn. Cool A Iron. 8-m. Tjftke .Shore * Union Pacific W 4 1/Ville * Nash CS N. J. Central.. .1 Memphis A Char S3 Missouri Pacific. h Mobile A Ohio .. 13V4 VtesUTii Union. 78K Nash & ChoW's ■t CottonOUTrust oer •Asked. tfUd. HANK STATEMENT. •p, . t.| v ,tste,nent of the aasorlatedlisnks. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 1887. issued by the clearing house today, shows the following changes: Reserve decreased $1,*08,4*5 Loans increased. 84i,700 Specie decreased 1,674,400 Legal tenders decreased 170,100 Deposits decreased. 8,544,300 Circulation decreast'd 13,400 Banks now hold 50.MP,550 in excess of the 85 per cent. rule. COTTON. Liverpool, Aug. 6, 13:30 p. m.—Cotton dull, without quotable change; middling uplands middling Orleans SWI; sales 0.000 bales, for speculation and export 300 bales; receipts 14,000 bales -American 5,300. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Au gust delivery 5 ESWd; August and September 5 26-(>4d; Septemlxn" and October 5 14-tVtil, also 5 15-04(1; November and December 5 5-04d, also 5(!04d; December and January 5 5-84d, also 3ti Old; January and February 5 0-64d: February and March 5 64>ld, also 5 7 04d; September 5C '’ Old. also 5 *74Md. Market steady. 1 p. m.—The sales to-day included 4,500 bales of American Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. Au gust delivery 3 28-04d, sellers: August and Sep teinber 5 *6-04d, sellers; September and October 515-0-ld, sellers: October and November G 8-6-4d, buyeisi; November and Decemlxsr 5 ti-64d, buyers; Di' and January 5 6-64d, sellers: .January and February 5 ti-t'dd, sellers; February and March 5 7-fiid, sellers; September 5 *6-64d, sellers. Market closed quiet. New York. Aug. 6, noon.—Cotton opened steady; middling uplands 10c, middling Orleans 10'Ac; sales 1,:104 bales. Futures —Market Opened quiet and closed steady, with sales as follows: August, delivery 0 7!>‘,4<J 80c. September3fle. October 9 86 @9 88c. Kovetpber 9 19@9 24c, December 9 80(Jjj 9 84e, January fl 83670 CSc. 5:00 p. m.—Market closed steady; middling uplands 10c, middling Orleans lOby:; sales to day 1,804 bales. Futures—Market closed barely steady, with sales of 87.100 bales, ns follows: August delivery it Mr,i (n \i 88c, September 9 89@9 49c, October 9 39c, November 9 84f(k9 85c, December i* 83c. January il 88@.(l February # 34®9 hue, March 9 4107.9 lie. April 9 l 49c. Green & Co.'s report on cotton futures savs: "It has been alight and not particularly impor tant deal on cotton contract* for the day gener ally. However, the turn was a shade better, with 5 points gain shown at otic time, from which there was a slight easing olf at the close. There seemed to he an absence of selling orders with the usual Saturday inclination to cover, and t his created the demand. Buyers were also a little harried by crop reports showing 4 per cent, loss in condition and the continuation of drought, reports from Texas. Liverpool was steady and a fair spot trade was done here for export.” Galveston, Aug. 6.—Cotton steady; middling 9)4c; net receipts 04 bales, gross 71; sales none; stock 19,877 bales. Norfolk, Aug. 6.—Cotton steady: middling K'c; net receipts uotie, gross none; sales bales; stock 1,444 bales; exports coastwise 88 bales. Baltimore, Aug. 6.—Cotton nominal; middling 10>4c;net receipts none, gross—bales; sales none; stock 413 hales. Boston. Aug. 6.—Cotton quiet; middling Jill;c; net receipts none, gross 1,186 bales;; sale* none: stock none. Wilmington, Aug. ti. —Cotton nominal; mid dling Hlc; net. receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 138 bales. Philaoelphia, Aug. o.—Cotton quiet; mid dling net receipts none, gross none; stock 16,519 bales. New Orleans, Aug. 6.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 9?4c; net receipts 953 bales, gross 988; sales 430 bales; stock 31,358 bales. Mobile, Aug 6.—Cotton nominal; middling 914 e; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 337 bales. Memphis, Aug. 6.—Cotton dull; middling 9%0; receipts 11 bales: shipments 438 bales; sales6o bales; stock 5.965 bales. Augusta. Aug. 6.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling 10c; receipts 18 bales; sales 4 bales. Charleston, Aug. 6.—Cotton quiet and nomi nal: middling 10c: net receipts 1 hale, gross l: sales none; stock 516 bales; exports coastwise 3 bales. Atlanta, Aug. 6.—Cotton —middling 9*4 C l receipts none. New York, Aug6.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 1,048 bales; stock at all American ports 156,840 bales. The total visible supply of cotton for tin world is 1,988,833 bales, of which 801,183 bales are American, against 1,350,883 and 934,538 bales, respectively, last year. Receipts at all interior towns for the week 2,561 bales. Crop in sight, 6,304,016 hales provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, Aug. 6, 13:30 p. m.—Wheat quiet and in poor demand; holders ofTor fri-eiy. Com quiet but steady; demand poor. Lard, prime Western 345. New York, Aug. 6, noon.—Flour dull and de pressed. Wheat lower. Com quiet but better. Pork dull; mess sl6 weak at $6 MVfe. Old mess pork sls 25@15 75. Freights quiet but steady. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern dull and un changed. Wheat- spot ki’V’ Vic lower, with moderate business, closing steady; options opened weak W<’ lie lower, later ruled stronger, advanced 54(8 M.c. closing firm at about the best; No. 2 red, August delivery 783<S7M5fie, Sept mi her 79@7054e, closing at 7954 c. Com—spot finii hut verv quiet; options 58@54<: higher, closing firm; No. 2, August delivery nominal at lOjye September -Pipo 17Ah', closing tT'V’. Oats 56 14c lower nntl dull; No. 8, August delivery 3le; Septemlier 31>{. closing 3154 c. Hops quiet but steady. Coffee, fair Rio, spot steady at l!ie; options Him but quiut: No. 7 Rio, not quoted; August delivery 17 3!V. .September de livery 17 10@17 50c. Sugar quiet nut steady; fair relining quoted at 4 9-1(8:; refined qui-t. Molasses quiet. Petroleum—crude, in barrels 584@6t*c: refined at all ports 654 e. Cotton seed oil quoted Fi@3le. for crude, 41&43c for re fliieil. Hides steady and moderately active. Wool quiet and generally steady. Pork dull and more or less nominal; mess sl6 35(if 10 75 for new . sls 25® 15 73 for old. Beef dull. Middles dull and nominal. Lard dull and a shade lower; Western steam, on spot quoted $6 8354, Septem ber $6 | {Chicago, Aug. 6.—The weather map this morning exhibited great scarcity of rain all through the corn belt, except one or two unim portant points in Kansas. This was sufficient to run up the price 54c at the opening. Septem ber was then selling at even 40c, against the close, the night before of 3954 c. out while the pit was filled to about the same extent that it has been for weeks, or since the drought be came such a factor, there was a notable lack of interest. The day of the week had much to do w ith this, for Saturday is nearly always an "off day," one on which open trades are closed, and no new ones made. Thus it was that, for nearly an hour before there was no fluctuation of an 54ic. Toward the close a local speculation started, having heavily of May corn, which finned all the options up, and final prices were nearly lc better than last night, for all futures. The wheat market to-day suffered a decline, of 540 earlv. and later not only regained the loss, but advanced to a point below the open ing prices. There was some activity when the hears dragged it down to 68c for Septemlier and 73c for December, but the bos! feeling of the day was when the bulls, shortly before the close, carried September up to 9cand December back to 74c. There were large quantities of long wheat tbrown on the market on Its way down to 68c. The crowd claim to have traced all dump ing to on-’ prominent operator. There was a light trade in oats, and the spuculatitu market was w ithout H|M-ciu! features. Pric -s fluctuated narrowly, and dosed 18''tkp' better than yester day for dallvere-:; beyond August for cash and this month's delivery. The tendency was down ward. ow ing to continued large receipts, l’ro visions were closely watched, and toward the close nt hiasi a strong undertone was plainly noticeable. Early hi the session, however, the bear side hod the" call for a time. The closings showed an advance of 25613 5 c on lar i; while short ribs averaged 254 e Tower for the near deliveries. January short l ibs were advanced 5e September, the leading future, sold at $6 50 (366:94 for bird and $7 9254<b803foi*short ribs, closing at $6 lift and $8 9354. respectively. Prices for pork was steadier, and the longer futures ranged higher. Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour quiet, and unchanged. Wheat. No 2 spring 6754 c; No. 3 spring nominal; No. 3 red liusje. Corn, No. 2, .T.d ,c Cots, No. 2,3 P ,e. Mess pork. sls. Lord, per Ido lbs. $d 35 Short rib sides, loose. $8 00. Dry salted sboul del s, boxed, $5 ; 1 >OA su; short clear sides, boxed $8 30(,8 35. Whisky $1 10. I sliding futures ranged as follows; Opening. Highest, Closing. No. 2 Wheat — August delivery. 6'A j H"s| 0754 Sept, delivery... 6854 69 69 Corn— August delivery. 3954 $354 39':, Sept, delivery... 40 4054 * *►> oats— August delivery. 2454 2454 2454 Sept, delivery... 2544 2554 2554 Mess Pork— Sept, delivery. .sls 50 $lB 50 $ Oct. delivery .. 1(1 DO 16 UO ... Lard— August delivery. $6 55 $ ... 8 ■ Seiit. delivery 6 0354 6 fi 254 6 60 Short ltins August delivery. $8 00 $8 00 $7 9754 S*’]’l delivery 805 805 * 8 trji.4 Baltimore. Aug. 6.—Flour steady hut quiet’ Howard street anil Western super line $2 2'>a iOO. extra $3 01)453 00. family $175 M 1 N3, city mills sorwrllee ihiipj 75. extra s.l 00443 60; Rio brands $1 2©4 fsi. Wheat- Southern lower and quiet, except for prune; red 75.47.78: ; amber edqfJCc: Western lower, rinsing dull: No. 2 winter red, on siit 7?Hr bid. Corn -SoutlMTii firm, with light insbpts; white 515jVf‘eh:*’, yellow 514453 c; Western steady hut but (Tull Ixiuihvim.c. Aug. 6.—Grain quiet. Wheat- No. 8 red, 68c. Corn- ' riitspd 43c. Oats— New Stic. Provisions < ed uli: Bacon—clear rib sides $9 25, clear sid, jo >. shoulders $675. Bulk meats—dear rib si„ .. $8 su. clear sides $8 87(4; shoulders $6 it). Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar cured firm at 11546612. Lard, choice leaf SB. Cincinnati, Aug. 6.—Flour firmer. Wheat steady; No. 2 red 79c. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed 4.'k' Oats steady: No. 2 mixed 2754 c. Provisions—Pork quiet end unchanged. Lard quiet. Bulk meats unchanged. But-on closed unchanged. Whiskv steady. Hogs I. toady. St. Louis. Aug. 6.—Flour dull an 1 easy but unchanged. Wheat -iso higher; £. stronger market and an advance in corn were beneficial, and the marketwas firm all session; closing 54 in Ur alxive yesterday; No. ' red, cosh 675 e, September delivery U934@7t>me, rhving 7d( H e. Corn l 1 s' i 1 1 1 higher: cash SoNr ■ < .'!6v'. Seplem Iter delivery 36-ase. closing :Id I* (tats firmer; cash 22*-4e. Septemlier delivery 245 e. Whisky steady at" $1 i>s. Provisions dull: Pi irk irregular: new at sls 60. l-ard firm at $6:15(76 6 40. Dry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 75; long clear $8 10. clear ribs $8 15. short clear $8 49. Bacon boxed shoulders AV,’ (. A., Ion;; clear $9 (X)(d,9 H), clear ribs SHUiK-<9 id. short clear $9 95(0 i) 35. Hams steady at sl2 OOf tl4 00. New Okleanh, Aug. 5. —( ’eft's’ quiet but steady; Rio cargoes, common to prime 17Vq<fd 2054 c. Cotton seed products dull and unsettled; prime crude oil 26<9i28e bid, summer yellow oil 37(S 38e. Sugar strong; Liuigiana open kettle, good-fair 9s4c; Louisiana centrifugals, eheiee white 6(0 6 8 16c, choice yellow clarified ft 3 Hid* t'i je, prime yellow clarified 6e.. Molasses steady and in good demand: Louisiana eentritugals, strictly prime to fancy 286j,3.'1c, fair to good prime 22i@25e. NAVAL STORES. London. Aug. 6.—Spirits turpentine, 25s 9d. Liverpool, Vug. 6, 32:80 p. m.—Spirits tur pentine. 26s 3d. New York. Aug. C, noon.—Spiritn turpentine steady at 5254@33e. Rosin steady at $1 0254® 1 10. 5:00 p. ra.—Rosin dull at $1 015*vy 1 10. Tur pentine steady, 83e asked. Charleston, \ug. 6.— Spirits turpentine quiet at SOAye. Rosin firm; good strained 90e. Wilmingtox, Aug. 6.—Spirits urpentine firm al 30c. Rosin dull; straimsl 7V54e, good strained 8354 c. Tar firm at $1 35. C.-ude tur pentine linn; hard $1 10, yellow dip $1 75; vir gin $1 75. RICK. New York. Aug. 6. —Rice quiet. New Orleans. Aug. 6. —Rice unchanged. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises A:2l Hun Sets fin'll High Wates at Savannah. . ..10:38 a m. 10:49 p :i Sunday, August ", 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer David Clark, Usina. Feruaudina—O Williams, Agent. Steamer Ethel, Gibson,Cohen's Rlulf and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. Fisher, New York—C G Anderson. Agent. Steamship Juniata, Askins, Philadelphia CO Anderson, Agent. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer David Clark. Usina. Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Juniata, Philadelphia. MEMORANDA. Buenos Ayres. July I—Arrived, barks Madila lena iltall, Maggiola, Pensacola; sth, Bartolo meo Marclani (Ital), Brignati, do; brigYsidora Kionda (Br), from——. Sailed June 30, barks Belt.etl Will (Sw), Hul then. Pensacola: Caribon (Br), Blaeksliek, Brunswick: Exile (Br), Pearce, Montreal: July 3. Haakon Haakonsen (Nor), Jansen, Boston; Southern Belle (Hr), Fraser, Barbados: selir Carpinelio (Br), Falker, Economy, N S; 4th, Annie Belle, for United States; (ith, bark Jessie Morris (Br). Jones, Port Royal, S C. Dundee, Aug 4—Arrived, bark Hoppet (Rus), Ornnqvist. Pensacola. Queensrown, Aug 3—Sailed, bark Fomsoget (Nor), Rasintissen, Darien for Bordeaux. Deinerara, Aug 4—Arrived, brig Daisy, Nash, Brunswick. Apalachicola, July 29—Arrived, schr Evie B Hale k Mary Lord, Smith, Galveston. Boston. Acg 4 -Arrived, schr David W Hunt, Merritt, Apalveliicola. Baltimore. Aug 4—Arrived, bark Hattie G Dixon, Sawyer, Pensacola. Darien. Aug J—Cleared, selir MeNer A Muller. Perkins, Camden and Bangor. Georgetown, SiC, Aug4-Arrived. selir Geo R Congiloii, New Yi rk. fail'd, selir Isabel. Alberto. New York Key West. Aug t—Returned, hark Olina Tib bitts, for Portland (see miscellany). Jacksonville. Aug 9—Arrived, stinr Cherokee, Do me, New York. Cleared, schr Frank M Howes, Grover, Haiti more. Below, schr C R Flint, Dukshere, from New York. Newburyport, Am- 4—Sailed, schr Agnes 1 Grace. Seavey, Kennebec, to load for Pensacola Pensacola. Aug 4—Cleared, ships Charter Oak. Baffin, aud Jacob A S tamler, Cnrystel, Buenos Ayres; bark Ix-nuatin (Rus), Berglof, do; schr Louisa, Pascagoula. Philadelphia. Aug 4 Arrived, schr City of Baltimore, Tawes, Apalachicola. Fernnmlina. Aug 6—Arrived, schl-s II C Kor lin. Marts: Anna R Bishop, Rulou, New York. New York, Aug 6—ArriveJ, steamship Rugia from Hamburg. Arrived out, steamships Erin. New York for London; Spain, New York for Liverpool. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Key West. Aug B—Bark Cvlina. Tilibitts, for Portland, Me (liefore reported leaky) has re turned, her steam pump lining unable to keep her free. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Northport, L I. Aug S—'The blae.'c buoy at the entrants- to Northport and Centre-port harbor has been gone several days. RECEIPT^ Per Central Railroad. Aug6—l2B bales yarn, 88! bales domestic*, 1 bale wool, 85 luilos plaid*. Ift halos hides. 61 rolls leather. 28 psfyrs paf>er, 1,630 ihs feathers, 618 pktrs tobacco. tf6,500 Ilia larcj, 218.8'J01t>3 bacon. 147 bbls spirits tun>entine. 515 bhls rosin. 0,124 lbs fruit, 25 bbls ti-val, 5K* sacks hran. 61 bbls whisky, 12 hf bbls waisky. 3 cars lxer, 93 furniture and h h froodt% 1,195 bbls flour. 7 cars lumls*r, J car wood. 2cars wood in shape, 60 wootl in shape, 75 tons pijf \ron, 16 pkjcK vegetables, 4 caw* liquors. 30 \mx, 15 machinery. 11 pkj<* carriage material, 130 do/ brooms. 442 pkys mdsu. 2 plt£s junk, 1 bales paper stock, SB4 pkfes emntW. 4ft kejes x lead. 1 car brick. 1 car e pipe, 8 cars hand iron, 260 pkgs hardware. 42 boxes soao. 4 bbls etci<s. 120 cases ejegs. 300 bbls jrrifs. 600 i<rite. ft cars melons, 1,882 bushels oafs. 2,525 bushels corn. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, tine. 1 bale cotton. 28 cars luml>er. 4 cars wood, 2 cars (x>al, 5 cars meal, 32 cases ew*. 22 caw-n meal. 84 Imilee yarn. 83 crates liams. 18 crates sboulderri, 13 crates buc m. 8 l>al**s bides. 2ft bbls moliiHs s. 2 bales wool. pkjrs rndsc. 6 cbe ts, 8 boxes, 108 boxes fegatalib.'s, 42 bbls veirefableu, and inds* Per Charleston and Savannah Hail wav. Vutr 6—30 do/ broomM, 1 pk : 5 boxes tobacco. io pKgs 50 hi caddies* tobacco. 20 o 4 20 pkK:- 106 eijrhtbs boxes tolmeco, 8 pk\ scar per io cars melons, 1 cum* clothing, 2b'.xeso RO'fds, 3 tes bacon. I bale wool. 1 Ixix boot i P<*r steamer Ethel, frojn Gohen's Hltjfl nnd way landings—l bole cotton <new>. 154 bills r'.'Kiu. 38 bbls spirits tui*pentine. 4 crates vejretabla *, 5 box*s 1 coop chickens, 2 bales hideu, 1 saiih, 1 lot furniture. EXPORTS. Per steamship 'Juniata, for Philadelphia—’7 bains upland cotton. 258 empties, 20 fbls rice, 7 fr bbls rosin. 122 bbls spirits tur|ientine. M 2 bates domestics and yarns, 82 pks marble, 55 bids iron ore, 18 tuna pig iron, 280 pkgs mdse. PASSENGERS. Per steamer Ethel, from Cohen’s Bluff and way landings—L H Tilts, J E Roberson, Mrs Kent, aiul 5 dock. CONSIGNEES. per steamer Ethel, from Cohen's Bluff and wav landing*—Ellis, Y A Cos, J P Williams & Cos, Baldw in A Cos. W I Milter. M Y Henderson, J K Kob*; s ui. Lloyd & A. I) B Lester. W B Decker & Y. Herron Sc Q. Per and Savannah Rail wav. An? fl—Transfer office. J J Htoddsrd care W I) Wn pU, pMMOOk, IJ & Cos, O W Tiedoinau, Watson A I, Ji 11 Levy A Bro. Smith Bros A Cos, W B W Howe Jr, Palmer Bros, Lindsay AM. M Mendel A Bro, II Myers A Brrjs, l Epstein Jt Bro. Per KavaruiAb. Florida aud <*teri Kailwar. AtMt 6—Transfer <dflcf. H Ouckenheimer & Son, Moinbard Bros A Cos, Eeknmti A V, Weed &C, I jut Jtoy Myers & Cos. M Ferst A Cos, Frar\k A Cos, Rawer £S. E A Fulton, A Fhlk a .* i ri?v CM Htrorifir, It I) McDonell, I> B Lester, 8 iCrouskoff, i*eocock, il A H Myers A Bros, FAI Hull, Date. l> & Cos, Bacon, J*v Cos. M Y Henderson, Frierson A Cos. W W Gordon A Cos. T E Harvey. Kill 4, YA(, J P WHlumii* A Cos, Baldw in A Cos, F M Farley, C L Jones, W C Jackaon, J H laiw. E T Uotaittfb Per Central Railroad. * Aiur 6—Fordr? Art. Hennan AK, 0 feeder. (’n Carson. Weed AC, A Jackson. J 1 Foley. A J Milter A Cos, L Pfttxel, J Hlkflitns A Cos, Mohr Bro*. L Ereid, U Mstsr, Kavanaujdi A* B. Vale Royal Mf*< 00, W i Milter, Stilhvell, P& M. P Barrett, Peacock. H * Cos. S Cluckenheimer & Son, Haines 1), J(1 Butler, .1 P Williams Cos. 1 Epstein X Bro, C K Stults, Sv 0 Jackson, M Ferst \ Cos, perse & L, Times, Meinhnrd Bros & Cos, E Lovell & Son, .1 P Bry ant,T P Bond A Cos, Lipptnan Bros,Pearson <S S, A Minis A Sons, MeOillis A M.H Solomon Jfc Son, \V It Moll A Cos, (' Kolsliorti A lire, Ludden <£ It, law Hoy Mvers A Cos, Frank A Cos. Eekinan A V, Bemibeim Bros A Cos, F Sinythe, Gray A O B, C A Rpbhe, A F.iirlieh A Bro, Standard Oil Cos, 11 Myers A Bros. .1 S Wood A Bro. Harms AJ, Lilieothal A Son, C M Gilbert A Cos, W II Ray, Smith Bros A Cos, 1 Epstein A Bro, T Dougherty, T Steffen. M S Baker, .1 A Hester. Jno Niooleon, Slater, M A Cos, M Holey A Son, T P Bond A Cos, ti S MoAlpin, 1(1 Hans, A It Hull, A ladfler, N Graham AH, Bond, HA K. 0 W Tledetnan, (t Fox Decker A F. Singer Mt'g Cos, Palmer Bros, l> K Bramble, H Porter, Melionoudi A 11, G l> Hodges, A Hanley, GW Allen. S Colien, Lem mons, C A Cos, 1. K I.ewin. B F Moore, Savannah mid Tyliee |i K, Lindsay A M, llyek &S, Fisher Bros, W l> Dixon, W ii Heidumu. Harmon A (', I'' M Hull, Jos A Rolierts A Cos, A S Nichols, J H Selirooder, A Cos, Wnrnock A W. J A <1 Carson, C W Aliey, LG Young, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, J G Sullivan A Cos, L J Gazan, A II Champion, L F Davis. Per steamship Wm Crane, from Baltimore— A A Aveilhe. Appel A S, I> A Altiek's Son, W M Cleveland, Byek A S, S W Branch, Chas A Sav K H, j Cohen. J a Douglass a Cos, Epstein A tv, A Ehrlich A Bro, Eekinan AV, Fret well AN, M Ferst A Cos, I, Freid, A Falk A Soil, it third la r, G Gibson, S Guckenbeimer A Sou, A It Hull, C M llillsman, Grady, lleL A Cos, Herman A K. I G Haas. E Lovell A Son, Lovell A L, A 1 .ether. Lilienthal A Son, Lloyd AA, Ltppman Bros. Lindsay A M. D It Lester, W 1! Mell A Cos, Geo N Nichols, A J Miller A Cos, R D MoDonell, John Rourko. Pearson A S. H Solomon A Son, stmr Kutlo.Stnndnrd Oil Co.Bavauuah Steam Bakery, Solomons A Cos, J S Nilvu A Son, J ii West A (At, styirKthel, A M A C W West. Weed AC, WD Waples, stmr David Clark, P ii Want. An American Aristocrat. From a Washington Li tter to the Kansas City Journal. “Whoa! Clang!'’ was the curious formula which I heard another farmer use one day this week. Ho was driving a pair of Nor nimi Perelieron mules to a wngon loaded with brick, and as ho shouted to them ho w nicked wu ni ihythmieulh with a broken lath upon the afterdcck. Him I knew by sight. Washington is pretty well acquainted with his contour. It was Lord Fairfax, as he is playfully called by liis acquaintance, and there is a good deal of curiosity expressed about him. The fact is that he is an aborttxi lord. Ho is a direct descendant in the oldest son line of that distinguished lord, Thomas Fairfax, who did so much to assist the settlement of Virginia the Lord Fairfax who gave Washingliton his first commission, who established the grand manor of Greenway Court in the Shenandoah valley, who re mained true to his King through all, and who, when he heard that George Wnsliing (ton had captured laud Cornwallis, re marked: “Sam, put me to bed: it is high time I should die”—ami immediately died. Green way Court perished long ago, but the Fairfax family has retained much land in tV vicinity of Fairfax court house, and t'.ey still remain strongly attached to the soil—-’iko them of the collateral line, the Fairfaxes of England. This man of the mule team is interesting, because he Ims only to go to England, prove title, Lake the iron clad oath, and bo reconstructed, to sit in the House of Lords. LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared by li. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Go. For biliousness and constipation take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous Jieadaehe* take Lem on Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite an.l debility take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir, all of which diseases arise from a tor pid or diseased liver. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervousprevtration, biliousness, disordered kidneys nndconstipa tion, I have been cured by four bottles of IJr. .Mosley’s Lcuion Elixir; nod sm now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. HI. E. Church South, No. 2S Tattnall street, Atlanta, Ga. Advice to Motnera. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Hyrup should always be used when children are cutting tn tii. It relieves the little suffer ht once; it produces natural, quiet sleep bv relieving the child from pain and the little cherub awakes as “bright us a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It. soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re lieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is thfc best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. 25 cents a bottle. PROPOSALS WASTED. Proposals for Paving. City of Savannah. ( a., 1 Office of the City Sikvkyoii, J •fuly atlj. IM*7. ) PROPOSALS will be re<civ*l until WKDNKS- I DAY, August 24th, at M o'clock i\ m , directed ti> Mr. K. Ifi. Kcbuwr. ('Jerk of Council of the city of Savannah, tin., for the paving of that portion of Congrou* street in wiil city lying between the east projierty lino of Went Broad btreot and the west property line of Drayton street; aim), that portion of Bull street in said city lying hot ween I h** south lino of Congress street and the north line of State street, being a total urea of übout eight thousand square yards. The proposals may l>e for granite, gruwacko or uapualt blocks or for sheet asphalt, the speci fications of which will In* the same as given by the Kugimvr Deportment of the District of Co lumbia in their rejmrt for 18nb. Any person desiring to bid upon the above work, bui use different specifications from those enumerated above, may do so provided that a copy of the MijeciflcntioiiH upon which they bid is enclosed with their bid- All fids for grawacke, granite or asphalt blocks must be accompanied by n specimen of the blocks intended to he used. Separate Lida will also !*♦* received for the fur uJshfngand laying of about thirtY-flve hundred running feet of . urbhtoin*. of either blue stone or granite of the following dimensions; four inches broad, sixteen inches deep, and In lengths of not less than five feet. The curbing to be drvw-.sod on the ton ten inches from the top on the front face ai.d four inches from the top on tli** rear face; to be perfectly straight and Kpmtv on the ends. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. For further information address J. osJJKUYK JCOPS. Jit., C. E., Acting City Surveyor. HARDWARE. EDWARD LOVELL k SONS, HARDWARE, Iron anil Turpentine Took' Office: Cor. State and Whitaker afreets. ’Warehouse: FIS and 140 State street. H AIIDWARE, ETC. Hardware Novelties and Specialties. • 17*VERY SIZE IN IRON JACK, SMOOTH, l j FORE oud BLOCK BLANKS, and In RE VKItSHILK IRON HANDLED SCKKIV DRIVERS and SBOKE SHAVES. —von mams or-- LOVELL & LATTIMOR.E, Dcaici'K in Kpear's Practical Philadelphia House Furnace**. file MILLINERY. newmilOnery at KROUSKOFF’S Mammoth Millinery House We are now offering immense lines of New Straw Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., which are now being shipped daily by our New York buyer, and our Mr. Krcuskoff, who is now North to assist in the selection of the Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It is astonishing but a fact, that we sell line Millinery cheaper than any retail store in New York. How can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our suc cess. Perhaps on account of large clearing out purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris—but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prices. \Ve are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, and we are now offering full lines of fine Milans in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses and Children in an endless variety of shapes RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and our regu lar full line entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at. same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale prices. _B._KROT.TSKOFF. W A TER COOL B its RANG Ks AN D STOVES. WITH THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE~AGEI TIEEIEj old reliable Charter Oak Portable Ranges and Cooking Stoves, WITH THEIK WONDERFUL IMPROVIDENT, THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR, LTNl VERBALLY CONCEDED to bo the greatest improvement ever attached to a Cooking J Stove or Range. Hy the admission of fresh air info the oven in the form of small jets, it purities that which is otherwise vitiated, at the same time saving the Juice which i the nourish* ment of meats without the necessity of BASTING, and a considerable saving of time, labor and weight sufficient to pay for an ordinary Cooking Stove several tiroes over. One of the features of the CHARTER OAKS, with the WIRE GAUZE DOOR, is that, of BROILING STEAKS in ttfo < >VKN and not over the coals, thus avoiding the loss of juices being burnt or tainted by smoko. Steaks broiled in a CHARTER OAK, with the WIRE GAUZE DOOR, becomes tender, iuicy and delicious. All those who have used the old reliable CHARTER OAKS know them to be a firefc chiKM article, and will readily understand the theory of this truly wonderful improvement, they will herald their success with unstinted praise and delight. There*is no mechanical’ingenuity required t- > understand how to operate the CHARTER OAK RANGI O or Bit IV EB, they are vary simple in construction, so much so a child could work them. It is rae only Range having one damper that will heat water in the reservoir and bake well at the sam* tone. We have so much confidence in the (’HATER (>AKS, having had one in operation iu otir stove, that we are prepared to substantiate everything claimed for them. The public are cordially Invited to call and have the theory of the WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR fully explained, or send for descriptive circular to CLAHKE DANIELS, DEALERS IN PORTABLE RANGES, COOKING STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHING SPECIALTIES, GT UAR D S ARMORY, Corner "Whitaker and York IStreeta, Savannah, Georgia. ISTELEPHONE 264. 0 ...... i _1 THUNKS AND SHOES. Our Trunks Have Arrived, And we are ready to show you the largest assortment ever brought to Savannah. If you propose to take a summer va cation don’t wait until you are ready to leave, but come around to see us at once and make your selection while our assortment is complete. Trunks, Trunks. Ladies’ Louisa Leather Saratoga Trunks, Ladies’ Lady Washington Leather or Zinc-Saratoga Trunks, Gents’ Sole Leather Trunks, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Satchels, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Club Bags. All styles and at Rock Bot tom Prices. Don’t Fail to examine our Gents’ Calf $3 Shoes, in Con gress, Lace and Button, best in the city, at JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO.’S POPULAR SHOE! STORE, 135 BROUGHTON STREET. N. B. The\repairs in our store having been completed we are again ready for business. I HON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS; Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RABIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS a B 1 TAS induced ns to manufacture them on a more extensive scole than ■MRP 11 ever. To thatcud no name or expense has been spared to main tain Vaf their HIGH KTAKARD OF FX<'ELLKNCK. §5 These Mills are of the BEST .MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with S3 heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to the IS W operator), and rollers of the best charcoal pig iron, all turned up true. They nre heavy, strong and durable, run light and even, and are guaran m iiaJwPßfmgfUfftKKM 'eed capable of grinding tile heaviest, fuliy matured i nja si ■SrreMw M Mills t ull.v iv.'irr ,inte l for one year ' M&mWR Our Puns being east with the Isittoms down, BwSwSe'.’jy( sni's.tliiH'.HS. ilurul.iiitv and uniformity of WMKw l 1 e I IM: St Bi.ltli IR IK Til' .Tiffttf Mt. g| Having misni|.oj-aed facilities, 'J'IWCIWWIw WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large' Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. Wm. Kelioe & Cos. N. B.—The name “ KEHOE’S IRON WORKS." is coat on all our Mills and Pans. >*■ol, doomJ BLIKIM, XTC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Mi, Doors, Inis, lalels, Pen Emls, Ami Interior Fininh of all kitidK, MouhlingH, lrg Btwiks. and any information In our lino on aoplication. Oypieaa. Yellow Pine, Oak Anb and WiUnut LUMHEK on Laud and in any quantity, nirulshed promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Savannah. G 7